Live Blogging the Shannyn Moore Show!
What fun! I’ve been invited to live blog from the studio at Shannyn’s show today! I’m sure it will be quite an adventure.
Laptop? Check!
Yellow boots? Check!
Camera? Check!
Brian the Moose? Check!
Many apologies! No live blogging today. I had something unavoidable come up. As much as I wish I could be in two places at the same time, I have not mastered that skill yet.
Not sure what Shannyn will be talking about today, but you’re welcome to join the party!
You can live stream the show HERE, from 5-7pm Alaska time, and use this thread to comment. I’ll be updating this post as the show progresses.
Local number is 907.274.5297. The toll free number is 866 610 5297
Anyone up for a new thread? 🙂
Sorry about all the negative stuff here at the end. I’m not sure what it is all about, but tomorrow is another day so let’s get it started. 8 more minutes for me until it is “tomorrow”! Life is short so use your best china, crystal and enjoy your time and friends and family like there is no tomorrow. 🙂
>>>>>>>WHISTLE<<<<<<<<<< OK, all. I am closing comments on this thread for a couple reasons. There was a post which a member found offensive. I went back and scrubbed it. When I do that, I have to scrub every single other comment that talks about or refers to that post otherwise it makes no sense. This is very time consuming. Also, this is not an open thread. This was meant for live blogging Shannyn's show, so I am also deleting posts that don't have to do with Shannyn's show. Open threads remain open for 24 hours. So if anyone wants an open thread, please use the one from last night, until the new one pops up. I'd also remind everyone that the live chat feature in the forum is fun if any of you want to have a nice back and forth chat in real time. If anyone has concerns with my moderation, or with another member's comments, please do not use the comment section to report or discuss it as it makes a ton of extra work for me. 🙁 Please send me an email directly to akmuckraker(at)yahoo(dot) com. Thanks, and I appreciate your help with this. Only so many hours in the day! Best, AKM
Sweet dreams, all.
Thanks to all of you for blogging Shannyn’s show for those of us who couldn’t make it. Mudpuppies are the best!
Happy Father’s Day to every dad, everywhere! I’m thankful for my dad’s lessons re: no one will just hand you anything, you must work for it
about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry
Wasn’t that her daddy that called Us Magazine to bitch about Levi and diapers?
BTW, LMAO @ Palin having both hands out waiting for those BEGGATHON bucks to come in.
@CO almost native:
Tuesday is the fourth round of the Anchorage Assembly silly redshirts from the Valley yelping about gay bathroom/recruit little children/bankrupt Alaskan small businesses/etcetera etcetera etcetera ad naseum.
In other words, another long night of live blogging!
Tuesday is the next round of testimony by the red shirts and blue shirts in Anchorage.
live stream, more restroom stories, more…
384 justafarmer Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 7:57 PM
Are we all ready for Tuesday night?!?!?!
Well – I reckon…….be the 4th one………not gonna quit now.
Oh ! and look what I found !!
Will someone email me with specifically which post needs to be deleted? Once a post is deleted, I need to go back and delete all the ones that refer to it as well, so I’m going to do that now. akmuckraker(at)
Are we all ready for Tuesday night?!?!?!
Nan @377
I couldn’t agree with you more. You took the words out of my mouth. I can’t comprehend all the hate and utter ignorance I have heard during the last year during the election, and now this ordinance ordeal. Though I am not a resident of AK, I have become VERY interested in the politics up there, for obvious reasons.
Thank God for people who stand up and try to shine a light of reason on an otherwise dark landscape.
Shannyn = sassy and smart! Growin’ up fishing – well, you learn to swear with the best of them, cover yourself in slime and love it (sound familiar?) because the rewards are HUGE! You face danger, diversity and the unknown every time you head out on a boat. I have yet to meet a fisherman / woman who is a wimp. Danger be to ye who underestimate the strength and character of those who do this for a living!
sauerkraut said: “gonna put that pooch outsider or else he’s gonna pee all over the place.”
Bet there are some left-over signs from the Anchorage meetings…;-)
I don’t know how you do it, frankly. I feel as if I’ve been living on another planet or something because I’ve never seen such hate, such dreadful speech in my life as what started showing up with this last election.
This election, the Mudpups, and bloggers like you, AKM, the Diva and so many others have helped me to write letters, to speak out, even if only on “paper” (or emails).
You ARE making a difference, whether it’s the one you hope for or not. Just maybe, we can still get that 100 monkeys affect going (just hide the naughty monkey shoes, ok?)
You are all making a huge difference, and it counts.
it’s the funniest thing… when I have my concoction, the dog wants his concoction, aka old warm beer. man… gonna put that pooch outsider or else he’s gonna pee all over the place.
Shannyn… you should post on your site some of those emails… with the details, of course. IP addie, host routing, email addies, etc. 😎
Just read through all the posts…you keep me going. Some of the emails are so nasty, but not enough to make a dent in how great it is to read through the Flats!
Thanks ya’all!
I ♥ the Mudpups.
(gettin’ all warm fuzzy-ish and thilly)
you all rock, that’s all.
Thanks! Just did that, and have a LOT of pages to check out.
just occurred to me Aussie…
If you KNOW you have lefties coming to dinner, just reverse the place setting.
For ambies, just leave it “normal”…we ambies usually go the “proper” outside utensils first”, we just swap our knives and forks as is comfortable, or we’ll just stay with the “normal” knife and fork placement, it all depends on where the meat is on the plate.
We ambis are very flexible.
And here’s what’s really weird!
European knife vs fork is completely opposite of US knife and fork!
who driving on the wrong side of the road? Who is eating o the right side of the dinner utensils?
Nan: If you’re interested, you can try googling ‘radio reading service’ and include the abbreviation for your state. There may be a program already in place near you, and they are ALWAYS looking for volunteers to fill 24/7 time slots.
The cache thing — it’s one of the very few things I know about computers from trying to participate in a chat room.
I have the livestream on and the person on after Shannyn is interesting too. Madness of Method – Mike Method. He mentioned Celtic Diva at the beginning of the show as to her trying to raise funds. He’s just been talking about the busing into the Assembly. He’s open to a lot of topics like Shannyn is. He’s more mellow talking!!! It’s a call in too so who knows what happens then!!
At formal dinners, the easy rule is this: work from the outside in.
hey Martha, you’re still gorgeous. And very sweet, also too. 🙂
Good thing to know, thanks
absolutely sauerkraut!
@Aussie Blue Sky: my biggest prob with dinnerware is which hand to use for knife to cut and which fork to pick up food. It’s a debacle at formal dinners!
Fortunately, I generally don’t worry, just do what your dinner guests do…we manage to sort it out!
I know for a fact that Shannyn’s emails are read ‘live’ at the studio, so if you have a point you want to make you can be sure that that point has been made.
Whether or not your email makes it to air is a different matter, but your email *for sure* has been read in the studio.
what your left-handedness means, justafahmah, is that you are in your right mind!
<– off to drink conservatively
getting another Scotch before I start going back through the posts.
BTW and completely OT…we had a snake in the barn just before Shannyn’s show started…
I heard a ruckus in the barn, DH went out to check on things…
came back with a six-foot rat snake and a dead chicken (which DH pulled out of the snake’s throat and snake had coils wrapped around DH’s leg).
Life in the backwoods…
@ justafarmer at 337
I just love it when ambi folks come to dinner and I’ve already set the table but they pick up whatever utensils are closest at the time and eat accordingly … I admit I haven’t known many ambi’s but I sure do envy them ….
I’m only “semi” ambidextrous, so I’m half in and half out of my right mind. Yeh, that’s about it.
Paula, you’ll just have to slog through them all like the rest of us! 🙂
I’m still catching up on posts I missed while I was posting!
Oh, MonaLisa – what a wonderful job! It sounds very rewarding and I bet you did a good job, too.
And I hear that a blackberry is THE way to go anymore! (good idea!)
# 318 the problem child Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:51 PM
Thanks all for the play-by-play, my ‘puter doesn’t like the live feeds apparently.
Whoever told me to empty the cache or the cookies… it connected right after that. Nice tip… maybe that is your problem as well problem child..?
All week there is 5 or 6 or more tabs open and I guess it fills up with ‘ junk ‘.
Had to close down every one my browser screens so the little application called “Crap Cleaner” would clean them… but it worked.
I’ll have to remember that next week.
well, I try to get my right hand/left hand/ambidextrous analogy question in next week if I can get past the “sorry, your call is outside yada yada yada”
If someone wants to bring that up at hte Assembly meeting on Tuesday, please feel free!
And remember that left-handed people are the only ones in their right minds! Right handed people are controlled by their left brain, left handed people are controlled by their right brain.
I supposed us ambi people are just too brainy for our own good…
For those of us who missed the 1st 300 comments, can someone put this in an easy to read post?
[Thanks for the encouragement, y’all. Funny thing is, I USED to be on the radio. I was a reader for C.R.I.S., the Connecticut Radio Information System (which sounds really impressive ’til I tell you it means I read the newspaper over the air) but it was for the blind and visually impaired, so I took it very seriously.]
Maybe if I knew the topics ahead of time, I could write notes and email them to myself on my blackberry….? 😉
@323 to Shannyn:
How else would a liberal drink! 🙂
I’ve been seeing things about even contraception is “evil” – who knew, eh?
Or maybe drink conservatively. LOL.
austintx Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:52 PM
caligrl – here is RED for you.
OMG! can this just be the poster chile for Gino and the right????
Oh I just saw they are on contraceptives….!!!!
Triple bad!
We need Bristol to speak out!!!!
: roll:
Thank you, Isabella!
323 Shannyn Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:54 PM
drink liberally
Oops! Too late, Shannyn.
Off we go to watch a movie…John Cusack is an outstanding actor, btw.
MonaLisa IS MY NAME! Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:51 PM
I wish I had the nerve to call in. I’d stutter. Big time.
I can speak in public any time (my friends tell me they’re not surprised) but when I’m on the radio I get nervous. Everybody gets nervous on the radio because radio is so nebulous and you’re in a queue and have to perform on demand.
But I don’t let that stop me – and neither should you, if you have something to say.
Radio needs you.
They need to dump smurke and hire Shannyn for his spot!
Pretty soon Alaska/Fox going to need “fair and balanced” and will need someone like Shannyn.
Cool quote, Nan.
drink liberally
Understood, hon. Sometimes if the need is greater than the fear, we manage more than we think we can.
MonaLisa IS MY NAME! I wish I had the nerve to call in. I’d stutter. Big time.”
caligrl – here is RED for you.
what a singular privilege it was to switch off Fox Noise ….
Thanks all for the play-by-play, my ‘puter doesn’t like the live feeds apparently.
Excellent job as always, Shannyn! and yes, that 2 hrs goes by waaaay too fast! Wish we had more than just 2 hrs!
I wish I had the nerve to call in. I’d stutter. Big time.
austintx Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:44 PM
caligrl – Let me go find that RED baboons ass for you……
Yes that truly describes the redshirt and GINO!
What a great broadcast Shannyn! You sure can hold your own and you resonate reason, logic and intellect . Congrats on managing to get through Warren. LOL!
good night, Shannyn… lemme see if I can get some DC’er to call in next week.
What a great ending! Excellent sign-off, Shannyn!
One stroke at a time …..
Two hours did go by fast!
prevo went off on catholics a few years ago… then went on interfaith council. prevo doesnt believe in other faiths. shannyn: he doesnt get to legislate his believes onto us. she is a “free range christian.” she is a cute chickie, true dat.
austin… that red is not the baboon’s ass. god sure does an amazing thing with his creations.
Welcome, Seagull!!!
The feed disconnects every so often… but this is great.
Shadow’s Heart – ROFLOL
I feel for them, your leftie sibs. My dad stuttered for years, finally overcame that (that seems to be one “symptom” – have seen stuttering in other southpaws forced rightie)
caligrl – Let me go find that RED baboons ass for you……….
Nan Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:39 PM
I’d never heard that “leftie is evil” until I was grown. tis crazy
I remember my Mom talking about it, memories of her 12 yrs in Catholic schools, with nuns and rulers. They made left-handed kids use their right hand….left was equated with evil.
My own kids went to Catholic schools for grades K-8—by then, nobody was doing that to kids anymore. Good thing, since my oldest son is a lefty–I would have been all over them for that!
Shannyn, you’ve done a sterling job. Nobody ever said it would be easy.
Thanks Isabella!!
I wonder if God bangs his head on his keyboard too.
honestyinGov “I am so busy trying make sure I don’t loose my connection… I can’t think and type”
What are you doing? Foil antennas?
Nan, I remember it very well. Two of my six sibs are lefties, I’m ambi, the rest are right hands.
My leftie sibs were most definitely forced to write with their right hands. It wasn’t a pleasant outcome.
That’s SCARY!`
Yeah, Justin… let me on. hahaaa
Seagull Junker Palin…he was saying how homosexuality as he has seen in his own home is not a choice like red shirts claim.
Ooops…About my 244 remark… I thought saurkraut was a ” GAL ” !! I am so busy trying make sure I don’t loose my connection… I can’t think and type
🙂 happy I got to talk to Shannyn. Her blog and show is amazing. Alaska needs more voices like hers!
mammals, monalisa… not just animals.
hey, missing you, AKM! I could use some reinforcements. You should hear the nasty people NOT getting on the air…awful stuff…
Justin is letting the nice people on comparatively speaking.
Used the friend’s cellphone cuz there’s no long distance charges on it. And my name don’t appear on the caller ID. hahahahaaa
I read recently that there are over 1500 species of anmals that exhibit homosexual behavior. Do THEY choose to be ‘perverted’, too?
That is a very astute observation and sets of points, justafahmah.
tried calling one more time, still getting the “we’re sorrry…”
I’d never heard that “leftie is evil” until I was grown. tis crazy
Shannyns comment on red…blue is
the chakra color of the throat to speak out!!!!
Red is the sexual color of the 1st chakra the survial/sexual chakra.
blue is the color to speak your truth!
Check Austins’s pic of a baboon, Austin can you post that?
That shows what RED its!
OMG! Gyphen call in !!! Go Gryphen!!!!
Sorry , Gryphen is the name.
sauerkraut Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:36 PM
A friend’s son is realizing that he might be gay… the kid is miserable because he does not want to be gay. He’s afraid of how everyone will view him and treat him
In Pennsyltucky that is sure something to worry about.
Get this child connect to Mudflats and places like it.
The sign said “Anchorage Baptist Taliban”
sorry, I was typing my “what I wanted to ask Shannyn” and missed Gryphen’s comments
love it when Gryphen calls in–he’s amazing! 🙂
yay Gryffen!
dang, I still can’t get in…here’s what I was going to say as to “being born vs choice”:
we’re born right-handed, left-handed or ambidexterous. I remember as a child, left hand kids being forced to write “rght-handed” because left-handed was “evil”
Griffen is aother true blue. Yay!
Oh please let me know what Gryphen is saying!!!
258 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:32 PM
Ossiander has handled the whole thing in a completely amateur way.
Just like the judge at the OJ trial. It’s a circus.Morons run amok………
Yaaaay Ennealogic! 🙂
Back to the Catholic-Christian thing: I know many many so-called christians who think the catholics are pagans? go figure!
Points are? (no feed)
Yes, I knew. I uh “choose” to disregard it lol
I know they profess to be Christian. It’s apparently a brand I’m not familiar with – but am getting more acquainted with it every day, in spite of myself.
A friend’s son is realizing that he might be gay… the kid is miserable because he does not want to be gay. He’s afraid of how everyone will view him and treat him.
Great points Ennnealogic!!
Ennnealogic on the line now!!!!!!
the logic girl is on!
Nan Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:31 PM
Well, it would be a big surprise to my husband not to be considered Christian – he’s Catholic
They don’t recognize Catholics. Didn’t you know that?
Or wear red, white & blue….keep them guessing!
lol (to the strange cat 🙂 )
Wear purple!!!!
justafarmer “Isabella, I’ll swap some of my 90% humidity and 90+ daytime temps for some of your cold.”
It is all yours.
“Tuesdays Night at the Fights”!!!!! LOL!!!!
Ossiander has handled the whole thing in a completely amateur way.
Well, it would be a big surprise to my husband not to be considered Christian – he’s Catholic
Isabella, I’ll swap some of my 90% humidity and 90+ daytime temps for some of your cold.
Yay Joan! I know your shirt is blue.
Is it true Red Shirts were donated by Baily’s?
Nan… I ain’t no joe da plumber… I prefer to be as my about section states… strangest cat in the litterbox 🙂
Joan is a christian catholic… ’round these parts, the christians do not consider catholics to be christian. maybe they think catholics (I’m catholic) are jewish or arabs.
Yeh, it kinda is. One way to exchange ideas without getting sidetracked though..
oh wow – what was Shannyn referring to when the teen walked by?
I tried calling but got the message that said I couldn’t get in from my calling area. Must be the solstice or solar flares…lol!
Never thought austin was a woman, neither!
(Finally, a VOICE saying Palin is a misogynist! YAY SHANNYN!!)
Shannyn says there’s so many woman who should “turn their vagina’s back in” lol!
going to emails candadian neithbor, and diane
ooopss… the teener was walking by right as Shannyn said “they should turn in their vagina’s” the look on his face!
ty nan.
gender on the internet is kinda irrelevant, aint it?
I think some might call it “being a half-bubble off-plumb” (as opposed to “strangest cat in the litterbox”
trish in SW FL “speak of cutting the grass….I need to remind one son to borrow mower from other son. Yard is looking like a jungle!”
8 acres here, cold (WHERE THE HECK is this Global Warming) and a bear that makes mowing impossible. My jungle beats your jungle 🙂
might of been ken on the ruuf? she says roof like… hahahaaa
I was was with most of the others here… I thought saurkraut was a Guy… and I am a Guy. Does this prove women are smarter and more perceptive… ? 😉
Lost the feed again….. (pounding keyboard ) had it for maybe one break
James sounds like he is in the blue. Yea!!
yep, Shannyn has a fan but sounds like he got cut off
Sarah Palin is in love with a misogynist… hahahaaaa… is James a mudpuppy? Speak up, James. oopps… he got cut off.
I got the “cat”, sauer, but “strangest cat in the litterbox”…hmmm!
Shannyn has a FAN on!!!
ooh, a sauerkraut riddle!
sauerkraut, you did great! wish you could have stayed on instead of that creepy Ken!
(Is that bad of me??)
<– strangest cat in the litterbox… emphasis on “the cat.” ie, like “cat” used in shaft and similar movies in early 70’s.
@206 trish in SW FL: I am SOOOOOO with you!
speak of cutting the grass….I need to remind one son to borrow mower from other son. Yard is looking like a jungle!
Sounds like you did pretty well, anyway, sauerkraut
I think the chipmunks know, already…
someone call in and ask Shannyn about Willow at the game… ask her if she’s ever seen anything concrete that Willow was even at that game.
LOL I guess we all assume that unless specifically gendered, our screen names represent pseudonymous chics! I found out long ago, it’s okay to ask (thanks sauerkraut for clarifying that for me oh so many moons ago).
Did Grandpa use the talking point RAPE? I bet he did!
I was gonna talk about Letterman; was gonna ask about proof that Willow was even there, but didn’t get that far.
GreatGrey – are you on the forum? (wondering about the cutting grass thing – or curious – whatever is least offensive)
Grandpa is trying to make a point about what DL said…. and he can;t even repeat the 4 words used in the joke.. WTH !! How informed is He…?
thanks for playing, Ken….lol!
Palin is a misogynist… hahaaaaa
austin’s not a… doesn’t have… ahh… austin’s a guy??
dang… anyone tell those chipmunks?
Oh jeez, must we hear all about Palin and Letterman again?
lol, GreatGrey! How about wearing something purple as well (discretely, of course) so we can recognize yo?
GreatGrey, take care!!!!
Discrimination by any other name is still discrimination. Legal or no.
austintx Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:13 PM
sauerkraut……..bunch of ‘em thought I was a girl too.also.
Oh my! Austin a Man! 😉
Take my word for it!
Shannyn is letting these tools/redshirts go on to long 🙁
justafarmer “isabella, I don’t have boy parts but I do have access to boy parts….not bragging, just saying…”
Open mind guy. But he does not have any proof of any gays having been discriminated against. He wants documentation of gays being discriminated against. How open is his mind?
sauer, your accent sounds like some of my friends and family. My accent OTOH sounds kinda weird. Maybe you can hear it next week on Shannyn’s show.
Well, I guess I ought to cut some grass for Solstice. The sun will be setting in another 5 hours 🙂
I’ll be seeing the ANC folks at the library Tuesday night, be sure to say Hi to me. (How will ya know me, I’ll be the one in the blue shirt)
You know Ken loves the girl on girl action it is just the guy lovin that messes with his head.
isabella, I don’t have boy parts but I do have access to boy parts….
not bragging, just saying…
here in PA @ 177… I have an Alaskan accent?? No way… it’s a combo of bawshten and pennsyltucky!
Why and how would there be concrete examples of discrimination published IF IT’S LEGAL!!!???
new caller is “tired of listening to silly bible talk”
YOU’RE typo…
austintx, your a boy?
Who here has boy parts?
I’d like to see him more liberal than he is. I want Health Care fixed, I want us OUT of Iraq, I want the war criminals punished, I want DADT repealed. I want a LOT of things!
BUT: I don’t expect it all to be accomplished in just 5 months. We are in a huge mess, and it didn’t happen overnite, and will not be fixed overnite.
sauerkraut……..bunch of ’em thought I was a girl too.also.
lol, sauer! I never thought you were a girl! But even iffen you were, that would have been ok with me
There is good exchange going on…Sauerkraut, you have some awesome dialog going on.
I appreciate the respect everyone here gives others even on differing points of view.
Yay you! (No, PO isn’t “librul” – and we know how Rush & Hannity always tell it like it is… grr)
129 Shannyn Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:55 PM
Have I told you I love you lately?
Here you go!
The Flats is filled with the most wonderful people!
Ditto – thank you Farmer!
<– looking into pants… yep… doesn’t look like girlie parts down there!
I never thought sauerkraut was a woman… YAY SAUER!
hugs to sauerkraut, way to go bro!
dang… and I’m wearing my blue shirt, too.
Great call Sauerkraut! You guys had some good exchanges.
and he talking about putting things in boxes
but Shannyn disagrees with sauer over “Mr. Stay the Course” (POTUS)
Obama not liberal–funny, I think I’ve heard Rush and/or Hannity claim Obama is ‘further left’ than even Ted Kennedy. Yet, some of us who are liberal don’t think he’s liberal enough, LOL.
ty farmer!
sauer talking Fox News…
Shannyn says POTUS is not a liberal, and I agree. Right now POTUS is a moderate.
FISA now, Shannyn said that made her throw up in her mouth. Maybe FISA is part of the Palin prob now
Dems today are further to the right than Repugs in the 60s. Think about it.
Nice recap Farmer.
Always thought he was a guy……..
here_in_PA Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:05 PM
Isabella Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:03 PM
Hey sauerkraut is a guy!!! Things you learn.
LOL, a shock to me too!!! Also, sounds (accent) Alaskan.
same here! I don’t know why, but I thought aauerkraut was female!
Shannyn has issue w/ PO
oooh, good question, Nan!
Seagull, me too lol
Go Sauerkraut/Obama guy!!!
sauer is saying that there’s no one size fits all liberal (I’m taking liberty with that) but liberals are all different kinds of people and most don’t agree on everything.
Oh, I’d love to know what Shannyn has to say about the DoJ sayin’ to the judge “We can’t give those documents because some comedian will use it – or give a heads up to the “opponent” (some kind of bipartisan cooperation, eh?)
Ditto Shannyn.
Isabella Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 6:03 PM
Hey sauerkraut is a guy!!! Things you learn.
LOL, a shock to me too!!! Also, sounds (accent) Alaskan.
Nan, lol.
They are defining what a “Liberal” is.
sauer said he thought Shannyn wasn’t an Obama girl and healthcare. She says POTIS isn’t a liberal. and asked about DADT
Nan – me too! I’m kindly requesting a transcription please!! (kidding…kinda)
Sauerkraut, is asking Shannyn about Obama, his health care.
um. Didn’t mean to be snarky, just bummin’ that I can’t hear.
🙁 <—see?
they’re talking about Obama
sauerkraut !!
pennsyltucky on the radio!!!!!
What did Sauerkraut say??? dang – I can’t listen.
So what’d sauerkraut SAY? Not all of us can hear it, y’all
Hey sauerkraut is a guy!!! Things you learn.
sauerkraut Yeah!!!!
YAY sauerkraut!!!!!!
Good choice, Ripley. 😉
Steve says “there’s only one church”….hmmm, then that would be the Roman Catholic Church, or the Coptic Catholic Church. All the rest of the Christian churches came centuries later. So what is Steve’s “Only One Church”?
Love that…MAKE HIM GO AWAY!!!
Like Charlie And The Chocolate Factory…to the furnace!!!
((((((( Ripley ))))))))
shannyn… talk to sauerkraut… come on
Bible Bowl Champ! ROFL!
Huh? I thought that God &/or the Bible was “never changing”
I can’t listen anymore. It’s the same crap as the other night. It’s downright abusive to me. I’ll check back in here but sorry, Shannyn, I have to stop listening. You make good points, but as long as they are allowed to spew their hate, I can’t listen. It raises my blood pressure too much.
sheshould talk to me…I am much friendlier than steve
Barnes and Noble, link.
Steve is flaming red and if you could be a fly on the wall of his trailer, he is probably the worst closeted pervert of all. All while reading his Bible.
oh, we’re under a NEW Covenant now. So all Bible rules have changed for Steve, picking and choosing.
AAAAARRRGH! Another red shirt.
LOL! I love when Shannyn talks about the Bible.
turn off the mic! dont let him talk over you!
oh boy…….bible lesson…….church is on Sunday…..won’t see ya Steve
Steve is beyond ridiculous! I don’t know how Shannyn can keep her composure with these nutz.
she gave mudflats a shoutout but…. but! the telephone screener will not put me thru because I will only ID myself as sauerkraut.
He is such a idiot she should cut these people off, they will not let a another POV! Xian!
austintx “You’re in line. I did it last week and got within one and chickened out. Lost my concentration on talking point”
Write down what you want to say first?
crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:54 PM
Did anyone catch this fox, Steve jobs have a donated liver, from a dead person 70% and a LIVE person…how does a LIVE person donate a liver???
I think it’s possible for a healthy living person to donate a portion of the liver? Not sure?
crystalwolf, one actually CAN get a liver donation from a live donor. Livers can regenerate themselves so only a small portion of a liver is required for a donation.
Shannyn–you are one brave soul dealing with the idiots calling in to your showl!
And you are also smooth as silk with your quest to paint AK blue!
Thanks from here in CT,
Steve a redshirt
thanks for the shout out Shannyn. We Mud pups are happy to support you.
I wrote this review today on Barnes and Noble. Anyone who may have an account, would you rate the series 5 stars?
shout out for mudflats… YES 8)
Right back atcha Shannyn
I have sadz for honesty not getting to listen. Could well be a connection prob!
Some real losers out there, Shannyn is doing an excellent job handling them, as always!
WE love you too, Shannyn! 😀
123 sauerkraut Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:52 PM
it is ringing.. but answered!
You’re in line. I did it last week and got within one and chickened out. Lost my concentration on talking points……..
Have you deleted your cache file (the temp files, cookies)
honestyinGov, your ISP might be having overload or some other issue.
Have I told you I love you lately?
sauerkraut, I haven’t tried the 866 number (mostly because it’s late and the caller queue has to be very long at this point) but I’m also in pennsyltucky (which also include westbygodbuckeye), so I agree…just as well…
Did anyone catch this fox, Steve jobs have a donated liver, from a dead person 70% and a LIVE person…how does a LIVE person donate a liver???
justafarmer…. I am familiar with the green box and it has worked in the past… not tonight. maybe it doesn’t connect with a modem too well… or as well. Too slow..? Shut down many times already. will have to follow along.
justafarmer Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:49 PM
lol, GreyGrey! AKM’s photo of Shannyn in the “Anchorage’s Non-Discrimination Ordinance – New Developments” thread was priceless in regards to Prevo bathroom checkers.
I saw that 🙂
We LOVE busy signals, good show!!! Damn, Shannyn is quick and so freakin smart!!!
it is ringing.. but answered!
Kirk, Kurt, Curt…couldn’t figure out his name, was actually speaking in a non-stringent tone of voice, At least I didn’t have to walk out of the room.
Shannyn, you did great with him…you were a good example of how to try to have a civilized discussion with someone you know will probably never agree with you on the basic issues.
That 866-610-xxxx number cannot be reached from pennsyltucky and the other number is busy busy busy. A good thing, I guess.
lol, GreyGrey! AKM’s photo of Shannyn in the “Anchorage’s Non-Discrimination Ordinance – New Developments” thread was priceless in regards to Prevo bathroom checkers.
Kirk is a true Repug. The party of no change.
Is Shannyn going on KO soon?
honestyinGov, sorry 🙁
HAHAHAHAHA Great Grey! I was at a local casino, in the ladies room, and I was thinking about those fools who lie about the bathroom events!!!
I just (within the past very little while) went to:
and then clicked on the green “Listen” box.
Another Zeigler, “cut the mike”. Good job Shannyn, you clobered him and shamed him off air with his nonsense.
AaRRghhh!! Every link that everybody tries says it works….. I get that crazy clock going round and round… I got NADA…
Shut down and restart… many times… nada. Will have to follow the comments.
justafarmer Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:42 PM
bathrooms can’t be far behind with this guys…
I haven’t peed in a week for fear of a Prevo Penis checker being in the john before me.
This is that same guy that spoke the other nite. Fat-ass redneck……..
How about the Boy Scouts being founded by pedophiles and the YMCA?
turn him down, lol!
@AussieBlue: You betcha! LOL!
bathrooms can’t be far behind with this guys…
What is this guy doing, he sounds out of breath.
Oh man, another red-shirter. I can imagine this bunghole sitting in his barker lounger with a Pabst in a red shirt.
Oh, he’s such a scholar.
crystalwolf aka caligrl, Warren lives with his mommy.
You’re in Canada right — I’ve tried – it doesn’t work. U.S. only
smack Randy down,Shannyn!
Local number is 907.274.5297. The toll free number is 866 610 5297
92 sauerkraut Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:38 PM
okay… tried the 1-866 number from last week but it says “cannot be reached from your calling area.”
Yup – said it was “non-working” last week.
I love this song. GO Stevie!!!
Must have been some kind of lovefest in Texas last week huh?
“Perry reminded me he has been endorsed by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, whom he described as a “close personal friend” who “knows my heart.” He also noted that, “If there’s a bigger endorsement in the Republican universe, I don’t know who it is than Sarah.”
out of state 866-610-5297
Is he the guy changing his voice?
🙂 not unless he is finally growing up. He used to call into Shannyn and Aaron at KUDO all the time just to stir stuff up.
oooh census commercial, Michele Bachmann (R-MN) says she is definitely going to BREAK that law! Big govmint, doncha know.
Jd great I mean!
AKM – Brian could not make it either ?? Is he outta town ??
okay… tried the 1-866 number from last week but it says “cannot be reached from your calling area.”
Canadian Neighbour Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:34 PM
JD – If a couple who get married can’t have children — then they shouldn’t get married?
JD – Say’s Shannytn should remind Warren Whites and blacks couldn’t get married at one time not that long ago.
I thought that was great!
Warren probably cheats on his wife big time/w ladies of the night, but its not sex ya know (b/c its bj)
BTW isn’t Anchorage the same city that has underaged strip joints, so that young men who aren’t legally old enough to drink beer in public are still allowed to see naked women as much as possible?
GreatGrey “At least it wasnt Scott, that guy was a total nutzoid.”
Is he the guy changing his voice?
Can someone give me Shannyn’s telephone number for out of staters…
akmuckraker Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:32 PM
Heyyyyy….. I thought Shannyn said this guy was banned. Argh.
Hang up!!! Pleeeease!
At least it wasnt Scott, that guy was a total nutzoid.
DH’s movie is over and I now have Shannyn audio!
califpat Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 5:32 PM
Warren has no point at all Shannyn!!! His argument is assinine. Sounds like his has some kind of fixation on the vagina and the penis.
I will bet you that Warren thinks about BJ’s ALL the time.
kiss a man is worse than being a slave… does warren have any sons? he kiss any of them? did he survive?
JD – If a couple who get married can’t have children — then they shouldn’t get married?
JD – Say’s Shannytn should remind Warren Whites and blacks couldn’t get married at one time not that long ago.
Warren – Let’s talk about my pee pee and your wee wee.
Is JD one of our family here?
Is her number for outta statahs still 1-866-610-5297?
… a breeder’s test?? hahahahaaaa… Warren is a tool.
*deep breaths… deep breaths* AKM, please make her keep Warren out.
But he keeps coming back — like fungi
Heyyyyy….. I thought Shannyn said this guy was banned. Argh.
Hang up!!! Pleeeease!
Someone needs to call Shannyn and get this guy off her station.
Warren has no point at all Shannyn!!! His argument is assinine. Sounds like his has some kind of fixation on the vagina and the penis.
Warren is a freak.
I am so f’in tired of people making judgments on who I sleep with. Or have slept with. It has NOTHING to do with sex. It has to do with relationship!!!
Shannyn keeps him around for entertainment…….
Canadian Neighbor, I think that’s just it for him and Prevo et al: DIFFERENT categories. Makes it easier to discriminate with a “clear conscious”.
Who is this Warren clown?? He makes no sense and has no points.
This guy is creepy!
Shannyn, you need to hang up on him. The BRAIN is your sexual organ.
He claims to be civil? Gimme a break.
Hang up. Just hang up.
Warren has a CRUSH.
Ya know, what is FAR OUT?
Those morons holding those signs Tuesday they didn’t choose to be (BLACK or ASIAN) but gays chose to be homosexuals…which is them putting themselves down since they think lower of someones sexual preference fro their owns and trying to make excuses for who they are…DUMBASSES.
Warren is a idiot!
Warren – Are you mad at me Shannyn — No.
Only lost it on radio twice — when lost 5 friends in plane crash and once with Warren. She’s apologizing.
W – Homosexual people want blacks on their side. That’s not right. Not the same.
w – Different categories whether black, gay or women. not the same thing— WTF
Warren is a major assh#le of the worst order. There is no rational argument that this imbecile will understand.
How odd is that?! Looks like Eddie is “vetting” you!
This guy could make me get an airline ticket to Alaska. With a hammer.
NOPE he is not.
Warren is on, is he a friend? Lets see.
Oh NOO!!!! Not WArren!!! I hate this guy.
Line from Music — I remember when I lost my mind!!
Yea — we all did Tuesday & Wednesday night
She plays good music…
Izzy you brought up the “begathon” LOL!!!!! You were great ♥
GreatGrey “Eddie Burkeak aka @talkradiohost on twitter, seems to have some interest in what chruch I attend”
He is a S*O*B*!!!
It was me, love!!!
You guys have got to call in, k!!! Lets keep Shannyn, supported. After this week, so many are probably tired and fatigued in Alaska. Lets give her the cue to get out as much information as possibile….they are listening!!!
Eddie Burke, aka @talkradiohost on twitter, seems to have some interest in what chruch I attend:
@GreatGrey are you frm the Norther Lts church?3:04 PM Jun 18th from web in reply to GreatGrey
I asked him why he wanted to know, he hasn’t answered.
Is that our Mudflat’s Isabella? If it is, she was fabulous.
Go Izzy go!
They claim that McCallister is half african american when they claimed she didn’t like them.
Shannyn horrified. Talking about what she has posted on her blog right now about Eddie Burke
note to self=get some headphones for the Mac!
Can’t hear anything this week, Shannyn, but hopefully can have that fixed for next week!
My question this week would have been “where are all these terrible bathrooms the red shirts kept going on about?”
Re busing folks in for the meetings: @yksin and @pastorD have been going at it on Twitter.
@pastorD denies that they are busing folks in. And he may be ‘technically’ right. The folks from Wasilla are driving to ABT, and being bused from there.
Still doesn’t wash, they are busing people to the meetings.
heh heh.. dissin’ on WAR
crystalwolf aka caligrl “I emailed her. Asked about Diva 6K emails, SLAPP suit.
I didn’t really get the numbers, so I just email. Izzy are you going to call?”
I Emailed about Sullivan.
OK, call me.
Change of plans in the station tonight…weird, AKM is fine, just had an “adjustment of time”…like next week.
Shannyn just touched a nerve with me talking about “sin”. The Xtians sin is not my sin because I was not raised Xtian. I was raised without any religion and I am so happy for it each and every day.
You red shirts can try to pin your “sin” on me but if I don’t operate under your program it has no reference to me in my life. Live on redshirts, live on repressed and unhappy and afraid Xtians. My life is good and not filled with fear or hate.
I emailed her. Asked about Diva 6K emails, SLAPP suit.
I didn’t really get the numbers, so I just email. Izzy are you going to call?
Shadow’s Heart, call in!!!
call in (out of state) 866-610-5297
email [email protected]
Shannyn, would like anyone who was at assembly Tuesday, to please call in.
Anyone who was there or listening you should absolutely call in.
Got it thanks again guys I hear Shannyn loud and clear. You guys are the best.
Shannyn’s asking “What fresh hell” will start the day after this past weeks events.
Cali did you get the numbers?
Shadow’s Heart, it’s 9pm for us in the EST zone. She just came on
Thanks Trish!!!
Here we gooooooo
I haz sad, austin. no headphones for the Mac mini.
Hope everything’s ok!
Errr…that would be Shannyn. Blackberry challenged!
Thanks guys I guess her show starts at 10 pm nj time. I got the station but it’s having a tough time buffing and keeps stalling out.
Willing to share! 🙂
Iced Tea
Jalapeño Poppers
Sorry everyone! I’ve had a bit of an emergency at work and will not be able to make it in to the studio today. Many apologies! Nothing serious…just can’t be two places at the same time. 🙁 Feel free to live bog here. I’ll pop in when I can. Sannn and I will reschedule.
Looks like it’s fixed now, and the link is working also, too!
I’m ready–let’s go!
anybody got the phone number to call in?
LOVING Palin, making PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS now on Twitter she is in Juneau.
Pander to critics, BEGGING for money….AHaHaHaHaHa!!!!
21 justafarmer Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 4:48 PM
I’m here, but DH is watching an X-files movie in the same room, so I’ll have to depend on everyone else’s comments this time.
Headphones ??
I’ve got my 3 food groups ready:
I’m ready!!!
I’m here, but DH is watching an X-files movie in the same room, so I’ll have to depend on everyone else’s comments this time.
Heart did you get on???
Isabella Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 4:33 PM
CALI, rally the troops lets have a PARTY!!!!
CALI, rally the troops lets have a PARTY!!!!
Heart this is the link
click play it opens a new window
Shadow’s Heart “Does anyone have a direct link?”
Is the link above working for you now? It is for me.
OR and click on “listen”
Does anyone have a direct link? It’s telling me the show can’t be picked up on Radio Time and you have to visit the website to tune into the program.
Terpsichore: It is a blended wine, made by a friend in a wine-making venue in Massachusetts. You pick what kind you want to make, create a label and make the wine by the case. You go back in a specific amount of time, for fermenting and such, and voila. The next one I open will be a lovely Cranberry Chianti. I must say, however, that the Raspberry Merlot might be my favorite thus far. I have good friends. 😛
Oh yeah, topic….. Go get ’em Shanny. I think I might make it. I was gonna call in this week, but I think it best not to at this juncture. 😐
So who is calling in? You know those little imps have nothing to do like count their pennies since they gave them all to Petty Palin, they’ll be trying to annoy, the show.
BTW, W T F was with that CREEP last week trying to disguise his voice?
5 Ripley in CT Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 4:08 PM
did someone say Samurai?
Yup – need a visual on that ??
I am in!!!
trying again….
3 Ripley in CT Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 3:59 PM
I’m gonna try to stay up. I am halfway into a bottle of Blueberry Pinot Noir….Been a rough week. Good luck if you don’t see me.
* ** * ** * ** * ** *
OK, now you are just being a tease. What is this Blueberry wine goodness you speak of, and more importantly, where can I get some?
To make some pretense of keeping on topic, have fun tonight, I hope topic(s) are riveting – suspect good old Ord. 64 will be bandied about.
did someone say Samurai? 🙂
testing, did I break it? waahhh! 🙁
3 Ripley in CT Says:
June 20th, 2009 at 3:59 PM
I’m gonna try to stay up. I am halfway into a bottle of Blueberry Pinot Noir….Been a rough week. Good luck if you don’t see me.
What !?!? bubbles and I are on our way with a bottle of Samurai. Better perk up grasshopper !!
I’m gonna try to stay up. I am halfway into a bottle of Blueberry Pinot Noir….Been a rough week. Good luck if you don’t see me.
Best part of a Saturday nite: listening to Shannyn on the live stream! 🙂
Will definitely tune in.