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Boots on the Ground at the Wasilla Governor’s Picnic

AKPetMom did some great “boots on the ground” video reporting from The Governor’s Picnic in Wasilla. What was on the menu?

A whole lotta patriotic word salad with God bless America croutons!  (That means anything but politics)

I thank everyone for coming out today on this beautiful Alaskan day. Thank you for celebrating the military, celebrating Alaska with us and our fiftieth anniversary of the state. I appreciate you, so many of you have traveled from outside of Alaska. Raise your hand if you… Look at all these tourists! I just thank you so much for being here. And of course our good hardy Alaskans. I love you guys. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for that warm welcome and thanks for your many years of support for Alaska’s military families, particularly those here at home in the Mat-Su Valley.

Now, I won’t take my time at the podium to talk politics today because we get to do something more worthy than speaking of politics. We’ll be honoring the families of those who have loved ones who have served or are serving today, and that’s what I’m going to talk about. And besides, sometimes politics, talking politics isn’t a whole lot of fun once in a while. In fact I had a reporter recently who said to me, she said, “Wow, you’ve had a rough day here or there. How do you handle the rough day?” and, and the way she was suggesting the questions, and what my answer should be was kind of pessimistic and you know, that that question about “how do you overcome the negativity or having a down day” and I said, “Oh no! It is not a down day. My son called this week from Iraq. He is safe. He is sound. It is always a good day when my son calls from Iraq.”

And I wish that some of the media would keep things like that in perspective, what is really important in our country and what is important is our freedom, America’s security, our liberties, and it is you who are protecting our freedoms and God bless you and thank you.

Now, one thing that Alaska is known for is our patriotic people who do support our military, and I think I have received no greater compliment than hearing from our troops who are stationed up here in Alaska saying they’re so thankful to be in communities throughout Alaska who truly love and appreciate our country and our United States military defending our country. No greater compliment have I received, so that goes back to the military. I thank them so much for all that they are doing and today as we get to present the blue stars to the families who are supporting their loved ones in the line of duty, we get to appreciate them too.

It is those families that have to exchange though that blue star for the gold star. They are the families whom I do wish to honor. Just yesterday the Lt. Governor and I, we attended the memorial service for three very brave, very young Alaska based soldiers. Sean Parnell and I were at the chapel at Fort Rich and we heard for the last time in honoring these three soldiers that last roll call and that sounding of Taps. My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones in this service to our country, and let us do all that we can…let us do all in our power to show that support that we have for those families, and let’s… that ultimate sacrifice, their deaths, let them never be in vain. Let us continue to love our country, be proud of our country, never apologize for being American. I think that is how we can honor these families.

Recently, too, I was in Kosovo visiting our Alaska National Guardsmen as they are on a peacekeeping tour over there, and I saw in Kosovo America’s bravest depending on the love and the support and the encouragement of their families and their friends at home. They need to know that we believe in them, and again as Burt said, the blue star banner, it symbolizes sacrifice and honors, honors the valiant efforts in supporting our military members overseas as they defend our freedom. Happy to get to participate in this today. My family and I, we join you in honoring the heroic effort of our service men and women, and Todd and I we do proudly display our blue star banner in our home and I wear my pin to show my support for not just my son, but for all who are serving today and have served this great country. I urge you to do the same. Continue to draw together to offer community support to our courageous military and their families.

We’ll get right to other parts of this program, but again from the bottom of my heart and especially this being my last time to speak to the Valley community as your governor I do want to tell you sincerely that I love you, I appreciate you and your support, the support that you’ve shown my family. God bless you and God bless America.

And you know what’s really incredible and amazing?  You’ll notice she did that whole thing without a teleprompter!  (gasp!)  It just rolled off the top of her head, all spontaneous-like, perfectly formed… Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Barack Obama!

God, I’ll be sad when she gets a speechwriter…

And what could top this eloquent, melifluous moment in history?




158 Responses to “Boots on the Ground at the Wasilla Governor’s Picnic”
  1. DemandTruth says:

    My goodness – she always talks as if ALASKA is the only state/entity she cares about. Honoring those “troops” either deployed from Alaska or stationed in Alaska. No mention AT ALL of the troops from the “lower 48” (a damn bunch more folks than volunteered from Alaska – just statistics, folks) as if they don’t even matter. News flash, Mrs. Palin: the term “lower 48” only applies geographically. It doesn’t mean that everyone who inhabits those states is somehow less worthy than you.
    Not that it surprises me.
    I honor all our troops – but it seems to me that Mrs. Palin only wants to acknowledge those who are from or who are stationed in her state.
    How petty.

  2. Hiding behind the troops, Trig, God’s doors. . .who can dare question her under these shields?

    If anyone heckled, by god wouldn’t they be Anti-American, anti-troops, anti-Christian.

    She really does have that face saving technique down. Throw out the patriotic word salad chaff so the tough (and downright simple) questions don’t distract you from adoring her.

    So long Sarah, wish we could count on this being the last we see of you.

    38 years, Alaskan born and raised. And I too love this State and this country.
    Should add excellent post! Can’t wait to seeing your next one!

  3. I See Villages from my House says:

    Hiding behind the troops, Trig, God’s doors. . .who can dare question her under these shields?

    If anyone heckled, by god wouldn’t they be Anti-American, anti-troops, anti-Christian.

    She really does have that face saving technique down. Throw out the patriotic word salad chaff so the tough (and downright simple) questions don’t distract you from adoring her.

    So long Sarah, wish we could count on this being the last we see of you.

    38 years, Alaskan born and raised. And I too love this State and this country.

  4. g says:

    You know, her constant evocation of the troops is just beginning to be insulting – I mean, she just trots it out in a knee-jerk, generic fashion – our-troops-who-are-serving-so-nobly – she really doesn’t fu**ing care or understand why they’re there at all. And I feel funny saying that, knowing that she has a son over there, but even so, her words just do not ring true to me.

  5. Terpsichore says:

    145 sauerkraut Says:
    Governors typically have unfettered pardoning abilities and privileges. They need not wait for indictiments, charges or convictions.
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    And to Sean Parnell and his future campaign for Governor of Alaska, I have just two words:

    Gerald Ford

  6. Moose Pucky says:

    God bless planet earth.

    Wolves howl, feathers flap, birds sing, fins applaud, moosely antlers salute. Don’t let the screen door slam too hard.

    Welcoming a fresh era to Alaska. (Well, we have a ways to go to really freshen it up.)

  7. the norwegian blue says:

    Do you think SP knows she is wearing a knock-off New England Patriots football sweatshirt with a backwards logo? Is she reaching out to her Bahstan fans? Or did she just go for the not-so-subliminal label “patriot”?

  8. gran567 says:

    Maybe I missed it, but in all the posts and pictures – (thanks AKpet mom) – there was no mention, or picture of, Willow. What has she been doing during these festive occasions?

  9. sauerkraut says:

    124 KaJo Says: July 25th, 2009 at 11:18 AM

    Re: Sean Parnell pardoning Sarah Palin?

    I’m not sure he can pardon Sarah Palin for anything if she hasn’t been charged with anything. She has to be charged then convicted then sentenced before that can happen.


    Governors typically have unfettered pardoning abilities and privileges. They need not wait for indictiments, charges or convictions.

    Same with the POTUS.

  10. Kat says:

    BuffaloGal #74 – Have you visited this site? Leah’s really on top of all the Dominionist/7 mountains philosophies, crew, etc. Recommended reading for all.

  11. sauerkraut says:


    I agree. Who cares. They parade around on how ‘they’ can fish and how it’s great. WE (up here on the Yukon) were ‘allowed’ 3 days last week to fish. 3 days. My parents caught 3 salmon. Yay!! (sarcasm). With the previous months fishing days, my parents were able to jar a couple of cases and freeze a couple salmon. Palin you suck.

    Hear, hear!!

    She was drawing a really nice salary but went salmon fishing for how many days more than the very people who need it to feed themselves?? Too bad the media has been falling over itself during the past few weeks trying to get softball interviews with her instead of covering this very important issue.

  12. sauerkraut says:

    Had to look for a bit, but I wrote about drunk Wasilla teens almost a year ago. Even got an angry response from the Amber Ingersoll mentioned in my post.

  13. antiAnti says:

    ARRRRGH – wrong thread AGAIN!!!! – signing off for today – apologies to all

  14. antiAnti says:

    arrgh – 1 tweet every 2 hours of a 16 hour working day

  15. antiAnti says:

    OT (even for the open thread), the twitter page for Palin as Governor records 509 tweets in 58 days of operation for a 8.4 tweets per day rate. That’s about 1 tweet every half hour of a 16 hour working day.

    I’m looking for to the new twitter page. Short of some auto-tweet mechanism it’s hard to imagine meeting that level of TPD (tweets per day).

  16. antiAnti says:

    @137 CG –

    Sorry, CG, I was being sarcastic about my hope for a follow-up from Palin on the “charity drive” in one of her tweets. I actually think Palin got the story screwed up, blurted out the tweet and is now blithely assuming it’s all forgotten. I don’t actually expect to hear about it again. And, amid all her other blunders, it’s a pretty insignificant one. I promise to stop needling about it.

  17. CG says:

    #58 antiAnti “Funny how Palin never seemed to follow up on this. Picnic speech comments on military would have been a perfect place to trumpet her sucessful charity drive.”

    I was thinking the same exact thing. I was going to post and ask if she mentioned any Alaskans stuck in Kosovo without tickets home from deployment. Or any other deployment.

    I called Begich and Murkowski offices to ask if they knew of a donation fund. Spoke to staff, who were not only confused, but also amused. They had never heard of such an issue.
    Staff promised to follow it up and call me back, but didn’t. I’m still following it up. I’d like an official answer.
    According to the Alaska military community liason office – at no time, under any circumstances, for any reason, is any US serviceman ever left in a foreign country without transportation back to the point of deployment.
    In addition, every US serviceman is provided with transportation to “home of record” at the end of enlistment obligation. That specifically includes bush Alaska villages. For example, if a serviceman’s home of record is Shismaref, they are provided air tickets back to Shismaref, not Anchorage.

  18. Super Bee says:

    I’m surprised Stapletongue wasn’t there pulling her secret service detail like when she was running ahead of Sarah at the Auburn parade. @ the very begining maybe 10 sec in.

    She needs an earpiece like the real SS.

  19. justafarmer says:

    AKajo @124
    Re: Sean Parnell pardoning Sarah Palin?
    I’m not sure he can pardon Sarah Palin for anything if she hasn’t been charged with anything.

    Not sure how it works in Alaska, but our last governor here in Kentucky pardoned everyone who had been indicted in a state merit hiring scandal AND anyone else who may be indicted in the future in connection with the scandal.

  20. Grandma68 says:

    Hi, from NC again. I really enjoyed the pix from AKPetMom and Sunhusky of AK. You truly have a beautiful state. Thought about moving there when I was young, but couldn’t stand the thought of all that cold weather! Stayed in NC, which is pretty nice itself, from the Blue Ridge mountains (which I adore) to the beaches and Outer Banks.

    Wow, the annual Dem BBQ in Mallard Creek (Charlotte) draws about 25K every year! And not a Palin in sight!

  21. Country Girl says:

    @ Watching from New Jersey
    @AKPetMom #125 – She’s shrinking like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz

    Can’t you just see the black cape and pointed hat lying flat on the ground, all that’s left of her? Oh, wait! Lift up the black stuff and underneath – RED MONKEY SHOES.

  22. BuffaloGal says:

    Martha! Fabulous !!!

    “my give-a-damns-busted” . and “how can we miss you if you don’t go away? ”

    Love LOVE it !

    Is that parody or did you write it. brilliant, either way!

    Damn!! big BIG storm is rolling in. Lightening just hit across the street. To sign off or stay put …THAT is the question.

  23. Country Girl says:

    @ Tina Tennessee
    @BuffaloGal ~
    The phrase �if I die, I die� seems to be a code for something within $arah�s religion. A quickie google is a little scary:
    Here’s the first link I found.

    The King James version of the bible says, “If I perish, I perish.” The newer bibles, made easier for comprehension, probably say “If I die, I die.”

    It’s ALL in the Book of Esther, about her courage and her mission.

    Esther says in Esther 4:16:

    “Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.”

    I understand that Sarah’s fellow church members think of her as Esther, here by God’s command to save the day and cleanse the earth for Jesus’ return.

    That helps to explain the great worshipful crowds – and Palin’s determination to DOMINATE. As I see it, this is NOT political ambition on her part, OR even a quest for money. It is her deep and abiding calling to use her political power to bring about the Apocalypse and the cleansing of the earth. There is a ‘secret’ underground church, very widespread we are told, just awaiting the right moment to go to work. Spiritual Warriors ready to cleanse the earth of all but those who are fellow believers. (Yipes!)

    Watch how often she uses Esther’s words as code to her warriors, thinking the rest of us don’t ‘get it.’

    This is being blocked (temporarily???) what did I say that triggered that???

  24. AKPetMom says:

    Yay Martha! Great lyrics!

  25. BuffaloGal says:

    Tina in Tennessee Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 9:51 AM

    @BuffaloGal ~

    The phrase “if i die, i die” seems to be a code
    Tina – it’s definitely one of the phrases that are used. Google “if I perish I perish” They sure do view her as an Esther figure.

    When I started doing the research into this third wave thing I was absolutely floored listening to sermon after sermon that echoed all of Palin’s phrasings. Matched her right down to cadence and inflections. Once you hear that connection it’s a lot easier to translate her speeches. It’s clear as day that they have nuthin, nuthin, nuthin to do with politics ( as usual or not!)

    Thanks for posting the link @115, also too!

    Ok folks – it’s 4pm Buffalo time and my own personal Screen Door Party has commenced at my desk. Switching over from cherry kool-aid (especially made for this occasion ) to cocktail hour. Menu’s still up in the air but I’m leaning towards grilling chicken for souvlaki .

    (just realized i’m prolly OT here. moving on ! )

  26. Martha says:

    How can WE Miss you if you won’t go Away?

    you tweet us up and tell us lies
    to try to change our minds
    but you’re not the president we’re lookin’ for
    so stop wastin’ all your time

    now that we let you know
    we got one more thing to say
    how can we miss you
    if you won’t go away?

    you follow our blogs around the town
    like a dog without a home
    and we would do almost anything
    if you’d just leave us alone

    it’s not gonna make it better
    if you tweet us every day ‘cuz
    how can we miss you
    if you won’t go away?

    Alaska Good- Bye song to Sarah Palin (my give a damn’s busted)

    Well, you filled up our heads with so many lies.
    You twisted our hearts till somethin’ snapped inside.
    We’d like to give it one more try,
    But my give-a-damn’s busted.

    You can crawl back home, say you were wrong;
    Stand out in the yard and cry all night long.
    Well, go ahead and water the lawn:
    Our give-a-damn’s busted.

    We really wanna care.
    WE wanna feel somethin’.
    Let us dig a little deeper:.
    No, sorry: nothin’.

    You can say you’ve got issues, you can say you’re a victim.
    It’s all the media’s fault,I mean after all you didn’t pick ’em.
    Maybe somebody else has got time to listen:
    Our give-a-damn’s busted.

    Well, your therapist says it was all a mistake:
    A product of the Prozac and your co-dependent ways.
    So who’s your enabler these days?
    Our give-a-damn’s busted.

    We really wanna care.
    We wanna feel somethin’.
    Let me dig a little deeper:.
    No, still nothin’.

    It’s a desperate situation, no tellin’ what you’ll do.
    If we don’t believe you, you say your governorship is through.
    C’mon, give us somethin’ we can use:
    Our give-a-damn’s busted.

    Well, we really wanna care.
    We wanna feel somethin’.
    Let us dig a little deeper:
    No, Man sorry.
    Just nothin’, you know.
    You’ve really done it this time, ha, ha.
    Our give-a-damn’s busted.

  27. @AKPetMom #125 – She’s shrinking like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz.

  28. AKPetMom says:

    Thanks Annie for sharing! Those were some nice closeups of Palin. It was hard to get that close; you must to have waited in the hot dog line!

  29. Annie says:

    Some more photos of the Wasilla picnic, mostly focused on the picnic, but with Palin pix:

  30. AKPetMom says:

    Thanks for the update on Mrs Alaska, and yes she is thin. I was also amazed at how thin SP is; I’d met her once before at a chamber meeting and she has gotten much smaller; I’d say she’s gone from a size 10 to a size 6 easy.

    That’s it, I’m going on the diet Dr. Pepper diet!

    As far as the blonde in the hot dog tent, don’t know who she is. Ivy Frye was hanging with Bristol, Tripp and Trig and other family members on the lawn. Ivy has a blond “bob” cut.

    On Flickr, I identified her in 2 of the photos behind Bristol.

  31. KaJo says:

    Re: Sean Parnell pardoning Sarah Palin?

    I’m not sure he can pardon Sarah Palin for anything if she hasn’t been charged with anything. She has to be charged then convicted then sentenced before that can happen. His (interim 1-1/2 year) term will probably run out by then.

    And I’m pretty sure he can’t do anything about releasing the Alaska Fund Trust monies now or any time in the future, or the 2-year limitation in which the soon-to-be-ex-Governor cannot touch the Trust. Checkmate there.

  32. KaJo says:

    AKPetMom (I don’t have a Flickr account, so I thought I’d mention it here instead), on your picture IMG_2645 @ you were saying that you weren’t sure if the gal in the fuchsia jacket and sash was Ms. Alaska or Mrs. Alaska.

    She’s pictured in the ADN slideshow as Mrs. Alaska.

    And she looks a lot like she was on the same diet Sarah Palin’s been on the past 6 months or so… 🙂

  33. beth says:

    “It is those families that have to exchange though that blue star for the gold star. They are the families whom I do wish to honor. Just yesterday the Lt. Governor and I, we attended the memorial service for three very brave, very young Alaska based soldiers.” ~ SP
    And yet, in all your ‘honoring,’ Gov. Palin, you didn’t even give the names of the soldiers. You couldn’t even take the time to actually show them (and their families) respect by publicly stating the soldier’s names; couldn’t even acknowledge each of them as individuals – each *more than worthy* of being singled out.

    Each of those soldiers has a name, Gov. Palin. You dishonor immeasurably their memory by not even bothering to acknowledge that. And by not honoring their memory by naming them as individuals, you dishonor us all. If, for nothing else in your life, you should be mortally ashamed for not even bothering to say the three soldier’s names. Your using their deaths as one more prop in your effort to convince everyone of how worthy of attention *you* are, disgusts me. You disgust me. beth.

  34. pvazwindy says:

    120 KaJo Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 11:04 AM
    AKPetMom, is Ivy Frye the blonde gal wearing the black jacket who is pictured hovering right next to Palin in the hot-dog-serving tent in the slide-show over at the ADN?

    Whoever that is, stuck to Palin like glue, from what the pictures showed.


  35. KaJo says:

    AKPetMom, is Ivy Frye the blonde gal wearing the black jacket who is pictured hovering right next to Palin in the hot-dog-serving tent in the slide-show over at the ADN?

    Whoever that is, stuck to Palin like glue, from what the pictures showed.

  36. pvazwindy says:

    Felon- in your mind, or has she been convicted?

    78 samper Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 7:35 AM
    I have a feeling that if Parnell “pardons” Palin, he will lose ALL credibility and will be watched even closer than SP was/is.

    It would be grossly irresponsible to allow this felon to get off scott free.

  37. AKPetMom says:

    Sorry for posting again, but Trig was there w/a family member, not sure who.

    Bristol was there with Tripp and Ivy Frye was hanging out with them constantly on her Blackberry (perhaps she was feeding Sarah her speech, Blackberry to Blackberry!)

    Piper was there serving food, but didn’t see the First Dude. (that Joe Schmidt looks an awful lot like Todd though. SP does seem to have a “type” when it comes to men…)

  38. AKPetMom says:

    Just to clarify, the Gov Picnic in Wasilla last night was also a military appreciation event where they raised the flags of all branches of military and had members of each branch present.

    After SP’s speech she handed out appreciation stars, gold and blue, to families that either had children serving or had lost children in combat.

    The area of the park where she was speaking is called the military honor garden and they do this military appreciation day in conjunction w/the Gov picnic in Wasilla each year.

    I sensed that people were confused about the military content of her speech, so wanted to clear that up. (I didn’t have enough memory card to record her honoring the families, only to get her speech)

    Sorry if that left you confused…I better go back and finish that journalism degree 😉

  39. honestyinGov says:

    As everyone else has already said ” thanks to AKPetMom for the video and the pictures”. It’s sort of like being part of history as well and being able to document it. We appreciate it. ( and please do take care of that flu )

    About the speech… Yeahh…. it was ‘ word salad ‘ all over again. That’s about the only thing $arah is good at and does consistently… ‘ make word salad ‘.
    Her own special recipe… nobody makes it like $arah.

    Future speeches I don’t think will be much better. She may hire some speech writers to help her add a few ideas in here or there , BUT in the end $arah thinks SHE knows best ( narcissist that she is ) and who is anybody to tell her what to do. Did she want to listen to any of those McCain staff who had been in and doing the business for years….HELL No ! And then blamed them for HER deficiencies.
    Hold out your plate… there is a big helping of ‘ word salad ‘ coming on Sunday.
    And the MSM cameras are there to capture it for History.

  40. Tina in Tennessee says:

    Here is a thought-provoking article from KOS:,-please-dont-let-it-be-this

    and an excerpt:

    “But from what I’ve read this sect has evolved basically along a timeline that led from the Rapture to now, them deciding that all the “signs” are in place (that the end times are near) and they should do as much damage as they can because the world is about to end anyway.”

  41. TBNTJudy says:

    Tina in TN said: “IMHO, it takes a strong spiritual person to survive organized religion.”

    Boy howdy…

  42. Bretta says:

    “”cult members are so busy salivating at your halo””

    iz that what the kids call it these days?

  43. AKPetMom says:

    Hi all, and thanks for the postive response to my videos and photos!

    It really was so much fun wandering around talking to myself and getting weird stares!

    AKM, thanks for publishing the Sarah speech!

    People had mentioned leaving me comments on my blog so after many months I put a new post up because I don’t want to miss anyone if they would like to leave me a msg.

    Here’s my blog

    Go mudpuppies, can’t wait to see what the “boots on the ground” report back from Anch today and Fairbanks tomorrow!

  44. Tina in Tennessee says:

    @BuffaloGal ~

    The phrase “if i die, i die” seems to be a code for something within $arah’s religion. A quickie google is a little scary:“if+i+die,+i+die”&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g2

    IMHO, it takes a strong spiritual person to survive organized religion.

  45. Bretta says:

    #64 July 25th, 2009 at 6:24 AM antiAnti Says: “My point was that Palin buries her blunders.”

    VISUAL: Cat in a Box, burying her Turds. Thinks their hidden well forever from everyone including the stink.


    My stepdaughter was in boot in NC – now at Fort Sam Houston in TX. Next stop Afghanistan. Where do I apply for $P’s charity flight home? Tnx.

  46. Village Reader says:

    @61 samper –

    First Dud, well, who cares? He’s probably out fishing for the fish that the villagers aren’t allowed to have to sustain through the winter.

    I agree. Who cares. They parade around on how ‘they’ can fish and how it’s great. WE (up here on the Yukon) were ‘allowed’ 3 days last week to fish. 3 days. My parents caught 3 salmon. Yay!! (sarcasm). With the previous months fishing days, my parents were able to jar a couple of cases and freeze a couple salmon. Palin you suck.

  47. EatWildFish says:

    “And besides, sometimes politics, talking politics isn’t a whole lot of fun once in a while. ” XINO Palin

    If that doesn’t say it all.
    Lift a glass to Sarah BarraQuitter goin’ with the flow to the L48! Happy Screen Door Day!

  48. TBNTJudy says:

    Bea said: “Perfect quote! Lips and assholes pretty much describes the interplay between Palin’s rabid fanbase and their beloved XINO. lol. ;)”

    Ugh! I could have gone the rest of my life without having that image form in my brain…Blech!

  49. Bea says:

    Duncan Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 7:50 AM
    Bea Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 7:35 AM

    The hot dog has much in common with Sarah Palin. It LOOKS good on the outside, but when you read the list of ingredients, you see that it is composed of all kinds of nasty leftovers and bad stuff. Sarah Palin looks good, but her ingredients could kill you. She’s a real weenie.

    Wasn’t it Dan Akroyd in “The Great Outdoors” who said, “Hotdogs! You know what they’re made of, Chet? Huh? Lips and assholes!”


    Perfect quote! Lips and assholes pretty much describes the interplay between Palin’s rabid fanbase and their beloved XINO. lol. 😉

  50. Bea says:

    samper Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 7:45 AM

    I can NOT live on SALAD ALONE!

    Too bad XINO doesn’t feel that way. She’s planning on livin’ large on a diet of 100% word salad.

  51. Ripley says:

    “I don’t want to talk politics because there are more important things, but I WILL take this opportunity to bash the liberal media.”


  52. espresso4me says:

    Oh the Palin love, honor, sincerity– and temerity of it all. Empty buzz words, empty heads.

  53. not that sarah says:

    Just because there isn’t a teleprompter doesn’t mean she isn’t wearing an ear prompter….

    Either way, I’m fairly certain that studying is beneath Esther.

    Note cards are helpful, and perhaps when you are just repeating catch phrases, you don’t need to worry about your “speech”– you just get up there and puke up your standard stuff and the cult members are so busy salivating at your halo that they aren’t listening anyway.

  54. lyn says:

    Palin picnic in Alaska hometown draws big crowd
    Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:13 PM EDT

    Wes Hammerick of Big Lake, Alaska, relayed his admiration for the governor and his dreams for the future in song.

    “In 2012, I’ll give you a hint: Alaska’s pit bull will be our president,” he sang in a tune titled “North to the Future.”

    At the end of the song, Hammerick shouted: “Sarah Palin for president!”

    A teenage boy replied as loudly, “Obama!”

  55. TBNTJudy says:

    BuffaloGal, thank you, and I will gladly let you know what I think. Thanks for going to all this trouble to help enlighten folks.

    Winski, it is not just people in AK who are buying her crap. The palinbots are all over.

  56. TBNTJudy says:

    samper said: “I remember during the election how she “bragged” that “we are in Iraq building SCHOOLS!!” Yippee! Hooray! Meanwhile, our own crumble, and we were the ones who destroyed what schools they had in the first place.”

    Not long after our invasion of Iraq, I stumbled on a web site which had e-mail reports from Iraqis inside the country. For the most part, they contradicted the standard pablum coming from W’s administration which stated that we were rebuilding infrastructure, etc. Not a bit surprising to me, and I would bet that in all these years, not much has changed.

  57. BuffaloGal says:

    TBNTJudy Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 7:42 AM

    BuffaloGal, how is your web site on the religious stuff coming?
    Just PMd you with the link. I had to take a break from it this week to catch up on my actual business. I’m back to working on the third wave site as of today. Let me know what you think of it , so far. Still sooooo much to do!

    @rebekkah – Thanks for the info. I’ll check it out today. I’ve also done “end times” reading for years (interesting but long story) and am now very much focused on learning more about this current apostolic movement. It sounds like the site you mentioned is ‘zactly along those lines.

  58. Winski says:

    I’m sorry and I don’t mean to offend anyone, but this woman is an IDIOT ! Her brain has stopped functioning…(that’s assuming she had one to start with) and she’s spinning hard for her next gig… IF the people of Alaska are buying any of her inane act clearly they need a mental health check as well.. Just astounding……

  59. TBNTJudy says:

    Oops. Sorry for the double post. My ‘net went down in the middle of my trying to post.

    Valley, Phil Munger made an interesting comment about things going on in the Palin family home. He wasn’t specific, and I am glad he wasn’t. I just have a feeling that these kids have suffered mightily on many levels.

  60. leenie17 says:

    John(Canadian MudPuppy) Says:
    Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know this woman is not even qualified to run a lemonade stand let alone public office.

    She doesn’t need to…that’s what she’s got Piper for!

    I also had a real problem with all of her comments about being proud of being an American. This is the same person who told the AIP last summer to “keep up the good work”.

  61. samper says:

    Watching: Long story short (actually, kind of long, but try to hang in):

    I became very involved with a few chat groups from the Vietnam era. My second cousin died at Khe Sanh during a bloody siege and is kind of famous for the event. I started looking him up and fell upon these guys. Most have good hearts and are willing to share painful memories in order for me to piece together a story for my family that was never documented.

    They (MARINES) also have current active duty folks on the boards.

    However, the one thing I noticed without question is that they ALL lean Republican, no matter what the issue.

    Example: They will fight to the death to “prove” that President Obama didn’t salute a Marine while boarding Marine One for the first time, even when SHOWN VIDEO of him doing so (they take a still photo without a salute and deem that as the entire interaction).

    It was PATHETIC how they just wouldn’t admit that a DEM was adhering to proper military protocol of respect. They went on and on and ON about how DEMS “disrespect” the military.

    I went ON AND ON AND ON telling these guys that they are a bunch of blind fools.

    They are “warriors”. They want leadership that will encourage “warrior-dom”. They think that Bush is the greatest Prez ever because he instigated a war.

    It’s a very creepy faction.

    And Palin’s constant reference to the military, “winning”, etc. just reinforces ignorant (meaning uninformed) attitude.

    It sickens me that she keeps bringing up the military. ESPECIALLY when she says they are doing things right now like “protecting our free speech”. They are not at WAR protecting our “free speech”. The Constitution is doing a fine job of that on its own.

    We are NOT in jeopardy of losing it, either. We are at war because Bush thought it was a great idea to make up lies and get people killed for no reason and then for us to be responsible for the rebuilding of another sovereign nation.

    I remember during the election how she “bragged” that “we are in Iraq building SCHOOLS!!” Yippee! Hooray! Meanwhile, our own crumble, and we were the ones who destroyed what schools they had in the first place.

    So effed up!

  62. rebekkah says:

    Buffalo Gal; I used to to a lot of reading on bible prophecy. Far left theories, far right. I’m a moderate kind of person. Don’t go into the conspiracy theory stuff, but it’s entertaining. You might want to read S.R. Shearer site, Antipas Ministries. It goes way over my head, but does give a bit of history in where the church has branched off these last few decades. Does have a chapter about her Highness.

  63. TBNTJudy says:

    “(But wouldn’t it be delicious gossip if she turned out to be pregnant after all of that David Letterman rant?)”

    Not to me. It would just make me even more incredibly sad for the children of this vain, selfish woman.

  64. ValleyIndependent says:

    All right, everybody, I’m off for the day. I hope you all have a good one.

  65. ValleyIndependent says:

    @ #89 TBNT – I agree. I wouldn’t wish that, either. That’s a tough row to hoe.

  66. TBNTJudy says:

    “(But wouldn’t it be delicious gossip if she turned out to be pregnant after all of that David Letterman rant?)”

    Not to me. It would just make me even more sad for the children of this vain, selfish woman.

  67. ValleyIndependent says:

    Thanks, TBNT, that answers that question.

  68. ValleyIndependent says:

    That makes me sad, samper, but Piper seems like she’s doing okay. I don’t think the picnic would have been a very good place for Trig – too much noise and activity. It was also a little chilly yesterday if you weren’t doing anything. Maybe he was there and we just didn’t see him. I don’t know the family well, but usually when I have seen the kids, they were not with their mother. Maybe I’ve just missed it, but I haven’t seen her doing parent things much (like wiping noses, washing faces, and just keeping track of where they are).

  69. TBNTJudy says:

    Samper, someone linked up thread to AKPetmom’s photos of the event. Bristol, Trig, and Tripp were all there, too.

  70. Duncan says:

    Bea Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 7:35 AM

    The hot dog has much in common with Sarah Palin. It LOOKS good on the outside, but when you read the list of ingredients, you see that it is composed of all kinds of nasty leftovers and bad stuff. Sarah Palin looks good, but her ingredients could kill you. She’s a real weenie.

    Wasn’t it Dan Akroyd in “The Great Outdoors” who said, “Hotdogs! You know what they’re made of, Chet? Huh? Lips and assholes!”

  71. mlaiuppa says:

    Willow may have refused to wear an apron and be exploited. (But wouldn’t it be delicious gossip if she turned out to be pregnant after all of that David Letterman rant?)

    I’d like to see Parnell agree to pardon Palin, then after he’s sworn in do nothing and let her get run over by that bus. I think she deserves a little karmageddon.

    And if it’s the IRS….well, Parnell doesn’t have the authority to pardon that.

  72. samper says:

    Bea: Thanks for sucking all the pleasure of decadent indulgence out of a hot dog! LOL! 🙂

    I know… they’re filled with nasty stuff. But who doesn’t love a great grilled dog with all the accoutrement, while ignoring the Nutrition Label????

    I can NOT live on SALAD ALONE! I must have meat, meat by-products, and I’m a huge fan of the entire pork product family.

    Life without is just not worth living.


  73. She is so predictable. She is reminding everyone that her son is in the military.
    Her agenda, I believe, is to reach beyond her small base of lunatics and broaden her following to all the military families. She wants to show everyone how patriotic she is and hopes they will forget how stupid she really is. Whoever said she hiding behind the flag is sooo right.

  74. TBNTJudy says:

    BuffaloGal, how is your web site on the religious stuff coming? Would you pm me the link, please? Same handle, but there is a space between the T and J. I would pm you, but I haven’t figured out how to find someone in the forum. 🙁


  75. samper says:

    Valley: Piper is shown there and she’s WEARING AN APRON (as if to hand out hot dogs and lemonade!). Exploited as usual.

    This little one is just too young to voice objection. I know that at that age, I wouldn’t have gone against Mommy’s wishes for anything. Eager to please. Eager to be involved. Eager for the attention. Eager to “help”. Eager to impress.

    The older ones might have had enough, but Piper is still in the mix.

    Trig must be home with Willow. Does SP EVER take care of that baby?

  76. Bea says:

    The hot dog has much in common with Sarah Palin. It LOOKS good on the outside, but when you read the list of ingredients, you see that it is composed of all kinds of nasty leftovers and bad stuff. Sarah Palin looks good, but her ingredients could kill you. She’s a real weenie.

    Thanks for taking one for the team, AKPetMom! 🙂

  77. samper says:

    I have a feeling that if Parnell “pardons” Palin, he will lose ALL credibility and will be watched even closer than SP was/is.

    It would be grossly irresponsible to allow this felon to get off scott free.

  78. ValleyIndependent says:

    Maybe Palin has finally decided to keep the kids out of the limelight? (Maybe Todd or the kids decided?) In any case, we should be glad for them. This way there is no reason for anything to be said about them by anyone, media included.

  79. mlaiuppa says:

    No teleprompter? Like it’s extemporaneous?

    Right. Until she repeats it word for word on Saturday and Sunday and then you know she spent the week memorizing it.

  80. TBNTJudy says:

    samper said: “When they hear the trigger words, they fall into applause and dig out their wallets.”

    I think what really happens is that they fall into a hypnotic trance, eyes glazed and mouths hanging open…

    antiAnti said: “Funny how Palin never seemed to follow up on this. Picnic speech comments on military would have been a perfect place to trumpet her sucessful charity drive.”

    As you already know, this was for effect only. We know she is too greedy to follow up on a charity drive which would take monies away from HER favorite charities: SarahPAC and AFT.

  81. BuffaloGal says:

    Amy Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 6:47 AM

    Oh my! I read that word salad 3 times and it still didn’t register. I’m pretty sure there is something in there that offends me, or maybe it was just nausea. Couldn’t do the video, my fingers just wouldn’t cooperate


    Y’know what’s so bizarre to me ? That so many people have that same intensely negative reaction to reading and especially to hearing her words and yet, on the flip side there is another segment of the population that lives to hear her bleat again and again.

    It’s not just a difference of opinion. It’s like entirely different realities. How can something that is physically painful and deeply upsetting to one group be aural manna to another ? This goes behind group sociology. To me , there’s something terribly unsettling about it. All she did was take the stage in September and people were adulating even though two weeks previous they couldn’t have named the Gov. of Alaska if their lives depended on it.

    @Candy Knight makes the point about the sound bites that are familiar to this segment and it sure does seem to be part of it. But , there’s something more. I just can’t put my finger on it. I know it also has to do with the familiar sound bites being intermixed with “code” phrases that the apostolic churches use like, ” bold” and “speaking with authority” and ” progressing” and ” talking the talk” and “military” and “taking the fight to the enemy”. I also think that it has something to do with her having been “anointed” back in ’05. From what I understand of the apostolic movement, that holds a lot of weight. But she seems to have blind devotion from beyond that group, as well.

    It’s a subject that really fascinates me despite it freaking me out more than just a bit.

    Does anyone have any book / website suggestions that might shed some light ?

  82. ValleyIndependent says:

    Candy, I think the big thing with SPs followers is that they are either 1) ogling, and not listening at all or 2) listening only to the general sound, and not the words.

  83. Mudbug says:

    Word is that Parnell will pardon Palin. That was the ‘deal’ she cut with him, i’m sure.

  84. Mudbug says:

    Palin hides behind the military gig becuse she thinks we don’t know about her son being forced into the miltiary, or go to jail for his deed. She thinks were all stoopid and can’t peek behind the curtain.

    Wondering where darling daughters are? I’m quite sure they are not out on the abstence tour this weekend.

  85. Joe teh plumber says:

    Sarah don’t need no fancy, elitist, washington, north-east, liberal grammar.

  86. ValleyIndependent says:

    Many thanks, AKPetMom and AKM.

    #18 tizzielish, thanks for the link to the NYT op-ed by Mr. Hensley. That was a nicely done piece.

    #67 WakeUpAmerica the picnic is done by the Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by local businesses. Last year Target, WalMart and others donated so much there was leftover food (despite a larger crowd than what was anticipated) and it was donated to the local food bank. It’s a very nice event with good local entertainment.

  87. samper says:

    Anti: Please don’t think I was “talking down”. It’s just that between what she SAYS and what is REALITY are so blatantly contrary.

    Some folks aren’t up to speed on her EVERY “issue”. I should have referenced your post and not you personally. I’m sorry! 🙂

    There are so many here to get to know. Sometimes, you don’t know who’s “up to speed” on the past discussions and who is new to the months’ old topic.

    In this case, SP would have folks believing we are leaving our “warriors” out on the field at the end of their tour of duty with no way home from the Middle East (or wherever). It’s just plain not true.

    Apologies, if I offended.

  88. Candy Knight says:

    Wow, she should get some kind of award for working both “Alaska” and “military” so many times into one short speech.

    If I were an Alaskan, I would find her constant harping on that refrain offensive pandering. And as the daughter, wife, and mother of career military personnel, I find her smug assumption that we all support her, or that she in any way understands or represents us, highly offensive.

    The other day at the Sea of Pee, they had a video clip of Obama speaking on health care reform and they were making fun of him for talking gibberish. I listened to the clip, and he made perfect, logical sense. All his sentences diagramed. The only problem was he aimed his speech too high–and it obviously required a level of intelligence beyond that of the PeeNuts to follow what he was saying. That’s when I realized that her word salad is the secret of $arah’s success: she simply throws out gibberish full of familiar sound bites–Alaska, military, politics as usual, my family–that the ignorant latch onto. Scary thought.

  89. WakeUpAmerica says:

    So, I read that these picnics weren’t being financed by the AK government; who then is paying for them? Sarahpac? AFT? Definitely not the Palin’s, I’m thinking. Anyone know?

  90. Amy says:

    Oh my! I read that word salad 3 times and it still didn’t register. I’m pretty sure there is something in there that offends me, or maybe it was just nausea. Couldn’t do the video, my fingers just wouldn’t cooperate when I tried to get the mouse to hit play. I obviously need much more caffeine and a lot less $arah word vomit salad this morning. I’ll try again later unless we are overwhelmed with more idiocy at too fast a rate. I’ll also, too, shine my gold star up while I pump caffeine into my body in preparation for the rest of today. Ya know, just in case she recycles that word salad for the other screen door parties.

  91. 10cats4me says:

    Nice report AKPetMom. Thanks for th posting. I will definitely be at the mudflats in PGH and delighted to meet all of you who are there.

    Lest we forget the issues in Kosovo, the conflict there was about religious differences. Don’t remember the exact locations, but I had a friend who helped dig up the mass graves. It was pretty bad. The peace force over there is not saving America it is keeping religious entities from going after each other’s throat. SP obviously doesn’t know this, or avoids this, as she is promoting this same kind of racist, hate filled behavior here.

    I am offended at her constant references to military. DC, and especially VA area are military family havens. I am a civilian, but recently had a young family high school graduate join and go off to boot camp. He will be in my prayers from now on.

    Let’s just hope that SP will fade away. She may hit more rocky roads soon I feel. These investigations just don’t go away.

    Happy days to all you AKns.

  92. antiAnti says:

    @samper – I was aware that Palin’s outrage and charity drive were for vacation flights. My point was that Palin buries her blunders.

  93. samper says:

    VA was just an example. I hear they have a naval base or something there.

    I am FULLY aware that EVERY state has plenty of wonderful recreation to enjoy and places to rest up between Boot Camp and Deployment. EVERY state has unique and worthy offerings. NO OFFENSE intended to ANYONE’s home turf!


    I just don’t know where Boot Camps are located around the country! Yes, I’m THAT stoopid… when there isn’t a “need to know”, one doesn’t look it up.

  94. samper says:

    Anti: What she DOESN’T say is that the “flights home” are for their VACATIONS! These aren’t flights home from active duty! These are R&R between boot camp (in the States) and deployment (from said Boot Camp). They might get a week or two off between Boot & Deployment and might want to get home to have mom do their laundry and bake an AMERICAN apple pie to take with.

    No employer of mine has EVER paid for my VACATION flights! Why should we pay for theirs? They earn a paycheck. They can save their $$. They can fly to AK from wherever (STATESIDE) if they can afford it. Otherwise, stay on base and enjoy every other American Luxury known to man while there and not working.

    It’s not like they need a ride home from the front lines. It’s a ride home from like Virginia or something! VA has plenty of recreation for them to enjoy if they can’t get home. And it’s in the USA. It’s not “dangerous” or otherwise duty related.


  95. samper says:

    Wink: If you go to the flicker link from our Boots Reporter, you’ll see some photos with Bristol and Tripp in the distance.

    Willow has been notoriously absent recently.

    First Dud, well, who cares? He’s probably out fishing for the fish that the villagers aren’t allowed to have to sustain through the winter.

  96. anadventurer says:

    I am not fully awake yet, but that speech sort of made me sea-sick.

  97. Bonnie says:

    I’m sorry but I turned away from news stories with clips of her ‘speech’ and I am not spending time reading it here. I can just hear her voice banging around in my head and I’m searching for a mute button. Can’t you guys keep her at home? 😉

  98. antiAnti says:

    Just under a month since this tweet from Palin:

    “I may get nowhere w/DoD efforts to fully fund troops’ rtn trips so pls join charity drive to raise $ for flights. Nonsense troops must pay!
    10:05 PM Jun 28th from TwitterBerry”

    Funny how Palin never seemed to follow up on this. Picnic speech comments on military would have been a perfect place to trumpet her sucessful charity drive. Er, what? She never did a thing about this? I am SO surprised and disappointed.

  99. BodieP says:

    After the McCain campaign I could just hear her– “That speech reading kind of thing predisposes me to not be wired the way I am. Not doin’ that again.”

    All this talk of how she’s “wired” makes me think of electro-shock therapy. Surely not a happy connection! I’m really giving my ! key a workout today. I don’t think I’ve used that many of those things since I started writing! Really!

  100. BodieP says:

    Holy cow, lady, EDIT! (Not you, AKM, or our nice “boots on the ground Mudflatter,” the mother of those bizarre, nearly pointless remarks. She acts like she’s the only person (well, she and her red-leaning Alaskan cronies) who has any idea that there’s a war on. And that (shocker) TROOPS are fighting it. I’m as appreciative of our troops as anyone (one of my favorite cousins was career Air Force) but geez!

  101. samper says:

    Patriotism coming from a woman who drapes the flag (an ICONIC symbol of our COUNTRY and far more ICONIC than her stupid photo with Trig) over a freakin’ BAR STOOL!

  102. winkwink says:

    From all the reports apparently SHE and Piper were the only ones at the picnic. Where was Todd?? Bristol and Tripp? Willow? and Trig? This was in her home town and her own family didn’t show up, strange…Look to me like things are not going to well in Sarahland!!! Maybe Todd’s going under the bus to make way for a sugardaddy, very strange..

  103. lilybart says:

    Was this picnic an annual salute to the troops?? What is with the continual hiding behind militarized patriotism? Patriotism — the last refuge of the scoundrel, isn’t that that the phrase?

  104. Leota2 says:

    My ears are bleeding . . . I’m not too worried about Palin getting a speech writer. She’ll get one, but she’s a bit too mavericky (idiotic) to listen to or do anything that might make her sound sane.

    After the McCain campaign I could just hear her– “That speech reading kind of thing predisposes me to not be wired the way I am. Not doin’ that again.”

  105. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Samper 🙂

    Every time I see that clip I have to laugh at Katie Couric wracking her brain for the question she’d asked, trying to confirm it was the one she *thought* she’d asked.

    Yeah, Samper – cheap and nasty catchprases for a cheap and nasty politician.

    And don’t you love the way she gives “Applause” a role in her written speeches? Cheap, nasty and an egomaniac.

  106. Alaska Pi says:

    AKPetMom- I hope this all doesn’t cause a flu relapse for you…
    but, thank you for going.

  107. BuffaloGal says:

    ds55 – Thanks!!

    Also, thanks AKPetMom for the footage. Hope you’re feeling better!

    Happy Screen Door Party day to all ! ( I keep singing the ” I Feel Quitty” song. Such a happy little tune it is )

  108. ds55 says:

    @ BuffaloGal: Yep, Lori linked to it on the open thread yesterday #136.

  109. Kat says:

    Great job AKPetMom for the video & AKM for the transcript. Now if we could only find a translator. No wait – I don’t want to know.

    There are a lot of pictures of the picnic at ADN. Does anyone know who the pretty blonde girl is who seems to be a fixture at $P’s side? Wonder where Bristol, Willow & Toad were? Poor poor little Piper. The whole thing made me see red, gave me a headache & a sick tummy. Only two more to go. Thanks again guys for service above and beyond!

  110. BuffaloGal says:

    OT but I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction for more info. I took a few days away from the Palin boards this week so maybe I missed this. Has there been discussion of this on Mudflats ??

    It’s an open letter request on Alaska Report to Dan Sullivan asking for an investigation into the Palin administration. How’d I miss that ??

  111. samper says:

    Kajo: She skewers without foundation.

    It’s FUN for the media to follow her around, quote her, challenge her and then have the support of the citizenry when she’s lying, hypocritical, or otherwise just plain stupid.

    It’s like a game… they catch her in something bad, she admonishes them (How DARE you?) and they just laugh in her face.

    Pretty amusing!

  112. ds55 says:

    The media will keep tabs on Sarah until the remaining four ethics complaints are resolved or dismissed.

  113. KaJo says:

    If Palin tries to repeat that tired old speech formula over the next couple of years, she’s going to bore even her most rabid fans silly.

    I mean, how many times does she have to keep telling everybody about Track in the military? Oooooo, mention that “blue star banner” ONE MORE TIME! She won’t be travelling to Iraq or Germany or Kosovo as a private citizen, so she will have to reach…..WAY….BACK…and keep repeating the story about “when she was Governor and went to Kosovo”… (/smirk)

    She won’t be having any more “rough days” unless she does the mommy thing and deals with her second teenage daughter and actually raises the third daughter to puberty herself instead of having the child’s aunt and grandmother do it, and actually gets involved in the developmentally disabled toddler’s therapy and upbringing. I suspect her “rough days” will be related to her hair care and nail polish…

    When will “the media” finally get tired of following her around while she skewers them at every opportunity, in every speech?

  114. Thanks for the coverage, AKPetMom. It was great. But I look forward to you having someone more intelligent for your report. I read the whole thing and then tried to listen. I could only get through about 2 and a half minutes and had to stop. She makes my head hurt. Seriously, I need something for my headache.

    There were a lot of people there, but honestly, if I’d been around, I would have gone just to hear her once in person and to watch the red shirts who showed up.

    She really should learn to write down what she’s going to say. If not the whole speech, she should at least write an outline and then stick to it. The problem is, I don’t think she understands that including that snarky bit about the press was just plain distracting from whatever her message was supposed to be. I’m still not quite sure what her point was.

    I know this time of year in Seattle the Navy is in town and they are recognized at any and all Seafair events. It’s nice, but not so over the top. Too bad she’s never asked any of the other governors (or anybody) how to strike a nice balance between honoring the military and general comments.

  115. pearl89 says:

    I looked and looked but couldn’t find it. I know that SP has used almost that exact same antidote about the media and what a good day it is whenever she hears from Track. She said it recently, but could not locate. I thought she said it when she was making her grand tour of NY.

    Also, did anyone besides me think it odd that she wore such a red shirt at a picnic in Wasilla the home of Prevo’s church? Or maybe I just see hidden meaning in everything Palin does and says. The hidden messages – like all the religious references in her speech.

  116. UK Lady says:

    One thing really stands out from this speech to me.

    She has most definitely been told to stop using the term ‘warrior’ for the military. It was her favourite word up until about four days ago in speeches and on twitter. Now, not once did she use it. Wonder who told her not to use it?, must have been someone she had no choice but to listen to, can’t be many of them.

    The sentence about not apologising for being American was just another snarky dig at the President, she makes me sick.

  117. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    AKPetMom, thanks for your report! I went to you tube and enjoyed your narrative report of the festivities in Wasilla, although I could hardly stand the shrieking of XGINO’s voice at her speech! AcK!!!
    Hope you get some well deserved rest and chicken soup for your flu today! (and a vegan “smart dog”) 🙂

  118. samper says:

    Aussie Blue Sky: Great minds think alike! I was composing my post above while you were doing the same!

  119. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    I gather many more news agencies are citing Mudflats, more power to you AKM:
    Palin’s mid-term resignation comes with costs

    “Bloggers also complained.

    “What else comes with a special session, besides cranky legislators, and extra business? A big fat price tag is what,” wrote The Mudflats, an Alaska political blog.”

    ….snipped…. just giving the heads up.

  120. samper says:

    Here’s the beauty of being Sarah:

    Her minions don’t HAVE to understand what she’s saying!

    They have been programmed to JUST pick up on key words, such as: military, family, serve (public service), freedoms, liberties, (national) security, GOD, pro life, special needs, WIN in EYE-WRACK, frivolous ethics charges, bold, brave, etc.

    When they hear the trigger words, they fall into applause and dig out their wallets. It doesn’t matter how they are organized as words (in actual, coherent sentences or not), it doesn’t matter what the ultimate message is (assuming there is one).

    All that matters is that she said all the key words. Sometimes, she can even say like 10 of them in one long, run on, barely survivable (to the astute listener) sentence!

    Great BOTG (Boots on the Ground) coverage!!!!

    PS: If I was Parnell, I’d retract every single (wildlife agency) appointment she made yesterday in favor of appointing a team to look into the medicaid/death debacle. Imagine! Actually investigating something that matters more than appointing people to “boards” of “committees”!

    Last immediate thought of the morning: I swear to all that is holy that if she calls the payroll charge via Andree “frivolous” or a “false allegation”, I will drink BEFORE NOON! Seriously. I will.

    And then I will post some pretty nasty rebuttal to “that one”. Watch out, everyone… I don’t even live in AK and I am LIVID about that one being dismissed because of something as lame as (what did they call it?) something akin to incorrect legal verbiage.

    They probably dismissed it out of hand because Andree’s name is on it, not because it doesn’t hold water. Which speaks to their complaint about Andree’s “motivations” as well as their own.

    I think we have to take up another collection. You know how expensive it is to make a records request!

    Every single Email from SP to ANYONE should be requested for the period of August 29 – November 5th to see just how much “work” she did to earn that nice little payroll. Also, too, get phone records… how many calls did she make to her “staff” in AK to handle State business?

    If I were an AK’n, I’d be ALL over this!


    AKM: Will you set up a thread for us Out of Staters to help you guys celebrate? Also, too, there: It would be great if anyone can live blog and tell us what’s going on!

  121. Gardenslug says:

    It does sound like she rehashed a July 4th/Memorial Day/Veteran’s Day speech…poorly prepared and delivered in a blase` manner.

  122. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    I’m sorry but I could only stomach about 1 one minute of this woman’s voice. Her shrill vocal noise reminds me of a bunch of mosquitoes buzzing in my ear.Her word salad just annoys me continually.Her chafing suggestion that, “”Let us continue to love our country, be proud of our country, never apologize for being American.”” is a joke. Wasn’t she the one in 2008 going around and saying certain parts of America were the real Americans. Her remarks during the campaign had nothing to do with loving the country and more like divissive practices that are now tearing our country even further apart. This woman is a dangerous evil to the U.S. of A. and should never be allowed anywhere near the White House or federal government. Sorry for the rant, but this woman needs to disappear from political life altogether. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know this woman is not even qualified to run a lemonade stand let alone public office. My sympathies to the state of Alaska for even enduring such a colossaldisaster as Sarah Palin. But for now, my sincere congratulations to all citizens of your beautiful state,that you will finally be free from the claws of this ignorance of common sense.

  123. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Califpat, SMR once explained to me that $arah never really says anything sensible – her gift is knowing which keywords will make them applaud, and using all of them. It’s not necessary for her to make sense – they aren’t critical thinkers – so she doesn’t bother trying.

    Here is a prime example of the empty catchwords that work so well when she’s yelling at “her” crowd, but don’t work at all with an audience of one.

  124. Paula says:

    What we need is to close down whatever (5) universities that gave this idiot a degree in communications. Gasp.

  125. Paula says:

    Recently, also, I heard a stumbling drunk give a similar speach at around closing timethough, hickup.

  126. ds55 says:

    She asked herself “What can I say that nobody can disagree with?”

    Instead of saying “Goodbye Suckers! Thanks for the cash!”

  127. califpat says:

    @tigerwine: I agree wholeheartedly. She was all over the place and not making any logical sense. I watched the video and read the transcript and I continued to be baffled at what she was trying to convey. I got even more astonished at her minions applauding after she pewed her gibberish as if they understood what she was saying. I just believe that they are so below the scheme of intellectualism that they think what SP has to say is intelligent even though they cannot comprehend her. I dont know if that makes sense, but its the way I see it. Maybe a more articulate Pup can explain it more effectively than I can.

  128. tigerwine says:

    She lost me in the second sentence when she referred to celebrating the military. I had to scratch my head and wonder if there was a time warp. It wasn’t the 4th of July, Memorial Day, or any other patriotic day that I knew of. Then it clicked – it was just Sarah and more word salad.

  129. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Either the U.S. is under attack or Mrs Palin is doing the nass-ty with a military man in her spare time.

    Which is it??

  130. ds55 says:

    No sign of Rupert Murdoch yet, eh? Maybe he’ll show up at Sunday’s picnic.

  131. Quivit? I just added a new word to my vocabulary.

    The Quiviter Bitter Tweeter.

  132. lemonfair says:

    Her word choices are truly baffling. We need a professor Henry Higgins to tell us where this all came from. Is it – by any chance – local dialect? I’m particularly amused how everything is “that,” like she was a kid pointing to “that ball.” Where did that come from – any ideas?

  133. bonsai-jay says:

    Free, Food….
    Numbers one and two of my favorite, four-letter, “F” words.

  134. Ginger says:

    ..and I wish the media could keep it in perspective….she always has to insult someone in her speeches.. mostly the media that report her actual words.

  135. duchessofdork says:

    Great op ed, tizzielish. I think signs bearing the word “Qiviter” (or the correct spelling thereof) are in order at tomorrows festivities.

  136. Team Alaska says:

    Raa raa Gino!

    You hit the stage in your home town. How patriotic of you to honor are troops, also.

    How brave of you to be in public, soas you are a scammer

    Politics get you down because your are a sifter bar none.

    Is the media getting under your thick skin? Maybe you should tan your hide some more in that bed of yours before you hit the trails in the lower 48.

    Also…. don’t come back.

  137. duchessofdork says:

    Help! Loooooooooong time lurker turned poster stuck in Moderation Purgatory! 😉

  138. tizzielish says:

    Here is a NYTimes Op-Ed farewell to Governor Palin, written by an Alaskan. Check it out. He calls her a qiviter, which he distinguishes from ‘quitter’.

  139. califpat says:

    Iwatched the video and then read the transcript and got even more confused about the message she was trying to convey. She was all over the place. Wont talk politics, love Alaska, salute the troops, troops, troops and honor honor as my son is serving, blah blah, blah.

    She never made a point, much less support one. Let’s not worry about the Prez’s birth certificate, let’s find out who gave this woman a degree in jounalism and let’s slap him/her silly.

  140. duchessofdork says:

    AKM, “Melifluous” is one of my favorite words! 🙂

  141. PhotonFlower says:

    Ughh! Could she be any more shameless?

    America! Military! Freedom! What—no apple pie?

    To paraphrase a comment I read elsewhere:
    She’s manipulative…not like a fox, more like a patient.

    Oh so true, and oh so scary that anyone falls for it.

    BTW, AKM—do you have speech recognition software, or did you actually transcribe that monstrosity of verbosity? 😀

    Never mind, I don’t think any software could decipher her word salad [Fatal error! Fatal error! Abort!] so a million thanks for your hard work and strong stomach. You deserve an extra dose of chocolate…and wine.

    No, just me. I’ve gotten better at it in the past year. 😉 AKM

  142. Village Reader says:

    Thank You, AKPetMom!

  143. Village Reader says:

    “Now, I won’t take my time at the podium to talk politics today because we get to do something more worthy than speaking of politics.” blah blah blah…
    “In fact I had a reporter recently who said to me…..” blah blah blah….
    “And I wish that some of the media…” etc, etc.

    Hmm… She would have been more believable (for once) if she had stopped after the first sentence. Yup, Sarah, no political or media digs there. You betcha.

  144. duchessofdork says:

    I do believe I’ve sprained my eyeballs from excessive rolling.

  145. honestyinGov says:

    “And I wish that some of the media would keep things like that in perspective, what is really important in our country and what is important is our freedom, America’s security, our liberties, and it is you who are protecting our freedoms and God bless you and thank you.”
    Now THAT… is the $arah speech that we knew she could pull off.

    Media.. to country.. to freedom.. to America’s security.. to liberties.. to you protecting freedoms… AND topped of with GOD. ( for the Big Cherry on top )

    BTW : WHAT did $he say..?… or mean…

  146. Polly says:

    DonnainMichigan… Many locals show up for the free food, and hang-out for something to do at this annual event. Being Alaska Palin Season, I’m sure many tourists will be at these picnics just to tell their friends back home they saw SP in person.

  147. DonnaInMichigan says:

    how many really came to show support for her, and how many just showed up for the free food?

  148. ds55 says:

    Everything is honoring military. Troops keeping us safe, defending our country, protecting our rights. She got that from John “I’m was a POW” McCain.

  149. MnWisAk says:

    Woohoo, AKPetmom! Now I am off to check your blog (and leave you personal messages).

  150. CG says:

    Wait, I’m confused. It was a military honoring picnic?
    Huh. I thought it was an annual Alaska picnic…

  151. ds55 says:


  152. ds55 says:

    ROFL! That’s Sarah Palin, don’tcha know?

  153. BooBooBear says:

    Great Job AKPetmom……..

  154. BooBooBear says:

    Gag me…….is it over yet? So sick of this woman.

  155. Team Alaska says:

    Sounds like I’ve heard that speach before……..

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