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Friday, January 28, 2022

And the Twit Goes On.


Cartoon by Tom Tomorrow

7 days and counting.  One week from today, Sarah Palin will join the ranks of national political celebrities and finally leave our poor little state alone.  Then, she’ll be everyone’s problem – bursting through cracked doors with abandon, electrifying the base, talking to Fox News at will, raking in gobs of money, and … opening a new Twitter account.

That’s right, soon-to-be-ex-governor Sarah Palin herself has told us, through her communications medium of choice, Twitter, that she can’t wait until July 26 when she steps down from her position as governor, so she can stop being so darn “politically correct” when she tweets.

Sarah PalinAKGovSarahPalin [snip]10 dys til less politically correct twitters fly frm my fingertps outside State site from TwitterBerry



OK, that last image was not actually part of her tweet.  It’s just what came to my mind when she used the “flying from her fingertips” analogy.

But, she did stand in front of a crowd and say “screw political correctness” just a few short weeks ago.  So now we have confirmation that the measured, sensible, oh-so-buttoned-down Sarah Palin that you’re used to … the one who is all soft-spoken and professional…will be outta here one week from today.  Without the shackles of the state, we will witness the beginning of a new era – “Sarah Unfiltered,” where the only one reining her in will be the filterless SarahPAC mouthpiece Meg Stapleton.  And even she can’t get between her boss and the Blackberry at 2am.

There is not enough popcorn in the world.

The second-tier support staff also seems to be gearing up lately, with mouthpiece in training Ivy Frye having already cast aside the filters, tweeting with abandon about “haters” who are following her tweets, and “bad” bloggers.  Yes, I am one.  (I place my hand on my heart and take a humble bow)



184 Responses to “And the Twit Goes On.”
  1. Janet Alexander says:

    Am I the only one who thinks Sarah Palin has had a emotional and/or mental breakdown? Her behavior is becoming more and more erratic and unstable. I heartily dislike her politics and her ethics but she appears to be in need of serious psychiatric help, now!

  2. wild tortuga says:

    Karin in CT-#180; out of the corner of my eye, thought that was a reference to colonic problems/Gov. –ittypants! Must be all the news about the astronauts plumbing problems…..

  3. G Katz says:

    I wonder if she will lambast McCain with her tweets even though he finally came out with his strongest statement yet of continued support for his babalicious mavericky choice of a VP loser.

  4. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Whoops – wrong post for #183…

  5. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Well, maybe this will help y’all here – it’s a smiley group hug.

    After all, if AK does go bluer (at least more purply), it’s good….

    Once SP is gone, it’s better….

    If Parnell doesn’t turn into a toady replica of SP, it’s the best thing for AK, at least til next governor’s election.

  6. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    she twits the tweet but can she parlay the poop?

  7. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    twitocrite. using her State BB for personal ADVERTISING and the lamest duck EVER.

  8. Karin in CT says:

    If someone would give Gov Quittypants; a lesson on semi-colon useage; I’d be really happy; Seriously; it’s painfull;

  9. Lee323 says:

    twit’s latest tweet: “Juneau I’m an idiot?”

    Yes. We. Do.

  10. Azmomma-former Alaskan says:

    You are all so smart and funny. Love the site.

  11. MinNJ says:

    You are all just too good! LOL! Thanks.

  12. sandra in oregon says:

    Wonder if she found an empathy belly in one of the closets?

  13. samper says:

    Didn’t Sinatra do “Lady is a Tramp” back in the good ol’ days?

    AND… this twittering NEEDS to find some substance! Does ANYone even care about Piper’s K-garten crap?????

    It’s going to get better after next weekend… I can just TELL!


  14. sandra in oregon says:

    How long will it take her to discover that money can’t buy sanity and peace?

  15. Candy Knight says:

    She’s all for screwing political correctness when it’s about race and bigotry. But if it’s about the sexual activity of her teenager, or god forbid her sacred DS child, then suddenly she’s doing her grizzly imitation. What a bloody hypocrite.

  16. CO native living in NC says:

    The Tom Tomorrow cartoon says it all.

  17. austintx says:

    I got a quote for sarah……….

  18. mae lewis says:

    Since $arah is so fond of using quotations, here is one for her:
    “Defeat does not finish a man, quitting does. A man is not finished when he is defeated. He’s finished when he quits.”-Richard M. Nixon

    Both President Nixon and Vice President Agnew resigned in disgrace. I decided to look up other famous quitters to see if they were more memorable in their exit. When King Edward gave up his throne for the woman he loved, he was poetic (not twitter poetic). General Douglas MacArthur, when fired by President Truman, gave his famous “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away” speech. Boxer Roberto Duran said it best and to the point when he said, “No mas!” And, Nixon gave another famous press conference much earlier in his career when he warned the reporters, “You won’t have Nixon to kick around any more.”

    Next week end, it will be $arah’s turn to read her final speech as governor, and this will be her chance to shine in the Quitters Hall of Fame. I think that we should all pitch in and help her by suggesting a memorable quote that will echo throughout the ages, such as: “$how me the money!” “You can kiss my grits,” and “Also, I’m gonna git goin’ now, too.”

  19. jc in co says:

    #160 Yes, that’s a very good thing. Otherwise your first language wouldn’t be english. Although, you would be fluent in palinese/wordsalad…you decide…

  20. bonefish says:

    I can’t make heads nor tails of the BTQ’s tweets. Is that a good thing?

  21. Terpsichore says:

    “Time DOES fly! Work hard so u can genuinely enjoy every recreation minute! Avoid time spent tearing down, whining, complaining;WORK & ENJOY
    4 minutes ago from TwitterBerry”

    Eight tweets in 3 hours? That’s … one every 22.5 minutes on average.

    Say, maybe 5 minutes to compose and send each one, that’s … 40 minutes.

    So, she got out of “moving house’ chores for … nearly 25% of that 3 hours.

    Way to work hard.

    As for the rest, it boggles my mind how much she can get wrong – grammatically, ideolgically, factually (in re: her own behavior) – and to top it off comes off sounding like some preprogrammed android, spitting out mindless catchphrases.

    If time permits, my rant about ‘hard work’ will be forthcoming, but probably not today. It’s not specific to Sarah but a general rant about work and people’s perceptions – it’s absolutely why some people are registered Republicans and call themselves Conservatives and they simply will not listen to the other ‘liberal’ side, and these are just the kind of people Sarah Palin is poised to court.

  22. booboodog says:

    austin and chuck tatum-
    I don’t go ‘there’ but a friend who does says they have an ‘easy-to-read’
    version of her resig. speech. A must read they say…

  23. jc in co says:

    #153 How about Sarah Unplugged” you know “that’s not how I’m wired”, etc….

  24. austintx says:

    chuck tatum Says:

    It would also be nice to get a pdf of her official signed resignation letter – suitable for framing. That should be an official state document available upon request from the State of Alaska.
    Oh hell yeah !!

  25. PepperzMom(GA) says:

    Well, apparently the “NAME THAT PARTY!” thread has been closed for possible poll entries.

    Darn…I came up with this one as a parting shot

    ARSE party: Arrogantly Righteous Self-serving Egotists party…


    As for SP’s twitting, I guess they’ll be plenty of things to use for various polls/parties in the future. Aren’t we all so lucky???

  26. chuck tatum says:


    Show up at the governor’s picnic with a screen door and get a picture of Sarah with it after her resignation becomes official.

    It would also be nice to get a pdf of her official signed resignation letter – suitable for framing. That should be an official state document available upon request from the State of Alaska.

  27. UK Lady says:

    2 more twits already I can’t even be bothered to post them, she is just freaking nuts.

    New thread BTW.

  28. Hedgewytch says:

    That’s it! “Sarah Unfiltered” – The name for her new reality show!

    Now that’s one reality show I might just watch in a passing by a very bad traffic accident with lots of fire trucks and ambulances with lights flashing everywhere kind of way.

  29. ds55 says:

    When G.W.Bush was all “Yee-Haw! We’re gonna kick their butts!” about a preemptive war with Iraq, I remember having this same disgusted feeling that I have about Sarah. His attitude and hers are completely inappropriate.

    This should be a somber time, a time for serious reflection, a time for apology. Instead we get “Yippee! I can hardly wait 10 more days to cut loose on Twitter!”

    I read once where an acting class was instructed to act convincingly crazy and most took turns behaving wildly, pulling their hair, contorting their bodies, and screaming.

    Afterwards, the instructor showed them how behaving inappropriately was a chilling way to demonstrate insanity: She took an object representing the head of John the Baptist and treated it like a cute little puppy, talked baby talk to it, stroked it, and cuddled it.

  30. PepperzMom(GA) says:

    118 Terpsichore Says: July 19th, 2009 at 9:27 AM

    “The Lady is a Tramp” was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart for … some old musical whose name eludes me.

    It’s from “Babes In Arms” originally. Sinatra also sang it in the movie “Pal Joey”, which is why it’s probably familiar…

  31. jc in co says:

    128 & 138 “The wheels of justice grind slowly but exceedingly fine”
    She’ll get hers, no need to waste any time or effort wishing for it, it will happen.

  32. Terpsichore says:

    130 zyggy Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:00 AM
    I read some where that Gov of AK can’t accept money outside of what they make from their salary? Did I just misread this? Reason I’m asking is because of the book deal, and the money she’ll get from it. She would have to wait until her term was up? If not then not a problem, but if true, then she planned to leave the office as soon as the book deal was signed.
    * ** ** ** * ** * ** * ** *
    Well, my understanding is that governors and all AK elected (and appointed?) officials have to disclose what money and gifts they and their family receive. What the governor cannot do is have another JOB (because it would conflict with time one should spend governing). So the question would be, is writing a book considered a JOB?

    I believe that either Van Flein or the Personnel Board came out, when the deal was signed, with a pre-fab “No, she’ll be writing it in her spare time all on her home computer and it’s not really a job anyway so don’t even think of filing an ethics complaint you haters, you” statement.

    That being said, I absolutely agree that when she saw the amount of what her first advance would be and knew she’d have to disclose it if she was still governor, that was one of the main factors that tipped her decision to quit. Why fight it, when you have a contract for something that you are presumably guaranteed to make at least 10 times what you make as Gov. of Alaska? I can’t say that in the same circumstances, I wouldn’t have quit either.

    But at lease I would have been honest about my reasons – admitted I WAS too thin-skinned for politics, admit that I COULD have done a better job for the citizens of Alaska and that I hope my lt. gov. and future govs. of the state will do so.

    If she’d given that speech, in a non-wheezy way, I’d have had some respect for her.

  33. UK Lady says:

    Closet Mudpup – She’s freaking bonkers! She needs what austintx calls a twittervention.

    Saw the Cee4Pee site earlier – damn funny.

    What on earth is $P gonna be like when the chains are off? The tweets will be shocking.

  34. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    One more time…….her twitters are nonsensical. And then you put them in context to the author. UGH

  35. jc in co says:

    I hope all AK mudpuppies go & break into “Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Goodbye”, just like at sporting events & that somebody does a youtube, it
    would get a million hits!

  36. Closet Mudpup says:

    UK Lady — You beat me! lol Are you following the Cee4Pee tweets (not the real site)? They’re hilarious.

  37. Closet Mudpup says:

    Considering the source, this is precious …

    Time DOES fly! Work hard so u can genuinely enjoy every recreation minute! Avoid time spent tearing down, whining, complaining; WORK & ENJOY

  38. UK Lady says:

    Aaargh!, she’s in Juneau – shredding no doubt.

    Time DOES fly! Work hard so u can genuinely enjoy every recreation minute! Avoid time spent tearing down, whining, complaining;WORK & ENJOY
    4 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

    Todd & I r packing JNU house today; looking thru Piper’s kindergarten schoolwork here reminds how quickly X flies;she enters 3rd grd in fall
    28 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  39. Tealwomin says:

    ot tweet

  40. Terpsichore says:

    125 ds55 Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 9:42 AM
    What can they do to her? They can shun her come 2012.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    I don’t know that it’s a question of what ‘they’ can do, but what her current supporters will do, i.e., will they be comfortable continuing to support her if they can’t see a ‘what’s in it for me’ (or my causes) at the end of the day.

    There are stories out now that suggest SP’s legal fees are either paid, scheduled to be paid, or at least in sight of being able to be paid. The AFT therefore does not need much if anything in the way of donations.

    SarahPAC has at its first reporting astronomically high administrative expenses including salaries and consultant fees which we can only assume will continue. What good did any of that money donated do for the people who donated it?

    My point is that unless Sarah herself is planning on being a candidate, donating to her PAC and AFT are going to be less attractive. Better for people to take their money and give to local political campaigns, I say. And when people are having to make serious choices about where their limited money is going, it’s gonna be a harder sell to give to anything Sarah is involved with since she did quit as governor, and if she does not seriously clean up her act about … how she acts. She needs to get professional and FAST. Respond timely to speaking requests, confirm in advance, keep her commitments, send out intellient, non-snarky press releases and tweets, refrain from attacking and engage in intelligent debate – if her position is the right one, then get out there and defend it.


    ( I just made myself laugh.)

    I truly believe that ‘they’ do not need to do anything. She will do it to herself – whatever ‘it’ is.

  41. booboodog says:


    I’m just being silly, but I don”t like her alot! And yes, I will wait for Karma,
    it always bites me in the butt when needed!!

  42. Tealwomin says:

    my new name for her:

    ‘She who must quit’

  43. bubbles says:

    lyn!!!! sarah palin radio 24-7? omg. can’t wait. not just twittering her tweets but podcasting to her pods wow! just wow.

  44. Janet Alexander says:

    In watching her resignation speech she appeared to be either waiting for an official to jump out of the bushes with an impeachment notice if she didn’t resign or she was in the process of coming completely unglued………………. or both. I seriously believe she has had some sort of mental break down and is in need of psychiatric treatment. Her behavior is neither normal or rational.

  45. Lee says:

    128 booboodog Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 9:49 AM
    Zero respect for the elderly and their needs
    Zero respect for the wildlife
    Zero respect for the native people of Alaska
    Zero respect for honesty, the environment, her kids-all kids
    I am too old for this but, I HATE HER!!!! Argh!
    Do Not to worry or put energy into hate. Karma will get her, and when it does she will get hit hard. Relax, but still keep watch. When Karma comes it will be quite a show.

  46. nswfm CA says:

    Box, not bos.

  47. Lainey says:

    I just opened a Twitter acct…I’m getting ready with the popcorn for the entertaining ex-gov of AK’s brilliant tweets!

  48. twain12 says:

    mommom Says:
    I wonder if she even realises that this brings to mind the fact that the Permafrost is melting for the first time in forever,due to global warming,and that this is harming the environment?
    she’s probably hoping for it to melt so she can get her grubby hands on god’s energy!

  49. nswfm CA says:

    That thing about the 200 deaths in a county with the population of all of AK reminds me of a qoute from Steve Lopez in the LA Times: “Can anyone feel good about supporting a VP candidate who ruled a town with worse municipal planning than we have in Los Angeles?” He’d been to Wasilla, land of the big bos stores and strip malls. And religulous wackos who don’t seem to care about people dying when under state care.

  50. lyn says:

    Monday -4PM – 5PM
    Sarah Palin Radio

  51. Lee says:

    It occurs to me that Sarah may be channeling John McCain. He often takes a Thesaurus Of Famous Quotations on vacation with him and bores everyone to death with it.

    I think this is what she learned from John McCain and nothing more.

  52. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Imagine…..From the State of AK AG Office to Gov. twitter,

    RE: Usage of State BB for personal promotion.

    The AG has found your usage of State issued BB’s to be in violation of state guidelines. Geez Loiuse…Cant you wait a week to start tweeting that crap?
    Now I have to actually do someting about that and ask you to STOP IT~!!!!! STOP IT NOW!!!!


    The AG.

  53. zyggy says:

    I read some where that Gov of AK can’t accept money outside of what they make from their salary? Did I just misread this? Reason I’m asking is because of the book deal, and the money she’ll get from it. She would have to wait until her term was up? If not then not a problem, but if true, then she planned to leave the office as soon as the book deal was signed.

  54. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Sounds like her politically incorrect twits will be all about God & secession, and it looks like she couldn’t wait till she got off the AK account.

  55. booboodog says:

    Zero respect for the elderly and their needs
    Zero respect for the wildlife
    Zero respect for the native people of Alaska
    Zero respect for honesty, the environment, her kids-all kids
    I am too old for this but, I HATE HER!!!! Argh!

  56. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    My county has the same pop. as AK and if 200+ folks had died in the last 2 1/2 years waiting for care, it would be a HUGE horror story. Bigger than mikey jackson…Someone might even declare an EMERGENCY…And we have freaking bears in my state too.

  57. honestyinGov says:

    booboodog Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 9:20 AM

    Are we going to have a Blogparty next week for the twitocrat’s door-
    slamming last day?
    Boy …THAT sounds like a plan !! I hope someone can blog from the actual ‘live ‘ location as to what the people attending in the audience are doing as well. Lots of supporters..OR maybe hardly any at all. Protest signs…?

    And if there is live blogging, I hope the ‘servers’ are up to the task. Everybody will be tuned in.

  58. ds55 says:

    What can they do to her? They can shun her come 2012.

  59. UK Lady says:


    I meant the health dept. being taken over, obviously, not the whole state.

  60. UK Lady says:

    mae lewis

    Just once I would like something to stick. I truly cannot understand why the story about the lack of care for the elderly, leading to over 200 deaths, has not become a huge story. Simply the fact that AK is the only state to have to be taken over by the ‘feds’ as $P calls them, should be massive news.

    What gives?

  61. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    the permafrost is melting but not the ice in her head….Take the State BB away. Now. She is totally misusing it. The AG should send 2 troopers to confiscate her and toads state BB’s ASAP..

  62. booboodog says:

    If there is no globalwarming in her world, then the permafrost melting is
    just God opening another door; Look, under here! Oil, for all the thirsty,
    hungry markets, a gift to the country from Alaaaaska. It is meant to be…

  63. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Now she is using the state BB to promote G-d? OY VAY!

  64. mae lewis says:

    SJK: I agree with you! She is promoting herself (in the guise of promoting Alaska) using a state issued blackberry. Ethics complaint: let’s say that she is found to have committed a violation of the ethics code. What can they do? She is going to leave office. Is there a fine? Isn’t Twitter free? She has crossed the line so many times, mixing personal and official that she should have been kicked out long ago.

    So my big question is: Supposed that $arah is found to have committed ethics violations? What can they really do to her? Dear readers: please weigh in if you have any suggestions as to how $arah can be held accountable for all of the damage that she has done!

  65. Terpsichore says:

    108 AlaskaDisasta Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 9:10 AM
    It all reminds me of the Disney song “That’s why the lady is a Tramp”
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    “The Lady is a Tramp” was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart for … some old musical whose name eludes me.

    I think you must be thinking of Disney’s film “Lady and the Tramp”. One of its songs is “He’s a Tramp”. Don’t know who wrote the music for that.

    However, I think her upcoming tweets will show, once again, she can’t take advice even from a song lyric – “She never bothers with people she hates”.

    I’ve never understood the popularity of that song (LIAT) and the words overall just seem to make no sense to me, IMO, so to associate it with SP still seems apt.

  66. Radial says:

    I am most interested in the last lines of this post…”Palin’s ghostwriter’s op-ed” Do we know this for a fact? Who is the ghostwriter? I am just dying to know!!

  67. UK Lady says:


    It’s a deal

  68. booboodog says:

    UK Lady, can you bring the fish and chips?

  69. UK Lady says:


    I’ll drink to that

  70. booboodog says:

    Are we going to have a Blogparty next week for the twitocrat’s door-
    slamming last day?

  71. ds55 says:

    She really has no clue what ‘unethical’ means. It’s amazing, like having no sense of smell when she’s up to her ankles in poo.

  72. antiAnti says:

    re: Sherwood quote in tweet

    by Kate Brownlee Sherwood

    Final Verse

    Oh, veterans of the Blue and Gray, who fought on Shiloh field,
    The purposes of God are true, His judgment stands revealed;
    The pangs of war have rent the veil, and lo, His high decree:
    One heart, one hope, one destiny, one flag from sea to sea.

  73. mommom says:

    about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry From sealife near lush wet rainforests to energy housed under frozen tundra atop permafrost,God most creatively displays His diversity in AK
    about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry

    I wonder if she even realises that this brings to mind the fact that the Permafrost is melting for the first time in forever,due to global warming,and that this is harming the environment?

  74. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Seriously, she is using state issued devices to self promote herself, ADVERTISE what she will be doing post office, not state of AK buisness in any way…. If she’d done it from her personal BB, or via her PAC or whatever no problem. This may a PROBLEM….IMHO….The evidence doesnt have to be hacked, there is no mistake in what she is doing, and she should have her BB taken away AND have an ethics complaint filed.

  75. AlaskaDisasta says:

    It all reminds me of the Disney song “That’s why the lady is a Tramp”

  76. ocliberal says:

    AKM: I love that cartoon! That sums it up beautifully. Erratic, unqualified and may I might add, deluded and dangerously arrogant. That defines Sarah Palin.

    Anyone who leaves office without providing a legitimate reason, a person has acquired 21 ethics complaints in her wake and a person who has many, many “-gates” simmering below the surface is not mavericky, ‘politically incorrect’ or pioneering. That person is a loser, a quitter, a scammer, a shirker, a liar and a fraud.

    I keep hoping the MSM will expose her for the joke she is, but unfortunately we have a MSM that stills give the likes of Pat Buchanan a platform to spout his despicable racism so I am dubious that Sarah Palin will fade away anytime soon.

  77. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    SHE STILL DOESNT GET IT! She is using the the title of gov of the State of AK to promote her next twit-o-critocal spewing’s….USING HER PUBIC (sic) OFFICE TO ADVERTISE HER NEXT PHASE OF COMMERCIAL ENDEAVORS!!!!!


    Or not!


  78. KateinCanada says:

    EyeonYou #99
    Yes, that one stood out. I thought it might be old, from before she was nominated. It looks more “real” than most of the campaign ones.

  79. Rob in Ca says:

    Memphis you are right. However, this is probably not the true reason. The true reason is that the campaign lawyers warned Palin that she could not keep info confidential if she was defended by state attorneys. Betcha!

    But it is very interesting that Palin was allegedly led to believe the campaign would pick up those legal expenses. That, I believe.

    I still wonder several things:

    1. If the legal expenses are around $600,000 – then how could they be paid off by a legal fund that is, we think, under $200,000?
    2. If the legal fund is ‘frozen’ due to the ethics complaint, how could ANY of the legal expenses be paid off?
    3. How could her expenses be anywhere NEAR $600,000 in the first place? The huge majority of the ethics complaints were summarily rejected, at probably no cost whatsoever to Sarah. (An attorney on this site has pointed out that the expenses are protected by attorney client privilege…Sarah does not have to state the correct amount and we have no way of verifying it)

  80. UK Lady says:

    Seriously folks, what the heck is she on?

    Twerpy twerpy tweet tweet!

    Tourists from across America, here loving their 49th state! I’m reminded: “1 heart, 1 hope, 1 destiny, 1 flag from sea to sea”- K B Sherwood
    39 minutes ago from TwitterBerry Fascinating talking to JNU’s overwhelmed tourists just tasting a nibble of AK’s bounty,knowing AKns are never bored;so much to do & discover
    about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry From sealife near lush wet rainforests to energy housed under frozen tundra atop permafrost,God most creatively displays His diversity in AK
    about 1 hour ago from TwitterBerry

  81. Memphis, NY says:

    JanMarie Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 8:32 AM
    Here’s the link to Newsweek
    anyone notice this tidbit I don’t remember hearing about this
    “At the time John McCain tapped Palin, she was using Alaska state funds to pay the lawyer she hired to defend her against ethics charges. McCain aides, worried that that could raise ethical questions, put an end to the payments.”

  82. Professor Geezer says:

    @KaJo, Palin will never go to France! Palin is too afraid of Regina! 😉
    Plus, people will make fun of Palin for her “Rouge Cou” company.

    And they’ve already got their “fancy pageant walking” quota filled with Carla Bruni!

  83. KaJo says:

    Fern Says: July 18th, 2009 at 11:09 PM “Anyone else think she’ll be moving her family away from Alaska?”

    Oh, absolutely! Out of country, actually, to some place that doesn’t have an extradition treaty….

    My favorite imagined place she’ll end up is France — where she’ll try to collar President Sarkozy and give him a piece of her mind for that telephone call last fall. (/smirk, /snark)

  84. EyeOnYou says:


    My favorite one?

    Photos 1326-1350 (second to the last row ..first picture)

    It really does give a perfect picture of Palin and how she comes across.

  85. JanMarie says:

    Here’s the link to Newsweek

  86. LibertyLover says:

    I have a feeling it will be the best entertainment money can buy.

    Oy. Like a train wreck. That we just can’t look away from. But hey, better to know thy enemy, right?

  87. JanMarie says:

    Regina at Palingates reports on the $500,000 legal bills of GINO as reported by John Coale… what a tangles web we weave…

  88. Ratfish says:

    Don’t forget that Ivy Frye is so thooughtful that she actually sent an email to the state DOA IT guy asking if emails sent from private Blackberries regarding government business could be hidden from public disclosure.

    Of course her e-mail was publicized, and no doubt she, Palin and others continued to conduct government business on their own BB’s irrespective of the law.

    Palin just needs to hire Frank Bailey to complete the troika- Meg, Ivy, and Frank.

    Tweet that!

  89. anadventurer says:

    Is this whole twitter_warfare going on in other political arenas? What is Newt (and his staff of disciples) twittering about? With this number of employees SARAHPAC funds will go quick. Then they are all going to have to get real jobs SOMEWHERE. That will be interesting.

  90. anadventurer says:

    Does anyone know anything about the “governor can’t make money from their experience as gov for two years” thing in Alaska law?

  91. teutonic13 says:

    It’s funny that [sp] = Sarah Palin

  92. Rob in Ca says:

    Hmmmm….Sarah Palin, Poet?

    This article on Huffington Post is wonderfully written…my favorite part:

    “A great poet needs to leave open the door between the conscious and unconscious; Sarah Palin has removed her door from its hinges. A great poet does not self-censor; Sarah Palin seems authentically innocent of what she is saying. She could be the most natural, visionary poet since William Blake.”

  93. teutonic13 says:

    82 Terpsichore Says:

    And don’t forget, the tragedy that occurs is enevitable [sp?] because the main character has a Tragic Flaw, something about their psyche that makes the decisions they make predictable and ultimately disastrous.


    What is tragic is the impact on her family (Todd excluded- he got his and likes it)

  94. Tina Nelson says:

    Allow me the joy of rephrasing that:

    “…schadenfreude i feel for BTQ$.”

  95. Tina Nelson says:

    I remember way back in 1979 when Ray Blanton was forced out of office three days early because of the “Clemency for Cash” business he was accused of operating.

    It was kinda sad because he really did some great things for Tennessee. He started our Department of Tourism (the first in the nation!) and brought several factories into rural areas.

    How profound is it that he covered everyone in bread and butter?

    “Blanton later claimed to be the only recent Tennessee governor who left office poor, and he was never convicted of receiving payments for pardons.”

    I believe RB was a real maverick compared to the schadenfreude i feel for $P.

  96. Sparky says:

    Ooops… Meant to “if I’m scared…”

    quilting, blog reading/commenting and toddlers don’t mix!

  97. KateinCanada says:

    EyeonYou posted this link for a photrapher’s vendor site collection of Palin pix. There are over 1500 and I’ve just wasted an hour of my life looking at them. Here are the ones I find most interesting:
    #242 White shirt; “I got tits!”
    #299 White shirt B&W Palin and “staff” Who are they and what is she thinking?
    #297 The Bus
    #670-674 Todd looking miserable in NYC #671 Todd with minders
    #763 “And my little dog too”
    #1405 Sarah in the donkey scarf
    #1424 Concession speech handclasp
    #1430 “And they had to give me her?”
    #1463 Silencing a protestor at the RNC
    #1513 Wild goose?

  98. Sparky says:

    Tweet, baby, tweet… I don’t know if I scared or excited!

    *sorry if someone already posted this thought

  99. HistoryGoddess says:

    rebekkah- Nice sermonette and good thoughts to ponder.

  100. Terpsichore says:

    61 teutonic13 Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 6:16 AM
    The SP story is truly like a Greek tragedy. So many people laid waste and for what?
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    And don’t forget, the tragedy that occurs is enevitable [sp?] because the main character has a Tragic Flaw, something about their psyche that makes the decisions they make predictable and ultimately disastrous.

    I believe her Tragic Flaw is her (seeming) refusal to listen to other peoples’ advice when it contradicts what she thinks is right (policy positions) and simply about what she WANTS to do (have McCain campaign put out release about Todd and AIP, for example).

    So, yes, these promised new “non-politically correct” tweets will be entertaining and a big part of her undoing. I just don’t know what the “undoing” will be of. Certainly a future political career, but also of reputation which will enevitably result in financial loss (but probably not before financial gain).

    The Greeks loved their drama too. I wonder what they ate instead of popcorn at the theatre?

  101. psgbill says:

    Question about the afterlife for the our soon to be ex-Gov….Are there any expectations that the State will provide continued support/retirement for the Gov once she leaves. I would expect that someone in State services might be entitled to some compensation given their level of employment. Or, are the just entitled to what they’ve earned through PERS? Don’t know what kind of parachute is provided to Gov’s when they go but since she quit before completing the obligations of the office, I would expect she would forfeit any expectation of compensation….

  102. rebekkah says:

    Since believing in God all my life, I always kept (from old Catholic days) the precept that no one speaks like they are God. Now, the christian doctrines all teach this. He is the Father, all-knowing. Anyone remember the old tv ad, about Margarine/Butter , and a lady who was Mother Nature would say, “No one fools Mother Nature” (then boom, lighting, thunder).

    Well, again, christians are taught they can’t “fool” God. Governor SP knows this. She can try to fool people, anyone of us can try, but no one can fool the Lord God Almighty.

    Am reminding myself, and in case others pass by this site (like Sarah idolizers), am offering this reminder.

    No one has any proof of SOA shenanigans by the Governor – and maybe it will all be proven false. But, the only one who really knows this will be the woman who looks in the mirror, and also her God. – I hope after the 26th that peace and non-divisiveness are the order of the day for Alaskans. Isaiah says, “there is no peace”, saith the Lord, “to the wicked”.

    My 2 cent sunday morning sermon, folks. You can leave a donation at the door. LOL

  103. Lainey says:

    42 va_soccer_mom Says:
    Palin is confusing her Twitter “Followers” with “Disciples.”
    I’m betting at least half are just tuning in for the train wreck.
    AMEN (hands in the air)

  104. antiAnti says:

    twitter for beginners:

    In particular, I enjoyed this part
    “if you tweeted something you now regret, it’s probably too late – people on Twitter tend to grab screen captures when somebody does something pretty stupid”

  105. nswfm CA says:

    I’m voting for Gov Iquitarod and her followers drinking the Jim Jones juice. The heard could use some thinning. That, or some well trained wolves shooting her from a helicopter.

  106. KaJo says:

    Ivy Frye from July 17th Tweet: “Nice jobs peeps! @AKGovSarahPalin over 100k followers!!! #tcot #spwbt #teamsarah #gop #sgp
    8:10 PM Jul 17th from txt”

    Obviously Ivy Frye is clueless. Nothing’s changed with that “crack” team of advisors $arah Palin clings to.

    I mean, I’M following Queen Esther too, and so are a lot of the rest of we mudpups, immoral minorities, folks at the oasis, etc. Even folks not associated with any of the usual-suspect blogs — like the ones we see on HuffPo…Geoffrey Dunn for instance.

    I’ll bet WE number half of that total. /smirk

  107. zyggy says:

    I bet we’ll see the quitter grifter twit show up on Fox and the new weather girl. wink wink

  108. Alaskan Sisu says:

    Bystander: The Twitterer is aa Quitter, also. Alaskans couldn’t be happier about that, also.

  109. HistoryGoddess says:

    Oops, sorry for copying article URL twice.

  110. BigPete says:

    HEY AKM!

    Thanx for “turning us on” to Tom Tomorrow. (Loved it)

  111. HistoryGoddess says:

    From HuffPo, Sarah Palin, the Anti-Poet

    This article argues that she may be actually speaking a type of poetry and that is why we are so confused.

    This would also apply to her twits, which puts me back on-topic 🙂

  112. Bystander says:

    All but the crazies will quickly grow weary of this twit (terer)Even laughing at her will lose its luster.

    It reminds me of Octomom. Many were very curious about her until she was revealed as a publicity hound, a narcissist and a money grubber who used others, including her children, to try to cash in. Now no one cares.

    Sound familiar?

  113. Alaskan Sisu says:

    How many tweets can a twithead tweet if a twithead could tweet tweets?

    Palin is twittering for tweats!

  114. austintx says:

    The title of this thread made me think of this song. Oh lynnrockets………

    You nailed it, austintx! That’s exactly what was in my head. How’d you get in there?? 😉 AKM

  115. lochnesssmonster says:

    Where do I sign up for the “Twittering Class”? I can use some help with shortening what I want to say because I don’t know all the abbreviations these youngsters use. See what I mean?

  116. Professor Geezer says:

    Sarah Palin will Tweet For Cash – coming soon!

    Could socio-economic shift is happening between the two major American political parties? Soon, the GOP will be the much poorer political party, as $arah Palin will have bleed their coffer$ dry, especially from the “base.” Educated Republicans will become more rare (Hey, Rush didn’t bother to finish college, dontcha know?).

    So the GOP is in a socio-economic transitional state? And Palin’s tweets will take more money away from them. She won’t be tweeting for the GOP.

    Palin Tweets 4 Palin

  117. Largo says:

    Tom Tomorrow nails it again. His Bush “Sh*t Sandwich” strip is one of the best ever.

  118. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I didn’t see this before…..but we certainly need to keep it around because it is exactly true, and written by a person who should know. Those of us who have her religious background understand her thinking. Please post this letter to Scarah everywhere you can.

    “You have not been honest about the most important thing about you: the fact that you are a born-again, literal Bible-believing, evangelical Christian. Most people who have never been entrenched in the subculture of fundamentalist Christianity may not understand what this really means, but I do. Like you, I was raised in the Assemblies of God and I was a zealous part of the Jesus Movement. Like you, my life was consumed with seeking God’s will for my life and awaiting the imminent return of Jesus. It’s clear to me that you want to do the Lord’s will, and that is what concerns me. You’ve said and done things like a true believer would. You are on a mission from God. If that is not true, then I challenge you to deny it.

    Former fundamentalists like me know that your worldview is so encompassing, authoritarian, and powerful that it defines who you think you are, the way you view the world, history, other people, the future, and your place in the world. It defines you far more than hockey mom, wife, woman, hunter, governor, or VP candidate.”

    Marlene Winell, Ph.D., is a Bay Area psychologist who specializes in recovery from fundamentalist religion. She is author of “Leaving the Fold: A guide for former fundamentalists and others leaving their religion.” She is the daughter of Assemblies of God missionaries. A longer article about Sarah Palin’s religion, “Sarah Palin, Warrior Princess for God,” is on Winell’s Web site:

  119. HistoryGoddess says:

    Geneva FreeSpeech Says: July 19th, 2009 at 6:01 AM

    “while the more buttoned-up of her followers enjoy the vicarious sense of freedom? ”

    Geneva- I, too, have wondered what happened! I think that is part of my fascination with her. So many of what should have been the “wrong” people love her. Your quote is right on the money. I think “their Sarah” represents what they think they are. They want to be that hockey mom with upswept hair spouting the talking points Rush has been feeding them. If Sarah is one of them, her rise gives them credibility. What is most confusing is how much they have had to overlook. My fundy (and I mean FUNDY) kin think she has been treated poorly. I think it is more that Sarah gives them a reason to play victim themselves. Fox and Rush are making lots of bucks off this.

    My kin do not watch anything other than Fox. They don’t get MSNBC (requires more $) They only read our local conservative paper and listen to Rush. Their idea of research is to look on drudge or redstate. They aren’t bad people, just unhappy people. Sarah makes them feel politically active. And yes, a bit naughty.

  120. teutonic13 says:

    To #62
    Yeah I read that Fagin article in ADN. Was shocked they actually printed it.

  121. DinkyP says:

    It was Sarah Palin’s first speech that made it clear to me she was Arrogant, Self Righteous, Egotistical, and full of BS. The bloggers made it crystal clear I was right about my observation of Sarah Palin. Thank you and all the others.

  122. teutonic13 says:

    Hey Goddess-

    I think I agree with your educated guess. There is something about her that is so fundamentally skewed, I don’t thing she will fare well outside of her cloistered domain.

  123. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    you know things are pretty dang bad when someone flat out calls a person “crazy” in the largest newspaper in AK…….perfectly true.

    “Yes, she has lost it and revealed herself as flaky, delusional, dishonest, slightly paranoid, and in way over her head. Palin should have never been elected governor. She wasn’t ready and those of us who voted for her should have known it. The lesson is that personality, image and looks should never trump substance when evaluating a candidate.”

  124. teutonic13 says:

    The SP story is truly like a Greek tragedy. So many people laid waste and for what?

  125. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    well she’s livin it up isn’t she…….spiteful as ever.

    “Leighow said Palin traveled to the bear sanctuary this week with state Fish and Game Commissioner Denby Lloyd. She was going to go last year but postponed the trip because of the birth of her son, Trig. Her parents accompanied her on this trip, traveling at their own expense, Leighow said. Usually people enter a lottery for a permit to view the bears at McNeil River, but Lloyd issued the permits the governor and her parents used, Leighow said, following guidelines for how many people can be there at once.”

  126. teutonic13 says:

    ^^^ tahn= thank lol 🙂

  127. Geneva FreeSpeech says:

    Just visited Syrin’s blog. Now there’s an evangelical this bleeding heart liberal can respect!

  128. Polly says:

    McCain must feel really stupid for not vetting SP. Hate to be in his shoes.

  129. HistoryGoddess says:

    sauerkraut Says: July 19th, 2009 at 5:52 AM

    Anyone extend an invitation for her to attend the Yinzer’s Mudstock? Let’s see how politically uncorrect she is willing to get. My educated guess is that she lacks the fortitude to step outside her box.
    Pity she wouldn’t do this. I agree that she wouldn’t have the guts to go anywhere she couldn’t be guaranteed an adoring crowd. She won’t stray from her tiny little base of hate and misinformation.

  130. Geneva FreeSpeech says:

    I’m really puzzled–the fundamentalists I grew up around were horrified by teen pregnancy, drinking, bad language, and assertive women (assertive women might just have been the worst of those four horsemen). A woman who said “screw” anything would have been labeled immediately as Not A Christian Lady. Have those standards changed, or is she going to lose yet another part of the base, leaving her only with the basest of the base? Or is this yet another double standard, allowing her to act like a right-wing shock-jock while the more buttoned-up of her followers enjoy the vicarious sense of freedom? Somebody clue me in…

  131. sauerkraut says:

    45 Nan Says: July 19th, 2009 at 5:37 AM

    I wonder how long it’ll be before Palin starts babbling about “nattering nabobs of negativity”?

    Just as soon as the IRS makes her pay in the same fashion as they made Spiro pay. …

  132. Ripley says:

    And because she thinks she can say whatever she wants while not governor, she will be open to all types of litigation by the rest of us for what she puts “in writing” via tweet!

    Go ahead….make my day.

  133. FW says:

    I have said it before and I will say it again, Sarah Palin is the best entertainment on TV and the internets (the bitter twitter quitter is priceless), y’all. She makes the conservative elites like Frum, Parker, and their ilk insane, and she reveals herself to be more schizophrenic by the day.

    Now that she is no longer governor, she will not have a title or a job, and I guarantee only the reddest of red state candidates will even consider her offer to campaign for them. If she comes here to northern VA to campaign for the Republican candidate for gov, I will take a day off from work and bring a huge BITTER TWITTER QUITTER sign to the rally. I know now that she takes offense to those, and it may even prompt a special shout out on twitter.

  134. sauerkraut says:

    42 va_soccer_mom Says: July 19th, 2009 at 5:09 AM

    Palin is confusing her Twitter “Followers” with “Disciples.”

    Sarah “Jim Jones” Palin?

  135. EyeOnYou says:

    Someone post this link at Palingates. It is a huge amount of pictures of Sarah, including those photos rejected from both the Time & Runner’s world photo op.

  136. sauerkraut says:

    The Twit from Wasillaville.

    Anyone extend an invitation for her to attend the Yinzer’s Mudstock? Let’s see how politically uncorrect she is willing to get. My educated guess is that she lacks the fortitude to step outside her box.

  137. Cori says:

    Well, goody-goody-goody! We will go from Wordsalad to a flippin’ Salad Bar. I can’t wait NOT! But at the very least it should get quite entertaining.
    Glad to see that I am not the only one that didn’t think Sarah wrote that 0p-ed. Just to many words without the use of also. And some of them were actual sentences LOL


  138. ericmiami says:

    I’m wondering what she will quit next?

  139. KateinCanada says:

    Palin must have come to hate having McAllister or the newer guy interfering with her spontanious public exhibitionism. Tweets let her bypass everyone. Meg seems to have learned that to be safe she must only echo Sarah’s words in various permutations, as she did in the interview given just after Palin quit. This made me think that the nasty comments she issued on Levi came straight from Sarah’s wording.
    Is Frye coming in to replace Meg? That would be fun to watch.
    What happens to Palin’s aide, Perry, I think her name is?

  140. Polly says:

    Has anyone read Dan Fagan’s article in ADN:

    Yes, she has lost it and revealed herself as flaky, delusional, dishonest, slightly paranoid, and in way over her head. Palin should have never been elected governor. She wasn’t ready and those of us who voted for her should have known it. The lesson is that personality, image and looks should never trump substance when evaluating a candidate.

  141. va_soccer_mom says:

    Palin is confusing her Twitter “Followers” with “Disciples.”

    I’m betting at least half are just tuning in for the train wreck.

  142. Obamanos! says:

    She sees an opening.
    I would be the Blackberry that she and Todd have been sitting up late at night and discussing, “The opened door before her.” Truly. You know she sees a vacancy in the troubled Republican party and seriously believes she can knock off Obama in the next round. She is delusional enough to believe this. My hope and prayer is, the people who were so excited about voting for Barack Obama, present company included, will be apoplectic about protecting his second term from that woman. I believe there are D.C. insiders who have joined her cause and already mapping out the strategy from declaring her oldest son, “Not a Republican” to talk of supporting candidates “regardless of their party”.
    Me thinks she’s going to create her own “Freedom Party” or “Americans United” or something equally ego maniacal with Bible Spice at the helm.
    It doesn’t matter that she won’t work as hard as any other Presidential candidate. She’s the trailblazing rock star quitter. She’ll have her Washington hacks do that work for her and then do the broken wrist wave to her legions of redneck supporters town to “real America” town. It’ll be the Palinpalooza 2011 Tour. And it’s gonna be a brain-rotter. So, get ready for it.
    Some circle of hooker-hiding white men in Washington are going to rally for her and demand she run…that’ll be the spin.

    Sarah had to run…for the good of the country.

    In the sentiment of Rush Windbag:

  143. HistoryGoddess says:

    ds55 Says: July 19th, 2009 at 12:12 AM

    Oh, ::barf::
    Barf doesn’t begin to describe that place. I read a few of those posts and there is no way I could join a group like this, even for laughs. So hateful and so uniformed. So…ugly…

    Most should be at their special churches this morning, too. You know the ones- red shirts required to try to cover the white robes.

  144. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    bucfan Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 2:10 AM
    “She sits in her kitchen all day long, telling the world Obama is wrong. All the Palinistas who thinks she’s so neat, can’t wait for Sarah to Tweet, tweet, tweet.”
    She’s off her rocker ….

  145. anon blogger says:

    Wonder if those Blackberries are the property of the State of Alaska??

  146. bucfan says:

    “She sits in her kitchen all day long, telling the world Obama is wrong. All the Palinistas who thinks she’s so neat, can’t wait for Sarah to Tweet, tweet, tweet.”

  147. anon blogger says:

    GreatGrey #34 Where’s the love?


  148. anon blogger says:

    Great post, AKM. Loved the humble bow!! Applause…applause!!

    Let the twit twitter away as it will prove the twit that twitters doesn’t have enough marbles to play the game.

  149. ds55 says:

    @ bucfan: I really like “bitter twitter quitter”. It fits.

  150. GreatGrey says:

    Hey, I was one of the ones mentioned in Ivy’s evil haters tweets.

    Where’s the love?

    (I give you a snappy salute!) AKM

  151. ds55 says:

    She’ll run in every election with a permanent fan club. She’ll be like RuPaul and Ron Paul combined.

  152. CRFlats says:

    28 strangelet Says:
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:57 AM

    I think you nailed it. Like a female version of Pat Buchanan.

  153. DrChill says:

    Big smiles here.
    I wonder if we can get Palin to say- “…and your little dog too!”
    Love Tom Tomorrow.
    Hes Just so dead on.

    Here’s something I came across.

  154. samper says:

    Why doesn’t she use some of that twittering time to look after her kids? Shouldn’t THAT be more of a priority than goin’ all rogue, marvericky, and nasty on the twits?

  155. strangelet says:

    You know, I do think it’s gonna turn out to be just about the money and fame. The Palins are doing all right financially, but they’ve not been “well-to-do”, to say nothing of “rich”. Suddenly, they are living in an entirely different world.

    Sarah, through no real fault of her own, has thousands of devoted fans. I mean, there are probably a dozen or so folks that think I’m a reasonably good guy, but I’ve never had an unrelated devoted fan.

    Fame is a huge high. So is making a lot of money, and shmoozing with the glitterati. She got a taste of it during the campaign, and wants more. She may actually mount a campaign for 2012, but I expect it to be pro forma — to enhance her celebrity. Running a primary campaign is really hard work; much too much work, IMO, for a fame whore.

  156. Lani aka Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    Well, here’s one reason why logic & intelligence won’t matter to her followers – they are listening to stuff like this: “the Democrats have their people up in Alaska, right now, watching her every move, to try to find anything they can just hammer her on or make hay of, in a negative sense, and they’re obviously extremely threatened by her, and I believe rightly so; I believe there is a spiritual authority and a calling on Governor Palin that is extraordinary and I told her in no uncertain terms…. but I believe she has a national calling on her life.” Video here:
    Warning: video starts with praise of Michelle Bachmann before addressing $.Palin so have your garlic handy.

  157. Muppet2 says:

    There is not enough popcorn in the world….LOL, snort…Bwaaahaaaa. I can’t wait for the drama. Truly going to be the best yet, I’m sure.


  158. bucfan says:

    Right now, I am somewhat speechless. I could make a joke about twittering by a twit. Or that we now get to hear a lot more from out bitter twitter quitter. But I don’t want to question her intelligence. What is there to question? I just cringe when I think of her out there in the real world, unprotected by Greta, or Ivy, or Meg. Although I am sure they will make sure she will never appear on a news network without the initials FOX. Could you imagine her doing an interview with Keith Olberman, where he would actually do follow up questions? Ugly. And I am in the process of proposing a new daily show to Comedy Central. All we would do is show her daily twitters, then make fun of them. Heck, they would probably be funny just on their own.

  159. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Are there any plans for Screen Door Saturday yet? Is Shannyn going to have folks reporting live from the AFT party and the other one? Is CC going to be live blogging? Is there going to be a whole lot of tweeting going on? 🙂

  160. Just_a_Mote says:

    Great post AKM. I really liked the image. Really captured the essence of Sarah.
    It really is darn frustrating that this person has been foisted on our country.

  161. granny68 says:

    Hello from NC again. Please tell me this twit isn’t going to be drawing any more money from AK? If you quit your job as gov little more than mid-term, do you still get retirement and benefits? I would hate to see your state govt having to pay this know-nothing after she’s already cleaned up on your dime!

  162. ValleyIndependent says:

    Good heavens. Ivy’s tweets are as bad as her boss the twit’s tweets. Have these people no shame?

  163. ds55 says:

    Have I mentioned how glad I am that Gov. Winky quit her job?

  164. Wow! I can’t believe she thinks that this is going to help her in any way. The only good thing is that people are watching her and some are starting to wake up. I noticed on facebook that there’s poll going around where you can vote whether or not you would vote for Sarah Palin in 2012. So far 72% say no (115,000 + ).

    I get the impression that she thinks she can do whatever she wants once she quits, but she is now a public person and she can never go back to being a private citizen. The only difference once she isn’t the governor, is that she won’t really have any political power.

  165. strangelet says:

    Oh, snap. Somebody is going to have to archive all her twits for the 2012 campaign. Is there already technology to do this, or am I going to have to start following her? (Yech)

  166. Maria says:

    Great “flying from her fingertips” pic! Sarah Unplugged?

  167. ds55 says:

    I predict she will send out a bunch of anti-Obama tweets.
    I wonder if she knows we can answer her back.
    I wonder if she knows that she’s not a private citizen but a public figure, so bloggers and late-night TV hosts can still joke about her.
    I wonder if she knows leaving office will free more people to criticize her openly without fear of her backlash.

  168. Fern says:

    Anyone else think she’ll be moving her family away from Alaska?

  169. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I just noticed that AKM’s latest Facebook entry on the right says

    “Is sitting on the shore of Hoseshoe Lake drinking …. ”

    not drinking milk, I’m guessing. 😉

    LOL! I was drinking coffee. It’s those little Blackberry keys…they get me every time! AKM

  170. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    AKM, it definitely will not be the best entertainment that money can buy – it’s completely free! She’s giving it away!

    $arah Palin will regularly go rogue, make a fool of herself, contradict herself, embarrass Alaska, etc (having it all recorded) just for our pleasure – and it’s free and practically on-demand!

    That’s my kind of entertainment service. 😉

  171. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Oh that cartoon says it all!! What are they thinking?

  172. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Never mind. I figured it out. Wow, what a bunch of moose pucky!

  173. WakeUpAmerica says:

    How can I see Ivey Fry’s tweets without being a twitterer?

  174. Nan says:

    I love those sparkly fingers!

    Terrific post, AKM. As ever.


  175. Lainey says:

    jmo…I think the new unshackled palin (as if AK or anybody kept her toned down) will be the same “sarah unfiltered ” that she is right now…she won’t be any smarter without restrictions…maybe more tv appearances…gaffes abound. you hit the nail on the head when you said she’ll be everyone else’s problem, not just AK.
    dare I say, thanks but no thanks.

  176. InJuneau says:

    or it it “Twits from Tweeterville”?

  177. mhrt says:

    Loved that little hand finger thing.

  178. InJuneau says:

    Yup, it’ll still be “Tweets from Twitterville”…

  179. mhrt says:

    IF, she was trying to be P/C before I am not sure I can stand how she will sound now. sarah palin you should quite now!!.

  180. justafarmer says:

    it is tiresome but we had a GREAT time liveblogging and chatting in chat tonight.
    I love my fellow mudpups and especially loved hearing in chat about the wonderful news about redwoodmuse’s sil!

  181. Erin says:

    It makes me tired just thinking about all the tweets this woman is going to type. *sigh*