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Rubber-Necking the Republican Smack Down.

I am not a rubber-necker.  Let me start off by saying that.  When there’s a bad accident on the side of the road, and the thing holding up traffic turns out to be the fact that everyone is slowing down to stare at the wreckage…I am not one of those people.

That said, there are times when it’s just unavoidable because….blam….there it is.  Right in front of your car.  Such is the case with the strange and captivating multi-car pile-up involving various conservative Republican factions in the past few days.  My attention has been tugged, now and then, in the direction of this slow and seemingly endless collision, but I’ve tried really really hard to just keep driving by.

But two things happened in the last 24 hours that made me stop and stare….I confess. 

First was a headline on the front page of the Anchorage Daily News , because how can you miss that?


Normally, I ignore the pro-Palin blogosphere.  The way I look at it, I have only so many hours in a day, and to blog about pro-Palin blogs, nevermind individual pro-Palin bloggers seems a bit…petty and uninteresting. 

You know all the stuff I think about Palin?  Generally, they think the opposite.  There it is in a nutshell.  Mudslinging becomes the stuff that playground fights are made of.  Politicians are always fair game, but blog wars are a waste of time and energy for both sides in the grand scheme of things.

So, it was interesting to notice that the  pro-Palin folks have taken a break from slinging mud at Alaskan bloggers, and instead have slung a big fat mudpie at…. Jay Ramras?  Yup, a Republican Alaska legislator from Fairbanks.  He’s no fan of Sarah Palin, mind you, but he is a Republican nonetheless.  Hmmm.

R.A. Mansour has a problem with Jay Ramras.  Her complaint has sprung off the blogosphere into the world of the “real” media.  This from the Anchorage Daily News.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports Conservatives4Palin.composted a blog entry on Monday saying that an August 2008 stock buy is a likely violation of legislative ethics rules, because Ramras could stand to gain financially if BP’s stock goes up. That’s possible if the BP and ConocoPhillips-backed gas pipeline project prevails over a competing line by TransCanada and backed by the state under the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act.

His response?  He called the site anti-semitic.  Why?  Some legislator was wistfully remembering the days when Sarah Palin brought bagels to meetings.  So, site authors started saying “Bring your own damn bagels.”  Apparently if you talk about bagels, you’re an anti-semite.   So, remember when you go to Fairbanks, always play it safe and ask for a toasted sliced donut shaped bready object, with cream cheese.  He also said the whole thing is “far-fetched.” 

Conservatives4Palinresponded with the “Some of my best friends are Jewish” defense, explained their little inside bagel joke, and added this interesting little refernce to Palin’s “end-timey” office decor.

Also, why in the world would a group of anti-Semites support a politician such as Governor Palin? Governor Palin is a strong supporter of Israel. She even has the flag of the Star of David in her office.

They went on to say that the issue was that Ramras introduced legislation regarding AGIA that could personally benefit him as a holder of a nice big chunk of BP stock.

Ramras said this is nonsense because the bill never got out of committee, and the point at which he would have had to declare a conflict of interest was never reached. 

Conservatives4Palin said that this isn’t the point.  The point it that he’s the one who introduced the legislation.

And back and forth…

Then the radio wars began.  Ramras appeared on the Bob & Mark Show and had this to say:

“I filed properly with the state of Alaska, I the spirit of the law, the letter of the law, the intent of the law.  I did it on time.  This is uh, you know this hate squad led by this Conservatives4Palin group that are a bunch of non-residents that are kinda creepy sleazy people that are a professional website funded by non-residents, non-Alaskans from somewhere else.  I don’t think it’s news.  I don’t think it’s particularly newsworthy.  I think it’s a sensational accusation by some sleazy shadowy outfit.  I don’t think it’s news. 

We have rules.  I sat in on all the ethics hearings.  I abide by them 110%.  We have other members of the legislature that have large holdings in oil companies.  I’m an honest person born and raised in Fairbanks.  I have assets all over Fairbanks, I don’t think it should raise any eyebrows.  I don’t think it came from an Alaskan source , and you know my passion for our state and for doing the right thing is resolute.  My integrity is completely intact.

I have been attacked many many times by this outfit Conservatives4Palin for months and months and months.  Dozens of times if you go back and look on this website.  So, for me, it’s a non-story.  It’s a non-issue.  It’s a story about Conservatives4Palin which is a hit squad…a hate squad, evil people that are unknown to us, that just did a telethon to raise half a million dollars for Governor Palin’s legal defense fund, and I think the whole thing is just a sad reflection on where we are right now and doesn’t have a darned thing to do with the discussion around the direction Alaska is going to take its economy.

Conservatives4Palin comes up with an absolutely delightful counter-argument.

Ramras’ behavior in this regard is similar to criticizing Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” because he was not a native American. Alexis de Tocqueville is an accepted source on information in the field of American political science. Any first year student in a political science department reads de Tocqueville’s works. Another historical comparison can be made to James Madison. Madison is regarded as the “Father of the Constitution.” Should Madison have concerned himself only with Virginia? The Constitution is a blend of governmental ideas that come from a variety of states.

(whispering in your ear)  They obviously haven’t figured out that in the minds of Alaskans, Alaska is really only marginally part of the United States… and that many of the people running this state have never even heard of Alexis de Tocqueville, never mind read “Democracy in America.” 

So….what we have here is a battle to the death.  Evil, Sleazy Outsiders vs. Alexis deTocqueville.  It’s like two players in a heated match, with one playing tiddly winks and the other playing chess, with neither side realizing they’re playing on a cribbage board.  Nobody wins that game, other than the ones on the sidelines eating the popcorn.  That would be us.

Who’s going to be brave enough to jump into the fray and try to play cribbage?

This brings me to the second thing that forced me to watch this bizarre bloodbath – ex-radio talk show host, ex-blogger, ex-legislator and presumed future gubernatorial candidate Andrew Halcro has popped his head out of self-imposed retirement.  He’s the one that ran against Palin in 2006 and got told by her,“Andrew, I watch you at these debates with no notes, no papers, and yet when asked questions, you spout off facts, figures, and policies, and I’m amazed. But then I look out into the audience and I ask myself, Does any of this really matter?”

Agree or disagree with Andrew Halcro, he’s a good writer, a great blogger and an intelligent, thoughtful person.  This debacle has actually pulled him out of retirement to comment.  It was kind of like when someone looks out the window and spots a bear, or a moose.  “Halcro!” someone yells, and everyone stampedes over to the window and presses their nose against the glass to see what’s going on. 

Here’s part of what he had to say.

Obviously Mansour is completely unschooled in how the whole natural gas pipeline project has to come together. If AGIA fails, it won’t be due to Ramras purchasing 3000 shares of BP stock, it will be due to the fact that the terms of AGIA have ignored legal and fiscal realities since the first day Governor Palin rolled it out.

The bottom line is that AGIA and Denali are not in a race to see what pipeline gets built first. In fact, the pipeline cannot be built until BP, ConocoPhillips and Exxon ALL AGREE to build it and finance it together.

Even TransCanada’s CEO has repeatedly stated that the pipeline will not be built without the “agreement and support of the North Slope producers.”

And that agreement and support won’t come until the State of Alaska puts AGIA aside and addresses the age old question of tax rates and fiscal certainty, which is something AGIA fails to do.

And if this match has whetted your appetite for more Republican cage matches, check out this article on Politico, which recounts the back and forth blows within the McCain campaign resulting from Monday’s Vanity Fair article on the governor, that had McCain insiders spilling the beans about the woman they referred to as “Little Shop of Horrors.”

As for me, I’m ready to keep driving now…averting my eyes.

Anyone up for a nice game of checkers?



60 Responses to “Rubber-Necking the Republican Smack Down.”
  1. lemonfair says:

    I like the slip of the space bar,above, that turned “ posted” into “Conservatives4Palin.composted.” Yeah, I’d probably like to compost a few of them too.

    I decided not to fix it. 😉 AKM

  2. InJuneau says:

    Martha UYS–that was a great post on the Washington Post! Thanks for the link.

  3. pacos_gal says:

    Right Reverend, there is a youtube video titled John Ziegler smacks down Mike Allen pt 1 July 1

    I don’t have the link to it. It came up on my google reader from the C4P site. I won’t go to the actual CPer site because I don’t want to give them traffic, but can read everything on the reader.

  4. oregonbird says:

    You know this already. But I just have to say. What a lovely, apt analogy.

    If there is a ‘Disconnected’ award given out in the Word Salad Competition, please allow me to nominate Ramras’ contribution to the Bob & Mark show. Each sentence logically constructed. Each living in its own zip code.

    You DO have a competition, right? You must have.

    My favorite sentence is: ” I don’t think it came from an Alaskan source, and you know my passion for our state and for doing the right thing is resolute.”

    But then again, you can hardly disagree with the conclusion here: “It’s a story about Conservatives4Palin which is a hit squad…a hate squad, evil people that are unknown to us, that just did a telethon to raise half a million dollars for Governor Palin’s legal defense fund, and I think the whole thing is just a sad reflection on where we are right now and doesn’t have a darned thing to do with the discussion around the direction Alaska is going to take its economy.”

    I thought it was just Valley Girls that didn’t need to breath while speaking! We bow to Alaskans!

  5. Bones AK says:

    Sarah Palin and Republicans, the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving.

  6. mlaiuppa says:

    Oh, gawd, does he?

    I have stock in BP.

    (How much damage can he do?)

  7. BigSlick says:

    Todd Palin still works for BP, doesn’t he?

    The Pee Heads have no shame or brain!!!

  8. The Right Reverend says:

    Zeigler? I was waiting on pins and needles for his response to the Vanity Fair article! Where can I find it? I can’t get enough of that joker… He’s such a waste, and limitless entertainment. I bet Sarah and Todd can’t stand him. I can just imagine Todd wanting to punch him, while Sarah says “I hate him too, but he’s a fan.” When this article came out, it was the first thing that came to mind.

    Not that this fight isn’t entertainment enough… It’s bewildering!
    I feel vindicated. I’ve been warning about Sarah since last Sept.
    If the MSM is picking it up instead of constantly saying “will Palin run in 2012?”, it’s finally crashing down. The music from the Return of the King, where Barad Dûr collapses (metaphor for the the Republican stronghold) keeps playing in my head… Franken being confirmed doesn’t hurt, either.

  9. pearl89 says:

    It was nice to see Halcro posting about this. I don’t always agree with him, but I do enjoy his writing.

  10. pearl89 says:

    Candy Knight #26 I think you are absolutely right. Somebody is feeding them info and has been for a long time.

  11. seattlefan says:

    @#44 moseyon:

    🙂 I don’t think anyone in that bunch could be quick and fast like Obama was.
    I think I could outrun them in a heartbeat! They are too busy swatting themselves to be worried about the “fly on the wall”. Lol!

  12. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    It just keeps coming…

    Palin stirring controversies and already hot under the collar players…

  13. moseyon says:

    Seattlefan: If you want to be a fly on the wall, make sure Predident Obama isn’t around. LOL

  14. akmuckraker says:

    Please remember that the open thread stays open for 24 hours. All o/t comments should go on that thread. There is also a new thread up about the CBS article.

    Thanks again.

  15. In AK says:

    AKM:” C4P.composted a blog entry…. ” an appropriate Freudian slip of the space bar

  16. sauerkraut says:

    We knew what you meant, not that sarah. All is forgiven. 😎

    When AKM and Shannyn come to Pittsburgh, maybe the yinzer mudpups can teach them how to play dutch blitz.

  17. not that sarah says:

    I tried to correct this but my reply didn’t post. I meant “their knowledge of such”…oopsie!

  18. LiladyNY says:

    Lee323 – use Firefox. It’s excellent.

  19. not that sarah says:

    oh heavens…I meant to type “their knowledge”. I might have to be sent over to cee pee with that kind of grammar. please don’t send me there (or their!) LOL.

  20. not that sarah says:

    the cbs article is BRUTAL. not in its writing, but in what it reveals about her. Her exaggerations and distortions — her LIES– they’re knowledge of such. How can they hold their heads up in public, knowing they almost put this mental health victim in the WH?

    The more I know, the more I realize Palin needs medical help for her NPD. I almost feel sorry for her…but then I remember her Holy Wars comments and fear overtakes compassion.

    I’ll feel sorry for her when she’s out of politics. For now, as long as she has the ability to destroy this country, I’ll be working to make the public aware of the truth about Palin.

  21. Lee323 says:

    Sorry about the double post…apparently having problems with Internet Explorer again here.

  22. Lee323 says:

    It’s amusing to read all the raging debates about how Palin should have been handled or was mishandled.

    They all miss the point that the majority of Americans saw rather quickly: Palin is a politician with RAW AMBITION…. not raw talent.

    A person with raw talent can sometimes be managed and advised to fulfill their potential if they are receptive to learning but a person with raw ambition and little talent…..well, you get the pre- and post-election disaster that is Ms. Palin.

    No wonder the McCain campaign muzzled their pride pit-bull during the election. We have seen the results of an unmuzzled Sarah Palin since November ’08 and…..sigh. Grab the muzzle, please.

  23. Lee323 says:

    It’s amusing to read all the raging debates about how Palin should have been handled or was mishandled.

    They all miss the important point that many Americans saw rather quickly: Palin is a politician with RAW AMBITION…. not raw talent.

    A person with raw talent can sometimes be managed and advised to fulfill their potential if they are receptive to coaching but a person with raw ambition and little talent…..well, you just end up with the pre- and post-election disaster that is Ms. Palin.

    No wonder the McCain campaign muzzled their pride pit-bull during the election. We have seen the results of an unmuzzled Sarah Palin since November ’08 and…..sigh. Grab the muzzle, please.

  24. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Youtube link replacing link in my message #24
    Part 1 of 2 parts

  25. pacos_gal says:

    Nah, we don’t think less of you Rob in Ca, pull up a chair, Canadian Neighbor has all the popcorn. 🙂

  26. mhrt says:

    new post

  27. Rob in Ca says:

    I am ashamed to say that no part of me tried to avoid viewing this wreck.

    Unashamed, I revel in the carnage.

    Sorry if anyone thinks less of me for that.

  28. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 6:18 PM
    The utube is gone??? WTF?

  29. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I wisened up while grocery shopping yesterday — I bought the 32 package case of popcorn!!! Won’t go to waste this week!!

  30. pacos_gal says:

    I have had more chuckles while watching this horrid train wreck of a political personality than I have had in a very long time of political watching. Usually I just end up ticked off about something, but this time, I can’t stop laughing.

    Just keep in mind who is answering the Vanity Fair article for Palin: Bill Kristol, John Ziegler, Hannity, I mean, really! And what has it done but spark off a tiff between various factions within the Republican party. This isn’t just about McCain staffers having a disagreement in public , this is the very fabric of the party and why it is is divided today and why they have no coherent message to send to anyone.

    Bush/Cheney started the whole down the beaten path for the Republican party by advancing such radical neocon viewpoints and Palin has taken a real leadership role finally, but it is the destruction of not only herself but the party she is suppose to be representative of. A battle between the wingnuts of the party (we all have heard of whom they are, Fox News has most of them on at one point or another) and the what I would call the backbone of the Republican party. That would be those who..for one it to the tune of millions of dollars, if not billions and who basically say what the platform will be.

    Palin will never be the sweetheart of those, neocons will never embrace her and they are firmly entrenched not only within government, but within the Think Tanks and money machine. If she can be used, she will be but if not..oh well, no lose to them.

    So yes, watching this play out in public, when I skim the headlines on my reader has given me much amusement. The wingnuts actually think they have a chance to Be the party, that in itself is hysterical. To get pissy over Palin is even more canned laughter moments.

    I’m making popcorn for tomorrows show. Do you think this is a double feature?

  31. bigslick says:

    eat the rich!!!!

  32. Canadian Neighbour says:

    “I think of being in D.C. and in a position to promote physical fitness”

    So Gov. Palin, you have plans of opening a Fitness Centre in D.C.???

  33. Candy Knight says:

    I think this little affair tells us one thing very clearly: while Mansour may claim to be just an enthusiastic volunteer, there’s obviously something very smelly going on here between the Pee Zoo and the Pee herself.

    I can’t believe for a minute that Mansour went through Ramras’s financial statements on the off-chance she might find something. No, ladies and gentlemen, either Palin or someone on her staff–with Palin’s blessing–slipped this information to Mansour, along with the outlines of the article she was to write.

    I’ve thought this before, such as when Palin went after the citizen who complained about the tour buses in the neighborhood of the gov’s mansion, and Palin twisted it around to be an attack on Piper with Mansour even dragging in the obscure lemonade stand. It was Mansour who came out with the “iconic picture of a mother’s love for her S. N. B.” line before Megamouth released it to the media. Crazies for Pee is not your ordinary fan site. Seriously: Mansour is not independently wealth; so what’s her day job?

  34. Professor Geezer says:

    @pearl89, sounds like karmic justice to me.

  35. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Mansour had been on the Bob & Mark show I suspect before Ramas about Ramas. I think I found it from reading the AK Channel 2 site story.

    Seems to be many, many things flying around!! She must be doing a Linda Blair trying to keep up!!

    Mike Allen of Politico was also on MSNBC’s Morning Joe about the VF article too. After his appearance there, it progressed downhill to a radio appearance!! LOL

    Palin’s Radio Cheerleader aka Leader of the Letterman Protest Failure had Mike Allen (Politico) on his show after he had done Morning Joe earlier. Said Cheerleader was not happy with Allen’s Morning Joe appearance and was bent on turning it around. Like his small-time radio show has enough coverage for anybody to care. What — 3 fans!! All 15 from the protest live too far to listen to it – airwaves don’t reach that far!!!

    Cheerleader was pressing for Allen to name his Malpractice interview as stupid as Allen had said the interviews Palin had done after the campaign were stupid. Allen worked around him every which way driving said Failure bonkers. He must have asked him at least 6 times like the idiot he is.

    Mike, we’re getting bogged down in details (when he was explaining). (Sounds the typical – why bother with details or truth!!)

    Mike has said on Morning Joe – Campaign as a ‘circus act’ and she can’t be taken seriously.
    “Circus act’ is a pretty strong term for a journalist to use Mike”. WHF

    He just takes himself far too seriously. “What did she do” as he’s yelling and sounds like he’s crying!!!!! Is he on an ad nauseam job interview for campaign manager!!!! She should go ahead – Hire him!! Add another nail in the coffin!!!

    It’s a 2 part youtubes Here is link to part 1. You will see Part 2 there if you watch it.

    Have to say that I loved the title of the CBS article:
    Exclusive: Spat Over Todd Palin’s Membership In Secessionist Party Was Major Distraction On Critical Day In ’08 Campaign

    All I was to say was: OOOOWWWWWW!! Rare to see reference to AIP. Good article!! Good find knittingbull

  36. nswfm CA says:

    #17 BigPete Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 5:47 PM
    That was a fun article. My favorite quote regarding “the Republican smack down”……..”Jason Recher, who remains a staunch Palin supporter and recently accompanied the governor on a trip to New York, said he hoped people would focus more on positive memories from the campaign”

    Positive memories?
    Yeah, when the nightmare ended, and Obama won!

  37. Ripley in CT says:

    OOhhhh… caught in another lie… see Immoral Minority

  38. PepperzMom says:

    19 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:

    Imagine what ELSE JM knows about???

    Hmm, I think knew is a better word to use. I’m not sure whatever it was he did know is still remembered now, barely 8 months later.

    Listening to McCain recently is proof that he’s losing more of his marbles….even more than those that were lost when he “picked” SP….

  39. pearl89 says:

    Mansour and Ramras were also on the Eddie Burke show, Tuesday I think. He was going after her bigtime. Now, I don’t care for Mansour, but I thought he was rude to her and instead of refuting her assertions, he just talked over her the whole time. The funniest part was when he called Eddie a pimp.

    I tried to send AKM an email about it, but it bounced back.

  40. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I saw the CNN video about the AIP ties on the tube, then later that day it was gone from their site as a video. I enjoyed it tremendously!

  41. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Martha Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 5:46 PM

    3 knittingbull Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 4:50 PM
    oo! oo! here’s another nail in Palin’s coffin!
    This is pure **GOLD** 😀
    Remember how we all were writing about the dud and AIP? Only one station did a story on it, cnn I think and John Mccain of course threatened a lawsuit. But it Really, REally Bugged her! OMG! That just makes my DAY!!!!
    And they the McCain people KNEW about the AIP and its secessionists ties!!!
    Someone should confront JM on this? She really should of been made to step down, with that and troopergate! Why did he let this go? Imagine what ELSE JM knows about???

  42. Martha says:

    Great post AKM. I particularily enjoyed this from your link:

    rabid Palin supporter and host of a pro Palin website deserves…ney, demands a closer look.

    It is as if she has cloned herself……….lol

  43. BigPete says:

    knittingbull Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 4:50 PM
    oo! oo! here’s another nail in Palin’s coffin!

    That was a fun article. My favorite quote regarding “the Republican smack down”……..”Jason Recher, who remains a staunch Palin supporter and recently accompanied the governor on a trip to New York, said he hoped people would focus more on positive memories from the campaign”

    Positive memories?

  44. Martha says:

    3 knittingbull Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 4:50 PM
    oo! oo! here’s another nail in Palin’s coffin!
    Thanks for this knittingbull !! I thought I would post the “best part” as pure enjoyment and vindication for the commentors here and AKM.

    I’m sure that there are some new folks browsing lately as well, considering all the latest flap.

    AKM, Diva, Shannyn and many others have worked so fiercely and tirelessly to expose the truth of Palin’s politics, now her brief time in the lower 48 is exposing her for the fraud she is, whilst vindicating all of these great bloggers.

    Palin blasted out an e-mail with the subject line “Todd” to Schmidt, campaign manager Rick Davis and senior advisor Nicolle Wallace, copying her husband on the message (all of the e-mails are reprinted below as written).

    “Pls get in front of that ridiculous issue that’s cropped up all day today – two reporters, a protestor’s sign, and many shout-outs all claiming Todd’s involvement in an anti-American political party,” Palin wrote. “It’s bull, and I don’t want to have to keep reacting to it … Pls have statement given on this so it’s put to bed.”

  45. CougInPortland says:

    10cats4me: She’s is not really a good candidate for anything.

    That is becoming increasing evident…of her OWN doing. 🙂

  46. Nebraska Native says:

    Wow again KnittingBull… what a great find! This whole fiasco– “GINO in General” is exploding also, too. “Bout time!

  47. Cynamen Winter says:

    seattlefan Says:
    July 1st, 2009 at 5:14 PM

    Wow….the CBS story! That is some good stuff. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for all of that.

    LOL! The last paragraph in her interview with Runner’s Magazine……she can see herself living in D.C. promoting phyical fitness! WTF? I am literally laughing my a$$ off at that one. I guess she has no policy plans or ideas on how to run the country….just do some progressing of health and fitness.
    That statement struck me as ‘feeble mindedness” also, too.

    I seriously have to add more popcorn to the grocery list….

    RUN sarah RUN!

  48. seattlefan says:

    Great post AKM! I love your analogy of the “car wreck”.

    Here is a link to Chuck Todd discussing the circular firing squad over Palin. LOL!

  49. nswfm CA says:

    There’s that famous line: “I’m not a member of any organized political party, I’m a Democrat! by Will Rogers.”

    Well, now it’s the Republicans, and BOY, IS IT FUN TO WATCH!

    And I normally drive past the car wrecks as far to the side as I can when I see them, but BOY, IS IT FUN TO WATCH THIS WRECKAGE!

    I don’t even need popcorn, but I am going to buy stock in Orville Redenbacher’s parent company.

  50. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Clarification…Dennis doesn’t have the vid up yet, but according to Gryphen its forthcoming about his recent visit to Emmonak.

  51. cany says:

    Sorry to be OT… but have you read this?

    Palin e-mails with Schmidt. And boy, is she caught in a big fat lie!

    There is a post up on this already – The Accidental Secessionist. Also, you can always post on the open thread. There’s a new one every day for o/t posts and discussions. Thanks! AKM

  52. anadventurer says:

    Learning to play Texas Hold ‘Em myself. Checkers is waaaaaaaay to hard and sneaky for my taste.

  53. seattlefan says:

    Wow….the CBS story! That is some good stuff. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for all of that.

    LOL! The last paragraph in her interview with Runner’s Magazine……she can see herself living in D.C. promoting phyical fitness! WTF? I am literally laughing my a$$ off at that one. I guess she has no policy plans or ideas on how to run the country….just do some progressing of health and fitness.

  54. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ knittingbull

    Yep, that’s her – she’s a b!tch – that’s our twit gov, at her best sorry to say. I don’t know why they are all fighting over it – she is a hopeless narcissist and NO ONE would have been able to save the day for her. For some reason, all these R’s jumping in are judging their ability to manage a campaign by HER. They just don’t get it – still! It has nothing to do with them – she’s just a loser and always will be! She would have / did muck up anything coming her way because SHE always knew better. NOT.

    Thank you, narcissistic personality disorder! I know you belong to Sarah Palin, but we sure appreciate that you took the time to stick your head up and say hello as often as you did! And… you are always so consistent and reliable, we like that, too!

  55. Leota2 says:

    Checkers?! Yes please.

  56. 10cats4me says:

    Here’s the link to the interview, She’s hurting herself. inexperienced staff. No one to trust. Too far away.

  57. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    The sooner ManSour and her minions are exposed for what they are rabid rats 4 palin the better. They have a direct line with megamouth. They are the ones that started the Piper Lemonade stand rumor and a week later GINO conveniently set up a lemonade stand for Piper in Jueanu! They are the ones who whispered in megamouths ear about the faux outrage over letterman and Diva’s photoshopped “iconic” photo.
    They have been after Ramras for sometime, ever since he showed up at the villages and made GINO look stupid.
    Perhaps that’s why megamouth is mouthpiece for sarahpac so she can directly communicate with the group of rabid rats? She is not NOW employed by SOA so her emails to ManSour can’t be FIOA???
    Well Dennis still has his blog article up:
    Three more ethics complaints against Palin on the way
    Alaska Report has learned that at least 3 more ethics complaints will be filed against Sarah Palin in the near future. Of course her cronies at the Personnel Board will probably sweep them under the rug – but at least the crimes will have a light shined upon them before they do… Also – A long simmering embezzlement/IRS scandal is still being looked at by the feds. Stay tuned…

    Also too, video evidence by Dennis that Moller lied about Nicolas Tucker’s words, re: Villages. Also, Too, waiting in the wings…. “News” from Gryphen….
    **Stock up on the popcorn** 😀

  58. knittingbull says:

    oo! oo! here’s another nail in Palin’s coffin!

  59. 10cats4me says:

    Have to leave a comment about the Politico article. While driving home tonight from outside DC, my favorite radio station, WTOP featured a/the Political author in a discussion about the VF statements and the GOP “fued”. Apparently, the talk is that the McCain/GOP top guys want to get their story straight about what was said and when. This includes Kristol, and the top two McCain guys whose names I do not remember.

    Highlight of the discussion was Palin’s “mental health issues” or post partum depression. The republicans are all forgiven and being listened to by their own “contingencies,” so to speak. So no one is discrediting/calling any of them liars. Just a bit of a discussion to get the story straight.

    Discussion turns to Palin and is she a viable candidate. Not really, her only experiences are in Alaska, too far away from the lower 48 to really understand mainstream politics. Also, mention of her independent streak and desire to do what she wants at all costs. I am going to try to go back and see if I can get an audio of this short interview. It is more off the cuff than the Politico article and a bit more telling. She’s is not really a good candidate for anything.

    Just got home from work and had to check out the blogs. will see what I can do and send it on.

  60. Ripley in CT says:

    HAHA!! I love Cribbage! Someone, grab up some matchsticks and we’ll play!!