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Friday, January 28, 2022

Twit, Twitter Twitterer. News from Emmonak.

Gee whiz!  Think the governor has “issues” with a certain Dennis Zaki traveling to Emmonak?

Remember, there was a big dust-up when Dennis filmed Palin’s introduction to speaker Michael Reagan when he was in town.  Radio talk show host Eddie Burke and others questioned his credentials.  Well, question no more.  In the rapid-fire series of tweets below, you’ll see that via Twitter (aka the unofficial-official Palin news source) he has been referred to as, and I quote … “CNN reporter.”

I’m sure Dennis will feel all validated now.

And behold the rest of this 1-2-3 Tweetsnark!

  1. Sarah Palin

    AKGovSarahPalinJohn also met w/CNN reporter while in Emmonak & shared welcomed GOOD NEWS of region…as a result, highly unlikely interview will air  🙂

  2. Sarah Palin

    AKGovSarahPalinJohn Moller just returned from Emmonak, reports 50% of residents have subsistence needs met already, others confident they can do the same.

  3. Sarah Palin

    AKGovSarahPalinGood update re Rural Advisor John Moller’s recnt Emmonak trip, great news he reports; we’ll twitter assuming press won’t pick up good news.

Remember when they wanted to take away Barack Obama’s Blackberry?  I wonder if her staff is getting any ideas.  “Gee, Governor….I’m not sure how your Blackberry fell in the garbage disposal.”

It will be interesting to get an update from Dennis Zaki, but for now we can assume since we’ve been triple-smacked with GOOD NEWS, and a smiley face, that all the fish have returned in greater numbers than ever before, and the subsistence and commercial needs are exceeding anyone’s wildest dreams!  The fishery is so lucrative that not only will we fulfill our escapement to Canada, but the larders will be full, with enough salmon left over to sell to support the price of fuel this winter!  Yay!




88 Responses to “Twit, Twitter Twitterer. News from Emmonak.”
  1. Lainey says:

    Twitter is right up her alley…just what the doctor ordered (aside from the lithium she refuses to take) …without ever leaving her blackberry, she can spew (tweet) and lie and ramble all she wants, she can be critical, be offensive, be superior, and extremist and supremacist and any ***ist, for all the world to see, 24/7, and never be cross-examined…what an invention!

  2. mlaiuppa says:

    My guess is that it is not that 50% of the people have met their needs. It is that all of the people have only met 50% of their needs. Maybe. That’s a BIG difference. A subtle nuance that would be entirely lost on anyone connected in any way to Sarah Palin.

  3. annstrongheart says:

    So we called home yesterday and asked about subsistence fishing since we were curious after reading SP’s tweets saying 50% of residents had met their subsistence requirements for the winter.

    Well hmmm wondering who in the world Mr. Moller was talking to and got that 50% number from? Did he talk to 2 people and one had met their subsistence needs?? 4 people? 6? etc?? reminds me of that cheer..2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate 😛 LOL

    Because talking to family in Nunam Iqua NO ONE has met their subsistence needs for the winter. Is there some magic super salmon run that is some how skipping Nunam Iqua but making it to Emmonak?

    Something is definitely fishy about the 50% comment.

    Just thought I’d share 😀


  4. Doggonit says:

    Imagine if you will coming up with the name for twitter. Sitting at the market meeting. What are we going to call this service? IM Now? What’s Up? What’s Happening Dude? Who cares? Nah.

    So who’s going to use our product? A nerd? IT support? Nah they’ll use emails of IM messaging. Twit? Yeah, only a twit will waste their time. But we can’t call it twit, what is the twit doing? Sending a message. But it’s not really a message, it’s less important. Twits don’t send messages. It’s almost a thought but not really a thought. So it’s what a twits would do and meaningless. How about we call it twittering. Email isn’t calling emailing, drop the ing and we got a real winner. Twitter for twits.

  5. Paula says:

    I see a “desacrated baby” website in the future…

  6. 264 Crayons says:

    “Looking svelte and sexy as always, Alaska’s Governor wore a grey t-shirt and brown cargo pants accessorized with well-worn Danskos and a lovely silver crucifix.”

    I guess she figured the red peep-toe shoes or black hooker boots wouldn’t be appropriate on a military base…but geeze, a gray tshirt and cargo pants? Does she thinks she’s in the Army? Dats one classy broad, I tell ya!

  7. austintx says:

    76 mlaiuppa Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 8:52 PM
    Isn’t Twitter exactly the unhealthy thing that would enable a narcissistic personality?
    Yup – Like crack for a crackhead…………

  8. CG says:

    Yep, I agree, SameOld. “It would appear that the state is not interested. Isolation aids tyranny.”
    It certainly aided the vote that resulted in Sarah as governor. Word of mouth. Church direction. No information, no resource to search. Only a small fraction of Alaska’s population actually had the ability to watch broadcasts of election debates and candidate forums, in any of the three campaigns.
    And only some Alaskans have the resource to stay on current events, now.
    We used to have a state broadcast system. It was justified as the means to implement the Early Warning System. It went away – too expensive. With Denali Commission funding, they’re trying to reestablish it:

    “In cooperation with the Denali Commission, Alaska Public Broadcasting, Inc. is repairing or replacing the ARCS delivery equipment located in the 230 plus communities currently served. In many locations, time and mother nature have conspired to degrade the service. In addition, populations have moved making the original service design inadequate for today’s needs. APBI is working its way down the list communities with known problems and will continue to do so over the next couple years. Hopefully, the system can be fully restored to quality service in each community. Regular updates, progress reports and photographs are available on the Denali Commission web site in their projects database.”

    KYUK-TV channel 4 in Bethel was an AlaskaOne member—that station had reportedly gone dark, and its license was deleted by the FCC on March 20, 2009.[1]

  9. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Ha! Of COURSE she’s sending the Dennis preemptive strike – any guesses why? Not only to cover her a@@ but because it was the Alaska Report which reported her upcoming ethics complaints and IRS/embezzlement problems.

    Blackberry Bratty strikes again! She’s stepping these things up – whipping herself into a frenzy – twittering like the twit she is! Who’s next? We could do an attack gate accounting – there are a bunch already and they’re steadily progressin’…

  10. I just used alaskanwoman’s comment @ #31 as the basis for a PA post.

    Thanks, alaskanwoman!

  11. seattlefan says:

    Has anyone asked the question “Why are things ok now?” Was the Palin Administration responsible for all of this happiness? I would really like to know the truth and can’t wait to hear back from DZ what is really going on.

    If I remember she did a photo op and stated that they were taking care of themselves back when she was forced into making a statement. I think she showed up with some cookies and a big serving of word salad to soothe her constituents.

    She and her gratuitous tweets make me sick.

  12. Lisabeth says:

    I can’t stand that woman. She is really losing it isn’t she? She is so paranoid. Does she spend all her time now planning how to put out fires before they occur? It seems like she is obsessed with damage control.
    I don’t know if any of you saw the comment coming from a “Palin thug” on the blog of that Alaska rep. Is it Bob Lynn? I can’t quite remember now but someone was making threats towards Sarah there and her thug had quite interesting comments. He/she said Sarah was prepared for him and was working behind the scenes to “neutralize the threat” and now nothing would happen. It was really creepy. Go take a look at the comments on his blog under the post about his proposed legislation to shut up Sarahs critics.

  13. mlaiuppa says:

    Isn’t Twitter exactly the unhealthy thing that would enable a narcissistic personality?

  14. Joy says:

    I am soooo! excited to hear that everything is “peachy keen” in the out back areas of AK!!!!
    Wow, way to go! GINO!!!!!!!
    Must be that GOD really DID open the door for you!

    GOD can be funny.

  15. bucfan says:

    Considering how much tape CNN gets every day, there is always a chance that a submitted story doesn’t get aired. She is playing reverse psychosis, I mean psychology. By saying that they will not air the story because it consists of good news, it is obvious that she doesn’t want it to air, so she can say “See I told you so”. And I asked this question a couple of days ago on a different thread, but here goes “Has Sarah officially turned over the reigns of the state to Light Guv Parnell, or is she governing via twitter? I don’t care about modern technology; if something major happens in Alaska, critical decisions should be made by someone on the ground, not by a Twitter bug. And by the way how many stamps on her passport does she have with this trip? And BTW, did she ever make it out to Eagle where the major flooding occurred? or was she too busy?

  16. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    mlaiuppa Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 7:27 PM
    So I Dennis Zaki in Emmonak because Jon Moller was going to be there…or is Jon Moller in Emonnak because someone told Palin Dennis Zaki was going there?
    Dennis was meant to go for the big meeting on Wednesday but it looks like he arrived on Thursday. He writes that he got three minutes of Jon Moller’s time.

    Moller likes to keep it on the down-low; doesn’t care for interviews – or even for people to know where he is. Moller and the governor both apparently prefer for Moller to do his interviews via her twitter. He doesn’t even have a telephone number of his own; he’s completely tied to the governor’s apron strings.

    I think he’s a sock puppet, myself.

  17. justafarmer says:

    and the equally snarky: “Good update re Rural Advisor John Moller’s recnt Emmonak trip, great news he reports; we’ll twitter assuming press won’t pick up good news.”
    She has no shame at all…

  18. SameOld says:

    Seems to me you may need to plan Radio Free Alaska.

    Even more than that you need to turn those internet connections in the villages into hotspots. There are numerous grants for rural communications. It would appear that the state is not interested. Isolation aids tyranny.

  19. justafarmer says:

    yeppers… Dennis went there and all of a sudden damage control starts!
    I was amused that Dennis was identified as a “CNN reporter” and there was the snarky “John also met w/CNN reporter while in Emmonak & shared welcomed GOOD NEWS of region…as a result, highly unlikely interview will air:)”

  20. justafarmer says:

    she is crash and burn mode now.
    I still am stunned about the two twits about the soldier. It’s like she’s trying to score points now!

  21. seattlefan says:

    mlaiuppa Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 7:27 PM

    So I Dennis Zaki in Emmonak because Jon Moller was going to be there…or is Jon Moller in Emonnak because someone told Palin Dennis Zaki was going there?



    Major damage control is going on here and it is very transparent on all levels for us. For the minions….not so much.

  22. lilyf says:

    Dear Sarah,
    Are you up late tonight, reading Alaska blogs? Do you have anxiety and insomnia while you are trapped outside the country, unable to control what is being said about you, or not being said about you? I betcha it’s hard to feel so out of touch, so far away from your throne. You can just feel what it would be like to be at the helm, able to keep up with what is going on around you. But you need to be away so that you can show you have been outside the country. I know it’s hard because you are so homesick for Wasilla and your nice warm home. Just think, soldiers have to do this EVERY DAMN DAY.

  23. nswfm CA says:

    It is Friday night, which is when they try to hide bad news. Don’t let up the pressure, AK bloggers.

  24. MadCity Chick says:

    Sorry, don’t have time to read all the posts, but I’m sure someone has beaten me ot this. Just in case, you’ve got to write one up on this AKM. The woman is bipolar. No doubt about it now. The more she hears her own name the more she’s amped up. She can’t stop herself til the high wears off.

  25. Karin in CT says:

    She needs to be STOPPED. Thank goodness she’s doing the job all by herself.

  26. pvazwindy says:

    She need not twitter about a fallen soldier. That is best left to the Army Public Affairs Office. I truly believe she ‘s in need of a mental evaluation.

  27. mlaiuppa says:

    So I Dennis Zaki in Emmonak because Jon Moller was going to be there…or is Jon Moller in Emonnak because someone told Palin Dennis Zaki was going there?

  28. CG says:

    They’re talking about the commercial fishery. I think. It’s a bit confusing.
    Different than subsistence, and different allowed times to harvest.
    State’s ‘until further notice’ needs active response
    Nick P. Andrew Jr.
    June 24, 2009 at 11:53AM AKST
    “Until further notice.” These three words are what the Alaska Department of Fish and Game uses when it is uncertain about salmon abundance mainly for the lower Yukon commercial fishery. Today these three infamous words now determine the fate of our subsistence fishery.
    As I write this, our fish nets are out of the water and time is of the essence; a local woman stated it right. She told the visiting Fish and Game biologists and fishery managers, “We only have a certain time to harvest and dry our king salmon before the rains come.”

    According to the federal subsistence management program: “ The state’s rural residents harvest about 22,000 tons of wild game foods each year — on average 375 pounds per person. Fish makes up about 60 percent of this harvest. Nowhere else in the United States is there such a heavy reliance upon wild foods.”

    “We cannot wait until those charged with regulating and conserving the king salmon make up their minds when to open the next subsistence period. Many families including the elderly still have empty smokehouses and it is already mid-June.
    Fishing on June 14 felt like a commercial king salmon 18-hour opener. It was saddening to see boats lined up along accustomed fishing areas waiting until 8 p.m. to set their subsistence nets. During the closure at 2 p.m. on June 15, patrolling airplanes appeared in force looking and searching for violators to cite. ”

    The Cordova Times
    Troopers eye subsistence fishermen on Yukon
    June 04, 2009 at 11:26AM AKST

    With the king salmon fishery on the Yukon River facing another bad season, state and federal managers say subsistence fishermen should expect an unprecedented enforcement effort this summer.

    But with no commercial fishery planned this year, the officers will focus on this summer’s strict subsistence rules.

    They won’t just write tickets.

    “I don’t want the word to go out that we’ll be heavy-handed,” Hayes said. “A lot of it will be education. We’ll have to work with local fishermen. Our goal is to get people informed on what the runs are doing, what we’re doing and get people to buy in, for their futures.”

    Subsistence fishermen take about 50,000 kings yearly, larger than the commercial harvest in recent years.

    Between 200,000 and 250,000 king salmon historically return to the river, though the counts were far smaller in 2007 and 2008.

    Thousands of people along the river depend on subsistence-caught salmon to fill larders throughout the year.

    Officers have never focused on subsistence fishing before, but those fishermen now take the majority of fish, Hayes said.

    The run is in a critical state.

    In the past three summers, not enough Yukon kings have returned to Canada to spawn.

    “Half the Yukon kings are spawning in Canada,” he said. “If we wipe out that stock, we’re losing half our run, which will hurt people for a long time.”

    Managers predict another “poor” summer for returning kings, and they’ve tightened the rules.

  29. lilyf says:

    Oh dear, Sarah forgot to add “Praise Jesus” to her tweet. Got to keep those fundamentalist christians happy, ya know.

  30. austintx says:

    alaskanwoman – Was that edict/missive in print ?? Make a copy and get it to a mudpuppie……….

  31. CG says:

    I wondered all day – does Palin, the legislators, Palin supporters, whoever; do they realize that there is no cell technology and accompanying popular minutiae – like text messages, Blackberries, and ‘TWEETING’ in rural Alaska?Basically anywhere outside of the greater southcentral area (Anchorage to Matsu), Kenai Peninsula, Fairbanks and Valdez proper. And many stretches along the highway in between the population centers.
    There IS internet, but very expensive service, mostly through U of Alaska, and in villages, it’s limited to the school, city and tribal offices. It’s there, but who can afford it?
    Not everyone in Emmonak (or Kipnuk or Napakiak or Aleknagik or Ugashik) has Starband…
    Also, no television as well.

  32. mlaiuppa says:

    Knowing Palin, it wasn’t 50% but 50 fish.

  33. justafarmer says:

    As for the “50% of subsistence needs already met”…then what the heck does she mean with this twit:
    “We’re optimistic Emmonak’s summer chum salmon fishery will open next week. Fishery would provide needed jobs, a TRUE economic booster! about 6 hours ago from TwitterBerry”

    NEXT WEEK???
    Is this some kind of Mr. Wizard Wayback Machine thingie?

    How can 50% be met when the fishery won’t be open until next week?

  34. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    aska Pi Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 6:17 PM

    34 crystalwolf aka caligrl-

    Before I go block out all things SP for a bit…

    Of course we care.

    We are caught BETWEEN asking “where’s GG when a- the Federal Subsistence Board is meeting, b-her stance on the vetoed stimulus funds for weatherization is published in our papers and is the same old uninformed claptrap of a few weeks ago, c- all our other business needs attending AND not really wanting her working on these important issues in our name anyway.
    Well I’m just mystified I don’t see anyone asking “where’s sarah”? She is governing the state by twitter!!!!
    There should be some sort of law if she is not in the US she needs to turn over the reigns to gov lite.
    Sanford’s going to get dinged for this. Also, too, is this just a way for her to continue to collect per diems but twitting out of country?

  35. Marnie says:

    6 Doggonit Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 4:10 PM
    Great news for 50% that can survive. Just don’t say anything about the other 50% Gov.

    Yeah. We’re back to Sarah needs a dictionary and like the tin man, needs heart.

    Subsistence means just barely survivable.
    Maybe Sarah should be asked by CNN if she would be willing to live that way and if not why does she think 50% survivable is a good thing.

    Actually I’d be willing to let her take credit for that ‘cause in the lower 48 most of us know what that actually means.

    Wonder what she would say about Obama if the troops in the Mideast had 50% survivability?

  36. justafarmer says:

    and I can NOT believe she tweeted TWICE about a dead soldier, three hours ago.
    The woman is magical…she needs NO sleepies at all, no matter where or when she is. (previous twit was six hours ago, previous three twits were seven hours ago, and so on and so on…what a joke…)

  37. zyggy says:

    “reports 50% of residents have subsistence needs met already” and this is good news? I wonder what the bad news is to her? Palin is a very sick woman and really needs help. She’s a real twit, and someone needs to break the blackberry she is using, or stick it some where, I prefer the later.

    She’s an idiot times 10.

  38. austintx says:

    CG – It all looks fine to me. Thanks for sharing.

  39. justafarmer says:

    that is COMPLETELY horrifying! Thanks for sharing that. Is there any physical corroborating evidence that you can discretely and anonymoosely share with particular bloggers?

  40. justafarmer says:

    good one Kajo! I replied to your comment there.

  41. bucfan says:

    Why can this woman not make a comment without being an a** about it. She has to be snarky. I think that her definition and our definition of good news will be quite different. I am waiting to see this interview

  42. CG says:

    Oops, sorry, I’m on the wrong thread. I beg your pardon.

  43. sauerkraut says:

    What is it called when a kid gets only 50% correct in the classroom… that’s right. It’s called failure. For Palin, it’s a real failure in real life.

  44. sauerkraut says:

    Thank god I never signed up for those noxious twit’s tweets.

  45. CG says:

    Also on the peace-keeping-mission circuit of Kosovo/Camp Bondsteel are the American Pro Beach Volleyball Team and a roster of C&W singers.
    Other troop morale initiatives this summer include USSA Snowboard Team racers on Goodwill Tour to Afghanistan and Iraq.

    It’s very vogue for celebrities to do this. Good publicity. Of course Sarah would need to, as well.

  46. Ripley in CT says:

    I am thinking that taking a slap at CNN is going to come back and bite her.

  47. CG says:

    …ta da!
    Vice President Visits Kosovo
    CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo – Vice President Joe Biden visited the troops at Camp Bondsteel in an effort to boost the morale of the Soldiers stationed here and to show support for the Kosovo Force mission.

    The KFOR 11 soldiers represent some of the best Soldiers to offer from California, Texas, Maryland, West Virginia, and Alaska. The vice president recognized each state and got a roaring cheer from the National Guard Soldiers.

    Biden’s visit to Camp Bondsteel was the last stop on a three-day trip to the Balkans where he visited three different countries.

    Biden talked about what an opportunity Kosovo is and reaffirmed his support of the mission and how it acts as an example of freedom and democracy.

    He stressed the U.S. Soldier’s primary mission is to secure freedom of movement for the people of Kosovo and how the KFOR mission does much more than that.

    “You’re literally building a free, vibrant, productive society from the ground up,” said Biden, KFOR Soldiers are working with nongovernmental organizations, international donor organizations, to complete local improvement projects that change the lives of the Kosovo people.

    Biden ended his speech to the Soldiers with heartfelt words on the work of the American Soldiers and their continued dedication to KFOR, freedom, and the United States.

    Some of the Soldiers who were present for Biden’s speech were impressed that a member of the Obama administration took the time to personally come to Kosovo to thank them for what they are doing.

    “We have his support while we’re here promoting freedom, and it was very encouraging thing for him to come out here to let the troops know in person our vice president, on behalf of our president is behind us,” said Sgt. 1st Class Maria Weaver, a Soldier from Alaska.

    …and THAT’S why the Governor of Alaska is in Kosovo…

  48. phoebe says:

    It seems to me that she is trying to do advance damage control.

  49. CG says:

    Governor Palin tweets:

    Now in Faik Konica school, our troops helping local students learn English along w/Pristina interpreters. Enthused kids thankful for U.S.

    Spoke to Task Force Falcon this morn + 100’s of troops from throughout US, & allies; audience of true heroes who sacrifice much for freedom.

    Walked Kosovo streets w/ KFOR troops, folks chatted about their interest in U.S. & they knew a lot about Alaska! Taught them Yupik greetings.

    I’ll send pics to Aces & KWHL (they’ll appreciate it) of Alaska Aviators here in Kosovo eating breakfst under our blue AK Aces hockey jersey.

    Why U.S. peace missions for freedom? “America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. That is our purpose in the world.” Ronald R

    More Reagan “Freedom’s never more than 1 generation away from extinction We didn’t pass it to children in bloodstream it must be fought for”

    BBQ w troops in aviation hanger; huge AK flag cake in their honor; ran w PT/Security along Camp Bondsteel rds into sunset; Q&A w leadership

    …but wait…

  50. Alaska Pi says:

    34 crystalwolf aka caligrl-

    Before I go block out all things SP for a bit…

    Of course we care.

    We are caught BETWEEN asking “where’s GG when a- the Federal Subsistence Board is meeting, b-her stance on the vetoed stimulus funds for weatherization is published in our papers and is the same old uninformed claptrap of a few weeks ago, c- all our other business needs attending AND not really wanting her working on these important issues in our name anyway.

  51. KaJo says:

    I just outlined the Twittersnarks in HuffPo’s story on Palin vs. Kerry.

  52. CG says:

    “Minister of National Defence Rasa Juknevičienė took part in the ceremony marking the end of mission of the Lithuanian platoon having operated successfully under NATO KFOR for ten years June 26, Kosovo. ”
    “While in Camp Bondsteel Lithuanian Minister met with the Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin visiting the US forces. High officials met for a discussion on participation of their countries in international operations. ”

    Looking svelte and sexy as always, Alaska’s Governor wore a grey t-shirt and brown cargo pants accessorized with well-worn Danskos and a lovely silver crucifix.
    Everybody else was dressed formally or in uniform.
    Palin “tweeted”:
    “Met w Lithuanian Minister of Defense, Rasa Jukneviciene. She’s a conservative in Parliament here for Change of Command & peacekeeping exercz”
    Um, no, sweetie, the Minister of Defence was there for a NATO KFOR ceremony and international operations talks. Gosh, doesn’t Meg brief you before you walk into stuff?!

  53. CG says:

    “Minister of National Defence Rasa JukneviÄ�ienÄ� took part in the ceremony marking the end of mission of the Lithuanian platoon having operated successfully under NATO KFOR for ten years June 26, Kosovo. ”
    “While in Camp Bondsteel Lithuanian Minister met with the Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin visiting the US forces. High officials met for a discussion on participation of their countries in international operations. ”

    Looking svelte and sexy as always, Alaska’s Governor wore a grey t-shirt and brown cargo pants accessorized with well-worn Danskos and a lovely silver crucifix.
    Everybody else was dressed formally or in uniform.
    Palin “tweeted”:
    “Met w Lithuanian Minister of Defense, Rasa Jukneviciene. She’s a conservative in Parliament here for Change of Command & peacekeeping exercz”
    Um, no, sweetie, the Minister of Defence was there for a NATO KFOR ceremony and international operations talks. Gosh, doesn’t Meg brief you before you walk into stuff?!

  54. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    She is twitting all this “good news” meanwhile Does anyone know who’s minding Alaska?? Has any Alaskan called and asked who in charge while she is across the pond??
    Or do they even care?
    They MSM are getting a clue about Sanford whether or not his trips were subsidized by the state, and maybe they will get a clue about GINO, but she has left the State (pretty secretly) leaving a PR only and no-one knows where she is? Sanford is being questioned for the same thing. When is someone going to call her on it???

  55. seattlefan says:

    @#30 alaskanwoman:

    Are you kidding? That is a big WOW in my book. Sounds like she is trying to manipulate information and “paint” a pretty picture for everyone. Sweep all that nasty reality under the rug and put forth anything positive that can be found (or fabricated?). Am I reading you right?

    Why is this woman in any position of power? I’m stunned, to say the least.

  56. Alaska Pi says:

    @ alaskanwoman –
    Been afraid of this kinda gobbeldygook being the order of the day .

    Ok- time to enforce a personal ” ignore-SP ” pledge for a week or so.
    Can’t handle anymore of this for awhile.

    Y’all keep the torch high and keep an eye on her…l I need a rest.

  57. Terpsichore says:

    pardon the e. e cummings style, but i sprained my left thumb and hand – dont ask me how cuz i don’t know – have some suspicions.

    anyway, where to start – cnn reporter, really. does she know anything about her own profession? when was the last time campbell brown (or whoever) had to pay their own way out to do a story? he’s a freelance journalist for crying out loud.

    as such, is he in fact, technically “the media”, i mean, if he’s not attached to a media outlet such as tv or newspaper?

    second, the completely uneccesary, unprofessional digs at ‘the media’ – more childishness to put in the file. how could anyone with a brain actually want a person who would write that kind of stuff as potus, and important force in world affairs?

    third, reports of people being told not to talk to the media – any time the words don’t talk come up, its time to assess the situation. sounds to me, more and more, that sp doesn’t want fairness or truth, she wants her own state-run media. sure hope she doesn’t come back from europe with crazy ideas to constrain what ak newspapers can and can’t write and put content impositions on radio.

    in fact, its starting to sound to me like sp really does want the fairness doctrine!

  58. alaskanwoman says:

    Not sure if all state departments have received the same “directive” from the Gov’s office but our dept heads have told us to forward to them info for the Gov to tweet about. When we inquired further we were told, in no uncertain terms, ONLY THE GOOD STUFF! So I guess it’s to hell with reality… she obviously wants the whole world to think that everything she touches turns to gold, smells like flowers & basks in holy light.

  59. the problem child says:

    Dear GINO,
    You (try to) do your job, and let the real journalists worry about doing theirs. It’ll all come out in the wash, you betcha.

  60. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    seattlefan Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 5:36 PM
    Has the Lt. Gov. of AK tried to “ping” her cell phone to see where she really is?
    GINO Lite is too busy baking cookies. And planning another “successful” job fair with Jon Moller.

  61. seattlefan says:

    Wow….it seems like every time she leaves AK and tries to look “prez-like” she just steps in it deeper. Lol! I just visited various sites and she is getting trashed and bashed EVERYWHERE! Hahaha! Those tweets are laughable and so is she.

    I think it is funny that she or someone with her is keeping up with all these blogs. Her behavior reflects that of a high school student (apologies to HS students……love you).

    Has the Lt. Gov. of AK tried to “ping” her cell phone to see where she really is?

  62. CO almost native says:

    There won’t be an aired interview because all the news is good?! (banging head on desk) I don’t think Palin is in Kosovo, I think she’s in the Twilight Zone.

  63. BigSlick says:

    Apologies for the OT

    Here’s how I’d like to remember MJ. Look at how happy he is…

    The open thread remains active for 24 hours for all o/t posts. AKM

  64. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Well, since Dennis is a journalist – she’s just the usual palin dumb to be pickin’ another fight with the preemptive strike. This is the predictable snottiness she is becoming FAMOUS for! All Dennis has to do is report the truth, whatever that turns out to be from his interviews and footage, and if it differs from her story she’ll REALLY wear out her welcome by attacking a journalist – what is it, week 3? First attack a COMEDIAN, then a BLOGGER, probably a JOURNALIST, and the following week will be someone else.

    She really knows how to grow on one, right? The comments I’ve been reading over the Celtic Diva complaint have been hysterical, and they get funnier all the time. She gets easier and easier to parody – that’s what brainless predictability does for ya! She’s on a roll, I tell ya! Go Twit!

  65. Alaskan Sisu says:

    I feel sorry for the state workers who are sucked into this fiasco – even the ones that work directly under Governor Palin. The Governor is supposed to be a reflection of her cabinet and vice versa. Also, several members of her cabinet have received criticism because of her lack of communication with them and her lack of participation in the entire process. We’re hopin’ the FBI is having a little lookie lou at Governor-Governor in Name Only. Aloha from Alaska! Fresh Sockeye for dinner again, we are so spoiled! It’s great barbequed with curry sauce/cilantro on top or a thousand other ways.

  66. Dr. Patois says:

    I noticed on the SOA website the tweets go from having date and time to how many hours ago. Kosovo is 9 hours ahead of the west coast. Nice to know she is spending the late evening texting with Moller and tweeting to her world.

  67. pvazwindy says:

    Is she saying DZ only reports bad news? The truth is DZ reports the news, good or bad.

  68. Lainey says:

    BigPete Says
    Palin is a “glass-half-full” kinda gal.

    that’s one way of looking at it…although I would normally give credit to somebody like that…I just can’t in this case.
    palin lives in the twilight zone…her own reality…a parallel universe…numb, cold, and callous due to her mental deficiencies and her created environment.
    no mention of the thousands of food boxes sent that she had nothing to do with organizing or even suggesting…or the attention and awareness brought about by concerned Alaskans…which she is not one.

  69. austintx says:

    Willow207 on Huffpo says………..


    By Mayo Clinic staff

    Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

    * Believing that you’re better than others
    * Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
    * Exaggerating your achievements or talents
    * Expecting constant praise and admiration
    * Believing that you’re special
    * Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
    * Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
    * Taking advantage of others
    * Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
    * Being jealous of others
    * Believing that others are jealous of you
    * Trouble keeping healthy relationships
    * Setting unrealistic goals
    * Being easily hurt and rejected
    * Having a fragile self-esteem
    * Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

  70. CrabbyPatty says:

    Seriously, THIS is how a standing Governor …, “tweets”? Sounds like an 8th grader complaining that since the news was GOOD (and everyone knows how that terrible liberal media just hates any good news from/about Palin) that it would be ignored?

    I mean, I’m from Minnesota and have Michelle Bachmann to apologize for constantly, but that’s a small cross to bear compared to the icionic Blessed Madonna of the North. I pity Alaskans having to deal with this person.

  71. SEEEEE??? She is sacred and divine – she managed to change a plate of cookies into full larders for all villages!!! I mean, jesus trigging christ! AMEN!! and Ahem. . . SP is nothing more than #total fail.

  72. justafarmer says:

    I saw those tweets and wondered what on earth she was saying. Figured there had to be another Emmonak somewhere.

  73. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    The Gov.’s across the pond, but is still very concerned with the goings on of the AK Progressive blogs.

    She would not comment on this story NOW (and 3 times to boot) if she wasn’t aware of Dennis’ mission.

  74. Alaska Pi says:

    THIS Alaskan is going to wait until that CNN reporter media guy files HIS story.
    Then I’m going to ask someone I know who has relatives out there what THEY say/think.

    Then , we’ll see how all this GG bubbly stuff stacks up to what real people, living real lives are experiencing…
    Guess is we are going to find the ghastly gov has opened another cheap bottle of champagne under our noses…

  75. austintx says:

    11 Bones AK Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 4:26 PM
    Is Sarah actually doing the tweets?????
    How good is the coverage in Kosovo??
    I don’t think she really can multitask, hell, she can’t really unitask!
    twitter has the technology to show real time GPS location from the person who does the tweet. Sure wish they would put it online………

  76. BigPete says:

    Doggonit Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 4:10 PM
    Great news for 50% that can survive. Just don’t say anything about the other 50% Gov.

    Palin is a “glass-half-full” kinda gal.

  77. Bones AK says:

    Is Sarah actually doing the tweets?????
    How good is the coverage in Kosovo??
    I don’t think she really can multitask, hell, she can’t really unitask!

  78. annewhitney says:

    Why does she always sound like she’s giving the report for a church committee on Sunday morning?

  79. drew from lil ol texas says:

    Who in the HELL are the “Advisors” she has surrounded herself with?

    I mean really, she has a background in beauty pagents and media so she should know that she needs some really good people around her that know something about “How to play the game of politics”

    I’m really glad that she has no savy when it comes to politics on a national level, but her stupidy never ceases to amaze me!

    just saying!

  80. nswfm CA says:

    Philip Munger Says:
    June 26th, 2009 at 4:12 PM

    Dennis emailed me last night that he had been able to interview Moller. He’s got to give CNN first dibs on the content, but he was able to get 3 minutes out of Moller, and will post what he can on his own by Monday.

    He also wrote that some state employees have been told not to talk to “the media.” I suspect that, like last time he was there, some leaders will feel pressure from “the state” to not jeopardize their future through too much frankness.
    Suppressing the right to free speech and to assemble?

  81. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    There seems to be an awful lot of damage control going on ….

    So we are to take it that Jon Moller stopped running away long enough for an interview with Dennis? And that Moller said lots of good things about the Palin administration? Does Sarah Palin really need three tweets in the midst of her royal tour to say that?

    There was an urgent tweet recently saying that unemployment benefits have come to Emmonak …. I hope this isn’t what she now refers to as good news.

    But I expect it is.

  82. Dennis emailed me last night that he had been able to interview Moller. He’s got to give CNN first dibs on the content, but he was able to get 3 minutes out of Moller, and will post what he can on his own by Monday.

    He also wrote that some state employees have been told not to talk to “the media.” I suspect that, like last time he was there, some leaders will feel pressure from “the state” to not jeopardize their future through too much frankness.

  83. Doggonit says:

    Great news for 50% that can survive. Just don’t say anything about the other 50% Gov.

  84. BigSlick says:

    I wonder if she’d be using a smiley face if 50% of Wasilla residents didn’t have their subsistence needs met and no way of knowing if there would be work for them in the next 6 to 12 months.

  85. BigSlick says:

    Things in Emmonak are just fine? Maybe from the perspective someone who has gone insane and lost touch with reality.

  86. Closet Mudpup says:

    And now, when Dennis reports the situation in rural AK as being something better than bleak, Palin will take credit for it, b/c if it weren’t for Her Snarkiness, he wouldn’t have done so. At least that’s how it will play out in Miss Wasilla’s immature mind. I am so sick of her childishness.

  87. nswfm CA says:

    And where was she last summer when this was brought up as a problem in the first place? Supervising Bristol? That went real well for both Emmonak and for Bristol….

  88. nswfm CA says:

    I’m guessing Piper will throw the Blackberry in the garbage disposal. The best defense is a strong offense.