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Another One Bites the Dust.

The 2012 Republican prospects are a bit challenged these days.

First, there was Bobby Jindal and his famous “What the Hell was THAT?” response to President Obama’s address to Congress back in March.  That’s the one where he ridiculed money to be used for volcano monitoring….just before a major volcanic eruption in Alaska, along with looking, in general, like a creepy version of Mr. Rogers who had no clue what he was talking about.

Then, Newt Gingrich did his best to alienate women, Latinos, and anyone with an ounce of sense by calling Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor a racist. Good move.

And, of course, Sarah Palin, while continuing to chip away at her Alaskan support, races full-speed toward her bid to become Student Body President of her Middle School country, one tweet at a time.

And now this….the strange and unbelievable saga of Governor Mark Sanford.  Why just a few weeks ago he and Sarah Palin were engaged in a friendly wager over a hockey game, and now …

Over the last week the story has morphed in the following way:

Where’s Governor Sanford?

Nobody Knows.  Staff and family have no clue.

He’s actually hiking the Appalachian Trail.  Needs to clear his head and escape from the kids….on Father’s Day.

Isn’t that a bit odd?

Wait, someone reported that his cell phone pinged from the airport in Atlanta!

That’s not on the Appalachian Trail…

He’s been to Argentina!  Said he needed to “recharge” and “do something exotic.”

Was he alone?

Yes he says he was alone.

In Buenos Aires?

Well….alone except for his mistress.

What will happen now that Mark “I Wasn’t Really Hiking the Appalachian Trail to Get Away from My Family, I Was Meeting My Mistress in Buenos Aires to Get Away from My Family” Sanford has effectively blown his 2012 prospects to kingdom come by vanishing for five days without telling anyone where he was?

For starters, after a bizarre press conference given by Sanford today, he has stepped down from his role as the head of the Republican Governors Association, and you know what that means.   Power abhors a vacuum, and I’ll bet that someone with pointy elbows and big dangerous shoes has her eye on that aforementioned emptiness.

Can we expect another fiasco as per usual?  You know, something like:

Meg Stapleton: She doesn’t know if she’d accept it.

RGA: Well, we don’t know if we’d ask.

MS:  Well, she might accept it…if she felt like it would benefit Alaska.

RGA: Are you saying we should ask?

MS:  Not necessarily, but it sure would be nice for you to have some sparkle right about now with all this bad press, don’t you think?

RGA:  So…if we ask, she’ll accept it, is that what you’re saying?

MS:  Yeah, I think you could say that.

RGA:  Really?  OK, we’ll issue a press release and do a big media splash.  The more we think about it, the more we like it!

MS:  OK, we’ll talk later.


MS:  What’s this we see about you announcing that the governor will be heading up the RGA?

RGA:  Well, that’s what you said.

MS:  No we didn’t.

RGA: We’re going to look like idiots.  Yes you did!

MS:  Did not.

RGA:  Did too.

MS:  Not.

RGA:  Too.

MS:  Nuh-uh.

RGA:  Fine, we’ll ask Haley Barbour.

MS:  Are you dissing the governor?

Sadly, on the RGA’s website, which prominently features a clip of the Sarah Palin/Sean Hannity interview, is their main title:

The GOP Comeback Begins with Republican Governors




244 Responses to “Another One Bites the Dust.”
  1. bonefish says:

    This all sickens me. Yuck.

  2. Delta says:

    It seems to be endemic with Republican governors, especially those involved with the Republican Governor’s Ass’n. Barbour is the one who took over from Sanford.

  3. let it run says:

    @236..he has been sleeping in the dog house! (likely the gov mansion since She bolted with the kids for Sullivan Island). My bet is Ms Argentina has flown to USA a few times for a tryst. When Maria “needs some” I am sure her husband obliges. Hopefully, Jenny did get to see the emails beofre they were published cuz that has got to HURT in more ways than one.

  4. Alaskan Sisu says:

    He just lost his little “mind” for a while. He’s crying his heart out in front of the whole world because he got caught. I bet he’s wishing he’d developed a better game plan now because he can see what this is doing to his family. If he’s really lucky, he didn’t use any state funds for his trip. Before computers, the damage could be contained much easier….I think this thing has grown a life of its own though due to the intrigue of his disappearance. The political jokes, also. Of course, I have to say that I admire his wife for not covering up for him – which would have been easy if she hadn’t commented. Sounds like the office tried to cover but the wife obviously was not going to play along.

  5. let it run says:

    He knew he was toast. He had to know that the press had the emails and probably confessed to Jenny. Hopefully, she had been able to read them before they were made public after her “I will forgive him , in time…” speech. Clearly, the emotional (love) side of the affair will hurt her more than the sexual side of the affair.

    Anyway, Jenny kicked him to the curb & left with the kids for their summer home ( I assume). After two weeks of not talking to her (moreso his sons), I am sure it began to weigh on him what he will lose. Flies to BA to break it off.

    I heard somewhere (unverified) that Maria’s husband was making all the noise about this and my bet is he sent the emails to the press. He may have had easier access to them if they were on her personal account.

    AS the world turns…

  6. Kallie says:

    Crying for 5 days in Argentina? I hardly think so.

  7. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    marnie – it may just be that simple. he should have jumped on his bulldozer and knocked down a few trees on the farm instead.

  8. Marnie says:

    236 ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck Says:
    June 25th, 2009 at 4:27 AM
    “i am pondering this crying for five days……”

    Since he had not been outed, at the time of his press conference, I assume that he knew he was about to be outed.

    In that case he knew, when he flew down there that his POTUS hopes were gone, his marriage was probably gone, sooner or later people would find out that his wife had thrown him out, Maria’s hubby would or already had found out (may be source of e-mails) – in other words he already knew he was toast.
    And like are real manly man and heoric leader, he went and committed a few more mortal sins and wallowed in self pity for 5 days.

  9. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    in some respects i feel sorry for all of us when it comes to love — mainly because it is fleeting most of the time and requires constant efforts to maintain — and those efforts may not be evenly balanced in even the best relationship.

    this guy and his emails (which i read last night after midnight) is so very very sad……after 8 years of friendship he dives into the deep abyss with this lady and i doubt if he will return to normal in his lifetime. she either played him or she too is toast with respect to the ever elusive pursuit of romantic love.

    which brings me to his statement: “i spent the last five days of my life crying (in argentina).” wtf?

    this doesn’t jive for me at all. his wife knew about the affair for 5 months (sometime around december apparently)……most likely from finally figuring out his little aircard computer email account at the farm with nauseating password thingee and reading the emails for herself…….and probably printing them out and waving them around in justifiable indignation.

    so their marriage came to a screeching halt during the holidays….and then what….in june he slips off to argentina to make his final farewells to the love of his life? five months later? really?

    or did this chicky get tired of the sweet nothings typed on an hourly basis and finally went on a local date that had some sexual satisfaction?

    what WOULD make a grown man cry for five days? a baby in the oven? or just midlife crisis love gone south?

    i am pondering this crying for five days……cause i don’t see it…. not with the story that is out for review at this moment. and why did his wife just kick him out of the house a mere two weeks ago? why not in december? did he keep chatting with his paramour while he was “working out his marriage”?

    where was this guy sleeping the week he wasn’t living at home (assuming the second week of the separation was spent in argentina)….?

    and yes, i feel like the world is tilted very precariously that i even care about this stuff at all when obama is trying to get us some health care reform and save the known universe from an economic peril that even our brightest minds can’t get their heads around.

    but that is what love does to us — it makes us wonder why….

  10. Aha says:

    It will be interesting to see GINO run Alaska from her Blackberry while in Europe or the Middle East or Jail…lol

  11. Tsk, Pauline! You should know better by now, than to read Mudflats while drinking tea… wipes monitor again. Great start to my day, thanks AKM. 🙂

    Your U.S. politicians make our parliamentary expenses frauds look boring.

  12. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head. This whole thing has been mishandled in so many ways it makes my head spin – but none more so than with every part of his life hanging in the balance, Sanford has snuck out of the country to be with his lover. He must have it ba-a-d.

  13. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    Looks like Sarah’s been palin’ around with an adulterer. I’m waiting for the press release. Will she demand her salmon back (from the Aces bet)?

  14. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    CO almost native Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 9:09 PM
    News groups and SC state officials are looking into whether Sanford used state dollars to travel to Argentina- I’d like to know if AK state dollars are funding Palin’s credential-building trip, also. too.
    Sanford? No. Palin? Yes.

    I distinctly heard Sanford – in answering the first question put to him, before he’d even finished speaking – making reference to his “own money”.

  15. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    223 VidOmnia Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 8:59 PM
    The Sanford thing is definitely one of the weirdest I’ve seen – even stranger than Spitzer or McGreevey.

    I can only speculate it was deliberate political suicide – he had to have known he couldn’t get away with it. I’ve seen guys lost their minds over women before but this was totally bizarre.

    Did he fold under the pressure? I kinda feel sorry for the guy, hope he can patch his family back up

    I see you’re not curious enough to mention this on your OWN blog.

    Too busy bashing Democrat bloggers to make room for even one tiny Republican adulterer?

  16. mlaiuppa says:

    This just in.

    Sanford and Jon to room together at Trump Tower.

  17. Polly says:

    The state is publishing Sanford’s romantic emails.

    Now why won’t Alaska release Palin’s emails ?… because they are her high school buddies. And just as corrupt as she. I don’t trust them if they do.

  18. pvazwindy says:

    ADN and The State, two newspapers owned by McClatchy Publishing. Only one of which is doing reporting the right way. The State has been sitting on those revealing e-mails for 6 months. ADN has devoted itself to protecting Palin, in every instance. May its demise happen quickly.

  19. jo says:

    When this came out today, I just made a mental note. I don’t care about Sanford carrying on, it’s really none of my business. But,……

    he’s a liar, he took money from the state of S.C. to do it, and if he hadn’t been caught, he probably would have been running in 2012. Too bad, another one bites the dust.

    And did you see Palin in her deckwear in the ADN, doesn’t she love the photo ops?

  20. txindygirl says:

    Bear Woman @ 206 – I had the same thought.

  21. CO almost native says:

    News groups and SC state officials are looking into whether Sanford used state dollars to travel to Argentina- I’d like to know if AK state dollars are funding Palin’s credential-building trip, also. too.

  22. VidOmnia says:

    The Sanford thing is definitely one of the weirdest I’ve seen – even stranger than Spitzer or McGreevey.

    I can only speculate it was deliberate political suicide – he had to have known he couldn’t get away with it. I’ve seen guys lost their minds over women before but this was totally bizarre.

    Did he fold under the pressure? I kinda feel sorry for the guy, hope he can patch his family back up.

  23. Trying to parse this story
    1. Governor disappears (must have taken the Bridge to Nowhere…now located on the AT) Only ones concerned are. . . reporters
    2. Governor hiking the AT somewhere. . .”unconventional kinda guy”
    3. Speculation: Hiking AT during Hike the AT Nude day . . .unconventional au naturale kinda guy maybe?
    4. DISCLOSURE Jenny Sanford “I don’t know and I don’t care”
    5, DISCOVERY: Governor on the Argentinian Tail. . . not so unconventional
    6, Presser 2pm. . . Governor seems disoriented. . . head injury due to collision between image & reality…begins rambling. . .
    7. PRESSER Starts off like a really bogus awards show but says I’m sorry – to everyone – final apology to wife. . .is this a Sean Penn moment?
    8. PRESSER: animated during discussion of “Maria” (Maria Maria I just met a girl named Maria . . .)
    9. PRESSER: Tears flow. . .as he resigns GOP post. . . as he talks about Maria. . . (her hips, her lips, her happy meal)
    10. EMAILS disclosed: Man should get a gig writing Harlequin novels
    11. QUESTION: Who will the GOP send to do the marital intervention and save the political career? John Ensign? Ted Haggard? David Vitter?
    12. RESULT. . . TBA. Final Tally – Christian GOPS 0 SC citizens 0 Judgmental Adulterers Too many to count. . .

  24. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Bucfan!! yes it does…….creepy crawly and venomous indeed.

    bucfan Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 7:38 PM

    “So Haley Barbour is taking Sanford’s place as head of the Republican Governors Conference. Doesn’t he have 2012 aspirations as well? Hmm. Newt called Sonia Sotomayor racist. He’s done. Rick Perry talked about secession. He’s done. Senator Ensign got caught diddlin around. He’s done. Same with Sanford. Jindel chopped his own knees out from under him on national tv. He’s done. Who’s left. Mike Huckabee? Jeb Bush? Barbour? Mitt Romney? Think they are looking over their shoulders? Or trying to nail their closets closed so nothing falls out? This kind of has that black widow feel to it with Sarah standing in her hoochie shoes rubbing her hands with glee as more fall by the wayside.”

  25. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    so mudbug……..if Palin had an affair as you say, how is this now going to play out. You seem to have a gift of calling it, I’d like to hear it. Can you do this one?

  26. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    TBNTJudy Says: “I think we should continue to hammer on his record.”

    Well… as of today, state wide and nationally his record is that he’s a liar and a hypocrite. He freely lied out of one side of his mouth and spewed political opinions out of the other. He lied! as recently as this very morning! His “lie” smacks the face of what he was supposed to be, what he projected of himself, what he was “supposed” to represent, what was supposed to be “the real deal”.

    So YES, it’s kinda a big friggen deal. BECAUSE his record could now be based on lies and sleezy manipulations. It’s called trust. He violated it, as freshly as this very morning.

    He publicly professed against Dems what he himself later did. Does that not count for anything? THIS is after all what he stands for, what his party stands for, what the repub party supposedly represents, point fingers and demands action on. So yes, it does matter.

  27. seattlefan says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 7:07 PM

    @ 119 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:21 PM

    seattlefan Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:16 PM

    What the heck is Palin doing in Europe?

    Maybe she’s trying to see if she can see Russia from her hotel room. …


    After reading that article at ADN, I think she is trying to get some street cred with her blank passport . She needs a few stamps in there to say she has seen the world. Ha! This is so transparent it makes me laugh. She is also trying to become wordly. Fat chance on that.

  28. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Sue Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 7:43 PM

    Jennifer Sanford is a truly Christian wife. I admire her.
    Hillary Clinton and a thousand other public wives – of varying faiths – have said and done the same thing.

    I don’t believe flowery language makes any one of them more Christian than the other.

  29. Mudbug says:

    Crystal, Delta flies non stop from Buenos Aries to Alanta. Whenever we go to Argentina, we fly Delta. It’s direct route.

  30. Mudbug says:

    I find it funny that we GOP are holding Sandford to a higher standard than we hold Palin. She had her affair too.

    I called it yesterday. Knowing it’s winter in Argentina right now, it’s cold, rainy and no one, I mean NO ONE goes there to drive the coast during the winter! I also predicted that Sandford would find Jesus by day’s end.

    Game, set and match.

  31. austintx says:

    bucfan – I think Romney is gonna make short work out of eliminating sarah. He spent 40 mil of his own money in the last GOP primaries. How much has sarah raised over the last couple of weeks ?? The really big guns are gonna back someone they think can go the distance. sarah is gonna be dancing , jivin’ , putting out fires the whole way. And a 1 page letter on election eve from a M.I.A. DR. won’t cut it for medical records.

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Lori in Los Angeles Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 7:47 PM

    I think (not sure) that Europe may just be a stop-over for GINO. My guess is that she is going to Iran to address the troops, pretending (again) that she is the POTUS. Her gall makes my blood pressure go up. I hope the soldiers yell
    “Take it off!” and whistle and hoot (like they would for a stripper).
    Lol! But her and dud would probably get off on this!

  33. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I think (not sure) that Europe may just be a stop-over for GINO. My guess is that she is going to Iran to address the troops, pretending (again) that she is the POTUS. Her gall makes my blood pressure go up. I hope the soldiers yell
    “Take it off!” and whistle and hoot (like they would for a stripper).

  34. Sue says:

    Jennifer Sanford is a truly Christian wife. I admire her.

  35. austintx says:

    201 sauerkraut Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 7:11 PM
    So… who gave up the emails…
    Once Jenny told her family she had suspicions , that SKIL money loosened up some lips………and key boards.

  36. bucfan says:

    So Haley Barbour is taking Sanford’s place as head of the Republican Governors Conference. Doesn’t he have 2012 aspirations as well? Hmm. Newt called Sonia Sotomayor racist. He’s done. Rick Perry talked about secession. He’s done. Senator Ensign got caught diddlin around. He’s done. Same with Sanford. Jindel chopped his own knees out from under him on national tv. He’s done. Who’s left. Mike Huckabee? Jeb Bush? Barbour? Mitt Romney? Think they are looking over their shoulders? Or trying to nail their closets closed so nothing falls out? This kind of has that black widow feel to it with Sarah standing in her hoochie shoes rubbing her hands with glee as more fall by the wayside.

  37. Star says:

    sauerkraut~ just peed my pants good one…

  38. Bear Woman says:

    Isn’t it curious that other GOP “contenders” are dropping like flies? Wonder if those who promoted GINO and got her the VP slot have been at work to make sure she has no competition? She and Sanford would have made a great pair! Now I understand why she has sidled up to Cornyn and dropped Sanford…..

    GINO is trying to beef up her “military experience/judgment” credentials by visiting troops in Europe. I still think she will do a “surprise” visit to her son and his unit as well as other Alaska National Guard and regular military units from Alaska.

    What I want to know is who is paying for her European junket and her upcoming surprise visit to Iraq or Afghanistan? It certainly should not be ANY US military group nor the State of Alaska. There is no reason for her to be there but to beef up her resume, say see I can drop in on our troops too, and get some publicity.

    Wonder if she will be seeing the Sarkozy’s and Italy’s premier? If she does, again she is trying to beef up her resume and say she has international experience….. Must be nice to travel on everybody else’s money but your own!

  39. Nan says:

    Oh my, Jennifer’s statement:

    It ends with the words:
    “This is a very painful time for us and I would humbly request now that members of the media respect the privacy of my boys and me as we struggle together to continue on with our lives and as I seek the wisdom of Solomon, the strength and patience of Job and the grace of God in helping to heal my family.”

  40. sauerkraut says:

    Hopefully for those two boys, the kids in Argentina do not know that tune.

  41. austintx says:

    Mistress has 2……..probably gonna have to listen to “Yo Mama’s a whore” from their classmates.

  42. sauerkraut says:

    oh duh… now I get it. Maria has two boys.

    Soooo… she was separated and he saw an opportunity. The cad.

  43. sauerkraut says:

    So… who gave up the emails…

    Take a look at the news conference… see those 2 women over his right shoulder? RM noted them… both are cute, but one is absolutely beaming. Giddy at his discomfort.

  44. sauerkraut says:

    6 kids? He’s only admitted to 4. …

  45. sauerkraut says:

    119 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:21 PM

    seattlefan Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:16 PM

    What the heck is Palin doing in Europe?

    Maybe she’s trying to see if she can see Russia from her hotel room. …

  46. justafarmer says:

    🙂 Alaskan Sisu and ta!!!

  47. Greytdog Δ says:

    On a serious note – we’re talking adultery here. Not just hypocrisy or dereliction of duties, but SIN. Frankly I couldn’t care less who Sanford is boinking – or if he wanted some exotic tail. . . (as they say at dailykos, outsourcing). . .but the fact remains is that there are SIX kids who now have to face not state, not national but INTERNATIONAL scrutiny. . . SIX kids who will be forever referred to as the “sons of . . .who had an affair with. . . ” Jeez. I don’t think this quite matches the Biblical saying, “Suffer ye the children. . .”

  48. Alaskan Sisu says:

    JustAFarmer – HBTYouuuu!!! “Ping to you from Alaska”

  49. Star says:

    Laughing so hard here ..Me thinks he was thinking with hisother head..Letterman is going to do this one good…

  50. pvazwindy says:

    Parnell should take notice of that Lt. Gov from SC. He called Sanford out. Parnell is a wus, actually I think Palin ordered him neutered.

  51. seattlefan says:

    califpat 180 and 184……Great points! That “little one” may be the next bombshell. You are so right about “Maria” coming out the winner in this. Heck, she might even get movie rights on this one. Kachiiiing!

    So sad for his wife and kids. I am reading that she comes from a family with money and she actually made him a career. Still reading on that. What a liar and loser he is.

  52. CrabbyPatty says:

    BBWWWAAAHHH! Although I just gotta say that you KNEW something was fishy when his PR folks said ……. the Governor was hiking the AT. If you had to pick someone out of a crowd and say “Yeah, there’s a hiker alrighty!”, it sure wouldn’t be Sanford, IMHO.

    Are we sure that Palin isn’t lending her crackerjack PR team, aka the Megster, to fellow GOP governors? The way the whole thing unfolded is just so ….. amateur.

  53. justafarmer says:

    thanks melangell..
    DH is agreeing with everything you say (his dad and sister are the SC folks).
    DH& me are in Kentucky, so we have Mitch McConnell the wannabe ninja turtle…

  54. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Newest Sanford Button: “PING!”

  55. drdubski says:

    TBNTJudy “Yes, he was AWOL. Until proof comes out that SC was damaged because of this, it is a non-issue.”

    So I can drive around drunk and as long as no one gets hurts it’s okay? IT’S STILL WRONG!! that is a horrible argument you are trying to make. sorry, but it’s horrible.

  56. califpat says:

    Happy Birthday Just a Farmer and may you have many more!!!

  57. Ennealogic says:

    Hypocrisy is worse than adultery as far as I’m concerned. Sanford has long been outspoken about politicians whose dalliances have been revealed. They “should resign,” he’s said. They should ‘be out of there,” he’s said. His campaign commercials tout his abiding belief in and personification of family values.

    I know from personal experience that the “sparking,” as Sanford described it in his presser today, can be intoxicating and irresistible. Frankly, I do not care that he had an affair. But I do care that he lied and kept lying even as late as this morning to everyone about his affair even though he knew others knew (his wife and apparently whoever gave the e-mails to the newspaper) at least 5 months ago.

    I do care that he left his post and his staff and the people of the state he is supposed to be governing in a lurch. I do care that he may have expensed his travels to Argentina to visit his mistress under the pretense of official business. And I also care that he dressed up in morals while denouncing anyone else who fell short of his mark.

    Proof of damage? Is it so hard to see? He has damaged himself and then his children and wife – how can that be disputed? But he has also damaged the notion that the Christian ideals he so persistently espoused are actually attainable. He has definitely hurt those people who believed in him and in the morality he touted. And he has clearly damaged his already-in-serious-disarray political party. How do you measure that damage? I’m not sure you can but it definitely exists.

    But I’m not sure it is a bad thing, necessarily. There are, no doubt, some folks in South Carolina who never liked him anyway and are happy he’s got no political future. Those people gain while Sanford loses.

  58. seattlefan says:

    Happy Birthday justafarmer! Good on DH for trying to make amends. Enjoy that steak!

  59. melangell mudpuppy says:

    First, I am so sorry your SC relatives have not called to wish you a happy B’day, Justafarmer. May i step in as a surrogate well-wisher form SC? As my family likes to sing, ” Snappy Burgers Day to youuuuuuuu!!!” 🙂

    Second, as a South Carolinian, I am both _not_ surprised at today’s news, and at the same time terrified that Sanford will resign and the LG will step in. Sanford is, and has been from nearly the beginning, a jerk. He has done nothing worthwhile for the state of South Carolina, except perhaps to make the “good ole boys” in the state legislature look like grownups – even Jake Knotts, my not-so-beloved state representative. However, if ever there was a juvenile delinquent as LG, it would have to be Andre Bauer. We’re talking multiple speeding tickets, some at over 100 mph; dissing the cop who stopped him; crashing a plane; telling the hairdresser at the station next to a friend of mine that he never dates women over 30 (apparently they’re too smart), etc.

    SC is changing. Really! But people like Sanford, Bauer and Knotts are younger hold-overs of a truly assinine group. Frankly, I am thrilled beyond measure that they are shooting themselves in the foot.

    I am somewhat sorry for Jenny Sanford and very sorry for the kids. Regarding Jenny, she has seemed to be a pretty good first lady. Granted, none of us knows what the actual marital dynamics are like, but still…. Although she comes from real money, there is that certain cachet and access that come from being the First Lady, so I have to wonder about both of their motivations within the relationship.

    As for the kids, they go to a very small, highly exclusive private school. There would be no real escape if school was still in session. If Jenny keeps them here in town this fall, I feel deeply sorry for them. On the other hand, their classmates’ parents may insist their kids do not harrass the boys. It’s a tough call, but I do believe she will do whatever she has to to take care of those boys. Unlike our Sarah, Jenny actually seems to take parenting very seriously.

  60. califpat says:

    According to one report, Maria has a teen son and a young son. Sanford says he has had a long term “friendship” with Maria for 8 years. Hope the little one is not a little Sanford!!

  61. judi says:

    His Lt. Gov didn’t know where he was and wasn’t left in charge..You just can’t take up for this loser..

  62. Nan says:

    “Maria” has already declined the first attempt at an interview. Maybe it might be more than just his “legal” family getting hurt.

    Just my 2 cents

  63. antiAnti says:

    Palin won’t be back ’til maybe Monday. Per , her trip is “through the weekend”.

    So there is plenty of time to get some MSM attention after the Sanford episode sputters out.

  64. califpat says:

    Well, I dont know if anyone else has thought of this but it did cross my mind. Because of Sanford’s antics, when his mistress is plopped out of obscurity, she will become a very wealthy lady and become well known. The first pictures of her will be worth $$$$$. She will sell her story to the magazines and tabloids and go on all the television networks and then write proverbial book about the whole affair. Out of this whole sordid and sad affair, it appears that she will be the only one that will come out on top. Oh, she will have public outcry for having an affair with a married man but the woman will be able to live high on the hog. Mark my word!! My heart goes out to Mrs. Sanford and those boys.

  65. justafarmer says:

    ok, my misunderstanding…
    Maria can also be a guy’s name.

  66. honestyinGov says:

    Been browsing the blogs but havn’t been to Wonkette. Sanford must be the topic there, and I am sure the comments there must be brutal.

  67. womanwithsardinecan says:

    TBNTJudy, why are you harping on this point? Just because they DIDN’T have a hurricane or wildfire or some other state disaster of some kind doesn’t mean they COULDN’T have had one. The point is not that he dodged that bullet, but that SOMEBODY is supposed to be in charge.

  68. Gramiam says:

    Maria? A guy in drag? That does it! No more hearings in the Assembly for you! Next thing you know, Some red shirted Prevoert will swear she saw Sanford and Maria in the Assembly Women’s bathroom in drag!

  69. phoebe says:


    Yep, he wanted to use the 700 mil to pay SC debts vs helping the people in SC which was not the purpose of the stimulus package. Think he’s a mean spirited son of a gun & deserves what’s coming his way. Also think he had a lot of enemies. One down & a zillion to go.

  70. TBNTJudy says:


    I suspect someone other than Sanford’s mistress knew where he was. Please show me the the proof of damage to SC other than possible taxpayer costs to get him to his mistress.

  71. Gramiam says:

    I posted the following on another site, but it is just as true here.

    It has long been my considered opinion that Democrats tend to screw around on their wives, and Republicans screw the rest of us.

    I sense an attempt at a Republican resurgence beginning, because it is evident that they have adopted the Democratic mode of operation as a means to regain control. Problem is, they just don’t have the right plan. President Obama chose a different path. Poor Republicans! A day late and a dollar short….as usual!!

  72. seattlefan says:

    …….Bet Gino wears her naughty monkey shoes when entertaining(?) the troops.

    Do you think shell play the flute for them?

    justafarmer @165: I’m pretty sure it is female. The emails are to “Maria”. I guess it could be a guy in drag.

  73. Nebraska Native says:

    I am old and have recently started to repeat myself, and state the obvious BUT isn’t it wonderful that GINO is off the MSM radar and nobody is talking about her “Look At Me Tour, Euro Style”

  74. Greytdog Δ says:

    S.C. GOP new song: “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria???”

  75. zyggy says:

    Sanford’s lover is a woman, during the interview he apologized to her and something about her going back to her husband and two children.

  76. Greytdog Δ says:

    Sanford’s wife + family = SKIL tools. . . guess he prefers Craftsman

  77. Doggonit says:

    The guy was and is a jack a$$. Trying to shaft children of his state for political gain (rejecting education stimulus funds). He was the rising star of the GOP a likely Presidential candidate based on his conservatism and family values creed.

    He should follow his own past advise on such matters and resign. I sure hope he can fix the damage his has done to his own family but, the public doesn’t need to be a part of it.

  78. Marnie says:

    142 bucfan Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:37 PM
    So with her out of the net, did she do the appropriate thing and officially put Parnell in charge.

    And Alaska has an active volcano. Who has the power to call up the Guard if it is needed, or request HS help or apply for federal disaster aide?
    Need Marshall Law after a natural disaster?

    I got it.
    North Korea is threatening us with a missle strike.

    If she left Piper home, kiddo could probably make just as good decisions.

  79. justafarmer says:

    ok, is it just me…
    is Sanford’s indiscretion a woman????
    He refers to this person as a “dear friend” he met on the internet eight years ago…

  80. phoebe says:

    At least we KNEW where Clinton was….the Oval Office….no one KNEW where Sanford was… except Maria..
    Bet Gino wears her naughty monkey shoes when entertaining(?) the troops.

  81. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    not only did the SC newspaper have those emails since december — reporters have already been to buenos aires and found this paramour maria’s apartment and talked to her landlord. good grief. when reporters have 6 months lead time on a story — tomorrow is going to be “i really really wish i hadn’t written that email day” for the gov.

    which makes me pine for the day that some intrepid reporter does similarly exquisite things up there in alaska.

    pretty please???

  82. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Lets combine the Gov. of SC with the former Miss SC..

    “I truly believe that some US Americans dont have access to the Appalachian Trail, and therefore such as must go to Argentina, therefore such as Gov scumford went to Arabia, I mean Australia, I mean Argentina to find maps of the Appalachian Trail so that others can share in his experience in leaving his state without a leader, and his family without a father, therefore such as .”

    Gotta say a lot of American Govs are WHACKY!!!!

    Palin, Sanford, Crist, Perry, Jindal, Spitzer.
    And Spitzer is the only one to resign ….SO FAR!

  83. TBNTJudy says:

    Nebraska Native said: “I think the “damage” will come out as using SC taxpayer money to travel to Argentina.”

    Me, too, in terms of the state. Apparently, he has done this before at state expense. The family damage is unfathomable and incredibly sad.

  84. Nebraska Native says:

    I think the “damage” will come out as using SC taxpayer money to travel to Argentina.

  85. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    So interesting…..I went to HuffPo & was reading the comments on the Sanford affair, and this one is right there:

    As Father”s Day has just passed, it is worth noting that the most significant representation of family values—once considered the province of the GOP—in America today is President Barack Obama.

    Craig Shirley, Reagan biographer and president, Shirley and Banister Public Affairs

    Note: Mr. Shirley is the non-sourced author of the speech the Gov. gave before Michael Reagan!!

  86. TBNTJudy says:

    @phoebe said: “Problem is he was AWOL from his job as governor of SC. That’s a bit deal. Also he called Clinton’s actions “reprehensible”.”

    Yes, he was AWOL. Until proof comes out that SC was damaged because of this, it is a non-issue. As for what he said about Clinton, does that mean we should sink to his level?

  87. Ripley in CT says:

    LOL Lisa! Now I have that song in my head!!! It’s better than the Sound of Music though!

  88. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Marnie Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:15 PM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:24 PM
    Hey checking the link for the “emails” Are they real??? How did someone get them so fast? How much did they cost???
    Didn’t GINO send him some salmon a while back???

    The paper, the State, has actually had them, I think, since early May? It also explains how they knew which airport to be in. They could guess where he had gone, and were the only press to meet him. All the rest of the press was hanging out in the wrong airport.
    Wow, what a coupe! So the news papers have been sitting on this??? hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
    Wonder if there might be a little surprise for GINO when she comes home??

  89. Nebraska Native says:

    Phoebe… that’s what I am talking about…

  90. TBNTJudy says:

    144 Nebraska Native Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:39 PM

    “TNBT, I agree… they were both adults and it should be a private matter, I am just sick of the hypocrisy”

    Thanks, Nebraska Native. Me, too. That hypocrisy runs rampant in our society, and it is not just with our fallible politicians. They do crappy jobs whether or not they are having affairs. If we were to try to say that only those who have not sinned (sic) can hold office, we would have no office holders. JMHO.

  91. phoebe says:

    #144 Nebraska

    Problem is he was AWOL from his job as governor of SC. That’s a bit deal. Also he called Clinton’s actions “reprehensible”. The repubs are always playing morality games & need to be accountable for their own actions.

  92. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    LOL Lori!!!

  93. Nebraska Native says:

    LOL MimiC

  94. TBNTJudy says:


    Like I said, “Sanford should be tried on his lack of governance, not his affairs, unless, of course, it can be shown that his affairs impaired his ability to do his job.”

    I don’t think he is a good governor. Yes, he was AWOL for 7 days. Please show me how SC stumbled because of this. The problems were already there. I don’t think he should be tried because he had an affair. I think we should continue to hammer on his record.

  95. MimiC says:

    Conservatives that is (and I’m a college English professor – eeeek).

  96. MimiC says:

    Once again the conserrvatives show us the true meaning of marriage: 1 man + 1 woman + one on the side.

  97. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    la la la la la……..
    “Take a letter Maria;
    Address it to my wife;
    Say I won’t be coming home,
    Gonna start a new life”

    Note: Sanfords mistress is named Maria.
    Note 2: I am dating myself.

  98. phoebe says:

    Sanford looked a little like a deer in the headlights when he got nabbed at the Atlanta airport. Rachael had the reporter on & I guess he realized he was had. I think the Lt. Gov. probbly had sometihing to do with this. I guess this was old news The Star( a SC paper) has had those emails since Dec.

    Things will only get worse for him…he should resign.

  99. Karie in NH says:

    Ugh Barbour is here in NH tonite for a GOP fundraiser ….bet Big Papa John Sunusnu wished he knew before that Barbour was going to be the head of the RGA he is only getting $500.00 a plate for him.

  100. Nebraska Native says:

    TNBT, I agree… they were both adults and it should be a private matter, I am just sick of the hypocrisy. Alec’s reputation was damaged with his inappropriate conversation with his daughter, so he is hypersensitive (IMHO) to criticism of other public people and I think this is a knee-jerk response. If I remember my history correctly, Supreme Court Justice Brandeis wrote an opinion that people have the right to be left alone (because of his wife’s interesting behavior many many years ago) and my thinking is that if you want some face time nationally for some cause, in Sanford’s case, the rejection of the stimulus package, then you also have to weather the media talking about stuff you would prefer they left alone. I think you have to pick– private person or celebrity/politico.

  101. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    lilybart Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:33 PM
    Just saw mark McKinnon, GOP operative, on Rachel. He said soon the only one who will be left who is clean, will be the Mormon. hhmmm…

  102. bucfan says:

    So with her out of the net, did she do the appropriate thing and officially put Parnell in charge. Considering that Iraq and Afghanistan are ten to eleven hours ahead of us, if she is trying to rule by Blackberry, her staff will have to work nights. And I am sure someone, Meg maybe, decided they needed pictures of her looking “presidential”. So what is a better photo op than with the troops. And sending the AG and CSM with her gives her some cover. You know she will be going to both Afghanistan (where the AIrborne brigade from Fort Rich is) and Iraq (where the Stryker Brigade from Ft Wainwright is). ANd there are probably small pockets of Alaska guard in both places. I am sure we will see plenty of pictures of her in the hospitals, dining facilities, and hey if she happens to go where her son is stationed, what the hey. Just worked out that way.

  103. Marnie says:

    You know I was thinking, yesterday, that with Sandford AWOL it would have been a perfect time for the SC Leg to declare him unfit to serve and put the Lt. Gov, in charge and just leave him in charge.

    Ok. Alaska.

    NOW’s your chance to dump Palin. Time’s a wastin.’

  104. TBNTJudy says:


    I guess you must have missed my post at #110.

  105. lilybart says:

    Just saw mark McKinnon, GOP operative, on Rachel. He said soon the only one who will be left who is clean, will be the Mormon. hhmmm…

  106. Doggonit says:

    TBNTJudy Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:26 PM

    He went awol for 6 days. No one knew where he was, including his family. He lied the whole time. And he is an emotional wreck as evidenced in his speech today.

  107. Ripley in CT says:

    OOOhh Nebraska, good call there, girlfriend!

    You know, I’ve been heavily involved with following politics since, you-know-who’s nomination brought me to this blog. It never ceases to amaze me that they constantly screw up!! Never mind GINO, the others are just as bad. She’s just too remote. I hope she screws it up overseas, if that’s where she really is.

  108. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Is there a chalkboard on the side of GINO’s fridge? Check’s them off as they fall.

  109. Marnie says:

    99 deist Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:07 PM
    I wonder why folks who are republican governors and have extramarital affairs refuse federal stimulus funds?

    I’ll be nice – but “stimulus” funds????

  110. Nebraska Native says:

    I would work this for a good week or so, Farmer. Compensatory behavior can be fun 🙂

  111. EyeOnYou says:

    Caption This:

    ~ For the last time Governor Palin, put the blackberry away!

  112. justafarmer says:

    and I’m still waiting for birthday calls from my SC family…the silence is deafening (because they know me)…

  113. Ripley in CT says:

    LOL @ 114 Doggonit:

    Also: He turned down the stimulus package because he was already getting his package stimulated!!!

  114. TBNTJudy says:

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave…” This is true, but it is also true that because of Bill Clinton’s peccadilloes, he was impeached. Do you really think he was incapable of doing his job because he lied about getting blow jobs? Do you really think he should have been impeached because he lied about this? Not I. Sanford should be tried on his lack of governance, not his affairs, unless, of course, it can be shown that his affairs impaired his ability to do his job.

  115. bucfan says:

    Hmm. Not only will I have an affair, but I will do it with someone in another hemisphere and hope nobody notices. What a maroon! What a nimrod! And then he gives a press conference where he makes Phil Spector look sane. With all the Republican 2012 wannabe’s shooting themselves in the foot, or other parts of the body, who is going to be left in three years? Maybe Jeb Bush? Scary. Oh, in 1998, then Congressman Mark Sanford called for Clinton resigning. He also called for Bob Livingston (who was to succeed Newt) to resign for violating his other oath, the one to his wife. So you have Sanford and Ensign both calling for Clinton to resign and they have as of yet resigned themselvers. HIPPOCRITE! My spelling for a huge hypocrite.

  116. Nebraska Native says:

    Buh bye, Mark!

  117. oregonbird says:

    @ 104 TBNTJudy Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:11 PM
    I am with Alec Baldwin…
    And yet, your link takes us to Andy Borowitz…

  118. justafarmer says:

    thank you problem child and Nebraska and Ripley…
    DH is desperately grilling porterhouse steaks trying to get back in my good graces.

  119. Doggonit says:

    Sanford eats crow….

    This is “very damaging stuff,” Sanford declared at one point, when details of Clinton’s conduct became known. “I think it would be much better for the country and for him personally (to resign)… I come from the business side,” he said. “If you had a chairman or president in the business world facing these allegations, he’d be gone.”

  120. wynsplc says:

    I didn’t know my Beloved Gov was overseas..she never informed me..her most ardent supporter..Oh, the indignity of it all!!

    BTW, she says she needs help paying her legal bills, wonder how she can afford this trip (along with her entourage) to all the exotic (undisclosed) places?

  121. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I’m thinking that the Gov. is licking her chops now that Sanford is out of the way. Now she’s on her way to grab at some “foreign policy experience”.

    The poll taken that shows her in the 70% positive range was based on Rebuplicans and they polled under 2000 people. SO…..she’s got 70% of the 23% claiming to be Republicans going for her.

    And Romney is just sitting quiet, planning……

  122. austintx says:

    OK Ripley…….I”ll stop…….at least I’m stayin’ on thread…..I got “corrected” last nite for wandering off track with talk of deep fried Twinkies……….

    Happy Birthday justafarmer !!

  123. Nebraska Native says:

    Are you AK’s payin’ for this, also too?

  124. Nebraska Native says:

    Is she ever in AK?

  125. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    seattlefan Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:16 PM
    What the heck is Palin doing in Europe?
    She’s showing off her new belly-ring and tattoos.

  126. Canadian Neighbour says:

    AKM, I know this is a different blog, but I think this one you possibly won’t mind!! I hope you don’t!!

    So you can see it in living Yellow Boot colour — here is the link showing round 2 winners:

    The Round 2 Announcement doesn’t appear on the vote page but I changed the number ‘1’ to ‘2’ in the address!! Been trying it all week as the page was there — but no winners listed!! Call me impatient!!

  127. Doggonit says:

    Palin visiting troops photo-op at

  128. Nebraska Native says:

    Re: Alec Baldwin… and his thoughts, it’s not so much the affair as it is the lying… I think politicians and celebrities forget about the internets and how quickly the lies can be exposed. Oh what a tangled web we weave…

  129. Martha says:

    101 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 5:10 PM
    So who is minding the store??? Aka Alaska while GINO jets around? Can see rule with her blackberry from Europe? Isn’t that what Sanford is in trouble, he left without living anyone in charge…so who is in charge of Alaska NOW???
    It says;

    The U.S. Department of Defense has requested that no additional details of Governor Palin’s travel plans be released at this time for security reasons.


    I think Colbert should announce her travel plans on his show tonight…………….lol

  130. Doggonit says:

    No wonder he was turning down the stimulus package, he already had his own stimulus going on.

    Can we call this Come Back Mountain?

  131. yorkie says:

    I am thinking Gino is doing the Happy Dance-one step closer…
    We mudflatters must keep on keeping on…

  132. seattlefan says:

    Just read through comments. What the heck is Palin doing in Europe? Is she pulling a Sanford?

    Seriously, can someone provide a link on this story or bring me up to speed? Thanks!

  133. Marnie says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:24 PM
    Hey checking the link for the “emails” Are they real??? How did someone get them so fast? How much did they cost???
    Didn’t GINO send him some salmon a while back???

    The paper, the State, has actually had them, I think, since early May? It also explains how they knew which airport to be in. They could guess where he had gone, and were the only press to meet him. All the rest of the press was hanging out in the wrong airport.

  134. TBNTJudy says:


    that link @ 104 was not right, I guess…

  135. Ripley in CT says:

    Ick, Austin…. puh-leese!

    And Justafarmer: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
    us 🙂

  136. austintx says:

    From the same e-mail

    ” In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul.”

  137. Nebraska Native says:

    Yes! Happy BD Farmer!!!!!

  138. Bystander says:

    #99 obviously, they are getting enough “stimulation”.

  139. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    She/Leaving anyone in charge———-> sorry write to fast, lol~

  140. TBNTJudy says:

    I am with Alec Baldwin…

  141. Caroline says:

    Sharp elbows? Has the progressive Alaska blogosphere finally gone misogynist? I surely hope not.

    I am a feminist, and I feel like I walk a fine line poking fun at Governor Palin. I can’t stand to see her marginalized for the wrong reasons, whether it is related to her parenting, her clothing or her hair. Words and phrases like “shrill” and “sharp-elbows” are words used to describe women for demonstrating the same characteristics as men in power. Men, instead, are called “leaders” or “take-charge”. Like her or not, I acknowledge that Governor Palin is a member of an oppressed class, and thus I cannot accept mockery of her status as such. Much of the response to the David Letterman joke discussed whether feminists should support conservative, anti-feminist women. Most of my favorite Alaska bloggers did, in my opinion, the right thing by condemning women-bashing humor on all fronts, while still pointing out the Governor’s hypocrisy in only just now bringing it up.

    Besides Alaska blogs, I read some radical feminist blogs as well. Governor Palin recently became a topic in a thread that I have been following, and I have been continuously shocked by how much hard-core feminists will defend her. While I disagree with them and attribute most of their opinions to the fact that they don’t really pay much attention to her, they did make me think that I need to be careful that I don’t confuse valid reasons to dislike her with insidious, misogynist reasons to dislike her- the same ones that bring down women in power in this country all the time. I know I can’t erase my cultural memory, but I must at least be aware of it.

    So, when I saw the words “sharp-elbows,” I flipped. I beseech Alaskans and non-Alaskans alike to keep all this anti-Palin above the belt- literally. The less mothering, shoes, pregnancy and common anti-women keywords like “shrill” and “b**ch” show up in the discourse, the more we will all be doing to advance women in politics. I remember thinking in 2006, with a sinking feeling, that Sarah Palin will probably be the last female governor of Alaska because she’ll do such a bad job we’ll never elect another woman. I hope I am not right, and I hope Mudflatters will agree with me.

    If it makes you feel better, I am not a misogynist. I was going to use a reference to the “scary knuckle” but I thought it would be too obscure, (The one she uses in hand gestures when she looks like she’s going to give someone a noogie) so I moved up the arm. I support plenty of women politicians. Just not bad ones. Appreciate your points, though. AKM

  142. the problem child says:

    Happy birthday, justafarmer!

  143. Nebraska Native says:

    Note to Politicians Who Fall From Grace: Do NOT announce the name(s) of your child(ren) on national television when apologizing for whatever transgressions you have committed. Tacky tacky. Very Palin-like and we are seeing how that works out…
    Oh, and don’t apologize to the mistress first.

    Back to regular programming.

  144. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    So who is minding the store??? Aka Alaska while GINO jets around? Can see rule with her blackberry from Europe? Isn’t that what Sanford is in trouble, he left without living anyone in charge…so who is in charge of Alaska NOW???

  145. Ripley in CT says:

    *singing* How do you solve a problem like Mariaaaaa? How do you hold a moonbeam in your hannnnd?” LOL I’ve got the Sound of Music in my head now….

  146. deist says:

    I wonder why folks who are republican governors and have extramarital affairs refuse federal stimulus funds?

  147. Marnie says:

    46 Professor Geezer Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:05 PM
    Will it be Huckabee/Barbour 2012?

    Will it be Jindal/Crist 2012?

    Will it be Romney/Gingrich 2012?

    There are so few choices left!

    I think Gingrich/Limbaugh is the best bet. How more RepoTaliban could they get?

  148. CO almost native says:

    zyggy suggested “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina”; how about “The Tango Moreen” from “Rent”–or better yet, “The Tango Moroon”?

    I think Sanford needs a theme song…

    I was glad to see his wife AWOL from the press conference. Campbell Brown had a phone call interview with Sanford’s BFF in the state senate; he didn’t mention his wife Jenny at first, either.

  149. austintx says:

    Oh my………..

    From Gov. Sanford,
    Date: Thursday, July 10, 2008, 12:24 a.m.

    Two, mutual feelings …. You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night’s light – but hey, that would be going into sexual details …

  150. Nebraska Native says:

    GA Peach– the reporters are saying they had anonymous tips… you could very well be right.

  151. Tealwomin says:

    Alaska, you’re free to move about now…GiNO IS OUT OF THE COUNTRY spending her TRUST FUND…whats the point…talking bout security reasons for not telling…boy1 shes so important to no one but herself….

    shes building her foreign policy experience – with an eye on 2012

  152. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Marnie Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:46 PM

    “Watching Sanford’s press conference, he just seems totally befuddled. It must be tough to go from righteous, inflated ego, overly self-important powerful person one day, to normal human the next.”

    Plus he just got steamrollered by his legislature and had his a^& whupped in court by a teenage girl, all that plus his wife found out is a two faced B’( Michele Malkin callen him a B’), and he probably just told girl friend “it been fun.”

    No wonder he looks befuddled.
    Yeah, somebody asked him to define “circumspect”.

    I’ve got to wonder if his wife had anything to do with those leaked personal emails to The State newspaper, and them finding his car at the Atlanta airport. I think that “hell hath no fury” may have come into play.

  153. Nebraska Native says:

    Rachel is all over Sanford too. It would suck to be him. (My daughter introduced me to that phrase when she was a teenager and it stuck with me, so appropriate right now)

  154. Nebraska Native says:

    From a long distance, the ADN staff and the reporting is very interesting… not in a good way. Must be really awful to have it as a “news source” for people living in AK.

  155. Marnie says:

    “Watching Sanford’s press conference, he just seems totally befuddled. It must be tough to go from righteous, inflated ego, overly self-important powerful person one day, to normal human the next.”

    Plus he just got steamrollered by his legislature and had his a^& whupped in court by a teenage girl, all that plus his wife found out is a two faced B'( Michele Malkin callen him a B’), and he probably just told girl friend “it been fun.”

    No wonder he looks befuddled.

  156. trisha says:

    Drew, you asked: Wonder what oxymoran rush has to say about all this?!

    I read on HuffPo that he was praising Sanford for being a man, standing up and doing the right thing, apologizing, ya-da, ya-da, ya-da.

    As typical, he seems to have missed the part where Sanford was caught in his web of lies and knew the rest of the story would hit the fan soon. He wasn’t confessing out of the goodness of his heart….he was just trying to beat the press to the punchline.

    Actually Sanford did give us the punchline by using the words “cry” and “Argentina” in the same sentence. He will regret that.

  157. Professor Geezer says:

    @EyeOn, no problem! Any time!

  158. pvazwindy says:

    Yeah, who’s in charge of Alaska? The blackberry.

  159. EyeOnYou says:

    Sorry Professer Geezer..didn’t mean to jump in there. You beat me to it anyhow. 🙂

  160. I feel sorry for the kids, and his wife. But she’ll probably be fine, the kids, who knows.

    A friend and I were having lunch in a restaurant when I saw the headline that Sandford had an affair. Like my friend said, what are these political and public figures thinking? Do they really think they can get away with that sort of behavior and no one will notice? Good grief.

    And just imagine how much energy and time he’s spent on covering up the affair, when he should have been doing the governor’s job. I can’t believe he’ll actually get to stay as gov when he was missing and NO one knew where he was or how to reach him. What if something serious had happened that required the immediate attention of the governor?

    Throw the bum out, South Carolina. And let his family start trying to heal.

    btw, did Palin announce that she was leaving the state and the country? Or have we all just missed it with all the other things going on in the world. I can’t imagine that she’ll be very welcome anywhere in Europe.

  161. EyeOnYou says:

    Nebraska Native Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:37 PM
    Prof… who is “The Ear?”


    Sheila Toomey. ADN gossip columnist better known as the Alaskan Ear, or the nasty appendage as I like to call her! ::wink::

  162. Professor Geezer says:

    @Nebraska, “The Ear” = ADN’s Sheila Toomey.

  163. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    these are from his “personal” email account, did they come from the wife? bet so, that would be about 5 months ago………..she deserves better than him, he may or may not be telling the truth about “uncharted waters”, but it sounds like she likes married men, hmmmmm, trouble.

    “Below are excerpts of e-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford’s personal e-mail account and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina.”

  164. austintx says:

    72 Greytdog Δ Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:35 PM
    Especially when he apologized to his mistress first (no apology to her husband and her kids tho), and the GOP, and the SC citizens, and his kids, and in-laws and THEN his wife….sheesh. what a total jerk.
    I saw that too. Great priorities there asshole. Jenny’s family is way loaded. They will bury his sorry ass.

  165. trisha says:

    How did that newspaper get his emails (which I read were on his State computer) so fast? Didn’t they have to pay $65,000 or $5,000 and wait months and months (plenty of time to edit and delete them) to receive them?

    To the ADN….you might want to take notes as this is how investigative journalism is done. Your job isn’t to protect the Governor, your job as “professional” journalist is to uncover the story and report it.

  166. Greytdog Δ says:

    OT but important Dr. Jerri Nielsen has died. Portrait of Courage

  167. Nebraska Native says:

    Prof… who is “The Ear?”

  168. the problem child says:

    @oreganbird, Fortunately, the Personnel Board has nothing to do with the e-mails request, it’s a Freedom of Information request.

  169. Professor Geezer says:

    @Oregonbird, I am just interested in your opinion on this. What do you think Palin is hiding in the e-mails? Why are Palin, her staff, her lawyers, and her devotees so worried about what Palin wrote to Eddie Burke and “The Ear”?

  170. Greytdog Δ says:

    in re Sanford e-mails – The State (newspaper in SC) which broke the story released the emails – apparently they’ve had them for some time but were sitting on them until they had proof of infidelity. . .hmmmmm…think of Sanford as the Gary Hart of Dems. . . “catch me if you can” attitude and then BAM! They do. His presser was total fail. Especially when he apologized to his mistress first (no apology to her husband and her kids tho), and the GOP, and the SC citizens, and his kids, and in-laws and THEN his wife….sheesh. what a total jerk.

  171. the problem child says:

    I have a feeling the e-mails were leaked. Probably by Sanford’s wife. Guys can be so sloppy with e-mail. it’s probably how she found out about the affair herself.

  172. Professor Geezer says:

    @Oregonbird, the point is, redacted e-mail is going to look bad for her, the Queen of Transparency.

  173. drew from lil ol texas says:

    Gotta love it!!

    Rumor has it they are gonna ask Larry Craig and Mark Foley to give new meaning to “Head the Republican Governors Association”

    They are trying to keep their “Family Values” platform in tact, cause don’t forget, that is what them Republicans are all about!!

    Wonder what oxymoran rush has to say about all this?!

  174. oregonbird says:

    @ 52 Professor Geezer Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 4:11 PM
    @Oregonbird, if Palin redacts, we will react!
    Palin owns the ethics committee. What else you got?

  175. Nebraska Native says:

    I think it is very cool that no one outside of AK had any idea that GINO was out of the country… heh heh heh.

  176. Nebraska Native says:

    Seriously… if “they” can find these affair emails and publish them, why are GINO’s sacred and costly? They are both gov’s… at least for the moment.

  177. oregonbird says:

    I would love to see the Matthews’ clip — unfortunately, it’s sponsored by Microsoft. I haven’t seen a Hardball or Countdown segment that begins with one of their ads; the program freezes. Of course, I can always try again and watch another ad — but the show is completely blocked. I’ve uploaded new players, I’ve contacted the site — nothing.

  178. Ripley in CT says:

    crystalwolf: He has confirmed them

    Also please remove the “d” that fell out on my last post when you re-read it. 🙂

  179. phoebe says:

    One of the Huffington stories was taking a vote on whether Sanford should resign as gov… over 70% think he should.

  180. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Hey checking the link for the “emails” Are they real??? How did someone get them so fast? How much did they cost???
    Didn’t GINO send him some salmon a while back???

  181. Ripley in CT says:

    HA!! No idea she was gone. Did she tell anyone? Is she on a hike, writing her book?

    Also, this might be the opportunity to raise some stink about GINO charging and exorbitant amount of money for a handful of e-mails, now that they got Sanford’s illicit intertubes ones!! LOL

  182. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    # 25 honestyinGov Says: June 24th, 2009 at 3:16 PM

    W o W !!! Almost 12,000 comments on the Huffpo Front Page Sanford Story already. THAT was FAST !
    I’ll have to read some. I don’t think there will be many tro//s on that thread.

    Actually, that’s the total # of responses since the initial thread on the Sanford mystery started 2-3 days ago. If you hit the “last page” option to read thru the posts, you’ll see that the dates are days ago…

    Similar thing is/was happening with the Iran thread – was over 37000 yesterday, but it covers about 10 days, if not more of people responding to continued/continuing blogging updates on the story.

  183. phoebe says:

    Somethig tells me that this affair is not really over…..just on time out. He’s an egrecious son of a gun…I think he’ll try to make amends & go for a repeat performance.

  184. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Greytdog Δ Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 2:49 PM

    Notice the media doesn’t care that Palin is out of the country. . . .I noticed a while ago she tweeted about heading to Juneau – I tweeted back to see if she needed a map to find her way there. . .guess she’s got lost
    Is she actually out of the country NOW? If she is, WHO’s in CHARGE of Alaska right now??? Anyone know???

  185. phoebe says:

    #50 pacosgal

    you’re right…..they are a closed society. they will see her for who she really is.

  186. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Obviously, Sanford had/has a case of the 2 left feet Argentine Tango…failure to notify state on chain of command and for dumping his mandated security detail!

    Gee, and he’s one of the moralists who preaches family values. Imagine that…dumping his kids on Father’s Day for a nice ‘family’ moment in Argentina.

    So sad he got caught….NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  187. InJuneau says:

    Nebraska Native–yes, he did.

  188. pacos_gal says:

    It would be interesting to actually find out how much other states charge for the “search”. We know that in pages, it’s range in usually in the cents, but it’s the search itself (doesn’t anyone have IT people in the Executive office that know how to do anything?) that seems to be costing the money.
    There should be a break down on the bill and that a copy should go to a lawyer and an accountant. 🙂
    Then shouldn’t there be something in the National Press about the cost of getting FOIA information in Alaska? Restricting citizens rights or something along those lines?

  189. justafarmer says:

    this is tooooo funny for words,,,
    DH has been away most of the day dealing with farmer stuff.
    He just got home lomg enough for me to give the update about Sanford (DH’s father and sister live inn SC…)
    and while DH was still trying to wrap his head around the Sanford Appalachian Trail hike that goes all the way down to Argentina…
    I sweetly mentioned that I had just gotten a phone call wishing me a happy birthday….
    I feel so bad for DH right now….

  190. Professor Geezer says:

    @Oregonbird, if Palin redacts, we will react!

  191. phoebe says:

    Maria I just met a girl named Maria. Oh those emails!!! He’s toast!!

  192. pacos_gal says:

    The Republican base is the south, Palin isn’t going to be accepted into that group any time soon. They simply see her as a northern wanna be. It’s an old boys club down there.

  193. Nebraska Native says:

    Exactly Oregonbird… why does Gino get to charge for her email?

  194. Tealwomin says:

    ooopps Canada

  195. oregonbird says:

    “Below are excerpts of e-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark Sanford’s personal e-mail account and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina.”

    Meanwhile, Palin is holding her emails out of reach for years — by overcharging and redaction. Does anyone honestly believe that $6,000 will purchase anything that Palin does not want to let go?

    Care to comment?

  196. Tealwomin says:

    will they understand her word salad even….after all PrezO already showed ’em how its done…i’m going to pay attention to the news

    yes please make a stop over in France….first make sure you have the call letters to the radio station….

  197. Nebraska Native says:

    Did Crist ever get “married?”

  198. Doggonit says:

    Sarah is likely going to do a Cairo speech to outshine Obama but, the only one who will hear it, is Todd.

    On the 21st, Todd was saying he was looking forward to getting back to work for BP, but now he is on another leave of absence.

  199. Professor Geezer says:

    Will it be Huckabee/Barbour 2012?

    Will it be Jindal/Crist 2012?

    Will it be Romney/Gingrich 2012?

    There are so few choices left!

  200. Nebraska Native says:

    Paula… he makes reference to “ta-ta’s” in his email… this is just creepy.

  201. Marnie says:

    Palin now heads the list of RepoTaliban POTUS wanna bees.

    Let’s keep this trend going.

    If the idiots keep eliminating themselves the corporate IQ and ethical standards fo the Repos will gradually increase and maybe Obama will finally get to deal with a few intelligent one.

  202. Nebraska Native says:

    Oh my, Keith is taking him to task… what is the deal about someone dying mysteriously in Joe Scarburough’s (spelling error, I just know it) office when he was in congress?

  203. Paula says:

    So how long will it take for us to get the pictures of Stanfords hot latin dark hairs, brown eyed -surely bound to be male, lover?

  204. Miss Demeanor says:

    I just heard on a local radio news break that GINO was going to view the troops and cheer or something. The blurb also said more details could not be released due to “security issues”.
    Europe must be a refueling stop.
    Didn’t GINO do a tweet about visiting troops in July?
    I seem to remember something about Colbert and her spoiler.

  205. C. Rock says:

    I feel sorry for the children. their dad spent Fathers Day with his mistress over them How sad.

  206. BodieP says:

    I guess when they talk about how the GOP “comeback” starts with the governors, they really mean, “come back.”

  207. Nebraska Native says:

    Gino is in Europe? Hehehehehe. Does anyone care? She must be so po’ed at Sanford.

  208. Tealwomin says:

    GOP family values….they like saying that they hold theirs ‘higher’ than Dems….but really we’re all human – they aren’t somehow left outta the mix just cause they claim to be ReBug [my new name for ’em]…never mind political party, humans do some of the same ‘crappy things’

    Only they are allowed to make excuses…Would got further if they were honest in the first place instead pointing fingers & ACTING as if Dems were doing all the [so-called] ‘evil’

    get ready for the God has forgiven me speech…get ready for the party to forgive him…[not their place – by the way]

  209. EyeOnYou says:

    Doggonit Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 3:40 PM
    Sanford just hi-jacked MSM coverage of her European vacation. Perhaps she needs to go back to calling Letterman a pervert.


    Not to worry her groupies have her latest outrage covered!

  210. Doggonit says:

    Sanford just hi-jacked MSM coverage of her European vacation. Perhaps she needs to go back to calling Letterman a pervert.

  211. Dusty says:

    I hopefuls..sorry.

  212. Dusty says:

    By the end of summer, we should expect all the 2012 President hopefuls to have skeletons in their closet? I hope so!

  213. Tealwomin says:

    Lee323…YEAP…hewas hiking alright….hehehehe

    GiNO somewhere planning how to ‘not act jealous’ that the GOP skipped her…maybe they got other plans fer her????

  214. John says:

    Watching Sanford’s press conference, he just seems totally befuddled. It must be tough to go from righteous, inflated ego, overly self-important powerful person one day, to normal human the next. But the part about starting a friendship with the other woman because it was someone he could talk to and throw out ideas without worrying about the political response? What was wrong with discussing these things with his wife??? Sounds to me like he was having an affair for 8 years; they just added the sex during the last one year.

  215. austintx says:

    Pulled his mug shot off the Family Research Council website faster than you can say “mi amore”

  216. nebraska mudflatter says:

    Maybe a bit OT, but have you seen the Pew Poll results saying SP is the most liked GOPer. Not saying much, really. I am sure that those others will revel in the results and not look at some of the more nuanced aspects:

    “Palin receives a more favorable rating from those with a high school degree or less than she does from college graduates.” LOL! Doh!

  217. 264 Crayons says:

    Nice job, Sanford! Here’s a tip: when preaching to the choir, make sure the robe isn’t stuck in the crack of your @$$!

    Down South Jindal bells should watch himself…this from today’s Times Picayune regarding a link on the state’s web site promoting political advocacy:

  218. Ripley in CT says:

    *giggling at “pointy elbows”… brilliant.

  219. honestyinGov says:

    W o W !!! Almost 12,000 comments on the Huffpo Front Page Sanford Story already. THAT was FAST !
    I’ll have to read some. I don’t think there will be many tro//s on that thread.

  220. Nebraska Native says:

    Those emails… ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I don’t think I will read the ones that will be released tomorrow. Bad idea to conduct an affair through email. Which brings us to Sarah’s email. How come she can redact stuff and Sanford apparently can’t or isn’t?

  221. va_soccer_mom says:

    The sanctity of republican marriage proven once again.

  222. honestyinGov says:

    Maybe the ‘pointy-toed shoes’ actually DID win…

    Does Barbour wear those pointy Cowboy Boots..?

    And it didn’t take long for the Comedians and satirists to climb aboard.
    Andy Borowitz has a story on the Huffpo.

    “The announcement by Mr. Sanford’s penis drew mixed reactions, including from Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev): “Why would you go all the way to Argentina when there’s perfectly good tail on your staff?”

  223. EyeOnYou says:

    AKM, please tell me you weren’t channeling the spirit of Meg there in your writing because that seems awfully close to how they think! 🙂

  224. Corvus corax says:

    And right on cue, Fox News identifies Sanford as a Democrat.

  225. pvazwindy says:

    Palin knows the feeling, having been there done that. I can hardly wait for her crap to hit the oscillating fan.

  226. austintx says:

    16 Greytdog Δ Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 2:50 PM
    I feel sorry for his wife and kids. But I’m glad she tipped off the press with her remarks “I haven’t heard from him, I don’t know where he is, and I DON’T CARE” She’s good. She’s real good.
    Got money too. When you pick up a SKIL power tool , that’s her family.

  227. BigPete says:

    Boss Hogg

    In all fairness, Haley Barbour might be even more unappealing than Palin.

  228. austintx says:

    2 Greytdog Δ Says:
    June 24th, 2009 at 2:29 PM
    Nope she ain’t gonna get it – Haley Barbour (MS) is stepping into that role. . . Palin needs to find her own xxx-scandal in order to really hit the big time news cycle. . .
    Yup – That is what Howard Fineman said on Matthews just a bit ago. Howard is right 99.9% of the time.

  229. Greytdog Δ says:

    I feel sorry for his wife and kids. But I’m glad she tipped off the press with her remarks “I haven’t heard from him, I don’t know where he is, and I DON’T CARE” She’s good. She’s real good.

  230. Greytdog Δ says:

    Notice the media doesn’t care that Palin is out of the country. . . .I noticed a while ago she tweeted about heading to Juneau – I tweeted back to see if she needed a map to find her way there. . .guess she’s got lost

  231. maji says:

    His wife released a statement that indicated she’d be willing to work through their problems to save the marriage, but not really. I think she did it to help him save face today. Underneath it all it seemed to me that she isn’t really that interested in continuing on with him. She cited some scripture and kept mentioning her sons. In fact she said that the thing she’ll be remembered most for would be raising children of good character, or something to that effect.
    It’s funny how so many republicans hold themselves up as the most moral people in the world only to fall, and when they do, it’s in a major way.

  232. Lee323 says:

    “…Mark “I Wasn’t Really Hiking the Appalachian Trail to Get Away from My Family, I Was Meeting My Mistress in Buenos Aires to Get Away from My Family” Sanford…”

    Bwaaahaahahahahahaha…..good one, AKM.

    Seriously, though….amidst all the laughing and emerging salacious details of the Gaucho Governor’s riding the lush pampas of Argentina in search of a little Llama Love…is this important fact:

    Sanford lied to his staff and the citizens of his state as to his whereabouts. He left the freaking country while pretending to huff and puff on an Appalachian hiking trail…..trying “to clear his head.” BTW…What’s with these politicians and their congested heads??

    As I mentioned on another thread….the “Public Trust” is not a quaint or outdated concept. Kick this bum out!

  233. not that sarah says:

    Sarah’s out of the country, and no one knows where she is– but don’t feel bad, because you will just as soon as you see the expense reports for her trip, since Alaskans will no doubt be paying for it.

    What a month to be a Republican….Ensign, Palin’s Letterman fiasco, SC gov–

    the “family values” are so thick I can choke on them from my house.

  234. Cathy from Colorado says:

    Don’t you just love the party of family values?

  235. zyggy says:

    Will we be hearing her sing “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina’?

  236. UK Lady says:

    Oh Noes! Sanford is a real noodle – juicy emails

    Now lets get Scarah’s.

  237. BigSlick says:

    Anybody know if Sarah was in Argentina recently?

  238. 0whole1 says:

    > The GOP Comeback Begins with Republican Governors

    They forget the “and ends” bit. Begins and ends.

  239. 0whole1 says:

    Appalachian Tail.


  240. pvazwindy says:

    Hmmm. Sarah’s out of the country and nobody knows where she’s at either.

  241. akmuckraker says:

    Wow, that was fast! Those pointy elbows barely got warmed up! Obsolete in the first 10 comments! Sheesh.

  242. Martha says:

    Yup, they snapped Haley Barbour, faster than Palin could say “foot in the door”!!

    Guess the GOP still don’t have love for Scarah. They’ve had enough bad press for a week or two.

    WASHINGTON (CNN) — Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour has assumed the chairmanship of the Republican Governors Association, CNN has learned.

    Barbour immediately takes over as head of the national Republican campaign organization following South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s announcement he was leaving the post. Sanford acknowledged Wednesday that he had an extramarital affair with a woman in Argentina.

  243. Greytdog Δ says:

    Nope she ain’t gonna get it – Haley Barbour (MS) is stepping into that role. . . Palin needs to find her own xxx-scandal in order to really hit the big time news cycle. . .

  244. LiladyNY says:


    Oh YJCMTSU!!!