Palin Hands Alaska to the Dems?
Is it true? She said she was doing the best thing for Alaska when she quit, and by gum, she just might be right!
The soon-to-be official resignation of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) could hand Democrats a legitimate pickup opportunity, according to a recent poll in the Last Frontier obtained by the Fix. The survey, which was conducted by Global Strategy Group, showed Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell (R) at 41 percent to former state Sen. Ethan Berkowitz‘s (D) 40 percent — a statistical dead heat. Democrats held the Alaska governorship from 1994 until 2002 as Gov. Tony Knowles (D) benefited from a fractured Republican party and serious independent candidates. As for those who argued that Palin decided to leave office for fear she would lose in 2010, this poll, which was in the field from June 14-18 suggests otherwise. Palin led Berkowitz 56 percent to 36 percent in a hypothetical general election matchup and carried a solid 56 percent/35 percent favorable to unfavorable score.
So, what we’ve got here is a statistical dead heat between the guy that Sarah Palin is leaving at the helm, and a progressive Democrat who hasn’t even said they are running yet. Interesting.
This invites further speculation as to why Palin decided to step down. It’s obviously not because she feared losing, yet. And it’s obviously not because she knew that the state was “safe Republican.” And if she had access to these numbers, she decided to throw in the towel knowing that our governorship could easily “go blue,” which obviously didn’t factor in to the equation.
So, here we sit, anxiously awaiting the numbers post-bombshell to see how Alaskans are feeling now that we’ve been tossed aside like a prom dress.
2010 is looking more interesting all the time…
I don’t think I have ever voted a straight ticket just can’t do it .If I don’t think someone will do the job or and sometimes it comes down to I just do not like their attitude or the way the put things forth,say, makes me think they are not telling the truth or putting people on I will not vote for them. I think the idea of purple is just fine if you get good people in office
teutonic13, I too checked out your blog I have two daughters and although grown now I still have their finger prints that the sheriff department took in case something would happen to either of them,disappear etc Very moving article
pvazwindy thanks for an intersting link. This line just jumped out at me:
“But after hackers broke into her personal Yahoo email account, the lieutenant governor said his daily communications came to a halt as the governor had to cancel the account.”
How is the Lt Gov just admits that he and Palin were in violation of state laws requiring all state business to be conducted on state accounts and nothing happens? I just don’t get the blantant violation of Alaskan law and the failure of anyone do to anything about it. Sounds like from the article he will be Palin 2.0, now with twice the experince and intelligence but none of the charisma.
Odd that Sarah would suggest that teen-agers work hard to help out our economy — or themselves — or what?
In light of the fact that 2 of her teens were so idle, one had to commit vandalism on public property and be shunted off to the Army, and one had to lie down with her boyfriend without protection, ensuring that she, at least for the next 18 yrs, would be working hard.
It appears that Bristol and Willow have begged off being present at Sarah’s latest public speaking forays, maybe they have seen the light . Alas, Sarah refuses to see the light.
Quite a sales pitch though, “watch for my flying fingers when I will no longer be hampered by State rules for twittering and I can really be politically incorrect, boy oh boy will I dish the dirt, don’t wait, sign up now. Look Dick look, look Jane look.”
One can only expect a great big thud, as nothing she has said she’ll do, has she done, why would this be any different?
103 Elrond Hubbard Says: July 20th, 2009 at 2:54 AM
Sarah Palin, deep down inside, is just Anna Nicole Smith.
Hey now… anna nicole was just a drug addict. No need to insult her in that fashion.
HistoryGoddess Says:
But, I think the scrutiny extends well outside AK now. I couldn’t count how many times AKM or one of the others exposed something, and mudpuppies from all states checked up on how their own states were doing in that area.
So true. Amazing how a few bloggers from one of the most geographically remote states can have such an impact on national issues. Yayyyy, Alaskan bloggers!!!!
Sorry, I meant to post #107 on the open thread. Poopsydoodle!
RE: 107 Rebekka
She sounds like big brother and the socialist slogans from 1984 by Orwell.
History Goddess #104 “I like that AKM is shooting for a bluish shade of purple. We need lots of views and ideas. I have never voted all D, nor all R.”
I agree!! Neither party should expect to get everyone’s vote. In a perfect world, there would be progressives, moderates, conservatives, whatever, in each party, with folks voting on the person that fills the needs of that moment. Doesn’t seem to work that way, though, does it?
On SP’s recent tweets, “No time to waste; teach US youth to avoid idleness; they can lead new American Industrial Revolution with/WORK and embrace “Buy American” mission.
Just wondering if U.S. youth are really that idle. The party animals, yes, over-indulged youth, maybe. And, in some cases, latchkey kids with one parent who have no role models, (where in some of these cases, they need more than cheap talk about “pull yourself up by your bootstrap”. But, most have a good work ethic. And, what is the new American Industrial Revolution?
Am scratching my head.
Next SP tweet, that perplexes me: “Time does fly! Work hard so you can genuinely enjoy every recreation minute! Avoid time spent tearing down, whining, complaining; WORK AND ENJOY
Kettle calling pot black feels the need to tell people to work hard? Look around, everyone is working pretty darned hard. Many don’t earn over $100,000/year, and don’t complain, whine that their boss doesn’t like them. They have no options, no book deals, no second income potential. Maybe they don’t have extended family support. Enjoy every recreation minute? Funny how a representative of a diverse State loves to preach on how to invest one’s time. Some don’t have planes, second homes, summer retreats, land, lakeside property. Statistics this year show many are staying home due to the economy, and why do they need to hear Gov. Sarah Palin recommend time off? Sounds like the new cheerleader for “summer fun”. Don’t know if she’s aware that her suggestions for “fun” at this time can be hurtful to many in different salary brackets.
I know a lot of folks who have to “sell” their annual vacation days because they desperately need the money
As an outsider, I feel Alaskans’ pain when I read these tweets.
leenie17 Says: July 20th, 2009 at 5:45 AM
I suspect that whoever wins the election next year will realize that their administration will be under a lot more scrutiny that the first year of Palin’s
Very true, leenie. But, I think the scrutiny extends well outside AK now. I couldn’t count how many times AKM or one of the others exposed something, and mudpuppies from all states checked up on how their own states were doing in that area. I think we all learned a great deal and will be armed with even better questions for those who ask for our votes. Not only that, we won’t stop watching!
I suspect that whoever wins the election next year will realize that their administration will be under a lot more scrutiny that the first year of Palin’s. Our wonderful bloggers (yayyy!!!) have aimed a very bright spotlight on Alaskan politics that won’t go away any time soon. Lies will be exposed and promises had better be kept because people WILL be watching. Whether the state stays red, turns blue or becomes a lovely shade of purple, REAL accountability is a powerful thing and all to the benefit of Alaskans!
Gene Carr @98 wrote
“Whichever way you look at it, candidates in 2010 cannot ignore these numbers. My guess is that they, Democratic and Republican will be vieing to claim the Palin legacy.”
While there are some who may want to claim the Palin “legacy,” I would think they more than likely just want the votes. IMHO, Dems wouldn’t much even try to attract these voters because the rabid Palin base really pays attention to the letter after the name. Devil- bad. Devil (R)- OK. Her teabag base listens for hot button words, which is their right, but Ds don’t venture far into using them to attract votes for fear of losing the majority.
I like that AKM is shooting for a bluish shade of purple. We need lots of views and ideas. I have never voted all D, nor all R. The more local the election, the redder I get due to where I live and the choices available. It depends on the individual candidate. And that leads me back to Palin. If she were a man, she wouldn’t attract the attention she does and her inconsistencies and silliness would be called out even by the base. The IDEA of a beautiful, strong, carhart wearing mother of 5ish taking on big guvment is compelling. It is what Palin represents to voters. Her reality is what was divisive. Parnell, if he does exactly what Palin did in office, will be a “finished out the term only” governor.
It does seem to me though that there are some good candidates lining up, and if nothing else, more people are aware of the issues. Trying to attach their names to the “Palin Legacy” is not something that would help them attract new voters. I would think Palin would be more the elephant in the room.
Sarah Palin, deep down inside, is just Anna Nicole Smith.
AKraven Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 3:35 PM
It’s been obvious all along- she quit because she was tired of the job and just didn’t want to do it anymore. It was all about her- no other consideration at all. She tried to spin it in many other ways- but the number and insincerity of her excuses showed how it was all about her.
that is how i see it, it just wasn’t fun anymore and the $$$ is calling
I can’t imagine that the Republicans are too happy with that scenario. She threw them under the bus as well and appears to have left an awful mess behind her.
PLEASE keep comments on topic. There is an open thread that is still active for off-topic comments. Thanks.
But maybe its not what it seems…..
First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect
Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect
You live you life like a canary in a GOLDmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
You say you want to spend the winter in firenza
Youre so afraid to catch a dose of influenza
You live your life like a canary in a GOLDmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
Canary in a GOLDmine
Now if I tell you that you suffer from delusions
You pay your analyst to reach the same conclusions
You live your life like a canary in a GOLDmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
Canary in a GOLDmine
First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect
Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect
You live your life like a canary in a GOLDmine
You get so dizzy even walking in a straight line
Canary in a GOLDmine
This made me think about that old Clint Eastwood western movie, “Two Mules for Sister Sarah.”
Little birdies are chirping!
AKGovSarahPalin 100’s of Alaskans are waiting to get to work @ Kensington; responsibly develop it already!
(about 14 housrs ago from the Twit’s twitterberry)
Since 43% of Alaskans are registared as Independents (Daily Kos report, Dec2008, Alaska can be described as an Independent State rather than Red or Blue. We should remember that Palin was elected in 2006 with 48% of the vote, yet according The Fix, she leaves office with favourability ratings of 56%/35%. And that refers to a poll taken after she resigned. Whichever way you look at it, candidates in 2010 cannot ignore these numbers. My guess is that they, Democratic and Republican will be vieing to claim the Palin legacy.
The poll was not taken after she resigned. It was taken in mid-June. She resigned on July 3. AKM
@teuronic: No thanks are in order. I appreciate writing that is close to my heart and speaks to the public that they are not the only one’s going through wonderment and difficulties in the rearing of children. Most parents can identify with what you are so eloquently writing about. I guess I can personally relate because I have raised six daughters and have felt all those conflicting emotions that you articulate so well. Thank you for putting these issues in perspective for all of us. I look forward to reading more. Go, Teutonic!!
I don’t think Sarah’s book deal is going to be as popular or as profitable as she anticipated. I am sure that the people behind this book offer and not to happy with Sarah right now. And, I wonder why she continues to stay out of Anchorage…unless there are sightings that I am unaware of. Again, I am happy I found this site and love reading everyone’s posts as well as getting the latest news from all of you without having to search all of the news sites.
If you haven’t been to teutonic13’s site at , be sure to stop by. It’s well worth the read.
old video…but so interesting:
#81 Pacos_gal: Thank you for the Vanity Fair article; it’s beyond funny. Now I understand why someone guessed that the Palin book deal was $10 million!
It will take one person working with Sarah, three more to edit the mess (as shown by the example in VF) plus hospitalization, long term therapy and recovery for any one who works with her. No wonder she twitters; she can abbreviate, lose the grammar and it requires little thought. When that book business first came up, $arah mentioned that she “journaled” every day. I hope that VF or some one else gets their hands on some sample journal pages, edits them with the same red, green and blue marking pens.
#88 teutonic:
I think she will come out of hiding and reveal her new agenda. I believe it will be a speech tour of some kind and definitely a book promotion. If there is a new scandal, that will have some bearing and will definitely change her slant. She will probably just keep on doing her tweets and go on a “Look at me-Damage Control-The Media and Bloggers Did this to Me Tour” to crowds of her loyal base.
I am looking forward to see what it is. I do know she has no clout in National Politics anymore and I believe that is a good thing!
Back on or about June 6, on I think OZMuds blog, there was a TShirt slogan post. Mine for Palin was:
FU AK, it’s all about me. /Miss Congeniality.
I think that’s her MO, but I’m still hoping the IRS gets her like Al Capone. She should also go to jail for 200 people DYING on her watch. She sure is some wacko for a supposed Christian.
I think GINO’s rush to get out of running the state of Alaska, is to build her national supporters and pro resources development ASAP. We all know that there are reams of *hit that will come back and haunt her political past. She really started to get lost when the first dude started to get exposed for his intrusive participation into running the state’s business. He kept Gino’s lack of substance hide for a while. This next money making national political experiment of the Palin’s, will be different than anything we have ever witnessed before in past politics.
With her new freedom to go rogue nationally, she will trot Todd and family happily along her campaign/PR trail. What ever office she runs for in the future there will be the PALIN’S in Office. Todd’s day is coming…….. look out Joe the plumber. Todd the pipelineer/usa oil worker is coming. BIg oil is betting on the Palin’s for a little PR, if the @hit doesn’t hit the fan too soon.
So what does SP do? I think she is going to hide because clearly she has been doing that for awhile. Not a metaphor on the concept of “hide”. Reality plus ….
History Goddess – Bob Poe is going to run in the Democratic Primary for the AK Governorship. Ethan Berkowitz (D) most recently ran for Congress again Don Young (R), our single congressman who has spent millions in legal fees for unknown reasons…
So The Fix, the polling company did a hypothetical….what if Sean Parnell (R) were to face off with Ethan Berkowitz? Dead heat. They didn’t choose Poe for the poll probably because Berkowitz has better name recognition…..for now.
I suspect that Andrew Halcro (R) is thinking about a run for Congress, against Don Young in the primary – just a guess on my part. I think Andrew could pull it off.
It will be interesting to see what kind of chops Sean Parnell brings to the Governor’s Office. If he doesn’t quickly grow a pair and distance himself from all things Palin I don’t see him as a viable candidate for the job in 2010.
Just my 2 cents…
82 Mudbug Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 8:10 PM
read where Palin is packing up the Jueanu house. She must not have much to pack, since she was never there.
83 seattlefan Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 8:18 PM
#82 Mudbug: I was thinking the exact same thing. My thought was she was busy shredding and burning under the guise of “packing”. Lol!
————–ditto that!
@ teutonic: Loved your site. I think this is ot a bit, but we are all over the place tonight. I left a comment.
Back on topic: This is becoming cliche, but Palin is the gift that keeps on giving. If Alaska just turns maroon (or plum colored) because of the moron’s antics, that is a win for all you people trying to get your state out of the red (so to speak). Go Blue (or Purple would be ok at this point). !
@teutonic: It’s wonderful and reflects what so many of us Parents feel in the throes of our children developing before our eyes. The hopes. the dreams and the fears of parents concerning their children are well represented and so true in your writings. Very moving words and visuals. I like, I like!!
#82 Mudbug: I was thinking the exact same thing. My thought was she was busy shredding and burning under the guise of “packing”. Lol!
read where Palin is packing up the Jueanu house. She must not have much to pack, since she was never there.
Another oh my. I just saw the Vanity Fair article, which shows what an editor would have to go through to get Sarah’s resignation speech into publishable form. It’s not pretty and I pity anyone who actually has to work with her writings when it comes to the book. I’m thinking the ghost writer might be writing the entire thing, possibly taken from tape recordings made by Palin. That’s the only way I see anyone surviving the ordeal with their sanity semi intact.
At least Parnell is articulate.
I am confused, I think. Isn’t Bob Poe running for governor? Why wasn’t he in the poll in AKM’s post? Am I missing something?
I’ve been to your site too…also too… poignant comes to mind. …your photography is artful
gasman wrote
“Palin didn’t pass the ball; she petulantly threw the ball into the stands, stomped off the court, through the locker room, out of the arena, and peeled out of the parking lot, and is driving out of the state. She has taken herself out of the game entirely. She is no longer part of the team. How can she contend that this is not quitting?”
Great visual, gasman! Isn’t it sad, however, that a group of cheerleaders and some announcers seemed to follow her and let her “call in” her own stats?
Go Team Red…go, go, go! The Barracuda will lead you either off the cliff or under a bus.
teutonic13, I too checked out your blog. I don’t think I can say it any better than HistoryGoddess already has.
Touching on many levels and just…real.
I think we’ll find out why quitting on July 26th was so important–on July 27th, when the hearing in her “Yahoo email” lawsuit takes place. What a coinkydink that those two dates are so close together, eh? Just as coinkydental as the June 29th proceedings coming so closely to her “Quick! Gotta Quit!” press conference on July 3rd.
Something delicious this way comes….and I hope it brings Junior Mints with the popcorn!
Palin and her spokestwit Stapleton love to use the lame basketball analogy as to why her quitting as governor is actually not quitting:
“Do you say that a point guard is not leading the charge when he or she passes the ball?”
Palin didn’t pass the ball; she petulantly threw the ball into the stands, stomped off the court, through the locker room, out of the arena, and peeled out of the parking lot, and is driving out of the state. She has taken herself out of the game entirely. She is no longer part of the team. How can she contend that this is not quitting?
She can effect more change nationally and for Alaska out of the governor’s office that she could within? Why then, did she run for governor? If she didn’t believe in being a politics as usual lame duck, why didn’t she make her resignation effective immediately? Isn’t she just continuing, by her own admission, to waste the taxpayers’ dollars until she is actually out of office? Isn’t that at odds with what she thought that she could do as vice president, “gettin’ down there on the floor of the senate, makin’ policy with the senators?” Is there anybody who actually believes any of this drivel?
If she can effect more change nationally out of politics, then by her own logic, she could effect greater change outside of the senate, the house, or the presidency. She doesn’t need to run for any other office. That is very good news indeed.
About her book deal, I wonder if the publisher will try to get out of it. After all, they negotiated the deal with a Governor. Now they’re only getting a quitter.
I still say that whatever is coming about Sarah Palin has to do with one of two things. Housegate. A Federal Inverstigation by the IRS would totally be a reason to run Palin out of office. There is something amiss about this. Second, the State Health Care where the Feds had to step in and take over. Someone has to be held accountable for this. People died here and that does no go well with Feds and even worst, Alaskans. I still say the big one is going to drop very soon and when it does, BANG, Palin is toast,maybe even the book deal as well.
teutonic13 Says:July 19th, 2009 at 6:52 PM
Am still working it to try to get people visit my site. Any suggestions?
I just finished reading your last post “Daughters and Milk Cartons.” I am impressed by both your photography and your ability to make your reader “feel” your love for you daughter.
You write of the real family values that all of us care about- values that can’t be expressed in 140 characters or less. This type of day to day love and appreciation of what matters most is what we are fighting for. Not sound bites. I don’t care what political party supports real families of all types, I just know right now, that ain’t the red team.
The base that supports Palin loves their kids, I’m sure. But they are too hung up on fighting the strawmen that they are forgetting this basic, day to day care. Not big. Not flashy. This post is just a daughter being a daughter, and a dad trying to figure out what that means.
(I am trying to relate this to the thread, but it is tough. I do want some pups to take a look at this post. The photography is very haunting as well)
On topic- Um-m-m, Go Blue!
Has Southpark spoofed Palin yet? They should.
Wonderful pics– and very cute kid
@ pacos_gal #64:
Bwa ha ha!!! I love the Miss Congeniality bit…heh heh. I have passed this on to several who feel the same about Gov. Twit-
TY Rob Rob in CA
Hello AuntieRuth – post 50.
Lgardener – that was one good “it said it all” comment.
After several mentions…I decided to pop over to your site….
It was well worth the trip. I will be back to read in more detail
I take it back, this might be my favorite line from the Salon article
“Having spent much of her tenure as Alaska’s governor scheming to fire her ex-brother-in-law from the state police and having her press secretary issue statements contradicting her daughter’s 18-year-old former boyfriend, Palin evidently mistook national politics for one long Miss Congeniality contest.”
CO almost native, that article had me laughing even later as I walked the dog. I’m pretty sure that any neighbors who were outside probably think I’ve gone loony.
I liked this remark in the article too, although I admit the one you quoted is still my favorite, “whining that nobody before her had been so victimized by “the politics of personal destruction” — a phrase Bill Clinton coined after Republican operatives accused him and his wife of murder.”
So sad Sarah can’t even beat Hillary in the victimized department.
I miss letters like I miss my thumb and forefinger. Sorry for the misspelling.
^ “y'” = my.
Hey sourdough mullet
The mullet thing- “Business in the front, PARTY in the back!”.
Had to share that- one of y wife’s greatest lines.
AKM- just saw the Blogger Choice Awards for the site. Now that is truly an accomplishment. Way to go.
Overthemoon….good point. It is important to find the right message.
Sarah and her supporters are spinning this away from the ‘quit’ word. She is ramping up with these manic twitters. I don’t know if it is enough to raise the bar, as you say, but it is certainly a start.
We do have to find a way to keep the ‘quit’ word in play. I loved the Palin 2012-2014 that I read earlier today…makes the point nicely. Or my own creation: Romney/Palin/Pawlenty 2012. That way when Sarah quits, we still have a VP!
If Parnell can show that he is different than Palin then he can be a viable candidate later on. If he can’t, then I think that any Dem or even another Republican running against him would have a chance to take the Governor’s office. His previous reputation as an across the lines deal maker is what he is going to need to prove that he can be a Governor.
That being said, he’ll need to start listening to the people of Alaska and not leaving the villages who have so much that needs to be addressed, flapping in the wind. If he doesn’t do right by the people, then the people can get rid of him. They just need to believe that their votes and voices can count and be heard.
Thought this was an interesting comment from Common Dreams:
An excerpt:
Watching Sarah Palin in action is always an exercise in astonishment, but I don’t think anything she’s done to date could top the speech she gave announcing her resignation as governor of Alaska.
I watched her with my jaw dropped, left nearly speechless not only by what she said but by how she said it. And, most especially, by the insanely frightening notion that tens of millions of Americans not only don’t see her as some sort of Tina Fey character built for howling laughs, but in fact an object of adoration.
Hey, Jesus, do we really need so overt a reminder that the once mighty empire is now in complete free fall? Wasn’t eight years of Kid Caligula enough?
I don’t even know what to do or think or make of her style of public speaking, and I’m not even sure I understand why I don’t. Is it that she so unambiguously violates all the rules of our already embarrassing political praxis by presenting herself as so transparently false, so unashamedly faking her way through national issues of which she is totally ignorant?
Chance the Gardener literally – literally! – had more credibility than Sarah Palin, somehow. Is it because he was completely authentic in his ignorance, and she so completely disingenuous?
Is it the singy-songy, Golly-gosh Gomer!, candy-coated old-fashioned homespun goody-goodness of her TV persona that freaks me out, a character so one-dimensional it could make porn stars seem like Oscar-winning thespians by comparison?
This is old news but interesting read, because it’s where we find Alaska today.
Regards Palin/Parnell
@pacos_gal #49:
Thanks for the link; great writing. My favorite:
“President? Get real. Sarah Palin couldn’t manage a Wal-Mart. She has neither the management skills nor the capacity for detail.”
heh heh heh…
Alaska Reports;
In regards to the quack notice.This the second time that it has disappeared and then reappeared. Something big is out there. Sarah must be gasping. Mystery Goo, Toxic Cloud, Bad Cheese. Or maybe it’s the windows. Lakeside of house has 3 windows of same size, and 8 of same size, Maybe when Lake Lucille freezes over they skate. Probably feels just like the Wasilla Sports Complex.
Well, maybe this will help y’all here – it’s a smiley group hug.
After all, if AK does go bluer (at least more purply), it’s good….
Once SP is gone, it’s better….
If Parnell doesn’t turn into a toady replica of SP, it’s the best thing for AK, at least til next governor’s election.
Yep, you’re right curiouser, he does. Watch that site to see if he changes anything once he is home, maybe towards the end of the week.
Dennis Zaki still has Rumor Central: Big story still heading toward the S.S. Palin on his blog page.
@Sourdough Mullet
Now that was funny.
Future “Not-PC-Tweets”:
– Rly good dump this a.m.! Hlthy choices in diet and xrcise make good bwl habits! Need to ‘splain this to whale-sucking “natives”.
– Bristol got . right on time! One for the home team!
Oh my.
Gryphen, The Immoral Minority, just posted an entry linking to a new Salon article. What I’ve seen so far, it’s a doozy and yep, the Palin supporters are going to be nashing teeth and pulling hair over it.
The title is Sarah Palin should just go home.
Gene Lyons might have just become one of my favorites with this article.
I bet after Parnell takes over there are going to be some defections and a few stories told. The next couple of weeks could be very interesting. I think Phil is right on what he is saying.
What is inexplicable to me is if Sarah could have won in 2010, why did she quit. I’m certain she can’t believe she could ever run and win POTUS, so hmmmm.
I figured she would quit by may 1st..
I Think the Dems should pick Dennis Egan or Knowles… I fear the rethuglicans will pray ted lives to run.. I thought crazy Gov was going to quit in Oct after McCain said she went rogue…
swel123, it wasn’t really an article, just a statement and I can’t remember exactly but it seemed to be that he meant Palin was under pressure from a possible investigation (that he had mentioned earlier) and so quit, saying if it looks like a duck, etc.
It was in the spot that now has Sarah Palin on “hurt feelings” in it.
What is the quack article that got taken down?
overthemoon, DZ is Dennis Zaki from Alaska Report, photographer and journalist, sometimes affiliated with CNN. He does some really good work for Alaska.
I think the article is one entry that he has up for a long time, of if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, quack, quack, quack, concerning Palin. (not sure though, maybe it meant something else)
Yes, I think GINO is Governor in name only.
I’m interested in Phil at Progressive Alaska’s opinion, who thinks that after Parnell takes over, you’ll start to see some of those Palin workers start to leave as they realize that things are different. That he will be more honest and a lot more boring. Only time will tell if Phil is correct in this assessment. I hope he is. So far Parnell hasn’t really shown his hand and I don’t think he will until after he’s sworn in. Until then he’ll tow the Palin line. Will he be his own man later on though is the question.
@36 Moose Pucky
me too..
So much I feel like I could pop sometimes.
So much I don’t let myself hope very often…
After reading about Parnell, I suspect he’ll be a male $arah. I don’t think that will go over well with the voters.
Over the moon, dz is dennis zaki. and yes you gino down, soon to be exgino. Sounds like a female problem. lol
Palin would have been a lame duck if she had announced that she would not seek reelection in 2010 and remained in office. Parnell is not a lame duck b/c he has already announced that he will run for reelection.
DZ is Dennis Zaki, and his website is here —
Didn’t DZ say he wouldn’t be back until around July 22nd? He has been vacationing with his family, and was out of internet range. I’d think he would be checking in with his contacts once he is home.
What if any benefits does an ex Governor get in Alaska and would Palin be eligible since she didn’t finish her term?
We’ll definitely be seeing a lot of her, she is under contract to promote the book when it comes out, so tv, talk, etc, are all in her future and ours. *sigh* I don’t know that Harpers will want to pay for her kids and everyone to go along from place to place doing book signings though.
I suppose that 4 million advance will go a long ways, but it tends to add up if you are paying for your own flights and stuff. (she does like to travel and have all that culture at her finger tips) Personal travel I mean, I don’t know how much she’ll be able to get Republicans and others to pay for, but as much as she can I’m sure.
I thought the comment about her watching Afghanistan was funny in the previous entry. As a citizen, that is all she’ll be doing is watching, just like the rest of us. No National Guard briefings in her future and her security clearance, what she had any how, will be gone.
I think she isn’t going to be nearly as popular as she thinks she’ll be and we are actually already seeing that. Yesterday 2 google updates onher and today 7 updates, compared to back in her prime, when you would see sometimes more than 20 per day. *blech*
Now, I’ve been wondering, how exactly does Parnell not be a lame duck? Doesn’t that sort of smudge up the ‘don’t wanna have AK put up with a lame duck’ rationale, don’t it?
Other questions…What is DZ article? For that matter, what is DZ?
and GINO? Would that be Gov in Name Only?
Sorry, too much time on my hands today!
RUN, ETHAN, RUN! And yes, there are some others who are good, but electable? Ethan has a shot, let’s get behind him and make this happen. I prefer him in Juneau than DC anyway. We need to get some brain power back into the Gov’s seat, and Ethan has it.
I want a candidate who is not in bed with developers. One who will take sustainable wild fish stocks seriously. One who understands the real value of the Arctic Refuge. One who believes in and will work health and wellness and for affordable access to health care for all Alaskans. One who says what he/she means and means what he/she says. A candidate, a leader who listens and doesn’t cut back-room deals with anyone.
I don’t want to hand the nomination to Ethan just yet even though he is the only one mentioned above. I have listened to Bob Poe over the months and liked what I have heard. There’s also someone like Diane Benson, and others. We have time to take a close look at all of them before we have to to decide.
I wonder if now that ” Our Beloved Queen” will soon be out the door if any State employees might come forward and “tell all”? Or if Palins puppet Parnell will be more of the same and the employees will keep their mouths shut to protect their jobs?
I don’t think this was linked elsewhere on the threads. Forgive me if it has been. Sheds more light on some dark, dank, stinky little corners.
Poop floats, we’ll see.
In case this link to Gryphen’s blog hasn’t posted yet, it’s hilarious! – Sarah Palin sings “I Feel Quitty”
We must remain patient and try to be calm.
pvazwindy Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 4:02 PM
DZ must have had a good reason for pulling the quack article. I’ve got a hunch, scat hits the fan this week. Something sucked all the air out of Palin.
pvazwindy Says:
July 19th, 2009 at 3:56 PM
Will the other shoe drop tomorrow? She’s definitely afraid of something. Hi Fawnskin, up there at #1
What’s up with all this ?????
WHAT might happen tomorrow ?
What was the article ?
Or that if she stayed, something would happen sure to give the Dems the advantage, but if she resigned Parnell has a chance of keeping the governorship Republican.
I recently had to give someone the option to resign or be fired. This happens fairly often in my organization. 99% of the time they take resignation..saves them face and us time and paperwork. I still believe that she was told either resign or we start impeachment, in which case 2010 was out of the picture anyway. The only problem with resignation is that we might never find out what would have brought her down.
She is just whacko. check out her tweet from today;
Time DOES fly! Work hard so u can genuinely enjoy every recreation minute! Avoid time spent tearing down, whining, complaining;WORK & ENJOY
about 6 hours ago from TwitterBerry
WHO was the one whining, complaining & QUITTING????
AKraven @ #2 nailed it—it’s all about her—she doesn’t give a crap about anybody else.
Well… Alaskans may ‘ feel ‘ like they have been tossed aside like a ‘prom dress’,…. But $arah is still wearing it…. and acting like she is still in High School while she wears it.
“How dare they not vote me as ‘ Homecoming Queen’… ?” I deserve it and I demand the Title. ( stomping foot with big poutrage grin )
Seeing as how Alaska ( and the bloggers ) did not let her wear Tiara and march across the stage… she has asked The Toad to go get the car and drive her Home. The Prom is now Officially OVER !! ( July 26th already??)
The Prom Band’s music now fades away as The Toad and $arah drive off into the night and is replaced by a different chorus in the background…… Listen….? QUACK !!! QUACK !! Quack !!!!
Are they off to go join or make their own Party now…. the AIP Party maybe…?
And what does AIP’s ‘ tiara ” look like… will it even fit onto her now swollen Head….. And does it go with the ‘ red Hoochie GrandMa’ shoes..?
Here is the link:,16641,20090720,00.html
Has anyone else seen the cover of Time Magazine, July 20th issue? I didn’t get to finish reading the article, but it was a positive spin on Palin quitting the Governorship and etc.
I think we need to be very careful about writing Palin off as a has been. As much as I’d like to think she’ll self destruct, there is a manic fire there that’s going to be darned hard to put out. Solution…bring her down with what she likes best, praise and tattention. Obama and Biden handled this well before the debates, saying they expected extraordinary debate from a formidable politician. The bar was raised so high she could not possibly even reach it.
This is the way to show her the door, criticism only fuels her fire.
She just needs to switch to decaf.
The state could not be in better hands than with Ethan Berkowitz. One can only hope.
The state could not be in better hands than with Ethan Berkowitz. One can only hope.
Could be worse Alaska, could be Arizona. Just visited with my Aunt and her husband who retired in one of the most liberal (if there is such a thing) parts of the state. They were asked by the Democratic Party to make calls. They were reluctant but were told they only had to call registered dems and remind them to vote. It sounded safe so they were given a voters registration list.
It turned out they were the only two registered dems in their district.
So you have a head start, go get em.
Could be worse Alaska, could be Arizona. Just visited with my Aunt and her husband who retired in one of the most liberal (if there is such a thing) parts of the state. They were asked by the Democratic Party to make calls. They were reluctant but were told they only had to call registered dems and remind them to vote. It sounded safe so they were given a voters registration list.
It turned out they were the only two registered dems in their district.
So you have a head start, go get em.
@seattelfan: My thoughts exactly. I personally think she is ready for the people in white coats and strait jackets. Yeppers
@seattelfan: My thoughts exactly. I personally think she is ready for the people in white coats and strait jackets. Yeppers
Lyrics to She’s Come Undone (Guess Who) (related to my post at #17)
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
It was too late
She’s come undone
She found a mountain that was far too high
And when she found out she couldn’t fly
It was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
She wanted truth but all she got was lies
Came the time to realize
And it was too late
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
Mama, it was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
Na, na na na na na na
Too many mountains
And not enough stairs to climb
Too many churches
And not enough truth
Too many people
And not enough eyes to see
Too many lives to lead
And not enough time
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
Doh doh doh doh ….
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
It was too late
She’s come undone
She found a mountain that was far too high
And when she found out she couldn’t fly
Mama, it was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
Doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh
Doh doh doh
Lyrics to She’s Come Undone (Guess Who) (related to my post at #17)
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
It was too late
She’s come undone
She found a mountain that was far too high
And when she found out she couldn’t fly
It was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
She wanted truth but all she got was lies
Came the time to realize
And it was too late
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
Mama, it was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
Na, na na na na na na
Too many mountains
And not enough stairs to climb
Too many churches
And not enough truth
Too many people
And not enough eyes to see
Too many lives to lead
And not enough time
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
Doh doh doh doh ….
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when I found what she was headed for
It was too late
She’s come undone
She found a mountain that was far too high
And when she found out she couldn’t fly
Mama, it was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
Doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh
Doh doh doh
Just think, less than a year ago she thought she was going to be the VPOTUS, and today she is packing up her loot to head back to Wasilla a quitter hooked on Twitter. Speaking of which, I read todays tweets…………I really think she has come undone. Seriously. Cyber-babble and random unconnected thoughts streaming out her fingers. (for those creative pups out there, how about an adapted rendition of She’s Come Undone?)
Just think, less than a year ago she thought she was going to be the VPOTUS, and today she is packing up her loot to head back to Wasilla a quitter hooked on Twitter. Speaking of which, I read todays tweets…………I really think she has come undone. Seriously. Cyber-babble and random unconnected thoughts streaming out her fingers. (for those creative pups out there, how about an adapted rendition of She’s Come Undone?)
Hey, “Quit Happens!” While my state of NM has always been more liberal than Alaska, it is a Western state with a heavy streak of that weird, well-armed Western brand of political conservatism. This last election cycle saw the ouster of one of the GOP’s most senior senators – Domenici – and two of the most rabidly conservative reps., Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce. (The OFFICIAL reason Domenici resigned was due to a wasting brain disease, but about two weeks after he said he would not seek re-election – miracle of miracles – he was “magically” cured. The general consensus here is that he did not want to face scrutiny for his involvement in the Gonzales firings of the U. S. Attorneys.)
Moral of the story? Even the unlikeliest of political changes can happen. Three of five NM congressional seats were solidly in the R column. Now all five are in the D column. Poof! Just like that.
Buck up AK progressives. As a fellow traveler that has lived in the conservative hell-holes of Indiana and Texas, and witnessed change here in NM, change can indeed occur.
Hey, “Quit Happens!” While my state of NM has always been more liberal than Alaska, it is a Western state with a heavy streak of that weird, well-armed Western brand of political conservatism. This last election cycle saw the ouster of one of the GOP’s most senior senators – Domenici – and two of the most rabidly conservative reps., Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce. (The OFFICIAL reason Domenici resigned was due to a wasting brain disease, but about two weeks after he said he would not seek re-election – miracle of miracles – he was “magically” cured. The general consensus here is that he did not want to face scrutiny for his involvement in the Gonzales firings of the U. S. Attorneys.)
Moral of the story? Even the unlikeliest of political changes can happen. Three of five NM congressional seats were solidly in the R column. Now all five are in the D column. Poof! Just like that.
Buck up AK progressives. As a fellow traveler that has lived in the conservative hell-holes of Indiana and Texas, and witnessed change here in NM, change can indeed occur.
@ booboodog:
heh heh…good one
@ booboodog:
heh heh…good one
aw, shucks, pvazwindy.
thankx for noticing.
(i was so trying to be lowkey about it)
aw, shucks, pvazwindy.
thankx for noticing.
(i was so trying to be lowkey about it)
Yes, pvazwindy, I believe there is something big going on and she is so afraid. I think that in time it will be known.
Yes, pvazwindy, I believe there is something big going on and she is so afraid. I think that in time it will be known.
DZ must have had a good reason for pulling the quack article. I’ve got a hunch, scat hits the fan this week. Something sucked all the air out of Palin.
DZ must have had a good reason for pulling the quack article. I’ve got a hunch, scat hits the fan this week. Something sucked all the air out of Palin.
@pvazwindy –
schedule for the other shoe? will it progress the dems takeover? share! share!
@pvazwindy –
schedule for the other shoe? will it progress the dems takeover? share! share!
Will the other shoe drop tomorrow? She’s definitely afraid of something. Hi Fawnskin, up there at #1
Will the other shoe drop tomorrow? She’s definitely afraid of something. Hi Fawnskin, up there at #1
CO, I’ll get the popcorn and drinks..
CO, I’ll get the popcorn and drinks..
I just read the previous AKM post: don’t wave good bye to your conservative cronies quite yet. Parnell may turn out to be Palin the Sequel…
I just read the previous AKM post: don’t wave good bye to your conservative cronies quite yet. Parnell may turn out to be Palin the Sequel…
I agree with AKraven. It was all about her. Why work when you can fly around the country being worshiped?
I agree with AKraven. It was all about her. Why work when you can fly around the country being worshiped?
I think Palin enjoys campaigning (those adoring crowds, those gorgeous clothes, those upscale hotels) but could care less about governing. Didn’t she quit the other elected/appointed posts?
Glad she’s almost gone–but don’t send her down her. urg.
I think Palin enjoys campaigning (those adoring crowds, those gorgeous clothes, those upscale hotels) but could care less about governing. Didn’t she quit the other elected/appointed posts?
Glad she’s almost gone–but don’t send her down her. urg.
Shannyn says: “Painting Alaska blue one stroke at a time.”
Karin says: “Hey Twitter Quitter! Thanks for handing gigantic, AK sized spray bombs filled with blue paint to the progressive bloggers! They can’t wait to hop into their helicopters and go to town!”
Shannyn says: “Painting Alaska blue one stroke at a time.”
Karin says: “Hey Twitter Quitter! Thanks for handing gigantic, AK sized spray bombs filled with blue paint to the progressive bloggers! They can’t wait to hop into their helicopters and go to town!”
I agree AKraven! Sarah is tired of her job, not able to do what she wants because we Alaskans are finally paying closer attention to what she is really up to. What a loss for Alaska these last two years. Sarah tried to put many spins on many things from the very beginning of her coming into the Gov. Office. Shame on her! She does not care about anything or anyone BUT herself! I think Parnell when he gets the office and she is finally gone can possibly do some good for the State of Alaska, he has to stand up with some backbone and redo what she has done. Good Luck to us all.
I agree AKraven! Sarah is tired of her job, not able to do what she wants because we Alaskans are finally paying closer attention to what she is really up to. What a loss for Alaska these last two years. Sarah tried to put many spins on many things from the very beginning of her coming into the Gov. Office. Shame on her! She does not care about anything or anyone BUT herself! I think Parnell when he gets the office and she is finally gone can possibly do some good for the State of Alaska, he has to stand up with some backbone and redo what she has done. Good Luck to us all.
It’s been obvious all along- she quit because she was tired of the job and just didn’t want to do it anymore. It was all about her- no other consideration at all. She tried to spin it in many other ways- but the number and insincerity of her excuses showed how it was all about her.
It’s been obvious all along- she quit because she was tired of the job and just didn’t want to do it anymore. It was all about her- no other consideration at all. She tried to spin it in many other ways- but the number and insincerity of her excuses showed how it was all about her.
Now THAT would be too good to be true.
Now THAT would be too good to be true.
go dems.
go dems.