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Open Thread – Where Was Sarah?


Residents in Juneau felt left in the lurch on the 4th of July. Where was the governor?

The governor spent the Fourth of July weekend in Juneau but was only spotted briefly on the sidelines of the capital city’s parade.

She had been invited to ride in a convertible, as she did last year, but never told organizers whether she would attend.

Juneau parade director Jean Sztuk said officials drew up banners in case Palin showed and was willing to take part.

As the last of the parade’s clowns and marching bands headed past her, Sztuk gave up on Palin.

“What governor wants to be at the end of the parade?” she asked.

OK, thats the “official” story, but we’ve gotten a tip from a vigilant Mudflatter that the governor was spotted in Gustavus! It would appear that the governor marched in the parade there, accompanied by this gentleman, whom we can only asume was her security detail. She did not appear to be camera shy and posed for this picture, dressed as she was in the attire she wore for her official state portrait.



438 Responses to “Open Thread – Where Was Sarah?”
  1. Dinah Kudatsky says:


    It hardly matters which carrot of power, influence, money, or fame leads Sarah Palin forward. Palin has a breathtakingly delusional confidence in her talents. Her ability to make the most of circumstance relies on the nature of the followers she attracts. Marinated in ideology, susceptible to manufactured symbolisms, addicted to political drama, fact-resistant, they exult in her reckless maverickyness.

    Palin’s a basketball player. She holds the ball, knees bent, ready to turn quickly in any direction. Whether running to score or just running for daylight, what matters is the game she runs, a game whose rules she constantly “adapts” to her own interests.

    In a fairy tale, Rumpelstiltskin spun straw into gold; only Sarah Palin could have the temerity to spin her abandonment of Alaska into some fairy tale notion that she’s following a higher calling.

    Sarah Palin’s trajectory is always toward the North Star of her own self-advancement. Those that expected Palin to “run” likely didn’t envision a runaway. She hoists the flag of her own sovereignty as she flees. Being Governor became a drag; buh-BYE Alaska!

  2. califpat says:

    @yukonbushgrma: I totally agree. Thank your daughters for their illustrious services on our behalf. I do not even know them but they make me more proud than Buttercup does. You should and I am sure that you are very, very proud. I salute your daughters in honor!!!

  3. Lee323 says:

    Great additional comments, YukonBG!

    I salute your family’s service to our country.

  4. yukonbushgrma says:

    @433 Lee323 Says:
    Andrew Halcro also caught the irony of Palin’s quitting juxtaposed sickeningly to her recent visit to Kosovo.
    AKM….this issue needs more airing. I’m absolutely appalled by Palin’s “unmitigated” gall in using the Guard visit, especially the wounded soldiers, as a reason to justify her resignation. What will she NOT pimp out for her own selfish goals?

    Amen, Lee323!!!!

    We have two daughters who have served in the military. They were both very young … but when they were at the bottom of the barrel and wanted to quit, they called us and eventually came to the conclusion, “no, I can’t do that!” It would have been a disgrace. And they knew that.

    They stuck it out, and they are so much the better for it now, years later.

    But they both were active military during Palin’s administration. It scares me to think she was at least somewhat connected to their fate during those years. Both of them had MOS’s that could have put them in dangerous territory at any time.

    This woman is totally disconnected to what our military people live day-to-day. I don’t think there is any possibility she could EVER understand what they give up for their country …….

    so sad …..

    but I am so thankful they are there …..

  5. Lee323 says:

    Andrew Halcro also caught the irony of Palin’s quitting juxtaposed sickeningly to her recent visit to Kosovo.

    “Parnell told FOX News, “But I have to tell you, when she (Palin) went to Kosovo and visited our Guard members and the wounded soldiers there and in Germany, she saw that she doesn’t need a title to effect change and bring some hope to people who need it.”

    The undeniable irony of this is that Palin quitting represents the absolute, unmitigated antithesis of what Guard members and wounded soldiers sacrifice by joining the military to serve and defend the country.

    Soldiers don’t have the luxury of saying, “I’m tired of people taking shots at me so I’m quitting half way through my tour of duty.”

    AKM….this issue needs more airing. I’m absolutely appalled by Palin’s “unmitigated” gall in using the Guard visit, especially the wounded soldiers, as a reason to justify her resignation. What will she NOT pimp out for her own selfish goals?

  6. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    If you are a golfer or a golf fan, bad news again for Phil Mickelson:

    Mickelson’s mother diagnosed with breast cancer

    Six weeks after Phil Mickelson announced his wife had breast cancer, his mother was diagnosed with the disease and is to have surgery later this week.

    The San Diego Union-Tribune reported on its Web site that Mary Mickelson discovered she had breast cancer last week. She is to have surgery Friday at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, the same hospital where Mickelson’s wife, Amy, had surgery last Wednesday.


  7. alaskanwoman says:

    Not sure where Sarah & Todd were while in Juneau (babysitting?) but Bristol was reportedly partying downtown with other underaged “revelers” on Friday night for the fireworks. Didn’t see her with my own eyes so I guess it is just a rumor at this point.

  8. Forever Annonymous says:

    Letterman had a message from Sarah Palin: “The world need more insane.”…

    hehe they desecreated her line about lil’ Trig.

  9. DrChill says:

    Dave on Palin:

    Obama in Russia, confirmed by Palin who can see him from her house.
    She stepped down, next in secession for the job, Miss Congeniality.

    “Was it something I said?”

    But she blamed the media, was seen shooting Wolf Blitzer from a helicopter.

    Edited her concession speech ” The world needs..more..insane..governors”

  10. jojobo1 says:

    Does the palin conservatives really surprise anyone with their hate for anyone who does not like Palin ?look at how Palin herself ignored people who called out hateful things at her rallies.She could-have easily said enough is enough.At least towards the end McCain did,

  11. jojobo1 says:

    I would think every company uses PO to keep track of things but again the shredding

  12. jojobo1 says:

    So the Eddie Burke listeners from the far right want us to be another Iran,run by the religious people,They think maybe Palin could lead them kike the Jones town people??e

  13. lkh in AK says:

    I don’t know if this is the place to post this…..

    Here’s the info: from a public website…

    2009 Alaska Governor’s Annual Picnic

    I think it would be wonderful if people would turn out in force THIS YEAR.. wearing
    a little yellow duckie… like the one posted here a few days ago (the day Sarah
    won the Sitting Duck award) It would be easy to copy and print off a computer, and
    people could show up w/ lots of extras, cheaply… to bid Sarah adios… and to
    express our feelings about “Bailin’ Palin”…Only instead of black, they should be
    yellow….. BUTTERCUP yellow… If she looks out over a sea of yellow sitting ducks,
    she’ll get it, believe me…

    Whatdya think?
    There’s another Gov’s picnic in the Valley later on .. in Aug, I think..

  14. Isabella says:

    Posting to make sure everyone sees. A few were saying when they go to certain sites their computers were slowing down concerned someone was logging your location.

    Here is what I just learned.

    Clicking on a site, a picture, answering an Email ANYWHERE you go on the net a link/clink can log your IP address. Any moderator, administrator they can see your IP address. Posting on a blog, ANYTHING.

    They can see what you will see below when you go to What’s My IP Address?

    Freakin SCARY how they can ID you right to your front door.

    Be careful some of these Palin FREAKS are that whack to track you.

  15. NYHawk says:

    We have a conundrum: What will we call the First Dude?

    The Second Quitter?

    The Other Failin’ Palin?

  16. honestyinGov says:

    AC on CNN will be interviewing Todd Pardum shortly.

  17. austintx says:

    Dang Dude !! That was fast !! Actually I heard you on Shannyn the other nite and gathered from what you said at the end that you were going somewhere. Enjoy , be careful , and whatever you do , don’t hit an iceberg……..

  18. jojobo1 says:

    I wouldn’t trust those three Rudy,Palin and Darth as far as I could throw them,Remember some of those people want us to be attacked again so they can say I told you so would not put it past some of them to try a backhanded round and blame the terrorist

  19. antiAnti says:

    @ austintx

    DZ is on vacation.

    Vacation Time!
    We’re taking a working vacation to Bristol Bay and Kodiak until July 22nd. We should be able to start posting some pictures and video around July 18th when we get back into internet range. See you then. DZ

  20. austintx says:

    I’m with bubbles , and I said it earlier , I’m sorely disappointed in Andrea doing the interviews on the Palin deck. I wish someone would scoop her ass. Dennis , where you at ??

  21. jojobo1 says:

    Because people finally saw who and what she was and what she was really up to and maybe just maybe they did not like what they were seeing and hearing

  22. trisha says:

    Anyone else think it’s odd that McCain came out with a statement supporting Palin when he hasn’t mentioned her name in months when talking about leaders in the GOP? Especially since some unflattering stuff was just leaked from the campaign. Also, Isn’t it odd that Palin called Cheney before she resigned? I read somewhere that before she was nominated, she used to talk to Cheney. I find that odd too. Maybe it’s not odd for a Governor to call a VP, but it seemed unusual to me.

    I find all of it puzzling–her manic speech, the timing, the secrecy, the rush to hold the new conference on July 3 (best day to hold a press conference with bad news is on a Friday before a holiday), her rapid-fire, breathy-cat on a hot tin roof manner of speaking. Just saying………………..

  23. jojobo1 says:

    Sorry meant sent and yes we had to keep all those records either on our computer system or filing system

  24. jojobo1 says:

    honestyingov you are so right I also worked in shipping and receiving and we had to count everything and account for everything and if anything was short it was reported right away so we did not have to pay for it..The same for shipping I snt Packing slips so they would know the amount they should receive

  25. phoebe says:

    Mi casa su casa????? Very strange.

  26. phoebe says:

    #385 Bubbles

    I think times they are a changing.

  27. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    bubbles Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 5:08 PM

    does anyone else think it strange that msm is on palins’ property and there are no pictures of even smallest the piece of her house and not no pics of the often mentioned sports center. andrea mitchell has no more credibility than greta van susterain. i am so disappointed in ko. and the whole cable news media…b
    QuiltAK Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 5:14 PM

    I think it’s weird if they are on the Palin property when the Palins aren’t even there. They are fishing in Bristol Bay.
    Yes isn’t it extremely weird! And we know buttercup is not one to shy away from any photo op! Why are ALL the media going there? Even the HEAD groupie manSour is there????
    Popcorn people, popcorn 😀

  28. Haughty_Monkee says:

    Wow, more ethics complaints!

  29. QuiltAK says:

    I think it’s weird if they are on the Palin property when the Palins aren’t even there. They are fishing in Bristol Bay.

  30. Cynthia, TX says:

    @closet mudpup

    that made me want to puke on my keyboard

  31. Closet Mudpup says:


    I think we’ve all learned a lot in the last 10 months – It’s just sad that we’ve had to focus all that effort on SWWNBN.

  32. bubbles says:

    does anyone else think it strange that msm is on palins’ property and there are no pictures of even smallest the piece of her house and not no pics of the often mentioned sports center. andrea mitchell has no more credibility than greta van susterain. i am so disappointed in ko. and the whole cable news media…b

  33. jojobo1 says:

    Could one of the rumors be about the US attorneys office investigating her and Todd??? I don’t believe that was mentioned as one of the alphabet rumors?

  34. Closet Mudpup says:

    5 Things I learned listening to Eddie Burke:

    Sarah Palin has never said anything that wasn’t true. Ever.
    Sarah Palin is (not foaming at the mouth – she’s) overflowing with integrity.
    Everyone (except ugly, hateful librals) loves Sarah Palin!
    If Sarah Palin announced her candidacy for POTUS today, she’d be a shoo-in.
    The country is desperate for Sarah Palin’s quitterleadership.

  35. bubbles says:

    closet mudpup“`thank you!!! i have been trying to say the same thing but you articulated my exact thoughts so much more eloquently. this grasshopper just keeps on learning and enjoying herself.

  36. Lee323 says:

    Great post by David Fiderer on HuffPo detailing how Palin’s quitting follows in the footsteps of other big GOP quitters.

    The real killer point of his post is his last paragraph below. These public servants who were elected to serve out their terms should all read this. The families of soldiers who are pressed into deployment after deployment should hold a special disgust for the Palin who didn’t have the guts to serve even one “deployment” she was elected to by the people of Alaska. Real patriot, my arse!!

    “The irony is that Palin, Gingrich, Hastert, Lott, Baker and Scarborough were all big fans of Bush administration’s military strategy, which exploits a different one-way option at the expense of our troops and their families. An enlistee’s commitment to serve can be extended indefinitely, so long as the president deems his service is necessary during a time of war. Palin, Gingrich, Hastert, Lott, Baker and Scarborough have never entertained the notion that the Iraq surge might be curtailed because continued deployments place an unconscionable burden on the men and women who signed up serve. They never gave serious thought to the idea that our troops, like Scarborough, might want to spend more time with their kids.”

  37. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Between TV and radio online, it has been an extremely busy day!! Do I listen to this or than oh diddle damm when you get too many pages open & computer freezes!!!!

    Man oh man!!! Shannyn has made it a very busy day!!

    I await Keith to be uploaded on MSNBC site so I can watch that as don’t get station here. Same with Rachel Maddow as she too will have something on Palin. Only wish Jon Stewart was on tonight as he would be good today!! It’s a rerun (Justin Fox from July 1) according to a website I check. Letterman, Conan & Ferguson are live.

    David Letterman guests: Serena Williams, Hayden Panettiere, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band

    Hayden appeared with Bristol on the panel for Candies — so wonder whether Dave will say anything or stay clear of it as Hayden’s only like 21.

  38. Cynthia, TX says:

    Palin Hit With Another Ethics Complaint

    In the wake of Governor Palin stepping down from her job, new allegations have surfaced today in Alaska charging Palin with additional violations of the Alaska Executive Ethics Act.

    Zane Henning — a conservative government watchdog from the governor’s hometown of Wasilla and an oilfield worker on Alaska’s North Slope — asserts in a letter to Alaska Attorney General Daniel S. Sullivan that Palin has “been charging and pocketing per diem to live in her home and has used the process for a personal gain since being elected.”

  39. lily f says:

    Can someone tell me what the “holding a fish” thing is that she talked about?

  40. Closet Mudpup says:


    Knowing what I know about Palin’s affiliation with religious zealots, I’ve been having the same suspicion for a few months. Now that shool’s out early, I think the probability increases. The same disenfranchised crowd she riled up last Fall are still riled up and ready, and her Dominionist/New Apolostic Reformation crowd have been biding their time, mostly staying below the radar. The theory I voiced a while back was that she may be looking to get into a position where she can show the Republicans that she can steal enough of their votes and money to leverage her way onto the ticket – and she could bypass all the Republican primary debates in the process. I think we could see a coalition all-wingnut ticket.

    Another likely possibility – she has decided that holding office is a drag, and just becomes an attack dog for the GOP, keeping the aforementioned crowd fired up, and raking in cash from speaking engagements, books, etc., with nothing really tying her down. Either way, we’ll soon see her right back in the same mode she was in during the campaign.

  41. ValleyIndependent says:

    Blinded by the sparkles? Or something else?

  42. ValleyIndependent says:

    Last Smurke caller made a personal attack regarding Shannyn’s sexuality. Again, there was no comment from the Smurke or his guests that such a comment was inappropriate. And they think they are the good guys?

  43. Cynthia, TX says:


    behind the shiny sparkly “red” pumps

  44. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Casa de Palin is Fug! The pics inside I’ve seen looks like a sport complex all empty! Only the beautiful lake behind saves that house!
    Why is everyone heading to Alaska? Hmmmmm?
    Anderson Cooper is heading up there…ManSour is there…why is everyone going?
    Thor’s hammer…..BAM! ❗

  45. ValleyIndependent says:

    Canadian Neighbour – I’m not ignoring you. These women ARE pretty amazing, and not in a good way. I have never been a one-issue voter, nor are the women I know, so abortion as THE ONLY reason we don’t like her doesn’t wash. Conversely, there seem to be a lot of one-issue voters in their crowd. Can’t they think of more than one issue at a time?

    Woman just called Shannyn “ugly” – just one more personal attack from a conservative Palin supporter.

  46. trisha says:

    The image/story that comes to mind when I think of Palin…
    The Emperor has no clothes.

    Remember in the story when the people questioned (in their head)the fake clothes they had to make, and the parade of the naked Emperor, but they were all afraid to speak out?

    It reminds me of the media continuing to build up the Palin “story”. Palin is walking around “naked” showing us that she can’t even keep her promise to the people who elected her, and the media is saying “Isn’t she grand, Isn’t she beautiful, We can’t wait to see what her amazing plan brings to America, She’s such a good politician, She has such good instinct”, etc.

    Good Gawd, It seems to me that most of the public…gets it. She is empty headed, and was in way over her head–even at the State level.

    Yet,the media and pundits keep building her up and exagerating her potential to something way beyond her capabilities. Even with her resignation, they still keep talking about her potential and her huge fan base. Really? Huge?

    Come on, it’s really O.K. to say that the Empress has no clothes.

  47. ValleyIndependent says:

    Hah! Caller just came on Smurke and says Sarah has never lied to anybody. What rock has he been hiding under?

  48. ValleyIndependent says:

    # 353 Closet Mudpup – I caught that, too. They call us haters and blast us for making personal attacks, and yet would let that caller make horrible personal comments about Diva and not have the grace to cut him off and tell people that kind of thing isn’t acceptable. It was waaay over the line.

  49. Closet Mudpup says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    Thanks for the update. I thought about watching Ziegler, but a sheriff’s deputy drove up and saved me (they usually don’t come around this area unless they’re lost – and this one was, too.)

    I agree about the lack of substance between their ears – easy to see why we have so many bizarre elections.

  50. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ HonestyinGov & JHop

    The contract, POs, invoices, and payment records should all be available by citizen filed information request at Wasilla city hall.

  51. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Dr. Chill – Hi! Glad you’re back! No get to work on your photoshop!!!!!


  52. DrChill says:

    361 phoebe Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 3:58 PM
    #343 Dr Chill

    Have we been sold out?
    punked maybe…
    Unless I get an offer I can’t refuse ..

  53. Closet Mudpup says:


    I think the windows and the related “window wall” material are likely the same as those used in the sports complex, and most likely the entire wall system is packaged by the manufacturer. And I don’t imply any impropriety by saying that. If you know that a wholesaler is going to be placing a large order for some materials, you should be able to negotiate a very advantageous price by ordering within the same time fame so he can enlarge his order. I’ve done a lot of work for developers the past several years, and it is commonplace for them to fix me up with their suppliers at their prices – but it limits my choices to materials used in large quantity. If I had been in the same position as the Palins, I likely would have used as many materials as I could that were already about to be ordered in quantity – it’s an easy situation in which to negotiate a good price.

  54. Empish says:

    SBS is not a contractor. As the name implies, they are a building supply store.
    They do not build things, they do not employ framing crews or carpenters. They sell and deliver lumber and products. The plant in Big Lake builds roof trusses and customers can arrange boom sets for a price.
    SBS is also not a little AK business. It was bought out in 1978 by Lanoga Corporation, which had lumber yards in over 30 states. Since been swallowed up by Fidelity, and now has stores in 38 states, plus its own barge line from WA to AK.

  55. honestyinGov says:

    # 345
    Closet Mudpup Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 3:41 PM

    As for counting windows – it’s really not that simple. Purchasing is an art – you have to balance manufacturer discount quantities, shipping discounts, and what you can handle in inventory to maximize profitability. Having some familiarity from dealing with developers, I would be shocked to find that the Palins weren’t given a discount, and, since contractors often pay as much as 35-40% less than retail buyers, that discount could have been substantial. With the wholesaler also being a general contractor, the sale would not have to have been directly from the wholesaler to the Palins.
    I am sure the Palin’s had to have ‘ some ‘ stuff shipped directly to them and so the points you make make sense.
    My impression by the way people commented about the Wasilla house was this… people would say… ” How convenient that the Palin house looks like it has the SAME windows”. I therefore concluded that they came from the same source or shipment and that people were saying/implying these windows ‘ could have ‘ ( rumor? ) disappeared off the construction site at the Sports Complex… in the middle of the night.

    If that was not what they were implying… then I just got the wrong impression. I was only thinking in terms of the windows.

  56. phoebe says:

    #343 Dr Chill

    Have we been sold out?

  57. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Shannyn is on right now

  58. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Closet Mudpup,
    I’ve been flipping back and forth between the civil show which just had Bob Poe on and Burkass. I was listening to it waiting for VanFleece but I too can’t anymore. They seriously have nothing between their ears.

    They think women hate Palin and they’ve brought it down to it’s just the issue of abortion. Burke thinks Palin is just everything that a feminist would want in a woman — intelligent (gag), etc., etc. I can’t even list it.

    They continued that the fact Palin had Trigg, left doesn’t get it. Then a statement from one of the broads that 90% of babies with Downs are aborted. They say we don’t fact check. Hellllo

  59. phoebe says:

    #343 Dr Chill

    Have we been sold out??????

  60. CG says:

    Okay, I must have found it then, a later broadcast of the same program, maybe? I thought it was something different. The program that I just listened to was with Cary Carrigan, an Alaska anchor/broadcaster. Used to be the weather guy.
    Okay, so I must be caught up on that.

    It’s possible that they’re adjusting for time zones, even if they say “live”.

    But I’d still like to know if anyone knows where this new rumor came from?

  61. InJuneau says:

    The Rubber Room Hotel–actually, the gov. appoints the Personnel Board, not the Ethics Board (or at least not all of them). I think they’re appointed in part by the Legis.

    Nebraska Native–Shannyn did her press conference from in front of the governor’s office in Anchorage, NOT in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Juneau (which is, BTW, the CAPITAL CITY!! 😉 )

  62. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Agh, I am still way behind…….did Griffin, Griffen?…….say anything more? who his client in AK is? so he’s saying the campaigning from AK difficulty thing is not a reason?

    if so, he’s either trying to put distance between any “connection” to her or she gone and possibly dissed that group? which station is that on?

    Did they say why he was giving an opinion?

    HistoryGoddess Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 2:47 PM

    Tim Griffen on Ed Show (hard core Repub) and Katrina something both against Palin’s actions. Quitters don’t help the cause. Sam Stein (HuffPo) said she says more about McCain than he does himself.

    ooh, that is the Tim Griffen that went to AK 20+ times. Said he had a client there and going back and forth isn’t that difficult. Katrina brings up sports complex!!!! She had no fans on that panel.

  63. Nan says:


    About that “new party” thing. My gawd, I hope you’re wrong. Have you read up on “Joel’s Army”? Or “Theopalinism”? (link at right somewhere). Truly frightening.

    You mention that there is only about 30% of the population makes up her base (no?) That actually makes me nervous, because if I remember my early American history correctly, when the fighting broke out in New England back in 1776-ish, only about a third of the population was eager to break away from England.

    Another third wanted nothing more than to stay put under King Geo III (the Royalists). The final third wanted nothing more than to plow their fields and have a tankard at the end of the day.

    With only one third of the population in favor of revolting against England, we got ourselves our own country out of it. 30% is not very far away from 33 1/3% when all is said and done.

  64. Closet Mudpup says:

    I can’t handle any more Burke show – they just sat and laughed while a caller called Celtic Diva hateful names, and now they’re patting themselves on the back for not being hateful like the librals.

  65. the problem child says:

    CG, A westcoast mudpup heard the same show as you are now listening to earlier in the day, and there was some discussion waaaay upthread about it. It was new to everyone who weighed in then.

  66. tigerwine says:

    Closet Mudpup – Thanks for the up-date. Find it so ironic that Palin thinks the rules of politics don’t apply to her. I don’t think they apply to me, either – but I’m not a politician. Firemen abide by fireman rules, police abide by police rules, doctors abide by their rules, clergy, too, etc. Of course there are those that don’t – and they are called law or rule breakers, and sometimes punished under the legal system. With her, it’s just that she’s a maverick. That’s only good so far. There’s a point that a maverick turns into a law-breaker/criminal. I’m waiting for the shoe to fall. Thanks for your post.

  67. InJuneau says:

    Steve MacDonald is the news Director at KTUU; he used to be a news anchor too.

    Shannyn is rather tall.

    I think the Dud was overseeing the renovations at the Mansion (which really did need some work, in spite of what Murky may have said–turned out the plumbing and elec. needed updating).

    And, I think “Buttercup and the Toad” might make a good title for a kids’ book…

  68. CG says:

    Where is this rumour about Todd getting a state paycheck coming from? Bizarre. Any insight, anyone?

  69. Nan says:

    I’m so glad this is open thread, because I could just spit. Please check out Progressive Alaska (Saradise Lost – Book 3 – Chapter 9)

    and then – Oh, and then! check this one out:
    “The Media Can Legally Lie”
    In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.

    The video on Progressive Alaska – link to the right—->
    is Fox News, putrid in its sanctimonious posturing in this clip (7 minutes, but … well, just watch it)

    Nan the cranky

  70. Canadian Neighbour says:

    These turds on Burkass’s show have nothing between their ears.

  71. CG says:

    Ohhh! Talking about someone getting a paycheck from the state, with Todd’s Native name.

  72. Closet Mudpup says:


    As for counting windows – it’s really not that simple. Purchasing is an art – you have to balance manufacturer discount quantities, shipping discounts, and what you can handle in inventory to maximize profitability. Having some familiarity from dealing with developers, I would be shocked to find that the Palins weren’t given a discount, and, since contractors often pay as much as 35-40% less than retail buyers, that discount could have been substantial. With the wholesaler also being a general contractor, the sale would not have to have been directly from the wholesaler to the Palins.

  73. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Boy, this thread hopping is hard. Trying to stay on the right thread so as to not be OT. Back here to the open thread to laugh at a comment on Daily Kos. Somebody commented that Sarah and Toad’s house is uuuuggggllllyyyy! LOL. It is rather ugly on the outside, and rather cold looking on the inside. Go figure. Add to the list of things wrong with those two. They have bad taste. We already know Sarah has bad taste in clothes. Now we can add bad taste in house design.

  74. DrChill says:

    … meanwhile back in his mom’s basement, DrChill, freshly jazzed about his success with the now infamous Palin & Baby Burke shop job, sets his sights higher.

    Announcing the “Pay me or I’ll photoshop you and your little kids” photo shop service. Pay me to ‘shop’ your opponents. Pay me not to ‘shop’ you.
    Its all money in my evil little hands.

    This is so odd. Odd that WSJ mentions it, odd that AKM is misquoted, and its just so … bizarre.

  75. anon blogger says:

    “Are We To Conclude That Reports of Palin’s Extramarital Affair Were True?” New article at HP by Mark Nicholas. Short article just questioning the recent threat to sue, but the article in NE during the campaign about a BH not a peep.

  76. antiAnti says:

    322 Nebraska Native Says: July 6th, 2009 at 3:19 PM

    You made me laugh. And this is an open thread so it was “legal”.

  77. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I just chocked. With reference to doing damage control with media, Poe just said that if Parnell wraps himself up in the same way as Palin with the media, it means it’s the same brush, same colour, same dress!!! CHOKE!!!

  78. Nebraska Native says:

    OK CG, that link goes nowhere… so what I do is type msnbc into google or bing search engines and I get there… then look for the programs tab, in this case it is “Hardball” and segments from today should be listed by now.

  79. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    ManSour sounds like a rube…She is so envious of Shannyn! So now she gets to me the pig that is Eddie smurke.
    There are Stalker’s dissing Diva now. Pigs…Pigs…Pigs!!! 😈

  80. Jukesgrrl says:

    My big announcement:

    I’ve spent all weekend thinking about this confusing mess and I’d like to make a prediction. Palin will come back from her hiatus at Bristol Bay saying Jesus told her to start her own political party. She might save the big announcement for her book, but I’ll bet when the story is told, that will be the result.

    It would be a brilliant move. The Republican Party clearly is split and she is getting the coldest shoulder from the Old Guard that raises old-style money for the party. Her natural constituency is made up of Americans (not just Republicans) who are obsessed with Jesus-centered social issues and don’t want to pay taxes. They are not the least bit concerned with the practicalities of running a town, a state, or a nation. They just want to make noise and force their behavior choices on the public at large. Does this not mesh completely with what Palin is all about?

    Perhaps 2012 isn’t viable for her, but so what? By 2016, she can have a total lock on a coalition of Christianists, right-to-lifers, wingnuts, weapon stockpilers, home-schoolers, conspiracy theorists, former beauty queens, compulsive winkers, and Republican old-guys who are hot for her (Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbach, that guy who sees starbursts, etc.). I don’t think that group comprises the majority of Americans (more like 30%), but they’re a big enough and loud enough group to give her all the love and money one hockey mom could ever dream about. And currently they are unorganized and disrespected by GOP leadership.

    This prediction gives me no joy. I was so-o-o happy when she flew back to Alaska in November and quieted down a bit. But her recent forays back to the lower 48, combined with her obvious lack of interest in being the executive of your beautiful state, lead me to believe a nascent nationwide crusade is what Friday’s babblefest was really about. If that includes the presidency, she’d be fine with it. But I truly believe she is even more megalomaniacal than that.

    Mark my words, she’s on a mission from Gawd, folks.

  81. CG says:

    Thanks anyway, Nebraska. I was on that site this morning, but couldn’t find that particular video.

  82. CG says:

    Quote from someone: “She’s going to reconfigure her life, so it works.”

  83. Nebraska Native says:

    CG, I don’t know how. What I do know is that you can access http://www.msnbc and access the different programs at the top of the page. I apologize for my non-tech savvy.

  84. CG says:

    Cary Carrigan just said “The crazy train stops here.”
    san diego 1700

    Now he’s talking about people rushing to respond to get to Sarah before announcement, Todd running back from Dillingham.

  85. Nebraska Native says:

    I am with you Lila… I would have probably been swayed by the myth of McCain had I not had contrary info… time for that to be corrected too! Also.

  86. CG says:

    Nebraska, would you mind posting a link or a title or something for broadcast of Andrea Mitchell at Palin’s house?

  87. lila says:

    I hope that this revisiting of old issues about Sarah by bloggers and commenters and by the MSM also leads to a revisiting of old issues about McCain, and possibly others. It seems like a lot of the issues raised in the wonderful Rolling Stone article about McCain this fall were overshadowed by the many other events this fall. The old legends about his patriotism, etc remain accepted as truth. As his judgment is questioned about Sarah, other issues of past bad judgment can be revisited.

  88. JHop says:

    RubberRoom, that article IS interesting!

  89. not that sarah says:


    interesting points — unfortunately, Palin did away with the need to process c of o’s , so it’s hard to track stuff…but Spenard did file a lien against her home — that amount and what it is for would prove very interesting. Where is the canceled check? also, the shippers — did they deliver stuff to the Palin residence, if so, who signed for it, what was it, and how was it paid for?

    I believe the supplies were used around the same time, but not exactly. how they rolled those items into purchase orders (every organization uses them — please tell me Wasilla uses po’s) for the wasilla sports complex?

  90. califpat says:

    New thread is up,

  91. Empish says:

    Suchanut, . Kathy Phillips has been doing DemoMemo on fridays, today is a special slot re the resignation.

  92. Canadian Neighbour says:

    When Burkass calls the Left & Libs haters. Didn’t the repugs/pee’er’s perfect that??? Their claim to fame??

    Thanks for putting up the link. I just came back on to post it as someone posted it earlier.

  93. ValleyIndependent says:

    LOL @ 310 MarthaUYS – You are on a roll today!

  94. Closet Mudpup says:

    Burke beating up Shannyn – no acknowlegement that it’s Republicans as well as Dems who are looking for a rational explanation.

    Phil Munger is on – defending Shannyn – Burke can’t grasp very much (nor do his guests). Wow – what simple reasoning.

    Mansour accepted Phil’s invitation to meet some Alaska bloggers Wednesday.

  95. Nebraska Native says:

    OK, I am 4 hours post dentist appt and half of my face is still numb… hard to drink wine and still look normal, and I am sick to death of all of these talking heads debating the wisdom of her decision. The woman is unhinged, what part of that don’t these people understand? Why are Andrea Mitchell and Van WhateverLawyer on Sarah’s deck for their “interviews?” Anybody can wander on to the soon to be former governor’s deck and do a newscast????? There is absolutely no way we would have access like Shannon did to the Gov’s mansion and if we were to go to the private house of the Gov here, I think we would be joined by state patrol officers with guns drawn. They just don’t have that sense of humor and whimsey. This whole thing is crazy-making. Are they using something different than novocaine these days, something that causes my snark to come out? Because, normally, I am considered to be a nice person. (Please let this be an open thread, thank you)

  96. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    This is interesting!

  97. JHop says:

    Rubber Room – I know that they are in Palin’s pocket, that is why I am so curious. The previous ethics complaint (before the still pending Alaska Trust Fund one) was dismissed in 16 days. This ATF one, however, was filed with the Attorney General in April. At that point, he had to immediately forward it to the personnel board, appointed by the governor. They have to determine the validity of the claim, and if it is found viable, have to issue a report to the AG recommending action. I read the complaint and all of the applicable statutes, and it genuinely appears to have merit.

    I am not sure that there was any wiggle room for them to dismiss it on its face. The public can go to court and compel the release of the report/decision, and if it is a matter of public concern amongst a few other factors, the judge will release it. The decision is then appealable. So if dismissed on it’s face, the public could have forced the issue to come to light anyway. If there IS truth to the complaint, then Palin was screwed. Her only choice may have been to resign instead of being publicly found in violation of the law and her office; but more importantly, it may have been the only way to keep her lucrative trust. Which, as people said yesterday, is her personal ATM machine.

  98. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Let’s face it folks, it might sound good to have the msm descend on Alaska, but these are the same folks who have gotten it wrong all along. Now they are just getting it wrong with pretty backdrops. The play by play of the high speed chase in Houston today had fewer errors than the msm broadcasts from Alaska. These people are so clueless. Maybe Andrea should go on Eddie Burke. That would give her a clue about some of the players.
    BTW, I have more Native blood than Toad, and the BIA denied me Alaska Native money based on their assertion that I have a pinch of “conqueror” blood in me from Russia, thus making me NOT QUITE one quarter. If he is getting any Native money other than Native corp descendant money from gifted shares, I want to know about it.

  99. EyeOnYou says:

    WOW, Phil…. 🙁

  100. Nan says:

    Oh! I’m probably coming late to this thought, but hey, I did get here in the end…

    She twit-tweeted that “I head 2 West AK villages today, look forward to their busy comm fish activity!” 8:18 AM Jul 5th

    What part of that says she’s going to the villages that are in trouble, eh? NOT A WORD. But it sure sounds (to me) like that’s what she’s going to do.

    Yet no one seems to have seen her anywhere (because she’s taking part in “busy commercial fishing activity” – her OWN, that is)


  101. pvazwindy says:

    That trust fund started accepting donations around the 29th of April. Thats about 11 weeks ago. How much money do you think its taken in?

  102. ds55 says:

    I would enjoy seeing Palin embroiled in a scandal, political or personal doesn’t matter to me. But I think no scandal may be even better. No scandal would leave Palin with no excuse, none, nada, zip, zero for walking away from her job. It would expose her as a complete flake, whereas a scandal is likely to bring sympathy.

  103. honestyinGov says:

    266 JHop Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 2:44 PM

    HonestyinGov – earlier you asked about being able to track the windows. I spoke to my dad, he is a mechanical engineer, and he told me that:
    a) there are no individual serial numbers on windows to be able to trace them or anything like that, BUT
    b) all windows have a specialized manufacturer’s mark that will correspond to a certain date and shipment.
    It also goes back to the second part of my question, which is a simple ‘ math ‘.
    Count the number of windows in the Sports Complex ( that are the same size that corresponds to the Wasilla house ) and see how many are installed in that building, for that size window. For example, if there are 40 windows in the Sports Complex but the manufacturer/ says they shipped 60… where are the 20 that are NOT in the Sports Complex. Because all the purchase orders and shipping manifests from the shipper will prove that they shipped 60. They wouldn’t get paid unless the PO’s and paperwork say ‘exactly ‘ what they shipped. The shipper submits the bill later for the 60 they shipped and it is paid. They would refuse to pay for the 60 if they didn’t get them and dispute the number. The Complex better have the same number ‘ installed ‘ in the building as what is on the paperwork from the shipper. Otherwise… there’s some explainin to do.
    Who has those records I couldn’t say, Probably the City of Wasilla. Plus finding out which company shipped them and compare those records. Local bloggers might know who these people were. Or could look up City/County records.
    It comes down to just doing the math it seems like.
    Maybe a ‘ Wasilla Sherlock Holmes ‘ might have the info.. or could get it.

  104. Suchanut says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign I hope you are keeping all of these mini rants – they are hysterical

  105. ValleyIndependent says:

    I had to laugh with Mansour grousing about Shannyn not taking the time to fact check. I’ve haven’t always seen the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth at the P site…

  106. HistoryGoddess says:

    CG@296 regarding confusing posts
    I apologize for not always identifying clearly the MSNBC shows I was referencing. I tried to identify speakers by at least some identifying point. I am sorry for any confusion I may have caused. As this is an open thread, perhaps an even greater attempt needs to be made to be clear as we don’t have a specific topic. Sorry.

  107. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:


  108. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Why are all these idiots on msnbc acting like its “ok” that she quit? They are making excuses for her, maybe she’s tired, maybe this…boy are they gonna look stupid when the iceberg hits!

  109. Nan says:

    UK Lady – no harm, same thing here lol

    Simple mind – you need to change your name, that was fantastic!

    I just cannot bring myself to listen to that Burke-smurk-jerk. Just can’t do it.

    Neither husband nor I have found whatever-it-was that he saw earlier today (hinting at a lawsuit actually taking place – or that’s what it sounded like to him). Will try a couple more things before giving up.

  110. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    jhop…. the ethics board in Alaska is appointed by the Governor.

    which is way many valid complaints were dismissed or resolved with no hand slap to Sarah.

  111. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 2:18 PM

    Eddie Burke is talking about having Van Flein on later to discuss possibly suing Shannyn. Should be interesting. Mansewer left Los Angeles and is now in Anchorage.
    Oh Puhlease!!! She is so jealous of Shannyn…she is trying to get facetime!
    She is dying for the MSM to ASK HER!
    Gag Me

  112. Suchanut says:

    Empish – isn’t that CC’s old spot? I thought they did away with Live Radio completely?

  113. Empish says:

    Sorry, as a local I sometimes forget that people outside Alaska don’t know our local hosts. Kathy Phillips, news director with guests, Hollis French, legislator, Bob Poe, cantidate for governor.

  114. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 2:18 PM

    Bumper sticker:

    Anderson Cooper asking Megamouth “who’s the hoop?” just cracked me up.

  115. MadCity Chick says:

    Andrea Mitchell just reported from Alaska that there’s nothing to see here. Everyone just beating up on GINO but Andrea sees nothing coming Sarah’s way and didn’t even mention Shannon or any of that. Just that both repubs and dems in Alaska going after her, making job difficult, voting against her, etc. but nothing else to see. Poor Sarah!

  116. womanwithsardinecan says:

    PFS for me, but I did finally watch a few minutes of hardball (I watch at 4 instead of 2). Got up and walked away in disgust due to the many factual errors, especially after Andrea’s comment about over the top bloggers making up stuff. Andrea, you are lame and you have your facts all wrong. Stupid msm. Waiting for Keith to give some comic relief. And Rachel to do her puzzled face. Love the puzzled face (hubby just loves her neck, won’t stop talking about it).

  117. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ 282 JHop. That’s it exactly. There is no reason why she should not be buckling down and getting lots of good done for the state without the distractions of campaigning and fund raising for re-election. I think this really hits the mark:

    ‘In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Ms. Cole said the investigations and scrutiny kept Gov. Palin from doing what she loved, which was interacting with Alaskans on issues….”


    “…she felt behind a desk her resources were being wasted,” said Ms. Cole, ….”

    So in other words, she was happy with the free travel and glad handing, but had no interest in actually working, which kind of goes along with a comment made somewhere else that it appeared lately she had busied herself with things that were largely ceremonial.

  118. DivaBabe says:

    What do you get when you put lipstick on a hockey mom?

    A Quitbull!

  119. JHop says:

    Trini – I am wondering if ethics complaints are automatically dismissed if the public official is no longer in office. Because, technically, the law that she would be held to and under which the complaint was filed, the Executive Branch Ethics Act, would no longer apply to her as a private citizen. So the ethics board could have said: look, we can’t just dismiss this one, you are going to have to face a formal hearing…UNLESS you think it is in your best interests to resign, especially in light of all your other opportunities, and we can just sweep this under the rug.

    Every ethics board is different and I am not sure how Alaska handles them. It seems unreasonable that a valid complaint would depend upon a public official’s current government status, so long as the complaint was valid when they were in office. What happens if the complaint was that Palin had been embezzling millions in cash straight from Alaska? She would still be held responsible and prosecuted. So I am not sure why, legally speaking, it would matter that she resigned. That being said, the ethics board is masked in secrecy and confidentiality and they can do pretty much whatever they please. Their decisions are appealable, but that is if you can get a judge to release them to the public.

  120. austintx says:

    Simple Mind – Nice !!

    Dr. Chill – Congrats !!

  121. Haughty_Monkey says:

    What if Letterman was not too far from the truth, and there IS another little one on the way? That would explain that one “H e l l Yeah!” that GINO mentioned!

  122. CG says:

    They just said Cary Carrigan at the “bottom of the hour”, doing a “palinoscopy and try to figure out just what is going on.”

  123. anon blogger says:

    I thought it was odd that Todd was making the renovations. Wouldn’t that be a bid job??

  124. ds55 says:

    The dark-haired woman speaking on MSNBC Hardball now is Jay Newton-Small of TIME.

  125. CG says:

    With respect – if you want to reference/blog/mention a radio/TV broadcast, as a courtesy and to facilitate discussion, could you please post a quick link, or at the very least say what you’re talking about and where it is. Otherwise, your comments are meaningless and the thread decomposes.
    I wasted several hours today trying to find the broadcasts mentioned, unsuccessfully. An exercise in futility and frustration. I still have neither seen nor heard the various video and radio broadcasts mentioned. I watched several broadcasts that were not only NOT what you were talking about, but were annoying regurgitations of yesterday’s video bites and news. Then I spent a bunch of time fruitlessly re-reading previous pages of posts, hoping to find more specific details. I have limited time to devote and spent it all on a scavenger hunt that clarified nothing about your posts.

    I’m listening to the San Diego radio station right now; the topic is Obama and Putin. Later will be Anchorage’s Cary Carrigan, but it hasn’t said when or what Cary will be discussing.

  126. 264 crayons says:

    this is so yummy i have to post it again…this faux defector is probably out of job (and look out, sarah will probably sue you for saying she’s under investigation for contracts!)

  127. HistoryGoddess says:

    Closet Mudpup- Thanks. That is the one.

    Someone- one of the AK5 set of bloggers (AKM, Shanynn, Gryph, Phil and Celtic Diva) kept mentioning the Tim Griffen guy making so many trips. Maybe he felt which way the wind was blowing, but he wasn’t a fan tonight. Made a point of saying he had a client up there. But, did make many trips. I didn’t catch his title. They don’t keep those identifying tags up for long.

  128. ds55 says:

    The Eddie Burke listeners want Palin to become a traveling anti-Obama hate rally speaker, a re-run of the 2008 campaign days. But there’s no money in that.

  129. anon blogger says:

    Lee…the governor’s mansion renovations….didn’t the previous governor say the mansion was okay? Seems like I heard that somewhere.

  130. Empish says:

    Kathy & Christy on KUDO1080 with Bob Poe

  131. Enjay in E.MT says:

    The Legal fee’s are reported in several sites –

    one being the NY Times
    At the news conference, Ms. Palin cited numerous reasons for quitting, including more than $500,000 in legal fees that she and her husband, Todd, have incurred because of 15 ethics complaints filed against her during her two and a half years as governor. She said all of the complaints had been dismissed, but she still had to pay lawyers to defend her.”

    more @

    an earlier posting @ HUFFPO
    more @

  132. EyeOnYou says:

    Looking forward to the podcast of this Eddie Burke show. He really went off on those who filed ethics complaints, named them by name and started calling them nasty names. It was quite the show. I hope to download the youtube of it and keep it for posterity.

    I have to wonder why Mansewer went to Anchorage. Is she that desperate to see her idol that she had to travel up there in the hopes of somehow gaining an audience with the QuitterQueen??

  133. ValleyIndependent says:

    Thanks for the update Closet Mudpup. I had to leave the room. They sure like that koolaide, don’t they. I wonder what’s in it?

  134. Bretta says:

    Flat Stanley and Flat Sarah can travel to their hearts’ content and no one, not one, will file an ethics charge.

    Because they are both well qualified, in their actions, “to avoid the appearance of impropriety.”

  135. Trini says:

    I’m looking more at the reason why she needed to stop being Governor. As a private citizen she wouldn’t have to respond to something that is coming her way. But she didn’t resign effective immediately, she figured she had 3 weeks. Whatever it is she had to change her public status, and fast! And it clearly made her angry. It’s not so much what she’s running to, it’s what she’s running from!

  136. anon blogger says:

    trisha @228 good catch… many deceptions, hard to keep up

  137. JHop says:

    trisha – good point, she is so….fake. it also bothers me that in her resignation speech she went on and on about how other lame duck governors like to travel overseas and waste time instead of doing real work, blah blah blah, and she doesnt want to do that to alaskans. and all i could think at the time was – SO DONT! Don’t travel overseas, don’t waste time, sit down and get to work! You have 16 months (!), show those other lame f*ucks how it is done! It isn’t like she is resigning with a few months to go; its a little less than half of her term.

    No one is putting a gun to her head and making her read books to middle schoolers and have trysts in south america. It was the lamest excuse I have ever heard and it still makes me mad thinking about it. She acted, in this ridiculously insincere way, like she was doing Alaska a favor out of the goodness of her heart, as all good point guards do. so infuriating. but other than her little contingency of crazies, no one seems to be buying it at all.

  138. LisanTX says:

    It’s time to bring back the graphic of Sarah in her ballerina tutu throwing a fit in the April 14th Post “Naughty Governor.” The graphic included the phrase “It’s All About Sarah.”

    That’s how I think of her acting this past Friday, Saturday, Sunday…..

  139. Suchanut says:

    Congrats Dr. Chill!

  140. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ 238 NYDem – I don’t know how tall Shannyn is for sure, but statuesque works for me. She is tall, thin, and nice looking, which blows the “just jealous of Palin” thing right out of the water, along with all the other smart, funny, fit, pretty women I know who can’t stand her, either.

  141. phoebe says:

    #223 Simple Mind

    Well said……hopefully her trail of destruction will end soon.

  142. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I thought the media (you know, those journalists who really like the freedom of the press stuff) would have totally jumped on the threat of Van Flein suing Shannyn et al. AND her response.

    BUT NO…….It’s all about the former Gov. Icon’s ability to make $$$.

    Hoping for KO – I believe Shannyn will be on.

  143. Closet Mudpup says:


    Katrina Vanden Heuvel?? If so, Editor of The Nation mag.

  144. anon blogger says:

    Martha @208

    In the article back before being VP pick, in a magazine about the governor, one of the aids told the writer that Palin would tell Cheney to on hold when the kids called.

  145. Closet Mudpup says:

    Caller: Democrats and Librals don’t understand why Palin stepped down because they don’t understand why anyone would find a wallet with money in it and find the owner of it.

    Mansour: Palin thinks outside the box – and it was never about the title for her. The rules of politics don’t apply to Palin. She’s making a stand for something better. She’s been so unfairly villified – the photoshop making fun of her son was beyond words.

    Palin’s focused on the –
    Greater good! Greater good! Greater good! Greater good! lol

  146. EyeOnYou says:

    chuck tatum Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 2:46 PM
    Listening to the Eddie Burke show.

    Man, what a right-wing circle-jerque

    No truer words have ever been spoken!

  147. HistoryGoddess says:

    Tim Griffen on Ed Show (hard core Repub) and Katrina something both against Palin’s actions. Quitters don’t help the cause. Sam Stein (HuffPo) said she says more about McCain than he does himself.

    ooh, that is the Tim Griffen that went to AK 20+ times. Said he had a client there and going back and forth isn’t that difficult. Katrina brings up sports complex!!!! She had no fans on that panel.

  148. OutWest08 says:

    As Waldo,

    Very hard to find…

    Congrats Alaska, may you have a Gov. that cares for your welfare and interest.

  149. chuck tatum says:

    Listening to the Eddie Burke show.

    Man, what a right-wing circle-jerque.

  150. DrChill says:

    DrChill & Photoshop
    “Honorable mention” in the WSJ ?

    Life is strange, ain’t it?

  151. trisha says:

    Here is one that bothers me that I don’t believe has been discussed yet.

    Palin said she was quitting to save the State money because of ethics complaints….money that could be spent on schools,etc. Yet, a few weeks ago, she told Hannity that a huge drop in the state budget would be a good thing for the families and people of Alaska because if the the State had money, they would just spend it. HUH?

    She isn’t concerned about saving the state money, she was just there on Hannity saying less money is good for Alaska.

    Ya’, they would just spend it on those damn kids in school or a program to help keep kids in school. I do not understand why journalist never ask Palin the tough questions or bring up these contradictions with her. Why are they still pandering to her?—she’s a soon to be ex-half term governor.

  152. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ 260 Closet Mudpup – good analogy. The “truth” spewed on Smurke’s show never ceases to amaze me.

  153. JHop says:

    HonestyinGov – earlier you asked about being able to track the windows. I spoke to my dad, he is a mechanical engineer, and he told me that:
    a) there are no individual serial numbers on windows to be able to trace them or anything like that, BUT
    b) all windows have a specialized manufacturer’s mark that will correspond to a certain date and shipment.

    so, for example, if there was a big batch of windows shipped for the wasilla sports complex, you could compare the manufacturer’s marks on those to see if the mark corresponds to the ones on palin’s palace. which is awesome. but we would need to physically compare the windows themselves. there would not be any record from, say, SBS of where the windows went, or who eventually received them.

  154. Ashkee Colorado says:

    “Man, she was so well dressed before all those politics of personal destruction.” This is the caption on a picture of sarah on site. Did those pajama-clad bloggers influence her style? Oh, she had to turn in her clothes when flew home in the belly of the plane.

  155. Haughty_Monkey says:

    What if Letterman was not too far from the truth, and there IS another little one on the way? That would explain that one “Hell Yeah!” that GINO mentioned!

  156. HistoryGoddess says:

    Wasn’t there some “lie” Sarah tried to tell regarding no health insurance was the same thing as Todd saying they had catastrophic coverage? It was in the Vanity Fair article, I think. Another thing the head campaign guy said wouldn’t fly.

  157. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    not that sarah….. yes.

    Ever notice how Palin never says the Federal Government it is always…
    “The Feds” have attached all kinds of strings to that there free money they want to give us except it is not free because it has strings attached to it also too. also

  158. ValleyIndependent says:

    Me, too, mudkitten. I’m wondering if the $500,000 is as overstated as the $2M appears to be, and how the AK Fund Trust donors might feel about that.

  159. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Mudkitten – Oh me too, also, absolutely, point guard.

    Just junk journalism @ it’s finest.

  160. Closet Mudpup says:

    Listening to Burke’s show is like listening to the gay bashers, except it’s about librals instead of gays. The callers are glad they can tune in to Eddie and get the truth!

    Madona Kruzan and Mansour (and Eddie) all think Palin will soon go on the road as the voice for the teabaggers – waking people up to what Obama is doing to this country. (Actually, that’s consistent with my own expectations for her.) Of course, they think that’s a good idea, cuz Amerka despertly needs her. lol

  161. UK Lady says:

    trisha – we have made many, many jokes here in the past about how if Buttercup ever got into the WH by some unholy means, then the Toad would never get past the front door.

  162. anon blogger says:

    Simple Mind @223


    Folks of Alaska have been thrown under the bus for her own agenda. Did Palin ever apologize to Mr. Tucker?

  163. not that sarah says:

    Trisha, It seems unlikely, doesn’t it? I remember hearing that during the campaign, Obama, Biden, And McCain got security briefings, but not Sarah.

    Supposedly they were being briefed as candidates, not senators — but who knows. The truth of the matter is a secessionist group is considered treasonous by their very nature, and as we now know from Steve Schmidt, no less, AIP’s sole goal is secession.

    I laughed this off at first, but in the last few days I began to question how she was ever allowed so close to the WH with that background. Her behavior seems closer to that of someone who does indeed want to be in a different country;. she doesn’t seem to care for the bill of rights or democracy very much.

    Just my two cents. so sue me:-)

  164. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    History Godess…
    If he and the kids do have the quantum to be a beneficiary. Then it sure proves another big lie about no health benefits.

  165. justafarmer says:

    The Ed Show is calling her the Pinch Quitter

  166. Karin in CT says:

    I’ll try this one more time…my posts aren’t being posted these days for some reason.

    @simple mind–you nailed it!

    @MUYS–your giddiness is leaping off my screen. Thank you so much for the laughs today!

    @nan–I saw (and heard) the plane too. First thing I thought of was the soon-to-be former First Dud.

  167. trisha says:

    Hypothetical question:

    Could a person who had/has ties to an organization that wants to secede from the US actually get the high security clearance that is required to be President of the United States?

  168. mudkitten says:

    So why does everyone (not you guys, but so-called journalists) keep repeating the claim by Sarah that she has $500,000 in legal bills? She has never documented that, has she?

    It’s driving me nuts.

  169. Lee says:

    214 Cynthia, TX:

    I believe that is because, Sarah hired Todd to oversee the reconstruction of the Governor’s Mansion in Juneau.

    It is somewhere in the archives of the Mudflats blog, but you can look in up in

  170. HistoryGoddess says:

    OK. Real confused here. What is the big deal if the soon-to-be the ex Dude is getting native benefits? I thought I had read that already once. He had the right blood quantum (if fact, did I read the kids did, too?) I don’t know if the term blood quantum is used in AK, sorry.

  171. jc in co says:

    #175 So she’s consulting with rotten rudy & darth vader, talk about a trio of losers! #196 Yep, it never fails to shock me that Mika is Zbigniew Brzezinski’s
    daughter, makes you wonder if he’s stunned that her knowledge is so superficial that it’s embarrassing for him to listen to her…..

  172. Karin in CT says:

    I’ll try this again…don’t know why my posts are not posting lately.

    @simple mind–you nailed it!

    @MUYS–your giddiness is leaping off my screen. Thank you so much for the laughs today!

    @nan–I saw (and heard) the plane too. First thing I thought of was the soon-to-be former First Dud.

  173. Enjay in E.MT says:

    OMG — I am shocked, shocked I tell you
    For a MUST SEE — Faux actually rips into PALIN
    I can’t believe it is a cold day in Hell-o

  174. deist says:

    More than a month ago I sent 60 email messages to all Alaska legislators encouraging them to hold a special session to override the soon-to-be former governor’s veto of nearly 30 million dollars of federal weatherization stimulus funds.

    Funny thing– finally today I heard back from a couple republican Alaska legislators. They said they’d vote to override. They also said the governor has the ultimate say.

    I told them I think the (soon-to-not-be) governor’s veto should be regarded as a Zombie Veto– a special kind of a disingenuous veto from a person who probably knew good and well she wouldn’t be governor after a few more weeks.

    What an expensive exploitation of Alaska, subordinated to this governor’s selfish greedy personal post-governor ambitions!

    Was she acting as governor, or as post-governor pre-presidential candidate?

  175. ds55 says:

    If Buttercup wants to lay low for a minute or two, why is Eddie Burke stirring it all up again?

  176. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Here’s Palin Radio

  177. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Simple Mind…. Between you and Martha Unalaska Yard Sign…….

    my belly hurts from laughing…..

  178. HistoryGoddess says:

    Simple Mind- thanks for the post.

  179. UK Lady says:

    Simple Mind – Good Post.

    If that RUMOUR about Taaad being on the payroll is true – WOW.

  180. Gyalist says:

    Hilarious mashup of Palin’s resignation speech/The Prisoner:

  181. trisha says:

    ds55 Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 2:03 PM
    I have a delicate question if anyone knows much about Down Syndrome children. At what age can the severity of a child’s DS be determined? Maybe Trig was evaluated and will need more care than Palin anticipated.
    If this were the case, why all the veiled references to “effecting change outside of government, “join me”, reinin’ in spendin’, etc. Plus, she said yes to the VP nomination without even blinking, and she had just given birth. Why would her kids stop her from reaching her goals now. Plus, she also blamed lame ducks and dead fish,

    Why wouldn’t she just say, for personal family reasons–please respect our privacy. Just a thought.

  182. rebekkah says:

    Watched the Ed show and saw the Lyda Green interview with plane buzzing by, thought maybe someone was trying to sabotage the audio. Wonder who has a plane like that? Hmmm…….

  183. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Simple Mind – GREAT post – all in a nutshell.

  184. Karin in CT says:

    @simple mind–you nailed it!

    @MUYS–your giddiness is leaping off my screen. Thanks you so much for the laughs today!

    @nan–saw (and heard) the plane fly by Lyda Green too. First thing I thought of was the soon-to-be former first dud;)

  185. NY Dem says:

    Speaking of Shannyn, in that picture a few threads ago, the one at her press conference yesterday, she looks to be a good 5’11, or maybe 6 foot tall. Is it just the heels, or is Shannyn another tall, lean, sexy girl like Rachel, who IS a little over 6 foot !

    Statuesque, I guess, is the word I am looking for !

  186. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    OK, I’ll throw myself out!

  187. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ 210 Closet Mudpup – Smurke is adding Van Flea and Ziggy later. It just keeps getting better (worse?). I’m glad I swallowed before Smurke passed out the never ending query as to why women hate her, especially feminists, and of course got something to the effect of lots of Hillary fans love her, or some such nonsense, from his guests. Those ladies are would be as much of an insult to womanhood as the one they idolize, if it weren’t for the fact that they are actually literate.

  188. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:


  189. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:


  190. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:


  191. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Van Flea is goning to be on Burke’s show at some point. Didn’t give specific time. Burke wants to find out if he’s going to sue Shannyn

    Try it Eddie Baby!!

  192. the problem child says:

    Perhaps there is a mole in payroll?

  193. EyeOnYou says:

    Eddie Burke is talking about having Van Flein on later to discuss possibly suing Shannyn. Should be interesting. Mansewer left Los Angeles and is now in Anchorage.

  194. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Bumper sticker:


  195. Cynthia, TX says:

    yes, had not heard it before. I just turned the show on and heard him talking about it. So, I don’t know how far if anything has been done with it.

    Now that would be a “big” one.

  196. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow!” Says Todd and Me, by Sarah Too, Also

    Just thought I’d remind you all… how presidential that sounds…

  197. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Burke has someone on from Palin Radio dot com & ManFart — WTF??

    They just did the usual ripbut this time it was Shannyn

  198. the problem child says:

    Cynthia TX, Now that rumour would be a new one on me, but the important question is, did he resign his position, also, too? Or is he still floating with the dead fishes? 😉

  199. sally says:

    She’s a cash cow…Dairy gate is the Pandora box of the Palin administration: Kristen Cole, childhood baby sitter, slush funds…all the makings of a quick resignation in my humble opinion, of course.

  200. Simple Mind says:

    As the moniker says, I like simple things – apples, cold beer, a public official who stands up and says what he/she means. Ah, well… Still, I’ll stick with the most simple explanation of Palin’s pout. As Willie Sutton is rumored to have said, “That’s where the money is.” For those of use who have lived up in Alaska for awhile, Palin is no stranger. Going way back to her time as part-time mayor of the thriving metropolis Wasilla, there were persistent rumors that she just ….wasn’t there. There were rumors she spent lots of money buying a car and decorating her office, but complaints were heard constantly – where’s Sarah? According to rumor, after losing the Lieutenant Guv’s race, the Repubs handed her a plum job for which she had absolutely no education, experience or background – a spot on the Oil and Gas Commission. She hadn’t been there long when once again, the rumors started – Where’s Sarah? Let’s just say you didn’t call earlier than 10 or after 2. She, of course, was rumored to have quit that job when a chance came up to slam the head of the Alaska Republican party, who, like Palin, been awarded the office by that Hero of the People, Frank “the Bank” Murkowski. According to rumors, Palin became Guv. (It was kinda hard to tell sometimes.) We all know how that worked out. “Where’s Sarah?” became a Juneau staple. Now the chickens (or should I say turkeys?) are all coming to roost. She’s pissed off just about every legislator on either side of the aisle. Every time she starts punching buttons on her Blackberry or Van Flein repeats the words “Wasilla Sports Center”, more people begin to wonder what the heck’s going on? Her response to the ongoing economic disaster in Western Alaska is to show up with a plate of cookies. Her pick for Attorney General went down in flames. People are starting to ask about that gas pipeline she claimed was being built. She’s happy oil prices are back up, except she’d also like it if they went down, unless she needs to hand out more money for special dividends…. wait, I’m confused. whatever……. So, with approval ratings melting faster than the arctic icecap, what’s Queen Palin to look forward to? Then, like an oasis on the horizon – flying First Class to $30K/night speaking gigs performed in front of adoring fans, butt-kissing interviews on Fox, an unlimited shoe budget, a gazillion dollar book deal, handlers to keep the riff-raff at bay, cocktails by the pool with Kristol and Van Susteren. Or she could stay in Alaska and reap the harvest of the neglect and viciousness that she and her attack dogs have sown. Who in their right mind would stay as Guv? Of course, we’re not dealing with a right mind, ……. The NRA has been looking for a shill ever since Charlton Heston died. I’m sure we can look forward soon to seeing Sarah up there, winking and waving her Mac-10 over her head, “….when they pry open my cold, dead fingers.” as Meg passes the hat. P.S. If you are reading this, Mr. Van Flein, please be assured that I am asserting nothing as fact. Its all rumored. In fact, I’m making this whole thing up. I’m sure your client never actually was Governor or if she was, I’m sure she’s been working day and night to be sure that the Alaskan families in western Alaska have food for the winter and that the folks in Eagle can rebuild their houses….oh, she went fishing in Dillingham instead? …. Oh well, another thing, Van Flein, please also be assured that your pompous, inflammatory blathering directly into the national media machine has done more to publicize any doubts about your client’s integrity than all the bloggers combined.

  201. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    The QuitZilla from Wasilla!

  202. UK Lady says:

    Nan – sorry so long, had to eat – am registered on forum but don’t go much due to time taken up too much already. 🙂

    Redwoodmuse – So glad the news is good, have been thinking of you often.

    As for the blinking MSM, what is their problem, why don’t hey ask AKM these questions, bloody hell, any one of us could give them more facts about Buttercup than these so called reporters – morons.

  203. Polly says:

    Here’s the list of ethics complaints against SP… So if most of them are dismissed, why is she quitting because of the multitude of ethics complaints?

    That’s right, she thinks that she is a target for complaints, therefore the administration is distracted from doing work to progress the state, so it’s in the state’s best interest for her to resign.

  204. TXChick4Obama says:

    OMG someone on HP just called her a “quitbull”!!!!! Best one I have heard!

  205. Cynthia, TX says:


    was listening to the Jon Elliott show. I think someone from the progressive radio station is coming on soon.

  206. Cam2 says:

    Hey…she is out at Bristol Bay today picking fish, something that perhaps she is qualified for.

  207. Empish says:

    Steve McDonald KTUU, channel 2 anchorage

  208. austintx says:

    Cynthia, TX – What radio ?? Here in Tx. ??

  209. phoebe says:

    #197 Martha UYS

    Just heard on CNN that Sarah is really feeling beaten, you could do the rest of us a favor, seeing as you do live in Alaska & all if you would…………………just saying.

  210. Cynthia, TX says:

    Muddflats, what do you know about Todd Palin being on the payroll under his native alaskan name since Palin took office and being paid $20,000 a year? any truth to that? I know you can’t investigate because the personnel board was appointed by Palin. I just heard that on the radio.

  211. HistoryGoddess says:

    Steve MacDonald- TV or radio station in AK. I just got a quick look.

  212. ds55 says:

    I have a delicate question if anyone knows much about Down Syndrome children. At what age can the severity of a child’s DS be determined? Maybe Trig was evaluated and will need more care than Palin anticipated.

  213. HistoryGoddess says:

    Ed needs to work on camera cues. He is often shown talking to the wall, bless his heart.

  214. Closet Mudpup says:

    Today on Eddie Burke: Madonna (the webmaster of sarahpalinradio (dot) com), Rebecca ManSour, and a bit later, Ziegler. This should be good comedy!

  215. Star says:

    Where is this “STAR” quality they keep hammering on??? She is dummer than a box of rocks..JMO Anyone…Who is this Steve Mcdonald???

  216. Bonnie says:

    Ed’s actual reporting is so refreshing after listening to Andrea Mitchell on Hardball. There is no way that could be called reporting.

  217. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “So Palin called Cheney…”

    So, one failed VP called another – how clever is that?

    We could make this into several good jokes. So Palin called Cheney… why?

  218. HistoryGoddess says:

    Lyda talks about the “under the bus club.” Crowded. Says 2016 or 20 better for her to run. (Plane replaces waterfowl for authentic Alaskan flavor.) Thinks she is divisive, even among Repubs.

  219. Jeanette says:

    I read that Sarah was on the program for the ceremony, didn’t show and they had to get someone at the last minute to fill in for her.

    Does anyone know if Willow and Bristol were at the press conference or if they had already gone to Juneau. It just seems strange that they weren’t at the conference.

  220. Nan says:

    THIRD plane??? Or is it the same one, just making laps around the dang lake? ROFL

  221. Nan says:

    Lyda Green sez gettin’ crowded under the bus (airplane in background flying around, making it hard to hear)

    sez palin’s “aren’t wealthy” (then I’m dirt poor, you git!)

  222. HistoryGoddess says:

    Lyda Green now on Ed. So’s a plane.

  223. HistoryGoddess says:

    Ed Schultz said the “money quote” from Buttercup’s speech is the “lame duck wasting time and money.” He thinks that is what the Repubs will use against Obama when he gets close to that point. Ed thinks she is worth a lot to the Repubs because the base loves her. Dang, “base” sure has taken on a nasty, unintelligent meaning.

    Steve MacDonald telling Ed she really didn’t accomplish much. Pipeline hasn’t even started. Questions the stupidity of her lame duck governor reason.

  224. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “So Palin called Cheney…”

    Yeah, she needed shredder instructions! They also talked about cloaking her house from the GPS network, but he said it was too soon for that sneaky move…”

  225. Nan says:

    Ack – you’re right. See if you can find it on YouTube maybe.

    I hope not! I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I wouldn’t wish a tanning bed on anyone, either, but that’s just me. lol

    rofl – Steve Macdonald (??) sez the resignation thing “pegged ‘red’ on the goofy meter”

  226. trisha says:

    So Palin called Cheney before she quit (according to ABC and her phone records)…..What do ya know?…..the axis of evil at work right under our noses.

  227. anon blogger says:

    ds55 #195 Hope that rumor proves to be false.

  228. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I think I’m back in the fourth grade! It’s good to be back in my old chair with gum still stuck under that desk part thingie. I can REALLY pick on Sarah from back here – spitballs, hair extenstion pulls, banana peels poised over dog poo – the whole gig!

  229. NY Dem says:

    Chuck Todd is in Russia with Obama, and when he came on with his report this morning (on Morning Joe), the first thing he said was “I can see Sarah Palin from here” !

    Speaking of Morning Joe, it if weren’t for Donnie Deutsch this morning, I almost thought I was watching Fox. Even Mika was defending Palin. Joe Scarborough is a total ass-wipe, and Pat Buchanan…. well, he’s still Pat Buchanan.

    He says Sarah is now free to do more book deals, TV shows, speaking engagements (he says she can get 60 grand per speech). All totaled in Pat’s mind, Sarah will easily be making $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 per year ! Easy !

    So all you Palinbots better keep throwing YOUR money her way – she still needs it on top of the 4 or 5 million 🙁

  230. ds55 says:

    Rumor: Sarah’s been diagnosed with skin cancer from too much time in the tanning bed.

  231. Isabella says:

    winkwinkWA “Do you think maybe there was an investigation and then a deal like–you quit and we’ll quit??????”

    AHaHaHaHa, like those stupid teens back East and in Europe who made a pack to get pregnant.

  232. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ winkwinkWA

    “Do you think maybe there was an investigation and then a deal like–you quit and we’ll quit?”

    Oh, you mean just like the RUMOR about Track, too also?

    Sorry, couldn’t resist. There are just so many RUMORS about Sarah and bunch/ and since she lies constantly, how will anyone ever know truth from fiction? That’s her problem – the rumors will never end about her. NEVER. The combination of having a junior high mean bossy girl persona, a penchant for tabloid behaviour, and extreme untruthfulness (busted by the Internet and cameras) – she will NEVER be done with the rumors, and she knows it! She LIKES it!

    Sarah will always be running. Her mouth that is.

  233. phoebe says:

    When are the “Suck It Up Buttercup” bumper stickers coming out?

  234. Isabella says:

    Nan “Isabella, When you watch a video, look for the little button-thing that slides along showing how far the movie has gone”

    This one won’t let you.

  235. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    # 85 womanwithsardinecan

    “…well the skin grafts thing IS funny, but I saw it the first time.”

    I’m kinda late back to the game, but that was my thought also, too when I saw it on another blog, also, too. I think it’s anti-sarah spam. New trend???

  236. winkwinkWA says:

    Do you think maybe there was an investigation and then a deal like–you quit and we’ll quit??????

  237. “Isn’t Andrea Mitchell married to Alan Greenspan?”


    I’ve put up three new chapters of Saradise Lost at PA. also, I’ve decided Sean’s new nickname might well be “Suckup Buttercup.” also.

  238. phoebe says:

    #182 Austin

  239. Nan says:

    When you watch a video, look for the little button-thing that slides along showing how far the movie has gone – I’ve “grabbed” that with the mouse, and slid it along that way. Worth a shot, anyway. (I gave up PopTarts… made me a bit uh – hyper lol)

    Yes, it’s loverly, isn’t it!

    Another note:
    My husband called me on the way home from work, and mentioned seeing a video on Yahoo – re lawsuit, Shannyn, etc. He said it was *not* Shannyn, but a dark haired woman – and something about a man with a beard & mustache. I could barely understand him and am still trying to find it.

    (Buchannan’s voice gets to me almost as much as Buttercups. sigh)

  240. deist says:


    Yes. She’s married to the champion of hedge funds.

  241. WasillaWarrior says:

    Palin resigning as Governor and blaming the media for keeping the pressure on, made me very proud. I felt a similar sense of pride when Obama won. We are living in fantastic times in the history of this great nation. We are the majority, we – struggling, proud Americans that aren’t going to let the status quo remain as it was. The lie to your face, bully mentality of business as usual is dying off. Granted they still have their strong holds but their numbers grow smaller and smaller and the old greedy self serving suits that lead them can’t live forever. We out number them, we proved it on election day.
    We will not be afraid as Shannyn Moore proved with her press conference, and as she and AkMuckracker prove everyday.
    I am glad Palin is gone. I wanted her impeached or recalled but I will settle for knowing her rambling, insane resignation speech is out there being broadcast for all the world to see and hear.
    Hanging out on this blog has been a liberating experience for me…..just sayin….

  242. jc in co says:

    That’s a good question #163 crystalwolf aka caligrl, if sister sarah is fish pickin, what the h*ll is Andrea doing on her deck? Now she’ll try to sue MS Greenspan for trespassing!

  243. sally says:

    She’s a cash cow…Dairy gate is Pandora’s box for the Palin administration: Kristen Cole, childhood baby sitter, slush fund, illegal loans, crony ism, and the Alaskan fund trust……all the juicy makings for a chapter in the book.

  244. austintx says:

    179 phoebe Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 1:35 PM
    Isn’t Andrea Mitchell married to Alan Greenspan?

  245. HistoryGoddess says:

    JHop- Thanks so much for the basketball play diagram. That is really funny!

  246. honestyinGov says:

    All the ‘ rumors ‘ about Housegate and the Wasilla Sports Complex have been there for a long time. Everybody seems to go back to ‘ those windows’..?

    Maybe someone in the Construction business could chime in or if they know someone in that line of work. (window manufacturing)
    Virtually all ‘ manufacturers ‘ nowadays no matter what they are producing have to track their product for recalls and or warranty type info. They can recall food products for salmonella (meat, peanuts-from GA,.. etc ) or manufactured products that they find defective at a later date. TV’s, Car parts.. etc.
    They know the lot #’s ,date manufactured and everything else. This needs to be there also if a product has a ‘ warranty ‘ associated with it. Like large ‘ windows ‘ in case they leak or if there is a problem so they can track the Lot down and do a recall if necessary. The serial numbers also verify the date of purchase to see if warranty is in effect and applicable.

    Sooooo…referring to the manufacturer who made those windows in the Sports Complex. Do those expensive windows have a way to identify them, by lot number or serial number. They must have a warranty attached.

    And what if the same lot numbered windows are in the Wasilla house. Any investigation into those windows seems easy to verify.
    Because… how many windows that size are in the Sports Complex ..?
    And how many were sent to the construction site. They have to match. The exact quantity has to be on a shipping manifest or the manufacturer/shipper would never get paid. They would have no idea of what happened after they got there… but their purchase orders will show what was shipped.
    The Manufacturer keeps a copy (so he gets paid )… the Sports complex contractor has one. Checking the receipts or books for the two companies would show any discrepancies on the books.

    BTW : I know nothing about how these windows get serialized or identified but I formerly worked in a warehouse Shipping Dept. where we verified and received freight from all kinds of manufacturers. PO’s and shipping manifests had to match up on paper and physically and sometimes they didn’t.
    Someone needs to ask the shipper/ manufacturer to show what they shipped. There is no motive for ‘ them ‘ to lie. I hope this made sense. 😉

  247. phoebe says:

    Isn’t Andrea Mitchell married to Alan Greenspan?

  248. JHop says:

    4. NY MAGAZINE: Discusses potential ethics charges. At least some media outlets are not ignoring what is believed by many of us:

    it wouldnt let me post all at once. i’m sorry.

    i’ll be back in a bit, have to deal with stuff around here. (oh! before i forget… while i was in court, i was wondering: i know that the forum is for off topic conversation and whatnot, but when do you all utilize it? is there a particular time or topic or reason or anything i should know? thanks!)

  249. trisha says:

    Nebraska Native Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 1:12 PM
    Now they are talking about a POTUS run in 10 years or so…. and don’t cha know, 30% of the people in the USA just love her. Who are these people on MSNBC

    10 years? She will self-destruct long before this time. Plus, she won’t be as hot anymore and what else does she have? I can’t believe that 30% of American’s love her. That just isn’t true. I have family members who are Evangelicals and they can’t stand her. I think her base is even further to the right, and there is no way that’s 30% of the population.

  250. JHop says:

    3. WSJ: Kristan Cole, the powerful trustee, tries to explain the resignation and cites “investigations” and “being scrutinized,” which I thought was interesting:

  251. JHop says:

    2. ABC: Palin called GOP leaders in recent weeks (Andree McCloud got her phone records):

  252. JHop says:

    for some reason, my comments are all being held, waiting for moderation (so i apologize if this appears more than once):

    hey everyone. back from court and trying to catch up with your posts. while i do, these are all really good, recent articles:

    1. DEADSPIN: one of my favorite sports sites (it is so funny) diagrammed Palin’s full court press line:

  253. Closet Mudpup says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    I think from Dillingham (fish camp) she’ll be able to watch for N Korean missiles while PO watches the Ruskies.

  254. London Bridges says:

    I checked out the Runner’s World Sarah article while at the drugstore today. The Sarah article was part of a regular RW feature called I’m A Runner. This is usually found on the last page of the magazine, not counting the cover pages. It always features some sort of celebrities like musicians, actors, politicians. There was a picture of Trig with his glasses on and one posed Sarah picture which had her sitting on the ground in a stretching pose. Modest not controversial. The cover had a teaser on it which said something like Governor Sarah Palin is still running.

    In the article, Sarah say she likes to run alone to clear her head but also says she takes Trig so she doesn’t have to talk. I always thought it was important to talk to young children. However, it also seems to say she sings to Trig while running.

    The article also read something like this:

    I take (her son) Trig running.
    I infer from this that she didn’t say Trig was her son but that the article’s author inserted the (her son) part.

    These are not exact quotes and could be a little different than I wrote.

    Anyway the print article was not particularly controversial, but it said more pictures and the entire article could be found online.

  255. deist says:

    You don’t have to be a rocket scientist– if she can’t handle one of the smallest States in the union, how could she possibly handle the United States of America?

    She quit. She couldn’t even finish her term as governor of a state with a population of around .3 percent of the population United States? She couldn’t handle us? But she wants to run for President? Am I missing something?

  256. Isabella says:

    ds55 “LOL @ AKM’s Tweet: “Come on Sanford, do it! All the “cool” governors are resigning. What are you… scared??””

    Did you see when Palin first set up her Twitter the first or second day she was following MUDFLATS…lol.

  257. JHop says:

    let me try again, since i am being held up by moderation:

    hey everyone. back from court and trying to catch up with your posts. while i do, these are all really good, recent articles:

    1. DEADSPIN: one of my favorite sports sites (it is so funny) diagrammed Palin’s full court press line:

    2. ABC: Palin called GOP leaders in recent weeks (Andree McCloud got her phone records):

  258. ds55 says:

    LOL @ AKM’s Tweet: “Come on Sanford, do it! All the “cool” governors are resigning. What are you… scared??”

  259. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Cassie Jeep Pike Palin ,

    Can Buttercup see President Obama from her deck today?

    Good thought. She just might in that the Obama Family are in Russia. When she’s back in Twitter reception range if that is the problem, I’m sure she’ll let us know if she did!!

  260. Isabella says:

    Canadian Neighbour “Hayden Panettiere was on the panel with Bristol for the Town Hall for Candies Foundation.”

    That girl is a hooch. Hope he asks about Bristol.

  261. JHop says:

    hey everyone. back from court and trying to catch up with your posts. while i do, these are all really good, recent articles:

    1. DEADSPIN: one of my favorite sports sites (it is so funny) diagrammed Palin’s full court press line:

    2. ABC: Palin called GOP leaders in recent weeks (Andree McCloud got her phone records):

    3. WSJ: Kristan Cole, the powerful trustee, tries to explain the resignation and cites “investigations” and “being scrutinized,” which I thought was interesting:

    4. NY MAGAZINE: Discusses potential ethics charges. At least some media outlets are not ignoring what is believed by many of us:

    i’ll be back in a bit, have to deal with stuff around here. (oh! before i forget… while i was in court, i was wondering: i know that the forum is for off topic conversation and whatnot, but when do you all utilize it? is there a particular time or topic or anything i should know? thanks!)

  262. Baker's Dozen says:

    Great photo.
    As she quit, that should preclude her receiving unemployment insurance. Which, also, she wouldn’ want, as it’s a socialist plot. That’s why she’s begging. 🙂

  263. HistoryGoddess says:

    Nan, Isabella, et al on the Rumors thread..
    That is why I like this blog. On too many blogs there is tendency for flame wars rather than civil discourse and humor. This is a nice place full of caring, thinking people. We won’t always agree, nor should we. But, to be able to feel safe enough to disagree- what a lot that brings to the entire group.

  264. Isabella says:

    Nan “Isabella I can’t tell. It might even be a niece or nephew. I just can’t see it well enough.”

    The little guy looks to little to be Trig. I got to through 10 minutes of the video on the Govs site and did not see the frame of Piper holding Trig but there is still 10 more minutes to go and the freakin video won’t let you fast forward or anything you have to start from the beginning every time you touch the play button so I’ll have to start over again.

  265. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isn’t this weird…no tweets since “fish picker” interviews at her house, usually she would tweet, meeting so & so to talk about…
    Who is minding the house and letting these people in? Bristol? Van Flea?
    And all these kiss azz people I hope Shannyn goes on KO tonight and set them straight! The are making it sound like the leg is against her, they didn’t appoint WAR, blah,blah,blah, and its all BS! Buttercup brought this all onto herself.

  266. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I’m clapping for you!! We all have done it on different things. It takes us all to read between some lines sometimes as each side puts out distractions!!

    #146 Laurie,
    There is no giving up on HER! It’s just a little re-alignment of direction focus!!!

    We can’t give up on her — she just makes it too easy and fun!!!

  267. deist says:

    I think she just quit. Obviously she shouldn’t run for president.

  268. Isabella says:

    Nan “(((( Isabella ))))) Doncha just hate when that happens? Nan”

    Drives me insane!!! The catalyst today for me was Shannyn does not feed the trolls nor does she gossip conspiracy. For the FBI to have to be pulled out is so asinine.

    We all know the fun Gryphen has and a little bit lately the giddiness Celtic enjoys but to try to shut up Moore when her voice is the one that resonates outside Alaska as truth & sincerity was like DAYMN we gotta discredit the fool giving interviews out of the Federal House NOW, lol.

    Not an excuse but warnings to everyone….never drink soda & devour a Poptart at the same time especially in the morning.

  269. Nan says:

    Liberty Lover
    I guess we’ll see how long that lasts, eh?

  270. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Why are all these idiots making excuses for her? She a Piss poor unethical governor! Unqualified to have ever been “tapped” ! She has a multitude of baggage stemming from when she was Mayor! She is damaged goods!
    WTF is wrong with these people?

  271. Nan says:

    I can’t tell. It might even be a niece or nephew. I just can’t see it well enough.

  272. Nebraska Native says:

    Is there or is there not a (designer sort of) shoe poised to drop?

  273. LibertyLover says:

    Where was Sarah? Where was Sarah?

    Why, she just wanted to spend more time with the family. 😉

  274. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Hey, Mudpuppies—-I’m cooking dinner, but I just have to ask…….

    Can Buttercup see President Obama from her deck today?

  275. the problem child says:

    The no tweeting thing might have something to do with cell reception where the fish are being slain?

  276. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I’ve never listened to Randi Rhodes before but looking for the link of KUDO I clicked on to listen. I was told Randi was on the Right and at the time she wasn’t on air so never checked it out. Learn something new every day as she’s Liberal. So curiosity has me and I’m listening.

    She doesn’t like Palin – Liberal – Surprise!! — Calling her narcissistic, vindictive, the full bag of adjectives like many we’ve heard and said. The one I laughed at was she referred to Palin “like that person on your block — the one that when you go out in the morning, your trees are cut down!!” 11am – 2pm AK time Mon – Fri

    Letterman is back tonight. His Guest List:
    Serena Williams, Hayden Panettiere, Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band

    Hayden Panettiere was on the panel with Bristol for the Town Hall for Candies Foundation.

    Daily Show & Colbert are listed as re-runs. Poopies!!

  277. austintx says:

    125 HistoryGoddess Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 12:56 PM
    Chris off on Hardball today. Lawrence O’Donnell taking the helm. They just did a clip with Andrea. Did someone in the last thread say that Andrea was on Sarah’s deck? If so, that is hardly the place to be filming an unbiased piece.
    Yes , on her deck. And what do you want to bet that sarah was in the house “briefing” with Cole and Van Flea before they sat with Andrea just out the door. I am sorely disappointed wih Andrea that she is playing this silly ass game. I hope some other network scoops her ass , and quick.

  278. Nebraska Native says:

    Now they are talking about a POTUS run in 10 years or so…. and don’t cha know, 30% of the people in the USA just love her. Who are these people on MSNBC?

  279. ds55 says:

    They just noted on MSNBC that Sarah is 45 years old. If Sarah ran at the same age as Hillary just ran (60), she’d be running in the year 2025. I’d like to add that Sarah would no longer be “hot” at age 60 and with far less intelligence than Hillary she hasn’t got a chance in Hades.

  280. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    HistoryGoddess Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 12:56 PM
    Re-watching a clip of that quitter speech. I really find that flirty head tossing and face scrunching distracting.
    I’ve always believed it’s a strategy to hide the fact she’s cross-eyed – so I forgive it.

  281. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    When are they going to talk to one person that knows some facts and tell the truth……
    everyone seems to be apologists and excuse makers…..

  282. Laurie says:

    NO NO NO….We cannot just forget about Palin as someone above was suggesting might happen. She may have quit Alaska…but she isn’t done. The heat needs to stay on this woman all the time. No breathing room for her.

  283. Nan says:

    There we go with the sixteen complaints again (and 15 dismissed)

  284. Isabella says:

    NAN, minute 1:25 is that Trig or Tripp at the Friday heehaw show?

  285. zyggy says:

    she said she would be fishing with her husband and her children, and may be out of twitter range. Nice that it’s quiet, and it would be nice to keep it that way.

  286. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    anon blogger Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 1:03 PM

    crystalwolf #126…..agreed. She knew when she put her hat in the ring it was Juneau. But, wasn’t she usually in Anchorage when the legs were not in session?
    What about her per diems? Alot of interviews and such, gov biz she did at her home in Wasilla.

  287. Nan says:

    (((( Isabella )))))

    Doncha just hate when that happens? 😉


  288. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    They totally miss the point that basically her staff dismissed the ethics complaints…………

    comment on msnbc….” she exceeded expectation .. granted they were low”

  289. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    She is effing manic every time I see parts of her speech! Al-LASKa!
    She hasn’t tweeted at all since yesterday afternoon/eve.

  290. Nan says:

    how can you “keep your eye on the ball” when you left the gym?!

    the guys don’t think much of it either lol

    Even the Republican doesn’t seem to think much of it – ohhh, this is the “debate coach” (what the heck is his name?) Sez he had a total of 3 hrs with her.

  291. anon blogger says:

    crystalwolf #126…..agreed. She knew when she put her hat in the ring it was Juneau. But, wasn’t she usually in Anchorage when the legs were not in session?

  292. QuiltAK says:

    Ooops, meant Keith! Frustrated with the poor reporting!

  293. Nan says:

    I don’t know!
    It could probably be either one more, or just another wonky fact by the MSM haha I mean, it’s not like they got all the other ones so spot on, right? (like the Dems were fired up against her when she got back off the campaign trail – no mention of the faux Democrat – to replace Kelton (?) – either)

    Dang, I’d already forgotten how dang FAST she spoke at the press conference!

  294. QuiltAK says:

    I hope Shannyn goes on Hardball and sets them all straight!

  295. CO almost native says:

    Editor of Vanity Fair was on NPR. Asked about the reason/s for quitting, he said he didn’t know and Palin probably didn’t either. (Not sure he meant it as a joke, but I found it funny. heh heh)

  296. Isabella says:

    sauerkraut, sorry about this morning dear. I got caught up in the fear “Rumors” were going to screw up the impact of sincere prosecution toward Palin. As Canadian Neighbour said with others agreeing, The federal thing was a trap to distract and I fell for it more then anyone else.

    MANY APOLOGIES hope there are no hard feelings.

  297. ds55 says:

    Is Dave Letterman back from vacation tonight? I’m sure he had some good laughs over the weekend.

  298. HistoryGoddess says:

    Andrea Mitchell quotes a campaign advisor, “She didn’t know what she didn’t know.” Very true. That, sadly, doesn’t stop her from also criticizing what she doesn’t know. And therein lies the frustration for all of us.

  299. QuiltAK says:

    Good catch Nan – 16 – Does that mean there is another one out there? I was just steaming that Andrea was reporting 15 of them dismissed!

    They seam to be way off the mark on most of their reporting.

  300. HistoryGoddess says:

    Who is hte lady with dark hair speaking on Hardball?

  301. ds55 says:

    Andrea Mitchell says Palin can make lots of money on the talk circuit. Palin is not available for interviews now, she’s gone MIA. I believe she’s got problems, either an IRS scandal or family troubles or both. It’s odd that she’s nowhere around when she should be working to clear out and hand things over to the Lt. Gov.

  302. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Andrea Mitchell is a pretty useless newscaster…! commuting to Juneau 4 hrs a day??? (no mention of per diem)
    Their all kiss her azz. Its sickening.
    No one except Shannyn has been brave enough to say “Suck it up buttercup”

  303. HistoryGoddess says:

    Chris off on Hardball today. Lawrence O’Donnell taking the helm. They just did a clip with Andrea. Did someone in the last thread say that Andrea was on Sarah’s deck? If so, that is hardly the place to be filming an unbiased piece.

    Re-watching a clip of that quitter speech. I really find that flirty head tossing and face scrunching distracting.

  304. Nan says:

    Fifteen out of SIXTEEN?!

  305. sauerkraut says:

    hardball is on… jay newton-smith on palin right now. 5 pm ET.

  306. Isabella says:

    The Rubber Room Hotel “Ha ha, I hate to say this but if Palin has 2 pissed off teenage girls in the house I ALMOST, feel sorry for her…. NOT”

    There was a comment made by Tank, to Levi in one of their recent outings about being texted by Bristol as though she is trying to get cuddle time with him.

    If true, Bristol is looking for a way far away from her mother?

    I betcha she is and Levi is her escape plan.

  307. anon blogger says:

    What pin was Palin wearing during her speech? I just noticed it on Hardball. Red/white, anyone noticed??? Inquiry minds…….

  308. ds55 says:

    Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC broadcast from Wasilla, AK.

  309. HistoryGoddess says:

    mo and others who are absolutely confused by all this is Palin and her base-
    I, too, had considered reading Frank’s “What’s the Matter with Kansas,” but hadn’t ever picked it up. Needing an airport read, I bought it. I absolutely was hooked. SO much started to make sense to me.

    I have posted this recommendation before, but I can’t recommend it enough. It ends at the 2004 election, and Palin wasn’t known by really anyone outside AK. But, it is truly, in retrospect, a story of the breeding ground of Palin. She makes sense in the light of what he wrote about.

    The book also gave me a better idea of the extremist evangelical code words. (Raised Catholic, I only knew the codes taught in CCD.) There is nothing wrong with being evangelical, but there is a fringe there (as in all groups) that can be dangerous.

  310. nswfm CA says:

    Redwood muse glad SIL is better check out Centre for Neuroskills. Hope the health ins thing was not cancelled.

    Back to Gov Iquiterod: on or about 6/6/09, ozmudflats had a TShirt thread where my contibution was FU, AK. It’s all about me. Miss Congeniality. I think that came through this weekend. I’m hoping the 89 percent if the iceberg comes to light soon. And that it involves handcuffs. And the IRS, which brought down Al Capone. Because think of the irony of turning down money from the “feds.” The “thanks but no thanks” lie. The taxpayers funding her brood’s travels, etc. The irony would be delish. But that”s just me.

  311. John says:

    I know it can be fun to talk about her and speculate, but Sarah made herself irrelevant on Friday. In 19 days, she will be just one of many right wing nuts talking to each other on talk radio and expensive dinner speeches. Prettier than most, but not nearly as articulate. And when she is finally gone, we can go on to more important issues. Sure, she will try to remain in the spotlight, but we don’t have to pay attention. As of Friday, Sarah Palin officially became irrelevant to politics in the country.

  312. Nan says:

    UK Lady – are you on the forum?

  313. ds55 says:

    24 hours since the last Tweet from Buttercup. Is she done yet?

  314. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Ha ha, I hate to say this but if Palin has 2 pissed off teenage girls in the house I ALMOST, feel sorry for her…. NOT

  315. ds55 says:

    @ honestyinGov: I agree it’s worth noting that Bristol and Willow were absent from Sarah’s resignation speech which was right outside the door to their home. Anything is possible, of course, but it makes a case for family problems as a reason for Sarah quitting.

  316. Nan says:


    How can you “prove you can do the work” when you just quit the job?! (Republican said she’ll have to rebuild her base, blah blah, and “prove she can do the work” – I nearly threw something at the tv)

    There truly seems to be a dearth of logic in that party!

    from MSNBC somethin’ or other

  317. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Geeeze she is a raw talent……..
    talent at what? word salad…….

  318. UK Lady says:

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bristol jumps camp to the Johnstons and her and Levi sell their story and make megabucks.

    There have been hints with Levi’s stories about texts from Bristol.

    The atmosphere in the Palin household must have been atrocious in the last few months, and we all know what teenage hormones are like, explosive situation.

  319. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I am WAY behind on posts so forgive if this observation has been made and if it has let me know where I can read about the replies, anyway here goes.

    It just dawned on me “why” would Toad ask his father to fly back from fishing when he understands how important it is to him? to make it seem more planned?

    any ideas?

  320. BobbyG says:

    @103 The Rubber Room Hotel…

    I think I just got deleted. Humorless. Whatever. Click my name link.

    Sarah Palin is the Alex Forrest of the GOP. She needs to just go away.


  321. winkwinkWA says:

    MSNBC–Place for Politics w/ Shuster-Palin’s Greatest Hits. It’s a music video( the song Sarah) with clips of Sarah..Hilarious!!! Hope it on other shows tonight….

  322. LiladyNY says:

    JHop can you do anything about our NYS Legislators?????

  323. HistoryGoddess says:

    Goodness, Rush L clip on MSNBC…Rush stumbling in trying to defend her. On Faceoff she is getting hammered. It will take me awhile to get that “Sarah” song from the highlight clip out of my mind. They are playing that Sarah/Hillary whine clip that really never gets old.

  324. honestyinGov says:

    We all noticed that Willow and Bristol were ‘ absent ‘ from the press conference that was just outside the back door. Buttercup even emphasized in her speech that ALL of her Family was behind her. TWO of them weren’t… at least not in the photo op.

    Gryphen had made a comment that weekend after she resigned that a ‘ source ‘ told him that Bristol had a big fight with Buttercup just 1 or 2 days previously.
    Suggesting that Bristol did not want to go out and do photo ops for Candies or whoever. (Bristol putting her foot down… Hmmm)

    Has anyone up there confirmed this ‘ rumor’…?
    Because it was strange that neither Girl was attending the press conference… it stood out and made you ask why.

  325. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    UK Lady the skin thing BobbyG post # 85

  326. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Overnight I received an email from Sean Cockerham confirming that he spoke to the FBI himself, so what he wrote was accurate.

    It’s nice that someone is doing their job.

  327. Star says:

    I know that i know, that i know….Just hunkerdown and go with the flow….What a dip^hit….ROTF…

  328. ED says:

    No one has mentioned that she wasn’t in the Juneau 4th of July parade. Why didn’t they send out the convertible with a sign on front saying “The Governor WAS invited” and a huge replica of the button “Where’s Sarah?” in the back seat?

  329. mo says:

    TSPEY – you’re ‘way ahead of me. Didja catch this one, too?

    “What’s interesting to me about Palin, and why I think she strikes such a chord with both supporters and detractors alike, is that she’s the first politician on the national stage to have actually been inculcated in the GOP’s modern strategy of castigating liberalism and elitism and any policies that aren’t aimed at protecting and promoting the interests of major corporations and their beneficiaries who has accepted that instruction without actually understanding that it actually is artifice, a deliberate appeal to anti-intellectualism and cultural acrimony to better obfuscate what can only be described as class warfare aimed at the have-nots.

    (Sorry, that sentence was long and rambling. I never said I was Thomas Frank.)

    Anyway, my theory: Sarah Palin is the logical conclusion of the GOP’s “Southern strategy,” where ignorance is prized and yelling “liberalism” or “socialism” about any policy with which you disagree is perceived as a thoughtful and considered argument.”

    [Dang, guess I gotta go read Thomas Frank’s What’s the Matter with Kansas, after avoiding it all these years – mo]

  330. zyggy says:

    Thanks but no thanks Buttucup P Quitter, we don’t need you anymore anywhere, or anytime.

  331. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Title & picture may appear that.
    The text does not

  332. BobbyG says:

    sauerkraut, don’t be so sour. I’m on y’all’s side.

  333. chuck tatum says:

    Quote from Roy Cohn errrr… Thomas Van Flein,

    “we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation.”

    Explore away pal.

  334. UK Lady says:


    What was the skin graft thing, I didn’t click on and now it’s gone?

  335. katmai says:

    For those who have not seen this….

    It is an edited version of Palin’s resignation speech that truly shows how odd her grasping for breath truly was. The guy who made it was brilliant.

  336. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    BobbyG…… ROFLMAO……..

    Ya you can’t use wolf hide to cover up everything….

  337. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Writing from Alaska

    for message #88 posted by Writing from Alaska

  338. Nan says:

    womanwithsardinecan (85)
    You and I usually agree on things, but this doesn’t seem to be one of them. (not meaning to be snarky. Just – just sayin’ …that’s all)


  339. winkwinkWA says:

    Hell must be freezing over, my boss, who is (was, YAHOO) a big defender of Palin has finally seen the light, WHEW. I asked him today what he thought about her quitting and he said” she’s a WACKO, now she can go pose for Playboy”. What can I say, he’s a man!!!!!

  340. Bob Poe on air in Alaska today as posted in FaceBook
    I could not find an internet stream for the broadcast, but did want to get the word out to AKers and anyone else who might want to call in and visit with Mr. Poe.


    Date: Monday, July 6, 2009
    Time: 3:30pm – 4:00pm
    Location: KUDO 1080, radio show:
    dial 907-569-1080
    City/Town: Anchorage, AK
    Phone: 9075691080

  341. HistoryGoddess says:

    anon blogger #79 Reconfiguring life? Jeeeze, way to make women look bad, People can understand when someone has something big happen and need to make adjustments, but not whims. As all women do? Most of us not only “blink,” but we also give things serious thought before making commitments. TS lady can speak for herself, Sarah, and all the little scarahs and the men who want to keep them like that.

  342. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Geoffrey Dunn’s post on HuffPo – great read!!

  343. womanwithsardinecan says:

    well the skin grafts thing IS funny, but I saw it the first time.

  344. austintx says:

    Here is the “Moose on roller skates” clip……..@ the :43 mark.

  345. Forever Annonymous says:

    @75- A lot, but she really is an airplane.

  346. anon blogger says:

    Team Sarah was same ol’ same ol’ … back to MSNBC.

  347. Nan says:

    “Post has-been” – ?

    How about Post wannabe or Post also-ran?

  348. Tealwomin says:

    … a slutty UNEMPLOYED flight attendant?

  349. anon blogger says:

    Team Sarah on Faux….co-founder. She’s reconfiguring life, as all women do.

  350. sauerkraut says:

    Yeah… BobbyG has posted the same message so often the past few days that it’s starting to appear as spam. Enough already.

  351. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Liz Trotta is the former New York bureau chief of The Washington Times and is a contributor for FOX News Channel.
    “I think all the liberal stylists … really have a case. She just begs for adjectives like flaky and wacky.”

    The Right must think she’s venturing to the “dark side”

  352. the problem child says:

    C. Rock Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 11:56 AM

    I could swear I heard someone on MSNBC call “the quitter” a moose on skates.
    And I think they meant it as a compliment!

  353. Looselips says:

    eskows article is satire.

    bobby G’s is a joke.

  354. Me says:

    Did anybody ever mention Palin looks a little like a slutty flight attendant?

  355. TSPEY says:

    @ MO #61,

    Read that article this a.m. Interesting. A Post Modern Palin? Post Has-Been is more like it.

    Eskow gives Palin much more potential than many, especially after July 3rd.

  356. Greytdog Δ says:

    MSNBC will be running a “highlight” (or as Shuster puts it, low-light) video of Palin’s “career”. Coming up shortly. . .

  357. the problem child says:

    JHop Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    good round-up of analysis from the NYT.

    i have to run to court pals;
    Thanks for the round-up. And have you been to bed yet? I know you were at work until very late last night with your brief and mudflats, and now you’re heading to court at shortly after 4 in the pm? You NYC lawyers are batshit crazy busy!

  358. Canadian Neighbour says:

    AKM or Moderator??

    Would you kindly address Comment #58 BobbyG at 11:52 am

    It’s getting posted on each blog you post now. Read the site text. I’d email but it’s not working yet due to power outage & server problems from last night.

    Thank you.

    MUDPUPS : Please don’t entertain or feed it.

  359. Martha says:

    PS…..Sarah will have to “sue” Liz Trotta also too for mentioning “the rumor”

    Liz just RIPS her , has her PERFECTLY PEGGED………..a must watch.

    Go to link for the video:

  360. Tealwomin says:

    omg… BobbyG!

    i bout fell outa mi chair laffing….

  361. Empish says:

    “If she’s not a governor, or a contender, in the vernacular, she becomes a thumb sucker.” Jack Cafferty
    Buttercup is the question of the hour, tell Jack what YOU think.

  362. anon blogger says:

    Rumor has it that Anderson Cooper will be in Alaska tonight. Now don’t hold me to it, after all, like I said, it’s just a rumor.

  363. Candy Knight says:

    She seems to make a habit of failing to RSVP. Obviously Mama Heath didn’t teach little Sarah her manners.

    And once again we are subjected to the Sarah Spin: “No, I didn’t do anything reprehensible, stupid, incomprehensible, unethical (pick your adjective). It’s just the evil liberals and that stupid elite Beltway-obsessed press picking on me because I’m an uneducated idiot like all you other real Americans and I’ve got this cute little pro-life badge–I mean, baby–to prove it.”

  364. Martha says:

    I know this gal works for FOX?, but she is certainly an accomplished journalist…….she doesn’t think much of Sarah Palin either…he he :

    Liz Trotta is the former New York bureau chief of The Washington Times and is a contributor for FOX News Channel.
    The author of “Fighting for Air: In the Trenches with Television News,” Trotta was the first woman to cover a war for broadcast news.
    She began her career in journalism in 1965 working for the NBC affiliate in New York and won network recognition by taking on tough assignments including covering the Vietnam War and 1984 presidential candidate, George McGovern.
    Trotta has worked for Hillman Periodicals; Inter-Catholic Press Agency; Long Island Press; Chicago Tribune; Newsday; NBC and CBS. In 1960-1961, she taught a once-per-week journalism class at Stern College of Yeshiva University.
    The winner of three Emmy awards and two Overseas Press Club awards, Trotta is a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.


    Even Fox News has started to turn on Sarah Palin. In the midst of a segment about the Alaska Governor’s battle against “liberal” attacks, Liz Trotta went off-message.

    Frankly, “the woman is inarticulate, undereducated,” Trotta said, arguing that for once liberal criticism was “well-deserved.”

    “I think all the liberal stylists … really have a case. She just begs for adjectives like flaky and wacky.” When pressed, she added, “We’re talking about somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job.”

    Go to link for the video:

  365. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “A quick glance through Media Matters will illustrate the many forms of fury that are now bubbling on the Right.“

    Pond scum does that – bubble I mean, when something dead under the surface is releasing putrefied gas.

  366. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    YES Ethics complaints being discussed on MSNBC!!!!!!!!!

  367. C. Rock says:

    I could swear I heard someone on MSNBC call “the quitter” a moose on skates.

  368. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    The one HELL YEAH was Piper – she’s SICK of baking cookies!

  369. mo says:

    TSPEY – ya think this dude is onto something? Gives the palinbots a new level of creepiness:

    “Who gives a @#%$ @#$ about your traditional political conventions?

    “We’re not retreating,” Sarah Palin quoted Gen. MacArthur as saying, “we’re advancing in another direction.” Anyone who doesn’t recognize the essential truth behind that statement runs the risk of not only misunderstanding Palin, but of failing to foresee the threat she could represent. And those who judge her performance on traditional lines will overlook her genuine talent.

    “Palin may be as erratic as many people say. I wasn’t the only observer who noted a hopped up, free-associating, almost amphetamine-like quality to the cadence of her resignation speech. But another way to view her speech is as the latest example of a style that could, in the end, prove revolutionary. Call it “post-modern” politics.

    “It was very postmodern of Palin to characterize her resignation – an outrageous act by any reasonable standard – as a principled refusal to “go with the flow.” Her vision of politics is so profoundly radical that even performing the duties of office becomes unimportant. The job you sought is no longer the point. It’s all about the performance. It’s politics as Conceptual Art.

    “Of all the Postmodernist movements, Palin most closely resembles the punk-rockers of the 1970’s, especially the ones who insisted that having musical skill reflected an outmoded attachment to obsolete forms. Emotion was enough, and the dominant emotion was fury. A quick glance through Media Matters will illustrate the many forms of fury that are now bubbling on the Right. “

  370. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I posted this morning that it was a beautiful sunny day here in interior Alaska..

    Well must update…. starting to get lots of smoke in the air it is getting pretty thick……

    Palin smoke screen?

  371. JHop says:

    good round-up of analysis from the NYT.

    i have to run to court pals; i think that this is in my best interests as well as the state of new york. i spoke to five attorneys and i got 4 yeses and one hell yeah. so hold down the cyberfort and keep the hits coming – you all are so witty and entertaining. hopefully, by the time i get back, palin will have left a video rant, facebook haiku, and/or a twitter point guard thug rap. a girl can only dream…

  372. Cam2 says:

    ” Good Bye Sarah Palin And Don’t Let the Door Hit You In The Ass”… from an ex-supporter in Alaska that voted for her… !

  373. BobbyG says:

    We need your help. Please give generously!

    I know we’re all suffering from compassion fatigue, but this is vital:

    Bless you.

  374. jammer5 says:

    The firing of Bev Wooley speaks volumes about Sarah quitting her elected position. Why, as the lame duck she claims to be, would she even care about who’s in charge of the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services unless she’s pulling out her ax to get back at anybody who bad-mouthed her, or disagreed with her in any way? Vindictive, thy name is Palin. Let the slaughter begin.

  375. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    correction from post 36 Tamron (Hall) not Camron….

  376. sauerkraut says:

    I’ve just about had enough of the p’landers… I’m gonna start using my blog to make fun of them… starting right now with a nice Clash tune.

  377. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ The Rubber Room Hotel

    Yeppers – I’m pretty jolly that Coach Buttercup relinquished her power, thanks to us, and is zooming around on her broom wildly, ducking and weaving, because it’s all she has left!

  378. the problem child says:

    Sorry, Martha, that was meant to be sort of like a cryptic crossword clue, but I think it came out kind of goofy. 🙁

  379. the problem child says:

    Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 11:46 AM

    “The Hatrix” – the home of the zealot bots!
    And hockey stars, also, too on twitter!

  380. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Marth Unalaska Yard Sign: you are on a roll this morning! : ) LOL! Thank You….

  381. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “Star Bores” – the sequel to all the other sequels…the bore that keeps on giving… and won’t shutup… and wants to play basketball with dead fish…and quits to show what a bore she is, again… oh wait, she’s back…another sequel… oh no, I’m not going to the movies anymore dammit!

    “The Hatrix” – the home of the zealot bots!

  382. HistoryGoddess says:

    TRRH #36 I totally agree that Tamera and David did a good job with asking more probing questions. The Independent Women spokeswoman only heard in that speech what she wanted to. Had the resignation really been just about her family, I would think she would have done whatever it took to make sure all family members were there and she would have ONLY talked about that. As usual, to me, it seemed as if the family was a front for something else. Tam and David didn’t let it go. Good for them. I am looking forward to the afternoon only heating up more on MSNBC. They need to go balls out today because I leave tomorrow and will be unable to see much since usually only Fox is available in areas of limited cable. I figure tomorrow stuff might happen in AK, too, since MJ coverage is likely to consume the news cycle. I am just about out of excuses for not having a project revised, too. As to the housework? Whatever…

  383. Pepper1939 says:

    Must share this from the WaPo comments by the noted author truthforpeace… Very good..
    Palin’, or to ‘palin’, or to have ‘palined’: Wish I could take credit for the observation.

    PALIN pay-lyn adverb 1. to naively, ignorantly and inappropriately accept a position while not having the requisite qualifications 2. to have naively and inappropriately accept a political nomination without blinking, when one should have not only blinked, but also thought about ones’ own lack of qualifications and the expected mal-effects on one’s self, family, political party or country; as in: ‘to pull a palin’ 3. to inappropriately blame the media for accurately noting ones’ lack of qualifications after one naively and inappropriately accepted a political nomination for which they did not hold the experience or qualifications for.

    PALINED pay-lyn-ed verb 1. to have pulled off a bone-headed action, or a boner; as in: ‘to palin’ or ‘to have palined’ 2. when a crony is offered, and accepts, a government position which they have not the experience or qualifications for, and then problems occur because of this, as in: Sara Palin palined when she hired her unqualified high school friends for high offices in Alaska; or, as in: John McCain palined when he choose Sara Palin as his Vice President nomination. 3. to hire cronies or other unqualified people, so that they do a poor job so it looks like the government can not handle societies needs, and so as to promote the privatization of government, by actively acting to make it work poorly, as in: President Bush palined in appointing the FEMA head who palined during New Orleans’ Katrina hurricane.

    Posted by: truthforpeace | July 6, 2009 4:29 AM

  384. Star says:

    Good one AKM…Great picture too.:)

  385. Tealwomin says:

    The Annals of Palin

  386. Pete says:

    ” During the campaign Gov. Palin originally attracted people from both sides of the aisle including the AIP. She seemed very careful not to polarize any particular group(s) by using abortion as a platform and she stuck to the issues.

    Since that time she has deserted the very non partisan group that elected her- under the guise of “a mandate from the people” she mistakingly assumed that we support her right wing beliefs.

    Her resignation seems like a good move. “

  387. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    “…it’s the usual “never seen so much hatred directed at a politician”

    WRONG! Not liking someone and poking a well deserved stick at them, is not the same as hating. I hate doing my taxes, but I despise Sarah Palin. See, it’s different!

    That word “hating” is all those bot jobs can say when someone doesn’t stick their nose up Sarah’s a$$ to wait for the rainbows and butterflies. I’m so done with those creeps, and I don’t wish them well, and I no longer care if they EVER find representation because they are too stupid to take a breath of REAL fresh air. As long as they think Palin is fresh air, then they are runnin’ out of atmosphere FAST!

  388. mo says:

    From Obsidian Wings, this continues to crack me up everytime I read it, so I just have to share:

    “He [Anderson Cooper] asked what Sarah Palin would be doing next. Here’s her answer:
    “STAPLETON: OH, everything under the sun that you can possibly think of.

    So she’ll be a serial ax murderer, a phlebotomist, an anti-submarine warfare helicopter pilot, a welder, a cartographic technician, a cytogeneticist, a paleoarcheologist, a writer of mundane science fiction, a practical nurse, a mycologist, a plumber, a post-doc on microbial pathogenesis, a programmer working with R, C++, C, MatLab, Perl, Python, Java, CGI, or DB, a bus driver, a colonel in the Marine Corps specializing in logistics, a lumberjack, a specialist in dental infective endocarditis, a World of Warcraft gold farmer, a film director, an illegal immigrant, a worker in craft services, a weaver of Persian carpets, a Meshimori onna, a blackjack croupier, a pankawallah, a shoeshiner, a cheesemaker, an assassin, a… you know, really, there are quite a lot of things I can think of under the sun. So it’s immensely impressive she’ll be doing all of them. It should take her about six thousand years.

    But it should be no problem for someone who “reads everything.”” [obsidianwings_blogs_com]

  389. Cynthia, TX says:

    she’s just not that into you Alaska!

    shame, shame what did the people elect her to do? serve Sarah serve

  390. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    I heard from a very reliable source that we had a few Drag Queens march in the 4th of July parade in Petersburg, dressed up as Palin. One was carrying a sign that said, “I Quit” I would love to see pics. of that parade and the Queens.

  391. John(Canadian Mudpuppy) says:

    TSPEY Says:
    Leaders like Sarah Palin who because of her outside Washington DC politics position, has seen herself and her family mercilessly attacked by those who do not possess 1/10th of her integrity and character. We respect Sarah for taking this stand. After all, it is most apparent that Sarah’s liberal adversaries are engaging in distractive techniques to prevent her from reaching the battle frontline where she would be a formidable force for the good of this country – these distractive malicious attacks are similar to the devil’s spirit of distraction anytime a servant of the Lord attempts to follow His guidance.

    I think Palin’s followers are all delusional. It has to be the reason. They are uneducated and totally brain dead. There is at least 85% of the country’s citizen who would not vote for this woman and know what she is all about and yet they still think and spew their crap. No wonder the world is in such a mess. God help us if people like that ever get control of power. I would have to clean my artilaryand stand ready.

  392. the problem child says:

    Bea Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 11:29 AM

    I’ve been getting the giggles all day over Jason Linkins’ nickname for Palin: “frostvixen quitterface”

    For some reason, that just cracks me up.
    It’s funny on so many levels… I agree!

  393. va_soccer_mom says:

    @ BigSlick — Exactly!

    @ JHop — Good article (“An Open Letter to Sarah Palin”) — especially the author’s ending: “P.s. I read the message posted on your website about your reasons for resignation, and you should know before you write a book, that this is America and commas and periods go INSIDE the quotation marks. We should all have learned that in third grade.”

  394. Tealwomin says:

    according to her playbook::::

    she did not QUIT, just taking a time out

  395. Nan says:

    I’m beginning to think the ‘bots subscribe to the 100th monkey concept and that they feel they have 99 in hand, so just one more… and the whoooole world will feel the love, too.

    Oh gag… ewwwww, that hurt just typing it!

  396. sauerkraut says:

    good lord… it’s the usual “never seen so much hatred directed at a politician”… oh, Kim (?) addressed that nicely. Brought up the palinistas who yelled “kill him” at the rallies.

  397. Tealwomin says:

    Gay Marriage forced Sanford to cheat on his wife someone had a duty to resign. Palin thought that the Christian thing to do was resign in his stead since Spitzer and Bloggy had gotten such good press when they departed.

  398. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Oh finally some people who are honest on MSNBC go Cameron and David!!!

  399. strangelet says:

    Also too, she may have been at the Iquitarod.

    As for Van Flein and “articulate”: I do not think that word means what he thinks it means.

  400. Canadian Neighbour says:

    These people seem so focused in a zone, that they lack the ability to strive for improvement – for themselves – for those wanting to lead. They’re satisfied, actually enthralled with what they see and hear. That’s what I find scarry.

  401. Bea says:

    I’ve been getting the giggles all day over Jason Linkins’ nickname for Palin: “frostvixen quitterface”

    For some reason, that just cracks me up.

  402. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    We need to pass this on to Buttercup….MacArthur ALSO (too) said

    “Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul”

  403. sauerkraut says:

    The Palin thing is on MSNBC right now!!

  404. BigSlick says:

    va_soccer_mom Says:
    July 6th, 2009 at 11:01 AM

    If she eventually campaigns, she will drain her base dry financially, then quit the race.


    The Audacity of Hope!

  405. sauerkraut says:

    3 TSPEY Says: July 6th, 2009 at 10:58 AM

    Gone fishin’.

    “At a time in American history when our liberties are under direct assault, our focus should be on how we can regain our country’s freedoms. …”

    I don’t get this. What freedoms exactly has your commenter lost in the past 6 months? Other than the right to spew self-serving hubris… oh, wait… he obviously hasn’t lost that right either. What is he trying to “regain”??

  406. TSPEY says:

    @ Martha,

    It’s amazing how dark a veil can get for so many. Maybe someday soon, a few of the afforementioned will ‘see the light from bling’ that is the true SP.

    AKM, has there been a post-quit poll on Palin’s popularity in AK?

  407. JHop says:

    WakeUpAmerica Says: jhop, from where did her butt-ugly fur come? I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of woman myself, but who the heck dresses this woman?

    a blind person dresses her, with the help of trig and a moose. i am sure about this. i heard a rumor.

  408. Tealwomin says:

    …i think he’s saying she was just a ‘place holder’

    photo shop that – with a better sign…lol

  409. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I’ll have to log off shortly as I need to wash the hall floor. I didn’t quite make it to the bathroom to barf!!!

  410. JHop says:

    I don’t think that they are trying to scare folks. They actually believe everything they are saying, which frankly is disturbing. And this small mass of loyal “supporters” just feed her ego and absurdity, propelling her to more insane behavior (and more entertainment for the rest of us). It is like the express train on the way to Crazytown. “Leaders like Sarah Palin who because of her outside Washington DC politics position, has seen herself and her family mercilessly attacked by those who do not possess 1/10th of her integrity and character. We respect Sarah for taking this stand.” Try to ignore their kick@ss grammar skills. They speak in the proverbial “we” and repeat, verbatim, what she says. If Sarah Palin is the politician that they worship, they have much bigger problems then some evil bloggers hacking away at the keyboard in their parents’ basements. That’s where you guys are now, right? It’s not just me?

  411. Tealwomin says:

    he gonna get sued for using that official picture


  412. BigSlick says:

    This could be her anthem.

    Conversation skill, or conversations kill? You be the judge.

    Drivin’ faster in my car
    Falling farther from just what we are
    Smoke a cigarette and lie some more
    These conversationskill
    Falling faster in my car…

    Time to take her home
    Her dizzy head is conscience laden
    Time to take a ride
    It leaves today no conversation
    Time to take her home
    Her dizzy head is conscience laden
    Time to wait too long
    To wait too long
    To wait too long…

    [Verse 2]
    To much walkin’, shoes worn thin
    Too much trippin’ and my soul’s worn thin
    Time to catch a ride
    It leaves today, her name is what it means (GINO)
    To much walkin’, shoe’s worn…thin


    Conversationskill! (3x)


    Conversationskill! (3x)

  413. Bree Palin says:

    This whole twisted logic that she had become a distraction, and her enemies were making it impossible for her to govern thus the self-sacrifice for AK I just don’t get. If she were to become POTUS would she not have the same problem? Wouldn’t the Dems and her “enemies” make it difficult for her then? Would she up and quit? (Duh, we all hope so.)

    And why no tweets from her today? What the heck is she up to? Is she working hard in her last few days of governing and progressing Alaska?

  414. WakeUpAmerica says:

    jhop, from where did her butt-ugly fur come? I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of woman myself, but who the heck dresses this woman?

  415. the problem child says:

    LOL @ AlaskaGuy @13
    And, it must be asked:
    Does that guy have his hand on her @$$?

  416. Tealwomin says:

    DivaBabe…her resignation is “really a form of self-sacrifice.”

    Oh so Palin, otherwise known as ‘Your Heaven Father’ is playing Jesus now…..

  417. InJuneau says:

    Tee hee! She really was here (not that I saw her, TG, but very trustworthy people reported that they did and took photos to prove it!).

  418. Polly says:

    @ 3 TSPEY
    How can people be so brainwashed? These Christians believing Sarah has integrity! (of all things!) Sad, really…

  419. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ TSPEY

    “FOREWARNED, it’s a tad scary”

    We’ve been dealing with those end of times morons for months now – they sure don’t scare me! They have slimed and gooed all over the Alaskan press and blogs, and I spray ammonia on ’em just like my slugs and watch them melt and squirm.

    Of course they’ll make something up regarding Sarah – she has confused them, too but that only took a minute because they are so ignorant. They are flailing, hopin’ for a Rapture Revolution in Wasilla where they can come and be Rapture-Billies, too!

    They are TRYING to scare folks – it’s all they’ve EVER done. They are too dumb to know that the only way to get their Rapture Queen elected was to lie, and lay low, and talk to normal folks in a normal way about how great she is. I LOVE it! It’s exactly these zealot whack jobs who made her FAIL so miserably. Oh, and she’ not done failing because these idiots are still busy.

  420. zyggy says:

    Someone needed to have put a winky eye over the one eye.

  421. ValleyIndependent says:

    Or untrue.

  422. AlaskaGuy says:


  423. ValleyIndependent says:

    AKM, Thanks for posting a picture of her dressed appropriately for her position, and, apparently, wearing appropriate footwear to go with it. It’s a nice picture. And kind of rare these days.

    I rather like her that way. She looks good and we don’t have to worry about her saying anything embarrassing.

  424. JHop says:

    “Whether the rumors (and I’m risking litigation by even discussing them) about civil malfeasance on your part involving your house and that sports complex in Wasilla are true or not, running from the charges won’t make it any better. If you can’t take the heat in the kitchen, nobody is going to reward you with a bigger kitchen.

    The only way this could possibly work out for you, is if you’re planning on getting out of politics completely and judging by everything you’ve done since November (the speaking engagements, the talk shows, SarahPAC), such does not appear to be the case. I mean, are Americans seriously supposed to elect someone to the highest and most scrutinized office in the world who can’t even handle the local press in Alaska and a few bloggers?”

  425. zyggy says:

    lmao at Palin and her security crew. Absolutely great photo, who put that one together?

    The more I think about her speech, the more upset I get. She threw the state of Alaska under the press and all the good citizens of Alaska, (I don’t care about all the bad ones). She used you, she abused you and gave a snarky speech, I’m really starting to dislike her. Before I just thought she was a nuisance, but she’s making me not like her. She threw all the governors in the United States under the bus too.

    What a loser and quitter, she doesn’t deserve any support from anyone, no sympathy for this quitter.

    That’s a real photo from the 4th of July festivities in Gustavus, AK. If I get permission, I’d love to give proper photo credit to the wonderful Mudflatter who sent it to me. 🙂 AKM

  426. Greytdog Δ says:

    TSPEY – oy. Did Kristen Cole write that? It sounds so. . . C4P

  427. DivaBabe says:

    Palin’s attorney says her resignation is “really a form of self-sacrifice.”

    If it’s really all for her, why does it make the rest of us feel so good?

  428. Greytdog Δ says:

    Love the picture – the GOP would be better off if they just paraded that around to all their functions – can’t rely on Palin (yes. . .no. . .maybe. . .okay. . . ummm. . . wink*) and if she does show up, she may just leave before the entree is served. . .

  429. mattie says:

    she’ll probably sue him for using her likeness and she isn’t getting a cut.

  430. mattie says:

    she must be traveling with flat stanley.

  431. austintx says:

    Funny pic.

  432. va_soccer_mom says:

    If she eventually campaigns, she will drain her base dry financially, then quit the race.

  433. TSPEY says:

    Gone fishin’.

    I received this interesting comment on my blog this am from an obvious Palin supporter. Please marinate amongst yourselves fellow Mudflatters (BE FOREWARNED, it’s a tad scary):
    At a time in American history when our liberties are under direct assault, our focus should be on how we can regain our country’s freedoms by understanding, supporting and embracing leaders who possess real character, courage, honesty, and integrity, leaders that put faith, country, and family at the forefront of their daily lives – Leaders like Sarah Palin who because of her outside Washington DC politics position, has seen herself and her family mercilessly attacked by those who do not possess 1/10th of her integrity and character. We respect Sarah for taking this stand. After all, it is most apparent that Sarah’s liberal adversaries are engaging in distractive techniques to prevent her from reaching the battle frontline where she would be a formidable force for the good of this country – these distractive malicious attacks are similar to the devil’s spirit of distraction anytime a servant of the Lord attempts to follow His guidance. Hence, Sarah’s advancement in a new direction is totally understandable under the circumstances and we hope that she will re-emerge in the political arena in the future. God knows this country needs leadership that holds to the values and principles that made this nation the greatest on earth. – From (as commented on TSPEY in response to ‘Oh Sarah where art thou’ 7/6/09)
    Interesting perspective to say the least. So quitting is a good thing. – TSPEY

  434. Ash says:

    worn 🙂 that is

  435. va_soccer_mom says:

    Just posted on TPM: Andrea Mitchell interviewed Van Flein:

    “Sarah Palin’s attorney, Thomas Van Flein (the one who threatened to sue several news organizations for allegedly defaming his client) just spoke with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. Mitchell asked him if Palin was upset that critics called her speech “rambling.””

    Van Flein’s reply: “Well, I don’t think she’s upset. What I think is, she sees it as the standard criticism that she receives….She’s actually very articulate. I didn’t find her speech rambling at all. She laid out exactly the reasons she had for stepping down and it was really a form of self-sacrifice. She has become the issue. The state of Alaska has been spending money on public records requests, defending or investigating ethics acts with the personnel board.”
    “…articulate”? How much is she paying him?!

    “spending money on public records requests”? Don’t they charge the requestor for those?

  436. Ash says:

    She should have wore the button ‘where is sarah?’ to make it a perfect look

  437. AlaskaGuy says:

    She’s completely given up. Why not just hand the reins over to Parnell immediately?