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The Fish Story Gets Fishier… (UPDATED)

For those of you keeping up with the ‘fish story’ coming out of Emmonak, check out Kyle Hopkins’ Village blog.   Here is my ‘reduced’ version of how I imagine the scene in the governor’s spokeswoman’s office.  But do read the whole thing HERE.

Read as a monologue, with Kyle Hopkins providing the voice on the phone.


(Sitting alone in office, the spokeswoman claps her hands together, rubbing them vigorously)

The news is good!  It’s so good they won’t dare report it!  Haha!  That CNN reporter will have egg on his face now.  : )

(spins around on swiveling office chair)

(phone rings)


(phone noise like Charlie Brown’s teacher)

What?  What do you mean why do we think it’s good news?  Because it’s good, that’s why.

(Wah wah wahhh waaaaaahhhh wahhh wah)

What do you mean it isn’t good.  Nick Tucker said it was good.  Who did you ask?

(waah wah waaah waaaahhhh)

You asked Nick Tucker?

(waah waah wah)

And he said it was bad?


And he wants us to ….what?

(Wahh wah waahhh)

He wants us to take it back?  But, that’s what John Moller said he said.

(wahh wah waaahhhh wah wahhhh)

Well, he’s out fishing, so he can’t be reached.

(wah wah wahhhh wah waaahh)


(hangs up phone)




“The good news – At the Federal Subsistence meeting in Emmonak last week, Nick Tucker reported that 50 percent of the residents have met subsistence needs and other 50 percent are confident they will meet their needs.” 

So said Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow via email to ADN reporter Kyle Hopkins.

This morning, Dennis Zaki, was in Emmonak, and talked to Tucker himself.  Video will be available shortly, but here are excerpts from his interview.

Nicholas Tucker, Emmonak resident and fisherman:

When I’m talking with people I’m straight forward.  OK, I expect to say my piece, just the way things are, and I want that in return…just the way they are.  No buttering up, nothing added.  Just the truth.  Now, I did not say that.  I want a public apology and I want that taken back.  That statement was made by an Alakanuk fisherman at our meeting, and that represented Alakanuk. 

When we go up and down the village here, you don’t see the smoke houses all filled up.  That statement I believe, is understated.

I think we’ve never had this experience.  Two years in a row…no commercial fishing, and … this winter that we went through, for many of our villages…and now we’ve had this major flood that destroyed and demolished some properties, destroyed homes, damaged some homes,  and now no chinook subsistence fishing, and that piles up…and it hurts.  And I don’t know what we’re going to do for this coming winter.



136 Responses to “The Fish Story Gets Fishier… (UPDATED)”
  1. antiAnti says:

    this was posted on the open thread for July 3. re-posting it here because it should not be missed.
    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    July 3rd, 2009 at 1:16 AM
    Q&A with Palin’s rural adviser, John Moller

    “You know Nick Tucker and I had a number of conversations over the, over the course of a couple of the days. And I don’t know if that was Nick, if he mentioned it specifically. I know there was a fisherman, I’d have to go back and look at my notes, that mentioned it at the subsistence board meetings. And a number of folks over the course of the next day that mentioned to me that you know, quite a few of them had gotten, gotten their subsistence needs. … (Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow) mentioned it to me that Nick Tucker — was, was referenced as the source of information on that 50 percent and if … I made that assertion and that’s not correct, I’ll have to call Nick and tell him I’m sorry. But I talked to many, many people over those two days … and I heard it on numerous occasions that people were getting their needs.”

  2. LiladyNY says:

    Welcome back Dr. Chill. You done good!!!!

  3. lovemydogs says:

    Sadly, Nick Tucker has not received an apology from anyone in the administration. See Ann Strongheart’s story on anonymous bloggers. Sarah should apologize.

    It sounds like it will be another hard winter in terms of food at least.

    I was listening to my favorite left-wing radio station on the way home from work and there was a great story. I will have to give you just the gist of it.

    Somewhere in the US a small bunch of Baptists decide to picket a Jewish temple. Why? Because they are Jewish and because they welcome members of the LGBT community into their place of worship (oh good heavens, we can’t have that!)

    Apparently (I believe they said 6) members of the Baptists (they said something about family members that I didn’t quite get) showed up to picket.

    What did the leaders of the temple do?

    Wait for it…

    They decided to have a fundraiser: People donated $1 for every minute that the picketers stood out there.

    They made $10,000 in 50 minutes.

    Just think what an Anchorage Assembly meeting could raise. We could feed people, buy fuel, rebuild Eagle for goodness sake.

    I thought it was beautiful.

    Fundraiser anyone????

  4. Lee323 says:

    @Kate in Canada: Ditto on the LOL. Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Physicsmom says:

    @Kate in Canada: LOL! Loved it!

  6. mlaiuppa says:

    I wonder how long it took Moller to find another guy named Nick Tucker from whom he could get an acceptable quote?

  7. KateinCanada says:

    It was those two guys from Montreal again:
    Huh, Sarah, this is John. Got your good news tweet for today.
    John, so good to hear from you again. Send me the twit.
    Uh, that guy. The Emmonak guy. Tha old guy.
    You mean Mr Taylor?
    Uh, Yeah. Sounds like him.
    Nick Taylor has good news?
    Yeah. The fish. About the fish.
    Oh, good. What about the fish?
    Uh, well, half the fish. Everybody in Emmonak has half a fish.
    That’s good? I don’t understand.
    Uh. (Tone of panic) Everybody is supposed to have a fish, right? To get them through the winter.
    Yes, everybody needs a fish. God says…
    Well half the people have half a fish and some don’t have their half yet, but this old guy, he says he’s got his, and half the people he knows have theirs and the others will all get theirs befor the snow flies. And some have loaves.
    Ooh! Loaves too? Well then, that is good news. Loaves and fishes. You can’t question loaves and fishes. There will be plenty for every soul. Maybe cookies too, also. Oh, thank the lord. I was so worried. About those poor natives. Thank Mr Taylor. And John? Well done!

  8. CG says:

    Naw, he’s fishin’…
    Not doing too badly. The price is so-so, but it beats western Alaska.

    SE Alaska & Yakutat Estimated Salmon Harvest by Area
    Based on ADF&G management estimates and fish ticket data.

    Yep, get somebody with black hair that commercial fishes. Bam, there you go – all them villages will be able to relate. You know how that works with ‘tokens’: a woman will be trusted by all women, a black guy will represent all minorities.
    Back in the day, there was a term – “apple”. An apple is red on the outside, white inside.

  9. Mudbug says:

    Maybe he’s not fishing, but sleeping with the fishies?

  10. Mudbug says:

    Moller needs to learn to pray to the palin god…right away. She’s going to swarm in a few, when she finds out that her info was bogus, and she fell for it…again. (either that, or she knew it was false, and hoped the people would not doubt the word of the almighty palin.)

  11. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    where is the new Communications guy? Anyone? Bueller?

  12. Lilybart says:

    M bergert: I love this blog because the people are so funny. good one!!!!

    Moller isn’t out of cell range, he’s having a KitKat moment!

  13. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    KTUU: Conflicting info on fish runs coming out of Yukon River

    “Palin Twittered good news to her followers this weekend, writing that 50 percent of Emmonak residents have already met their subsistence needs, and that she’s confident that others can do the same.

    Her office says that report comes from rural advisor John Moller, and says he based that information on comments made by a fisherman there, Nick Tucker.

    But Tucker says he never made such a statement, and that it was a different fisherman, from the nearby village of Alakunak, who made the remarks.

    Channel 2 News has been seeking clarification about the governor’s reported numbers since Sunday and thus far has not successfully connected with Moller.”

  14. austintx says:

    122 sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 3:58 AM
    gone fishing and cant be reached? Like Fredo in the Godfather?
    Or is he fishing with Dr. CBJ ??

  15. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    gone fishing and cant be reached? Like Fredo in the Godfather?

  16. Wolf Pack says:

    Perhaps Moller is trying to catch fish for Emmonak. They apparently, unlike him, can’t go fishing.

  17. BooBooBear says:

    John Moller will be her next “victim” for delivering faulty information that made her look stupid. Another “under the bus” person. This administration has the largest number of chronic LIARS I have ever seen. Time to pay the piper.

  18. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ bucfan

    “Or has she had to get another bus because there is probably no room left under the first bus?”

    Heh heh…good one.

  19. EyeOnYou says:

    Nice to see you Dr. Chill 🙂

    If anyone had any doubts about Palin throwing Moller under the bus (and we all know she will) I think that the prelude has already been made…

    …..”Ten times over, I’ve never said that. It was from one fisherman in Alakanuk,” Tucker said in a short phone interview. “I do not believe that we in Emmonak — Emmonak never said that.”

    The governor’s response? Moller, the rural advisor, is the one who knows about that, Leighow e-mailed. But he’s on personal leave……..

  20. bucfan says:

    A Kit Kat moment? Or a Southwest Airlines moment? Moller picks up the paper when he gets back from “fishing” and sees the comments from Nick Tucker. Then comes the voice over “Want to get away?” And can she really throw him under the bus? Or has she had to get another bus because there is probably no room left under the first bus?

  21. DrChill says:

    Did anyone hear Al Frankin today?
    He’s going to be on the Indian affairs committee.
    He said his biggest challenge would be catching up as the most junior Senator.
    Except maybe the biggest challenge would be something he didn’t think would be the biggest challenge.

    Anyway, he may be approachable as he seeks to educate himself about native ‘Indian’ issues.

  22. lovemydogs says:

    OMG you all are so funny!!! You should write a movie script.

  23. seattlefan says:

    I would love to see a photoshop of this whole thing with the Gov frantically eating KitKats and reading all the ish on the internet about her, with Moller out on a fishing boat throwing his blackberry overboard asking himself….How did I get here?

  24. justafarmer says:

    Moller must be on one of those “Deadliest Catch” programs…caught in a no-zone…

  25. lily f says:

    Well, when Sarah Palin is finally persona non grata (and there is a video on foxnews that seems to say she already is) then I think we should all send her emails saying that we know the job market is tough, and she might have to leave her home to find work. We can make a video like she did from Emmonak, and say don’t worry, it will be okay…remember when Todd left his village? So you’ll be okay when you’re unemployed and can’t feed your family. Just leave all those kids and go find work where someone will pay you. You have the boots…

  26. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    So the NEW spokesperson can’t be found either, heh heh. Still going through the matrixing sequence – it takes a couple of weeks to rip out all of the independent thoughts and replace them with I WILL RULE THE WORLD stuff by SP. There’s a snark bath to soak in at the end, with a blue pill and note neatly laid out next to the tub. The note says “You WILL take the blue pill, the red ones don’t exist!”

  27. seattlefan says:

    M. Bergert…….LMAO! A KitKat moment. Perfect!

    I think the Gov is munching a few of her own KitKats on several issues tonight.

  28. sauerkraut says:

    Is Moller incapable of operating the ship’s radio?

  29. M. Bergert says:

    Moller isn’t out of cell range, he’s having a KitKat moment! He has to figure out what he has to say next to make his story sound plausable.

  30. CG says:

    That was the information from John Moller,” Leighow wrote. “He is fishing today out of cell range.

    Yep, he is. But he’s got a VHF radio! And a ship-to-shore! Probably a side-band and a CB as well.
    I bet the marine operator would have no problem putting a call through from the Governor…

  31. seattlefan says:

    So Moller is fishing?

    “He is fishing today out of cell range,”

    Oh the irony of that. They could have come up with a better story than that! He may have been out of cell range, but I’m betting he was well within “Twitter Range” and he is being thrown under the bus. Tomorrow we will see one of 2 things.

    #1. He will acknowledge he got the facts wrong and will continue to research the issue.

    #2. We will never hear from him again as he has been fired for making false statements to Ms. Palin and making her tweets look ridiculous.


  32. justafarmer says:

    I mentioned Dennis Zaki and have 20 recommends on that post.
    Also mentioned links to two AKM posts and have 22 recommends on that one.
    Far as I can tell, all posts are calling out Palin on that twit post!!!
    Keep them coming!

  33. mlaiuppa says:

    Ah. *That’s* the story she was hoping CNN wouldn’t air.

  34. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    Regarding beating Obama in a long race, seems to me they’ve already had a long race and, umm, Obama won!

  35. tomandlou says:

    Just thinking does everyone E-Mail Gov.with questions about things that should be fixed or the lack of action for the Villages? I don’t know if it would help but who knows? If enough Americans show interest in native problems something might happen.

  36. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Finally – the story is on the front page of ADN, as a supplement to the “protest fishery” in Marshall:

    Go Nick Tucker!

  37. seattlefan says:

    I just read AKM’s update and it makes me wonder who in the media is covering this? Will there be a story in ADN tomorrow on the front page bringing this to light? Mr. Tucker deserves a comment and an apology, as do all those who are suffering the same issue. Where is the Governor tonight? Anyone?

  38. zyggy says:

    do you thinkl Palin could have skewed what Mollar told her so she would look good? Either way, Palin will throw him under the bus and he’ll take all the heat, and she’ll look like Saint Sarah, again.

    I do think the real iceberg is when the feds show up and see what is happening. Palin will go ape sh!t crazy when she hears what the Feds feel is necessary for the YK people.

  39. Tealwomin says:

    give her an inch & she takes 200 miles….
    why does she keep on associating herself with PrezO?

    yeah, like most things she knows NOTHING about, she over speaks…

    didn’t beat PrezO in the race for the WH, can’t beat him running….

    [all the cheating she learned, she learned’ed in basketball]

  40. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    83 Paula Says:
    June 30th, 2009 at 6:35 PM
    OMFG did you guys see this?
    Paula, that was Mrs Palin’s response to the crisis in the Bush.

    Are you going to be a pilot (for which you’ll probably need very good grades – I did – and plenty of money – ditto) or are you going to join the troopers? Nobody – no body – wants to be VPSO, and the only other so-called “jobs” are seasonal fish processing jobs that have nothing to do with Moller or his mistress.

    Seasonal work or law enforcement – and they call this a JOB FAIR? Only Moller and Palin would do such a thing.

    It was only ever a bunch of token hot air and I noticed that even Palin wasn’t willing to tell lies about it (maybe because it’s no secret she wants all the kids out of the villages and onto the North Slope).

  41. Nan says:

    Update on the Fish story – a quote from Nicholas Tucker.

  42. zyggy says:

    Sorry akm, I thought this was an open thread, so I posted the youtube video in error. Sorry for getting us off topic.

  43. Gramiam says:

    I have heard that icebergs “calve” like Moose do. Maybe this is a Barack or Baroll iceberg and Brenda is not far behind. Run, Sarah, run!!

    I have to stop this. I am having just too much fun.

    Oh, then there is the article at that I linked to from Huffpo. All about how Coales and Van Sustran are drawing the Palins into the fold of Scientology. This will really tick off the Witch-hunting minister.

    “We are Borg. We will assimilate you. Resistance is futile.”

  44. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Once again, WHERE’S SARAH?

  45. sauerkraut says:

    Is anyone surprised that someone from the Palin admin would stoop to lying?

    Tucker has shown himself to be a man of integrity; Palin and her hounddogs have shown themselves to be quite the opposite.

  46. zyggy says:

    Mr Tucker deserves an apology, whether he’ll get one? I won’t hold my breath. Where is Dennis Zaki, and when will we hear from him?

  47. Nan says:

    I don’t know if this is THE iceberg, but it sure seems she’s getting clobbered by something (her own chickens coming home?)

  48. Gramiam says:

    I find it quite fascinating over at ADN. I just went through 15 pages of comments about The SarahPAC story and the majority of them were NOT a good sign for GINO. I could count on one hand the wingnut responses and even they weren’t as thunderous as we have come to expect.

    Could it be true? Is it possible that the Good ship S.S.GINO has been struck by that iceberg we have heard so much about? Is that ship of state sinking? Inquiring minds want to know.

  49. mhrt says:

    @ justafarmer Says:
    June 30th, 2009 at 5:22 PM

    wow! my ADN post got 24 recommends!
    I haz a major blush…
    I was one of your recommends. I don’t have a account so I recommend the ones that I can.

  50. MinNJ says:

    Unfortunately, I’m still on dial-up, but I did get cable TV two weeks ago, but without MSNBC (boo-hiss.)

    Ms. Cod Piece should go the way of Mr. Cod Piece: misleading the country (not to mention his admirers,) ham-handing anything to do with native people, and being a liar about more things that I can count. There. You are He.

    And we’re still laughing and crying. Just don’t forget, S4C, laughing it is right now.

  51. 264 Crayons says:

    Two things a president should NEVER do – go hunting with Cheney or running with Palin. I’m pretty sure you’d end up in the ER if you did:)

  52. seattlefan says:

    @#78 rebekkah

    I couldn’t agree more. I don’t get any of this. Why is she not held accountable? That sorrya$$ gov in SC is more scrutinized for his infidelity than Palin is for real state, human and environmental issues.

  53. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    good going justafarmer with 6 recs! I just posted my ADN comment (I am writeidea over there). Wondering if they will move the story to front page, where it belongs. Oh wait, front page is for the SarahPac fundraiser.

  54. MinNJ says:

    Ripley in CT
    I don’t think he’s worried, as he’s a basketball guy, which takes a lot of breath strength.

    I find it upsetting that she compares herself to him at all, ever. No contest, just none, just never one in any way that anyone can imagine, ever.

  55. Gramiam says:

    Justafarmer you were at 36 when I was at ADN to post. I compared Palin to Nero. She was tweeting instead of fiddling. No Palinbots have posted. How interesting. Has the truth struck them mute?

  56. bucfan says:

    I bet the people in the Bush wish they could crank up the heat whenever they wanted without having to worry that they wouldn’t be able to eat if they did crank it up, or that they would run out of fuel.

  57. the problem child says:

    Seriously, I don’t think the “sara-pac” video is produced by SarahPac. It doesn’t appear on the SarahPac website or facebook, as far as I can see.

    I’m pretty sure it’s a rogue pee-er/ PUMA. It doesn’t do us any good to go after the PAC for things they haven’t done (yet).

  58. rebekkah says:

    I am so glad to hear that Mr. Tucker is requesting an apology. Finally, someone who is facing up to the Gov. Will this woman ever apologize? A few bothersome things she spoke about in that Runner’s World interview, mentioning about how she is 10 degrees colder than everyone else and likes to crank up the heat; she also said something along the line of telling the interviewer that people in the lower 48 take the warmth for granted. This coming from her who never has to worry about paying for extra heat. While she’s posing like a high school cheerleader, and quoting sweet nothings about her tough running regimen, the State may be experiencing fishing and food, heat shortages again this coming winter.

    I don’t get it, it’s a head banger for sure.

  59. Paula says:

    Interesting comments:

    Keep running through pregnancies?
    Um-huh, I do. But like with this last one with Trig, I was pregnant with him in the wintertime so I didn’t run as much. But I still went to the gym and did the elliptical and lifted and did a couple different classes. With each of the kids I worked out until they were born.

    How long after giving birth before you’re running again?
    It wasn’t like the very next week, it would be weeks. With Trig, it was relatively soon because I felt so good throughout the pregnancy and so great recovering, it was just a couple of weeks later and I was running again.

    Ironic, in her 40s and she gets back on the ole running horse, unlike those after-kids in her 20s and 30s. Now you guys have me saying, things that make you go hmmm, hmmm, hmmm. Was that a slip?

  60. Lee323 says:

    @ bucfan
    “The only thing she is missing on the aircraft carrier is a cod piece.”
    No cod to put in the piece anyway.

    Kind of like her skull piece…..empty.

  61. deist says:

    Wolf Pack:

    I wonder why no one wants to go running with Palin. Hell, I wouldn’t go running with her. Is it because of her speed or her personality?

  62. Gramiam says:

    I posted first comment on the CNN ticker item about runner’s world article. This is not OT because I brought up the fish issue. She can run but she cannot hide!!

  63. Nan says:

    I’m hysterical trying to picture a codpiece on an aircraft carrier. Even trying to “fit” one on an aircraft carrier!


  64. anadventurer says:

    That youtube video made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I am starting to think SHE is the Antichrist!

  65. bucfan says:

    AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I’m sorry AKM, but I am going off the reservation. I went to the above Youtube link and as a retired Army officer, I am insulted that a video produced by her fund raising PAC is using photos of fellow military members trying to make her look presidential. She obviously learned from George Bush how to use our military for photo ops. The only thing she is missing on the aircraft carrier is a cod piece. That needs to come down now. And btw, someone actually took responsibility for the Air Force One debacle and quit.

  66. pvazwindy says:

    44 justafarmer Says:
    June 30th, 2009 at 5:15 PM
    this story needs to be front page at ADN

    @@@@@@@@@@@@ADN is not your friend

  67. seattlefan says:

    Seriously, why is this not being pursued by the media and why is she not accountable for telling lies? Where is her concern for a possible mis-communication and an apology to the village for her snarky tweet? Where is her concern on this issue at all? Seems that she wanted to make it positive so it would “go away”. She twittered a lie and now no response? Amazing.

  68. Ripley in CT says:

    re: Palin beating PRESIDENT Obama in a footrace;

    You go first.

  69. califpat says:

    @Lilyf: I had to take off for moment but when I got back, I found your scenario hilarious and quite possibly very close to the truth. LoL!!!!

  70. ds55 says:

    @ Wolf Pack: She is the iconic representation of god, the creator who shall not be maliciously desecrated, gosh darnit!

  71. seattlefan says:

    Big day for Sarah! Busted on her lying fishy tweets, VF article, numerous stories on Huffpo about her, KO’s Bronze medal, and the Sarahpac video craziness.

    Ha! The Wicked Twit of the North must be in total meltdown this evening.

  72. antiAnti says:

    @28 justafarmer Says: June 30th, 2009 at 4:50 PM

    I commented on the ADN article – WOW – got 30 recommends. I agree this story belongs on page 1 of ADN.

  73. Wolf Pack says:

    deist, Actually, she has implied previously that she could beat Obama in basketball also, too.

    But of course… she is god, the creator.

  74. ds55 says:

    @ zyggy: The video seems to be aimed at senior citizens. Or maybe 6th Graders. The elevator music and slideshow format remind me of Hillary Clinton’s campaign videos, which were pretty funny. The King Kong/cut to Obama was racist, but I’d expect that from Palin after her hateful campaign rallies.

  75. sandra in oregon says:

    The slant of the Independence Day video is entirely military. Nothing about freedom or rights of the people. Just not a way to celebrate our birthday.

  76. Wolf Pack says:

    Zyggy, Is that Sarah in the goggles, helmet, and ear phones? It’s like a Dukakis moment.

    Are we now to believe she is a military expert also, too?

  77. deist says:

    One more thing about Palin’s Runners World magazine challenge to Obama to go jogging with her– She didn’t want to go wading with McCain, and she doesn’t want to play basketball with Obama. Wasn’t basketball her primary sport? Wasn’t she Sarah Barracuda Basketball Player?

    I guess she didn’t challenge Obama to a game of one-on-one because she knew she would have gotten her butt waxed.

    Everything is a spin for her. Shame on Palin for spinning rural Alaska too.

  78. Scarlet..Oregon says:

    Just watched and sent an email to Palin’s office saying “Shame on You” below the link.

    I just cannot believe the places this woman’s ego takes her, leaving me ‘slack-mouthed’ again and again and……again.

  79. Paula says:

    “or would by the end of the season””

    Oidy, doit.

    Did I say that? No, who said that?

    Looks like Palin got twitted on her tweeter.

  80. the problem child says:

    It’s another PUMA love-letter from Laura VW. I’m not sure it is actually a Sarah Pac release at all.

  81. zyggy says:

    very funny Ripley, but that video is not.

  82. Ripley in CT says:

    Palin propograndma more likely

  83. zyggy says:

    Whoops, typo propaganda, =(

  84. zyggy says:

    Have you seen this?
    Palin propogranda. OMG, it makes Palin all presidential like and make Pres Obama look like a laughing idiot. She’s going to take heat on this one.

    When will she learn? Oh, nevermind.

  85. samper says:

    OT: Watch Rachel – Second half. Some idiot is offering $10,000 for Birth Certificate/witness stuff on President Obama.

    Has to take up a collection to pay it, though!

    Anyone know anyone else who likes to take up collections for “causes” that they, themselves, just can’t afford?

    Anyone? Bueller?

  86. justafarmer says:

    wow! my ADN post got 24 recommends!
    I haz a major blush…

  87. Ripley in CT says:

    Did I mention that McCain’s a POW?

  88. austintx says:

    The heck with fish………she is tweetin’ about edumecation.

    Anch Office: signed Governor-sponsored HB172 into law, ceremonial signing & discussion Education Loans/Loan Funds tomorrow @ AK Pacific Univ
    33 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  89. the problem child says:

    I cannot believe that they would dare to misquote/ misrepresent a respected elder like Nick Tucker! Of all the people in the Lower Yukon, he seems to be almost as well-plugged in as Ann Strongheart. How did they ever think they would get away with it?

  90. samper says:

    systembucker: I, and many, remarked on the skewering thread about the flag. Also, on the Open thread, if you want to see all the comments in agreement with yours. 🙂

  91. anon blogger says:

    Thanks for the info, AKM…

    Such a busy day, I can’t keep up. Glad you’re watching out for me! The video at theimmoralminority blog, two magazine articles, all the tv coverage, I’m having a hard time keeping up.

    You know, Cheney keeps spewing about a terrorist attack and Palin puts out a military-type video on Independence Day with the words, “We Need Her.” Is there a message we should know? Wonder if Todd and Cheney are chummy. Oh, and that video has King Kong included; thus prompted a lot of great comments that SarahPac now spewing racism. When it rains, it pours.

    …out of popcorn…must get more.

  92. justafarmer says:

    this story needs to be front page at ADN

  93. justafarmer says:

    more and more comments at the ADN thread (including Phil)…keep ’em coming mudpups!

  94. bucfan says:

    Deist, I guess she didn’t notice that McCain couldn’t comb his own hair because he can’t lift his arms up that high. And isn’t signing god’s name to an email that you send taking his name in vain? What I really want, that won’t happen is one of the Anchorage TV stations getting b***s and sending a news crew out to interview Nick Tucker and other residents out there. Of course, that would take real reporting instead of just repeating what the governor tweeted.

  95. pearl89 says:

    Palin ain’t got the sense God gave a billy goat.

    Guess she didn’t receive any good, happy, jolly, or false reports from her department heads to tweet about today. She needs to go. I don’t care where she goes (unless it’s anywhere near me). She just needs to go.

    Haven’t read all the comments, so forgive me if this has already been pointed out. But if you haven’t, you should go to Immoral Minority and check out the SarahPac Independence Day video.

  96. bucfan says:

    First of all, I really wonder what Moller actually said. He could have told her something that she interpreted either mistakenly or on purpose as “good news”. Considering that she has a habit of throwing people under the bus to protect herself, I wouldn’t put it past her to set him up to take a fall for her. Did they think no one would follow up on her claims? And isn’t it convenient how he is out of cell range? And will this story make the front page of the paper like that shameful unpaid political ad did today? Not that I am surprised. KTUU did two or three stories on the webathon giving out the web site and other info. I wonder if the IRS would consider these news stories unpaid benefits?

  97. justafarmer says:

    Erica Bolstad was on MSNBC earlier and refer to “those who love Sarah Palin” and “those who love to hate Sarah Palin”.

    ’nuff saud…

  98. deist says:

    Sometimes I wonder how far displaced Palin is from reality. For example, in her “look at me” photo spread- article for Runner’s World magazine, Palin said:

    “I used to joke around with John McCain during the campaign about coming jogging with me. And once I asked him what his favorite exercise was, and he said, ‘I go wading.” Wading. He lives on a creek in Arizona, so he goes wading. That cracked me up.”

    Earth to Palin: McCain was born in 1936. In October of 67 McCain got both arms and a leg fractured when he ejected from his aircraft over Hanoi. He nearly drowned in the lake he parachuted into. Then he got pulled from the lake, got his shoulder crushed with a rifle butt and was bayonetted by North Vietnamese, and then was held as a POW until March of 73. He was subjected to torture and repeated beatings and suffered from dysentery.

    So Palin “joked” with the 72 year-old hero McCain to go jogging with her? Gee, McCain must have been charmed– If Palin had half a clue she would have gone wading with McCain. No, Sarah, McCain goes wading because his body got all busted up and he was tortured on and off for 5 or 6 years. That’s why he goes wading!

    Back to topic, Palin probably doesn’t have a clue about Rural Alaska either. She’s probably too busy thinking about herself to think about other stuff including her duties as Alaska’s governor.

  99. lily f says:

    fishing for a new job, maybe

  100. Wolf Pack says:

    But can Nick Tucker beat Sarah is a runner’s race?

  101. justafarmer says:

    crap it did… don’t click it…cut and paste in a new tab…

  102. justafarmer says:

    Here’s the twit that “those people” did:
    ” @ADNVillage Kyle, love the hunting, fishing pictures at The Village, more please! AM Jun 29th from web ”
    hoping that doesn’t come up as a link….

  103. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Good for Nick Tucker! Does anyone know if Dennis got video when he was there? That would be great!
    WTF is this?
    “That was the information from John Moller,” Leighow wrote. “He is fishing today out of cell range.
    Yeah right, maybe he’s out being thrown under the bus!

  104. Gramiam says:

    SystemBucker that was not at all OT, merely another knot in the rope GINO is hanging herself with. Let the games begin. Everybody grab your popcorn, truffles and wine.

  105. Empish says:

    Erica Bolstad was “Surprised by the tone” of my email when I complained re free advertising for SarahPac. She only meant to “show how much the governor was asking.” She must have meant that so much that she did it again today!
    I replied to her and the news team that the article buried in Village Blog was front page material, not Palin’s begathon.
    Betting I do not get a second reply.

  106. justafarmer says:

    Ann Strongheart also has a post at the ADN site I posted along with two other folks, who also are speaking truth.
    Come on mudpups! speak out!

  107. Far fromFenway Fan says:

    Tweet, Tweet, a little birdie told me that fishin’ is good in Emmonak. We real Alaskans are so appreciating how blessed we are to live in such a bold state that has such tremendous natural resources that belong to the people who so appreciate that, and our energy – both human and otherwise – is just so humbling and abundant and we’re so blessed to not have to rely on the government to do things for us ’cause you know those DC elitists don’t understand how strong and bold we are here and blessed and we can fend for ourselves without more taxes and the feds tellin’ us how to live in this big, bold state. So appreciatin’ the good news!

  108. justafarmer says:

    anyone who missed my ADN post that califpat mentioned…
    Anyone else, please add comments there!

  109. mmboucher Florida says:

    4 samper Says:
    June 30th, 2009 at 4:22 PM

    Then she will fire Moller if she hasn’t already!

  110. justafarmer says:

    Ripley…I was thinking one of those plug-in stinky glade room fresheners…

  111. justafarmer says:

    I’m just waiting to see what “those people” will say to Kyle after giving him a shout out a couple of days ago about the “great hunting and fishing pictures…give us more!”
    well, Kyle gave them more…let those heads explode…

  112. justafarmer says:

    thank you califpat!
    just couldn’t keep my trap shut, lololol!

  113. SystemBucker says:

    14 samper Says:
    June 30th, 2009 at 4:22 PM
    Tomorrow should be REALLY interesting!

    She’ll commend Runners World on such a great article (respectin’ them and all).

    With that being said Samper, I just have to share this little diddy…she might have to do a little explaining about one of her photos for Runners World.

    “Sarah Palin Violates the U.S. Flag Code”

    For someone who loves this great country of ours, she doesn’t seem to respect the flag much.

    Sorry this is OT…just had to share.

  114. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ NY Dem

    Open thread, open thread! Love the story, thanks for sharing.

  115. NY Dem says:

    Sorry to go off thread, but this can’t wait until tomorrow’s Open Thread – this is hilarious !

    Just watching Keith Olbermann, and he named Michele Bachman his # 1 Best Person in the World !

    That’s right – Michele Bachman ! # 1 !!

    Here’s the story:

    Bachman has been going around telling people NOT to fill out the upcoming census report, because the Government (Democrats) will use it to “intern them just like the Japanese in WW II”; or, the government will get your phone number if you fill out the census (even though they already have everyone’s number)’ and other inane reasons NOT to fill out the census.

    Well, Keith agrees with her, and tells everyone in Minnesota NOT to fill out the census. Them when the population gets under-reported in Minnesota due to a small census count, Minnesota will lose a seat in Congress.

    And guess who’s District is most likely to be absorbed – Michele Bachman’s !!!!

    I love it – great job Keith !

  116. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    John Moller is a fool for not knowing how the village “grape vine” works. He’s no stranger to rural AK but obviously one to using brain cells for what they were designed for.

    Now he and the gov have put Emmonak in a spot I’m sure they didn’t want to be in – esp. Nick Tucker who just wants his village needs to be met, and for people in govt. who can help, to listen to their ideas. Thanks John Moller, THAT was a no brainer. As IF Emmonak residents want more controversy and to be in the middle of disputes again.

    Nick speaks up, you all ignore him and go as far away as possible, NEVER addressing any of his questions directly or satisfactorily, mostly not at all. This is what, the THIRD time or MORE in the last five mos that you state morons have completely misread/misquoted/run away from Mr. Tucker? You all totally suck at your bush side manner.

    John Moller needs to address this and straighten the whole misunderstanding out, in a press release, or BE FIRED.

  117. Jim says:

    Only the 3rd worst person in the world? C’mon Sarah, you can do better than that…

  118. nswfm CA says:

    London, wasn’t that 3 days? She stank up the place on 8/29/08.

  119. London Bridges says:

    To paraphrase Ben Franklin: Sarah & fish smell after 7 days, and Sarah has overstayed her welcome.

  120. Ashkee Colorado says:

    She can see Russia but, gosh darnit, she can’t see Emmonak. Perhaps she will see when they rear their heads about these made up stories.

  121. lily f says:

    Califpat, I agree…here is my little vision of them: Sarah is on the phone. Todd thinks she is dealing with the crisis. But then he overhears “Yes, I need to order nine tube tops, four mini skirts and do you have any sphaghetti strap midriff tank tops left?” Todd interrupts, “Sorry sweetie, but we need to get some damage control done on th-” Suddenly a red patent leather sandal hits his eye “thwap”. “Oh honey, I know you’re upset, but this is-” CONK! He barely ducks in time to avoid the other shoe hitting its target. “Todd, I don’t know how many times I have told you that people are supposed to LIKE ME. How can I get that across to you? I toned down my makeup for Matt Lauer, I posed for Runners World, I went to stupid Auburn, and people should be LOVING ME. Now fix it. Fix it now. JUST FIX IT!” Suddenly she stops screaming. Then, calmly and coolly she returns to her phone, “Yes, hello, is the I need to order some booty shorts…in every color.”

  122. samper says:

    Tomorrow should be REALLY interesting!

    She’ll commend Runners World on such a great article (respectin’ them and all).

    Then, she’ll have Dud issue a press release about the VF article.

    Then, she’ll have Meg issue a press release on the ADN article.

    Then, she’ll refer to AKM as a pajama clad, parent’s basement blogger who is just OH SO MEAN!

    Poor dear Sarah…

  123. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Why is it that we knew from the very first tweet that she was lying?

    Because we are paying attention. : ) AKM

  124. califpat says:

    I suspect that the incessant quietness that has been coming out of the Gov’s camp is the circling of the wagons and the meetings of the minature minds to see how they can spin this and come out smelling like roses.

  125. Ripley in CT says:

    Oh and this: the guys that were fined for fishing yesterday? They were engaged in Good old Fashioned Civil Disobedience and are taking a stand! I wished this on them at the first AKM story about this. Well done Men!!! (see ADN *hork*)

  126. Lee323 says:

    Is that roe on Palin’s face?

    Hahawaa wah waaahhhhaha

  127. samper says:

    We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!

  128. weaver57 says:

    I just simply do not believe it. When are folks going to catch on? Accck!

  129. InJuneau says:

    Dontcha just hate it when facts and the truth get in the way of “good” news?

  130. Ripley in CT says:

    what smells in here?
    *sprays glade*

  131. Crap indeed.

  132. Gramiam says:

    “I love the smell of Napalm in the morning!!”

  133. califpat says:

    AKM: Excellent write up and monologue, as usual. Thank you for all you do!

  134. Nebraska Native says:

    Keep up the pressure! This is the time!

  135. califpat says:

    Am I first?
    Good post Justafarmer!