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Shannyn Moore on Ron Reagan Today!

Tune in today to Ron Reagan on Air America to hear Shannyn Moore.

She’ll be talking about the David Letterman debacle, the gas line and more.

Use this thread to comment during the show, and wish Shannyn a Happy Birthday!

Tune in HERE and click on the “Listen Live” link on the left  for live streaming of Air America.

Shannyn will be on just after 4:00pm Alaska time (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern).



46 Responses to “Shannyn Moore on Ron Reagan Today!”
  1. AKjah says:

    I have been lookin all over and the most comments on any site are for Sarah. Not Iran,Obama,GM,economics. She rocks for publicity. Can anyone get her to do a dunktank in the park strip in Anchorage?? At $5 bucks a head we could see a return on the perdiem. What with tourism and king fishing down this year. This could be a real boost for the local economy! Come on Sarah earn yer keep.

  2. LiladyNY says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn! You go girl. : )

  3. Demetria Nelson-McNaulty says:

    Happy Birthday Shannon and many, many more!!!!

  4. BuffaloGal says:

    Polly Says:
    You can watch MSNBC KO discuss Palin/Letterman

    Thanks for that link Polly! Absolutely fabulous! I hope to goodness Palin somehow gets to see that. Olbermann says at one point, with absolute conviction and a bit of disgust, “The Governor of Alaska is a delusional lunatic” in response to her ranting that it wouldn’t be safe for Willow to be around Letterman.

    If you’ve not seen this video yet, you’ll definitely want to.

  5. Irishgirl says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn.

  6. califpat says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn to you, Happy birthday Shannyn to you, Happy Birthday Shannyn to y-o-u____. Happy Birthday to you_____. And many m-o-r-e____. Hope you had a great party.

  7. Missed the show, but Happy Birthday, Shannyn! Hope you had a great day.

    And, @ The Right Reverend – you didn’t sound like a nut. You said what everyone should be saying to the hate filled wackos who keep claiming they are Christians. Every time they open their mouths they prove that they aren’t.

  8. pearl89 says:

    Happy birthday…sorry, it’s a day late. But maybe you’re like me…I celebrate my birthday for at least a week.

  9. The Right Reverend says:

    Ha! I just read that back to myself and I sound like a nut…

    I just get worked up whenever I see “faith” used as a tool for hate. I…hate…that (ahem). It gets my goat, especially nowadays when it’s becoming way too common in religious circles.

  10. The Right Reverend says:

    “Pastor Wiley Drake prays for the death of President Obama (Where’s the outrage from Fox News?). It’s all right here in Friday’s round-up.”

    Pastor Wiley Drake, YOU LOSE. I AM The Right Reverend, and I pray to the God who does NOT support hate, death and violence. And that’s not the truth, that’s the Truth! SO THERE.

    If any of you know Pastor Drake, you tell him that. You tell him I have it on High authority that the Truth is peace and love, and anything else is barking up the wrong tree. You tell him that he can kneel and clasp his hands until his knuckles turn white, but that at the very same time there’s REAL prayers going out to Someone who abhors violence and death; Someone who is much more than whatever force he’s praying to. Maybe he’ll remember who that Someone is and make some prayers for goodwill and harmony instead.

  11. Lulu says:

    I sent Letterman an e-mail suggesting Shannyn would make a great guest for a little Alaska straight talk. A little Sarah smack-down would do my heart good.

  12. Nan says:

    Alaska Disasta
    I *knew* it had to be that – I’ve read too many of your posts to think otherwise!


  13. sauerkraut says:

    In that case, Disasta, I take back my words.

  14. Lee323 says:

    Happy Birthday, Shannyn!

    Cheers to a great year past and one coming up.

  15. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Oops – mea culpa – my bad – I confused Ron Reagan with Michael Reagan, whose vile hate-filled radio shows should be banned from the airwaves. And, Ron, if you’re reading this, my most sincere apologies!!

  16. AKjah says:

    Missed the radio show(was stuck on the spit) But happy birthday!! you rock!!.

  17. sauerkraut says:

    oooo… someone either doesn’t like “ronnie” or doesn’t like Air America. Disasta doesn’t like drivel but he does read his own words. Such a talented fellah, ain’t he?

  18. Paula says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    June 12th, 2009 at 3:55 PM
    I clicked on the link above and saw:
    Pastor Wiley Drake prays for the death of President Obama (Where’s the outrage from Fox News?). It’s all right here in Friday’s round-up.
    Outrage from Faux Noise? Those folks feed on hate and violence.

    On another note, was watching Banjamin Button -the scene when OLD Benj gets in the tent with little Daisy, had to LOL, thinking of the latest Palin “stew.”

  19. AlaskaDisasta says:

    I’m afraid if God himself were a guest on Ronnie’s show (which, ofcourse, he would never be), I couldn’t bring myself to listen to such drivel.

  20. Karin in CT says:

    Happy birthday Shannyn! You are one cool chick.

  21. Star says:

    For you Shannyn…Happy birthday to you, Hope you have many more..Have fun tonight…:)) Don’t let the ^itch get to ya..

  22. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Anyone who knows Letterman knows he set her (Palin) up – he will have a field day with her. Happy birthday Shannyn – you are an AK gem!

  23. CO almost native says:

    Happy, happy birthday to Shannyn!! Enjoy your wine and dine with AKM and the rest–much better than discussing Governor Twit 🙂

  24. Polly says:

    You can watch MSNBC KO discuss Palin/Letterman

  25. kerryann63 says:

    OOOPS Sorry Shannyn, spelled your name wrong. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

  26. kerryann63 says:

    Happy Birthday Shannon!!!!! I didn’t get a chance to listen because I was watching Keith Olberman. If your party tonight starts around 8 pm, I absolutely recommend you all catch his #5 story tonight. He really rips into SP! It was incredible.

  27. LadyInCali says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn! Love your radio shows…listening in Southern Cali…

  28. UK Lady says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn, love you on KO. Can’t listen to this here but expect you’ll kick a**.

  29. seattlefan says:

    Great job Shannyn! I wish you could have stayed on longer and talked more. That was way too short! Have a great b-day!

  30. Doggonit says:

    Shannyn – a voice of reason. Happy B-Day!

  31. Doggonit says:

    I really like Ron Reagan. He calls it “a little tiff” which is exactly what this is and for Palin to make this a national media event just shows how unfit she is to be Gov or Pres.

    Very Un-Presidential of her.

  32. Shannyn says:

    Thanks you all! Love you, Mean it! See you tonight, Mud (AKM)

  33. Shadow's Heart says:

    Their talking about Sarah’s double standard. Crazy talk if you ask me. LOL

  34. Shadow's Heart says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn – you sound great. Love Ron Reagan ever since I saw him on SNL in his briefs dancing to Old Time Rockin Roll. LOL

  35. Isabella says:

    Sourdough Mullet “I want Shannyn to go on Letterman. She’d be an instant hit!”

    Oh please, that would be beautiful!!! Where is submit a guest contact info for Late show?

  36. Sourdough Mullet says:

    I want Shannyn to go on Letterman. She’d be an instant hit!
    Happy Birthday, Shannyn, and Thank you from all of us for your bravery!

  37. QuiltAK says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn! Listen’n now….

  38. nswfm CA says:

    I clicked on the link above and saw:
    Pastor Wiley Drake prays for the death of President Obama (Where’s the outrage from Fox News?). It’s all right here in Friday’s round-up.

    What kind of jerkoff says that in public? Where is the FBI and Homeland Security? And the IRS?

  39. AK_Mama says:

    Happy birthday Shannyn!

  40. Tewise says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn, I just celebrated mine the other day.

  41. BigSlick says:

    Happy Birthday!

    I’ll be tuned in!

  42. psminidivapa says:

    Happy birthday! Have to watch the hockey match. GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. seattlefan says:

    Happy Birthday Shannyn! Hope you have a great party.

  44. Paula says:

    EEEEwwwww, Hope those of you who can listen will tell all. Please DO!

  45. nswfm CA says:

    Better than with his step brother which is what I thought when I blew past this the first time.

  46. Isabella says:

    Very cool. Shannyn, has a quick wit for radio.