Palin Flashback. Thoughts on “Thick Skin.”
Sarah Palin on “hurt feelings” from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.
Dennis Zaki recorded this when ex-VP candidate Sarah Palin returned to Alaska from the campaign trail. I was there that night, freezing to death, just across the way from where Dennis was camped out with his camera with the rest of the media. While I was standing next to Sean Parnell, listening to a bunch of rabid Palin fans, clutchhing a cup of hot chocolate to keep from getting frostbite, Dennis got this great clip of Sarah Palin speaking words which now seem particularly amusing.
That’s funny!
147 tizzielilsh Says
speaking of bed, I would let her lie in the bed she made. yessireee
Because, in the end, I think Sarah Palin doesn’t really believe that who she is is good enough. It is not enough, in her worldview, for her to be a good mother, a good wife, an active good citizen, a good business person or even a good politician. She seems to think that only when she is being adulated by mostly unthinking crowds that she amounts to ’something’.
??? huh, it’s late …can’t tell if you’re being facetious. the list of good mother, good citizen, good politician, etc…. jmo, I don’t think she’s trying to be any of those. I do share your disdain of palin and agree with most of your other points…don’t have it in me to feel sorry for her though and wouldn’t want to pat her on the head or kiss her good-night-au contraire.
thanks, AKM, for this priceless clip. It is hilarious to hear her proclaiming that she has a thick skin.
I think her apparent decision to build her marketing campaign (we don’t know what, exactly, she is after, but she is definitely building her brand, definitely planning on a future before a national public) around the notion that she is a victim, some kind of little figure overcoming large obstacles. It has worked for her a few times, but it is, at is core, a negative approach.
Once she is out of public office, I predict, she will be able to control her public presentation. Remember how George W. would have scripted opportunities for citizens to ask questions but the questions had to be pre-screened and he only allowed himself to be asked questions that he was prepared to answer?
Sarah will get like that. Once she is removed from any obligation to be accountable to the public, to the citizenry, I think we’ll see her all over the conservative media talking inane talking points that still spark Joe-Sixpacks into liking her. She doesn’t really need to win over people like us, folks who follow AKM because Palin scares us.
It’s going to be kinda fun, watching her. But, man oh man, the phenomenon is wicked scary. I still haven’t quite accepted that the country re-elected George W., that millions and millions of Americans, after knowing that he lied us into war and broke endless laws under his twisted sense of executive privilege. . . real Americans still voted for him. Those are the people who might vote for Sarah Palin. And I believe her handlers understand how to reach that audience. They did it with George W. and they can do it with Sarah.
@ Mag~
“That being said, I’ll be the first to say that Sarah has no emotional depth, no social perspective, and is blinded by her ambition. But blame it on her soul, not her eyesight.”
Amen to that.
Let me state upfront that I despise Sarah Palin. She is responsible for the choices she makes, of course, and she seems to have made a Faustian bargain, willing to exchange her basic humanity so she can gets gobs of attention. Getting attention seems to be what matters to her. She doesn’t really seem to care about any policy. She seems to have a very strong need for lots of attention and in small town Alaska, celebrity-hood not being a viable career choice, politics was really the only place she could put herself before screaming fans once her high school basketball career came to an end.
I think she is being used. I think she freely allows herself to be used.
Sometimes, even though I despise her, I feel sorry for her.
I have read suggestions that George W. entered politics, sought the presidency and even invaded Iraq as part of an infantile, immature, dysfunctional attempt to one-up his father. It was like he was working out some kind of psychological complex rooted in his childhood. Heck, we are all working through childhood wounds. It is way scary when someone can play out their psychodramas, literally in the case of George W. on the world stage.
In a similar fashion, it seems to me that Sarah Palin is a little girl who feels like she never gets enough attention. That she, as a child, was never good enough, never smart enough and, doggonit, unless she was being pretty, nothing she ever did was enough to impress her tough old man.
So she has become this dysfunctional girl-woman, going around the world feeling a little wounded but instead of taking it on on her private life, the way most of us work through our childhood wounds, she is playing on a very public stage.
I sometimes feel sorry for her. I want to give her an extra scoop of ice cream and promise her some new jewelry and lots of money for pretty clothes and fancy vacations. There there, little Sarah, honey, you are a good girl, smart, not just pretty.
I don’t think this woman will ever feel like she has enough attention. It is like she is a bucket and there is a tiny leak in the bucket, a hole in the bucket. It is impossible to fill the bucket, impossible for little Sarah Heath to feel full, to feel recognized, to feel sated. There is a hole in her being and no amount of adulation is ever going to fill it. She is the only one who can help Sarah Heath Palin feel like she is good enough and smart enough.
I find myself wanting to tuck her in at night, read her happy stories, pat her on the head, kiss her on the forehead as I turn out the light.
I have a theory that we should send all people who have impulses to hurt others or impulses to control others, to impose their beliefs on others, to love camps. Love camps would be a bit similar to treatment for alcohol and drug addictions, or maybe residential mental health facilities but the ‘treatment’ would be unconditional love. We might place Sarah Palin in a love camp, give her tons and tons of resources to help her achieve self-realization. We would love her well. We would teach her that she is enough, just the way she is, help her come to love herself.
Because, in the end, I think Sarah Palin doesn’t really believe that who she is is good enough. It is not enough, in her worldview, for her to be a good mother, a good wife, an active good citizen, a good business person or even a good politician. She seems to think that only when she is being adulated by mostly unthinking crowds that she amounts to ‘something’.
Sarah, honey lamb. You are a good person. Love yourself a little more and stop offloading your personal sense of inadequacy on the rest of us.
MonaLisa IS MY NAME!
Both types would distort the appearance of the eye(s). $arah’s lenses don’t seem to distort her eyes at all.
Just sayin’
so r u sayin’ that she’s just trying to “look” intelligent??? lol
it takes more than lenses & frames, right?
Okay, enough with the cross-eyed threads please. I have severe Strabismus (although I love the term “Strombosis” – reminds me of the tempestuous volcano Stromboli in Italy), which can’t be corrected by eyeglasses or the multiple surguries I had as a kid. Besides being called “Cross-Eyed” in my youth, I was tremendously uncoordinated and clumsy. I have adapted (we all do) but still have very limited depth perception and problems with perspective. For people like me, simple things like stepping off a curb or going down stairs can be a challenege. I can’t tell if the next step down is six inches or six feet.
That being said, I’ll be the first to say that Sarah has no emotional depth, no social perspective, and is blinded by her ambition. But blame it on her soul, not her eyesight.
Eyeglass lenses most often used for correcting strabismus either incorporate prisms (in the lens of the eye that ‘wanders’), or are those used to compensate for severe farsightedness, which is often the cause of estropia (crossed eyes).
Both types would distort the appearance of the eye(s). $arah’s lenses don’t seem to distort her eyes at all.
Just sayin’…
@Super Bee
ROFL re:cross-eyed Star Trek….caught me totally off guard!
btw, that last frame of thick-skinned palin as she stares into camera…STILL gives me the creeps!
And I agree with you, anon blogger #125
Bretta Says:::: her eyes – not the only thing ‘not properly aligned.’
EXTRA-GiNO, she’s funny…maybe Tina will do another one of her famous word 4 word skits from this video…
someone pls do a PhotoShop from that last frame – with her eyes blazing – being made manifest by fire…
This is wild – found it looking for some of the pictures mentioned above.
Thank you! That’s it. You know, the funny thing is she is speaking slowly and clearly and actually makes sense. I really think the whole campaign thing, being so far over her head, really blew some synapses.
Is the 140 word limit on twitter the on line version of her book
OTHER PEOPLE are supposed to have thick skins. Not SP.
Just like OTHER PEOPLE are supposed to play by the rules, do their jobs, leave people’s kids out of it, etc. Not SP.
Isn’t Palin twittering all day the same as bloggers sitting in the basement of their parents home. Maybe she realized she even lost against the bloggers. Her higher calling is from leadership governor to yelling from the sidelines. WOW
The ex thrilla from wasilla is now a bitter quitter on twitter
#67 JHop Says:
what i think is funny is that she doesn’t think about her answers….ever. there is no truth to them. she is like a beauty queen/robot that simply repeats whatever she thinks sounds good as a talking point at any given moment.
#85 Professor Geezer Says:
Calling all Mudflats psychologists and therapists: is this video possibly a sign of Palin’s schizophrenia? It is the exact opposite view of what she supposedly thinks today…
I’ve often wondered how she manages—for such a self-centered, self-involved person—to have absolutely zero self-awareness and self-knowledge. It’s truly hard to fathom.
My guess is that she operates on gut instinct (not “gutteral”
) at the level of a junior-high bully mean girl: Her object is to best the other side because she’s arrogant enough to believe she ought to / deserves to come out on top, and these pseudo victories assuage an underlying inferiority complex.
There, and as Lucy van Pelt would say, “That’ll be five cents, please.”
BTW, I’m also on a Mac with FireFox, and Vimeo is very, very choppy—when it works.
Oops! Meant NORTH Korea, not South Korea.
“Cross-eyed Palin” you say? Get ready for another laugh…
Ripley in CT Says:
Cold as a witch’s left hooter
Ahhhh…brings me back to one of my first jobs after college. That was one of my former boss’ favorite sayings, although he used the other version of ‘hooter’. He also loved to complain about some of his less-self-motivated employees and say they were “as useless as t___ on a bull”. He was an ex-Marine and sometimes forgot about the -ex- part. He was certainly not politically correct but he was highly entertaining!
As for our little Miss Buttercup, the expression in the final frame of the video is truly frightening. I think it captures her honest emotions which she may have been too exhausted to cover. The more meltdowns she has over trivial insults, the more I wonder HOW she was expecting to be able to deal with world leaders who hate the US. If she can’t ignore a joke from David Letterman, how on earth was she planning to deal with someone like Kim Jong Il from S Korea???
oops, strombosis is an accidentally completely made-up word. My goof. Anyway, it (her eye condition) starts with an “S”. Strabismus (like Bretta said)
I watched the video on Gryphen’s blog earlier. The most telling part was the end when she looked directly at the camera.
Yes, Palin does have thick skin. Palin is not that wimp over all that distraction stuff, family matters. Just a ploy, damsel in distress syndrome I’d call it, to focus away from Palin’s political activities.
The Federal Government had to step in to take over the Medicare/Medicaid program. The cult has maneuvered within the state government it seems.
The cult group that Palin has been associated with would like to do away social services. That is why there are deaths because of lack of services. That is why she took cookies to hungry native Alaskans. That is why she tells the young native Alaskans to leave their communities for the big city for jobs. That is why she talks with lack of respect about the “feds” the way she does. That is why she said she would fund raise for candidates outside the republican party. That is why she disgraced the American flag by draping it over a chair with her elbow resting on it. It should be obvious by the statements of the cult that they are anti-American in their beliefs. And they want to progress further by taking over the world’s Christianity. Then what?
The only thing that protects me and my beliefs in how I interpret the Bible and God I serve is laws of this land, Bill of Rights, Constitution and amendments, particular separation of church and state. I am a heathen to this particular cult who professes to worship the real god. They should have the right to believe whatever they want; so should I. Their principles do not reflect the nature of Jesus and my Father. So what then? Because I cannot accept their beliefs, they want to strip me of my social security and kick me out of the land that my fore fathers built so they can have it all? How would that be any different than the cleric over Iran? Or the Taliban over Afghanistan? By a “Do as I say, not as I do” cult in it for the power and money.
Bruce Wilson has another fine article on Huff Post about Palin and her association with that cult.
Cross-eyed Palin pic:
google “cross-eyed Palin” using the quotation marks. then click on “images,” on the upper left hand corner of google page. there is a pic of cross eyed $arah.
I tried to google cross-eyed Palin – got a lot of hits but the actual pages have been removed. Including the Wonkette page of her first political ad for mayor.
120 annforhill Says:
July 18th, 2009 at 10:08 AM
Thick skin? More like a thick head.
Thick skin? More like a thick head.
#108, July 18th, 2009 at 9:10 AM, karen in OR Says: “”Someone here questioned whether she had a real prescription in her eyeglasses.
But I believe her lenses do correct an eye condition called strombosis (sp?). “”
She is cross-eyed in the first Vanity Fair Article, too (where she’s wearing the big green parka and no glasses).
From Wiki; Cross-eyed may refer to: Strabismus, a condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other.
Hahahaha. OMGosh. That’s a good one, Dennis. It’s even better than her slamming Hillary Clinton for her ‘perceived whine.’ I love too how you stopped the clip with her staring at your your camera. She cracks me up.
LOL- awesome video clip. Although, I’m sure she’ll argue that she has thick political skin. She’s been quiet about the masses of criticism and debunking of her op-ed in the WAPO- no hitting back there!
whinneeeeee quitty pants Bwwaaaaaaaaa baby
whinneeeeee quitty pants drill ‘er, baby!
Born in the wrong century!! A hundred years ago she wudda been King.
overthemoon and marnie:
Here is a link to the video where Palin is critical of Hillary’s suggestion that criticism of female politicians was sexist (“that perceived whine”).
There are several clips listed on the right such as Palin on Hillary and The Perceived Whine. The video opens to the beauty queen discussion, so you have to find the whine video on the right side of the page.
spread the words from Palin herself!
Huh? Everybody should have thick skin like she has??? Thanks but no thanks! If I had Palin’s type of thick skin I’d be treated for leprosy!!! lol
Karen in OR — Strabismus is the word you were looking for? If this were the case, without glasses she would be seeing double…..
Ziggy, she can’t quit her bible terms, lol…..manifest to her means shown or brought about or as evidenced or created or plainly seen, something along those lines, lol.
So she is saying the “proof” that she is bipartisan is “supposedly” shown by the people she appointed, that they are from all 3 parties, but I doubt that. Most of them are family friends, highschool buddies and church members, which would be repubs.
But, it would be kinda interesting to see who, if any, are Independents or Dems because they could be AIP “plants” infiltrating the government, I could see her doing dirty work like that.
Maybe I’ve missed this or AKM is working on the story but the little trial businsess concerning the young collage student who guessed her yahoo email password is getting mighty interesting. His lawyer, supposedly top notch, is requesting a subpena for Scarahs email, a bunch of them. This is a FED trial TN?, she can’t say no, lol.
I think this is the ice berg, the trial started on Monday, she twittered about it, on Wed. she told Parnell she was quitting, Friday am she resigns. I can’t wait to see what the judge does.
Phil Munger has a write up about it…….I’m sure AKM will too.
Palin thinks she and her family has had it tough, read this 2001 article that was written about chelsea and her parents. No one has written this type of article about palin and her family. This crazy repub thinks chelsea should not have kids because they will turn out to be little stalins. I know chelsea is an adult,but this article to me is crazy.
@Teutonic #92:
I read 3 or 4 of your blog posts, and they were really wonderful! You have a very original and poetic way with words, and your writing evokes emotion beautifully! Keep it up!
I’m not able to view the video but I did look at the screen-shot photos, courtesy of EyeOnYou #37.
Ms. Palin looks absolutely exhausted, shell-shocked, with an overlay of anger…..truly revealing photos. Pitiful, really……..very much at odds with her “thick skin” comments.
Someone here questioned whether she had a real prescription in her eyeglasses.
I also used to think she wore those glasses just for effect (as in appearing SMART) because they do not show the normal distortion for myopia or..whatever the opposite condition is called.
But I believe her lenses do correct an eye condition called strombosis (sp?). From footage I’ve seen of her early short career in sports broadcsting, she is without glasses and she clearly has one eye (maybe 2) out-of-whack.
Also (too), childhood photos of Sarah show her wearing glasses. So, that is one vanity she can’t be accused of.
Poor woman – she’s confused having thick skin with being thick-witted.
thanks for making me laugh
XGINO taking a poll of her kids–All these people dieing and taking the spotlight away from me. What should I do, I know I’ll quit, I’ll say the mean people drove me out!! Everyone will feel sorry for’s getting to hot around here anyway. OK kids what do you think,
Piper- will I get a new purse? will I have to go to school? will we travel again? Sarah-yes, no, yes
Bristol- can I quit the abstinence thing, It’s kinda stupid anyway Mom.- Sarah-yes
Willow- Whatever Mom
Track-Do whatever you want Mom, you do know I’m fighting in a war and ‘ I’m trying to stay focused.
Trig thinking, when is she going to pay attention to me?
TODD- I’m kinda busy fishing , but do whatever you want honey, God will show you the way, as long as it brings in the money.
Gosh, I don’t want to be the voice of reason here; No really I don’t, so:
Every single person who reads this blog could make some GREAT anti-Sarah ads with the video (and links) provided using only what she said. Not one would even need to be out of context or have a voice over, just her own words.
You can bet if she runs for anything it will be a party of one. No one will make the mistake of asking her to be their running mate. And who would she ask? She would have to ask someone to be number 2 if she got the GOP nom for pres. Oh, oh, oh, I bet she would ask Todd to be her VP running mate. Seriously, with the shift we voters made to the current admin, the only thine I see it swinging her way are doors closing in her face.
She she will make her money, the lunatic fringe need their voice, we don’t like it and I bet she will move out of Alaska (but maintain a “residency” here, probably keep getting dividends for her and the family – HEY wouldn’t she be disqualified from getting one for the amount of time she was on the road last year?).
Do we have an open thread for Saturday?
96 overthemoon Says:
July 18th, 2009 at 8:16 AM
I tried to find a video I saw recently with preVP candidate Palin taking Hillary Clinton to task for suggesting much of the criticism of her was sexist. Palin said she was doing a disservice to all women who should rise above and have a thick skin when playing in the political realm. I thought it was on the Atlantic site. Anyone else see this. It is pretty funny considering her constant whining.
Maybe we can come up with a new name for her Whiney the Poop Out or somesuch.
When you have deluded yourself that God is your personal door man, the rules that apply to the rabble don’t apply to you.
Palin couldn’t handle 6 months of the the political arena, Hillary has had the RabidRepos lying about her since Bill became Governor. 20 years or more.
I read some of my parent’s PR mail in the early 90’s What they said about Hillare (who wasn’t running for any office.) was appaling and truly disgusting, gutter level mentality tripe. Repos hate vaginas, they can’t get the image out of their discourse.
Sarah has put herself mentally in a place that no one will ever make her happy, she is now a full flegged professional 24/7/365 Drama Queen.
She reminds me of my brother’s cat who has pointless hissy fits and runs upstairs to pout a dozen or more times a day.
Not a flashback, but a flash forward: This site would be an interesting one to keep an eye on, and perhaps help update…
Question for all:
Other than her famous “in what respect?” response to a question about the Bush Doctrine or rhetorical questions peppered throughout her speeches, have you ever heard this gal ask a question and stop to listen to the answer?
Duhbya used to brag about how bipartisan he was, as governor. ‘Course both houses of the Leg were dominated by Repugs.
We saw just how bipartisan he really was as Prez UH dint.
We also just how bipartisan Palin is when Begich was asked to resign from his seat, and in her handling of appointing a legislator for juneau last spring.
The lies will never end for people like them. They live in their own tiny universe and protect their fragile vanities with lies.
She opens her mouth and a bunch of nonsense spews out. She can’t keeps her lies straight even in a typical mangled sentence.
How many pairs of glasses does this twit have?
I tried to find a video I saw recently with preVP candidate Palin taking Hillary Clinton to task for suggesting much of the criticism of her was sexist. Palin said she was doing a disservice to all women who should rise above and have a thick skin when playing in the political realm. I thought it was on the Atlantic site. Anyone else see this. It is pretty funny considering her constant whining.
from mayor of a tiny town to governor over a relatively small population (I don’t care how large the land mass)…the scrutiny was essential when your talking about being the leader of the free world…I don’t believe that never occurred to her…unless living in a bubble in AK was all she knew…then that’s not POTUS material anyway!
Another “thick skin” moment during Matt lauer’s interview, around 4.25 min.
After reading about the “samurai sword” thing, I’m almost sure I saw such a sword standing on a book shelf in her Wasilla house. I remember at the time thinking that a Japanese object didn’t fit in with the rest of the decoration. Trying to look that up, but just going through the Matt Lauer blah-blah was already enough for a day.
I keep thinking…. Someday I will make a difference.
“……but as I have in the last couple of years worked in a bipartisan manner and in my administration of course that being made manifest by appointing Republicans, Democrats and Independents to help serve the people of Alaska”
huh? what? “being made manifest” what does that mean? Anyone have an idea?
85 Professor Geezer – I’m not a therapist or doctor, however, I volunteer as an advocate for those with chronic schizophrenia and other mental illnesses that are caused by brain chemistry malfunctions, not their fault. They can recover with combinations of medication, nutrition, cognitive therapy, alternative medicine, and so forth. Actually many people with chronic mental illness are highly intelligent and creative genuises – think.. Van Gogh, Michelangelo, John Nash, Hemingway, Beethovan. To say Sarah had schizophrenia IMO, is a compliment!!
Now anti-social personality disorder, is what Ted Bundy had, and some folks with complete lack of a conscience. They can be nice people, but lack conscience. Hard to treat, because not biological or organic.
The DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder include:
1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
2. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
3. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;
4. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
5. reckless disregard for the safety of self or others;
6. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behaviour or honour financial obligations;
7. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalising having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
All of you are absolutely the best!. I have been lurking here since “she” was put on the national stage. I do not know how “she” was ever elected for anything. AKM, please put this on HP with her talking about Hillary Clinton whining and her resignation speech. Please!
I think she needs to get on a slow boat to China and clear her head. It seems like she’s just spouting out the first thing that comes to her mind. Where is that thick skin? Where is the woman who said that Hilary should quit whining? Its so obvious that she’s just plain lost it. Scrambling like a mad woman with things closing in on her! I’m wondering, is she interacting with her children like a mother? I haven’t heard anything about the children or even seen them. It must be pure chaos at the Palin house!
Thick as rice paper!
Interesting abstract regarding eye blinking and lying. The blink rate increases _after_ the lie?
Correct me if I’m reading this wrong:
Cognitive demand decrease eye blink rate.
Telling a lie takes cognitive effort, therefore the eye blink rate decreases during the lie, and increases noticeably after the lie stops.
Telling the truth is easy, therefore eye blink rate increases during the truth, and decreases back to base level afterward.
So if you’re flapping those lashes madly _after_ you quit speaking, when your mouth is closed, a lie has just been told?
There’s one thing that just cracks me up, every time:
Check out her glasses, notice how there is NO distortion? Not even the tiniest bit? I’m nearsighted. Lenses for the myopic make one’s eyes look smaller (in my case, a LOT smaller!) Farsighted people’s lenses can make them look as though their portraits should be painted on black velvet.
Those are NOT prescription lenses, they’re just the pseudo-smart stage props in her ‘I’m Every Woman’ tour.
Now I need to go figure out why that p!sses me off so much….
Calling all Mudflats psychologists and therapists: is this video possibly a sign of Palin’s schizophrenia? It is the exact opposite view of what she supposedly thinks today (“Bloggers hurt me! MSM hurts me! Comedians hurt me! So I quit!”). Thoughts????
While everyone is having a good laugh at $arah, I’ll make a serious reflection. Until McCain chose $arah to run as his VP, she was enjoying 80%+ approval ratings in Alaska. The economy was good, and people had no reason to question her. She was not put under that critical microscope of the MSM until the end of August. For two months, she had a protective staff from the campaign fending off insults, remarks and criticism direct at $arah. Still smarting from the loss, not able to make her own concsession speech, it finally caught up with $arah, and there has been a downhill slide ever since.
She gave a defensive, disjointed answer when she arrived back in Alaska. It always sounds to me as if she is talking from index cards, remembering each topic, never finishing the sentence because she is talking from “bullet points.” That “politics is tough” stuff is meant for other people; she learned that if she plays the victim, she will get attention, and lately, raise money. Besides, it is all finally catching up with her; there is more to be defensive about than ever before.
I have been reading the other blogs, and there are interesting little tidbits here and there which need to be coordinated. For example, that trial with the kid who hacked into $arah’s personal Blackberry last year is starting to take shape. The defense lawyers lawyers have issued a subpoena for all kinds of records including the kitchen sink, even birth dates for the Palin family. Someone looked at the deadline to turn over material: July 27, 2009. Date of Palin leaving office: July 26, 2009. Coincidence? Why did she need three weeks to leave office? Why not one week? There is no conclusion here; she is an on-going soap opera which is yet to conclude its intricate storyline. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s episode when……(fill in the blank).
As disappointed as she was after losing, she still looked puffed up and
self important (although whipped) coming back to all her little people in
Alaaaska. She didn’t know all the worshiping would stop and it would be work as usual. Not fun being a gov. way far away from the adoring fans.
Riply- cold as a witch’s left hooter!! Exactly!
Lainey, you’re probably onto something –
Watch her eye blink rate spike upwards – stress? lying?
A comment from someone over at ADN:
“A tweeter never wins and a winner never tweets.”
Except for Tweety Bird:)
Thick skinned when she is dishing out, but when she is the dish- ie, I see a different story..Sarah has some work to do…To Be President….She has Time, get to work, read, travel abroad, and study HARD….
if you cover her mouth, her eyes are spewing hatred. Try it….you will see what I mean….the eyes do not lie.
so true!! the other thing I’ve noticed with her (and not just from this video)…the stammering, the word salad, the stumbling of words…all the mannerisms of how a LIAR speaks! …journalist major, my a**!
I don’t see it as lying, but more like her inability to deal with complicated issues after dealing with real politics. She is a small time politican with a pea brain. Gosh she makes Bush look so smart all the time.
AKM I remember that day you braved the bitter cold for us muddies. Great memories . That s what you call a REAL journalist .Thank you for all you do.
I am laughing imaging this video clipped with her quitter speech and then her resignation. HF first, KO next. Oh the fun!
Even better put in on HP on the very day she officially quits her job. The thick skinned quitter was run out of office by bloggers and comedians.
Is the lying, rabble-rousing grifter “a very sensitive soul”, or does she not have a clean conscience?
Thanks for the transcriptions & screen shots. Vimeo is touch and go for me, and today it is a bust.
Thick skin? More like frayed to her last nerve. And ready to snap.
(whoops — awaiting moderation as I mistyped my e-mail address — please toss the last)
JHop; I agree about the creepy vibe, it does the same to me. Am reminded of some with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, where one of the main traits is to suck happiness out of their “narcissistic supply” victim, especially when things don’t go their way.
Thanks for the laugh!
Thanks for the transcriptions & screen shots. Vimeo is touch and go for me, and today it is a bust.
Thick skin? More like frayed to her last nerve. And ready to snap.
Can you just imagine spending 1 day at home with THAT WOMEN..Running around the house looking for her red shoes( Piper was wearing them) asking Todd if her skirt is short enough, patting Trig on the head saying ‘nice baby” while tweeting her word salad, and muttering to herself I can do this, I can do it all!!! Must be like living in the middle of a tornado!!!!
I think the worst face SP made ever was when they were interviewing her in THE house after the election. They asked her something about if she could talk to Hillary Clinton what would she say. I have never seen her lips become so thin and flat…so much anger in every word she spit out. Whew! Maybe the tough skin is on her @s$$?
Thank you so much AKM and Dennis Zaki for being there to document this woman!
I very much hope The Huffington Post picks this story up. It is a perfect moment of XGINO: the “word salad”, the baleful, angry look of defeat in contrast to the perky, upbeat, self-congratulatory words, and the textbook XGINO touch: everything she says is demonstratively a lie.
She can dish it out, but she can’t take it.
what i think is funny is that she doesn’t think about her answers….ever. there is no truth to them. she is like a beauty queen/robot that simply repeats whatever she thinks sounds good as a talking point at any given moment. she needs to be deprogrammed and traded in for a new and improved model.
she also has a creepy vibe here. when she looks into the camera at the end, i couldnt help but look away. sort of like a dementor from harry potter that will look into your soul and suck away the happiness. i am kidding…sort of.
her thick skin turned into $$$ signs in her eyes.
Before XGINO hit that stage nobody in Alaska paid much attention to what she did or said, she was pretty and gave them the energy checks, everything was Oky Doky with them, how many people really knew what she was doing, getting per deim , state paid travel for kids etc..
BUT when she put on those heels and hit that spotlight and those crowds started chanting Sarah, it all went to her head, she believed everyone loved her and they would believe everything she said, after all those Alaskans never questioned her, if they did they were gone, so she did it out in the open instead of behind closed doors, in her mind God shows her the way so she can do no wrong.
That video IS the real Sarah Palin!!!
Ahhh, sweet memories! Your trip to see her arrive back in Alaska was the first Mudflats blog I ever read and I have been hooked from that first read. Thank you!
Agreed. This is so “ffPo”worthy! Please send it to HuffPo!
(I, too, fondly recall your intrepid covering of this frozen event when it first occurred, AKM! Thanks again!)
I have a Mac and Firefox. Was having trouble with videos and daughter said to call server and up grade. I did and now have no difficulty with Vimeo or Comedy Central.
Her deranged look at the end of the video says it all…with those crazy eyes staring right into the camera. Please send this to Huff Po
I remember that blog. Cold as a witch’s left hooter and she was in heels, right?
Another episode of “YCMTSU”.
Thick witted.
Thank you, Beth, for the transcription. Having a hearing disability meant I wouldn’t have known what was said. By looking at her face during this video, she looked beat. Maybe she cried the whole way home after losing because it meant losing the “good” life she enjoyed for a few months at the RNC’s expense.
hehe he he Sarah is a joke. She should just fade away, or go hybernating like a ground hog. She is full of crap.
Thanks, AKM. Next time, please warn me to swallow my coffee before I push the play button. That was hilarious, especially the look on her face at the end.
As an after thought — last night everything with any kind of video wouldn’t play for me either. Just got a black box, or if it went farther, it would play for 33 seconds and then stop. Thought it was a blip in my cable connection. Wonder if something was going on in the internet/connectivity world.
I love it when those clips come back to kick her in the fanny. Would love to see Tina Fey do this little clip.
I’m using Opera on an Imac and having no problem with Vimeo.
51 Paula Says:
July 18th, 2009 at 3:20 AM
This really needs to be on HP.
Seconded! (or +1, as we say on the series of tubes)
Very amusing. This broad really can’t remember from one minute to the next what it is she has said (lied about). She is just never going to fade away, is she? A pox on McCain.
This really needs to be on HP.
Beth -loved the cotton story, also, though, too, wink.
@ beth: I agree about SP’s word salad. I often wonder how she got this far without ever giving straight answers. It’s like a Jedi mind trick.
Short skirts, high heels, sitting on stage, facing front so male audience can see up said short skirt? Just a guess.
Video, what a wonderful thing. You can see the anger and bitterness all over her face. Thick skin… only when she’s throwing people under the bus. Other wise whinneeeeee quitty pants Bwwaaaaaaaaa baby.
Hey Beth!
I like that… Fools seldom differ.
Sounds like the republican party.
Sarah Palin is a nasty person. She has lied repeatedly and done awful things to people that have helped her along the way. Her history has been preserved by the blogs and video.
I hope she does run for office. I’d like to see a picture of her resignation speech with the slogan “Winners never quit, and quitters never win”!!!
Yes, that last shot says it all!!
I’d forgotten about that video. The thing about listening to Palin is that she manages to sound sort of OK till you try to figure out what she actually said. When it’s transcribed, it’s clear that it just doesn’t make sense. I still think that the school that finally gave her that journalism degree should demand that she return it. She didn’t learn anything about how to even construct a sentence.
And yes – someone should have told her to be careful about her facial expressions if she really wanted people to believe that she has a thick skin for politics (or anything else). She looks quite peeved, but I think her fear is also showing, especially in that last shot.
I’d like to collect other moments like that.
Palin once wasked about drilling in AK,
and she said “drill drill drill ” I think it was Biden who said “drill drill drill ”
and she corrected him – No, its Drill Baby Drill.”
“Percieved whine …”
Lets make a list…
The only thick skin she has is on the bottom of her feet.
Canadian Neighbour ~
Pictures two and three…just look at her eyes! If looks could kill whomever she was looking at would have been a pile of smoldering ash. The looks in her eyes says so much more than word ever could. BooBooBear has it right. She is full of venom.
I know many people think she is pretty, and she can be, in a very superficial way, but in my opinion she is an exceptionally ugly person. Her kind of pretty will fade, and all she will be left with is the bitter ugliness that consumes her. I feel bad enough for those who have to live with her now, but when her looks fade, she will be intolerable to be around (much more so than now).
@ beth: I agree about SP’s word salad. I often wonder how she got this far without ever giving straight answers. It’s like a Jedi mind trick.
Canadian Neighbour – “great minds think alike” or something… (probably more like “fools seldom differ”) as far as our dual transcriptions go. Glad we both came to the same ‘hearing’ of the words.
I tell you, though, I’ve transcribed a whole bunch of stuff in my day, but *never* anything as consistently salad-y as SPs salads. Incredible! My G-d, what a strange woman!
She doesn’t seem to be able to hold a thought in her head long enough to even complete a sentence… I wonder if she has headaches at the end of each day. I know my head is starting to swim a bit after transcribing her words – the transcribing part wasn’t at all bad, it was the proofing that was more than a bit problematic. No one, I should think, could *possible* come across as *so* flaky with a simple answer to a simple question. She does, though. Oy!
As I said, *hearing* her is bad enough; *reading* her is downright painful! beth.
The bottom picture she looks so PO’d it looks like she is holding her breath — we only wish as then she’d just blow up!!
You and I reading the comments that people couldn’t get it to play, we both had the same thought. Just wouldn’t want to do it often as the word salad confuses the brain cells!!! You triple check at the end using the mouse to follow along your words as you just can’t believe it!!!
Aiiii… sorry, Canadian Neighbor @ 33 – I was transcripting away and missed your posting. Seems as if we both heard the same thing, though, so that’s good. beth.
For any of you who cannot see the video, Canadian Neighbour did a perfect translation, and for your viewing pleasure, I have taken screenshots of the three faces at the end of the video where she says she got the thick skin!
Based on the video the pictures are
(three being the final shot of her face as the video ends)
OK – for those who’re having trouble uploading (and/or hearing/viewing) the video, I *think* I’ve transcribed correctly what’s recorded on the linked video. Enjoy the salad. beth.
REPORTER: Since you’ve been gone, the political landscape here in Alaska has changed quite a bit – there’s been some hurt feelings since you left, but especially in the legislature. How’re you gonna work to mend that and get back to the bi-partisan, ah, [unintelligible; cut off/over-voiced by SPs response].
SARAH PALIN: Well, I don’t know what specifically you’re talking about “hurt feelings”, then, because that’s so subjective. Kinda tough to answer, but, um, as I have for the last couple’a years, worked in a bi-partisan manner and in my administration, of course, that being made manifest by appointing Republicans, Democrats, and Independents to help serve the, the people of Alaska. I’m gonna continue to do that; continuing to reach out. Nobody should have hurt feelings. My goodness, this is POLitics. POLItics is rough and tumble and people need to get thick skin, just like I’ve got.
[Um, nope, it doesn’t make any more sense when it’s written out than it does just plain ol’ listening to it. Strike that: I think it’s *worse*, written out. At least when you listen to it, you can shake you head at what you’ve just heard and then concentrate on hearing the next thing. When you *read* it, your eyes keep going back and back and back to what you’ve just read to make *sure* you’ve read it correctly. In the case of reading SPs words, yes; yes, you *have* read the words correctly.]
More like “You call yourself a pit-bull —You’re an appetizer!” “Take that beeatch!” “Chomp!”
Had to be careful having played it so many times for the wording — I didn’t want her burned image on my monitor!!!
Canadian Neighbor,
When you finished posting her answer, did you strike the “I am going to melt your face with my eyes” look like she did?
QUESTION: Since you’ve been gone, the political landscape here in Alaska has changed quite a bit. There’s been some hurt feelings since you’ve left, but especially in the legislature How are you going to mend that and get back to the bipartisan (a few words I can’t pick up)
PALIN: Well I don’t know what specifically you’re talking about hurts feelings then because that’s so subjective. Kinda tough to answer but as I have in the last couple of years worked in a bipartisan manner and in my administration of course that being made manifest by appointing Republicans, Democrats and Independents to help serve the people of Alaska, I’m going to continue to do that, continuing to reach out. Nobody should have hurt feelings. My goodness this is politics. Politics is rough and tumble and people need to get thick skinned. Just like I’ve got.
“My Goodness…this is POLITICS…you need to get a thick skin!” She sounds ugly and full of venom…THIS is the clip that needs to be run over and over again to show to the lower 48’ers. This is the real Sarah. What is interesting, even in photos where she is smiling…if you cover her mouth, her eyes are spewing hatred. Try it….you will see what I mean….the eyes do not lie.
Also, kudos to Dennis for capturing this wonderful moment.
Based on everybody’s comments this video sure sounds very interesting and telling. I sure wish I could see it…? I’m with justafarmer and some of the others here. Vimeo seems to never work for me. I’m using Firefox and it downloads … But Nothing afterwards. no play.
Palin is a diagnosis
waiting to happen.
A foldout pinup
in the
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders,
Ha! This clip is priceless! Add it to the one where she called Hillary a whiner and she had to be tough in politics…yadda, yadda, and so on. This is GOLD in proving she is a total quitter and just can’t take it. Approximately 7-8 months after this video, she has given up and admitted she cannot run the state of Alaska.
Of course, her “Choir” will never see it that way, but the big guys and gals in DC will never take her seriously and that is what will count in the end.
It sounded good to her at the time – just like so many things she’s said. Truth and facts just don’t matter to her.
One of the top Mudflats eye rollery moments ever. Thanks, Dennis Z!
I remember this night and your cold ordeal, AKM. This is so funny. This clip should follow her around like tics on a stick. Oopsy doo, Sarah.
Yikes!! at the very end, she’s looking at me and is very late, going to bed scared of that face and the blob from Alaska.
yes, her expression is of contempt on the face of defeat.
When she resigned/quit/ beat feet/headed for the hills, a blog that I was reading, can’t remember if it was a local one, or national, brought up the quote about you have to have a thick skin. And now as Werner Wolfe used to say “Let’s go to the video tape” And would someone point out the real democrats and independents that she has appointed to her cabinet and actually held on to? And Lainey, I thought the same thing about the freeze frame at the end. In fact, I bet she was stomping her foot with her hands on her hip. Oh, sorry to go off topic, but watch Lettermans top ten list tonight if you can. His mother takes a shot at our princess.
Up is down. Black is white. Thick is thin.
Good riddance Sarah Palin. You lost. You quit. Now go home.
beth…nice…think I’ll use that one on my son
My father, rest his soul, was discussing something or other quite important with my sister one day. He turned to her, all serious and wise-father-like and all, and said: “Pay attention to what I’m saying; I have cotton in my ears and can’t hear a thing I’m telling you. You’ll have to remember it for me.”
I think SP has cotton in her ears. And has had, for a long, long, long time.
Thank heavens AKM and the rest of the ‘pesky’ bloggers have been paying attention -*for* her!- to what SPs been saying. beth.
(And, no, no one in our family remembers, at all!, what it was that Dad was telling my sister. “Cotton in my ears” has become a much-loved family meme, though – dissolving us all into laughter each and every time.)
That last freeze-frame truly provides a glimpse into the depth of malevolence and conceit contained with that frigid soul…
I can only imagine what additional harm this retched excuse for a Governor might have exacted…had she not been tempted by the spotlight.
She will not getting away with all those evil deeds….
For I am reminded that in this life we reap what we sow, be that good or bad… and that “vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.”
I, too, use Firefox, and have no problem with videos except Comedy Central clips. Sometimes they’ll play from Crooks and Liars, but almost never from anywhere else. Do you ever have a problem with ComCent clips?
the thick parts must have peeled away…
OK, I’m stopping, I don’t promise…
Sourdough Mullet Says:
July 17th, 2009 at 9:03 PM
Maybe we misunderstood. Perhaps she said “slick skin”. Yes.
“Slick, green scaly skin, just like I’ve got” -SP
I feel somehow…..violated……”Slick’s skin” you say? She has some of Slick’s skin?
(puuuuuke) Ah, man. Not again…..
“…just like I got….”
thks but 0 thks
Omg…the irony! Good thing there are videos of her saying this shiat! That clip is hilarious in light of what she is doing now. Ha!
Farmer…….I use Safari and you have to go to preferences and allow all in the security section of the firewall. Also clear your history and cache. When all else fails, I go to FireFox. Vids always do better with FF. They came out with an upgrade today on FF so if you didn’t get it, go to the website and download it. In FF you can set it to automatically clear all history and cache each time you close.
Good luck.
Glad he captured that…the before and after of Palin…wait she’s been the same all along…as we look back, its evident..
she got skinned alive…
…and the hits keep coming…
when the video ends and she’s looking directly into the camera, did you notice her look of contempt?
…guess her skin wore thin…
you Alaska Bloggers wore out her skin….
Too funny!
…not thick enuff….XGUV
more lies from between her lips
thick skin over her brain! NOTHING she utters is true!!! NOTHING! amazing how she can be so consistent on this one and only thing
I’m with you, justafarmer- vimeo is not my friend. (I have a G5)
someone, let me kow what the trick is with vimeo.
I’m on a Mac and vimeo NEVER works. It runs and runs with no sound and video for a long ime and then when it finally starts its all choppy stop and start
I hope the straight jacket covers that skin of hers. That or the orange jumpsuit.
lol, sourdough!
Maybe we misunderstood. Perhaps she said “slick skin”. Yes.
“Slick, green scaly skin, just like I’ve got” -SP