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Friday, January 28, 2022

Open Thread – Quitter


Sarah Palin’s Quit Day concided with the annual Red Green River Regatta in Fairbanks. Contestants created contraptions that floated down the Chena River, and are must follow these criteria:

* Every vessel must contain at least ONE roll of duct tape in its construction.
* Each person on board all vessels must wear a USCG approved flotation device at all times.
* All vessels with children under the age of 18 must have at least one adult on board.
* No power allowed! Only floating. Vessels can have a motor; just don’t use it.
* All entrants assume responsibility for any calamity caused by their entry. Be safe.
* Removal of vessel and any debris from the vessel from the river is the responsibility of the Captain.
* All vessels must have a 50-foot docking line.
* No alcohol on board.

This awesome entry stayed parked across the river from the Governor’s Picnic all day!

[h/t to Mudflatter CW who was at the event, and to the creative and intrepid crew of the SS Quitter!  Awesome.]



263 Responses to “Open Thread – Quitter”
  1. benlomond2 says:

    …He did the right thing!! and that is said with all due respect…too bad he didn’t get it….

  2. InJuneau says:

    benlomond2–the original judge recused himself because he had thrown his hat in the ring for one of the higher judgeships that Buttercup was appointing; thought it might look bad to be overseeing the case! He didn’t get it, BTW.

  3. benlomond2 says: thread..I just checked Alaska Court Records..looks like Andree is in court on Aug 4 , in her case about e-mails against Sarah..was an interesting read of the court records for the case..change of judges, a recluse of one judge..motions to suppress (at least that’s how I read it)…Go Andree!!

  4. honestyinGov says:

    # 257
    ds55 Says:
    July 29th, 2009 at 3:49 PM

    @ antiAnti: Amazing… I’m sure it gave a “protected” message just a few minutes ago.
    I don’t know enough about Twitter to know this.. But…?
    Could you block all your tweets for an hour or so ( to send confidential messages ) and then take the block off later and resume as normal.
    Is my tin-foil hat too tight… or does all of $arah’s lies make us all too suspicious after awhile.

  5. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    woo hoo – new “fictional” book about babygate:

  6. antiAnti says:

    @ds55 – This a protected site with a similar begining
    but I think that is some one else – unrelated

  7. ds55 says:

    @ antiAnti: Amazing… I’m sure it gave a “protected” message just a few minutes ago.

  8. antiAnti says:

    Ivy Frye twitter is still open to the public

  9. ds55 says:

    Speaking of Twitter, I see Ivy Frye has closed her tweets to public view. That’s like closing the barn door after the horses have already run away.

  10. honestyinGov says:

    Story posted on the Huffpo.
    The Dems have introduced a Bill to ban ‘ aerial wolf hunting ‘.

    “To ensure that anyone following the issue didn’t miss the political element, the senators noted in the press release announcing the legislation’s introduction that it would specifically end the targeting of “wolves.” ”

    THAT didn’t take long… did it. To bad you can’t comment on Your AKGOV twitter.

  11. nswfm CA says:

    Thank you InJuneau–glad to hear it about the free speech forum. I went to the school that had the FSM, all the Reagan brouhaha, and that Joe’s Bong Hits thing was such a nothing item. Unlike inciting hate at campaign rally….oh who did stuff like making things up about pallin’ around with terrorists?

  12. InJuneau says:

    Hope folks see this here. An update on the situation in Eagle:

    (anyone else spot a familiar house? 🙂 )

  13. PepperzMom (GA) says:


    How about a countdown calendar until you head to Pittsburgh?? I know it’s coming up pretty soon.

  14. Tina in Tennessee says:

    You are welcome from the bottom of my muddy heart!

  15. Dr. Patois says:

    Oops, forgot the link.

  16. Dr. Patois says:

    Just want to make sure everyone saw the editor’s note to the KTUU story on Kris Perry and Frank Bailey resigning.

    Kris Perry resigned BEFORE $arah did.

    I find that very interesting.

  17. ds55 says:

    @ Tina in Tennessee: Thank you! 🙂

  18. justafarmer says:

    austintx @214 said:
    “justafarmer could play it real loud out in the barn to keep the varmints away.”

    true, the the chickens would also quit laying eggs and the goats’ milk would curdle.

  19. Rob in Ca says:

    For those of us who detected a little irony is Sarah’s suggestion that the media ‘quit makin’ stuff up’….

  20. Tina in Tennessee says:

    Jamie Satterfield, a reporter for The Knoxville News Sentinel, said she would post links to her David Kernell reports here in ‘the Flats’ for the benefit of those concerned.

    This will being you up to speed on this little project, in case you missed it:

    (Sorry to cause you so much trouble with too many links, AKM. I’m learning [grin])

  21. lovemydogs says:

    Anybody want to talk about healthcare?

    Good story here:

  22. London Bridges says:

    Here is a link to the Maureen Dowd “Way Too Early” interview.

  23. InJuneau says:

    nswfm CA–here’s some info on the Bong Hits case (I’ll put it in two posts so as not to get moderated):

  24. greatgrammy1 says:

    I found an answer to my question about Palin’s email hacker. According to the web site, a follow up will be posted on Fri.

  25. BahstinBoyo aka Wrangler Tractor Palin says:

    I’ll repost this link in the next ‘Open Thread’… but for those of you still here, this is beyond bizzah! I can’t stop giggling about it. I was researching the ‘Birther’ movement and came across this gem! You have to see it to believe it. At first, I thought it was all just a joke created by some like us, but then they show the ‘birth certificate’ and it gets hys-terical from there… only because I think they actaully BELIEVE this! The BEST part, however, is the Palin portion near the end, complete with a SaraPac plug! Now if the FIRST part was a joke, the SECOND part makes you go ‘hmmmm’. If it’s ALL in jest, it’s really funny! If it’s ALL sincere, we had a serious problem on our hands.

    Like I said… “Hmmmm…” Just sayin’!

  26. Jim says:

    There is no way $arah will be doing radio. Her ONLY worth is visual, no value to a radio show. She’s got a face made for TV, but a mind made for an Etch-a-Sketch…

  27. Lainey says:

    230 pvazwindy Says:
    July 29th, 2009 at 5:19 AM
    If she does radio, hope it’s call-in.
    lol…she’ll probably be just like the-sky-is-falling Beck and hang up on her callers…screaming “get off my phone!”

  28. Lainey says:

    I should have asked: did you HEAR Maureen…not see….it was a telephone interview.

  29. Lainey says:

    228 duct idaho palin Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 11:36 PM
    This is my favorite part of that Maureen Dowd article: “In her cuckoo speech in Fairbanks, Sarah warned Alaskans to “be wary of accepting government largess. It doesn’t come free.” Funny coming from a woman who charged the Alaskan taxpayers every time she worked from Wasilla.”
    Did you also see Maureen Dowd on Way Too Early?? She was terrific! I like the part when she said: palin appeals to the “bitter core of the Republican party”….I wish there was an audio…she’s very funny.

  30. BHT says:

    You can find the Sarah Palin press releases at . It’s not an official state of AK site, but does seem to have the ones I checked.

  31. greatgrammy1 says:

    Does anyone know what happened on Mon with the email hacker?

  32. the problem child says:

    God I love that picture of the boat, SS Dead Fish, going with the flow.

  33. pvazwindy says:

    If she does radio, hope it’s call-in.

  34. Terpsichore says:

    216 Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 7:25 PM

    With all the losers she has to provide jobs for, the new organization is going to be more of the Komedy Kapers we’ve come to expect from the Palin administration.
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *
    Not to mention out of money before you know it. SarahPAC had better start doing something tangible with that money or the donations will stop – as they should.

    I sure hope the people who donate to the PAC understand it is NOT her 2012 campaign fund. If they think giving the PAC what little they have in their piggy banks will get their Sarah on the ticket, they are mistaken.

    Now, it may help her decide to run (IMO bad idea), but if she does, that means she’s gonna need MORE out of your piggy bank to win.

    Too bad you were suckered into donating to the ATF and the PAC. Nothing left in the piggy bank for her campaign fund . Awwwww.

  35. duct idaho palin says:

    This is my favorite part of that Maureen Dowd article: “In her cuckoo speech in Fairbanks, Sarah warned Alaskans to “be wary of accepting government largess. It doesn’t come free.” Funny coming from a woman who charged the Alaskan taxpayers every time she worked from Wasilla.”

  36. lovemydogs says:

    This one is sooooo worth repeating in regards to Sarah on the radio (comment from wonkette);

    SayItWithWookies says at 6:05 pm, July 28th, 2009
    Is there really a market for a Sarah Palin radio show when you can achieve the same effect by stuffing yourself in the washing machine and putting it on the spin cycle?

    I am still laughing.

  37. duct idaho palin says:

    Bree Palin made a Youtube video with some of the more famous “pregnancy” photos. Here’s hoping it goes viral!

  38. anonymous says:

    Maureen Dowd concluded her July 28, 2009 New York Times column by stating that Sarah Palin is “all cage, no bird.”

    Worth reading:

  39. nswfm CA says:

    Watching the 11pm news and they just did a tease about being careful what you post on twitter because one woman is in legal hot water. There goes $P’s plan.

    On a separate note, what ever happened to the kid with the Bonghits for Jesus sign?

    I just read the cover article in the National Geo 6/09 about the Christian Exodus from the Holy Land.

    Believe it or not, it reminded me of that kid.

  40. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Kris Perry quit also too.

  41. here_in_PA says:

    “Cut and run Sarah”, Bwhahahhahhaa, my sister had called me to tell me she went to Alaska Land, the reporting was just finishing up on CNN, I told her that Scarahs speech was over and they already swore in Parnell. Hahhaa, she said “Oh, their goes a truck with a bunch of state troopers”. That must be her, then she said, “Todd’s standing over there, wonder why he stayed?? LOL, left him high and dry I guess.

  42. lexky says:

    like justafarmer im also from ky
    i would use it for the varmits around my house but im scared what it will do to the dogs….. 😉

  43. nswfm CA says:

    ds55, that’s karma for Burke saying Lyda Green was a cancer and $P laughing about it.

  44. CRFlats says:

    @nan #216 Thanks for the link. Great story. Mudflaters actually did something similar for Western Alaska Villages. Just think, if one little blog in Alaska can do that….

  45. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    This is a lovely story. It gives me hope.

    very cool story, especially when compared to what’s on Rachel Maddow right now.


  46. ds55 says:

    @ nswfm CA: You were 4 posts ahead of me with the tanning bed story! LOL!

  47. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 7:11 PM
    He should have been fired. He is the one who took part in the troopergate mess by making that phone call and I believe he was also the one who was told to get further ethics training in one of the complaints that Andree made,( due to some disturbing emails) that Palin stated was “frivolous and dismissed”.
    He’s her boy through and through. Nobody else would trust him for a split second (he’s also not too intelligent) and there is probably nowhere else for him to go except with her.

    With all the losers she has to provide jobs for, the new organization is going to be more of the Komedy Kapers we’ve come to expect from the Palin administration. Not one of them has a clue – even Angry has lost her mojo. 😉

  48. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    That’s odd. For one thing, your post is now #196 (I think lol) As for getting to Parnell’s facebook – now I don’t know *how* I got there!

    Go figure.


  49. austintx says:

    209 lexky Says:
    i cant imagine that screeching voice coming out of the radio everyday
    justafarmer could play it real loud out in the barn to keep the varmints away.

  50. EyeOnYou says:

    Aussie Blue Sky Says:
    KTVA just reported that Frank Bailey has ‘resigned’ to “pursue other opportunities”.


    He should have been fired. He is the one who took part in the troopergate mess by making that phone call and I believe he was also the one who was told to get further ethics training in one of the complaints that Andree made,( due to some disturbing emails) that Palin stated was “frivolous and dismissed”.

  51. ds55 says:

    LONDON – International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming both to be as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

    For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as “probable carcinogens.”

    Gosh, I don’t know many people who use tanning beds… Oh, wait! 🙂

  52. lexky says:

    just read at huffington that she is trying to get a radio show

    i cant imagine that screeching voice coming out of the radio everyday

  53. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    KTVA just reported that Frank Bailey has ‘resigned’ to “pursue other opportunities”.


  54. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Sorry if this was previously posted but Andrew Halcro rips Buttercup a new one! 😉

    ” And while Palin has oft cited expensive ethics complaints as one of the reasons why she is stepping down, Sunday’s Juneau Empire story written by Pat Forgey debunks that idea.

    “Those claims are contradicted by records released under the Alaska Public Records Law and interviews with administration and other sources. They show a pattern of the Palin administration using public resources and the state’s ethics laws in an effort to block and discredit both frivolous and credible charges made against the governor,” Forgey wrote.”

  55. HardHatMa says:

    While we have been distracted with Sara’s leaving, we are getting our health care ripped from us. I have copied a list of all Blue Dog Democrats who are screwing us. The list courtesy of posters at Huffington. It is especially critical if you live or have friends or family in their districts that you email them and demand that they change their vote. Also write to your regular representative and senators. I personally will be writing to each and every name on the list.

    Ross, Mike (AR-04), Chairman 1-800-223-2220,, mailto:[email protected]
    Berry, Marion (AR-01), Vice-Chairman (202) 225-4076, 1-800-866-2701, mailto:[email protected]
    mailto:[email protected]
    Griffith, Parker (AL-05) , Vice-Chairman (202) 225-4801, mailto:[email protected]
    Space, Zack (OH-18) Vice-Chairman (202) 225-6265, mailto:[email protected]
    Thompson, Mike (CA-01) (202) 225-3311, mailto:[email protected]
    Childers, Travis (MS-01) 202-225-4306 mailto:[email protected]
    Scott, David (GA-13) (202) 225-2939 mailto:[email protected]
    Pomeroy, Earl (ND) 202-225-2611 mailto:[email protected]
    Barrow, John (GA-12) (202) 225-2823 mailto:[email protected]
    Wilson, Charles (OH-06) (202) 225-5705 mailto:[email protected]
    Tanner, John (TN-08) (202) 225-4714 mailto:[email protected]
    Peterson, Collin (MN-07) (202) 225-2165 mailto:[email protected]
    Matheson, Jim (UT-02) (202) 225-3011 mailto:[email protected]
    Sanchez, Loretta (CA-47) (202) 225-2965 mailto:[email protected]
    Cooper, Jim (TN-05) 202-225-4311 mailto:[email protected]

  56. nswfm CA says:

    Study: Tanning beds can be as deadly as arsenic
    Cancer risk jumps 75 percent if ultraviolet radiation device used before 30

    A new analysis shows that tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation are definite causes of cancer.

    LONDON – International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.
    For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as “probable carcinogens.”
    How long ago did $P start using a tanning bed?

  57. austintx says:

    nswfm CA Says:

    “cut and run” sarah will be cuttin’ Todd a check if they split. He obviously knows a ton of dirt.

  58. nswfm CA says:

    From MSNBC:
    Video: Rachel Maddow reports on Sarah Palin’s farewell speech, in which she blasted the media and its compulsive obsession with the families of Alaska governors.

    After reviewing our camera tape, you can hear someone ask, “No car for Todd?” Then Todd, the former First Dude, laughs and says, “They left me.”

    How funny. Must have been in a big hurry to get the heck out of there to forget your husband.
    First Dude of Alaska now knows how all Alaskan feel. Can’t till Pall’in around Palin does it to the other 49 States. Todd better check his marriage certificate for an experation date….
    Wow! Will Sarah’s new life be “sans Todd”? How the heck could a responsible, caring spouse just up and leave without their partner?
    I’ll bet this event ending in a full-out vocal blasting at the Palin residence. Will Sarah be walking out of her marriage too? Sounds like a reality show in the making.
    “cut and run” sarah cut and ran not only from the citzens of Alaska, she cut and ran from her husband, just think if elected somewhere else(2012) then she can cut and run on everyone else but then that’s sarah “the Quitter” for ya.


  59. the problem child says:
    The pitbull releases, for more, scroll down on the right-hand sidebar.

  60. the problem child says:

    For those who may be still looking for the pitbull press releases, see facebook, not links, but full texts:

    For more rabid pitbullshit, on the right sidebar click on “‘see older notes”.

  61. Bonnie says:

    Yay SS Quitter! That’s a hoot.

  62. antiAnti says:

    @191 Nan (aka roswellborn) Says:

    Hmmm – the link I put in comment 188 takes me to palin’s facebook not parnell – maybe the tubes are getting twisted up tonight

    my route was ivy frye
    which had the link to palin’s facebook

  63. nswfm CA says:

    Re Radio show–some of the clean coments from Wonkette:
    problemwithcaring says at 5:53 pm, July 28th, 2009
    Only Sarah would consider “almost making a date with the fake-president of France” as radio experience.
    Native of SL UT says at 6:05 pm, July 28th, 2009
    Texan Bulldoggette: what she is knowledgeable enough in to carry a 2 hour radio show ….
    That is her special skill, to take a simple statement that would take you or I two minutes to convey and turn it into a run-on sentence that lasts 15 minutes and includes mentioning the troops and special needs kids and freedom and stuff.
    OK, so maybe that simple statement would take you 2 minutes.
    SayItWithWookies says at 6:05 pm, July 28th, 2009
    Is there really a market for a Sarah Palin radio show when you can achieve the same effect by stuffing yourself in the washing machine and putting it on the spin cycle?
    torera says at 8:21 pm, July 28th, 2009
    Typical. She doesn’t even get it that it’s her looks people want, not her voice or her “speeches” or her “ideas.” She’d better find some way to make her pile before she has to start feeling bad about her neck.

  64. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    I checked the link, and come to find out that this is Parnell’s facebook page (?? !!!)

    However, on that page, I saw these words under his photograph:

    “Please note: Alaska law prohibits use of state equipment or resources for campaign or partisan political purposes. Please do not post messages concerning campaign or partisan political activities.”


  65. TBNTJudy says:

    #10 Lee Says:
    “Flotation device on Sarah…….Never. Not stylish enough, and would not fit the maverick personality.”

    Bwahahahahaha! Palin…stylish? You mean like naughty red monkey shoes with a somber suit? Tacky short skirts at somber affairs? That kind of stylish? My mama is turning over in her grave… 😉

  66. justafarmer says:

    chat anyone? some of us are there!

  67. antiAnti says:

    Text of Governor Palin’s Farewell Address on facebook

    There’s also a list of links on the page that take you to the text of some of the press releases and Van Flein comments on the ethics complaints

  68. aha says:

    Whatever happened to all those emails $5000 was paid by Celtic Diva to?

    I remember her showing two or three on her website and then ”nothing”.

    What’s up with that?

  69. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    austintx (179)

    sarah can’t scrub contracts with her pipeline buddies. The ones that dumped 40k in S-Pac all on one day.


    NOW we know why Exxon… and why Exxon isn’t paying diddly for the Valdez…

    my gawd.

  70. Pepper1939 says:

    So, is she running or not?? Your guess as good as mine. Someone thinks so.

  71. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Well, if she does get a radio talk show. One thing is forsure, we all will become alcoholics trying to listen to her. But the best thing that can happen is for Shannyn to be on the radio after her. Someone have to correct the lies. I’m sure that Palin would not just be making things up! Choke…

  72. Looselips says:

    if you only hear the voice and not look at her, you would think it is Roseanne Barr

  73. InJuneau says:

    Hey, I only listen to my local public radio stations, so I’m protected! (Can’t imagine they’d EVER put a show by her on there!). SO, you let me know who the advertisers are if it happens, so I know who to boycott, okay?

  74. austintx says:


  75. austintx says:

    InJueau –
    If the radio show comes to be , we’ll just have to start a boycott on advertisers , won’t we ??

  76. austintx says:

    sarah can’t scrub contracts with her pipeline buddies. The ones that dumped 40k in S-Pac all on one day.

  77. InJuneau says:

    austintx–argh, can you imagine trying to listen to that on any kind of regular basis? My head hurts just thinking about it!

  78. InJuneau says:

    Claw Washout–AH HA, that’s what the big moving van was prob. for!

  79. austintx says:

    Well – here is one option sarah is looking at…………

    comments are funny also.too.

  80. Claw Washout Palin says:

    This scrubbing of information is probably the reason why Palin contacted, Cheney. To ask him how to destroy documents and other paper trails. She is not planning on going to jail. She probably took alot of files from her office.

  81. austintx says:

    Some of those shrimp can get pretty dang big.

  82. austintx says:

    bubbles –

    You are not going off radar , right ??

  83. InJuneau says:

    bubbles–Ooo, have a good time visiting your daughter. Aren’t you also going to be at the NYC Mudstock? We want photos! And good luck with the sphere. I checked out the webpage, and they do look like fun.

  84. CGinWI says:

    Thanks Quice, that makes perfect sense in terms of any potential libel/slander suits.

    I guess my line of thought was: Person wishes to file ethics complaint based on the then Governor using state website to publish personal attacks.
    All traces of this have disappeared from state site. No more evidence. Thus complaint dismissed as unsubstantiated.

  85. bubbles says:

    injuneau…….. i am so happy you are out and about and having fun. i am going away for a few weeks to see my daughter. when i return i will order the eco-sphere. i want to get the medium size which cost a little over $200. so i am saving for it…bubs

  86. InJuneau says:

    New thread, BTW.

  87. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    Tigerwine, CGin, Seagull & tamara–All good points, and I would be very interested to hear any account SOA may offer for removing the website material.

    It seems interesting timing if indeed only a subset of what I think are truly troublesome official releases are suddenly missing from the state website. Given the widespread dissemination and publication of those releases under the administration that issued them, I can’t see that there is anything to be gained by only removing those particular releases from the website……unless, possibly, either some plaintiff’s attorney has persuaded DOL, or perhaps some fresh eyes at DOL have considered the matter on their own initiative, that the content of those releases may be actionable. If so, taking them down wouldn’t destroy evidence: the content of the official releases would not change and remains subject to any public records request, and provable by multiple other secondary accounts/publications (or even simple printouts) from the time frame when it was posted.

    Ceasing to broadcast/publish that material (arguably a continuing harm to anyone who does sue based on the initially posted material) doesn’t destroy those records: it would leave their substance intact and available for inspection by those who seek them out as public records; ceasing to continuously re-publish them by continuing to have them on the state website could ameliorate the state’s potential liability to any successful plaintiff.

    So while I may be way off base and overly optimistic, I think this may actually be a sign that someone may actually be listening to sound legal advice–if not necessarily because it’s the right thing to do, then at least because it’s the legally more defensible course for the future if the content appears actionable. Damages would only go up for as long as it continues to be published on a website.

    The principle is similar to, say, a newspaper publishing an actionable op-ed piece that appears to defame someone: pulling that from the newspaper’s website after the fact of publication doesn’t destroy the evidence of the cause of action or negate the cause of action, but could potentially reduce the damages a plaintiff could receive in a slander suit. Continuing to post it on the website also could exacerbate damages.

  88. ds55 says:

    Judging by the impulsive (libelous, defamatory, whacked-out) nature of SP’s Twitter messages, no doubt her emails will be damaging.

  89. InJuneau says:

    austintx and bubbles–playing soccer, scouting hike (for what we won’t discuss), more soccer; resulted in being away from the ‘puter for DAYS (and I’ll never catch up at this rate 🙁 ). Oh yeah, and shouting “YEA!” every time the NPR folks said Buttercup was no longer gov. of my state!

    bubbles–have you gotten yourself an Eco-sphere yet?

  90. bubbles says:

    austin very glad for mr. ray. he deserves the award

  91. London Bridges says:

    An article on Sarah’s and other politicians religion:

  92. Moose Pucky says:

    @Say No to Palin in Politics Comment #33

    Those Arctic Images are astounding!

  93. pvazwindy says:

    Has the national democratic party offered any assistance to the AK democratic party? Any legal advise, or moved operatives up there. I just don’t understand all this stonewalling, and they’re getting away with it. Or so it seems.

  94. ez.pz. says:

    Wow! Thank you all for taking the time to reply.

    I will never agree with with the idea of a “god” of any sort, nor with any religion; but, if you choose to believe in a god or to practise a religion, that’s entirely up to you. If your neighbour or friend behaves in a way which makes you want to share in this belief structure, then OK. I believe that, by doing so, are abdicating responsibility for making your own decisions, that you are seriously deluding youself and stunting your intellectual and emotional development, but I COMPLETELY AGREE with your right to think that way.

    However, for the same reasons, I don’t think religion has any place in government. Look around you at your politicians’ religious beliefs. For example (although a few years out of date, now) see:

    Almost 100% of your president, vice presidents, governors, and supreme court judges have a religious affiliation.

    You cannot imagine how sad a statement that is, for someone like me. What sort of decisions can your politicians be making, when they believe in a 2,000-year-old fairytale? What on earth do the Russians and Chinese make of it? I am sure they must be laughing all the way to the bank (quite literally, these days).

    I will NEVER agree with children being baptised into churches, being educated in religion, being brainwashed! I will NEVER agree with proselytising (trying to convert non-believers)!

    I have NO DOUBT that the majority of christian/faith based aid-organisations are set up with the aim of proselytising and gaining converts – particularly among the young, the inadequate, the poor. They may not state this openly (and there may be rare exceptions to this general rule) but they go out into the world to convert people. There is NO other reason!

    Opening the doors of government to these organisations, giving tax-exemptions for “churches”, faith-based intitiatives etc.- these are all aiding and abetting the perpetuation of of a DIVISIVE myth. Yesterday, Parnell threw open his doors to the perpetuation of this nonsense. What a sad, sad day. Business as usual 🙁

    Look at the world. Where are there religions living in harmony? Where are christians practising “love thy neighbour” towards ALL men, including members of other religions? There’s precious little of that going on. (Ok, I accept there are exceptions at the micro-level), but at a national- or global-level?

    Throw away the bibles. Throw away the holy books. Throw away the dogma. Throw away the idea of a “god”. These are all DIVISIVE, not INCLUSIVE concepts!

    Practise “love thy neighbour” in everything you do and you will be a perfect christian. Easy peasy. Simple as that. All the rest is superstition and myth, designed to control and divide people, and to raise money.

    The only heaven I want to enter will be full of people who don’t believe it exists! 🙂


  95. Moose Pucky says:

    Photo of the “Quitter” is priceless. Tip O’ the Antlers.

  96. lyn says:

    Patti Higgins had some very interesting comments about the emails. Please don’t miss The Ed Show on MSNBC.

  97. KaJo says:

    Still lookin’ around for the Quitter’s new Twitter…

    But while I’m huntin’ and sneakin’ around amongst Palin/C4P/Alaskans-for-SP Twitter sites, I found this, which is rather amusing. I wonder if there’s one for Canadian-Men-For-Palin, or French-Men-For-Palin:

    And this one seems to be about one of those C4P Twitters who tweets when she goes to the bathroom, when she showers, when she flushes, when she brushes her teeth, when she eats her cereal, when she goes back to bed to sleep in, when she …. and on and on, ad nauseum.

    Kristan Cole got all excited and Twittered everybody, including the C4P faithful, this (I read it at the C4P Twitter site): Excited to speak on Chris Mathews Hardball tonight about Sarah Palin–I know everyday Americans like me have hope in this great leader. 7:14 AM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry

    I was wonder, is this girl delusional, like her boss? I watched Hardball, and she wasn’t on it…then I clicked on Cole’s own Twitter page: Oh well. Hardball cancelled. They’re not interested in talking about the Guv’s next moves. Too bad. 9:16 AM Jul 27th from TwitterBerry

    Awwwww. The disappointment is PALPABLE.

    This is fun.

    Oh, one more thing — there’s news amongst the blogs that the AK administration has scrubbed Palin’s personal stuff from the AK state website. No kidding! When I scrolled farther down Kristan Cole’s Twitter page, I saw this: RT @AKGovSarahPalin: Beautiful babies like Trig, & others like him, add a special quality to our world. Here’s Trig: 12:10 PM Jun 25th from TweetDeck

    so I clicked on the link.

    There was nothing at the URL, which was redirected to

    Just this message: No valid image found for that id

    So, the First Dude’s page is gone; the baby’s birth announcement page, including that s-t-r-a-n-g-e picture, is gone; pictures of Palin are gone…

    I presume SOME of them are archived. But who knows where?

  98. anon blogger says:

    On Ed Schultz show, Alaska Democratic Party Patti Higgins said they requested all of Palin’s emails under the FOIA. The law says within 10 business days; it was 8 months in April. They have been told it will cost them $450,000 and climbing. They were told four attorneys are working on it full time. The emails are from the official site, not the Blackberry. She said that a guy in California received a few emails that were redacted and some were redone. She thinks that they are trying something. She estimated that each email was taking five hours for attorneys to review.

    It ain’t over……….

  99. tamara says:

    Quince #141

    “It would create an interesting bind for the state: if they are public records, they have to be maintained for public inspection. But if they are also defamatory, then keeping them readily publicly accessible could be argued to comprise continuing libel, thus potentially subjecting the state to having to disgorge greater damages to any successful plaintiff.

    Interesting dilemma for the state’s legal counsel, isn’t it?”
    Very good point.
    Nevertheless, it would be interesting to see what the SOA has for an answer to e-mails questionning the scrapping.

  100. CGinWI says:

    If the press releases “shouldn’t” have been on the official website (because they were in some way illegal), then doesn’t scubbing them constitute destruction of evidence? Also illegal?

  101. austintx says:

    Hey bubbles………Paul Ray gettin’ inducted into The Texas Radio Hall of Fame.
    Of course , that’s no big surprise for you and me.

  102. Looselips says:

    they are coming out of the woodwork finally. these emails have been under request for more than 8 months

  103. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Thanks Quince! I think that the new AG has had his hands full. Had probably advised $P more than we can imagine about all she did that was questionable.

  104. wayney says:

    oh wynsplc!! Good observation about the ring being on the hand that you don’t shake with ..although isnt she left handed? who knows
    I just remember during the campaign her saying that is why she didn’t wear her ring..
    Something tells me when her and dud have a fight she throws her ring across the room..

  105. ds55 says:

    Ed Schultz on MSNBC is talking live to Patti Higgins, AK Dem Party Chair about release of emails that have been requested.

  106. tigerwine says:

    Quince #141 Interesting dilemma for the state’s legal counsel, isn’t it?

    What legal counsel – I sure haven’t seen anything of what I’d call legal counsel. Who comprises the “legal counsel”? They sure haven’t been earning their pay!

  107. bubbles says:

    hey austin, i miss injuneau also. she is probably resting herself. bless her and the sisters. it has been a long hard year…b

  108. Marnie says:

    A hearty [yeah] Mudflatter salute the awesome entry and its awesome entrants.

    I know it won’t happen ’cause the Repugs will ban them, but wouldn’t be too fun if Quitter signs followed Sarah around the country.

  109. anon blogger says:

    Ed Schultz saying Palin has some unfinished business about emails coming up next.

  110. curiouser says:

    not one cheer – Cheers!

  111. curiouser says:

    Cheer, CW! Love the photo!
    “This awesome entry stayed parked across the river from the Governor’s Picnic all day!”

    So, the Quitter quit the race. They had no choice, it being a floating race and coxswain Palin knowing only dead fish go with the flow. Perfect!

  112. austintx says:

    InJuneau –

    Where ya been ??

  113. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    Arghh: and a rogue apostrophe in the “its”……I promise I will proofread from now on, my fellow mudpups.

  114. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    Sorry: that should have read “it’s the fact of dissemination…that counts”

  115. Madcity Chick says:

    Huff Post – Sarah may be seeking radio deal – sounds perfect for her – she can talk on the radio from home and get paid.

  116. Quince Squibb Underpinnings says:

    Those who know me may scoff at the idea of me advising some deep breaths on the scrubbing issue, but I’ll try to summarize:

    Yes, I agree that the more screen captures, the better, and IMO these releases all clearly should be maintained as public records…..but, let’s think about some interesting possibilities.

    First, one should not worry about this creating a hearsay issue for possible defamation plaintiffs, for a number of different reasons, but starting with the threshhold one that a hearsay objection would not apply to the subject matter of a defamation claim: by definition, a libel/slander plaintiff is alleging that the material disseminated was not true. A hearsay objection (and there are oodles of exceptions to the hearsay rule anyway) is only validly made as to out-of-court statements offered for the truth of the matter asserted. Defamatory material is alleged to be untrue, and it’s the fact of defamation (and resulting damage to reputation, etc.) that counts; as it is not offered for its truth, it’s not subject to a hearsay objection.

    What makes me very curious is the thought that the state government may have percieved a problem of it’s own former chief executive office’s making: just hypothetically, what if a new executive office has been apprised that these are defamatory official releases (and therefore public records)?

    It would create an interesting bind for the state: if they are public records, they have to be maintained for public inspection. But if they are also defamatory, then keeping them readily publicly accessible could be argued to comprise continuing libel, thus potentially subjecting the state to having to disgorge greater damages to any successful plaintiff.

    Interesting dilemma for the state’s legal counsel, isn’t it?

  117. InJuneau says:

    Polly–except that she really never lived here, so it was more like the unwanted relatives who overstayed their welcome on vacation!

  118. strangelet says:

    ez.pz: As one who was not educated by Jesuits, and who is not very religious anymore, I still have to say that:

    “There is NO place for churches/christian/religious organisations in government offices! NOT EVER! ”

    is a pretty extreme reading of the Separation Clause and its legal derivatives.

    Certainly, representatives of religious organizations must have as much right to be physically present in government offices as any other citizens.

    My understanding of the separation of Church and State is that no “church” is to have direct influence over any governmental entity, and vice versa. I believe it would be wholly impractical to suggest that they must have no contact whatsoever, given that the vast majority of Americans, and American politicians, are religious believers of some sort.

    You may be correct that the Monday influx of religiosos was “there in order to “fight the good fight” from the very start”. Almost certainly, most of them were there at least in part for the publicity, since they could have prayed for the new Governor just as effectively at home. But all US politicians accept the prayers of their religious constituents, often without ill effect on their ability to govern.

    The First Amendment says (among other things) that people are allowed to be religious, but the government is not allowed to be religious. By all means, keep an eye on Parnell, but if the worst he does is allow people to pray on state property, I wouldn’t get too upset.

  119. honestyinGov says:

    About my # 131 post on the ADN…

    Just after I hit submit…. about the ADN Archives and showing a timeframe I realized that their stories ( or most of them ) when she made on of these ‘ statements ‘ the ADN story would use her statement and quotes it as a basis for what they wrote. And they provided additional commentary.

    The ADN stories should have her quotes/comments in the stories
    ‘ as a quote ‘. You can screenshot or save the ADN stories as proof that she made those statements. Get to them before ADN can start ‘ scrubbing ‘.

  120. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    (((( lovemydogs )))
    Exactly. Help is help. And it’s foolish to turn good help down. (Getting preached at does not fit my definition of “good help.”)

    I had to reread “Irish Jesuits” and now I have a much better idea of where you’re coming from. I do understand, and can’t say I blame you.
    However, there really are some faiths that simply want to help their neighbor. And, y’work with what you’ve got, really.

    I may have the pdf of that letter (my atty says) – I just have to remember what that particular rant was about (AFT?)

    Why not do a screen capture on the twitter acct? I’ll go find what I’ve got here

  121. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    BuffaloGal…….I think it all started mid-June, do a Mudflats search on letterman

  122. BuffaloGal says:

    Could anyone here that followed the twitter press releases, jump up to chat with me for a few minutes ? it’s 5:44 EST. Thanks!

  123. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    I thought I would share this trip down memory lane – an e-mail exchange between Sean Parnell and then Gov. Palin (Sept. 2008). This is from the leaked e-mails at the time Palin’s yahoo email account was hacked. My summary of the exchange is that Palin put Parnell (who was running for another office) in am embarrassing spot – Parnell having to defend Palin’s increase of taxes (ACES) on oil firms, while Parnell was campaigning with an opposite message (of no higher taxes). The interesting part is Palin’s response (how it does not matter, what matters is LIFE ). The e-mail exchange was a result of Parnell being called out by Dan Fagan on Dan’s radio show.
    Good read, IMO – as it provides a glimpse of Parnell and Palin’s personalities/relationship:

  124. HamletsMill says:


    Sunday, August 16th, 1PM – Pittsburgh, PA

    Please see the entire thread for the LATEST INFORMATION UPDATE: and to send an RSVP

    Some people are looking to share their rides or share their hotel room with other Mudpuppies!,7283.msg75900.html#msg75900

    We are now at 23 RSVP’s so far from South Carolina, North Carolina, Michigan, Missouri, New York, California, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, and, of course, the TWO SPECIAL GUESTS from Alaska – AKM and Shannyn Moore!


  125. Madeline says:

    Check out the Celtic Diva site, looks like the new administration is trying to pull a fast one by deleting a ton of information off the state governor’s website, Palin’s press releases, etc.

  126. honestyinGov says:

    #123 BuffaloGal Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 1:07 PM

    Quick question ! Can anyone give me a basic time frame for the “desecrated photo” craziness and also the Letterman schtuff? I’m trying to get efficiently through this twit bog but my gawd, there are so many and it’s so freakin’ hot here that I’m beginning to talk to myself. Help! ( and thanks!) I want to get this out to the press gal before she leaves today (and before someone decides to delete the twitter account!)
    I would think that if you go to the ADN archives there will be stories that they have posted because they covered the story… in HER favor of course.

    It should give you an exact date ‘ timeline ‘ though.

  127. wynsplc says:

    Someone posted about Sarah not wearing her wedding ring because after shaking thousands of hands it might start to hurt (i.e., getting hand squeezed to tightly)… wedding ring worn on left hand, you shake hands with the right hand. Just a thought.

  128. lyn says:

    Chris Matthews, MSNBC, talks about $arah with Pat Buchanan and Tom Defrank.

    Also shows Late Nite footage.

  129. ds55 says:

    @ BuffaloGal: June 25th was desecrated iconic photoshopped crazy time.

  130. lovemydogs says:

    buffalogal: The Grimes thing was June 6-8. The other stuff was probably a bit earlier. AKMs archives should have it all. I have dialup (waaaaaay too sloooooow).

  131. lovemydogs says:

    Buffalogal: It is only 1:30 up here. You have some time.

  132. Polly says:

    @ezpz:- I am most definitely opposed to religion being mixed with government too. double too and bunches of alsos. What I was pointing out was in regard to why Parnell is listening to the church groups in FBKs, is this liasion started as an Executive Order by Bush. So the collaboration was/is already set-up and ongoing.

    George Bush proclaimed the Executive Order in 2001read here:

    President Oama. amended in February 2009

  133. lovemydogs says:


    mid to end of June.

  134. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’m still on vacation and way behind reading threads or articles. Can someone help me out with this question from Laz @ OMFGAlaska? The blog link was posted earlier in this thread. Thanks Laz, I enjoyed your blog!

    I also agree with Laz about the AG and Lt. Gov not being called by official titles until they are actually confirmed and that every action before the confirmation should be scrutinized and the interim title should be used in all paperwork. I think the legislature should address this “title issue” next session. Excellent point Laz.

    he asks this question……..

    “By the way, does anyone know if Campbell has resigned his commission with both the Air Force and Alaska National Guard yet? If not, the moment he took the oath of office he was in contraversion of official federal military policy.”

    “Oh and by the way, I don’t care what Bill McAllister calls them — until confirmation Daniel S. Sullivan is “acting or interim Attorney General” and state officials should be required by law to call him that every time they say anything about him. Same with Campbell. He is “acting or interim Lt. Governor” until confirmed as required by Alaskan constitution law. All official documents must reflect this as well. Even the ones online, Bill. It twists my nipples as a citizen of Alaska to hear these guys being referred to by the official titles of the positions they would assume AFTER confirmation. It isn’t a done deal yet and in my opinion it ought to be illegal to play them off as being official until the “fat legislature sings”. Period.”

  135. BuffaloGal says:

    Quick question ! Can anyone give me a basic time frame for the “desecrated photo” craziness and also the Letterman schtuff? I’m trying to get efficiently through this twit bog but my gawd, there are so many and it’s so freakin’ hot here that I’m beginning to talk to myself. Help! ( and thanks!) I want to get this out to the press gal before she leaves today (and before someone decides to delete the twitter account!)

  136. weRpennst8 says:

    oh for heavens sake,
    Chris Matthews is talking about Sarah again. He keeps showing clips from her terrible quitter speech. Why can’t he just let her go away?

  137. Jackie says:

    @ez.pz. #111 – I so agree with you! My oldest daughter says that she goes to the same church as Parnell – my oldest daughter thinks he and Palin are great – needless to say I do not talk politics or religion with her…

  138. Fern says:

    118 BuffaloGal Says:

    Hoo boy – those are interesting questions.

    The woman does really not do boundaries well, does she?

  139. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Things sometimes take a while to come up on

    I’m cautiously optimistic about Parnell. He did state he was keeping the existing cabinet etc, but it’s early days yet. The State website is far more reflective of what an official website should be, compared to what was.

    Right now, with Bush having pushed this forward, faith-based may be better set up for helping than underfunded bureaucracy. And, faith-based does not have to be like the bunch in rural AK with their Bible boxes. There are the Mennonites, working like crazy (don’t know a thing about ’em beyond that). I understand there are others too, I just don’t know who all is there.

    Catholic Charities don’t care what brand your faith is, just that your kids get fed. Clothed too, if need be. I say that from personal experience. They do not try to convert, they do not force prayer, they did not even suggest “let’s pray about this.” They just brought some needed items and food for a week if I was careful (ish).

    Just my 2 cents.

  140. BuffaloGal says:

    I’m putting together an email of the twittered press releases with the dates. Quick question tho – if she twittered a link to a press release like this one:

    To see full text of the letter from my attorney on baseless allegations of past 24hrs check

    That links to something NOT on the SOA site but that has to do with her official capacity , does that twitter constitute official business and an offical “record” ? Should that be available to constituents somewhere other than on twitter ?

  141. lovemydogs says:


    I agree with you. I truely believe that there is no place for religion in state business. I also agree that “Faith based Initiatives” do not come free.

    However, there are a lot of faith based organizations doing very good work up here (note the Mennonites in Eagle). I sincerely hope that they are not pushing their religion on anyone while doing their good works.

    There aren’t that many people up here period. And taking care of disasters is going to require all of us to help (as mudpups well know).

    As long as no one hands me a bible or preaches to me, I will work side by side with them. The minute it becomes a bargain that requires that I, or anyone else, submit to being preached at, I am done.

    In other words-show up, full stop. Do NOT show up with a plate of cookies and a preacher unless you are willing to pick up a hammer and keep your religion to yourself.

    Rant over.

  142. Ebbtide says:

    what’s even funnier about the idiotic comment about “Curick” asking that gotcha question is that it was actually Charlie Gibson who asked about the Bush Doctrine (in what respect, Charlie?)

  143. lazarhat says:


    they’ve scrubbed all her negative press releases from the official SOA website, including apparently the archives… this is blatant destruction of public records folks. Read why it’s important at the link above… I’d explain more but it is a complicated story.


  144. Wurzelhexli says:

    Well, her twitter account has several of the press release dates, so it should be easy to check. None of those dates have the correct links… they all come up to the Parnell screen.

  145. BuffaloGal says:

    ds55 – well this poor thing over at the press office seemed either entirely confused or a little worried. i mentioned that i’m looking for the press releases of the past month or so about ethics complaints and the one about Trig (but wasn’t sure if that one had come out of the gov. office) and she was insistent that her office hadn’t issued them.

    I’m putting together a list for her right now of the ones I can find.

    (i just love the idea of “operatives”. reminds me of the shows , “Alias ” or “MI-5”)

  146. lovemydogs says:


    Hard to believe, eh?

    Some kind of public servant she was…NOT

  147. ez.pz. says:

    87 @Polly
    89 @Lori

    Sorry, but, as someone who was educated by Irish Jesuits, you must forgive me if I respectfully disagree.

    Of course, there must be individuals who quietly “live the life” by example, and expect nothing in return. People of all religions. But, in my experience, they are very few and far between. And I’m old; old enough to be able to analyse and understand and learn from my many experiences.

    I am quite sure there cannot have been many of that sort of christian in the group meeting with Parnell on his first morning. in office.

    There is NO place for churches/christian/religious organisations in government offices! NOT EVER!

    By allowing them in, you simply allow them to perpetuate their nonsense. And, unfortunately, they DO want to recruit people. I’m sure you must agree with that. It’s part of the package.

    The Jesuit maxim “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man” was quoted and corrupted, in my day, to “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you a catholic for the rest of his life”. The catholics are way out in front in terms of spreading their poison.

    With the greatest respect for whatever you believe, I have no doubt whatsoever that the organisations in the Governor’ office on his first day were there in order to “fight the good fight” from the very start- nothing more!

    The real christians were quietly working, or at home, living the life.

  148. Polly says:

    nswfm CA – yikes, so Palin really took the Governor job, as just a Title – literally.

  149. nswfm CA says:

    from Andrew Halcrow’s blog today:

    Towards the end of the 2006 gubernatorial campaign, my wife and I were with Palin at one of the many campaign functions. Palin joked that she had told her brother she’d be thankful when the campaign was over because the hard work will be done. Her brother replied that when the campaign is over, the hard work will just be starting.
    No sh!t, Sherlock! She never even realized she had to do work as the Gov.

  150. ds55 says:

    @ BuffaloGal: I wonder if SP’s operatives are scrubbing incriminating evidence from the interwebs.

  151. booboodog says:

    you are so funny. My sister is going to look into what I can do from here, so not to worry. Have a good trip (it is you going up there, I assume).
    re crflats comment – yes I am going to take a short vacation, too – I am Palined-out! Maybe there should be a proclaimed holiday. Meanwhile, I’ll dust off my laser gun…

  152. BuffaloGal says:

    Ok – just called over to the Juneau press office and was told that all press releases that had been released through the Governor’s office and that were listed previously on the Gov. site should be reflecting in the archives. If we know of a date or a time frame of a press release that is not there, the press office should be notified with the date and the press release title or basic info. (907) 465-3500

  153. ds55 says:

    Sacha Baron Cohen and Eminem at the MTV Movie Awards.

    I’m just sayin’…

  154. ds55 says:

    Contrast & compare Ricky Berens split swimsuit.

    Sacha Baron Cohen and Eminem at the MTV Movie Awards.

  155. ds55 says:

    Contrast & compare Ricky Berens split swimsuit.

    Sacha Baron Cohen and Eminem at the MTV Movie Awards.

    I’m just sayin’…

  156. Paula says:

    I’m with ez.pz -Nip this sucka in the bud on day one.

    Loved the moveon ad. Hehohahum!

    So, is she floating around on that yacht, drinking booze, saying her fav wor”d HE double toothpicks”, and smoozing with the richies? Like a regular Joe?

  157. honestyinGov says:

    Huffpo has a story up on the Sotomayer vote this morning.
    Al Franken let them have it.

    “Al Franken spewed fire and Amy Klobuchar threw brimstone this morning at the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote on Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Minnesotans joined 10 other Democrats and one Republican in approving the nominee, but not before Franken raked the current Court and Klobuchar decried bias against women on the bench (video).”

  158. BuffaloGal says:

    Wurzelhexli and Terpsichore – ok, good points. I suppose even though they were her own rants, as she made them on an official state site, they should stay if there’s a rule about website archives. Maybe there’s a gray area when it comes to the website? Maybe the info is available somewhere officially but doesn’t necessarily have to be available on the site ? Is there a way of finding out the rules on that ?

    Re: church based initiatives – I can see how it can get out of hand but the concept of it is a good one, imo. It’s just so tricky to keep it in check when you start mixing it with government, especially when dealing with organizations such as the one Palin belongs to. Does anyone know what church Parnell attends and where he attended previous to his current ?

    I have other thoughts but it’s so hot that they’re melting and running in to each other.

  159. Terpsichore says:

    I should amend, they CAN be removed from the website, but the easiest and cheapest and most efficient and ‘will waste less time and your taxpayer money’ would be to keep them available to search in an archive on the Gov. website, somewhere, so they SHOULDN’T be.

    But before we overreact, perhaps let’s wait and see whether that’s what the gov. site webmasters and mistresses have been told to do and just simply haven’t had time to get it all done yet.

    And even if they are not made available on the website, they cannot be withheld if requested.

    Again, any person wishing to avoid part of what supposedly made SP quit would welcome these releases remaining available to search at the gov. website. Let’s hope that is what is planned.

  160. nswfm CA says:

    I hope all those people were praying that Sean Parnell doesn’t turn out to be Gov Iquitarod’s hand puppet. Not that I think prayer is gonna help this guy, but whatever.

  161. pacos_gal says:

    #69 problem child, I just checked the way back machine link and amazing, but it displays nothing for 2008 or 2009.
    Scrubbed indeed.

  162. greatgrammy1 says:

    What about the email hacker? I thought yesterday was a deadline for the defendant’s attorney to present his request for information. any news?

  163. Suchanut says:

    ez.pz. – Yesterday Governor Parnell also talked about education, domestic violence and rural village issues. I’m taking a wait and see approach.

    Andrew has a new article up if anyone hasn’t seen it.

  164. austintx says:

    New magazine just hit the stands……….

  165. Polly says:

    The press releases are sent to newspapers, so maybe the newspapers have them archived. (?!)

    Cleaning them out on the state website isn’t new to change of administration. I won an award years ago (with others in the state) and my name was on a press release. I wanted a copy, but couldn’t find it anymore, after the change of administration. The state may have that stuff archived, but not via website.

  166. lovemydogs says:


    Yes: if you are in Alaska was a hat tip to you.

    Re CRFlats comment:
    One doesn’t need to be a native to feel the same way. It as if we have been living in an alternate reality. I want to scream at that people who “love her” but I have wanted to scream even more at the media that ONLY chooses to show those who “love her”. This has been one of my few refuges from that. I have often felt beaten down by this and found myself walking around wondering “why do I live here?”. For today–I want to take a break and say thank god she is gone. Give me just a little time to recoup and recover. Then we can take up the banner against whatever is still waiting for us in the new governor’s office. He is still red. Many of the problems that we deal with up here are not new. I would like to give him a little of the benefit of the doubt that he will “grow a pair” or at least try. His feet will probably be getting warm very soon, as will those of our state legislators. My lasers are also pointed at our national representatives.

  167. BooBooBear says:

    ds55……Remember the talk about Sarah and Todd having filed divorce papers right before she was tapped for the VP candidate and then when that happened they put it on ice and had the papers sealed? Wish I had saved that information as I don’t remember now where I saw it.

    Is it true she is on Murdock’s yacht?

  168. trisha says:

    New bumper sticker:

    Palin 2012……for the troops.

  169. trisha says:

    I hope you all were screen saving some of her “official” attacks on bloggers,etc.

  170. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    ez.pc: Separation of Church and State is a very improtant issue for me. Theopalinism is one of my favorite sites. That said, my answer is yes – I AM going to give Parnell a “pass on this.” President Obama had Rick Warren pray at his Inauguration – was I happy about it? NO. But praying at the White House and at Government meetings has been going on since the beginning of our Country. While I do not condone it, I do not see it as a BIG issue in our quest to keep religion out of our law-making. As for the faith-based communities assisting with feeding the poor and helping the needy – I am fine with that. I believe that this is exactly what Jesus preached, and I am happy to see it. What frosts me is when there are strings, i.e. forcing the bible (and their beliefs) down the throats of the people they are helping. Sans that, I hope that Parnell DOES encourage the Chruches to help their fellow citizens. It is WJWD.

  171. KJ in NC says:

    What is up with the Alaska Fund Trust? I was just there and stopped at my name, etc., when donating. It seems to be functioning perfectly.

    She has not been governor for two days now. I apologize if someone has addressed this already and I missed it. Thanks.

  172. Polly says:

    FYI- Bush started the Faith-Based Initiative that was a national program. I don’t know where it stands today, but it encouraged churches to get involved and in creating social programs. In Anchorage, Catholic Social Services runs shelters for teenage runaways, and homeless shelters for example. CSS provides a lot of services. They do a good job, and don’t make people become Catholics. (smile)

  173. akgradstudent says:

    With all of Palin’s crying over wasting tax-payer money, it’s nice to see that she allowed herself 3 going away parties. If she were truly concerned about fiscal responsibility, and getting herself and kids out of the spotlight she would have quietly transfered power and that would have been it. But, then again we all know that’s not what it’s about.

  174. Terpsichore says:

    68 BuffaloGal Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 11:45 AM
    Would the Alaska Gov site necessarily hold on to her old press releases and announcements ? I was thinking that if they kept any of them they’d only hold on to those that were distinctly connected to Alaska business.
    * ** * * ** * ** *
    I would expect that since all press releases are de facto public records, that they must be kept and made available for people to see at will.

    I would also expect that there would be no huge pricetag attached. You could probably request all press releases since she became governor, in electronic form, and it could be e-mailed to you or copied to a CD very quickly and easily and cheaply.

    By all means, everyone who knows how, keep grabbing screen shots of whatever you can.

    But they were released to the press, they are public information. They can be removed from the website but not from public record.

  175. trisha says:

    Let’s see, Palin says bloggers are losers sitting in their parents basements. Hmmm, but she loves to Twitter.

    If bloggers are losers…….
    What does that make those who twitter?

    quitter twitter?

  176. Wurzelhexli says:

    #73 Fern Says:

    “I don’t understand what the problem is – surely all that stuff should not have been up on the website in the first place? All that’s left is official press releases about govt programs etc. which seems just fine to me.”

    Well, you are correct – it ‘should not have been’ – BUT IT WAS.

    And as such, it were ‘official’ records, that got scrubbed!

  177. blue moose says:

    look’s like a great time in Fairbanks!! And Sean Parnell is a JOKE also!

  178. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Okay folks, let Parnel get his first ethics complaint. How can the State of Alaska website be “scrubbed” of public information? poof gone. Scarah’s press releases about her ethics complaints are gone. Isn’t information that is “officially posted” on the state site supposed to be archived? come on, this is too weird already! He can’t do that.

  179. ez.pz. says:

    48 @Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    “Parnell met with about 60 ministers and staff from the Fairbanks faith community on Monday morning. He said the group requested the meeting and wanted to pray for him and for Alaska. They also talked with the new governor about Parnell’s goal of linking nonprofit and faith-based resources with state needs.

    “I will bring whatever private resources to the table I can, including the faith-based community, to meet the very real human needs around us,” Parnell said. “I think you saw it with respect to the food aid that was delivered this winter, I think you’re seeing it in the foster care arena — whatever it takes.

    Aw, come on guys… Are you going to let him away with this? First day in office, and he’s already p1ssing around with the crazies!! Aren’t you going to call him out on this?

    There is a SEPARATION CHURCH AND STATE, remember that? There should be NO exceptions! If he is allowed to get away with this ON DAY ONE, then what is the point of any comment? What is the point of having a forum?

    This is only different from Palin’s Seven Mountains/Joel’s Army CR*P in terms of degree. It’s less extreme CR*P, but it’s still CR*P.

    Every time he, or any other politician, is allowed to pander to these self-seeking fools, then your democracy dies another little bit!

    Every time you LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT, then your democracy dies another little bit!


    They do it in order to create “rice-christians”; they do it in order to create new generations of brainwashed children; they do it in order to peddle the idiotic notions contained in a bronze-age book which has NO place in modern society; they do it in the expectation of corrupting fresh, innocent minds.

    Does Parnell seriously just get a “pass” on this? On day one? Sheesh! What are you thinking?

    Even if you are a practising christian; even if you are a totally commited christian; regardless of how strongly you believe, you should be protesting from the rooftops about this!


    And on day one he’s being given a “pass”? UnF*CKINGbelievable!

  180. mlaiuppa says:

    Does Palin still believe she can make her blogger attacks go away as if they never happened just by taking them off the website? Does she really think no one did any screen captures of them? That there are no archives somewhere?

    Sorry, forgot for a minute we were talking about Palin.

    What a twit.

  181. tamara says:

    I resent (and much more) that paternalistic image in her speach comparing Alaskans to helpless cubs who don’t know better, and mamabear is there to show them the way.
    It isn’t the first time she mentions that, same in her state of the state blah. Various dictators, from left to right extremists, used that same type of image, and I find it very revealing of her idea of leadership.

    Please make sure you never vote for any politician who includes that in a speach.

  182. SS says:

    I am curious if Sarah Palin is the one who deleted the stuff off the state website. Wasn’t she the one who was managing it? Does she still have access to it?

  183. booboodog says:

    I wish there were more polls taken among the Alaskan natives, I think, as usual, they have been the forgotten Alaskans. Broken promises by Palin(and it sounds like a few previous administrations, also). They seem to be selective polling, I guess, because I don’t know anybody up there with brains who didn’t see through her. I wish you luck, crflats, with the new guy. Remember that the great Alaskan bloggers aren’t quitting and will keep on cleaning political house for you all up there!

  184. Polly says:

    Juneau residents probably feel like their ungrateful relatives just moved out of the house. They can breathe again. Feng shui for Parnell. Hope Parnell is easier to work with and gets things going forward again.

  185. Barack Like Me says:

    The rules say “No power allowed. Only floating.” So, shouldn’t the boat be named “The Dead Fish”?

  186. KaJo says:

    Calm down, everybody, about the wedding ring(s).

    I can’t fault anyone who works with machinery (Todd), works on a fishing skiff (Todd and Sarah), or shakes hands with thousands of worshipers for 3 days in a row (Sarah) to not wear their wedding rings for a while.

    I’ll bet she’s back to wearing it when she poses for photo ops at that Reagan Library fest. You KNOW that the media will be hovering nearby, even though the only one who’ll probably get to watch/listen/record is John Ziegler.

  187. Martha says:

    Form Celtic Divas’s site:

    Let the cover-up commence… Palin’s vitriol on official site VANISHES! (+)
    by: lazarhat
    Tue Jul 28, 2009 at 10:42:45 AM AKDT

    I knew this would happen and it demands action now! I am personally calling the “new” administration with statutes in hand to ask them why they appear to have scrubbed the entire archive of press releases by ex-governor Palin from the state governor’s website. Yes you read that correctly. All the tantrums, all the veiled threats, all the quotes from Nitzche threatening bloggers — gone.

    This is definitely a story I’m going to be following up on at my blog OMFGAK… I’m just throwing it out there NOW so ALL the progressive Alaskan bloggers are aware of it and can move quickly to expose this apparent cover-up in the making. I assert that as public records this action is an illegal one designed to destroy archival public information. It appears at this point that is exactly what they have done!

    I’m hyperventilating… having a Maddow moment about this so somebody PLEASE “talk me down!” because this is serious shit. Try clicking on any bookmarks from her press releases. They all go to the root of the new governor’s site. That’s what is known as “scrubbing”… if we act quickly perhaps we can catch them in the act of this destruction through Google Cache browsing.


  188. Fern says:

    60 Wurzelhexli Says

    I don’t understand what the problem is – surely all that stuff should not have been up on the website in the first place? All that’s left is official press releases about govt programs etc. which seems just fine to me.

  189. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Alaskan’s need heat sources, they should really push for geothermal. Why waste time on gas that will run out or dirty coal.

    Report: Geothermal Could Be Cheap as Coal in 3 Years for $3 Billion

    “There are good reasons to make this happen. A recent review of global warming solutions by Stanford University researcher Marc Jacobson concluded that wind is “by far the most promising” clean power source, with the potential to drive a “better-than 99 percent reduction” in carbon emissions. Geothermal came in third in that ranking, which focused on environmental impacts, not cost, just behind concentrating solar power (CSP) and ahead of tidal energy.

    In the NYU study, geothermal posted a “very sharply increasing performance curve.” Cost-wise, the technology displayed the most growth, achieving more kWh per dollar than the other three technologies, and showed “no indication of slowing performance improvement.”

    The allure of geothermal power is in its enormous and tappable resource potential.

    In the U.S. — the world’s biggest energy consumer — there is enough energy from hot rocks to supply the primary electricity needs of the entire nation for at least 30,000 years, according to estimates by the U.S. Department of Energy. It’s already relatively inexpensive and mostly clean.

    But the technology’s real promise lies in enhanched geothermal systems (EGS), the cutting-edge systems that go deeper than traditional geothermal to tap the Earth’s heat.

    Today’s reality is that, in America, geothermal makes up just under 0.3 percent of total electricity production capacity, while wind accounts for around 1 percent.

    That could change — if energy policy is driven by cost-efficiency considerations, not the institutional inertia and politics of the moment that are keeping fossil fuels in the game. “

  190. honestyinGov says:

    I think someone posted this link from the other thread. I opened it up in another window and just got around to reading it.
    Good joking satire. Because it seemed like they might have a European or a worldwide audience I was curious as to what the comment responses might be. It looks like the same people ( Palinbots ) who might be on her Facebook here come up with the same ‘excuses ‘ as well. While he bashed Obama and was ‘ trying ‘ to defend $arah…One Bot wrote this…

    7/26/2009 10:42:42 PM…..”Curick of CBS even asked Palin about a Bush policy which is only known as a policy by the Washington press corps.. etc ”

    Hmmm… For someone who PRETENDS to be so knowledgeable of the facts and explaining to others how things work in Washington ( defending Palin) and we have to ASSUME he has seen the interview on CBS ( maybe multiple times ??) since he uses this as part of his defense of her….

    How could He be so knowledgeable but think this TV Anchor who has been on the business 20+ years is named ‘ Curick ‘ …?
    ( Yeah.. we will all have typos.. BUT…? )
    Is there anybody who doesn’t know who Katie Couric is…
    Years with her name splashed on TV ( Today Show ) and now CBS as an Anchor.

    I am happy to see these kind of ‘ knowledgeable ‘ people be her supporters or Fan base. Says a lot about them and her.

  191. the problem child says:

    Wurzelhexli Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 11:37 AM

    Even if you click on her twitter links re. the ethics complaints – a blank ‘official’ site now comes up!
    Have you tried the wayback machine?

  192. BuffaloGal says:

    Would the Alaska Gov site necessarily hold on to her old press releases and announcements ? I was thinking that if they kept any of them they’d only hold on to those that were distinctly connected to Alaska business.

    I’m sure bloggers have screen shots and text docs saved. They’ll be collected in to once easy access place, soon enough, me thinks!

  193. CRFlats says:

    63 booboodog Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 11:38 AM

    I agree Mudpups, where ever they live, do not want her or support her. My point is, neither do a LOT of Alaskans. My experience this last year has been excruciating as an Alaska Native, and Native Alaskan, and hearing that “Alaskans just love her” all over the media.

  194. VernD says:

    A gadgeate of teh Sarah Pale’n skool of public spekin.

  195. Terpsichore says:

    I have loved all the comedy silver, gold and platinum that Colbert, Stewart, and Conan/Shatner provided last night.

    Almost overshadowed that fact that Bill Kristol promised he’d get SP to do Stweart’s show, within about a year (well, the actual quote was something like “I’ll tell her she needs to do Stewart…” which of course is all the funnier because we know he didn’t mean it to sound naughty).

    She simply cannot even think about running for president if she does not understand that she must agree to go on the talk shows and news shows, and that she has to be able to speak extemporaneously – she can’t expect that she should be able to control the questions and the content as a ‘contingency’ of showing up.

    As someone said, how can we think she’ll stand up to Putin (or whoever) if she can’t even face David Gregory?

  196. sandipants says:

    From a radio industry newsletter:

    Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    Palin tests radio waters.
    Alaska’s now former Governor is coy about her future political plans, but radio is at least one option she’s leaving on the table. While not exactly shopping the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential candidate, sources say Palin representatives have been quietly testing the waters to see how much interest radio syndicators have for her.

    Can you imagine that screeching voice coming out of the radio daily?

  197. booboodog says:

    We don’t want her! We didn’t win her. Not us lower 48’ers that gather here to do what little we can from so far away. We support, cheer you on and some here have actually helped AKM and other Alaskan bloggers to get her out of the office she should had no business being in. We are separate states but we are one country. I don’t think she is qualified to hold any office in this country, and we should all be vigilant for each other.

  198. Star says:

    Wooo Hooo love that float…Looks like a lotta fun …

  199. Wurzelhexli says:

    Even if you click on her twitter links re. the ethics complaints – a blank ‘official’ site now comes up!

  200. Wurzelhexli says:


    Check out !!!

  201. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    hahaha……Scarah’s gonna come out fighting when she see’s this all over the airwaves. It’s a tv ad saying Scarah opposes clean energy, which she does. And it’s not from Hollywood, lol.

    “Turn on the TV in Washington, D.C., and you’ll see the familiar face of now-former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in a new role: poster child for opposition to a clean energy economy.

    The grassroots advocacy group launched a television ad this week that bills Palin as the “new face of Republican opposition to clean energy” and, just as importantly, to the clean energy jobs the Obama administration hopes to create. “

  202. Tina in Tennessee says:

    Okay Pups ~ i’m doing my best:

    Hey Ms. Jamie ~

    I’m one of those folks who know you from your excellent reporting skills. As a life-long Sevier County resident, i feel qualified to comment that your reporting on the Rocky Top slayings (i worked with Doug Hill for a couple of years at Gatlinburg Place where his dad was the GM ~ and believe Andy B. got such a raw deal on that case), and others like the Kim Mills story (i babysat Kim and her little sister for Brent and Sandy when the girls were little ~ and it was fascinating for me to watch give your take on Snapped!).

    After the kudos to you, on to my point: There is a very interesting large group of literate folks gathered at a website called They are clamoring for news about David Kernell’s situation and how it relates to Mrs. Palin’s situation. I’ve scoured the web and can’t seem to find much…

    Is there any way you could post a link to your articles as they appear? If you introduce yourself as ‘boots on the ground’ in East Tennessee, they will let you do this without it being considered spam. It’s also possible you would tremendously appreciate the ongoing conversation, and i believe they would tremendously enjoy getting to know you.

    Mostly, i’m just trying to help my friends gather information on something that extremely interests them, and you are a rich resource.

    I’m going to post there, now, and ask them to send you tons of traffic should you decide to post a link to your articles at ‘theflats’ (and not just David Kernell articles, either ~ i believe they would enjoy your writing style on any subject).


    Tina in Tennessee Mudpup
    Sent 7/28/09 4:49 pm EST

  203. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Yeah Fairbanks! This is just sweee-eeeet. I think now she’s the Bitter Quitter who Twitters! I don’t speak Palin, and I don’t plan to learn – good riddance to you, the personal blog you called a governor’s website, your idiotic tweets – everything!

    Her bitterness is calculated – she’s trying to play the persecution card with her followers. She panders to all the religious types who feel persecuted themselves (or their people / religion). That’s what all the martyrdom is about – to foster and invoke a protective “leave our Sarah alone!” emotion. She’s using them for another layer of shielding. Like she uses her family, esp. the children for the same purpose.

    Calculating wench, that one. Having no empathy, conscience, or sense of right and wrong makes it all pretty darn easy!

  204. Paula says:

    Claw Washout Palin Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 10:43 AM
    I like this picture. I do think that she needs a floatation vest on. Something have to save her from drowning.
    Waders, at the very least.

  205. kareninTexas says:

    I wish she would go to Siberia….I don’t want her down here!

  206. CRFlats says:

    I was at first struck by the lack of animosity from Alaskans about the “resignation”. People were struck dumb. She didn’t just quit, she dumped us (Alaskans). She said we weren’t good enough for her to govern anymore. We didn’t treat her with enough deference and reverence. We kept bringing up the promises she made; we made together. But… she broke up with us. She got a better deal. So maybe Alaskans are just embarrassed, ashamed, because nobody likes to be the dumpee, no one likes to be jilted, but that is exactly what happened. The lower 48’ers can have her. They won her. (Be careful what you wish for. Be very careful).

  207. Dr. Patois says:

    This is what I think will be her twit address. Nothing is on it but it is being held by Ivy Frye

  208. kareninTexas says:

    It still amazes me to hear that she actually received a college degree! Has someone checked to make sure?
    If $arah really loved Alaska and its people, she would go help out the natives she neglected during her term. She could also volunteer to help out the elderly who aren’t getting the treatment they need. Many things could be done by her to show her sincerity; however as we will soon see, it will all be about cameras and money.

  209. karen marie says:

    I posted this in the thread below but it is more apropos perhaps here:

    Did you all read the opinion piece in the NYT about Palin the “qiviter” by William L. Iggiagruk Hensley, author of “Fifty Miles From Tomorrow: A Memoir of Alaska and the Real People” and former Democratic Alaska state senator?

  210. ocliberal says:

    Only Sarah Palin would think that the most effective form of communication in which to be taken seriously is to tweet.


  211. Dr. Patois says:

    Entertain yourself with this until the real one unveils…

  212. booboodog says:

    maybe they are just baiting the media. She will come back with something about not being able to fish with a ring on…and again, it is the media picking on everything she does, doncha know..

  213. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    would this include government funded grants to these organizations? First group he meets with are from the religious sector. Kinda interesting, at least it must be many different faiths? hmmm?

    And I give Parnell credit for not being afraid to take reporter questions, in fact he invited them. So unlike our scaredy cat Scarah. It sounds like he’s trying to present a “different” front on some levels, damage control, lol.

    Read what Parnel says about Harry Noah, I believe Noah is the energy czar Scarah appointed spring 08, who was “supposed” to have studied and come up with an Alaska energy plan before last legislature session but didn’t have much accomplished. The plan was supposed to include alternative energy. Parnel says he wants to see Noah’s complete assessment before making any energy decisions, which seems weird to me, why wouldn’t have already seen this assessment? Anyway, I thought it was interesting to note and could possibly be pointing to something other than what Scarah had in mind. Let’s hope.

    “Parnell met with about 60 ministers and staff from the Fairbanks faith community on Monday morning. He said the group requested the meeting and wanted to pray for him and for Alaska. They also talked with the new governor about Parnell’s goal of linking nonprofit and faith-based resources with state needs.

    “I will bring whatever private resources to the table I can, including the faith-based community, to meet the very real human needs around us,” Parnell said. “I think you saw it with respect to the food aid that was delivered this winter, I think you’re seeing it in the foster care arena — whatever it takes.

    He spoke with the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner editorial board for nearly an hour before heading to a luncheon with the Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, where he made a quiet entrance and shook hands throughout the room.”

  214. sauerkraut says:

    HonestyInGov – that clip is in the Jon Stewart show which someone else already posted.

  215. Looselips says:

    two things were supposed to happen about now. Sherry Johnston’s trial and a court date for the email hacker. anyone know more?

  216. ds55 says:

    @ Say NO: It bugs me that SP & Todd go in front of cameras without their wedding rings, too. It’s noticeable and causes unnecessary speculation. Rumors of divorce, separation, never married in the first place… so sue me.

  217. Amanda says:

    I just love Alaska.

  218. honestyinGov says:

    # 35
    Lilybart Says:
    July 28th, 2009 at 10:51 AM
    I got it!!
    she quit so she could spend time helping the natives get ready for winter!

    She is so awesome.
    Can she really ‘swing a hammer’ in those red cork-soled Sarto pumps of Hers. Because you know she will be wearing those for the photo op.

    And probably with Trig hanging off or attached to her ‘ tool belt ‘ as well.

  219. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I haven’t paid much attention to whether Scarah and Toad wear wedding rings, has anyone noticed? They don’t seem to have them on in these pics. Just askin.

  220. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    “All entrants assume responsibility for any calamity caused by their entry. Be safe.”


  221. booboodog says:

    Did anybody notice Jon Stewart has named her the Quitter, also, too? Ha

  222. ds55 says:

    SP is cruising on Rupert Murdoch’s yacht, heading south to California for that speaking engagement. Ah, the good life.

  223. Sparky says:

    I wonder what $p will tweet once she gets a green light. I am a liitle, um, curious as to how one “unveils” a Twitter account?! But if anyone can I suppose it is Queen quitter.

  224. booboodog says:

    Polly – it is global menopausal warming

    Lovemydogs – was your (if you live in Alaska, that is ) for me? =)

  225. honestyinGov says:

    About Gov. Sean Parnell…

    I did see that Sean had made a positive Press release yesterday about his support for John Moeller. ( can’t remember his title )
    I hope the people of Alaska speak up and question Parnell about backing Moeller. Because this is the same person that did that interview with ONE person and then tweeted $arah over in Kosovo ( for a positive story )with his assessment that 50% of their substinence needs were met for Winter.
    Then suddenly could not be found because he went on vacation.
    Glad that he had that breakfast Monday with those Charity groups to see how they could help ( give him a thumps up ) with problems But it’s a big thumbs down with Moeller. Moeller just sounded like a ‘ yes ‘ man regardless of the facts. Alaskans should email Parnells Office.

    Off to a shaky start Parnell… and then letting the State scrub the Official documents/ records ( story on OMFGAlaska ) off the records books.
    Looks pretty shady.

  226. Lilybart says:

    I got it!!

    she quit so she could spend time helping the natives get ready for winter!

    She is so awesome.

  227. ocliberal says:

    Wow everyone: thanks for the clarification. I guess I just can’t put my mind around 60 degrees below zero. That is beyond brutal. I can relate to 90 degrees+ though and that is brutal enough for me.

    That is a scary temperature swing though. Is that just in certain parts of Alaska?

  228. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I, for one, will not stand by and watch her bash and take pot shots at Obama. If she wants to come out fighting, bring it on baby. I hated her quitting spew.

    Hey Alaska, bet she didn’t share this info with you, but Obama will.

    “More of the Arctic ice photos kept secret by the Bush Administration
    Almost two weeks ago, the Obama Administration declassified about 1,000 satellite photographs of Arctic ice the Bush Administration had kept under wraps. The photos didn’t make much of a splash until this morning, however, when two English newspapers, the Guardian and the Daily Mail, published this startling specimen:”

  229. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    No alcohol on board? I QUIT!

  230. ds55 says:

    About 16 hrs ago on Twitter from Celtic Diva:
    “Update 7/27/09: Team Sarah has been told Gov’s new Twitter account will be unveiled at a later date.”/No un-PC tweets today!

  231. lovemydogs says:

    pvazwindy: Most setnet crews don’t wear PFDs. They are too bulky and get in the way. Every once in a while they have to be rescued when a boat capsizes. Most of the time everyone is picking at the same time. Deaths do happen though…The water up here is too cold to survive very long even with flotation.

  232. Sigilistic says:


  233. Claw Washout Palin says:

    I like this picture. I do think that she needs a floatation vest on. Something have to save her from drowning. She doesn’t seem quite capable of saving herself. She seems to be coming unglued. Personally, I despise her too much to lend a helping hand. I guess that makes me not a REAL American.

  234. pvazwindy says:


  235. pvazwindy says:

    Why weren’t the Palins and their fishpicking crew not wearing USCG approved flotation devices, on their annual fishpicking trek. Not fashional, for the interviews? Or just another disregard to the rules and regulations, that might help to save a life. Keep putting forth the truth, AKM.

  236. Far From Fenway Fan says:

    #9 ebit5000 – I, too, am anxiously awaiting those politically incorrect tweets that will “fly from her fingertips”! Anyone know the new twiiter account name? I can’t believe she’s been quiet so long. Perhaps someone took her toy away?

  237. ravenstrick says:

    You need to come North for a visit now and then AKMuckraker, you’d know it is actually the CHENA River they float!

  238. Gindy51 says:

    Yeah well it may be 150 degrees warmer in the summer than in winter, but we had one swing of over 70 degrees in ONE day! Talk about a real jolt to your system.

  239. honestyinGov says:

    What a shame that the Daily Show did not get some shots of the float while they were shooting.
    And that conversation/ interview where the reporter asking the Palin supporter to agree that it was terrible that they used her own words EXACTLY to mock her.. ” I agree ” she said
    ( I do hope that is somewhere on YouTube already… need to find it )

    BTW : Between commercial breaks last night on Letterman, they announced that Katie Couric will be a guest. Because they both have a history with $arah… you know the subject will come up.
    Dave and Katie always joke around together a lot from other appearances. It should be fun. The picture of the raft here could provide some good jokes as well. Wish we could tell his joke writers to follow Mudflats.

  240. CougInPortland says:

    A song for y’all….

  241. Gasman says:

    If the Queen’s Fleet were true to the example set by Sarah, they would all abandon ship half way through the regatta.

    I made a new Wordle to Palin’s final resignation speech. I changed the text orientation to “Any Which Way” and the font to “Gunplay.” This seemed to better capture Palin’s well armed incomprehensible essence.

    It still could serve as a text for virtually any of her speeches.

  242. lovemydogs says:

    For anyone who is interested, there is more info on what the people in Eagle need on the Eagle Disaster thread under Alaskan Lodge on the Forum. we will be leaving the Peninsula and driving up through Anchorage next Wed. PM me if you want to send anything and I will meet you to pick stuff up (if you are in Alaska that is)…

  243. Polly says:

    People have commented: “What? She has a degree in communications!”

  244. lovemydogs says:

    ocliberal #12: I had to think about that one for a minute but:
    winter temps can be as low as -60 degrees F and it can be as hot as 90* F in the summer (those are both extremes). That can be a 150 degree difference. Those extremes are generally found in the interior (not so much in other parts of Alaska-thank god).

    And she will tell you (along with our other red reps) that they believe in global warming, they just don’t believe that man has anything to do with it. Idiots.

  245. Ruby Re-Usable says:

    LOVE it! ps after listening to SP say “Quit making stuff up” for the umpteenth time, it struck me: ya think maybe she was referring to FOX News?!

  246. Polly says:

    @octiliberal- she tends to not explain details. the 150 degrees hotter, is referring to interior Alaska weather that gets to 60 degrees below in the winter and 90 degrees in the summer. as an Alaskan who knows that, i thought it was going to be hard to understand, and i had to do the math to understand what she meant. and that isn’t true for all parts of Alaska.

  247. lyn says:

    Mouthpiece Theater: Memories
    An homage to the late, great governor of Alaska.

    July 28, 2009; 10:30 AM ET

  248. weaver57 says:

    ocliberal – I think Sarah was comparing the minus 60’s from previous winter to the 90’s this summer. Still 90 in Alaska!

  249. Cynamen Winter says:

    I tell ya …. Alaskans sure are creative! That one should’ve made the front page.

    Ship Ahoy Mates!


  250. ocliberal says:

    Finally some of that famous Alaskan duct tape is being spotlighted doing some really good work! Wonderful float.

    Here is something else that has been bugging me and I haven’t really seen addressed.

    From SPitter’s speech…

    And then in the summertime such extreme summertime about a hundred and fifty degrees hotter than just some months ago, than just some months from now, with fireweed blooming along the frost heaves and merciless rivers that are rushing and carving and reminding us that here, Mother Nature wins.

    How the heck can she deny global warming and climate change if Alaska is hitting 150 degrees+ in the summer now? How does anyone survive in 150 degree weather???? You Alaskans really are amazing. Hats off to a truly hardy breed.

    (Of course another thought occurred to me – maybe she is experiencing some menopausal hot flashes and it is just feeling like 150+ degrees to her. I’ve had a few of those minutes myself.)

  251. the problem child says:

    I love the Queen’s fleet. They’re all in dry dock or held together with duct tape. And they also seem to all be rudder-less.

  252. Lee says:

    #6 John:

    Flotation device on Sarah…….Never. Not stylish enough, and would not fit the maverick personality.

  253. ebit5000 says:

    Does anybody know Palin’s new twitter account name? I’ve been waiting for all those “Politically Incorrect” tweets she promised. 😉

  254. London Bridges says:

    Surely, Todd built this magnificent boat!

  255. sauerkraut says:

    The woman in front is better looking than Palin… someone let the palinistas know, okay?

  256. John says:

    Great float. But where is buttercup’s flotation device?

  257. zyggy says:

    I think the no alcohol clause is a bad one. =)

  258. Irishgirl says:


  259. Erin says:

    I think I love Fairbanks a little more now…

  260. Ripley says:

    that’s awesome… even more so that they stayed around for the Quittin’.

  261. zyggy says:

    That’s so sweet the Quitter gets her own boat, as she sails off into the horizon.