Farewell, My Friends… It’s Been Fun.
“Between the bizarre tweets, the incoherent “good-bye Alaska” speech, and the ensuing and constant pleading that quitting is fighting and fighting is quitting, it has become abundantly clear to anyone with any sense that Sarah Heath Palin has become “Crazy Governor Lady.”
So begins a recent opinion piece from local conservative pundit Dan Fagan. It got me thinking. He thinks I have sense. And, in this case, I think he has sense. What does it all mean?
Sometimes, being a progressive in Alaska can be a lonely business. Granted, our numbers are growing, and one could argue that the last election cycle saw our state moving on the color chart from the reddest of the red to a “less red”….maybe sorta reddish-plum type area. We may have even passed Oklahoma, but I’ll have to get back to you on that.
The phenomenon of Sarah Palin, whom Fagan now refers to as “Crazy Governor Lady,” has expanded my circle of virtual friends. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have not changed my political philosophy, but the last 2/3 of a term has done something fascinating. It has created some very strange bedfellows, indeed. In a certain limited way, I’ve been able to consider people like Dan Fagan, and Mike Hawker, and Jay Ramras, and a host of other Republicans kindred spirits. Frankly, I have found myself thinking, “You go, Dan!” on more occasions than I care to admit. This was usually followed by a rush of brain chemicals associated with shame and guilt, and a little voice saying, “Oh dear God, did you just think that?”
But, it wasn’t all a big “chattering class” kumbaya up here on the Last Frontier. Those like fringe right-wing radio host Eddie Burke and his ilk continue to revel in their own delusion and still sing the governor’s praises despite everything they’ve seen. They did not run screaming, like their more sensible conservative kin. They still cling, wide-eyed, to any shred of possibility, no matter how remote, that they’ll be invited to go bowling someday in that secret underground bowling alley beneath the White House. If they’d remove their fingers from their ears and stop going, ‘LALALALALALA!” they would hear me say, “Good luck with that.”
And, I know that after the abdication ceremony next Saturday, I’ll be bidding a philosophical farewell to my feelings of camaraderie, and my team will have gotten a bit smaller. But, that’s OK. Like some strange weather phenomenon, we all looked with fascination, knowing this strange cosmic event would quickly pass. It was interesting while it lasted. And who knows… maybe out there, somewhere were some conservatives thinking, “You go, Alaska bloggers and outspoken Democratic legislators!” I think this is how they must have felt in Illinois after the Rod Blagojevich debacle.
Yes, she has lost it and revealed herself as flaky, delusional, dishonest, slightly paranoid, and in way over her head. Palin should have never been elected governor. She wasn’t ready and those of us who voted for her should have known it. The lesson is that personality, image and looks should never trump substance when evaluating a candidate.
And yes, the “you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover” lesson, if you missed it in Kindergarten, can still be learned and understood later in life. It’s a good one.
Looking to the future, and the Parnell administration, Fagan goes on to say:
It’s time for new Gov. Sean Parnell to take up the fight against liberal Democrats…
(Sigh…) So, with that, I will prepare, in six days, to stand on the shore with my fellow progressives, and wave my white hanky at the shipload of conservatives, our “Palin weather friends,” steaming away into the sunset, back to their own philosophical motherland. And then we’ll get back to the task of trying to budge this state from reddish-plum to sort of a blueish plum. I think it will look good on us.
After reading this post this song came to mind….
Sound of Madness by Shinedown
Yeah, I get it, your an outcast
Always under attack, always coming in last
Bringing up the past, no one owes you anything
I think you need a shotgun blast, a kick in the a$$
So Paranoid, watch your back
Oh my, here we go
Another lose cannon gone bi-polar
Slipped down, couldn’t get much lower
Quicksand’s got no sense of humor
I’m still laughing like hell
You think that by crying to me
Looking so sorry that I’m gonna believe
You’ve been infected by a social disease
Well, then take your medicine
I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain
Somehow I’m still here to explain
That the darkest hour never comes in the night
You can sleep with a gun
When you gonna wake up and fight for yourself?
I’m so sick of the tombstone mentality
If there’s an afterlife then it’ll set you free
But I’m not gonna part the seas
You’re a self-fulfilling prophecy
(((redwoodmuse))) Wow, great news about your SIL. I had tears in my eyes reading about him phoning home. I firmly believe in the power of good thoughts vibrating with positive intention. Please keep us posted on news of his recovery.
From the new HuffPo article on “Not saying goodbye”
NALAKLEET, Alaska — She was greeted like a rock star in Unalakleet, a fishing village on the Bering Sea.
Apparently there are 800 persons living in Unalakleet and 100 of them turned out to see her. Not such a big deal when it’s put into perspective. I think it’s an overstatement to call her a rock star, and I wonder how many of them were curiosity seekers.
On topic: GO DEMS IN AK!!!
redwoodmuse: wow.
On Topic: I have some conservative friends (you know, like “I have some black/latino/jewish/gay friends”). Those who are still friends share some characteristics — they are not overtly racist, sexist, ageist, anti-gay, or religiously intolerant.
Believe it or not, it is possible for someone to be conservative enough that I still want to strangle them (metaphorically) without being any of the above.
Liberals and conservatives differ on a range of issues. However, there is also a range of issues where “real” conservatives and “real” liberals may well agree. (I use the quotes to distinguish the real deals from, e.g., white supremacists who may call themselves conservative, or Hispanic reunifiers who may want to be thought of as liberal).
Certainly, one area of agreement would be that elected officials should do their damn jobs. But, I think you’ll find there are others.
BTW, this isn’t Kumbaya. Conservatives are WRONG about a lot of things. But we shouldn’t ignore the areas where agreement is possible.
AKM, perhaps you should ask Dan Fagan if he was being redundant when he used the term “liberal Democrats”. Eventually, you might be able to find out what evil it is that those libs are planning to perpetrate on AK. Seriously, if the guy has enough synaptic function to realize what a disaster La Palin has been, he can probably carry on a conversation.
That is fantastic news, what a relief. Have thought of you all often since that terrible day when your news broke. I was on the blog with you then and remember the horror well. I was telling you you must ring your husband. You were obviously in shock at the time and thinking you shouldn’t ring because it was personal.
UKman will be pleased to hear this news too.
Congratulations, I hope for your son in laws continued recovery.
As for the rest, whew, Akm, that was mean of you, I feared for a moment we were being abandoned.
I love the mudflats and log in nearly everyday, to check on the sisters and brothers far up north. Keep up the good fight. You rock.
It’s time for new Gov. Sean Parnell to take up the fight against liberal Democrats…
… and eliminate those wholly socialist oil royalty checks.
What? He didn’t say that?
Redwoodmuse: So glad that there is improvement and so much hope for further inprovement. Mudpups Rock!!
so, so thrilled to hear the news. it is a miracle, really. i had a TBI one year ago, and though mild it has changed my life. your son-in-law will never be the same person he was, but, potentially, an even more enlightened person from this experience. blessing heaped upon you all!
community, family . . . that is all that counts in the final tabulation!
SUPER news and I hope for a continued speedy (and complete) recovery!!!
This one line from the AP farce of an article really burned me.
“But this is what Palin loves best: Reaching out to Alaskans, no matter how remote. ”
Oh really????????? I bet the people in Emmonak, Nunam Iqua and the other villages that suffered so last winter (and may do so again this winter unless Parnell gets his butt in gear) would beg to differ. I guess she only ‘reaches out’ to them when she’s got a plate of cookies and a preacher with a fistfull of religious pamphlets. Oh yeah, I almost forgot…a media crew with a television camera to record every insincere moment!
And where was she when Eagle got decimated by flooding this spring?????
I am so happy to hear your great news, I can’t imagine what you have gone through. Aint miracles great?!
doh, that would be Sister Sledge.
AKM, like so many others today, my heart stopped when I read your headline. Oh no, I thought, there goes my community. And then I was ashamed cause I realized you were probably worn out and needed a break. And then I was relieved, excited and mad at you all at once, kind of when you snatch your child back after he/she has darted out in front of a speeding car. Anyway, I’m glad you are still here.
And now for some delicious, wonderful news that came last night as I was chatting with the pups in the forum….my son-in-law picked up the phone from beside his hospital bed, dialed my daughter at home and held a ten minute conversation with her!!! It really is a miracle.
For those who don’t know, in mid June, he had an accident on an electric skateboard and fractured his skull in three places. Traumatic brain injury. He was in a coma for the first week and in a vegetative state for the second week and a half. Since coming back to us, he has been doing so well that he is being released from rehab at the end of this month. He will do outpatient care and have some in home therapy and it will be a long road back (doc says at least a year). He has weakness in his arm but the sensation has come back in his hand. His wandering eye is already correcting itself. His memories (except for the accident) seem to be there but the timeline is scrambled. That will take some work. Still, a very big miracle.
My daughter was crying as she told me to thank all the pups for the prayers and light. “Tell them it really made a difference. I could see it every day.”
I add my thanks to hers. Thank you for caring. I was on Mudflats when I got the call about his accident and I was in the forum when I got the awesome news last night. I can’t think of a better place for me to have been in either instance.
I’ve got Sly and the Family Stone running through my head….We are Family!
Thank you all.
Wonderful news, redwoodmuse. And I promise never to run out in front of a speeding car again…. Please don’t ground me.
Physicsmom – the soldier is based @ Ft. Richardson AK, but he is from Idaho.
Oh, there is actually one new thing I wanted to add to this thread, and surprise, it’s somewhat in defense of xGINO: her tweet about the soldier who was captured in Afghanistan makes sense if he was from Alaska, which is the impression I got from her message. If not the case, then she’s being typically random, but if he is an AK citizen, it makes more sense that she is particularly concerned about him. Now the “warrior” business is horrid and must stop…
Scary headline, AKM, but great post as always. I agree with Nan, in that after I read all the comments, there’s nothing left to say. Appreciated AKPetMom’s comment about the former First Lady program, especially that there “isn’t a gracious bone in (GINO’s) body.” Also liked CG’s annotation of the AP coverage of one of her farewell tour stops. We couldn’t have known all the local details without it. Thanks so much. I just don’t understand how she could do this statewide tour after so specifically dissing that exact thing in her resignation speech. Irony is totally lost on her. YJCMTSU!
@ zggy #141 “If $arah really does go rogue and gets non pc on her twits, she’ll be committing political suicide.”
Despite Palin’s rationalizations and half-baked excuses…..she actually committed political suicide by quitting. The GOP who are trying to spin her quitting in a positive light (i.e. McCain: “she changed her priorities”) are only fooling themselves. The electorate in general view quitters very negatively.
More subtly, but no less damaging: Those people who are supporting the “changed her priorities” meme are reinforcing the negative stereotype in our culture that characterizes women as changing their minds as easily as they change their outfits or purses. By unwittingly (?) tapping into this stereotype, Palin and her apologists have not only decreased Palin’s chances for further political leadership but may have made it harder for other women in politics.
This is why Palin must NOT be identified as an “EveryWoman” in the public’s mind as advertised and pushed by the GOP and Sarah, herself. She is an aberration who caught the shuttle to the moon by fluke…..and she needs to be unceremoniously debunked, decredited, and run out of town on a rail…with only herself to blame.
‘How can we have an invasion when the troops storm ashore and then change their minds!’ – Bob Hope, entertainer, about women in combat.”
When I discovered Mudflats late last year, I found a very special place where intelligent, insightful and humorous discussion took place on varying levels. And what a wonderful mix of people. Mudpuppies are _____ (fill in the blank with superlative praises for each and everyone of you).
AKM, you are a treasure in this world of blogs because you set a higher standard in using the written word so creatively and thoughtfully. You gently provoke the free-flow of ideas, thoughts and discussion in this delightful forum. Lovely. And oh, your photographs! You are truly an artist!
Just wanted to let you know that I *lurk* with good thoughts and appreciation for the amazing world of Mudflats. I might even venture into a discussion now and then! Who knows? (back to lurkdom, for now).
Thank You AKM!
Since this is the farewell thread….there’s been some others that have given so much more to the US than the soon to be ex-Gov.
Just watched the 60 Minutes special on Walter Cronkite. Excellent retrospective.
Did you know that he was good friends with Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead?
Did you know that he was in Spike Lee’s movie “4 Little Girls”?
Those are just 2 bits of info, minor in the big role he played in this country. Some said that he had the trust of America, and it is probably good that he’s the last person who did. To find someone again that really deserves that kind of trust is a risky venture.
Thanks CG – great posts as usual. We’re counting on you!!! (no pressure)
@CG — #128:
Nice update on the staged publicity tour with the ‘real Alaskans’ of Unalakleet, as documented by our smitten AP man on the scene.
Did you happen to catch my comment #54 in the open thread about Rev. McCoy having some connection to the Mat-Su Valley? Just wondering if you knew anything about that.
(The McCoys had a baby born with Trisomy 13 who died last March, and according to Baptist Int’l MIssions, Inc (BIMI): “There will be a graveside service following the funeral at His Servant’s Haven of Rest Cemetery, located in PALMER, Alaska.”)
First we hear from Lisa, and now the good Rev. himself is singing her praises. How nice for her.
Sauerkraut @109,
Ann Strongheart gets first whack!!!
If $arah really does go rogue and gets non pc on her twits, she’ll be committing political suicide.
I’m thinking about that line, if you don’t have anything nice to say about a dead person, then don’t say anything. So, I would say, “Good, she’s dead”. =)
I’m going to miss the comraderie some…really.
What it is it about people that we all run and help with sandbagging when it floods and when the emergency is over we all go home and slam our doors shut?
And back to the “liberal Democrat ‘ thingy?
More sighs…
Yup- blueish plum, sounds good.
I’ll help!
I have never posted before but I do love comming here every morning to read the latest on Mi$$ $arah.
Mudflats, your reach is all over the world.
I’m from Australia and I found you during your elections and could not believe what I saw so I dig a little deeper and have been hooked ever since.
Australian politics are so dull compared to this.
I’m sure this is not the end of $arah only a new begining.
thanks for that, Lee! It’s my absolute favorite soliloquy from Shakespeare.
If anyone gets a chance, don’t miss Kenneth Branagh’s film “Henry V”. The entire Agincourt part is wonderful!
CG= Excellent commentary on the Palin-Rockstar article! You posed some good questions as well. I wonder if there will be any cost total for these past two weeks. Sayin’ thank you doesn’t cost anything, unless you are $arah.
Sometimes I feel sorry for the folks in the lower 48. I think she will be down there, at least until someone serves her with a subpoena (I hope)
CG, bubbles – me three
It’s like a prime example of a wasted opportunity. What a dang shame. Hoping for better, if not in 10 days, then in 18 months, for sure.
AKM: (Sigh…) “So, with that, I will prepare, in six days, to stand on the shore with my fellow progressives, and wave my white hanky at the shipload of conservatives, our “Palin weather friends,” steaming away…”
Nonsense, good sister. The inspiration of Talis Colberg is still waiting in the wings with un-cheap manhoods and declarations of eternal camaraderie of the happy band of brothers/sisters who were united by a singular fight for the common good:
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers [and sisters]
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”
For those Pups who don’t have a clue what Shakespeare’s Henry V is doing in this post, remember that Palin’s erstwhile AG, Talis Colberg, advised Palin’s minions that answering the Senate investigation’s subpoena was “optional.” He resigned in Jan 2009 in disgrace after the Senate cited those minions for Contempt. His resignation address included the above Henry V passage from Shakespeare. So inspiring!? Not so much…….once AKM was done skewering it hilariously.
Due to the critical conjunction of Mr. Colberg, his speech, and the MudFlats, he will unfortunately always be referred to as “Talis Codpiece.” Read AKM’s original post on this link:
CG~~~~~~~~~~me too
The simple fact is, less than 10% of Unalakleet attended her reception that served king crab.
I’d love to hear from the 90% that weren’t there.
Can you declare July 26 to be Liberation Day?
OMG. I just got home from two days off the radar (no internet) and I nearly passed out reading the title of this post! It scared ten years off my life (THANK YOU).
I can’t imagine my day without Mudflats even without the antics of the Bitter Twitter Quitter (that’s a good one). I NEED my Brian and Brenda (and twins) updates and pictures of flora and fauna! We’re a FAMILY here regardless of what the Palins may or may not do. We will stay in touch. And I think the future of Alaska in still going to be Verrrrrrrrrrry Interesting (as Arte Johnson used to say) and, quite likely, entertaining in many ways.
I ♥ Mudpuppies (((AKM)))
Yep, yep, Palin went to Unalakleet because she could find some people there (the rich ones and the ones that didn’t nearly starve and don’t fish for living…)
She went there for a favorable reception. If she would have stepped foot in Emmonak or any of the other villages that suffered so badly this past winter I can’t help but think her reception would have been so favorable.
“Like seeks like”. That’s politics and she’s shoving it down our throats on her great last tour of our great state.
Sarah quitter Palin is only leaving the governorship. She will be around for a long time, so AKM…the rest of the Alaskan bloggers and all of us muddies still have work to do.
It is time for blogs in the lower 48 and Hawaii to go full tilt. The truth about Palin needs to be told over and over again, until it finally sinks in to her ever diminishing base. I don’t care if all she wants to do is make money…but she can never never never get elected to any kind of political office again. Everyone needs to stay on her. Did she believe that if she quit Alaska…that all of a sudden there would be no more Letterman or Stewart Jokes? Did she think we would all let by gones be by gones?
Sorry sarah…and her bots….it will. never.happen. She is stuck with many of us watching her every move from here to eternity.
Quotes from real Unalakleet people. Let’s see who they are:
“It’s remarkable we can have the opportunity to see her in this community,” Baptiste said.
Mrs. Agnes Baptiste, from Anchorage. East High School, Alternative Program Supervisor (Elitnurvik-Within-East). Previously from Nome, where she served on the Alaska Native Education Council.
The Rev. Pat McCoy, pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church, said he understands why Palin is stepping down. “If I was her, I’d quit,” he said. “Everybody just wants her all the time.”
From West Virginia. The missionary “church planter” whose presence is subsidized by Mission Air Care. Thanks for your insight on Alaska politics, bucko.
“Palin said Alaskans appreciate her desire to help the state avoid a prolonged lame-duck status.”
While a short lame-duck victory tour could be much less painful, I don’t know that any of us appreciate any of this.
“Ivanoff said he was saddened and angered by her sudden resignation because it would cost the state significant money and rob it of one of its most valuable resources – Palin.”
Now, there’s an interesting take. He’s angry because Alaskans are being “robbed” of Palin.
Ivanoff’s one of the Norton Sound elite upwardly-mobile types. Very well employed with the regional economic development organization; salary probably $65,000+. Gets quoted on things all the time. Never has to worry about the heating fuel bill.
“Davida Hanson said she sees a little of herself in Palin: a working mother trying to do what’s best for her job and family. “I love her!” Hanson said.
Davida is a local girl that works for the local air taxi and a former pageant winner – she loaned the current Miss Unalakleet her tiara. Her non-Native husband Bret is an ‘import’ – a contractor and building suppy owner. He and a buddy started a thriving popular pizza restaurant that’s been featured on Nightline.
The only quote not enthusiatically pro-Sarah:
“Not everyone is so impressed. Karen Erickson, owner of the Kuupiaq coffee house, said she thinks Palin has “gone Hollywood”…
“She likes her attention with the media,” Erickson said, then adds: “She’s done a lot for the state. You have to give her that.”
Like what, Karen? Name ONE thing. You don’t really have to give her that.
Coming here from the open thread:
Oh goody. Part II of Matthew Daly’s ‘Palin Unleashed-Victory Lap’
Bits and pieces snipped and posted. This latest installment contains photos that Daly credits himself for, so apparently he IS there.
A Washington, DC AP journalist is on tour with Sarah Palin. Is he the new voice for the state? Has he replaced David Murrow? Did Sarah contract him to come along? Is the State of Alaska paying for him to tour with Sarah, or is it the Associated Press? Will his contract be extended to stay with Sarah on what comes next?
And exactly how many state employees are on this press junket, all expenses paid, drawing salary and per diem, out of the state budget? Why is this necessary to the management of the State of Alaska this week?
What’s up with all this bill-signing going on? Where are these bills coming from? Is it stuff left over from the legislative session? Was it held back on purpose to do this tour? How come the media won’t give us information on the status of our goverment!? Any legislators care to comment on this?
Palin: Alaska tour is thanks, not goodbye
The Associated Press
Sunday, July 19, 2009
UNALAKLEET, Alaska — She was greeted like a rock star in Unalakleet, a fishing village on the Bering Sea. She danced with Eskimos in Kotzebue. And she watched grizzlies at a wildlife sanctuary on the Kenai Peninsula.
In all, Sarah Palin has been on eight trips outside her Anchorage base since announcing her resignation two weeks ago. Is this a farewell tour, the start of a possible presidential campaign for 2012?
Yeah, no expensive ‘lame duck’ traveling around trips here, huh?
“…she has a bigger role in mind, and she plans to launch her new platform by speaking her mind on the social networking site Twitter.”
“I look forward to continuing to work for Alaska and for energy independence and for the contribution that Alaska could and should be making to allow our nation to be more secure and more prosperous,” she said.
Ohhh, she’s going to continue to work for Alaska…really…
If her reception Friday in Unalakleet is any indication, she has a strong base of support.
What a nice gentlemanly gesture there, Matthew, too, also. 100 people, at least half were children, state and city folks, and Palin’s entourage. Okay. And don’t forget the missionaries…I wonder if Franklin Graham flew in…
“Palin says Alaska voters have accepted her decision to resign, even as she continues to receive criticism from the national media…”
I’ll thank you not to offer misleading statements for me and the other 400,000 Alaskan voters. Of course we’ve “accepted” your decision. You’re free to spin it whatever way you like. And you will continue to receive criticism from us, as well.
“We don’t give a damn how they do it outside,” she said, quoting a popular state bumper sticker. “We do it a different way up here. The pioneer spirit runs strong.”
Justification for her behaviour and a complete corruption of what that means. That is so weird. I’ll never say that ever again; sticker is gone off my truck!
“But this is what Palin loves best: Reaching out to Alaskans, no matter how remote. She barely had time to eat lunch – king crab and salmon and a barrage of homemade desserts – as families surged toward her, trying to shake her hand and get an autograph.
…even as an aide tried in vain to shield the governor and then get her to leave quietly.”
Ive Frye, personal assistant and The Bodyguard Okay, that’s just embarrasing. She had to shield Sarah from the mob of those 50 Native villagers in Unalakleet. Does she do this everywhere? Oh, Ivy…
I feel so sorry for her. The little white girl from Wasilla faithfully and tirelessly trotting along behind the popular girl. I sure hope that Sarah has a job for her. Real life is going to be so hard.
Thanks for replying and yes these women took their jobs as First Lady very seriously and are (and were, as Bella Hammond and perhaps Mrs. Egan) have passed but they all came across as gracious hostesses and appreciated their time in the “People’s House”.
I know we cannot expect a First Gentleman to step up to the plate as a “hostess” type but I will always feel that the Palin family as a whole never appreciated the opportunity that they were given, thanks to Mom being elected Gov, and acted appropriately given the station that they were elected to.
I won’t be mean, but not every family is capable of gracious behavior. Palin’s certainly was not.
Here is a link to the ‘Not a Goodbye” article. The whole article makes me sick, though. I got dizzy from reading all the spin.
Honestly, by the time I get through all the comments (so as not to repeat something), it’s too late really, to add another comment.
Because, there’s a new post! (like now) lol
Wow, AKPetMom,
that sounds like a wonderful show.
As I was reading, I realized that the current-soon-to-be-ex-McQuittypants has got nuttin’ on those ladies, and she’s the freakin’ Governor.
Their dedication and caring show what could be, and should be right for Alaska. May Alaska soon have that kind of commitment again.
From the new HuffPo article on “Not saying goodbye”
NALAKLEET, Alaska — She was greeted like a rock star in Unalakleet, a fishing village on the Bering Sea. She danced with Eskimos in Kotzebue. And she watched grizzlies at a wildlife sanctuary on the Kenai Peninsula.
In all, Sarah Palin has been on eight trips outside her Anchorage base since announcing her resignation two weeks ago. Is this a farewell tour, the start of a possible presidential campaign for 2012?
I included the first paragraph merely for snark entertainment. We all know the truth there. But, in the second paragraph, it says Anchorage is her base. Isn’t she supposed to be based in Juneau, the capital, the place where she is a packin up her things?
And, one of her tweets mentioned Piper’s kindergarten papers. Did the kids go to school in Juneau? She mentions Piper is in 3rd grade now.
great to hear that the term “Warriors” is now banned (Keating at NORAD, via
AKM tweet.)
can we get rid of ‘hungry, thirsty markets, too? She may be leaving, but she
leaves behind a bucket full of non-profound cliches. It is sad that great and
wise people have left a quote or two (I have a dream, Ask not what you can
do for your country…)and there will be an book needed for her infamous
quotes and tweets.
All this talk of SP and her unworthy family residing in the Governor’s mansion makes me think of a show that I watched on 360 North (Channel 15 or 16) on GCI cable the other night.
It was a show featuring a luncheon with the last 6 First Ladies to inhabit the Governor’s Mansion (ie, “the Peoples House) in Juneau.
Governor’s Egan, Hickel, Sheffield, Knowles, Cowper, Hammond, and Murkowski’s wives were all in attendance and they spoke of their duties as “First Ladies” of Alaska and all that their position entailed.
Part of it was a bit of an affront to me as a woman because I kept thinking “wow, you ladies could be governor yourselves rather that a first lady”, but then they spoke so fondly of living in the Governor’s mansion and raising their children there and having the power to work as First Lady for their favorite charities, etc I was astounded by their hard work and dedication to Alaskan issues.
They all spoke fondly of being caretakers for this house that not only houses the Governor and his family, but also of taking pride in welcoming guests into the home and being part of Alaskan history. These women were gracious and warm and honestly proud to be part of the story of Alaska.
It was a great program in it really made me realize that Palin just was never that into it; into being Gov or being proud of our political history and what it means to people other than herself.
So sad, she doesn’t have a gracious bone in her body.
Farewell and good riddance to the use of the word “progress” as a verb. At least regarding the state of Alaska.
Subject: Farewell…..
We lost Frank McCourt.
Gryphen has posted a video of Sarah singing “I Feel Quitty”. Hilarious!
Alaska, I’ve learned a lot about you from reading the Mudflats. You are a great state with very good people–here’s hoping you get a governor who cares enough about you to do the hard work of governing!
Lee in NJ
Had me worried for a second, AKM! Another great post!
I believe that people cross paths through life for a reason, to learn a life lesson or maybe to carry someone through hardship, or whatever. I hope the conservatives take with them a little more tolerance and mutual respect. The work is not over, it is just beginning.
BTW, you mudpuppies keep me LOL every day. Hearts to all!
verbal Armageddon
Comment on the HuffPo piece about $arah packing:
“COUNT THE SPOONS!!!!!!!!!!!”
I thought time was ‘the difference between quitting and finishing your term’
Funny article on HP, Sarah Palin, the Anti-Poet
For teasers, here’s one quote: “When you extend Palin’s speaking style (if it’s even a style) to a more complex issue like the bailout, it becomes a sort of verbal Armageddon.”
bucfan — And when the heck did everyday in Republican land become opposite day. August 29, 2008.
I like this comment from the Fagan article –
Jackaro wrote on 07/18/2009 10:35:56 PM:
Blaming “liberal democrats” in the Alaska Legislature. Pulleeezzz! Get another boogeyman Dan. There are what…two?
59 booboodog Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 12:42 PM
Parting gifts?Thanks but no thanks. OK, I’ll play nice. How ’bout a swift
kick in the backside as she heads out the door. One from each of us!
May I suggest using a paddle instead? That way, none of us get our hands (or feet) any dirtier than she did while “serving” as governor. I’m sure Ann Strongheart and the people of Eagle will agree with the sentiment as she never got her hands dirty helping them out during times of crisis.
The latest from Twitter acct cee4pee”
“Wow!Sarah just sent us her special quote for the day “Time is what keeps everything from happening at once”. Keep them coming Sarah!”
These have to be from the same source that had the EXGov… acct up for a few days.
28 KaJo Says: July 19th, 2009 at 11:49 AM
Funny poster under the HuffPo Palin as Anti-Poet topic:
“Her bumper stickers should read Palin 2012-2014″
Sarah Palin for President.
Getting the job half-done
in twice the time.
24 AuntieRuth Says: July 19th, 2009 at 11:41 AM
She tweeted 5 times in the past hour! What is WRONG with her?
Do you have a thick notebook handy?
This could take awhile. …
UK Lady, Michael Steele is to hip hop what Rush Limbaugh is to Weight Watchers. And when the heck did everyday in Republican land become opposite day. No, she didn’t quit. No that really wasn’t hush money that John Ensigns parents paid his mistress and her family.
Does not being as ‘politically correct’ mean that she will be more free to directly take on her critics, name names, point fingers?
Accuse people of terrorism?
Make false claims about the current White House administration?
Talk openly about why her administration lacked the same level of minority representation as her predecessors, maybe?
..oh, yes, most of that has already happened….
the only thing left is for her to start her own anti-anti-Palin blog.
Don’t worry, our conseravitive friends may find reasons to rally together with us for a while longer.
A white hankie to wave would make a real nice product… just emboss “bitter twitter quitter” on the white hankie and make it available in your online store. Betcha people will wave that thing forever.
Very interesting and very observant.
But where does Mikey Doogan (since you mentioned another s-bag, eddie burke) stand on all this? He coulda been famous… instead, all he is is mocked.
Greytdog — you beat me to it!!
I hope someone is counting the silverware in the Governor’s Mansion as she moves out…
Just saw Michael Steele on CNN tell Wolf Blitzer that $P didn’t quit, that’s just a nasty librul meme. He says just watch what she does next.
Don’t worry hip-hop man, we will!
greytdog, I was thinking the same thing. Since she never stayed there and spent all her time getting per diem in Wasilla, what in the heck do they have to pack? The state towels and washcloths? Pots and pans? Anything that isn’t nailed down? And how is she packing and twittering, excuse me, packin and twitterin at the same time? I wonder how fast Piper and Trig can load a box? And whose watchin Trig while she is Twitterin, packin, and monitorin Afghanistan? Oh, that’s what Piper is for I guess.
I just hope someone did inventory in the Governor’s Mansion to make sure the Grifters didn’t take souvenirs from there. . . and someone should go in & do a post-move inventory just to make sure. . .
somewhere between slim and even less likely.
She couldn’t even leave Wasilla to do her duty as Gov, I just don’t see her leaving for any length of time, not permanently anyway.
just my two cents,
What do you think is that likelihood that the Palins will move away from Alaska?
just when I thought I was rid of her…’she pulls me back in.’…(in my best Al Pacino voice)
Her nibs is not going away. Not a chance. She’s just going to walk through all those doors that will be opened to her and keep us entertained forever. Speeches, books, op-eds, chicken dinners, photo spreads, talk show appearances, common-law in-laws antics, Levi talking, ethics complaints, more McCain staffers venting. We will never want for Sarah craziness.
You mentioned Illinois and Blagojevich. Trust me…he just won’t go away. Hosting a radio talk show the next couple of Sundays and he still gives regular interviews. And he’s been indicted for crying out loud. Not to mention that we will have a long trial next year.
No, this personality type can’t stand being out of the limelight. Fodder forever.
Beyond all that I think most everybody on this site tunes in for AKM’s take on the muck of Alaskan politics, where it goes from here, how the color of the state changes, how folks fare in the winter, what’s up with the Corrupt Bastards, what Brian is eating, who will run against Murkowski, etc.
As a wise person once said: “We’re just advancing in another direction.”
Can’t wait.
Hello Syrin!!! You rock!
How long did the renovation take when she moved in? What did it cost the taxpayers? Dollars/month in office? Betcha its more than the legal fees.
They are going to need a truck and 3 guys for the tanning bed.
Oh I could just see that photo on the front page.
i wondered the same…
@Looselips, I couldn’t find it either at alaskareport.com.
Anyone know what it means? Thanks in advance.
@Seagull, ITA!
Zaki took down the iceberg warning. at least I couldn’t find it. what does that mean?
Someone needs to be in Juneau at the Gov. mansion with a CAMERA when they remove the tanning bed!!!!!!
do you really think Sarah is in there packing boxes…more like watching her kids work while she blackberries.
Now that sarah palin is leaving I wish that she would take all of her church friends with her, especially the ones in D.C.Who knew so many of them are all ready in Washington. Now we know that way back when, when M. Bockmann (sp) said there many in the House and Congress that were un American we know she was talking about the others that did not believe in her type of bible.
Strange bedfellows indeed. From the tweets of the twit Ivy Frye- I’m on the list along with you for Palindromes to avoid. Policy can be debated, ethics can’t…Thanks Mudflats
For Just a Farmer’s collection of Sarah Palin Parting Gifts:
A Dictionary, “Grammar for Dummies,” Spell-check and a calculator to keep track of all the money that’s going to be coming in.
Someone should be filming outside the JNU house!
I don’t remember what the product was or if it was one of those ‘dating infomercials ‘ you see on TV saying Text 444XX to talk to ‘ sexy girls ‘… etc
But all of $arah’s tweets should come with a little clause underneath….
” These tweets are for ‘ entertainment purposes ‘ Only”
Truth in advertising.
We don’t give a damn how they do it outside,” she said, quoting a popular state bumper sticker. “We do it a different way up here. The pioneer spirit runs strong.” Statement from Sarah, while visiting Unalakleet. Ah Sarah, keep it up with the stupid stuff.
yep, she’s probably sending all that “stuff” to the same storage unit that she’s storing all her campaign clothes at. I swear, you can’t trust those people any further than you can throw them…
She is monitoring Afghanistan the same way cheney monitored his secret CIA program.
Is anyone watching sarah while the “JNU” house is being packed ?? I could not be more serious. With her over the top sense of entitlement , she could pack the whole place up and consider it hers for a job well done………..just sayin’.
I would like to echo GKatz’s comments and say – Well done mudflats and keep up the good work.
annforhill, I thought the same thing but then I remembered she’s a megalomaniac so monitoring Afghanistan makes perfect sense to her.
She is monitoring Afghanistan? Can she see it from her porch or maybe she just saw it on the television.
Don’t you just feel safe now that she is tweeting about Afghanistan. Getting forgein policy experience by tweeting. Is that like forgein policy for dummies or the cliff notes.
I just read the daily beast article…don’t know if someone has already referred to it…good quotes from disgusted republicans, but I was kind of shocked at the amounts of money she could be making soon. That’s one rich hockey mom…
That headline gave me pause, too. What a deep sigh of relief to know it was GINO you were talking about!
I will admit to a wonderful daydream in which some daring hero-to-be snatches the blackberry out of SP’s frantically twittering hands and lobs it far out into Lake Lucille.
Ok, back to reality.
Here’s what some in the military think of the term “Warrior.”********************
Somebody brought up Nixon, so when she formally leaves the governorship, will she stand by Todd’s plane and give the dual V for Victory sign and shout “You won’t have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore”
Couldn’t help but notice this tweet that she sent today…..
No time to waste: teach US youth to avoid idleness;they can lead new American Industrial Revolution w/WORK & embrace “Buy American” mission
“teach US youth to avoid idleness”…. Uhh…$arah..? was it in this ” idleness” time that Bristol got pregnant…. Or was it some other teaching moment you gave Her?
I also couldn’t help but notice that she is ‘ following ‘ our Gov.Arnold S.
I’ll bet he has HER account ‘ blocked ‘… so he doesn’t have to read her nonsense.
Yoiks! You can’t think baby- erm- Palinsitting is over! Her playpen is just getting bigger! *snark*
She is monitoring what is going on in Afghanistan? Here I thought that’s what the Pentagon was for. Does she really think that she has any influence on the situation? And UK Lady, regarding the warrior reference, she is just repeating what she hears the military doing. A reservist or National Guardsman is no longer referred to as a Citizen-Soldier but as a Warrior-Citizen. The program that oversees the care of wounded soldiers and support for their families is called the Warrior Transition Program. She is just mimicing what she hears
A really BIG wallet..
Geez AKM, You almost gave me a heart attack. Only the title of the article showed for a few moments and I thought you were signing off. Whew! Much relieved. Palin can disappear but you… nope.
Thanks for the article.
Rebekkah~~~~absolutely. nicely said.
“In this great country of ours, we all have to pull together, and also, it’s all about the economy. As the brazen mother bear rises up on her hind legs, all mavericky, and she doesn’t work too hard also. ”
We’ll always have Sarah. Fortunately, we won’t always have Sarah in charge.
I too came for the Palin info last election, and stayed for the AK info and fun. And BTW I still have some of the Mt St Helen’s ash that fell in Juneau, back fromm when my sister and family were getting the AK payout that Palin tried to make peole think was her idea. As if she ever had a good one… Ooops, I owe her an apology! Her reisgnation WAS a good idea!
And to all – Please leave Sara’s Tweets alone! Her mis-used words and awful grammer and content are fun, and the stupidity on display is at least the “real” Palin.
Parting gifts?Thanks but no thanks. OK, I’ll play nice. How ’bout a swift
kick in the backside as she heads out the door. One from each of us!
AKM, thanks for staying on the Flats!
The Sarah Era – is it really almost officially over?
“She’s Grift Girl, and she’s gone too far
‘Cause you know it don’t matter anyway.
$ay money but it won’t get you too far.
Get you too far.”
good one, austin! I remember someone (you, maybe?) mentioning that during one of our recent liveblogging sessions.
The saying goes, that when someone has gone through a trial, the good that comes out of it will be that same person can help another who’s going through the same trial.
So, after the Palin regime, many readers no doubt will still be checking up on things here. After the few republican scandals and the republican loss of identity lately, I think outsiders will still be checking on how SOA will be pulling itself out of the muck, looking at it as an example of getting through a trial and refusing to settle……a good example for the rest.
Bea – She has done 3 more since then, she is twitterhappy.
32 justafarmer Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 11:58 AM
can we come up with a list of lovely parting gifts for her?
I’ll start:
chocolate covered moose poop
justafarmer – I think this would be more fitting , seeing that sarah was such a hog at the trough.
You have done an awesome job of helping those of us in the lower 48 to understand Alaskan politics and deal with the whirlwind of emotions that accompanied the introduction of your governor onto the national political scene. Your work has been inspirational, and I am now hoping for bloggers in my neck of the woods who can reveal what is really going on in those halls of government. It’s obvious that the traditional press is no longer reliable or at liberty to report what we really need to know. We must seek out and support alternatives that provide reliable information so that we can all make informed decisions. So, I thank you kindly, and will enjoy seeing how the new governor succeeds in Alaska.
(I posted this below in the Twitter Dept. Meant to post it here, Sorry)
Since $arah is so fond of using quotations, here is one for her:
“Defeat does not finish a man, quitting does. A man is not finished when he is defeated. He’s finished when he quits.”-Richard M. Nixon
Both President Nixon and Vice President Agnew resigned in disgrace. I decided to look up other famous quitters to see if they were more memorable in their exit. When King Edward gave up his throne for the woman he loved, he was poetic (not twitter poetic). General Douglas MacArthur, when fired by President Truman, gave his famous “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away” speech. Boxer Roberto Duran said it best and to the point when he said, “No mas!” And, Nixon gave another famous press conference much earlier in his career when he warned the reporters, “You won’t have Nixon to kick around any more.”
Next week end, it will be $arah’s turn to read her final speech as governor, and this will be her chance to shine in the Quitters Hall of Fame. I think that we should all pitch in and help her by suggesting a memorable quote that will echo throughout the ages, such as: “$how me the money!” “You can kiss my grits,” and “Also, I’m gonna git goin’ now, too.”
LOLOLOL at GINotawareoftheirony’s recent Tweet:
“Avoid time spent tearing down, whining, complaining;WORK & ENJOY
about 2 hours ago from TwitterBerry ”
It doesn’t matter how far back you go when recalling the Palin era – two months, four months, eight months – it still comes out to be dominated by her utterly pointless lunawackery. A few months ago the management policies covering the Drift River tank farm created the same environmental disaster-potential as would turning a chimpanzee loose in a loaded tanker and letting him steam around Cook Inlet for a month. The fact that, purely by chance, he didn’t fill Cook Inlet with crude oil does not mean he should be given another go at it when the next eruption phase begins. Yet as far as we know, the same policy that was in place prior to the Redoubt’s recent eruption phase would do just that. Even things of such importance as have been wrested from our battered consciousness by the daily distractions of that holy-rollin’, tongues-talkin’, willy-nilly, effin lunatic. If Parnell holds his pressers dressed in a chorus girl costume, he’ll still be less a distraction from the business of the state than would Palin in a business suit. It will be a new and welcome era to get back to discussing issues, common-sense policies, and the common good of all involved. Oh, BTW Sarah , Th-h-h-h-h-h-h-p.
It doesn’t matter how far back you go when recalling the Palin era – two months, four months, eight months – it still comes out to be dominated by her utterly pointless lunawackery. A few months ago the management policies covering the Drift River tank farm created the same environmental disaster-potential as would turning a chimpanzee loose in a loaded tanker and letting him steam around Cook Inlet for a month. The fact that, purely by chance, he didn’t fill Cook Inlet with crude oil does not mean he should be given another go at it when the next eruption phase begins. Yet as far as we know, the same policy that was in place prior to the Redoubt’s recent eruption phase would do just that. Even things of such importance as have been wrested from our battered consciousness by the daily distractions of that holy-rollin’, tongues-talkin’, willy-nilly, effin lunatic. If Parnell holds his pressers dressed in a chorus girl costume, he’ll still be less a distraction from the business of the state than would Palin in a business suit. It will be a new and welcome era to get back to discussing issues, common-sense policies, and the common good of all involved. Oh, BTW Sarah , Th-h-h-h-h-h-h-p.
Bad AKM, bad!! Your headline nearly gave me a seizure, b/c I thought you were saying YOU were also too jumping on the good ship Quittyface!
Within a second, I realized that COULDN’T be true and so I began to read the post as my heart rate slowed.
It’s good to know you are one Alaska lady who will never abandon her post. Looking forward to seeing that lovely blueish-plum hue.
Palin will always stand as a cautionary tale to future groups who look at the charismatic stars and potential nominees around them, and now they will actually ask–“Does this person have any knowledge and brains and interest in the WORK? We don’t want another Palin!”
I’m so glad to hear that you aren’t bailing out on us AKM. Through your blog you have created a most extraordinary virtual community around the world. And it isn’t just virtual, mudpups are actually getting up and meeting each other in person. If it wasn’t for your blog, I would probably never have considered America this year as a holiday destination. I literally wanted to meet fellow mudflatters that I now consider as friends. On my return to Ireland, I will also be meeting up with another American mudpup!
This is a good, kind place to hang out as evidenced by the money sent to Emmonak, Dennis Zaki and Celtic Diva. Also it is FUN!
So we may have to say goodbye to Dan Fagan et al., but I don’t think we will ever forget them. They stood up and were counted when it was important.
Just saying thanks AKM.
She is no warrior,she may think she is but what she has not done shows her lack of courage to get things done it seems she shoved the mess that seems to be coming out of Alaska onto the Lt Governors shoulders so she can’t,or so she thinks,be blamed.
I agree long live the Mud Flats
Just think if McCain had not made his big mistake we would not have known about all the corruption up in Alaska.Blago kind of bought it to the forefront and I* think made a lot of people realize that what happens in other states does effect us all in the long run
Well with the possible exception of Andrew Halcro, I always felt that the conservative bloggers benefited far more from our hard work than we did from theirs.
We will survive just fine without their support. Their future is less certain.
I had to read this and say, that I m glad its sarah saying good bye, not AKM.
So, she wants to twitter, I bet they will come up with some good gems on SNL again. I watched SNL last night, it was a re-run and I was in shock at how much this all sounded like SP.
Did anyone see the commercial for Sarah Palins new show on NBC, or was it a part of SNL making fun? I cant tell right now, maybe it was SNL.
On July 26th it will be goodbye Governor, hello Sarah. She is not going away for a long time. There is just too much to say about her words and action that sparks the laughter and that is good for the soul.
Good God, she’s packing and Twittering at the same time, boy she sure loves her new little toy, I think she’s become a twittering addict, oh well whatever keeps Little Miss Twitter Quitter Pants busy, just shows how juvenile she is, does she really think people care about some of the crap she twitters.
Another funny poster or two at HuffPo, same article as before (Anti-Poet):
First Poster: “Gough elaborated on his tongue-in-cheek theory: “A great poet needs to leave open the door between the conscious and unconscious; Sarah Palin has removed her door from its hinges. “
Response: “Does that mean she is officially “un-hinged”?? LMAO”
zyggy and lilyf
She is a dangerous fool. This type of term for one of your soldiers, especially one who is captured is reckless in the extreme.
Heaven help us all if she ever gets into a position of power.
UK lady, I think that’s part of her religiosity disorder…she thinks they’re on a mission from god, remember?
UK Lady, nothing is going to stop her, she has no ethics or boundaries, and not very smart either. If the Republican party wants to go with her, so be it.
I suspect she’ll be shunned by all in the next 90 days, once the patina wears off, and all that is left is a true twit that quit.
Boy, I sure do like that “Liars for Jesus” line
And when we hit NYC in a couple weeks, we all Mudpups from the Northeast will raise a glass to you, AKM and the Mudflats that brings us together.
Then we will drink to XENO being gone gone gone!!!
The last one had the term ‘warrior’ in it again. About the soldier who is captured. This is not good. She needs to be stopped. The warrior term is not helpful.
Can someone please tell her to stop doing this.
can we come up with a list of lovely parting gifts for her?
I’ll start:
chocolate covered moose poop
Seconds and thirds to The Rubber Room …… “Long Live Mudflats!”
re: twitter link lyn gave me link to, what a blithering idiot, member of the pta was above her pay grade…
#26, thanks. corrected lyrics from other thread: na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye!
Here you go…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeJmmQ5y9eQ&feature=related
I, imagine, Sarah’s face in lieu of Bush the Younger (referring to the youtube segment above)…seriously, I wouldn’t be totally shocked to see something along this line in twitter form come the day after her dethroning.
Funny poster under the HuffPo Palin as Anti-Poet topic:
“Her bumper stickers should read Palin 2012-2014”
jc in co #24 –
AKM, I did not get that you were leaving from that headline.
I am in fact very excited about your net roots scholarship and the results that will follow. You put out a very fine publication, with the help of the wonderful moderators, and of course the finest in technical assistance. (server guy)
The moderators are very thoughtful and diplomatic when need be. (q-tips).
But most of all loyal. You have earned that loyalty from them as well as from mudpups.
I would say the biggest reason is integrity that is what always shines through in the Mudflats.
Of course the best is the humor I think it helps us all keep our prospective.
When you or the mods or the mudpups are on a roll and many of us are wiping down our computer screens while wiping tears of glee from our eyes it always makes my day a little better.
#23 do you have a link?
She tweeted 5 times in the past hour! What is WRONG with her?
She tweeted 5 times in the past hour! What is WRONG with her?
Your title scared me to death – scared me into leaving this (I think my first) comment. Thank goodness you aren’t going anywhere.
Your title scared me to death – scared me into leaving this (I think my first) comment. Thank goodness you aren’t going anywhere.
Matt Bors has a great cartoon send off for XGINO Buttercup:
Matt Bors has a great cartoon send off for XGINO Buttercup:
I think many of the wide circle of people from around the world who visit this site will continue to visit. I know I will. I have only been here for a very short time and I have only opined a few times but I very much enjoy this community of people.
I think many of the wide circle of people from around the world who visit this site will continue to visit. I know I will. I have only been here for a very short time and I have only opined a few times but I very much enjoy this community of people.
And oh yeah, I’ll be around this neighborhood next week, you betcha’! UFDA and SHEESH and ALOHA, also!
And oh yeah, I’ll be around this neighborhood next week, you betcha’! UFDA and SHEESH and ALOHA, also!
I live in CA and right now it’s all about the budget, and I think we would all be offended of our governor sent messages with howdy-doody corny advice. And I get the feeling she thinks she’s done a damn good job…bye bye Governor crazypants.
I live in CA and right now it’s all about the budget, and I think we would all be offended of our governor sent messages with howdy-doody corny advice. And I get the feeling she thinks she’s done a damn good job…bye bye Governor crazypants.
Virtual group hug to all the mudpups w/ a duck fart chaser!
Hip Hip Hooray, for Alaska’s people!
United We Stood and Divisive She Quit! Yeah baby. GINO couldn’t take it on the blog with the big dogs…mudpups extraordinarious!
I don’t know, I’ve been saying for a long time that if Winky didn’t have bad luck she’d have no luck at all…and her bad luck of rubs off on those around her; it’ll be interesting to see who “steps in it” with Palin….NEXT!
I’m bettin’ on some comic relief from the Wink,…maybe some more
Re-Tweets(religions tweets) from Liars for Jesus…
Virtual group hug to all the mudpups w/ a duck fart chaser!
Hip Hip Hooray, for Alaska’s people!
United We Stood and Divisive She Quit! Yeah baby. GINO couldn’t take it on the blog with the big dogs…mudpups extraordinarious!
I don’t know, I’ve been saying for a long time that if Winky didn’t have bad luck she’d have no luck at all…and her bad luck of rubs off on those around her; it’ll be interesting to see who “steps in it” with Palin….NEXT!
I’m bettin’ on some comic relief from the Wink,…maybe some more
Re-Tweets(religions tweets) from Liars for Jesus…
akm. yay!! i will be here reading and hiking and learning new things and laughing with the mudpeeps. it is going to be good. also, too ‘la palin’ will continue progressing the state of alaska in her own way. you betcha.
akm. yay!! i will be here reading and hiking and learning new things and laughing with the mudpeeps. it is going to be good. also, too ‘la palin’ will continue progressing the state of alaska in her own way. you betcha.
That reminds me of the saying:
It’s been real and it’s been fun, but I can’t sat that it’s been really fun.”
It was a complete freak out last fall. Please, make her STOP!
We have enough stupid people who judge books by the cover (read our Governator–same sh1tty place we were in before Gray Davis was recalled).
That reminds me of the saying:
It’s been real and it’s been fun, but I can’t sat that it’s been really fun.”
It was a complete freak out last fall. Please, make her STOP!
We have enough stupid people who judge books by the cover (read our Governator–same sh1tty place we were in before Gray Davis was recalled).
Well you are so not alone in you feelings and opinions. I have also been there as a Wasilly Alaskan… Never thought I would share a view with Snack Shack Fagan never thought that would happen
and Hawker also Ramras? Oh well we can hope things get only better from here out??
Not on the wasilla end though this place is a MESS and I wont hold my breath waiting for improvement..
Well you are so not alone in you feelings and opinions. I have also been there as a Wasilly Alaskan… Never thought I would share a view with Snack Shack Fagan never thought that would happen
and Hawker also Ramras? Oh well we can hope things get only better from here out??
Not on the wasilla end though this place is a MESS and I wont hold my breath waiting for improvement..
remember when – though remeber may be a whole new word….recalling the phenomenon of unexpected bedfellows.
remember when – though remeber may be a whole new word….recalling the phenomenon of unexpected bedfellows.
Yes, we will miss the unexpected comraderie. Perhaps we will stop on occasion and remeber when – and perhaps find a couple of ways to work together after living through such difficulty together! Just thought I would through in a dash of optimism.
Yes, we will miss the unexpected comraderie. Perhaps we will stop on occasion and remeber when – and perhaps find a couple of ways to work together after living through such difficulty together! Just thought I would through in a dash of optimism.
I am not a quitter!
And by that I don’t mean “I am not a quitter, so I’m quitting,” in the Palinesque sense.
The Mudflats will continue. It was here before you know who entered the national scene, and it will continue now that she is returning to it. No worries!
I am not a quitter!
And by that I don’t mean “I am not a quitter, so I’m quitting,” in the Palinesque sense.
The Mudflats will continue. It was here before you know who entered the national scene, and it will continue now that she is returning to it. No worries!
sarah , it’s been real , it’s been fun. For the one and only time in my life , I will let your fine friend Gov. Rick Perry bid you goodbye for for me in his own words.
sarah , it’s been real , it’s been fun. For the one and only time in my life , I will let your fine friend Gov. Rick Perry bid you goodbye for for me in his own words.
sarah palin’s antics have brought together a wide circle of people from around the world here on the flats. i hope that next week will not see us breaking our association. there is much to do and learn from each other. i certainly would miss you if you went away…bubs
sarah palin’s antics have brought together a wide circle of people from around the world here on the flats. i hope that next week will not see us breaking our association. there is much to do and learn from each other. i certainly would miss you if you went away…bubs
There surely must be scheduled a going away extravaganza befitting the stature of our twitter queen Sarah. Something to rival Nelson Mandela’s birthday bash in New York. Have the invitations gone out?
There surely must be scheduled a going away extravaganza befitting the stature of our twitter queen Sarah. Something to rival Nelson Mandela’s birthday bash in New York. Have the invitations gone out?
@ Suchanut: Thanks for the wise words from Walter Cronkite. We will indeed miss him.
AKM, once again, you’ve summed up the current twitter-pated state of things as we enter a new faze.
But I have to say that the title made my heart skip a beat or two, thinking that you might be shutting down. No matter what the twittering tweeter is up to, now that we’ve all connected I’d hate to see this, our favorite place to gather, not be available.
I think we’ve all learned that it is so important for all of us to know what is going on in states other than our own. We do need to pay attention to each other and talk a lot, often, not just during a presidential election year.
So I guess we should say a rather weird thank you to Sarah Palin for opening that door so we could all plow on through when John McCain so foolishly picked her. And the same weird thank you goes out to him as well, I suppose.
@ Suchanut: Thanks for the wise words from Walter Cronkite. We will indeed miss him.
AKM, once again, you’ve summed up the current twitter-pated state of things as we enter a new faze.
But I have to say that the title made my heart skip a beat or two, thinking that you might be shutting down. No matter what the twittering tweeter is up to, now that we’ve all connected I’d hate to see this, our favorite place to gather, not be available.
I think we’ve all learned that it is so important for all of us to know what is going on in states other than our own. We do need to pay attention to each other and talk a lot, often, not just during a presidential election year.
So I guess we should say a rather weird thank you to Sarah Palin for opening that door so we could all plow on through when John McCain so foolishly picked her. And the same weird thank you goes out to him as well, I suppose.
Interesting, McCain’s comment :she “didn’t quit, she changed her priorities” appeared and then we find out that he received $5,000 from $arahPac. Some things never change.
AKM, Be sure to let us know if there is a going away party on the 26th.
Interesting, McCain’s comment :she “didn’t quit, she changed her priorities” appeared and then we find out that he received $5,000 from $arahPac. Some things never change.
AKM, Be sure to let us know if there is a going away party on the 26th.
Should we all e-mail this to Dan Fagan? Maybe he missed it.
“I think that being liberal, in the true sense, is being nondoctrinaire, nondogmatic, noncomitted to a cause—but examining each case on its merits. Being left of center is another thing; it’s a political position. I think most newspapermen by definition have to be liberal; if they’re not liberal, by my definition of it, then they can hardly be good newspapermen.” W. Cronkite
Should we all e-mail this to Dan Fagan? Maybe he missed it.
“I think that being liberal, in the true sense, is being nondoctrinaire, nondogmatic, noncomitted to a cause—but examining each case on its merits. Being left of center is another thing; it’s a political position. I think most newspapermen by definition have to be liberal; if they’re not liberal, by my definition of it, then they can hardly be good newspapermen.” W. Cronkite
Your post title is alarming! Glad you aren’t shutting down your blog. I came for the Palin but stayed for the lovely quirkyness of Alaska.
Your post title is alarming! Glad you aren’t shutting down your blog. I came for the Palin but stayed for the lovely quirkyness of Alaska.
Will Parnell be anywhere near as fun as Palin? Sounds like you shouldn’t take that long relaxing pause just yet! And by the way, are you the one waving?
Love the hat…
Will Parnell be anywhere near as fun as Palin? Sounds like you shouldn’t take that long relaxing pause just yet! And by the way, are you the one waving?
Love the hat…
is that the Titanic? =)
is that the Titanic? =)
Great picture! I, too read this yesterday and chuckled. However when I got to the “liberal Democrat” part, I was a little confused. Is Dan drawing a line between just plain Democrats, and liberal Democrats? Or liberal Democrats and what I call Conservacrats? Or is he just pulling an SP and being redundant, using two words that can mean the same thing.
It makes my head hurt. I so want to find common ground, but maybe SP was the common ground (like coffee grounds – used, then spent?) so we rallied around her stupidity and ridiculous celebrity seeking rather than governing ploy. There must be more to political life than forever being at odds? I’m new to this, so please tell the truth – I can take it. I have REALLY thick skin now, like Sarah the tweeting tart. She’s taught us SO MUCH, I might actually miss her just a tiny bit. She made me type funny things.
Great picture! I, too read this yesterday and chuckled. However when I got to the “liberal Democrat” part, I was a little confused. Is Dan drawing a line between just plain Democrats, and liberal Democrats? Or liberal Democrats and what I call Conservacrats? Or is he just pulling an SP and being redundant, using two words that can mean the same thing.
It makes my head hurt. I so want to find common ground, but maybe SP was the common ground (like coffee grounds – used, then spent?) so we rallied around her stupidity and ridiculous celebrity seeking rather than governing ploy. There must be more to political life than forever being at odds? I’m new to this, so please tell the truth – I can take it. I have REALLY thick skin now, like Sarah the tweeting tart. She’s taught us SO MUCH, I might actually miss her just a tiny bit. She made me type funny things.
Farewell, Gov. Winky. Don’t forget to Tweet.
Farewell, Gov. Winky. Don’t forget to Tweet.