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Don Young Touts Phony “Most Effective” Rating

Amid the flurry of political ads this fall – mostly for Alaska’s hotly-contested federal races – one really stands out for anyone who’s more than an election season quarterback. And it is this: “Don Young was recently rated the most effective member of Congress.” Sorry if I made you spit your coffee.

So, how does one achieve this coveted “most effective” rating when, like Don Young, one has not even passed one single bill last session, and barely managed to squeak one by in only the House? Good question. Apparently the measuring stick for this phony rating is that you “co-sponsor” a bill, which is the legislative equivalent of raising your hand and getting your name slapped on a bill that already exists because someone else worked on it, and wrote it, and you just said “Yeah, put my name on that thing too!” It doesn’t require effort, it doesn’t make the bill more likely to pass. The only thing it does do, apparently, is get you the phony rating of “most effective.”

Don Young won’t tell you that the other “most effective” member of Congress on the Democratic side is the Representative for Washington D.C., who doesn’t even get full voting privileges because DC isn’t a state. But that’s a story for another day.

The bottom line is that any real power Don Young had, however many decades ago he had it, is long gone. And all he’s got is a rating that means nothing. We’ll see if Alaskans fall for the story, or if they finally send him packing after nearly half a century, and put Independent challenger Alyse Galvin in the seat. Then Alaskans can see what being effective really looks like.



2 Responses to “Don Young Touts Phony “Most Effective” Rating”
  1. mike from iowa says:

    Then there is this…..

    drumpf’s body count hit 2 new milestones yesterday and today it should easily surpass the 9 million cases milestone.

    United States
    Coronavirus Cases:

    Whole lotta hoax going on. Pandemic 0pays no attention to orange blabbermouth in kremlin annex. Please vote this POS out of America forever. Siberia wants it’s orange idiot back.

  2. mike from iowa says:

    Remember this tool?

    Later that day, a tweet from Wayne Allyn Root, a conservative radio host who has pushed false claims about former President Barack Obama’s birthplace and the identity of the 2017 Las Vegas shooter, claimed to have breaking news.

    “My sources-as high up as it gets- watched videos on Hunter’s laptops TODAY. Just told me point blank…no rumor…they saw Hunter raping & torturing little Chinese children,” he tweeted.

    When asked in an email for evidence to support his claims aside from anonymous sources, Root did not provide any.

    This was part of a Politifact check on 25k pics of Biden in China raping and abusing underage Chinese kids. .