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Sarah Palin is the Easter Bunny.

“A thorn in Governor Palin’s side.”  That’s how the latest article in Vanity Fair describes Andree McLeod.

In government ethics, you can be on one side or the other – the side of the government, or the side of the people.  Governments tend to want to conceal, and the governed tend to want to find out what is being concealed.  It’s human nature.   Considering the apathy of most people when it comes to holding their government accountable, we should all be raising a glass to Andree McLeod.  In many ways, she’s doing our job.  That’s not to say that she’s perfect.  None of us are.  But in a state where government officials tend to sink to the level of the ethics they are permitted to have, it’s nice that someone has decided to try to raise the bar a little.

There’s a piece of common wisdom that tells us we are where we are because the perfect conditions existed to bring it about.  If that is true, Alaskans have allowed the perfect conditions to exist to allow a whole lot of political corruption.  But, do we really want to pore over documents, park ourselves in front of Gavel to Gavel for 90 days, read the newspaper every day, request public records, enter into dialog with our legislators, curl up at night with a copy of the Alaska State Ethics statutes?   Hardly.

But, once in a while, you find someone who actually does it.

If Rod Blagojevich, or George W. Bush, or Mark Sanford had had their very own “thorn” like Andree McLeod, we might all be better off.  Being a thorn can sometimes be a thankless job.  There are no parades and flowers for the very very few who choose to hold their elected officials accountable.

Let’s face it, there are a lot of people who really want to like Sarah Palin.  And if the image she liked to portray was true, heck, I’d almost like her myself.  The bottom line is that reality is painful, and when we are faced with evidence that our scrappy “golden girl” from rural Alaska, who  took it to the good ol’ boys, and lives and breathes trying to do what’s right for America is actually something far far less…  well, it’s sad.


I remember as a kid when I found out about The Tooth Fairy.  I came straight out and asked the big question.  And my mom was always one to give a straight answer. “Honey, it’s a beautiful story that parents like to tell their kids because they want them to be happy.”  I was floored.  Then came the kicker…  “Same thing with the Easter Bunny.”

You can imagine a very small me, who had barely wrapped my little mind around the Grand Tooth Fairy Conspiracy, being told that the most magnificent, delightful notion I could dream of;  a 4-foot tall brown glossy rabbit, with a blue satin bow around his neck  that gazed at me while I slept, and gave me such wonderful treats, was a myth.  It was all a lie.  I had been so foolish.  I had lost something I loved – something that I never had to begin with.  I burst into tears, and my poor mother couldn’t quite figure out why the kid who took the tooth fairy news pretty well, would suddenly dissolve.  “There is too an Easter Bunny!” I cried.  “No, honey, there isn’t,” said my mom with her eyes full of bemused pity.  “YES THERE IS!”  I ran red-faced into my room and threw myself on the bed.

Such it is with Sarah Palin, and those who love her.  Andree McLeod is like my mom.  She doesn’t candy-coat it, and she feels compelled to tell the truth, and to give Palin fans a little more information than they can comfortably handle.  And then give them more.  They’re old enough to take it, and they need to know.  It’s easier for them to get mad at her, than to accept the fact that there is no Easter Bunny,  there is no  “Mrs. Conservative Smith Goes to Washington” in their future.  There is no shiny, glossy, uncorruptable Sarah Palin with a blue satin bow to gaze at them and be perfect.

And so, McLeod will continue.  She is on a mission, like it or not.  Instead of putting all her Easter eggs in the basket of one person, she puts them in the process – the shining perfect ideal of ethics.  Is she perfect?  No.  Neither is the process, nor anyone who will ever be held accountable by it.  And we are left to take from it the uncomfortable truth, no matter how much we don’t want to see it.


{The Open Thread is still active for off-topic posts!  Thanks.}



113 Responses to “Sarah Palin is the Easter Bunny.”
  1. Thinking?? says:

    Utah – USA

    Thank you Nancy, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. You nicely said
    in your well written article what many of us have wanted to say
    for a long time. I salute you for your honesty. May Andree
    McLeod continue on with keeping people informed. We need more
    people to speak up and fight for honesty and justice. The day will
    come when Ms. Palin will have her day in court. Amen!

  2. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    PS: Has Celtic Diva/Linda actually received those $5500+ e-mails???

  3. PepperzMom (GA) says:

    Now you’ve done it, AKM! Ruined all future Easter Bunny chocolates by equating a vapid “also too” idjot with a happy set of childhood memories!



  4. benlomond2 says:

    Celtic has posted an excellent explantion of the ethics process on her blog, sure made things clear for me !!

  5. Nancy says:


    I am watching and listening in Canada, and so very glad there are people who are willing to do the right thing. ALL of you are – you (AKM), Shannyn Moore, Andrew Halcro and others, but especially Andree McLeod.

    Because you are quite right – it is a thankless job, and whistle blowers end up being the recipients of hate mail, persecution and more. MUCH more, generally, than those they attempt to hold up to scrutiny and make accountable. Especially in Alaska, where it seems that to get on the wrong side of the Palins is to invite a huge amount of grief and potential legal action.

    It is particularly galling to me that Governor Palin – whatever happens to her vis a vis the ethics charges and all the other information that will (and HAS) come out – will land on her feet. As usual. There seems little justice in the fact that she stands to make millions for her book deal and speaking engagements. All for being a dishonest, opportunistic, narcissistic so-called “servant of the people” who did not deserve to rise as far as she has. That last is in quotes because I (and most people with brains and the ability to see through the smoke continually being sent up by Palin and her groupies) realized very early on that Sarah Palin serves Sarah Palin. If ordinary Alaskans and hell – let’s just throw it in for good measure, since she seems to want to be on the national stage – ordinary Americans, actually benefit from her actions on behalf of herself, it is a happy accident. Or so it would seem.

    I applaud you all for persisting in your goal of making Palin – and hopefully, through example – other politicians accountable. I know it is not done lightly, nor without some degree of harassment to yourselves. And I know, too, that you do it not from spite but from the desire to make people “walk the walk” (as a famous Alaskan is famous for saying).

    What business is all this of mine, when I am a Canadian? Do I just like watching train wrecks? No. I will tell you what business it is of mine. It is frustrating to see anyone profit from dishonesty and greed and self-centredness. But it is especially frustrating to see it in elected officials who hold themselves up to be champions of what is ethical and right. We have our own [rather mundane, I will admit] political scandals. As do other countries. But Governor Palin has the dubious distinction of being right up there among the world’s worst and blatantly crooked politicians we have seen in a long time. The global community is a small one; citizens of the global community ignore these things at their peril. But they also, happily, stand to learn much from others’ quest for transparency and decency and honesty.

    You have done your fellow Alaskans and people the world round a favour.

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to contribute my thoughts on your politics.

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  6. Urzi says:

    You know what? I believe that Mz. Palin has run up some credit card debt because she’s addicted to the high end fashion she became accustomed to on the RNC tab while on the McCain campaign trail.

    I will bet that is what this is all about. Not her legal fees. Mz. Palin has become a high end shopaholic.

  7. samper says:

    Yeah? Well MY mom says the Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny AND Santa Claus are REAL.

    Where else would all those chocolate bunnies appear from? And the eggs? Who do you think decorates them all? IT’S THE EASTER BUNNY!

    AKM’s mom must have been mistaken.

    No Easter Bunny? Ridiculous and against all logic.

  8. Bretta says:

    I will *never* stop believing in Santa Claus.
    I keep in touch with the fairies, too.

  9. Bretta says:

    I recall 15 or so years ago I got on the wrong side of Bill Bobrick – yes, one of the VECO scandal convictees – who happened to be one the board of STAR, the Anchorage “Standing Together Against Rape” group who purported to do so well about RAPE in Alaska. While he negotiated with me on my issue (not related) Andree McLeod was testifying to the Anchorage Assembly about the horrific rise of Rape in Anchorage.

    I learned then who was real and who was in it for himself.

    I have been a fan of Andree McLeod since then, especially when she pisses off the “powers that be.”

    I am grateful for Andree’s fearlessness, intestinal fortitude and persistence.

  10. Chaim says:

    Don’t have time to read all the comments, but still want to join with Watching from New Jersey and everyone else in thanking Andree Mcleod. And thank you, AKM, for wrapping the story in that apt metaphor. I hope that those of us who invested our “Easter Bunny” trust in President Obama have an easier letdown when it comes. I don’t mean in the least to imply equivalence, only that avoiding disaster is not salvation. He needs to be cut some slack because he is a politician in the real world, and because he is a politician in the real world, we need to carefully watch how much slack is cut.

  11. democracy7 says:

    No Easter bunny? I am so shocked, and Sister Scarah caught in another lie? Where will it all end?
    Seriously thanks Mudflats, and Andree for never dropping the ball and keeping us informed.

  12. aha says:

    Oh, no they Diddddddn’t…lol. Did someone float a big fat farter and say they didn’t talk to Sarah about setting it up?!!!! I’m on the floor laughing so hard.

    Time for court….let’s call them lies where thems lays (lies?)

    I’m gonna have to take my belt off and spank someone…lol

  13. Andree Mcleod, stand up and take a bow. We applaud your courageous activisim in rooting out the moose sh*t Sarah has been dumping on Alaska and the rest of the lower 48’s. You are a true Alaskan heroine.

  14. Village Reader says:

    Thank You Andree McCloud for your work and dedication. Also THank You to AKM for the excellent article. Your insights are fun to read and informative. Also Thanks to all the mudpuppies. Your comments on the articles and during interviews definitely bring a smile. THanks!

  15. Moose Pucky says:

    I like this line, AKM:

    “And if the image she liked to portray was true, heck, I’d almost like her myself.”

  16. sauerkraut says:

    Yanno… for a republican, Andree is a-okay in my book. 😎

  17. Ripley says:

    *snif snif*

    I am simply beside myself…. no Santa either??? Oh, the Humanity!

    *curled up in the corner with my blankie*

  18. sandra in oregon says:

    We are not just seeing the demise (outing) of the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy but MOM. That is the most difficult. This accounts for the props, etc.

  19. 264 Crayons says:

    is that flower supposed to be right where a booty hole would be? just saying…lol…i’m ready for the weekend!

  20. Lower 48-er says:

    This post exemplifies why I love this blog so much. It’s not just informative, it’s interesting and well-written.

    Thank you, AKM.

  21. Polly says:

    July 23rd ADN Letters to the Editor are already up. Comments to support Andree McLeod and Levi Johnston would be helpful, if you are so inclined.

  22. Professor Geezer says:

    Thank you, Andree McCloud!!!!

  23. anon blogger says:

    The SarahPac ethics complaint was dismissed by the Personnel Board. That is exactly the same as the Alaska Legal Fund, is it not?? Is that the reason why the recent report fell into the hands of the press?? Before it went to the Personnel Board to be dismissed maybe??

  24. HistoryGoddess says:

    New thread

  25. Thank you Andre Macleod.

  26. CO almost native says:

    @ mae lewis #74:

    When the trust is dissolved, the remaining balance must be donated to a
    501 c(3); my understanding is that PACs cannot incorporate as a nonprofit.

  27. John says:

    I shouldn’t have said “attacks”. People are raising serious concerns. That is their right, and it is good for the State. I do think some of the complaints are a stretch. And occasionally people say mean things. That’s okay. Buttercup said politicians need thick skins.

  28. leenie17 says:

    Lee323 Says:
    Alaska owes Andree McLeod……big time.

    You’re correct but didn’t go quite far enough. Actually, the entire country owes Andree (and the other brave people who filed complaints) big time.

    Even as people in Alaska were beginning to see the facade crumble and reveal the real Palin underneath, far too many people in the rest of the country (who were not smart enough to follow our busy little Alaskan bloggers) had no idea what was really going on in the Palin administration. We came frighteningly close to the horror of ‘Vice President Palin’ (the thought of which STILL gives me nightmares). It’s taken the combined voices of all the determined filers and bloggers to reveal the truth to those who were so reluctant to give up their illusion of the all-American hockey mom.

  29. CO almost native says:

    @John #63:

    Good points. Some of the dismissed complaints may have been frivolous and/or weak; the State Personnel Board was definitely a weak link in all of the complaints. I hope the AK Legislature rewrites the Ethics Laws and creates an independent board that has regular monthly meetings, like most states, and perhaps uses lawyers from the Justice department. Colorado has that, and it seems to work well–they hammer on everyone, no favorites 😉

  30. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    And three cheers for SondraTompkins!

  31. nswfm CA says:

    When I get home, I’m having a drink to Andree and all the other Alaskan role models for civic activism, complainants and bloggers included. Then on Sat and Sunday, I’m having another drink as in “Ding Dong, the Witch is DEAD!”

    And any atheists, like Gryphen, I’m having another one for you! Please leave religion out of the American Government.

    Thanks to all of you.

  32. “The bottom line is that reality is painful, and when we are faced with evidence that our scrappy “golden girl” from rural Alaska, who took it to the good ol’ boys, and lives and breathes trying to do what’s right for America is actually something far far less… well, it’s sad.”

    That truly is the bottom line. To deviate from that is, to me, incomprehensible, whenever I get to discuss Palin with people who have not read on the reports of how Palin has served in her public positions, I find myself editing my comments so I don’t come across as having a vendetta against her or as a tabloid fan. Palin is not a topic to bring up at a dinner table, but how can I keep it quiet when someone questions the motives or character of those who keep her(or at least try) accountable?………..I’m glad the VF article mentions how Palin took advantage of Andre Macleod fierce stand on ethics but I think the journalist has not done her homework on the main subject; Palin’s unethical behavior.

  33. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ John

    My goof – sorry! I was thinking of the discussion or announcement before or when the complaint is filed.

  34. DrChill says:

    Well at least there’s still Santa Claus. Right ? …

  35. SondraTompkins says:


    In the next post are you going to tell us Santa isn’t real??? I really feel like it’s Christmas in July: I’ve been a good girl and I told Santa I wanted a new Governor, though not Parnell 😉

    Let’s hope Andree is writing a book about her dealings with Palin and her persistence in keeping politicians honest. I admire her positive attitude.

    Three cheers for Andree!!

  36. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    John – personally, I crave the discussion. There is such a danger in reading only one side of a story and thus becoming another -bot. It is always good to have a discussion of all the possibilities. Thank you.

  37. booboodog says:

    You are the biggest thorn around. And thank God for you (or in my religion
    Santa). What you, and others, have done in Alaska should be an example of what should be going on in every single community in this country. Rooting out the ‘bad apples’ and keeping them honest should be the responsibility of all of us who vote these ‘servants of the people’ into office. Most of us sit around grumbling about the corruption in politics, but don’t think they have the power to make changes. We can if we DO something more than complain. You and the other bloggers and even us, your mudpuppies, have, I believe have been diligent in your efforts to find the facts and keep it up in spite of all obstacles. (I know our role in this is a whole lot more fun than yours) As much as some were drawn to your site for the entertainment and curiosity factor, some like me are old enough to know stranger things than Palin as President have occurred in this country’s history. Thanks

  38. the problem child says:

    Okay, the Jon Givens who appears to be the trust’s lawyer (appeared at press conf. w/ Kristen Cole (thanks, tamara)) is a partner with the law firm that represents the Mat-Su Valley Board of Realtors and ReMax Properties, Inc..,-P.C.-37887-f.html?

    Wonder whose interests he is really representing (hint: Re-Max Wasilla is Kristen Cole.)

  39. mae lewis says:

    There are all kinds of ways to spin that Trust Fund, I mean Fund Trust thing. They are not allowed to give $arah the money, and she made quite a point of saying that she never received money from the Fund.

    But, I looked at its “Mission Statement” words indicating that the donations are strictly for legal expenses. The fund was created to assist the Governor and her family and staff in paying legal expenses from previous investigations and future complaints.

    (Side note: funds can only go to cover legal expenses from complaints and investigations. I don’t think that they can be used to sue people who are accused of spreading rumors).
    Over and over they used the words “Alaska’s Governor” and “Governor Sarah Palin.” So, the complaint that she would not enjoy the benefit of this fund if she were not the governor is clear. They use her name, her picture and her “title” I mean office.

    $arah and an army of lawyers can claim that they never personally receive a penny. How true. But, one would have to go over the books and see to whom the checks were made– the law firm, not the lawyer, personally?? What they are doing is relieving the Palin family of their debt; look at the money they are saving!

    There are pages of information you-know-where, and I am struck by one phrase. When there is no more need for the Fund, the Trustee (Ms.Cole) has the sole discretion as to where to donate the money (to which charity). Shall we take bets that the money will go into somebody’s PAC???

    Remember the magic words of the guy who set it up, John Coale. He told Margaret Carlson (as reported on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown) that a substantial amout of $arah’s legal expenses had already been paid by the Fund. He was very proud of how much money he raised and what remained. That benefited her. No, she didn’t receive the money personally, but the benefit is that she suddenly doesn’t owe some people alot of money.

    As for her believers getting the wake up call that $arah is not the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and and Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother– that isn’t going to happen. I am old enough to remember Richard Nixon and Watergate. To this day, a good 15% of the US population believe that he was innocent, and he was hounded from office by a vicious media. Those same believers will be setting out cookies at their fireplace, wishing on a magic star and believing that evil bloggers drove their precious princess from her rightful throne. It’s almost midnight, and you all know what pumpkins look like a few days after Halloween!

  40. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    Andree, You are simply amazing. God keep you and never surrender to these cretans. What you do should be a beacon for all Americans. I applaud you for your unyeilding courage and strenght. Keep up the good fight and know we are all behind you.

    AKM, another masterpiece of linguistic writing.Your commentary and verbal descriptive style makes you one of the best writes I have had the pleasure of readin. I thank the day of my birthday in 2008, for finally finding you. That wonderful day of August 29.

    Thank you, John. One heck of a birthday! 😉 AKM

  41. Visitor says:

    John: The People do not lose their First Amendment rights when it comes to the Alaska executive branch.

    Why do you think Sarah Palin stopped doing partisan political interviews in the governor’s office and started doing them in her home?

    Thank you.

  42. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    i agree somewhat with john at 63.

    however, i wouldn’t go so far as to call ethics complaints “attacks”.
    most of them, i believe were and are warranted as there has been a discernible pattern in palin’s disregard for ethical behaviour.

  43. John says:

    I find it amazing that K. Cole claims she never once talked to the Governor about the fund. That is as believable as the Santa Clause story. And while they may have had a team of lawyers look at the trust fund to set it up, I am willing to bet $100 not one of them thought to look at the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Lawyers are like that sometimes. They know that these defense funds occur all the time so they don’t even think about whether a state law might come into play.

  44. BigPete says:

    Republican politicians love going on (and on) about “American exceptionalism”, so, absent any official GOP congratulations, we congratulate Andree McLeod ourselves, for her exceptionalitude.

  45. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    lori in los angeles
    “fawnskin: suck it up Buttercup! lol.”

    (and may jelly beans get stuck in your nose)

    …i’m still ot because of the jelly bean reference.

  46. austintx says:

    NYHawk –
    Thanks for the link.

    I still say to sarah and crew , put up or STFU. Let the depositions begin.

  47. justafarmer says:

    @greytdog @18:
    ears first obviously if Sarah is the Easter bunny….”You’re NOT listening to me!”

  48. pvazwindy says:

    To Andree-Thank you for what you do-trying to hold those accountable when they betray the public trust. When I read your ethic complaints, I know that it comes from the heart. And when I read some of the responses I feel the pain. I wish that there were a few more activists to help you carry the load. In no way do I sleight the efforts of my other favorite posters, they know who they are. My daily visits prove that. I’m just a tired old man, who post once in awhile. And I gotta tell ya, Sarah has advanced my age a whole lot. I hope and pray when night falls Sunday, that a new dawn shines on Monday, for all Alaskans.

  49. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    for AKM—another PERFECT observation. Thank you.

    for Andree—So that you know the work you do is not thankless…thank you.

    for Mudpuppies—don’t you just love irony? I do. I especially like the irony that the ethics reform Sarah implemented is what she violated. Who should have known the height of the ethical bar better than her?

  50. John says:

    Alaska Statute 39.52.340 says that Executive Branch Ethics Act complaints are confidential until there is a finding of probable cause (that was Tom Daniel’s finding). With Legislative ethics complaints, disclosure of the complaint voids the complaint. That provision is not included in the Exec Branch Ethics Act. But they are still confidential even if there is a lack of teeth in the statute.

    Which ones were a stretch: Saying she was paid for TV interviews without any evidence to support it. Saying that her interviews after the November election were using the Governor’s office for private benefit was not frivolous, but to me was a stretch.

    I hope this site does allow rational discussion even if someone says something slightly supportive of Palin. I did not vote for her, but I had some positive expectations for her during her first year or so. I thought she had potential to learn and do some good. I was wrong. But I can still see that not every attack against her is justified.

    There was also one filed (although never notarized) under the name of a soap opera character. AKM

  51. justafarmer says:

    lol @ theproblem child @11

  52. anon blogger says:

    NYHawk…wow, caught her with her drawers down, huh?! The pretty face is melting……………………

  53. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    We know Andree is reading, or will be, and hopefully she will pop in to say hi! I hope that hearing our chorus of “Thank you Andree for Everything” helps her feel like her work is acknowledged, and appreciated.

  54. VernD says:

    Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    July 22nd, 2009 at 4:43 PM
    Here’s a post from Andrew Halcro’s blog back in September. It shows the emails that Sarah Palin sent to Andree thanking her for holding her Government accountable.

    Of course, these emails were sent before Sarah Palin was subject to the same accountability.

    Brava Andree!

    Thank you AKM for another great post!!!

    >>> Oh This is GOOD! Boomarang. Boomarang. Booma Booma Rang Rang.

  55. NYHawk says:

    New article on HuffPost:

    “Irony: Palin Used Official State Website for Private Rebuttal to Latest Ethics Complaint

    PLUS: Did Palin attorney defame an ethics complainant in recent statement?”

  56. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    fawnskin: suck it up Buttercup! lol.
    I sure hope Andree and Kim read this site, and know how much we respect and appreciate them. Gives me hope that there are still sensible, honest Republicans in the world – I want our two-party system to remain viable, even if I am a life-long Dem.

  57. CO almost native says:

    May the real Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus bring goodies to Andree, Kim, and all of the other AK bloggers like Shannyn, AKM, Celtic Diva, Phil loads of real goodies. And kudos, thanks, bravos, and toasts (*clink*) from the rest of us.

    Governor Twit gets coal and rabbit turds.

  58. anon blogger says:

    Maybe when a person gets away with everything, someone tosses in a kitchen sink. Palin should have been impeached with troopergate. She brought a family feud into the Governor’s Office and got away it with.

    I was surprised that Palin was not made to pay back all of the expenses she charged the state for taking her family around like they were representatives of the state. And the per diems to live in her own home because she refused to live in the Governor’s Mansion, what a joke. And that logo, well, people are not stupid.

    I think that the statutes will be revised eventually. Hopefully, protecting the people from a grifter; rather than protecting a grifter from the people.

  59. wynsplc says:

    Gryphen, you my friend, have gone too far! I can understand about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy being fake but to tell me that Santa is NOT REAL is just too much with this old man to deal with. Cease and desist. Tell me please, who has been eating the cookies and drinking the milk I leave on the hearth each Christmas? I am CRUSHED I tell ya’

  60. tamara says:

    Slightly OT but a MUST READ : k. cole press release

  61. Memphis, NY says:

    Slightly off topic
    Funny Story
    My youngest daughter (who is now 19)
    Not sure how old she was but…..
    Christmas was over ( she DID NOT* receive ALL her presents [on her list]* [you know, there really should be a “number your list from favorite to least favorite,” because my favorite item was not given to me…I mean, her]*)
    From grandma, aunt, uncle, godparents etc. etc etc
    She was also questioning the existence of Santa
    WELL there was one item that she really wanted that she didn’t receive
    THE folding* POUND PUPPY VAN
    She stayed at my mom’s for a few days (week whatever)
    While she was there I went and got that toy
    Wrapped it
    And threw it out a window to land on the roof
    When she got home we told her Santa must have dropped it on his way in
    So she believed for at least another year [except that we didn’t put reindeer poop or track up there, but she never told us this]*

    *fixed by the “child” in question

  62. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ SS #47

    They will when she throws them under the bus – or not. But they are useful for now, so she doesn’t really acknowledge them, but counts on them to be her foolish warriors. It’s very Palin! Duplicity, smoke ‘n mirrors – she’d have made a decent spy if she had some brains. The funny thing is – it’s these ghostly bots who have alienated so many Alaskans to Palin. Forget them.

  63. yorkie says:

    I personally am grateful I no longer believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus (at age 56 that might have created a few problems).
    It’s best the Palinbots learn the lesson before it gets embarrassing, but I am doubtful they will accept the news…

  64. austintx says:

    UK Lady –
    Thanks for the link.
    How about everybody bring their respective lawyers and meet in one big room and give sworn depositions ?? Videotaped of course.
    These lame-ass Palinistas need to put up or STFU.

    So teamsarah – you guys filing lawsuits , or what ??

  65. SS says:

    I kinda just wish they would turn all that ugly anger on her.

  66. SS says:

    Your right

  67. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ SS

    Do you care? I don’t. They’d drool after the creep even if she cut off their arms and legs. They are lost, forget them.

  68. michigander says:

    Oh Gryphen, you are funny (o:

  69. SS says:

    For the followers on the other site it is not going to be the exposing of the Easter bunny but the good samaritan that helps a woman crying on the side of the road and when they leave they find there wallet has been swiped!

  70. Greytdog Δ says:

    Oh and Jelly beans. . .Lots & lots of Jelly beans. . . not jelly bellies, but JELLY BEANS

  71. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Here’s a post from Andrew Halcro’s blog back in September. It shows the emails that Sarah Palin sent to Andree thanking her for holding her Government accountable.

    Of course, these emails were sent before Sarah Palin was subject to the same accountability.

    Brava Andree!

    Thank you AKM for another great post!!!

  72. BooBooBear says:

    PS…My sincere sympathy to Kim Chatman on the death of her father last night. What she is going through… sorry.

    I don’t believe for a minute she released the report…I think it more likely someone from the Queen’s camp did it themselves hoping it would be thrown out.

  73. Greytdog Δ says:

    Just a heads up – the REAL Easter Bunny leaves REAL eggs & REAL chocolate. The FAKE Easter Bunny leaves plastic eggs (Leggs) & CAROB. And now you know the truth.

  74. BooBooBear says:

    Unbelieveable…….Now Kristan Cole and Meg say Palin had nothing to do with the fund??? You mean like put her stamp of approval right on the Website while begging for money?

    Like Meg telling people over and over, after the fund was set up by that guy in Texas….”Please hold off on your donations….we are setting up The Official Fund and you can donate there soon.”

    Who do these women thing they are….there are articles all over with endorsements by the queen. I find it interesting too that the dollar amount in those funds has amazingly SHRUNK overnight! Do they think we are idiots? This is fraud in the biggest way and I hope the IRS is on it.

    EVERYONE needs to click on the link above in #6……my blood pressure is off the roof at what this so called “Renegade” is trying to pull again. The rules and laws are for others, not for her. She needs to be taken down. Robbery in broad daylight without a gun……..

  75. michigander says:

    AKM, absolutely fantastic writing. This needed to be told and you did it so beautifully! Thank you.

    To Andree – your hard work is not in vain, you have opened the eyes of so many and we are grateful. Best to you always (o:

  76. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ The Easter Bunny

    You, my friend, are firmly implanted in my brain as large and purple. So I remember you! So we’ll just think of Palin as the Tooth Fairy, since I got over her a long time ago!

    @ Andree MacLeod

    What do I say to you? You have done our work, as AKM said, and I applaud your persistence and knowledge that Sarah Palin needs to be exposed as the creep she is. You have put up with ridiculous attacks and criticism and yet you stand tall and continue do what you feel is right. You are truly an Alaskan hero – no matter what the outcome – because Alaskans need to be a he11 of a lot more involved in our politics. And the ethics statutes need a whole lot of work! And Palin is a creep! Oh, I said that already. Go Andree!

  77. anon blogger says:

    AKM, that brought back memories…thanks!!

    Andree has my admiration as do all those who filed ethics violation complaints in an effort to hold Palin accountable for her actions.

  78. zyggy says:

    Brava Andree, the crap she’s been through is just terrible.

  79. Gryphen says:

    Love the headline!

    My uncle was the one who destroyed my childhood by exposing the lie of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy all in one fell swoop.

    Once those were exposed as myths I went on a tear of investigation which led me to become an atheist and start a blog called The Immoral Minority.

    I am just saying.

    Santa Claus? AKM

  80. Visitor says:

    John: Please elaborate; which of the ethics complaints do you feel were “a stretch” ?

    Thank you.

  81. jojobo1 says:

    Grteat article and I think eventually everyone in Alaska will thank,Linda and all the othersd who have tried theire best to keep their governor as honest and transparent as she promised to be and has not been.
    AKM what a great analogy makes the point so well about the palibots and how they handle things when ethics complaints come out.They just can not faqce the fact that mistakes were made.No one is perfect and AKM thank you,I have told friends of your site and about how fair you are about any wrongdoing not just Palins or the republican party.Youu along with your article about Andree make me proud of this site and what it can accomplish

  82. ds55 says:

    The day after the farewell picnic should be interesting. Politically incorrect tweets from Sarah and the Tennessee student’s case moves forward on that day.

  83. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ John

    “Making them public was also a mistake, in my opinion, since the law prohibits that.”

    You’ve been listening to Palin’s attorney – from the perusing that I’ve done, the confidentiality is for state employees (to protect whistle blowers), not the public. This is one of the many “stretched interpretations” which need to be addressed in these statutes. They were written in outline form (a bit vague, a lot lacking on details and applications) because it’s supposed to be up to the Ethics Advisor of the employee, official, or board / commission member, the Personnel Board and Dept of Law to interpret these case by case.

    Van Flein & Palin have thrown many “red herrings” out there – it’s their favorite trick. Well, Palin’s favorite trick is actually LYING, but don’t know about Van Flein.

  84. MinNJ says:

    UK Lady: bee’s knees! I haven’t heard that in a long time…and yes, she is.

  85. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    dear akm,

    while we have had a long and meaningful and, i think, mutually respectful relationship, i must express my disappointment in this lastest missive to the mudflat’s community.
    there are those of us here- loyal to the end -who expect our leader (that would be you) to produce for us creative yet factual creations of journalistic works.
    i am dismayed at your utter disregard for our unwavering belief in the he/she who hops about our lawns laying pastel hued eggs in the springtime.
    for the sake of maintaining our special bond, please, do rescind this blasphemy.

  86. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    John, “Making them public was also a mistake, in my opinion, since the law prohibits that.”

    Just an FYI: No it doesn’t. The prohibition extends only to the legislative branch, not the executive branch.

  87. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Andree McLeod:

    Thank you for continuing to be an exceptional example of an American citizen. Your efforts reflect genuine strength of character and I applaud you for it.

    By standing up for what you believe is right, regardless of the repercussions and not QUITTING (even though quitting would be so much easier, not to mention lucrative. Right $arah?), you’re a shining example of what ALL civic-minded people should aspire to be in a nation as great as ours.


  88. John says:

    Some of the complaints have indeed been a bit of a stretch. I think that has helped Buttercup keep a shred of credibility. Making them public was also a mistake, in my opinion, since the law prohibits that. But overall, the ethics complaints have done a wonderful thing for our state. They are a means to keep our elected officials honest. Even the frivolous complaints help with that, though there is that story of the boy who cried wolf once too often also.

    I’m still waiting for the complaint about taking her parents to the bear sanctuary. Anyone else needs to put their name in to a lottery, but the Governor was able to provide this personal benefit to her family because of her official position. During a farewell, lame duck tour of the state even though she said she was quitting because she wasn’t wired that way.

  89. Thisby says:

    AKM, this is just beautiful. I’ve been a writer and editor for nearly 40 years (sometimes they even paid me to do it) and I am so envious of your way with words. I hope to be reading your stuff even when Sarah is but a dim memory, a blip in the universal consciousness. Thank you! (Love your photographs, too.)

  90. UK Lady says:

    I am in awe of the people in Alaska like McCleod, Sondra, the other ethics complaint lodgers, CD, Gryphen, Phil, Shanyn and AKM, all of them!

    They are the bee’s knee’s!

  91. Lee323 says:

    Andree McLeod is simply…..amazing.

    She could have a nice life doing the usual ordinary things that bring quiet happiness and satisfaction to a person. No hate calls at 3:00 AM. No threats by rabid Palinbots. No second-guessing of motives by foes and even friends.

    She chooses to put herself in harm’s way by quietly and persistently dogging an unethical and vindictive politician.

    Alaska owes Andree McLeod……big time.

    Thanks, Andree.

  92. SS says:

    Here here (toast) to Andree and Greytdog

    “but for reminding each and everyone of us that we are THE PEOPLE & it’s our responsibility to ensure good & ethical governance.”

  93. tamara says:

    Toasting Andree with a gin fizzzzzzzzzzz
    It takes a lot of courage to persist the way she does.

  94. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    More like a reverse-Midas…

  95. Greytdog Δ says:

    There is too a Tooth Fairy – I have the letters she wrote me!!! So there! But of more vital importance is this question:

    Ears first or bunnytail?

    And yes, we do all owe Ms McLeod a huge thank you – not only for keeping elected officials on their toes & looking over their shoulders, but for reminding each and everyone of us that we are THE PEOPLE & it’s our responsibility to ensure good & ethical governance.

  96. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I am so grateful for Andree, Kim Chatman and Linda (Celtic Diva). It is a thankless job for those who take the time and funds to hold $arah accountable. They are threatened and scorned. If I lived in AK, I WOULD throw a parade in their honor.

  97. London Bridges says:

    Sarah IS the ultimate mythological creature, isn’t she London B?

    The Sirens? Medusa?

  98. Visitor says:

    I just love that Andrée McLeod! She’s an amazing woman.

    If you read this, Andrée, know that you are appreciated and admired by many.

  99. SS says:

    London bridges
    that was the only way they could keep her hands clean.

  100. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Sarah Palin is a coward and a bully.

    Every time that she personally attacks her critics/constituents and threatens a lawsuit (how’s that going Mr. Van Flein?) she diminishes whatever stature she had.

  101. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Sarah IS the ultimate mythological creature, isn’t she London B?

  102. the problem child says:

    If Sarah Palin is the Easter Bunny, all the candy could be poisoned. Sorry kids, mommy will have to test it all first, and “dispose” of anything that is considered suspect!

  103. akdennis says:

    AKM, you’ve outdone yourself…again. Your writing just gets better, and better, and better…….

  104. London Bridges says:

    At least there’s still Santa, Spiderman, and Sarah.

  105. Nebraska Native says:

    Must they ALWAYS threaten legal action? (re: #3 InJuneau) Can’t the Palinistas come up with something more original?

  106. London Bridges says:

    Palin has never accepted any money from the fund? You mean all payments were made directly to the extortionists? Hush money?

  107. UK Lady says:

    Injuneau – Tell Kristan Cole to put this in her pipe and smoke it!

    With hat tip to Ripley

  108. InJuneau says:

    Ripley–I’m sure a bunny could still send you Easter treats if you need them 😉

  109. UK Lady says:

    Say it’s not so! 😥

  110. Ripley says:

    I’m finding my lower lip suddenly quivering…… no Easter Bunny?

  111. InJuneau says:

    Very lovely analogy, as always! (Now, where is that chocolate bunny…?)