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Friday, January 28, 2022

Sarah Palin – On to a “Higher Calling”







558 Responses to “Sarah Palin – On to a “Higher Calling””
  1. Lainey says:


    I was referring to residing in The Hamptons…but your TX friend is part of her base, and I don’t doubt palin has a base. I know ppl also too in her base…you can’t have a reasonable political conversation with them. They have to see it for themselves, I guess…or palin would have to do or say something to jolt them into reality. I’m not schooled enough to get into their heads and say the exact thing to make them stop and think there are two sides.

  2. aha says:

    I’m sure Todd was sitting around the sports fishing channel one day and thought to himself, ”I’m married to the lyingest Bizatch in the world! Wonder what lies she’s telling me with a straight face?”

    She quit Governor and Todd quit her before she could quit him.

    Cool for him she’s been the breadwinner ’cause he’s set for life. Even if she didn’t have to pay him, legally, she would ’cause he knows where ALL the bodies are buried.

    Either that or he’ll have an Accident flying his plane one day. Watch and see.

  3. the norwegian blue says:

    PS. The comments on the Freeper site above are absolutely chilling. Here’s one example:

    “SARAH (“Gipper 2.0″) will be there.

    And, if the DU-mmies show up, we will deal with them, too.
    For MANY of us who will be there, this is not our first rodeo. :o)

    And, guess which side the Simi Valley Police Department will be on. :o)”

    Nothing like appending your taser/billyclub threats with smileyface…

  4. the norwegian blue says:

    here’s a link to the LA Chapter of the Freepers re: the Aug 8 Reagan Library appearance (??) — sounds like there is some uncomfortableness on her hostesses’ part about having invited all this “Sarah Gone Wild” attention

  5. Bretta says:

    “”…she’ll never fit in and will only be a freak-show curiousity at the onset.””

    I only wish that was true – I just talked to a friend in Tx who still believes all her spiel.

    I asked him to not believe her lies – he got all defensive.

  6. Closet Mudpup says:

    AKM, I don’t know how you manage to muster the patience to produce transcripts of Palin’s speeches. I listened on CNN, and have now read it to confirm that it was as snarky and angry as I experienced while listening. During last Fall’s campaign, and surrounded by conservatives, I began referring to Sarah Palin as Sarin. Yes, Sarin – just like the well-known nerve agent. And after consulting the CDC list of symptoms of exposure, I found it to be an apt moniker. Symptoms increase w/ severity and length of exposure – confusion, nausea, irritability, dizziness, disorientation, headaches … One quick read is all I’ll risk today – I can’t afford any recovery time.

    Oh, the irony. I found the Mudflats one or two days after McCain’s famous folly, and two days after her resignation, I’m leaving for a week in Mexico followed by several months in South America, most of it in Suriname. The economy still is pretty sucky here in southern AZ, so I’ve struck a deal w/ an engineering firm in Mexico to manage several flood control projects for them. They were looking for a pilot/IT person and an Engr/ProjMgr. They’ve agreed to an Engr/ProjMgr/pilot and a (bright, gorgeous and fun) Latina who just got her MS/IT at the UofA. She also, unlike me, speaks Spanish much better than a two-year-old. The deal was destined to come together – it was, after all, initially brokered by my friend Jesus.

    I’ll check in when I can, but for now Mudpups, I leave the defense of those realms threatened by Sarin in your capable hands. Hasta la vista!

  7. KateinCanada says:

    Lee 323 #511-
    Excellent sh*t detector work!

  8. Lainey says:

    532 KayInMaine Says:
    July 27th, 2009 at 3:37 AM
    Sarah loves Alaska so much….she’s buying a house in the Hamptons! Yeah, yeah, this is how Caribou Barbie proves her love. She will only visit Alaska on a very limited basis, because it’s all about the glitz, the glamour, and killing animals for food! Spit.
    hope she’s able to sustain payment of the high property taxes to ‘our big government’ without AK taxpayer money to fall back on…she’ll never fit in and will only be a freak-show curiousity at the onset.

  9. MO Inkslinger says:

    Did Bristol show up at any of the picnics? I didn’t any photos of Bristol. Has Bristol fallen off the face of earth?

  10. rebekkah says:

    Beth at #476; thanks for clarification; I didn’t pick up on the second part of the speech in regards to the thanking of family members. Just read where Sarah did thank Todd and family, parents for support.

    They really did support her, they do need to be addressed. It was a wild ride indeed.

  11. twain12 says:

    you guys HAVE to watch The View today.

  12. Alaska Pi says:
    “She has used the ethics process to protect herself from obvious wrongdoing,” Shea said.
    Mr Shea , a conservative, was an early admirer of SP… and what he thought she stood for…

    He advised her clear back in EARLY Aug 08, before the VP pick, to take a path we all know she ignored- please read the letters he wrote which are attached to the article…
    This has been sitting out in plain view since September 08.

  13. trisha says:

    Lee323: Nice work.

  14. trisha says:

    Palin seems to think that she is the only one with the right to “express her freedom of speech”.

    She want to twitter all day, but blasts bloggers as “losers sitting in their parents basements”.

    Guess she is missing the fact that other people (who may not agree with her) are expressing their freedom of speech rights.

    She has no respect for others and is so filled with snark toward people, yet seems to believe that she should be treated with respect. Amazing.

  15. DinkyP says:

    I wonder if Sarah will be controlling Parnell and Alaska like the master puppet behind the scenes? I would not put anything past her, especially seeing the ADN is still going to report on her as a private citizen.

    I have been in a speaking group called toastmasters for over 5 yrs. Sarah’s word salad, unorganized BS of using certain people and organizations for her purposes of speech are SAD! She speaks with vengence and a mean tone. Those are the people she attracks.

    We all need to watch her moves and keep track of her words and jargon.

  16. trisha says:

    Wow. Thanks for the transcript. I couldn’t listen to it.

    Sarah tells the media to “quit making stuff up”. Maybe she needs to take some of her own advice. Nice roundup of Palin’s lies.

  17. michigander says:

    Rubber Room, I am soooo proud of you! So glad you went and stood firm. Applause and respect for you.

    Did you get pictures of the signs? Only seeing positive ones so far on MSM (o:

  18. DinkyP says:

    I remember back on the campaign trail Sarah rarely wore her wedding ring. Seems like it is no big deal with her and family values dud!

  19. faithfulpup says:

    OMG, hardly slept at all. Stayed up to read pupnotes and see stuff on other sites also too. MSNBC has a bio with questions, there are great answers there and I bet a lot are from Mudpups.
    Turned sound off during that “screetch speech” as it was driving me to drink. Got up early to see if there was transcript and YES! There was. AKM you rock.
    Lee323, I am going to steal your list and show it to Palinbots. It is perfect.
    Mudbug I bet you’re right about the GOP and a new galfriend. I think they are checkin’ out 2 gals. Blonde,young, daughters of rich and infamous. Last names Cheney and McCain.
    Outsider Pups, our new mission is to track a possible incoming from Alaska. Said incoming could be disastrous for our mental health and well-being

  20. 264 Crayons says:

    I think Sarah stole the “Gotcha” from this book:

    As usual the tone of her speech was all wrong, and I figured out why she’s always off key…she’s tone deaf.

  21. the problem child says:

    You go pups! Rubber Room for bravery in the face of whackjobbery, History Goddess for keeping on showing the way, and Lee323 for correct use of “termagant”!

  22. KayInMaine says:

    Sarah loves Alaska so much….she’s buying a house in the Hamptons! Yeah, yeah, this is how Caribou Barbie proves her love. She will only visit Alaska on a very limited basis, because it’s all about the glitz, the glamour, and killing animals for food! Spit.

  23. Paula says:

    Wow, where to start- Wasilla Hillbilly is #1 graphic so far. My fav. Ex job!

    Tried to watch the speech, made it less that 2 minutes. Weeds, the military and the weather and Fairbank, and sourdough… I have no idea what this women is saying.

    Must drink much coffee before trying to watch that again.

  24. KayInMaine says:

    Sarah told Hollywood that she kills her own food to eat! I can’t wait to see Sarah proving that for the next 3 years. She had better not go to any restaurants or fancy New England right wing elitists dinners or we’ll be pointing out her pecksniffery once again!

    Man, I detest her. She’s a filthy rotten bee-otch.

  25. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    I would imagine Todd’s world has been turned upside down. Talk of book money, AFT/$arahPac money, perhaps buying a house back east, it seems like this political adventure turned into more than he may have bargained for. He already got a taste of it on the VP campaign. So he doesn’t seem too happy these days, just showing up for the required appearances.

    Think about it. If he’s used to the thrill of a nice fish catch in a beautiful land, the thought of fishing for some scrawny PCB contaminated fish in some dirty waterways of New England, losing his ability to ‘be his own man’… Well, if that’s what happens in their future, I don’t think Todd would last 6 weeks before he’s tromping back to Alaska.

  26. ericmiami says:

    History goddess said:
    On the road during the speech, but thankfully Shannyn’s tweeters kept us posted. No amount of imagination, however, could prepare me for what I just listened to at the hotel room. Her speech was one of the meanest, snarkiest speeches she has given. She insulted the intelligence and patriotism of anyone who didn’t drink the kool-aid of her lies. She is the queen of spin and is an absolute danger in that she is able to get people to clap for her and her half-baked ideas.

    Last year my man-child of a former student was blown up in Iraq while passing out toys to kids. He left a young wife and a large family who loved him. A year lady, his grandmother is still moments away from tears, shed again with me a week ago. I still picture the little kid who played in my backyard and who was quite the character as my student.

    HOW DARE that woman use the military to promote herself as being more American than others. HOW DARE she hide behind them.

    I know I am singing to the choir here, but this was just one of the sentences that hit me. Every one of them was an insult to all Americans.

    Off to find a friggin’ beer, and if any students find this post, let this be a lesson that when you don’t develop critical thinking skills, fail to learn truly how our governmental system works, and don’t bother to evaluate past events, you get people like Sarah Palin as your voice. And that is a mighty dangerous and bat s h i t crazy voice.

    Most powerful, thank you!

  27. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Samper, the great Rubber Room Hotel story is #426.

  28. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Nearly all the guys that I used to work with didn’t wear their wedding rings (unless they worked in the office). Too much risk of getting caught in machinery and chance of losing limbs. If he’s fishing or working on boats, I can see how Todd wouldn’t wear one.

  29. samper says:

    ADN needs to stop drooling over this loser and now concentrate on the REAL Gov. Take down the stupid “gallery”, stop listing the mile long archive of stories on SP, and just let her go away.


    Gotta search for Rubber Room’s story! Sounds like a good one!!!

  30. Mudbug says:

    Ok, here’s mytheory from the body language on down to the missing wedding rings. (and of course some of them pesky ethic’s issues).

    Toddy got his pair back out of the jar and told her it was politics or the family. Her pick. Then, he went fishin’. Told her when she’d made her decision, he ‘might’ come home. Until then… It’s nutting but salmon.

    Or, the GOP told her they found another girlfriend, and she’s not it. One or the other.

  31. barracuda78 says:

    I love your artowk of the wasillibillies…love it….I noticed the wedding ring thing also, too, and know that our brave young men and women fighting for my freedom to not wear my wedding band….

    Also the hug $P and Todd shared at the end of her word salad( i didn’t watch the whole thing)was not a hug between married loving couples, it was more like of I quess I do have to hug ya,thanks, it’s been a good ride, I’ll see you later hug…It wasn’t a Michele and Barack Obama HUGGGG

    Love all your work on this site, also thank you to the people who came to my newspaper in NY to offer comments on the SP article which appeared there also, too…

  32. EyeOnYou says:

    And just when I thought perhaps the ADN would stop being her personal cheerleading news publication, they go and prove me wrong yet again:

    Take a look at Sarah Palin’s brief but tremendously eventful term as governor, and follow her progress as a private citizen.

  33. EyeOnYou says:

    Nope, no ring on the Toad’s finger either:

  34. EyeOnYou says:

    Don’t know if this has been pointed out yet or not, but considering all the comments on the fact that public citizen Palin hasn’t been wearing her wedding ring, ………

    Photos from todays events show that husband of public citizen Palin isn’t wearing his wedding band either!

  35. CG says:

    JUNEAU EMPIRE, July 26, 2009
    “…records released under the Alaska Public Records Law and interviews with administration and other sources…show a pattern of the Palin administration using public resources and the state’s ethics laws in an effort to block and discredit both frivolous and credible charges made against the governor.”

    “Most of the cost so far stems from that obstructionist effort and not the complaints themselves, the Empire’s inquiry shows.”

    Former House Minority Leader Ethan Berkowitz of Anchorage: “The administration has been bullying people who lodge complaints,” he said. “That’s a completely unacceptable use of the government’s power.”

    Conservative Republican Wev Shea: “She has used the ethics process to protect herself from obvious wrongdoing.”

    “Palin and her staff also have been misstating the outcome of at least two known investigations. In her resignation statement, she claimed that all the complaints against her – 15 by her count on July 3 – had been dismissed.”We’ve won!” she said.”

    “Of the other complaints Palin has alluded to, the Personnel Board won’t disclose their outcome or the substance of them. Palin’s “wins” in the other cases cannot be independently confirmed.”

    “Former prosecutor Shea said the merits of the complaints are shown by the effort Palin went to fight them. “If these ethics complaints are so frivolous, why are they so worried about them?” he said.”

  36. Another muckraker says:

    Fantastic!! The picture “ON TO ANOTHER CALLING!”

    The picture says what we have all known since “old man”
    McCain picked the hillbilly queen as his Veep choice.

  37. GreatGrey says:

    lettersfromeurope Says:
    July 27th, 2009 at 12:57 AM

    Maybe some of the actual eye-witnesses should go to CNN

    Go take a peek at Democratic Underground, the Top 10 Conservative Idiots of the week. Sarah got #7, a couple of pictures from Fairbanks included.

  38. CG says:

    Breaking News! The Juneau Empire and legislators climb over each in their eagerness to throw Sarah under the bus!

    Unbelievable. I think it’s time to request a Congressional inquiry into the whole frickin’ thing. Starting with the AGIA contracts signed in Texas while Palin was on vacation at a Texas pipeline contractor’s home.

    Ethical dilemma
    Palin, former ethics champion, leaving amid a storm of complaints
    By Pat Forgey | JUNEAU EMPIRE

    Those claims are contradicted by records released under the Alaska Public Records Law and interviews with administration and other sources. They show a pattern of the Palin administration using public resources and the state’s ethics laws in an effort to block and discredit both frivolous and credible charges made against the governor.

    Most of the cost so far stems from that obstructionist effort and not the complaints themselves, the Empire’s inquiry shows.

    That’s a disappointment for some of Palin’s early allies on ethics issues, including former House Minority Leader Ethan Berkowitz of Anchorage.

    “The administration has been bullying people who lodge complaints,” he said. “That’s a completely unacceptable use of the government’s power.”

  39. Another muckraker says:

    CHEERS! CHEERS! The “cash” cow of Alaska mooing as she leaves
    the barn. DIVA QUEEN still the self-centered, arrogant Sarah in her
    “worthless” farewell speech. Has Pipper become her newest speech
    writer?? Careful folks as you leave the grounds. Her *#*# is everywhere!!
    Step lightly!

  40. Maybe some of the actual eye-witnesses should go to CNN and their ilk to put the record straight on attendance (allegedly mostly supportive, one heckler). Might be good if you point out that the intimidating presence of gun-support-toting supporters was a good reason to leave your many signs in your cars.

  41. GreatGrey says:

    lovemydogs Says:
    July 27th, 2009 at 12:23 AM

    Great Grey@509:
    So how was the party? Was it the one at Phil’s? Wish I could have been there. Alas—too far away.

    Yes, at Phil’s, and as I said, the BEST people in South Central, wonderful evening with some really great people.

    Really kinda fun when MudFlats realized who I was. OMG, I’ve been outed!

  42. lovemydogs says:

    Great Grey@509:
    So how was the party? Was it the one at Phil’s? Wish I could have been there. Alas—too far away.

  43. lovemydogs says:

    You go Lee323!!!

  44. Lee323 says:

    @ Rubber Room Hotel
    Ditto on your Hero status! ((((( Our hero)))))

  45. Lee323 says:

    Some advisor in xgino’s shady past told her to go on offense where she’s the weakest.

    Therefore, she says (but actually means):

    -I’m not quitting, I’m fighting….(she’s actually a craven quitter).
    -My legacy is ethics reform….(her legacy is unethical behavior).
    -My pipeline is underway…..(the pipeline has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting underway)
    -I won’t sit down and shut up….(You all sit down and shut up)
    -Ethics complaints have cost the state millions…..(her ethic complaint against herself is the majority of costs)
    -I’m quitting for Alaska’s good….(She’s quitting for her own good $$$)
    -I’m quitting for a higher purpose…(She’s quitting for her own selfish purposes)
    -I’m quitting because of frivolous complaints…..(She’s quitting because some of the complaints aren’t frivolous)
    -I’m quitting because I don’t need a title….(She perceives her office in terms of just a title)
    -I can serve Alaska better if I step down…(She didn’t serve Alaska when she was up on the step)
    -I’ve saved the state millions of dollars….(partly at the expense of the elder/disabled Medicaid program, not to mention Western Alaska)
    -“You’re not listening to me”….(“Shut the f*ck up and listen to the pearls dripping from my mouth”)
    -All of the ethics complaints against me have been dismissed…..(She’s flat out lying here)
    -It’s all just partisan attacks….(It’s not partisan but it riles up her base…good enough for her)
    -I’m a pit bull, mama bear blah blah…….(She’s actually a yellow-bellied coward)
    -The media is so mean to me….(She’s actually so afraid of the media that she uses this excuse not to answer questions from the media unless they are friendly or will make her look good)
    -“I Love Alaska”……(She can’t wait to blow this popsicle stand……)

    The list goes on and on…..Palin, the transparent liar, who couches her lies as “playing offense” in political gamesmanship.

    Surely Parnell can’t be worse than this aborted-term termagant…

  46. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ Rubber Room Hotel

    Wow that rocked! Nanner, nanner! I think that must have felt absolutely great. You are the hero of the day. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve gone over in my mind running into her in Juneau! I’ve had a lot of fun with that one & I have a great imagination, especially when dog poo is involved.

    Sarah Palin is no longer in our state government, and a million pounds have been loosed from around our necks! Private Sarah – see ya! Good luck looking for those doors, twit. We have lots of sentries, and we are smarter than you.

  47. GreatGrey says:

    Home after a pleasant evening with the best people in South Central Alaska, respectfully regarding the departure of she who shall not be named (no, not Voldemort, and well yea, there was some snarkiness)

    Palin resigns Alaska governorship

    The BBC is asking for opinions from the States on this article. Please feel free to comment loads!!

  49. lovemydogs says:

    Wow. People in Australia got to see it and I didn’t (Boohoo-NOT).
    Since I don’t have cable I came here and read comments. Therefore, did not turn on the news. Don’t want to hear her.

    Mudpups, however, are hilarious.

    ((((Rubber Room))))
    (((Rubber Room’s dogs)))

    Now Rubber Room, go take a nice hot bath to wash the stench off.

  50. DreamGirl says:

    “Oath smoth”

    “Ethics shemethics”

    Oh, and abstinence really works!! Too and Also, just ask my prop…whoops …. (damn that Bristal-prop damdamdamdam gorsh durn her.)…. meant (clears throat again) my other lovely daughter Willow.

    “If you believe in soldiering on for God, your family and trust, please…

    ( MOM , I can’t Stand you!… and I am SO done with your so called 8hr work-thingy writing those notes for those creepys. …not NOW Bristal: failure number 2… snarl)

    ….believe because I, SarahPalin have achieved what no BeautyQueen has EVER achieved…..One stroke away from the WhiteHouse….

    (MOM!!! I am NOT posing for another CANDIES ad so you can get somemore free shoes)

    …and “we” need all our “soldiers” to support the “life” of American “Values”… and in that tradition of famous “leaders”, I need more money to help the righteous cause of freedom…so donate to the Alaskan Trust Fund and…


  51. GlobalVillage says:

    lettersfromeurope – hehehehehehe

  52. nswfm CA says:

    So it sounds like she won’t be coming to Hollywood. What a relief! I’m hoping she circles the drain completely out of our lives as soon as the TN case is done. Either that, or that gun the little girl was behind from the last post hits the house with the IRS audit for that sports complex house that Todd’s buddies built.

  53. Sarah who?

    Now all we need to do is reinforce all the doors with steel and a bit of garlic for good measure.

  54. GlobalVillage says:

    Ginger – ………..”She proved once again to be the most vindictative, selfish, untruthful, uneducated person in politics that I have ever seen.”
    A truer word was never written.

  55. GlobalVillage says:

    We haven’t been spared news of Sarah Palin down here in Australia, can you believe that? Just watching early evening news and there she is. Oh dear me.

  56. Ginger says:

    Remember when Sarah made 38 allegations against Trooper Wooten and only 11 were sustained. So, did she make frivilous allegations costing time and money. The judge warned her to stop. She has done many things in the past that she criticizes other Alaskans for. She is the most unethical person I have ever seen. I almost, well I guess I did feel a little sorry for her yesterday, but after her farewell speech I no longer do. She proved once again to be the most vindictative, selfish, untruthful, uneducated person in politics that I have ever seen.

  57. nycinak says:

    I was there. All the references to military were because it plays well in middle-America and they emptied the local bases and filled the chairs in front of the podium with soldiers and $arah fans. I was behind the vocal crowd that had posters saying things like “Pres. Palin? Thanks but no thanks.” and “What’s the difference between a quitter and a pitbull?” and “Quitting. The new American value.” and “Flaking out is a Sarahnormal experience.” and, well, you get the idea.
    Yes, jeans with jacket. Yes, corsages. No, this is not an Alaskan fashion statement. This is a (former) “First Family” thing.
    Yes, there was some booing. When she said something to the effect that we know why she is leaving, the people around me started yelling “Money! It’s all about money!” Others periodically yelled “Quitter!”
    I mentioned to a long-time Alaskan friend that $arah told the press to leave Parnell’s kids alone. My friend said “Parnell has kids?” Yep, he does. Two. They just haven’t been thrust into the spotlight, and I don’t expect they will be any time soon.

  58. honestyinGov says:

    Right after the speech, CNN went to a commercial break so I went to Fox to see what was being commented on.
    The female pundit ( a dark haired petite lady ) was talking and defending $arah. Saying she was getting all this unwarranted criticism and sticking up for her.
    She said they were making fun of her children ( paraphrasing here ) and that some bloggers had photo shopped a picture of Trig and put the face of ” another BLOGGER ” making fun of Trig and $arah.
    Face of another BLOGGER..? Eddie Burke is NO blogger…?
    This story was talked about endlessly for over a week and got all that controversy and yet Fox could not even report ‘ correctly ‘ what the story was. Because it was the Face that was the whole story. Way to get even the smallest ( but relevant ) part of the story wrong. I guess she didn’t have time to research the REAL facts… seeing as how it happened about 2 months ago. Give her another month,… if she is asked again she will have time to get the story right.
    Yep… $arah is qualified for THAT job. Who needs facts.

  59. Jason from Phoenix says:

    Is there a link to the prepared text of Mrs. Palin’s speech from today?

    My third eye needs to be squeegeed.


  60. bucfan says:

    So I stayed away from the tv all day but finally gave in and turned the news on. I am a retired vet, and I want to rip what is left of my hair out whenever she brings up free speech incorrectly and brings up the troops for her purposes. So what clip do they show just now, of course the part of her talking about the troops dying for her free speech and in honor of them, the press should stop making things up. And of course, they showed her saying to leave Sean Parnells kids alone. Well, Sarah, I don’t think anyone will bug his kids. Because I would hope he has learned from you to not use them as props, then get ticked off when people take a closer look. You push your kids in front of the cameras then get mad when someone takes their picture.

  61. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @The Rubber Room Hotel #426

    Wow! Wish I could see a Youtube of THAT! Talk about thinking fast on your feet. Applause from Seattle too!

  62. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Dear flyinureye, the Mudflats graphics god, I have to agree with so MANY other people. This is the BEST graphic IMO that you have ever produced!

  63. Peggno in SoCal says:

    Thanks, Kath. I remember now. Seems like that was the first thing I heard about, even before Troopergate. Wheels of justice turn slowly, but at least they’re turning.

  64. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    @ Peggno in SoCal Says:
    What is the Tennessee case?
    – – –
    I believe that’s the Hacker Trial coming up in a very short time. His lawyers were subpoenaing all sorts of Palin documents from SP use of Yahoo for state business.

  65. anadventurer says:

    From FOX.COM: “Among those present was Donna Michaels, 57, of Fairbanks, who wore a red T-shirt that said: “Palintologist.” The T-shirt defined a Palintologist as “someone who studies Palin and shares her conservative values, Maverick attitude and American style.”


  66. anadventurer says:

    I think she got in way over her head and unlike Bush II, her advisers were simple greedy people with no skills or resources at all. I think she is a victim; a victim of herself, her delusions of grandeur and a huge fault of surrounding herself with people who she “trusted” (read: saw a use for) and people who were quick to see her as a free ticket to lunch and more, care not of the advise they gave her. And a monster was born. I bet my farm, inside that SP head is a woman who is far more angry at herself and her “advisers” then at anyone who has filed a complaint. Excuse? no way; She broke it, she needs to buy it.

  67. Peggno in SoCal says:

    What is the Tennessee case?

  68. GlobalVillage says:

    Watching from New Jersey – Thank you for the clarification.
    CO almost native – This then confirms my view that she shields herself behind all kinds of erroneous issues – in this case the military – so that she (the real Sarah) is never exposed. Let’s face it, what would we find there but an empty shell. This was her tactic when she used her family to shield herself from political flack during the campaign.

  69. Bold? Bold? Where was the BOLD?? I did not hear one BOLD in the speech. Perhaps I missed it, but I was listening for it. I guess Regina got under her skin so Palin had to discontinue one of her secret code words, at least for this speech.
    Congratulations Alaskans. I hope Parnell will be an improvement of sorts.

    I get so annoyed every time I hear her aggressive defense by going on the offense against the media. The MSM has treated her with kid gloves. Yes, I wish MSM WOULD tell the truth, and talk frankly about her political dominionist cult, that she faked her pregnancy with Trig, and I can hardly WAIT for the emails to come out of the Tennessee case. The hearing on the discovery documents is supposed to be today (Monday) 7/27/09.

  70. HamletsMill says:

    Tina in Tennessee Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 7:00 PM

    @HamletsMill #371
    I’ll take that as an AMEN and great minds think alike! I will keep an eye on the ‘Burgh thread in case we can make it up that way.
    AMEN back to you! If you can make it, load up the Tin Lizzy and bring as many as you can. We have all survived…for now. But keep the hammers and stakes ready everywhere. Yep. Dr. Jack Daniels by-appointment- only was the only way to get through some of the low points of this national indignity over 11 insufferable months. I could have never gotten through her speech at the RNC last year without the safety net of AKM’s live blog here on the Flats. The whole ten moths was just insane. Thanks John McCain! Idiot!

  71. marcus2 says:

    CO almost native, it’s not that Sarah “hides behind the flag and the military,” it’s that she’s clever enough use them for her own selfish ends. I’m sure she could care less about either. She’s clever and opportunistic – that’s about all.

  72. CO almost native says:

    A doff of the hat and a *clink* of my Fat Tire to you, The Rubber Room Hotel.

    I think Palin hides behind the flag and the military; hard to directly criticize her, when she’s being patriotic.

  73. anonymous says:

    Watching from New Jersey Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 8:45 PM

    Also, because she’s too stupid to talk about anything else.


    That statement is not accurate.

    $arah can always talk quite freely about $arah, $arah, and more $arah. Just ask her.

  74. Philly Wanting TRUTH on XXXGINO says:

    Oh my Gosh! What a pathological lier she is from the moment she opens her
    mouth! We are not over this women yet. Will she ever really quit with the lies, the media bull…. they report what they hear and see. If someone would just do that timeline on a continued basis. Good going to KTUU and Rhonda McBride for GREAT reporting. Im not part of there family just feel it was good and accurate (not completely accurate but good 5 part article). Keep the facts coming everyone. Truth must be told!

  75. GlobalVillage #440 – No, it’s not normal to ramble on about the military all the time but in Sarah’s case I think she does it to remind everyone her son is in the military and what a “patriotic” mother she is. Also, because she’s too stupid to talk about anything else.

  76. seattlefan says:

    Woo Hoo!!!!! to The Rubber Room Hotel #126.
    Good on you for attending and putting up with the negative energy….and YAY for what you did!!!! Standing up to a bully/a/whole takes a lot and my admiration is heading your way. High five at you!!!!!!!! 🙂

  77. CG says:

    No Sarah protestors? No kidding! There were Sarah fans with guns and lots of glaring.
    I would leave the sign in the car, too. Also.

  78. TBNTJudy says:

    @Rubber Room Hotel, Wow. Just Wow! You really came through for the team! I am in awe! Thank you for taking on the bully! You rock!

  79. Polly says:

    A couple of hours ago I reported 2164 comments on Palins speech at HuffPro. Now its up to 5193. That’s comments being left, not counting lurkers (like me).

  80. GlobalVillage says:

    Austintx. Yes it was indeed a very dry mouth that delivered the garbled garbage (speech) that’s for sure.

    Cultural question. Is it normal for a politician to just ramble and use the military as a theme for a speech, when there is no real link or connection to a military event?

  81. beth says:

    418 rebekkah Says: [snip] During her speech, SP could have thanked her husband for his support, her children for their support, parents, friends. She could have complimented her new governor, his wife, their commitment. Nada. [/snip]

    rebekkah – the full 18:53 minutes of her ‘last’ speech are here:
    (the one posted by Shannyn, unfortunately, cuts off at minute 10:04.)

    I agree with all that she seemed to be, still, again, also, and too, all over the place with her rambles. Seemed -to me- as if she were making either a campaign speech or a start-of-second-term speech. It certainly wasn’t a “thank you for letting me serve you” speech.

    And it surely didn’t state ONE thing about the good and capable hands of the man she had selected as Lt. Gov who was now going to take over the reigns. Seems to me that that would have been an important assurance she would have wanted to make to the citizens she was bailing out on… beth.

    [And on another note: I have been following the blog of an old acquaintance from military-career days. He has, in my estimation, totally gone around the bend. In listening to SP today, the phrasing, thoughts, and ‘goals’ (she has set out for herself?) seem to be awfully, awfully close to what Harry is advocating/spouting. A sampling from Harry:

    Are you like me, just totally fed up with the taking apart of our nation, unbelievable incompetence and purposeful betrayal, in your face attack on American sovereignty and liberty, by the so-called leadership in America?

    It boils down to two variables: Power and greed…we the people are irritants to the power-brokers, of no consequence to the disgraceful government. The deceivers, manipulators are in our face, view us with disdain…I mean are you mad as hell, ready to make a meaningful difference, do whatever it takes to put “boots on the ground?” [/snip]

    His site is full of such…if you have the stomach for it. As is his other site, Patriots Revolt/Constitutional Emergency:

    Is it just me, or with Todd’s and her ‘history’, might they/she be going in the direction Harry has gone? Advocating for ‘patriots’ to follow their lead in reforming/returning the US to ‘the good old days’ when [insert something they have a gripe about] was not happening in our country?]

  82. austintx says:

    sauerkraut –
    Those naughty monkeys found the RNC clothes……..

  83. austintx says:

    430 zyxomma Says:
    The Tweeting Twat is Tweaking!!
    Hey , now that’s some funny s^*t !! Prolly took a mega hit off a pipe right before she trotted out to the podium. Could very well explain the tongue and lip action. I’ve seen it………dat’s what it look like.

  84. GlobalVillage says:

    The Rubber Room Hotel – My hat goes off to you. Congratulations for standing up to the bully in the crowd.

    After making it through half of the ex-governor’s speech, I have concluded that she is one aggressive bully. Her speech was full of thinly veiled threats to the media and everyone else to leave her alone to do what she wants to do.

    She reminds me of all of those horrid bullying girls from school that I spent my school days hiding from.

    Congratulations to AKM and all of the other incredible Alaskan bloggers who were prepared to have the cods to stand up to this evil bully. I wish you and your state a happy and prosperous future.

  85. DrChill says:

    People with WOT (Web of Trust)
    I just gave The Alaska Fund Trust site a rating- Here’s my comment:

    “These funds may be used for any purpose, not just legal defense. An Alaska ethics investigation has found probable cause to believe that Sarah Palin violated State Ethics laws by setting up this fund.”

    You might want to do the same…


  86. Tina in Tennessee says:

    @The Rubber Room Hotel #426


  87. claire h says:

    congrats alaska!

    im POSITIVE gov parnell could not possibly be as awful as palin.

    there is no way i would put my ears in harm’s way by listening to palin’$ nastiness. blech! god bless you brave souls. i daresay there are a good many soldiers who are grateful to bloggers in PJs. the media, except for couric, did pitifully little. it was mostly average citizens. hooray! she knows it too.

    just listening to bbc news. they ran a blip from her speech where $arah screeches that her reasons for quitting are obvious. the bbc reporter commented (in that wonderfully british accent that conveys the most delicious smidgen of disdain): well, is it really that obvious?

    bbc also comments that soldiers dont have the option to quit so she’ll have to explain herself if she runs for prez (presumably because the prez is commander-in-chief.)

  88. Bretta says:

    #305 July 26th, 2009 at 4:37 PM crystalwolf aka caligrl Says: Well I think the first things Alaskans need to tell Sean that it is not acceptable to smooze with a nazi like Burke. He is supposed to go on Burke’s show tomorrow. Haven’t Alaskan’s had enough of this racist, homophobic, nazi BS from palin & co. Stop it now before it starts. Flood his office in the morning or start NOW!

    Appreciate the heads-up, caligirl. I emailed mine to: [email protected]

  89. Alaska Pi says:

    @426 The Rubber Room Hotel

    ((((((( to you )))))) from Juneau!!

  90. @The Rubber Room Hotel #426- Wish I was there to support you.

  91. zyxomma says:

    Karin & others: I disagree. I don’t think it’s cocaine. I think it’s homegrown Wasilla’s finest backyard local bathtub methamphetamine, also, too, it explains the extreme change in weight, hyperventilation throughout the month, thinning hair, loss of ring. Doesn’t explain HER, of course, just some of her recent erratic behavior. The Tweeting Twat is Tweaking!!

  92. AlaskaDisasta says:

    So…the Quitter is going to spread her gospel on Qwitter – appropriate. What a Ditz!!

  93. pvazwindy says:

    AFT still up and running

  94. DinkyP says:

    Cute pic of Cinderella Sarah on this blog on July 12:

  95. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    There were a few squabbles near the group who was holding anti-Palin signs.
    There were a few people who came over to pick fights with the people who held the signs. The people with the signs calmly stated their case one lady had a press release she handed out. The confrontors were rather silly and I got rather annoyed at one guy who started to claim the picketers (more like partyers) were out of line and had no business being there. The guy kept pushing and was saying all the usual nonsense, most of which was calmly getting shot down. When he said that democrats were awful and they delve into Sarah’s private life and family and that republicans never do that stuff and that we keep harping about the same stuff over and over again and that all these frivolous ethics complaints we (?) keep putting out were expensive and waistfull , to which I responded that yup thats right we never did hear how Bill Clinton got a BJ over and over again night after night for two years straight and let me see that little fuss the GOP put up with there pall Ken Star ended up costing Americans 40 million dollars. The guy walked away and I even got a little applause.

  96. DinkyP says:

    Lori in Los Angles:

    I had the same thoughts. That Palin would control the state and Parnell from outside the Gov’s office. I do not put anything past her, her family, and cronies. She is an evil force.

  97. AKaurora says:

    Wolfpack–the governor’s picnics are traditionally sponsored by various businesses, large and small, not by the State. I know yesterday’s in Anchorage was thanks to Target and one other large sponsor, plus maybe twenty smaller ones that were all recognized on the banner over the stage. This is an annual family event that’s been held in Anchorage and Fairbanks for longer than I can remember.

    It’s just too bad that Sarah didn’t step down when she first announced, then the picnics could have focused on Parnell, but then…we know, it’s all about her.

  98. Polly says:

    Wolf Pack Says: Who paid for all of the SP celebrations? Where did they find the money?
    Annual Governor Picnics are a longtime summer tradition. It’s paid through donations of many many many local businesses and volunteers I believe, as a community gathering, open to the public. So, people are traditionally going to come to them anyway and was probably a good call as the venue for the changing of the guard.

  99. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    uh oh. Laz has a post up about what this “higher calling” may be – yes, all about Alaska.

  100. lynnrockets says:

    Good night folks. It’s off to the arms of morpheus for me. Talk to all of you soon.

  101. rebekkah says:

    correction; I have never heard of a christian woman who doesn’t give thanks to the Almighty for strengh and leading on her path.

  102. Wolf Pack says:

    She fed thousands mooseburgers yet, all she could give native rural Alaskan children was a cookie.

    Who paid for all of the SP celebrations? Where did they find the money?

  103. rebekkah says:

    The Hillbilly cover is really funny. Levi looks so natural behind the wheel.

    During her speech, SP could have thanked her husband for his support, her children for their support, parents, friends. She could have complimented her new governor, his wife, their commitment. Nada.

    Does anyone matter to this woman? She really comes off as not being “aware” of anyone else. She talks about sacrifice, but expects all to sacifice for her career, her ambition, her FREEDOMS, her higher calling. Did she even thank God? I have never heard of a christian woman who ignores giving the Almighty for her path; even Oscar winners will acknowledge and thank God.

  104. North_of_the_Range says:

    Thanks to the live bloggers for the chance to go back and read the play by play… I was at this event, surrounded by Sarah people, apparently, and had a different experience than you all. The boos didn’t seem very dramatic from where I stood. (Except for the one guy she talked to directly.) It seemed like most of the crowd got caught up in the speech– she was pressing a lot of buttons– ‘us’ proud and tough Alaskans against ‘them,’ target of choice. I’m glad to hear that some audible dissent came through. It seemed like it wasn’t.

    I agree with Rubber Room Hotel that most people seemed in good spirits, whichever side they were on.

  105. Mattie says:

    The only thing hollywood got after her for was not hunting, it was for killing wolves. She just gets away with lying constantly. Not everybody gets real news if they don’t read the Alaska Blogs.

  106. jojobo1 says:

    It is all about ratings and money and right now she brings in the ratings.I was thinking didn’t someone say she had a teleprompter at her speech say she was going to resign and now at this one also.Maybe that is the problem and why she sounded so out of breath she can’t keep up with the teleprompter

  107. Karin in CT says:

    @406 CG Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 6:50 PM
    This is old, Washington Post, but I didn’t see it.
    One more attorney that helped set up the AFT. How many is that now?
    Randy Evans, Jon Givens, John Coale, Thomas Van Flein. All with high-end law firms. How come they didn’t keep it in house in any one of those firms?

    The cost of the AFT might account for the “legal debt”!

    “Update, 10:15 p.m.: Randy Evans, the attorney who helped Palin set up the Alaska Trust Fund, released a statement moments ago dismissing the allegation that there was any impropriety in its founding as “absolutely untrue”.
    Added Evans: “It was specifically patterned after well recognized trusts of prior Presidential candidates as well as high profile public servants. As with other public servants, there is no impropriety in the creation or operation of such a trust and any suggestion to the contrary is candidly absurd.”
    Evans, a partner in the firm of McKenna, Long & Aldridge, is a well known Republican attorney, having served as outside counsel to then Speakers Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and Dennis Hastert (Ill.).”

    Huh. Well how about this ? Parnell is DC lawyer?

  108. Lainey says:

    406 CG Says:
    Added Evans: “It was specifically patterned after well recognized trusts of prior Presidential candidates as well as high profile public servants. As with other public servants, there is no impropriety in the creation or operation of such a trust and any suggestion to the contrary is candidly absurd.”
    didn’t those attorneys ignore the AK state laws regarding the “creation, operation, and patterning” of this trust?

  109. Ebbtide says:

    To paraphrase Adlai Stevenson– If Sarah Palin will stop telling lies about us, we’ll stop telling the truth about her.

  110. KateinCanada says:

    “the attorney who helped Palin set up the Alaska Trust Fund”- so, would that be Sarah or Todd that helped the attorney?

  111. Tina in Tennessee says:

    @HamletsMill #371
    I’ll take that as an AMEN and great minds think alike! I will keep an eye on the ‘Burgh thread in case we can make it up that way.

    @HistoryGoddess #377
    {{{{{{{{{{HistoryGoddess}}}}}}}} … so sorry for your loss and pain.

    My middle child teaches world history to 10th graders, and he recently told me that he added finding a news source outside of the US to their list of chores. He’s also the one who first pointed out to me that there once was a young Austrian whom no one took very seriously ~ at first.

    @Ziggy #400 and lynnrockets #401
    Watching Chat tonight so reminded me of the Cheers game, where everyone draws a name to drink to when it’s mentioned. If you drew Norm, it was an automatic pitcher. It was a joyous game!

  112. sauerkraut says:

    Naughty monkeys found!!

    Heard on the radio earlier that Sarah Palin has lost her naughty monkeys.

    I found them!!!

    No, really.

  113. Lee323 says:

    Glad to hear that there was some booing going on during her speech.

    I’ll bet she hated that…. since most, if not all, of her appearances in the last year have been in front of selective (read, favorable) audiences.

    She needs more booing. Lots more booing.

    Wherever she goes.

    Our work is not yet done Mudpups.

  114. CG says:

    Comment from Fairbanks:
    “She’s really not stepping down. She’s stepping up…[snip],” said Michaels, who attended the picnic with her daughter and two granddaughters, one of whom who wore Sarah Palin-style eyeglasses.

  115. CG says:

    This is old, Washington Post, but I didn’t see it.
    One more attorney that helped set up the AFT. How many is that now?
    Randy Evans, Jon Givens, John Coale, Thomas Van Flein. All with high-end law firms. How come they didn’t keep it in house in any one of those firms?

    The cost of the AFT might account for the “legal debt”!

    “Update, 10:15 p.m.: Randy Evans, the attorney who helped Palin set up the Alaska Trust Fund, released a statement moments ago dismissing the allegation that there was any impropriety in its founding as “absolutely untrue”.
    Added Evans: “It was specifically patterned after well recognized trusts of prior Presidential candidates as well as high profile public servants. As with other public servants, there is no impropriety in the creation or operation of such a trust and any suggestion to the contrary is candidly absurd.”
    Evans, a partner in the firm of McKenna, Long & Aldridge, is a well known Republican attorney, having served as outside counsel to then Speakers Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and Dennis Hastert (Ill.).”

  116. KateinCanada says:

    Palin’s last hour- an internet collage:

    Palin out…Sarkozy in hospital…Gas prices down # Now Sarah Palin seeks redemption – and money # Sarah Palin at a swell Alaska picnic # Sarah Palin Raw # less politically correct twitters fly frm my fingertips # twat some rhetorical magic # Oil industry optimistic about new governor # Incoming Gov. Sean Parnell said the ethics reform the state needs now is a way to keep ethics investigations more confidential. #

    Palin serves hot dogs in final moments as governor # Another Mike Huckabee # bullying people who lodge complaints # rocky few months # The elderly man’s complaint was not properly notarized and was dismissed.

    I have to run around the book store I work at to turn books with Obama on the cover right side up. Last night, however, I wasn’t just turning over the Obama books—I was turning over books with Palin on the cover as well.

    Not bad for a guy who didn’t lay a glove on Don Young. # but dog-gone-it, not all of them were [frivolous] # “quit makin’ things up” #future unclear # Camper full of kids & coffe # The Inuit have a word, “qivit,” that you do not want to have applied to you. # an opening reception will be held for “Run Blago Run” # retaining John Moller # Campbell says he backed Palin’s veto of stimulus funds # Solid ethics complaint filed #

    Parnell’s Swearing In, Palin’s Swearing At # her taxidermery-filled masoleum # hair extensions # of course it is just a matter of time until the Palin de’Medicis once again gain control of Wasilla and therefore the entirety of the snowy north #

    Investigator makes right call on legal defense fund. Well, that was a pleasant surprise.

    Palin wraps up term with bears, bills, travel and tweets # The media have had their merry way with her # Bethel firehouse rotting over employees’ heads # Couer Alaska had been given permission to dump tailings in area lake. # Palin leaves with ‘no plans’ # Sarkozy collapses

    Palin’s baggage, Parnell’s choices # he admits that he disagreed with Palin’s choices over the last 2 years # Alaska’s oil and gas exploration is almost non-existent and will remain so #

    you feel charged with a mission of changing those things so that they never ever happen again. Ever. #

    Last state twitter. Thank you Alaska! I love you. God bless Alaska. God bless the U.S.A. 5 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  117. EyeOnYou says:

    If I were a member of the media I would suggest to Sarah The Quitter that if she wants them to stop telling lies, she should stop telling them, then they would not feel compelled to report them.

  118. Star says:

    Flyinureye…Great job on the graphic…tooooooo funny but so fitting…
    Congrtas AK …SP is so out of touch with reality..She’ll only get worse i’m afraid..She is just bat^hit crazy…Anyhoo you all did great on the live blogging..Thanks AKM..Love all your articles ..You have a great blog here, Sooo glad i found you and the mudpups..Keep up the good fight..:))

  119. CG says:

    “I eat, therefore I hunt”

    She ripped that off from a village. Quite a long time ago, years, a western Alaska village printed up a bunch of t-shirts to express support of subsistence initiatives, state vs. federal.
    Initiatives that she has since strongly advocated against.

    Really, not an original thought anywhere. She closes out her “non-tenure” with another ironic plagariasm.

  120. lynnrockets says:

    @ Zyggy #400

    That’s what I’m getting at. I made the mistake of eating mushrooms whenever she said “military” and I was hallucinating (I think) in the first 5 minutes of her speech. In fact, I might still be. Is this really the comment section? No, really?

  121. zyggy says:

    lynn, she said military enough times that I drank a beer in about 3 minutes. =)

  122. bluebanshee says:

    We watched on CNN — in addition to the word salad, there was a strange wedding party vibe.

    I haven’t seen so many corsages and boutonnieres on display outside of a bridal party since (many-decades-ago) prom night. Is this some strange Alaska fashion — corsage with jeans (SP), corsage on t-shirt (Piper), boutonniere on fleece vest (Todd)? At least the newly sworn in guv and family seemed properly attired (suit/tie and dress).

  123. Ginger says:

    OMG how can any intelligent person listen to this and applaud. She literally is disgusting when she thinks she says something profound and tightens her lipstick coated lips as she shakes her head and listens to the applause. I would be angry if I was Parnell when she told the media to leave his kids alone…nobody even said anything about his kids and the Parnell’s seem to have enough respect for their children to keep them out of drama. She can no longer hide behind the Governor title. Gosh, I could go on and on in disbelief of this woman, but thank goodness she has no hand in Alaska politics anymore and I do wish best for her family. Enjoyed reading all others comments and links.

  124. seattlefan says:


    She made numerous references and I did not count. Here is a link to Shannyn’s site with the whole speech.

    Re: She’s Gone—Hall and Oates. 🙂

  125. lynnrockets says:

    Did she really say, “You won’t have Dick Ni er Sarah Palin to kick around anymore”?

  126. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    oooppps,,,Truth and Democracy

  127. John(Canadian MudPuppy) says:

    You outdid yourself with this one Flyinureye. Terrific work.You are truely gifted. I’m sorry,but I had a choice today of ending up with another headache trying to figure out Sarah Palin’s mumbo-jumbo or spending, in 87 degree weather at my camp on the lake,boating, swimming and hanging out with family and friends was above all else, a healthier decision. No fibbing when I say,we did crack a few for all our MudPup friends and family, in celebrating todays great event. Congrads to all Alaskans, your nightmare is over for now. Some of my family and friends lurk on the Mudflats almost daily and love AKM’s intelligence and wit.Today we made a toast to AKM for being the strong voice for all Alaska. Also toasted Shannyn, Celtic Diva and many many others who stood at their post and always exhibited unwavering irresolution to hold the ignorance of common sense(Palin)’s feet to the fire. Job well done by each and everyone of you. Hold your heads up high because all of you are the real down in the trenches,fighters for True and Democracy. BRAVO!

  128. seattlefan says:

    @387 lynnrockets:


    She’s Gone! (can’t remember the artisit but keep buffering!)

  129. lynnrockets says:

    There are an awful lot of comments on this post and I have not yet read through them all. So pardon me if my question has already been asked and answered, but did anybody count how many times she made reference to the military in her Take This Job and Shove It speech?

  130. Liz I. says:

    Hee! I see others caught the last tweet from the twit as well.

    And, only marginally, off topic, in honor of Sarah Palin’s well-deserved departure from the governorship, I donated to Anthony Woods, who was introduced here by a MudFlatter. I find that giving to wonderful candidates who believe in public service is the best antidote to lying, cheating thieves and scoundrels.

    There are two diaries at Kos (one front-paged!) and here is Woods’ website:

    Hooray for Mudflats! Hooray for Alaska! Hooray for all of us citizens! And hooray for all those courageous individuals who choose public service.

    Goodbye Sarah Palin, you sorry excuse for a public official.

  131. EyeOnYou says:

    She’s come undun
    She didn’t know what she was headed for
    And when I found what she was headed for
    It was too late

    She’s come undun
    She found a mountain that was far too high
    And when she found out she couldn’t fly
    It was too late

    It’s too late
    She’s gone too far
    She’s lost the sun

    She’s come undun
    She wanted truth but all she got was lies
    Came the time to realize
    And it was too late

    She’s come undun
    She didn’t know what she was headed for
    And when I found what she was headed for
    Mama, it was too late

    It’s too late
    She’s gone too far
    She’s lost the sun
    She’s come undun

    Too many mountains, and not enough stairs to climb
    Too many churches and not enough truth
    Too many people and not enough eyes to see
    Too many lives to lead and not enough time

    It’s too late
    She’s gone too far
    She’s lost the sun

  132. the problem child says:

    To bad she isn’t really quittin’ twittin’.

  133. TBNTJudy says:

    I can hardly wait to read Maureen Dowd’s take on this.

    One of the many articles I read today, thanks to links provided by Mudpups, was one which speculated on why SP aborted her term. Les Gara was pretty charitable when he said he thought she had lost interest in her job. Another Leg was not quite so charitable. He said SP had only been interested in the ceremonial part of the job. I agree with the 2nd assessment. Maybe SP harbored some notion that she would be able to handle the job at first, but it must have rapidly hit her in the face that she was woefully inadequate. I’m sure she would never admit that, not even to herself.

    Ding dong, the twit is gone…at least from the governorship.

  134. lynnrockets says:


    Is she really gone?

  135. Liz I. says:

    OK, here it is:

    Last state twitter. Thank you Alaska! I love you. God bless Alaska. God bless the U.S.A.
    6 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  136. mmboucher (Florida) says:

    383 EyeOnYou Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 6:20 PM

    You beat me to it, I should have stopped with my first rum & coke!

  137. mmboucher (Florida) says:

    383 EyeOnYou Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 6:20 PM

    You beat me to it, I should have stopped with my first rum & coke!

  138. mmboucher (Florida) says:

    She that is no longer “Gino” has twittered her last tweet from the state, Now if she would just stop talking we would be in heaven!

  139. mmboucher (Florida) says:

    She that is no longer “Gino” has twittered her last tweet from the state, Now if she would just stop talking we would be in heaven!

  140. EyeOnYou says:

    Last state twitter. Thank you Alaska! I love you. God bless Alaska. God bless the U.S.A.
    5 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

  141. seattlefan says:

    @#378 lynnrockets: LMAO! You crack me up. What are you “buffering” now?

  142. mlaiuppa says:

    For all of her whining about the media, she really has not idea how generous they’ve been with her. No more. She’s no longer a Governor. And it will soon be evident she’s no longer a player in the political arena. With no weight, the media can call it as they see it. We know Faux will always take it easy on her. But the others will start to tell it as it is. Like…if any future indictments come down. That will give them a chance to revisit other matters and be a little more….forthcoming.

    And I can’t wait to watch David Letterman tomorrow. Because you *know* that just because she’s no longer Governor the won’t be fodder. I’ll be checking out The Daily Show and The Colbert Report too. But I’m counting on Dave.

  143. seattlefan says:


    I agree but I think she is trying to persuade herself. It IS called reverse psychology and she is bolstering up her self assurance by spouting off all that crap to believe it herself and make it reality. They say “reality is perception”. She is making her own reality so it can be perceived as such.

    Hope that made sense….. I’ve had a couple of glasses of a wonderful chardonnay and my mind is way ahead of my words and typing.

  144. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Evening Mudpups.
    Have returned from the strange QUITPIC, the I, Me I Me higher calling saving money I,I,I, Oh By the way this is Sean he is taking over, Bad media. See Ya.

    I have sent AKM some pic’s I took and a few thoughts.
    Hot day lots of people.
    Everybody was happy the anti gino people were happy and the palinbots were happy that there girl was going on to a higher calling and she did not quit.

  145. lynnrockets says:


  146. HistoryGoddess says:

    On the road during the speech, but thankfully Shannyn’s tweeters kept us posted. No amount of imagination, however, could prepare me for what I just listened to at the hotel room. Her speech was one of the meanest, snarkiest speeches she has given. She insulted the intelligence and patriotism of anyone who didn’t drink the kool-aid of her lies. She is the queen of spin and is an absolute danger in that she is able to get people to clap for her and her half-baked ideas.

    Last year my man-child of a former student was blown up in Iraq while passing out toys to kids. He left a young wife and a large family who loved him. A year lady, his grandmother is still moments away from tears, shed again with me a week ago. I still picture the little kid who played in my backyard and who was quite the character as my student.

    HOW DARE that woman use the military to promote herself as being more American than others. HOW DARE she hide behind them.

    I know I am singing to the choir here, but this was just one of the sentences that hit me. Every one of them was an insult to all Americans.

    Off to find a friggin’ beer, and if any students find this post, let this be a lesson that when you don’t develop critical thinking skills, fail to learn truly how our governmental system works, and don’t bother to evaluate past events, you get people like Sarah Palin as your voice. And that is a mighty dangerous and bat s h i t crazy voice.

  147. Lee323 says:

    Double bear hug to the Mudflats graphic god, flyinureye!

    Laughing my head off at “The Wasillabillies”……sooo right.

  148. I posted this comment to an adn article back in Sept ’08:

    Comment on: Palin meets world leaders
    at 9/24/2008 8:08 PM AKDT on Anchorage Daily News
    Daddy’s spoiled little girl doesn’t even realize she is in it WAY over her head. Please do the right thing Sarah and resign and spare us this freak sideshow. Come clean on all your NOT so little lies and then just slither away if you would. You’re an embarassment to Alaska and an insult to the rest of the country. Time will out you.

    I posted the below comment today on adn but am not sure it is visible due to the extreme censorship and flagging of many of my comments by Team Sarah, C4P, and other ummm, weirdos. I lost many many friends (banned-for no other reason than voicing their disgust with Sarahphiles) over there at adn, but that’s another story…

    Comment on: Palin faces questions as she makes her exit
    at 7/26/2009 8:50 AM AKDT on Anchorage Daily News
    Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Yeah right, Sarah. You are nothing but a train wreck of a politician imbued with a divisive scattered-brained personality and an ego that requires a constant flow of adoration from a dwindling number of dutiful followers. You’re also a serial quitter. You’ve slammed every door you ever went through. I’d never open a door for you, but there are scum in this world who would. Enjoy your fame and fortune, just don’t try to make us take you seriously.

    I’m relieved she’s gone to say the least. What a nightmare it’s been since John McCain tried to hoodwink us. I, for one, will never forgive John for putting his country second.

  149. rebekkah says:

    Will have to see that speech a second time. But, I had an AHA moment, I see what she does. She tries to persuade everyone that green is blue. Or that square is round. Example, when she mentions that she can serve Alaska better by quitting, help Alaska by leaving Office, not having a title. I don’t know what psychologists call it, but it is reverse psychology she seems to use on her audience. And they buy it!

    This woman is not fit for any office. She is a master con, master manipulator, kind of like the magicians who can hypnotize their audiences.

  150. jojobo1 says:

    Comment before I read again flyinureye great picture and as usual AKM an article well worth reading.Isn’t it interesting that people want to give Parnell a chance, kind of shows it was that Palin just wasn’t up to the job and nothing else .

  151. Bretta says:

    #254 rebekkah Says:What’s this with calling Alaska the Gateway of the Continent? This is the second time I’ve heard her say this.
    When the Arctic ice melts enough to create an open Northwest Passage [due to global warming] then shipping routes will come to Alaska since it is more than 8,000 miles shorter than current channels. Alaska will greatly benefit. Except for the part that there won’t be enough people left in the lesser latitudes to buy the products shipped. Because it will have gotten much too warm. By 2050.

    My information comes from the Director of the US Minerals & Management Service Keynote Speech at the Oil & Ice Conference in October 2008.

  152. seattlefan says:

    I’m watching CNN and they are treating her as though she is a serious contender. Yikes! Why are they giving her so much credibility. She’s obviously a joke. They must know it but don’t want to show their “bias”. Has anyone ventured over to Faux News? I bet they are all spinning like tops trying to make some good of that mess.

  153. HamletsMill says:

    # 349
    Tina in Tennessee Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    Drinking apple spumante (French, i think) here in Tennessee! Congrats to progressive Alaskans for keeping faith. AKM, i was reading your archives, tonight, and might i say they are amazing!

    I know we can’t take our collective eye off of BTQ$ and her machine for a moment, but it’s fun to have a reason to consume mass quantities of intoxicating things. We’ve all been so worried, and we gotta grab our endorphines while we are able…

    I love Gasman’s CRAP over the headlight! Very cool, flyeinyoureye!

    Wow! We’ve all been so worried, and we gotta grab our endorphines while we are able… I LOVED that comment!

    Tina in Tennessee! We need your presence at AKMudstock In Pittsburgh on Sunday, August 16th! We have to get you up here! Watch the thread in case someone is coming up from your way! Easy on the juice there tonight, though! But, indeed, what a long, strange, trip it’s been since August29th, 2008 in this monumental national indignity. I myself feared i needed an appointment with Dr. jack Daniels at various points in this insane ordeal.,7283.msg75900.html#msg75900

  154. austintx says:

    Well – wonkette did not waste any time going after Gov. Parnell.
    Commenters also.too.

  155. trisha says:

    She just doesn’t get it, does she? She makes the snarky remark about leave Parnell’s family alone. But, she doesn’t accept her part by throwing her kids in the spotlight and using them for her own politicial gain.

    I’m just a hockey mom……ya’ right.

    Tweet this, Palin.

  156. She is no governor….was in name only…….what should we call her now?

    Plain Silla

  157. Tina in Tennessee says:

    I know i should have saved it for Chat ~ but they were pretty wasted by the time i arrived.

    It was still enormously entertaining!

  158. Keith Grant says:

    Are those French nails? At least when the McCain camp was in charge she actually had a professional manicure. Guess the clothes have all been returned to the GOP and the family is back to the “whatever’s clean” syndrome. Wonder if McCain was crying when he watched this?

  159. Tina in Tennessee says:

    Sorry for the moderator-worthy comment, AKM. This is why i don’t ingest adult beverages very much. It’s just that i’m so happy!

    A wise man once told me to know my weaknesses and guard against them.

  160. trisha says:

    Do you think Palin realizes that she has given up all her power? She has no power anymore and won’t be invited to all those Governor’s meetings, The White House,etc.

    Sure, she can be a speaker and talk at conservative functions, but she is now officially a regular ol’ citizen.

    No power….nada….nothin’….

  161. the problem child says:

    Well, glad to hear that you and your sisters are all well, Alaska Pi

  162. Tina in Tennessee says:

    I forgot to mention that i’m currently on the Mobile Bay in Fort Morgan, Alabama. But my heart’s still in Tennessee.

    …just tryin’ not to be a hypocrite like somebody’s lyin’ bitch ass.

  163. kareninTexas says:

    I wouldn’t blame Todd for hooking up with someone else.

  164. Alaska Pi says:

    @328 Karin in CT-
    … MUYS and her sisters?
    (WWSC is going backpacking and MUYS and I are hiding out from the last shrillo from SP…
    though passing out in drinking game would have been an equally good avoidance tool…)

  165. trisha says:

    Where is her wedding ring? Odd.

    Did Todd and Greta hook up?

  166. kareninTexas says:

    I just couldn’t make myself listen to her whole speech. What a travesty. This should have been Parnell’s picnic, but nooooo, she had to steal the show.
    She should have given more time to Parnell instead of herself in her blabbing.
    I’ve always surmised that when someone is accusing others of things, the accuser is usually guilty of the same and much more. So it seems with Sarah, Meg and all the other simpletons who are pointing fingers at the media, the bloggers and the complaint filers. Something has to give soon…she can’t be allowed to continue this charade for too much longer.

  167. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Finally,as the Irish say, PG (please God).

    She can threaten, cajole, entice and stir…but her platform is GONE.

    Bill Kristol, et. al. can try to spin, but he ( and they) tried to foist her on us. Shame on you John McCain for this.

    Keep our president safe (PG), and keep the United States from her filthy grasp(PG).

    Troops, and patriots need her NOT.

    We need clarity of purpose, clarity of goal, and peace united.

    Goodbye, Sarah. RIP and try to take care of what God has given you, a family in GREAT need.

  168. HamletsMill says:

    Wow! It is really now real! Poof! She is GONE!

  169. trisha says:

    Sarah claims that she will be exercising her freedom of speech.
    Does Sarah NOT realize that all Americans have freedom of speech too? She is NOT the only one with this right.

    Errrr…..isn’t that what those “nasty” bloggers are doing from their parents basement?…..Exercising their freedom of speech.

    She is an idiot.

  170. austintx says:

    Karin in CT –
    Dang , missed the live feed. Just tore ass thru the comments. Had kid taxi duty. Will watch the speech(?) in a bit. You guys are too funny on the comments. She still has some questions to answer about some bidness down here in Texas.

  171. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    I didnt want to travel, so I traveled…and served the people unhealthy food!

  172. Karin in CT says:

    @ 346 woodstove Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 5:26 PM
    She still believes that making herself a lame duck is a great reason for quitting. I am a junior in high school but have no intention of going to college, that makes me a lame duck senior, why bother? I quit. Let’s celebrate!. Just carry that philosophy with you in whatever your endeavors are in life and you to can be just like Sarah Palin. What a role model. What a joke. What a bad joke. What a bad pathetic joke that all people that still support her are.

    You are wise beyond your years! Don’t be surprised if your words turn up again kiddo! Thank you for speaking up.

  173. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    the lame duck excuse is BULL. Nothing was keeping her from running again, except herself. Self induced lameness. And one isnt a lame duck with nearly half a 4 year term left. She owes the folks of AK a refund from the date she allegedly decided to lame out…..DAY 1!

  174. zyggy says:

    AFT is still up and running, $arah is no longer the governor, it’s now a scam.

  175. bucfan says:

    I can’t believe AKM mistitled this posting. Shouldn’t it be “Sarah Palin – On to a Higher Callin”

  176. trisha says:

    KaJo: Well, said…………One of these days the MSM will stop being masochistic about Sarah Palin.

    I don’t get it either. She spits on them and they fall all over themselves to get in front of her.

  177. Tina in Tennessee says:

    Drinking apple spumante (French, i think) here in Tennessee! Congrats to progressive Alaskans for keeping faith. AKM, i was reading your archives, tonight, and might i say they are amazing!

    I know we can’t take our collective eye off of BTQ$ and her machine for a moment, but it’s fun to have a reason to consume mass quantities of intoxicating things. We’ve all been so worried, and we gotta grab our endorphines while we are able…

    I love Gasman’s CRAP over the headlight! Very cool, flyeinyoureye!

  178. Nebraska Native says:

    Oh. My. God.

  179. trisha says:

    Did she really say….for the sake of American soldiers, quit making stuff up?

    For the sake of American soldiers????????????????????
    Say what?

    Help me out here……people are actually going to pay to listen to this? After she rolls out her 10 fav red meat phrases, she’s got nothin’ left.

  180. woodstove says:

    She still believes that making herself a lame duck is a great reason for quitting. I am a junior in high school but have no intention of going to college, that makes me a lame duck senior, why bother? I quit. Let’s celebrate!. Just carry that philosophy with you in whatever your endeavors are in life and you to can be just like Sarah Palin. What a role model. What a joke. What a bad joke. What a bad pathetic joke that all people that still support her are.

  181. emrysa says:

    thanks, eyeonyou. guess they still have much “correcting” to be done.

  182. jc in co says:

    She is, without a doubt, the most delusional human being to ever walk this earth. She has the audacity to say “quit makin things up” everything that comes out of her tattooed lips is made up. Screaming “leave his kids alone”
    unlike sarah’s family I have no idea how many kids he has, their ages or anything else about them as “he” hasn’t deemed it necessary to use them to further his career. All this speech was about was stupid sarah yapping about herself, I only hope this is the end of anyone giving her their undivided attention…what a twit, and whoever commented on it earlier, she does look really bad, older than her years….

  183. the problem child says:

    Listening to the final eruption. No boos, yet, but I’m looking forward to them.

  184. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    me still thinks there is a deeper underlying reason for all of the nonsense. Where is the fake trust quarterly? in the recycle bin?

  185. KaJo says:

    I went to a neighborhood block party and had to fix hors d’oeuvres (one of those words I have to check for spelling EVERY TIME) beforehand, so I missed everything….

    …but I see from just reading this page 7 that Sarah Palin is STILL backhanding the media whilst expecting their full attention every time she winks or wears a miniskirt.

    One of these days Sarah Palin is going to speak, and it will be like the proverbial tree falling in the forest with no one (the MSM) around — nothing will be heard. One of these days the MSM will stop being masochistic about Sarah Palin.

  186. Karin in CT says: Poof, just like that, she’s gone!

    And on the twit’s twitter page, click on the ‘Web’ link over to the right and she’s poof gone from there too.

  187. EyeOnYou says:


    Cole has stated that she will release information in August, so I am betting that it won’t be until then we hear anything.

  188. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    geee.Parnell doesnt have a link to his wifes commercial interests? Off to a better ethical start already!

  189. emrysa says:

    where is the quarterly report for the atf?????

  190. chuck tatum says:

    I fought the blogs and the blogs won (apologies to Sonny Curtis)

    Tweetin’ lots of nonsense in the – hot sun
    I fought the blogs and blogs won
    I fought the blogs and the blogs won

    I missed the attention from the – VP run
    I fought the blogs and blogs won
    I fought the blogs and the blogs won

    I had my baby and my baby had her son
    I guess my 1/2 term’s done
    I read Shannyn, Mudflats, and Diva – gee, am I really that dumb?
    I fought the blogs and blogs won
    I fought the blogs and the blogs won

    Violatin’ ethics with a
    Alaska – Trust – Fund
    I fought the blogs and blogs won
    I fought the blogs and the blogs won

  191. austintx says:

    149 akmuckraker Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 3:07 PM
    The natural gas pipeline is underway? When did that happen?
    Why sure !! It happened in Giddings when sarah’s pipeline pals dumped 40k in s-pac , in one day. We really need to see that list of 15 cos. that got the 193 mil. in contracts.

  192. @Lori in Los Angeles #322 – I got a good laugh over “I am POSITIVE Sarah Palin is an IDIOT. Her fans are probably foaming at the mouth.

  193. EyeOnYou says:

    State Website is now updated with Parnell and Campbell listed:

  194. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    I suspect parnell is merely a proxy. Piper is still in charge.

  195. Lainey says:

    320 Justina Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 4:51 PM
    Congratulations AKM and all the other great Alaska bloggers. You didn’t manage to impeach Palin; you did better, you imploded her.
    Thanks to the internet, we are witnessing a real revolution in journalism: average citizens investigating the facts, putting the traditional media to shame, and effecting real, muckraking change.
    Thank you all for all your hard work, diligent investigation and wonderful writing!

  196. Maybe if Sarah “quit makin things up” than the media wouldn’t be her problem.

  197. Karin in CT says:

    Where is UKlady or Irish or austintx or nan or MUYS and her sisters?

    They must have played a drinking game during the “speech” over in chat and passed out.

  198. barracuda78 says:

    I tried to listen but it was all over the place to me….

  199. Karin in CT says:

    Silvermoon: send me an email to karinct5 at aol dot com.

  200. BooBooBear says:

    Oh my…that was just awful…full of her typical snark and venom. She is such a LIAR! I also love that in the last weeks she has spoken of being in her “last year of office.” That’s a stretch, but typical of trying to rewrite histroy Sarah Style.

    And to the media…”Quit makin’s stuff up!” Give me a break! Her and Kristan Cole and Meg Stapleton are the ones making stuff up! They are a disgusting trio.

    Sean, buddy,……you need to chart your own path. Why accept the Lt. Gov. and Attorney General Palin has picked for you? Build your own team! Clean some of those commissioners out who will do nothing but make your life a living hell. Get a back bone or you will have no chance of re-election by staying on Palin’s path. The DNR needs some serious revamping. You were a lobbyist for the oil industry…you know what I mean.

  201. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Soldiers, military in general, her family are all shields behind which she hides.

  202. Polly says:

    A few comments on her speech from HuffPro.

    “Ok, everyone. She’s gone. We can get out of our pajamas and get out of our parent’s basement now.”

    “How about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit makin’ things up?”

    “She was speaking in tongues.”

  203. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    CNN had people sending in comments – they could not find positive ones, so they asked people to send in something positive. Here is one that came back:
    “I am POSITIVE that Sarah Palin is an IDIOT.”
    I just got home from a meeting, so I missed the “speech.” Caught the tail end of it on the way home, and I started screaming at the radio – poor hubby could not wait to get me out of the car.

  204. magix says:

    As a Marine mom I found her exploitation of fallen troops to tell the media to stop picking on her nauseating. How dare she do that!

    My combat veteran is now permanently disabled after two tours and she uses his sacrifice to tell the media how mean they are.

    I don’t care how ‘patriotic’ Fairbanks is, what she did is flat out wrong. She makes me physically ill.

  205. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I’ve been asleep for the last 32 hours but that wasn’t enough to get me past 3 minutes in the “speech”. Even the fact that she can’t hurt Alaska any more didn’t make it easier. What an annoying old thing she is. is certainly alive and well but forbidden. Remains to be seen when it comes online, given the bunch of amateurs she surrounds herself with …. was actually taken (by someone else!) on 23rd July!

  206. How pathetic of her to bring up a dead soldier and say “stop makin things up”
    to the media. As if he died to protect her freedom of speech? She is a LOONEY TOON character.

  207. Justina says:

    Congratulations AKM and all the other great Alaska bloggers. You didn’t manage to impeach Palin; you did better, you imploded her.

    Thanks to the internet, we are witnessing a real revolution in journalism: average citizens investigating the facts, putting the traditional media to shame, and effecting real, muckraking change.

    Thank you all for all your hard work, diligent investigation and wonderful writing!

  208. Silvermoon says:

    Karin in CT—I saw it; but haven’t figured out Forum yet….

  209. FromFairbanks says:

    Wow, I have emerged from the belly of the beast (the resignation speech at Alaskaland) relatively unscathed. One elderly gentleman actually came up to me and said to my 13 yr old daughter “Conserve the environment, kill a democrat.” I thought that summed it all up right there. Only sealed my feelings of good riddance to her–brings out the worst in people!!

  210. Polly says:

    oops, 2,162 comments – false reporting, sorry

  211. Trini says:

    I noticed that during the benediction, SP and TP did not bow their heads, but the new gov,his wife and everyone else did. What’s up with that? So maybe they did not agree with the religious content of the benediction, but it is a show of respect to Alaskans (yep, and those who are in the military too) to bow your head during a benediction that honors the state. Oh, and black jacket and jeans: the last outfit that Julia Roberts wore in “Pretty Woman.” If I was a cat, I’d be coughing up fur balls!

  212. Polly says:

    The whole speech is on Huffington Home Page, and there are already 2,265 comments. This one was cute: “Pallin’ around with tourists!”

  213. Alaska Pi says:

    AKM and mudpups-
    Thank you for live blogging this..
    Lord, am I glad I had to work today.

    Maybe I could handle a transcript soon but gonna skip right on by any film…
    Yup- I am. Not going to listen to that voice anymore… lalalalalala…

  214. Karin in CT says:


    (Sorry to be OT here AKM, but it is official mudpuppy business.)

    Did you read my comment on the open post that we three Charlie’s CT Angels are heading to the city next Saturday? PM me over on the Forum or post a message under the events topic. Thanks!

  215. Professor Geezer says:

    Did she ever say what her “higher calling” actually was? I am baffled. I could only watch 5 minutes of the speech, and then had to turn it off. Like others, I already want those 5 minutes of my life back. UGH.

  216. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    When she goes on Meet the Press….ah….nevermind.

  217. janiceinthemountains says:

    What was she talking about? I heard the whole speech and couldn’t come up with anything except “word salad”. Whew…thank goodness the Alaska nightmare is over. Alaska deserves so much better.

  218. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    okay – i listened for three minutes. she doesn’t even try to make a complete sentence.

  219. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Comments are closed for Shannyn’s posting of her speech???? WTF?

  220. Ebbtide says:

    Congrats to all Alaskan progressive bloggers, for keeping all of us sane through the election, and for standing up to the big bully.

    I have a question. Whatever happened to Ann Kilkenny, the lady whose email about the Quitta went viral early on?

  221. Silvermoon says:

    35 pages of comments on Huff Po—-99% happy to see her go; and laughing at her “speech”

  222. LIsabeth says:

    What kills me is how she talks about pessimissm and some who would “tear us down” yet that was the most negative speech I have ever heard. She is clueless, absolutely clueless on so many levels! And the compulsive liar tells the media to stop makin things up! That was insane. She has no idea how she dragged, no pushed, her children into the light and then doesn’t want people talking about them.

    I really hope she is done with politics. It’s wisful thinking but imagine her representing this country to the world. No way!! America will never let that happen and she can blame the media and whomever else, but it’s her.

    You’d think she would say some great words about Parnell! Awful. Good riddance and go form your own country Sarah. You don’t represent me or most of America.

  223. mlaiuppa says:

    Do you think the Vanity Fair editors, research and copy department will do her resignation speech too, also?

  224. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Well I think the first things Alaskan’s need to tell Sean that it is not acceptable to smooze with a nazi like Burke. He is supposed to go on Burke’s show tomorrow. Haven’t Alaskan’s had enough of this racist, homophobic, nazi BS from palin & co. Stop it now before it starts. Flood his office in the morning or start NOW!

  225. DivaBabe says:

    rebekkah Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 3:56 PM
    “What’s this with calling Alaska the Gateway of the Continent? This is the second time I’ve heard her say this.”

    SP is talking to the Russians… you know, the ones she can see from her house. She’s lettin’ em know that she’s still watchin’ em, you betcha!

  226. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    lainey, yikes….may as well have had an Carbernet intravenous. I do..

  227. booboodog says:

    I am so sorry for you. Now, I am so sorry for us all..

  228. Helen says:

    Well if you haven’t seen this yet, today is definitely the day ~

    Watch out Tina Fey!

  229. booboodog says:

    so do tiny starlets rank higher on the most hated list than msm? or visa versa?

  230. Ebbtide says:

    I wasn’t going to, but broke down and watched it. She makes me sick. She is absolutely the worst (and I live in the land of Sanford, so that’s saying something.)

  231. Lainey says:

    296 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    Next week continue to hold this b*tches feet to flame with indictments, more ethics complaints, AFT, and medicare debacle among other things!!!!
    Let Sean know in Clear terms IT WILL NOT BE BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL ANYMORE!
    you go caligrl!

  232. Lainey says:

    279 psminidivapa Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 4:17 PM
    I don’t know about any of the rest of you, but I am totally s**tfaced – having decided to drink everytime she said “I/We,” “military,” “God,” and “media.” I thought that picking only these buzzwords would keep me from too much overindulgance- WRONG!! Would have posted this earlier, but couldn’t even get on to Mudflats website due to “too much traffic.” Yay to all of you! See some of you in the ‘burgh.

  233. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    It was awful, was on chat, and everyone was drinking during the words….lol!
    After it was over I saw her pick up Trig and her was BAREFOOT! Can anyone tell me if Down’s syndrome affects one’s ability to wear shoes????
    He’s over 1 and running around without shoes! Wasillahillbillies!
    Congrates to Alaska Progressive bloggers! Ding dong the witch is gone…! Pary hardy tonight!!!
    Next week continue to hold this b*tches feet to flame with indictments, more ethics complaints, AFT, and medicare debacle among other things!!!!
    Let Sean know in Clear terms IT WILL NOT BE BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL ANYMORE!

  234. seattlefan says:

    EyeOnYou…..yes! Whenever you see her words in the “written form” she is even more confounding. Her lack of polish, not to mention grammar and sentence structure, shines through. It will be amusing to read that speech for sure.

  235. Bretta says:

    I gave them an hour.
    It’s still up.
    The ex-First Stud is still using the State website to advertise private companies, such as Tesoro, NAPA, oh, and Spenard Builder’s Supply.

  236. chuck tatum says:

    Palin’s goodbye speech in 8 seconds

  237. Karin in CT says:

    Oh, and I could I forget Andree????

  238. Polly says:

    This was posted above, but if you missed it, you can watch/listen to the speech here.

    I’ll be checking it out later to see what kind of comments it generates.

    The speech was so pathetic, I almost felt sorry for her. Well, frankly, I do feel sorry for her. She got herself way over her head. She should have blinked instead of winked.

  239. Karin in CT says:

    AKM, I hope your next post is titled, “Mission Accomplished.” You and Shannyn and Phil and Diva and Gryphen and Halcro and Regina should take deep bows, while we mudpuppies cheer wildly for all of you!

    I really and truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  240. booboodog says:

    whoa, closed down here for a while!
    watching from NJ, yes we do know what happened to tricky dick eventually.
    But look what he did in the meantime, without twitter!

  241. kareninTexas says:

    Ole McPalin had some gripes…EIEIO! ….from a comment on Huffpo!

  242. EyeOnYou says:

    I am really, really, really looking forward to the transcript of that speech!

  243. Ripley says:

    I too, also, attempted to listen… and I thought, “If I do this, I’ll never get these 10 minutes back” and I stopped 3 minutes in. Why else? Because I have never in my life heard someone not be able to READ a teleprompter like her. XINO, you need some brushin’ up on your readin’ skills if you’re plannin’ to be on “the TV”.

    Excellent work there, Flyinureye. most excellent.

  244. you just insulted 5 generations of hillbilly’s…i think the term your looking for is white trash…has absolutely nothing to do with hillbilly’s who are a wonderful group of people.

  245. HamletsMill says:

    We’ll, it looks like were all back to the sound reasoning and analysis of August 29th, 2008. In retrospect, even Hitler apparently got it right.

    Hitler Reacts to McCain’s V.P. Pick

    What a long, strange, trip it’s been.

    Now she is just a citizen again and can’t govern anyone. Hitler too. Whew!

  246. PollyinWA says:


  247. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    how can she continue to fight for AK from NY? Ahhhh…nevermind…

  248. laingirl says:

    I tried to listen to the speech, but it sounded like it was written by a committee composed of people who each spoke a different language. It was unbearable! Congratulations to all you Alaskans; I hope you will have a governor who has the best interests of your state in mind. We don’t here in Texas! Another joke for a governor.

  249. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Chill…I dont have a link. It was on my big tee veee…Julie Banderas (hottttie) has some fox dude onsite reporting.

  250. margaritamix says:

    From one Alaskan to another, CONGRATS , she is no longer our PROBLEM!!!! YAHOOOOOOO!!!!! I am celebrating as I type! Lets see what happens now! According to ADN this am she is looking at homes in NY. Let them have her!

  251. psminidivapa says:

    I don’t know about any of the rest of you, but I am totally s**tfaced – having decided to drink everytime she said “I/We,” “military,” “God,” and “media.” I thought that picking only these buzzwords would keep me from too much overindulgance- WRONG!! Would have posted this earlier, but couldn’t even get on to Mudflats website due to “too much traffic.” Yay to all of you! See some of you in the ‘burgh.

  252. Polly says:

    I agree. I love this flyinureye graphic. It’s classic.

  253. PollyinWA says:

    UPDATE: I’ll save others the trouble …. BOOS AT 3:26 PM ON PLAYBACK!!!!

  254. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    Dr. Chill…I SWEAR!!!! Bloggers in general, but they mentioned that in particlar…
    Of course they got their facts all effed up, but who cares!! Yer famous. Or imfamous..

  255. PollyinWA says:

    UPDATE: I’ll save others the trouble …. BOOS AT 3:36 PM ON PLAYBACK!!!!

  256. ez.pz says:

    Parnell’s first task?

    To neuter the ethics legislation so that he doesn’t have to worry about it. No transparency, no publication of results, big fees for ethics complainers.

    So, enjoy the honeymoon while you can, AK. It will be over in, let’s say, a week; a month?

  257. DrChill says:

    sjk from the belly of the plane Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 4:03 PM

    its official…some lady on faux news blamed the bloggers and the Iconic picture…
    Get OUT! Where ? Link, please ?
    WTF! Waving off applause with one hand… Inviting it with the other…

  258. the problem child says:

    Is it over? Is she gone yet? Or is she still tossing word salad?

    (Family dinner prevented my participation in this historic event. Probably just as well for my digestion.)

  259. PollyinWA says:

    I played back the farewell(?) speech hoping to hear the boos, but … just …can’t …. listen … to … IT … a-n-y-m-o-r-e … arghhhhh ….

  260. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    all this just to keep the Arctic Cat agreement private?

  261. TBNTJudy says:

    Well, I have to admit that is the first SP speech I have ever listened to in total. And, I did it with just water to get me through. I don’t know how I did it. Need to go to store to get wine. Delayed reaction. You all did great with the live blogging. Mudpups rule!

  262. Martha says:

    I did not know that Alaska now receives 85% less pork because of Palin’s watchful eye…….Wow……………………she turned down 85 % of the “pork” AND saved the state …………..

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BILLIONS~~~~~~~~~~OF DOLLARS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



    Whispering now, time for a nice coooooooooooold glass of white dry chardonnay…….it’s hot here in Vancouver!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cheers All~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martha

  263. Professor Geezer says:

    It sounds like it was a disastrous speech.

    Congrats, Alaskans! Let a new era begin!

  264. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    when do the indictments start?

  265. twain12 says:

    Shannyn posted the youtube video
    Palin’s “Quitstock” Speech

  266. Team Alaska says:

    See you in the court house EX-GINO!

    Orange…. think orange EX-GINO.

  267. TBNTJudy says:

    lilybart, that is what I think, too. Better to keep her mouth shut and let him look like a fool than to open her mouth and remove all doubt.

  268. 10cats4me says:

    Oh, she was horrible, absolutely horrible. Black suite in the hot Alaskan son. Coursage! Why are people cheering, is there an applause sign?

    We hunt, therefore we eat. I guess they don’t have farming in Alaska.

    Horrible, horrible. Looks like she is going to take a swipe at everyone. Liar, liar, liar.

  269. Marnie says:

    Throwing confetti and blowing curley paper thingy.

    The cone tree peeuht buhll has gone into the arena with the big dawgs.

    It will be interesing to see how long she survives in the big time. Based on the McCain campaign I’d give her 6 weeks to make a total ….. of herself.

    She has learned nothing, so the outcome will likely be the same.
    She won’t have her highschool buddies to cover her mistakes and prop up her ego anymore.

  270. Silvermoon says:

    Nice headlines on MSNBC site—

    Sarah Palin resigns amid uncertain future
    She faces ethics probes, mounting legal bills and dwindling popularity

  271. honestyinGov says:

    Post # 257…
    The Fox anchor also said the face on the trig photo shop was that of a Blogger as well. When did Eddie become a blogger. That story has been out there for WEEKS and they can’t even get those few facts right with the story.

  272. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    I hope she has all of her lies crossed referenced and indexed for those who will be “handling her.” And Willow was NOT at the Yankees game. Some cub reporter can debunk that in 15 minutes and start to chronicle ALL of her lies…

  273. HamletsMill says:

    From P-Day on Friday, August 29th, 2008 To Today Screen Door Sunday July 26th, 2009…what a long, strange trip it’s been. We have survived. Come and celebrate! Hey GINO don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


    Sunday, August 16th, 1PM – Pittsburgh, PA

    Please check here for the latest INFORMATION UPDATE:,7283.msg75900.html#msg75900

    Get on the ROAD TO PITTSBURGH IN AUGUST! RSVP’s have come in so far from South Carolina, North Carolina, Michigan, Washington D.C., New York, California, and Connecticut.

    Shouldn’t you be here to meet Our Beloved Leader AKM face to face too on her trip to the Lower 48?

  274. lilybart says:

    Meghan McCain can’t tell all because it reflects very badly on Dad.

    I am pretty sure that is why she always says basically, no comment.

  275. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    its official…some lady on faux news blamed the bloggers and the Iconic picture….She never takes any blame, thinks shes a mama bear and I cant wait for her to take off the gloves so the media can do the same. She was treated very gently. NOW THE MSM AND LOCAL AK”ERS CAN SPILL ALL OF THE BEANS.
    Meghan MCCain PLEASEEEEEEEE tell all!

  276. rebekkah says:

    Sorry to post so much; must mention the young man (Sargeant of National Guard?) sang beautifully, the National Anthem. That was the best moment.

  277. @seattlefan #225 – You got that right. It was all about Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Nothing about Parnell except for his kids. She fails to realize she paraded her pregnant daughter and held up Trig like a prop during the campaign. Nothing about the ATF thou.

  278. rebekkah says:

    What’s this with calling Alaska the Gateway of the Continent? This is the second time I’ve heard her say this.

  279. Greytdog Δ says:

    “we eat, therefore, we hunt”. . . I think she may have just lost the rancher vote, the farming vote, and the dairy vote. (she never had the organic farming vote)

  280. kraftytess says:

    Thought it was interesting that CNN didn’t pick up on the whole Ashley Judd Defenders of Wildlife ads – don’t you think that’s what she was referring to with her skinny starlets from Hollywood?? Of course she couldn’t just say we chase wolves to exhaustion and then shoot them from helicopters so they die agonizing deaths and then we gas their pups in their dens. Probably wouldn’t go over so well – what a hideous cow! So happy she is gone.

  281. brian Luebke says:

    I just returned from the Fairbanks picnic where SP served me a hot dog. I “thanked her for quitting and how now we will all be better off”. She stopped : turned reptilian and after along pause said “your not a very nice guy”. I then noted ” what did I say that was not true? At least I said thank you” SP returned to her adoring followers.

  282. beth says:

    “Sean knows he has big high heels to fill,” said Mark Lewis, moderator of a farewell picnic hosted by Palin on Saturday in Anchorage, the state’s largest city. [ ]

    Oh, no – Mark DI’IN’T say that! …did he?

    [We heard the bit Mark said on our local CBS station and neither Mr. beth nor I could believe our ears!]

    I mean, really, here’s this poor Sean guy being thrust into the Gov’s position and he has to try to do it in big high heels? Out in the open? Does Sean *normally* wear high heels – or only when he’s being kinky? Are they red, cheeky monkey, peep-toe high heels? Inquiring minds want to know.

    The “Alaska Show” promises to keep providing us all with many, many, MANY more hours of entertainment. Keep uncovering and reporting on it all, for us AKM – please, please, PLEASE! Like a *really* fine wine, it just keeps getting better and better. beth.

  283. twain12 says:

    Candy Crowley was musing when she seen the last time that somebody quit half way through their term and ended up getting a big sendoff and had a big speech LOL, she couldn’t think of anybody….Sarah sure is special 🙂

  284. curiouser says:

    Just a thought about the missing wedding band….it may not fit any more due to weight loss.

  285. Lainey says:

    I hope the men in the white coats come soon to take her the hell away…attacking Hollywood?!? saying loony stuff like: we know how to eat, we hunt…however she said it. WHAT!!??!!?? It’s like she took this opportunity at a picnic to say everything and anything that was eating away at her from the beginning of time…and forgot the purpose of the event. WOW, she proves more and more that she’s certifiable. The thread from a while back collecting songs for her departure should include “there coming to take me away, ha ha”.

  286. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    thank all that is right in this world that she is out of office.

  287. here_in_PA says:

    After the boos, she kinda broke up. Thats when the mother grizzly came in, she didn’t know what to do so, she started rambling. IMO anyway.

  288. TBNTJudy says:

    “It was disgraceful how she bashed the media and Americans in general. Echhh!”

    It was to be expected. It is what she does. I expect her to start tweeting up a storm, exercising her right to free speech. She has warned us, and now I am terrified. snark. And, yes, that Candy person on CNN had it pegged when she pointed out that government was going to be in big trouble if everyone started following SP’s logic about being a lame duck. Yes, let them all just quit with half their terms to go. Makes so much logical sense. more snark.

  289. Angela says:

    Palin is wearing jeans – what a class act. :/

  290. @booboodog #238 – Yeah, and we all know what happened to tricky dick.

  291. lilybart says:

    So, now big announcement? Did she lie to CNN to get them to come?

    No FOX deal announced, no National Oil and Gas board chairperson, not the leader of Focus on the Family??

  292. doglover says:

    Even though it hurt my ears and my brain, I had to listen to SP spew her usual verbal salad for the last time as governor. I know the best we can hope for is a few days respite, but I know the draw of the microphone will not allow her to be quiet. Good Luck & God bless you Alaska, better days are ahead …

  293. Professor Geezer says:

    Is it over? What was her big announcement?

  294. SmallSteps says:

    thanks all who live blogged it! I couldn’t get a live feed. had trouble getting a db connection to the ‘flats too. Mudflats must have lots of closet mudpups checking in on the big day 🙂 Best of luck to all Alaskans with your new Gov. Hopefully he will address the many issues facing the state and work with the Legis. to create long lasting solutions. I know that the wonderful progressive bloggers will keep us all informed, and the elected and appointed officials as transparent and honest as possible. Glad that mother nature is celebrating too. Those smoky skies are tough on lungs (mine are burning now from this awful cough).

  295. booboodog says:

    wow, we’re not going to have Sarah Palin to kick around anymore!
    hmm…, now where have I heard that before?

  296. jennywa says:

    I guess SP doesn’t know that the North Star can be seen down here too. The escaped slaves from the South used to follow it North. (Follow the Drinking Gourd)
    What a disaster!

  297. I heard the boos and her speech was, as always predictable, blaming the media, blaming Hollywood, blaming big government etc., etc. and of course kissing up to the military. I got the sense that when she blamed the media she was also blaming the Alaskan bloggers. You guys did a terrific job of exposing her.

  298. DinkyP says:

    Alot of people are talking about the missing wedding band. I remember during the campaign last fall she never wore it much! I always wonder why for such a family type?

  299. WakeUpAmerica says:

    That was her “My administration and I did it all, everything we promised to do” and “Shove it up where the sun don’t shine, MSM” speech. Hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did.

    Excuse me, I have to go vomit.

  300. greatgrammy1 says:

    I couldn’t stand hearing her screechy voice so put the closed caption on. What a bunch of nonsense words. She is a liar and a hypocrit and nobody had a chance to question her except for the guy that asked why she quit. She sure looked hopped up. Think she was on something? Congrats my Mudflat friends. I raised my glass to you.

  301. Ohiovoter says:

    rebekkah…I caught that, too. Almost forgot Trig.

  302. Suchanut says:

    Word Goulash for sure, Seattle. And you are right – she wasn’t speaking to Alaskans.

    No Tweets for 7 hours…..

  303. lexky says:

    i wonder if there will be any special tweets tonight?

  304. Lainey says:

    And what was all that? (paraphrase)…dig your feet in the ground AK…don’t budge, don’t listen to your government AK…we’re going to drill and deface every spot of God’s green earth, AK… the name of FREEDOM!!! WTF!!!!

  305. anadventurer says:

    CNN says there were almost no positive comments, Anchor counted only 2 after he went back through looking for them.

  306. anon blogger says:

    Poor media not telling the truth…maybe they should start with babygate…telling the truth. Funny, nothing about the pj bloggers.

  307. rebekkah says:

    I know this is probably insignificant, but she named her kids, and almost forgot Trig. Immediately after, she seemed to be hyperventilating as she spoke.

  308. seattlefan says:

    That speech (or watever you want to call it) was not about handing over the reigns because she was quitting….it was an attempt to list her “so called” accomplishments. That speech was not aimed at Alaskans at all, IMO. She was looking through the camera and into the eyes and ears of her national base. I guess that was the kick-off of her “Here I Am America!” tour. It was disgraceful how she bashed the media and Americans in general. Echhh!

  309. mhrt says:

    even nature is celebrating. I love it . congratulations Alaska. I am having a horrible time staying on.

  310. Suchanut says:

    State website hasn’t been changed yet…

  311. Silvermoon says:

    The CNN reporter did contribute one goodie—-aaked a guy walking out what he thought—said “I know less now than when I came in” paraphrase.

  312. lexky says:

    msnbc didnt even cover it live

  313. Suchanut says:

    Yes, the Fairbanks progressives were heard!

  314. WakeUpAmerica says:


    Won’t be hard to leave his family alone since he doesn’t use them as shields and parade them in public. God, she still doesn’t get it.

    She is such a hemmorhoid (anal orifices have a purpose; hemmorhoids only goes irritation and must be removed.). Well, it needed to be pointed out. I shoulda had a glass or two of wine before I watched that.

  315. Village Reader says:

    All week long the sky has been filled with smoke. Visibility down to 2 or 3 miles. Friday & saturday were the worse. Today was looking to be the same when around 2-2:30 the sky opened up to a beautiful blue and visibility shot up to 10+ miles.

    Even nature is celebrating. 😉

  316. Lainey says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I wonder if big mouth, anti-government, quittypants will tell her parents NOT to accept Federal Social Security dollars, or her special needs son (or grandson) NOT to accept any Federally subsidized programs or assistance??? As CNN’s Candy Crowley pointed out afterwards…the speech was all about HER and her met promises and typical Repug talking points. So now that nobody wants to “serve” as a lame duck…all terms are cut in half…so you can steal what you want from the very taxpayers you’re professing to represent and throw them under the bus when your pockets are full! She is the worst person in the world!!!!!!!!!!!! Good riddens! Take a hike! AK, her house is your house…reclaim it!

  317. michigander says:

    lexky – yeah, nothing about the boos and why aren’t they talking more w/Chris Welsh? What is the point of having a reporter there if they don’t let him report???

  318. lexky says:

    it will be interesting to see what happens between her and the ex first dud

  319. anon blogger says:

    Well, I just back on, the data base connection failed. I had a hard time trying to figure out a lot of her word salad. Oh, and I promise I won’t mention Governor Parnell’s kids so long as he doesn’t exploit them like Palin did.

  320. ravenstrick says:

    That Campbell guy just did some serious kissing of ex-Governor Sarah’s ass at the ceremony in Fairbanks. What was THAT all about?? Shouldn’t he be talking abouit Governor Parnell?

  321. Ohiovoter says:

    Clink… cheers

  322. curiouser says:

    Hallelujah! Long live AKM, Shannyn Moore, Immoral Minority, Phil Munger, Celtic Diva, Denis Zaki and other truth-tellers!

  323. rebekkah says:

    Just the same dirt she’s been dishing out over and over. Has a lot of nerve to ask media to leave the Parnell children alone. It was snarky, against media, her critics, and like Don Lemon or Candy on CNN said, SP hardly spoke about Sean Parnell, she just built herself up. ME ME ME. Shouldn’t Sean Parnell be her right hand man?

    And, no wedding band.

  324. rosiedog says:

    am I correct that Bristol is not there? What’s up with that?

  325. zyggy says:

    I heard the boos, they sounded great

  326. Ennealogic says:

    *raises a glass to every mudpuppy and progressive thinking person in the nation*

    Well done, all. Without your words and research and careful thought and sharing all of that wherever and whenever you could, we might have been saddled with an even more heinous national administration than we had for 8 years under Bush.

    And to Alaska, I salute you for your brief moment of freedom. May you continue to keep close watch and turn that state blue, one moose at a time. 🙂

  327. tlgeiger62 says:

    What a mess – what was that woman yelling toward the end of her yakking?

  328. lexky says:

    cnn didnt say anything about the boos

  329. Grandma68 says:

    Does anyone speak Palinese? I heard a couple of buzz words…otherwise, word salad. All she needs is the buzz words.

    Got some new respect for Candy Crowley…she said something like Palin might not have a political future, but she’s “got a microphone.”

  330. mom_in_wasilla says:

    YIPEEE!!!!!!! The reign of Queen Sarah is OVER!!!!

  331. lexky says:

    that was a train wreck

  332. Anadventurer says:

    That was strange. What a weird speech. I mean, par for the course, but that was montage of all her other speeches. Does she cut out sentances for other speeches, put them into a hat and pull them out and add them together for each speech?

  333. Ohiovoter says:

    Oh for the love of everything that’s holy!! bwhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Congratuations Alaska bloggers. You all rock! What a nut case. Please keep her out of Ohio. lol

  334. akmuckraker says:

    Yay to the resistance! Fairbanksians were saying that they wanted to make sure the nation knew that “not everybody loves Sarah” and they did! Nice.

  335. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    fox is blaming the bloggers! Diva and the pitcure…OMFG!!!

  336. delnorteco says:

    she gone ..bye.bye

  337. DrChill says:

    Ding Dong the witch is dead.
    Which old witch?
    The Wicked witch.

  338. Celia Harrison says:

    Some are choosing not to hear why she made the decison to chart a new course. It’s her duty to avoid the lame duck session. Now she can fight even harder for what is right and for truth? Oh God. I can’t get the video to stream, is her nose getting longer?

  339. anon blogger says:

    No announcement…same kind of stuff.

  340. Laurie says:

    SHE.IS CERTIFIABLE! NO QUESTION. SORRY FOR YELLING. News commentators are kind of chuckling. So she hands the lame duck to Parnell? Nice..

  341. akmuckraker says:

    God bless Alaska. God bless America. Commentators are chuckling.

    ROFL. Wow.

  342. seattlefan says:

    What????!!! AK gatekeeper of the country?! Jeesh, this is as good as her 7/3 word salad.

  343. Laurie says:


  344. redwoodmuse says:

    sounds like listening to EST from years ago…If you didn’t/don’t understand, it is because ‘you aren’t paying attention’. If you didn’t get it, you weren’t paying attention…..when oh when is the child going to say the princess is naked?

  345. Anadventurer says:

    I heard boo’s from the crowd.

  346. TBNTJudy says:

    oh god dragging out the grizzly guarding her cubs as well the lame-duck excuse for quitting.

  347. 264 Crayons says:

    uh…i think you mean thank you contractors for your home???

  348. GreatGrey says:

    Oh man, I chose the wrong year to quit drinking.

  349. Peggno in SoCal says:

    America must look north to the future – said it 2 or 3 times.
    “unproductuve, business as usual, lame duck last year in office – how does that benefit you?” Guess all office holders should be quitting pretty soon!

    She wasn’t sure she could remember all of her kids’ names!!

  350. Sparkstealer says:

    Oh, here it comes…you didn’t tell anyone why you made the decision! We can’t hear what you don’t say.

    Talking at us does not mean you’re telling us anything.

    Somebody needs to introduce her to a real bear.

  351. tlgeiger62 says:

    If she feels so strongly about all this stuff, why is she QUITTING?

    Oh that’s right, she wants to be free to speechify at will.

  352. akmuckraker says:

    Some are choosing not to hear why I’ve charted a new course.

    More booing?

    Should be obvious. It is because I love Alaska this much, SIR (booer). Lame duck session. Booing. OMG.

    I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, for truth.

  353. Ennealogic says:

    This is classic Palin word salad, scattered, complaining, whining, pity me and hate them, drill baby drill, God bless kinda speech.

    I’m recording it.

  354. 264 Crayons says:

    wow let’s introduce two year gov terms to avoid the lame duck issue…tupid!!!

  355. Anadventurer says:

    Session movment (please)? She is out of her mind.

  356. Karin in CT says:

    Cocaine, that is.

  357. pvazwindy says:

    Speech not going over to well

  358. anon blogger says:

    Energy and security nation should look to Alaska.

  359. 264 Crayons says:

    maybe the wedding band doesn’t fit anymore due to weight loss?

  360. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    drill baby drill. to keep us safe….she is batshit crazy

  361. Karin in CT says:

    She’s on coke.

  362. faithfulpup says:

    faux news covering also, too. gack probably all msm is there. Whoever mentioned the media complained about having to go short distance for OBama but is all twiddlepated over the twitterer –you are right on. (sorry-it’s not verbatim quote) Wonder if she will leave right after speech so Mr. Parnell can see a trampling herd leave when it’s his turn to speak. I have the sound OFF, couldn’t take it . Will read all transcripts and translations after.

  363. psminidivapa says:

    Alaska…Gatekeeper of the country!!

  364. TBNTJudy says:

    There are definitely some loud boos. Not everyone in that crowd is drinking the kool-aid.

  365. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    Sooooo what is the real story on her missing wedding band? It seems to have been off for a while, she doesn’t even sport a tan line where the band should have been.

  366. 264 Crayons says:

    somebody wrote that for her wouldn’t ya say?

  367. Celia Harrison says:

    Oh God I almost had to throw up. She reprimands the news media for making things up. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sounds like projecting to me. “Antiamendment circus’s from Hollywood” using small starlets. Remember she is still acting with restraint. Just wait for the crazy crap that is coming. “What I promised we accomplished”, Huh? She never even finished. “We can resist enslavement” from big government? You mean like freezing the HSS for being so dysfunctional people died? Beg an anllowance, Alaska has been getting a huge amount of ear marks for years. Don’t make it sound like the federal government has been withholding from Alaska.

  368. why, why, am I watching CNN? will this be the last speech from the ultimate b2tch?

    This last shot she is taking is brought to you by the press that failed to vet.

  369. DrChill says:

    and energy STANDARDS !

  370. iamcdn says:

    She quit! Why is she being given the time to make a campaign speech? If she is all that, why is she quitting? She really is strange, stranger still that the new governor agreed to sit through this – she quit!!! Please just go away…..

  371. Silvermoon says:

    You thought July 3 speech was crazy????? Ha!!

    This will go down in history!!!!

  372. Karin in CT says:

    This thing can’t hit Youtube fast enough in my book.

  373. anon blogger says:

    like government is against Alaskans…government is not the answer….

  374. redwoodmuse says:

    No stimulus to help the little guy – just hand outs from the little guys to ms. grifter

  375. DrChill says:

    28 Million for energy standards… Oh I feel the energy draining out of me …

  376. delnorteco says:

    keith is going to be real good monday night.what a freaking ..freak

  377. Laurie says:

    Hmm..wonder why no mention of medicaid fiasco…the hungry native alaskans…the ruined villages ie;Eagle …all those horrific things she has done nothing about. Why is that stupid crowd applauding? Parnell needs to have his feet held to the fire just as much as she has. Poor guy..he has no clue what is going to hit him.

  378. booboodog says:

    It isn’t over and I am picking my grown college students kids up off the floor; I can’t tell if they are laughing or crying…

  379. akmuckraker says:


  380. neo says:

    god,i wish see would get laryngitis

  381. PollyinWA says:

    My success is due to Chris! Go Chris!! WTF?: (looking up meaning of success)

  382. 264 Crayons says:

    shooting down the stimulus “largess”

  383. akmuckraker says:

    Shout out to Stapleton, Cole and…. Van Flein???

    Shout out to Kris Perry as “right hand man”. Last time I checked, she was a woman…

  384. JHop says:

    stapleton, van flein, cole, oh my….

    just regular alaskans. makin’ a lot of money to be all corrupt for me and stuff.

  385. michigander says:

    I am dizzy…Hollywood needs to know we eat therefore we hunt…that’s all I remember beside quit making stuff up and leave his kids alone.

  386. Ennealogic says:

    Chris Perry is her right-hand “man?” Really?

  387. seattlefan says:

    Ann in Texas….you heard her right! I can’t believe she said that.

  388. LIsabeth says:

    Oh BARF!!!!!! Listen to her!!!! Telling the media to stop makin’ things up! She is such a LIAR!! What is wrong with her! And what is wrong with her supporters! The woman is wacked!!! Truly certifiably nuts!!.
    She just lives hearing the clapping though. So long, farewell and please GO AWAY!!!
    You are an awful person Sarah Palin and you were a terrible governor.

  389. Village Reader says:

    You all are doing a great job! Feels like i was there listening. Good job! Thanks!

  390. NoooooooPalin says:

    “We eat, therefore we hunt.” Sarah eats wolves?

  391. Ohiovoter says:

    Did I hear some boos??

  392. Ennealogic says:

    Delicate tiny hollywood starlets? HUH?

    We eat, therefore we hunt.

    This is as rabid and frantic and scattered and angry and weird, just plain weird as her rushed, breathless, fuming resignation announcement.

  393. akmuckraker says:

    The natural gas pipeline is underway? When did that happen?

  394. Peggno in SoCal says:

    As a little kid she dreamed of commercializing our national gas?

  395. CO almost native says:

    The national pipeline is underway?! Did I miss the construction start?

  396. Shannyn says:

    Wasn’t Charleton Heston from Hollywood?

  397. Grandma68 says:

    OMG, my 50 yr old son just came in from the porch, saw Palin, and yelled “Quitter!” Said she’s the type who will “lick it” but not finish the job. OMG…LMAO.

  398. Laurie says:

    She really thinks her 100,000 twitter followers…are the only people who vote.

  399. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    we eat therefore we hunt….OY!

  400. Karin in CT says:

    Hollywood needs to know that we eat and hunt? WTF!?!?!

  401. Sparkstealer says:

    Did she seriously just ask the press not to make things up like she’s the paragon of honesty?

    And there she goes with the soldiers again, connected to hunting? WTF?

  402. PollyinWA says:

    Well, you have to admit, she is doing the right thing for Alaska. Oh c’mon say something about fish!

  403. 264 Crayons says:

    smile and wave honey – it’s almost over

  404. delnorteco says:

    think she wrote this salad all by her little ole self??

  405. akmuckraker says:

    Parnell, Campbell…God’s Grace.

    Oil prices. ACES. Energy rebate.

    Protect this beautiful environment? Oooo. A subcabinet to “study climate conditions.”

    Laundry list of spin…

    Manage fish & wildlife for abundance. Outside special interest groups “don’t get it”. Stiffen your spine? Like quitting?

    Anti second amendment circuses from Hollywood. Celebrity starlets.

    This is a classic.

  406. BlueFranco says:


  407. anon blogger says:

    Stiffen its Ashley Judd….against right to bear arms stuff…Hollywood

  408. Karin in CT says:

    oops, she keeps forgetting to fold her pointer finger… She must REALLY mean this crap.

  409. JHop says:

    i want this transcript. her copy. with the exclamation points and parentheses.

  410. Laurie says:

    She is so clueless…she has no idea just how much she is continuing to herself. She will do this over and over until she just melts like the wicked witch in OZ

  411. 264 Crayons says:

    uh oh talking about ashley judd – tiny starlet

  412. QuiltAK says:

    what is with the guns? and where did that come from?

  413. Peggno in SoCal says:

    Could someone please tie her hands behind her back while she talks?

  414. pvazwindy says:

    Applause sounds a little hollow

  415. QuiltAK says:

    do you think she might hyperventilate? she is breathing offly fast…

  416. 264 Crayons says:

    just adding up all of her talking points and shooting them out one after another.

  417. CO almost native says:

    Don’t worry, Sue (109)- Palin will still be speaking, often. also.too.

    Palin’s version of her Alaskan World is like an episode of the Twlight Zone.

  418. anon blogger says:

    Anne in Texas…she most definitely did….

  419. Shannyn says:

    In honor of the troops I think Sarah Palin should start telling the truth!

  420. Me says:

    Socialism? “It is your money…” You know. Cashing out the treasury by democracy.

  421. seattlefan says:

    She’s pandering to her national base audience!

  422. JHop says:

    anne – sadly, you aren’t really paraphrasing.

  423. 264 Crayons says:

    three fish in three days…

  424. anon blogger says:


  425. QuiltAK says:

    bob and weave… here comes the upper cut…

    and to the bitter end we are in our pajamas…

  426. Anne in Texas says:

    omg she did NOT just ask the media to quit making stuff up in honor of our men overseas? Oh, yes she did. And I’m paraphrasing.

  427. DrChill says:

    Uh oh, Political operatives, you better watch out !

  428. Ennealogic says:

    So Sarah, exactly WHAT has the “media” “made up?”

  429. Ohiovoter says:

    Oh you mean old press. Quit making things up. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! What an a stark raving moron. Can she p### and moan any more?

  430. Me says:

    The witch selectively quotes the constitution. She always quotes the 2nd article of the constitution. Not the 1st. Inherent rights.

  431. 264 Crayons says:

    yes those “TSKS” are extremely loud.

  432. JHop says:

    when she exerts her freedom of speech, she is scary. in a ridiculous sort of way.

  433. anon blogger says:

    she’s reading as if she’s done right by the people……

  434. Sue says:

    NOW what will we do for entertainment?

  435. curiouser says:

    Is any one counting the tongue thrusts & lip licks?

  436. CO almost native says:

    Is this a repeat of her GOP acceptance speech? Military, freedom, freedom of speech (ruh roh), freedom of the epress (suck up)…in honor of the American soldier, you quit makin’ things up (how about taking your advice)

    Lovin’ Parnell’s family…yup, take the “best of speeches” segments and stir them up into a new word salad-

  437. naughtymonkey says:

    Should’ve chugged a few more MGD Gold before I started listening.

  438. Grandma68 says:

    Geez, I don’t normally drink, but am finishing off a bottle of Merlot I opened over a month ago. Might even have to smoke a number, too. Might just get trashed. I have to be to listen to this crap.

  439. 264 Crayons says:

    gotta get those jabs in to the very end. no class.

  440. curiouser says:

    Is any one counting the tongue thrusts?

  441. Peggno in SoCal says:

    “in honor of the American soldier, ya quit…..” She should’ve stopped there!

  442. PollyinWA says:

    Quit making things up dammit!

  443. psminidivapa says:

    OMG!! She’s using the deaths of service men and women to get the media off her back!!

  444. QuiltAK says:

    and only some get the right be patriotic and report the ?truth?

  445. Karin in CT says:

    I’m not sure i can watch this.

  446. Silvermoon says:

    3 minutes in—-this is going to be a Classic!!!!

  447. akmuckraker says:

    Straight talk for the media…. OMG.

    Here we go. Could and should be respected. Democracy depends on you. Troops willing to die for you.

    Quit making things up…

    Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!!

  448. seattlefan says:

    Someone please pass the salad dressing!

  449. redwoodmuse says:

    I feel the same way about sp talking about the military as I did about the deserter bush wearing our uniform.

    and here she goes with the freedom of speech

  450. 264 Crayons says:

    egads – straightalk – freedom of the press – coulda/shoulda/woulda journalist

  451. anon blogger says:

    military….military….military where is she going….she is going to exercise her freedom of speech….straight talk…here goes…..

  452. pvazwindy says:

    She’s having a tough time getting beyond the military.

  453. Shannyn says:

    Here we go!

  454. Ennealogic says:

    OMG it is the SAME word salad! And she has teleprompters too!

  455. delnorteco says:

    what the hell is she talking about??? OMG ,just leave already.I gotta drink

  456. QuiltAK says:

    this is the husband… what is with the potted plant?

  457. 264 Crayons says:

    i mean sarah – lol – she’s all over the map.

  458. Karin in CT says:

    She’s wearing the jumbo bumpit today!

  459. akmuckraker says:

    Rugged, hardy, patriotic, military, protecting greatest nation on Earth, together we stand. Denali, frozen, soaring, Cheechakos, Sourdoughs, 150 degrees hotter in summer, fireweed, merciless rivers, rushing, carving, Mother Nature. Big wild good life, north to the future. Last frontier, hope opportunity, country pride…

    Hell bent on tearing down America.

    Let the Salad begin!!!

  460. 264 Crayons says:

    omg…stay on topic!

  461. anon blogger says:

    Working the crowd, what is she saying…rivers…north to the future. Last frontier, she’s not making sense….

  462. DrChill says:

    How many degrees?

  463. PollyinWA says:

    Verbal Salad at its finest!

  464. Silvermoon says:

    Got the words military and patriot out there real quick….

  465. Grandma68 says:

    Ow, my ears, already! Shrill! Get the jingoism over with.

  466. Shannyn says:

    Military, patriot….HEY, SHE IS USING A TELEPROMPTER!

    Dang it! soaring…I’m soaring…

  467. 264 Crayons says:

    pursing of the lips…not happy? fairbanks folks are more patriotic than the rest of AK?

  468. curiouser says:

    Starting right off with the highest squeak in her voice range.

  469. naughtymonkey says:

    AKM at #67. My thoughts , exactly.

  470. Glenda says:

    Did people speak this glowingy about Nixon when he resigned?

  471. justafarmer says:

    liveblogging is also going on in chat.
    and there’s a drinking game as well!

  472. redwoodmuse says:

    No Bristol?

  473. seattlefan says:

    Are those jeans? I thought it was black pants. Wow, jeans and a corsage. Nice!

  474. zyggy says:

    I hope Missy Quitter listens closely when Parnells gives his oath to Alaska.

  475. anon blogger says:

    overthemoon…that’s what I thought, jeans, but I couldn’t see them very well.

  476. Grandma68 says:

    overthemoon Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 2:52 PM
    she shows up in JEANS???? What a slap in the face to the importance of the occaision. TACKY TACKY TACKY

    Yes, as tacky as the tattoo (or was that mud?) on the back of Mrs. Alaska’s left leg.

  477. pvazwindy says:

    What a contrast, attire worn Palins and Parnells.

  478. akmuckraker says:

    “She’ll always have a microphone for the next 18 months….”


  479. Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker Palin says:

    She certainly looks delighted with herself.

  480. PollyinWA says:

    Why do the commentators have to keeping talking during this? It’s very distracting.

  481. overthemoon says:

    she shows up in JEANS???? What a slap in the face to the importance of the occaision. TACKY TACKY TACKY

  482. pvazwindy says:

    Todd’s thinking AIP party

  483. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I just want to make one comment before she begins:


  484. Grandma68 says:

    Todd is still a secessionist…you betcha!

  485. CO almost native says:

    Back from the Dragon Boat Festival– made me think of the Palin analogy of everyone in the canoe, paddling…only hers was going ’round in circles, heading toward the falls. Nothing on our local channels; I think I’ll watch the weather, and see if we get another inch plus downpour tonight.

    Great art as usual, flyinureye- how about a nice yellow bus filled with everyone Palin tossed under, high tailing it in the opposite direction?

  486. akmuckraker says:

    Money money money…

  487. curiouser says:

    seattlefan – astute observation.

  488. psminidivapa says:

    Too many corsages on Alaskan politicians. Ooops, someone’s speech just blew away…

  489. seattlefan says:

    Todd didn’t sing. All the rest on stage did. Curious….

  490. zyggy says:

    first dude sure is looking dapper today in he fancy vest.

  491. curiouser says:

    Here in CA with Vodka & Orange-Peach-Mango juice ready to toast.

    Would love to hear Palin singing anthem.

    Guessing GINO becomes XGINO when Parnell is sworn in.

  492. anon blogger says:

    National anthem(sp) now….

  493. pvazwindy says:

    I see Sarah and Todd are dressed for the occasion.

  494. naughtymonkey says:

    Corsage, baby, corsage!!

  495. zyggy says:

    a ginomous bowl of word salad for all the world to listen too. I like you idea akm, bring it on buttercup.

    and just in case she brings up Reagan, he didn’t quit, he left.

  496. Silvermoon says:

    If Candy Crowlry thinks it will be 18 months before we know what Sarah is doing—Crowley needs to get a new job!!

  497. BlueFranco says:

    UH-OH Candy FREE DONUTS Crowley is on CNN to analyze the speech. The spin starts…UH-Oh Candy is dishing Queen Palin…WOW wonder what Sarah did to her.

  498. anon blogger says:

    CNN anchor

  499. trisha says:

    Are cable news outlets really that hard up for a story? I cannot believe they are making such a big deal about Sarah’s last day. Big deal….she is a quitter.

    BTW, I do love the graphic.

  500. delnorteco says:

    got my wine glass topped off.

  501. booboodog says:

    me, too, also AKM. I will miss the laughs of the word salad and taking it apart the next day here at the flats.

  502. anon blogger says:

    On stage with Todd

  503. Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker Palin says:

    No copy of the speech? Maybe she’s planning to ‘progress’ it as she goes! Also. Too.

  504. zyggy says:

    who anon blogger, Palin doesn’t have it or the anchor doesn’t?

  505. anon blogger says:

    CNN anchor talked earlier about not having a copy of the farewell speech.

  506. metalmaven says:

    De-lurked, back to cloaking mechanism.
    Carry on!

  507. eastvanhalen says:

    Oh, nice: the band is playing the Souza piece that opened Monty Python’s Flying Circus. A fitting intro for what will undoubtedly be comedy gold.

  508. zyggy says:

    @34 eyeonyou. they already are liars, whether they do it on national tv is another thing. I don’t think Alaskan’s will take it well if she tries something like that.

  509. Suchanut says:

    Excellent work Flyinureye!

  510. akmuckraker says:

    I wonder if CNN is expecting something really dramatic and it’s going to be what it was in Anchorage:

    “The only thing between you and food is me talking, so I’ll make it brief. Thanks! Bye!”

    I’m actually hoping for a giant bowl of word salad.

  511. Suchanut says:

    KTUU live streaming shortly

  512. Ebbtide says:

    Gee, remember how the networks cried about all the added expense of having to go 1/2 mile away during the convention in Denver to cover Obama’s speech at Invesco Field? Poor babies.

    But they had all kinds of cash to fly crews (Andrea Mitchell, no less) to “sit on the dock of the lake” and them go fishing to hear SP’s endless babble. And now, it’s like a Twilight Zone Reverse Coronation with no expense spared for live coverage. Ugh. I can’t make myself watch it.

    I was a journalism major in school (4 and out, thank you), but went into what I now consider the more honorable profession of advertising.

  513. ForeverWild says:

    Goodbye Quitty!

  514. anon blogger says:

    Queens area in NY a tornado…just now…Flushing area….

    CNN did say a second ago that Bristol and Willow were seated.

  515. Peggno in SoCal aka Seagull Junker Palin says:

    @ Other Seagull Junker: the naming site blessed me with this name way back last Fall – I was happy to see I have a separated twin here at the ‘flats. 🙂

    I’ve been lurking lately, usually not getting to my computer until there are about 200 comments to read, so it’s nice to be here early for this momentous occasion. I’m eager to see how Sean Parnell looks in the sash and tiara.

  516. hwmnbn says:

    Silvermoon Says:
    July 26th, 2009 at 2:28 PM
    CNN hyping it for an hour—she won’t say much. Will be cool and coy—-so the story can go on.

    Silvermoon, I agree. However knowing that this will be her last official act, she may be tempted to get all mavericky and toss some major word salad.

  517. EyeOnYou says:

    Let me just say that if she makes any kind of announcement about something specific she plans to do, that will yet again prove that she & Meg are just liars, considering they have been saying all along that there are “no plans” for anything after today.

  518. Ruby Re-Usable says:

    ahahahaha, that IS the best graphic yet!

    still wondering why OUR governor doesn’t hand out free hotdogs once a year, how many states get to have a governor’s picnic? who pays for all that? and book marks and posters and other swag?

    and still wondering when Jane, I mean Meg, announces what SP really has up her sleeve next

  519. pearl89 says:

    Loved the train whistle in the background…was the Good-bye, you suckers, Express, the BooHoo Train to Nowhere, or the Train of Tears.

  520. booboodog says:

    she has the world’s attention. She can’t just give a speech and quit…

  521. Amy says:

    Is it me or does it seem like that CNN reporter didn’t bother to research where he was? Some sort of boat…… some kind of amusement park……

  522. Grandma68 says:

    Really, though, shouldn’t this be Parnell’s day to speechify, not Palin’s? She’s so over. If she had any grace or intelligence whatsoever, she wouldn’t be doing this crap.

  523. metalmaven says:

    Icant believe I got such a good seat for this circus. POV from Ohio, what a trainwreck!
    Thank you ever so sincerely from the bottom of my heart, AKM: for your brilliant writing and clear, rational thinking. This made your blog my go place for interesting, well-researched, well documented information regarding politics in the far away land of the last frontier. I came for the information, and stayed for the humanity…and sightings of Brian!
    So kewl; Peace

  524. lilybart says:

    zyggy, of course she has an announcement, it is always about her.

    I fear we may have her unleashed on FOX and that means she will live to near me.

  525. booboodog says:

    CNN is making quite a deal out of this; I don’t remember Blago getting this kind of coverage when he left. ha. I wish $p could get the silver bracelet treatment on her last day. I will be patient…

  526. pearl89 says:

    The link thru HuffPo is working very well now and doesn’t slow my ‘puter down like the CNN link does. Currently, showing crowd scenes and playing band music.

  527. zyggy says:

    if she makes any announcement other than quitting, I’ll be really pissed, just because it’s Parnell’s day, not the quitter’s day.

  528. Grandma68 says:

    May I watch a re-run of Jeopardy! instead? Heh heh.

    At least I won’t be poisoning my brain and might even learn a thing or two…

  529. QuiltAK says:

    Clap, Clap, Clap!!!! Thank you, AKM. Cracking a bottle of wine to toast and celebrate! I know we probably aren’t completely done with her but the sense of relief feels so good for the moment. Cheers! Clink! Clink!

  530. twain12 says:

    great graphic 🙂
    I hope the dogie in the picture knows enough to hide if he sees a helicopter

  531. anon blogger says:

    AKM, left a post for you on last thread; great post about Anchorage.

  532. Silvermoon says:

    CNN hyping it for an hour—she won’t say much. Will be cool and coy—-so the story can go on.

  533. anon blogger says:

    CNN said she will be making an announcement…just heard.

  534. pearl89 says:

    She’ll be speaking in about 20 minutes according to CNN. I’m unable to blog and watch at the same time…cnn video slows my machine way down. Feels like I’m slogging through molasses.

  535. PollyinWA says:

    While yer waitin’, here’s a lil’ ditty fer ya’ll. Warnin’ — it’s

    kinda’ catchie.

  536. hwmnbn says:

    There were 142 viewers when I posted the above link 10 minutes ago, now there’s 254. Apparently there are a bunch of lurker mudpups tuning in. LOL

    *hwmnbn waves hi*

  537. anadventurer says:

    AKM: You “nailed it!”, You wrote exactly what I was feeling.

  538. booboodog says:

    Hillbillies theme is my fav for them. I don’t usually make fun of looks, but does Meg have a made-for-comedy face or what?

  539. BlueFranco says:

    Remember Lou RACIST Dobbs is a CNN star, so it makes sense they would have the Palin farewell live so they can have Obama trashers on to comment.
    That is their whole point. I bought a bottle of Grey Goose Pear to drink to celebrate..OH my bad it’s French how unpatriotic of me. I guess I am not one of those “real Amerkins” that Sarah loves so much.

  540. PollyinWA says:

    While yer waitin’, here’s a lil’ ditty fer ya’ll. Warnin’ — it’s kinda’ catchie.

  541. Glenda says:

    hwmnbn, thanks for the link. 🙂

    I seriously can’t believe that CNN has a countdown like its New Year’s Eve. Maybe Dick Clark will host the Twitten Quit’en.

  542. Kalena says:

  543. I See Villages from my House says:

    Travelling with the family at a very southern red state beachfront locale and am pleased as punch that even my red-blood-father-in-law see’s what is Alaska’s Folly, good ol Whats Her Name with the lame brain. We are toasting to her screen door exit several thousand miles away.

    Glad I packed some Homer produced wine for this!

    Yay for Alaska!

  544. pearl89 says:

    I think Hwmnbn’s is probably better. Still waiting for mine to load or maybe it’s not on yet or there are too many people trying to connect. What time is she suppose to resign?

  545. Kalena says:

    KTUU says they’ll have a live stream in about 15 min.

  546. BigPete says:

    Palin has already failed on the national stage, so her “value” depends on some semblance of popularity in Alaska. So, look forward to more “media opportunities” (handing out hot dogs to tourists) in the foreseeable future.

  547. tigerwine says:

    Oh, Lord – I’ve been waiting for this all day down here in GA!
    Time to break out the Cabernet Franc!

  548. hwmnbn says:

    Here’s the link I’m using…

  549. akmuckraker says:

    Can anyone find a live feed? 🙁

  550. Nebraska Native says:

    I can see Alaska from my house (OK, not really, but what is a lie among friends) and am toasting all the puppies with a glass of zin! I refuse to watch this as it will be shown over and over and over for the next 24 hours, and then POOF… she’s gone!

  551. psminidivapa says:

    Just poured a HUGE gin and tonic and am awaiting the word salad on CNN. Spent some of today in PA watching old SNL Tina Fey skits on the innertubes. Ahh, the good old days of Palin comedy, also, too…

  552. Bea says:

    So, at last it’s time to burn all her mixed tapes and give her old T-shirts to Goodwill. Hurrah!

    Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  553. zyggy says:

    I so love the graphic. Yep, she dumped you, she did. Either Sarah isn’t worthy of Alaska or Alaska isn’t worthy of her. hmmm, I wonder which one it is.

    Congrats Alaskan, your Governor has quit, it should be a great day for you.

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  2. […] 10 things overheard at Sarah’s farewell party. And up there in Alaska, blogger Mudflats says buh-bye now! Share this […]