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Brother Can You Spare $600,000?


$600,000. That’s the growing pile of legal debt that Sarah Palin claims to have incurred since last summer. We don’t actually know that for a fact, nor do we know how these legal bills are itemized, or even for whom, because like so many things in the Palin administration,  (leaning over and whispering in your ear) it’s super secret.  But, that’s OK.  We’re not going to worry our pretty little heads about stuff like that.

This mountain of debt is blamed, of course, on ethics complaints, and those who file them. “Ohhhh!  They’re trying to bankrupt the governor!  See, none of these complaints stick!  It’s not because the personnel board works directly for the governor, it’s just that they’re all haters!  And they’re mean!” so the wailing goes.

The Daily News Miner has a comprehensive list of ethics complaints – HERE. But here are the three most noteable as far as incurring legal debt.

1. Troopergate investigation by the legislature that found her guilty of committing ethics violations, and abusing her power as governor.

2.  Troopergate investigation by governor appointed personnel board filed by Palin herself, in which she was found innocent of wrongdoing.

3.  “Travelgate,” and its investigation which led to the discovery that Palin had been unethically charging the state for her children’s travel expenses.

There are still a couple complaints that are pending, but the others that have been dismissed so far have gone down in flames before the personnel board without much fanfare.  No investigations even, so presumably not particularly expensive.

So where is all this money going?

Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, would not give a case-by-case accounting of how Palin has incurred so much legal debt, saying “that type of breakdown is protected by the attorney-client privilege.” Palin’s personal spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, did not respond to inquiries about whether the governor would waive the privilege and release that information.

Of course, it’s probably not in the governor’s best interest to release that information, because the bulk of the cost is undoubtedly made up of those three items above.  One found her guilty.  The other was an end run appeal which declared her not guilty the day before the election, by putting the question in front of a friendly governor-appointed board.  And the third exposed her creative accounting practices with state money for personal benefit.  This is a pretty weak case to bring to people from whom you want money.

In a case of interesting timing, the governor has until tomorrow to pay back the state for $10,000 in travel expenses for her children that she charged to the state.  Perhaps she’ll pay this from her SarahPAC money, or can that come from the legal defense fund?  So many income sources to track….

“You just cannot believe how many people really believe in this governor like I do and others do and are sending in checks for 5 and 10 dollars, saying this is all I have at this time but I’ll send you another 5 dollars in two months,” Cole said.

Will Grandma get reimbursed her $5  now that Palin has a multi-million dollar book deal and could just write a check to Thomas Van Flein?  Does that poor single mom who’s just scraping by realize that according to the terms of the donation her money may go to defend somebody other than the governor?  Is anyone curious as to why these bills are so high considering the fact that the governor keeps trumpeting how all the complaints are frivolous and immediately dismissed?

Ironically, here’s the governor’s Father’s Day message from Twitter:

Happy Father’s Day to every dad, everywhere! I’m thankful for my dad’s lessons re: no one will just hand you anything, you must work for it



128 Responses to “Brother Can You Spare $600,000?”
  1. KaJo says:

    EyeOnYou Says: June 22nd, 2009 at 11:25 AM ” Her groupies are getting around that by telling people that if they have already donated the max, to get friends, family members, anyone to donate and if they don’t have the money ..give it to them. Her groupie who has been on the radio with Eddie Burke says “Be creative”. They will find a way.”

    After seeing Rebecca Ramjet say that on C4P, I’d think the APOC/Feds WOULD be interested.

    Especially when everyone realizes that said groupies would probably go so far as to use friends and family members’ names without permission and might even adopt some other patented ways to cheat: using dead peoples’ names, names of dogs, etc.

    What a surprise that’d be for unaware friends, relatives, and relatives of dead people, eh?

  2. Lainey says:

    @mlaiuppa #125

    I don’t know why the difficulty up there in AK…I think it’s the socialistic oil dividends that keep them, keeping her…as others have said. I think gifting money really does talk…kinda like Amadinijad’s gifts of money and goats or whatever to bribe the poor and buy the election.

  3. honestyinGov says:

    Just checked Celtic Diva… amount is $3,039 and at 55%

    Wooo Hooo!!

  4. mlaiuppa says:

    I’m in California and we’ve recalled Governors for less than what Palin has done.

  5. Bretta says:

    I’m having trouble imagining that Governor’s legal bills are over $200,000 here, since she claims most of it is related to frivolous charges. The amount must include a lot of personal business, perhaps related to taxes, amendments, per diem, and reorganization for the PAC and the AFT?

    I just don’t trust her… I think she’s lying.

  6. 10cats4me says:

    Update on Mark Myers. He resigned from USGS when Obama was elected. He has mostly been with oil companies. Found this article in Geotimes, Nov 2006, paragraph excerpt:

    “In October 2005, Myers resigned from his director position in protest over Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski’s (R) dismissal of Tom Irwin, commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, who was critical of the governor’s proposed contract with oil companies BP, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil to build a natural gas pipeline from Alaska’s North Slope (see story, this issue). He and six other officials who also resigned maintained the contract was not good for the state. “I cannot continue as Director and watch silently as the state’s interests are undermined,” Myers wrote in his resignation letter, alluding to the governor’s rejection of proposals by other companies that may have offered better terms for the state.”

    So AK mudflatters, you should already know about this. Sarah’s deal is better? Somehow, I can’t agree with that. I am more for scientific research over commercial gain, which is oil company’s goal.

  7. woodstove says:

    Even if your charity is yourself isn’t that socialism? I wonder how many of the dollars being donated to Gino come from people who get their money from the public sector? When and if you ever think about it every person in this country who collects money for what they do from any state, local, or federal government is a socialist. Pure capitalism cannot exist. And when the supposed free market capitalists have no customers without the government borrowing the futures money to pay for their insane philosophy you get what we have now. Gino is just a small example of people that can’t pay their own way. What is it that Gino is giving these people for their money? There is no doubt that Sarah Palin is a beggar.

  8. Mudbug says:

    Of COURSE Joey the unlicensed plumber wants palin! He could care less about qualifications or working hard to acheive. He knows what it’s like to take, take, take.

  9. michigander says:

    If she were Governor in Michigan we would have petititioned for recall long ago. To other folks outside of Alaska – curious to know – would you? What would you do for yourselves, your State and your country? Complain, roll over, hope she moves on and figure she’ll get put in her place someday?
    She is America’s number one Frenemy. This is too similar as to how we got Bush in the first place. It sickens me )o:

  10. 10cats4me says:

    Just read about the lady running off to Payson (AZ I think). Cherylle what’s her name. Payson is a nice quiet town in the mountains in northern AZ. My cousin wanted to retire there, but not enough work around. This lady and others surrounding Sarah, are so incredible. Just read the disclosure forms on Palingates and all the comments surrounding it.

    I read, comment and contribute where I can mainly because I was living in Texas when Ann Richards lost to the Shrub (as Molly Ivins called him). No one thought he could ever beat her. But he did. And just look at what has happened in the past years.

    Many folks just think the blogging is too much. but I think it plays a great part in the wonderful mystic world wide web that we all live in.

    I don’t think Sarah is fit for any office, but she apparently has the ability to push her image with credibility. I am just so glad that there are those of you out there to keep up the work, details, requests, complaints, information highway accessibility via links, etc.

    I tried to leave a comment on Palingates about the Arctic Cat deal. I work a lot of consulting and always have to sign employment agreements. Employers (sponsors) are always worried about confidentiality, etc. and they tie you in anyway they can to keep you from talking.

    How this ties with the Cat business is that TP probably signed an agreement that also states that if he releases certain “confidential” financial information, he can lose his sponsorship. Well, he may want Cat snowmachines verses any others. But Arctic Cat is not the only one racing.

    If Sarah were not in public office, no problem, he could just keep quiet about it all. But she is a public official and bound to release this information. So, she is trying every which way to squirrel out of this deal. But I am so glad you AK bloggers and commenters are out there holding up the flag for us all. I will keep reading and continue to comment.

    I am a well educated, published writer, meeting moderator, not that much of a liberal anymore, and I was going to vote for McCain until he picked you know WHO for his VP candidate.

    Have a good night and good rest to all of you.

    kitty city mama

  11. Nan says:

    Seems to me that those lawyers had best be top of the line in AK, at the rate her bill keeps on climbing.

    What the heck is she doing that it’s going up at that rate, anyway?! Shoot, what are THEY doing?!

  12. Krubozumo Nyankoye says:

    While waiting for moderation on my earthquake comment I read this post and noticed that in some MSM today there were reports to the effect that Caribou Barbie had raised $100k this week for her legal fees. Now apparently she is also claiming those fees have gone up to $600k from $500k, so —- you have to kind of wonder, will that pattern continue? Will the rubes who are giving her their hard earned money realize she is conning them?

    Somehow, I don’t think so.

  13. califpat says:

    @Lainey: I totally agree with you. I think Gino is a major fake, fraud and a phony of the worst order.

  14. Lainey says:

    I don’t believe her for a hot second…she’s probably trying to get scarahpac to pay for a personal home renovation & her family’s vacation or something. All her so-called legal stuff was dismissed (didn’t have to get past the personnel board for a trial or anything) and her lawyer was pro bono…payment with a wink and a nod and employment for their relatives. She’s a liar and a crook…I don’t believe any of her financial woes.

  15. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    how come Kristens mother was able to over and over get her realty license?

  16. honestyinGov says:

    post #107..say no to palin in politics..

    What a small world…. and a coincidence.
    I was born in Charles City Iowa. 😉
    We moved out of State soon thereafter so I have no idea what that town is like though.

    And I don’t ‘pal around with ‘ embezzlers .

  17. InJuneau says:

    sjk–your posts getting deleted here on the ‘Flats? Maybe they’re just in the filter?

  18. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Oh…now my posts are being deleted here too. I guess that other blog is now verboten…I am dissapointed. No worries. Censorship has a way of leaving a bad taste in anyone’s mouth after a while. Rock on AKM…

    sjk, I sent you an email. I’m hoping from this that you haven’t seen it yet. Anyone is always welcome and encouraged to contact me directly if you have questions about moderation. Thanks! AKM

  19. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oops, trade this link with my last on Kristen’s Mother……..

  20. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Kristen Coles mother’s info……….wonder if she filed bankruptcy? she had to repay $76,000 before being released from sentencing. And she would have “just” been (June 20, 09) released from her 2 yr sentencing “if” she did everything required. Found the medical health care payment interesting. So, where did all that money come from? just askin.

    “After her disappearance, it was suggested Moseley’s debts tallied in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Terms of the conditional sentence will require Moseley to live in Charles City, Iowa, and not change her address without permission. She was prohibited from consuming alcohol for 12 months, and ordered to perform 120 hours of community service work.

    Blair went along with a joint submission for sentence proposed by the Crown and defence lawyers and imposed a two-year less a day conditional sentence, even though the woman now lives in Iowa.

    Thursday, June 21, 2007
    Kamloops Real Estate Agent Receives Sentence

    Fisher said the woman is covered by health insurance in the U.S., but her coverage would be terminated if she leaves Canada for more than 60 days.

    Jailing Moseley would see her health-care costs transferred to the Canadian penal system, Fisher said, adding she would be “one expensive prisoner.”

    Justice Blair said he could not ignore such an obvious issue, noting the courts must consider all aspects of the public interest in deciding sentences.

    “To imprison (her) in Canada would . . . leave the cost of her medical costs with the Canadian taxpayer,” said Blair.

    Regardless, Blair had concerns about the idea of imposing a conditional sentence to be served in the U.S., especially with regard to the issue of monitoring.

  21. Bretta says:

    So $100,000 is enough to pay Van Phlegm about 20 cents on the dollar. Wonder who’ll represent her then in bankruptcy court?

  22. Super Bee says:

    Well I can’t wait, next we’ll have her down on 5th Avenue with Meg Stapletongue, Kristin Cole and all her other crazy girlfriends doing a Fill the Red Hoochie Mama Shoe fundraiser at each stoplight.

  23. MissSunshine says:

    She is absolutely shameless. She will have her begging cup out from now till when she is six feet under for any reason she can drum up.

    Time marches on however, and her continual whining may get a bit overplayed. She doesn’t seem to be able to learn and grow, and the list of people she can charm or bully into compliance will grow shorter, as her bag of tricks are exposed to the light of day.

  24. InJuneau says:

    sjk–oh you baddie you! 😉

  25. Tealwomin says:

    Alaska – tooooo bad a Class Action lawsuit can’t do the trick

    who invented the name of “her family & friends fun[d]” Alaska Fund Trust…whatever, i might have it reversed…? funny she that she needs the money [because she violated trust]…but i’m sure she’ll take it as a showing that ppl trust her enought to donate to her…

  26. Irishgirl says:

    May I suggest a PAC fund! 🙂

  27. justafarmer says:

    @Say NO:

  28. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    tealwoman, I dont get it. Its like when I was a kid in the barber chair, and looking in the mirror and seeing my reflections reflections reflection. Couldnt wrap my mind around the concept, and even Steven Hawking might not be able to formulate any theory on this type of “arrangement”.

    The IRS however probably already has!

  29. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    examples of Kristen Cole’s honesty and integrity……..(link on my last post)

    “During the meeting, Chair Kristen Cole gave the most asinine reason for doing away with the personal guarantee:

    “If there was a default and if the loan was not satisfied and additional funds were needed to satisfy the loan, the Attorney General’s Office would have the opportunity to go after one or all of the folks who signed the personal guarantees. In her personal view after everything has been sold and there is a default, only the people with money would be responsible for repaying the loan.”

    For God’s sake…isn’t that the reason for a personal guarantee; so the state has recourse to get repaid the money it lent?

    Cole went on to argue that having a security in the fixtures and equipment and a security in the receivables was enough.

    Security in the fixtures and equipment? It’s clear that Olson didn’t put in the Vally Dairy’s loan application what she put in her 9/27 email to her fellow owners: “Valley Dairy has none of our assets.”

  30. InJuneau says:

    Irishgirl–Oh darn you! I was hoping you’d come up here and see us so we could take you over to the Mansion and introduce you around! 😉

  31. Irishgirl says:

    In juneau, if it happens, probably NY, NJ and PA.

  32. Tealwomin says:

    The Grifter formerly know as Govenor

  33. justafarmer says:

    tealwomin, exactly!
    They DO have to pay taxes on the taxes that were paid by someone else.
    It’s like credit card companies that charge interest on a balance that was paid off and then charge interest on the interest.

  34. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    23rd is tomorrow. Time to pay up crazy lady. I wonder if palin can pay the $10K via the AK FAKE TRUST, aka her personal PAY PAL?

  35. justafarmer says:

    bwahahahahahaaa the problem child!

  36. InJuneau says:

    the problem child–YIKES. You’d better show up on Tuesday night to tell everyone at the Assembly!

  37. Tealwomin says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane

    So she’ll pay the tax, but get reinbursed for any payments…WOW

    is it kinda like when Opra gave everyone a car, then they had to pay tax on their new cars…so she paid it for them? i’m not understand ing why they didn’t have to pay tax on the taxes paid on their behalf…it’s endless

    Alaska, you guys oughta be fighting [mad]

  38. the problem child says:

    OMG!! There was a scary man dressed as a woman in the echo chamber and my children were terrified! The security guard wouldn’t do anything, even when I begged! Also, too, there was pee all over the floor!

  39. Tealwomin says:

    …funny that the WEEP -A- THON happend right as the money GiNO owes Alaska is due….

  40. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    the problem child Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 2:07 PM

    I like to infuriate the echo chamber admins by showing up from sites like Wonkette, Politico, and HuffPo, preferably one featuring a stupid Sarah story (I know they watch their feedjit). Then, not commenting, just methodically checking them out, then leaving via one of their (inevitable) links to the Blue Oasis. It’s passive-agressive, I know, but for me, it beats commenting there.

  41. InJuneau says:

    Irishgirl–seriously? Our fair country? Where? If you come up this way, you must get in touch!!

  42. Irishgirl says:

    Nite all…thinking of a trip in August to your fair country!

  43. justafarmer says:

    🙂 Irishgirl!
    I shall resist…

  44. Irishgirl says:

    No sneaking to the echo chamber. !!!!!

  45. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    how does anyone know “where” the legal fee’s are coming from, Scarah “says” its ethics complaints, how do we know it’s not legal fee’s from absolutely anything in her personal life? hmmmm? it could be a personal lawsuit having nothing to do with her being governor……or it could be lawsuits by other politicians, or it could be defense because she’s being investigated by the IRS for personal tax evasion………

    her stupid cult groupies don’t expect accountability, they’re dumb blind sheep. Just like those who give in blind faith to “christian pastors” who rip people off. It’s a Ponzi scheme. She has not made pure snow white driven decisions! some are corrupt.

    there’s an investigation going on in the Matanaska Maid/Valley Dairy debacle, is there not?…….how do we know she doesn’t have legal defense fees to covering her illegal underhanded decisions and her cohorts in it, since the fund covers all her cronies on boards and state employees…….there IS a Human Rights Commission investigation, there SHOULD be an IRS, STATE and FED USDA, for all we know there is and she knows it but the press doesn’t.

    people, these are OUR hard earned and paid FED tax dollars being squandered and stolen by embezzlers, frauds and loan defaulters! Oh and lest we forget KRISTEN COLE, “SOLE” Legal Fund Trustee, is involved in Valley Dairy, how very convenient, eh? no disclosure needed to legally cover their Dairy butts.

    “There is no question that the Valley Dairy is being run by people with a track record of defaulting on government loans. Between Kyle Beus and Karen Olson, they’ve defaulted on $4 million in loans.”

    “This past fall, after discovering that Beus had made a draw of $15,000 from the dairy’s account, Olson was heard by her former office administrator saying, “we’re all F–ked…probably doing some jail time,” as she paced the floor.”

    From what both Moore and Schaugaard have stated in separate interviews, they have provided proof to the Human Rights Commission that Beus signature was forged on their dismissal forms.

    “Since Governor Palin and DNR Commissioner Tom Irwin appear content to look the other way while the Agriculture Board uses taxpayer money like it’s their own, the state legislature needs to ask for an audit of the loan process undertaken by the Ag Board.

    There are internal emails that will clearly show that this loan should have been denied given state statutes and prudent lending practices. Reviewing the attached emails from Karen Olson, shows a group of people who have a proven track record of defaulting on government loans and are doing all they can to protect themselves at taxpayer expense.”

  46. justafarmer says:

    @honesty: “I’ll bet it would be hard to tell Tammy and GINO apart. Do they both use the same words..?”

    Don’t know, but maybe they use the same lipstick (and that icky Tammy mascara…eeeeewwww…)

  47. Karin in CT says:

    The grifter who keeps on grifting.

    I seriously don’t know how the bunch of ’em sleep at night.

  48. honestyinGov says:

    Good story AKM…

    As someone noted earlier.. the analogy to Jim & Tammy Faye Baker seems totally appropriate and fitting here. Are there any clips of them on YouTube…?

    I’ll bet it would be hard to tell Tammy and GINO apart. Do they both use the same words..?

  49. Marnie says:

    Somebody mentioned she might be loading up to go after Levi.

    In a way I hope she does, ’cause white red neck men don’t like women and judges telling them how to deal with their ex-es and “her” brats. So she might loose a lot of those Joe-24-pack followers.

    The child is not her’s she needs to stay out of it. In any case it is unlikely that a court would deny Levi access, if he goes to court. He does need a court to declare him the legally recognized father though to make sure he gets full rights..

    Also, if she goes after Levi, it will be a li’ll David against Goliath Palin an her army of rabid pit bulls, and she will look like a bully and meany. And denying access to the daddy doesn’t look good to the family values bunch.

    So, with apologies to Levi. Go, for it Sarah, show us what your made of.

    Que up sound effects from “Hound of the Baskervilles.”
    Howling, snarling, and ripping cloth/screams of terror.

  50. sauerkraut says:

    Privilege… is only put onto the table if someone has standing to look at them. Is such standing present?

  51. sauerkraut says:

    It matters for a number of reasons.

    Not the least of which is the appearance that while they cry poor-mouth, they’ve got an income stream which allows them to sock away money into an IRA. That really has nothing to do with owning a business (didn’t it fail because they lacked the funds to pay the tax bill??) as an IRA is a personal tax avoidance vehicle.

    IRS rules for IRA contributions have changed several times over the past few decades. I do not see how The Dud could be unable to pay business tax bills while at the same time putting 120k into an IRA kitty. I do not see how The Dud could be able to put away 120K while incurring racing fees, building a large home, and paying for numerous hunting trips. I simply do not see the Palin family pulling in enough income to handle all those costs and still contribute to an IRA retirement fund at that level.

    Oh, and I was wrong with my math. I stated he’d need to work 20 years to build it to that level. He’d need to work for more than twice that length of time, even accounting for growth thru interest. Where is the income to fund an IRA fund of that level coming from? Certainly not his various part-time jobs.

  52. Canadian Neighbour says:

    What a money grubber! Tammy Faye Palin.
    Should we expect the stores to sell out of false eyelashes and mascara now!!!!

    The eyelashes will stick together and therefore will be unable to see and trip & fall in her Red Monkey shoes!!

  53. justafarmer says:

    heya problem child…I do the same thing!!!

  54. justafarmer says:

    I’m with the rest of you in just staying away from peeland.
    I’ve never seen such a completely clueless group in my life.
    The comments there that they’ll hack CD’s website are completely outrageous (not to mention illegal!)
    And that CD will HAVE to report anything over $150 as a gift? Ummm…she’s not an elected official so, no she doesn’t. Nor does she have to report any of it as income. (Do we have to report the value of our Purple Passion swap gifts we receive? Birthday, graduation, anniversary, condolence checks?)
    Far as I’m concerned, when I send my donation to her, she can consider it a “Christmas in July” pressie from me, to spend however she wants.

  55. Bystander says:

    Bottom line, just because Sarah doesn’t want to disclose the legal bills doesn’t mean they are privileged. These bills would be VERY INTERESTING, which is why we will never see them.

    I’m sure the grifters who raise money by falsely claiming they or their child has cancer don’t want to release the medical records, either!

    Class act. What a money grubber! Tammy Faye Palin.

  56. Canadian Neighbour says:

    sauerkraut Says:

    How the heck could The Dud get over 120K into an IRA?
    Don’t know how much it was worth, but they owned a business.
    The fact too when you are in political office, there’s much more paid for you than joeblow the streetwalker.

    In the end — what does it matter.

  57. the problem child says:

    I like to infuriate the echo chamber admins by showing up from sites like Wonkette, Politico, and HuffPo, preferably one featuring a stupid Sarah story (I know they watch their feedjit). Then, not commenting, just methodically checking them out, then leaving via one of their (inevitable) links to the Blue Oasis. It’s passive-agressive, I know, but for me, it beats commenting there.

  58. honestyinGov says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 1:55 PM
    I must admit the Mudpups are probably guilty of raising the idiots numbers over at the echo chamber. Mea Culpa, Snoskred has been trying to educate me! She is generally right. How about we all not go near that site…it only raises blood pressure. Could we try it for a week?
    I’m with Irishgirl… I don’t want to give them a voice or give then credibility so I am going to refrain as well… hopefully. I do believe that as per my #66 post that ” their ‘ talking won’t stop and it is not bad for those reasons stated.

    Them ‘shooting themselves in the foot ‘ is gonna hurt …. Oouch !

  59. pvazwindy says:

    How do you get hold of tax attachments? That’s where Queen Boudica hides all the good stuff.

  60. Marnie says:

    37 NYHawk Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 12:14 PM
    Bystander Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 12:10 PM

    NY Hawk, obviously legal bills (with any truly attorney client confidential information redacted) are NOT privileged

    That was my point. You seem to be stating that I argued that legal bills are protected by the attorney-client privilege. They are not.

    To the extendt that the break down would show what the lawyer is working on (say maybe IRS probs??) then the specifics might be confidential??

    I do wonder that if the bills are paid for by the “public” through a slush fund if the “public” can be totally denied an accounting of how their money is being spent. And, as Sarah has already disclosed how some of the money has been spent (on Ethics charges that are in the public domain) if she/lawyer can claim privilege?

  61. Professor Geezer says:

    I’m with you, Irishgirl. I never go there. I admire those who go for us. But if their hits sink a bit this week, perhaps they can get a more realistic idea of how few folks are really supporting SP.

  62. honestyinGov says:

    Isn’t it funny that anyone in the ‘echo chamber’ only thinks ONE step ahead..?
    I look at it this way. They talk a lot. Create a Buzz. Other Media people hear about it. All sorts of Media write stories and the word gets out. Non-blog people hear the buzz/story… and want to donate as well. More funds come in.
    With all this talk…’ Somebody ‘ is about to shoot themselves in the foot.

    If Meg Stapleton was doing her job she would be doing everything she can to STOP them from talking. Like THAT is going to happen and they wouldn’t listen even if she asks. They work on their own agenda. One minute they praise ADN… next minute they are ready to shut them down and call advertisers. This story is a natural follow-up piece to what Rachael D’oro put out over the weekend with the tie in to fundraising and how it is connected by the subject matter and the people involved. In my opinion….. the more they talk the better. I mean those people on tape at the Letterman protest with ‘their talking ‘ said it all. No explanation necessary. More talk means more inquiry…. and does Meg really want people asking questions and having to explain how things run over there..?

    We know Celtic Diva has nothing to hide…. so let’s have lots more people look at EVERYTHING. That’s what CD’s request is all about. Talk is good.

  63. Irishgirl says:

    I must admit the Mudpups are probably guilty of raising the idiots numbers over at the echo chamber. Mea Culpa, Snoskred has been trying to educate me! She is generally right. How about we all not go near that site…it only raises blood pressure. Could we try it for a week?

  64. Professor Geezer says:

    Great post on this at Progressive Alaska!

  65. Marnie says:

    32 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 12:03 PM
    the peer’s are raging about Celtic Diva breaking the law, being a political entity, DEMANDING FULL DISCLOSURE!! WHat crazy world do they live in?

    Celtic Diva’s not a public servant.
    She is only rasing money to pay to the state so it will quit stonewalling on its duty to allow public access to state empolyee’s communications.

    But why would they let facts get in the way? They are paying homege to the Queen of Whine, so they whine in adoration of her.

    Gag a maggot!

  66. sauerkraut says:

    How the heck could The Dud get over 120K into an IRA? He’d have to save religiously for nearly 20 years to reach that amount… does he appear to be that organized? Anyone remember if any IRA deduction is on the Palin tax returns? Considering how much the two of them make, he’d have to itemize it as a non-taxable IRA contribution.

  67. NYHawk says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 1:33 PM

    janofdg Says:

    I think that is probably the account number.

    You could be right on that too. My thought was the decimal point is missing making it $120,310.08

    Well, as Emily Litella, the fictional character played by comedian Gilda Radner in a series of appearances on Saturday Night Live would say — never mind.

  68. sauerkraut says:

    She could probably talk those bills down to the 200k range in no time… I just don’t see how those bills could be justified. Are they to her personally or to the state? Has anyone asked her to distinguish between the two? Quite possible that some attorney(s) billed out 26 hours per day. …

  69. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    they are not worth 12 mil. they cant even fill in a form. Piper better step up to the plate…

  70. Canadian Neighbour says:

    janofdg Says:

    I think that is probably the account number.

    You could be right on that too. My thought was the decimal point is missing making it $120,310.08

  71. Canadian Neighbour says:

    NYHawk Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 1:17 PM
    Slightly OT, but in reviewing Sarah Palin’s last financial disclosure form to the Alaska Public Offices Commission, on the bottom of page 13 it states that Todd Palin’s BP 401(k) investment exceeds TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS!!


    The decimal point is missing which if people looked, the decimal point is in all the other numbers. Therefore it should probably read $120,310.08.

  72. Marnie says:

    I wonder how many of the people, who are contributing their hard earned money to a rich begger, also donate to the poor, or the people of Alaska who suffered unusual hardships this year from fuel oil prices or flooding?

    What kind of Christian person expects people who have vastly less money than they do, to pay to get their incompetent backsides out of debt?

    I know Sarah has plenty of vanity, but where’s her Pride, her Dignity?

  73. janofdg says:

    I think that is probably the account number.

  74. NYHawk says:

    Slightly OT, but in reviewing Sarah Palin’s last financial disclosure form to the Alaska Public Offices Commission, on the bottom of page 13 it states that Todd Palin’s BP 401(k) investment exceeds TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS!!

    Am I reading that right?

    How is that possible?

    Here is the link:

  75. maji says:

    SP’s supporters are, as previously stated, resorting to all kinds of underhanded tactics to raise money for her defense fund, ie, donating in the names of unemployed and elderly relatives who may not even know anything about SP. There was even talk of a way to donate $ in the names of minor children when they had met the $150 limit.
    OT—–SP has endorsed Perry for governor in the next election, and he says her endorsement is the highest in the GOP! I know her supporters are over the moon because her endorsement is so highly touted by Rick “the secessionist” Perry.
    I want her to run for prez in 2012.
    I promise I’ll be super good if she does./snark

  76. NYHawk says:

    Here is the link to part of a form where Sarah Palin herself waived any possible attorney-client privilege for the “bills for legal representation” she allegedly incurred “concerning false, wasteful and frivolous allegations. To defend my actions as Governor my family has amassed hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees.”

    The entire form, signed by Sarah Palin, under the penalty of perjury, is here:

  77. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    AKM , please delete my posts awaiting moderation…they dont need to be seen…thanks!

  78. Paula says:

    Just read this on patriotboy, wow, does this just sum it up so well?

    In a free society, the burden of proof or argument must be placed on those who would govern, not on those who are being governed. This is an obligation on those who would create and impose new laws to justify them as necessary, not on those who object to those laws. Government secrecy turns this upside down because it allows those who would govern to avoid every justifying any actions they are taking — if we don’t know what they are doing, we can’t demand that they explain why those actions are necessary or just.

  79. InJuneau says:

    Oops, “Or” for that matter…

  80. rebekkah says:

    Definitely some entitlement issues with the Governor. She reminds me of the televangelists who beg for money, claiming that senders will be rewarded. It’s the worst money scam that I’ve seen, preying on people’s emotions and promising great things. TSaying that they’ll be rewarded ten-fold eases their consciences, because they know they are appealing to widows, and elderly on pensions, families on fixed incomes, etc. This “fund” reminds me of the same mechanism at work. Send money to me, I am persecuted.

    I don’t know how she and her cohorts who expect these handouts can look at themselves in the mirror every morning. Kristen Cole expecting those who sent 5 and 10 dollars to send more of the same in two months. This is enough to get the old blood pressure up!

  81. InJuneau says:

    Of for that matter THAT she’s raising $. And I’m sure she’ll be good and report any taxes due to the IRS, so I’m not sure them reporting her to the IRS will make a rat’s a**’s bit of difference either.

  82. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    They are saying a Alaskan peehead should donate then ask for a complete accounting???
    Maybe one of us should give $5. to GINO slush fund and she how far we get with that????
    I made a screenshot and emailed Diva. Will happily send to her if she needs proof of cyberstalking!

  83. Martha says:

    Too bad this couldn’t happen in Alaska!!!;

    Mark Sanford Disappeared; Even Wife Doesn’t Know Where He Is
    First Posted: 06-22-09 03:36 PM

    (AP) Where is South Carolina’s governor?

    Gov. Mark Sanford’s wife said Monday she did not know the location of the two-term Republican chief executive. Sanford’s staff declined to disclose where he was.

    First lady Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press her husband has been gone for several days and she doesn’t know where. She said she was not concerned. Jenny Sanford said the governor said he needed time away from their children to write something.

    Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer declined to discuss where the governor was. Sawyer told The Associated Press that Sanford was taking time to “recharge” after his failed fight against federal stimulus money.

    Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer said he didn’t know where Sanford is but said he had not been put in charge.

  84. InJuneau says:

    Seeing as how CD is not a PUBLIC OFFICIAL, I don’t see as how the Alaska PUBLIC OFFICES COMMISSION would give a hoot about how she’s raising $!

  85. puzzled says:

    OOPs…that should be —over at Palingates, you will find the link

  86. puzzled says:

    Over at Immoral Minority, on the side bar “Blow Pop Palin” there is a story about Palin’s trust fund SOLE trustee and her mother, Cheryl King Moseley who was convicted of embezzling over $700,000 from TWO trust funds.

  87. Professor Geezer says:

    I am proud to say that I have financially donated to Celtic Diva and Mudflats twice. I think both are outstanding examples of progressive blogging. I hope to donate to them both again soon.

    It is curious that Palin supporters would be so concerned about the contents of Palin’s e-mails, to the point of threatening to hack CD’s site. Don’t they trust Palin? What are they so afraid that Sarah Palin is hiding? What is it that they think will be found when the e-mails are revealed?

    It makes no sense. Either they (Palin supporters) trust Palin or they don’t, right? Why does the revelation of some of Palin’s e-mails scare them soooo much?

  88. honestyinGov says:

    As per NYHawk’s post # 31…

    We know Rex Butler can’t involve himself because it would not be in the interest of his other clients. He has to protect them. It sure would be nice if he could make some calls to some large Law firms in the lower 48 and get the word out. He already has the background info seeing as how he does work there in AK.

    Any big firm working it as pro-bono will get a LOT of publicity. that or some big Civil Rights type firm. Some big firm up against van Flea….not good odds. Because his legal opinions and ‘ strategy ‘ to this point is rather
    ‘ simple-minded ‘. Not very well thought out.

  89. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    ManSour says;
    ” Time to start looking at Diva the way Diva and McLeod look at Palin (and at this website for that matter).
    We demand answers! Someone email APOC and get some answers on this!”

    And they are threatening with IRS!ASSHats.
    Isn’t there a law against cyberstalking???
    Someone get a screenshot of this.

  90. NYHawk says:

    Bystander Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 12:10 PM

    NY Hawk, obviously legal bills (with any truly attorney client confidential information redacted) are NOT privileged

    That was my point. You seem to be stating that I argued that legal bills are protected by the attorney-client privilege. They are not.

  91. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I refuse to go to the Pee sight – but I hope someone posted the Twit’s twit on Father’s day.

    They enjoy bragging about how their numbers have increased but I wonder how much of their traffic comes from us! Boycott! 🙂 AKM

  92. Bystander says:

    NY Hawk, obviously legal bills (with any truly attorney client confidential information redacted) are NOT priviledged and can and MUST be disclosed if for instance you want to collect attorney’s fees in a lawsuit where a contract or statute so provides. Van Flein is hiding what he has done for Sarah, because his bills would raise MANY interesting issues, and Sarah just wants the $$$.

    Sarah and Todd Palin- the Tammy Faye and Jim Baker of 2009! Get out your checkbooks, suckers!

  93. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Oh their last statement is rich…
    “What do they know about the background of the person to whom they are being asked to give their money?

    Has she been open and transparent?

    Can she be trusted?”

    Hey Idiots!!!! ASK yourself about the GINO on that one!!!!! Unreal, they live in a altered state!
    What did GINO say yesterday, her Dad said no one gives you anything…?
    I think she left off the most important part “UNLESS YOUR A GRIFTER!”

  94. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Paula Says:
    June 22nd, 2009 at 11:29 AM

    Loks like the opposition is more worried about what others are doing with THEIR funds:

    “Visitors to the Blue Oasis are being invited to pay Kellen Biegel’s costs. The taxpayers of Alaska, have already paid for Kellen Biegel’s bogus ethics complaint. “
    Well the outrage! TeeHee they are trying to hold Diva accountable for her fund, who gives, where from, where the funds go, blah,blah,blah, next thing they will want to file a ethics complaint against her, IDIOTS, GINO the Grifter they don’t DARE ask such questions as those! They even monitoring her site for traffic! Stalkers for palin!!! what a bunch of sourMen!

  95. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    the peer’s are raging about Celtic Diva breaking the law, being a political entity, DEMANDING FULL DISCLOSURE!! WHat crazy world do they live in?

  96. NYHawk says:

    “Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, would not give a case-by-case accounting of how Palin has incurred so much legal debt, saying “that type of breakdown is protected by the attorney-client privilege.”

    Some very quick legal research suggests that statement is not supported by the common law (decisions by judges) in Alaska.

    For example, in Moudy v. Superior Court, the Court of Appeals of the State of Alaska, cited and relied on a case for the proposition that “information concerning the amount, source, and manner of payment of legal fees is not protected by the attorney-client privilege because such information does not convey the substance of confidential communications between the attorney and the client.”

    That case is here:

    Also, a good argument can be made that because Palin (or anyone acting on her behalf) already disclosed that she supposedly incurred a certain total amount of legal fees “debt,” any possible attorney-client privilege about the legal fees “debt” Palin incurred has been waived by Palin.

    Thus, the statement that “that type of breakdown is protected by the attorney-client privilege” is complete nonsense and finds no legally supportable justification.

  97. 24owls says:

    Mother Nature is showing her disdain with today’s ruling from the Supreme Court about the dumping of waste from the gold mine into the lake.

  98. karen marie says:

    i did the math.

    $600,000 divided by $500/hr = 1200 hrs or 30 40-hr weeks or 7.5 four-week months.

    She must have some serious legal issues that we don’t know about to rack up that kind of attorney bill.

  99. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I just saw on the news they are reporting 5.7 quake!

  100. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    hope all are OK!

  101. BigSlick says:

    I heard the earthquake knocked GINO right out of her tanning bed.

  102. Davis says:

    I’m not a lawyer, but it seems to me that using straw donors to get around the $150 limit is illegal.

  103. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    momcat4obama says if all this money comes in for Palin to use – personally – she IS going to be required to declare it as income and pay taxes on it, correct?


    actually the AK FAKE trust says:

    In the event that SARAH PALIN or any Covered Individual is considered
    to have received taxable income as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust, the Trustee shall
    be permitted to reimburse SARAH PALIN or such beneficiary, as the case may be, from the
    corpus of the Trust for the actual amount of taxes incurred by SARAH PALIN or such
    beneficiary, as the case may be, as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust. Trust funds may
    be used for no purpose other than those specifically provided herein. All such payments may be
    made by the Trustee from either principal and/or income.

  104. InJuneau says:

    New thread on the earthquake is up, also too.

  105. Paula says:

    Hope all of you up there in Alaskee’ are okay.

  106. InJuneau says:

    Yeah, it’s rather unreal that the pee’ers are all in a tizzy about people wanting to give up their hard earned $ to CD, when she’s trying to raise significantly less $ than they’re trying to beg, borrow, or steal for GINO.

  107. Irishgirl says:

    I did see your post about it, but for me it just beggars belief. It just doesn’t seem *ethical.* 🙂

  108. InJuneau says:

    here we go, EQ info:

    5.3 quake near Talkeetna shakes Anchorage

    Anchorage Daily News

    Published: June 22nd, 2009 11:38 AM
    Last Modified: June 22nd, 2009 11:39 AM

    A 5.3 earthquake rocked Southcentral Alaska at 11:28 a.m. today, according to the Tsunami Warning Center. The epicenter was 30 miles southwest of Talkeetna.

  109. Paula says:

    Loks like the opposition is more worried about what others are doing with THEIR funds:

    “Visitors to the Blue Oasis are being invited to pay Kellen Biegel’s costs. The taxpayers of Alaska, have already paid for Kellen Biegel’s bogus ethics complaint. “

  110. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I’m just amazed at the AUDACITY of her twitter. Well, maybe I’m not. ANYONE who is going to run against her in the future – be it in-state or nationally has a HUGE arsenal already. You can’t make this stuff up!!

  111. InJuneau says:

    Yeah, apparently they had a big earthquake up in Anchorage. I was on the phone with someone up there when it started. I’m trying to get on to the Alaska Earthquake Information Center page, and it won’t load! Wouldn’t it be ironic if a quake took them out?

  112. momcat4obama says:

    Irishgirl mentions this, and I have been wondering the same thing: if all this money comes in for Palin to use – personally – she IS going to be required to declare it as income and pay taxes on it, correct?

  113. Doggonit says:

    In one of those infamous interviews, Bristol or Sarah said they have a team of lawyers going after Levi. Who is paying for them?

  114. QuiltAK says:

    empish – nothing off shelves here in Eagle River, but it was definitely a good one. My fearless (not) dog is hiding under my chair now.

  115. EyeOnYou says:

    Irish I posted in the open thread earlier about this, but it seems that she can get away with this Fund without any regulation. The Federal Government states that it is a state matter and APOC is saying they have no plans to regulate it.

    She is free and clear. She can rake in all that money by simply limiting the amount donated to the $150.00 per person per year. Her groupies are getting around that by telling people that if they have already donated the max, to get friends, family members, anyone to donate and if they don’t have the money ..give it to them. Her groupie who has been on the radio with Eddie Burke says “Be creative”. They will find a way.

  116. Paula says:

    “I must admit I can’t understand how the Alaska Fund Trust can be even legal.”

    If THAT fund is legal then I am going to start raising tax free funds for all my needs. I have a lawyer, and other stuff. I need to get me a donate button, quick.

  117. Paula says:

    The real question is, would she have all of this legal debt if she was actually ethical? You know, like Jesus? hmmm…

    “there’s a sucker born every minute!” hehehohum!

  118. EyeOnYou says:

    WOW, I lost a good portion of my post but it seems that AKM got it in anyhow. 🙂

  119. 24owls says:

    @Martha – Palin has gotten herself so screwed up of which hat she is wearing and when – for the little people of the state or for herself – that there has got to be a department of justice person or, do I dare say, AG, that would investigate the proper use of state funds. How can she hire a private lawyer to protect her from ethics issues that involve her dealing with state issues with state monies? Something smells so rotten it is eye-watering! Maybe someone in the state legs has to put forth an official procedure probe into state money questions – know anyone you could ask on the state legs for advice?

  120. Irishgirl says:

    OMG…did you guys just have an earthquake?

  121. Irishgirl says:

    I must admit I can’t understand how the Alaska Fund Trust can be even legal. Surely, she can’t just pull in over $100,000 dollars and not be taxed on it. And who oversees just where exactly the money is going? I really can’t get my head around this!

  122. empish says:

    holy moley, did you feel that shaker? Knocked stuff off the shelf here in Wasilla!

  123. EyeOnYou says:

    You posted this in the other thread but I brought it here because it actually goes with this topic.

    Thanks for that! Now, under normal circumstances would a Governor need their own attorney? Wouldn’t the AK Attorney General be dealing with it ? If she’s incurring attorney fees is it simply because she’s chosen to use a private lawyer ?

    This is one of the topics I haven’t followed as closely so I’m not up to speed on the details. Thanks again!

    I’m not sure but I think that the reason that Palin decided to go with a private attorney is for the reason that she has more control that way.

    Here is a list of the duties of the state AG:


    There’s a post from pre-nomination times that may help with some of the questions. AKM

  124. pvazwindy says:

    Over the W.E. her liability went from 500 to 600 thousand. Hmm. Wonder if there passing the collection plate today, aboard the USS Stennis.
    I can just hear her speech now.

  125. Martha says:

    I posted this at the ADN ( yeah I’m Agnus over there since I was “discharged ” by the Palinbots previously);

    Agnus wrote on 06/22/2009 08:58:29 AM:
    Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, would not give a case-by-case accounting of how Palin has incurred so much legal debt, saying “that type of breakdown is protected by the attorney-client privilege.” Palin’s personal spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, did not respond to inquiries about whether the governor would waive the privilege and release that information.

    That’s because the troopergate investigation she filed on herself, is the bulk of her debt. What a farce! If Palin wants this money so badly, why must the purpose be “protected by the attorney-client privilege.”

    Palin is like a cat in a litter box, covering up her stink!

    Responded to with this;

    JUST___TESTING wrote on 06/22/2009 09:30:05 AM:
    Agnus wrote on 06/22/2009 08:58:29 AM:
    Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, would not give a case-by-case accounting of how Palin has incurred so much legal debt, saying “that type of breakdown is protected by the attorney-client privilege.” Palin’s personal spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, did not respond to inquiries about whether the governor would waive the privilege and release that information.
    Van Flein is bound by client confidentiality, but the state of Alaska is not. Alaskans have a right to know how much they paid for Van Flein, because they did pay a large portion of that bill
    Anybody know if this is true?….and are you able to find out?

    My understanding is that Talis Colberg began the legal work when he was AG. After it was discovered that he had been talking to witnesses before the Troopergate investigation, he was no longer able to be objective. In addition, communications with Palin would have been through the state of Alaska and therefore available to the public via records request. Palin made the determination at that point to hire a private attorney (Van Flein) to represent herself and Todd. AKMK

  126. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I still do not get WHY, if the Lgislators found her GUILTY of abuse of power, that this is not a BIG DEAL – she is GUILTY, whether or not her personnel board deemed otherwise. Why no repercussions on the first finding?

    Good question. There were many who tried to put pressure on the Legislature to bring this to some kind of resolution. The “lack of political will” in the legislature seems to have been the issue. After having to live with her this past leg. session, I wonder how many of them are wishing they could turn back the clock, and do things properly. AKM

  127. BuffaloGal says:

    AKM – THANK YOU for this ! I’ve been trying to understand this whole mess and you’ve again done a fabulous job of pulling it all together.

    I’ve been so frustrated today, reading the same begathon crap press release that’s showing up as “news”. I’ve wanted to post the facts to the comment boards but I didn’t feel quite up to speed.

    Thank you , again!