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Buckle Up. The Palin Transition Begins.

OK folks, here we go.  Rub your palms briskly on your face, and shake out your arms.  The Palin transition begins…

So, last February, Sarah Palin appointed someone to be third in line for the governor’s office.  That someone was Wasilla High School pal Joe Schmidt, Commissioner of the Department of Corrections.  An odd choice for several reasons.  But nevertheless, it’s the governor’s prerogative to choose, and he was confirmed by the legislature.

Now presumably, whomever accepts the position of #3 in line to the throne is thinking … “Wow.  If anything happens, like the governor deciding to run for president or something, I’ll get to be the Lt. Governor.  Pretty cool.”  Or something close to that.   It seems like the whole point of being asked to be #3, is the promise of perhaps getting to become #2.  It’s like when someone is asked to be a child’s godparent, or a vice presidential running mate, or if you’re the runner up in a beauty pageant.  The understanding is that if anything happens to the person ahead in line, you will step in.  That’s the whole function of the job.

But apparently, Schmidt, now faced with actually becoming #2, has decided to decline.  (counting on fingers) So that means that #1 and #3 have now both up and quit.  This leaves the state in a bit of a bind.  As it stands now, #2 will become #1 on July 25th, leaving no #2 or #3.

What now?

In her exit speech, Palin said Commissioner Craig Campbell of the Department of Military and Veteran’s Affairs would “assume his role as lieutenant governor.”  One small problem with that.  It isn’t actually his role yet.  It would appear that the legislature needs to confirm the pick.  And one small problem with that. The legislature is not in session.

What all this means is that there will need to be a special session of the legislature to confirm Campbell.  If there’s one possible way that Palin can become even less popular with legislators than she already is, it’s by yanking them out of their hip waders, and recreational vehicles, and the gorgeous Alaskan summer sun, and hauling them back into the capitol for a bunch of meetings.

The other can of worms that this opens up for Palin is that other business can be brought to the floor….. like readdressing the stimulus dollars for weatherization for starters.

“We all voted to confirm Joe Schmidt and talked with him about filling the duties of lieutenant governor,” [Rep. Beth] Kerttula said. “As much respect as I have for Gen. Campbell, none of us have voted for him.”

[Rep. Mike] Chenault said confirmation may require a special session, if it is not Schmidt.

It is not even clear who would appoint a replacement for Parnell. Until the job becomes vacant with Parnell becoming governor, there’s no job to fill.

Parnell’s chief of staff, Jay Pullins, said they were reviewing the process with the Department of Law now.

“That’s under review, we want to make sure everything is done correctly,” he said.

Here’s the relevant statute:

Sec. 44.19.040. Appointment of successor to lieutenant governor.

After taking an initial term of office, the governor shall appoint, from among the officers who head the principal departments of the state government or otherwise, a person to succeed to the office of lieutenant governor if the office of lieutenant governor becomes vacant. The appointment is subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of the legislature meeting in joint session. The person designated and confirmed is next in line for succession to the office of lieutenant governor, subject to the pleasure of the governor. If the person designated and confirmed is removed from or vacates the appointment, the governor shall appoint a successor subject to confirmation in the same manner as the person initially appointed.

What else comes with a special session, besides cranky legislators, and extra business?  A big fat price tag is what.  Based on previous estimates, we could expect the costs to run well into six figures.  Wasn’t one of the reasons Palin decided to drop the ball and walk off the court “pass the ball” and resign as governor because her presence was supposedly costing the state money?  Just askin’.



219 Responses to “Buckle Up. The Palin Transition Begins.”
  1. clydedog says:

    What do you want to bet she finds some sort of fight with the legislature (or something) before she goes. She needs something to keep her face in the news. This round won’t last long. Enough of the truth is getting through. How many times will the media sit there smiling, eating up the lies only to see how stupid they looked later (well Fox allways) by not questioning anything.

  2. Marnie says:

    Too funny AKM.
    Sarah Palin the clown that keeps us laughing.

    It probably already up to there is an article on HuffPo that points out that all those legal fees the state is spending or her defense are just the salaries of the state’s lawyers, who would get paid regardless.

  3. frostvixen says:

    Sarah Palin is such a fiscal conservative that she used state resources to write a press release about how sad she is that troops from OTHER STATES died in Afghanistan. And then she twittered about it.

  4. mlaiuppa says:

    strangelet Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 10:27 PM

    “@152 mlaiuppa — I think that what Sputtercup has in mind is to appoint a replacement #3, since Schmidt has left the building. That person would then move up to Louie when Sean assumes the throne. Then HE would appoint another #3.

    But it seems pretty clear that Palin’s replacement #3 has to be confirmed by the Legislature.”


    Schmidt isn’t resigning. He’s staying in his job. He’s just saying he doesn’t want to move to Lt. Gov. I still say that this issue is for newly appointed Gov. Parnell, not ex-governor Palin. The only way she can control this issue is to get Schmidt to resign and then appoint someone else to his position, that person then becoming the default Lt. Gov. when she officially resigns and Parnell is Gov.

    She isn’t going to (legally) resolve this before she leaves. And if she calls the legislature back to vote on anything, she is shooting those feet she has placed securely in her mouth.

    It’s over. If Palin thought she was a lame duck before, she ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.

  5. sauerkraut says:

    166 Sammy Says: July 7th, 2009 at 9:30 PM

    How does Sarah get to go fishing? Shouldn’t be working with Parnell to ensure that everythings goes well when she finally leaves office?

    I don’t get it.

    She doesn’t either.

    Which is why she is about to be out. She wanted the attention and adulation but was afraid to get her elbows dirty.

  6. Bystander says:

    For a laugh, check out Rachel Maddow’s commentary on Palin, (linked on Immoral Minority) while Rachel is wearing chest waders in studio.

    The Palin BS is so deep up there, that chest waders don’t help one bit!

  7. InJuneau says:

    Moose Pucky–you’re prob. thinking the AG has a place because Buttercup’s previous #3 was Colburg, until he quit; then she had to find a new one. Under Murky it was actually the Comm. of Revenue. I think under Knowles it was the AG, but that’s just because that’s who each gov. wanted…

  8. InJuneau says:

    Moose Pucky–the State Constitution or Alaska Statutes (not sure which) allow the Gov. to indicate the #3 in line of succession, his/her choice; the person just has to be a Cabinet Level appointee already and then be confirmed as #3 by the Legislature. That’s why there’s an issue now, because Buttercup chose Schmidt as her #3, the Leg. confirmed him in April, and now he says he doesn’t want to move up when she leaves. SO, she’s trying to change the #3 person to Campbell, but he can’t actually BE (real) Lt. Gov. upon her departure unless the Leg. has confirmed him. I guess he could be the acting Lt. Gov., but I’m not sure (and then wouldn’t it suck if he quit his DMVA Commissioner job to be the acting Lt. Gov. and then didn’t get confirmed as Lt. Gov.?)

  9. InJuneau says:

    Isabella–unfortunately, Dale and Thomas won’t ship popcorn to Alaska; they seem to think they can’t get it here within the 60 days it will stay fresh in the packages! However, they magically seem to be able to ship it to some of our stores here…

    (Do you ship to Alaska, Hawaii or the Virgin Islands?

    Unfortunately, we currently are unable to ship to Alaska, Hawaii or the Virgin Islands. We want your popcorn to arrive crunchy and delicious, and we cannot guarantee that it will live up to our highest quality standards if it is shipped these distances. If you live in Alaska, Hawaii or the Virgin Islands we recommend you visit friends or relatives in the contiguous 48 states and have them order some popcorn for you for delivery during your trip!)

  10. Moose Pucky says:

    Does the AG have a place in the line of succession to Governor in Alaska?

  11. Moose Pucky says:

    Palin thinking: I’ll give three weeks notice and in the meantime, I’ll make some serious appointments and decisions while the legislators are out of session. Everyone is out fishing so who cares? Oh, Alaska.

  12. InJuneau says:

    AKraven (July 7th, 2009 at 4:27 PM)–I think she had that clock up with something along the lines of a statement about how long she had to get things done or accomplish her goals or something “profound” like that. It was just taken down; it wasn’t replaced with the photos of all the governors. Those have always been up in that hallway.

    mhrt (July 7th, 2009 at 4:44 PM)–yes, that’s the one to whom she gave another star…

  13. libby says:

    Any chance Sean will appoint SP to one of the empty positions so she can “help Sean and other lawmakers any way possible”?

    Sue me, Sarah…you are a serious nutball.

  14. Bystander says:

    Don’t call her crazy, or she will sue you! But truth is still a complete defense.

  15. irina says:

    Bretta is right. We have NO proof that Miss Sarah will actually step down.
    I won’t believe it until I see something in writing, signed and notarized.
    Yesterday she was quoted as saying she ‘would help Sean and other lawmakers any way possible’ (paraphrased). Sounds like she is having second thoughts already. What part of ‘resignation’ does she not understand ?

    Also, as someone pointed out, she is NOT a ‘lame duck’ governor. That would be a governor who legally could not run again due to term limits.

    And what’s with the ‘governors picnics’ ? A big ‘going away in a different direction’ party (well, actually, four parties) for Miss Sarah at state expense?

  16. White Agate says:

    A comment in the MoDo editorial today got me thinking…someone said she should spend some investigative reporting time finding out just why people love Palin (Buttercup, new nickname for me as I haven’t been as active here on the ‘flats since this past fall). If you do quick reads of comments at major news outlets and American conservative web sites, she is the great hope for deliverance out of the GOP wilderness, and she’s female, and people say she’s a ‘true conservative.’ Many others think she is called by God, as well as all of the above.

    A fiscal conservative wouldn’t call people for a special session.

    It’s interesting that no women have been proposed to fill some of these empty positions in the departure snafu. I nominate Shannyn Moore, who can give a press conference, for Lt. Governor, and I would AKM if I could.

    Seven out of 10 Republicans would vote for her for president, according to USA Today. I have to believe she knows this, hence her quitting to run for president.

  17. EyeOnYou says:

    redifine should be redefine. Typing to fast and not watching what I was doing. 🙁

  18. EyeOnYou says:


    Diva had to drastically reduce and redifine the parameters for the search in order to get it down to the five thousand mark.

  19. strangelet says:

    @163 Eyeonyou — didn’t they come up with a more reasonable figure? Or was Diva’s recent fundraiser only for a subset?

    In any event, the original quotation was absurd. Sixteen hours per account would imply manual review — scanning 3 emails per minute would give 2880 emails per account, which is perhaps reasonable. But, if I remember correctly, Diva’s request was primarily for emails from and to certain people, between certain dates. Pre-sorting for those characteristics by computer would take a couple of hours for ALL the accounts (the couple of hours is to write the sorting routine). So there would be a much smaller set of emails that would have to be manually reviewed.

    It does cost something to produce FOIA info — at a minimum, the final documents have to be reviewed by hand to ensure that personally confidential information (SSN’s, phone numbers, addresses, etc) is redacted. But most of the searching of e-data can be done automatically — IF the searching agency wants to get on with it.

  20. KallieinTexas says:

    Nothing this idiot woman does surprises me anymore. I just can’t see what her admirers find desirable in her.

  21. strangelet says:

    @152 mlaiuppa — I think that what Sputtercup has in mind is to appoint a replacement #3, since Schmidt has left the building. That person would then move up to Louie when Sean assumes the throne. Then HE would appoint another #3.

    But it seems pretty clear that Palin’s replacement #3 has to be confirmed by the Legislature.

  22. Sourdough Mullet says:

    @not that Sarah #157:
    Yes, one of the previous editors of the Frontiersman (Paul Stewart, I believe) tried his best to debunk Sarah, and was quite outspoken about it. So he was fired for it. The next editor was fired as well, for not knuckling under to Palin’s demand to cease and desist writing editorials unfavorable to Palin & Vic Kohring. There’s a whole lot of history in those Frontiersman archives…..

  23. moseyon says:

    Did anyone see Greta tonight, I got a bit sick of Micheal Jackson funeral,
    after seeing it for the third time. So I flicked to Greta just in time to watch her
    interview with Van Flein. He really gave it to the bloggers called you lefties.
    I am from Australia, love mudflats. It made me feel a bit sick in the tummy listening to him.
    Greta tried to tie it to the Democratic party.
    Go to Gretawire may be it posted there.
    I hope you guys can do something about these lies.
    Get a lawyer to answer him.

  24. lazarhat says:

    @161 Sammy

    Photo op of “Sarah being Alaskan”, see also “Turkey Pardoning Incident” last Thanksgiving. Though fish slime while slimy is mostly transparent and doesn’t translate as well to TV as does the blood and guts of slaughtered, non-pardoned local organically raised (supposedly) turkeys. But you get the idea. Good press or bad press Narsarahsistic is on the job, being all maverick-y, also, too…


  25. EyeOnYou says:

    Bretta Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 9:35 PM

    The State of Alaska changed/switched to an archive system about June 2007, wherein everything emailed by a State of Alaska employee is retained for years and anything sent by any employee is recoverable within an hour.

    Anything beyond that time frame is obfuscation.


    Have you seen what Linda Perez has quoted Celtic Diva for her email requests as far as time and costs?

    To provide complete responses to the email portions of your request, we will need to electronically search the email accounts of the 71 current and former employees who have worked in the Governor’s Executive Offices since December 2006. For that electronic search, we will need the assistance of the State Security Office in the Department of Administration, Division of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS). ETS estimates that each email account retrieval, search, and record production will require 16 hours to complete. The ETS hourly rate is $54.84, so ETS estimates its costs per email account will be $925.44. Based on that estimate, ETS’s estimated costs for obtaining records from 71 employee email accounts total $65,706.

  26. Bretta says:

    #123, July 7th, 2009 at 6:08 PM, womanwithsardinecan Says: “””Obviously the departments that handle the ethics charges paperwork are as dysfunctional as the administrative computer system.

    The State of Alaska changed/switched to an archive system about June 2007, wherein everything emailed by a State of Alaska employee is retained for years and anything sent by any employee is recoverable within an hour.

    Anything beyond that time frame is obfuscation.

  27. Sammy says:

    How does Sarah get to go fishing? Shouldn’t be working with Parnell to ensure that everythings goes well when she finally leaves office?

    I don’t get it.

  28. EyeOnYou says:

    not that Sarah ~ Great find, do you have a link? This would be a great thing to show that this is just a strategy by Palin that she has been using for years.

  29. Bretta says:

    #65, July 7th, 2009 at 5:10 PM, tigerwine Says: “”Big Slick has brought up a thought that I have had to try to erase from my mind. What if, declaring her state needs her, she decides to stay? Can she? Please say no!!!”””

    Yes, she could stay. C’mon, you know Sarah. She could say she is staying as Gov and that she never Quit.

    She was just hoping we would beg her to stay – it was a test.

  30. Bretta says:

    #30, July 7th, 2009 at 4:23 PM, pvazwindy Says: “”Well if Parnell runs the state like Buttercup … And didn’t he say he would continue her practices.”””

    He may be just placating her to insure she steps down. I just don’t trust that she will turn over her ‘reign’ -s … to anyone.

    I would like to give him a chance.

  31. not that sarah says:

    Well, look what I just found during some research — old articles from the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman:

    Wasilla found out it has a new mayor with either little understanding or little regard for the city’s own laws.

    Palin seems to have assumed her election was indeed a coronation. Welcome to Kingdom Palin, the land of no accountability.

    Mayor Palin fails to have a firm grasp of something very simple: the truth . . . Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedalling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of former mayor John Stein.

    Sounds like she did a redux of this on the state level, and then the national level. What a playbook. It’s a great strategy — say the press is your enemy, thereby discrediting them before they ever bother to actually do their job.

  32. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    131 mmboucher Florida Says: July 7th, 2009 at 6:29 PM

    Maybe Buttercup took her fishing and she fell overboard.

    That’s what Letterman did w/ SP – she fell overboard into the water…

  33. Nan says:

    I love that more! (sorry mlaiuppa)


  34. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Top 10 SP answering machine messages…going to fast to get them all…

    callers: GWB, McCain, Sanford, dry cleaners, sarah herself, Arnold,

    1 McCain: Who’d have thought you’d retire before I do!!!!!!!!!

  35. Nan says:

    I love it.

  36. mlaiuppa says:

    Well, if I’m reading this correctly, it seems to me Sarah Palin has NO say in who becomes the Lt. Governor. That job will not be vacant until Sean Parnell is sworn in as Governor. And when that happens, it will be Governor Parnell, not ex-Governor Palin that will decide who becomes the next Lt. Governor.

  37. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Coming up: top 10 involving SP’s answering machine….

  38. PepperzMom (GA) says:


    Obama waved to Palin from Russia….

    Palin waved goodbye to Russia….

    Puzzled FOLKS – Octo-mom?!?!?!?!

    Palin called “KABOOM” Cheney for strategic maneuvering help….

    Friends say Palin leaving due to attacks: Thank God I didn’t (Letterman sez)….

  39. lazarhat says:

    @140 rpahk

    “special investigators” or “independent counsels”, yes… hired by the Personnel Board (an executive branch controlled venue btw, they are all appointed by governors and serve at the behest of same — only one was appointed by Palin during her short term, I believe) and paid for by the executive branch to investigate the… WAIT FOR IT… executive branch! Ta-da! Yep. That’s how much of a rubberstamping, kowtowing farce all these dismissals of possible ethics violations really are. No checks, no balances. And since when does the DEFENSE attorney rather than the so-called “independent counsel”get to be the one that says to the press that the complaints are “without merit and have therefore been dismissed”. Isn’t it a little suspicious, presumptive and premature of him to be giving press releases concerning the outcome of complaints BEFORE the actual “independent counsel” does?

    I’m just sayin’… apologies for thinking out loud if I’m off topic.


  40. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Time for Letterman….

  41. AKPetMom says:

    Haughty Monkey, that was a really funny blast from the way back past! Thanks for reminding me of that message from Ivey Frye? I believe it was to Sherry Whitstine to stop blogging about the sainted Sarah.

    Too funny and thanks for remembering and sharing!

  42. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I know this is the wrong thread…but wth…..did anyone find the actual spread sheet?

  43. rpahk says:

    On the alleged $2 million spent on ethics charges, wasn’t a large portion attributed to Department of Law employees who are paid regardless of what they are assigned to do? Were outside lawyers brought in at a real, additional expense?

  44. JHop says:

    womanwithsardinecan: “Obviously the departments that handle the ethics charges paperwork are as dysfunctional as the administrative computer system. We now know why nothing ever gets done.”

    she also sends them on ridiculous endeavors like making up numbers to prove they have spent 2M on complaints. maybe they can acknowledge how much her illegal trust has contributed to these costs. it is so disingenuous. does anyone else think this is overkill? when has a politician ever tried to rebut every single claim made against her, no matter if valid or not? this is so weird. and childish. and just crazy. she is still the governor! what is she doing fishing and assigning her staff irrelevant tasks that have no effect on the state and are only in her personal interests? this is crazy. i wish you could recall/impeach her before she officially resigns….

  45. Haughty_Monkee says:

    All of you, stop blogging right now!

    If you don’t stop blogging, I’ll quit!

    I swear I’ll quit!

    OK, I quit!

    I quit three weeks from now!

    That’ll show you!

  46. yukonark says:

    Joe Schmidt refusing to assume the post of Lite Governor is the most healthy response of all of Palin’s appointees. Craig Campbell is indeed active military (with a Major General’s salary – more than GINO makes now-before-book-deal), and would need to resign his commission and/or retire immediately before he could legally assume the Lt. Gov. post.
    Nothing like goin’ fishin’ when there’s still work to be done….now more than ever.
    She cares for no one but herself.

  47. lazarhat says:

    Prediction: If there actually is a special session called by the legislature they will come together as a bipartisan body solely to overwhelmingly overturn her rejection of the $26 million in federal alternative energy stimulus money, gavel out and go home, leaving the question of her Lt. Governor appointment unanswered.

    “Oh I’m sorry, what Sarah? What about your Lt. Governor appointment? Well since you resigned and are now (or will be by then) a private citizen, we are awaiting the decision of the Governor, Sean Parnell as to who HE chooses to nominate to the position…”

    If that happened (and frankly karmic justice practically demands that it does) I’d have to wear an adult diaper for fear of wetting myself while laughing so hard.


  48. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    RE: Spreadsheet – I see the article in Salon, but not a link to a spreadsheet. Am I blind?

    And Salon? Maybe the ADN has it and is RESEARCHING it?????? oh please. Get it to MEL.

  49. lazarhat says:

    Hey anyone besides me remember how Sarah, after three crazy attempts to subvert the actual Alaska statutes delayed the appointment of a representative from Juneau until the very last day of the session? Remember that? Yeah I’d bet the legislature does too. Good luck getting cooperation from the legislature on YOUR appointments NOW, Governor “Lame Duck For the Next 19 Days and Counting”.

    Karma is like that.


  50. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    61 Mattie Says: July 7th, 2009 at 5:06 PM

    She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.

    Nope, she’ll push it because the red color reminds her of her favorite monkey pumps….

  51. zyggy says:

    has anyone noticed how off topic we are tonight? lol, but I don’t wanna get scolded by akm, you know she’s watching us. =)

  52. mmboucher Florida says:

    130 joecurly Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 6:27 PM

    Maybe Buttercup took her fishing and she fell overboard.

  53. joecurly says:

    127 Shadow’s Heart Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 6:19 PM

    @joecurly Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:47 PM

    Where is Meg Staplenose?

    LOL that made my night!!! Thanks

    I mean it though. I have not heard from Meg since last Friday on AC 360. So, where is she?

  54. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Thank you muchly Zyggy!!!

  55. Shadow's Heart says:

    @joecurly Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:47 PM

    Where is Meg Staplenose?

    LOL that made my night!!! Thanks

  56. mmboucher Florida says:

    new thread on the assembly

  57. MAJOR MURPHY says:

    AND Palin gets a governors retirement pension? Just sayin….

  58. Laurie says:

    Hi, I have been a reader for awhile now and really enjoy reading your post and comments.

    I am wondering about the cost numbers Sarah gives to media (when she whines). Maybe it has been mentioned and I missed it. I read here and ADN the total costs for ethics complaints–around $300,000. Why does she say “half a mil” for her and Todd. She has referred to this cost “to defend herself and her familiy”. Is this for legal bills from McCain campaign? Is this PR fees? Why would this be over and above state costs unless for her personal/professional(I hate to use that word) benefit. I have not heard her say specifically that this is attorney fees.

    Also, how can complaints be both frivolous and paralyzing??

    It is frustrating to see the media just report what she claims without question, as nightline did last night. I have not seen the results of ethics complaints reported by anyone.
    Details are not Sarah’s strong point. It should surprise no one that she dropped the ball on the transition.
    I would love to know what the “half a mil” is for.

    In a nutshell – Palin sent her AG Talis Colberg around asking questions of people involved in the Troopergate investigation BEFORE the official independent investigation. There were accusations of witness tampering that were never followed through. Therefore the AG who normally would have been advising the governor was no longer able to do so. So, she and Todd had to hire a private attorney – Thomas Van Flein. Communication with the AG would have been public information, incidentally, but between the governor and Van Flein is not. So, the $600,000 is for her personal attorney’s fees. Hope that helps. AKM

  59. Shadow's Heart says:

    Crooks and Liars has a blog post “Sarah Palin’s greatest hits” boy oh boy when the things she’s said are listed one right after the other yikes it makes your head spin. Scary, scary stuff.

  60. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Obviously the departments that handle the ethics charges paperwork are as dysfunctional as the administrative computer system. We now know why nothing ever gets done. Sarah assigned every state worker to dig up dirt on private citizens, shred emails, shuffle papers and look busy, alter her “schedule” to make it look like SHE was busy, etc. Does anybody actually BELIEVE those numbers? I don’t. Maybe if half the administration wasn’t made up of lazyas* cow lovers then they could actually accomplish something in a reasonable time frame. Methinks Sarah projects much when she talks about big federal govt. The only big waste is in her office. This really irks me. I suspect most of those hours went to people creating out of whole cloth the fiction of hours wasted on “frivilous” complaints.

  61. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    sarah, STAY DOWN. STAY DOWN.

  62. TBNTJudy says:

    117 Paula Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:59 PM

    ROFLMBO!!! :-)))

  63. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I can’t find the article on salon about the ethics charge breakdown. Could you post a link please.

  64. nswfm CA says:

    Wow, she’s figured out how to make all kinds of people in AK hate her, huh? Save money by bailing out and then in STILL COSTS AK MONEY! Just takes it to a whole new level of farce. (I had a couple of meetings and see what happens!?!?!?!?)

  65. TBNTJudy says:

    @114 Austintx: you be bad! Chocolate and bacon! OMG!

  66. Paula says:

    You Betcha Sarah Palin

    Has a Higher Calling

    by Walter Brasch

    Sarah Palin said she had a “higher calling” that required her to resign 17 months before her term ended as governor of Alaska, and not to seek a second term.

    I have no idea where this “higher calling” came from, but I suspect it could only have come from two sources. The first one is God. I don’t know what God said to Sarah Palin, but I suspect it might have been something like this:

    “Sarah. I am a patient God. But, you have tried my patience. You are an embarrassment to my ideals, to yourself, to the people of your state, and to your country. Me, and my wolves and moose, would like you to please resign and devote the rest of your life in spiritual embrace of a better life. Oh, by the way, I knew a Sarah, and you are no Sarah.”

    Read the rest:

  67. austintx says:


  68. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I posted about the red jacket on the open thread. She must be telling us something.

  69. austintx says:

    Here is some chocalate for you………

  70. Paula says:

    WANDERINGS, with Walter Brasch

    Week of July 6, 2008

    [email protected]

    You Betcha Sarah Palin

    Has a Higher Calling

    by Walter Brasch

    Sarah Palin said she had a “higher calling” that required her to resign 17 months before her term ended as governor of Alaska, and not to seek a second term.

    I have no idea where this “higher calling” came from, but I suspect it could only have come from two sources. The first one is God. I don’t know what God said to Sarah Palin, but I suspect it might have been something like this:

    “Sarah. I am a patient God. But, you have tried my patience. You are an embarrassment to my ideals, to yourself, to the people of your state, and to your country. Me, and my wolves and moose, would like you to please resign and devote the rest of your life in spiritual embrace of a better life. Oh, by the way, I knew a Sarah, and you are no Sarah.”

    The other possibility of her “higher calling” is from the Sultan of Greed. I also haven’t talked to him about Sarah Palin’s “Higher Calling,” but this is a possibility of that conversation:

    [click link]

    [The assistance of Rosemary R. Brasch is appreciated. Walter M. Brasch is a university professor of journalism, social issues columnist, and the author of 17 books. His current book is Sinking the Ship of State: The Presidency of George W. Bush, available from,, and other stores. The book was a winner in the politics/social issues category of USA Book News awards, and a finalist in the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group awards. His weekly column was this year’s winner in contests sponsored by the Pennsylvania Press Club and the Society of Professional Journalists; his column received honorable mention in competition sponsored by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Forthcoming in August is the third edition of Sex and the Single Beer Can: Probing the Media and American Culture. You may contact him at [email protected] through his website,]

  71. zyggy says:

    “Jul 7th, 2009 | ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Sarah Palin’s office has released a nearly $2 million cost breakdown detailing what the resigning Alaska governor says the state has paid tackling ethics complaints against her.

    The spreadsheet compiled by the governor’s office totals more than $1.9 million reportedly spent by various state agencies to handle the complaints as well as public records requests.

    Palin, who steps down July 26, has racked up more than $500,000 in personal legal debts on top of that.

    According to the cost breakdown, expenditures by the state Department of Law added up to more than $850,000.

    The governor’s office says its expenditures totaled more than $425,000 in nearly 6,000 hours of staff hours.

    Palin’s staff released the numbers to back up her contention the onslaught of “frivolous” ethics complaints have cost the state millions of dollars and thousands staff hours.”

    here is salondotcom’s breakdown of the charges for ethic complaints.

    So how many hours are from Troopergate? 3/4 of it? I think so.

    I know this is off topic, but we need to know this.

  72. Canadian Neighbour says:


    Here’s the link to the Assembly Meeting

  73. Ennealogic says:

    I got it – they are talking about hang-gliding landings.

    Do we have an open thread for the meeting?

  74. austintx says:

    Got it , thanks. Are we supposed to talk about it here ?? AKM , moderator ??

  75. GreatGrey says:

    Ossiander on local ANC TV, she’s wearing a red jacket. Again.

  76. zyggy says:

    maybe not, =( sorry

  77. bucfan says:

    Well, she needed those waders to get through all the crap that SP has spewed forth over the past five days, also, too.

  78. GreatGrey says:

    need a link for the hearing tonight, pls help me from having to scroll back through thousands of previous posts!

  79. Ennealogic says:

    NM , I found the live feed. Thanks!

  80. joecurly says:

    Where is Meg Staplenose?

  81. leenie17 says:

    TBNTJudy (48ish)

    You are kidding…she has had 15 minutes of lucidity?


    Unfortunately, they occur while she’s sleeping.

  82. Isabella says:


    YUM YUM Carmel Chocolate Covered Popcorn!!!

  83. Nebraska Native says:

    Yes she was… good show tonight.

  84. Ennealogic says:

    need a link for the hearing tonight, pls help me from having to scroll back through thousands of previous posts!

  85. womanwithsardinecan says:

    And she did do her puzzle face while playing around with the “only leaders quit and only quitters don’t quit” bit.

  86. womanwithsardinecan says:

    In case somebody hasn’t said it yet, Rachel was way cute in her waders.

  87. austintx says:

    bucfan Says:
    I think I would rather have a veteran legislator in the line as opposed to the Governors high school boyfriend.
    Truth that.

  88. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Martha UYS doesn’t cook. You’ll need to mail her some goodies. Just fill one of those flat rate boxes like she’s been sending all the time up to the villages.

  89. Hi Austin 🙂
    Just been reading and not commenting, I haven’t gone anywhere really, I love AKM and the flats. I’ll stop saying hi to peeps though before I get chewed for being OT 😛
    I WILL say I love that she for ever has abort tied to her name.
    I keep waiting to see someone Google bomb Qwitter and her name. 🙂

  90. Hi Austin 🙂
    Just been reading and not commenting, I haven’t gone anywhere really, I love AKM and the flats. I’ll stop saying hi to peeps though before I get chewed for being OT 😛
    I WILL say I love that she for ever has abort tied to her name.
    I keep waiting to see someone Google bomb Qwitter and her name. 🙂

  91. Hi Austin 🙂
    Just been reading and not commenting, I haven’t gone anywhere really, I love AKM and the flats. I’ll stop saying hi to peeps though before I get chewed for being OT 😛
    I WILL say I love that she for ever has abort tied to her name.
    I keep waiting to see someone Google bomb Qwitter and her name. 🙂

  92. Hi Austin 🙂
    Just been reading and not commenting, I haven’t gone anywhere really, I love AKM and the flats. I’ll stop saying hi to peeps though before I get chewed for being OT 😛
    I WILL say I love that she for ever has abort tied to her name.
    I keep waiting to see someone Google bomb Qwitter and her name. 🙂

  93. Hi Austin 🙂
    Just been reading and not commenting, I haven’t gone anywhere really, I love AKM and the flats. I’ll stop saying hi to peeps though before I get chewed for being OT 😛
    I WILL say I love that she for ever has abort tied to her name.
    I keep waiting to see someone Google bomb Qwitter and her name. 🙂

  94. Hi Austin 🙂
    Just been reading and not commenting, I haven’t gone anywhere really, I love AKM and the flats. I’ll stop saying hi to peeps though before I get chewed for being OT 😛
    I WILL say I love that she for ever has abort tied to her name.
    I keep waiting to see someone Google bomb Qwitter and her name. 🙂

  95. Deep Blue says:

    AKM, I am just shaking my head over this. The drama never ends. Do you think Sean Parnell (initials SP!) will provide this much fodder for you?

  96. winkwinkWA says:

    Has any one seen this—- 7th- Palin’s office details complaint cost. 1.9 mil breakdown??!!

  97. TBNTJudy says:

    Nan, it is okay to take a break. That much hatred is hard to take. I could not do it even once.

  98. zyggy says:

    This what your legislation needs to do. =) Have a special session next week and recall the Whacko from Wasilla, and say “you can’t quit, we quit you.” The have enough ammo to do this.

    Right now buttercup has Parnell by the short and curlies, telling him if he wants to be re-elected, he better do whatever she tells him to do. Be really nice if he’d break free from her, but I don’t think he can.

    Ahhhhh, wishful thinking.

  99. bucfan says:

    And I would like to see the legislature change the succession rules to more in line with the Federal Order of Succession. I think I would rather have a veteran legislator in the line as opposed to the Governors high school boyfriend.

  100. TBNTJudy says:

    austintx said: “If you imbibe , please do so at this time. I certainly have. Getting ready for the redshirt H8R fest.”
    I know you told me before that the wine would help to endure the bigots; I will try to be better this time. (slinking back to the store) By the way, my shirt is purple, my fav color!

  101. Nan says:

    Martha UYS
    How do you feel about Kettle Corn? (nummies!)

    I don’t know if I can handle the red-blue shirt contingent tonight or not. There always seems to be so many more red than blue… sigh.



  102. bucfan says:

    Look, I realize that Craig Campbell is a Commissioner and thus is eligible to be appointed to that position. But, uh, even as a retired military member, I am not sure I want the head of the State National Guard as next in line. Remember, that right after Sarah was picked by McCain, they tried to make a big deal about her experience as commander of the Alaska National Guard. Then comments came out from MG Campbell that disputed those claims. But during the Republican Convention, he suddenly changed his tune and started pumping her up. Right after the Convention, she promoted him from Major General to Lieutenant General in the AK Guard (At the Federal level, he is still a Major General). That episode provokes ethical questions regarding his behavior. In his position as the Commander of the AK guard, he took a political position to falsely promote her “experience”. And I found on line that LT Gov Parnells chief of staff mentioned above is a Lieutenant Colonel in the AK Air Guard (I found some pictures of Parnell and him where he was identified with his rank).

  103. TBNTJudy says:

    #70 SillyWhabbit Seattle, WA Said:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:16 Pm “She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!”
    This is what has me so frightened about her, among other things. These people are serious. NPR was talking about how things have been trending to the far right and not just in the U.S. I will try to find links.

  104. Canadian Neighbour says:

    He is there. I’ve got it on

  105. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    check this out, I was hoping KO or RM would of had this, lol!

    Some runner!

  106. austintx says:

    80 Canadian Neighbour Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:24 PM
    Do we have Red Shirt/Blue Shirt tonight?
    Sullivan is in attendance at Assembly!!!
    He is gonna be there ??

  107. austintx says:

    Oh , Hi SillyWhabbit. Glad to see ya…….been a while.

    Hey cali.

  108. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Do we have Red Shirt/Blue Shirt tonight?
    Sullivan is in attendance at Assembly!!!

  109. jojobo1 says:

    A special sessions would be good if only for those reason espoused and to find a new way of handling ethics complaints and I do not mean keeping them secret unless the are proved true I mean get rid of the board of commissioners that are letting her slip thru all the ethics complaints a few I could see but as many as she had no way.

  110. austintx says:

    66 Martha Unalaska Yard Sign Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:11 PM
    OK everyone – I have an announcement to make…


    Thank you.
    If you imbibe , please do so at this time. I certainly have. Getting ready for the redshirt H8R fest.

  111. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    SillyWhabbit Seattle, WA Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 5:18 PM

    OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!
    Hey Whabbit 🙂

  112. TBNTJudy says:

    Sorry, I meant Martha UYS 🙁

  113. OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!

  114. OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!

  115. OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!

  116. OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!

  117. OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!

  118. OT: Hi crystal, I loved your comment over at IM this morning. Fluffing priceless!

  119. John says:

    Schmidt didn’t get paid anything extra to be number 3. The process for selecting a number 3 has been around in state law for a long time. The constitution requires the legislature to set up a process for it, and this is what they set up.

  120. TBNTJudy says:

    @Martha UAS, will you accept recipes for brownies:

  121. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Maybe Joe…bein’ a close PERSONAL friend from WHS decided he wanted to stay in charge of prisons? Just sayin’….!
    Or could be the first of rats deserting a sinking ship…!

  122. @ Mattie Says:
    RE: She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.
    She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!

  123. @ Mattie Says:
    RE: She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.
    She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!

  124. @ Mattie Says:
    RE: She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.
    She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!

  125. @ Mattie Says:
    RE: She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.
    She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!

  126. @ Mattie Says:
    RE: She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.
    She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!

  127. @ Mattie Says:
    RE: She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.
    She would push the button because she’s a fluffing Creationist/Fundy who believes the Earth is 6000 years old and that she will see the rapture in her time. See it? Hell she wants to bring it on and be God’s head soldier girl!

  128. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    If Palin changed her mind, from what I’ve been hearing around town, in the local paper and on local radio – she would be laughed off the block if she said “No thanks, but thanks.”

    Wouldn’t the comedians and pundits have a new heyday! And the Wonkette would have to expand their staff to keep up with their take on her. They used to be a little nice to her, way back before she was “plucked”.

  129. TBNTJudy says:

    Deist, I’m not sure if you are talking about a possible impeachment process too? The rest of your post I agree with. The fact that you actually called to find out what the cost of a special session would be has me in awe! Most people would not do that.

  130. honestyinGov says:

    Palin appointed this High School pal Joe Schmidt to be 3rd in line. It says he was working as the Commissioner Dept of Corrections. That was his paying job… Right…? He wasn’t getting paid anything ‘ extra ‘ for being this 3rd in line was he. Because if he was and he has now turned down the position he owes the State some money that he collected. He didn’t do the job.

  131. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    OK everyone – I have an announcement to make…


    Thank you.

  132. tigerwine says:

    Big Slick has brought up a thought that I have had to try to erase from my mind. What if, declaring her state needs her, she decides to stay? Can she? Please say no!!!

    After seeing that clip from her fishing at Dillingham with pristine bib waders, and hearing that she invited only national press, I wonder. Having lived on the lower Kuskokwim, those seine netters sure don’t look as clean and neat as she does.

    Anyone here know Hobo Jim, the official balladeer of Ak? I knew him in Homer, and love his music. He has described fishing in quite a different manner. I have been wondering how he would describe the cleaned up version of what we saw on TV.

  133. Perhaps it will turn out to be Parnell’s call to determine who would be second in line, since technically the job is not vacant until he moves into position of governor. The law seems to read that the governor appoints someone to full the role when it is vacant……..hold on…….was the whole idea of having a number 3 new with the confirmation of Schmidt??…..must do more research as that would indicate that the decision to leave office early must have been in the works for some time….but let us do research first. Tinfoil hat, please!

  134. Kilia says:

    “The worst thing is I can quite see it happening… It really would be better than any form of entertainment all of this if it was not so damaging to so many people! Palin taking back the resignation *banging head on desk now*.”
    She and Alaska is screwed either way.

  135. TBNTJudy says:

    @Nan and London Bridges: You guys crack me up! Thank you both! I hadn’t thought of stringing the milliseconds together! 🙂 Duh!

  136. Mattie says:

    She would push the button because it will be good for the US, you’ll see, she’s doing it for the people.

  137. AKraven
    I don’t think anything her administration does is “normal” 😐

  138. AKraven
    I don’t think anything her administration does is “normal” 😐

  139. AKraven
    I don’t think anything her administration does is “normal” 😐

  140. AKraven
    I don’t think anything her administration does is “normal” 😐

  141. AKraven
    I don’t think anything her administration does is “normal” 😐

  142. AKraven
    I don’t think anything her administration does is “normal” 😐

  143. austintx says:

    51 mae lewis Says:
    Sarah, Fearless? If she’s so tough and fearless should why quit?
    YES !! How does one reconcile the actions of a quitter/coward with the hollow smack talk ??

  144. deist says:

    Actually, a few weeks ago I called and asked (the State) how much a special session would cost. I talked with the lady who is supposed to know.

    It would cost around a hundred grand (give or take a few) for the first day and 60k or so for each additional day.

    I’d still advocate a brief special session for three reasons:

    1. Confirm Little Gov. Legislature should have oversight of appointment, especially if Palin is doing it.

    2. Override Palin’s self-promoting veto of federal weatherization (how do you spell “weatherization”?) stimulus funds,

    3. Appropriate to purchase fuel and food that may be delivered to rural Alaska by boat before freeze-up (if needed).

    I think they should have called a special session in June. I’ve banged my head on the wall with legislators, all of them, about this a couple times. They should have done this already. Who knows what Parnell will do. I was told by a commissioner that Palin would have gone along and applied for the weatherization funds if the legislature overrode her veto, but who knows what Parnell will do? Hope the legislature didn’t make a 28.5 million dollar mistake.

    My two cents worth.

  145. Mattie says:

    She doesn’t care. She may say all she cares about is Alaska, but she is lying. She is seeing dollar signs in her pocket. She has a defense fund so she is lying again about it costing her money. She doesn’t need Alaska, she has her base, no matter how nutty it is.

  146. TBNTJudy says:

    @Austintx, boyhowdy. I wish the Legs would grow some b***s. Something should have been done when she blew off the Troopergate affair, and they let her do it. Crap.

  147. schlock and flaws says:

    AP has broken that Palin’s staff released a detailed spreadsheet showing 1.9 mi9llion in expenditures to cover ethics investigations–no link on SOA or ADN web sites.

  148. London Bridges says:

    You are kidding…she has had 15 minutes of lucidity?
    sure, if you add up all 180 of those 5 second lucid flashes!!!!

  149. TBNTJudy says:

    #50 lolli-xo Said:
    July 7th, 2009 at 4:56 PM

    “The worst thing is I can quite see it happening… It really would be better than any form of entertainment all of this if it was not so damaging to so many people! Palin taking back the resignation *banging head on desk now*”

    Please don’t give her any ideas! ;-(

  150. Nan says:

    TBNTJudy (48ish)

    ziggy said: “Can you imagine Buttercup as Potus, pressing the little red button during her 15 minutes of lucidity, and then blaming others for everything.”

    You are kidding…she has had 15 minutes of lucidity?

    they were, of course, spread out over the course of several days…

  151. austintx says:

    TBNTJudy – Yup , you be right. How about a censure ?? Something ?!?! Proclamation of “Dumbassness”

  152. mae lewis says:

    The Republican spokesman on Rachel’s show has created a new category of Palin followers, The Persecuted, especially those wronged by their government or by silly ethics complaints. For the record, how many of the 15 or so ethics complaints actually have been dismissed?

    Sarah, Fearless? If she’s so tough and fearless should why quit?

  153. blue moose says:

    on ktuu a few days ago Schmidt said he didn’t want it! he was in the middle of projects and wouldn’t leave the job half way through like others”sarcasm”.. his comment led me to believe he was NOT happy with Gov. I Thought mudflats would have caught that sooner? he’s Gov’s old boyfreind she said it on ktuu when she appointed him!

  154. TBNTJudy says:

    ziggy said: “Can you imagine Buttercup as Potus, pressing the little red button during her 15 minutes of lucidity, and then blaming others for everything.”

    You are kidding…she has had 15 minutes of lucidity?

  155. Cynthia, TX says:

    I know that I know that I know this is the right thing for Alaska!!!! omg!!!

  156. Nebraska Native says:

    KO nailed her again tonight as did Letterman last night– that was shown on KO’s show also, too. And Rachel is keeping it going, talking about her exclusive interviews with a list of media outlets… this is good.

  157. TBNTJudy says:

    Isabella Says:
    July 7th, 2009 at 4:12 PM

    London Bridges Says “AWESOME!!!!! The special session can vote to impeach Palin!!!!!!”

    That would be SWEEEEEEET!
    Impeachment is the process of bringing charges, and SP would be gone before a trial begins, most likely. It would cost the state of AK big bucks to do this and seems rather redundant. Let her slither away.

  158. Canadian Neighbour says:

    DonnaInMichigan Says:
    In the next episode of

    “You can’t make this stuff up”…

    Governor Palin decides it will cost the taxpayers of Alaska to much money, to have the legislation come for a session, just to partake in a vote for a lt governor, so in the spirit of saving $$ to Alaska, she has decided to forgo her resignation at this time.
    Hey You–Take a look over in the corner — Yea, over there — See that bottle of soap!!
    Let me squeeze some in your mouth!!! LOL

  159. MAJOR MURPHY says:

    Don’t be surprised if Sullivan becomes Lt. Governor…parnell quits to run for Youngs seat and Sullivan becomes governor….then he runs in 2010 as the republican candidate of choice for Governor…just sayin.

  160. mhrt says:

    Is he the one she promoted to a higher rank after his statement that she was in charge of Alaska military after he had said that she was not.

  161. austintx says:

    strangelet – Thanks. These threads move fast and I thought I remembered someone mentioning it could be an issue if it played out this way.

    I like London Bridges idea………as soon as she prances in the door….BAM…up or down vote !!

  162. BuffaloGal says:

    Going on 9pm EST . I’ll be collapsing soon. Awake since 4am.

    Is there a stream link to the ordinance meeting yet? I’d love to connect before heading to the land of deep sleep.

  163. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    so this is what palin meant when she said her idea of resignation was thought about for “some time” and worked out for a “smooth transition”……or is this the part about “trust me”?

    and i thought there wasn’t going to be anymore news today…..

  164. CG says:

    I thought that was actually a joke, that the prison guard (oops, sorry, _Corrections Officer_) could possibly step in there.
    We laughed about it earlier this year. Woops.

  165. zyggy says:

    face it folks, she loves Alaska, but loves herself far more. She can’t think for more than 15 minutes, so why would she care about the cost of taking care of the mess she has put Alaska in.

    I’m sure she got a huge offer from some network to spew her word salad.

    Can you imagine Buttercup as Potus, pressing the little red button during her 15 minutes of lucidity, and then blaming others for everything.

    Then of course she’d quit because she’d get back lash from everyone except The Dick Cheney.

  166. BuffaloGal says:

    o dear gawd – I was only gone for an hour ! A new thread already???

    Thanks AKM for all that you do. (Even tho all that you do has to do with my doing a sleep pattern that is doing less and less for my brain)

    (that was a weak and tired nod to the earlier posts remembering a Cheney Sunday news show quote about knowing when we know unless we don’t know that we’re knowing. If he’d take to the coffee shop “beat poet” circuit, he’d be amazing)

    (but wait – why I am making everything parenthetical ?? )

  167. Enjay in Eastern MT says:

    While the legislature is back in session to approve the appt. of ANOTHER Lt. Gov., and deal with the stim package, why not set into place a couple new government ETHICs laws that prevent what has been happening from happening again. Such as – per diems for own residence. Blatently abused by Palin – Wearing “family sponsor’d logo’s” when on Government duty at a public function, no doubt after charging the state for travel expenses and per diem to perform as Governor. What else ?

  168. annstrongheart says:

    @ Phil (comment #9)

    Ut oh I can’t take credit for that idea! I got it from a behind the scenes anonymous blogger email.

    SO the idea started from Jim. Quyana Jim!!

  169. Isabella says:

    Parnell is a WUSSY. Did you see him standing next to Palin Friday about wetting himself with anticipation she would not change her mind AGAIN last second. When she went through with the announcement he would be sworn in on the 26th I do believe his wife had to go to the car for a fresh pair of khakis.

  170. AKraven says:

    There was a countdown clock in the Governor’s office that counted down the number of days left in her term. It said this on the news the other night. It also said the clock was replaced with a picture of all the governors of AK after Palin’s resignation.

    Is it normal to have a countdown clock in an elected official’s office counting down the number of days left to serve one’s term? I was shocked because the only place I had seen a countdown clock used before to count down a term in office was for the Bush presidency. This was meant for the folks who couldn’t wait for him to be gone. What does this mean to have one of these in her office. Can anyone tell me if this is normal??

  171. justafarmer says:

    “Parnell’s chief of staff, Jay Pullins, said they were reviewing the process with the Department of Law now.”

    hummmmm…. the Alaska Department of Law or the non-existent White House Department of Law. (apparently SP likes the powers of the other level of reality).

  172. MAJOR MURPHY says:

    Hey Mudflats..Progressiv…Diva…and Shanny….the real story behind Palins departure is Daniel Sullivan our Acting A/G..I want to read more about it here.

    Sullivan is the story not being told….start digging….The republicans are distancing themselves from Palinistias all over America. The emerging leadership of the GOP planted Sullivan; convinced Palin to ‘pick him’…once in he got close enough to Palin to tell her to go. Not ask. TELL her…she is all done. Sullivan KNOWS why Palin is gone.

    BTW…..Shanny…the rumors about the house in Wassilla started long time ago. I set the bum eddie straight on that and van fleen to….

    You were still just a girl from homer when the rumor about housegate got a life of it’s own. OFFICIALLY

    Howdy Investments built the rink and built Palins house…at the same time and that aint no RUMOR…

  173. samper says:

    I need ice cream! She is SUCH a looney tune!

  174. strangelet says:

    @2 austintx — nah, he appears to be AIr Guard, so there would be no reason for him not to be Lt Gov. Of course, he couldn’t continue to be commander of the AK Guard; he’d have to go inactive.

  175. pvazwindy says:

    Well if Parnell runs the state like Buttercup, he doesn’t need a Lt. Gov. Two blackberry’s will suffice. And didn’t he say he would continue her practices. Yikes.

  176. samper says:

    Firefox Pros… please jump back to Open Thread… I have “issues”!

  177. 0whole1 says:

    Now *that’s* funny.

    I’d like the ADN to set up a counter on their site showing just how much the abdication-to-save-money is costing the taxpayers of Alaska.

  178. pearl89 says:

    Since she resigned on a whim and for no good reason, wouldn’t that make her resignation frivolous? And if her resignation is frivolous, a special session should be called and Palin made to pay for it.

    …the lamest of lame ducks. How lame is she? She’s so lame, she walks/talks in circles. (Ok, everybody come up with your own punch line.)

    Saw an interview by OReilly of John Ziegler. Ziegler said, “This decision has been in the work for a very long time.” This must be true, being as how he is the Palin authority and BFF. The rest of the interview was the usual JZ crap…media…blahblahblah and praising Palin…blahblahblah.

  179. tspey says:

    Palin is not delusional. She is schizophrenic in the way she goes about her life.

    Thinking ahead is not her m.o. She is a walking, talking contradiction and is as dangerous as they come. Fishing in Bristol Bay today, taking bribes… I mean ‘gifts’ from pro Pebble Mine supporters later.

    In the animal kingdom, anything bright and flashy most often signals pending danger, same goes for Palin’s red. The difference being self preservation in the animal world versus egocentric megalomaniac.

  180. Isabella says:

    Is this a Mudflatter?

    MindlessBlogger wrote on 07/07/2009 04:22:28 PM:
    Hi my name is MindLessBlogger. I’m also known as PalinPlus, Candid_Firing_Squad, Fibber_McGee, St_Sarah , and a host of other aliases. My names change, but my stupid posts are always the same.

    I work hard all day at the pet store cleaning the hamster cages. This minimum-wage job barely pays my bills or admission to monster truck rallies, and certainly doesn’t earn me any respect. I don’t have a dog to kick, so when get home I fire up my computer and, like Sarah Goddess of the Klondike, I spend my free time trolling the blogosphere for mean things that people say about her. Unable to think for myself, I plagiarize meaningless nonsense and paste it over and over again. It makes me feel good for the night, but alas, tomorrow it’s back to the hamsters. Until I get a life, or a dog, this is the way it must be. (Gotta run, the little voice in my head is calling.)

  181. AKraven says:

    Parnell’s chief of staff said they are consulting with the Department of Law… didn’t Palin say that the president is protected by the “Department of Law” from ethics complaints? So it appears that Alaska does have a Department of Law. I am being redundant here- she doesn’t know her … Oh, I think I’ll go bang my head against the wall until she goes away.

  182. Isabella says:

    London Bridges Says “AWESOME!!!!! The special session can vote to impeach Palin!!!!!!”

    That would be SWEEEEEEET!

  183. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    palin and her cronies= political bycatch. caught in the net, but useless.
    Of course real bycatch is just slaughter. Like she says, ‘toad is up there slaughtering salmon”.

    puck you, you useless hockey puck.

  184. Isabella says:

    Those poor little stupid Palin freaks I am almost feeling sorry for them. They have been desperately trying to find ways to promote good thoughts after Palin shook their pockets for their last bit of loose change before throwing them to the curb coming up with the singular comfort she sacrificed to save Alaska debt & snub Obama’s stimulus….now she is about to cost more in one blow then the last 3 & Obama’s “Dirty” money will be delivered hand over fist.

    Palin is leaving a mavericky LEGACY MY A S S….AHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!

  185. HA, you can’t even second guess that one. She would only be turning up the heat on anything that would disappear on her once she is not Gov.
    Seems to me no matter what she does at this point, will be wrong.
    God that’s sweet.

  186. HA, you can’t even second guess that one. She would only be turning up the heat on anything that would disappear on her once she is not Gov.
    Seems to me no matter what she does at this point, will be wrong.
    God that’s sweet.

  187. HA, you can’t even second guess that one. She would only be turning up the heat on anything that would disappear on her once she is not Gov.
    Seems to me no matter what she does at this point, will be wrong.
    God that’s sweet.

  188. HA, you can’t even second guess that one. She would only be turning up the heat on anything that would disappear on her once she is not Gov.
    Seems to me no matter what she does at this point, will be wrong.
    God that’s sweet.

  189. HA, you can’t even second guess that one. She would only be turning up the heat on anything that would disappear on her once she is not Gov.
    Seems to me no matter what she does at this point, will be wrong.
    God that’s sweet.

  190. HA, you can’t even second guess that one. She would only be turning up the heat on anything that would disappear on her once she is not Gov.
    Seems to me no matter what she does at this point, will be wrong.
    God that’s sweet.

  191. Cathy from Colorado says:

    This is priceless, she “aborts” her duties because she does not want to be a lame duck and waste Alaskan dollars, but by doing so, is costing the State money.

    In my opinion, she is the “sitting lame duck.”

  192. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    She deserves nothing more than to be stuffed on a plane as a snotty flight attendant. And guess what Palin? You can take your KIDS with you – stand by! For FREE – which is what you love the most about any job you take.

    I’m am so sick of her lying and softball questions from journalists. The MSM is clueless – they don’t know any of the actual day to day questions and problems we have. And you know she’s doin’ her best to discredit all bloggers as rumor mongers, which was the whole point of her ridiculous exercise in stupidity last weekend. So that leaves local media to do their job, also, too –

    Bueller? Bueller?

  193. DonnaInMichigan says:

    In the next episode of

    “You can’t make this stuff up”…

    Governor Palin decides it will cost the taxpayers of Alaska to much money, to have the legislation come for a session, just to partake in a vote for a lt governor, so in the spirit of saving $$ to Alaska, she has decided to forgo her resignation at this time.

  194. London Bridges says:

    AWESOME!!!!! The special session can vote to impeach Palin!!!!!!

    Whoo- Hooooo!!!!!!!

    no debate necessary. Just a straight up and down vote!

  195. Nebraska Native says:

    She wouldn’t dare. Would she?

  196. DonnaInMichigan says:

    In the next episode of

    “You just can’t make this shit up”!

  197. BigSlick says:

    And is it possible that now GINO is going to have an excuse to changer her mind?


  198. BigSlick says:

    Why doesn’t Parnell get to appoint the new Governor Lite?

  199. pvazwindy says:

    Remember what W.A.R. said, “ignor the law.” Phew, glad they recognized him for what he was, and didn’t confirm. Let’s see how the new AG Sullivan interprets the statute. C’mon Ak, call a special session, confirm the guy, and take the weatherization stimulus pkg. Pins and needles to Buttercup.

  200. While they’re at it in the special session, they should vote in the stimulus package funds that Palin rejected. Then if Parnell vetoes it, he’s saddled with his new name – “Suckup Buttercup.”

    That idea – the stimulus fund vote, not the nickname – came to me from Ann Strongheart.

  201. Isabella says:

    I LOVE AKM!!!

  202. petepeta says:

    Sounds like commissioner mullethead is going to be second in command unless she changes her mind about quitting.

  203. Nebraska Native says:

    Wow… can it get any stranger. Wait don’t answer that. It’s ex-GINO and “after all, tomorrow is another day” Scarlett O’Palinliar.

  204. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    It’s just never ending, isn’t it?

  205. Dust Chinstrap Palin says:

    Well, old Joe may be smarter than we think. He won’t even get his hands smudged.

  206. antiAnti says:

    Would the special session be forced to decide on approving the Attorney General or can that be put off to the next regular session?

  207. austintx says:

    AKM – Someone mentioned that Campbell is active military. Does that mean anything in this situation ??

  208. pvazwindy says:

    What will the legislature do?

  209. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Lite Gov
    Attorney-General …..