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Palin Hits the Road.


Well, we now know the first thing on soon-to-be-ex-governor Sarah Palin’s list of things to do after quitting her current post on July 26.

Partisan? – check

No media allowed? – check

Invitation only to ensure friendly crowd? – check

Somehow tied to Ronald Reagan? – check

Republican Women Federated of Simi Valley announced Palin was scheduled to speak to the group’s private gala on Aug. 8 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. The event — reporters will not be allowed to attend — will take place in an airplane hangar that houses a retired presidential aircraft Air Force One and will stir more questions about her curious resignation.

But, of course, she has stated that she’ll happily campaign for Democrats who “share her values.”  That might be a mighty short list.  I can’t think of a better way for a Democrat who wants to commit political suicide than to ask Sarah Palin for an endorsement.  Even moderate Republicans are holding out a big string of dried garlic when Palin enters the room.  Polarizing is what she does best.

Palin defended the decision [to resign] because “pragmatically, Alaska would be better off” if her state weren’t spending time on ethical complaints against her. She also said the plan to resign had been in the works for months.

Pragmatically, Sarah Palin would be better off if she wasn’t bound by an ethical code.  It’s obvious to many that Palin quit simply to advance her own career, make gobs of money, unburden herself from the annoying government job, and embrace her national celebrity.  But, she keeps repeating “they forced me out,” thinking it makes her sound good?  Like a victim maybe, but like a tough-as-nails, no-nonsense, stalwart presidential candidate?  Not so much.

“Oh, I don’t think she quit,” said Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008 who plucked Palin out of near-obscurity and made her a household name. “I think she changed her priorities.”

Many Alaskans would argue that she didn’t change her priorities.  Alaska hasn’t been on her mind for some time now.   She just decided to act on what her priorities have always been; the most current and brightest “crack in the door.”



261 Responses to “Palin Hits the Road.”
  1. InJuneau says:

    Snoskred (at 3:58 PM)
    What person (in their right mind) would choose to run for a job that means moving to a location that you do not wish to live in, and involves living in a house you do not wish to live in? If you do not want to accept the conditions of the job, then don’t run to get it!

    This is my exact same complaint about all the legislators who run and then b!tch about living here in the CAPITAL CITY too. If you hate it here so much, bugger off and don’t run for a job that’s based here!

  2. Snoskred says:

    Hi everyone..

    Can we try and keep comments on topic, please?

    WaPo and Pam Pryor stuff belongs in the open thread –

    No need to apologise and thus add more off topic comments – just do me, your fellow commentors, and AKMuckraker a massive favour and post them in the right place next time.. 😉

  3. bucfan says:

    mlaiuppa, who is pam pryor, follow this
    Kindred spirit indeed.

  4. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Hey gang – can we do the washington post article on open thread???

  5. mlaiuppa says:

    Oops. Sorry. It’s the Washington Post article on Cap and Trade.

  6. mlaiuppa says:

    Anyone have any idea who wrote this for Palin? Pamela Pryor? Meg Stapleton?

  7. mlaiuppa says:

    “Who is Pamela Pryor and why did Sarapac pay her $6000 for “consulting” on 2/03, 2/26, 3/30, 4/20 and 5/28?”

    Okay. I must admit that my first thought was ‘Does Pamela do hair and makeup?’. But now I’m thinking….speechwriter? Anyone care to check dates and see if these are prior to some speeches Palin needed to give?

  8. rebekkah says:

    How does a Republican Women Federated private gala with SP as guest speaker “help” Alaska, help Sarah’s family. Her reasons for quitting were for the best interests of Alaska and her family (did I hear that right?)

    I cannot understand the appeal she has with women. The average woman works because she has to, or doesn’t work and stays at home as homemaker, but at a great price. That price being living with a lot less, and depending on one salary. Even couples with two salaries are struggling.

    This notion that Sarah can do it all is baloney. Up early am, runs several miles, works all day, travels, works as Governor, two blackberries, has time to twitter, responsible for State matters, responsible for her Pac and legal fund. How much time can possibly be devoted to a young 18-year old daughter with a growing baby; a 14 year-old daughter who needs a lot of parental attention and advice; a 7 year-old who is still a child and also needs a lot of parental attention; then, a Down’s Syndrome baby, who requires a mother’s attention, quality time, and possibly some physical therapies. Throw in the mix sports, after school activities.

    Was it Levi that commented that the Gov would come home late hours? It’s bullcr**p that anyone can comfortably maintain this routine without blinking, and thinks she can “take on” the boys in Washington, or take on Office of the VP or President.

    Anyone tired yet? Just thinking about all this makes me want to go into a fetal position. Yes, I am weak; I couldn’t maintain that incredible pace all the time, really who could without having a mental breakdown. And, I don’t believe she doesn’t have housekeepers and paid nanny somewhere in that mix.

    Yes, female governors, politicians have accomplished great feats with families. But, usually, they enter politics later in life, after most of their children are established and older. I feel that the need of Sarah to perpetuate this mythical super-human mom image is hurting a lot of average women out there.

    Sorry, OT from my starting point. Sarah supporters and women’s groups damage reputations of hard-working women by inviting this soon to be ex-governor to waste their time and money just to hear her talk robotic talking points that don’t change legislation, or laws. Just wasteful talk. Where is the justice in all of this? Rant over……and out!

  9. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    PennLawyer – thank you for that info. Trig is always the subject of $arah’s posturing, but never the subject of $arah’s care. It is very very shameful.

    I don’t think she’ll take him on her jaunts, but who knows. Some DS mothers need to speak up.

  10. overthemoon says:

    OOOHHH NOOOOO!!!! She’s loose! An ‘opinion piece’ at the Whashington Post, obviously ghost written on the horrors of the cap and trade component of the energy bill.

  11. pdx mb says:

    I voted, Dr. Chill. Loved your comments re: the JoAnne Grimes whoever kerfuffle.

  12. PennLawyer says:

    When Sarah “hits the road”, will she be taking Trig with her on hellaciously long plane trips for photo ops at events in the lower 48? And will that mean taking one of her daughters out of school/to serve as baby carrier/caregiver while Sarah is mixing and mingling?
    I have not read word one about what therapeutic treatment this baby is receiving. Down syndrome infants require early intervention diagnostic and therapeutic services from birth onwards. Lack of such intervention can severely and permanently impact on the child’s capacity for development. Yet for all her excuses for quitting, Sarah never mentioned the 24/7 demands of this special needs, disabled baby on her personal time.

    During the birth to one-word period, the most important intervention occurs at home. Families need to be the focus of the treatment program. In a program at Loyola College, Baltimore, families observe the therapy sessions 100% of the time, and discuss all of the activities with a clinical supervisor. For each session, they are provided with home activities so that speech and language experiences will continue in the home environment (not a series of hotel suites!)
    For infants, one focus of the treatment program is sensory stimulation: providing activities and experiences to help the infant develop auditory, visual, and tactile skills, including sensory exploration and sensory feedback and memory. The child experiences what a bell sounds like, or the different sensations while touching velvet or sandpaper. It’s also essential to monitor hearing status for every infant with Down syndrome, since they are at high risk for otitis media with effusion. The most recent literature is finding strong relationships between OME (otitis media with effusion, or fluid in the middle ear without signs or symptoms of ear infection), language development, and academic achievement in typically developing children. Some of the delays in language seen in children with Down syndrome may be related to the presence of OME. The child’s regular pediatrician or otolaryngologist and audiologist monitor hearing status and treat fluid accumulation in the ear. Will Sarah be traveling with the baby AND a team of medical specialists?

  13. yukonbushgrma says:

    re #241 –
    html got me again ….. here’s the URL for the good NYT article again –

    (sorry –

  14. pdx mb says:

    First on the new thread!

  15. benlomond2 says:

    …surprised Nancy R. hasn’t voiced an objection to sarah showing up at the Library….Nancy’s for Stem Cell research, and I don’t think Sarah is…..

  16. zyggy says:

    I saw that too Rob, very pricey to have stapleton around, she’s making more than Palin right now. That’s why Palin wants to quit, she wants to make more than her mouth.

  17. Rob in Ca says:

    So, all those donor dollars to SarahPac are going to admin costs….including quite a nice piece to line the pockets of the gal that can’t get an RSVP right…Meg Stapleton.

    If I was a donor to SarahPac, and $266,000 of the first $733,000 raised was spent on the administrative costs…..I would be upset!

  18. yukonbushgrma says:

    @210 Cynthia, TX:
    July 13th, 2009 at 5:32 PM
    “I think she is going to try to start a third party. Anyone else thinking the same thing?”


    Oh my goodness yes!!! I’ve been saying that since she came back to AK. I don’t think it will be called the AIP, but there will be familiar tones …… maybe familiar names too …

    Gotta keep an eye on this!

  19. Trini says:

    I voted for you DrChill! Good luck! 🙂

  20. yukonbushgrma says:

    @204 PollyAnna:
    July 13th, 2009 at 4:31 PM


    GREAT article – really recommend!

    My favorite snippets are:

    “Late last week, as her sport utility vehicle made its way through the town of McGrath, Ms. Palin said in an interview that the seeds of her resignation had been planted the morning Mr. McCain named her as his vice-presidential choice.

    “It began when we started really looking at the conditions that had so drastically changed on Aug. 29,” she said. “The hordes of opposition researchers came up here digging for dirt for political reasons, making crap up.”
    – – – –

    “……We spend most of our day, my staff, a lot of the members of the Department of Law and myself, dealing with things that have nothing to do with policy or governance,” Ms. Palin said in the interview. “It has to do with setting the record straight in this game that’s being played right now.”

    – – – –
    “…..Feuds begat feuds.”


    SOOOOOOOO — those gosh darn pj-blogger people caused her to lose focus on governing, eh? I thought she was the big tough mama grizz who could handle anything.

    It’s pretty obvious to me, at least, that she became totally consumed in a revenge mindset and decided to blow off the State of Alaska. So much for commitment to the job!

    Her blaming tendency is just one more symptom of whatever her personality disorder is …

  21. zyggy says:

    lori, not any worse than what I just wrote. =)

  22. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    yep nswfm ca – ziegler will film it, post in at the sea of pea so her cult followers can get all tingly and then use windex to clean the drool (and other fluids) off of their screens (did I say that?).

  23. Rob in Ca says:

    Poll: Most Say Palin Resigned To Help Her Career

    Interesting poll numbers…check it out!

  24. zyggy says:

    methinks Ziegler will have a little stiffy the whole time while he’s CA with $arah. =)

  25. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I hope the crazy loon does not try to fly air force 1 out of the building. I can “see” it now, rifle out the window, shooting at the CA wildlife below and feeling “all Presidential and stuff” at same time.
    Voted Dr. Chill, good luck!

  26. mhrt says:

    I am number 31 Dr Chill. You are on your way.

  27. nswfm CA says:

    Lori in LA,
    I think the Grifter Gov is gonna try to steal some of Nancy Reagan’s gowns. Lotta Reagan stuff missing due to mismanagement of the archives. THAT’s why no press is invited. That and her inability to speak coherently. Just my opinion.

  28. austintx says:

    Dr. Chill –
    Voted for ya.
    Perry needs to hit the road also.too.

    In Texas , we have a saying when you want someone to leave or “hit the road”.
    Here , I’ll let Rick say it :

  29. DrChill says:

    Thanks In the top 20… 🙂

  30. Gramiam AKA Smoke Strapon Palin says:

    I voted, Dr. Chill!!

  31. DrChill says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 6:41 PM
    No press is invited inside, because Zigler gets
    Seigler shot off his mouth defending Palin re: her resignation, and said “well she had to quit that (other) job because she couldn’t do her job…”
    Yeah John, that was the problem.

    Yeah, hes going to be a great help.

  32. DrChill says:

    I wonder who else we can encourage to “hit the road” ?

    Maybe I’ll talk about it at the netroots convention if I get a scholarship and you vote for me here:
    even if you’ve voted for someone else, also too.

    Vote for me or I’ll photoshop you…

  33. CougInPortland says:

    Hey, SP, Here’s the Beatles:

    This is you. I’m sure you have minions checking blogs. A LOT of people on to you.

  34. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    No press is invited inside, because Zigler gets to steal the media show, I’m sure it’s part of you help I’ll help you package…….you know press will show up outside.

    It seems to me this is gonna have to fly from the get go or it’s not going to fly at all. anyone else think so? I’ll bet she even has a speech writer and will sound all smart.

    you also know that “fans” will show up for autographs, gag. I’d be out there with a QUITTER sign, let the war in the lower 48 begin.

  35. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Marnie says:
    “I’m guessing the publishers are not too please with little miss Palin right now. Part of what they were buying was a prominent Governor on her way to the Beltway.
    Now they have a provincial has been quitter Governor. Repugs do not seem to want to flock to her door either.
    Wonder if they already had the amount they were to pay her signed off on yet?”

    Don’t worry about the Christian publisher. It is just a way to funnel $$$ to
    $arah IMO – even if the book is all blank pages, with SP on the cover, it will
    “sell,” purchased in bulk lots by mega churches to show big sales – the
    mission is to get the $$$ to SP to further their “cause” (IMO, a Christian
    Theocracy for America with HER as the leader). Just my opinion Van Flea.

  36. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Well, I think it’s safe to say Alaska hasn’t had a governor since the day she was pick VP, why in the H didn’t she hand the reigns over to Parnell then?

    I’m glad she’s out, but I think Alaskan’s should be very displeased with the last 11 months she’s been awol.

  37. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Yes Samper, the retired Air Force I is there, I live close by and have attended events there – even have a great pic of me and hubby in front of the aircraft.
    I cannot bring myself to go to the event on aug. 8th, unless a large protest is organized – then I will be happy to go. This is the first stop of Palin’s “roll out,” and NO PRESS invited? Wonder if the ex first family will attend. I also wonder if all of these Republican women are adoring fans – cannot imagine it, even if they ARE Republicans.

  38. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Or Samper – sorry Jim!

  39. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Jim-that Meghan McCain quote pissed me off.

  40. Nan says:

    Dr Chill,
    You got my vote too.

  41. Nan says:

    take a break, come back and say hey. Most of us need a breather sooner or later, but somehow wind up right back here. Even if it’s only to see how everyone is doing.


  42. AlaskaDisasta says:

    Just saw a blurb on TV re Levi. Good grief – the entire group is the very definition of trailer trash, and I am not talking about those decent humans who live in mobile home parks. The simple fact that there are people who would consider these distasteful people polluting the White House with their histrionics, ignorance and soap opera stupidity does NOT speak well of a goodly portion of the population.

  43. samper says:

    Jim: I’m going to use Meghan McCain’s excuse and say, “I wasn’t born yet, so I didn’t know”.

    Actually, I could have been (Aug. 1, 1963), but even so, I was just a teeny, tiny little baby in ’63. Napping and bottles were my thing, not the Beatles.

    Thanks for the heads up!!! I don’t recall ever hearing a Beatles version, but listen to the Baby’s Anthology in my car all the time.

  44. samper says:

    Maybe the book will now instead include all of her wild adventures in the Lower 48. It wouldn’t be what H/C was anticipating or contracted for, though.

    Seems she’s going to be hitting the road down here a lot more than in AK for AKn’s and all that AK stuff. I wonder if it’s because AKn’s don’t like her anymore?

    Has she commented on the Constitutional Train Wreck yet? If no one’s mentioned it, Shannyn has a great post on HP today about the chat she had Saturday night with the Senator about how SP hittin’ the road is screwin’ AK (my words, not Shannyn’s).

    Don’t have a link, but I believe it was front page… maybe on the right sidebar. I was over there for a while, so I forget.

    (While there, don’t miss Levi’s interview with Ann Curry. I feel sorry for him and all, but really… I hope he uses the proceeds from his “fame” to buy a personality. I’ve truly never seen a duller, less articulate 19 year old.)

    OOPS! A little OT. Sorry!

    Just how many gigs does SP have lined up? I’m curious because I think it might have even been Levi who said she wanted to travel less and spend more time with the FAMILY. It’s always gotta include the FAMILY… even if it’s her own personal debt.

    Anyway, if she has these speaking engagements all over the country, the book that Harper/Collins didn’t bank on, etc., then it’s certainly an easy line to draw that the ethics complaints were NOT the reason for resignation. They don’t just throw speaking engagements together in a day. They are planned months in advance.

    Especially at the Reagan Library, I would assume.

  45. Jim says:

    Samper, the Beatles recorded “Money” in 1963, nearly 15 years before the Babys were formed! It was written by Barrett Strong in 1959, a popular Motown writer…

  46. sandra in oregon says:

    I wonder if the donations from people had to wait until the new month. I suspect a lot of these donors are living on very limited monthly incomes.

  47. Marnie says:

    25 BigPete Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 10:33 AM
    “Pity the publishers who are stuck with her book.”

    I’m guessing the publishers are not too please with little miss Palin right now. Part of what they were buying was a prominent Governor on her way to the Beltway.
    Now they have a provincial has been quitter Governor. Repugs do not seem to want to flock to her door either.
    Wonder if they already had the amount they were to pay her signed off on yet?

  48. samper says:

    Reagan’s Library has a retired AF1 at it???

    Can the public view it?

    Was it REAGAN’s aircraft or just some random AF1 from the past?

    That’d be cool to see!

  49. Lacy Lady says:

    I am wondering if SP collects all this money, if it will find it’s way to “other” accounts. Who would know what she will do with other. Hide it under the mattress? Money? What money? Prove it!!!
    Think Levi is right on—-she is in it for the money, and if she stayed Gov.,, people in the lower 48 would forget who she is–was–or never was–or could be.

  50. BigSlick says:

    This is better than fingernails on the chalkboard.

    Come to think of it, jus tthe sound of her voice has the same effect.

  51. Cynthia, TX says:

    I think she is going to try to start a third party. Anyone else thinking the same thing?

    She will use the bailout and the stimulus as her catalyst

  52. samper says:

    lonnie Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 2:05 PM

    Sarah’s song by the Beatles: Money (that’s what I want)

    I’m just catching up with the posts, so forgive me if this has been noted already.

    The song Money (That’s What I Want) is by the Baby’s, not the Beatles.


  53. zyggy says:

    Except for the money for the special sessions that she is forcing AK Leg to have, I’m very glad she’s leaving you. Not happy that she’s soon be a gadabout visiting the lower 48 states.

    Thanks but no thanks $arah. Stay home. You’re an embarassment to Alaska.

  54. Bones AK says:

    She (Sarah) is quite the grifter

  55. CougInPortland says:

    Well, for sticking up for Jesus Christ and His opinion of “in it for money,” of which I think SP is clueless, HuffPo is now monitoring my posts. That’s what you get when you post facts and people flag.

    I really enjoy all of you, but I think I need to say “goodbye.” This woman is SO upsetting to me. I need to go clean a room or something. I just can’t get my head around her saying “God” at every turn and I’m tired of my stomach being in knots.


  56. BigSlick says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 4:08 PM

    Big Slick what is standing out to you, the charity thing, it was a fundraiser for the museum, the amount? this is why the pac was formed so she could travel without using state funds. Toad, Willlow, Scarah, Meg and Taylor all went.


    Was she there on official State business or not?

  57. PollyAnna in WA says:

    <i<New York Times, July 13, Missteps, ignored advice on Palin’s route to exit“>

  58. Wolfe Tone says:

    Always looking for something shiny… Palin reminds me of a raven.
    But without the intellect.

  59. BigSlick says:

    I am bring this to the open thread from Palin Hits the Road

    BigSlick Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 4:13 PM

    honestyinGov Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 1:57 PM

    Here is a link to a WaPo article that has an update. They are saying that $arahPAC had a large amount of donations come in after $arah resigned.
    “Update, 4:10 p.m.: Palin has collected at least $200,000 more for Sarah PAC since the reporting period closed at the end of last month, according to a source familiar with the numbers. Palin’s resignation — announced on July 3 — triggered a flood of donations to the PAC, the source added.”
    Are all the little minions ‘ piggy banks’ empty now…and it will drop off..?


    Good point. I’ve been going over the spreadsheets and found that she has some very loyal repeat contributors among those who give over $200. The majority are giving in multiple small installments of $50 or $100, and when they pass $200 cumulative their names appear on the rolls. A few just give her the $5000 in a single whack but they are few and far between.

    It will be interesting to see whether SarahPac still has a revenue stream after 2 or 3 more months, and whether it picks up again during the new tax year. If the majority of funds collected in total is coming from “repeat offenders” then it means she has a small but vivacious base of Palinbots and not mass appeal. If so, the impending burn-out is inevitable.

  60. BigSlick says:

    BigSlick Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 4:13 PM

    honestyinGov Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 1:57 PM

    Here is a link to a WaPo article that has an update. They are saying that $arahPAC had a large amount of donations come in after $arah resigned.
    “Update, 4:10 p.m.: Palin has collected at least $200,000 more for Sarah PAC since the reporting period closed at the end of last month, according to a source familiar with the numbers. Palin’s resignation — announced on July 3 — triggered a flood of donations to the PAC, the source added.”
    Are all the little minions ‘ piggy banks’ empty now…and it will drop off..?


    Good point. I’ve been going over the spreadsheets and found that she has some very loyal repeat contributors among those who give over $200. The majority are giving in multiple small installments of $50 or $100, and when they pass $200 cumulative their names appear on the rolls. A few just give her the $5000 in a single whack but they are few and far between.

    It will be interesting to see whether SarahPac still has a revenue stream after 2 or 3 more months, and whether it picks up again during the new tax year. If the majority of funds collected in total is coming from “repeat offenders” then it means she has a small but vivacious base of Palinbots and not mass appeal. If so, the impending burn-out is inevitable.

  61. pvazwindy says:

    Dr. Chill- you got my vote

  62. BigSlick says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 1:57 PM

    Here is a link to a WaPo article that has an update. They are saying that $arahPAC had a large amount of donations come in after $arah resigned.
    “Update, 4:10 p.m.: Palin has collected at least $200,000 more for Sarah PAC since the reporting period closed at the end of last month, according to a source familiar with the numbers. Palin’s resignation — announced on July 3 — triggered a flood of donations to the PAC, the source added.”
    Are all the little minions ‘ piggy banks’ empty now…and it will drop off..?


    Good point. I’ve been going over the spreadsheets and found that she has some very loyal repeat contributors among those who give over $200. The majority are giving in multiple small installments of $50 or $100, and when they pass $200 cumulative their names appear on the rolls. A few just give her the $5000 in a single whack but they are few and far between.

    It will be interesting to see whether SarahPac still has a revenue stream after 2 or 3 more months, and whether it picks up again during the new tax year. If the majority of funds collected in total is coming from “repeat offenders” then it means she has a small but vivacious base of Palinbots and not mass appeal. If so, the impending burn-out is inevitable.

  63. Mainer says:

    I saw McCain this Sunday morning.
    He embarrassed me as an American.
    I didn’t respect him a lot when he began running for president and respected him much less when he picked Sarah as his next in line to the throne.

    When I saw him on Sunday saying that Sarah Palin was competent to be my president I realized he was also incompetent to be my president, and I was embarrassed to think he was ever competent.
    After making those statements this weekend, John McCain has exposed himself as being absolutely incompetent and unable to hold any higher office of my country.

    bye bye.


  64. tamara says:

    Dr Chill

    You may want to post this on the open thread. You got my vote

  65. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Actually her sis and nephew also went.

    BigSlick Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 3:56 PM

    I found this expense to be of interest.

    Seward House
    33 South Street
    Auburn, New York 130213929
    In-kind to Charity/Airline Travel 8167.80

  66. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Big Slick what is standing out to you, the charity thing, it was a fundraiser for the museum, the amount? this is why the pac was formed so she could travel without using state funds. Toad, Willlow, Scarah, Meg and Taylor all went.

  67. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    ha ha I made a funny without trying, lol

    Scarah has minds…..she’s possessed. They didn’t cast them all out. do over.

  68. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    we need to remember, do not take ANY word Scarah uses literally……heck, in her minds she could be weathering political storms, that are creating metal melt downs that require attention, help line to big dollar friends and advisers, lol. love to know how many times she and Malek chat or text.

    there is something behind everything she says, ya just gotta find it.

  69. Snoskred says:

    Marnie wrote –

    I think you can sum up Palin’s attitude about being Governor by looking at one of her first decisions.
    To not move into the Governor’s Mansion.
    She immediately began to manipulate the office to serve her wants and needs, and that never stopped. The position of Governor was to serve her not the other way around.

    Juneau wasn’t conventient. I won’t go. Juneau was Democratic. I won’t live with them around me. I think the capitol should be somewhere else I’ll move my office there and make people come to me. On and on.

    I had to quote the entire comment because that is so incredibly spot on. You are 100% right.

    What person (in their right mind) would choose to run for a job that means moving to a location that you do not wish to live in, and involves living in a house you do not wish to live in? If you do not want to accept the conditions of the job, then don’t run to get it!

    It has been all about Sarah from day one, it just wasn’t so glaringly obvious – now in hindsight we can see it clearly.

  70. BigSlick says:

    I found this expense to be of interest.

    Seward House
    33 South Street
    Auburn, New York 130213929
    In-kind to Charity/Airline Travel 8167.80

  71. DrChill says:


    If you haven’t voted already I just threw my hat into the ring for a netroots scholarship, at the last minute.

    I’m going stealthy with my screen name DrChill

    I hope you’ll consider voting for me…


  72. JanMarie says:

    Most people polled don’t believe the resignation excuse…

  73. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Trini – don’t worry about Palin backing out! She’d be thrown as far toward Russia as possible if she tried to pull that. Most Alaskans are not happy with her – even if they don’t have a clue of the details. She left us in our 50th year statehood anniversary – a DAY before a very special celebration.

    The old sayin’ goes, No One Likes A Quitter

  74. tamara says:

    Problem child
    Salut à toi, enfant perturbé aka chiot des plaines boueuses.

    Indeed, imagine Toad as Nancy with a mustache

  75. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Of course John McCain is going to say something positive about her, or something neutral that could be taken many different ways. It is HIS reputation he’s protecting, not hers.

    When he was asked who the R’s presidential hopefuls were, he mentioned everyone BUT Sarah Palin because that didn’t put any pressure on his rep. These questions do – BIG TIME. The whole country is watching to see what he, of all people, says about Sarah the Quitter since he chose to puke her up all over us in August.

    John McCain is not going to have any publicized epiphany or apology over Sarah Palin – ever – until maybe his death bed. He’s been in the business a long long time and he knows how to work the system (except the one to get voted in as Pres). And you also know he has big time dirt on her, or her behaviour, during the campaign – just to protect himself since he’s seen how she tosses everyone under that proverbial bus. He actually helped with several of those tosses (Monegan, Hollis, Gara, Elton).

    Don’t bother John – we don’t believe YOU, either. Never will again. Nor anyone involved in your campaign choices.

  76. Trini says:

    John McCain said that she didn’t think that she quit. It bothers me that during what has been called a resignation speech, she didn’t quit. She never said the words “I resign” or “I quit.” I fear that she will come back and say that she only turned the reins over to Parnell as a temporary measure while she pursued other things on behalf of Alaska. I wouldn’t put it past her, but I find it very scary. Could this be possible? Did she give McCain $5K to set the stage for a return?

  77. Marnie says:

    I think you can sum up Palin’s attitude about being Governor by looking at one of her first decisions.
    To not move into the Governor’s Mansion.
    She immediately began to manipulate the office to serve her wants and needs, and that never stopped. The position of Governor was to serve her not the other way around.

    Juneau wasn’t conventient. I won’t go. Juneau was Democratic. I won’t live with them around me. I think the capitol should be somewhere else I’ll move my office there and make people come to me. On and on.

  78. mhrt says:

    John McCain said “I think she changed her priorities.”
    Boy he got that right.Then she up and quit.

  79. ben in sf says:

    154 hawk Says:
    “Exactly.. The sun is shining here in Valdez.. There is NO weather problem”

    Ah, but SP does have a big of a “sunshine” problem (here in San Francisco we have a “sunshine ordinance” to keep public officials and meeting actions above board; agenda items can’t be added at the last minute without public notice).

  80. Lainey says:

    who in their right mind keeps giving her the repeated opportunities to not show up or cancel???????????

  81. the problem child says:

    Salut, tamara!

    I do find $P’s attempts to connect herself in any way possible to Ronnie Raygun are a bit risible (same word en francais, I believe).

  82. tamara says:

    Rob in Ca

    Bad me, didn’t do the research before opening my big mouth. Now that you mention it, I believe I saw a video of him, and found his discussion points intelligent.
    Nevertheless, I am very disturbed by any candidate who believes he/she is sent by God. If that were so, we would go back to inquisition period and we would vote for a pope or whatever.

    (For your info, English is not my mother tongue, and therefore my writing is somewhat without texture or flavour. But, if anyone wants to take me on in French….)

  83. pvazwindy says:

    170 Polly Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 2:49 PM
    Alaskan mudpups may be interested in knowing: I perused the 709 donor names listed on the SarahPAC disclosure = a solid 12 people were from AK, didn’t do an actual count, seems less than 20 for sure. The names that stood out were Ed O’Neil, owner of Brown Jug Liquor; Tom McGrath, owner of Frigid North; Dave Gottstein, Investment Advisor… just a FYI.

    Did you notice the nurses from Mat Su Regional Hospital?

  84. Snoskred says:

    Just a quick and gentle reminder – we have an open thread over here –

    Please keep comments on this thread on topic and use the open thread for off topic comments – the topic being Palin speaking at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Palin offering to campaign for democrats, John McCain’s comments re palin quitting, and Palin’s changing priorities.

    On Topic – If I recall correctly, the presidential library is where a republican debate was held at some point before McCain got the nomination, though I could be wrong. I do remember the plane in the background.

  85. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    She’s OFF to find new doors which actually work. She thinks Lower 49 doors are better than Alaskan doors. She’s gonna open each one, and peek in to see if God will whisper in her ear: “Yes, Sarah – this one. Just don’t trip. You only have a couple more doors credit and then I’ll cut you off because you can’t seem to get it right and I’m wasting doors.”

  86. Polly says:

    Alaskan mudpups may be interested in knowing: I perused the 709 donor names listed on the SarahPAC disclosure = a solid 12 people were from AK, didn’t do an actual count, seems less than 20 for sure. The names that stood out were Ed O’Neil, owner of Brown Jug Liquor; Tom McGrath, owner of Frigid North; Dave Gottstein, Investment Advisor… just a FYI.

  87. Rob in Ca says:

    Tamara….don’t assume!
    Bess is not a friend of Palin. In fact, she was allegedly one of the people in Wasilla that wanted to ban the book he wrote. Some believe this is at the root of her questions of the librarian regarding censorship – followed by Palin actually firing the librarian (she backed off the firing).

    I just think Bess is trying to make a point that her religious beliefs – like his – might guide her to a decision that you and I may not understand. He is right. I don’t. I also don’t think her motives are as she stated…but it is charitable of him to think so!

  88. zyggy says:

    “She just decided to act on what her priorities have always been; the most current and brightest “crack in the door.” ”

    AKM, I keep reading this over and over, and get the feeling you’re calling someone a “crack in the door”. 😉

  89. AKPetMom says:

    I just have to remind everyone again that those birds (those duck like things) on the lake behind Sarah at her resig speech were Red Necked Grebes. It’s so funny and appropriate considering that she named one of her companies “Rouge Cou” (for Red Neck in French except that is should have been “Cou Rouge” in proper French word order)

    So the Red Necked Grebes were there to give the Red Necked Governor a proper send off!

  90. zyggy says:

    dag gummit, I’m been posting off topic stuff, sorry everyone.

  91. tamara says:

    Article in Alaska Dispatch by a fundamentalist friend of SP


    « Sarah Palin and I share a common religious heritage. It is rooted in the Abraham experience Sarah Palin believes that God has special things for her to do. She is leaving the governorship of Alaska and does not know where she is going. Why can’t we accept her statement at face value? « 

    Who knew that S-Pac was the purse from God ?

  92. E in New England says:

    From honestyinGov:
    They are bragging about the amount collected ” since SarahPAC has NOT been promoted or advertised”…. ( THAT ONE is a doozy)

    Seriously?? I’ve seen a number of the PAC’s ads online, including on an internet petition for her to sit down and shut up (a screen shot of which I emailed to AKM, because it was an amusing juxtaposition).

    Sometimes, I feel like we need to get those kids a dictionary.

  93. Karin in CT says:

    The most amazing thing of all is that Sarah actually uttered the word ‘pragmatically.’ Somebody else had to put that five-syllable word in her mouth.

  94. Jackie says:

    Sorry I’ve been off topic – I thought this was open thread…

  95. Jackie says:

    @ Pepper-#145 – We have Pekes who get to travel at our feet & a 22# Himalayan boy who goes under. We been going to AZ for the winters with them for the last few years. They’ve all done pretty well. It does make the trip a little more interesting sometimes…

  96. honestyinGov says:

    OK… speaking of the Money. I was just checking Bree Palin and they had all those nice picture the Pee-Bots are comparing $arah to. There was the one where they compared Her to “The Wicked Witch of the West”.. I said WTH??
    Had to see where this reasoning went.
    The hyperlink link to me to pee lander before I knew where it was going.
    ( It was Too strange… you don’t want to know)

    Since I was already there I had to read the big $arahPAC donation story to see the spin. It wasn’t all a waste… I got to see SJK’s comments from here.
    It got their feathers ruffled … squalking like those ducks behind $arah at Lake Lucille… quack… quack… quack…

    They are bragging about the amount collected ” since SarahPAC has NOT been promoted or advertised”…. ( THAT ONE is a doozy)
    A week long Beg-a_Thon and in the ADN… plus banners all over websites
    ( No advertising??? )

    And the general consensus among most of the comments is that donations/contributions will go up ” AFTER …She resigns “……
    Buehler…. Buehler….? what happened on July 3rd? What was that 15 minute word salad out behind the house with the rest of the ‘ quacks ‘…?
    These people are ‘ on ‘ something.

  97. tamara says:

    And, if you go over the list of contributors to the s-pac, only a handfull of contributors are from Alaska, and that speaks alot for her accomplishments in AK. What was already ? Oh yah, I have done more in 2 years than any other gov in two terms.

  98. Terpsichore says:

    141 zyggy Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 1:42 PM
    at least the sarahpac spreadhseet looks real as opposed to that piece of poo that was submitted by someone from the State of Ak showing the “ethic complaint” costs.
    * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    Yes, exactly, because telling the truth is quicker and easier than trying to make up something to fit your lies.

    That and that alone is why her office, staff, DOL, and private attorney ‘had to’ spend so much time on the ethics complaints.

    Chances are, had she done NOTHING, the personnel board would have dismissed the majority of the cases.

    Fiscal conservative my …

  99. tamara says:

    Found this in the S-pac donnations, sweetly made by The Federalist Society

    Contributor :
    Steve Calabresi = 1’000$
    Steven G. Calabresi is professor of law at the Northwestern University Law School. He co-founded The Federalist Society and serves as the chairman of the ……/steven_g_calabresi.html

  100. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oops, sorry my last post was meant for the open thread……..

    all things Kriss and Scarah, best friends forever, gag.
    I enjoyed this…….are we convinced? lol yeah, she and Kris probably did talk about it on the campaign trail as in take this job and shove it, lol.

    from the Times article…..

    “We had been contemplating this for months, so I didn’t surprise my family or the people around me,” she said, glancing at her top aide, Kris Perry, who was seated across the room from the governor during the interview. Ms. Perry smiled and nodded emphatically.”

  101. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    they’re talkin about Bush and Scarah’s “warrior tactics” on the evening news.

  102. hawk says:

    153 Terpsichore Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 2:18 PM
    149 austintx Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 2:07 PM
    Weathered out of Valdez so in Anch office to deal w/tug escort support for oil laden vessels out of port.
    5 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    Think there’s a typo in the first word. Should have been ‘withered’ or perhaps ‘weaseled” or possibly ‘whimped’.


    Exactly.. The sun is shining here in Valdez.. There is NO weather problem

  103. Terpsichore says:

    149 austintx Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 2:07 PM
    Weathered out of Valdez so in Anch office to deal w/tug escort support for oil laden vessels out of port.
    5 minutes ago from TwitterBerry
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    Think there’s a typo in the first word. Should have been ‘withered’ or perhaps ‘weaseled” or possibly ‘whimped’.

  104. mhrt says:
    More on……. we care America.
    Sounds like more church stuff coming out now. Like the house on C street.
    Even with Palin gone I am scared there is another one ready to step in to her place. Just another state, another city.

  105. mae lewis says:

    Joann Grimes Pantages, Anchorage AL is 54 years old, lists herself as retired and is a generous contributor to Alaska Republican Party (surprise). She was an alternate delegate for McCain/Palin at the 2008 Republican National Convention. Google “Joann Grimes” and not much comes up. Google “Joann Pantages” and you can link to her numerous (Republican) contributions. For example: $1425 to Alaska Republican Party, Feb.5-2008 to June 5, 2008.
    June 6 2008 $1200 to Alaska Republican Party. You get the idea. She also donated (at least) $500. to John McCain. (All of this information is available on the internet for a couple of key strokes. It is public information. If there is an error in the information, then it is due to an error on the website).

  106. austintx says:

    117 pvazwindy Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 1:02 PM
    Hey Austintx–Contributor to Sarahpac. Robyn Roberts, Giddings, Tx. $5000–DBA as Pumpco Inc-Specialty-Pipeline construction. Hmmm.
    Uh-Huh. There’s more comin’ on that. Husband is Alan. You should see the house.

  107. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    There is some Pam Pryor info on the mudflats forums….search under the sarah palin thread.

  108. austintx says:

    Weathered out of Valdez so in Anch office to deal w/tug escort support for oil laden vessels out of port.
    5 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  109. lonnie says:

    Sarah’s song by the Beatles: Money (that’s what I want)

    The best things in life are free
    But you can keep’em for the birds and bees
    Now give me money, (that’s what I want)
    That’s what I want (that’s what I want) yeah
    That’s what I want

    Your loving gives me a thrill
    But your lovin’ don’t pay my bills
    Now give me money (that’s what I want)
    That’s what I want (that’s what I want) yeah
    That’s what I want

    Money don’t get everything, it’s true
    What it don’t get, I can’t use
    Now give me money (that’s what I want)
    That’s what I want (that’s what I want) yeah
    That’s what I want

  110. ericmiami says:

    Sarah was afraid all her hair would fall out like John McCain’s if she stayed in government. No amount of lipstick would have made up for that.

  111. honestyinGov says:

    Here is a link to a WaPo article that has an update. They are saying that $arahPAC had a large amount of donations come in after $arah resigned.
    “Update, 4:10 p.m.: Palin has collected at least $200,000 more for Sarah PAC since the reporting period closed at the end of last month, according to a source familiar with the numbers. Palin’s resignation — announced on July 3 — triggered a flood of donations to the PAC, the source added.”
    Are all the little minions ‘ piggy banks’ empty now…and it will drop off..?

  112. Pepper1939 says:

    Thanks Jackie… No time to make arrangements. Think 7 plus hours of fly time from AZ to AK might be too much for the little shih-tzus…

  113. redwoodmuse says:

    @sfterrier et al

    also found this about Pam Pryor:

    7/30/07- Stop Union Political Abuse is proud to announce the appointment of Pam Pryor to become director of Congressional Relations starting Aug. 1, 2007. Pam has more than 25 years of experience in the political arena and will serve as liaison to Capitol Hill for SUPA, working to ensure that SUPA’s voice is heard.
    They Came Out Swinging, But Unions Struck Out

    Stop Union Political Abuse – Staff – [Cached Version]
    Published on: 2/14/2008 Last Visited: 2/14/2008

    Pam Pryor Director of Congressional Relations

    Pam Pryor has more than 25years of experience in politics, public affairs and communication.In Washington, DC she has run the gamut of working for a public affairs company, owning her own business, consulting with a wide range of groups and finally landed on “The Hill” as a congressional staffer.She worked as U.S. Rep.

    Pam was responsible for Watts’ overall political life from his personal campaign to his PAC to his fundraising for the party and its committees.

    Pam attended Southern Nazarene University – has a B.A. and M.A. in communications and did post graduate work at the University of Oklahoma.She resides in Arlington, VA.


  114. Jackie says:

    @Pepper – #105 – you can bring your pups on Ak Airlines anyway. They have to have vet checks, it they are big they go in baggage, in big kennel that you supply of course. if their small they can go in the cabin in your footspace in a small kennel. We’ve traveled with 3 pets for the last 5 years. 2 at our feet, 1 underneath.

  115. Pepper1939 says:

    forgot to include the source…sorry

  116. zyggy says:

    at least the sarahpac spreadhseet looks real as opposed to that piece of poo that was submitted by someone from the State of Ak showing the “ethic complaint” costs.

  117. Pepper1939 says:

    Donation from:


  118. lilybart says:

    This might be her:

    Pam Pryor is an associate manager for the White House Writer’s Group – a full service communication firm in Washington, DC. She has more than 25years of experience in public affairs and communication. From hosting her own radio talk show to television producing and reporting and anchoring, Pam had a background in media before moving from Oklahoma. In Washington, DC she has run the gamut of working for a public affairs company, owning her own business, and landing on “The Hill” as a congressional staffer.

    She worked as U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts’ press secretary and was named deputy chief of staff in October, 1995. After that, she took over the Washington office as Watts’ chief of staff and served in a dual role overseeing his leadership post of the Republican Conference until his retirement in January 2003. In 2001, she was named to the 100 Most Powerful Women in Washington by WASHINGTONIAN Magazine. Pam was responsible for overseeing all communications from the GOP side of the U.S. House.

    After Watts’ retirement, she continued the work begun in their office on the faith-based initiative and served as Vice President of Government Relations for We Care America. At the same time, she joined the White House Writer’s Group where she consults with a wide range of clients from the Department of Labor to Convoy of Hope. In that capacity she has overseen communication work with ETA at Department of Labor. She is also on the board of the Reform Institute – a centrist think tank in Alexandria, VA. Pam speaks on storytelling and creative communications to all sectors of business and the faith community.

    Pam attended Southern Nazarene University – has a B.A. and M.A. in communications and did post graduate work at the University of Oklahoma. She resides in Arlington, VA.

    Lousy at communications though, since I see no evidence of any professionalism in her communications.

  119. MadCity Chick says:

    Politico has SarahPac Numbers up $733,000
    Here’s the Disclosure form from FEC.

  120. lilybart says:

    Canadian neighbor, that stat is what I have also researched. Of the people who get tested of course, only they would know. So it is not 95% of ALL, just the people who found out via amnio or CVS.

    Such a high percentage that I don’t think this talking point will get much traction since most All people who know, terminate. People who will never consider termination will suddenly become Palin fans and others like me, will never like her.

  121. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    “Hutchison announces gubernatorial bid, raises $6.7 million.” $700K is BEER money, at best.

  122. zyggy says:

    I found it too, but you have to really dig for grimeypants, adn seems to be trying to hide it.

  123. Rob in Ca says:

    Cynamen Winter:
    I think that is a just a cached copy of the page. You can no longer access it from the ADN website, however, suggesting that they probably took it down to mitigate potential damages.

  124. NY Dem says:

    Roughly a week after Palin’s Personal Personnel Board dismissed the Arctic Cat walking billboard – Palin filed with the APOC a written request for EXEMPTION of Financial Disclosure regarding Arctic Cat.


    Now THAT makes me say – WTF ?!?!?!?!?

  125. Maria says:

    I thought she was supposed to be so stressed out, losing weight and her hair…Obviously not stressed out enough.

  126. petepeta says:

    Here is a link to the FEC filing for SaraPAC. See the Sect Aand B itemized receipts and disbursements. Enjoy

  127. the problem child says:

    LiLadyNY, well technically, she is correct that the phrase does not appear there. But substantively and legally, she is of course dead wrong.

  128. NY Dem says:

    sfterrier Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 12:59 PM

    Who is Pamela Pryor and why did Sarapac pay her $6000 for “consulting” on 2/03, 2/26, 3/30, 4/20 and 5/28?


    Let’s me speculate here:

    Pamela Pryor

    Initials are P.P.

    Let’s see……..who else do we know that has the initials of P.P. ???

    (Insert Jeopardy music here)

    I know !!!!

    Piper Palin !!!!

  129. LiladyNY says:

    @tamara Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 1:11 PM


    I also found this on pamela pryor and the constitution re state and church.

    Pam Pryor, vice president of government relations for We Care America:
    « There’s absolutely no phrase in the Constitution that says “separation of church and state.” The bottom line is, our country was built on an incredible partnership of community or ….
    She and Sarah must have missed that day in Civics Class:

    The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion” or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to peaceably assemble, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

  130. sfterrier says:

    I think, if we want to understand where Sara gets her “ideas” (that is, the images in her very delusional mind) Pamela Pryor’s “consulting” is a good place to start. Maybe she is Palin’s “Karl Rove”

  131. Mr. MadAsHell says:

    So, she “changed priorities” when she dropped out of four colleges before earning a degree. She “changed priorities” when she quit the oil commission. She “changed priorities” when she quit governor.

    Sounds like a severe case of ADHD.


  132. CG says:

    Taking Robyn Roberts of Giddings, Texas to the open thread.

  133. sfterrier says:

    re Pamela Pryor
    thanks, tamara and problem child.

    Is there any background on this woman, for example, who she has worked for before, what kind of experience she brings to her job at Sarapac, what other kinds of projects she is working on at the same time?

    thanks again for your collective wisdom

  134. tamara says:


    I also found this on pamela pryor and the constitution re state and church.

    Pam Pryor, vice president of government relations for We Care America:
    « There’s absolutely no phrase in the Constitution that says “separation of church and state.” The bottom line is, our country was built on an incredible partnership of community or ….

  135. London Bridges says:

    When items disappear on the Internet, they may well be archived on the Wayback machine. Could be a lot of interesting Sarah pics & stuff there.

  136. Cynamen Winter says:

    Rob in Ca ~ Zyggy…

    I googled and came up with this link regarding ADN article, which now has grimey’s pix next to it:

  137. LiladyNY says:

    A statement was made that 95% of downs babies are aborted. I don’t recall whether they made the reference to differentiate between Democratic and Republican women as I was stunned at the statement and could not absorb further conversation.
    That statement is impossible to substantiate. Statistics of the reason for an abortion are not available due to HIPAA and the privacy of medical records. Also, your political affiliation is never part of your medical record.
    Those statements are pure bullsh*t!

  138. the problem child says:

    sorry, spokespoodle.

  139. the problem child says:

    @sfterrier, Pam Prior is the official PAC spokesnoodle.

  140. tamara says:


    I found this on pamela pryor. PR with connections in DC

  141. pvazwindy says:

    Hey Austintx–Contributor to Sarahpac. Robyn Roberts, Giddings, Tx. $5000–DBA as Pumpco Inc-Specialty-Pipeline construction. Hmmm.

  142. sfterrier says:

    Who is Pamela Pryor and why did Sarapac pay her $6000 for “consulting” on 2/03, 2/26, 3/30, 4/20 and 5/28?

  143. CG says:

    I forgot that she went to McGrath to inspect the Iron Dog check point and terrorize infants and scribble on them.
    And idolize smoke jumpers. Er, no, I mean they idolize her. I think. Anyway, somebody does, right?

    “Someone get a smokejumper in here to take this baby! My fans can’t hear me while it screams!”

  144. Me says:

    Grimes is still there:

  145. Wasilla Warrior says:

    The tar and feather picture and the story behind have got to make national news…get it on the Huffington…that made me smile, I’ll be whistling in the garden this afternoon for sure…

  146. CG says:

    102, I read through that link but found nothing planned for today in Valdez.
    If that’s what Reg Dev Org means.
    Prince William Sound Economic Development District. Its offices are in Spenard.

  147. tamara says:

    honestyingov :
    Did you pick up this part : hillarious, she is really sooooo stoooooopid, no metaphore talk with her

    Mr. Malek said he told Ms. Palin that “you have got to set up a mechanism so you can return calls.”
    “You are getting a bad rap,” he recalled saying. “Important people are trying to talk to you. And she said, ‘What number are they calling?’ She did not know what had been happening.”

    And a comment on the NYT article:
    In less than a year Sarah Palin has managed to make everything from that State look imbecile. I understand that even the Alaskan Salmon want to change their name (”just call me Canadian Fish”).

  148. Suchanut says:

    zyggy Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 12:41 PM

    adn completely removed Joann Grimeypants as a contributor, nothing can be found, it’s sort of like she was never there.
    zyggy – you are right! It’s all gone!

  149. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Wonder if she will cancel her Simi Valley appearance if they don’t provide her with a clothing allowance? I’m sure she has that “Requirements List” like that of Celebrities.

    In her resignation speech, she noted that she did not want to be a Lame Duck Governor continuing to collect a paycheck. What do you call the timeframe of November 5th, 2008 to July 3, 2009? A transparent, politically active on behalf of the Citizens of Alaska Governor — I don’t think so. IMO — she did exactly what she has accused others of even though her selection of individuals she name were wrong in that they resigned their office to accept a higher position in Public Office. She returned to Alaska from the National Stage and robbed the citizens of Alaska by continuing to collect her salary for a job she was not carrying out. The equivalent of a Lame Duck Governor.

    Zyggy mentioned this comment above: “Maybe she’s going on tour so there can be more “Trigs in the world”, she did say that after all. Not that I know what that means, but then again, neither does she.”

    I am wondering whether I heard possibly one of the new Palin talking points the other day listening to Eddie Burke’s show with Mansour (CPee’s) and the individual who operates the palin radio site.

    A statement was made that 95% of downs babies are aborted. I don’t recall whether they made the reference to differentiate between Democratic and Republican women as I was stunned at the statement and could not absorb further conversation.

    This would therefore allow her to drag Trigg around the country on his ‘Prop Tour” instead of getting the specialized attention at a critical time in a downs child’s life together with exposing him to infections, etc. as on the National campaign. She hasn’t as far as I am aware, advocated on behalf of special needs by way of funding in AK, she just pretends she has.

    In my search on this, I have found no documentation to differentiate between Dem or Rep. I haven’t yet found any reports that I would consider credible as to the percentage. Those I have found so far are written by Pro-Life people or associations. Have to say, I’m certainly not going to spend anymore time on research as it is a choice. You also have to add in the factor as it stands presently, that under your healthcare system, this would be considered a pre-existing condition and therefore many families in making their choice have that to weigh in on too as insurance premiums would rise, if in fact that could get coverage. The Right would not take that into consideration – the possibility that you could find yourself in bankruptcy due to medical costs.

    Down’s babies/children/adults are susceptible to infections up the ying yang. It is a common trait that they put their hands/fingers in their mouths a lot. Parents/caregivers are constantly reminding these kids/adults to wash their hands. Many parents feel like broken records having to remind them. These comments may sound trivial — but as said a few sentences ago, these kids/adults are constantly getting infections. In fact, my cousin and I in our own personal conversations, call them walking petri dishes. These kids/adults are very lovable, want to hug you and touch you constantly, people they know and strangers. That also allows for their contacting or passing on these infections.

    My cousin runs a Special Oympics Skating club for kids/adults, the majority of which are Downs. She has run this club almost 15 years now. Many times her daughter cannot come with her Mom to my house because of my mother. Her daughter doesn’t have Downs, but she too has a compromised immune system so two compromised immune systems don’t make a Right One!!

  150. I See Villages from my House says:

    Look at the photo in the article, this child is the only one with sense in the crowd.

    My issue with Sarah Palin? She should have blinked.

  151. Enjay in E. MT says:

    Seems XGino has found a way to see the country on someone else’s dime again. Hmmm – does she ever pay for anything?

  152. Pepper1939 says:

    Friendly mudpups… tomorrow I will be flying into Anchorage from AZ. Husband is already there with camp trailer, etc. Looking forward to my trip (first to AK), but he worked there for 20+ years. Know we have Valdez scheduled. He says it’s a must because of the halibut. Then heading back to AZ..and will be driving..over 4K miles… Tired arse!!! I just feel bad about leaving my 2 pups in care of others. The trip would be perfect if I could bring them to your state, too. Oops, too, also.

  153. hawk says:

    102 BooBooBear Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 12:41 PM
    So Palin has a lame excuse about not showing up in Valdez? What…did she had an advance team report that people with signs were there? Fear of another Tar-And-Feather photo Op? Ooooooh……she would not want to risk THAT! Pathetic…even in her last two weeks she shirks her duties. I am counting the days until she is out of Alaska politics, Watch out lower 48—don’t let her work her charm on you


    Actually there were no signs there, very few people knew about this.. I had on my shirt that blasted her but I was the only one with anything like that.. There was only about 25 people there and most of them I had never seen before.. Oil execs and people from the RCAC I would imagine

  154. zyggy says:

    adn completely removed Joann Grimeypants as a contributor, nothing can be found, it’s sort of like she was never there.

  155. Pepper1939 says:

    CG check out

    I think this is the answer to her Reg Dev Org

  156. BooBooBear says:

    So Palin has a lame excuse about not showing up in Valdez? What…did she had an advance team report that people with signs were there? Fear of another Tar-And-Feather photo Op? Ooooooh……she would not want to risk THAT! Pathetic…even in her last two weeks she shirks her duties. I am counting the days until she is out of Alaska politics, Watch out lower 48—don’t let her work her charm on you!

  157. honestyinGov says:

    The Huffpo (NYT..?) story talks about how Malek tried to send some people and advice to AK just so they could get phone calls returned.
    And ‘ $ & M ‘ make mistakes… BUT they never learn from them.

    C. Diva and the photo shopping went viral After Meg made it so.

    Van Flea put Shannyn on all those talks shows… because of his Press statement.

    Chapter #3
    And now the CA speech next month. They say it will be secret..? That’s just like saying EVERYBODY come here to expose/find the story. All the amateurs sleuths will try to get in to try to sell the story for money ( ala paid paparazzi types ) and then all the Nat’l organization will attempt to infiltrate to get the word out… because THEY say it is secret.

    ‘S & M’ are the Keystone Cops of Politcal Comedy.
    The difference being that THIS is not a ‘silent Movie’… because these two NEVER shut up.

  158. AKaurora says:

    Hawk, the tar and feather greeting at the civic center is great! I hope everyone browses through the rest of your pics as well. The sea otters are delightful, and the magnificent election night sunset was truly prophetic. Thanks!

  159. CG says:

    EOY – she didn’t go to Valdez at all?


    “…250 Ft Wainwright soldiers arrive after Iraq deployment. Thank God, & thank them for service.”

    Dear Wainwright soldiers,
    We are appreciative of your commitment to military service and recognize the hardship to you and your loved ones by serving in Iraq. We all celebrate your safe return.
    I hope for all success for you in whatever comes your way next.

    If any of you had difficulty with transport back to Wainwright from deployment and had to pay for your own airline ticket, please post on this forum and I will personally write a check to cover your ticket.
    I will follow up with our congressional delegation and the adjutant general to encourage resolvement.

  160. EyeOnYou says:

    gotta run, be back later….

  161. EyeOnYou says:


    I’d be willing to say you have a pretty good guess going on with that situation!

  162. tamara says:

    Rob’s Rumor has two legs to stand on. Could very well be !

  163. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Lynn Rockets – I laugh so hard when I read that.


  164. Pepper1939 says:

    CG What’sReg Dev Org

    My guess is:

    Regional Development Organization. No idea if that is a true and exact name, but her “wisdom” showing. hahahah

  165. nswfm CA says:

    Questions for protesters
    To all those “red-blooded Americans” who clogged our steet corners with your signs and banners July 4, let me ask you something. First, how can you claim you have no representation? Election after election, you return Rep. Elton Gallegely to office, the political hack who voted with the Bush administration roughly 100 percent of the time — the same administration that put the country in its current fiscal shape. So, how can you complain? You’ve gotten just the representation you’ve voted for — for too many years. Next, why are your signs always about President Barack Obama, never about California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger? It was your insane recall election that ran then-Gov. Gray Davis out of town, to make way for your superhero governor. So, let me ask you, as Dr. Phil might, “How did that work out for you and us?” Now, do you understand that old saying: “Watch what you wish for, you just might get it?” Finally, regarding your burdensome taxation: How’s this for a concept? “If you don’t like it, leave.” I know you’re familiar with the concept since you preach it almost daily to your detested immigrants. Now, I have to ask: How does that sound and feel?
    — Bob Jackson, Simi Valley

    A few suggestions
    I have a few suggestions for what the tea-partiers can do with all that extra money they are saving by not paying their taxes — support a homeless, disabled veteran for life, including medical care, food and living quarters. Then, instead of buying that new SUV, buy your local school district a new school bus to replace one of the relics that our children are being transported in on really dangerous and bumpy roads that are in need of repair. Oh, and be ready to volunteer at the schools, they have no librarians, music or art. Not to mention the lack of supplies. And, be ready for the next wildfire, as you will be the volunteer that puts it out. You better hope that you don’t have an emergency, as you will have a very long wait for help to come, with no police or paramedics available. While I don’t love paying taxes either, I know that I am supporting the best country in the world. When the Boston Tea Party occurred, the patriots were protesting their tax money being sent to King George to support a foreign country (England), and not being used to enrich our beautiful country. So, the way I look at it you can do one of two things, either suck it up and pay or put your money where your mouth is. — Kathleen Cappella, Simi Valley

    The above letters to the Editor of the Ventura County Star re the teabaggers.

    Not all in Simi Valley are nuts, but the nuts who invited her weren’t these two, I’m pretty sure.

  166. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Tarred & feathered! Thanks Hawk!

    So $arah twittered that she’d be in Valdez, but failed to show. Probably home watching Levi on the Today Show – you know, just in case……

  167. Rob in Ca says:

    CG : re: John Coale and the legal bills paid…

    I am the one who got an answer back from Margaret Carlson. She was very clear that their conversation was only about the legal defense fund, and SarahPac never even came up at all.

    Interesting, isn’t it?

    Here is one possibility (this rumor is created out of whole cloth, on the spot, by me!):

    Suppose the Alaska Fund Trust paid the legal bills (remember, they are not necessarily 500,000 – the amount is confidential). Suppose Sarah was then told that it was illegal to use those funds for her legal bills because of the ethics complaint, that the Trust was not supposed to have been tapped until that complaint was cleared up, and that the payment was being returned to the Trust….potentially leaving Sarah fully liable for the bills!

    Then, imagine the next day Sarah calls a hasty press conference and quits, figuring the ethics complaint will be thrown out when she leaves office, and there is no agency regulating the expenditures from the Trust.

    Ok, everyone…what do you think of Rob’s Rumor??

  168. lynnrockets says:


  169. EyeOnYou says:

    Rob 🙂

    From this link which is the basic overview, you will find links on the top left of the page to the income and payout information.

  170. tamara says:

    Thanks Hawk

    My day is somewhat brighter!

  171. rylly says:

    Hmmm, I read that PACs can ONLY be for campaigning for public office. Unless she announces she is a candidate, how can she have a PAC?
    Interesting, she gave McCain $5,000 and then McCain spoke well of her this last week end…surprise surprise.
    With this PAC and her “defense fund” it looks like Sarah will only have more “ethics violations” following her wherever she goes. The word “ethics” seems to have eluded her studies.
    You have to laugh when one pundit suggested she take 2 years to “study up” on govt and intl affairs BEFORE she decides what path to take. Fat chance on the study bit, she’s barging through doors right and left hoping to find the prize that is “Sarah as President” and only finding another dark cave.

  172. Rob in Ca says:

    Eye On You:
    Can you give us the links for FEC report from SarahPac? I looked but can’t find it. Curious if Campaign Solutions is also paid for their fundraising.

  173. hawk says:


    I’m not sure what Reg Dev Org is but I will find out.. She was supposed to sign a bill that will require the tankers that come to our port not only to be double hulled but continue with the two tug escorts we currently provide now. The oil companies tried to argue that since their tankers are all now double hulled there was no longer any need for escort tugs.. Double hulls don’t stop drunken Captains though, the tugs could have and would have

  174. EyeOnYou says:

    So the tweet presumably says that she was going to Valdez, how much do you want to bet that she never tweets that she didn’t make it? I swear she makes half of this stuff up just to make it look like she is really doing something, when no doubt she is more than likely shredding everything she can get her hands on.

    An not to be too cynical about this, but who thinks that since all her loyal followers are still going to be keeping their jobs in the new administration that things won’t really change too much, and they will all continue to cover for anything that comes out that she might have done.

  175. Rob in Ca says:

    Zyggy….how about that! ADN took it down….that is a sign that they actually took JHop’s letter seriously. Guess Grimes-Pantages is no longer chuckling about this situation.

  176. CG says:

    …finishing #77, John Coale.
    It was reported several times in different ways. Someone along the way emailed a journalist/anchor that was responsible for reporting it, who confirmed that he DID say that.
    So, if not SarahPac, then who?

  177. hawk says:

    66 tamara Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 11:54 AM
    Hawk # 61

    Any way you could post a link to these pictures ?

    Would put a little sunshine in my head


    A shot of her tar and feather greeting at the civic center

  178. Pepper1939 says:

    Here’s one Arizonan that will definitely vote NO on McCain. Hope we are rid of him. Here in AZ, he is so entrenched I don’t know if we will ever be rid of him. Plus, he does have the bucks to make his campaigning a walk. For him to say Palin did not quit..when she said she quit..go figure. That is STUPID.

  179. tamara says:

    68 EyeOnYou Says:
    and Austintx

    Travel, Storage, $4,000.00 on 5/22/09
    Huh ?? Storage��.THATS where the RNC clothes are.


    That’s Stapleblah’s new second hand store

  180. EyeOnYou says:

    CN ~ you are correct, I should add that I was only SPECULATING on my post beneath yours!! :/

  181. CG says:

    #48 hawk, “…last time she arrived here she was greeted by a tar machine with bags of feathers all over it at the civic center and when she got up to speak, everyone turned their chairs around and faced the back of the room..”

    Swweeet – You guys rock!
    Maybe it’s you guys’ fault that she quit? How come we don’t hear about this stuff?

    Can you translate this? What’sReg Dev Org?
    “Also in Valdez (No.America’s northernmost ice free port) sign law to require Comm Fish Info Commission to share data w/Reg Dev Org @ no cost”
    about 15 hours ago from TwitterBerry

    “…in Valdez for Oil Tanker Escort issue;support double-hulled vessels for safer transport of millions gallons of crude”

    Tankers _are_ double-hulled. Does she mean two tugs? Our congressional delegation has been working on that for awhile, reported by ADN in May. Old news. Sarah did nothing.
    “Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., the oil company-owned business that runs the Valdez tanker port, now provides two-tug escorts as part of its plan for preventing oil spills. But that plan expires in 2012 and watchdog groups fear the oil industry might try to lower the requirement to one tug to save money.
    Alaska Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich this week introduced legislation that would require the loaded double-hull tankers to be escorted, making the current practice federal law.
    The dual escort coverage of tankers operating in Prince William Sound has helped ensure we have the best oil transportation system in the world,” said Begich, D-Alaska. “The tractor tugs have proved their usefulness several times when tankers needed assistance.”
    Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, is working on a House version of the proposal, the delegation said. ”

    Stupid question of the day – John Coale is quoted in major media as saying that “they” paid her legal defense bills.

  182. trisha says:

    “I think she changed her priorities.”

    Let me translate: She quit.

    When you are elected by the people and “change your priorties”……you are quitting.

  183. sue says:

    Very well stated.

    Maybe the next guv will be bright, intelligent, articulate, well-spoken AND have a brain.

  184. mae lewis says:

    @Janmarie #55: Mail dating back to 2008 that remains unopened– I wonder if there are some checks in there. My bank has a problem honoring personal checks written more than 6 months ago (they “expire.”) Bank checks, cashiers checks, money orders may have a longer shelf life.

    Offers poured in from around the world, so many that $arah couldn’t open all of the boxes of mail. It was noted that she had offers to appear on Oprah, Letterman (before the joke), as well as international offers. Did she think it was Sarkozy calling to punk her again? Who wouldn’t take the opportunity to be on Oprah’s show? Will she have the nerve to try to sell her new book from Oprah’s couch, or will she be doing all of her peddling from Fox?

  185. EyeOnYou says:

    zyggy Says
    Wassup? Joann Grimeypants is missing from the ADN AK voices line up, wassup with that

    I’m guessing that the ADN had their legal dept check and found out that they were not in a good spot after printing that vile filled rant.

  186. Canadian Neighbour says:

    zyggy & Mudpups,

    I’m stepping out on a limb here and some I’m sure won’t agree but, I would suggest that we not have any conversations as to the subject that you mentioned in comment #70 until JHop has completed the issue.

  187. hawk says:

    66 tamara Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 11:54 AM
    Hawk # 61

    Any way you could post a link to these pictures ?

    Would put a little sunshine in my head

    Here’s the tar and feather shots

  188. austintx says:

    68 EyeOnYou Says:

    Travel, Storage, $4,000.00 on 5/22/09
    Huh ?? Storage…….THATS where the RNC clothes are.

  189. zyggy says:

    Wassup? Joann Grimeypants is missing from the ADN AK voices line up, wassup with that?

    Weird, can anyone find her libelous op-ed anywhere?

  190. Lilybart says:

    I really don’t think McCain picked her. He wanted Lieberman but the Rove machine wouldn’t let him have lieberman. I know it sounds weird. someone who wants to be the leader of the free world, can’t choose his own VP, but it seems it gave all decisions over to them to win.

    After not getting his guy, I believe he was TOLD that Palin would be the pick and he said, Whatever, bascially.

    Not that he isn’t to blame for this monster in the end.
    He supports her now so he doesn’t look like an idiot.

  191. EyeOnYou says:

    I’ve got the links for all of the FEC stuff from SarahPAC

    Who donated and how much, what was paid out and to whom.

    Megomouth gets about $4000.00 monthly, but mostly it is listed as “consulting” and my favorite that is listed to her is:
    Travel, Storage, $4,000.00 on 5/22/09

  192. Irishgirl says:

    My thoughts very simply.
    1. She is stupid and ignorant

    This is what initially frightened me about her. VP……America you can’t be serious!!

    I actually gave up on the other ponts. We all know the story and I don’t want to bore people to death.

    But what I find sickening about her now, is her need for money. She obviously didn’t have the wherewithall to govern Alaska and she has *abdicated*.

    Sarah…go home and try to raise your family. Haven’t you done enough damage?

  193. tamara says:

    Hawk # 61

    Any way you could post a link to these pictures ?

    Would put a little sunshine in my head

  194. Walt Stone says:

    Once I absorbed the initial shock of McCain choosing Palin as his running mate, I came to a conclusion that McCain did this on purpose; so as to ruin the Republican Party. His shafting by the Republicans some years back (leading to some to speculate McCain might actually switch parties) I thought made him vindictive, and he knew making Palin a household name would polarize an already weak Republican Party. McCain’s comments as noted over the weekend have led me to conclude I was wrong, that McCain was truly and utterly clueless as to what Palin would end up doing to the Republican Party.

    Nonetheless, I thank McCain for his service to the Democratic Party for seemingly assuring that Palin would be the distraction that keeps any Republican from being taken seriously for office — at least for the near term. In the long run, Palin will eventually benefit the Republican Party as well, because of the eventual purging that will go on with the inevitable Inquisition that must follow what havoc Palin will probably end up causing as she collects… er, uh, _campaigns_ down in the lower 48 in a few weeks.

  195. hawk says:

    59 Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 11:42 AM
    Hawk – do you know why $arah canceled the bill signing?

    “Officially” they said it was because her flight couldn’t make it in.. But the ERA flight landed just fine a half hour before she was due to arrive and the weather had improved since then.. So that was just a lame excuse

  196. justafarmer says:

    maybe $arah had another hair emergency today.

  197. austintx says:

    hawk –
    Thanks for going. Any word on why the quitter did not show ??

    Prolly got a case of Levi-itis…………

  198. hawk says:

    51 the problem child Says:
    July 13th, 2009 at 11:35 AM
    Wow hawk, you know all know how to make a girl feel welcome!

    She’s not well liked down here after the whole AGIA fiasco.. She campaigned a lot here and promised to bring the “All Alaska Gasline” to Valdez since the Port Authority already had all the permits AND the infrastructure set up.. Then she snubbed us, so the community snubbed her.. I have pics of the “tar and feather” set up.. I thought it was quite appropriate and comical

  199. KateinCanada says:

    So does Sarah have to be actually campaigning at least for dog catcher, or for someone else who wants to be dog catcher, in order to use Pac funds? Or donate it to others?
    Does this mean she could use it to travel to the Republican Women, but not for a non-partisan group like pro-life or a church? Can she use it to buy clothes?

    sjk- if this amount is low, what is normal for a high-profile pac?

  200. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Hawk – do you know why $arah canceled the bill signing?

  201. Terpsichore says:

    Question: Has Sarah Palin ever in her life held the kind of job where she has had a ‘boss’, and has had to do what the ‘boss’ tells her to do, or ultimately end up fired?

    If not, how can she possibly say she ‘relates’ to us ‘real Americans’? ’cause that’s what real American working people have to do!

  202. Janmarie says:

    Palin PAC raises $730K in six months
    Posted: 03:25 PM ET

    From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

    Sarah Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, has raised close to $730,000 since the beginning of 2009.
    (CNN) – Just over a week after announcing her intention to resign as governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin’s political action committee reports raising close to $730,000 in the first six months of the year.

    According to a report filed with the Federal Elections Commission Monday, SarahPAC raked in $732,867 from the beginning of the year through June 30. The former GOP vice presidential candidate’s PAC further reported more than $450,000 cash on hand with no debts owed.

    The FEC report shows the majority of contributions, $420,000, has come from donations of under $200. By law, the PAC does not have to identify those contributors. More than 700 individuals meanwhile gave over $200 to the committee.

    But Palin, who has pledged to spend her days out of the governor’s office supporting conservative candidates, has yet to dig deep into the coffers for many candidates.

    According to the report, the PAC has only made two political contributions this year: $5,000 to John McCain’s Senate reelection bid and $5,000 to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s effort.

    Palin’s largest expenditure, just over $100,000, was to Virginia fundraising firm

  203. LiladyNY says:

    LiladyNY Says:
    I posted this on the Open Thread earlier:

    July 13th, 2009 at 10:02 AM

    Two thoughts:

    1. The current Sarah Palin Tours Alaska trip is, I think, because she’s afraid if she stays in one place too long, Alaskans will catch up to her, tar and feather her and ride her out of the state on a rail.

    2. She will end up being the poster child for the Tea Bag Party. I don’t expect they will pay her very much because we all know how they feel about paying for anything!

  204. Janmarie says:

    From a comment on Shannyn’s site:
    I wonder what’s really “hanging over GINO’s head? AKM – what’s up with this request from APOC… I think it was based on Andree McLeod’s charge?

    “Here goes: On June 17, ADN reported that
    1) In April 29 letter – APOC asked the governor if she has any other gifts she hasn’t reported.
    2) Palin response to APOC: “Mail continues to arrive. There are boxes of unopened mail at this point, even mail that was delivered in 2008. Thus, as initially disclosed, ‘we continue to open boxes’ and we consider any parcel ‘received’ at the time it is opened. I have reported those gifts received thus far that are required to be disclosed,”
    —i.) Does this mean Palin will WAIT to open the gifts to avoid disclosure?
    —ii.) It would seem to ME Palin has it wrong – the gifts ‘received’ date should be the post mark of the gift.
    —iii.) The IRS, banks, etc ALL USE the “POST MARK” as the date received – NOT the date “opened.”

    Next question:
    Roughly a week after Palin’s Personal Personnel Board dismissed the Arctic Cat walking billboard – Palin filed with the APOC a written request for EXEMPTION of Financial Disclosure regarding Arctic Cat.
    —i) What ever happened with that request?
    —ii) IF: APOC decides Palin must follow the AS 39.50 law, THEN: Will she be able to skip out on that disclosure after her “iQuit” date?
    —iii) Wouldn’t it be interesting if IN the secret Arctic Cat contract was a line suggesting the Gov wear the Arctic Cat logo.

    This is important because:
    a) Palin’s Personal Personnel Board SHOULD have investigated the Arctic Cat contract that Palin wants to keep secret and,
    b) AS 39.50 requires, by law, that Palin DISCLOSE ALL GIFTS/DISCOUNTS for her family.”

  205. Paula says:

    PAC article: I don’t think a $10K donation buys a whole lot of political favors on the national stage. $10K in politics is like a free coffee to the rest of us (or maybe just the creamer). And frankly, for someone with said “national” ambition, what they have raised is chump change. A real $$$ downer when your main supporters work for min wage at gas stations.

    Levi- Can one of you in Alaska find a #, website or email for this Rex dude> Maybe we need to assure him we’re backing Levi and cannot WAIT for the book… good selling point for Levi, too, as a $$$ thing.

  206. CrabbyPatty says:

    Re: comment #43. Interesting thought. However, after spending the last 10 days showing how little she cares about Alaska and talking about how she’s done all she can do in Alaska – what on earth would she campaign on?

  207. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    “Oh, I don’t think she quit,” said Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008 who plucked Palin out of near-obscurity and made her a household name.
    I’m just stunned that he could say this with a straight face. Doesn’t he realize that lying with impunity just isn’t possible these days? I hope AZ forcibly ‘quits’ him in 2011.

  208. the problem child says:

    Wow hawk, you know all know how to make a girl feel welcome! 😉

  209. daisydem says:

    As I was cleaning my house yesterday, I reflected on the recent comments by SP that she would speak on behalf of candidates who share her beliefs regardless of party, and that her own son is not a Republican anyway, etc. and the thought came to me that it sounds almost desperate. “Surely someone out there wants me?” That she is trying to make herself attractive as a speaker to some candidate, any candidate? Did anyone else see it in this light? To say, “my own son is not a Republican,” to me (as a Democrat) implies that he might even be a Democrat (of course she says he is registered as an Independent (snark: guess he too checked the wrong box?)) But as Owhole1 says, it sounds as though she is begging.

  210. CrabbyPatty says:

    I just read that Romney had raised $1.4M in the first half of the year. Don’t think that $700,000 is going to last too long if Palin is planning to buy some good campaignin’ clothes and bring the family along to her speeches.

  211. hawk says:

    She cancelled her bill signing/speech in Valdez today.. I was out there in my “Bailin’ Palin.. When there’s a job to do she won’t quit until she’s halfway thru” shirt on but she was a no show.. Perhaps she remembered the last time she arrived here she was greeted by a tar machine with bags of feathers all over it at the civic center and when she got up to speak, everyone turned their chairs around and faced the back of the room..

    Rep. John Harris who I have known for years, was at the event and I personally asked him about the “special session”.. He inexplicably said he didn’t think there was going to be one?

  212. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    she is nothing but toast. shes not gonna get $8 mil for her word salad. she cant even raise beer money for the boys.

  213. AKPetMom says:

    Lilybart #43:

    I think that the Senate has place Lisa in a very powerful position with committee appts etc, to insure that Palin would never have a chance of winning that seat. Lisa is nearly as powerful as Uncle Ted was and in the not too distant future she will be as powerful.

    Lisa has worked extra hard to make certain she is doing her job, mostly because of the nepotism bashing she received when her father appointed her to her seat. I don’t agree with all of her politics but she has shown herself to be a hardworker for the state of AK and her country and I don’t think that even the crazier contingent of Alaskan Sarah Supporters has enough clout to get Sarah in her seat. Especially now that Sarah is a quitter!

    When the going got tough and Lisa M was picked on because Daddy gave her his job, she stepped up to the plate and never whined and showed us all what moxie she has. The moxie that Sarah doesn’t have.

  214. 0whole1 says:

    > zyggy Says:
    > Republicans will start to say, “Thanks but no thanks” to her soon enough.

    That will start the minute she tries splitting the GOP with a 3rd party.

  215. 0whole1 says:

    Oh, there’s some kinda crack alright — just don’t know if it’s related to doors in any way.

    That “talk in support of Democrats” thing is one of the stupider things I’ve heard. What that sounds like is “will pander for food”.

  216. Lilybart says:

    If nothing big happens for her i wouldn’t put it past her to try for Lisa’s seat in the Senate.

  217. trisha says:

    AKM, this line said it all about Palin.

    Pragmatically, Sarah Palin would be better off if she wasn’t bound by an ethical code.

  218. ROgue says:

    Well, BigPete, you could actually understand Paris Hilton in her fake ads for president last year. So she’s already one step ahead of Palin.

  219. tamara says:

    The problem child : thanks for the link

    « According to its FEC records, SarahPAC’s biggest expenditure during the reporting period was the more than $103,000 it spent on, a Virginia-based firm that specializes in online fundraising. «

    Using the PAC funds to organize her own fund-raising ? Wonder if this « donnation » was made after Becky Donatelli wanted out.

  220. chuck tatum says:

    well I guess this makes it pretty clear she’s not going to change her mind about resigning. No way she can take the appearance fee she’s certain to get from these folks if she’s still governor.

    Then again, this is Sarah we’re talking about here. I wouldn’t rule out anything with her.

  221. AKPetMom says:

    She most likely wants to stump for other candidates so she can re-route the donation dollars from their supporters to her own coffers. Just sayin’.

  222. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Diane – I believe the Pac is intended for political purposes only – no personal legal fees. It’s regulated by the Federal Elections Commission. She can use it to campaign & to donate to other candidates.

  223. honestyinGov says:

    Since we now have an ‘ estimate ‘ of what the Special Leg. Session would cost..that $arah created…I sure wish the GOP Majority Leader of the AK Legislature would ask Staplemouth if the PAC would be willing to pay for it.

    It’s only fair… Right. How about it AK Newspapers… ASK the question.

    Because according to $arahs own words… She is doing what is best for ALASKA….(B.S. meter went off just typing that )

  224. Miss Demeanor says:

    “Plans to resign has been in the work for MONTHS”?!?
    So why did Palin leave us with a pending Constitutional crisis?
    Oh, yeah, the only Constitution Palin knows is the “Right to bear arms”.
    Shannyn has a great piece up on this very issue.
    The lower 48 and the media needs to pick up this story.
    Alaskans should be very very discouraged with Palin’s “leadership”
    It is becoming very clear it’s all about the money, and the celebrity.
    But hey, we Alaskans created the monster called Palin.

  225. mlaiuppa says:

    Well, Palin did actually say one true thing, even if she didn’t intend to.

    Her leaving office *IS* good for Alaska.

  226. Diane says:

    If she has all that money in her PAC, why does she still have legal bills?
    Didn’t people donate that money so her expenses could have been paid while she traveled outside the state while gov.
    Are those people happy that she upped and QUIT(don’t care how Johnny Mac spins it, she quit) and now can do whatever she wants with their money???

  227. phoebe says:

    I sure wish Levi would get to work on that book of his & put an end to her nonsense.

  228. lonnie says:

    Sarah Palin doesn’t love Alaska, she loves herself first and foremost. You Alaskans know her best.

  229. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    $700K on the national level isnt even beer money….

  230. Village Reader says:

    I want her gone. She is all about the money, fame and people bowing down to her.

    ‘She’ll happily campaign for Democrats who “share her values.”

    Sounds like she’s trying to recreate the beg. of her Governorship when both sides worked together. The difference now is people know her lies.

    I’ve said it before, AKM needs to write a book detailing Palin and her political life. From Troopergate, witness tampering, ethics, dairygate, and my favorite, the inability to describe WHAT THE VP job responsibilities are. Five different times. AKM needs to back it up with enough facts even the blind right wing nuts would finally open their eyes. Writing to a child would help also.

  231. Can´t wait to see what Lynnrockets makes of that…

    Hit the road GINO and don´t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more

  232. Super Bee says:

    @ the problem child –

    As they say, a fool and his money shall soon part.

  233. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    $700K for sarahpac=EPIC FAIL….no one will want to be anywhere near her.

  234. Team Alaska says:

    I think Gino is looking for a running mate. SHe wants to connect with the young religious right wingers, the anti- governmenter’s, non-voters, and pro-life voters. My guess is she will change parties and become a independent. She wants all bible babies and there parents to vote for here or at least come and see her traveling fashion and political fiction shows.

  235. phoebe says:

    Yikes, I live in Calif. I guess the best way for those of us in the lower 48 to avoid her would be to move to Alaska….she’s never there. John McCain & Sarah Palin are two peas in a pod.

  236. BigPete says:

    Paris Hilton surely has enough brains to give a typical Palin speech, but she wouldn’t be much of ‘a draw’ for the Simi Valley Republicans because politically, she is a nobody.

    As people get used to the fact that Sarah “I could have been somebody, I could have been a contender” Palin is nothing more than a shrill moronic gas bag, her appeal will diminish. Pity the publishers who are stuck with her book.

  237. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Now that $arah is getting paid for her appearances, I wonder if the contract has a clause for cancellation??????? Insurance anyone?

  238. Lee says:

    Many Alaskans would argue that she didn’t change her priorities. Alaska hasn’t been on her mind for some time now. She just decided to act on what her priorities have always been; the most current and brightest “crack in the door.”

    This is just it. She chases the rainbow, but when she gets to the end she has no idea what to do. Even if you get the pot of gold, you still have to work, and be on your toes or you will loose it.

  239. the problem child says:

    FEC filings are in for SarahPac! Politico story

    Sarah Palin’s political action committee raised nearly $733,000 in the first six months of 2009 and has more than $450,000 in cash on hand, according to new filings with the Federal Election Commission.

  240. zyggy says:

    Republicans will start to say, “Thanks but no thanks” to her soon enough.

  241. michigander says:

    If she stayed on as Gov for 2 weeks past 7/26 for leg special session as Weilechowski said she should she would have to cancel, wouldn’t she? So how’s she gonna spin this one?

    I wonder how many en’gag’ments she has set up, you know she won’t put what is best for Alaska over what she wants…hmmm.

  242. Lilybart says:

    Sarah has quit as a mother and grandmother as well.

    good snark!

  243. Martha says:

    “Oh, I don’t think she quit,” said Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008 who plucked Palin out of near-obscurity and made her a household name. “I think she changed her priorities.”


    You don;t think the world is round, the sky is blue, or water is wet either, do you Johnny?

  244. NMJ says:

    Anybody who hires her for a speaking engagement will definitely need this:

    New iPhone App Translates Palin Speech into English

  245. LibertyLover says:

    Nicely said, as always, AKM!

  246. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Blooper: I think McCain would have happily said ‘Later!’ to SP, had she decided to quit her VPOTUS-ship. Then he’d have been able to appoint the guy he REALLY wanted on his ticket.


  247. Lainey says:

    Bystander, I mistakenly thought for one fleeting second that palin was speaking from the heart…that it finally dawned on her…that she had a revelation…finally using the teachings of the Bible she’s been thumping…using what’s best for AK as an excuse to quit, save face, and get back to her family, but she has no heart… she certainly meant that she ‘needs’ the sympathy that Trig will produce while she gathers up peoples money and ‘support?’. …stealing in the most under-handed, pathetic way…a snake oil salesman at best. I can’t begin to express in words what I think about her and all that she’s done and is going to do. It’s frightening that she’s been allowed to fester this long.

  248. Alexandra says:

    Considering the time she refuses to spend with her children, Sarah Palin doesn’t deserve to call herself a mother…or at least not in the non-street-talk sense.

  249. Blooper says:

    McCain said: “I think she changed her priorities.”

    I wonder if McCain would have been so forgiving in his assessment had Palin somehow become VPOTUS and also decided to ‘change her priorities’ mid-shift.

    Not a surprising statement from the one who unleashed the Palin beast upon us.

  250. InJuneau says:

    Oh yeah, like we didn’t all see this coming… And I, also too, seriously can’t imagine a D anywhere wanting her to campaign on his/her behalf!

  251. Rationalist says:

    Then again, she may cancel!

  252. Rationalist says:

    Oh, brother. Am on a train through simi valley right now. Really not looking forward to the media hoopla that will accompany her visit.

  253. Bystander says:

    New reality show: ” Levi and Sarah plus 6 ? “

  254. Bystander says:

    Lainey, Trig will be trotted out and used as a prop whenever it might benefit Sarah, so when Sarah needs him, we’ll see him. As for Trig needing Sarah-forget that boring therapy and frustrations of raising a special needs child, that is what Piper is for. Sarah has quit as a mother and grandmother as well.

  255. zyggy says:

    Trig needs her money, and so does she, she’ll figure out how to justify all of it. But when the invites stop, she’ll be kinda down. I suspect this will happen in a month or so.

    Maybe she’s going on tour so there can be more “Trigs in the world”, she did say that afterall. Not that I know what that means, but then again, neither does she.

  256. Lainey says:

    so much for family values and motherhood…”Trig needs me and I need him”…my ass!!!!!

  257. By “he” I mean McCain. Sorry about thatincomplete comment. Sometimes this thread feels just like a conversation, so I assume you know who I am talking about and I think we all know about assume.

  258. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    May she plow on through…

  259. He´s not making a compliment in any case….. I think he can snark without anybody noticing very well. He gets a lot of practice in the GOP.

  260. austintx says:

    AKM – Not sure if you read all the posts , but some ‘pups are gonna see how close they can get. Here’s hoping they are successful……

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] I read somewhere that she may have raised more money for Barack Obama than she did for McCain last fall. That resonated with me, since I did give a few bucks to the Democrats for the first time in my life after hearing her talk at the Republican convention. If anyone had asked me about Sarah Palin a year ago, I’d have said that she’s our governor; so what? She was unremarkable. After her performance last fall, though, I felt the best thing we could do was to keep her tucked out of sight here in Alaska, but that is not going to happen, apparently. […]