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Don Young is Getting Desperate

It’s standard fare for Republicans to come out with glossy election-season “scare mailers” showing Democratic candidates in red monochrome, juxtaposed next to distorted pictures of [Obama/Pelosi/Schumer/AOC] or whomever is the boogeyman du jour. This usually happens 2 or 3 weeks before Election Day, and it reminds us that Republicans don’t really run FOR anything, they just like to scare their base into voting against something – and that something usually ends in “ism” and doesn’t exist.

But this year is different. Congressman Don Young, facing his toughest opponent in decades (he’s been around since 1973), is starting the smears in September. And that’s because Don Young is scared. Alyse Galvin has gained traction as an actual Independent candidate for Alaska’s lone seat in Congress, and one who has the tenacity and commitment to run against him a second time. That doesn’t happen very often, and it could make all the difference.

Thus came a string of Facebook posts and radio ads from Young that are so over the top it’s hard not to laugh. Satire is dead. The spots are a string of ridiculous accusations saying Galvin wants to raise taxes – Galvin is against higher taxes on working Alaskans and that she wants to ‘shut down Alaska.’ She’s a radical lefty socialist, he says, who wants to STEAL YOUR FREEDOMS!! Oh, and the best one – she was born in CALIFORNIA! (Spoiler: Don Young was also born in CALIFORNIA!) Granted, Don Young may be reaching his base with this inanity, because anyone still voting for Young at this point can be fooled by anything. He’s been embarrassing and ineffectual for longer than most Alaskans have been alive.

It should be said that in Alaska, “Independent” doesn’t mean a weird 3rd party candidate who has no chance. We recently elected and Independent Governor, we have an Independent Speaker of the House, and the majority State House coalition is made up of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. If the country were Baskin Robbins, Alaska would be the 32nd flavor. We go our own way.

Young is SO desperate to find something bad about Galvin, he came up with this SCANDAL. She was a registered Democrat… in 2005! Now granted, that may seem like yesterday in the endless term of Don Young, but to the rest of us that means she left the Democratic party 15 years ago, during the Bush administration which inexplicably means she’s on “Team Pelosi.” That’s what he’s got.

So bottom line? Galvin has a shot. A good one. Young is 86 years old and thinks that if he says an array of words loudly enough, it will sound like it makes sense. At this point any Alaskan under 47 years of age has never known any other Congressman – because Alaska’s got just ONE. He’s the Methuselah of the North, but Alaskans may be ready to let him go. Let’s face it, if even the most liberal interpretation of term limits were in place, Don Young would have retired long before we had the internet (which may explain why he brags he doesn’t know how to use computers).




3 Responses to “Don Young is Getting Desperate”
  1. Really? says:

    Thank you Sebastian for your ability and desire in being able to express thru words how important it is to vote Representative Don Young out of office. It’s 2020 and us Alaskans are still trying to protect ourselves from Don Youngs lies, which has been, at times, emotionally draining.. Thank you, also, for your diligence in your continued desire to vote him out. In 2008, when I purchased my first computer and got tuned in to The Mudflats, my eyes opened up so much wider to the political ness concerning Alaskans, like me. I thank Jeanne, Shannyn and Linda for paying attention and having their unique ways in which to express their opinions. , so I “get it”.
    Throughout the past 12 years we Alaskans have noticed the consistency of Don Youngs lies.., also , his insensitive , rude, disturbing, arrogant behavior to all Alaskans, and, all others.. It’s embarassing knowing he was voted for so many times, and that alot of Alaskans are falling for his invincible-ness type behavior. There have been so many times when my reaction to Don Youngs words made my blood boil. Unfortunately, one time was when he said insensitive, rude, disturbing, arrogant words to the children at the Wasilla school, regarding their loss of a classmate who unfortunately took his own life. After reading about the mean words that Don Young said to the children,I realized the importance of passing on the knowledge of learning about suiside prevention.. I have learned alot, myself, and one thing I learned is when someone takes their own life , the chances are high that one of their friends or relatives or someone close to them will also do the same.. My suggestion: take advantage of the Q. P. R. Suicide training. Question. Persuade. Refer. This is great information to know if you ever have someone you know tell you they want to end their life.
    In the understanding The Mudflats like it when a commenter stays focused, I say thank you. Good Day.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    564 moar bodies needed to reach super milestone 200k bodies in drumpf’s personal mass murdering body count.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Should make it today. Tomorrow for sure. I spell more, “moar” because it gives the word more puha than original spelling.

  3. mike from iowa says:

    Team Pelosi gets higher marks than Team Putin, which is where the majority of wasicu wastey wingnuts belong. In other sad news, drumpf’s personal body count for downplaying the coronavirus passed 198k today and will pass 6.7,million cases tomorrow.

    . United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Covid death rate is still in the 5% range, much worse than annual flu morbidity.drumpf, Young and all the rest of the pathological lying wingnuts lie about.