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Palin Wonders Why Sudden Resignation is Such a “Darn Big Deal?”

After Friday’s stunning announcement that in a few weeks she is quitting the governorship, 18 months before her first term is up, Sarah Palin has gone fishin’. Kate Snow from ABC News has caught up with her near Dillingham, where Palin told her that she didn’t understand why the sudden resignation of a first term sitting governor who is rumored to be a contender for her party’s presidential nominee in the next election cycle is “such a darn big deal.”  Really.

You can see the video clip from ABC News HERE.

Palin:  Conditions have really changed in Alaska in the political arena since Aug. 29, since I was tapped to run for VP. When that opposition research just — those researchers bombarded Alaska — started digging for dirt and have not let up. They’re not gonna find any dirt,” she said. “We keep proving that every time we win an ethics violation or a lawsuit, and we won every one of them. But it has been costing our state millions of dollars. It’s cost Todd and me. You know the adversaries would love to see us put on the path of personal bankruptcy so that we can’t afford to run.”

I’m assuming by “opposition researchers” she means “journalists.”  The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal and scads of other media outlets, like most of the country on August 29th said, “Sarah Who?”   And go figure, they came to Alaska to find out.

Snow:  Why not just stick with it?

Palin:  Because that’s politics as usual.


Snow:  A lot of governors face hardships.

Palin:  They do!  You don’t just embrace the status quo going, “You know, I’m gonna just muster through a lame duck session.  Sure we won’t get anything done but…”  kinda milk it is what most politicians do I guarantee you.  I don’t need a title to be the one to usher in what needs to be done in our state and in our country.

Snow:  Are you running for president in 2012?

Palin: Don’t know what the future holds.  I’m not going to shut any door that … who knows what doors open.  Can’t predict what the next fish run’s going to look like down on the Nushagak, so I certainly can’t predict what’s going to happen in a couple years.

Snow:  Are you happy?

Palin:  I’m extremely happy!  I know that I know that I know this is the right thing for Alaska.

Snow:  Is it possible, governor, that this could be the end of your political career?

Palin:  I said before, I stood in front of the mic the other day “You know, politically speaking, if I die, I die.  So be it.”

That last quote came from an event here in Anchorage in which she introduced Michael Reagan at a speaking engagement.  Here is that quote in context from June 4. 

Let me ask you why is it considering how fast the world is spinning and world changing events that go on all over the globe that do affect our lives, world changing events, thousands of them every day, why do you suppose that it’s the same big three supposedly competing networks that have the same news content every night and virtually the same exact viewpoint being spewed night after night after night.  We’ve gotta ask those questions.  So I join you in speaking up and asking the questions and taking action, and here at home in my beloved Alaska I just  say, politically speaking, if I die, I die. 

Ironic that ABC News, one of those “supposedly competing” networks that “spew” the same viewpoint night after night, according to Palin, is the one she invited to come pick fish with her.

Does the reference to the “If I die, I die” quote that happened more than a month ago mean we can assume that Palin began thinking about throwing in the towel prior to June 4?  If so, it raises new questions about why the hastily called press conference with less than 2 hours notice minutes before 5:00pm on the east coast on the Friday of a holiday weekend when Todd had to pack up and fly in from Dillingham 300 miles away?  Why not 2 weeks ago?  Why not 2 weeks from now?  Why not the safest decision; 18 months from now? 

There aren’t many people who buy the rationale that Palin doesn’t want to be a lame duck, when she’s a lame duck of her own making.  “I have decided to become a lame duck, and as a lame duck I would succumb to the temptations of not doing a good job, therefore I am stepping down.” 

 As to whether another pursuit for national office, as when she joined Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the race for the White House less than a year ago, would result in the same political blood sport, Palin said there was a difference between the White House and what she had experienced in Alaska. If she were in the White House, she said, the “department of law” would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.

“I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out,” she said.

There is no “Department of Law” at the White House.

Another ‘palms on face’ moment for the state of Alaska.  Government.  It’s just so darned complicated sometimes.


And, of course it goes without saying that she failed to mention that the Personnel Board actually did “look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out.”  The process of filing and following through with ethics complaints allows for something that is baseless on its face to be immediately tossed, which some of them were.
Nor did she mention that the troopergate investigation, and the ethics complaint she filed against herself to get the negative opinion from the legislature refuted by a friendly board that released the results the day before the election were the bulk of the money.  Nor did she mention the almost $10,000 she paid back to the state after claiming her children’s travel expenses.  Nor did she mention that there are still outstanding ethics complaints, and two lawsuits out there which may not come down in her favor.  Details.
Despite all the lingering questions, and what may lie ahead, one thing is certain.  We know that we know that we know this is the best thing for the state of Alaska. 



309 Responses to “Palin Wonders Why Sudden Resignation is Such a “Darn Big Deal?””
  1. benlomond2 says:

    #299 Breta…screaming from the room..

    Chortle..just couldn’t resist…. 🙂 but it WOULD fit her definition of not being in politics, would it not ? Appointed, not elected…and oooohhhh the junkets she could take with someone ELSE doing all those boring meetings…..

  2. Isabella says:

    AHaHaHaHa, Keith,
    “She is LAZY and IGNORANT”.

  3. Isabella says:

    YOU”RE NOT LISTENING TO ME….can you hear me now…OMIGod Palin got good and pissed 2:44.

  4. Lee323 says:

    @ NYHawk 307
    Great list!

    My humble additions:

    Department of My Treasures-ury (per diems, travel expenses, wardrobe, tiaras)

    Infernal Rebel-News Service (staying connected with my red-neck buds)

    Federal Burros of Infestations (jack asses for cleaning out sinful populations in large cities)

    White House Breast Corp (emphasizes all things of mammary importance; headed by Carrie Prejean)

    Department of Labor and Precipitous Delivery (leaking amniotic fluid, Hush hush. Nuff said).

    Department of Rapture Transportation (progressin’ those end times; beam-me-uppers, Scotties))

    Department of Edumacacion (headed by Piper when she’s not baby-sitting Trig)

    Double-Jointed Chiefs of Staff Cheerleaders. (for me. for me. yay!)

  5. 56degreesN says:

    Sorry to post so late–I hope folks are still stopping in. The WSJ today had an article about Palin’s overboard jump from the ship of state, and I suspect it will be just the continuation of an ugly Bush-era trend: the trashing of government safeguards for it’s citizens, that help maintain transparency and bring to light those aggregious actions that need to be addressed. No other than Karl Rove is weighing in on the Freedom of Information Act. Those pesky laws. . .they get in the way of a fella just wanting to run government for his own benefit. Be vigilant, Mudpups. This is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    Article link:

  6. Blooper says:

    I say that we start calling Van Flein ‘Van Phlegm’.

    Anyone got a kleenex? I’m all phlugged up.

  7. InJuneau says:

    C. Rock–I think, though am not sure, that she quit being a sports reporter when she got pregnant and married?

  8. Lee323 says:

    @ Pacificnwgal #301

    “Why are they scratching their heads about why she quit? She is an idiot!”
    LOL. You nailed it, gal.

    Picture a very average third-grader trying to explain Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity…..and then picture a group of teachers standing around trying to make sense of the explanation.

    Essentially this is what the pundits are doing. Trying to make sense of gobbledygook coming out of the mouth of someone who doesn’t even know herself what she’s talking about.

    I don’t know who sounds more stupid. Palin or the pundits

    She quit for one or a combination of the following reasons: 1) Fear of/ forced by upcoming legal problems 2) She’s an habitual quitter who’s not having fun anymore 3) Greed.

  9. Pacificnwgal says:

    Gasman says:

    “What makes Palin so dangerous is that she co-mingles ignorance and arrogance in fairly equal proportions.”

    Actually, what makes her so dangerous is every time she opens her mouth, the national media gives her prime time attention! Why are they scratching their heads about why she quit? She is an idiot! Period. Sure, nice that she got to go fishing while the news media spent the 4th trying to figure her out. Why bother. In her infantile mind, she probably quit just to get more fishing time in. Maybe the national media needs to take that into consideration. Knowing her, it is just as possible as any other reason.

  10. NYHawk says:

    Palin Press Release

    For Immediate Release.

    The Palin Administration, 2012: To put an end to all the frivolous rumors by bloggers and such, also, and in fulfilling my pledge to be a maverick and to reform there the federal government (from now on to be known only as “the feds”), too, I will make the following changes to how “the feds” will be structured, also:

    The Palin Cabinet

    Department of Law
    Department of the Interior — to protect the inside of buildings
    Department of Shoppin’
    Department of Presidential Office of Denials
    Department of Illegitimate Baby Affairs
    Department of Tin Foil
    Department of Secession Equity
    Department of Oil
    Department of Russia Watchin’
    Department of Limitin’ Words Endin’ in ‘G’
    Department of Huntin’ n Fishin’
    Department of Money
    Department of Food
    Department of Wars
    Department of Schoolin’
    Department of Fancy Pageant Walkin’
    Department of Redundancy
    Department of Ministry of Love and the Ministry of Truth
    Department of Nastiness and Pettiness
    Department of just ice — to keep drinks cold
    Department of Homeland Security — to install burglar alarms
    Department of Latest Fashion — for my wardrobe (and my family)
    Department of Curly Locks — for my hair

    Also, too:

    The Secret Service — to prevent anyone from learning my secrets
    The Bureau of Bureaus — responsible for the White House furniture

  11. Gasman says:

    Palin is congenitally stupid. She has these hazy, murky, dimly formed ideas floating around inside the vast emptiness between her ears. When she opens her mouth, words kind of tumble out with no particular relationship to one another and right before our eyes, they congeal into meaningless gobbledygook. She likes to string together meaningless chains of jargon or platitudes (“lame duck,” “status quo,” etc.) whose meanings elude her. In so doing she believes that she imparts an air of intelligence. She isn’t smart enough to realize that it makes her seem even more inept.

    What makes Palin so dangerous is that she co-mingles ignorance and arrogance in fairly equal proportions.

    Winston Churchill summed up Palin without ever knowing her:

    “We know that [she] has, more than any other [person], the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thought.”

    Amen, Winnie.

  12. MadCity Chick says:

    To get a better handle on how to bold and italicize you can visit here. It’s called HTML.

  13. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Top 10 SP answering machine messages…going to fast to get them all…

    callers: GWB, McCain, Sanford, dry cleaners, sarah herself, Arnold,

    1 McCain: WHo’d ahve thought you’d retire before I do!!!!!!!!!

  14. Miss Demeanor says:

    (Head hung in shame as I pull a Buttercup!)

  15. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Coming up: top 10 involving SP’s answering machine….

  16. PepperzMom (GA) says:


    Obama waved to Palin from Russia….

    Palin waved goodbye to Russia….

    Puzzled FOLKS – Octo-mom?!?!?!?!

    Palin called “KABOOM” Cheney for strategic maneuvering help….

    Friends say Palin leaving due to attacks: Thank God I didn’t (Letterman sez)….

  17. CG says:

    …and paranoia sets in after hours on the computer…
    The Alaska Limited Entry Commission website appears to have suddenly and abruptly gone down. Like, just since the interest in Todd’s skiff. Huh.

    No problem at all and now, nothing. Won’t load, IE error messages. All the other pages in the portal will load, but just not that one.

    At the point that I can get on there, if changes were made to commercial fishing data that I already saw, it’ll be obvious. That would be scary.

  18. doglover says:

    I have never posted before, but I found Mudflats after Palin was picked by Mcshrub. Watch Letterman, the top ten tonight is messages left on Palin’s answering machine … should be good !

  19. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Time for Letterman….5-4-3-2-1….

  20. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    How can SP nominate someone to a non-vacant position? The governor at the time of the vacancy gets to make an appointment, which needs to be confirmed.

    Ok…that’s clear as can be to me. Oh…*thumps head with left hand* (gotta save the right for typing – I can type one handed at over 40 wpm, timed/certified!)…we’re dealing with the bailin’ one…

    Never mind….

  21. PepperzMom (GA) says:


    if at first you don’t succeed, quit, er, no, try, try, try again!

  22. Bretta says:

    #230, July 7th, 2009 at 4:44 PM benlomond2 Says: “”uuuhhhhh…what if she gets nominated for the Lt Gov position, as it doesn’t seem to be filled??? :)”””

    Sccreeeeammmmmmmming … running from the room!!!!!!

  23. 264 Crayons says:

    Now that Michael’s gone SP can use this song for the media (she already has the red jacket;)

  24. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Folks – UPDATE

    There is an article on Salon that says the Former Gov.’s office released a spreadsheet showing the 2 Mil. expenditure.

    I cannot find the spreadsheet – only the article.

    Also – Ordinance 64 chat is up

  25. MO Inkslinger says:

    If Palin’s resignation was due to Letterman, I wish Letterman would start doing jokes about my Governor!

    All the issues in AK will plague her in the Lower 48 if she tries for public office. If the people in AK have problems with her, voters in the Lower 48 will start to look behind the good looks, wink and folksy chatter and may discover the same flaws you have brought to our attention,

    Keep up the good work. Thanks.

  26. antiAnti says:

    @jhop – for help with markup language stuff like bold, italic etc. you can read fairly good tutorials by searching for “html tutorial bold” etc. in your search engine. Also in the FAQ (see banner at top of page) you can learn about getting smilies etc.

  27. JHop says:

    i think i figured it out…

  28. CG says:


  29. JHop says:

    damnit, i screwed it up again! what the hell? i am done trying.

  30. JHop says:


    (and i just got an intimidating threat – most likely sent by Van Flein – for posting too quickly; my apologies…)

  31. JHop says:

    one more time. i hope everyone is having a good night

  32. JHop says:

    nope, still don’t get it. oh well, im giving up for now. thank you everyone for explaining!

  33. JHop says:

    is there anything new with palin?

  34. JHop says:

    okay, that time i tried to make just “mudpuppies” bold. i apparently do not know how to end

  35. JHop says:

    okay it worked, but not really. because i thought i ended bold after “feature”

    hello mudpuppies i missed you all!

  36. JHop says:

    i am trying to test this magical bold feature

    let’s see….

  37. austintx says:

    264 lolli-xo

    No explanation needed…… glad you are here.

  38. SMR says:

    It won’t let a person put greater than or lesser than signs in as examples, fyi. It’s difficult to explain without a visual!

  39. SMR says:

    Will this work?

    one of these to start your bold words. Same thing but use /b in the middle to stop bold. No spaces, use less than sign + b + greater than sign to start bold.

    Or (b) to start bold but using less than & greater than signs instead of parentheses and (/b) with the greater than/less than to stop.

    Will it work? Crossing fingers…

  40. lonnie says:

    WOW, I just saw a video clip of Sarah explaining why she quit to a male reporter. Not only is she citing frivolous ethics complaints (a victim of political bloodsport) but offering herself up as a marytr to Alaska. She is stepping down not only for the love of Alaska but for the good of

    She is trying her darnest to spin this story. The more I hear her speak the
    more I question her sanity. She definitely lives in a Bizzarro World and sees
    herself as some sort of selfless, do-gooder.

  41. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    look to kajo response above…#254…

  42. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    It didn’t work….gahhhhhhhh!

  43. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Here’s a visible sample with periods thrown in (drop all the periods in what is shown below). This should show up with the periods…fingers crossed!

    type what you want, then finish it with

    type what you want, then finish it with

    If you do both in one segment, you must close using the from the 2nd item first, then the other like this…
    type, finish

  44. SMR says:

    This is a really well-researched and precise discussion of the ethics complaint 2 million dollar bullsh*t. Thanks to Progressive Alaska for linking to it (I’d never been to the blog before, but will be adding it to my must-reads), and/or mea culpa if it’s already been linked & discussed here earlier in the thread.

  45. CG says:

    The boats from Modutech are Kallstrom’s boats and Todd’s mother’s: “Captain K”, “Lady K”, “Bristol K”, “Double K”. All Modutech 32 fiberglass Bristol Bay gillnetters, NOT fishing skiffs.
    Todd used to run one of these for his mother, as a drifter, but also is a setnetter. Which is what he is now. Which might be why Carl asked why he was in a boat doing setnets. You wouldn’t use one of these for setnetting.
    One more, not one of the “K-series” but also same build jumbo Modutech, the Skeezix. The captain, who is no longer with us, was married to Todd’s sister.

    Either way, I’m guessing that Todd didn’t fabricate that skiff. A boatbuilder did.

  46. austintx says:

    251 lolli-xo Says:
    Thanks again its so nice to be posting away after almost a year of reading!
    How could you possibly resist that long ??

  47. KaJo says:

    Jhop: can someone please explain how to use italics and/or bold?

    can someone please explain how to use italics and/or bold?

    One way for you to learn how to use italics or bold is to look at the “source code” for what I’ve typed above.

    Here’s the recipe, though: Use the “less than” and “more than” signs . For italics, put an “i” between the two signs before what you want to italicize, and close up so there’s no spaces, then do the same thing but put “/i” between the two signs (don’t put the quote marks) after the words you want to italicize.

    For bold, do exactly the same thing, except put “b” and “/b” between the two signs.

  48. smith says:

    The “i know that i know that i know…” is a charismatic Christian phrase from the song “And I know that my redeemer lives.” You’re welcome.

  49. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Writers Believe Sarah Palin as she Stirs the Hornet’s Next

    Palin says she and her staff spent 80% of their time fighting rumors and accusations – that was her choice – others keep their priorities straight and focus on the real job at hand. She can’t blame ‘the media’ or ‘bloggers’ for how she chose to allot her time as governor. Her responses, some of which came as press releases using state letterhead, addressing media coverage or encouraging ‘backlash’ against private citizens that filed ethics complaints against her only added fuel to the fire.

    What a pleasant surprise to find this on the Alaska Standard. 😉

  50. Miss Demeanor says:

    There are lots and lots of “commercial” set nets in front of my house, and THEY use boats to pick the fish.

  51. Miss Demeanor says:

    I talked to a very nice man from the company named Carl.
    I told him I was from Alaska, and told him about the picture, and that it was being said that it was one of their boats.
    I asked him if he had seen the picture with the reporter, and he said yes, and it was likely it could have been one of their boats.
    Of course, he and I could have been talking about two different pictures.
    He explained a marital tie of company owners to the Palins, and said they had purchased a number of boats from the company.
    We chatted about fishing, and he asked why they would be in a boat if they were doing set nets – so he obviously is up on Dillingham/Bristol Bay happenings.
    I talked about all the boats that will be in Cook Inlet for commercial fishing, and he talked about the company-made seiners down in Katchamak Bay.
    Very nice guy.

  52. Scarlet..Oregon says:

    Does anyone else think that Palin’s lawyer VanFlein looks like Joe the Plumber??? Just wondering.

  53. CG says:

    Oh, and since you started it – Rozema and Weber! Yeah, baby!

  54. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Oh gawd!!!!!!!! Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians are now crashing thru the leetle grey cells. You remember that song of theirs: “What I Am?”

    I’m not aware of too many things (ain’t that the truth)
    I know what I know if you know what I meanblink…yep, heard that too many times)

    What I am is what I am are you what you are or what
    What I am is what I am are you what you are or whatword salad – check!


  55. KaJo says:

    I don’t know if anyone’s posted this link already, but it’s a funny take on Sarah Palin’s reasons for resigning as cartooned by Scott Bateman — in Sarah Palin’s own words (and screechy voice).

  56. CG says:

    Miss Demeanor, it sounds like you know. I’ve never seen an aluminum Modutech, but I’m not arguing. There’s lots of boat builds that I haven’t see. : ) It would make sense for them to build ’em. I’ll take your word for it, if you actually called and asked.

    Either way, his vessel registration, which is not quite right, says a Pacific 22.
    The skiff he’s using doesn’t look 32. His brother had a Munson, but that’s not what it looks like. A big pile of skiffs, trailers and trucks for use down there at the K-Kamp (a nickname for Todd’s Dillingham base). He might have borrowed a skiff for the shoot.

    If we really must know, get the numbers painted on the side. I can see them in the footage, but it’s a split second and too fast for me to get it.

    ..either way…I never knew that Todd had the skills to bang out a skiff like that for himself. There was a guy out in Dillingham 20 years ago making skiffs, a little “micro-fabricator” boatworks in the garage that never got off the ground; that might be the “buddy”.
    Funny, I can’t remember his name, but he ended up in some magazine article as one of America’s top 100 bachelors.

  57. Joe says:

    Palin: You don’t just embrace the status quo going, “You know, I’m gonna just muster through a lame duck session. Sure we won’t get anything done but…” kinda milk it is what most politicians do I guarantee you.

    a) If I was a hard-working Governor I would be incredibly insulted by that remark. That’s how she sees her own form of public service? Sheesh.

    b) Even if that were the case, surely the brave and strong thing for her to do would be to buck the trend and do a stand-up job for the remainder of her term.

    She’s admitting that her only choices were to laze about or to quit (and presumably earn a ton more money in the private sector, without needing to uphold the appearance of responsibility). The fact that she could not contemplate a third option (working hard despite not running for another term) says so much about her character…

  58. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    156 AKPetMom Says: July 7th, 2009 at 2:54 PM

    Oh come on Pepperzmom, isn’t the Gone Fishin’ sign on all of her office doors enough to make the people happy? (/snark off)


    Ah, nope….

    🙂 😉

  59. the problem child says:

    Welcome to the new New Zealander, lolli xo!

  60. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    30 Gramiam Says: July 7th, 2009 at 12:06 PM

    Has anybody got a contact number for an electronics repairman? My BS meter has been so overworked that it finally died today.

    You don’t need an electronics repairman. You need a front end loader to handle the BS….

  61. KateinCanada says:

    Andrew Sullivan just quoted mudflats comment that it’s a Moduline boat, which mudpups are now saying could be wrong. Half an hour makes such a difference when comments fly so fast.

  62. Miss Demeanor says:

    See # 234 above.
    YOU got a shout-out on Andrew Sullivan!
    Way to go. Too, also.

  63. Miss Demeanor says:

    Nah, it wasn’t me, as the song goes.
    I was acting on a comment before me.
    Modutech does do aluminum.
    Carl said they had sold a number of boats to the Palin family.
    Apparently there is a marital tie in there somewhere.
    Good boats.
    He said there were a number of Modutech seiners down in Katchamak Bay, too.
    I’m an Alumaweld fan, myself.
    My dream is a big old Bayliner, though.
    Sorry, I digress.
    Glad to see so much of Mudflat’s stuff on The Daily Dish. Quality all around!

  64. not that sarah says:

    the very bad news is that the same people who still love bush and who elected him (or rather, voted for him — he was appointed by the supreme court) love Palin. This bit of stagecraft, as RM discussed, will send them over the moon in love.

    Here she is, seemingly representing the midwest, the hard workin’ blue collar folks who feel like they just got scre*ed by the wall street elite.

    Of course, the sad thing is Palin is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She represents the Wall Street Elite. She is a puppet of the Con section of the Republicans, just as Bush was. They both claimed to be X-tians and they both played the part of simple person makes good.

    Sadly, reality is never a factor in these narratives. Or, rather, it wasn’t. I’m not sure that narrative can fly forever in the age of the internet.

    The Palins are not middle class and they do not share the values of most working class folks, who would give you the shirt off their backs, etc. The Palins are the elite of Wasilla, and remind me of the Sopranos. It;s all grift and no give.

    I’m rather sickened by the Idiocracy of it all…and the fact that she smiles in that creepy way that says she has no connection to reality is the icing on the cake.

    Those clowns would elect this unqualified person, who would be better served by being properly medicated and working in her family business where she can’t destroy the lives of innocent people.

  65. Eric says:

    didn’t eddie murphy first say, “I know that you know that I know that you know, that you…”???

  66. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    JHop- use {b} beg/ end {/b} do the same with (i) italics, only use the greater than/less than sign. Hope this will show.

  67. JHop says:

    retfarc Says: “I have come to the conclusion that should Gino run for president and for some perverse reason get elected….”

    sweet jesus, why would you speak of such a thing?! you made my stomach do flip flops. and not in a wow, that guy is hot way, but in a plummet from a hot air balloon to my death sort of way. im kidding (kind of). but i understand what you’re saying; i also think that she has this skewed fantasy of the oval office. as if she will be president of the united 49 states, in addition to queen of the alaskan christian tundra kingdom (after she appoints her husband as ambassador of forced secession and international snowmachine warfare strategy). In all seriousness, though, I truly believe that she will never be elected; I don’t think she can even win the GOP nomination.

    can someone please explain how to use italics and/or bold?

  68. NativeSonKY says:

    When Liz Trotta called her inarticulate and undereducated I spit a little coffee out of my mouth! It was as if someone finally saw her as I did – someone *completely* out of her element, and obstinate enough to not know when to take some help when it was offered. It’s too late for her now…

  69. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    RM is in WADERS!!!!! OMG! it is hilarious! She is ripping her!

  70. marzapan says:

    Miss Demeanor, you got a shout-out by A. Sullivan! Okay, he didn’t mention you by name, but he did mention Boat-gate. Congrats!

  71. trisha says:

    They just showed a poll on Countdown that said if Sara Palin was running today 72 percent of republicans polled would vote for her. Its insane.

    I don’t know what to think of these polls. I don’t know one republican (friend, family or co-worker) who likes her. I have Republican evangelical family members and they don’t like her either. Who are these 72%?

  72. Isabella says:

    benlomond2 Says “uuuhhhhh…what if she gets nominated for the Lt Gov position, as it doesn’t seem to be filled??? ”

    That was not nice at all. I am gonna have night terrors now.

  73. Isabella says:

    Palin for Prez…
    No way 73%
    Make a run for it 27%
    Total Votes: 121,908

  74. benlomond2 says:

    uuuhhhhh…what if she gets nominated for the Lt Gov position, as it doesn’t seem to be filled??? 🙂

  75. Star says:

    Have fun Mudpups ..Need to go and tak care of business…You guys are sooo much fun…Thanks AKM..:))

  76. Marnie says:

    Sarah just makes things up as she goes and we’re all susposed to bow and “Say, yes your Queenship.”

    Why was she not asked to explain what the ‘Department of Law’ in the WH was? How could any reporter worth minimum wage let a gimmie like that go by?

  77. trisha says:

    Andrea Mitchell’s interview of Palin was so drippy sweet (what I saw) that I thought it was Kristol in drag. Could that have been more softball?

    How can anyone in their right mind still be promoting the idea of Palin in 2012? Seriously….after today’s rant about the Dept of Law and how it protects the President? Does she even know what country she lives in?

  78. blooper says:

    It appears that ST. BEG (Soon To Be Ex Gov) is suffering from major ‘Grass is greener on the other side’ syndrome.

    Should know from her national adventure last fall that the national scene, should she desire to return, will be far less lenient on her than the Alaska press/scene has been. (No matter what role she decides to pursue).Apparently she didn’t learn to much then.

    And there she goes again with the doors, what is up with that? Maybe she should launch a line of posters, consisting of images of ‘hatin bloggers’ that one can hang up on their door. Every time you open up your door and get past them nasty bloggers, you win!

  79. trisha says:

    Are they interviewing anyone other than Palin up there? If they are saying she did such a great job, are they getting another viewpoint?

    Maybe the Alaskan blogs need to take on the MSM. They are ignoring the voices of a lot of frustrated people in Alaska.

  80. Looselips says:

    oh for heavens sake. if I thought for one second that she would ever become president I would leave the country now. It can’t and won’t happen.

  81. kiksadi50 says:

    What drives me crazy, is that none of the mainstream news stations have mentioned politics in their reporting of Palin’s resignation, except for projecting her next role in the GOP. I am tired of hearing about Palin the individual. Look at her record as Gov.! She was a LOUSY governor. She really didn’t accomplish much good before she was selected to run with McCain, & she sure as hell didn’t accomplish any good after she returned from the campaign. I don’t even care that much about the ‘spenard builders scandal’ or most of the other things she’s been accused of (except billing the state for sitting on her ass in Anchorage instead of going to juneau & expecting the state to pay for her family’s travel. That pisses me off). The rest of the stuff is so common place in Alaska that right or wrong, it is going to be really hard to prove it. Look at Stevens. After everything, he walked. Palin is a user, but she is playing with the big boys now. The GOP will use her, abuse her, & throw her away like a dead bug.Sge really screwed Ak. folks, but now it is time to heal & move on.

  82. CG says:

    So cute, they had the whole family out for the staged “fishing” photo shoot for ABC. Todd’s sister Kristi babysitting Trig, the nieces, half of Dillingham got to be best buddies with Sarah for the photo shoot.
    Notice the _actual_ crew doing the _actual_ work launching the skiffs, behind Sarah’s head.
    Pristine white t-shirt, full makeup and hairsprayed ‘do’, manicure, not a boat in sight on the horizon, Sarah dragging an empty net down to the tideline. Man, that’s not what it looks like _at all_ when I go fishing.

    While a bit snarky with ABC’s Katie Snow, she seems to be quite satisfied with herself and better-prepared than on Friday. Almost radiant with the attention. She really should’ve been an anchor or an actress. She would’ve done well and she is quite photogenic.

    Hmm. A quick 24 hours to Dillingham to “go fishing”, then back to Anchorage signing a bill on Monday.
    Absolutely positively staged. No question about it. A planned, intentional photo shoot for the national stage. It had to have been Part II after the resignation, for NBC and ABC.

  83. jc in co says:

    Richard Wolfe on Countdown just called her Ignorant and lazy, hahahaha.
    She’ll probably threaten to sue him….

  84. Blooper says:

    So, is “I know that I know that I know” better than “I know that I know”?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  85. CG says:

    Simple Mind at 3:00 PM – “…Palin says the boat they are using was built by Todd and his buddies 20 years ago. Check the comments to the Anchorage Daily News story on the interview. Alert readers identified it as a Modutech Gillnetter from Modutech Marine in Tacoma. One commenter even called and spoke to the sales guy who sold it to the Palins.”

    I don’t know about that.
    1. Modutech doesn’t make aluminum skiffs. Fiberglass hulls.
    2. His permit/vessel registration says a Pacific. Which does look like that.

    But…all of the various fishing paperwork that one must file to be legally fishing, doesn’t match up. So, maybe he’s using a different boat and didn’t register it. Easy way to tell is to get the ADFG numbers required by law, off the skiff.

    3. Twenty years ago, I know for a fact that this was not the skiff used. Vessel registration has just one boat listed for Todd’s permit, a Pacific.

  86. Grandma68 says:

    Good grief! Can someone just shut her up? I’m so tired of ignorance after having to endure 8 years of it. : )

  87. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    KO did a great job 🙂
    Here is a link, not sure if its been posted, Dan Fagan vs palinbot Tim Lindell aka infamous troll “VO”

  88. lovemydogs says:

    Gotta love a New Zealander. One of my best friends lives there now. She’s an ex-pat originally from New Mexico.

  89. Looselips says:

    i guess i lied when i told my exhusband i would be married until death do us part, but it wasn’t an oath.

  90. zumpie says:

    As far as Repugs voting for her, only 25% of the country consider themselves Republicans, now—and it’s primarily their classic, hillbilly base. So about 18% of the counry supports her, that’s probably about right.

  91. lovemydogs says:

    The absolute biggest lie that she has ever told?

    That she would serve the people of the State of Alaska for 4 years.

    I believe that was an oath?

  92. anon blogger says:

    KO just said if Palin’s resignation was Letterman’s fault, he was underpaid! ROFLO

  93. Nan says:

    SlappyOC (198)

    Regarding the PAC profiting from this, did it say that it pays a fee everytime those ads are clicked? If so, I’m so clicking.

    Oh… what a temptation…

  94. Bretta says:

    #183, July 7th, 2009 at 3:36 PM, lauren sd Says: Oh! Barf! It is 6:50 CST on MSNBC.
    Andrea Mitchell is re-hashing today’s a.m. video with “buttercup” on Hardball. They are showing polls that are favorable to Palin for POTUS!””

    That’s okay – flames with no substance burn out very fast…

  95. Looselips says:

    why doesn’t anyone ask her about filing that ethics complaint on herself?

  96. anon blogger says:

    Progressive Alaska and Andrew Sullivan have some of the lies listed. When you start listing them in text, well, it’s really something. Hard to believe anyone doesn’t see who she really is.

  97. Bretta says:

    #174, July 7th, 2009 at 3:22 PM, debinOH Says: “”Alright I just saw her interview (I believe a short version) on ABC & I want an honest opinion from all the Alaskans here. Do you honestly believe her problems started BEFORE she was picked by McCain? Do you honestly think that she would have this many ethics complaints had she not been picked by McCain?””

    1. Yes, her problems existed before August 2008 – we just didn’t see that much because our MSM (like about one newspaper and one or two TV stations in Anch) handled her very gently, with kid gloves, and we believed what she told us. Later people came out to say ‘we told you so.’

    2. What we learned about her attitudes, beliefs and behaviors under the glaring national spotlight/microscope showed us what we had not seen before, hence the ethics complaints were initiated.

    Remember, she was the first one to file an ethics complaint – on herself.

  98. lovemydogs says:

    Welcome lolli-xo.

  99. anon blogger says:

    KO on now with Andrea Mitchel’s interview. Palin got ruffled and told Andrea, “…you’re not listening to me…” Hope Andrea takes a real good look at the Alaskan blogs before she leaves.

  100. Moose Pucky says:

    I don’t want an elected official leading who “takes direction”. Palin takes direction just fine from the NRA and the oil and gas companies.

    I want an elected leader who has some principles of his/her own that he/she can stick to and that I can believe in.

    Someone like Obama.

  101. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    18 GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble Says: July 7th, 2009 at 11:54 AM

    Another wonderful post, AKM.

    I never thought we Georgians would have to worry about keeping our #1 ranking in the annual Could We Be Any Stupider? contest, but your former Governor’s giving us a run for our money.

    Wanna bet? Our governator still insists on funding his little fishie thingie, in spite of more improtant needs of the state, he’s CUT the revenue producing agency responsible for tax return processing and tax collections (and yes, I’m one of those still waiting – since FEBRUARY – for my tax refund from GA!). But I will say this…he is not anywhere near as flaky as the bailin’ one.

    Of course, there’s still ol’ zany Saxby Chambliss and Glenn Richardson to worry about. Oy!

    BTW – read the latest on Phil Gingrey (R- Marietta) and his apparent conflict of interest over Lockheed/F22 production? It broke about 3-4 days ago…

  102. LiladyNY says:

    AKM – when did the Personnel Board meet? We need to ask Linda when she is getting the emails from them.

  103. SlappyOC says:

    Regarding the PAC profiting from this, did it say that it pays a fee everytime those ads are clicked? If so, I’m so clicking.

  104. Nebraska Native says:

    It’s back…whew.

  105. Nebraska Native says:

    I have no quilt block. Now what do I do? Oh noes!

  106. LiladyNY says:

    C. Rock Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 2:24 PM

    How long did Buttercup do the sports on the news in Alaska.? Did buttercup quit or get fired .My curious mind wants to know.

    She worked at KTUU in 1988 I believe. Maybe Shannyn Moore could find out?

  107. Nebraska Native says:

    Martha, my goodness… have an adult beverage! Sarah is not worth you having a stroke! And just for fun, head over to HuffPo, pick an article, any article about ex-GINO, and have fun with it AND the comments! Snark worthy of Wonkette!

  108. Michael Jaworsky says:

    You know, in the above comments the most telling for me is,

    “You know the adversaries would love to see us put on the path of personal bankruptcy SO THAT WE CAN’T AFFORD TO RUN.”

    Run for what?

  109. Grandma68 says:

    Well, Michael Steele says 2012 is “off the table” for Palin.

    When will he recant?

  110. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    Mattie Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 3:43 PM
    They just showed a poll on Countdown that said if Sara Palin was running today 72 percent of republicans polled would vote for her. Its insane.

    Insane, or ignorant?

    Sarah’s base isn’t known to be very bright. I could eat alphabet soup and shit a better word salad that what most of them could.The wheels are spinning in their heads but the hamster’s already dead.Theres just too much yardage between the goal posts when it comes to intelligence with her base.Thank God they are the minority.

  111. Mattie says:

    She can be more effective fishing than being governor cause shes not a quitter.

  112. Mattie says:

    They just showed a poll on Countdown that said if Sara Palin was running today 72 percent of republicans polled would vote for her. Its insane.

  113. not that sarah says:

    From HuffPO:

    The wikipedia entry for barracudas is hilarious. Contains the following statements (taken at random):

    They are voracious predators… they hunt relying on surprise and short bursts of speed…These fish do not care for their young…Large barracudas have been known to eat young barracudas…Handfeeding them or trying to touch them is strongly discouraged…Wearing jewelry and other shiny objects is discouraged as barracudas are attracted to things that glint and shine.

  114. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    ‘I’ve just learned what Sarah’s illness is and I’m hoping it’s nothing minor.The problem with Sarah is not her education.The problem is she doesn’t have one. I could eat alphabet soup and shit a better word salad that what she does.The wheels are spinning in her head but the hamster’s dead.She just has too much yardage between the goal posts.

  115. Mattie says:

    Good luck on the Networks actually reporting real news. They don’t care, I have emailed them hundreds of times and they don’t care. They don’t even look stuff up to see if it is true or not. They don’t care. They only report what the other channels are reporting. Do not deviate.

  116. Grandma68 says:

    I really feel for the State of AK and all of you up there. Will anything ever get straightened out, or will it be like all the crap Pres Obama is having to deal with?

    I wonder if Harper Collins put an escape clause for themselves in her book contract? And will Palin use the Dept. of Corrections while writing it? Meh.

  117. LiladyNY says:

    . . .so no matter how much the State is paying them, the State is ALREADY paying them regardless.

  118. curiouser says:

    #152 clydedog Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 2:46 PM

    So she basically insulted every politician that ever lived, at best she said “most”. Every politician comes up against term limits, not running for re-election, or losing re-election at some point. So if you did not die in office, quit, or were forced to resign, you slacked off, wasted money, and got nothing done. Is this how you win friends? Staying in office and working for your whole term IS politics as usual, it is what you gave your solemn oath to do.


    She must be speaking from her experience as Mayor…..running for Lt. Gov., selling a house, building a new house…slacking. Shame she had to go and project that on everyone else….and specifically Sanford. When she runs against him, she’ll get to say, I passed the ball and won the game for AK, but you slacked.

  119. lauren sd says:

    Oh! Barf! It is 6:50 CST on MSNBC.

    Andrea Mitchell is re-hashing today’s a.m. video with “buttercup” on Hardball. They are showing polls that are favorable to Palin for POTUS!

    We gotta DO something to burst the bubble.

    But, then again, if we stay the course, she will do that all by her lonesome.

    Gotta go stick my finger down my throat……..> I just smelled fish slime.

  120. LiladyNY says:

    @Looselips Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 2:00 PM

    the ADN today explains the money involved with the ethics complaints. SP keeps saying 2 million referring to the cost in time to state workers. The 500K is a separate cost to her.
    Isn’t that time part of the State workers jobs? Aren’t the state workers on the State’s payroll? Isn’t this part of their ordinary duties? Are they getting paid for their regular jobs and then being paid ADDITIONALLY for working on the ethics complaints? Does the State have to hire extra workers to concentrate on these ethics complaints? It CANNOT cost the State any extra as the State is already paying them.

    Some one please explain this to me because it’s just not making any sense as I roll it over in my brain. What am I overlooking in this?

  121. Martha says:

    Palin today with her repeat:

    “I said before … ‘You know, politically speaking, if I die, I die. So be it,'” she said.
    That is just a big F…………….U…………..C……………….k YOU from Schara !

    Every day, every Palin headline is about Palin complaining, she’s the “victim” over and over and over and over and over and over!

    It’s a good thing she quit because, she just cannot take any critisizm, tell any type of “truth”, or take direction (ask McCain’s staff).

    EVERYTHING in her life is FILLED WITH drama.

    Palin needs to be in one of those nice hospitals where everything is quite and they give you your medication on time.

  122. Looselips says:

    go to immoral minority for heavy breathing version of sarah’s speech just now up.

  123. lonnie says:


  124. Looselips says:

    and when all the lies are compiled, send her an open letter listing them.

  125. lonnie says:

    Here’s another one: “I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW….I CAN’T SEE

  126. Moose Pucky says:

    Maybe fishing will help her get back in touch with reality. If so, I’m all for it.

  127. debinOH says:

    Alright I just saw her interview (I believe a short version) on ABC & I want an honest opinion from all the Alaskans here. Do you honestly believe her problems started BEFORE she was picked by McCain? Do you honestly think that she would have this many ethics complaints had she not been picked by McCain?

    I am just so tired of seeing her blaming her departure on ethics complaints. Why are none of the reporters (although I did see Anderson Cooper’s interview with Stapletongue – a classic) even reporting the facts. It is like they all got a few talking points and are just repeating them instead of fact checking them? Every time I hear the MSM blamed also too I can’t even believe she (or her followers) could believe this. Let Shannon, Mudflats, Celtic Diva, Gryphen, etc. start interviewing her then we would get some answers (although she would either change the subject or just lie but at least you could bring her back to the question – hopefully!).

    At any rate, I sincerely believe she thinks she is telling the truth. I don’t think she even knows she is not telling the truth. There is something truly wrong with her.

  128. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    Printing errors,, SORRY..

  129. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    I hope i’m not insinuating or hurting anyoones feeling when I say this. But do some of you Mudpuppies remeber when our parents use to tell us to stay away from drugs that it would hurt your brain cells.

    United States Health Association

    Warning: Listening or reading anything by this person is dangerous to your health.

    Post Sarah’s picture here

  130. 264 crayons says:

    I look forward to seeing how she rebuilds the party with a rifle, a bible, and tube of lipstick:P

  131. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    I will tell you this mudpups, (not siding with buttercup) many people in AK very talented.
    I have friends who have built there own boats. They do tend to build them like other boats but with there own modifications. And my darling spouse built our house (I was labor). But it has taken more than a few weekends (pay as you go).
    There are a lot of people up here who are enormously talented. People with spare time do help as in I have this weekend off I will help you with your roof next week I need to put up a green house you can help…
    You got a guy that works 6 months a year during construction season it is rather amazing what they can accomplish in the freezing cold!

  132. Wolfe Tone says:

    Frankly, I think my friend Elwood at I Eat Gravel has hit the nail squarely on the head.
    It’s all about the Benjanmins.

  133. womanwithsardinecan says:

    If she ever bothered to do the work of governing, then people wouldn’t begrudge her a little fishin’ time with her family. But between doing nothing but the occasional ceremonial function, and running around the country progressing herself, I begrudge her even taking time off to drink an effing skinny mocha while she tweets gibberish.

  134. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    It was the,” We know that we know that we know,” that did me in. Move over Brian, I need some complete silence myself. Sarah is dangerous to brain cells.

  135. austintx says:

    Looselips Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 3:10 PM
    I would like to see a complete list. job for you AKM.
    mudpup Martha did some math and came up with an average.
    For every 8.2 words , lie.

  136. Wurzelhexli says:

    Palin’s PAC Profits From The Saga That Surrounds Her

  137. Looselips says:

    I would like to see a complete list. job for you AKM.

  138. Looselips says:

    andrew sullivan lists her lies all in one place today but he has only a fraction of them

  139. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    Hi AKM and all you great Mudpups. I see Palin is at her usual well versed self. LMAO. This woman has more word salad than a bunch of momkeys in a banana tree. I don’t think God has a sense of humor, just look at Sarah Palin and you can tell that.Sarah,because you were elected by the people as governor, doesn’t make you one, not even a close one at that.Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger. And next time you think you’re perfect, try walking on water and see how far you can get.Get my drift.And Sarah, about that remark,,,,”We keep proving that every time we win an ethics violation or a lawsuit, and we won every one of them.” What do you call a politician who swears to tell the truth? A liar.. Your lies are catching up with you. Its only a matter of time. I’ll have the popcorn ready when it comes down.


  140. ds55 says:

    On MSNBC: “Sarah Palin tells Andrea Mitchell she’s a fighter.”
    Sure she is… she just threw her last fight, but hey no worries.

  141. 264 crayons says:

    “I know that I know that I know”…..egads that line has returned from the grave!!!

    Note to self: she’s a goober.

  142. aliciaplays says:

    Geesh, re: the boat! Has she ever told the truth about anything – that can be verified?

  143. winkwinkWA says:

    GA Peach–resigns before the end of her term or ends up in the nut house!!
    Bretta-She can’t help herself, she a habitual LIAR.
    Simple mind–It’s more fun!!!

  144. Simple Mind says:

    In the ABC interview, Palin says the boat they are using was built by Todd and his buddies 20 years ago. Check the comments to the Anchorage Daily News story on the interview. Alert readers identified it as a Modutech Gillnetter from Modutech Marine in Tacoma. One commenter even called and spoke to the sales guy who sold it to the Palins. Now, let’s talk about that house again………

  145. Jim says:

    I just listened to close to an hour of CeeCee on Matsimela Mapfumo’s radio show on Sirius Left. At first I thought she was Shannyn, she was so on fire! Keep up the heat!

  146. AKPetMom says:

    Oh come on Pepperzmom, isn’t the Gone Fishin’ sign on all of her office doors enough to make the people happy? (/snark off)


  147. Moose Pucky says:

    By Palin logic, every elected official should quit before their first term is up in order to avoid lame duck governance. That’s a good idea.

    What’s glaringly missing in all of this is any sort of principles in which one believes (for Alaska and for America) that just can’t be dealt with by finishing one’s first term as Alaska’s Governor. There’s nothing here but the shifting sands of personal unreality.

    Anyone ever figure out how to reconcile the irony that the “pro-life” folks are also so adamantly pro-gun!!!???

  148. Shelly Stone says:

    Since Sarah is an “energy expert” according to her former running mate….maybe she is going to get a job with a major oil company???

    With such a limited education it isn’t surprising that the hillbilly would think it was ok to use the gov. office and plane and expense account for her family. Ethics violations are serious, sure….but I think she claim “ignorance” on most of them now, and of course, we will believe that.

    I read what she wrote on her official web site. She said she asked her kids if they thought she could help ALL America’s children from OUTSIDE the Governor’s office….
    Sounds like she is looking at something on a national level, doesn’t it?

    good luck with that sarah……

  149. johnie2xs says:

    Re. the whole Dept of Law deal. Does Sarah now have to be worried about whether or not the Federal Bureau of Finding Things Out, is going to run a dossier on her ?

    Sister Sarah, Patron Saint of Whining and Bullsh*t.

  150. oregonbird says:

    Expecting a deep reason for Palin’s actions is asking far too much of her. Might there be an “iceburg” headed toward Wasilla? Yes, of course. Wouldn’t that be nice?

    If that doesn’t turn out to be the case, however, may I offer a pathetic and plausible scenario for the timing of Sarah’s press conference? Friday morning: “Did you know that neither of those stupid ‘Countdown’ or ‘Maddow’ shows is on tonight, Sarah? And I checked their websites, and Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are all in reruns next week.”

    “Call A Press Conference, Right Now!”

    Palin figured old news, even in the best liberal hands, wouldn’t have the same lustre a more than a week after the event. She was right, too.

    Cheap, but effective. ‘Course, still don’t know why… I’m just hoping she doesn’t start doing prayer revivals. Because I can SO see her at the head of a pitchfork-waving mob of illiterate neo-xians.

  151. not that sarah says:

    OT, but maybe not…I think this is what is under a lot of her NPD behavior. I just posted this on Huff Po — because I know it will drive her nuts:-)

    We don’t all fight from behind a lawyer we force other people to pay for. It’s not the nicest language, so be forewarned. She brings out the pitbull in me. LOL.

    “Also, too, don’t you get sick of how transparently jealous Palin is of Obama? I wouldn’t be surprised to learn she’s been stalking him with indecipherable tweets of of desperation:

    “look at me, the Royal We, progressing the nation, there — troops, again, We could be you, again! also!! look at me!!! C My Crown? Hee Ha! why don’t you like Us??? sambo- dummy! terrist! We’re better than you! I should be in the WH! also, too! Meany meany meany! All good here, again, great pro amerkins, those there who again are wantin to c Us in the wh, so move out, also there unworthy, there. w/b soon!”

    (note the Sambo reference is a nod to her “sambo beat the bi*ch” comment when Obama won over HIllary– stay kkklassy, Sarah!)

  152. clydedog says:

    Quoted from above:

    Snow: A lot of governors face hardships.

    Palin: They do! You don’t just embrace the status quo going, “You know, I’m gonna just muster through a lame duck session. Sure we won’t get anything done but…” kinda milk it is what most politicians do I guarantee you. I don’t need a title to be the one to usher in what needs to be done in our state and in our country.


    So she basically insulted every politician that ever lived, at best she said “most”. Every politician comes up against term limits, not running for re-election, or losing re-election at some point. So if you did not die in office, quit, or were forced to resign, you slacked off, wasted money, and got nothing done. Is this how you win friends? Staying in office and working for your whole term IS politics as usual, it is what you gave your solemn oath to do.

  153. Could the person who has the info on her lie re Todd building the boat email it to the networks. ANY and ALL of her lies that we can alert them to may end up being heard some day.

  154. Simple Mind says:

    Ummmm….isn’t she still Governor? Why is she off fishing?

  155. Mattie says:

    the sad thing is her base does not care whether she is a liar, a cheater, insane or anything else. They will follow this crazy person not matter what she does. It is absolutely crazy. Then you have Mika from Morning joe actually saying that people are not being fair to her.

  156. Nebraska Native says:

    I am just amazed that she is still around. Is she governing? Does fishing=governing? They are showing the fishing report again with Kate Snow. Unfrickenbelievable. I have never seen anyone THIS inept. On a happier note, I think the Lee press-on hair extensions are gone.

  157. Bretta says:

    #88, July 7th, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Miss Demeanor Says: ”’I just talked to Carl at Modutech Marine out of Tacoma, Washington, and he said the Palins bought a number of those boats from them.””

    Yes, but did he say Todd was his buddy and they built them together, or not?

    OMG I’m parsing just like a Buttercup Queen. [visulize The Scream]

  158. mudkitten says:

    DLB in PDX Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:57 PM
    I posted this link on the Open Thread, but I think it’s even more appropriate here. It’s an open letter to Gov. Palin written by Jonah Goldberg, a conservative writer for the National Review Online. It’s a biting criticism of her resignation/quitting and suggests that she needs to become more ‘educated’ before considering a 2012 run.

    Very interesting piece. The comments are great.

  159. lonnie says:

    How about a Sarah Palin T-shirt: “I QUIT BUT I’M NOT A QUITTER”

  160. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Funny comment on HuffPo re: steele’s proclamation on palin

    -from decolonizeme

    If we have learned anything from her in the past week, it is that when she does run in 2012 her VP pick will be of vital importance.

    Since that will be the person who will be the next president after she resigns before the end of her first term.-


  161. let it run says:

    @Seagull and Canadian Neighbor.

    Thanks ! re Buttercup. Thems fightin’ words!

  162. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Cross posting from Open Wet Moose thread….

    # 142 PepperzMom (GA) Says: July 7th, 2009 at 6:29 AM

    Re: SP’s “fishing” expedition.

    Given that Sanford just blew it with the chain of command/hand over the control when in Argentina, is SP either
    a) officially in vacation (since she’s on a private venture unrelated to her job) and has turned over control to the LG
    b) has she forgotten to turn the controls over to the LG and gone AWOL, meaning is working on private venture while officially on duty?

    Anything in the press about this???

  163. JHop says:

    Pacosgal: “So what I have found is that you have to wade through the BS to find the substance.”

    You are right. And it is the best defense they can offer. Seriously.

    Step 1: deny, deny, deny. Admit nothing.
    Step 2; Act like the victim, astonished that you are even in the courtroom.
    Step 3: Muddy the waters enough, drone on about irrelevant things, put out all sorts of distractions and smokescreens, and deflect blame anywhere and everywhere that you can.
    Step 4: Ensure that the jury gets bored, stops paying attention, their mind wanders from the issue at hand. For every 10 words you need to make a point, use 20.
    Step 5: Now that you have instilled reasonable doubt, just sit back and offer nothing of substance, blaming the “prosecution” for their baseless claims.

  164. John says:

    Michagander: I think Sarah was calling herself a lame duck because a) she decided not to run for re-election and b) she decided to announce this about a year before the filing deadline. Of course, even lame duck governors have been known to show up for work and get things done in there last few months of office. She had 16 left and if she had any ability she could have accomplished something during that time. Many people have actually turned their lame duck status into an advantage, because they don’t have to worry about any upcoming election.

  165. KallieinTexas says:

    Is there no stopping this political whore? For someone who wanted out of politics and away from the media and be with her family…she sure is flapping her jaws a lot! Lord help us all! McCain owes us an apology!

  166. C. Rock says:

    How long did Buttercup do the sports on the news in Alaska.? Did buttercup quit or get fired .My curious mind wants to know.

  167. sauerkraut says:

    112 JHop Says: July 7th, 2009 at 1:57 PM

    But what I really took away from it is how civil and respectful our discourse is, even when we disagree. Because they are horrible to one another. They use the word “retard” and “moron” so many times, that I don’t ever want to hear them feign astonishment when we dare whisper a negative word about them or their policies.

    When Obama first came out with “change” this is what I was thinking. No more of those 8 years of backbiting and name calling and sorts of crap like that. “The Base” is just plain nasty. I do not want them to be running my country.

  168. womanwithsardinecan says:

    As my son used to say, I have a head-ick. Between the incessant pounding and sawing from the window guys in the living room, and the incessant chatter of the media about MJ and SP, I can’t take any more. I’m going to play Diablo.

  169. AKPetMom says:

    Once again, just for AKM and others in AK that want to listen, Michael Carey will be on Fresh Air at 3pm AK time to discuss the quitter.

    Others who are not in AK might be able to listen by going to and click Fresh Air.

    Should be good and certainly not to be missed!

  170. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    And I think part of the damage control and spin for the future was showing a hard working family, the middle class, who can’t afford what the DC’ers can, she can roll up her sleeves and git er dun, work with her hands, she’s no diva, she said so. She could probably drive a tractor too, eh Iowa? Probably plans to campaign with a Spanish translator to win Hispanic votes.

    I don’t think she has ADD, I think it’s ADHD, the hyper type of distraction, which is way more bounce off the walls type. Ask me how I know, I have ADD. Our vivacious social butterfly passionate in anger and joy physically beautiful daughter has ADHD. Constant motion and socializing until they drop is their MO. Boredom, being alone and lack of attention are the enemies.

    Unless they work on it like our wonderful daughter has. It has to be recognized and worked on very hard, focusing, prioritizing and organizing are not strong suits. That’s most likely why she has people around her to do that not fun and not interesting boring stuff that makes her look good. It also explains why she excelled in sports (no offense meant) or at least found her worth in it and life lessons from it. What academic feats can she brag about? Like she said to Halcro, she doesn’t think as a politician she needs them, facts are boring and uninteresting.

    Ya know, I wonder if Katy Curic recognized this. ADAH individuals have trouble concentrating enough to read, thus the question, lol. That’s also why she is all over the place in speeches, she can’t hold the point long enough without notes. School is hard for these kids, they either lose focus and go day dreamin like I did, lol, or they can’t sit still and focus, which is most likely what Scarah did. Her dad instilled discipline, hard work and hands on learning through activity which helps. I’m sure she learned early on it didn’t hurt to be cute and bubbly.

    Many older people like myself and Scarah would not have been diagnosed that long ago. I was as an adult after we had our daughter tested. It does seem to run in families.

    But, that just explains her MO behavior, intelligence and capability are totally different.

    Am I making any sense?

  171. Canadian Neighbour says:

    You just know Tiny Fey has gone into hiding somewhere!! She’s turned her cell off — done everything to make sure no one can contact her!!!

    Well Pups,
    Off and running for an hour. Cousin filling in for an hour for me to go shop since I was unable to earlier today.
    Later Gators!!

  172. antiAnti says:

    from wikipedia

    A lame duck is an elected official who is approaching the end of his or her tenure, and especially an official whose successor has already been elected.

    The status can be due to

    having lost a re-election bid
    choosing not to seek another term at the expiration of the current term
    a term limit which keeps the official from running for that particular office again
    the abolishment of the office, which must nonetheless be served out until the end of the official’s term.[1]
    Lame duck officials tend to have less political power, as other elected officials are less inclined to cooperate with them. However, lame ducks are also in the peculiar position of not facing the consequences of their actions in a subsequent election, giving them greater freedom to issue unpopular decisions or appointments.

  173. Bretta says:

    #50, July 7th, 2009 at 12:33 PM, AKaurora Says: ““Last fall I thought of creating a 2010 calendar with daily SP pearls of wisdom, but, alas, there simply aren’t enough days in a year to fit them all in!””

    STILL, I want you to try!!

    Here, Quitty Quitty!!

  174. womanwithsardinecan says:

    If you watch the boat interview footage closely you can catch one quick shot of her walking away from the boat with her two blackberries in hand. Maybe she should ask her kids this question: should I turn off my blackberries and just put them down for a while?
    Hell Yeah!!!
    (you know they are in her pocket and turned on when she’s wearing those big rubber gloves)

  175. frostvixen says:

    Department of law? Department of law? It’s like she wants to be the Tina Fey version of herself.

  176. curiouser says:

    According to Gallup, the resignation wasn’t a big deal. We just have to hope that, whatever it is, the iceberg will make the news.

    “Two-thirds of Republicans want Palin to be “a major national political figure for many years to come,” while three-fourths of Democrats hope she won’t be. Independents by 55%-34% would prefer she leave the national stage.”

    I’m so angry the MSM is failing to hold her accountable to facts. Been shooting off emails to ABC, Andrea Mitchell, Anderson Cooper and Rachel giving some facts and references.

    I’ve also been doing catch-up at the Flats. You guys rock! Haven’t been able to post but am so grateful for your humor and information.

  177. MichiganderBerta says:

    I may be understanding the term wrong, but why is she calling herself a ‘lame duck?’ I thought that meant someone whose term will be ending and who cannot run again because of term limits? Are Alaskan governors held to just one term, or was she being off the wall as usual in calling herself a lame duck?
    (Now if she’d said ‘lame-headed,” yeah, I’d agree in a split second!)

    At any rate, congrats to Alaska for knowing they’ll be free of this massive millstone around the neck of government.

  178. Walt Stone says:

    Here’s my take — it’s a fairly simple metric: When will be the first time after her resignation from the governorship will Sarah venture south for a money making speaking engagement? At that point, we can all point to her and claim that she’s officially an attention whore. Prior to this, every one of of appearances, whether that be at some governor’s conference or trucking over to get a photo op on the USS John C. Stennis has been because she’s been because of her position. After her stepping down, anything she does will be as a private citizen — obvious to say, but a telling metric.

    Oh, I’m sure the interview requests will continue to come — for now. And I’m sure there’ll be several juicy “dinners” Ms. Palin will attend that will help secure her financial future, but it’s the public appearances that will be the metric I’ll measure her by after this collapse. When she’s ready, I’m sure there’ll be a FOX news dude tossing a few softball questions her way, most likely around the time of her book release. And the book tour, can’t forget that. But it’s the first speech to any kind of audience where getting in doesn’t mean ponying up $1,000 a plate — that’s the one I’ll be looking for.

    That will be the “I’m tanned, rested, and ready” moment. And a new level of hypocrisy will have been reached.

    Until then, then. In the meantime, I’ll let you Alaskans do your collective face palm every time she opens her mouth on camera.

  179. sauerkraut says:

    Quitting means never having to say you’re mavericky.

  180. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:


    They use the word “retard” and “moron” so many times,
    Why do we expect anything else? Their moral compass has been set by rush, o’reilly, coulter, beck, sanford, AK’s own eddie burke and prevo. It seems to me that the only way they feel good about themselves is feel bad about everybody else, all wrapped up and cloaked in Revelations, first, and Jesus, second.

  181. pacos_gal says:

    You know one of the things that I have to say that I can admire, is all the misdirection that she and her lawyers, friends, supporters have put out all over the place. I

    So what I have found is that you have to wade through the BS to find the substance. You literally have to make notes of what happens when, what is said when and compare it back and forth till your brain hurts. Then you get maybe one sentence of fact, somewhere out of all of it. It’s exhausting and I give major credit to anyone who can do it and not go nuts. 🙂

    Now I’m off to Zumba class and I just Know that I know that there will be pages and pages of comments to be read by the time I get home again. Zumba!!

  182. mwThatOne.. says:

    AKM: love that closing statement. ( we know that we know…best thing for al-ASK’-a !!)

  183. Sue says:

    Add the New York Times to that list. It’s easy to email any of these media. Just do it!

  184. Canadian Neighbour says:

    It’s where you turn your head to look behind you or look out the window in that you are not sure if we are of the same world!!

    Listening to Eddie Burkas yesterday, to hear them say the libs are haters. To hear “It’s a Rumour that Shannyn is a “L” — you shake your head because they don’t hear themselves.

    I’ve always referred to Elisabeth Hasslebeck as “As long as her mouth is moving, her ears are closed”. Hears nothing what she says and when she is talking, hears nothing anyone else says — she continues to raise the noise to speak over them.

  185. sauerkraut says:

    Funny, but why is she complaining about the networks spewing the same thing when her interviews with the networks this morning essentially spewed the same thing across the spectrum? Maybe it’s not the networks but the interviewee who is so blessed repetitive with everything she says.

    As to that department of law, it would not handle matters in the same fashion as does her AG in Alaska. On those occasions when the Office of White House Counsel (think Harriet Meyers) engages in political garbage, it gets roundly criticized for not focusing on law. Not sure she’s smart enough to understand the distinction.

  186. twain12 says:

    “sandra in oregon Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 1:50 PM
    One thing that happened on Wednesday was that the numbers from the SarahPAC were available. They haven’t been released yet, but maybe they were a big disappointment. Remember how they were trying to get donations to get the numbers up?”

    I posted this on the last page but didn’t leave an explanation…i guess they are profiting from her quitting:
    “Palin’s PAC Profits From The Saga That Surrounds Her”

  187. Sue says:

    OK—I just emailed ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and FOX about the real cost of Palin’s ethics complaints. I also mentioned that she, herself, CHOSE to have an attorney for one investigation that the state was already handling, and I pointed out that over half of the money spent was on the complaint she filed against herself. Oh, yeah—I also mentioned that the board that investigates the complaints is appointed by her. Oh–and that she was NOT found innocent in all 15 investigations. If enough of us (bloggers) will write these MSM people the truth, maybe it will get out there to the public. Remember how well that worked during the election campaign? : ) Come on, you guys–don’t let Sarah get away with her lies! (The have already cost Keith Olbemann $37,000–at a cost of $100 per lie.)

  188. ds55 says:

    Gov. Sanford will. not. quit. And the GOP won’t throw him out, either. Contrast Sanford’s stick-to-itness with Sarah’s eagerness to quit. Sarah is just nutty and so are her fans.

  189. pacos_gal says:

    The fact that her phone records showed she called Guiliani and Cheney, probably had nothing to do with her resignation. I say that because right up until 10:59 1 July, all was business as usual with her tweets, her business meetings, etc. After that last tweet saying how much she looks forward to working with Dan Sullivan, everything seems to have fallen apart.

    So while it’s a nice headline to say Palin talks with Guiliani and Cheney prior to resigning and technically it is true, it is also true that she went to the bathroom, ate dinner, breakfast, had a run, whatever else she was doing in her life prior to resigning. Unless a call was made after 11am 1 July, it is a moot point and a red herring..or salmon as the case may be.

    Cheney she invited to come visit Alaska and she has a personal and professional relationship/friendship with Guiliani (per the game hang out thing)

    Just as it is nice to be affirmed that the FBI is not investigating her, that was never the real speculation, errr..rumor.
    Now her lawyer has said she is not being investigated by anyone (FBI, IRS, DOJ or anyone else) that he is aware of. Which leaves open, ethic complaint settled by her resignation as a possibility.

  190. Bretta says:

    Which lawsuits?
    I thought the big problem was “frivolous ethics complaints?”

  191. Looselips says:

    the ADN today explains the money involved with the ethics complaints. SP keeps saying 2 million referring to the cost in time to state workers. The 500K is a separate cost to her.

  192. Canadian Neighbour says:

    let it run,
    Buttercup comes from Shannyn on her radio this past Saturday.
    “Suck it up Buttercup”

    The dog will be fine — won’t be traumatized!!!

  193. JHop says:

    I saw this link for Ace of Spades (super ridiculously rabidly conservative blog) at Andrew Sullivan yesterday, and I was curious as to how anyone can defend Sarah Palin at this point; so last night I started to read the comments. Ignore the article, it is worthless. But the comments….they are priceless.

    They have a huge war (starting around comment 300ish) amongst themselves. Use the find tool and search for “Ace.” Ironically, “Ace,” whose site it is, apparently blogged at some point that Palin really can’t come back from quitting. And when I say that his readers were livid, I am horribly understating how enraged they are. If there was such a thing as cybermurder, we would be mourning Ace right now (or waving to him as he goes straight to hell, whatever).

    Eventually “Ace” starts commenting to defend himself and everything erupts. It is like the second civil war. At one point, Ace says (#324):

    “And I do think I am taking off the week. You guys only seem to want to talk about sarah palin and furthermore you only want to hear the same thing — she’s running, this is a great move, she’s now perfectly poised for the race, etc. It’s nonsense. And I hardly need to blog about it, because you all seem to know the words to the song. So you don’t need me as part of the chorus. You can sing the same words well enough without me. I am really tired of this relentless nonsense and occasional nastiness whenever someone is believed to have departed from the conservativey correct line.”

    It is FASCINATING. But what I really took away from it is how civil and respectful our discourse is, even when we disagree. Because they are horrible to one another. They use the word “retard” and “moron” so many times, that I don’t ever want to hear them feign astonishment when we dare whisper a negative word about them or their policies. If you have any interest in how the other side “thinks,” check it out, it is entertaining.

  194. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Gov Sanford Censured. S.C. GOP didn’t ask for resignation. WTH

  195. Canadian Neighbour says:

    MSM long ago tossed aside the “need to challenge” and the “investigative reporting” that was one of the criteria required to be in a position of either a print reporter or on-air news reporter. For example Bernard Shaw. The MSM has become the land of the “soundbyte” of talking heads — the allowance for usually at most 2 minutes. The majority would never have made it in news days gone by as all they do know is read a teleprompter.

    They believe they have perfected what the public wants — They know what they know! and know nothing. Therefore they report “dead air”. Honestly believing they are providing the service for which some get paid extremely well for it. Why? – I have no idea.

    Mary Matalin is speaking about Palin with Wolf on CNN right now. Should she continue speaking as she is, her credibility will be questioned as she’s never researched her Alaska work. She uses the canned talking points. “She appeals to calm sensed conservatives.” Bye, bye Mary — your koolaid glass is empty.

    Begala just spoke of the ‘Department of Law”. Also mentioned that Clinton had millions of dollars in legal bills and paid them off after he left office.

  196. Spaz says:

    Just like she doesn’t understand what the “big darn deal” is with bilking the state of thousands of dollars for per diem charges, the travel expenses of her children, the illegality of accepting a book contract while still the governor of the state, using political power and intimidation for personal gains, be it to have her ex-brother-in-law fired or towards personal ambitions of political office beyond the state of Alaska. Etc., etc., etc.

  197. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Let it run – Shannyn Moore on her radio show responded to Palin’s atty defamation threat with the statement “Suck it up Buttercup”

  198. sandra in oregon says:

    One thing that happened on Wednesday was that the numbers from the SarahPAC were available. They haven’t been released yet, but maybe they were a big disappointment. Remember how they were trying to get donations to get the numbers up?

  199. liz says:

    “I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out,” she said.

    As many times as I viewed the ABC/Snow interview, this quote was NOT in there…

    Where did you see SEE this part of the video? I have only seen this in quoted text from others claiming it was a part of the ABC interview.

    Perhaps huffpo only had an edited version on their website today, but for the life of me I have not heard SP say those words.

    A point in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks. Esp a point on the clock to look for it.

    That came from the article, not from the video. They may release more of it, but they haven’t shown that part yet. AKM

  200. Phil says:

    I think when she says it has cost millions to fight the ethics complaints she is including what it has cost her to pay off the ethics board to rule in her favor.
    Money, cushy jobs and lucrative contracts all add up.

  201. let it run says:

    Late to the thread(s)….a few things cuz I am short on time:

    Where does the Buttercup crack come from? My friend just named her new Lab puppy Buttercup…she may have to change it…

    The timing of the resignation will be meaningful in “the end.” I agree that if Tadd had to hustle home for a semi-united front the demons were rising. Not that I beleive the FBI is investigating her…something else…very rare for Feeebs to comment on any investigation or lack thereof…

    Where was our tossed word salad buddy, BFF and gal pal..Meg Staplegun? Oh yeah, bumbling for words in New York. How is that job hunt going Meg?

    “We’re” not sure if “we’ll” run (me and my ## personalities or Me and Tadd). the answer is a toss up. Both are correct.

    Lastly (for now) on a positive note, SP looked mighty cute in those fishermans coveralls. Now there’s a career we can let her have..even though Tadd still yells at her for “doing it wrong.” Hmmm. Sounds like a Shadow Gov. to me….

  202. Looselips says:

    my vanity fair came today. I had read the article but not seen it with pictures and all. It is devastating. It pushed her over the edge.

  203. not that sarah says:

    OMG…they are eviscerating her at HuffPo…

    This dept of law thing is a real disaster for her. Not sure she can come back from this one.

  204. here_in_PA says:

    Buttercup doesn’t know her geography, as in, “Africa”. My take on the $2M is that she doesn’t know her math either. Someone probably showed her the $200,000 on a piece of paper and she read it as 2 million. That’s how stupid she can be, ROFLMA, my take anyway.

  205. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    the “I know” thing is definitely her religion talkin, I’ve heard that said so many times by preachers it’s sickening. It’s about faith. Which to them is believing in “that” not yet seen manifest.

    basicly, in church talk, it means she has an answer from God and the faith to believe it. She knows in her gut she is right. God spoke to her. bla bla bla

    What she’s done is convinced herself and in doing so she’s now able to spin and spin trying to convince everyone. Only the evangelical far right will know what she’s talking about, relate to it and believe her. Gah……the cult.

    Which by the way I heard is the only strong faction of the republican party right now. Ed Shultz was talking about yesterday. That’s why she thinks this will fly. She’s the only repug with star shiny right now, pitiful but scary to think the strength of the repub party lays in the religious wackos.

    I think yes, she had back in June decided already not to run. That took the wind out of her sails, in came the lame duck feeling, realizing she is really miserable she decides to just quit, because well she can, no legal binding contract here. Admitting to herself she could and wanted to, she had to come up with plausible answers to why. She worked on that.

    But, this quitting time was not planned for last Friday, that was a rush job. And no one in AK is gonna buy it, knowing how important fishing is up there. I think there is real smoke.

  206. UK Lady says:

    Lying about the boat, pathetic, and good catch pvazwindy.

    Must have been ringing Guiliani to make sure he keeps mum about Willow not being at game.

    Ringing Cheney, yikes, scary.

    McCain must be pooping his pants right now because as bad as Buttercup gets, it is still him who is going to come of the worst out of all this. He must be trying to stop up all sorts of gruesome stories.

    Going over the timeline of the wek Buttercup QUIT, I am convinced something really earth shattering happened on the Wednesday.

  207. austintx says:

    30 Gramiam Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:06 PM
    Has anybody got a contact number for an electronics repairman? My BS meter has been so overworked that it finally died today.
    Get your self one of these………

  208. justafarmer says:

    Closet Mudpup @67:
    Remind me to NOT go to the prom this year…

  209. lonnie says:

    Love this website! comments are really funny.

  210. JHop says:

    ADN: “With Sean in the governor’s seat it won’t be the politics of personal destruction, I don’t believe,” Palin said….”The double standard that’s applied here is a bit perplexing. … Didn’t Lisa Murkowski leave office to go take her dad’s seat? (Govs.) Huntsman left, Napolitano just left … ,” Palin said, referring to governors who took positions in President Obama’s administration.”

    the sad part is, she just doesn’t get it. the complaints were never about the “politics of personal destruction.” that is a rumor that she has made up to make herself feel better. they are about her arrogance, the disrespect she shows for the public, and her complete lack of class/professionalism in flaunting herself, as she repeatedly abuses her office for personal gain. if she cared, at all, about being governor and public opinion, then don’t appear on tv decked out in your husband’s company’s logo; don’t fruadulently charge the state per diem (especially for your daughter’s graduation); don’t use your disabled child as a political prop; don’t make up unbelievable stories that cannot exist in fact; don’t appoint all of your friends from high school to government positions. i mean, really?! this is not high school and she was not voted student council president and her feelings should not be hurt; it is a job, the taxpayers elected her (i.e. hired her) and she answers only to them. and she just cannot see it that way.

    she cannot differentiate between leaving a job because the President asked you to serve and abruptly quitting because, selfishly, you are bored and have better, more lucrative things to do. she doesn’t understand why people are so curious about this, or how bizarre it was in reality. she doesn’t get that but for her base of 20% of the country, she is only popular because she is like a walking cartoon character, a guarantee of entertaining television for all to see. it astounds me. i almost, just almost, feel badly for her that she is openly mocked by a majority of the U.S. and is just too dense or stubborn or blind to see it.

  211. trisha says:

    I agree. I can’t understand why the media allows themselves to be spit on by Palin, and then they don’t ask her any follow up questions or confront her with questions about some of her statements?

    I’m sure it must be ratings, but she just gave up her post as gov. and they all just pander to her. Only on the blogs doesn’t anyone get the true story.

    Are you reading this MSM? Palin has been dumping on you for months and you just keep letting her take control of any and all interviews you do with her. It’s shoddy journalism. MSM—-You guys are weak. Thank goodness bloggers have the guts to stand up to Palin. You guys don’t.

  212. the problem child says:

    @ripley, if you are still here, message for you on the open thread.

  213. Gindy51 says:

    I betcha Sarah’s parents never read a book to her nor most likely talked to her in complete sentences. She learned how to speak from watching the BOOB TUBE!

  214. mae lewis says:

    I think that I have figured out a clue to Sarah’s Splendid Word Salad. I am remembering the 1980’s movie, “Splash,” which starred Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah. Daryl was a mermaid who falls in love with Hanks. We have to leave out the stuff about how she has legs-or-a-tail; I’m thinking of the first few days the Daryl spend on land. She cannot speak English, so she watches TV all day long. The first words that come out of her mouth are slogans from advertisements, soundbits and pop culture expressions. She repeats the TV expressions without knowing what they mean or how to use them correctly in a conversation.

    That’s how Sarah sounds. We know that she doesn’t read, but there’s a chance to she watches TV to keep up with stuff. We recently had dinner with Rabid Republican friends who only watch Fox. They spout the same rhetorical stuff, alot of which doesn’t make sense in a normal conversation. (Example: Did you know that Barack Obama kept his middle name a secret until after he was elected? We didn’t hear his middle name until he took his oath of office.) I’m serious; this is how they talk.

    When Katie Couric asked that famous question, we all got it. Any one who reads a little can compose a normal sentence and make sense. I think that we’re dealing with Soundbite Sarah. Twitter is pretty much the limits of her composition skills.

  215. JERSEY GIRL says:


  216. Callie says:

    Todd Purdum discussed his blockbuster Vanity Fair article about Alaksa Gov. Sarah Palin on Air America today, touching on “her unpredictability, her lack of curiosity and her ‘casual’ relationship with the truth.”

    Said Purdum: “She really is willing to say that black is white and day is night.”

  217. hwmnbn says:

    Was the ethics complaint she filed against herself also frivolous, or did that one have merit?

  218. Diane says:

    Look whose Palin palling around with !!
    Palin supposedly called before Cheney and Guiliani she resigned!!
    Two of the most corrupt, despicable republicans they have.

    Whay does she blame liberals for her problems when she has friends like those!!

  219. Miss Demeanor says:

    I just talked to Carl at Modutech Marine out of Tacoma, Washington, and he said the Palins bought a number of those boats from them.
    Buttercup, your britches are a’blazin’.

  220. justafarmer says:

    ooooh, excellent comparison.

  221. Deep Blue says:

    Hey, this post was quoted at length by Andrew Sullivan today! Way to go, AKM!

  222. Suzie-Q says:

    Sarah Palin is the biggest EMBARRASSEMENT for the United States. The whole world is AMAZED at her STUPIDITY. If you love Alaska and the US, please shut up and go fishing permanently. You will be doing the world a favor and I know it will be easy for you to do since you have such a generous, forgiving “servants heart” and “it’s not politics as usual”. GO HOME TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS, ESPECIALLY TRIG, AND STOP PARADING THEM AROUND LIKE PROPS, YOU NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH!

  223. JHop says:

    canadian: “This woman, if she wanted people to focus and challenge her on policies, to take her seriously — well she should have made some.”

    well said. she supplies our ammunition (see, e.g. “department of law”). i mean, her own PAC website does not even have a policy section. that is telling…..and sad. especially for those who give her money. i do not understand how she captures people under her dark magic spell. i see a pretty woman, who didn’t go to college (or 6, whatever), who is incredibly arrogant in light of her talents (or lack thereof), a pathological liar to the point that it is comical, who i probably would have enjoyed playing basketball with in high school if only for the entertainment value. i see someone who is more suited to work at dairy queen, as opposed to the white house. and i am not trying to bash her, i’m really not – this is just what i see.

    i don’t understand people, i guess, who have actual derision towards academics and progress; she had the greatest opportunity in the world and instead of studying and soaking up everything that she could possibly learn, she remains just as vapid as when she was first mentioned as VP. for the life of me, i don’t understand the rabid appeal, other than the fact that her supporters want a politician who is “just like them.” I want a politician who knows a helluva more than I do to run this country.

  224. NY Dem says:

    Let’s re-try all those ethics complaints before an IMPARTIAL committee, and then see how many get dropped !

    It sure helps to get away with something when the committee investigating you are all your chums that you appointed.

    Kind of hard to get a GUILTY when the tables are stacked like that !

    There is still a “major shoe” to drop – there has to be – it’s just a matter of time.

  225. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    Still no hint of what left her so haunted
    A buddy-built boat found her seeming undaunted:
    “IRS, SEC,
    They mean nothing to me.
    The Department of Law’s what I wanted.”

  226. Grandmaj says:

    “If I die, I die”, is from the book of Esther in the Bible. So now Sarah sees herself as Queen Esther who risked her life to save her people. The woman’s ego knows no bounds.

  227. trisha says:

    The other day Palin said, “Hell yeah”. Today, she said “bullcrap”.

    How are the fundamental Christians taking this language? I have a lot Evangelical family members, and my former husband’s father is an Evangelical pastor——- and they DO NOT use Hell* or bullcrap—ever.

    *Well, they might use Hell as in, those liberals are going to Hell (ha, ha), but mostly this word would just be used to discuss Heaven or Hell in the biblical sense.

  228. Cynthia, TX says:

    I know, that I know that I know I don’t know what I am talking about but they don’t know what I am talking about and I got tapped to be John McCain’s running mate and since then the opposition research has been up in ALaska. I know that I know I don’t know what I just wrote. LOL!!!

  229. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    she should donate those salmon to the folks who need it…then she should keep on talkin’. Inhale, lie….Inhale, lie….todd built the boat. todd built the house. todd walked on the moon. van flea must be elated cause every time she opens her mouth she uses up some of her retainer fees!

  230. Candy Knight says:

    And here I thought Palin was spending all her time tilting with comedians and bloggers and photoshoppers and her daughter’s baby daddy. I also thought it was the personnel board that dealt with the ethics complaints–I thought that was, like, their job, not hers.

    Don’t tell me “if I die, I die” and lame duck, and milking the system are going to join politics as usual, a servant’s heart, pitbull with lipstick, hockey mom, ordinary Americans, etc, etc, as standard parts of her word salad. God, can she talk in anything other than refrigerator magnets?

    She keeps slapping other governors and the press in the face with one insult after the other. When is someone going to slap her back? Please, someone, slap her back!

  231. strangelet says:

    It’s hard to know whether to be more impressed with the insight that serving out your term of office is “politics as usual”, or the penetrating observation that the “same big three supposedly competing networks” have the same news content every night (unlike, I guess, Fox, where they just make stuff up so as to provide some damn variety in the news).

    But one thing that is starting to irritate me is that nobody in the media seems to be willing to call her on the “these ethics complaints are costing the state millions of dollars”. That is almost trivially bogus. There have been fewer than 20 complaints, and most of them have been dismissed (rightly or wrongly) after very superficial examination by the Personnel-Board-appointed attorneys. Except for Troopergate and Travelgate, if the Board got billed more than 100 hours for any one complaint, they should sue the lawyer for fraudulent billing.

    Just for an example, let’s assume the Board pays their hired guns an average of $250 an hour (compare Van Flein at $185). Then, except for Trooper and Travel, the external expense of investigating the complaints is, at utter maximum, 18 x 100 x $250 == $450K. In reality, I suspect it is quite a bit less — can anyone FOIA the attorneys’ bills?

    Just for the heck of it, let’s assume Travelgate billed 400 hours (that’s ten full 40-hour weeks). Then that adds $100K to the external expense, for a grand total of $550K.

    Now, Troopergate was undoubtedly costlier. There were maybe a dozen depositions, plus research into phone logs and emails, etc. One thing we know for sure, though, is that the investigation took less than two months. That’s 1440 elapsed hours on the old wall clock. Let’s see what it would mean if the Troopergate investigation cost a half million dollars:

    $500K / 1440 hrs == $347 per hour, 24/7. That’s about 1.4 attorneys (or 1.9 Van Fleins) every hour of every day, no time for eating, sleeping or whatever. In reality, of course, they did eat, sleep and (probably) whatever, so to chalk up a half mil in expenses, the investigation would have needed to involve 3 or 4 or 5 full-time lawyers employed by the Personnel Board for two months. Anybody remember that?

    So, even if we include Troopergate (which was not, of course, instigated by PJ-clad bloggers, but by Sputtercup herself), the external expense of all the investigations is less than — probably much less than — one million bucks.

    The internal expense (that is, time spent by State employees on the matter) must be vanishingly small for all but a few investigations / dismissals. If the lawyer decides there’s no case, it’s hard to see how that affects the work of State employees.

    So — a rant about why I am pissed that no interviewer will challenge Palin’s “costing the state millions”.

  232. Miss Demeanor says:

    I know that I know that I know that you should just suck it up, Buttercup.
    Thanks, AKM & Shannyn.

  233. JHop says:

    anti: “IMO, Palin is just working her way up to spilling the real reason for aborting her term (thank you, Shannyn).”

    i don’t think she will ever spill, because i think she is crazy enough to believe her lies. but you are right. if i were her advisers (meaning the carebear stuffed animals she talks to before she goes to bed), i would not let this woman near a camera right now. she is walking the plank to irreparable political implosion.

  234. trisha says:

    Dept of Law in the White House that protects the President from those pesky ethics complaints? Wow.

    They are going crazy at HuffPo over this one. DailyKos too. Plus, DailyKos discussed how she ripped on the Republican Party today too. They said she was going rogue.

    Her language is so odd. Not just a garbled mess of syntax, grammer and run on sentences. But, her language itself is so very, very odd.

    Is she planning on taking over the reins of the AIP? I’m not even joking.

  235. DLB in PDX says:

    I posted this link on the Open Thread, but I think it’s even more appropriate here. It’s an open letter to Gov. Palin written by Jonah Goldberg, a conservative writer for the National Review Online. It’s a biting criticism of her resignation/quitting and suggests that she needs to become more ‘educated’ before considering a 2012 run.

  236. Cathy from Colorado says:

    I am simply amazed at how stupid she is. I really never believed it was possible.
    Please, don’t send her to the lower 48.

  237. Paula says:

    pvazwindy Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:51 PM
    That boat that supposedly was built by Todd, and a buddy? Actually, it’s a 32 ft Modutech Gilnetter, built by Modutech Marine, out of Tacoma, WA. Another lie?
    There you go, another danged blogger stirring lies around and such, also. Handbuilt, I tell ya, just like our house. I know that I know that I know that that’s the truth. Bloggers. Geez.

  238. antiAnti says:

    I’m looking at this as a win all around. Every interview gives Gov. Palin’s family a 10 minute break from the word salad. They can stop saying “yes, certainly Sarah, you are so right, Sarah” etc. and instead actually do some fishing. And we get more gems to leave Dan Quayle a miserable second in the politics for dummies category. And we also get more marvelous analysis from AKM, spelled out in delightful prose.

    IMO, Palin is just working her way up to spilling the real reason for aborting her term (thank you, Shannyn). The trick for us observers is plucking the truth from the mists of the blizzard of words. I’m counting on AKM to let me know when that happens.

    (Hoping for another bedtime story soon. pretty please)

  239. Paula says:

    You know that, I know that, we know that, she knows that…

    Wait… what does she know? Doesn’t look like she knows much!

  240. Closet Mudpup says:

    justafarmer @ 45

    I think almost as soon as she hits the campaign trail in support of 2010 candidates, she’s going to remind us more of Carrie. Amongst her already angry base of miscreants and theocrats, she just elevated herself from victim to martyr. It ain’t gonna’ be pretty.

  241. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Palin stating that this was in the works for months — Really?? Certainly fooled me!

    Why was it such a scramble for Todd to get back home as he was fishing. If this had been ‘planned’ for so long — he would have known and made alternate arrangements as to having someone cover for him at the fishing site and no need to scramble to travel back.

    Why was it Todd’s father has spoken out to media that he had no idea of her announcement and therefore unable to be there as it was too late to make alternate plans. Todd only calling him the day before knowing full well his father would be doing the same as he was – fishing.

    It’s like Palin has said so many things that are not true, but has said them so often that she has convinced herself they are true and that everybody but herself is stupid.

    She & state office spending all their days on the ethics complaints. Well, she’s fleecing those making donations to the legal fund for half a mil as she’s been misrepresented by VanFleece as she & her staff are doing the work. If that were true, it then gives credence to the possible tampering with the Personnel Board of the handling of the Ethics complaints filed.

    From the ADN article of July 6th:

    “Palin responded Monday by saying there’s a double standard. She brought up the fact Murkowski left the Legislature when her father, then-governor Frank Murkowski, appointed her to the U.S. Senate seat he gave up to become governor.

    “The double standard that’s applied here is a bit perplexing. … Didn’t Lisa Murkowski leave office to go take her dad’s seat? (Govs.) Huntsman left, Napolitano just left … ,” Palin said, referring to governors who took positions in President Obama’s administration.”

    This shows how uneducated this woman is in her inability to comprehend the difference between her circumstances of resigning to that of Murkowski and the others she set out who did resign from one office to move and be confirmed into a different position, much the same as a promotion. Palin’s resignation was from Governor’s office to a vapor pit. It further shows she has not grasped the fact that while she was campaigning on the Pres/VP trail for positions in the White House, if in fact McCain/Palin had won, she too would have been required to resign the Office of Governor to then be confirmed into the job of VP. That would have been a comparison of Apples to Apples — not hers of Apples to Oranges double standard ad nauseam spew.

    For her to continue stating the $2M cost to the State as if only for ethics complaints together with the $500 or $600 thousand legal fees incurred which was by her personal choice to hire a personal attorney. By these statements she herself continues to make, she fuels the fire of erroneous information. She neglects to mention the $2M is inclusive of FOAI and other issues and recovery of the massive fees being charged by the State to provide the documents requested under the FOIA, email requests /searches, etc.

    The $500,000 legal fees has been the same number spun for months after Troopergate. At that time a number of the ethics complaints didn’t exist. The fact she filed it on herself may justify her need to hire outside legal counsel. Now that the State has released the info as to the Personnel Board expenses for the ethics complaints, it’s telling that they didn’t get much past the smell test in that they hire an outside lawyer to investigate before proceeding. These low fees bear the fact there was no need for her to have representation in that they were going nowhere. In fact, 2008–05 had no costs. Tossed out on entry to the building!

    2008-005 – $0; 2008-009 $3,712.00; 2009-001 $4,478.66; 2009-002 $7,438.50; 2009-003 $4,192.00; 2009-004 $2,512.00

    The ADN article also sets out:
    “Palin said Monday she didn’t view the cost as just the $300,000 for the personnel board — but rather $2 million for the state. It is a figure her administration now uses — not meant to be actual checks written by the state but to also reflect time of state employees.”

    “It is a per-hour calculation that the Palin administration put together, involving time spent by state lawyers deciding which public information to release as a result of all public records requests, time spent by governor’s office staffers responding to media inquiries about ethics complaints, and time technicians spend on retrieving requested e-mail, among other things.”

    Brings to mind how the State was quoting fees to the networks and papers of $12 to $15 million for providing some of the documentation they were requesting. Multiply that out by each request and the State would have a windfall considering her administration is using the figure $2 million. Fees were advised to have dropped to $5,000, sometimes more – no longer the millions. These documents requests, many of which still remain outstanding from fall of 2008. This is a reflection as to how incompetent the state has been run under her watch.

    This woman, if she wanted people to focus and challenge her on policies, to take her seriously — well she should have made some. Her return to the State after the national campaign — her nickname of GINO was perfect as she only returned in name only. She accuses lame duck Governors of taking a paycheck and riding their term out — she stands accused IMO of doing just that since November 5, 2008 to date.

    If she was capable of comprehending the work of some lame duck politicians in that they could not run for re-election, that is when they can put their head down and work and not have to contend with fundraising for a re-election campaign or to deal with the media snarking in that their term would be over. There has been things accomplished in ‘lame duck’ sessions. She’s just too stunned to care to find out. History is not one of her strong suites — actually reading, speech or politics isn’t either. The list could go on forever.

  242. Isabella says:

    On the positive side a mass amount of American population has now become interested in the state of politics…granted out of sheer terror of Palin’s ignorance and her exposure of GOP bottom dwelling….still we have an awaking.

  243. Angela says:

    AKaurora Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:33 PM
    “I know that I know that I know this is the right thing for Alaska.”

    Last fall I thought of creating a 2010 calendar with daily SP pearls of wisdom, but, alas, there simply aren’t enough days in a year to fit them all in!

    Ha ha, now that would be one funny calendar!!! Perhaps the proceeds could go to charity…

  244. pvazwindy says:

    That boat that supposedly was built by Todd, and a buddy? Actually, it’s a 32 ft Modutech Gilnetter, built by Modutech Marine, out of Tacoma, WA. Another lie?

  245. Lonnie says:

    Sarah Palin is not a “quitter” according to her she is just giving up the title of Governor of Alaska. Could someone PLZ send her a dictionary?

  246. C. Rock says:

    39 CRFlats Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 12:19 PM
    Anyone who fishes Bristol Bay will tell you that NOBODY leaves the area on or near July 4. It is the peak of the run. Todd did not fly his plane in to be by her side for “something we have been planing for some time”. I am quite sure the reasons she gave him on the phone had nothing in common with what we, the public, have been told.
    I agree. If she already knew , why did she have to call Todd away from work. She is Insane I tell you. Insane ! !

  247. Cynthia, TX says:

    for the life of me I have not ever and I mean ever figured out why the state of Alaska selected Palin to Governor.

    I just don’t get the hype.

  248. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    at times it seems completely worthless to watch the MSM (except KO and RM) because they flat do not understand or care to know the entire story of this woman and her penchance for non-truths and flabbergastery.

    if it were not for mudflats – either would i……..again.

    sometimes the news is like the cakes on display at the bakery — just icing… nothing underneath but a white box full of air.

  249. Isabella says:

    Sweet Dreams Muppet.

  250. 10cats4me says:

    Comment on 52 above. It’s the capable politician, elected official, who can handle the “unknown unknowns.”

    I help companies put their best foot forward in proposals. My world is always full of unknows. Writing a good proposal means really being able to read between the lines and answer the unknowns in the best way possible.

    All of this excitement really will be worthless in the long run. SP feeds off it. Stirring things up and up.

    Jimmy Carter made a great quote recently that I keep in the forefront. “God always answers your prayers, sometimes he says “no.”” I think that we could honestly say that God is telling SP something and she is totally ignoring it. Patience and prudence are not her best virtues.

  251. Muppet2 says:

    too. Also.
    G’night folks. Going to bed here in Germany now. Sleep well.

  252. anon blogger says:

    CRFlats @ 39, I agree. It wasn’t planned until last week. Wonder if it’s that Gran Torino baby?! You know, the person who blogged about Palin stealing his/her trust fund years back.

  253. pearl89 says:

    “Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

    Donald Rumsfeld

  254. justafarmer says:

    LiladyNY @12:
    that’s a great description!

  255. AKaurora says:

    “I know that I know that I know this is the right thing for Alaska.”

    Last fall I thought of creating a 2010 calendar with daily SP pearls of wisdom, but, alas, there simply aren’t enough days in a year to fit them all in!

  256. jc in co says:

    my favorite comment from wonkette today was “here quity, quity.
    Andrea Mitchell was a major disappointment, what a wimp. She could have done her research & when Sarah said the ethics complaints have cost millions of dollars set her straight….Is Anderson going up there? I think the only way we’re going to get any satisfaction from these ongoing interviews is if Jon Stewart heads up there. I vote for Jon Stewart doing the 15th exclusive interview of sister sarah & Stephen Colbert doing a follow up interview of Mark Sanford, Colbert is probably why Sanford got caught up in that “exotic” affair, the last time Stephen interviewed him he accused him of being the most boring guv….

  257. Ennealogic says:

    Didn’t slippery defense sec Rumsfeld talk about known knowns and and known unknowns and unknown unknowns? That twisted my brain almost as much as Sarah’s knowing that she knew that she knew. Give. me. a. break.

    And yes, she lies all the time, it is stretching the truth to say every charge against her (lawsuit or ethics charge or legislative investigation) has been dismissed. Talk about someone who seriously pads one’s resume!

  258. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Gramiam Says:
    Has anybody got a contact number for an electronics repairman? My BS meter has been so overworked that it finally died today.

    I laughed at your post. One of my oldy sayings which was not uncommon to use wherever I worked — “Wow, the BS factor’s getting high in here”.

    Most didn’t appreciate it & would say so. Response: “So bite me!!”

  259. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Go Martha!

    In 58 words, Palin lied 7 times.

    Just had to repeat that.

    In 58 words, Palin lied 7 times.


  260. justafarmer says:

    I’m beginning to go with ADD, what with everything coming out now that she disengages after 15 minutes in meetings, the thanks but no thanks but thanks again to bridges as well as public appearances, she’s been a speaker at dinners and has to leave before the entree is served (like leaving the baseball game in the sixth inning….who on earth leaves before the seventh evening stretch?), etc ad nauseum…

    She has never finished anything she started and this twitting online and flitting around the state to sign bills is what she tried to “maintain” but it isn’t enough.

    She wants to be governor, she just doesn’t want to do the actual work involved (read: every time something tough happens, ie WAR’s nomination), she’s off junketing out of state or out of country. (I guess her “junkets” don’t stink.)

    So, she is now bored with being governor because those pesky bloggers and reporters and ethics complainers are asking really hard questions that are hurting her pea-brain and it’s not fun and games anymore.

    Yeppers, get that little PO’d Sarah with the pigtails and stamping her feet graphic back. That’s her right now.

  261. sandra in oregon says:

    LilladyNY: Great visual of the doors opening and closing and dead fish flowing. I thought of the traditional farce with people sequestered in different rooms rather than the Keystone Kops. This could make a great video with the bloggers and the Personnel board and the legislature and the campaign team and the …

  262. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    From commenter dijetlo on Wonkette:

    “Like most roadkill, she’s startin’ to swell in the summer sun.”

  263. veronica says:

    @ mattie….I believe 13 charges were dismissed and 2 are still being investigated.

  264. Star says:

    30 @ Zyggy….Tooooooo funny….Luv it…:)

  265. mattie says:

    And another thing, the media only pukes up the same thing palin says “All 15 charges have been dropped.” Is that true?

  266. mattie says:

    Did any of you hear Mika on Morning Joe, it was priceless. She was going on about how palin raised 5 kids and she knew mothers that flipped just having one kid and working and blah blah blah. And she did not put Palin in the right, right wing Kooks, and my question is why not. Someone needs to fire her. I say Boycott Starbucks!

  267. CRFlats says:

    Anyone who fishes Bristol Bay will tell you that NOBODY leaves the area on or near July 4. It is the peak of the run. Todd did not fly his plane in to be by her side for “something we have been planing for some time”. I am quite sure the reasons she gave him on the phone had nothing in common with what we, the public, have been told. This was a crises situation, and this was a crises reaction. What the crises is, we may not know for some time. It’s a big deal because absolutely NOBODY, left or right, is buying it.

  268. Martha says:

    Conditions have really changed in Alaska in the political arena since Aug. 29, since I was tapped to run for VP. When that opposition research just – those researchers bombarded Alaska — started digging for dirt and have not let up.

    WOW! Keeping the hotel/motel/restaurant business going in AK, those “opposition researchers” embedded there since last August!!

    They’re not gonna find any dirt,” she said. “We keep proving that every time we win an ethics violation or a lawsuit, and we won every one of them. But it has been costing our state millions of dollars. It’s cost Todd and me. You know the adversaries would love to see us put on the path of personal bankruptcy so that we can’t afford to run.”

    What “opposition researchers” have been filing ethics complaints??

    What lawsuits??

    What “we won every one of them”??….State legislature found Palin guilty AND travelgate cost Palin $10,000 in reparation to the state AND there are some pending And there is a new one for per diem!

    What millions of dollars??

    In 58 words Palin lied 7 times!! ……………..7 times!! Every 8.2 words is a lie.

    I am going to make this my rule of thumb every time she speaks. Every 8.2 words, look for the lie.

    I would not have believed it was POSSIBLE for anyone to lie 7 times in such a short amount of words.

    That has GOT to be a record, even for her!

    WE can’t afford to run??

    So Todd IS the defacto governor?

    12 LiladyNY Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 11:50 AM

    Keystone Cops nailed it…….lol, thanks for the laugh. I too also wish she could be silent…..;)

  269. Connie says:

    Her ‘word salad’ and the different reasons she has given for resigning is so darn entertaining LMAO. She can’t keep all of her lies straight.

    I sure would like to see a detailed breakdown of how all of the ethics complaints has cost the state millions along with a breakdown of her personal legal expenses.

    Perhaps the big money (if it’s really there) comes from ethics complaints which are NOT known to the public?

  270. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    I can see the fish slime from my boat that todd built and isnt Piper cute driving the boat. HELL YEAH!

  271. wynsplc says:

    What I have a hard time understanding is why all the bloggers can ask the hard hitting questions and calling her out for her lies and the supposedly “professionals” of the major networks are side stepping and walking softly around and can’t seem to ask anything of substance or point out her lies. Maybe it because they are no more than talking heads and don’t know how to do investigative journalism.

  272. sandy says:

    It seems this woman spends too much time googling herself. How else does she keep up with what “ALL” the bloggers are saying about her? What a vain self-centered creature.

  273. 10cats4me says:

    Just read Halcro comment for Tuesday. He mentioned an interview with MacNamara on PNR a few years ago. MacNamara: “We worked 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.” During the Cuban crisis, Kennedy and his staff were working similar schedules.

    CIA briefings normally occur aboout 6-7am daily in the White House with the Pres or his Chief of Staff. View of the world for the day.

    And she is harrassed about a few ethics complaints

  274. Marnie says:

    “If she were in the White House, she said, the “department of law” would protect her from baseless ethical allegations.”

    It didn’t protect the Clintons for the repeated absurd accusation that the they murdered Vince Foster. How many times have the RepoThugs called Hillary a whore, and have not one atom or evidence?
    Sarah even if you don’t know what the hell goes on in reality, dosen’t mean that the rest of us don’t.

    Once again, you open your mouth and we hear the ocean shussing in your empty skull.

  275. pvazwindy says:

    Is there anything Todd can’t build? Todd, built the boat with a buddy, 20 years ago. Talented buddies.

  276. Terpsichore says:

    so, no big deal and promised smooth transition. good. i expect that will means on july 27th, all web pages on the gov.ak site will be replaced w/ current info regarding parnell and the new lt. gov guy.

    todd’s 1st dude page and links will be non-accessable and be replaced by mrs. parnell’s 1st lady page with links to the bakeware shop that supply her (under cost) the pans she uses to bake her state fair prize-winning pies.

  277. zyggy says:

    Was Buttercup wearing those rubber pants because her other ones were on fire?

    Interesting that the ethic complaints that cost the most were from her and other conservatives.

  278. Gramiam says:

    Has anybody got a contact number for an electronics repairman? My BS meter has been so overworked that it finally died today.

  279. Closet Mudpup says:

    Gawd – If I had more time I could have fun with this all day!

    Oh, the possibilities for fun with this statement …

    Can’t predict what the next fish run’s going to look like down on the Nushagak, so I certainly can’t predict what’s going to happen in a couple years.

    Should I take this to mean that, even to her, her decisions are as unpredictable and unknowable as the next fish run on the Nushagak?? Thanks for sharing that, Scarah.

  280. Gramiam says:

    This just confirms Helen’s observation that,
    “Her problems come because every time you stick a microphone in front of her mouth a whole lot of stupid falls out. “

  281. Silvermoon says:

    “your” Department of Law? Wrong on 2 counts. Obviously, we have no Dept of Law; additionally, she was talking to a US reporter—isn’t Alaska still in the US?

  282. Gramiam says:

    Star Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 11:53 AM

    From faux news~Palin also expressed “ANGER” at bloggers who had hounded her with “ethics accusations” Booo Hooo on you Sarah…LMBO…Bloggers are not going away..Deal with it…
    All together now……”SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP”

  283. Wolf Pack says:

    The Real Story….

    Gov. Palin has found a way to profit politically from the self-inflicted drama that surrounds her. [Her] political action committee has been running what appears to be a fairly robust ad and fundraising drive in the wake of her announcement that she will be resigning from office.

  284. nswfm CA says:

    Isn’t the TN trial of the kid who hacked her yahoo email account happening right now? She shouldn’t have been doing that in the first place, so maybe the stuff she doesn’t want exposed is partly in there.

    On top of that, the money raised by Celtic Diva to show what was in the emails to the ADN Ear, plus the Eddie jerk on the radio who was photoshopped onto her pic will probably reveal something awful. They probably told her to get out now before the emails to those two were made public. Her Whiffer lawyer has been on that radio show several times, from what I’ve read here.

    Who knows what’ll come out on her personal Yahoo mail? In that Vanity Fair article, the author makes a point of Meg Stapleton going outside the AK mail system—she might have learned her lesson, but I’ll bet the moose nuggets were going to hit the fan.

    I’m guessing she’s dead in the water for any other political office. People have this stuff on their computers, there are things called libraries, etc. And her opponent, Mittens Romney has boatloads of money to shred her. Then he’ll get shredded by people for torturing his dog and wanting to out torture his 2008 opponents in the debates.

  285. Nebraska Native says:

    Back to work… hold the fort down… btw, how many exclusive interviews can one give before they are not exclusive any more???

  286. LiladyNY says:

    What this video really shows is that whatever Palin is saying at any given moment are just words fluttering out of her mouth. She may believe them as she says them, but they have no durability; in the long run, any promise she makes is almost completely devoid of any significance or meaning.,-Palin-wanted-to-be-governor

  287. AKPetMom says:

    Anyone listen to “Talk of Alaska” this morning w/Steve Heimel joined by Larry Persily and Dave Donaldson? It was a wonderful hour where they just weren’t cutting her much slack. Very insightful and I had to drive around the valley for an extra half hour just to finish listening.

    BTW, Fresh Air w/Terry Gross will be discussing the Palin Res. at 3pm and 11pm today on NPR. Can’t wait to listen.

  288. Nebraska Native says:

    GA Peach.. think all you little peaches can breathe easy now 🙂 Waaaaaay too much competition!

  289. InJuneau says:

    I loved what someone said yesterday (on one of the ‘Flats threads I’m sure” about fighting fire with gasoline…

  290. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    I’m perplexed by her repeated references to “winning lawsuits,” unless she knows about a whole lot of lawsuits no one else does. Ethics complaints are not lawsuits. The Juneteenth matter did involve a lawsuit. Its resolution was not by any stretch of magical thinking a “win” for GINO. The Alaska Supreme Court resoundingly defeated an attempt to ban abortions at that hospital she seems so fond of, and that was another real lawsuit that she couldn’t possibly be counting as a “win” for her team.

    So what lawsuits is she talking about?

  291. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Another wonderful post, AKM.

    I never thought we Georgians would have to worry about keeping our #1 ranking in the annual Could We Be Any Stupider? contest, but your former Governor’s giving us a run for our money.

  292. Star says:

    From faux news~Palin also expressed “ANGER” at bloggers who had hounded her with “ethics accusations” Booo Hooo on you Sarah…LMBO…Bloggers are not going away..Deal with it…

  293. the norwegian blue says:

    @ Forty Watt
    great minds think alike!

  294. Wolf Pack says:

    As Cheney says, Go F— yourself Sarah.

    Seriously turn the cameras off. She is pathetic. Nothing she says can pass the BS smell test.

  295. the norwegian blue says:

    That “I know that I know that I know” gibberish is common fundamentalist-speak. Interesting article about Sanford’s use of the same coded speech that applies equally to Palin

  296. 24owls says:

    So many details, so little time … is there a statue of time limitations when or if all the details are made public and hit the fan? Palin is probably hoping so. Doesn’t matter if the fish are dead or alive or which way the river is running, if you are guilty, you are guilty, according to that Department of Law thingy.

    Thanks AKM for all you do, great post –

  297. LiladyNY says:

    All this running and closing and opening doors and windows and flow fishing is starting to look like an episode of Keystone Kops. If only she could be as silent as they were. Sigh.

  298. Nebraska Native says:

    Dpeartment of Law= Department… my keyboard keys move around by themselves. It’s challenging.

  299. Nebraska Native says:

    Daily Kos is having fun with the Dpeartment of Law, as is HuffPo, Wonkette etc etc etc. That darn old gotcha media. Hands on face moment– perfect description! You totally rock AKM!

  300. Forty Watt says:

    I’ve always been puzzled by the “I know that I know that I know this is the right thing for Alaska” kind of language that comes out of Palin.

    I noticed that Mark Sanford uses this language too:

    “…if I wanted to know that I knew that I knew, if that’s more important to me than running for president, that’s my prerogative as a human being.”

    Then I found this:

    “And perhaps due to Augustine’s influence, a general web search for patterns like “know that I know that I know” seems to turns up mainly religious discussions:

    ‘I just want to know that I know that I know that I’m saved.
    This is how I know that I know that I know there is a God!
    I know that I know that I know that I know that I know my redeemer lives.
    Now I know, that I know, that I know, with every fiber in me, that He is real and lives inside every Christian.'”

    That’s a lot of “I knows” for someone who has such a tenuous grasp of the English language.

  301. austintx says:

    AKM – Thanks for the breakdown on the “breakdown”.

    My all time favorite analogy is still Mark McKinnon’s……….@ :42

  302. Irishgirl says:

    I know, I know, I know. You are so right AKM. 🙂

  303. Colibrimoon says:

    and yet there are those that insist she can be president…

  304. Winski says:


    I’m amazed you and Shanny ever get any sleep and manage to do this AND work…Astounding…

    Anyway, is your soon to be ex-governor truly this lame that she just can’t grasp that folks around the world wonder, now more than ever, if she is rational?? Every time she speaks all that seems to come out is gibberish! It was at least this bad last fall but now it seems to have gone into a complete different phase – true delusion.. Is she getting professional help??

  305. Donna says:

    It would be “politics as usual” to honor a commitment? Now, don’t get me wrong–I’m thrilled she’s leaving. But this is a great insight into how she thinks: she can do whatever she pleases because doing anything else would be “politics as usual.”

  306. Freakout in Kansas says:

    I still think there’s something afloat…re-watching the resignation speech she’s definitely freaked out about something.

  307. Erin says:

    I just can’t take her anymore. She’s more of a laughingstock than ever before. It’s time to cut and run from this trainwreck.

  308. Suchanut says:

    Good overview AKM – she really can’t STFU can she!