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Open Thread – Lost in Translation

I just had to share this.  Whenever another blog links to Mudflats, I can see it from what I like to call “the back room.”    I don’t always check it, but tonight I did, and this one was right at the top…and looked kind of strange from what I could see, so I clicked.  It seems to be some sort of hiking website from Quebec.  It appears that the autotranslator tried to turn all your comments from the previous post into …. French and back?  I have no idea, but I was absolutely in stitches by the end of it.  I actually woke spouse up from sleeping on the couch with my fits of laughing and snorting.

I remember as a kid loving to read instructions from products made in Japan where they tried to translate to English.  My brother got some photographic equipment once, including a tray for the dark room.  One of the numbered directions said something like:

#3)  Bubbly makes to the several directions.

That one had us chuckling all night.  These are even better. 

It’s like laughing gas for word people. Enjoy!


GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 4:44 PM
Wonderful images above all.  Thank you above all.  That is so frenzied just about the DYF. Ga. above all In S. the botany people supplicate & castigate them DYC’s – above all Damn Yellow Composites.

Alaska Pi Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 4:58 PM
Lovely! Thanks AKM. Above all we deceive brown eyes, unseasoned eyes, cheesed misguided eyes and on and on. Our wildflowers here in Southeast Alaska are popping inoperative all as a remains as far.

Add UBRs to the generic out of doors listings- according to geologist sis it is Ubiquitous Black Rock or Ugly Black above all Rock depending on one’s orderliness of determine. Chocolate lilies, nuts wasteland iris, shooting heavenly body, all the Avens,wood violets, earth dogwood- on and on! If you Irish English colleen a favorite at Poseidon’s kingdom pure above all, hike up 1000 ft and go to pieces free down with up with them on earth more recently thawed.
Do folks in your hearten of the dignified start the summer’s as a remains!!!  Blues when fireweed blooms as they do here.?
Thanks again in the course of the pics.

weaver57 Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 4:12 PM
All the photos are skilled.

Gramiam Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 4:58 PM
Your pictures, as routine, are being in the course of the fervour, AKM. The fireweed is luxurious. They are so plucky and continue to greater. I inamorata luxurious weeds.

Wish they were all that means. And ditto #2 Visitor. Oh far, wishful cogitative.
I deceive to assent to just about weeds, weaver.

It is called Musk Thistle. We had one in Nebraska when I lived in Omaha that farmers and everybody else seemed to disdain. I recall it is a irritant, but it is so charming and such a vibrant color.  But here in So.Cal it’s a non-native fink.
mlaiuppa Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 5:10 PM
I accept in undeniable parts of the homeland, the pussywillow is a weed. We deceive one in our retaliation yard grown from a acrimonious brought from Connecticut. My Mother has agreed upon away cuttings and we deceive enjoyed the rework inoperative pussywillow branches in best arrangements in our neighbourhood. It’s been propagated in the course of 50 years.

For free-born.
One man’s weeds is another’s non-native about. They’re hugely high-priced if you play in them at a flourist and not as charming as our family grown ones.

When landscaping with the village weeds, we supplicate & castigate it drought tolerant landscaping. The maidservant brand drive me gaga with their foetor, but in the unsealed divine, they are luxurious (and not a crude pink/ red, I’m in seventh Fortunate to note).

the inconvenience infant Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 5:17 PM
Ah, I invent I could learn to inamorata nuts wasteland geraniums.
What a skilled dead ringer of the lone dandelion embryo! above all l inamorata dandelions, in the course of a disparity of reasons. Above all thank you again.

LiladyNY Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 5:21 PM
What charming pictures.

redwoodmuse Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 5:30 PM
Thanks AKM.

MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
June 14th, 2009 at 5:39 PM
I invent you’re rectify, AKM. The pictures are luxurious and Non-Standard real encouragement my spirits. above all The DYF pic looks equitable like the dwarf cinquefoil that is slowly but irrefutably crowding the blow gaff inoperative of my be conflicting act for sward.



327 Responses to “Open Thread – Lost in Translation”
  1. Lainey says:

    @Aussie Blue Sky #332

    At that point, I didn’t see an end in sight, so I just had to let it go, because I already told him I was done, and didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of pulling me back in.
    Isn’t he just typical of what we’ve found out there?
    provoke provoke provoke, insult, bully with your loudest, most unreasonable voice, but have no substance or solutions…argghhhh
    however aggravating those people are, arguing for the sake of digging in with your challenges never works for me. see what we’re up against in the political arena?

  2. nebraska mudflatter says:


    prayers to you and your family. i also had a brain injury last year, and it is tough. but getting into a good rehab facility that specializes in brain injury can make a world of difference (we have one here in Lincoln). rest and lots of loving support is what it takes. i’ll be thinking of all of you lots.

  3. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Lainey, I’m disappointed that his raving at you for video evidence didn’t make you ask him for video evidence of the daughter at the Yankees game. 😉

  4. Lainey says:

    I was confronted on Ed Schultz’s blog tonight …very briefly because I ended it…this idiot was trying to coerce me into keeping his argument going. It’s no wonder we can’t agree to disagree with those palin types OR that we can ever come to a compromise. My God…how belligerent! Why are they always members of the Conserv (fundie), Repug movement?
    here’s the link for fun reading….please don’t engage with this guy…that’s what he wants…it seems they will bark out anything to get your reaction! what a marroon! scary to think these people are our neighbors, our kids teachers, our bosses, our clergy, or the guy driving next to you on the freeway! yikes!

  5. Lainey says:

    just finished watching Letterman…to me, he did seem a little distracted tonight, even after he apologized… I did like what Dave said about intent vs perception…we all know palin has none!
    that palin is one spoiled bratty control freak…she’s probably gloating over this! isn’t there something that works, like garlic or holy water?…bonfire? anyone? anyone?

  6. Nan says:

    Say No to Palin in Politics:

    Love the picture that accompanies this article though. Specially the hair!


  7. Bretta says:

    #309, June 15th, 2009 at 8:37 PM, sauerkraut Says: “”to RedwoodMuse, And great idea on contributing to the Wasilla Rape Crisis Center… that’ll really get her goat.””

    Ehhhh- SP would just twist to make like she contributed the money – DL would get totally shoved out of the picture. She would spin it to make herself holy.

    I am also praying for a complete recovery, RedwoodMuse.

  8. mlaiuppa says:

    Found siskind’s post. What a piece of work.

    And found another post on the whole fire letterman thing.

    Do you know who is behind

    Michael Patrick Leahy.

    Total whacko right wing evangelical nutjob. Really. Right down there with Ziegler.

    I’m not sure but the name sounds familiar. Was he the one that was singlehandedly crucifying Gore by releasing lies about his energy use?

  9. Bretta says:

    #245, June 15th, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Paula Says: “”Its people like her who make me repulsed by GOP and Christians everywhere. Years ago I attended church and taught Sunday school, after all… I don’t (and won’t) even have a Bible in my house.”””

    Me, too. Well Said.

  10. nswfm CA says:

    Does anyone else think this is a ploy to feed her AFTrust? Who can see an accounting of that trust?

  11. wasillawarrior says:

    Countdown has the today show interview with Keith’s commentary. Palin is such an idot.
    It’s so embarrassing as a state to have to recognize that as our Governor. What a self promoting dip….wow she really has no bounds.

  12. Lee323 says:

    310 mlaiuppa Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:46 PM
    Can’t find Amy Sisskind’s post on Huffington. Will keep looking. That link didn’t work.
    Looking at my previous post, it looks like the ” l” on the end of the link didn’t transfer. If this doesn’t work, the Siskind blog is on the front page of HuffPo on the left side near the bottom.

  13. justafarmer says:

    @ nswfm CA:
    no, no, no…
    DH ran over my dog. Hogger is still alive but he’s limping on the left hind leg and there’s something totally weird going on with his entire rear end (it’s like he’s sashaying). But he’s not in pain, we’ve gone hiking in the woods and Hogger is always running/limping ahead of me.
    Waiting for the next DH unemployment check this week and I’ll take Hogger to the vet if he’s not better. Hogger is putting weight on the leg now and he is literally running (and wanting to jump the fence, but I’m a protective mom screaming “no!!!!”)
    Off to bed for me soonest and Hogger is either in the suitcase or on the floor next to my side of the bed, (Hogger’s safe place is the suitcase and I have a photo of him there, I’ll post it tomorrow in the Forum.)

  14. Paula says:

    and this from the Hiltons:

    contact Kendra Walker at or call her at 310-205-4017. You may also contact Sarah Unger/Emanate PR at 212-805-8010 or Allie Valasek/Ruder Finn at 212-593-5825 .

  15. Paula says:

    From my Inbox:

    Thanks for your email. Embassy Suites was never a sponsor or advertiser of the David Letterman show. Several online ads appeared on a series of web sites, including, among many others. These ads are no longer in rotation on as a normal course of our ad placement strategy. We sincerely appreciate your email.

    Dawn Ray, Embassy Suites Hotels

  16. Paula says:

    Going to TRY to sleep. More Tuesday!

  17. Paula says:

    Nothing Dave has done will curtail his or anyone else’s first amendment rights.
    Crossing fingers and anxiously awaiting top 10 things you can do to piss off the Palins (or piss on, either way).

  18. Paula says:

    self-promoting slime, John Zieghiler, will be there.
    In the front row looking like a one man gay pride parade to be sure. These conservative fellows are always the real pervs. Palin was offended by Lettermans joke but doesn’t seem offended by the pervs who do you know what at night thinking of her thigh high boots…

  19. mlaiuppa says:

    Can’t find Amy Sisskind’s post on Huffington. Will keep looking. That link didn’t work.

    As for Letterman muzzling late night comics, don’t believe it. He may have apologized but he is still in control of the ball. It’s not over. Whether Palin shuts up or goes ballistic, it’s not over. Nothing Dave has done will curtail his or anyone else’s first amendment rights.

    Be patient.

  20. Paula says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:38 PM
    Justafarmer, Did you just say your husband killed your dog on Friday? I’m sorry
    UGH. I hope not, too, but if so, weep, tears, sorry!

  21. pearl89 says:

    Did anyone else hear Rebecca Mansour on Dan Fagan’s radio show? When he asked her if she thought Palin deserved any of the blame for this mess with Letterman by parading her children all over the media, I thought she was going to blow a gasket. She got all tongue tied and I bet if there had been video available her face would have been bright red.

    OT…the Palinbots intend to go on with the protest tomorrow. What time does Letterman tape his show? I thought I heard 5pm somewhere. Wonder if any of the audience members will show up with signs in support of Letterman. Also wonder if any of the businesses around the theater will protest the protesters. Also, wonder if that self-promoting slime, John Zieghiler, will be there.

  22. Paula says:

    kraut- you wouldn’t beleive me if I told you! We have had up to 5 BIG dogs at a time, 24 cats, a herd of cows, a pet skunk, a hawk, goats, sheep, horses, oh man you name it. The stories… but it’s late and we’d need a lot of drinks (and pain pills for the side stitches).

  23. nswfm CA says:

    Justafarmer, Did you just say your husband killed your dog on Friday? I’m sorry.

  24. sauerkraut says:

    Hoping for a complete recovery, Redwoodmuse.

    And great idea on contributing to the Wasilla Rape Crisis Center… that’ll really get her goat.

  25. Closet Mudpup says:


    My best energy to you and your family – I know such crises are emotionally draining. Don’t overlook taking good care of yourself.

  26. sauerkraut says:

    Paula… I’ll be polite and not ask what you’ve “done” with a dog. …

  27. sauerkraut says:

    Rush needs to stick a bag of ice down his ample pants to help control his excitement. Either that or he needs to stop popping those dayum viagra’s.

  28. Paula says:

    Dogs…been there done that. I’d take a skunk over a porcupine any day!

  29. Paula says:

    Speaking of a fat cancer, Limbaugh said:

    Conservatives are the single largest ideology group in America. Forty percent of Americans call themselves conservative. The number of moderates is 35%. Liberals are 21% and 22% of Democrats call themselves conservative. This is why the left is afraid of Sarah Palin, folks, this is why they’re trying to destroy her. Nobody else on the Republican side excites the Republican base like she does. I don’t mean to insult anybody out there. Some great people on our side, but this ought to have specific impact here on our conservative media which is wandering off the reservation continually saying we gotta get rid of Reagan.

  30. justafarmer says:

    Fortunately, no dogs involved with the skunk (this time!).
    The one dog who revels in skunk encounters is the one who DH ran over with his truck on Friday while I was out of town. I still remember when Hogger was just uner a year old and came trotting proudly through one of the fields with a skunk in his jaws and we were all screaming “drop it! drop it! drop it!!!!!!!”

  31. Closet Mudpup says:


    I found this musical stab from the past last night – it’s one of my favorite albums from that era. If you like it, I’ll post a link to a channel that has the whole album posted in 4 parts.

    Boz Skaggs – Runnin’ Blue (from Boz Skaggs and Band – 1971)

  32. justafarmer says:

    still sending prayers

  33. Paula says:

    posted by ‘ Anonymous ‘

    UGH, might not even trust it then. Could be a cpacker wet dream wish list.
    I’ll await a legit source before sending what little money there is to expell.

  34. Paula says:

    redwoodmoose, good karma being sent, brain injuries are a tuffy, know that one first hand. Rehab means SO much in a brain injury, I think it has about 1 years to relearn, so be sure to tell daughter to fight to get him there and keep him there. That first year means a lot, everything, really. Stay strong! Go brain!

  35. honestyinGov says:

    Paula, (about your question earlier )
    I posted the list of names of the Charities that Dave contributes to and the filters grabbed it. I don’t see that it has ever shown up though.

    If you go to Regina’s Palingates and look at the comments from this morning on her first story there is a partial list there. It was posted by ‘ Anonymous ‘ so I don’t know where to get the rest of the List. Start there though.

  36. austintx says:

    redwoodmuse – a very cautious “yay”……sounds like the situation has made progress……..good thoughts coming your way…….

  37. redwoodmuse says:

    Just checking in folks. Thanks to those who have asked after my son-in-law. His brain has stopped bleeding, but is still very swollen and his stats are all over the place. The doctors were going to let the sedation wear off today, but he is still to unstable so they plan to keep him sedated for the entire week. Lots of healing is going to him and he is a strong young man. We are hoping and praying that this down time will allow his body to heal. But, there is no way to assess the damage until he stabilizes. My daughter has lots of support around her and we are on the phone a couple of times a day. She wants me to wait to go down there ‘for when I really need you.’ It is hard but I’m staying busy. Have redoubled my work to create more income since it is likely that they will come up here and stay with us after he finishes the first bout of rehab. Thanks again to everyone for all their prayers and healing thoughts.
    Read about the Palin/Letterman feud still going on. Loved Shannyn’s List. Had a great idea (well, I think it is a great idea)…since SP is such a hypocrite about supporting women’s rights to be free of rape and sex abuse, perhaps DL could make a very public contribution to the Wasilla Rape Crisis Center or a similar organization. “Having seen the horrific statistics of abuse, I knew that I could help by making a donation. It is a good cause and should be supported.” etc.
    He’s a generous man by all accounts and the rape stats speak for themselves. If SP isn’t going to do anything but histrionically fake mavericky faux outrage about a word that came FROM HER HUSBAND ABOUT THEIR DAUGHTER, (how sick is that?), then perhaps DL should set an example of what *can* be done when one has the will and the funds. Just saying…


  38. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see GINO’s response on the People site as they are in bed with her

  39. Paula says:

    Well, I got my desire to write back. I’ve been in a dry spell (thus all my time online talking about Bimbo and her Bimbettes).

  40. austintx says:

    nebraska mudflatter………….

  41. Paula says:

    Lots and lots of soap farmer. Tomaote jouice help, but soap, water and time are better. Hold ja nose honey!

  42. justafarmer says:

    AMEN from me, Paula!

  43. justafarmer says:

    nebraska mudfllatter, I’ce got skunk smell to high heaven tonight
    Hoping the rains coming tonight will be enough to knock down the stench…

  44. Paula says:

    Palin, an elected government official, has violated David Letterman’s 1st Amendment rights under the cover of phony indignation

    Can I get an AMEN?

  45. Paula says:

    nebraska mudflatter Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:05 PM
    This is getting weird. Last week during Letterman’s first apology, literally as it was happening, a skunk sprayed the house outside of the the tv room. Then tonight, during his monologue (but before his second apology) a raccoon was outside the tv room window, skulking about furtively until the dog noticed him. Very weird indeed.
    No, not really, Palin always brings out the stink, stank & stunk and the creepy things with glowing eyes. Makes perfect sense to me.

  46. justafarmer says:

    lol at the poohpooh, Paula!

  47. Paula says:

    Now I cannot sleep at all. This woman is going down, down, down, straight to hell where she belongs. The wrath of PoohPooh has begun! UUURRRRRRRGG.

  48. nebraska mudflatter says:

    This is getting weird. Last week during Letterman’s first apology, literally as it was happening, a skunk sprayed the house outside of the the tv room. Then tonight, during his monologue (but before his second apology) a raccoon was outside the tv room window, skulking about furtively until the dog noticed him. Very weird indeed.

  49. Liz I. says:

    Must bring this comment over from the NY Times article about tonight’s Letterman apology. This sounds like a Mudflatter:

    “I’m glad Dave took the high road–maybe it’ll put an end to this.
    Mrs. Palin wouldn’t know the high road unless it went to nowhere.
    — Gladys”

  50. austintx says:

    sauerkraut – sigh…….yup……I’m right there with ya…..he wussed out to a psycho-billy twat.

  51. Karin in CT says:

    Off to bed with a HUGE smile on my face.

    Thanks kids!

  52. sauerkraut says:

    In my view, Palin, an elected government official, has violated David Letterman’s 1st Amendment rights under the cover of phony indignation due to a slutty flight attendant joke. And David Letterman has allowed her to violate not only his, but all comedians’, 1st Amendment rights. That’s a real shame. Letterman is now a certifiable wimp.

  53. Closet Mudpup says:


    Lol – we’ve got them covered.

  54. austintx says:

    271 rebekkah Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 7:38 PM
    Yes, the clip of SP laughing during that interview about Lyda Green should be exposed to as many as possible. I just could not believe it when I saw it; it defies logic, as to how anyone would just sit back and laugh and not defend the woman. I would hope that the major networks would pick this up.
    Well – why don’t we all just fire off e-mail’s with the link individually to Lance Armstrong at :

    He sure the F^*K doesn’t think cancer is a laughing matter.

  55. justafarmer says:

    Paula, I found soooo much purple stuff…
    I kept under the $15 but there was ONE thing I couldn’t resist (it cost $3.52) but the weight is gonna kill me on postage, I’m pretty sure!

  56. sauerkraut says:

    I am disappointed.

    Letterman apologized.

  57. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Apology has aired which means the blogs, facebood, myspace, etc. will be burning up once again.

  58. austintx says:

    BTW folks…..that’s a fun link to play around on and see who donates to who……..

  59. rebekkah says:

    Yes, the clip of SP laughing during that interview about Lyda Green should be exposed to as many as possible. I just could not believe it when I saw it; it defies logic, as to how anyone would just sit back and laugh and not defend the woman. I would hope that the major networks would pick this up.

  60. austintx says:

    Closet Mudpup……….Hahahaha…………we be on the same wavelength !!

  61. Closet Mudpup says:


    Right after McCain targeted Paris Hilton last summer with the “Obama is a celebrity” commercial, it quickly came to light that the Hiltons – much to McCain’s chagrin – had contributed $2300/ea to his campaign.

  62. austintx says:

    Kathy Hilton is Republican. Remember how pissed she was when McCain ran the commercial with Paris and Britney , trying to compare Obama to them ?? Said she did not want her donation going for something “completely frivolous”.

  63. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this would be funny if it is true………(Jon and Kate makes 8) hey she really did call Carry.

    “Alleged homewrecker Jon Gosselin has allegedly been receiving counseling from Sarah Palin, a woman who could probably use counseling herself. Sarah allegedly felt sorry for the media treatment that Jon was receiving because she knows what it’s like to be bashed endlessly.”

  64. Bretta says:

    #257, June 15th, 2009 at 7:12 PM, Paula Says: “”Why hasn’t Sarah apologized to her?” What’s fair is fair. Dave apoligized. Maybe SHE could do a Letterman interview. Talk about her experience with cancer then show the clip of godless Palin laughing at her.””

    I hope I hope I hope

  65. Lee323 says:

    231 Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 5:56 PM
    “I cannot believe NOW has come out in support of Palin’s garbage”
    I agree that NOW and Amy Siskind, the founder of the feminist “New Agenda,” have really blown it on this whole Letterman-Palin brouhaha.

    Siskind has a post on HuffPo where she supports Palin with rhetoric about a new feminism “wave” that she sums up like this: “Gone is “anti-male”. In fact, this wave is hardly anti anything.”

    Now, I’m all for pushing for new sensibility of the power of language in society….or a renewed passion for equality and respect, regardless of sex, race etc……but making Palin the centerpiece of a “hardly anti anything” new wave of feminism is patently absurd, not to mention hypocritical and cynical.

    Palin is “anti-everything” that does not conform with her own theocratic and xenophobic views and politics. She is: anti-choice; anti-sex education; anti-feminism; anti-gay rights; anti-intellectual; anti-free speech; anti-native rights; anti-separation of church and state; anti-global warming; etc. etc. etc.

    Letterman’s joke is a drop in the bucket as far as endangering this country or it’s women/girls. Palin’s views and those like her are the real danger. I’m disgusted by the feminist organizations for using Palin’s notoriety as a way to pump up their own publicity and rhetoric. I predict that they will come to regret it.

  66. Paula says:

    Back to bed, I am sure they’ll be ex clips to watch in the am. Hope Clobert, Stewart, Maher and KO come through for Dave. This is SO out of hand.

  67. Paula says:

    Oh, don’t we know that about the Hiltons. I mean, look at their girls. They’d get along fine with Bristol and Palin. Except the Hiltons are actually classier than the Wasilla Hillbillies, so maybe not!

  68. Paula says:

    Oh, farmer, the purple stuff, really hard to find things in that color isn’t it?

  69. Isabella says:

    Paula “Let the Hiltons know you’ll be sleeping elseware:”

    The Hilton’s are Democrats. This is a publicity ploy.

  70. Paula says:

    I emailed it. And I may write my first post for HP Tuesday. Print it? Maybe, who knows? But I may just write it. Ventttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

  71. austintx says:

    Here is where I would like to be on 7-11. And yell “Palin” real loud and watch some serious ass demolition !!

  72. justafarmer says:

    wrapping up my purple swap thingies tonight.
    Off to the PO tomorrow morning.
    I suspect postage is going to cost almost as much as the purple stuff, 🙂

  73. Paula says:

    Why hasn’t Sarah apologized to her?” What’s fair is fair. Dave apoligized.

    Maybe SHE could do a Letterman interview. Talk about her experience with cancer then show the clip of godless Palin laughing at her.

  74. Paula says:

    Show Palin in her true color mode. Who is the sick ticket here? Letterman is a comic for geez sakes, he’s not a politician. The only thing making me feel better here is knowing it’s this vile personality, like on the trail, that will assure that door stays SLAMMED in her face. No one needs her hate.

  75. honestyinGov says:

    # 250 Paula Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:58 PM

    Someone needs to send the HP a clip of Palin laughing at a “less attractive” cancer survivor.
    That Radio DJ clip was posted on Progressive Alaska on the Sunday post. I directed and linked to it a couple of times today from HP. Some else said Regina (Palingates ) I think had a link as well.
    Shannyn or AKM wold be the ones to get it on Huffpo I would think. They regularly post there…. so have the connections to do that. You are Right… her laughing at the cancer survivor if seen/heard by all America could not be excused. As I posted to the Newsday comments today.. ” Why hasn’t Sarah apologized to her?” What’s fair is fair. Dave apoligized.

  76. Paula says:

    austintx- I say have Bill Maher attack her. And the rest should follow, join forces with an attack SP operation. Over and over and over again. An SNL skit with Tina would finish the week.

  77. justafarmer says:

    ooh yeah, Ron White!

  78. Canadian Neighbour says:

    You can send it Paula. There is a place on the right side of the page for sending to them. Scroll down to Send A Tip. Explain what it is and send the link

  79. austintx says:

    238 justafarmer Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:23 PM
    As an Appalachian hillbilly, I take MAJOR offense.
    As for Jeff Foxworthy, he would chew her up and spit her out … and she would believe she scored major points!
    Out of the “redneck” comedians , I say unleash Ron White. I’ve seen him live and he would mess with her mind good.

  80. honestyinGov says:

    # 242
    Isabella Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:45 PM
    Anyone have a quick link or copy paste of Letterman�s charity donations?
    I saw a comment posted on Palingates with a list. Not sure where it came from because they said the total list was over two pages. This is what they posted.
    (Posted by anonymous) Don’t know where the full list is.

    David Letterman is the President and primary contributor to American Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming. This unlike name is the name of his foundation which has donated nearly $2.5 million dooars in a four year total to a number of organizations. Below is just a partial list of some of the causes that Letterman has supported (to be compared with Sarah Palin’s record, above):

    Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation
    Special Olympics of Indian
    Marion County Children’s Gaurdian Home
    Indiana School for the Deaf
    Riley Children’s Foundation
    University of Indianapolis Center for Aging and Community
    Choteau Youth Special Olympics, in Montana and Montana Special Olympics
    Michael J. Fox Foundation
    Larry King Cardiac Foundation
    Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camp (for disabled children)
    Breast Cancer Foundation
    Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
    Doctors without Borders
    The actual list is 2 full pages long!

  81. Paula says:

    Someone needs to send the HP a clip of Palin laughing at a “less attractive” cancer survivor. God, there have got to be some affair photos somewhere, or nudes, or something… folks need to start bringing this stuff out, for money… call a tabloid for christs sake.

  82. Trini says:

    Pepperzmom, I hope everything turns out ok. Spider bites can take on a life of their own. I hope you don’t have any necrotic tissue. I killed a spider today in my office and thought of you. It was one of those jumping spiders that have 4 eyes. Scary!

  83. justafarmer says:

    John Oliver on Jon Stewart regarding the Iran elections:
    the Soccer Imams.

  84. Seattle Snowflake says:

    Google “tardive dyskinesia.” Or maybe she just has chapped lips.

  85. Paula says:

    I swear, I could spit nails. Its people like her who make me repulsed by GOP and Christians everywhere. Years ago I attended church and taught Sunday school, after all this “Godly wars” crape etc. I don’t (and won’t) even have a Bible in my house. These right wingers have gone insane. They have perverted all that is right and good. Time for a war. I’m putting on my combat boots. Enough is enough!

  86. mlaiuppa says:

    This in from New York Magazine via Huffington Post:

    “The very public spat between Sarah Palin and David Letterman has evolved into a kind of symbiotic relationship, providing Palin an excuse to hold numerous TV interviews, and Letterman with a well-timed ratings boost. It’s worked out great for everyone except Willow Palin, who, if we know 14-year-olds, isn’t enjoying hearing constantly about being hypothetically raped by A-Rod. Luckily, just as the controversy was petering out on its own, a group has organized a rally outside Letterman’s studio for 4:30 p.m. tomorrow to demand that the comedian be fired for a joke similar to one told by Jay Leno nine months ago. It’s being led by New York State assemblyman Brian Kolb, freelance TV legal analyst Gwendolyn Lindsay-Jackson, and radio host and documentarian John Ziegler. Now, we know what you’re thinking: Didn’t John Ziegler once go on a dating show and make the extremely misogynistic claim that an informed and rational woman is an oxymoron, and isn’t he therefore an odd choice to lead this protest? Yup! ”

    I had forgotten that. Not only did Sarah laugh along with the radio hosts calling a cancer survivor a “cancer” and a “b¡tch” but John Ziegler made those truly misogynistic remarks and he’s….leading the parade?

    Man, you just can’t make this stuff up.

    You think Letterman will have the cameras pan in on Ziegler, then show the clip from the dating show? Man, that would be priceless. And a ratings boost. And skewer Palin. A threefer.

  87. honestyinGov says:

    Stewart and Colbert coming up in less than 5 minutes. They HAVE TO cover this.

    And I hope Colbert sends some of those Reporters he has out to the Protest tomorrow with some video cameras. They reported on the ‘Tea-Baggers’ and it was Hilarious !!!

  88. Paula says:

    Causes supported
    At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Children, Education

    Contacting David Letterman
    You may be able to contact David Letterman using the Contact Any Celebrity service.

    Our advice on how to contact celebrities »
    Charities supported
    David Letterman has supported the following charities:

    American Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming

  89. Isabella says:

    Anyone have a quick link or copy paste of Letterman’s charity donations?

  90. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Of course, like typical CNN, Anderson Cooper’s show just spoke of the apology but added that they have reached out to the Governor’s office for a comment but they have not responded. ENOUGH FLIPPING ALREADY — GEEEEESH

  91. Paula says:

    Geez, just woke up from an awkward sleep to find this! dave did it, said the big I’m Sorry. Wonder if Palin will now say she’s sorry for calling him a pervert, child raper, etc. Ha, we know THAT will never hapen.

    She is the only person in the country who can create such hatefilled activity and division. Over a joke?

    Call me whatever you want, but I hope Willow IS prenant, maybe to Levi? Or comes out of the closet on Letterman or some such thing.

    This woman is clearly insane and, though I generally have nothing but compassion for mental health, in her case, I hope she crashes and burns a tabloid cover horrid fate.

  92. Sourdough Mullet says:

    So KTUU just aired a story on the 6PM news (for at least the second time today) about the “Conservatives 4 Palin” fundraising. It discusses her “huge” legal bills, shows the C4P website, and how to click to donate. Then they interviewed Kristan Cole (Sarah’s high school buddy, Board of Ag document shredder/appointee and Palin Fund Trust overseer). The whole thing amounts to a shamelessly biased free advertisment for C4P. They talked about the Conservative bloggers who are supporting Palin, but I think they should give equal time to the bloggers like AKM and Shannyn that are supporting Alaskans by demanding some integrity from our elected officials. How about it?

  93. justafarmer says:

    As an Appalachian hillbilly, I take MAJOR offense.
    As for Jeff Foxworthy, he would chew her up and spit her out … and she would believe she scored major points!

  94. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    nswfm CA Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:19 PM
    Did Exxons fine just get upheld for the Valdez?
    No, but they were ordered to pay interest on it while it was still in play. I’m sure they’ll appeal – again.

  95. ds55 says:

    @ honestyinGov #233: Nope, I’m not Sandi.

  96. nswfm CA says:

    Did Exxons fine just get upheld for the Valdez?

  97. Star says:

    OMG this just gets funnier and funnier…Scarah’s groupies now want Lettermans head..The apology still isn’t good enoug…These hillbillies are soooo fun to watch…LMAO

  98. honestyinGov says:

    # 229 ds55 Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 5:34 PM
    Hooray for Shannyn’s “Top Ten Reasons” list on HuffPo!
    I posted it on Facebook for the “Fire Letterman” rally group and immediately attracted a personal attack. It really gets ‘em going, that’s for sure.
    Were you ‘Sandi ‘ over on that Newsday webpage as well..?
    Someone posted Shannyns Top Ten there and the Sarasites stopped posting and ran away. Those ‘ facts ‘ can be soooooo confusing for them.

  99. seattlefan says:

    I’ve been thinking about this whole cluster*&$% all day and I just can’t believe all the hooplah. The joke was about Bristol who is 18. We have heard the same kind of jokes about Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and numerous other young women by late night comedians. All you heard was laughter…….no outrage. What is going on here and why are the righties just now becoming enraged about these jokes? Did Sarah make a statement condemning the racsist remark made about Michelle Obama yesterday?

    Has NOW just awakened to these kind of jokes? Why weren’t they condemning this kind of humor for as long as I can remember. Just asking. The hypocrisy is astounding.

  100. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I cannot believe NOW has come out in support of Palin’s garbage. I just sent them two emails, let them know I will NEVER again renew my membership, and NEVER again donate to their organization. If they cannot do their research and see what an horror she is regarding womens issues, then screw them. It is not hard to see her record on budget cuts to any and all organizations that helped women. Not to mention charging victims for rape kits in wasilla (meaning most of them could not afford to press charges on the rapes). My generation worked so hard, endured so much pain and ridicule to gain equal rights for women – and Palin threatens to wipe it all out and set us back 50 years. I watched as Afghanistani and Iranian women gaine,d then lost all of their rights – they are now in berkas, and stoned for daring to speak to men who are not relatives. So I believe it CAN happen here. Palin in power? Welcome to the American Taliban. We must fight this. We must educate our daughters too – they do not remember when we were not equal. Can anyone tell I am spittin’ mad right now?

  101. mlaiuppa says:

    I rather like the Gawker comment that Dave should put on a Holiday Inn shirt and do a few promos for them. In joke only a few would get.

    He is going to be relentless.

    I may have to start taping him regularly.

  102. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    #217 crystalwolf aka caligrl

    Thanks for the update on RedWoodMuse.

    And PepperzMom(GA), I’m counting on that antibiotic doing the trick for that spider bite. Take care.

  103. ds55 says:

    Hooray for Shannyn’s “Top Ten Reasons” list on HuffPo!
    I posted it on Facebook for the “Fire Letterman” rally group and immediately attracted a personal attack. It really gets ’em going, that’s for sure.

  104. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Isabella — it’s better for Dave to freeze her out — not invite her!! She’ll then try to turn it around and look the fool.

    He just watched tape and was laughing!!
    As father – it was flawed
    As comedian – when you do every night it happens. He apologized.
    If Palin asked Jeff should she go on show – he says yes – that makes her bigger! We all make mistakes

    ( NOOOOOO!)

  105. Isabella says:

    mlaiuppa “The only difference being….Sarah Palin will NOT be invited on Late Night with David Letterman. Ever.”

    Oh no, he wants her there.

  106. Isabella says:

    Hmmmmm, iceberg is mentioned? Is there tape out there of Palin, saying such things out loud?

  107. mlaiuppa says:

    That isn’t going to help.

    Now someone will ask Palin again how she feels about Dave’s second apology. The one in which he not only apologizes but says the required words “I’m sorry”.

    And she’ll go off on a raving lunatic rant again.

    And this time no amount of Palinbot e-mail or teabagger protests will get David Letterman to apologize a third time. He won’t be fired. And he will be relentless in dissing Palin every chance he gets. But he’ll be very cunning about it. He will tear her apart and she won’t be able to do a thing about it. Because Dave is a master at this.

    Just ask John McCain.

    The only difference being….Sarah Palin will NOT be invited on Late Night with David Letterman. Ever.

  108. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    PepperzMom, hang in there. Those bites from those “dirty” spiders that carry those bugs on them generally have a good outcome here.

  109. honestyinGov says:

    Whoever ‘ Sandi ‘ is (maybe a Mudpuppy) she posted ALL of the Top Ten from Shannyn’s blog on The Newsday link that had DL’s apology on it.

    Whether by coincidence or not… they sure got quiet and left. No sign of them now.
    I guess that big loooooooonnng list of facts scared them off.

  110. Isabella says:

    rebekkah “If the Palin supporters’ demonstration goes through, it’s going to backfire on the Gov.”

    Very true. They should go to the U.N. with their parade.

  111. Isabella says:

    Canadian Neighbour, are you watching can you relay what redneck guy says?

  112. rebekkah says:

    If the Palin supporters’ demonstration goes through, it’s going to backfire on the Gov. With real-life issues impacting Americans right now, “real” people are going to get fed up with this stretched-out soap opera drama. Enough is enough with this whimpering victimized drama queen. The Sarah followers (over-reaction) could be the future cause of her political demise. If she wants to protect the little integrity she’s got left, she’d be smart to publicly disassociate from them.

  113. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 4:46 PM

    Cali, have you heard from, RedWoodMuse?
    Izzy, last I heard, I think it was on either yesterday’s open thread (?) that her SIL swelling was down to 10. And that was good b/c it had been to 25. But I am suspecting she took a flight down here to San Jose, just a guess on my part, they are probably evaluating and doing testing on him. Hopefully she will contact us, or have someone contact us. Until then we send Prayer’s{{{♥}}}

  114. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Larry King is on. One of his guests is Jeff Foxworthy and the intro was he’ll be asking him what he thinks of the Palin/Letterman feud.

    Campbell Brown just had a panel of 4 people discussing it.

    Man oh man

  115. austintx says:

    Here is another Rethug racist…………comments as always are funny.

  116. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 4:14 PM

    I had to ad my 2 cents as well. Gave a shout out to Progressive Alaska suggesting they watch the Youtube clip from Sunday of the DJ’s and Sarah yucking it up over the lady that had cancer and calling her a B***h. Sarah never gave Her an apology….?
    The youtube your referring too, I posted on Shannyn’s blog today. I know this blog used to be able to have youtubes don’t know if they can now, but you can always find that you tube at palingates
    under the category “victims”.

    I am not happy Letterman aplogized to her. But I guess they told him it was PC. But didn’t GINO say screw PC????
    Screw her!

  117. Isabella says:

    Cali, have you heard from, RedWoodMuse?

  118. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    PepperzMom (GA) Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 2:02 PM

    Well after the medically messy day I had today, all courtesy of a pesky spider bite…still, I have to say that for me, laughter is, indeed, the best medicine for me now.

    Lordy, that translator sounds like it inhabits the little grey cell space of SP: underfiltered and overexposed!

    As for mr. spider bite & me…am now on a 3 day IV drip of a very very very strong antibiotic that is normally administered under direct dr’s control and for very narrow reasons. If this doesn’t work? Sigh…
    I’m so sorry to hear this 🙁 But I’m glad the Dr. is taking a proactive approach, he has probably lanced and cultured it today? It will take a couple of days for the culture.
    I hope this works for you! Spider bites are so overlooked by everyone, but they are deadly! Does the Dr. have any idea what spider it could of been?
    My thought would be brown recluse spider?

  119. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    It stands to reason that Letterman would do something to make the stupid cow to put a lid on it. Neither had a point to make, after all.

    I’m still waiting for any evidence at all that Willow was at the game. Everyone – including the media – is ASSuming she was there. No media has produced one iota of evidence.

  120. Isabella says:

    Closet Mudpup “I don’t think Letterman’s apology is going to end this kerfuffle.”

    Loving Palin thinks she won in the big time.. more delusion, more inflated enetitlement…next time she’ll slap a rape on someone who will hit her back.

    Gonna be bloody.

  121. Closet Mudpup says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    I agree – Palin would be a fool to stick her nose back into this. But that doesn’t mean that for a second I don’t believe she will.

    My prediction: The Ziegler crowd will persist, protesting that DL’s apology wasn’t broad enough and is further evidence of his sexism. Palin will see a sympathetic crowd and the opportunity to incite with her divisive vitriol, and I think she will be powerless to resist her true nature and will be mouthing off again tomorrow. 😉

  122. Isabella says:

    LOl, the Embassy Suites is owned by HILTONs. Claiming they are for family values against Dave, yet their namesake is a TABLOID SLUT with DUII’s, SEX TAPES, PROMISCUOUS SEX and TAWDRY LIFESTYLE no way they are offend by a stupid joke. Embassy is trying to gain press by jumping on Palin’s publicity whre tour.

  123. austintx says:

    Doesn’t Todd brag that he is a stay at home Dad ??

  124. honestyinGov says:

    # 194
    the problem child Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 2:43 PM
    Letterman — explicit apology. Nips those protests in the bud, I’d say.
    I read the story and the comments there appear to be from the same Sarasites that follow People and US Weekly tabloid type readers. lots of DL bashing. I had to ad my 2 cents as well. Gave a shout out to Progressive Alaska suggesting they watch the Youtube clip from Sunday of the DJ’s and Sarah yucking it up over the lady that had cancer and calling her a B***h. Sarah never gave Her an apology….?
    Also the first guy that felt he had to ‘defend Todd’ because Dave made fun of him. Couldn’t let that go. Pointed out how Todd has embarrassed Willow with the ‘R ‘ word. (which was never said-till he linked her with/to it).
    How will Willow feel when she has to go back to school…. you think her Classmates won’t talk about Her. Yeah… poooooor Toad. Father of the Year.

    Based on the transcript… It sounded like the audience really applauded Dave with his apology.

  125. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Closet Mudpup,

    If she picks this up and continues it, it will then be on her as he will have apologized on air tonight.

    The Embassy Suite ads pulled were from the CBS website. They don’t advertise on the TV show.

  126. Closet Mudpup says:

    the problem child

    I don’t think Letterman’s apology is going to end this kerfuffle. His explanation for why he feels he needs to apologize is entirely predicated on his “knocked up” joke being misunderstood to be about Willow – and acknowledges that he’s “responsible for that misunderstanding.” His explanation clearly implies to me that if the joke had been understood to be about Bristol, he wouldn’t be apologizing at all. And no mention of the joke about Palin’s “slutty flight attendant” fashion. He apologized to Willow, Bristol, and the Palin family, but left the door wide open for the “he’s offensive to women everywhere” crowd to continue with their faux outrage, and I’m betting they will. Dave’s no dummy – it now appears to me that with his very selective apology he’s playing to keep this going in order to trounce Conan’s ratings.

  127. Professor Geezer says:

    Oh, no. I don’t want the Palin supporters to cancel their demonstration at CBS! I want them to get their time “on camera.”

  128. InJuneau says:

    honestyinGov–it’s true. Can’t exactly feel it, but we sure can see it in the wetlands.

  129. InJuneau says:

    Well now, maybe GINO’s just trying to be like Louis XIV?

  130. ds55 says:

    The Ziegler group will probably still hold the “Fire Letterman” rally tomorrow. There’s even a Facebook group. I’ve joined just to add my 2 cents to their discussion.

  131. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Eddie Burke as guilty of escalating this too. Listening to him. Rape — BS
    Hey Eddie — Pot meet Kettle.
    Has he ever apologized for what he has called people — I highly doubt it.
    His ad nauseam attacks are like he’s a Rush Wannabee

    In error I posted this on the other blog as I just read Bretta’s post above about glacier melt, so clicked to other tab thinking that was the open thread. Ooops!

  132. Isabella says:

    Dave’s apology had a little bit to it. Love the intent verses the perception point he made. It will go over Palin;s head but the rest of us got it.

  133. the problem child says:

    UK Lady Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 2:53 PM

    Aw! Zeigler will be so disappointed, he was so looking forward to getting his stupid gurning face on the TV!
    That’s exactly the word! So much more evocative than smirking or mugging or simpering or any of the other words I have thought worked for him…

  134. Bretta says:

    192, June 15th, 2009 at 2:42 PM, honestyinGov Says: “”The Headline
    “Rather than flooding, global warming is producing more land, at least in Alaska…” IE : “as the glaciers melt, the land mass rises up, and the ocean recedes. It seems that when the weight from the glaciers disappears, the land springs back up something like a cushion that someone has been sitting on; when they get up, the cushion just springs back into shape.”
    Can any of you Alaskans verify that your land is starting to ’spring back into shape’… Can you feel it….?”””
    Ummmmmmmmmm, it might refer to Scarah’s Bold Move to claim the Continental Shelf for Alaska since the melting Arctic Ice is revealing more of it. I don’t think the Shelf has ‘sprung up’ as to become land uncovered by water.

    BTW, the disappearance of the Arctic Ice is good – the opening of the Northwest Passage means more shipping will come through there meaning more has to come past Alaska and that means more jobs and money here, donchaknow? You Betcha, even if everyone south of the Latitude of Seattle will be dead from it being so hot and no way to grow food.

  135. UK Lady says:

    Aw! Zeigler will be so disappointed, he was so looking forward to getting his stupid gurning face on the TV!

  136. austintx says:

    188 the problem child Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 2:30 PM
    Big Head Todd rocks!
    You DANG right ’bout that !! How ’bout Red Rocks ?? Playing some John Lee Hooker………..

  137. the problem child says:
    Letterman — explicit apology. Nips those protests in the bud, I’d say.

  138. honestyinGov says:

    If you really wonder why those sea peeers can’t think straight, for ‘ comedy value’ you should read something one of their regular posters posted on another webpage. I recognized the name because it was so unique.. upinak

    (Make sure the ‘tin -foil hat is on TIGHT) The Headline
    “Rather than flooding, global warming is producing more land, at least in Alaska; so much for scientific know-how”
    IE : “as the glaciers melt, the land mass rises up, and the ocean recedes. It seems that when the weight from the glaciers disappears, the land springs back up something like a cushion that someone has been sitting on; when they get up, the cushion just springs back into shape.”
    Can any of you Alaskans verify that your land is starting to ‘spring back into shape ‘… Can you feel it….?
    I guess their theory is based on the fact that there is water under all that land mass…. and it is ALL floating.
    No wonder they think Sarah Palin makes sense. here’s the link.

  139. Tealwomin says:


  140. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Scarah groupies think the Obama administration told Dave to say those jokes to “create” the distraction away from how well Scarah was doing, lol, now who created the distraction from her superb job?

  141. Professor Geezer says:

    Anyone who shows up at CBS tomorrow to protest will be filmed; they are protesting at a network. I hope that all the Teabaggers for Palin are ready for their “close-ups.”

  142. the problem child says:

    Big Head Todd rocks!

  143. the problem child says: SAG’s New York branch contact page.

  144. UK Lady says:


    Sounds awful, I hope you get better quickly. I got a nasty bite years ago in Spain. Ended up with quite a large crater in my leg. Healed eventually though.

  145. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    whoops….that’s the screen actor’s guild website

  146. fawnskin mudpuppy says:


  147. UK Lady says:

    Honesty in Gove

    Sorry, don’t know enough about US entertainers, looked but nothing I recognise. In the UK we have ‘Equity’, the entertainers union. How about that actress that did the wolves vid, is she on facebook, twitter?, I am not registered with them.

  148. Bretta says:

    As long as we’re uplifting Women, I would like to say I got my life saved last month.

    A wonderful trucker helped me on the Alaska Hwy when I blew a tire somewhere between nowhere and a lake. He put my motorcycle on his flatbed and drove me about 500 miles to the next town that could replace it. Didn’t ask for anything in return except to buy him a cup of coffee.

    We talked a lot, and I found out he’s played in a band. I finally remembered to look it up when I got home. Much of the music seems to identify with women,
    “take that however you want to”
    but it seems to be really good.
    Long story short, the band, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, likes to let you listen for free, and has free downloads:


    And Thank you, unnamed Monster, for saving my life in the middle of a late-spring Rocky Mountain snowstorm!!!!

  149. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this will tick her off too……

    “Top 10 lists about Sarah Palin’s attack on David Letterman are already being written but really there is only one reason Palin should relent—she’s not a good enough politician to play.”

  150. honestyinGov says:

    # 165
    UK Lady Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 12:50 PM
    158 HonestyinGov

    Brilliant idea! I’ll try and look for actor’s union websites, any ideas anyone!
    UK Lady….. were you able to come up with a phone number or a website…?
    If someone who is in the entertainment field might give their opinion or know the names of the unions there. Anybody know who to call…..

    I’d have to think that if just the Entertainment Shows just on the Streets around the Ed Sullivan Theatre or people working the shows in those side streets came out these protesters would be outnumbered 10 to 1.

    Let them show THAT picture on CNN the next time Scarah opens her mouth.

  151. Bretta says:

    #113, June 15th, 2009 at 9:33 AM, mlaiuppa Says: “”Apparently there is no French translation of pussywillow. Not even kittentree.””

    There is – but it is a euphemism for how wonderful older women are, i.e., the Gray Cat.

  152. Dr. Truth says:

    Gov. Sarah Palin , please read the following. You are not looking well and I see issues.

  153. SlappyOC says:

    Another great comment from Gawker:

    “…because believe me the thought process she puts forth is the equivalent of one of those dud potatoes connected to the copper wire that never lit the light bulb in that junior high experiment. “

  154. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Well after the medically messy day I had today, all courtesy of a pesky spider bite…still, I have to say that for me, laughter is, indeed, the best medicine for me now.

    Lordy, that translator sounds like it inhabits the little grey cell space of SP: underfiltered and overexposed!

    As for mr. spider bite & me…am now on a 3 day IV drip of a very very very strong antibiotic that is normally administered under direct dr’s control and for very narrow reasons. If this doesn’t work? Sigh…

  155. ValleyIndependent says:

    Just heard nuts4nitwits is on Eddie Burke today. The show’s just starting. KBYR AM 700.

  156. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    from the reuters Exxon court decsicion……..not great AK news to come out 3 days after Scarahs “good” news.

    “In a split decision, the appeals court ordered each party to bear its own attorney fees and court costs.”

  157. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    BTW…….I don’t think it was Toad that posted that message, I think it was Meg and Scarah.

  158. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    did someone step down or was removed from the Permanent Fund Board?

  159. honestyinGov says:

    My post #171…. forgot to remove the second link… went to the mods.

    It will show up…. eventually.
    Embassy suites will get my email…. and opinion.

  160. honestyinGov says:

    #167 SlappyOC Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 1:04 PM
    Embassy Suites has pulled their online ads from CBS, according to Gawker.
    They announce that Embassy Suites pulled their ads… But the story totally RIPS on Palin in every way. I especially like this comment that was posted bu Ellel… and this is just in Lettermans style too. He could just walk out with the shirt on and say…. NOTHING….. just grin. No words needed.
    ElleL 4:52 PM
    Letterman should tape a segment wearing a Holiday Inn Express shirt, with the protesters in the background. It would be amazing television, and I would literally PAY to see it.

    Suck it, Embassy Suite
    Most comments say they will never use Embassy Suites again as well. I may have to email them myself. Ask them why they support a Mother who abuses her children.

  161. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    So, do you think this is Meg’s campaign strategy? LOL

    comment from Gawker……..

    4:52 PM

    “So the lesson here for all non-Fox media is to never, ever mention Sarah Palin. Do not put her into jokes. Do not discuss her antics, her wardrobe, her grooming. Do not cast aspersions on her command of English, geography, politics, math, or history. Do not compare her to anyone. Do not report on her attendance or absence at events. Because every time someone who’s not on Fox utters anything–anything at all–about Sarah Palin, she can spin it into three effing weeks of ridiculous, time-wasting, ozone-making media coverage. It is her only skill (other than fancy pageant walking) and she is lethally good at it.”

  162. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    (Palin)”We need to do everything we can with our military to show that we’re strong on offense.”

    Call it a misstatement if you want, but President Obama would have been put through the ringer for it.

    Our military doesn’t go on “offense.” it defends our borders and those of our
    allies. “Offense” means provoking or starting an all-out military assault.

  163. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    uklady 4:30 pm, rush hour mess? unless the time has changed.

  164. SlappyOC says:

    Embassy Suites has pulled their online ads from CBS, according to Gawker.

  165. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Sarah’s Ghostwriter

    I came over here JUST to read part 3!

    “… and march us on towards the smoke of victory while obligating the agony of the feet. I’m gettin’ transportation.”

    (The agony of the feet! Hee hee!) So THAT’S where the bus came from!

  166. UK Lady says:

    158 HonestyinGov

    Brilliant idea! I’ll try and look for actor’s union websites, any ideas anyone!

  167. teri says:

    Cheesed misguides eyes???? hahahahahahaha

    Thank you!!!!

  168. anadventurer says:

    Hey anyone wants to email that Zeilger guy:

  169. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    So, gays aren’t welcome in our military, but guys like these are?! I wish Rachel and KO would cover this.

  170. UK Lady says:

    This is a good read ………

    I’d stop short of saying Palin would advocate a preemptive strike on North Korea.
    But if her comment serves one purpose, it’s to underscore her frightening lack of
    foreign policy experience, or even- for that matter- foreign policy perspective. And
    it also signifies what Palin-diplomacy might look like: the same sort of
    first-strike doctrine that got us mired in Iraq (because Bush officials argued that
    Iraq posed an immediate threat to the US and it’s allies).

  171. Sarah's Ghostwriter says:

    Love the post comments. Perhaps we’ve discovered how Palin makes her word salad! :-0

  172. Sarah's Ghostwriter says:

    Oops, forgot. Part 4 will be tomorrow. Stay tuned. It’s the blogworld’s best soap!

  173. honestyinGov says:

    There is no way of knowing how many of the palin-bots will be at the Letterman protests tomorrow but I just thought of a great way to protest their protest.
    (Of course I have no connections and I don’t know of anyone in NY)

    Imagine if all of the Unions in NY like the Actors Union (SAG..?) and maybe the big burly dockworker types that have Union jobs on the shows got together to show support and unity.

    Dave always supports the actors and the Broadway shows and the Entertainment industry. If all those actors who are in plays or the struggling actor types who are not working or they have performances later on in the evening were to show up outside the studio…?
    He would have ten times (or more ) the people than the Palin-bots. What young actors would not show up to support Dave. All it would take is someone from the Actors Union with their phone list making the calls asking people to show up. THAT would show where the ” REAL America ” support would be.

    Anybody have friends there in NY…?

  174. Sarah's Ghostwriter says:

    Part 2 is under “Open Thread, Save our CEO’s” comment #226
    Part 1 is under “Open Thread, Spare Brain” comment #270

    And now,

    Sarah and the Geezer of Oz Part 3

    “Hey what’s this I’ve got?” Sarah screeched. “A kid clinging to my shoulder? Tin Guy, you, like take it, and like, feed it or something. Forgot I had it when I left the moose chili. Wonder if I turned off the stove?” Joe gave the kid a six pack, and broke out another for his comrades. “Hey, the kid can’t have beer,” said Scaremonger. “That’s all for us. Give him the pretzles.” “Oh, right,” said the Tin Man. So off they went, speech slightly slurred, singing “We’re off to off the Geezer, he’ll never be ruler of Oz.”

    “Uh oh. Someone’s rearin’ their head also,” said Sarah, as they started through the Blue Forest. “Gotta be Putin or some blue Winkie. They all look alike, donchaknow.” She trembled behind Scary as Winkie Katie asked a “gotcha” question: “Can you read?”

    Suddenly, a bunch of red shirted Munchkins showed up and a cry arose, “Kill! Kill the muslins!” Sarah, suddenly concerned, looked at the tag on her Saks ensemble, given her by the GOP when she left the Hockey Rink Palace. The label said, “100% polyester.” “Awesome. As fake as my smile,” sighed the relieved Sarah. Then she realized the speaker was baiting the Winkies. “Winkies are all muslin or muslin lovers!” whispered Scaremonger. Sarah called out, “Hey, Cowardly Terrorist! You betcha you can progressivize our awesome ensemble also, and march us on towards the smoke of victory while obligating the agony of the feet. I’m gettin’ transportation.” The Cowardly Terrorist hid behind the Red Bull Bus, (express, donchaknow) while Sarah threw the cheering Munchkins off and under it. As they got underway, they all sang, while downing another six pack (“Didja give some pretzles to the kid?”), “We’re off to off the Geezer, we’re running him far right outta Oz.” All except, of course, the Cowardly Terrorist. He was surreptitiously shooting at anything from the rally that looked like it could be muslin.

  175. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 12:02 PM

    Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 11:44 AM

    crystalwolf – this is the contact I used to report Hal Turner (months ago, and he is now in jail!):
    The FBI can also be contacted and they will refer to DHS when appropriate.
    Thanks Lori! I have some sites and articles to send!
    I cannot find a email contact there?

  176. Irishgirl says:

    @LondonBridges…that is interesting.

  177. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 11:44 AM

    crystalwolf – this is the contact I used to report Hal Turner (months ago, and he is now in jail!):
    The FBI can also be contacted and they will refer to DHS when appropriate.
    Thanks Lori! I have some sites and articles to send!

  178. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    crystalwolf: Manson? I dunno. But I see LOTS of similarities between GINO and Joe McCarthy. BTW, I grew up in Appleton Wisconsin in the 1950’s and 1960’s (McCarthy’s town, where they recently erected a monument for him). Greta van Suestren grew up there too, and we are about the same age. Greta’s dad was a McCarthy supporter.

  179. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    crystalwolf – this is the contact I used to report Hal Turner (months ago, and he is now in jail!):
    The FBI can also be contacted and they will refer to DHS when appropriate.

  180. UK Lady says:

    Thanks Injuneau

  181. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 11:32 AM

    Gryphens blog had a link to the KTUU blurb story by April Young about the seeof pee protests. I just had to email her with a few questions.

    Will ‘ they ‘ be doing a Road trip to LA to protest outside NBC as well…?

    Suggested she read Shannyn’s most recent post if she wants some real Facts.
    Maybe she is not drinking the Palin-bots kool aid. Make her a Shannyn fan.
    Good, I’m glad you did that! Hopefully she will read Shannyn’s blog and get a clue. All these people are hearing from is echo chamber of pee
    The teabags are a dangerous bunch.
    GINO is nothing more than Charles manson telling his family to “rise up”!!!!

  182. London Bridges says:

    A thought on the Sarah lip-smacking syndrome. Some anti-depressives may have this as a side effect. They also have a side effect in some instances of causing liver damage.

    Flashback: Dr. CBJ’s medical letter about Sarah issued on the eve of the election contained a very cryptic phrase noting that she did not conduct any liver enzyme panels. Even mentioning this was weird for a 44 or so year old’s medical history or testing. Unless, it was a way for Dr. CBJ to secretly leak some information relevant to Sarah without being blatant about it and risking reprisals.

  183. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Here is a good article on the hate filled rhetoric of Gino & co.

    The problem is what to do about it? I’ve went to homeland secruity, DHS, and there is nowhere to email stuff to them?

  184. honestyinGov says:

    Gryphens blog had a link to the KTUU blurb story by April Young about the seeof pee protests. I just had to email her with a few questions.

    Will ‘ they ‘ be doing a Road trip to LA to protest outside NBC as well…?

    Suggested she read Shannyn’s most recent post if she wants some real Facts.
    Maybe she is not drinking the Palin-bots kool aid. Make her a Shannyn fan.

  185. sauerkraut says:

    132 austintx Says: June 15th, 2009 at 10:19 AM

    Found the right team for you


    ‘cept that looks like a red squirrel. don’t have any of them around here. and there’s too much left of that critter for them caliber of weapons!



  186. Tealwomin says:

    mae lewis #66 ::: imma go with SELF MEDICATE, that s what she’s doing

  187. InJuneau says:

    UK Lady–I think it’s supposed to be tomorrow. There’s prob. something over at the Forum about it.

  188. Irishgirl says:

    Oh Forty, I was wondering about the Irish English colleen when I read it first. I couldn’t make the connection with the flowers!! I am officially in hysterics now in front of the computer…..and the “pure above all” bit….watch yerself Forty or I’ll do a Palin/Letterman number on you!!! 🙂

  189. UK Lady says:

    Does anyone know what tme that stupid rally against Letterman was supposed to go down?, any news there?

  190. Terpsichore says:

    “spotting plagiariasm ” is easy. Apparently spotting crummy spelling is not so easy…. sigh.

  191. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Scarah won’t like this gem, lol…….this is gonna tick her off.

    “I felt someone should pluck the combustible Alaskan away from whatever rancid talk show she was headed for and make her watch a vignette of what real female power looks like.”

    “Study up—and shut up. If you were a real power woman, we wouldn’t be hearing from you right now, so soon after your vice presidential flameout. You’d be too busy preparing yourself for the day when you have something to say worth hearing.”

  192. Forty Watt says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    You talkin’ about me Forty?
    I’m talking about you, oh hand-maiden in the Court of Poseidon.
    Do I have to bow low next time we meet?

  193. Forty Watt says:

    I should add I have forwarded “What a skilled dead ringer of the lone dandelion embryo! ” to my choreography class. I expect it to inspire a dance work in due time!

  194. Irishgirl says:

    You talkin’ about me Forty? I’ll have to go back to the original thread. 🙂

  195. Terpsichore says:

    102 Paula Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 9:16 AM
    Terp- I picked that up watching, alos, too, uh huh. That’s why she liked the email so much, it gave her a thought and a comment she never could have come up with or written.

    Comin next -speeches written by emailers…

    * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** *

    Coming? I think that train has already left the station!

    Her lame interpretation of her own (OK, Meg’s snarky and unneccesary ‘keep Willow away from Dave’) statement sounded suspiciously like something I had read earlier on some thread right here on Mudflats! I made a breif attempt to go find those remarks, but alas, did not before I gave up (sometimes I give up quicky),

    But in any case, they were remarks similar to “Maybe Willow would want to go on DL and give him a piece of her mind”.

    It is not impossible she got (or rather, Meg got) that idea from here. Which would worry me more, except that their combined brain power still couldn’t turn it into a statement that made any sense whatsoever.

    When I have some more time later this week, I’ll spend some of it digging up speech transcripts and doing the kind of detective work I did when I had to grade the despised Gordon Rule Writing Credit papers I used to have to grade (not my job anymore – as a music major, never should have been). But I learned alot, and found spotting plagiariasm is really not all that hard.

    I would not mind if fellow mudflatters could point me to where I could find some of these speech transcripts, especially older ones.

    Remember, only one link per post! Thank you in advance!

  196. Forty Watt says:

    I can’t tell you how much I needed this laughter today. As for our “Irish English [not so much!] colleen”, I would never have doubted she is “a favorite at Poseidon’s kingdom”. “pure above all” however gives me a little pause……

    Love you, Irish, you water nymph, you. 🙂

  197. mlaiuppa says:

    Last day to vote for AKM

    They’ll announce the winner of round 2 at the end of the week.

  198. MinNJ says:

    I have so many weeds to castigate! There is nothing as satisfying as giving them a stern lecture, and of course they wilt immediately in shame…too funny!

  199. austintx says:

    Found the right team for you.

  200. sauerkraut says:

    New thread, btw.

  201. honestyinGov says:

    I am not sure how this news fits into the bigger picture of what is going on up there, But this came in from the ADN.

    Breaking News
    June 15 2009
    Supreme Court kills Valdez tanker tax
    (This message is being resent to correct the URL and text received by some subscribers.) — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 this morning that the city of Valdez has been unfairly taxing tankers that use its port to load up on North Slope crude oil bound for West Coast refineries.

  202. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 9:54 AM

    When I was 16 or 17, the French teacher gave the class a passage to translate from French into English. Basically the few sentences were about someone lying in bed at night and listening to the wind howling outside. The next day, a fellow classmate stood up and translated the passage as ” I lay in bed, aroused by a burst of flatulence.”

    I had to be carried out of the classroom…..the teacher too. I still giggle when I remember it! 🙂
    OMG! That is so funny 🙂
    Maybe that’s it with all the teabags protesting Letterman…Gino is “aroused a burst of flatulence” that aroused them all???

  203. sauerkraut says:

    118 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:

    Jon Voight! Ewwwwww! Isn’t he Angelina’s father???

    Last week, when I first saw the picture of von Brunn the Holocaust Museum shooter, the first thing I thought was “dayum… they are sticking Jon Voight’s picture in the wrong place.”

    Maybe it wasn’t really the wrong place cuz Voight sure does look like that guy.

  204. mae lewis says:

    That’s exactly the picture that I was thinking of!

  205. austintx says:

    116 UK Lady – Concert went well.

    As far as the Govs. conference , they probably told her “thanks , but no thanks”. There is serious work to be done.Why would they want someone who is behaving like a foul mouthed juvenile delinquent run amok on spring break hogging every camera for 50 miles ??

  206. sauerkraut says:

    Perhaps Sarah’s problem is that instead of empty space between her ears, she’s got a couple of discombobulated translators going backwards. All her thoughts get lost in the translators.

  207. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    On the radio I was listening to the host interview a man who recently returned from London with Swine Flu. The host teased him, asking if he was certain it was Swine Flu and not “Man Flu”.

    “Oh, yes, it’s definitely Swine Flu,” he replied, “Man Flu is a lot worse!”.

  208. the problem child says:

    “sends”. If only it would end!

  209. the problem child says:

    I went to the bother of signing up for Vox and it has been nothing but trouble since. I can’t figure out how to get them to stop sending me annoying “updates” (it also ends an (apparently non-optional) email every time someone else comments on a thread you have commented on). You all are warned.

  210. Irishgirl says:

    When I was 16 or 17, the French teacher gave the class a passage to translate from French into English. Basically the few sentences were about someone lying in bed at night and listening to the wind howling outside. The next day, a fellow classmate stood up and translated the passage as ” I lay in bed, aroused by a burst of flatulence.”

    I had to be carried out of the classroom…..the teacher too. I still giggle when I remember it! 🙂

  211. Lori in Los Angeles says:×5853794
    from Juno Jones at DU (here is partial content):

    “From what I can see, the supporters of Sarah Palin support her because she is the caricature that she is. It feeds into their conceptions of proper womanhood and femininity.

    Slutty stewardess, secretary, nurse, teacher. They are all symbols of women’s limited authority and professionalism. Sarah purposefully cultivates this look. It appeals viscerally to men (and some women too) who feel threatened by actual power and authority being wielded by women. She presents to them a safe image, The frontier babe, The Gov-I’d-like-to *, fertile and yielding to the patriarchal authority of scripture with a manly, masculine, man’s man at her side.

    People who call her out on this image are not bashing women. By cultivating this unprofessional image, this leering, butt-shaking lip-smacking horror, Palin is actively at work trying to roll back decades of our progress in the larger world. I feel no need to defend her from anyone and can only hope that her example will ultimately turn out to be a cautionary one.”

    I couldn’t have said this better myself – GINO sets women back 50 to 100 years.

  212. honestyinGov says:

    There is a Huffpo story by Amy Siskind talking about how the Letterman flap is ‘ causing an uprising ‘ for the new feminist movement.
    Sort of implying that Palin’s opinions speak to Womens issues and that she could be somebody to support or rally behind. ( So misguided )

    Go ahead and give an ‘ opinion ‘ there on how what Sarah has done for Women.

  213. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 9:44 AM

    115 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    So true! Jon Voight! Ewwwwww! Isn’t he Angelina’s father???
    Yup – she does not even acknowledge his existence. Don’t even ask me how fine SHE is.
    I don’t blame her!

  214. austintx says:

    115 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    So true! Jon Voight! Ewwwwww! Isn’t he Angelina’s father???
    Yup – she does not even acknowledge his existence. Don’t even ask me how fine SHE is.

  215. UK Lady says:

    austintx – how did your son’s concert go?

    redwoodmuse – is there any news?, haven’t had time to check all the threads.

    Scarah isn’t interested in the Governors convention because she has no intentions of running for guv of AK again, too scared of losing. Alaskans are under the Scarah bus. Busy place.

  216. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 9:24 AM

    Paula… Jon Voight is a sick pig. He sold his daughter out on so many occasions, His face at the introduction of the dinner, says it all…bottom dwellers now run the GOP.
    So true! Jon Voight! Ewwwwww! Isn’t he Angelina’s father???

  217. greatgrammy1 says:

    I’ve been following the Iranian election problems and heard Armihedijan speaking. I also heard him on a 2008 repeat on Wolf Blitzer later. When asked if he wanted to meet Palin, he said that he should have met her when they were mayors and what struck me funny??? He speaks in word salad and makes no sense just like her. He can’t or won’t answer direct questions and mumbles a bunch of nonsense.

  218. mlaiuppa says:

    LOL. Translating to and from German is equally hilarious.

    Apparently there is no French translation of pussywillow. Not even kittentree.

  219. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:55 AM

    Regarding Syrin’s blog: You have to sign up for something called Vox (I think) to post there. I have not done so, and I feel bad about that. Syrin (Sherry?) could use our support. She lives in Wasilla and provides good info. Seems there is usually only one commenter (JBodine?) who responds to the posts, and that person just rips Syrin apart. Syrin keeps plugging away, despite the lack of responses. I wish Syrin would switch off of that Vox thingy, as I believe more of us would like to engage with her and offer support of her efforts.
    I wish she would switch too, wordpress or something, b/c I would also like to support her as well. Maybe someone who is signed up can tell her or maybe she posts here???

  220. Paula says:

    bottom dwellers now run the GOP.

    But they’re SO fun to watch, like seeing what creepy creatures actually live at the very bottom of the ocean. Except funny!

    I’m off, I’m off, “coming mom!”

  221. dahli22 says:

    this is sooo funny. thanks for sharing. I forwarded it to a co worker, who said one time, when he was in Japan, a friend there told him he had just read an American book. my friend said “what was the title”? and the man said “the angry grapes”….(grapes of wrath).

  222. Isabella says:

    Paula “Miley Cyrus To Stay Virgin Until Marriage – Just like Britney Spears”

    Hehehehe, did you see Justin Timberlake on SNL about Spears?

  223. Paula says:

    A fun list of “Hollywood Virgins”

    Now I must pull myself away from this machine and finish mowing the lawn before ir rains AGAIN! Pennsylvania weather sucks.

  224. Isabella says:

    Paula… Jon Voight is a sick pig. He sold his daughter out on so many occasions, His face at the introduction of the dinner, says it all…bottom dwellers now run the GOP.

  225. Paula says:

    Yep, here it is:

    Miley Cyrus To Stay Virgin Until Marriage – Just like Britney Spears,Miley Cyrus who is famous for her numerous semi-nude photo scandals has revealed that she will stay a virgin until she gets married because of her religious upbringing.

    I say she’ll get knocked up about the year after she gets out of rehab.

  226. Bretta says:

    the inconvenience infant = the problem child

    I could learn to inamorata!!!!

    ROTFLMAO**Too Much**

  227. BooBooBear says:

    So, our Queen galavanted all over New York and Texas for nearly two weeks but now can’t seem to find time for the Western Governor’s Conference? She might have actually learned something there for our state. But no……..she choses not to go to this??? Dereliction of duty. WHAT are we paying her for?

    Someone in her inner cirlce needs to have an intervention with her.

  228. Paula says:

    ET Thread comin right up… oh, here we are!

    Hanny Montanny, yeah, wasn’t her last boyfriend like 24? Bet their republicans… a Democrat wouldn’t allow that. Look at Angelinas dad, a Republican trash talker, yet his daughter had a live in boyfriend at 14.

  229. Paula says:

    Terp- I picked that up watching, alos, too, uh huh. That’s why she liked the email so much, it gave her a thought and a comment she never could have come up with or written.

    Comin next -speeches written by emailers…

  230. Isabella says:

    Paula “keep her in the entertainment section with the Hilton girls, Hanna Montana and the other silly girls!”

    Can we start a discussion on that little Miley Cyrus, already through two high profile relationships (And a couple nonfamous ones) starting at 13 and those pictures. Her patents should be banned from her bankroll & feathered.

  231. Paula says:

    Palin looks totally stoned in that picture. I’ve seen that look before, just the other day as a matter of fact, when the hubby was all doped up on painkillers for kidney stones. Has Palin with Palin around with Levis mom?

  232. Doggonit says:

    I’ve given up on ADN because of excessive and unfair censorship. Why am I censored this time? I pointed out the current article on Palin star power isn’t using credible sources.

    1) John Bitney …. Sarah’s high school classmate who has no national political experience.

    2) Cheri Jacobus… degree in journalism & ten week crash course in campaign management. She never worked on a Presidential campaign.

    3) Greg Mueller … former member of that discredited group of swift-boat liars and aide to Pat Buchanan’s disastrous campaign.

    4) Matthew Dowd… an author of book on Applebee’s franchise.

  233. Terpsichore says:

    Palin is not just a plagiarizer, she’s a serial plagiarizer.

    Do what I did with any speech of hers you can find some source to link to, and I’ll betcha dollars to donuts you’ll find the same thing. We already saw it in her Michael Reagan Speech-not-Introduction. But she did it AGAIN in her interview with Matt Lauer.

    Quote from Palin BEFORE she pulls out the Blackberry to reference something:

    “No wonder young girls especially have such low self-esteem when we think that its funny for a so-called comedian to get away with being able to make such a comment. And I think that’s not acceptable”

    Then she whips out the Blackberry and says she “got this e-mail” from someone and is presumably quoting them, some unnamed Average Joe:

    “No wonder girls have such low self-esteem when people laugh at the innuendos and downright crudeness of comments made to and about them. Shame on us all is we haven’t had the nerve to walk out or at least boo when a so-called comedian makes such a comment”.

    Take a colored pen and underline the words that are the same between the two, one by one, in order. This is what you get:

    no wonder girls have such low self-esteem when a so-called comedian make[s] such a comment.

    Interesting, isn’t it? Yes. Complete Co-Inky-dinky? No.

  234. Isabella says:

    oregonbird “Do we have an “entertainment” section? Isn’t that pretty much what the open threads are for — appreciation of the daily concept and really pointy gossip? Is this one of our moderators, telling us not to talk trash? If so — I’ll can the trash!”

    Where is the ET thread at?

  235. Paula says:

    oregonbird Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:51 AM
    @ 31 Paula Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 5:50 AM
    After reading adns story on SPs major “star” power I feel compelled to ask each of you to write all news sources you read asking that Palin stories be kept in the “entertainment” section, right where she, her antics and her ilk belong.
    Do we have an “entertainment” section? Isn’t that pretty much what the open threads are for — appreciation of the daily concept and really pointy gossip? Is this one of our moderators, telling us not to talk trash? If so — I’ll can the trash!
    No, no, I mean email sites like Huffington Post and such. Palin should never be in the serious news section, keep her in the entertainment section with the Hilton girls, Hanna Montana and the other silly girls!

    No moderator or lectures here 🙂

  236. who me? says:

    What a hoot!

  237. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    This is a must see! It asks for support for SP re the Letterman feud, and when you read it, it explains WHY she needs our support and it is hysterical:×5853542

  238. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    #22… UKLady… 4:36am…

    Link worth reposting in case no-one else was UP at 4:36! As usual, GREAT stuff by Shannon!

    Comment from SimJack hits the nail…

    “Shannon, please start working on your gubernatorial campaign strategy. Alaska, and the US at large, would be well served and welcome you in that position because of your honesty and integrity.”

    Honesty and integrity. Tweet THAT twit GINO! Only after Meg-a-mouth EXPLAINS it of course ( and she’ll have to look it up herself!)

  239. rebekkah says:

    Tigerwine; back to you, your son’s story is hilarious. Again, it reminds me of an elderly french lady who got her english sayings mixed up once in a while. Instead of “sticking to my guns”, she’d say, “I’m sticking to my guts”.

    Not to mention my loony mixed metaphors as well, I’ve done some doozers.

    Yes, SP really does look very thin. Would hope a woman that age did not indulge too much in those Red Bulls. With the known risks of high blood pressure, and caffeinated energy drinks, not to mention how many people might still drink that stuff along with medications, it could be a recipe for disaster.

  240. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Regarding Syrin’s blog: You have to sign up for something called Vox (I think) to post there. I have not done so, and I feel bad about that. Syrin (Sherry?) could use our support. She lives in Wasilla and provides good info. Seems there is usually only one commenter (JBodine?) who responds to the posts, and that person just rips Syrin apart. Syrin keeps plugging away, despite the lack of responses. I wish Syrin would switch off of that Vox thingy, as I believe more of us would like to engage with her and offer support of her efforts.

  241. oregonbird says:

    @ 31 Paula Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 5:50 AM
    After reading adns story on SPs major “star” power I feel compelled to ask each of you to write all news sources you read asking that Palin stories be kept in the “entertainment” section, right where she, her antics and her ilk belong.
    Do we have an “entertainment” section? Isn’t that pretty much what the open threads are for — appreciation of the daily concept and really pointy gossip? Is this one of our moderators, telling us not to talk trash? If so — I’ll can the trash!

  242. karen in or says:

    Feel almost sleazy to weigh in on the tongue thing of all things, but…

    Remember during the campaign when McCain was photograped too many times with his tongue hanging out? (especially the one they used for the “caveman evolution” graphic after one of the debates) Anyway I believe that it was attributed to a side-effect of a medication he used which can cause uncontrollable tongue movements.

    Then, Bill Clinton. His lick-lippin’ tick was a real distraction for me when he was running for president. Of course, I voted for him (given the alternataive), but that pesky tongue thing really creeped me out. Somehow that made me not so surprised at the Monica scandal and other rumored misbehaviours. In Bill’s case, I think it was an unconscious lascivious thing.

  243. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I hope you didn’t fall off your chair – those are pretty darn funny! How the heck did you choose the goofiest ones?

  244. ds55 says:

    It’s far more important to focus on anonymous bloggers, teenage baby-daddy, and late-night talk show hosts than attend a stuffy old Governors conference in Utah, don’tcha know. Priorities also, too.

  245. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:25 AM

    75 ds55 Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:16 AM
    @ mae lewis #63: Some psychiatric meds cause a lip-licking side effect.
    Yup – and here is a textbook picture of it……..
    Austin! (perfect!)
    I have one word for that…”adderall”!!!

  246. Isabella says:

    austintx, LMAO, you really like that picture.

  247. Erin says:

    I found one of these linked to my site awhile back, but instead of being a translator, it was like someone had taken my post about Walt Monegan and replaced all the words with a synonym from the Thesaurus. Weird.

  248. austintx says:

    75 ds55 Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 8:16 AM
    @ mae lewis #63: Some psychiatric meds cause a lip-licking side effect.
    Yup – and here is a textbook picture of it……..

  249. Isabella says:

    Seagull Junker Palin “Isabella – Disneyland (CA) & Disney World (Fl) have the best fireworks around. And especially for 7/4.”

    Awesome, thank you for responding. Would you know which hotel here you could see them best from? We always miss a good show because waiting outdoors is too late for some people.

  250. honestyinGov says:

    About the translations…..

    Hey… we can sort of get the idea of what the translator is saying.

    If we can understand one of Palin’s speeches… this is not that much different.
    At least it uses a ‘ period ‘ every once in awhile.

  251. ds55 says:

    @ mae lewis #63: Some psychiatric meds cause a lip-licking side effect.

  252. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Isabella – Disneyland (CA) & Disney World (Fl) have the best fireworks around. And especially for 7/4.

  253. Closet Mudpup says:

    London Bridges

    So you think when Princess Caribou called Carrie Oops-I-Forgot-My-Jeans, she may have been seeking Carrie’s advice?? How scary is that!

  254. Isabella says:

    Anyone from or now in California, July 4th if Disneyland does a fireworks show?

  255. BuffaloGal says:

    karenmarie @55 – I’m thinking that everything the past 6 months has been par for her so a BIG mistake will have to really stand out. She can’t keep the lies straight for ever.

    But you’re right – nothing will keep her out of the public arena but hopefully we can get her out , out , out of the political one. I was mentioning to someone the other day that she’s working into my dreams now. Freaks me right out!

    By the by – Has anyone done a photoshop of Palin as the red queen yet ? If so, is there a link? For me, it’s the perfect image. “OFF with their HEADS!”. And the whole Alice Through the Looking Glass world is dead on. (the translations this morning reminded me of the poem , The Jabberwocky, also too. )

  256. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:45 AM

    Levi’s mom is screwed.

    FAIRBANKS — An 81-year-old Fairbanks man has drawn a five-year sentence for illegally selling the powerful prescription pain reliever OxyContin.
    Not if she was set up by someone! There was a rumor on Gryphen & Syrin’s blog awhile back that the book advance $ was “hush money” and right after that the charges on Sherry got lowered. If you recall Syrin was told right after Gino was tapped “Stop blogging, stop blogging right now” by someone (Ivy frey?) and Syrin was like, hell no! Gryphen links to her blog. I have tried to comment there but you have to sign in to it.

  257. Isabella says:

    London Bridges “Sorry I don’t have a link. Sorta gives a new meaning to her White House or Bust strategy.”


  258. Isabella says:

    mae lewis “Either she is making a wicked suggestive gesture at someone in the audience, or she is licking her lips a great deal of the time.”

    Considering she has her personal warerboy TODD everywhere she is…keep an eye out. Meg, slipping her a little something to keep the 24/7 pace?

  259. .
    I get hits from people who use Google to translate my blog pages into Mandarin, Hindi, Arkansas, etc. It looks kewl. A lot of the words cannot be translated, so it’s like, blah-blah-blah [Hindi] SOB Cheney blah-blah-blah [Hindi].

    Or maybe it was Urdu. Hm.

    This is definitely African, though. Just listen…

  260. London Bridges says:

    her hands are skeletol and not normal. what is this woman doing with her diet and her health? where is HER mother when she needs her, eh? if my child looked like this I would do an intervention on her health. pronto.

    However, if you have seen Sarah’s picture wearing sunglasses at the Yankee game, she looks like she has either has recenty had bust augmentation surgery, particularly given her otherwise gaunt look or else she found a new use for her preggo empathy bellies.

    Maybe this was the true purpose of her extended NY visit?

    Sorry I don’t have a link. Sorta gives a new meaning to her White House or Bust strategy.

  261. Rationalist says:

    Oh, thank you for this post. Besides my secret Palin Deception obsession, my other obsession is as a compulsive member of the grammar police. This was wonderful.

  262. mae lewis says:

    As long as some of you are commenting on how thin Sarah Palin is looking, I’d like the add my two cents’ worth. I notice in the collection of photos of Sarah that appear on line that she often is pictured with her tongue showing, between her lips. Either she is making a wicked suggestive gesture at someone in the audience, or she is licking her lips a great deal of the time. So, experts, what kind of medication has that effect (and might also be linked with high energy, frantic talking and gesturing, weight loss etc)? Just wondering.

  263. Closet Mudpup says:

    There is a Western Governors Conference being held in Utah, and it’s no surprise Princess Caribou is not attending. They’ll be discussing things of Substance – and, as she has demonstrated several times, that’s the surest way to keep her away from any gathering.

  264. tigerwine says:

    Rebekkah #51 – That is just too funny!

    My son tell the story of when he picked up some Lufthansa pilots at the Fairbanks airport, and one kind fellow, who knew he had been diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic on his last trip there, asked him “How is your diahhrea doing”? He realized his mistake when his fellow pilots burst out laughing! Good bunch, those pilots. Too bad they are now re-routed through Khazistan. One even looked me up down here in GA!

  265. Brian aka Snooker Hinge Palin says:

    I, too, also, find myself enchanted by the notion of “cheesed misguided eyes,” as in:

    Seeking some small measure of reassurance, he stared hopefully into her deceived, cheesed, misguided eyes.

    Human translators often make the same types of mistakes. Many years ago, a tour guide in what is now Slovakia intended to point out various historic landmarks. Instead, he persistently directed our attention to “hysterical” landmarks.

  266. BodieP says:

    O far, wistful, cogitative…

    It almost sounds like poetry–I’ll have to work that into my next novel.

  267. Isabella says:

    karen marie “she makes for great ratings. there won’t be anything she could do or say that would result in her being disappeared from the public stage”

    Once the economy stabilizes, Palin, won’t be able to keep up with the flavor of the month tabloid tween. Palin, is empty calories without the govs title.

  268. Isabella says:

    For lovers of Amy Whinehouse rehab….Chimpmunk version.

  269. Lilybart says:

    An 81-year-old Fairbanks man has drawn a five-year sentence for illegally selling the powerful prescription pain reliever OxyContin.

    that sentence is ridiculous
    jailing people for drugs is stupid in the first place
    he is 81, bet he needed the money

  270. karen marie says:

    “It struck me that she’s not too far from making a huge mistake of some sort. ”

    like bible spice’s activities over the last six months haven’t been “a huge mistake of some sort”?

    too funny.

    she makes for great ratings. there won’t be anything she could do or say that would result in her being disappeared from the public stage.

  271. nswfm CA says:

    I read there was what I’m going to call a gop catfight in UT which I read about on the Deseret News yesterday.

  272. Isabella says:

    Interesting comment on ADN

    3 day Governor’s convention starting today in Utah, and SP’s back home! Guess she doesn’t need any continuing education. That or she didn’t get the invite.

    Is there really a convention?

  273. Lainey says:

    translator programs are such a clever tool…if only they really worked! don’t know why they can’t tweak them for the real world.

  274. rebekkah says:

    I recall many years ago, looking at cans of sardines, don’t know whether it was a Japanese company, or french. The english label on it read, “Fish, she is so small”.

    Also, a lost in translation event in my life, that had my friend and I giggle in church. We had bilingual services, french and english. An english missionnary came to speak. Our translator who spoke both english/french did the translation. Missionnary got into a story about how he was shown a large beautiful home, where he entered a room with a baby grand piano.

    Our translator, (might not have been properly caffeinated that morning) had the job of translating every sentence into french for our french listeners. His translation: “nous avons entrez un chambre, il y avait un gros bebe sur un piano.” So, our french listeners got this interpretation: “as we entered the room, there was a big baby on a piano.”

  275. Isabella says:

    BuffaloGal “The other morning when she was talking to Matt It struck me that she’s not too far from making a huge mistake of some sort. She just doesn’t look or sound right. (less so than usual )”

    She’ll be getting a whole lot less sleep if someone starts a riot today at Letterman’s studio. Her best buddy Ziggypoo is fueling the flames.

  276. BuffaloGal says:

    ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:53 AM

    i was over on another blog that had photos of palin from the RNC too-doo and she does not look well (at all)……..check out her hands???

    I’ve been noticing the same thing for a few weeks now. I recently posted that it’s not natural to keep up the pace and schedule that she’s been keeping without regular sleep and food. She’s definitely dropped weight and she can’t be getting more than a few hours of sleep. (guess there’s not much room for that book writin’ , eh? )

    The other morning when she was talking to Matt It struck me that she’s not too far from making a huge mistake of some sort. She just doesn’t look or sound right. (less so than usual )

  277. Isabella says:

    The international incidents that would occur sending Palin, overseas with her translation and gestures….we would be in war by noon. And, since she does not apology geez, U.S. she would get us wiped off the face of the Earth with those little and big missiles.

  278. nswfm CA says:

    26 Gram, that’s like the film Being John Malkovich. Scary and funny at the same time.

  279. Isabella says:

    Cynamen Winter, have fun!!!

  280. Cynamen Winter says:


    “a non-native fink” eh?

    To what or whom do you speak of?

    Enjoy the day everyone,

  281. Isabella says:

    ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck “her hands are skeletol and not normal”

    G R O S S!!!!

  282. Isabella says:

    the problem child “Wouldn’t this be a great thing for high school and trade school programs to consider encouraging kids to do? ”

    You all up there should contact, the Alaska Military Youth Academy (Anchorage) and Job Corp, (Palmer)!!! Both “Organizations” have youth that could learn a valuable skill, more respect for their surroundings, in addition the young adults would love a break from curriculum.

    Not to mention both are fed programs, their way will be paid.

  283. Tewise says:

    Thank you so much for posting those comments, I really needed that laugh and I needed it bad. I have to agree with the other poster, now we can see Ginos words get lost in translation from her brain to her mouth.

  284. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    i was over on another blog that had photos of palin from the RNC too-doo and she does not look well (at all)……..check out her hands???

    her hands are skeletol and not normal. what is this woman doing with her diet and her health? where is HER mother when she needs her, eh? if my child looked like this I would do an intervention on her health. pronto.

  285. austintx says:

    38 Isabella Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 6:45 AM
    Levi’s mom is screwed.
    Nah……..He did not have Team Levi with dirt on sarah.

  286. the problem child says:

    From the ADN article on Eagle:
    “A crew of 10 men from Dawson City arrived in Eagle last weekend, he said. They dismantled one home, built a new outhouse for an elderly woman and ripped out rotten wood from another local home, he said.

    The city could really use some more volunteers skilled in carpentry and running heavy equipment, Bassich said. Residents can house eight to 10 volunteers and the school can serve volunteers three meals per day, he said.”

    Wouldn’t this be a great thing for high school and trade school programs to consider encouraging kids to do? Heck, they’re kids, they probably wouldn’t mind camping out, so no additional housing needed.

  287. Isabella says:

    Levi’s mom is screwed.

    FAIRBANKS — An 81-year-old Fairbanks man has drawn a five-year sentence for illegally selling the powerful prescription pain reliever OxyContin.

    Rayfield Dupree was sentenced Friday.

    Dupree, who turns 82 next month, originally was charged with five felony counts of drugs misconduct. He pleaded guilty to one consolidated count in a plea deal with prosecutors.

    He will be eligible for parole after serving 20 months, but until then can take medical parole for health reasons if necessary.

    Public defender Amy Allen says Dupree suffers from an irregular heartbeat.

  288. Isabella says:

    Eagle seeks help to rebuild before winter
    VOLUNTEERS: 20 homes needed, some for people unable to build themselves.

  289. Terpsichore says:

    As this is an Open Thread, I’m going to use it to ‘announce’ my self-imposed temporary (perhaps to become permanent) banishment from See4Pee during their Fund Drive for Sarah’s ‘pay my legal bills’ fund.

    I lurk over there sometimes when bored, but am slowly scaling back – time for me to stop increasing their traffic.

    I would like to gently suggest others here join me and restrain yourselves from going over there, at least until their Begathon is over (I think it’s today through June 22.)

    I think that’s a great idea. AKM

  290. Isabella says:

    Who’s in Kenai tomorrow?

    Travel to Kenai Peninsula to enact numerous bills into law tomorrow; talk about resource development; present Cabinet members to great AKns
    about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry

  291. LiladyNY says:

    OMG! These are hysterical. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard! Also too there. Thanks AKM.

  292. ServerGuy says:

    *sub note, for those of you that have seen it, bill murray’s translator was berry bad 😉

  293. ServerGuy says:

    *snirk* do watch the movie lost in translation, it really is a sample of the day in the life of where serverguy lives, well the Japanese parts anyway

  294. JK Copper Catfish says:

    These are hilarious! As an occasional freelance translator myself it’s good to know that the computer will not be taking my job just yet 🙂

    I think “cutting” becoming “acrimonious” is my favourite. I can totally see whythe computer did that, but this is why a human brain is still better, for now at least…

  295. Paula says:

    After reading adns story on SPs major “star” power I feel compelled to ask each of you to write all news sources you read asking that Palin stories be kept in the “entertainment” section, right where she, her antics and her ilk belong.

  296. Deep Blue says:

    Oh, AKM, thanks for the hearty laugh!!!

  297. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    @Austin: 😉

  298. Paula says:

    Patriot boy takes on pro-life to the etreme:

  299. Gramiam says:

    OMG!!! I read my post and thought I had been transported into Sarah Palin’s body. This is hilarious!! I’m sending mine to everybody on my e-mail list. I wonder if I ever talked like that after some really strong wine.

  300. Alaska Pi says:

    No wonder my family and friends say it’s hard to follow what I say!

    “If you Irish English colleen a favorite at Poseidon’s kingdom pure above all, hike up 1000 ft and go to pieces free down with up with them on earth more recently thawed.
    Do folks in your hearten of the dignified start the summer’s as a remains!!! Blues when fireweed blooms as they do here.?”

    Since I fully follow what the “inconvenience infant “and others had to say does that mean we have all been studying the ghastly gov’s word salad so long and so well that we can auto-translate this kind of stuff now?

    ( my puppers are tip-toeing back into room to see if I am over chortling, snorting, howling fit this post caused… thanks AKM for a wonderful start to the day! )

  301. Seattle Snowflake says:

    Priceless. A great way to wake up. So funny. And you commenters are hysterical as well. You’re all brilliant.

  302. BuffaloGal says:

    Sorry! (laughing) In the post at 20 I shouldn’t have used those brackets to separate the quotes because I think the editor took it as html text and did some sort of weird formatting. What you should’ve seen was this :

    Here’s Sarah’s original word salad:
    ” Well, a couple of the politicians who are up for reelection, and they’re trying to position themselves, you know, they have to kind of distance themselves from some of the positions that the administration has taken, for political reasons, I believe. But the numbers speak for themselves.”

    Translated from German to English and back gave me this:

    ” Well a few politicians, those for re-election above are and they’re Reversuchen, itself, know to bring you in position, must them of some the positions a little overhaul, which the administration took, for political reasons, believe themselves I. But the numbers speak for.”

    It sounds exactly the way she speaks. Very funny to me.

  303. UK Lady says:

    One quick one for you before I go

    Shannyn kicks a** as usual

  304. the problem child says:

    “Above all we deceive brown eyes, unseasoned eyes, cheesed misguided eyes and on and on. Our wildflowers here in Southeast Alaska are popping inoperative all as a remains as far.” ROTFLMAO Also.

  305. UK Lady says:

    Makes more sense that Scarah IMHO. Busy today, will check in later 🙂

  306. DrChill says:

    Sorry , what I meant to say was ” Above all, will it fix a Palin Speech.”
    , also, too.

  307. Paula says:

    A question someone posted opn a english to french board (had to laugh…):

    I have problems translating into French part of a text. I don’t really understand the meaning of “per diem” in this context:

    “Upon further investigation I discovered the movie’s special effects and stunt coordinator, Cody Keith Underwood, pouring shots down the backside of, what I can only assume were prostitutes. Other hotel guests were appalled; leaving the restaurant rapidly. When a hotel employee approached him to calm the situation, I could not believe it when Cody actually threw money at the man, exclaiming “It’s MY per diem, b**ch! I can do whatever I want with it!”

  308. aeroentropy says:

    Perhaps rather than french, it might have been to Klingon and back??

  309. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Oh, how funny! Supplicate and castigate – what on earth made them put sarah in charge of the translations?

  310. DrChill says:

    The charm of some of those old bad translations was that they were done by people.

    “The gum rabber filter is specially made to can be used with any water value.” Ahhh NOW I understand. 😉

    So, if the link shows you the English translation of the French translation, of the post and comments, and this post shows you the English translation of the French translation, of the post & comments, then
    what does this post look like from that link?

    And will it fix a Palin speech ?

  311. Paula says:

    Eric-the-Bun Says:
    June 15th, 2009 at 2:12 AM
    I think you may have solved the mystery of Sarah’s speeches?

    I didn’t know Meg was French!

  312. Paula says:

    I’s love to read their translation of some of the more “rique” comments!

  313. Ripley in CT says:

    this is awesome.

  314. Snoskred says:


    Reminds me of the Engrish Funny.. 🙂

  315. austintx says:

    MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
    June 14th, 2009 at 5:39 PM
    I blow gaff inoperative of my be conflicting act for sward.

  316. Bent Alaska says:

    LOL – poetry on crack!

    As for Palin, she won’t even sign our Gay Pride Month proclamation for Alaska:

  317. Irishgirl says:

    ROFL Now that is a real word salad!

  318. Eric-the-Bun says:

    I think you may have solved the mystery of Sarah’s speeches?

  319. Maggie says:

    ‘Oh far, wishful cognitive’ kind of says it all. Thanks for the Monday morning chuckle. I really need it today.

  320. EyeOnYou says:

    Irishgirl..I thought exactly the same thing and then saw your post!

    Good stuff indeed!

  321. Irishgirl says:

    I presume the inconvenient infant is the problem child!! 🙂

  322. oregonbird says:

    We have SO been letting you down! So many of your pics deserve to be awarded poetry salad — well, that’s the food-for-thought category I’m putting these gussied-up comments in — and all we give you is verbal thumbs-up. They are gloriously unsealed, and disparatively swardalicious, as well!

    Which isn’t why I logged on, but what a great laugh to come home to! But as to why — Back To Political Sock Puppetry! I wonder if GINO is going to stand up and wave a flag for the recipient of this insult to womanhood?

    The Facebook page of SC GOP activist Rusty DePass, former chair of the state elections commission and county co-chair for Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 campaign, recently contained a decidedly racist and misogynist comment.

    After reading a description of the escape of a gorilla from Columbia’s Riverbanks Zoo, DePass responded, “I’m sure it’s just one of Michelle’s ancestors – probably harmless.” DePass admitted to WIS News that he was referring to Michelle Obama.

    Who wants to ask SP when she’ll be expressing her outrage at this personal slur against a fellow wife and mother?

  323. Sirenoftitan says:

    I inamorata luxurious weeds as well. Especially non-native fink, nuts wasteland geraniums and skilled dead ringer of the lone dandelion embryo.

    Wonderful AKM !