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Threatened by Palin, a Blogger Speaks Out. Shannyn Moore, Meet the Press.


On the last bright sunny day of a holiday weekend that was jam-packed with unexpected politican maneuvering, blogger Shannyn Moore had the last word.  She stood in front of Governor Sarah Palin’s Anchorage office, before reporters and television cameras, and read a prepared statement.

On the Fourth of July, when Americans everywhere were celebrating our most sacred national holiday with parades and barbeques, Governor Sarah Palin was busy having me, Shannyn Moore, declared an Enemy of the State.

In a rambling quasi-legal letter, the most powerful person in this state accused me of defaming her for pointing out the fact that there have been rumors, -rumors- of corruption, rumors that have been around for years.

When Sarah Palin gave her three-weeks notice to the people of Alaska, aborting her term as Governor, a lot of people wondered why she quit. Mid-level managers turn-in their notice, not elected public officials. It didn’t make sense. It still doesn’t. People have been trying to guess why she really quit, and everyone in Alaska has been playing the guessing game. They’re rumors. There are a lot of rumors. And with all the corruption we’ve had here in Alaska, of course we wonder what’s really behind her resignation.

Governors don’t just quit. But Governor Palin did.

The governor’s massive overreaction -on the Fourth of July no less- should make any reasonable person wonder what’s wrong with her. The Lady protests way too much. Eventually we’ll all find out why she really walked off the job.

Sarah Palin is a coward and a bully. What kind of politician attacks an ordinary American on the Fourth of July for speaking her mind? What’s wrong with her? The First Amendment was designed to protect people like me from the likes of people like her. Our American Revolution got rid of kings. And queens, too. Am I jacked-up? You betcha.

Sarah Palin, if you have a problem with me, then sue me. Shannyn Moore will not be muzzled!


During a question and answer session, Moore assured the press that this was not going to affect “how she blogged,” stressing that she had reported that rumors existed, not the validity of any such rumors.  The story has already ignited the blogosphere, and has just been picked up by the Associated Press, in addition to local news media.

It’s fireworks on the 5th of July for Governor Palin, and a celebration of the first amendment for the rest of us.  Thanks to a true patriot for being brave and refusing to be bullied.



498 Responses to “Threatened by Palin, a Blogger Speaks Out. Shannyn Moore, Meet the Press.”
  1. Shannyn Moore is a hero. Palin is indeed a bully and whiner. There is no place in the Whitehouse for either. Sadly, we as a nation, forgot that for a while. Thankfully, we woke up just in time.

  2. JUDE -NH says:

    Appears to me that this gutsy ARTICULATE woman Shannyn should have been Gov – and McCain’s pick/ though I doubt very much if she’d have been suckered into that scam – with McCain’s Trophy wife. Pretty good livin’ it appears – this fancy home built at the same time as this huge sports complex. Oh well maybe she can join Joe the Plumber whose name is Sam and as much a plumber as I am an Alaskan belly dancer. One good thing came out of they dysfunctional Palin clan – we found out that the folks in Alaska are what America is all about / which most states seem to have forgotten. GREAT PEOPLE you folks. JM – NH

  3. teutonic13 says:

    oops- Labet = “label” (see post above) – how libelous 🙂

  4. teutonic13 says:

    Hey Shannyn- good job on the interview/pc. I especially liked someone’s labet for SP– “The Quitter on Twitter”. You should patent that. 🙂

  5. nabrum says:

    Gardenslug said: “Quitter on Twitter”

    I Love it!

  6. deist says:

    Yo! folks!

    Palin quit!

    Others would have hung in there for all four years. But Palin is a quitter. Palin quit. That is who she is. That’s what makes her special.

    People speculate there’s a reason why Palin quit. There is– Palin quit because she’s a quitter. The only people who would support her for President would be folks who also support her VP candidate– they’d be voting for two people, not one.

    Here in Alaska, who would have known–when we elected Palin for governor, we also elected Sean Parnell for governor? Sort of a two-for-one deal. Unfortunately I voted for neither.

  7. winkwinkWA says:

    Could it be possible the Palin’s were being investigated and there was a deal–you quit and we’ll quit?????

  8. AKraven says:

    Let me know if there is a group organizing for Shannyn Moore for president 2012.

  9. Bretta says:

    Our sparkly buttercup has to have a fek or a fight once a week. Tag you’re it!!

  10. zyggy says:

    If Shannyn was to be sued by Buttercup, and started up a Trust Legal Fund, I would bet money, she’d get more than Buttercup in two days and what buttercup has received since her trust was set up.

    Plus she have tons of pro bono lawyers from all over the country. Bring it on Buttercup.

  11. zyggy says:

    “There once was a maverick named Palin
    who became very famous for failin”.
    Since she got in a snit and decided to quit,
    her political future”s derailin”.

    found this on AKM’s Huff Post article comment section.


  12. Micky7 says:

    The FBI’s response to this is concerning. They don’t generally make statements, yet they went out of their way to dispel Palin rumors that were “unfair.” I think it was inappropriate. A simple statement that they were not investigating her would have been sufficient. The statement they made makes it look like they are Palin-drones (the mindless acolytes that unquestioningly accept her every word).

  13. jc in co says:

    hmm, could explain that over developed mandible also too, common amongst meth heads, from grinding their teeth down to nubs. Shannyn, we got your back. I could afford to send my man, O $25 a month, I can send it to you for your legal fund if necessary!

  14. jc in co says:

    Just had to make a run to the UPS store, was listening to the Ed Schultz Show, Shannyn is going to be on soon. A guy that called in was swearing buttercup was a “meth head” having a meltdown. Claims her actions, weight, jumpiness etc all point to that, hmmm. Ed was quick to jump in & say “well now, that’s purely speculation” he must be nervous about being included in the lawsuit silly sarah is filing against the world in general!

  15. Philly Wanting TRUTH on GINO says:

    Thank God Shannyn! We need more people to speak up and tell some truth about this woman. Everyone is sooooooo scared to tell the truth behind this Gov. I have waited for this to happen…. many of us know she was never smart enough, to do this job. She puts on a pretty good front that front is falling quickly. About time you step down Pale of —-. The State of Alaska can finally go forth with some integrity.

  16. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Jhop or anyone, if you have time I’d love to hear your take on this……written Dec. 08.

    If the AK FBI did such a fabulous job why did we end up with Ted’s verdict thrown out.

    “An Alaska FBI agent has accused fellow agents and at least one prosecutor of misconduct and unethical behavior in the public corruption investigation in Alaska and the trial of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens.”…………

    The whistle-blower said he initially brought his complaints directly to the agent or agents, and also to Eric Gonzalez, the chief division counsel to the FBI in Anchorage, but the problems were not solved, he said”………….

    “On Nov. 21, he wrote, he asked for protection under federal law as a whistle-blower, fearing he would be punished for coming forward. FBI officials, from the Public Corruption Unit in Washington “to the highest levels” are extremely pleased about the Alaska investigation.”

  17. ValleyIndependent says:

    oops – left out a word – “current” Wasilla municipal code.

  18. ValleyIndependent says:

    Um – lilybart, I’m no Palin fan, but she didn’t exactly quit being Mayor – she served two terms and would have been term limited out, at least under
    Wasilla municipal code.

  19. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    here is the link to Toads father and his statement of not knowing anything about it, Toad didn’t either or he would have gone off. Scarah thanked him for “coming”, he probably wasn’t too happy about her timing, lol, asking family to drop important money making fishing for goodness sake, what was she thinking. Now she has to help him make it up, lol, at the expense of the people of Alaska of course.

    She’s queen of drama that’s for sure, that is her true gift in life, right up there with Rushbo. Big bags of drama and hot air. There will be lots of entertainment ahead. But I think she has her justice coming first, she is a fraud governor, at least history will show she QUIT. Fair or Unfair. She quit. Can’t deny that one.

  20. Laurie says:

    I watched Morning Joe before coming to work as well. Mika as usual, made me want to puke. She is an idiot..just like Palin. They would make great best friends.

    No fear…Keith and Rachel and Chris will take on Sarah Palin tonight. I can hardly wait for this day to be over, so that I go my dinner and laugh my azz off listening to them. I think I may even watch all 3 shows twice. I get them repeated… 6 hours of Sarah laughter for me.

  21. Bonnie says:

    I woke up today to Morning Joe on MSNBC as they all spoke of good old Sarah and all the money she is going to make now. Not once did they mention Shannyn or her press conference. Of course that is a Republican based show so they will spout what a great lady she is.

  22. Lilybart says:

    Wolf Pack: you forgot one, she also too quite being Mayor.


  23. trisha says:

    I am so proud of Shannyn. It’s time that someone stood up to Palin and said what the rest of us are thinking. I am sick and tired of the soon-to-be EX-Governor of Alsaka trying to control other American’s.

    Palin should have zero impact on my life, yet she is trying to censor what I read, hear, and see on the internet, on TV, by late night comedians, and in newspapers. Enough is enough!!!!

  24. trisha says:

    I think that Palin will make money…initially. But, after some no-shows on the speaking circuit (think about all of her drama around GOP events), or more of Palin’s fear of committment to an event, she will lose appeal.

    Also, after some people pay to hear her speak, and then sit through a rambling mess of a speech, they may not be so willing to do it again.

  25. tlgeiger62 says:

    Ms. Moore…you have my full support and the support of THOUSANDS. Mrs. Palin is one sandwich short of a picnic and I, for one, am glad the citizens of Alaska will be rid of her.

  26. KayInMaine says:

    Wait until Sarah Palin has her own show! Think she was mocked over the last 8-9 months? It’s going to be so bad…..she’ll quit! LOL

  27. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    Way to go SHannyn, Sticl it to them. We love you here in Canada. Stay strong.

  28. JHop says:

    ds55 – i wish you were right; trained dolphins deserve to make more money than she does. but can you really not see her as the next Rush? Just making up stuff on the radio or a talk show that the fringe crazies will eat up? if you read some of her supporters’ comments and their blind loyalty in the face of her just…absolute ABSURDITY, i think she will be rich. And, unlike us, they will not see her as a quitter. They will see her as a celebrity personality with “real” experience in government, even better than Rush!

    I actually think radio/tv is the only way that she will ever succeed; she does not have to answer to anyone (except her producers) and she doesn’t have to do any real work (which is apparently when she quits any job. and 5 colleges for that matter). all she has to do is talk nonsense. which she excels at. a good point guard knows how to yell in their opponent’s face to distract them. that being said, i think she would still need to, you know, actually learn issues to talk about other than “government spending sucks!” and “i hate obama!” and the “press is so mean!”

  29. ds55 says:

    Mike Allen of Politico says Palin is going to be rich. I disagree because Palin can’t deliver a decent speech to save her neck, and no one cares what a quitter has to say. When she actually had a political future, maybe she could have commanded high speaking fees, but now not so much.

  30. ds55 says:

    Watching “Morning Joe” on MSNBC. They’re talking about Buttercup.

  31. pennygirl says:

    From Sea of Pee

    Lawdy me… this is just gross
    These comments gave me the creeps. OH.. thought they liked Sarah because she was an all American Mom blah blah
    The leftys are the ones making things “sexist”

    This is creepy:
    (Ole’ “Hefmier” and his “growing” ???????????????????????? :^/)

    Heather said… If she’s a vampire, then she sparkles in the sunlight. VERY suspicious that she lives in Alaska… very large carnivores, lots of darkness.
    Soooo, does she sparkle in the sunlight???
    July 5, 2009 1:50 AM

    Hefmier said… Heather wrote:
    “If she’s a vampire, then she sparkles in the sunlight. VERY suspicious that she lives in Alaska… very large carnivores, lots of darkness.
    Soooo, does she sparkle in the sunlight???”
    ????????? :^/

    Kevin said… Sarah Palin a vampire?
    Well let’s see…black party dress, long fingernails, fangs…
    I LIKE IT!

    Hefmier said… Kevin wrote:
    “Sarah Palin a vampire?
    Well let’s see…black party dress, long fingernails, fangs…
    I LIKE IT!”
    ???????????????????????? :^/

  32. JHop says:

    and a harsh editorial by POLITICO: Sarah Palin is out of the game

  33. Gardenslug says:

    And, a question, (kind of off-topic but, speaking of Van Flein and the gov.’s legal matters):
    I know there are still a couple of open court cases by people that filed suit against Gov-not-for-much-longer-Palin.
    1. Andree McCleod’s suit in Alaskan civil court and,
    2. a federal case over her failure to issue the Juneteenth proclamation in 2007.

    Does anyone know anymore about either of these cases?

  34. JHop says:

    DAILYKOS: Why She Suddenly Quit: Palin Under Federal Investigation

    WOW. Read this! In comparison, skeetervt just blew shannyn out of the shark-infested defamatory waters.

  35. NMJ says:

    I don’t know if anyone else has provided links to these two excellent articles on Huffpo. Funny, witty, and relevant!

    Sarah Palin, the First Amendment, and Santa Claus

    Dear Sarah, Please, Please, Please Sue Me

  36. ds55 says:

    Buttercup’s last Tweet was 12 hours ago. Is she done yet?

  37. Physicsmom says:

    Shannyn, you Rock! Thanks for taking the heat for all of us who believe that Buttercup (love the new nickname BTW) went too far a long time ago. Defending the first amendment is a legacy you and your daughter can be proud of forever.

    Welcome to the Mudflats, JHop. Your posts today have been extremely enlightening and on point. I also don’t remember NYHawk posting very much before and appreciate his/her comments as well. Having such an array of talents/experience on this blog is one of the things which make it so dynamic and informative. In addition to AKM’s stellar writing also, too.

  38. Gardenslug says:

    I love the way Shannyn Moore took questions from the press. It’s so unlike the “Quitter on Twitter” who waves away questions that are not from Faux News’ Greta or Mannity.
    I still shudder when I think of her performance at the VP debates…it was like she said, “I am here to wink, blow kisses, twirl my hair and swish my tushie but, nope uhmmm, definitely not answering Gwen Ifil’s questions.”

    Shannyn did just the right thing. Now, maybe, she should propose that the governor hold a town hall meeting to answer questions from her constituents about her resignation and all the unfinished affairs she will be leaving behind.

  39. Jackie says:

    Of course then it would be more of an inside joke, which does have appeal also.

  40. Jackie says:

    I like the idea of Brian on the “Suck it up Buttercup” Tshirt. Wouldn’t wear anything with Sarah’s face on it!

  41. NYHawk says:

    KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 11:16 PM

    LMAO! Shannyn should market t-shirts with the slogan “Suck it up, Buttercup!” Any ideas for a pic?



    “Sue ME, Buttercup, I’m a Mudflatter.”

  42. Wolf Pack says:

    The question isn’t why did Palin quit, rather why didn’t she quit earlier.

    Quit 5 colleges before finishing at 6th.
    Quit TV job.
    Founded Rouge Cou’ marketing firm, never opened for business.
    Quit Snow Machine dealership.
    Quit Car wash (never even got business license).
    Quit chair of Alaska Gas & Oil.
    Quit Governorship.

  43. NYHawk says:

    KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 11:16 PM

    LMAO! Shannyn should market t-shirts with the slogan “Suck it up, Buttercup!” Any ideas for a pic?



  44. califpat says:

    After that rant, I keep thinking of “Pucker up Buttercup”, but that vision is repulsive! Yuk! Yikes!!

  45. Pursang says:

    One of the best responses to a public verbal attack that I have ever heard/read. As usual Palin has to threaten through a lawyer or from the shadows but thankfully Shannyn didn’t hide she went on the offensive.

    To bad our elected Democratic officials aren’t as passionate about the people they represent. But I digress, excellent job Shannyn. No punches pulled because a coward and a bully doesn’t deserve to be treated with respect, just contempt.

  46. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    SecretShopperforHungryChildren Says:
    Lifetime benefits? She’s got the LDF, SarahPAC, and a book deal. I doubt she cares about gov bennies, her sicko-phants will keep her well-heeled.
    I’m sure she’s really looking forward to never lifting a finger again, except to order someone around. That woman’s allergic to work. All those stories about having two jobs most of her life . . . . ha! most of her life she didn’t even have *one* job! Unless grifting’s a job . . . .

  47. califpat says:

    I would like to reiterate what all the Mudpups have said to Shannyn and that is that I am so proud of the courage and the fortitude that Shannyn have shown standing up to Buttercup. Buttercup has been up in Alaska doing corrupt actions for a long time but no one has the courage to call her on it. She can thank her Presidential contender, John McCain for bringing light to her corruption by “using”, not “choosing” her as a desperate running mate for VP. Had he not chose her, she would probably be a worse bully than she is. But the national light began to shine on her and she had to slow her role,(so to speak). But at the same time she could not relinquish her sense of power and control, even though she knew she was being watched. (It’s an ego thing). She had been bullying for far too long and couldnt stop. At the same time she had a cocoon of people cleaning up her corruption and those who feared her, so she felt safe in doing whatever she wanted to. But as many of the Mudpups have said, Karma is a B*tch and has come to visit upon Buttercup the evils and devastations she has foisted upon others. And lo and behold, it is Shannyn, AKM, Gryphen, Celtic Diva and the Mudpups who will bring about her political demise. I say again to Shannyn, thanks for having the courage to lead the charge of bringing change to Alaska. Yes We Can!! Sorry Mudpups about the rant!!

  48. Nan says:

    cant’ keep my eyes open any longer lol

    G’night, all.

    Have fun

  49. EyeOnYou says:

    KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 11:16 PM
    LMAO! Shannyn should market t-shirts with the slogan “Suck it up, Buttercup!” Any ideas for a pic?


    If someone with any photoshop skillz …Calling DR CHILL…..
    could layer the Palin Frown picture onto this photo (just in the middle)

    Then underneath in Big Bold Black Lettering write

    Suck It Up Buttercup!

    I personally think it would look awesome! 🙂

  50. Lee323 says:

    Since whining is essentially an exhalation vocalization, I don’t expect any sucking up by the Buttercup any time soon.

    Why change? It’s netting her beaucoup donations from the perpetually confused and abysmally disoriented in our population.

  51. KallieinTexas says:

    New title for Palin’s book: I Sucked! By Buttercup

  52. KallieinTexas says:

    LMAO! Shannyn should market t-shirts with the slogan “Suck it up, Buttercup!” Any ideas for a pic?

  53. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    Lifetime benefits? She’s got the LDF, SarahPAC, and a book deal. I doubt she cares about gov bennies, her sicko-phants will keep her well-heeled.

  54. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:

    My apologies: In my previous post I meant Branchflower but wrote Petumenos. Don’t ask me why I get those two confused with one another.

    I give you all permission to sue me 😉

  55. EyeOnYou says:

    Wolf Pack Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 10:56 PM
    On KTTU Van Flein is bald face lying. Claiming Moore is the source of the rumor.


    Then any reporter worth his salt will point out that he is doing exactly the same thing that he is accusing Shannyn and others of doing.

  56. Lee323 says:

    Yeppers. Mr. Geoffrey Dunn dunned Van Flein but good with righteous indignation. Good read.

    Van Flein…The Audacity of a Dope’s Dope.

  57. Nan says:

    Is she really this crazy and so out of touch with reality?

    Either that, or she’s just that clueless

  58. BooBooBear says:

    Will the Queen get the lifetime benefits other Governors (who actually serve their full 4 year terms) get??? Does anyone know?

  59. seattlefan says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 10:41 PM

    How much do you want to bet that the paper shredder in Palin’s office is working overtime now???
    LMAO! I’m guessing Cheney is there helping her. She did have a 15 minute conversation with him recently about visiting Alaska for vacation.

    You are right. I don’t think you can “shred” an email, so those will be safe, but who knows what that shredder will encounter. I can’t believe Alaskans are putting up with this 2-3 weeks notice thing.

    My company usually boots out employees once they give “notice”. They have them pack up their desk and shut down their computer. Once the desk is packed, the badge is taken away and they are escorted out to their car with their sorry box of goods. There is no time or opportunity to “fix stuff”. They are just gone.

    You have to wonder what she is up to with this crazy 2-3 weeks notice thing. Is that even legal in Alaska Govt.? I’m too tired to research and am off to bed.

    Seems there are some legal experts on the board tonight. Perhaps they can shed some light.

  60. Wolf Pack says:

    On KTTU Van Flein is bald face lying. Claiming Moore is the source of the rumor. This rumor goes back to the fall as stated by Meg Stapleton on AC360 the other night. If you google Wassila Sports Complex Palin Home, you get 77,000 hits.

    ADN’s video just shows Moore, so it isn’t biased. The reporters ask if it fair to report rumors without checking them out. As if the FBI or other investigators are going to confirm such a thing.

  61. NYHawk says:

    “Critics are spinning, so hang in there as they feed false info on the right decision made as I enter last yr in office to not run again….” [Palin] wrote from TwitterBerry, a mobile device application for Twitter.

    If you leave out “to not run again” it would be reasonable to assume that the “right decision” Palin was referring to is her recent resignation. But by adding the “to not run again” part isn’t she saying that the “right decision” she made was not to run again?

    Palin’s latest official press release also does not state that she resigned. In fact, the title is something like “Palin decides not to run for a second term.”

    Is she really this crazy and so out of touch with reality?

  62. Lee323 says:

    Yeppers. Geoffrey Dunn dunned Van Flein but good with righteous indignation. Good read.

    Van Flein…The Audacity of a Dope’s Dope.

  63. mlaiuppa says:

    It won’t help unless they also have an incinerator.

    If *I* were a mudpuppy near Palin’s office, I’d by going out on trash day right before the trucks hit her offices and gathering up all of the garbage bags soft with shredded (or crumpled) paper and hauling it off.

    Shedding can be reconstructed. It’s tedious, but it *can* be done.

    I’m wondering if she’s even too stupid to shred but will just crumple and toss.

    Did she by anychance redecorate her office? Do you think she’ll be liberating some of the “decorations” for her home office?

    BTW…I’m sure she’ll be packing up all of those gift boxes and taking them home where they’ll be “received” er…opened once she’s not Governor and doesn’t have to declare them anymore. According to her.

    Maybe someone can stake her offices out and get pics of the looting?

  64. Village Reader says:

    Kick a $ $ Shannyn! Nicely done! Freedom of Speech is there for a reason.

  65. EyeOnYou says:

    How much do you want to bet that the paper shredder in Palin’s office is working overtime now???

  66. JHop says:

    And from a 2006 article:

    The offices of at least six Alaska state legislators, including that of the son of Sen. Ted Stevens (R), were raided Thursday and Friday by federal agents searching for possible ties between the lawmakers and a large oil-field services company, officials and aides said. FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said 20 search warrants were being executed across Alaska, but he would not say where.

  67. Gale says:

    This is so much fun!!

    I watched SP’s announcement that she was giving up the CROWN. I still can’t figure out what she said but she is very scary.

  68. JHop says:

    Yes, I am up. UKLady I am actually writing a brief. My office is so crazy during the day that it is tough to get any “real” writing done. So I am writing about political persecution and chatting with you all 🙂

    suchanut – I tried to find more on Palin and the Citizens Academy. I don’t think she was ever a participant. But I did find this:

    “National Citizens Police Academy Association
    2009 Annual Conference
    May 5-8, 2009 ~ Anchorage, Alaska
    Hosted by Anchorage Police Citizen Academy Alumni Association
    Guest Speakers: Gov. Sarah Palin”

  69. Nan says:


    It IS what just aired! It looks as if Van Flein was interviewed earlier today (I guess?), obviously before he checked Shannyn’s blog for himself. (I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt here. Heck if I know why)


  70. mlaiuppa says:

    Van Flein may have BEEN one of the best attorneys in Alaska but he’s a national laughing stock now. All due to having Sarah Palin as a client.

    Working for Palin will do that to you.

  71. UK Lady says:

    JHop – Blinkin eck! you still up, it must be 2.40am NY, I just got up 7.40amUK.

  72. Nan says:

    No prob deist.

    It looks as if it’s on KTUU. The picture on the home page says “video” across it – I hope that’s what just aired. I’ll let you know 🙂


  73. deist says:


    Sorry, we only saw the last part.

    Thanks to folks for accommodating my dissent this evening.

  74. Susan says:

    sorry — I kept saying “government” but I meant “governor.”

  75. JHop says:

    i watched the video of shannyn that is online; i thought they were kind of harsh, and definitely bias. they asked questions like “well now that this is untrue, shouldn’t blogs stop reporting it?” which is such a leading question. it is not “untrue,” we just know the fbi says they aren’t investigating her. and how can she answer for the general blogosphere? there was no right answer.

    Pearl- I miss Durham (occasionally)! I lived in Erwin Square apartments when I went to school (it was four times the size of my apt. now, for 1/4 the price, and I am not exaggerating about that in any way). And, yes, we do know basketball. It was the stupidest analogy I have heard in awhile. I like how Palin tried to make it about leadership. She kept saying “she knows when to pass the ball.” Well, that is dandy. But a good point guard passes the ball and then goes and sets up the next play; they do not say “screw it, i’ll make more money as a broadcaster.” And they do not walk off the court midway through the second half, no matter if they are losing or about to foul out.

  76. Susan says:

    Random questions:

    Will Sarah and her family get any sort of government healthcare the rest of their lives even though she QUIT her job? Or any other type of benefits? I’m *sure* she wouldn’t want that, what with her “small government” beliefs and all that.

    Has she screwed up Parnell’s chances of serving 2 full terms as government — if he wanted to and if he were elected? In other words, does this 1/2 term count as 1 term?

    Did you know she was the first female government in Alaska, and the youngest? And now…. the first one to QUIT! She has all kinds of “firsts” doesn’t she!

  77. Sourdough Mullet says:

    So KTUU just ran the story on the 10PM news. They interviewed Shannyn and Van Flein, and they actually used a clip of Van Flein stating a bald-faced lie. He said on tape that Shannyn “stated as a fact” that a federal indictment was coming down. He’s as big a liar as Palin.
    What do they think, that people aren’t capable in this day and age of checking an internet post to verify what the wording was? (although sadly, KTUU apparently is not – how disappointing that they’re feeding her flaming pyre of B.S.)

  78. Nan says:

    live blog the tv? Pleeeeeze?

  79. ds55 says:

    LOL! @ Van Flein on TV now complaining about Shannyn. I guess stupid is contagious, he caught it from his boss.

  80. JHop says:

    “The cheap shot at New York!!! What would Rudy Giuliani say? What the f**k does Van Flein think that the people of New York did after 9/11 when he and Palin sat on their asses in Anchorage and Wasilla respectively?”

    I am glad he pointed this out. that line in the press release really pissed me off about new yorkers not knowing how to support one another or handle big projects together. Non-NYers HATE when we are dismissive and act like we are from the greatest state in the world (which we are….i am kidding! sort of). and he tries to trivialize NY? was he serious? i just thought it was a really snide comment that had no place in a legal document.

  81. Cynamen Winter says:

    Appears that he would be the contact person:

    Applicant Coordinator SSA Eric Gonzalez

    Chief Division Counsel/Media Coordinator/Community Outreach Eric Gonzalez

  82. pearl89 says:

    Funny and a good read. Just one of the attorneys on HuffPo offering Shannyn their legal services.

    I went back a few pages, but did not see this posted. If it was, apologies.

    to JHop – I read where you went to Duke and UNC. I live in Durham and we know basketball. Enough at least to know that after the point guard passes the ball, they don’t just walk off the court.

  83. Baker's Dozen says:

    73 London Bridges Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 4:27 PM
    I wonder what Letterman’s top ten reasons Sarah Palin resigned will be tomorrow night?

    10 She performed a surrogate resignation For Mark Sanford.
    9. She discovered Bristol was earning more than she was.
    8. She discovered Levi was earning more than she was.

    7. She realized she was such a failure as Governor that even she wouldn’t vote to reelect her>
    #1 It WASN’T one of the Palin daughters who got knocked up at the Yankees game.

  84. JHop says:

    this talks about the first citizens academy….

  85. Nan says:

    You mean Van Flein is showing up on tv at this moment, complaining about Shannyn?

    Is he really that… whatever it is?

  86. Gasman says:

    Methinks they dost protest too much. The general tone of Van Flein’s ostensibly saber rattling missive is laughable. This is full of what seems to this non-lawyer as first-year-law-school-lame.

    First, he slanders an entire profession “modern journalism
    apparently abhors any type of due diligence and fact checking before scurrilous allegations are repeated as fact.”

    Then, he goes WAY out of his way to assure everyone that there is absolutely no truth to any rumors surrounding Palin doing anything unethical or illegal regarding the Wasilla Sports Complex. Who said anything about WSP? Is this a red herring to divert our attention from some other possible investigations regarding Palin acting illegally or unethically?

    Last, he claims that Ms. Moore “[is] now claiming as “fact” that Governor Palin resigned because she is “under federal investigation” for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing…” Unless he can produce some statement backing that up, I think that Ms. Moore has grounds for slander and/or libel against Mr. Van Flein.

    Palin doesn’t just fall on her sword for no reason. She’s either running from something, she thinks this will be her ticket to the gravy-train, or in her warped perspective from Palinland, she thinks this will make her president.

    She’s nuckin’ futz. (Spoonerized for your protection)

  87. NYHawk says:

    JHop: You must go read this article. It is blunt:

    FTA: “Tommy Van Flein, vaffanculo! You’re a punk.”

    I had to look up “vaffanculo” in an urban dictionary. It means FU.

  88. JHop says:


    this explains a little bit about the citizens academy, but i am trying to find out who the contact person/coordinator is….

  89. deist says:

    By the way, I think it is fine to criticize Van Flein or anyone else who represents Palin. Go after him! However some of the personal characterizations just aren’t true.

    Ironically as I type this I’m watching him on KTUU griping about Shannyn. Tom- you’re wrong!

  90. Lee323 says:

    348 Kris Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:17 PM
    “Both Moore and Palin need to suck it up and stop their whining.”
    Well, you got it right about Palin’s whining…. but Moore was responding (rather pugnaciously, actually) to the threats by Palin and her chevalier, Van Fleece.

    FYI….Whining has a much higher resonating frequency than pugnacity. The sound of whining produces grinding of teeth and eye tics in listeners, as well as an urge to throttle the whiner.

  91. Suchanut says:

    Ack! Sometimes the new and improved Mudflats makes me crazy.

    Suchanut Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:17 PM

    I am advised by a friend that the FBI runs a Citizen’s Academy annually. Attendees learn about the FBI / what they do/ challenges, etc. – 8 week course, once a week. PR – Community Outreach. Part of the FBI mission I was told.

    Sarah participated in one. Maybe the very first Academy from what I hear.

    Who coordinated the Citizen’s Academy? My source says Eric Gonzales.

    That could be the connection?

  92. deist says:

    txindygirl’s phone:

    Yes, it was Branchflower.

  93. Nan says:


    ooh! ook ook!
    Snarky Huff blogger on van Flein

    Wow! Nothing like just putting it out there, eh?

  94. Sue says:

    re: Eric Gonzales – Being low on the Alaska branch of the FBI, this agent obviously got stuck with the “on call” duty for the holiday weekend. He probably doesn’t know about any investigations, as he only vets applicants. So what he said was the truth, as far as he KNEW. Poor guy will probably end up getting fired over his statement.

  95. JHop says:

    NYHawk: what does “categorically state” mean? More than just state? Fancy lawyer gibberish for “I really really mean to state”?”

    that made me laugh. yes. he and his imaginary friends really really mean that they have not yet been informed of any 7-year federal investigation that is still out there somewhere. but what really got me about the letter is that he presented an entire defense of the alleged housegate, before one was necessary. no one has made a distinct defamatory statement; there was no “lie” to rebut…yet. he totally jumped the gun and i think it is very telling.

  96. Suchanut says:

    Whether we are ready or not…Alaska is on the leading edge of replacing print media with the Web….

    We must be vigilant in our efforts to ensure both sides are given plenty of room to spew.

    Our non-traditional Blogger/Journalists will be tested as time goes by and I think they will pass the test just fine.

    But what do I know? I am just an aging hippie…..

  97. Cynamen Winter says:

    Shannyn’s presser (video on ADN):

  98. txindygirl's phone says:

    AK is truly the last frontier and AK bloggers apparently the only sheriffs in town! in a weird way i feel that the political battle being played out in AK is incredibly significant to our country (and not just because we need to keep palin out of the white house). thank you for your bravery. you are patriots. esp shannyn today.

    JHOP – welcome! i’ve so enjoyed your posts.

    deist – dont mean to but in but do you mean branchflower?

  99. KateinCanada says:

    ooh! ook ook!
    Snarky Huff blogger on van Flein

  100. Nan says:

    “Tacky” works. As does “dismissive.” By virtue of the fact that he “neglected” (wink) to send this letter to Shannyn, he was dismissing her as immaterial, if you get right down to it.

    So when the “immaterial girl” pops up and says “Just a dang minnit, you” it probably surprised him, bigtime. I don’t think he’s going to dismiss Shannyn again.

  101. NYHawk says:

    JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:27 PM

    BLOOMBERG headline: Obama Gets Boost as Palin Departure Deepens Republican Disarray

    DAILY MAIL: “I can say definitively I am aware of no criminal investigation whatsoever involving Sarah Palin. Zero,” Palin’s lawyer Thomas Van Flein said in a phone interview.

    VF used similar qualifying language in his threatening letter:

    “we [who is we? the letter is only signed by one person] can categoricially state that we are not aware of any “federal investigation” that has been “pending” for the last seven years.”

    what does “categorically state” mean? More than just state? Fancy lawyer gibberish for “I really really mean to state”?

    “Categorically” is an unnecessary nonsense word probably intended to sound highfalutin.

    So the statement was very qualified: it only spoke about investigations that have been “pending” (his quotes) for the last seven years. That excludes all investigations that are no longer pending and all other investigations (pending and concluded) that are newer than seven years old. (Where did seven years come from? I’m not aware of any rumor that is seven years old.)

    Perhaps VP is implying that because the house/sports complex were built in 2002 (7 years ago) any investigation about them could only be 7 years old. Obvious nonsense.

  102. Lee323 says:

    348 Kris Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:17 PM
    Both Moore and Palin need to suck it up and stop their whining.
    Well, you got it right about Palin’s whining…. but Moore was responding (rather pugnaciously, actually) to the threats by Palin and her chevalier, Van Fleece.

    FYI….Whining has a much higher resonating frequency than pugnacity. The sound of whining produces grinding of teeth and eye tics in listeners, as well as an urge to throttle the whiner.

  103. Lee323 says:

    348 Kris Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:17 PM
    Both Moore and Palin need to suck it up and stop their whining.
    Well, you got it right about Palin’s whining…. but Moore was responding (rather pugnaciously, actually) to the threats by Palin and her chevalier, Van Fleece.

    FYI….Whining has a much higher resonating frequency than pugnacity. The sound of whining produces grinding of teeth and eye tics in listeners, as well as an urge to throttle the whiner.


  104. JHop says:

    suchanut – really interesting post on the last page. and i totally agree about changing pages when you aren’t done reading the last; i had to go back to find your post that i otherwise would have missed.

    no matter how competent the attorney (and based on van flein’s bio page on his firm’s website, he seems very established, it would be difficult to say to a client like sarah palin that “this is not in her best interests” and have her agree. that being said, the press release was a horrible legal move. suing for defamation itself is a horrible legal move, even if there was no press release. but any good lawyer, like NYHawk said, would never have released such an amateur, legally insufficient, and threatening letter in the manner that van flein did. maybe he is under sarah’s dark magic spell and can’t say no; but he should be able to, with his experience. he was just not serving her well. what if shannyn turned around and sued palin for defamation based on van flein’s statement? he completely opened his client up to the possibility, risking her reputation and resources. it was frivolous and, ethically speaking, he should not have released it. i also find it…tacky?….that he sent it to the press before sending it to the person he was accusing of defamation.

  105. ds55 says:

    “The House That Todd Built”
    Keith Olbermann – Countdown video on YouTube.
    (Thanks, seattlefan!)

  106. Angela says:

    Thanks Blue Franco for posting that Fox link! I laughed out loud!!!

  107. #
    mhrt Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.
    Whole heartedly

  108. #
    mhrt Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.
    Whole heartedly

  109. #
    mhrt Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.
    Whole heartedly

  110. #
    mhrt Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.
    Whole heartedly

  111. #
    mhrt Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.
    Whole heartedly

  112. #
    mhrt Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:16 PM

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.
    Whole heartedly

  113. tjproudamerican says:

    As I said in another post, I will donate money of this two-bit Fascist Aging Quitter comes after you and I will solicit others to give you money.

    Take the truth to this whack job!!!!!

    Note that Palin is willing to burn the Bill of Rights to protect her super-sized ego!!!!!

  114. Inpeach_Palin says:

    I knew nor cared nothing about about Palin until I learned that she had charged women for rape kits.

    She sickens me. I just have to say. She lies constantly. How this grifter has even gained 2 years in the public consciousness is beyond the scope of my imagination.

  115. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    SecretShopperforHungryChildren Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:12 PM
    I too have heard good things about Van Flein. I live here too. However, I didn’t care for his disparaging remarks about Petumenos (sp) after the Troopergate investigation, since I believe Petumenos was the one who prosecuted the individual who shot Van Flein years ago. Am I correct about that?
    That was Branchflower on both counts

  116. KateinCanada says:

    Andrew Halcro has a post and with it is this comment. What “upcoming new ethics law?”

    Bye Bye Barracuda
    Submitted by Andy on Sun, 2009-07-05 11:48.
    Farewell to our Princess Of Platitudes.

    Given the upcoming ethics law forbidding self-enrichment while in office, she had the choice of being a leader or cashing in…

    Well ya know, money talked, and ethics walked,ya betcha.

  117. deist says:

    not that sarah:


  118. anon blogger says:

    Another rumor, Kodiak blog under Fireworks, blogger comment states that the same folks from DOJ who investigated VECO are in the valley.

  119. JHop says:

    BLOOMBERG headline: Obama Gets Boost as Palin Departure Deepens Republican Disarray

    DAILY MAIL: “I can say definitively I am aware of no criminal investigation whatsoever involving Sarah Palin. Zero,” Palin’s lawyer Thomas Van Flein said in a phone interview.

    i am going to parse his words here, but hey that is what i am paid to do – i think it is interesting that he said “i am AWARE of no criminal investigation,” as opposed to a stronger statement like “there are no criminal investigations whatsoever involving Sarah Palin” or “i can say definitively that sarah palin is not under any criminal investigation.” the “i am aware” gives him leeway for anything that may turn up in the future. say, by the IRS or U.S. attorney’s office.

  120. deist says:

    NY Hawk:

    Welcome to Alaska. Enjoy your visit.

  121. not that sarah says:

    @ NYHawk,

    I agree — I was shocked by the fact that he wrote it at all, knowing it could be used against her/him. And it will be…in press releases, debates, the list is endless.

    I was also surprised by his use of adjectives and outright accusation of Moore — never did he use the word “allegedly” — which was his very beef with her.

    I’m no litigator, but I’m friends with many who would know better than that. They also know better than to take their client’s word on something and go public with it without vetting it first.

    Diest, I apologized to you for my description of Van F (not sure if you read it or not), but I stand by my assessment of his handling of this situation.

    Poor form.

  122. Team Alaska says:

    Parnell is a plant for big oil. He will support Gino untill she leaves the state for good. I have a feeling that Parnell will side with the oil, gas, mining, and resource extraction companys very qucikly to close deals.

    Gino gave him his title, so he will bat for her and clean up all the dirt that she leaves behind. Including fudging the numbers and telling white lies to honor his master. He had a good teacher.

    Will be interesting to see if Parnell moves his family down to the capital of just starts billing the state to live in his home. Aside from being a kiss@ss for GINO and her ways, I think he will surely demonstrate a level of leadership that that will put Gino to shame.

  123. Suchanut says:

    I hate it when the pages change and there is still good stuff on the last page. grrrr.

  124. Gramiam says:

    There will be more than a few “rats” deserting the S.S. Palin in the coming weeks. I’m taking bets that “lawyerguy” will be one.

  125. NYHawk says:

    deist Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:49 PM

    not that sarah:

    I usually agree with most folks here including you, but not this time. I know Tom Van Flein and he’s not a fascist. He’s probably one of the best attorneys in Alaska

    One of the best?? Wow. I’m seriously underwhelmed. That threatening letter he wrote was amateurish, dumb and ill-advised for many, ,many reasons. (I should know. I’m an experienced litigator.) Any lawyer “worth his or her salt” in NYC would never have written such a letter.

  126. Nan says:

    It’s beginning to sound as if
    1. Van Flein took SP’s word for it that it was horrible and defamatory etc
    2. VF may have thought if he just rattled a saber or two he could quash any more talk – especially if he only had the info from SP – and especially if he is “old guard” about weak little ladies (and does *not* know our Shannyn!)
    3.a VF found out that Shannyn did use the word “rumor” and
    3.b. Shannyn is no pushover.

    I’m guessing he’s learned quite a bit from this little stunt.

  127. deist says:


    First, Thank you for supporting hungry children.

    Are you talking about Petumenous or the other guy (I already forgot his name; he was the legislature’s counsel who said Palin violated EBEA?)

    Van Flein got shot when he was a Supreme Court clerk. That was a long time ago. I read about that in Alaska Ear at the time another Supreme Court clerk got shot a couple years ago.

  128. Blue_in_AK says:

    PoliticalAmazon, I formerly worked with two quite well-known, now deceased criminal defense lawyers here in Alaska, and what you say is absolutely true. I really miss those guys… Some of you may know of whom I speak.

  129. Kris says:

    Both Moore and Palin need to suck it up and stop their whining.

    The FBI confimred today that Palin is NOT under investigation in any form. They didn’t go so far as to say her husband isn’t though.

    Enough already. What’s done is done.

  130. not that sarah says:

    Ditto re the fishy sounding FBI disclaimer. It made me nervous — esp because I guess your new AG is a Bush DoJ graduate. That’s where they send you for special training to put the executive’s agenda before the constitution…Thankfully Holder is trying to clean the stench up, but there are way too many careerists who were improperly vetted based on their religion and party (by the Bush admin) — and Holder can’t get rid of them, even though their hiring was found to violate the code of conduct and the law for the DoJ hiring of career positions (not appointees).

    Let’s hope the FBI or DoJ clears this up. Perhaps they should be contacted to clarify their agent’s statement.

  131. Suchanut says:

    I am advised by a friend that the FBI runs a Citizen’s Academy annually. Attendees learn about the FBI / what they do/ challenges, etc. – 8 week course, once a week. PR – Community Outreach. Part of the FBI mission I was told.

    Sarah participated in one. Maybe the very first Academy from what I hear.

    Who coordinated the Citizen’s Academy? My source says Eric Gonzales.

    That could be the connection?

  132. mhrt says:

    @KallieinTexas Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.
    I agree with with you.

  133. Gramiam says:

    Shannyn Moore and AKM make me proud. They are following in the footsteps of some terrific women journalists. Molly Ivins comes to mind. Molly went toe to toe with anybody. She not only knew where the bodies were buried, but proceeded to dig them all up and parade down Main Street with them. The good ol’ boys in Texas were scared to death of her. Be afraid, Alaskan grifters, Be very afraid. Alaska is in very good hands.

  134. PhuketTom says:

    #111 gotwood4sale should change that to “gotwood4sarah!

  135. seattlefan says:


    Too funny! LOL! How about Minister of Silly Talks (a la Monty Python’s Minister of Silly Walks).

  136. BooBooBear says:

    Remember it was not long ago when information was revealed about Kristan Cole, and her mother’s arrest for raiding two trust funds. This is not rumor—it is FACT. Did it get too hot in the kitchen for Buttercup and the realtor?

  137. JHop says:

    on the FBI homepage (, E.Gonzo is listed as “Applicant Coordinator SSA Eric Gonzalez;” on he is listed as “spokesman.”

    and this is a facebook page for an older dude in anchorage, named Eric Gonzalez. I can’t access his whole profile, since we are not “friends.”

  138. deist says:

    Thanks JHop:

    Although it is not a constitutional right, I bet if Palin went to the Bar Association and told them no one would represent her, they’d probably help her out . . .

    Besides, I’ve never heard of anyone with money not finding an attorney if they have a true need. I just don’t think it happens. I call it a “right” but you are correct- I guess it is assumed.

    I don’t think Palin would ever have to worry. It just wouldn’t happen– If she threw Van Flein under the bus she’d certainly find someone else in a hurry.

  139. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    I too have heard good things about Van Flein. I live here too. However, I didn’t care for his disparaging remarks about Petumenos (sp) after the Troopergate investigation, since I believe Petumenos was the one who prosecuted the individual who shot Van Flein years ago. Am I correct about that?

    Attorneys: we all love to hate them until we need them 😉

  140. KallieinTexas says:

    Something still sounds fishy about the FBI announcement…I’m not buying it.

  141. Blue_in_AK says:

    Dr. Patois, that IS interesting about Eric Gonzalez. I had looked him up, also, to make sure he was an agent, but I didn’t know the other information. I did wonder, though, if he wasn’t in Sarah’s pocket somehow. I’m not suggesting he is or anything, it just makes me wonder why the FBI would come out on Independence Day to deny what has clearly been called a rumor. I don’t recall that ever happening before. Maybe I haven’t been paying attention, but don’t they usually say something like “no comment.” If they say anything at all.

  142. Gramiam says:

    Dr. Patois Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:47 PM

    Someone posted that Eric Gonzalez is not an agent with the FBI but that is not true. The website lists him as SSA Eric Gonzalez. They have a 24/7 number to call.

    Mr. Gonzalez got his undergraduate degree in Psychology at a christian college in Oklahoma,

    and got his JD at Arizona State University.

    ASU is one of the most notorious “party” schools around. I ought to know, I live in Arizona. Gonzalez’ job is vetting applicants. It says so right on the site. Besides, the FBI has lost a great deal of respect in recent years, since the Department of Justice became Bush and company’s creature. Holder is trying hard to restore the shine to the image.

  143. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    Agreed. We all went to school with at least one “Mean Girl.” Fortunately I grew tall enough to look over them, literally, so I never let them get to me. I’ve always lived with the axiom: what goes around comes around. Palin obviously is emotionally growth-stunted, and I half-way suspect her provincial life has kept her from growing up. I view the entire Valley as one big high school (sorry Phil!).


    I WAS a loyal Republican voter since ’84. Not anymore. Palin did me in. I attended one of the gubernatorial debates and noticed how approachable Knowles and Halcro were to the attendees. Not Palin. She came and left encircled by her posse, you couldn’t get near her. I knew she was trouble then- got bad vibes.

    Sorry to NYHawk- this was WAY OT!!!

  144. deist says:


    No, I’m not beginning to sound like Palin. People who think that others are not entitled to as many rights as themselves (including the right to be represented by an attorney) are the ones who sound to me like Palin.

  145. JHop says:

    deist, I’m sorry, i think you are great, but NYHawk is right.

    Your 6th Amendment right to an attorney is only guaranteed for felonies or misdemeanor (but only misdemeanors with imprisonment of 1 year imposed) trials. You are entitled to counsel only at police interrogations, post-indictment interrogations, probable cause hearings, arraignments, post-charge lineups, guilty pleas and sentencing, and criminal appeals. You also have a 5th Amendment right to an attorney through the Miranda clause, but that is only for police interrogation before you are formally charged with a crime. There is no right to an attorney in civil procedures, such as defamation.

  146. KallieinTexas says:

    Hey, Sarah, remember when you were hunting wolves out of a helicopter???? LOL, now you know how the wolves felt! You deserve every bit of this.

  147. Suchanut says:

    JHOP this is all about High School. Buttercup is emotionally stuck in High School.

  148. NYHawk says:

    JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:56 PM

    i cant comment for some reason?

    Perhaps you have been saying things that offended Sarah “Gump” Palin. Apparently you don’t know that she has very special powers and can stifle any and all criticism from anyone, anywhere, anytime.

    I’m not making this stuff up. Just ask her. She’ll confirm, in so many words, also.

  149. Lee323 says:

    So Van Flein and his illustrious high-maintenance client are already backing off from their threats of a lawsuit, eh?

    They must have heard the belly laughs from the legal community.

    That’s Sarah for you, though. She has always promised more than she can deliver. Tsk. Tsk. The only things she keeps delivering on are her own offspring…even into the next generation.

    Maybe they can create a Cabinet level post just for her….. “The Department of Labor for Precipitous Delivery”…or…”The Department of Liberation of Ace Point Guard Governors”…or…The Department of Histrionics and Limbic Tantrums….or…”The Dept. of Yellow-Bellied Sap-Sucking Quitters.”……

  150. KallieinTexas says:

    deist, you’ve made your point. You’re beginning to sound like Sarah.

  151. lovemydogs says:

    politicalamazon: ROFLMAO.

  152. deist says:

    NY Hawk:

    Gimme a break! Should attorneys boycott Palin?

    In our great country, ANYONE is entitled to an attorney!

  153. JHop says:

    ahhhh if i spell out b**ch, i get deleted! i learn new things every moment i spend with you all….

  154. JHop says:

    now i can apparently. palin acts like she is homecoming queen or something and rules the student body; but anyone who says something that she doesn’t like, she outcasts as a loser and failure. it is crazy to me that she calls on the public to “backlash” against allegations of her wrongdoing – she asks citizens to bury her crimes and instills fear in those who would otherwise come forward?! there would not be a barrage of complaints, if she acted ethically and fairly. she has direct control over what the public thinks of her. she just does nothing to improve it.

    she reminds me of that evil b**ch in high school (come on, we all had one) that thought she was really hot and really popular, but who everyone secretly detested because her personality sucked. grow up, governor. it is a state. not bayside high.

  155. not that sarah says:


    my apologies, as I am not from there…and don’t know these folks personally.

    I take your word for it.

    I didn’t mean it seriously, at any rate. I get riled up when elected officials try to use their power to bully private citizens.

    Please accept my sincere apology.

  156. JHop says:

    i cant comment for some reason?

  157. JHop says:

    she acts like she is homecoming queen or something and rules the student body; but anyone who says something that she doesn’t like, she outcasts as a loser and failure. it is crazy to me that she calls on the public to “backlash” against allegations of her wrongdoing – she asks citizens to bury her crimes and instills fear in those who would otherwise come forward?! there would not be a barrage of complaints, if she acted ethically and fairly. she has direct control over what the public thinks of her. she just does nothing to improve it.

    she reminds me of that evil bitch in high school (come on, we all had one) that thought she was really hot and really popular, but who everyone secretly detested because her personality sucked. grow up, governor. it is a state. not bayside high.

  158. JHop says:

    she acts like she is homecoming queen or something and rules the student body; but anyone who says something that she doesn’t like, she outcasts as a loser and failure. it is crazy to me that she calls on the public to “backlash” against allegations of her wrongdoing – she asks citizens to bury her crimes and instills fear in those who would otherwise come forward?! there would not be a barrage of complaints, if she acted ethically and fairly. she has direct control over what the public thinks of her. she just does nothing to improve it.

    she reminds me of that evil bitch in high school (come on, we all had one) that thought she was really hot and really popular, but who everyone secretly detested because her personality absolutely sucked. grow up, governor. it is a state. not bayside high.

  159. KallieinTexas says:

    Does she honestly think we want her down here in the lower 48? She needs to go home and stay there for a while. There is absolutely nothing she has to say that we want to hear. I’d be happy to buy our governor, Rick Perry a one way ticket to Alaska.
    We tired of him too, and maybe he could give Todd a break.

  160. politicalamazon says:

    “Mr. Gonzalez got his undergraduate degree in Psychology at a christian college in Oklahoma,

    and got his JD at Arizona State University.



    You’re fracking kidding me.

    Sarah Palin is like Bush Jr in that, if there appears to be a coincidence having to do with them, better make sure about 85 times that it’s really a coincidence.

  161. lovemydogs says:

    Secretshopperforchildren AKA lovemycats:

    Sorry. I was way back in the back of the democrat closet for a long time-silently staying off the radar. I voted my conscience (sp?) and did not discuss politics for fear of losing my job.

    I remember when Palin ran for governor. I did not vote for her. Never even considered it. But I did have friends who were already saying “they are going to tap her to run for president”. I thought they were just my nutty friends…silly me.

    When PO hit the scene, I heeded the call and came out of the closet with colors flying and have not turned back.

  162. NYHawk says:

    deist Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:34 PM

    not that Sarah:

    No, Van Flein is not a Fascist. Van Flein is an attorney. Palin could have hired another attorney but she chose Van Flein.

    In this country even Jack The Ripper would have the right to an attorney and someone would be obliged to represent him.

    Jack the Ripper’s right to an attorney would only apply in a criminal matter. This is a civil matter. (Palin’s allegation of defamation). Palin is not charged with any crime, so she has no “right” to any attorney to help her pursue any allegation of defamation and no attorney is obligated to represent her.

  163. politicalamazon says:

    “It’s her MO. Rile up the wingnuts, throw a threat out there and see if it sticks. If it does, declare victory. If it doesn’t, backpedal like crazy.”


    Well, that’s a heckuva way to try to run a state.

    Ooops, what am I saying? I live in California.

    Never mind.

  164. deist says:

    not that sarah:

    I usually agree with most folks here including you, but not this time. I know Tom Van Flein and he’s not a fascist. He’s probably one of the best attorneys in Alaska–wish Palin would have hired someone else.

    My two cents worth.

  165. Bea says:

    With all the back-pedaling from his previous feistiness—and his obvious fear of a truly strong woman– perhaps we should re-christen him Van Flaccid?

  166. That’s definitely the MO.
    What do you expect though? I’ve said for months she’s a Gash.
    Believe me yet?
    It’s not that I have been trying to be obnoxious about it, but why the Sam Hell should anyone give her a pass? People have been doing it for a long, long time and there are two things I will NOT do when it comes to her. I will not give her a pass and I will not flatter her by mimicking her. It’s not pretty when she spouts her word salad. Seriously, it’s not.

  167. That’s definitely the MO.
    What do you expect though? I’ve said for months she’s a Gash.
    Believe me yet?
    It’s not that I have been trying to be obnoxious about it, but why the Sam Hell should anyone give her a pass? People have been doing it for a long, long time and there are two things I will NOT do when it comes to her. I will not give her a pass and I will not flatter her by mimicking her. It’s not pretty when she spouts her word salad. Seriously, it’s not.

  168. That’s definitely the MO.
    What do you expect though? I’ve said for months she’s a Gash.
    Believe me yet?
    It’s not that I have been trying to be obnoxious about it, but why the Sam Hell should anyone give her a pass? People have been doing it for a long, long time and there are two things I will NOT do when it comes to her. I will not give her a pass and I will not flatter her by mimicking her. It’s not pretty when she spouts her word salad. Seriously, it’s not.

  169. That’s definitely the MO.
    What do you expect though? I’ve said for months she’s a Gash.
    Believe me yet?
    It’s not that I have been trying to be obnoxious about it, but why the Sam Hell should anyone give her a pass? People have been doing it for a long, long time and there are two things I will NOT do when it comes to her. I will not give her a pass and I will not flatter her by mimicking her. It’s not pretty when she spouts her word salad. Seriously, it’s not.

  170. That’s definitely the MO.
    What do you expect though? I’ve said for months she’s a Gash.
    Believe me yet?
    It’s not that I have been trying to be obnoxious about it, but why the Sam Hell should anyone give her a pass? People have been doing it for a long, long time and there are two things I will NOT do when it comes to her. I will not give her a pass and I will not flatter her by mimicking her. It’s not pretty when she spouts her word salad. Seriously, it’s not.

  171. That’s definitely the MO.
    What do you expect though? I’ve said for months she’s a Gash.
    Believe me yet?
    It’s not that I have been trying to be obnoxious about it, but why the Sam Hell should anyone give her a pass? People have been doing it for a long, long time and there are two things I will NOT do when it comes to her. I will not give her a pass and I will not flatter her by mimicking her. It’s not pretty when she spouts her word salad. Seriously, it’s not.

  172. politicalamazon says:

    From Deist:
    “In this country even Jack The Ripper would have the right to an attorney and someone would be obliged to represent him….”


    This is the part of “right to a fair trial” that it’s easy to forget is important: if the worst criminal in the world does not have a fair trial (which would include representation by an attorney), then none of us does.

    If the government can deny the worst criminal in the world his/her right of “innocent until proven guilty,” then all of our rights to that assumption are in jeopardy.

    Criminal attorneys are the backbone of a fair trial for all of us. Johnny Cochrane is a criminal attorney, and many don’t like the games he played in defending OJ Simpson. But without the Johnny Cochranes, we could (as often happens in Iran) be tried by a kangaroo court, in secrecy, sent to prison, and no one would ever know what happened.

    When we remember Johnny Cochrane is a defense attorney, we can take heart from remebering that Atticus Finch was also a defense attorney. He took on an accused defendent no one else would defend.

  173. Dr. Patois says:

    Someone posted that Eric Gonzalez is not an agent with the FBI but that is not true. The website lists him as SSA Eric Gonzalez. They have a 24/7 number to call.

    Mr. Gonzalez got his undergraduate degree in Psychology at a christian college in Oklahoma,

    and got his JD at Arizona State University.


  174. JHop says:

    it is like she thinks she is homecoming queen or something, and she rules the student body. and anyone who says otherwise will be outcast as a loser. it is crazy that she called for people to “backlash” against allegations of her wrongdoing (asking citizens to help bury her crimes? instilling fear in those who would otherwise come forward?!). try being ethical and fair and there would not be complaints. she has direct control over how the public views her.

    she reminds me of that evil bitch from high school that thought she was really hot and really popular, but everyone secretly detested her because her personality sucked. grow up, governor. it’s a state. not bayside high.

  175. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ JHop
    “martha – such a good post, you should email her that as a favor.”

    Ha! Don’t need to! She reads “Each and every one of ’em – whichever ones they put in front of me.” She’s pissed at bloggers, so you betcha she, or minions, are reading blogs & comments!

    I felt all kind of mavericky doin’ that – you know, not following the normal comment format and all that – just speaking directly to the Alaskan Sarah Palin, without that evil liberal media filter thrown in, and to heck with the mods because what do they know, and I’m doin’ what I want, so there! It’s all about JOB CREATION and WHAT AN IDIOT Sarah Palin is!

  176. DinkyP says:

    I found this comment on huffpost:

    When I was a young attorney I made the terrible error of suing for defamation on behalf of a client. Well, that opened the door to inquiries about every misdeed my client had ever committed that could bear on the state of my client’s reputation before the ocurrence of the alleged defamation.

    No experienced attorney would ever bring a defamation claim on behalf of anyone who was not an exceptionally upright person. And even then, the attorney would proceed with trepidation.

    Sue me Sarah, Sue the country Sarah, and Good Luck!

  177. not that sarah says:

    @deist, I never suggested she wasn’t entitled to legal representation if she can get other people to pay for it, which she clearly can.

    Her attorney has made many untrue accusations in public about a private citizen, and he should have known better than to do that– esp representing an elected official.

    He is guilty of poor advice, and perhaps more.

    I would not be tempted to nickname him as I did if he would abide by the constitution and the bill of rights, and advise his client likewise. His behavior, on behalf of his client, has been exceptionally poor form.

    I am also not in the mood to temper my adjectives tonight, after essentially hearing that anyone can be sued by the Red Queen if she doesn’t like what we think or say.

    She has acted like a Fascist. I’m calling her out on it — or rather, calling her henchman out on it.

  178. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:

    @lovemydogs (I should be lovemycats!)

    We’ve been putting up with Palin’s crap for 3 years now!!! My husband and I were part of the very few that had Palin pegged even before the gubernatorial election. She’s trouble now, and I knew she was trouble then. I tried to warn folks but no one listened.

  179. Suchanut says:

    Yup. What lovemydogs said. That is the MO.

  180. KallieinTexas says:

    Give’em hell Shannyn! You have all of us behind you.

  181. lovemydogs says:

    JHop: Like I said “welcome to craziville”
    We’ve been putting up with this crap for at least 10 months now.

    It’s her MO. Rile up the wingnuts, throw a threat out there and see if it sticks. If it does, declare victory. If it doesn’t, backpedal like crazy.

  182. JHop says:

    not that sarah and wolf pack- i agree completely. i think shannyn has a better case for defamation than palin ever did. and ironically, she would have a much easier time proving defamation as a private citizen and could collect punitive damages. the press release is a really big legal mistake. i think they have backed off since the country openly mocked it.

    martha – such a good post, you should email her that as a favor.

    parnell is acting shady. he repeats palin’s lies and calls her “the greatest gift that Alaska has ever given the U.S.” based on our extensive trust fund discussion, it seems that palin has not had to pay a dime for her legal bills. i wonder if he realizes that the legislature still has to confirm him…

  183. Bea says:

    sauerkraut Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:25 PM
    Don’t be encouraging her to be stupid, Bea.

    Moi? I never! I was merely acting as a good point guard and trying to progress the ball down the court-field while calling an audible on dead fish and WHO LET THESE $%$)#!@* GEESE IN HERE?????

  184. deist says:

    not that Sarah:

    No, Van Flein is not a Fascist. Van Flein is an attorney. Palin could have hired another attorney but she chose Van Flein.

    In this country even Jack The Ripper would have the right to an attorney and someone would be obliged to represent him.

  185. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    We Alaskans have been subjected to many of these “empty” threats made by Palin, her attorney, her subordinates, etc.

    For example, when one ethics complaint was dismissed the gov’s presser called for Alaskans to “backlash” against these ethics complaints. IMO, very strong language used to quell dissent.

    Oddly enough, our local media did NOTHING to call this in to question, and so the language continues. As an Alaskan, I find it offensive. We’ve been treated like misbehaving toddlers.

  186. EyeOnYou says:

    Another thing that I noticed in the LA Times story regarding the FBI statement. I find it curious that the story says that the FBI agent gave this information in a phone interview on Saturday. It does not state that the reporter did the interview, and Van Flein stated that he called the FBI for confirmation (did he not take Sarah at her word??).

    So is the LATimes story writer taking Van Flein’s word on this from when Van Flein supposedly called? Or did he call the FBI himself and do an “interview” close to midnight on the 4th of July? The story does not make this clear.

    Not that I am saying someone is lying because no doubt the FBI would come out and state that they were not contacted if they weren’t, or if someone was lying about what was said. Wouldn’t they?

    This whole thing just sounds odd.

  187. Allan Taghon says:

    I just picked a tomato .I will mark 2012 on it and save to throw when if the ss Palin arrives in Iowa.

  188. Lee323 says:

    By the way, what’s up with Parnell continuing with the 2 million dollar story? Is he just a puppet?

    He doesn’t have the keys to the “gubner’s” office yet.

    Still time for Ms. Capricious to change what little mind she has.

  189. Wolf Pack says:


    Here is my take. Van Flein actually is doing what he accuses Moore of doing, but she didn’t do what he claims. So perhaps Moore should be suing him.

  190. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Sarah the tweeting, dwindling twit…

    Why oh why are you picking on someone who has a wide array of media talent – blogging, radio AND TV appearances? It’s not like Shannyn is shy or anything! I guess you want the MSM to cover this after all and make your life even more like he11 than you say it is NOW?

    A floodgate has been opened and are you really, really, sure that you are ready for this, Sarah? I’d have thought you might have waited til you were not an official anymore – just three (long) weeks – but no, you have to leave your elected position on the sourest note possible. Shame on you – more drama for the Alaska Governor’s office – just what we don’t need. NOTHING you do is for Alaska and if you think that you have ANY credibility left with decent folks, you are in for another train wreck.

    And I think your little plan of pushing buttons on the bloggers, hoping they will slip up or bow to your will – is mush. Your biggest problem is that you can’t see the world through anyone’s eyes but your own, and so you underestimate, and misunderstand, your opposition. Thank you for that – makes it kind of easy to trip you up!

  191. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    No worries. I’ve been guilty of OT comments many times so I should be reminded of the open topic. Have to admit, sometimes I forget which topic I’m writing on ;(

    The LDF ethics complaint IMO is a big deal and worthy of investigation.

  192. sauerkraut says:

    Don’t be encouraging her to be stupid, Bea. 😎

  193. not that sarah says:

    I hope Von Fascist knows that his press releases and letters can be exhibit A in a defamation suit against his client.

  194. JHop says:

    good catch, Eye on You!

    I guess his plans changed overnight. Which is kind of crazy considering they were planning to spend next week figuring out their legal options. And even crazier because they said if anyone keeps talking about it, they will pursue legal action. Shannyn could not have given their press release a bigger F You with her press conference. But now they wont sue?

    what an empty, despicable threat. sent out to the national media. he should be embarrassed.

  195. EyeOnYou says:

    Nice Bea 🙂

  196. Inpeach_Palin says:

    PALINOCCHIO has quit her job as Chief Despot of Alaska. Finally. I mean HOLY F-U-C-K., Finally. It’s taken forever. Listen to her speech, what a whack job, and what’s with all the run-on sentences and her jaw – holy meth face (cut down on the Adderall, Sarah – just sayin) . That she did it just before American Independence day (Sarah Palin trying to steal the thunder of America`s founding fathers should come as no surprise – she`s such a fame hog, yawn). So, unemployed Sarah Palin, you go now to charge women for rape kits – you batshit crazy religious zealot – you go charge those victims of sexual assault for rape kits that may well provide DNA evidence to convict their rapists – you go charge them hundreds of dollars for that service that is provided to citizens who`ve been raped in most U.S. States, Canada, and most civilized countries. Try it. Go for it, bitch. I played basketball as a kid too. I will block you, and you will lose. Loser.

  197. Bea says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 8:18 PM
    I see that no one has mentioned this part of what Van Flein stated when responding to Shannyn’s conference

    Van Flein said Sunday the governor has no plans to sue at this time.

    So he has just admitted that this was nothing more than a threat!

    P-bots are red, America’s blue,
    Sarah Palin’s too chicken to actually sue.
    Also too.

  198. mustang says:

    wow…..all ive missed!!

    Bravo, Shannon!!

    Can you imagine SP being deposed in a civil court case?
    All kinds of questions, there.

    sp is a coward.

  199. JHop says:

    good article deist. I think it is interesting that the LA Times may not have contacted the FBI originally. I wonder if Van Flein leaked the source to them: “Van Flein says he checked with the FBI just to be sure, and said the FBI confirmed that there is no investigation underway over the Wasilla Sports Complex or any other matter involving the Palins.”

    and earlier he said: “When people come out and say the real reason she’s resigned is because there is a federal investigation for embezzlement, that is absolutely false and it is malicious,” said Van Flein.”

    no one said that palin resigned “because” of a federal investigation. shannyn simply said that there were rumors of an investigation, as nan pointed out in her comment. and we do not know that it is “absolutely false.” but what really bothers me about his statement is that it was definitely NOT malicious. as an attorney, he disingenuously used the term, like an adjective in a novel, to imply that shannyn did something horribly wrong. but malicious in a defamation context means that shannyn knew the statement was false when she made it and intentionally spread false information. no one knows the truth at this point! it could not have been malicious, and thus, it could not have been defamatory. but he is twisting his words nicely here to paint a picture of the leader of evil bloggers.

    And, just so it doesn’t seem like I ignored your apology, it’s okay NYhawk; I was just a little taken aback. I haven’t meant to be annoying or overanalyze the legalities of the situation. we were just discussing if the latest ethics complaint could have had any effect on palin’s resignation or the rumors of corruption. but i am new here and i certainly didn’t mean to get too comfortable or anything.

  200. NYHawk says:

    From Channel 2 news:

    “Sarah Palin is a coward and a bully,” said Moore. “What kind of politician attacks an ordinary American on the 4th of July for speaking her mind? What’s wrong with her? The First Amendment was designed to protect people like me from people like her.”


  201. mike1946 says:

    we had to listen to s*&t like this when she was campaigning , why i say pay backs are hell

  202. EyeOnYou says:

    I see that no one has mentioned this part of what Van Flein stated when responding to Shannyn’s conference

    Van Flein said Sunday the governor has no plans to sue at this time.

    So he has just admitted that this was nothing more than a threat!

  203. Barbara Spencer says:

    Shannyn, you seem to have annoyed the Red Queen.

    Loving every minute.

  204. lovemydogs says:

    Alaskaguy: LOL

  205. AlaskaGuy says:

    One thing missing from Shannyn’s excellent press release:

    “And yes Sarah, those shoes do make your ass look big.”

  206. Lee323 says:

    “By the way, what’s up with Parnell continuing with the 2 million dollar story? Is he just a puppet

    short answer: Yep.

    long answer: He doesn’t have keys to the “gubner’s” office in his hot little hand yet.

  207. Elizabeth says:

    Way to go, Shannyn! We need more bright articulate women to speak up and show the country that woman aren’t all the ding-bats Republican men seem to want them to be. The fact that anyone takes Sarah Palin seriously as a candidate for anything continues to amaze me.

  208. Lee323 says:

    “By the way, what’s up with Parnell continuing with the 2 million dollar story? Is he just a puppet?”

    He doesn’t have keys to the “gubner’s” office yet.

    Besides….GINO might just change her mind. Plenty of time, ya know.

  209. Lee323 says:

    “By the way, what’s up with Parnell continuing with the 2 million dollar story? Is he just a puppet?”

    He doesn’t have keys to the “gubner’s” office yet.

  210. deist says:

    Hey mudflats:

    Not the best, but there’s a pic of Tom at:

  211. sauerkraut says:

    274 lovemydogs Says: July 5th, 2009 at 7:51 PM

    By the way, what’s up with Parnell continuing with the 2 million dollar story? Is he just a puppet?

    Sure seems it, doesn’t it? Perhaps he will find courage and blaze his own trail instead of following the misguided and failed policies of the past couple of years.

  212. ron meier says:

    My personal respect and congratulations for/to Shannyn (from Homer) for her integrity, her perserverence and dedication for/to the citizens of Alaska and obvious love for the cultural and scenic values, the native concerns, her sense of protecting these beautiful parts of life, all so important to real freedom of expression for all, as put forth by out Founding Fathers, an indication of true teamwork by a caring person, who has stood to the challenge of that which would seek control of our essence and our rights to express ourselves.

    Should legal action be taken by the obstructionists of these ideas and expressions of our freedoms to our opinions you can count on my full assistance and financial contributions if needed.

    Shannyn, you have walked the walk, run the run, raced far ahead of the “opponent” and deserve our full support and I know from following the Flats and your site that it will be given with the warmest and most sincere feelings of all of us.

    Thank you for the depth of your giving, like the deep diving whales there will be no floating fish here.

    Ron Meier

  213. Nan says:

    Shannyn reported that there were rumors of investigations; she didn’t report the rumors as fact. That’s what makes this whole thing even more inexplicable. (ridiculous, stoopid, baseless, etc ad nauseum)


  214. NYHawk says:

    SecretShopper and JHop:

    I think my prior response went to spam, so I’ll try it again:

    Sorry for my go-to-open-forum comment. I did not get that your discussion of ethics complaints was part of the “rumors” discussion. I was certainly not trying to stifle or interfere in your discussions.

  215. JHop says:

    Lori, I totally agree. After reading the complaint, the applicable law, and articles, it seems that there is definite merit to what she alleges. And even if, ultimately, she could not prove that the trust exists in violation with the law, the complaint deserves a formal hearing. I can’t see any way that a board could just dismiss it outright. I think it is interesting that the complaint previous to this one took only 2 weeks to dismiss:

    “Filed on April 22: Alleged that work with Palin’s political action committee violated two provisions of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act by misusing her official position and accepting outside employment. Filed by Anchorage resident Sondra Tompkins. Dismissed as lacking merit by state personnel board May 8.”

  216. lovemydogs says:

    By the way, what’s up with Parnell continuing with the 2 million dollar story? Is he just a puppet? Hasn’t that been put to bed in all of the papers (including my local rag)? It wasn’t even 1 million. WTF??? And we have to put up with him for the rest of this term??? Oh mudpuppies, it seems our work will continue…

  217. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Bit OT. . .but SP related. And the analysis goes on & on…

    Wow, Tina Brown is blogging about SP!

    Eric Alterman is trying to figure out how anyone can defend SP. . .

  218. lovemydogs says:

    Shannyn Moore for president!!! You are my super-hero.

    You are indeed extremely brave and spot on. What many posters here may not know is that it can be literally dangerous to speak your mind in this state. Not just because of SP being a bully but because her supporters have guns (lots of them) and might not hesitate to use them. This is why it was so irresponsible for Doogan to out AKM. Shannyn, Phil, Gryphen and CD are all very brave to put their names on their blogs and to speak out on the radio. This might sound paranoid but it is certainly fact in my part of Alaska. JHop #146: you just got a taste of how crazy people here can be. I am sure that they are all getting an earful of hate mail and unpleasant phone calls from the Sarah-lovers. Remember how she whipped up her base during the campaign last fall? She has no qualms about doing it here. In fact she depends on them. That’s what makes her think she can get away with this kind of crap. And she always cites “the constitution” as an excuse.

    I would like to say that this will change but it is highly unlikely considering the level of education in most of this state.

    Welcome to craziville.

    So I toast you Shannyn. You will always stand in my liberal heart as one of the strongest people I can think of. And you articulate your stand so well.

  219. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I think Kim Chatman’s ethics complaint is a BIG DEAL – if you google Kim Chatman Eagle AK, there are MANY MANY articles. Speculation that it could be THE iceberg. Personnel Board does not seem ready/able/willing to dismiss this one as “frivilous?” That AK Fund Trust stinks.

  220. JHop says:

    i am not sure if the ADN talked to the FBI dude himself, or just repeating information already published. But there is more about Shannyn in here too.

    “Van Flein responded Sunday that it is not about muzzling. Palin is entitled to respond to lies, he said. “The Constitution allows anyone to print what they want, but it does not say you can do so with impunity and with a total disassociation from reality … to be blunt: falsely implying that the governor, or her husband, are under federal investigation, is not free speech, ” Van Flein said.”

    he is completely misinterpreting the law. there was not a total disassociation from reality, considering we STILL dont know if the rumors are true and hundreds of other sites reference them. and it is free speech to report on rumors of public concern about a public official. no one has said palin is guilty of [whatever]; rumors have simply been discussed. so unless Shannyn knew the rumor was false when she made the statement, she IS protected by the 1st amendment/free speech.

  221. Susan says:

    Just a reminder for Sarah from the Alaska Constitution

    § 4. Term of Office
    The term of office of the governor is four years, beginning at noon on the first Monday in December following his election and ending at noon on the first Monday in December four years later.

  222. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    email me at Cassiefarrelly (at) nc (dot) rr (dot)com.
    OT, but Duke 1998 Women’s soccer.

  223. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Fox News- Ann Coulter says Sarah is to big for Alaska

    Looking at the rapidly aging Mzz Coulter, I would suggest she is well past her ‘best before’ date.

  224. LA from DC says:

    We got your back in DC Shannon! Just do us a favor, please keep her in Alaska, we put so much energy into kicking her out of our great city!

  225. Chaim says:

    I’m waiting to hear the story behind that FBI agent’s making himself available — on a Saturday– just to deny a rumor. As others have said, not only is this highly unusual, but IIRC, the rumor was that SP’s resignation was prompted by an impending indictment — and the office to confirm or deny that rumor would be the AK US Attorney’s office, not the FBI, since the FBI may not be involved. From the AK US Attorney’s website, (

    “Felony offenses are brought to the attention of the United States Attorney’s Office in a variety of ways. In many instances, federal prosecutors are involved in a federal task force which is pursuing a pending investigation. The Assistant United States Attorney involved in this type of case is often actively involved in identifying targets, developing investigative strategy, advising undercover officers about different approaches, drafting search warrants and other court process, and finally, working with a grand jury to not only discover evidence, but to select appropriate charges.

    “In other cases, a complaint may be brought to the attention of the United States Attorney’s Office or to the appropriate investigative agency. If brought first to the United States Attorney’s Office, the complaint will be forwarded to the agency. While this Office generally supplies guidance and legal advice, the agencies are primarily responsible for investigating federal offenses prior to the time the United States Attorney’s Office initiates prosecution.

    “The chief investigative agencies are: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Secret Service, Postal Inspection Service, Department of Interior, Federal Aviation Administration, US Coast Guard, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).”

  226. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 6:54 PM
    POLITICO: “We are not investigating her,” FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez told the paper. “Normally we don’t confirm or deny those kind of allegations out there but by not doing so it just casts her in a very bad light. There is just no truth to those rumors out there in the blogosphere.”

    so who wants to call the alaska branch of the IRS and ask them next?
    Is it just me or has everyone else noticed that whenever the FBI denial is mentioned it *always* refers back to that *one* item in the L.A. Times?

    None of the reporters has bothered to confirm it for themselves. It would be so easy to do also too …..

  227. JHop says:

    this is on topic. the NY examiner has also picked up the Shannyn story:

    Cassie – I would love to meet your daughter for a drink! I have been slammed with work since I moved back up here, so I would also just love to meet some cool people. When did #3 graduate from Duke?

  228. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Wow – Alaskans really got themselves a real ‘piece of work’ in Mzzz Palin.

    She certainly has delusions of adequacy…

  229. Wolf Pack says:

    Where is Shannyn’s press release video. Sure would like to view it!

  230. joecurly says:

    What Van Flein posted on c4p yesterday about a suit was for one reason. To fleece the c4p’s for money. Sarah’s defence fund came out on top. The Palins own a Carnival and Van Flein is just a part of Sarah’s Carney Crew. Van Flein is embarrassed by what he had to do, but he’ll get paid for it. All carney people get paid, but they all get cheated when the seasons over.

  231. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    Kid # 4 is in NYC but kid # 3 went to Duke and UMass (while we were PA residents).
    NYC daughter would like to buy you a round, on me, sometime!

    Welcome to the Mudflats, the most cerebral of the Alaskan Blogs!

  232. mhrt says:

    Do we know if Dennis Z. was there filming this? Good luck are one brave girl. Thinking of you from Oregon.

  233. who me? says:

    Yeah Shannon. Great job (from a fan in Illinois)!

  234. sauerkraut says:

    211 Mattie Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 6:14 PM
    Does the FBI really just tell anybody, “No there is no investigation” if they ask. That does not seem right.

    Your sense of something not seeming right is correct. Federal agencies typically do not comment on ongoing criminal investigations. Usually, they neither admit nor deny – especially if no Grand Jury has been empaneled.

  235. NYHawk says:

    252 SecretShopperforHungryChildren Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 7:03 PM


    I respectfully disagree. The ethics complaints we have been discussing are apart of the �Rumor� issue.

    JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 7:07 PM

    i�ll stop if i am offending anyone NYHawk. But the response has been pretty positive. still, i am not meaning to annoy anyone. i sincerely apologize if i am.


    I didn’t see at that way “Secret Shopper.” I concede. Never mind, please carry on. I was remembering that AKM made it a point recently to remind folks to use the “Open Forum” when necessary.

    I drink too much coffee, too, also.

  236. justafarmer says:

    Ian Masters at HuffPo interviewed Shannyn this morning. He has a link for people to listen.

  237. deist says:

    Has Shannyn’s press conference been mentioned on Palin’s website– what’s it called? Did they say anything?.

  238. zyggy says:

    Ann Coultergeist is full of crap, and of course Buttercup is too big for Alaska, but only in her widdle pea brain.

  239. JHop says:

    i’ll stop if i am offending anyone NYHawk. But the response has been pretty positive. still, i am not meaning to annoy anyone. i sincerely apologize if i am.

    secret shopper: I am in NYC (but my family lives in Wilmington, NC. And I went to Duke and UNC, so I am quite familiar with the area!)

  240. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    and this–

  241. JHop says:

    SecretShopperforHungryChildren – it seems that eventually, yes, an alaskan (and in particular, the complainant) can make a request for the report to be made public. but the investigation must be complete and a decision made, neither of which has happened yet.

    (c) If the report prepared under this section is confidential, it is not available for public inspection unless formal proceedings under AS 39.52.350 are initiated based on the report. If formal proceedings are initiated, the relevant portions of the report are public documents open to inspection. The attorney general shall, however, make available to the public a summary of the reports received under this section, with sufficient deletions to prevent disclosure of a person’s identity.

    (so palin has a BIG interest in ensuring that there are no formal proceedings, which would then make the information open to the public. this could have affected her decision to resign)

    BUT, even if it was confidential:

    (h) If the disposition of a complaint is not made public…an interested party may file an action against the state in superior court requesting that the court make public the complaint, the attorney general’s disposition of the complaint, and the personnel board report. The court may order the matter or portions of the matter made public if the court determines that
    (1) the dismissal or resolution of the complaint was clearly contrary to the requirements of this chapter;
    (2) one or more of the allegations in the information to be released is supported by substantial evidence;
    (3) the matter concerns the public interest; and
    (4) release of the information will not infringe on any protected rights or liberties of the subject.

    so it appears that, once there is a decision one way or the other, a request can be made to compel the release of the report.

  242. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    I respectfully disagree. The ethics complaints we have been discussing are apart of the “Rumor” issue.

  243. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Here is some info….

  244. Isabella says:

    Since when does the FBI comment on active investigations or make official comments to quash “Rumors”? This is total B*S* was Eric Gonzo the FBI spokes guy saying there is no investigation a pal of Palin’s?

    Ya know what they say…when the FEDS have to go on record denying something then something is really going on.

  245. NYHawk says:

    JHop: I get that your new. Welcome. Your posting about ethics complaints and such should not be posted here. Every day AKM provides an “Open Forum,” where folks can post and discuss off-topic issues. It is a catch all for anything, really.

    So, please take your ethics complaints postings there. Thanks.

  246. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    I’d be glad to call the IRS. Will they confirm or deny? I’m a medical professional always thinking about HIPAA……

  247. Isabella says:

    GOOD LORD I am never leaving my computer again. This is EXTRAORDINARY to have AKM and Shannyn getting Palin foaming so bad she exposed herself and on the Fourth Of July….beautiful.

    The screaming on Twitter by the Twit just makes her insanity that much more entertaining.

    Everyone knows Palin is a jerk and a dumbass now without question.

  248. mike1946 says:

    has anyone checked to see how much property taxes they pay on that little house that Todd built with his little hands????

  249. Chaim says:

    Way to go, Shannyn!

    The Girl From Homer Takes On Whack Job’s Hack Job!

    I doubt anyone thought you yourself would be intimidated. They may have hoped to intimidate those who publish your stuff, but the real purpose might have been just to get Palin’s “version of the facts” out, and the threat of suit was a pretext (she wouldn’t seem to be responding to a rumor, because that would imply she’s responsible to the people) and to make it newsworthy. That would have been unethical, and in any case it was badly miscalculated, but is anyone surprised?

  250. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    PS, JHOP–

    IRS will answer NOTHING. Accountants already know this.

  251. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    Weird, but I figured it out….

    Of course, I was the annoying student in the back of the class that caught all of my teachers’ typos, to their dismay. I do miss many of my own 🙁

  252. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    Finally, it appears that action can be taken to compel:

    (h) If the disposition of a complaint is not made public…an interested party may file an action against the state in superior court requesting that the court make public the complaint, the attorney general’s disposition of the complaint, and the personnel board report.

    And a really BIG thank you! This may well be the smoking gun. I printed the complaint and will read in detail in the morning. Where are you in NY? One kid there but we are in NC.

  253. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Aloha from Juneau – it’s almost 7:00 pm and it’s still 80 and sunny outside.

    We spent the weekend in Gustavus, Alaska – “Glacier Bay” area. Gustavus has a neat little parade every year. We were all entertained by the full size Cutout of Palin this guy was walking in the Parade with. Around GINO’s neck was “UNEMPLOYED PALIN” WILL WORK FOR BEER OR FISH. Hope to get a photo.

    My favorite southeast pilot wrote in his flight log on July 3, 2009 – Alaska celebrated Independence Day from Governor Palin. There were lots of campfires burning in harmony around the State of Alaska this weekend.

    Palin’s behavior with Shannon Moore is just one more piece of the puzzle. Thank you Shannon. Anyway, will keep posted and hit the ground running if necessary. :-} the Alaskan way. Anyway, way to stand tall for all of us.

    There were campfires around the state this weekend – celebrating the peace that has come over Alaska. We are Blessed – United We Stand Alaskans and the whole rest of the entire world!

    And Shannon Moore – we gave you a shout out and some fireworks at our campfire in Gustavus! Hip Hip Hooray!

  254. JHop says:

    POLITICO: “We are not investigating her,” FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez told the paper. “Normally we don’t confirm or deny those kind of allegations out there but by not doing so it just casts her in a very bad light. There is just no truth to those rumors out there in the blogosphere.”

    so who wants to call the alaska branch of the IRS and ask them next?

  255. Cathy from Colorado says:

    What happened to the investigation by APOC into the Palin’s request that Artic Cat gifts are proprietary info and don’t have to be reported on the states financial disclosure forms?

    Is this an issue that may have legs?

  256. SecretShopperforHungryChildren says:


    I’ve been wondering about this. Do you get the impression that an Alaskan can file to open the report? I firmly believe the ((RUMOR)) that the LDF was found by the investigator as unethical according to the EBEA, and a deal was struck to allow Palin to step down if she wanted to keep the money. If not, or if her attorney appealed the decision, it would be made public via the courts. Bottom line: she couldn’t continue on as governor and keep the LDF.


  257. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Hmmm, wonder if SP/TVF/MS can read what’s below. If they can’t, maybe we can come up with some new “code” to explain their absurdity in attacking “rumors”.

    Only great minds can read this:

    This is weird, but interesting!

    fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
    Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg . The
    phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
    Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in wahtoerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the
    olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit
    pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a
    pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
    istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
    slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

  258. BobbyG says:

    I continue my call for donations:

    Give generously. A woman is suffering mightily, and her incipient COBRA coverage won’t pay for this procedure.

    Bless you all.

  259. meadowlander says:

    Palin talks in riddles. She never says exactly what she means and she never means exactly what she says.

  260. JHop says:

    Finally, it appears that action can be taken to compel:

    (h) If the disposition of a complaint is not made public…an interested party may file an action against the state in superior court requesting that the court make public the complaint, the attorney general’s disposition of the complaint, and the personnel board report.

  261. Chillinout says:

    Those of us over at fully support you in this. If you need help with a defense fund let me know: and we will do what we can to raise you some money.

    Not that I think she is actually going to sue. It is all talk, just like every other bully.

  262. mike1946 says:

    another one make the rec list
    In Sarah Palin we see someone unusually narcissistic, even for a public figure who seeks the limelight. I’ve never met her and would never try to diagnose someone at a distance. Yet she is certainly not crazy, and I doubt anyone could say she has a narcissistic personality disorder. She seems far too successful in all aspects of her life for that to be the case. Yet her exaggerated sense of her own worth, her indifference to the rights and feelings of others, her denial of unpleasant realities, her fondness for trivial lies easily disproved, her nonchalant self-pride, and her intemperate rage against anyone who challenges her self-appraisal suggest to me that ‘narcissistic’ is a useful adjective for describing her.

  263. JHop says:

    But what is also interesting, is that the complaint (which has NOT been dismissed) was filed in April. According to the law:

    AS 39.52.335. Summary of Disposition of Complaints and Review By Personnel Board.

    (a) When the attorney general initiates or receives a complaint under AS 39.52.310, the attorney general shall immediately forward a copy of the complaint to the personnel board.
    (b) Each month, the attorney general shall file a report with the personnel board concerning the status of each pending complaint and the resolution of complaints that have been closed since the previous report.
    (c) If a complaint is dismissed under AS 39.52.320 or resolved under AS 39.52.330 , the attorney general shall promptly prepare a summary of the matter and provide a copy of the summary to the personnel board and the complainant.

    So, since the complaint is 3 months old, it appears that the personnel board is either still investigating it or holding off on a decision. That is strange considering how quickly many other complaints have been dismissed.

  264. meadowlander says:

    After listening to Sarah Palin talk to the American people for the last 9 months I have something to say.

    Palin talks in riddles. What do I exactly mean by that?

    “Sarah Palin never says quite exactly what she means, and she never means quite exactly what she says.”

    Spread that all over the internet.

  265. JHop says:

    The Andree McLeod complaint was dismissed already, it was about the fund violating ethics by having its own hiring practice or something like that.

    After reading the executive branch statute, there is a lot that Palin could be liable for. Especially:

    AS 39.52.120. Misuse of Official Position.

    (a) A public officer may not use, or attempt to use, an official position for personal gain, and may not intentionally secure or grant unwarranted benefits or treatment for any person.

    (b) A public officer may not…
    (2) accept, receive, or solicit compensation for the performance of official duties or responsibilities from a person other than the state;

    the trust seems to violate these, on its face.

  266. SurferKit says:

    Shannyn, thanks for speaking out. You have my support as well as many others. Your voice will not be ignored.

  267. anon blogger says:

    Group Hug!!!

    Thank you, Shannyn, for standing up to Palin. I hope those who are holding secrets too afraid of the Heath/Palin clan will stand up, too. Kick dust on those monkey shoes!!

    Thanks Shannyn, AKM, Gryphen, Celtic Diva, and all bloggers! Thank you all for all the good work you have done. Palin is a liar. Liar, liar, pants on fire!! Sue me.

    Hearts to all!!!

  268. mlaiuppa says:

    Grass roots ridicule. That’s good.

    “So sue me”.

    I don’t have a Twitter account. But I can see Sarah shutting down her account in 24 hours.

  269. mlaiuppa says:

    I thought Twitter was one way only, for sending only.

    I can’t imagine Sarah Palin reading anything anyone else sent out on Twitter.

    Unless it was ABOUT her.

  270. Mattie says:

    Don’t forget Rupert Murdock the same guy that owns foxnews owns the Wall Street Journal. They aren’t going to say anything bad about Sarah or any other conservative.

  271. honestyinGov says:

    It sure would be nice if Andree McLeod would write something for AKM here.
    She needs to put something out there. First… about Buttercup resigning and now the whole Palin suing Shannyn thing.

    I did see her post on the ADN comments ,story of July 3rd. Her comment.
    AndreeMcLeod wrote on 07/03/2009 04:41:02 PM:

    Note to Sean and Craig.
    Make sure you use your secured and protected state-supplied email accounts when you conduct offical business.
    ANd Sean? Will you be collecting per diem while not incurring any additional expenses for staying in your condo while in Anchorage?
    Or will you refuse to collect the per diem because it is the right thing to do?

  272. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Mattie Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 6:26 PM
    This is what she said in her speech about free speech and she wants everybody else to shut up? She has dilusional disorder.
    The “sit down and shut up” refrain started a few weeks ago and she is bashing it to death. It’s like we’re re-living “I told Congress thanks but no thanks” all over again.

  273. seattlefan says:

    Shannyn, I can’t believe how much support and empathy you are getting on all the stories about this….it is amazing! You, AKM and all the rest are the catalysts for all of this and I send my thanks to all of you. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Lol……this is better than any drama on tv.

    Keep it up!

  274. mudflats fan says:

    Dear all,

    There is a move on Daily Kos to use Twitter to protest Sarah’s latest threat and provide cover for Shannyn:,-SUE-ME!

    Mudflatters, this is a call to action! If you read this comment, please repost it in your own comment box so that it gains traction. Let’s tweet right back at Sarah in a coordinated way . . .

  275. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    kejia Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 6:14 PM
    Mudflats was mentioned in a Wall Street Journal article:

    –begin quote
    In recent weeks, bloggers began posting rumors of a supposed federal investigation into Gov. Palin’s affairs. “There’s something big…something really big that’s headed her way; the iceberg that’s headed for the S.S. Palin,” a blog called The Mudflats suggested.

    On Saturday, Gov. Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, attacked as “false and defamatory” allegations that the real reason she stepped down was some criminal investigation. He singled out Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, who also posted the rumors. Ms. Moore said there was nothing defamatory about what she wrote.
    –end quote–

    I saw that, and noted that the part about it being a rumor got left out. AKM
    I got so mad I emailed the writer with a number of corrections to his story.

  276. Mattie says:

    This is what she said in her speech about free speech and she wants everybody else to shut up? She has dilusional disorder.

    Life is too short to compromise time and resources… it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: “Sit down and shut up”, but that’s the worthless, easy path; that’s a quitter’s way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy. It would be apathetic to just hunker down and “go with the flow”.

  277. Cammie says:

    Wonder why Shannyn wasn’t interviewed by Andre Mitchell since she is on MSNBC so much.? Maybe tomorrow she will be if Andre is still here. Surely she didn’t fly all the way to Ak. just to do a 3 min. report in front of Sarah’s house. Very strange to me

  278. kellygrrrl says:

    You deserve a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. I and many others will stand by you and defend you and support you!!!!!

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

  279. BS says:

    Shannyn, if you’re reading this, from a fellow sourdough – thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. You are doing what I wish I had the wherewithal to do. You are helping to turn this state around to the state we can be proud of. I hope you NEVER STFU!

  280. LiladyNY says:


    Didn’t Andree McLeod file that ethics complaint? You should reach out to her for input on this. She might be on the forum.

    Shannyn you are the most amazing woman. I have shivers just thinking of the courage it took to call WINO out on this! I am awed. Your daughter is one lucky young woman, and Alaskans are lucky to have your voice!!

  281. mlaiuppa says:

    If she had just kept her mouth shut, she might have had a little bit of a chance with only Letterman back next week and Michael Jackson’s funeral on Tuesday.

    But now she’s gone and done it. Attacking Shannyn in such a stupid way is giving it legs. First amendment attack on the Fourth of July by the still Governor of Alaska on a blogger?

    Letterman will shred her.

    And if whatever it is hits the fan when Stewart and Colbert come back they’ll do to her what they are so very, very good at.

    I *almost* feel sorry for her. Almost.

    But sometimes stupid people just have to get whacked upside the head until you can get their attention. Palin hasn’t been paying attention for years.

  282. Mattie says:

    So how many stupid people have given her money. She will be laughing all the way to the bank, while she is taking money from poor people like she is a TV Evangelist, she will be living the good life with her millions of dollars from speaking and pretending to write books.

  283. Nan says:

    JHop (209)
    Worked like a charm. Go figure.


  284. JHop says:

    and this is the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. the statute under which she could be held liable….

  285. Mattie says:

    She did the same thing to David Letterman, all the late night comedians had basically told the same jokes about Bristol being knocked up, but she only targeted Dave.

  286. Mattie says:

    Does the FBI really just tell anybody, “No there is no investigation” if they ask. That does not seem right. So if crook just calls up and asks, the FBI says “No, mr crook, we aren’t investigating you, wink wink”

  287. kejia says:

    Mudflats was mentioned in a Wall Street Journal article:

    –begin quote
    In recent weeks, bloggers began posting rumors of a supposed federal investigation into Gov. Palin’s affairs. “There’s something big…something really big that’s headed her way; the iceberg that’s headed for the S.S. Palin,” a blog called The Mudflats suggested.

    On Saturday, Gov. Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, attacked as “false and defamatory” allegations that the real reason she stepped down was some criminal investigation. He singled out Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, who also posted the rumors. Ms. Moore said there was nothing defamatory about what she wrote.
    –end quote–

    I saw that, and noted that the part about it being a rumor got left out. AKM

  288. Rob in Ca says:

    Sandra, not sure if that was amiable or admirable.

    Actually, both apply to our Shannyn!

  289. Nan says:

    I got a “404 not found” with that link, dangit.


  290. sandra in oregon says:

    Shannyn: You have revived the definition of an admiable Alaskan woman. thank you.

  291. Mattie says:

    I looked Van Flein is not in Dickipedia. Should be.

  292. JHop says:

    that is the ethics complaint about the trust. you guys have probably seen it, and i apologize if you have. but we have been talking about it all day and i have been really curious about exactly what was alleged. after reading the complaint, i think there is merit to it. or, at the very least, i do not see any way that an ethics board could dismiss it outright as baseless.

    there would have to be an inquiry asking palin to offer an explanation for these allegations. a demand for accounting to show the profits and how they are being spent. i don’t see any legal way to simply dismiss this complaint.

  293. mike1946 says:

    waving back at you justafarmer for western ky here graves co.

  294. winkwinkWA says:

    Fox News- Ann Coulter says Sarah is to big for Alaska….Alaskans, I think Sarah just threw you under the bus!!! GO SHANNYN

  295. Mattie says:

    He probably went to Liberty University.

  296. Mattie says:

    She uses audible in just about every speech. She was a sportscaster you know. Gag me with a spoon.

  297. Tealwomin says:

    what happened to the ox musk thingy miss sarah?

  298. Mattie says:

    She may be as stupid as W, but at least W listened to someone that got him elected. Will she listen to anybody?

  299. DonnaInMichigan says:

    All David Letterman will have to do tomorrow night is just say….Sarah Palin, and shake his head..

    Just stand there, shaking his head and not say another word…..

    The crowd will break into applause and laughter.

    Because that is all she really has become, a JOKE.

  300. Traitor Joe says:

    Brilliant move to call Bailin’ Paylin on her bluff. She’s a shrill, thin-skinned sociopath who took Alaska by storm but who revealed her true colors under the harsh lights of the national spotlight. Only a few people in Alaska, none more important than you, were crucial in revealing her illegal and immoral activities. How fitting she chose to quit the day before a national holiday rather than fulfilling her obligations. Honoring commitments is only for the peasants, not for the self-professed royalty.

  301. Dr. Patois says:

    Wired Differently @172
    The term is from football, not basketball. (shocking I know)

    An audible in football occurs when a quarterback calls out numbers and colors and the offensive players shift into a new formation before a play. This means the quarterback has changed a play at the line of scrimmage after reading the defense.

  302. sauerkraut says:

    So like… um… Shannyn… are you going to drop your hat into the ring?? You could use Phil as your campaign manager. I bet he’d do it if you ask real nice like. 😎

  303. blue moose says:

    We are wishing Shannyn the best..I will be concerned for you until this is over..those people are pure evil..

  304. Star says:

    Shanynn~ You are an inspiration to all women…I am so proud of you…IF you need $$$ ..just put the word out and it will be yours…Maybe Silly Sarah should see just how a professinal women actually conducts herself..You are a 10..Thankyou AKM also for giving me this piece of heaven…:))

  305. justafarmer says:

    ~~~~waving to mike1946 from eastern Kentucky!

  306. RouletteRog says:

    What’s wrong with her?!? Dude, Sarah Palin is crazier than Syd Barrett on an acid trip.

  307. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    donna — my guess is that folks that spew that nonsense about free speech being “oral only” are not people that read or research or do anything other than repeat what they heard on the radio.

    i just got finished driving about 600 miles through indiana, illinois, and missouri and believe me when i tell you that there is all kinds of crazy crap being said on the radio. half the channels are religious (including an actual PLAY read on the radio about some man trying to decide if he should be adulterous – i kid you not – and some other characters explaining to him how it is not god’s way)…..and the other half are country or 70-80’s rock. it is almost surreal really.

    oh and while we are talking about NPR — they are BEHIND the issues. very very behind. i don’t understand that.

    okay – back to pretending to work

  308. sauerkraut says:

    JHop… that press release is what happens when they start give law degrees to any old dumbarse. If Van Flein thought it was great strategy, then he failed as a strategist. If he sent it because the Abortinator told him to, then he failed as a counselor. If he sent it because he thought it might actually make people shut up, then he failed at learning the law. Might I suggest that Van Flein at least read the pedestrian stuff like “what they didn’t teach at yale law school” by Mark McCormack?

  309. JHop says:


    WSJ has a harsh editorial on governor evil muppet.

    NYT on Parnell citing “ethics complaints and legal bills” for resignation (there has been a big focus on this; maybe their is some truth to an ethics board deal, but she is painting it like she is doing alaska a favor – i will just resign, so i don’t waste anymore taxpayer money, because if i don’t i will definitely being going to court again)

  310. Donna says:

    that’s as good a label as any, sauerkraut. I can go with that.

  311. J-Dog says:

    Dear Gov. Palin:

    Rumors? You’re worried about rumors? Well, cool, cuz I got some more for you to worry about. Please have your attorney get in touch with me and let me know which one(s) piss you off the most.


    Yours In Christ and/or Witchdoctor,

    J-Dog, A Hated Liberal Blog Poster

    Please read and select YOUR favorite(s):
    1.) Sarah was pregnant at 18, and had an abortion(s) – and the news is gonna come out.
    2.) Sarah came on to Levi – and wanted more. He is about to Tell All
    3.) “Sarah” Palin is really “Sam” Palin, and Todd wants “her” to come out.
    4.) Sara is pregnant – with John’s Baby!
    5.) Sarah is pregnant – and doesn’t know who the father is?!
    6.) Sarah is an idiot that thinks Africa is a Country!

  312. RLS says:

    @wired differently

    An audible is a football term. It is when the quarterback changes the play he just called in the huddle by calling out a different play “audibly” when the team is lined up on the line of scrimmage. It is a last second change of “plan”.

  313. sauerkraut says:

    Geesh… none o’youse guys even responded to gotwoodtosmell… what’s a p’lander like him gonna do if ya alls ignore him? Man… must be a tough world for the sarahkin trolls these days.

    Anyways… not that I’m a shoe man or anything but I did notice that Shannyn’s footwear seems so much more sense-able than what the Abortinator was wearing the other day. And Shannyn did not appear to be on hillybilly heroin or whatever it was that was making the Abortinator so jumpy the other day.

    Donna… in response to your question: I call “these people”… fools.


  314. seattlefan says:

    Someone just posted this over at Huffpo. It is KO talking about Palin’s scandals last October! Ya know….rumors and such. He he!

  315. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    i need to do some work – but i cannot stop coming back to the flats to see what is happening. everytime i go away for even an HOUR i come back and there is a new post or a blogger news conference or more RUMORS !!!

    this is the wildest dang fourth of july i have ever witnessed. and the best part is that it apparently is not a dream…..sarah took the big nosedive and now we are just writing up the history books and cleaning up loose ends.

    oh– and i pledge $$ to the ms. moore’s Defend the Blogger Free Speech fund whenever it gets put together.

    also — wonder if palin gets a signal on that fish-picking boat? her blackberry is gonna have all kinds of URGENT messages on it — yeah that’s what i think.

  316. katmai says:

    Great speech Shannyn!

  317. Donna says:

    I’m laughing over the “freedom of speech only applies to speech” notion. Where on earth would someone get that idea? Most of the high profile First Amendment cases involved written communication–the parody of Jerry Falwell in Hustler, for example. All of the National Enquirer cases involving celebrities. The reporting of Richard Jewell as the Atlanta bomber. I could go on and on. Anyone who has done the most elementary reading on freedom of speech would know that. Who ARE these people?

  318. BobbyG says:

    Please give generously

    See my new public service initiative:

    I know we’re all suffering from compassion fatigue these days, but this is vital to the nation.

    Pay it forward.

  319. JHop says:

    oklad – interesting facts about fox in the case you cited. florida is known for their “sunshine laws,” they are one of the most media-friendly jurisdictions, if not the most, in the nation.

    i am still just in awe of the press release. their purpose was to get everyone to STOP talking. could they have done something stupider? it has blown up in their face! rumors aside and everything else, even if we take her at her word that she is just quitting to help people, this had to be the worst start to any new chapter in the saga that is sarah.

  320. leenie17 says:

    There are four words that come to mind after reading Shannyn’s statement:





    Shannyn clearly is familiar with all of these qualities. Buttercup may want to look them up in the dictionary.

    I may be a long way from Alaska, but even from here I sense a big change in the wind. People appear to finally be ready to speak up and demand better than the way things have always been, led in great part by the wonderful Alaskan bloggers. I think the next few years will be a very exciting time to live in Alaska. Can I watch from here, pretty please???? Maybe even come and visit???

  321. Bea says:

    Our hero Shanny
    in a manner quite canny,
    knocked Governor Zero
    back on her fanny.

    Brava, Shannyn!

  322. mlaiuppa says:

    Now when this hits the fan and Palin calls Von Feline in a fit of apoplexy I hope he tells her “Told you so. Now…sit down and shut up.”

    There’s never a Stever Schmidt around when you need one.

  323. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Cassie Jeep Pike Palin #106 Says:
    During the presidential campaign, McCain officials fretted about six or seven areas of personal and professional concern…(snip) they thought she was untruthful. Six or seven? So what were all these “issues”?

    Palingates has about 25 issues, all horrific – take your pick, could be “any of them, all of them”…………..

    Sue #133 says: Why is Fox doing a “this was her life” show on Palin? Did she die?
    In a way, yes – her career is dead, and even FOX knows it.

  324. wired differently says:

    What the hell is an ‘audible?’ Anderson Cooper and I want to know.

  325. I can just imagine Scarah reading all the blogs, Twitters and then the pressor!

    OMG, her head has to be exploding!

    Shannyn is a Real American Hero! 🙂

  326. 10cats4me says:

    Heard another RUMOR. Has to do with one of the ethics complaints about Alaska Fund Trust. And making money while governor. RUMOR is that the complaint could stick and everything would be released and made public or she could resign and take the money & run. WHOOOOAA. If this is not a RUMOR (and I am not talking about Demi Moore’s daughter), then the three weeks time will give her sometime to work the trust into something more usable legally when she leaves her “titled” position.

    Just a thought, just a RUMOR.

  327. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Hmmm…read the tewsie link…that’s the same article I posted over at the older thread…

    Even better read the second time around!

  328. BigPete says:

    Freedom’s on the march

    It’s a bit odd that the trashy “look at me” Palin is spreading the wealth around, but Shannyn’s voice will be louder the more attention she gets.

  329. austintx says:

    I am sending this t-shirt to sarah tomorrow. Hope I don’t get sued……….

  330. Suchanut says:

    The 5:00 Channel 2 news, KTUU was on – Shannyn looked good. They didn’t cover her side of the story as much as they covered Buttercup’s. More air time for Van Fleas than for Shannyn. But she got her point across. I am hoping CNN will pick it up.

  331. mike1946 says:

    Kentucky here! I think we all have Shannyn back

  332. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Whoops…different articles after all tewise, but yours has some good nuggets in it to…

  333. Dr. Patois says:

    Excellent piece on dailykos (standing up for Shannyn)

    “So much for respect for the Constitution and “BOTTOM UP” government. So much for protecting individual rights. I mean, you do understand that you, the highest elected executive branch official in the state of Alaska, just through your lawyer threatened an Alaskan citizen with legal action for speech that you don’t like. Did I miss something, or does that seem an awful lot like “TOP DOWN” big government take-over in the area of individual rights. I mean, I like mixed sports metaphors as much as the next person, but we aren’t talking about the full court press in a football game or an “audible” in a basketball game here. We are talking fundamentally about the organized effort on the part of a government official to chill speech that may be personally uncomfortable for her and the conduct of her office. To put in terms with which you seem more comfortable Governor, it’s time to call a technical foul on your effort to chill speech.

    There is another sports metaphor that your July 3, 2009 speech called to mind. It’s called the Hail Mary pass. It’s basically thrown in desperation as a last resort when the game is about to end. Good luck with that “audible”.”

  334. Martha says:

    More solidarity for Shannyn and the blogesphere !!!

    Howard SchweberAssociate Professor of Political Science and Law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Posted: July 5, 2009 03:59 PM

    Sarah Palin, the First Amendment, and Santa Claus

    Dear Santa,

    Sarah Palin, through her attorney, is threatening to sue Shannyn Moore for reporting the existence of rumors about a pending investigation of Palin’s dealings with a firm called Spenard Building Supply and various contractors, in connection with the construction of the Wasilla Sports Complex and the Palin residence. The implication is that investigators suspect corruption. Palin categorically denies the implication and is threatening to sue for libel.

    oh please, oh please, oh please

    That American protection for free speech goes farther than that in other countries is a cause for celebration on this July 4th weekend. Nonetheless there are serious questions when involuntary public figures, or non-political public figures, or especially the family members of public figures are swept within the ambit of the Gertz rule.

    But! Governor Palin isn’t threatening to sue people who say bad things about her children, or even her husband. She is threatening to sue a blogger who accurately reported the existence of rumors of an investigation of wrongdoing by her in her at a time when she was already a government official.

    Please-please-please. I’ll never ask for another thing, I promise.

    Now, I haven’t practiced law in a while, and I do not have a current Bar membership. But I will go get one if Shannyn Moore will let me represent her. The thought of the deposition of Governor Palin alone is enough to make it worth the money, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg; a motion for sanctions followed by a counter-suit for vexatious litigation is just begging to be heard.

    Oh please, oh please, oh please. I’ll do the dishes and put the cap on the toothpaste and everything.

    Never mind Santa. Shannyn? Fellow Huffpo blogger? Are you listening? Pleeeeease?

    Read MORE here:

  335. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    *waves to tewise*, who found same article….

  336. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    JHop Says:
    I don’t want to register for that site, but I kind of want to tell them off in one swift kick in the constitutional ass.
    Don’t waste your time. That’s the way they are up there. Their ignorance is the only thing that keeps them warm.

  337. Professor Geezer says:

    @Sue, they know her political career is toast. Even FOX knows that.

  338. tewise says:

    I got to the last paragraph I what I listed above and I see that Mr. Schweber sees the same pie in the sky as I did, lol. Shannyn a lot of people are willing to help you, me too, I am a long way away but I will do what I can.

  339. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    A bit OT, but I have no choice but to bring this to y’alls attention: a new “aka” for SP!

    The Vanilla Guerrilla from Wasilla

    From here:

  340. Sue says:

    Why is Fox doing a “this was her life” show on Palin? Did she die?

  341. Mattie says:

    They don’t call them wing nuts for nothing.

  342. samper says:


    Sahannyn won’t go down. NO WAY!!!

  343. Mattie says:

    Fox has the palin fluff program on right now. I just heard Parnell on npr he quoted the 2 million dollars it is costing the taxpayers for ethic charges. I guess they think he will never be challenged for ethics.

  344. Ripley in CT says:

    116 JHop Says:
    … I really think this may be a new experience for Palin. Maybe she will spontaneously combust…

    *breaking out the marshmallows*

    s’mores anyone?

  345. tewise says:

    I have never read this guy but this is too funny:

  346. austintx says:

    123 Marnie Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 5:14 PM
    116 JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 5:05 PM
    I am not sure anyone has ever called her out in direct opposition to one of her direct threats before, like Shannyn has now. I really think this may be a new experience for Palin. Maybe she will spontaneously combust.

    Can I watch? Pleeeeeae.
    Get that on video and it would break all youtube records !!

  347. SystemBucker says:

    oops – talk about linguistic ineptitude, I wrote Buttercups speech instead of Buttercup’s speech. Well, at least I’m not an elected official with poor grammer! lol

  348. mmboucher Florida says:

    Does anyone besides me think it is funny that Van Flein came up with a four page “quasi-legal letter” in less than 24 hours on a holiday weekend, with quotes from media in Ak. from 6 years ago? Does anyone think maybe this had already been requested from the Feds prior?

  349. JHop says:

    honestyingov – some of their comments are ridiculous and totally wrong, and the craziest part is that they believe them! One of my favorites:

    “This is actually a very pertinent and important issue. Free speech only deals with the spoken word, not the written word. Therefore, is an internet blog covered under the free press clause? In either case, I don’t think there is a constitutional right to malign and defame another citizen with false accusations. This issue should go straight to the State Supreme Court…I don’t know Moore, but she sounds like a screeching banshee. I think she should get what she wants. A day in court. Let her defend her “right” to lie in public.”

    Sweet Jesus, please go into court. I am begging. Hopefully, this commenter will represent her. You cannot go “straight” to the Supreme Court (unless Alaska doesn’t have a lower court, but I find that hard to believe). And free speech does not only cover the spoken word, that is INSANE. Obviously the written word is included. Even money and donations. Advertisements. Art is free speech. Tattoos are free speech. I could go on…

    I don’t want to register for that site, but I kind of want to tell them off in one swift kick in the constitutional ass.

  350. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I can’t wait to see this online! Just shows anyone can call for a pressor, not just buttercup and Shannyn got way more people at hers! 🙂
    Yeah Shannyn!

  351. Marnie says:

    116 JHop Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 5:05 PM
    I am not sure anyone has ever called her out in direct opposition to one of her direct threats before, like Shannyn has now. I really think this may be a new experience for Palin. Maybe she will spontaneously combust.

    Can I watch? Pleeeeeae.

  352. mike1946 says:

    Sarah the only one in the family who knows when to pull out

  353. samper says:


    I got her back… NO FEAR!!!

  354. SystemBucker says:

    Okay, this may be a bit OT but it does relate to Buttercups speech and all.

    Here is what one Conservative has to say about here speech Friday. AKM, I think you will especially enjoy this little diddy!

    “More on Sarah Palin’s Linguistic Ineptitude” by Conservative Blogger Nathan P. Origer

  355. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Hat’s off to Shannyn. That statement was GREAT.

  356. Rob in Ca says:

    #114 Honesty in Gov

    That is so funny that people still care about Obama’s birth certificate. I think they should pool their money, and also call Palin and see if she can spare some money from her Pac and her Fund Trust.

    Then they can take all that money and hire some attorneys and file some more lawsuits to try to get Obama to prove he is an American.

    Then Obama can do that thing he does, where it looks like he is flicking a fly off the shoulder of his suit coat.

  357. mudflats fan says:

    Please post video!!

    Go Shannyn!

  358. txgirl says:

    Shannon, thank you thank you thank you. You keep doing what you are doing, girl! The rest of the normal thinking country thanks you. I would think the lawsuit threat means these rumors have some merit. But we will all await the REAL reason why Palin has stepped down. I’m sure it’s a doozy. Those darn gotcha bloggers, first it was the gotcha liberal media now gotcha bloggers, what next??

  359. Rob in Ca says:

    JHop at #105

    I thought I had drawn a vivid picture of Sarah at this moment…but you totally outclassed me! Thanks for the chuckle!!

  360. JHop says:

    I am not sure anyone has ever called her out in direct opposition to one of her direct threats before, like Shannyn has now. I really think this may be a new experience for Palin. Maybe she will spontaneously combust.

  361. Mudbug says:

    1. Toddy said that if she did not resign and come home to cook something, he was not returning from Bristol Bay.

  362. honestyinGov says:

    The NewsMiner story already has some of the Palin-bots bashing Shannon. Especially this Andrew B. fellow. He screeches on there about the Obama birth certificate. I’ve seen his nut-job ranting there before. The last one was defending Man Sour or something.

  363. Ky Fork Decoy Palin says:

    Way to go, Shannyn! Thank you for speaking your mind, and for reminding Palin that free speech is the right of every American.

  364. austintx says:

    AKM is on the front page of Huffpo with update/pictures of Shannyn’s presser. GO GIRLS !!

  365. HistoryGoddess says:

    Andrea Mitchell is on. She is in AK. She talked to VanFly, but he didn’t say much. Andrea Mitchell isn’t sounding real sympathetic, but she is trying to state both sides. Mitchell says she never did prove herself as governor, and cites Karl Rove as one of her sources. heh-heh-heh

  366. lily f says:

    I can’t wait either…it’s just so great we can finally say goodbye to this corny, howdy-do-dee.

  367. Nebraska Native says:

    ‘Night Puppies… carry on in regular awesome manner!

  368. mike1946 says:

    #4 it fishing season in Alaska

    # 5 Todd needs help cleaning fish

    Ps if you need to setup a defense fund let us know over on dkos I sure we could raise few $ ;0)

  369. Merrycricket says:

    I can’t wait to see what David Letterman and Keith Olberman have to say about this. I was looking for some new entertainment. Have been a little lost since the election and Caribou Barbie just perked me right up. I love a good street fight and have called my bookie to lay money on Shannyn.

    Great job on the statement to the press and I am glad you aren’t backing down! We are with you!

  370. London Bridges says:

    Great job on the top ten reasons and Gryphen’s were great, too!

    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s show!

  371. HistoryGoddess says:

    Aussie Blue Sky @91
    Nice comments under that Newsminer story- ha! I think they represent the base. One of the first comments said that freedom of speech only applied to the spoken word, not written. Ergo (my term), the blogs shouldn’t count for free speech. Should go right to the Supreme Court.

    Thought about posing the question,” Do deaf people, therefore, have no freedom of speech?, but it required signing up and quite frankly, I don’t think it would have made a difference. Low Information Voters (LIV) are quite comfortable with limited information. Too much clogs the tubes and leads to socialism, mass abortions and pretty much anything else my uncle fears.

    My point so I stay on topic- Shanynn’s actions won’t change the LIVs and that “base” they all talk about. She will remind and rally the ones fed up with the last 8 years, and the ones that are so tired of the tactics used by the religious right. Our president often said, and so did we, “yes we can.” Shanynn is reminding us that WE are the change…

  372. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    During the presidential campaign, McCain officials fretted about six or seven areas of personal and professional concern…(snip)

    This official,…(snip)…said the governor’s explanations for many subjects never won full acceptance from the campaign, but the stretched-thin McCain staff decided not to pick a fight with the vice presidential pick during the final march toward November.

    full acceptance= they thought she was untruthful
    Six or seven? So what were all these “issues”?

  373. JHop says:

    Rob in Ca Says: I can’t help but think of She Who Quit Again, and imagining the look on her face when she reads your statement. You know she already has. And she is NOT sitting happily outside…

    this made me laugh. you are absolutely right. i can just imagine her, wherever she is, face blazing red and steam coming out of her nose, scribbling her thoughts furiously in crayon so she can later ask trig to spellcheck before she posts them on twitter and/or facebook, demanding her aides to find every law where punishment is specifically imprisoning bloggers and, after she is told that there are none, penning her own governor’s notice of exile to every applicable naysayer, in alaska’s best interests of course, while using her baseball bat on the computer screen to make those horrible horrible blogger words go away. right. now.

  374. austintx says:

    #1 Reason ( Rumor has it )

    There are pictures of Todd wearing the RNC wardrobe that has never been accounted for.

  375. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Just thought of something I overheard at a hair salon around 1996/1997 (elderly neighbor at the time needed a ride, so I hung around a bit) in Georgia (think heavy Southern drawl, ala Dixie Carter in Designing Women):

    No matter what color you’re hair is now, sugar, your roots will always show.

    I believe we are now truly seeing exactly what “roots” SP has – and they are not healthy or humane…

  376. IwasThinkingTheSameThing says:

    #5 Farah Fawcett’s passing took the spot light off her
    #4 Karl Malden’s passing took the spot light off her
    #3 Michael Jackson’s passing took the spot light off her
    #2 She needed to bring the spot light back to her and ‘one-up’ Ahmedinejad by personally censoring her opponents and calling them out by name

  377. Leota2 says:

    Shannon, you are amazing.
    Speaking truth to idiocy is the only way.

  378. lily f says:

    #3 She has maxxed out all her credit cards and needs a big cash payday to buy more hair extensions

  379. Miss Demeanor says:

    The press conference is #2 story on KTUU right now.

  380. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Oh, darn, that should’ve gone in the Open Thread – sorry!

  381. Marnie says:

    85 Winski Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 4:37 PM
    Muddy: I’m so glad that you, Shanny, Mike Method and other strong progressive voices are up there at least getting the TRUTH out…It seems as if it were only Palin and her shock troops, we’d be getting the same amount of truth from Alaska as the world is getting out of Iran…KEEP ROCKIN !!!!

    Pass along a HUGE thanks to Shanny……

    Problem has been that most in the lower 48 didn’t bother to check in on Alaska’s great (I wish there were one such in Va.) bloggers to find the truth.
    It has taken a multitude of Sarah’s malfunctions to even begin to enlighten the masses. Maybe this one will be the final straw PR wise, if MSM has the gumption to stand up for the 1st Amendment.

  382. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    People – the Palin’s newspaper.,,20289481,00.html

  383. gotwood4sale says:


    Our justice system is for all of us. Surprised?

    Just because you folks on the left have nearly perfected the practice of using our justice system as a cudgel to achieve in our courts what you can not achieve elsewhere doesn’t entitle you to use it as your own private playground.

    Get used to it Ms. Moore…I shed not a tear for you.


  384. bubbles says:

    wow!! way to go! was great to hear you and akm last night. so proud of alaska bloggers and those who support their work….b

  385. nanceindallas says:

    Thanks Shannyn,
    I loved your speech.
    I think it’s great that you are standing up to SP’s bullying tactics. Seems like too many others have not.
    Way to go!!!

  386. Professor Geezer says:

    (I know it was Lowry with the starbursts, but Kristol was her “mentor.”

  387. Professor Geezer says:

    #1 Bill Kristol won’t have Sarah Palin for starbursts anymore?

  388. ED says:

    #6 She discovered van Flein was making more then she was.

  389. mike1946 says:

    Letterman should have a good show Monday..
    10 reason out of a 100 why Sarah calls it quits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  390. Rob in Ca says:

    #1 Quit? Who says she quit!! She is just moving on to a higher calling (after a period of unemployment and disgrace)

  391. London Bridges says:

    and #1

    David Letterman will no longer have Governor Sarah Palin to kick around anymore.

  392. Marnie says:

    73 London Bridges Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 4:27 PM
    I wonder what Letterman’s top ten reasons Sarah Palin resigned will be tomorrow night?

    10 She performed a surrogate resignation For Mark Sanford.
    9. She discovered Bristol was earning more than she was.
    8. She discovered Levi was earning more than she was.

    7. She realized she was such a failure as Governor that even she wouldn’t vote to reelect her>

  393. London Bridges says:

    #2 Since she is a slow reader, she needed to devote all her time to read Mudflats, Palin’s Deceptions & The Immoral Minority.

  394. C. Rock says:

    #65 kiksadi50 Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 4:18 PM

    Your post is so spot on

  395. Winski says:

    Muddy: I’m so glad that you, Shanny, Mike Method and other strong progressive voices are up there at least getting the TRUTH out…It seems as if it were only Palin and her shock troops, we’d be getting the same amount of truth from Alaska as the world is getting out of Iran…KEEP ROCKIN !!!!

    Pass along a HUGE thanks to Shanny……

  396. London Bridges says:

    #3 She discovered that the scarves and flags were no longer effective in covering up all her ethics violations

  397. Nebraska Native says:

    Gryphen has a new post, too about this also.

  398. Rob in Ca says:

    I can’t help but think of She Who Quit Again, and imagining the look on her face when she reads your statement. You know she already has. And she is NOT sitting happily outside with her family eating hot dogs, laughing at old family stories and gazing out over Lake Lucille. No, I bet she is angrily tweeting to her inner circle, cursing under her breath, and trying to figure out who she can get to take you down for what you said….(hmmm….maybe Eddie?)


  399. London Bridges says:

    #6 She discovered Tripp & Trig were smarter than she was.

  400. PepperzMom (GA) says:


    Looks like Shannyn got more press coverage than the Governator-quitter!

    WTG Shannyn!

  401. mudflats fan says:

    Shannyn, I don’t know you, but mightily wish I did. Sending as many good vibes as I can from the Lower 48. You are one impressive lady!

    One commenter wonders why the MSM doesn’t ask Palin the tough questions. Simple: Access. It’s a ratings bonanza to have someone like SP on a news show, so producers and anchors don’t dare offend her. Instead, they turn into simpering, obsequious fools, or else resort to polite euphemisms to describe her truly erratic behavior in order to secure the right to interview her at some later date. Anyone seen SP do an interview for CBS since the Katie Couric debacle?

  402. Lee323 says:

    In one short comment, Shannon said volumes more than the hysterical-lame-brain-“dead fish” -swirling-in-a-vortex-whirlpool-down-the-commode-drain speech that Palin gave on July 3rd.

    Palin has unilaterally and enthusiastically tried to set women in politics back with her histrionic mood swings and diva act….but today Shannon has repaired some of that damage.

  403. the problem child says:

    7. She discovered that her legal defence fund combined with her governor’s salary would just barely cover a quarter of her legal expenses and decided to risk her future on the talk circuit.

    6. Writing a book is HARD WORK! Especially fiction.

  404. Nebraska Native says:

    BTW HuffPo is AFUed… must be b/c of those stupid bloggers in the parent’s basement… etc.etc.etc.

  405. Lee323 says:

    In one short comment, Shannon spoke volumes more than the hysterical lame-brain “dead fish” speech that Palin gave on July 3rd.

    Palin has unilaterally tried to set women in politics back 50 years with her histrionic mood swings and diva act….but today Shannon has repaired some of that damage.

  406. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    no video yet

  407. tewise says:

    lol, it appears that Shannyn had more media than buttercup did, to f’ing funny.

  408. Professor Geezer says:

    #7. She discovered Todd was earning more than she was.

  409. London Bridges says:

    I wonder what Letterman’s top ten reasons Sarah Palin resigned will be tomorrow night?

    10 She performed a surrogate resignation For Mark Sanford.
    9. She discovered Bristol was earning more than she was.
    8. She discovered Levi was earning more than she was.

    anyone want to post #7?

  410. Laurie says:

    I don’t know how old Shannyn’s daughter is, but I will say this. The young girl has the best mother and role model a young woman could ask for . She is a lucky girl, to have a mom who shows her by actions…what is is to be an adult…and a patriot. Well done good and faithful servant.

  411. Nebraska Native says:

    Whoo hoo!!! Shannyn is the woman!

  412. lily f says:

    thank you Aussie Blue Sky! I will go look 🙂

  413. trisha says:

    It’s time for a lot of people to come out of the woodwork who have been bullied by Palin. I also think the MSM has actually been pretty soft on Palin so far, but maybe they need to start asking her the tough questions instead of letting her control the conversation. I have felt that they are all afraid of Palin’s outrage (Palin is still bashing Couric), so they play nice with her.

    Isn’t the MSM tired of Palin always bashing them.

    They need to take a stand like Shannyn.

  414. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    lily f, I left you a post on the Open Thread.

  415. MinNJ says:

    Shannyn is one of America’s best. I wish I could send her the body armor that she needs for this mission, but I think she may have it already. Precious woman, precious mission, precious heart. Thank you.

  416. whitehawk says:

    The brave people in Alaska speaking out, keep it up. Freedom of the press is behind you all. You can change your state into the reputable state you deserve. Your leaders have sold you out, but America is listening and ready to act for Alaska. Speak out on every issue; from native rights to rape kit’s. Keep pushing for your right’s and don’t forget about health care being a given right to care, care for all.

  417. sueinmn says:

    Cheers to you Shannon! Keep this woman at warp speed to self destruction! She no doubt lied to her lawyer the way the memo reads. I would countersue for defamation towards you! If she wants to end the rumors, she will have to sue 3/4 of the nations citizens as hey, were all talking! Sara’s true self has come through time and again and it is not what this country wants or needs. Her personal ambitions will be her self destruction as she is well on her way! Keep up the good reporting and information flowing on this wacko case! In MN we have Bachman with her tin foil hat running her own self destruction! The extreme fanatics must be removed from any official government power!

  418. kiksadi50 says:

    Count me in for a contrib. to Moore’s legal fund. Thank god some one is willing to stand up to Palin’s bullying. Moore is one gutsy woman. No one, no one, in professional politics has been willing to call Palin out for her incredibly unprofessional & disrespectful ‘acting out’ on the 4th of july. Every conversation is about whether or not she will run for pres. Who cares?! Look at how she behaved as Gov.!!! Whats more, she used Ak. to get to the next rung (albeit an unexpected leap) of her ambitions & as she has done over & over in her past, once she gets what she wants she moves on without so much as a bye your leave.In her speech she talked about what she has done for Ak. What about what Ak. has done for her? Where is her hearfelt gratitude to a state & people who elevated this nobody to become a candidate for the vice-pres. of the U.S.? How about a thanks for the 7 fig. book deal she just signed, or the millions she will rake in as a nat. circuit speaker. Talk about forgetting the little people that got you there.Palin’s had a really toxic effect on Ak. I hope that we can heal & move on. Thank you Shannyn for standing up for all of us.

  419. the problem child says:

    A fine statement, with just the right soundbites ready for the media to pluck. “aborting her term” comes to mind…

  420. BigSlick says:

    Remember “DairyGate?”

  421. Closet Mudpup says:

    Good stand, Shannyn. You’re on solid footing.
    coward, bully, “… aborting her term as governor …” Come on deposition!

  422. lily f says:

    go liz trotta go

  423. mike1946 says:

    Sarah we remember what you said during the campaign! paybacks are hell

  424. whitehawk says:

    Shannyn, you are the only Alaskan taking the contraversy to the public. The rest seem intimidated by this nutjob of a woman to speak up. Month’s before she was announced in August 08′, Alaskans were ready to impeach this woman for what they thought was questionable deals with other Party members, private contractors etc., I watched it all waiting for the legislation to do that, it never came. She got away with everything, including having people fired, paid nannies, no trips to Juneau. All of it….she won.

    Alaska has let you down Shannyn, the only person speaking out. I am proud of you, the media and voters need to know, even with rumors that actually turn out to be fact.

    Love your editorials. Keep up the great work.

  425. Chuck Tatum says:

    Now Fox News and Liz Trotta are reporting the “Federal Investegation” rumors.

    who’da thunk it.


  426. C. Rock says:

    I’m so looking forward to all the news tomorrow. I hope KO will be back on .

  427. Greytdog Δ says:

    Steve Benen @ The Washington Monthly had a good write up about how lame duck governors often affect change because they aren’t concerned about fundraising, political allies/enemies, etc. . . and then he posts a video with Les Gara!!!

  428. White Agate says:

    If anything else happens this summer, I may just have to take off into the woods! I’ll settle for another glass of wine at this point.

    I wonder when Palin will realize that throwing Alaska under the bus will hurt her more than she knows. She really loves her home state, in her way, but can she live away from it for an extended period?

    Go Shannyn, AKM, and other Alaska bloggers. The truth will not be silenced.

  429. lauren sd says:

    ds55 said it ALL!

    Go Shannyn!

    Caught the radio broadcast last eve… you don’t miss a beat!

    I am proud of all the bloggers who see though GINO’s unmitigated gall and ignorance. She is one evil woman.

    I wish I could think of one redeeming feature of the soon-to-be ex gov—- but there are no words.

    Rock on!

  430. delnorteco says:

    I truly love coming here.You people are great.Can’t wait for her incoherant response.And we all know she will have one.

  431. stephanie says:

    Keep up the great work! We love you in the lower 48!

  432. Nancy in Nevada says:

    WTG, Shannyn!!! Stand your righteous ground!

  433. not that sarah says:

    You rock, Shannyn!!!!!

    I wonder if you’ve considered (as if you don’t have better things to do) suing for defamation? Van Fascist’s letter clearly states that you stated this as a fact, when you so clearly did NOT.

    Of course, it is your right to say whatever you want– but being the responsible person you are, you measured your words and it’s not right to be defamed by a person much more powerful than you, who has access to national media whenever she wants to use it against the little guy.

    Shame on you, Sarah Palin! this is an un-American as it gets!

  434. Professor Geezer says:

    With Palin leaving office, doesn’t “The Ear’s” access to Palin seem rather silly? Or will Palin forver be gossip fodder for “The Ear”?

    Shannyn, you are a true American patriot.

  435. Nan says:

    OT, but only sorta

    SP tweeted (twittered?) earlier that she was heading today to western AK to the villages. Later, she mentioned joining Todd for a day of “picking fish” (while the villages aren’t allowed to fish. grrr)

    I hope she finds out about this *after* the visit to the villages…

  436. question authority says:

    True dat,

    Palin is a Coward who will cut and run from her elected position.

  437. seattlefan says:

    interents-internets phooie!

  438. seattlefan says:

    Great job Shannyn! You have the whole blogosphere behind you and the interents buzzing. Good on you!! Your statement was perfect.

  439. Forty Watt says:

    Ditto to all the kudos for Shannyn. We’re so proud to know you and you have all our support.

  440. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Yeah Shannyn!!! 😀 Shannyn Moore will not be muzzeled!!!

    Suck it up Buttercup!!!!!!can’t wait until she gets back from “fish pickin’ ” and catches that on the news!

  441. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    lily f Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 4:04 PM

    To Aussie Blue Sky, yes, “Alaska Ear” really claims to be one of the few to knwo the truth. I think someone should call her to account.
    And also too sue her (and adn).

  442. ED says:

    Ha ha. IF, and that’s a really BIG IF, the soon to be former governor had any sense, she would have ignored Shannon and if the FBI are not investigating this would have blown over. Suddenly it’s all over the news and the story was given the importance it now has by they same person who wanted to squelch it.

    Ha Ha. Sarah, Dave Letterman’s writers couldn’t write better material.

  443. trisha says:

    Go Shanynn. Thanks for speaking for all of us that are tired of Palin trying to censor our media, journalists, comedians, our internet, blogs. She is trying to censor every thing that offends HER.

    Guess what? This isn’t N. Korea, Palin.

    I think all bloggers, comedians, and journalists should unite and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH to Palin! She cannot censor US citizens.

  444. question authority says:

    Sarah Palin is the worst kind of “American” – she is a true tyrant.

  445. SystemBucker says:

    Good move Shannyn! You are a 1st Amendment Goddess and you represent many. I’m an artist and hold the First Amendment as one of our most important freedoms as Americans. NOBODY should ever be intimidated/bullied to keep their mouth shut…not even Buttercup can do that even though she gave it a try.

  446. lily f says:

    To Aussie Blue Sky, yes, “Alaska Ear” really claims to be one of the few to knwo the truth. I think someone should call her to account.

  447. AKPetMom says:

    Yay Shannyn! You look great and can’t wait for video.

  448. Marnie says:

    24 London Bridges Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 3:56 PM
    There has been a lot of speculation as to why Sarah has aborted her responsibilities as governor, but given her mental make up and her mental state, she probably doesn’t know why either.

    I think you’re right, she functions on instinct. At bottom I think she was afraid of the future as Governor, she’s pretty much failed to impress in that job, and she ran away.
    Maybe the same pattern as her college career fleeing from one school to another.

  449. Wolf Pack says:

    This unethical intimidation and bullying by Palin of ordinary citizens, requires a filing of another ethics complaint to the personnel board!

  450. DinkyP says:

    AWESOME job Shannyn! You are an inspiration to women, Alaska and this country. Now I realize why I started a group called Toastmaster’s ( the largest speaking organization in the world)! To start speaking out and about the biggest farce this country has witnessed Sarah Palin!

    You can sue me too, when you hear what I have to say about the Biggest Coward Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin seems to think she is the only person that can slander and use free speech.

  451. tewise says:

    Yeah, wtg Shannyn!!!!!! Does anyone know the questions yet? I love depositions they can get some of the most embarrassing answers to some of the most public questions. Counter suits are great too, also they can be very interesting. Thank you AKM for showing us pics please let us know more if you can…..

  452. sauerkraut says:

    28 ds55 Says: July 5th, 2009 at 3:58 PM

    Shannyn is everything Palin wishes she could be – intelligent, attractive and brave.

    Let’s add a few more things that Shannyn is but Palin is not…


    easy on the eyes.

  453. Basheert says:

    Thanks for covering this … Shannyn is my hero today. Freedom of speech, SLAPP, the 1st Amendment. They will all be left standing when SarahP crawls into the dustbin of history.

  454. HistoryGoddess says:

    Nice job, Shanynn! Can’t wait to see the video and hear the Q & A. Keep up the good fight.

  455. sauerkraut says:

    Wait a sec… that cannot be.

    Palin aborted her term as guverness?

    That cannot be!

    Everyone knows Sarah Palin is against abortion… guess it just goes to show… not only is she not really pro-life, but she’s also not against abortion!!

    Ohhh… let’s start a new rumor. …

  456. austintx says:

    YAY Shannyn !! Thank you for standing up for every American’s right for freedom of speech. I feel very proud to “know” you. Love your show , love what you stand for.

    And thank you AKM , for giving us this platform to read , learn , and exercise our freedom of speech.

  457. bigdayqueen says:

    WTG Shannyn..and thanks AKM for the update.

    Sarah Palin is messing with the wrong American citizen.

  458. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    lily f Says:
    July 5th, 2009 at 3:53 PM
    ” There are a zillion theories about why Sarah called it quits, but only Ear and a few insiders know the truth. ”
    Did the odious Sheila Toomey really say that? We already know she’s a liar and gets some of her info from Mudflats. Toomey has zero credibility.

  459. ds55 says:

    Shannyn is everything Palin wishes she could be – intelligent, attractive and brave.

  460. C. Rock says:

    you = your

  461. C. Rock says:

    Great job Shannyn. I take it that you will not be apologizing to Sarah like Lettermen did. LOL We all have you back.

  462. sauerkraut says:

    What’s up, Buttercup

    whoa oh whoa

    What’s up Buttercup

    whoa oh whoa. …

  463. London Bridges says:

    There has been a lot of speculation as to why Sarah has aborted her responsibilities as governor, but given her mental make up and her mental state, she probably doesn’t know why either.

  464. NYHawk says:

    “quasi-legal letter”?

    I thought it was more like a quasi-weasel letter.

    Bravo Shannyn!!!! GINO and her weasel will never again have the nerve to try and stifle free speech rights.

    The GINO has been smacked down and hard. She’ll never recover from the embarrassment and humiliation.

    Game over!

    Shannyn = 1.

    GINO = 0.

  465. Greytdog Δ says:

    Shannyn Moore is a patriot who will not allow a tinfoil despot to tread on the Bill of Rights!!! Long may she wave!

  466. lily f says:

    Good for you Shannyn!!! You are so wonderful…and gorgeous!!! Your report on rumors was entirely accurate…you didn’t claim to be one of the few to know the truth like the Alaska ear ” There are a zillion theories about why Sarah called it quits, but only Ear and a few insiders know the truth. ” Is she being sued as well?

  467. MamaBird62 says:

    Shannyn, you are the hero of the day!
    Your statement was very well done, and given the personal nature of Palin’s attacks against you, when you have in fact been quite fair to her, she had it coming, and then some.

  468. Matt-Man says:

    Palin is a walking, talking example of the Peter Principle. It is too me, amazing that she rose to heights of being an Executive Officer of a state let alone nearly being Vice-President of the Untied States. But man, she does provide me with plenty of comedy material. Cheers!!

  469. Irishgirl says:

    Yay! I’m glad you called her out for what she is…a bully and a coward!

  470. Ripley in CT says:

    Excellent work Shannyn.

    And love that coat.

  471. KateinCanada says:

    Nice response Shannon- love your apt choice of words.

  472. tubette says:

    you have our support!!!

  473. ds55 says:

    Woo-hoo! Go, Shannyn! Good job.

  474. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    How nice to see all those cameras.

    Is this the tail wagging the dog? 😉

  475. BigSlick says:

    You rock Shannyn!

  476. Marnie says:

    Shannyn I’m sorry this is on you, but I’m glad Sarah the Bully will be in the spot light now.

    I see her with a little square mustache and a swastika arm band. She can rouse the rabble, but she can’t deal with the truth.

  477. ocliberal says:

    I heart Shannyn Moore and AKM and Celtic Diva
    YOU all make me proud to be a woman and an American .

  478. UK Lady says:

    Well done Shannyn! – LOL thouh, I wouldn’t bank on it being the last word today – don’t forget the twit terer.

  479. BlueFranco says:

    Shannyn you are my heroine. This is how progressives must react, not cower like most of our elected reps. Thank you for your work, your words and your strength. Any help you need I know there are thousands that have your back.

  480. zyggy says:

    guess Van Flein will check the blogs and listen next time before accusing Shannyn of stuff, looks like his client Buttucup lied to him. What number of lies is that, #15 or #29? =)

  481. FW says:

    Please post video as soon as available…was Andrea Mitchell there? I know she’s up there on the hunt (and not for moose)

  482. Rob in Ca says:

    1. Shannyn, you are doing a fantastic job! I support you and if you need funds for an attorney, you can count on my support.

    2. Ditto to lovemydogs…any media questions?

  483. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Bravo, Shannyn! I bet that lipsticked pit bull is already regretting calling you out.

  484. BodieP says:

    Amen! Congratulations, Shannyn–you’re an inspiration to the rest of us. I must admit that when I first caught wind of the governor’s plan to prosecute detractors my reaction was an involuntary stomach spasm (I probably would have Embarrassed Myself had I not skipped breakfast). But when I read your response, and realized that situations like this are precisely why we have all agreed to make Freedom of Speech a constitutional right, I realized that long, quasi-legal letters notwithstanding, we have more than a right to express dissent–we have an obligation to do so, thoughtfully, reasonably, logically, and respectfully. And if anyone tries to muzzle us, our first question should be, “Why?”

  485. lovemydogs says:

    So what were the questions? Anything intelligent from our media?

  486. zyggy says:

    woohoo Shannyn, nice job, and you look great. Hope we get to see it on youtube soon.

  487. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    This warms my heart! Hoping the tape is sent to the MSM and will be airing when “Buttercup” returns from fish-picking and turns on her tv. Priceless.

  488. CR46 says:

    Go Shannyn Go!! And there is a whole country of fellow bloggers that will contribute whatever you need if she dares continue this farce!!!!

  489. AustinGirl says:

    Go Shannyn, Go!!

  490. Professor Geezer says:

    Go Shannyn!!!!!

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