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Open Thread – Save Our CEOs

Behold the trailer of Michael Moore’s new film, ‘Save Our CEOs.’ Select theatres last night when the trailer premiered actually had ushers walking down the aisles with cans.

Michael Moore vs. Corporate Corruption.  This oughtta be good.



239 Responses to “Open Thread – Save Our CEOs”
  1. pearl89 says:

    Check out the mission statement from

    You would think people that are putting something out there for the whole world to read would at least proof read it.

    I don’t know why this whole Letterman mess bothers me so badly, but it does. I don’t approve of the jokes he told, but SP’s reaction and the reaction of the righties is very troubling.

    Also, I would like to know who is really behind the webathon to retire SP’s legal bills. I don’t for one minute think this is a grassroots movement. Since SP cannot directly solict funds herself, I think her people are requesting this.

    One other note about John Ziegler…some on the extreme right not only have visions of SP as POTUS but JZ as press secretary. If the thought of those 2 in the White House doesn’t scare you, nothing ever will.

  2. Isabella says:

    CorningNY “Those GOP’ers just can’t resist racist jokes”

    I am ashamed I ever voted for these jackass es. They must really loathe themselves. A full grown man said such a thing. Shaking head.

  3. Isabella says:

    seattlefan “I’m off to Twitter to see if the twit tweets about this. I’m creating a new tab and not holding my breath.”

    What’s your Twitter account?

  4. Isabella says:

    CorningNY “It would not surprise me at all to see some unsavory photos/videos of Queen Sarah come out, given how HORRIFIED and INDIGNANT she is about implying (Gasp–) SEX with her daughter!! Just saying..:

    She probably would be happy if such a thing existed, was released, make her a pseudo celeb of s e xxxy unless there is a bad an angle shot or worse, a bad hair day. Palin’s morality is whacked.

  5. Isabella says:

    pearl89 “On Tuesday, June 16th at 4:30pm, no matter where I am; I intend to hold up a sign saying I Love David Letterman.”

    I’ll do it. No one will see it but the Sasquatch hanging out in the woods behind the pond but, hey….karma baby, lets unite!

  6. austintx says:

    220 pearl89 Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 8:09 PM
    On Tuesday, June 16th at 4:30pm, no matter where I am; I intend to hold up a sign saying I Love David Letterman. I know that’s not much…since it’s just
    me, but if everyone did it somebody might notice. Just hold the sign and observe about 2 minutes of silence. If a lot of people did it, maybe we could change the karmic flow. Since I’m retired, think I’ll go to the local mall on Tuesday.

    If someone asks me what the sign is about, I’ll gladly explain it to them putting Palin in the worst light I can think of without lying.

    That’s my idea…does anyone else have a better plan?
    Maybe flood every site that supports sarah with comments/e-mails at that time. I LOVE DAVE !! Crash baby crash………….

  7. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Michelle Obama finds a new friend in Britain’s Queen

    According to the sources, the queen and Michelle Obama have exchanged letters and spoken by telephone since that first meeting. The visit last Wednesday was organized as a treat for Sasha, who turned 8 that day.

    This is so heartwarming for me because I know Her Maj makes a habit of never wasting her time with fools.

  8. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I had to go back and find installment #1 – pretty funny!!!!!!!!!!! I really like all the you betchas and doncha knows – they are perfect!

  9. seattlefan says:

    #225 Sarah’s Ghostwriter:

    LMAO and priceless! I can’t stop laughing and there are way too many things to quote. The whole thing is hilarious. Thanks! You should put this up during the day when there are more peeps that will see it. The “Red White House”….LMAO!

  10. Sarah's Ghostwriter says:

    Well, perhaps not fall out of your chair, but I did want you to laugh.
    Hope your floor is carpeted.

    Watch for part 3 tomorrow. 🙂

  11. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Sarah’s Ghostwriter

    Were you TRYING to make me fall out of my chair laughing? If so, it worked.

  12. Sarah's Ghostwriter says:

    Sarah and the Geezer of Oz Part 2 of the official autobiography.
    (Part one is #270 in the open thread, “Spare Brain.”)

    Glinda the Good, who really was from Oz, saw an opening, and quickly produced a map of Australia. Subtly scratching out the name, “Alice Springs,” she used her red sharpie (Sarah loved red) and and filled in “Ruby City. Home of the White House.”

    “Ooohhhhh!” exclaimed Sarah. If it’s in red, it’s gotta be good, you betcha! How do I get there, also?”

    Glinda the Good, having assured the Geezer through the FOX’s minions that Sarah had passed muster (low bar, thought Glinda) gleefully highlighted the “Red Brick Road” on the map and sent Sarah on her way to meet the Geezer. “He’s waiting for you in the Ruby City,” she whispered conspiratorially. You’ll live temporarily at the Navel Gazing Observatory (hereafter known as NGO) before moving into the White House (“You can always paint it red, said Glinda. After all, if the President does it, it’s legal.” Glinda was no dummy.) Sarah, still in her Red Monkeys, set out. Glinda put three travelers in her way to “help” her find the Ruby City and NGO.

    “I’m gonna learn Navel Gazing at the NGO before the GOP whisks me off to the Red White House,” she told the Scaremonger. Wanna, like, come along also? Scaremonger agreed, and down the Red Brick Road they set, singing, “We’re off to off the Geezer, the doddering Geezer of Oz,” off key. They stopped to pilfer apples from a local farm. “These are Hawaiian PINE apples also!” spat Sarah in disgust. “They ain’t American! They don’t even have birth certificates, donchaknow.”

    “Oz is a foreign country, too,” said Scary. “La la la. I can’t hear you,” sang the red shod leader.

    “Look over there. It’s Joe, the Tinner! Do you wanna go to the NGO?” cried Scaremonger. “Do you need a license? asked the Tin Man, suspiciously. “Nope. But Sarah here has a bunch of red lights you can help with. She says the Ruby City will be much improved if it has a Red Light District.” Joe the Tinner’s eyes glinted and drool slipped out of the far right corner of his mouth. “Wow! I’d love to help, if it’s an equal discrimination work environment. I mean both men and women, licensed and unlicensed should be able to work there as long as they don’t make living wages.”

    “You betcha! said Sarah. We just won’t tell those, those . . .Scary, what were they called?” “Munchkins.” Scary reminded her. “Some call them the Base, but with their scratchy, whiney voices, that never made sense to me.” Joe danced at the thought of an equal unopportunity Red Light District.

    Part 3 tomorrow

  13. Terpsichore says:

    219 pearl89 Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 8:09 PM
    On Tuesday, June 16th at 4:30pm, no matter where I am; I intend to hold up a sign saying I Love David Letterman. I know that’s not much…since it’s just
    me, but if everyone did it somebody might notice. Just hold the sign and observe about 2 minutes of silence. If a lot of people did it, maybe we could change the karmic flow. Since I’m retired, think I’ll go to the local mall on Tuesday.

    If someone asks me what the sign is about, I’ll gladly explain it to them putting Palin in the worst light I can think of without lying.

    That’s my idea…does anyone else have a better plan?

    * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** *

    I don’t know thaat I’d call this ‘better’, but, if I could be there, which I can’t (Hubby’s doing a Bloomsday reading … in S. Fla!), I’d carry a sign that simply read “Get a Life” (or something similar) and parade quietly among them. I’d stand my ground and would not say a thing – they’re planning on videotaping it, BTW, which is fine. It would be their bad behaviour that would be caught on tape IF it resorted to that, which I presume it would not.

  14. seattlefan says:

    Adding to my last post…I’m off to Twitter to see if the twit tweets about this. I’m creating a new tab and not holding my breath.

  15. seattlefan says:

    #221 Corning NY:

    OMG….the republican base are sure showing their true colors. This makes me sick. And that non-apology was not at all sincere.

    I wonder what Steele will say tomorrow about this and I wonder if the newly politically correct Ms. Palin will make a tweet about this in defense of the first lady and demand an apology to all African American women. Ha! I’m guessing not!

  16. CorningNY says:

    Those GOP’ers just can’t resist racist jokes:

    “South Carolina GOP activist and former chairman of the state elections commission Rusty DePass has apologized for saying a gorilla that escaped from a zoo was an “ancestor” of Michelle Obama.

    “After an aide to state Attorney General Henry McMaster detailed the escape of the gorilla from Columbia’s Riverbanks Zoo, DePass responded with a comment: “I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors – probably harmless.”

    And all he could come up with was this non-apology: “I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest.”

  17. CorningNY says:

    RE: the sex tape iceberg–

    I’m not holding my breath for it, but it would make a lot of sense, especially in light of her never-ending protests about Letterman’s joke. It’s always the person who has the most to hide who squawks the loudest being offended by the very same skeleton in their own closet…like all the anti-gay preachers who get caught soliciting gay sex.

    It would not surprise me at all to see some unsavory photos/videos of Queen Sarah come out, given how HORRIFIED and INDIGNANT she is about implying (Gasp–) SEX with her daughter!! Just saying..

  18. pearl89 says:

    On Tuesday, June 16th at 4:30pm, no matter where I am; I intend to hold up a sign saying I Love David Letterman. I know that’s not much…since it’s just
    me, but if everyone did it somebody might notice. Just hold the sign and observe about 2 minutes of silence. If a lot of people did it, maybe we could change the karmic flow. Since I’m retired, think I’ll go to the local mall on Tuesday.

    If someone asks me what the sign is about, I’ll gladly explain it to them putting Palin in the worst light I can think of without lying.

    That’s my idea…does anyone else have a better plan?

  19. BigSlick says:

    The difference with the pipeline drawing the Feds in is that she won’t be able to refer any complaints to the Alaska State Personnel Board.

    This is GINO’s first real swim as Little Fish in the Big Pond. Campaign doesn’t count, this is the first time she is really and truly out on her own in the big bad world of National Politics, and she’s on the minority team.

    What was that nickname in “Finding Nemo”?

    Wasn’t it ……”Shark Bait”?

  20. sauerkraut says:

    163 BigSlick Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 3:36 PM
    @Ripley in CT

    the rumors about a sex tape or other such “icebergs” are being bandied about too loosely for my taste.

    Much as I wish it were real, I just don’t buy it, at least not yet.


    Ditto for me. Be careful about bandying about this type of stuff. We alls need to take a higher road than the one Palin has taken.

  21. Isabella says:

    the problem child “I’d love to see the iceberg coming from her side, but I am doubtful that it will”

    Never fib, that is a sure way to let the other side know you got nothing. Be a shame to be get thisclose then blow it on a lie. Again, my father said, first rule you learn in lawyers school…never ask a question you do not know the answer to and never lie because you have to remember them.

  22. seattlefan says:

    #204 Isabella: LMAO!

    #206 Austintx: I hope you are right!

  23. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “None of them are “rich” in fact some of them pretty much break open piggy banks to donate.”

    That is truly sad. To want to belong to something so bad you will go without with less then meager earnings, giving it to someone at least carries $135,000 a year. Heck, we pull down over 100 grand a year and do not live outlandish…keeping up is not too bad but to throw away money, on someone elses lifestyle, no way.

  24. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “Oh I just saw your twitter you posted the Auburn article! Yeah”

    OMIGod did you see over at Us Magazine, the water cooler poll?

    Whose side are you on? Sarah Palin David Letterman
    89.8% 1021010 votes for Palin.

    I spent 45 minutes rapid clicking on the submit for Dave, continuously getting in a couple thousand votes or more and barely got him to 10%. Those maniacs had to be voting for HOURS to get her to 89%.

    The blogs there are 90% against Palin. You know these people or one or two are total whack jobs to devote that much time to a US tabloid Poll as if it is going to influence someone.

  25. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 6:31 PM

    caligrl, I cannot believe regular people send money to Palin. Over yonder a bunch are begging off on the fraudathon claiming they already sent her the max limit. No way.
    None of them are “rich” in fact some of them pretty much break open piggy banks to donate. They are a cult! If GINO gave them poisoned koolaid to drink they would in a hot second!

  26. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “you could try emailing AKM and ask she liberate your post? Or post at Gryphens?”

    Good point. The conspiracy stuff is better left over there anyway. I’ll post to his site, “Those” kindof thoughts.

  27. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Oh I just saw your twitter you posted the Auburn article! Yeah 😀

  28. Isabella says:

    caligrl, I cannot believe regular people send money to Palin. Over yonder a bunch are begging off on the fraudathon claiming they already sent her the max limit. No way.

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 6:28 PM

    I tried to be conservative. I think one of them was a word I used.
    you could try emailing AKM and ask she liberate your post?
    Or post at Gryphens?

  30. austintx says:

    seattlefan Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 6:20 PM
    #196 Big Slick:

    The “oil people” are very powerful and slippery. If there is anything that does need to come to light, I hope the Obama admin will be able to do it. I fear it will be difficult and unfortunately, I have doubts. I hope I am wrong. Big Oil is a network that few have been able to thwart.

    I haven’t hugged a fed today, but I gladly would if it would do some good!
    I’m sure if for some bizarre reason that sarah looks to be the frontrunner for 2012……..AG Holder will be directed to look “extra” hard at any “bidness” sarah might have been doing with Exxon. just sayin’………

  31. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “Izzy, if you post 2 links your post gets caught up spam/mod. Try posting one link at a time, with some description (a link alone won’t go through either)”

    I tried to be conservative. I think one of them was a word I used.

  32. Isabella says:

    seattlefan “I haven’t hugged a fed today, but I gladly would if it would do some good!”

    Oh those headlines would be incredible.

    Frequent and random federal employees bear hugged. Epidemic. News at 5.

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 3:47 PM

    I totally believe there is something there. Especially after seeing those pictures of her with her butt up in the air in front of the black Chevy (Links are completely causing my posts to be held so I won’t post one to the picture).
    Izzy, if you post 2 links your post gets caught up spam/mod. Try posting one link at a time, with some description (a link alone won’t go through either)
    Also too many smileys get caught in the tubes also!

  34. Isabella says:

    nswfm CA “But he totally blew it on the McCain/GOP part. Must have figured that other stuff out from knowing the Heaths and Palins all their lives.”

    They were Godsmacked by her the second week in the national eye.

    All she had to do was sit down, shut up and smile. Okay, once in awhile say something half smart and wink. McCain wanted to get to the White House really, really, bad. Taking her on, at first, seemingly a risky move but with incredible benefits. Even with a past, she only had to get him through 2 months. He didn’t care what happened after that to her.

    LMAO, the Truthsquad, an almost blackout of press and the battle cry of Muslim could not distract from her absolute ignorance & greed.

  35. seattlefan says:

    #196 Big Slick:

    The “oil people” are very powerful and slippery. If there is anything that does need to come to light, I hope the Obama admin will be able to do it. I fear it will be difficult and unfortunately, I have doubts. I hope I am wrong. Big Oil is a network that few have been able to thwart.

    I haven’t hugged a fed today, but I gladly would if it would do some good!

  36. mlaiuppa says:

    Looks like Michael Moore may have a real hit on his hands, depending.

    But I think he’ll be getting a run for his money with Food inc. Buzz is good.

  37. Isabella says:

    Much appreciated, BigSlick.

  38. nswfm CA says:

    #66 from June 28 seems like he got the rest of her schtick pegged. But he totally blew it on the McCain/GOP part. Must have figured that other stuff out from knowing the Heaths and Palins all their lives.

  39. BigSlick says:

    Isabella, best wishes to your fellow, I certainly hope he doesn’t lose his boy parts over this…the only reasons I am waiting is because it is umbilical (my belly button looks real funny right now) and we have a plan.

    Otherwise I’d be having a traditional tuck-n-stitch tomorrow.

  40. BigSlick says:

    While I agree that GINO is definitely the type to get into such trouble (after all, she threatened Dave Letterman with implied violence via her 14-year-old child), I just want to be sure that we keep the blogging here real and call it what it is at this point – speculation. Thanks for taking my point so well.

    Now, to give hope, here is a little gem that I think speaks much louder than Sean Cockerham’s article.

    h tt p://

    Pipeline project: “Very important to the president”

    JUNE 11, 2009 – 11:00 AM

    From Erika Bolstad in Washington D.C. –

    UPDATED: Everyone seems to have a reaction to the Exxon-TransCanada announcement, so let’s lead with the one from the Obama Administration, via Interior Secretary Ken Salazar:

    “This is a significant step forward on a project very important to the president and the Department of the Interior as a way to get American energy to the lower 48,” Salazar said in a statement. “We recognize there are two very strong project proposals, both aiming toward a 2010 open season and both now supported by major gas producers that control vast proven reserves of North Slope gas. We look forward to working with all stakeholders involved with this project.”


    And then juxtaposed with this article……

    h tt p://

    From Bill White in Anchorage –

    The state House Energy and Resources committees have postponed a hearing scheduled for Monday in Anchorage on proposed North Slope gas pipeline projects and Exxon Mobil Corp.’s announcement this week that it is joining the TransCanada Corp. project.

    Executives with Exxon and TransCanada were unable to attend, said Will Vandergriff, press secretary for the House majority.

    Also invited were executives with the Denali pipeline project, a joint venture of BP and Conoco Phillips, as well as Palin administration officials.

    The meeting likely will be rescheduled for later this month, Vandergriff said.

    (end 2nd article)

    I believe the Exxon deal signals the point at which the pipeline project is moving into the Federal realm. Any Palin shenanigans that might might be exposed will probably come to light as the Obama administration becomes more involved via the DOE and DOI exercising their jurisdiction.

    Have you hugged a Fed today?

  41. Isabella says:

    mommom, just saw that over there. Makes you go hmmmm!!!

  42. Isabella says:

    BigSlick “The most important thing was getting the three to talk to each other. Although they didn’t 100% agree on everything, I took charge and made them agree to the compromise I myself wanted.”

    Darlin, I sure do know about having to take control and make the doctors play nice. 98% of energy in medicine are personality conflicts.

    Thanks a bunch for the information. A annual physical came up. A small tear was found, quickly dismissed. Then a few days later the corporate headquarters called in saying must be examined & written off by a physician.

    There are horror stories out there of ignoring hernias. One guy, at the same location, he ended up losing a lot of boy parts.

    Doing a quick internet search, mesh is seemingly a very risky choice.

  43. austintx says:

    z Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 5:20 PM
    Cheney was on a large ranch. That is pretty much like being in your own country. The rich own the law. I know a little about life in Texas. No shock when things are covered up.

    Sarah is doing “business” in Texas from a ranch. Does anyone know who owns it?
    Down here , it’s called “bidness”. sarah is in WAY over her head.If you go to the link that Dr.Truth provided , you can see some of the people that sarah cavorted with. Also , Russell “blood diamonds” Korman was a huge supporter of Perot. He has a wall of pictures in his store of “celebrities” he has met. I will be going by this week to take a look for any new pictures.

  44. austintx says:

    oops…..forgot this.

  45. z says:

    Cheney was on a large ranch. That is pretty much like being in your own country. The rich own the law. I know a little about life in Texas. No shock when things are covered up.

    Sarah is doing “business” in Texas from a ranch. Does anyone know who owns it?

  46. mommom says:

    “””””””””Hey Tom and Juan,
    I live in ALASKA, I have known Sarah Heath and Todd Palin all their lives. My beef about an incompetent woman named Sarah Palin. She is a fraud! She can’t accomplish a simple task as a governor of a small state so she has created an atmoshpere of hate and pitting groups against each other. You people think she can be a VP, how with her looks? You have lost your FLIPPIN minds! Ignorance KILLS! She is not smart, conservative or prolife. She is not an upstanding parent or community member. I know who her oldest children were sent to live so to get them out of Sarah’s way. I know who Sarah had an affair with also. I know that Sarah Palin is the most insecure individual that I have ever met! The national GOP and McCain has NO intention on placing Sarah Palin who is the symbol of ignorance over substance in a position such as VP. “””””””””””””

  47. mommom says:

    Isabella ,its #66 from June 28th

  48. austintx says:

    Closet Mudpup – Dick was S^*T-faced drunk when he shot Whittington in the face. A friend of mine for 25 yrs. is very close to one of the women who was in the hunting party that afternoon. The local Sheriff was not allowed on the ranch until 8:30 the next morning to question the V.P.. Dick Cheney was drunk when he shot Harry Whittington. Ass-holes tried to blame Harry. If you are holding a firearm – you are solely responsible. PERIOD. The V.P.of the U.S.A , Dick Cheney was drunk and shot a man.

  49. BigSlick says:

    I have an umbilical herniation. Mesh was recommended by only one doctor of the 5 or so I consulted, and it seemed that he was tied somehow to the manufacturer. The other 4 recommended against mesh, 3 saying the traditional stitch method was still superior in some ways without the complications of the mesh.

    The possible complications were definitely severe enough to cause me to pause.

    I ended up going with advice from a team made up of a surgeon, a homeopath and a physical therapist. The course we are taking is this:

    1) I am on a weight loss/physio plan specifically designed to reduce my waistline (beer-belly) without causing more stress/damage to the muscles involved
    2) We will re-assess after I reach my goals for reduction
    3) All is being done in consultation with the surgeon, who is familiar with this process
    4) If the physio approach does not work, or if I have a more severe distension of the herniated area, my surgeon is on call to re-stuff me quickly

    The most important thing was getting the three to talk to each other. Although they didn’t 100% agree on everything, I took charge and made them agree to the compromise I myself wanted.

    Now I am suffering through a diet more than the pain.

    My best wishes for a good outcome to your family member, umbilicals are not near as critical as groin hernias, and I am not sure that the option I have chosen is available – but the important thing is to look into all the options available.

  50. austintx says:

    London Bridges – Alex lives right here in Austin. I posted a link to him up there. ^^^^

  51. Closet Mudpup says:

    While I don’t share the opinion of Alex Jones with those who regard him as a generally reliable source, I do grant him credibility for the video I’ve linked. It deals with the Cheney-Whittington shooting, and compares the Cheney story to some demonstrated test results with the same type 28-gauge shotgun Cheney was using. If you’re not familiar with 28ga shotguns, they’re roughly the same as a .410. Cheney’s story is quickly revealed to be a crock.


  52. Isabella says:

    Ripley in CT “Isabella, my sister had herniation and they used the mesh to close it up. Worked for a while, then let go.”

    Many thank Have a male family member possibly having to have surgery. I am not reading good reviews on the mesh method.

  53. Ripley in CT says:

    Isabella, my sister had herniation and they used the mesh to close it up. Worked for a while, then let go. She has much more than a simple hernia, though.

  54. Isabella says:

    1020151votes can you say NO LIFE!!!

  55. Isabella says:

    MinNJ “President Johnson believed that the oilmen and the CIA killed Kennedy.”

    I think it was Jackie.

  56. Isabella says:

    I know Palin, has been today. Voting her last cell out over at Us Magazine poll.

  57. MinNJ says:

    London Bridges

    President Johnson believed that the oilmen and the CIA killed Kennedy. More and more, I’m not sure that he wasn’t right.

    SWWNBN should be very careful.

  58. Isabella says:

    Is Redwood’ son in law, alright?

  59. Isabella says:

    Anyone have experience with a groin hernia? If yes, do you know about the mesh bag approach?

  60. MinNJ says:

    How very cool! I’m so looking forward to hearing all about it! Thanks for letting me know.

  61. BigSlick says:

    While I agree that she is definitely the type to get into such trouble (after all, she threatened Dave Letterman with implied violence via her 14-year-old child), I just want to be sure that we keep the blogging here real and call it what it is at this point – speculation. Thanks for taking my point so well.

    Now, to give hope, here is a little gem that I think speaks much louder than Sean Cockerham’s article.

    Pipeline project: “Very important to the president”

    JUNE 11, 2009 – 11:00 AM

    From Erika Bolstad in Washington D.C. —

    UPDATED: Everyone seems to have a reaction to the Exxon-TransCanada announcement, so let’s lead with the one from the Obama Administration, via Interior Secretary Ken Salazar:

    “This is a significant step forward on a project very important to the president and the Department of the Interior as a way to get American energy to the lower 48,” Salazar said in a statement. “We recognize there are two very strong project proposals, both aiming toward a 2010 open season and both now supported by major gas producers that control vast proven reserves of North Slope gas. We look forward to working with all stakeholders involved with this project.”


    And then juxtaposed with this article……

    From Bill White in Anchorage —

    The state House Energy and Resources committees have postponed a hearing scheduled for Monday in Anchorage on proposed North Slope gas pipeline projects and Exxon Mobil Corp.’s announcement this week that it is joining the TransCanada Corp. project.

    Executives with Exxon and TransCanada were unable to attend, said Will Vandergriff, press secretary for the House majority.

    Also invited were executives with the Denali pipeline project, a joint venture of BP and Conoco Phillips, as well as Palin administration officials.

    The meeting likely will be rescheduled for later this month, Vandergriff said.

    (end 2nd article)

    I believe the Exxon deal signals the point at which the pipeline project is moving into the Federal realm. Any Palin shenanigans that might might be exposed will probably come to light as the Obama administration becomes more involved via the DOE and DOI exercising their jurisdiction.

    Have you hugged a Fed today?

  62. honestyinGov says:

    # 161
    pearl89 Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 3:36

    Sarah’s campaign song should be Money (That’s What I Want).
    OR…. she could start off each one of her speeches playing this song by Callaway..?

  63. London Bridges says:

    Alex Jones is a radio host and he does conspiracy theory research & movies like 9/11 stuff.

    This is a 90 minute movie on the Kennedy assassination which appears well researched and very credible:

    While it is long, if you watch it, you may get a better feel for who has tried to run America since the 1940’s.

  64. austintx says:

    157 MinNJ Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 3:21 PM
    Any word about the Chamber Concert yesterday? It makes me smile just to think about it.
    Yes. By all accounts it was “off the chart.” bubbles was in attendance , and I believe will share the experience. I understand from more than one source that there was also a special guest at the show.

  65. Isabella says:

    nswfm CA, Hiya, what am I missing? The first post of that search is May 29th?

  66. Isabella says:

    Cockerham, that is a seriouly messed up name.

    “I thought I saw a comment that said Sean Cockerham was Ivey Frye’s boyfriend (relationship over?) at some point and that he was brown-nosing GINO in hopes of getting a job.”

    Saying in Alaska, you don’t lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn.

  67. MinNJ says:

    Big Slick
    I know that it’s coming and that it’s just a matter of time. Patience is so difficult, but all things do come to those, as they say. She’s just one among many whom I believe do not deserve a say on the national stage.

    Probably to be replaced by another equally inept and ambitious madcap seeker of power and fame. It’s all too tiring, and I care more about austintx’s son’s experience than I do about her.

  68. nswfm CA says:

    149 Isabella, the site I saw in Aug. 08 was wizbang. If you google vice president wizbang Palin Heath blog, it comes right up at the top and shows the comment on a May 08 post. The date of the comments about the Palins and Heaths will pop up before McCain’s ill-fated announcement from someone who lives in ALASKA. I saw that blog before I saw the mudflats. I’ve posted the link before here in the past, but can’t from the blackberry.

    Take a screen shot, print it out and put it in a safe place, and email it to all your friends with both the text and the link. This was before the pics got scrubbed by that crack team of vetters.

  69. Ripley in CT says:

    LOL @ anything less than 6 felonies will be a let down! AGREED!!!

  70. Isabella says:

    BigSlick “Much as I wish it were real, I just don’t buy it, at least not yet”

    I totally believe there is something there. Especially after seeing those pictures of her with her butt up in the air in front of the black Chevy (Links are completely causing my posts to be held so I won’t post one to the picture). Palin, see would so be the type to get caught up in one of these things BUT unless someone really has something, these false prophets of taking Palin, done with some “Iceberg” is going to backlash.

    Everyone waiting has all kinds of thoughts in their heads. Blown up, embellished, naughty, cannot wait to see the proof in the pudding anticipation and anything less then 6 felonies is going to be a let down.

  71. Ripley in CT says:

    @ BigSlick: Thank you, I enjoy your posts, also, too. I don’t “buy” it either, as the poster didn’t identify themselves… that lends to a certain lack of credibility. However, it is absolutely plausible, given her history. They don’t mention (and neither did I) a “sex tape”. Just something that might prove troublesome for her. I believe it could exist. Just like I believe Levi has damaging information.

    Again, just speculation. I am simply tiring of her manipulations and want to see her “get some of what she’s got coming”. And if it comes from her own basket of goodies, of her own making, then all that much better, I say.

    Actually, I suspect that the new deal she just made with Exxon has some hidden strings. Again, speculation.

  72. BigSlick says:

    Also. Too.

    I thought I saw a comment that said Sean Cockerham was Ivey Frye’s boyfriend (relationship over?) at some point and that he was brown-nosing GINO in hopes of getting a job.

    I’ve also seen comments saying he was writing to make fun of GINO in some way through thickly veiled sarcasm.

    Unless Cockerham clarifies himself, I am inclined to believe the former.

  73. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    too funny, I had no clue there was such a thing as a “bumpit” hair thingy as sold on TV, LOL, and that (or something similar) is what Scarah is using to “bump” the hair…….the ad shows many of the same styles Scarah wears!

  74. BigSlick says:

    @Ripley in CT

    I have always enjoyed your posts so please don’t take this badly….the rumors about a sex tape or other such “icebergs” are being bandied about too loosely for my taste.

    The post at The Immoral Minority you refer to is not backed up by facts — it is presented as too much of a conspiracy for me to consider seriously, and provides ammo to those who attack the credibility of more responsible anonymous bloggers everywhere.

    Much as I wish it were real, I just don’t buy it, at least not yet.

  75. MinNJ says:

    Dave hit the trifecta: he insulted Todd, her majesty, and a daughter. A full onslaught takedown ensues, not playing the hand she was dealt very well in any way but divisively, wailingly and smirkingly. Someone here said that her behavior is soul-sucking. I agree.

    I really appreciate how Trooper Wooten must feel. Protect and bless us all.

  76. pearl89 says:

    Wonder if the palinistas will be giving out donation forms at their rally against Letterman on Tuesday. Bet they will. Wish I was gonna be in NYC on Tuesday, so I could protest the protesters.

    If the proPalin sites are doing a webathon this week (15-22) for SP to increase the Alaska Fund Trust coffers, that fund must not be doing too good.

    Sarah’s campaign song should be Money (That’s What I Want).

  77. nswfm CA says:

    I thought there was some satire in the ADN piece because I had an impression Sean C wasn’t a fan from past things I’d read.

  78. Isabella says:

    penelope said…
    Please IGNORE the headline and just read the ADN article by Sean Cockerman! I have written articles for newspapers, and I can never put the title on the article – the editor gets to do that. I see nothing but cleverly-worded snark from Sean re GINO. Maybe it’s just me.

    My thpoughts reading ADN as well. Seemed a slam to me.

  79. MinNJ says:

    Any word about the Chamber Concert yesterday? It makes me smile just to think about it.

  80. Ripley in CT says:

    Freaky, no, explicit, yes. I bet she did some “modeling”, like that chooch Prejean. I also bet that some of this is footage that perhaps a PI uncovered. I wonder if Taahd had her followed and now the film is coming out?

    Speculating on her political demise is fun. 😛

  81. Isabella says:

    austintx “Well – I hope some enterprising individual puts together a compilation DVD of some kind and markets it via the internet.”

    Have you ever Googled Palin s e x tape? Lol, never ever rent a polar bear costume, you don’t know where its been.

  82. Isabella says:

    Ripley in CT, I must have used a no no word in a post that didn’t go through. Read the post over there. Would have to be some real freaky stuff to take her down.

  83. Helen says:

    Hi All!

    We’ve been having a bang up time over at nailinpalinnow coming up with Palin Whitehouse Headlines….some samples:

    -Palin and North Korean Dictator Get On Surprisingly Well!




    -When Blogging Was Legal: A Look Back-

    “I’m the President, I’ll bomb any country I want until the courts tell me I can’t!”

    C’mon over when you have a chance and read them all, and please add your hilarious headlines in comments! – we need your wit, your style and your funny bones too. Laughter is the best medicine when sickened by Ol’ Sourpuss Palin.

  84. austintx says:

    150 Ripley in CT Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 2:51 PM
    Yep, just read what appeared to be a fairly credible “leak” that the iceberg, or one of them, has something to do with some photos and video over several years’ time, that are unflattering, to say the least.
    Well – I hope some enterprising individual puts together a compilation DVD of some kind and markets it via the internet. I mean , they sell out the blow up dolls all day long………maybe a package deal……

  85. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    has anyone put the info about Scarah groupies doing a picket outside Letterman’s studio? they’re calling for the outraged to show up, Ziegler and head peepee spoke about it, doesn’t sound like he offered to film it but suggested some web cam or video it.

    this Tuesday, 4:30……..isn’t that like rush hour? is rain in the forecast? lol perhaps Letterman will invite them in? lol

    they are quite serious about this defending their hero, kind of a Jericho thingy.

    more info here @ firedavidletterman (dot) com/

  86. Isabella says:

    austintx “Isn’t S—-pac due for a disclosure of some kind ?? They must plow thru the $$$”

    Little goes actually for Palin, I betcha.

  87. austintx says:

    Isn’t S—-pac due for a disclosure of some kind ?? They must plow thru the $$$……..

  88. Ripley in CT says:

    Yep, just read what appeared to be a fairly credible “leak” that the iceberg, or one of them, has something to do with some photos and video over several years’ time, that are unflattering, to say the least. Sounds like something that would definitely wipe her off the face of politics. Forever. Not just old stuff from when she was trying to secure a place on TV, but also from her early political forays while she was accused of having an affair.

    See Immoral Minority’s latest post.. it’s in the comments section.

  89. Isabella says:

    nswfm CA “Somewhere I read there was a divorce going on but it was dropped when she found she was being considered. Also that she had an affair when TP was on the slope.”

    Rumor or fact!?! Molly, claimed Palin, had an affair with her first husband.

    Palin, is not loyal to anyone else, why would she be to, Todd?

  90. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    could it be that the slut comment came too close to what may be revealed about her?

  91. Isabella says:

    ADN is not deleting comments. Are they pollstering comments for someone trying to posture Palin to public feedback?

  92. nswfm CA says:

    The comedians just need to show the highlights of last week: ripping off Newt in her screw political correctness intro, hanging out with grenades up baby butts M. Reagan, 5K (not 20K) people at the Seward event, not walking for autism because she forgot her socks, screwing up the GOP fundraiser then going to a Yankee game without any photographic evidence that Willow was there and no defense from Rudy 9/11 G then getting pissy over her husband talking about rape but taking it out on a comedian who is on every weeknight.

    Somewhere I read there was a divorce going on but it was dropped when she found she was being considered. Also that she had an affair when TP was on the slope.

    Finally, on the day she was announced, I read a comment that someone knew the real story about the raeson her kids were sent away. I printed it out and showed the whole thing to the people I work with. Hmmmm.

  93. tigerwine says:

    “A note on Tea Parties: TCOT strongly supports the Tea Party movement, but does not endorse or have any connection as an organization with any particular Tea Party group.”

    Interesting disclaimer fromTop Conservatives on Twitter!!

  94. ds55 says:

    The Sarah Palin cover photo of Newsweek magazine got the biggest negative reaction from Sarah and her supporters. Hoo-boy!

  95. austintx says:

    141 Candy Knight Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 2:01 PM
    Sarah is very proud of her looks. Obviously the way to get a reaction out of her is to go after her looks. If only all the articles about her would use that hilarious photo of her making that schoolmarm angry frown face and maybe make a few references to “Palin, looking unusually tired and haggard…”
    This is my fave sarah pic. It just screams “I need a meds adjustment”

  96. Candy Knight says:

    Mae Lewis said, “She has been the subject of late night jokes for quite some time; this one connected with her in some way.” Most of the other jokes were about Bristol; I think what enraged Palin this time was the slutty comment. That’s what she was raging about at first. It was only later that someone realized Dave didn’t mention which daughter and got the bright idea of twisting it around so that Sarah could act like the enraged mama bear defending her cubs and all womanhood.

    Sarah is very proud of her looks. Obviously the way to get a reaction out of her is to go after her looks. If only all the articles about her would use that hilarious photo of her making that schoolmarm angry frown face and maybe make a few references to “Palin, looking unusually tired and haggard…” Since Sarah rarely thinks before she reacts, it would be interesting. My hope is that every comedian on TV will unite in tearing her to shreds. They should. Miss Screw Political Correctness is now setting her self up as the Morals Police to dictate what they can and can’t make jokes about. Their livelihood is at stake.

  97. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “Scarah’s silence is deafening. Has she had a meltdown? combusted? Or top secret plastic surgery?”

    She will almost, absolutely, not neccissarily…GOOD LORD…stay out of state for another news cycle so she can pout on national and cable news channels, whatever the drama is tomorrow.

    Today, she should be in church building credit for her lies next week.

  98. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I also read that the city of Auburn spent a LOT of money getting ready for this little hay day, some residents weren’t too happy about it, may be a story there for some investigative journalist.

  99. Closet Mudpup says:

    Re: Obamas walking during inaugural parade.

    I’m sure it was lost on Palin, who would have been too preoccupied with attention-envy to listen to anything rational, but the Obamas did not get out of their limo and walk on a whim or just to enjoy the adulation of the crowd. It was preplanned, and the location was the reason for it.

    “Illustrating President Obama’s ability to mix action with powerful symbolism, the public saw him suddenly climb from his armored limo during his Inaugural Parade and greet enthusiastic crowds assembled outside the National Archives and Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue.

    The unannounced gesture matched a suggestion last fall by the Memorial’s designer William Conklin — who was the key urban planner also for the larger Penn Quarter project that created a national showcase from a slum neighborhood that had blighted Inaugural parades for years.”

  100. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “An estimated crowd of 5,000 to 6,000 people”

    That is a SAD showing for Palin, after all that time Meg’s dad spent trying to rally an audience. Guess this year was the first and last, annual Seward’s Day, huh?

  101. honestyinGov says:

    About my post at #131….

    It is so nice that all the AK Progressive bloggers share info when they get a juicy tidbit as it relates to a story. Now the Huffpo is National and they have to keep sources or info a little more private and not expose it…. BUT…

    Since AKM or Shannyn post there regularly… If they were to ‘ask’ (Huffpo )it would really be interesting as to whether the Huffpo would give up details or just the general subject matter or topic that they were emailing about.

    Because if they were to write about the topic… it might show up on their own blog as a story. Got me curious now…?

  102. austintx says:

    133 GinaM Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 1:32 PM
    Very interesting comment on Gryphem blog post titled “Is ADN in Palin’s pocket”. Go to comment posted at 10:16am. It refers to Palin may have a sex tape and she’s being blackmailed over it!! Huh.
    Where can I buy a copy !?!?! If true , that’s GOLD !! No…….make that PLATINUM !!

  103. austintx says:

    Alex Jones lives here and you can learn all you want about him at :

  104. Professor Geezer says:

    @HonestyinGov, whoever on the Right compares FROST/NIXON to what’s going on with Palin maligning a comedian did not understand the point of Ron Howard’s film or Peter Morgan’s play of the same title! That’s just hilarious!

    Oh, and the film takes place after Nixon resigned over Watergate! So are they admitting Palin has been involved in criminal activity & is resigning? How is that movie in the least bit applicable? (shaking head over that one)

  105. GinaM says:

    Very interesting comment on Gryphem blog post titled “Is ADN in Palin’s pocket”. Go to comment posted at 10:16am. It refers to Palin may have a sex tape and she’s being blackmailed over it!! Huh.

  106. honestyinGov says:

    Here is a little quote from Huffpo’s Jason Linkins ‘Sunday Talking Heads’
    “Gregory asks about Sarah Palin and the “big news” that she made “taking on David Letterman.” Dear God. That’s big news? The point I’ve been continually making is that Sarah Palin really needs to learn to not do things like get into gutter fights with teevee comedians. As vicious as the jokes were, going all in for a fight with David Letterman is a straight up waste of political strength and time. But try telling that to Palin’s most frenzied supporters, who’ve all been emailing me this week to tell me that PALIN/LETTERMAN is their FROST/NIXON.”
    He does not go into any details into what “who’ve been emailing me this week” actually consisted of…. But…?
    If her supporters are comparing this to FROST/NIXON… that was where the ‘TV Guy’ exposed the Politician for the Lies he was telling and ‘ exposed ‘ him to all of America as a corrupt person.

    I guess I am all for THAT. Bring on another Frost/Nixon ! ! (you Wing-Nuts )

  107. mlaiuppa says:

    Here’s a few thoughts.

    Yes, Palin and Dud walked the parade because the Obamas did, but she’ll never acknowledge that, even to herself.

    Yes, Palin toned it down after the flight attendant joke but again, she’ll never acknowledge that, even to herself. Now the fun will be if we start to see her start to imitate Michelle Obama, even subconsciously. If she start to wear belts and low heeled shoes.

    If her lips are permanently lined, that could explain the fact she only wears that single shade of red lipstick all of the time. I guess she should be grateful she didn’t so the permanent eyeliner too or she’d be forced to continue the eye makeup as well.


    1. Either she’ll be nominated (or paired with Romney) and never realize she’s a placeholder and their ticket is never expected to win by the GOP (which I happen to believe was the reason for the McCain/Palin ticket or

    2. She’ll be nominated (or paired with Romney) and know it’s just because no won expects her to win….but she’ll believe she can and that she’ll prove them all wrong.

    I’m voting for #2.

    As for her support in the GOP. It’s one of three things.

    1. Republicans who do not agree with her and do not support her.

    2. Republicans who do agree with her and support her.

    3. Republicans who do not agree with her but support her because they think if she wins they can control her.

    The #3s are shrinking in number as more of them move to #1.

    There aren’t enough #2s to put Palin in the White House.

    But it is going to be real fun to watch.

    BTW interesting slip by Palin. Bristol is at home taking care of her family. That would be sister Piper, son Tripp and…..Trig? Brother or son? Was Todd in Texas or at home? Does she take care of her Dad too? Probably. I expect she cooks and cleans when he’s home. In fact, I’ll bet all of the girls do the cooking and cleaning because Todd is too busy playing and Palin is too busy doing…whatever it is she does. I’ll bet Bristol does all of the shopping too. When is the last time there was a candid shot of Palin in the grocery store?

  108. Doggonit says:

    The fluff piece on ADN has no credibility. Based on these questionable sources…

    John Btney… high school classmate

    Greg Mueller … member of swift-boat liars

    Cheri Jacobson…. degree in jouralisn & a 10 week crash course in campaign management.

    Matthew Dows …author of book on Applebee’s franchise.

  109. AKaurora says:

    “An estimated crowd of 5,000 to 6,000 people, according to the Auburn Police Department, filled the downtown area along with dozens of vendors, entertainers and other festival participants.”
    ‘Tis a far cry from the purported 20,000 that was widely reported.

  110. wayney says:

    Some how I think Witchy poo Palin is oblivious to everything going on now after her wax figure interview with Wolf (the recent one?)

    She always blabbed she thought of ideas/speeches while she went running
    I bet she is frantically doing long runs with her mind just racing of what to say next..
    It wont be a response. because she doesnt listen .. she just throws stuff out there ..then takes off on a run thinking of more garbage.. then tweets..

    If she would grow one brain cell she would tell her beloved minions firing Letterman isn’t what she was trying to do ..
    And if anything.. would ask them to not NOT buy/sell with the long list of sponsors of the show
    Hello? In this poor economic time should about a million people (not sure how big her love fest is) .. not buying or selling with major businesses?
    Wise Governor Bobble Head
    Stop running and making up new nonsense.. pay half attention

    If she were Pres.. we’d be blown up by now.. that Red Bomb Button would be just too tempting

  111. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    CCH Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 12:43 PM

    Re: Palin Walking in the Parade

    I think she got out of the car and walked because that’s what Obama and Michelle did during his inaugural parade. Remember? The people went nuts!

    Don’t think she got the same response!
    Exactly!!!! That exactly why she did it!!!! First Family (NOT)

  112. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 12:28 PM

    “Isabella have you seen michelemalkins twitter?”

    Looked her up on Youtube. She isn’t really cute. Her comments are narrow but she does have a good vocabulary.
    I looked her up on you tube also…there is a vid of Alex Jones attacking her???
    WTF? He is a AIP type? Are the wingnuts eating their own????

  113. CCH says:

    Re: Palin Walking in the Parade

    I think she got out of the car and walked because that’s what Obama and Michelle did during his inaugural parade. Remember? The people went nuts!

    Don’t think she got the same response!

  114. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Scarah’s silence is deafening. Has she had a meltdown? combusted? Or top secret plastic surgery?

    Is she underwraps because “we” now live report on her for Alaskan blogs? are her appearances going to be “spontaneous” from now on, lol……her groupies really want to see her. What’s she going to do, create a “story” of some sort, to throw her groupies into support mode instead of feeling dissed by her because she can’t handle our “live” reporting? because Meg and she can’t spin big lies. Scarah only wants good stories done on her, dang it and she’s gonna “try” to control how that happens.

  115. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    wingnuts twitter

  116. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Izzy do you know who this guy is? Big wingnut is a understatement! I took a better look at his twitter, he is behind this wingnut hate site:
    I posted this last week!
    Oh yeah, Gino’s got quite the following! All the wingnuts gonna be in NYC on tues.

  117. Isabella says:

    “Isabella have you seen michelemalkins twitter?”

    Looked her up on Youtube. She isn’t really cute. Her comments are narrow but she does have a good vocabulary.

  118. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Izzy saw your tweet to MP! EXCELLENT! But I don’t see it on his? How does twitter work? can he hide your tweet to him?

  119. sauerkraut says:

    Isabella @25 – totally agree about Penn & Teller; have several of their Bulls**t DVD’s here at the house. But even they go overboard at times. Sure wish they’d do an entire DVD on Sarah Palin. …

  120. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    have you seen michelemalkins twitter? she doesn’t look at all what I’ve pictured her? I thought she’d look like Mann coulter.
    I guess she’s cute, until she opens her mouth!

  121. lynnrockets says:

    Thought I’d chime in on the Letterman/Palin kerfuffle…

    (sung to the Billy Joel song “You May Be Right”)

    Monday night Dave trashed her daughter
    Wednesday night he said, “I’m sorry”
    Friday night he trashed her once again
    He was only having fun
    With the Guv’nor with a gun
    And we all enjoyed the heated tense exchange

    Palin’s living in the twilight zone
    She has the thinnest skin we know
    Like the Oz Scarecrow she could really use a brain
    Polls now show she’s in a dive
    And her hair in that beehive
    Like we said, this only shows that she’s insane

    Dave may be right, Sarah is crazy
    But she just may be the lunatic you’re voting for
    She’s not too bright, thinking is hazy
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right

    Remember when Dave without fear
    Called out the slutty clothes she wears
    And then Todd, The First Dude went simply wild
    He is such a macho man
    No longer a Late Show fan
    Since Dave Letterman called out his wife and child

    Just think of all the jokes Dave will do
    That make fun of Ms. Caribou
    We will hear them every other day
    They’ll be crazy but they’re true
    Each time Sarah speaks anew
    And we wouldn’t want it any other way

    Dave may be right, Sarah is crazy
    But she just may be the lunatic you’re voting for
    She’s not too bright, thinking is hazy
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right

    Dave may be right, Sarah is crazy
    But she just may be the lunatic you’re voting for
    She’s not too bright, thinking is hazy
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right

    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right.
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right.
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right.
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right.
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right.
    Dave may be wrong but I’ll bet the house that Dave is right.

  122. Professor Geezer says:

    Yes, PLEASE RAM, Crazies for Palin and Ziegler: (I’m begging you) broadcast the Teabagging Protest of Letterman.

    Show us that in the same way you were all so “ideologically united” in terms of what tea-bagging actually meant (NO ONE KNEW), you will now show that NONE OF YOU CAN READ OR HEAR! Yes, let us dismiss you en masse!

    Dave can show his original clip. Dave can show his apology.
    The world will see that it has no relationship to what you are protesting. It’s gonna be HILARIOUS! PLEASE, I am begging you, RAM & Ziegler. BROADCAST IT!!!
    AND THANKS IN ADVANCE FROM LETTERMAN FANS: his ratings will be the highest of all time, thanks to Crazies for Palin.

    (Oh, and Ziegler, FYI. Remember when you couldn’t figure out if USC in Los Angeles was private property or not, and you launched your phony Couric protest about it? You might want to check on where you are protesting/broadcasting from in NYC.)

    Pass the popcorn and hooray for Letterman’s ratings!

  123. z says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says: All the major wingnut going to the fireletterman thing. here is someone’s twitter to watch, a Major, major wingnut!

    The R.A. Mansour blog is calling for back up for the major wingnut’s fireletterman thing.
    “RAM spoke with John Ziegler today, and he suggests that one or more attendees should webcast the protest live.”

    This should be comedy gold for all late night comics. The faux grassroot tea bags v NY/Hollywood elite.

    I wish someone could find the Texas elite she is hanging with. They make NY/Hollywood elite look like paupers with no influence.

  124. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    sabella Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 11:37 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, Hehehe, that loony, I sent him a Twitter but left out he better think twice about protesting IN FRONT OF the Sullivan theater. Does Dave, routinely drop big heavy objects off the roof 🙂
    Good one Izzy 😀 he’s a Huge Wingnut! Do you think he got it? Would his twitter show if he got yours? I don’t know how it works?

    lovemydogs: Great Rant! Rant on!!!

  125. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I hadn’t watched Penn and Teller before……pretty good!

    “The bible is bullsh*t”

    this is from the part on christians “picking and choosing” verses out of the bible, ie. their stance on homosexuality yet they ignore other verses like:

    exodus 21:7 says it’s okay for parents to sell their daughters into slavery.

    exodus 53:2 says anyone working on the sabbath should be put to death (my emphases, hey take a few of ya out, yer breakin the rules)

  126. BigSlick says:

    I just posted this over at ADN:

    Sarah’s trip Outside was no huge success as Sean Cockerham claims. This is the worst hack-writing fluff piece I have ever seen.

    You can see the size of the crowd at Founder’s Day in Auburn here:

    The reason she walked is that the “parade” only went a few blocks, and only consisted of her and Todd – where’s the rest of the parade?

    There isn’t any.

    The crowd she gathered for her speech was nowhere near 20,000, nor were there 20k people lining those two blocks of street-walking she did.

    The 3k to 4k people who watched her walk through town followed her to the front of the church where she spoke, you can see them trailing her along the side of the street as she’s walking.

    How many of those people were bussed in to fluff the crowd a la Prevo?

  127. tigerwine says:

    Someone mentioned “teabags” in a previous message. This reminded me that there was supposed to be a nation-wide follow-up protest again on July 4th. I haven’t heard anything about this, has anyone else?

  128. Doggonit says:

    Thought of the day….

    Gov Palin is the new Kathleen Harris of the GOP.

    Remember her? The cougar from Florida that wanted to certify the election for Bush. GOP were saying she’d be the next Gov or Senator or Bush would give her a high poistion in his administration. And then she failed terribly in all her various for public office campaigns.

  129. Isabella says:

    “Exxon. My husband has worked in the oil patch for a long time. When I asked about Exxon his response was “you are surprised?” They are the biggest North Slope natural gas producer. Without them agreeing to produce it, the “pipeline” will be filled with nothing but hot air.”


  130. Polly says:

    Jerry Prevo is an insult to organized religion. Maybe other churches should start a real Christian Coalition? Based on Christ’s teachings of loving ALL people-(including your enemies), and judge not or ye shall be judged.

  131. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, Hehehe, that loony, I sent him a Twitter but left out he better think twice about protesting IN FRONT OF the Sullivan theater. Does Dave, routinely drop big heavy objects off the roof 🙂

  132. lovemydogs says:

    Talk about spewing hate…I just happened to turn my TV on this morning to try to catch GS, and who is on the channel that came up but Jerry Prevo. UGH. I usually flip the remote as fast as I can when he is on but I stopped for about 2 minutes (as long as I could take) to see how his fundraising is going. He is like the girl in the fairytale who opens her mouth and nothing but snakes and vipers and spiders come out. His latest diatribe: he stood at the pulpit and spouted a bunch of “statisitics” (never stating where they came from) about how homosexuals have from 500-1000 partners in a lifetime (promiscuity), how gay men are more likely to die from AIDS (and therefore are a health hazard–old news Jerry, I lost more of my friends than I can count in the 80s and then the gay community got smart and started to protect itself– long before the heterosexuals figured out “oh my god, this isn’t a discriminating virus, we can get it too”–but god forbid that we should teach our hormone raging teenagers about condoms). I digress: He then went on to state that “we discriminate against smokers” and that if you can refuse to rent an apartment to a smoker then you should be allowed to refuse to rent an apartment to a homosexual. Holy bat-@%$t Batman! Those gays are going to endanger our health and pollute our air and stink up the carpets and shades if we rent to them. Huh. Does that mean that we can refuse to rent an apartment to a “Christian”? Hypocritical son of a….. . But the kicker was when he said that he hoped he would be “dead or raptured” before he saw equality for homosexuals come to pass. And, more importantly, before the government stuck their noses into “church” business and told them that they would no longer be tax-exempt if they continued to spew forth this hate talk from their pulpits. To this I started screaming at my TV “bring it (the rapture) on then..I hope to goodness that it takes all of these vile, hate-filled, paranoid people right off the face of the earth (that I love) and leaves people who just want to live and let live behind.” That would be heaven or earth. When I calmed down and read between the lines I noticed that what he failed to mention, to his enraptured crowd of followers, was the possibility that his fundraising for his “cause” is not about anything more than raising money to press his political agenda on the masses. Sounds like politics to me. Church and State anyone? Then he says “and there will be ushers coming down the aisles (of his mega-church) to collect your checks..just make them out to Anchorage Baptist Temple” I think hmmmmm, I wonder how much of that money makes it into his pocket??? I turned the TV OFF.

    Exxon. My husband has worked in the oil patch for a long time. When I asked about Exxon his response was “you are surprised?” They are the biggest North Slope natural gas producer. Without them agreeing to produce it, the “pipeline” will be filled with nothing but hot air. The only way to transport it, safely, is to turn it into liquid natural gas (LNG). Someone has to build the plant that does this. That is seperate, but associated with, building a pipeline. Hmmm. What gets me is that they are going into business with TC and word has it that that means that Alaska (the state that has been most hurt by this company) will be reimbursing them. In other words, we pay them back and they make the majority of the money off the gas. I don’t know all of the ins and outs of the tax deals that come with this. The Permanent Fund comes from dividends from the state investments of tax revenue in the stock market. Alaska is built on the rape of our environment (remember the gold rush? Outsiders coming in and taking the wealth out of the state?)
    None of the news even mentions the idea of any of this natural gas getting to the people who live here. There is a pipeline that passes about 3 miles from my house. NO ONE who lives here has access to any of it. It is piped straight to a dock and off-loaded to sell to foreign buyers.
    As far as providing jobs goes…how many of the people who worked on the oil pipeline still live here? The majority? I don’t think so. How many people who work on the North Slope live here or contribute anything to local economies? There are a lot of people who live in TX, Louisiana, Arkansas, Wyoming, etc who fly up here to work 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off and never pay a penny for anything once they hit Anchorage International Airport. They do not pay taxes here, they don’t buy stuff here, they don’t even get their hair cut here. It is not easy to get a “slope job” unless you know somebody. It’s definitely a good-ole boys club. Again, I say hmmm.

    Last, but not least, on my Sunday morning rant-advice to SP: if you want my respect, get your butt back up here, put a pair of Carhartt’s on, roll your sleeves up, lose the red shoes for a pair of muddy work boots (maybe yellow ones), pick up a crowbar and have a photo-op of you actually helping the people of Alaska rebuild their crushed homes in Eagle. Maybe your kids can come and help too. Then you would have press worth reading and (an added benefit) DL would have nothing to joke about.

    Thanks for listening-I often feel that I am surrounded by crazy people here.

  133. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh my, tell us how ya really feel, lol……….

    Hate to Smudge the Lipstick but Could We Get a Muzzle for that Pitbull?

    Warren Holstein

    A NYC Based Stand-Up Comedian and Writer

    “You’re the joke and the punchline, a ratings ploy, a rejected reality-show pitch, a residual check for Tina Fey that she’ll use to treat herself to a carefree pampered day at the spa followed by a nice juicy porterhouse din- din at Peter Luger’s. The annoying non-gadfly on the pile of excrement calling itself the GOP base who’s only reason for existence is that no one can stomach the smell long enough to swat you.”

  134. Isabella says:

    By 2012, UK Lady, she will implode. Look at her not even out in public one year & she has turned her own party against one another. Conquer and divide your own family, she is a hasbeen she just doesn’t know it.

  135. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    All the major wingnut going to the fireletterman thing.
    here is someone’s twitter to watch, a Major, major wingnut!

  136. z says:

    honestyinGov Says
    I don’t know all the history behind John McCains connection with Exxon.

    Like you idk all the history behind Enron, California gov ROCKSTAR Arnie.
    The Ak and Tx situations are different. But you might want to check out the Texas power brokers who were behind those shady Tx dealers.
    Gov Davis had to go because he was standing up for Calif. The Tx oil/gas was doing the most for running the energy show in Calif. Davis wasn’t perfect, but the the deals to replace him with a tool rockstar were brokered in Texas. It was not a grass roots people recall situation, except as it was set up behind the scene to look grass roots.

    Now the focus is in Alaska. They already have a tool for gov. They just need to keep her acceptable enough that she’s able to be used.

  137. Dr. Truth says:

    Gov. Sarah Palin – Did you meet with any of these people while you were in Texas ? SPECIFICALLY James Leininger in San Antonio. Did Dr. Leininger or his wife Cecelia donate to S—pac ? They give Perry tons of money.

  138. BigSlick says:

    I am doing some research about Exxon on Google. I found this quote from 2005.
    “Exxon never paid full compensation for the 1989 oil spill created by its tanker the Valdez. Exxon pays for junk science to deny the existence of global warming. Exxon is the only major oil company trying to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. You get the picture. Check out Exxpose Exxon.”
    For those familiar with Exxons most recent actions there….
    Are they STILL trying to open up the Artic National Wildlife Refuge..?

    Would the money they make there (in the Refuge )be even more profitable than just this gas deal. They usually plan so they can take action years down the road

    Would a recent deal like this enable them to get their foot in the door so they can go back to this 2005 Plan…? (Make themselves out to be a good friend )
    Found here.


    This puts Palin’s work to deny endangered status for the Polar Bear into perspective as well, she is paving the way for Exxon to have no barriers to fouling Alaska’s environment even further.

    GINO sold out Alaska years ago.

  139. Isabella says:

    Shannyn was right, The Gryp has no censor!!! Lol.

  140. UK Lady says:

    Isabella – I believe they are tattooed, she is stuck with wearing lipstick every time she steps out of the house, even jogging if a camera is about. That is going to get tedious if it isn’t already. I would think she already regrets that decision.

    As for the 2012 run, I think most political nerds agree that unless the Pres really screws up 2012 is a wash. The general feeling is that the repubs will happily sacrifice Palin in 2012, use her to generate funds, they don’t like her at all anyway. If there is the slightest chance of beating the Pres, the old guard wil wipe her off the face of the earth in the primaries.

  141. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “groupies think Scarah “must” learn Spanish, LOL, oh that would be a riot! This is so she can win minority votes”

    AHaHaHaHaHaHaHa, I was at Taco Del Mar awhile back and some preppy little high school kid came in trying his Spanish ordering from the menu on the cutie behind the counter. Her co-worker (Both Mexican) was laughing his frickin ass off at the kid. I can only IMAGINE if Palin, tried a few sentences we would have enough late night fodder for 10 years & maybe a war with Mexico.

  142. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    groupies think Scarah “must” learn spanish, LOL, oh that would be a riot! This is so she can win minority votes.

  143. London Bridges says:

    Everyone should take a quick detour over to Gryphen’s place, and read the comments on the “In Palin’s pocket” post. Is it the “icebergh” preview?

  144. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “The echo chamber is having a “webathon” to raise money for her on the 15th”

    How many of these morons giving up car insurance to donate to Palin, are aware she has a $135,000 a year job with per diems, with pfds, kickbacks and an abled body husband who should be working?

    Are they trying to pay for her reimbursement to the state for taking vacations to places such as Iron Dog, to watch Todd, race? How pathetic when most of them never get more then 50 miles from their own backyard for a holiday.

    PALIN HATES THEM and they keep digging in. LMAO. They deserve to be poor.

  145. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    LOL, that would be nice……but, the fricken weird thing is Scarah loves to play the underdog that plays to win, at any cost.

    “Intriguing comment from Murphy: GOP may “give up” on 2012 (can’t beat Obama), and put up Romney or Palin to run knowing either would lose, then focus on 2016 as a come-back date.”

  146. Isabella says:

    UK Lady, are her lips really tattooed? That was such an 80’s thing. The creep Micheal Jackson did that kind of maniac thing. Her eyebrows are like DAMN!!!

    Palin, did not volunteer for the make-over someone got ahold of her and whispered sweetNOTHINGS probably Fred Malek, knowing when she returns in AK the SLUTTY FLIGHT ATTENDANT look returns.

    LMAO, Palin, is a PAWN and doesn’t even know it.

    As long as she gets TABLOID headlines she screws real news and anytime there needs to be a GOP, distracting she will get free tickets to a Yankees game and travel vouchers for one of her kids to accompany.

  147. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    from the Wolfe Blizzer youtube transcripts, lol………stupid stupid Scarah. I would have LOVED to hear what McCain and staffers said behind closed doors. And Scarah, this was YOU doing the damage, YOU can’t blame or point the finger at anyone. I love how he puts it, “a rather blunt statement”, lol and what Dana says about response from staff. “speechless”

    So who the frick does she think she’s fooling by waiting to “reveal”, everyone knows she plans to run. Any guesses on “her strategic timing”? Any guesses to what drama will surround the “big” announcement? I’m sure she and Megamouth have this all planned out. I hope it blows up in her face.

    part of the transcript:

    “She (Bash) has been covering the McCain campaign reaction from the rather blunt statement from Sarah Palin that she would in fact be interested in leading the Republican Party going forward after Tuesday if they lose?

    Dana Bash: I just got off of the phone, Wolf, with a senior McCain adviser and I read this person the quote and I think it is fair to say that this person was speechless. There was a long pause and I just heard a huh on the other end of the phone.

    This is certainly not a surprise to anybody who has watched Sarah Palin that she is interested in potentially future national runs, and she is being urged to by a lot of people inside of the Republican Party if they do lose, but it is an if and people inside of the McCain campaign do not want any discussion that has an if in front of it six days before the election, they dont want any discussion at all, any kind of hypothetical talk about running for the next time around. So certainly, this is not at least initially being received well inside of the McCain campaign.”

  148. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I’ll trade putting money in her coffers for putting nails in her coffin any day! This does not bode well for her. I couldn’t care less about her personal life or family and believe it should not be the focus of bringing her down, but hey – she’s the snarky one and since she’s showing it off BIG TIME – it all helps reveal what a nasty, lying politician she is to many who hadn’t quite noticed yet. I don’t care what the pundits or newscasters say about it – women all over the Internet are freaking out at her putting Willow on Snark Central Stage.

  149. Isabella says:

    Palin, shouting rape on Willow, touched the core of every parent & anyone who has ever been thisclose to a child, even those who claim to love her. There is no coming back from that kindof exploitation.

    The few out there who shout the Palin war cry and spend hours on ExtraTV polls are still only doing so because they have created a , “Family”, A DYSFUNCTIONAL BE ALL HATE MONGERING FAMILY, but at least these strays belong and waking up & banning together has become routine.

    Many forum fanatics, as we hear on Shannyn, their conscious are telling them, as is the pit of their stomach, Palin, is a hideous exploiting nothing sacred lunatic and they are taking those baby steps to distance themselves.

    Like any controlling relationship or when the dream ends, takes time to believe, grieve, except the investment is lost.

    Palin, will not come back from this past week.

  150. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    z Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 9:44 AM

    52 Isabella
    mae lewis “The big question is: does she really think that by protesting she’ll make the jokes stop??”

    The joke feud is an easy way to get the asto turfing tea bags to RISE UP and to hit the base up for some cash. She can stop commenting on that and let asto turfers do all the dirty work. If she looked nuts they’ll claim something like it was because she cares so much about standing up for her cubs and all womankind. They are probably working on re-branding her right now. As a rock star like Madonna, it is all about reinventing.
    The echo chamber is having a “webathon” to raise money for her on the 15th, I tried to post last night got caught in mod. They want to raise all the money for her frivolous ethics complaints.

    Ha Ruth buzzi, maybe we should start calling her that now? LOL!

  151. CO almost native says:

    On “Meet The Press” today: Mike Murphy (Rep strategist) and Joe Scarborough agreed that Sarah Palin’s attacks on Letterman are not helping the GOP at all. And attacks on Sotomayer and Obama will put the GOP into “an ice age”. Scarborough said the focus needs to be on conservatism, not Republicanism.
    Two voices of reason lost in a forest of nuts and fruits.

    Intriguing comment from Murphy: GOP may “give up” on 2012 (can’t beat Obama), and put up Romney or Palin to run knowing either would lose, then focus on 2016 as a come-back date.

  152. UK Lady says:

    Isabella – I thought she was 46? not that it matters to anyone but the Narcissa from Wasilla.

    I think she will be getting very jittery about what she wears now. That stern schoolmarm look with the waggy fingers was a hoot! But how can she go back to the SFA? The Wasilla bag lady look she used to favour is not an option. What to do?

    And being real beotch, those eyebrows, what’s that all about?, plus she is so gonna regret that tattoo lipliner, not a good look in about 10 years.

    OK, I’m done 😆

  153. honestyinGov says:

    I don’t know all the history behind John McCains connection with Exxon. But I FiredogLake they had a video clip called ” Exxon John”. Hmmm…

    The story itself does not delve into the connection or background though…. and I don’t know the details or history.

    GINO may have met or connected with some of these contacts that John had.

  154. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    see! this is an example of the “crazy” repubs thinking. It’s hard to believe, talk about tin hat’s. (note it all starts with abortion and goes to government takeover).

    “A few weeks ago I suggested a similar Alinsky model used by the Far Left based on 4 factors:

    1)Contract the population with abortion on demand so that there is a shortage of future labor

    2)Government using #1 to justify more immigration and overlooking illegal immigration

    3)Community organizers agitating in communities amongst these new arrivals and stirring the pot of class envy, highlighting the historical exploitation of minorities by the white man, and promoting victimhood among various groups.

    4)By uniting these groups into a ‘common front’ of radical left-wing (Marxist)political action (identity politics) with the other allies of the Far Left, orchestrate the takeover of the government and the imposition of a totalitarian state

    And the point I made at the time it all starts with ABORTION.”

  155. Jim says:

    OMG, I’m really getting a kick out of the fight going on over at ADN today! Maybe they gave their robo-monitor the day off?

  156. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    In fact, she probably tracked down the stylist(s) who gave her the streaked hair extensions and toenail decals and demanded they all be fired because it’s all their fault. Not really, but you know she wanted to!

  157. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    You are all dead on the mark with the Slutty Flight Attendant remark – exactly what I thought when I saw that stupid school marm look she tried to affect with the CNN & Today show. I totally cracked up – hit her where it hurts the most, even if it’s by accident from someone who is yet still clueless on her soulless persona. The kids are not even secondary on her list – the only musk oxen she wants to circle up to protect her are named Botox and Plastic Boots.

  158. Professor Geezer says:

    FWIW, all of you Mudpups who have said it is the “slutty flight attendant” remark which put Palin over the edge due to her Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I concur! My hat is off to you all! (Well, my hat is off to all Mudpups always, as I admire everyone here so much.)

    Everything else Palin has done in this situation is fabricated (lies about what Letterman actually said “statutory rape,” Todd’s lie about “rape,” and evidently Willow’s actual attendance past the 6th inning of the game–if she was even there–is outside of the joke’s scope). Palin jumped the shark on this; she appears nutty once again.

    Who wants a leader who lets fashion commentary throw them into an irrational, crazy ire? Why does fashion matter to her so much? Would a critical reporter from “W” be able to start nuclear war if Palin were near the codes by mentioning that her clothes looked Russian? Palin is a fashion disaster, but it remains one of her most obvious Achilles’ heels.

  159. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    BTW…….I listened to a bit of Tub of Lard Rushbo yesterday while in the car……wow, he keeps pounding to his audiance that Obama is “ruining” and completely “destroying” our system and that “no one” will step up, be “honest” about it and stop him.

    No frickin wonder the repub wingbats are spewing hate and fear! He literally went on and on about it, he HATES Obama! he really, really does…….so this is what he’s sharing with crazies who may do something dangerous. I get the feeling FatBut could care less if something bad did happen, that’s how far off the deep end he is right now.

    So we have a doctor murdered, a Holocaust Museum attacked and people shot and killed and just that one person intended to do far more harm.

    I think Rush needs to lose his damn job!

  160. Isabella says:

    “What Palin needs now is to “set up a professional operation at the staff level,” Jacobus said.”

    LMAO, can you imagine Palin, giving Meg, walking papers? Oh, that will be the end of them both. Meg. she knows she has cut her own throat by being the pauper to Palin’s princess and there is nowhere to go but back to the kitchen. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, they will drag on another down to poverty. At least Meg’s husband has a job.

  161. Isabella says:

    UK Lady “I am quite convinced that the remark about the “slutty flight attendant look” cut GINO to the quick.”

    Of course. Palin’s entire world revolves around how she looks, how she is perceived by the tightness of her a s s. Pretty sad sack way to live at 45 years old with that big 50 looming. For someone shallow like her time is a noose.

  162. honestyinGov says:

    I am doing some research about Exxon on Google. I found this quote from 2005.
    “Exxon never paid full compensation for the 1989 oil spill created by its tanker the Valdez. Exxon pays for junk science to deny the existence of global warming. Exxon is the only major oil company trying to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. You get the picture. Check out Exxpose Exxon.”
    For those familiar with Exxons most recent actions there….
    Are they STILL trying to open up the Artic National Wildlife Refuge..?

    Would the money they make there (in the Refuge )be even more profitable than just this gas deal. They usually plan so they can take action years down the road

    Would a recent deal like this enable them to get their foot in the door so they can go back to this 2005 Plan…? (Make themselves out to be a good friend )
    Found here.

  163. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    What did Halcro think about the Exxon deal? did he say anything other than waiting till open season? did he say anything about the Denali pipeline having a near a year jump on TC in FCC pre-filing? it would seem Denali would be ahead of TC and get the bids first.

  164. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Thanks DinkyP……for the link

    I thought this was good……

    “If McCain-Palin had of won Chrysler and GM would still have crashed, Wall Street would still have collapsed, credit and banking would have dried up, all of the jobs lost would still have been lost, and they would have done nothing but cluck cluck and say that the “free market” (which is an oxymoron) must be allowed to play out. It would be a much worse disaster.
    And then there was Jon Voight and his disgusting speech. Texas Senator John Cornyn, another fine example of Republican brain power and empathy, referred to the Voight hate tirade as “…refreshing.”

  165. Mirage 18 says:

    For those who want to follow what is happening in Iran right now –

    This is a list that is updated showing twitter sites of those who are presently in Iran and sending messages.

    You need to click on each one as these are different twitter sites. Also, I don’t know that it updates automatically, so, you would need to reload.

    Also, there is live blogging by somebody at:

  166. Professor Geezer says:

    @Priceless, no offense, but Letterman DID have a new Friday show. And Sandra Bullock was there promoting a movie set in Alaska named THE PROPOSAL. They showed a clip in which 80 something year-old Betty White said the phrase “knocked up.” The audience ROARED.

    And so it will go.

  167. mae lewis says:

    Well, if I were able to tell Dave what to do on Monday’s show, I’d make the following suggestion: Several times, Dave has had guests on his show that support worthwhile causes. For example, in his recent interview with Julia Roberts, they discussed Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Foundation and the work it does with kids. (They are both big supporters). So, he needs a good representative for women’s issues, the very issue that Sarah Palin has not been supporting until just last week. He can call it “a teachable moment” and come out looking like a rose. Sarah has just discovered a new ‘calling’ when her record shows that she has not supported sex education, the right to choose, help for abused children, you know the list. Maybe you all have even better ideas for Dave’s Monday show, or his shows all next week.

  168. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I’m laughing so hard I almost fell off my chair! A GAG order on Palin – she would explode! She lives for Snark. She lives to be it, do it, spread it all around. She reminds me so much of the Packlids on Next Generation:

    “We look for things. Things to make us go.”

    Palin the Packlid: “I look for Things. Things to make me MAD.”

  169. Closet Mudpup says:


    Thanks for the info on the Open Season. I don’t know how much confidence to place in energy estimates right now – the demand picture is always so skewed when the economy is down. The current glut of natural gas could be taken up quickly once the economy picks up. Then again, if we continue to have an oversupply, it will likely increase the availability of N/G for automobile use as they look to expand their markets. That’s no panacea for the environment, but it’s an improvement over burning petrol fuel.

  170. rant n' raven says:

    I think that Micheal Moore is a like a “voice in the wilderness”, and ALL his work should be required watching/reading for every American. Unfortunately, the people who hate him most, when asked, have never seen or read anything of his, but listen only to their right wing-nut mind controllers on the radio or elsewhere. His statements are verified and annotated in bibliographies of his books (not lies-look it up) and he is a ‘warrior for righteousness’ for everybody, even those that hate him. A brave man that we should all be thankful for…I look forward to everything he comes up with, as a eye opener, beyond what the popular and corporate funded media wants us to see.

  171. here_in_PA says:

    I was checking out the ak website and saw that Sean Parnell Lt. Gov. was the opening for the Special Olympics at East Anchorage. No mention of this in the ADN but they did cover the breast cancer run. Things that make you go, hmmmmmmm.

  172. Priceless says:

    Folks, my take (and I’m stickin’ to it..) is that Palin dressed her kid like hoochiemamma jr, painted a big, red bullseye on her front and back, then put her in front of the camera’s. She then went fishing, to see what she could hook. AND she hooked Letterman. Now, he does not tape a show on Friday’s, so the GINOBIMO has owned the airwaves and newscycle for the past 3 days. I pray dave Letterman introduces his attorney on TV on Monday evening. Showing the defimation lawsuit and the GAG ORDER that was filed earlier that day against the Palins. They can’t call someone a rapist and peidophile when it is not true. And with the GAG order, she won’t be able to spout her crap bout the non issue.

    Take back the airwaves dave. You can do it. I was not a letterman watcher, but i’LL BE one now!

  173. z says:

    52 Isabella
    mae lewis “The big question is: does she really think that by protesting she’ll make the jokes stop??”

    The joke feud is an easy way to get the asto turfing tea bags to RISE UP and to hit the base up for some cash. She can stop commenting on that and let asto turfers do all the dirty work. If she looked nuts they’ll claim something like it was because she cares so much about standing up for her cubs and all womankind. They are probably working on re-branding her right now. As a rock star like Madonna, it is all about reinventing.

    Next? She was busy working for the great state of Alaska while in Texas. As others are attacking her cubs, she is saving Alaska with energy deals. That type of crap could be next. She may decide to keep the Ruth Buzzi look if they can’t perfect a better business attire.

    If her handlers have noticed the crazed drug look, they may have her in detox or looking for ways to cover the symptoms that are showing. We haven’t seen any babies looking drugged lately.

  174. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Honesty in Gov.
    did you see this in the ADN Ass/Ear?

    “Speaking of jaws dropped in surprise, Rick tells Ear he was at that Exxon/Point Thomson thank-you event last week and personally saw Bob Bell’s jaw hit the floor when Sarah said “God bless Exxon” during her remarks. That was before this past week’s announcement that the oil company we all love to hate plans to honor us by making money off our gas.”
    Seems like it was a “done deal” quite a while beforehand!

  175. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 9:10 AM

    @ crystalwolf

    Yes, she can name just one – and I believe that person will stand in the position until the next session where he/she will be confirmed by the Legislature. Obviously a less than worthy candidate w/ their nose up the Fluffy Gov’s you know what can do some damage in that time. Since she seems intent on pissing off Alaskans, I certainly hold out no hope that she will choose someone who is qualified and impartial in the manner needed to uphold and interpret the law for the state. It’s one of her little vendettas you know – she’s so full of them. It’s one of the many things you can count on from the First Twit.
    hmmm? That’s what I’m afraid off!

  176. TBNTJudy says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 9:23 AM

    It’s 500 mil. Not 500 thousand.
    What are a few zeros among friends? 😉 I was thinking millions and typed thousands.

  177. honestyinGov says:

    Has anybody in Alaska ever seen a connection to Palin and Exxon because she is to very adept at being able to hide her plans. She is so transparent.

    Has she had talks… or is one of her advisors a ‘ Friend ‘ of someone who is connected with Exxon. Because if all else fails (politically ) she may want
    some ‘ payback’ (quid pro quo ) in the form of some high-paying Lobbyist position or be as a PAID consultant on one of their Boards.

    All the people who leave Washington get jobs on ‘K Street’ and get set up for life.
    Has Greta’s husband ,Coale, worked with Exxon in the past or how about Fred Malek who still has this ‘ love affair ‘ with GINO.
    Has Malek ever worked for or lobbied for Exxon or the Oil Industry….?

    Sarah loves ‘ Power or Money ‘…. nothing else motivates her.

  178. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “I am sure none of them counted on her being such an ungrateful greedy wench with such ignorance to bite the hand that feed her family.”

    Nope – they didn’t – people don’t know what to do when their little minion rises up in all of the glory of a striking snake – she would have done the same to McCain and I’m sure he knows it now. I tried to warn people who I knew – and they laughed and said “oh, she’ll be handled”. I said no she won’t. They said yes she will. After the election, I received several horrified emails that she wouldn’t go away. I said I told you so. Sometimes it’s no fun at all to correctly predict the twittiness of Palin.

  179. UK Lady says:

    London Bridges @ 47

    Totally agree with you, BINGO!

    Lilady NY said it beautifully yesterday, it is always ALL about her!!

    LiladyNY Says:
    June 13th, 2009 at 10:12 AM
    Oops I forgot the second part of my comment.

    I am quite convinced that the remark about the “slutty flight attendant look” cut GINO to the quick. I am convinced that that is the underlying reason for this vituperative attack on DL. None of the other jokes about her daughters has elicited ANY response. It’s just a curious coincidence. I think the aging beauty queen who is not aging gracefully and is obviously in competition with her very pretty daughters is extremely sensitive about her looks – that narcissistic thing doncha know.

  180. Polly says:

    What we do without people like Michael Moore? (And AKMuckraker) Courage, intelligence, dedication…heart…

  181. Isabella says:

    Canadian Neighbour “I’m sure Willow wishes the ground would open to crawl back into as she had not been seen for months. Life is about how your kids are supposed to embarrass you — not the other way around.”

    Can you imagine the night before a trip the Palin, girls playing rock,paper, scissors to see who HAS TO GO with their bat sh&t crazy mother. Willow, did pretty good for months not drawing the short stick. Poor kid. No way this kind of exposure can be healthy.

  182. pvazwindy says:

    It’s 500 mil. Not 500 thousand.

  183. Isabella says:

    honestyinGov “Someone says she needs to concentrate on doing her job in Alaska so she has a record to run on. That was how she got noticed in the first place.”

    Exactly what Katie, said MONTHS ago Palin, scoffed at.

    Ya all do know, Palin, isn’t “In” politics because she has some ambitions about policy & laws right? She is in this because she saw the city council/mayors gig as a way to be popular and with her party affiliation & vanity got her scooped up by Stevens, Young and Allen, thinking they had a puppet.

    I am sure none of them counted on her being such an ungrateful greedy wench with such ignorance to bite the hand that feed her family.

  184. honestyinGov says:

    I never say this yesterday on Huffpo. Maybe because it was in the ‘ Media section’ rather than Politics or Front Page.

    “Alan Colmes (former co-host of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes) makes a great a catch regarding the current feud between David Letterman and Governor Sarah Palin.”
    The story points out… is there a double standard…?

  185. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ crystalwolf

    Yes, she can name just one – and I believe that person will stand in the position until the next session where he/she will be confirmed by the Legislature. Obviously a less than worthy candidate w/ their nose up the Fluffy Gov’s you know what can do some damage in that time. Since she seems intent on pissing off Alaskans, I certainly hold out no hope that she will choose someone who is qualified and impartial in the manner needed to uphold and interpret the law for the state. It’s one of her little vendettas you know – she’s so full of them. It’s one of the many things you can count on from the First Twit.

  186. Isabella says:

    mae lewis “The big question is: does she really think that by protesting she’ll make the jokes stop??”

    Bigger question, does she really want *IT* to stop?

  187. mae lewis says:

    I agree completely with London Bridges #47! The proof is how Sarah toned down her look for the CNN, Today Show interviews. Severe hairdo, less makeup, yes the flight attendant remark hit her.

    I think the other part of the story is that one week before, every story about Sarah was unflattering: stealing (excuse me, quoting without attribution) Newt’s remarks, inappropriate dress, that on-again off-again business at the GOP dinner (where her ego really did take a hit).

    She has been the subject of late night jokes for quite some time; this one connected with her in some way. The big question is: does she really think that by protesting she’ll make the jokes stop??

  188. TBNTJudy says:

    In one of the recent interviews, I think the Wolf Blitzer one, SP said (in fact, bragged) that the natural-gas pipeline would be built with private funds. Did I misunderstand her? If what she said is true, what is the $500,000 that AK is paying TransCanada? Am I missing something?

    Someone on another thread made an interesting statement that the $500,000 XOM was ultimately fined for the Valdez mess will seemingly find its way back into their coffers via the TransCanada deal. Seems like this was the plan of SP and XOM from the get go. Smoke and mirrors.

  189. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    London Bridges Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 8:54 AM
    I also notice Sarah is developing a look that can best be described as the “W” sneer. Mom always said if you make faces, your face may freeze like that!
    YES! That SNEER! Pretty Ugly! Mean girl face!
    “I got my pit bull face on” 😀

  190. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Totally ♥ Micheal Moore 🙂 That asshat JZ is jealous there is no way in hell he is a “better” film maker than MM. What a laugh. I don’t think MM get enough credit for his movies.
    Check out the whole ADN ear…
    this at the last part:
    “SOON” … In an interview with the Anchorage Press, ex-Sarah flak Bill McAllister says the governor plans to name a new attorney general soon.

    In case you were wondering.

    Bill presumably knows since he now works for the A.G.’s office.
    Can she just name one? does he have to be approved?

  191. London Bridges says:

    The was posted on another blog by someone named anonymous. It is right on the money and should be seen by everyone. Here it is:

    Anonymous said…

    I don’t think Palin’s manufactured outrage against Letterman has anything to do with a joke about her daughter, given the plethora of similar jokes that have been out there from many other late night programs for months now (Leno, Maher, SNL). The real issue is that Letterman hit a nerve with his “slutty flight attendant” comment. And that’s what all this misplaced flap is about. She DOES dress this way and can’t take the heat for being called out on it. Those photos of Palin at the Memorial Day program speak volumes and are yet one example of her tacky and innappropriate behavior. And yes, she cakes on the makeup in a garish way, too.

    The truth hurts, Saracuda. And your ridiculous response only magnifies the juvenile thinking and behavior that Alaskans have come to expect from you. Please just grow up and go away. You’re an embarrassment to yourself and the great State of Alaska.

    I also notice Sarah is developing a look that can best be described as the “W” sneer. Mom always said if you make faces, your face may freeze like that!

  192. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I see ADN continues to run the story of the person who is being investigated for providing funds against Pebble Mine. I find it no different than Prevo behind the gay rights issue as in bringing in kids, signs, etc. This was paid for how??

    I don’t notice ADN of course following the issue which is raised in a video by Dennis Zaki on the Alaska Report site entitled “Pebble Mine geologist has no idea what chemicals are in the products he’s using?”

    I’d be more interested to know why the geologist is not showing much concern to follow up to find out information not contained on the MSDS forms relating to fish toxicity. Fishing is the main roadblock in this mine issue. As a customer you push your supplier right back to the manufacturer for a total break out of the chemical in that all the components should be identified. The “unknown” on the MSDS is the typical lazy way of the corporations and they’ve been allowed to get away with it. I was my supplier’s worst nightmare on these MSDS sheets for a number of years when employed in that job.

    He stated they stopped using it — yea, when they were questioned about it. States they were “over cautious”. Over cautious means you don’t use things until you know everything about them — they didn’t. May be safe for humans doesn’t mean it’s safe for fish. If he doesn’t know what’s in it, how can he truly state it’s organic. It’s like One Size Fits All T-Shirts — they don’t fit all.

    Also found the way she questioned Mr. Zaki as to his credentials – I applaud Mr. Zaki as I probably would have asked her to come closer — thwack. With CNN or private — it matters why??

  193. Bystander says:

    Those wondering why Saint Sarah is not running against breast cancer should be aware that the far right anti-abortion nutjobs who worship her, believe abortion CAUSES
    BREAST CANCER, and they try to disrupt cancer fund raisers.

    Sarah is playing to the base (note dual meaning) once again…

  194. Canadian Neighbour says:

    “America’s biggest problem is letting oil be traded on the stock market

    That’s no different than healthcare on the stock market, and many, many other things.

  195. Irishgirl says:

    Very interesting post!! What the hell is going on over there? And sorry about your aching ass! 🙂

  196. Closet Mudpup says:

    Isabella – re: Halcro

    No, no commitment from him yet. It’s a sad commentary on Palin when, after listening to her, I still have to go listen to a potential candidate for her position to hear a coherent, informed opinion on the same topic.

  197. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Halcro is leaving all options open. No commitment to any specific political position.

  198. Marnie says:

    6 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 2:03 AM
    “It was the worst day of my life.

    My doctor described the day of my surgery as the worst in his professional career.

    This was in 2004 and my doctors were able to move quickly to save my life without worrying about breaking the law. My doctor knew the procedure and was willing to perform it; something that has already become rare and will be rarer still if doctors have to put their lives on the line to perform this life-saving medical procedure. If it’s you or your daughter, will you be so lucky?”

    Fortunately or unfortunately most people are unaware of just how many health and life threatening complications are still associated with pregnancies.
    That the hysterical right seems totally unconscious to the fact that the saving of women’s lives and reproductive capacity are the purpose of essentially any late term abortion, does speak volumes about their “compassion’ for life and for reproductive capacity.

    An increasing number of chruch owned hospitals will not allow life saving late term emergency procedures. That is frightengin and sickening.

    Both my mother and an aunt were left to die as a result of complications from labor and delivery, becasue they were in a church owned hospital. This was back in the late ’40s and early 50’s. Fortunately both survived, but not thanks to the hospital.

  199. Canadian Neighbour says:

    No one in MSM has discussed like Shannyn did on her show last night, all the other comedian comments like Conan and the penalty box, or Leno or SNL on Todd and incest. No wing flapping when those were aired. Why is it just Letterman and why now?

    I have referred to it as cherry picking like they do the bible. GINO doesn’t appear to have any speeches on her agenda and therefore is using this to keep herself relevant in the media. Also a distraction to the Exxon issue.

    I’m sure Willow wishes the ground would open to crawl back into as she had not been seen for months. Life is about how your kids are supposed to embarrass you — not the other way around.

  200. woodstove says:

    I did not listen to Andrew last night but used to listen to his show and visit his blog. He is a little right of center for me but at least has a brain and uses it. And he is quite informed on the gas line issues. Open season refers to the timeline when the supposed gas line, that in my opinion is not going to be built, opens up the bidding for the producers on the slope to commit to putting their gas in the line. The timing of this whole Exxon- Trans Canada is bizarre. The lower 48 is not clamoring for Alaska’s gas, in fact they are awash in natural gas right now with more to come. Thanks to the new technology of getting gas from shale, the gas on the slope is not a energy security issue. Murkowski and Begich and Young should know this. This is all politics and I think a way for Exxon to give money to TC to spend and get matched at 90 cents on the dollar until the 500,000 is gone. As usual somebody is lying, is it the gas producers in the lower 48 or can a pipe line be built from the north slope, with its cost and tariffs, that can bring gas to the market that can compete? America’s biggest problem is letting oil be traded on the stock market, there is no reason for it other than to make the rich richer as we pay their dividends every time we fill up. Where is Obama on this issue? Supply and demand my aching ass.

  201. honestyinGov says:

    Has there been any word on when GINO will be arriving back in Alaska…..?
    Has she Tweeted…?

    I hope someone has time to make up some signs.
    I like the ” I Heart (big RED heart ) David Letterman”

    I can see that big sourpuss smile on her face now…. ;-(

  202. z says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says: where’s the bad gov been the past several days?

    Good question. And not a word yesterday?

  203. Marnie says:

    In the “Can” sounds appropriate for those CEO’s.

  204. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    where’s the bad gov been the past several days? is Scarah back or on vacation getting a face lift? or intensive political machine training with Cheney and Rove.

  205. Lainey says:

    The Palinbots are all over the place
    they are kool-aid drinkin’ zombies…they know not what they do…they’re still being controlled by palin telling them it’s God’s work…whatever!!!

  206. honestyinGov says:

    On ABC with George S. the Palin subject with Letterman came up this week.

    They mentioned she should have been offended, one guy said it was not smart to argue with a person who is on EVERY night.

    They bring up she was defending her ‘ kids’… WRONG. (right over their heads )
    She MADE it about her kids. (Faux outrage )The MSM won’t do their homework I guess and report the facts. Not a mention that other comedians did the SAME thing either. Hmmm..?

    Question: Does she have a future with the GOP…? Somebody says she needs to concentrate on doing her job in Alaska so she has a record to run on. That was how she got noticed in the first place. (Like THAT is going to happen)

    Somebody says she is now known as a ‘ celebrity’… rather than a Politician. She doesn’t speak about the ‘issues’. ” No Kidding..?”

  207. nswfm CA says:

    That’s sad about the ADN because McClatchy has the reporters that didn’t fall for the WMD bs being hyped by Cheney. I think they came over from the Knight Ridder group. One guy is Landay, and I’m blanking on the other guy’s name. They have been on Bill Moyer on PBS and put the other reporters of the Iraq was involved in 9/11 stories to shame for being Bush admin tools.

  208. DinkyP says:

    Not all Texans like or believe in Sarah or the GOP.
    Go to the June 11th 2009 article.

  209. Isabella says:

    Closet Mudpup “I listened to Andrew Halcro”

    Did he claim a spot as a governor nominee?

  210. honestyinGov says:

    4 UK Lady Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 1:49 AM
    Good dairy on Kos about right wing hate –
    Thanks for the link. Was reading some of the comments, Here is a link.
    It has some ‘moving action’. Wait for the link to enable.

  211. Isabella says:

    Oh and there is always that state you’re supposed to be governing…what’s it called? Alaska. Remember, you’re the governor of Alaska! Sure it’s only 626,932 people (not nearly as many as even one paltry Nielson point representing those watching as you desperately try to keep your media- contrived feud with Letterman alive on the Today Show so you do not peter out from the public eye for a nanosecond) but they are kinda like depending on you and stuff.

  212. Isabella says:

    ADN is pandering. They have lost every byline of credibility.

  213. Isabella says:

    sauerkraut “This comment will likely rankle a few ankles but here goes”

    Have you ever watched Penn and Teller, they are 1,000 times more informative. Entertaining also. Loved when they got people to sign a ban on water Their carbon credits episode is a classic

  214. Closet Mudpup says:

    I listened to Andrew Halcro last night on KBYR after Shannyn’s show – I think the host was Michael Method. Andrew’s perspective on the gas pipeline is that everything hinges on next years “open season.” This is not the first reference I’ve heard to “open season”, but from context I haven’t been able to pin down its meaning. Would anyone care to shed some light on that??

  215. UK Lady says:

    Aussie Blue Sky

    Thanks for the links – I somehow think Levi might get famous for more than being a baby daddy. He will be famous for being the one who spills the beans.

    Can’t really comment on Michael Morre, don’t know enough, but at least I’d heard of him and knew he was famous, more than can be said of that imbecile Zeigler.

  216. sauerkraut says:

    yeah, I know… but being under mommy’s roof is still the same as being under mommy’s roof, eh? All in the name of abstinence.

  217. Tealwomin says:

    sauerkraut …LOL…’he knocked up Sarah Palin’s daughter while mommy dearest was in the room next over.’

    correction: they were downstairs….LOL
    makes a big difference – don’t ya know

  218. sauerkraut says:

    This comment will likely rankle a few ankles but here goes…

    Michael Moore often is the id to rush limbaugh’s ego. They both use similar tactics to score cheap political points against the “opposing” side. I won’t watch him despite the likelihood of receiving several copies of his works for xmas, birthday and father’s day. I think some of Moore’s methods are below the belt and some of his “facts” are questionable.

  219. sauerkraut says:

    14 Aussie Blue Sky Says: June 14th, 2009 at 5:51 AM

    UK Lady, I posted you a comment that had two links in it [bummer]. One was, who have the video (currently on page 7) where Levi is offered the role of “the best-looking guy”.

    The other link was for If you enter Levi’s name you will see all fabulous 19 red carpet pics of him. It seems you can take the kid out of Wasilla …..

    … but his only claim to fame is that he knocked up Sarah Palin’s daughter while mommy dearest was in the room next over.

  220. sauerkraut says:

    5 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 1:53 AM

    Record field takes on the 17th Run for Women

    …. and where is Alaska’s most notorious female ‘runner’? She goes running in NY State but she doesn’t go running for breast cancer in Alaska.


    I’m curious… who is this woman?

  221. CO almost native says:

    Great topic- very relevant, Mr. Moore. I’ll be watching it with youngest daughter, who voted for Obama- not darling H, the conservative Repug. Hey, no one’s perfect 🙂

  222. Nobody does it better than Moore.
    He is truly a hero. Many of my favorite heroes cite Mr. Moore as being their hero as well so I am obviously in good company.
    Hi Asian!

  223. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    UK Lady, I posted you a comment that had two links in it [bummer]. One was, who have the video (currently on page 7) where Levi is offered the role of “the best-looking guy”.

    The other link was for If you enter Levi’s name you will see all fabulous 19 red carpet pics of him. It seems you can take the kid out of Wasilla …..

  224. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    UK Lady, since I stopped reading the odious Sheila Toomey’s nasty-azz column I’ve learned that she is rarely first with any news.

    I don’t want to imagine what quality of movie this might be but I sure hope Levi gets some excercise, a complete make-over and some lessons in how to dress himself. I want the Campaign Ken doll back.

  225. UK Lady says:

    Looks like young Levi is making some moves, article n ADN under Alaska Ear.

    WAIT, WAIT … Here’s real proof that hell has frozen over. During the big Letterman-Sarah flap, Levi Johnston was in Los Angeles, a petted and pampered guest at a women’s empowerment group event.


    Ear is not making this up. It’s called Go Girl Worldwide and is run by an actress wannabe named Jennifer Murphy, who also offered Levi a role in an unspecified upcoming movie.

    P.I./bodyguard Tank Jones went with him. He got offered a movie gig too.

    (See for the tape. And if you go to and click around for a while, you’ll find pictures of Levi, Tank and babes).

    Meanwhile, Anchorage attorney Rex Butler, the Svengali behind this whole “Being Levi Johnston” phenom, said his client has two book offers and two reality show offers under discussion. One of them is a reality hunting show.

  226. asiangrrlMN says:

    Tee hee. That promo is fuuuuuuunny. I like the new, slightly more gentle Michael Moore. Bring it.

  227. EyeOnYou says:

    ALL SARAH, ALL THE TIME … People running the Michael Reagan appearance here were a little nonplussed when Our Sarah showed up, prepared to speak, trailing her own “introducer,” right-wing radiomouth Eddie Burke. Apparently the right-wing radiomouth already on the program, Rick Rydell, wasn’t acceptable. Rick’s fans say it’s because he’s been known to utter a disparaging word about our governess, but who knows.

    Poor poor Sarah, worried that she might have the proper introduction for her introduction? She is always going to make it about her, above and beyond anything else, she wants to be the one in the spotlight.

  228. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @ 6 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 2:03 AM

    “It was the worst day of my life. …”

    Thank YOU for bringing that link! Very sad & profound article. Too bad, since “Eve Ate The Apple” so many radicals don’t consider the Woman/Mother’s life is valuable.

  229. EyeOnYou says:

    I was wondering if anyone who watched the Palin interveiw with Wolf Blitzer noticed that “faux pas” that Sarah made when discussing “missiles” and how it showed her lack of knowledge of even the most basic of information. Large and small missles instead of short range and long range missles? Seriously?

    I also noticed that a good portion of what she said was almost the exact same things she said to Hannity in her interview with him.

  230. Gramiam says:

    Beats the heck out of more trivial GINO news!! You ROCK, Michael!!

    Michael Moore, the carmudgeon who looks like your childhood teddy bear!

  231. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    CANNOT wait to see Michael Moore’s new pic. He is like an Alfred Hitchcock, in how you never know what horrors he will dredge up. Just seemingly ordinary little facts in our normal existence, then creeping into the nightmare, as normal people are confronting these days. Like “The Birds”. One, two, a few, seems so harmless, until scary sh!t starts pelting the windows at the formerly safe abode – provided the people still HAVE their abode & not booted out due to foreclosure. “This Time It’s Personal”, oh my!

  232. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    “It was the worst day of my life.

    My doctor described the day of my surgery as the worst in his professional career.

    This was in 2004 and my doctors were able to move quickly to save my life without worrying about breaking the law. My doctor knew the procedure and was willing to perform it; something that has already become rare and will be rarer still if doctors have to put their lives on the line to perform this life-saving medical procedure. If it’s you or your daughter, will you be so lucky?”

  233. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Record field takes on the 17th Run for Women

    A record field of 5,484 women and girls showed up Saturday morning for the annual race that raises money for the fight against breast cancer. They turned Anchorage Football Stadium into a colorful, jubilant mob scene bursting with stories of inspiration, grit and love.

    …. and where is Alaska’s most notorious female ‘runner’? She goes running in NY State but she doesn’t go running for breast cancer in Alaska.

  234. UK Lady says:

    Good dairy on Kos about right wing hate –

    Virtually all of us saw this surreal tone of anger and fear starting back in the campaign when Sarah Palin’s rhetoric of palling around with terrorists encouraged the nutjobs to spew their taunts and insults. When will she be held responsible for inciting the right wing fringe? The supposed liberal media today continues to give her relevancy and to promote her as a legitimate contender for 2012.

  235. Physicsmom says:

    I’ll have to prepare a little statement that I can tuck into the can if the trailer shows the next time I’m at the movies. Something like “I’ll give to your cause if you give my brother a job” or “I <3 B of A.” The possibilities are limitless.

  236. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    LOL Beethoven would approve wholeheartedly. 😉

    Whenever we hear of a major CEO down to his last few million, my husband and I look at each other and say, “What do you think? Should we sling him a few bucks?”

    We do indeed feel a great deal of sympathy for these people, but our program of giving never seems to have the flexibility to include them. We apologize.

  237. CCH says:

    If you haven’t seen this, the headline story over at ADN is:


    Can you believe this? The Palinbots are all over the place. I bet they knew the article was going to be there. It’s 2:00 a.m. PDT and the comments are flying.

    Now, I have to go to bed with a stomach ache!