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Netroots Nation – A Warming Web

This morning I attended a panel discussion entitled “A Warming Web – The Blogosphere and Climate Change”

The panelists were Miles Grant from the National Wildlife Federation, Kate Shepperd a political reporter for,  Tim Lang (Meteorblades) of Daily Kos, Brad Johnson from the Center for American Progress, Brent Monk a former Pittsburgh journalist working on issues of environmental justice,

Miles Grant – National Wildlife Federation sitting in for Amanda Staudt who was unable to make the conference due to a family emergency. He pitches messages to bloggers and online activists. He noted with dismay the lack of coverage of climate change in the mainstream media.  CNN has completely eliminated its environmental desk.  In hard economic times, things get cut and unfortunately environmental issues suffer. He is interested in how can he do a better job of connecting people on panel and scientists with bloggers and voters.

Kate Shepperd – Political reporter for the news site. She covers the government in DC. Most people are paying attention to health care at the moment, so she feels that environment is competing with this issue. It’s clear that health care is a priority and that we won’t get anywhere with the environment until health care is done.

States that have coal and industrial interests will need more pressure to act on climate than other states. She feels that the message that Americans are concerned with climate change is not translating to senate. She’s not sure a climate change bill will happen this year but optimistic it will happen before Copenhagen.

Tim Lang (Meteor Blades) – Daily Kos. He will be announcing a Meteorblades prize for environmental reporting. He’ll be awarding a $2000 prize to an individual or group. Believe it or not, Daily Kos has a hard time getting people involved on green issues. DK Greenroots is a new activist group in the works. They will soon have a Google group and a web page. This won’t be a site to convince people that climate change is a reality.  It will be a place where activists who already know about climate change can organize to make things happen. They’ll be monitoring committees in congress, and are currently setting up groups to figure out where the blocks are to progress, who the lobbyists are, and specifically define who is on what side of climate issues.

Brad Johnson from Center for American progress. He is working on how we move from knowledge of challenge to get things done in DC and the international stage. How do we implement the agenda Barack Obama campaigned on? How do we take this crisis moment and rebuild our economy? Where’s the bill?

Republicans are explicitly tied to oil, coal, etc. Liberal Dems “get it” and want to make the change but are in to compromise.  Blue Dogs and “conservadems” represent the balance of power in DC. They are the corporate party and represent what corporate America believes. They know climate change is real, but think there’s no reason policy shouldn’t be written by and benefit corporate America and protect their interest. Why do they hold the balance of power, and how do we mobilize the nation, and the progressive movement?  Right now there are essentially no political consequences for being an opponent of reform, and they do get money from corporate interests.  This is the problem.

Brent Mock – former Pittsburgh reporter covering environmental justice organizations across America. He’s working to make sure that communities of color and poor communities are considered. A lot of minority organizations such as the NAACP and the Urban League who up until now may not have had a firm position on climate change, but are now looking for an entry point into the discussion. These communities are more motivated by policies that affect their day to day lives and can be enacted on a local level.

Kevin Grandia – managing editor. They seek out ulterior motives for people spreading misinformation and denying climate change exists. He is from Canada and is known for addressing Christian evangelical movement and will have a book out in fall. We need to know the enemy and realize that they are an enemy. Know that they are out to deliberately muddy your issues. He has a PR  background and has observed where industry is going. There are no environment desks anymore in the mainstream media. There is nobody in general at newspapers any more.  They are cutting back staff.  But, the silver lining is that this is good for blogging. We now have a role to play. There are organizations who want to get the word out about their research but nobody is picking it up. At one point he never would have thought to call NASA and ask for a comment. We are in a position to be the media and act like the media but we don’t have to play by the same rules. Blogging is immediate and information can go out right away. Bloggers need to aggressively pursue issues when the mainstream media abandons them. Bloggers should think about writing a series of pieces on the same topic…that’s what get’s the opposition sweating. We need to hammer the points over and over.  Ask questions, put in FOIA requests. Act like the media.

Dave ‘Roberts –
How did blue dogs get in control? There are three battlefields. One is grassroots activist level and how much are they calling congress and the senate.  The second is money and influence. Who is giving to what?  The third is the battlefield of ideas. How are these things talked about? What are the hooks?

Health care is way ahead of climate and energy on all three of those but still not far enough ahead to win a very good bill. We will see a repeat of what happens on health care. If it goes badly we can expect climate change legislation to go badly too.’

The conservative ground troops have their framed argument well. “Anti” calls outnumber “pro” calls on environmental issues all the time.   Conservatives, for instance have coined – “cap & traitors” “cap& scam”  “cap & tax”. Their Twitter messages are totally coordinated, and they say no over and over. Progressive grassroots doesn’t have the same passion for this issues as it does for others. We are completely outmatched by coal, oil, etc. They have been buddying up for generations with congress & senate. These are personal relationships with lobbyists that we will have to work hard at countering.

If we are to win, it’s to be on the grassroots level.

In the battlefield of ideas, health care is doing really well. So many people are now getting facts on health care, it’s harder for the opposition to come up with arguments against it. Energy was so cheap for so long, it didn’t get a lot of traction and the idea landscape has been defined by energy companies. Only now are progressives trying to fight the idea of coal and greenhouse gas emissions, etc. Stale conventional wisdom is all they have.   The activism of ideas and clarity is something the blogosphere can capitalize on.

Q. Students no longer question whether global warming is happening. All we hear about is cap & trade and coal. What about other issues we can go after that doesn’t tie things up with coal that will reduce co2 but doesn’t tangle up in that issue.

A. Roberts – Cap & Trade is terrible message. Terrible, boring, “Everyone hates Wall St.” should not be what we are talking about.  There is no reason to think of it as the core of our policy response. It’s important, but cap & trade is going to be a signal of long term intention. Things that will create tangible change in people’s lives in 5-10 years are easier to undertand – efficiency standards in cars, direct investment in alternative energy, solar, batteries.

Brad Johnson – You can’t win by switching to another wedge. The same money interests will just switch over to that and demonize that. Building codes turn into issues of individual sovereignty. Any topic will become politically contentious. The way it works is that the Republicans are united in opposition FIRST, and it doesn’t matter what the issue is. They might allow passage of environmentally advantageous bills but will still condemn Obama for supporting it.

Sheppard – We are committing to this so other countries will follow – is an important message.

Off for another panel discussion now…  I have to choose between four that I really want to attend!  There is a glut of good information.  Will post again later!  Forgive any typos….running around like crazy!



100 Responses to “Netroots Nation – A Warming Web”
  1. samper says:

    crap. missed the whole thing! 🙁

    was gettin’ “friendly” with MR. Samper.

    is the Clinton thing posted anywhere? I just love him!

    btw: was “sick” yesterday over that nitwit. no worries about me, personally.

  2. dowl says:

    Health Care Reform
    Now, Yes we can

    This is really wonderful for AKM, Shannyn and our very own ‘flatters. I feel good that change happens.
    G’night y’all.

  3. michigander says:

    Accents: I was made fun of when I moved from NY to MI, I was born in Boston so had that in me too. My Aunt from Texas moved here after a time. My sister-in-law and dearest friend was Japanese. I helped teach her English, she passed away from ovarian cancer in 2000. She lived in ‘the Hood’ in Lansing MI so combined all of the above with street. I would love to hear her talk again. The best and sweetest accent I have ever heard.

    I’m going to bed before I get sent to the naughty corner (o:

  4. karen marie says:

    Oh, dear, my comment didn’t appear!

    AKM, have you run into the kids from Rumproast?

  5. karen marie says:

    And in other news — rumor has it the Talibunny has a new twitter account. SarahPalinUSA. Alaska is too small for her, now she wants the whole country. Well, the “real America” part anyway.


  6. HamletsMill says:

    Pittsburgh AKMudstock 2009

    Sunday, August 16th, 2009 – 1PM – Pittsburgh, PA

    AKM IS HERE in Pittsburgh and now hard at work at Netroots Nation!!

    but…come sunday…AKMudstock IS ON!

    If you cannot make it, all Mudpuppies EVERYWHERE worldwide will be with us in Spirit!!!

    Please note that we have extended the RSVP deadline to FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 14th for any last minute Mudpuppies on the SURGE! There is still time to RSVP!

    RSVP by this Friday evening to: HamletsMillMudFlats (at) gmail (dot) com

    As I have posted, there is also now a PRE-AKMudstock gathering scheduled for SATURDAY NIGHT AUGUST 15th at 7PM or when you get there for those in town by Saturday night! Details are now on the below UPDATE thread link!

    CHECK HERE FOR THE LATEST UPDATE INFORMATION:,7283.msg75900.html#msg75900

    We are now at 30 confirmed RSVP Mudpuppies coming in from eight states!

    Blessings upon all Mudpuppies everywhere!

  7. pearl89 says:

    TBNTJudy #89…I’m from NC. And I, too, don’t think there is anything wrong with accents…heck, i’ve got one. Didn’t mean to offend anyone from MS,AL,or GA. I hate the fact that a lot of the South is losing their regional accents. Used to be able to pretty much tell where a person was from by the way they talked..not so much anymore.

  8. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Gramiam, a nice hook for your sign: “We Support You”. He needs to know that we are behind him.

  9. michigander says:

    Lani, thanks for the update on Ian, with all the excitement I forgot he was going! No offense dear young man, learn, contribute and thank you from a Mamma and Grandma who cares (o:

  10. TBNTJudy says:

    Of course I meant “accents”, not accent.

  11. michigander says:

    Gramiam – How about “Public Health Care! Yes We Can!” bold, short and sweet, whatever you choose to do. Someone posted a link way back (didn’t have time to ck it), but I do know that short, sweet and big bold letters make a bigger impact. I’m assuming it’s for Health Care Reform so other ideas – eek! Nevermind, I will post them in TMO open thread cuz I don’t want to start a highjack! Besides I am half asleep. From one Gram to another – I am proud of you (o:

  12. TBNTJudy says:

    69 pearl89 Says:
    August 13th, 2009 at 6:20 PM

    “I love Bill Clinton. DS55 there is nothing wrong with a good old down home Southern drawl…got one myself. Clinton’s drawl is nothing compared to people from Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. I’m a southern and I have trouble understanding what they are saying.”

    Nothing wrong with accent, in my book. I’m from MS, and quite frankly, I do not see much difference in BC’s accent and the accents I grew up with. Not sure where you are from, pearl, but I have never had trouble understanding people from Georgia, Ms, or AL 🙂

  13. michigander says:

    ENOUGHWTTW – Yes! Thank you as Polly said (much better than I so I will ditto her words). I need to think about sleep on a positive note.

    I could get worked up Claw and Lee323 but I need to calm down and think about babies in the A.M. so I gotta hush my mind for now.

  14. Gramiam says:

    President Obama is coming to Phoenix on Monday morning and we are marching to support him!! Somebody give me a good hook for a sign, will you? I’m marching for all of us!!

  15. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    Hey, Enough, I received a call from Ian to tell me about meeting you, Shannyn and AKM! That’s about the only call I’ve received. He said activities run from early morning to late and night, and the quality of information is outstanding. I’m sure I’ll hear a lot more when he returns, but until then, posts from you and AKM are doing a great job of keeping me (all of us, actually) informed.

    How many people stood up and waved when the mudflat’s twitter was streamed?

  16. Lee323 says:

    Thanks, michigander. Great post. It does make me feel better to know that other people are seeing some of the same warning signs at the grassroots level and feel the need to increase our support of the president in equal and opposite intensity to the negativity out there.

  17. Polly says:

    ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck – How serendipitous! Thanks for sharing your adventures. How exciting. You are all probably jazzed to see the community firsthand.

  18. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    while akm was at the global warming panel – i went to the global networking session and got to meet Nico Pitney yowsa wowsa. i can’t tell you how many times i went to huffpo to read his 24/7 blogging on the iran elections and aftermath.

    then later i got to talk to him out on the street and express my gratitude to his coverage. and several other times during the day and evening. i am stoked.

    then i met this young man on the elevator and when i told him i was from oklahoma he told me some chuck norris jokes.

    later during the evening ballroom deal they were streaming twitters and one of the was ‘where are the mudflatters stand up and wave’ — i stood up and two tables away was that same crazy young man standing up — so i went over to introduce myself and he was none other than bash budweiser’s son from hawaii.

    small world.

    meeting lots of fascinating people in elevators and outside smoking (smile)

    can’t wait for valerie jarrett first thing in the morning. and then howard dean…

  19. Lee323 says:

    @ #75 Claw Washout Palin

    You’re absolutely right about the race issue. It’s a factor that has ramped up the usual political dynamics between opposing parties. Many in the GOP want (and have stated openly) that they want our president to fail. How they can NOT see that presidential failure of any party is a threat the stability of our whole country is beyond my ken.

    Passions are more easily ignited and sustained when people are against something than for something. Anger and rage are powerful motivators and can overtake the debate at the grass roots level especially. This is what’s playing out across the country right now.

    Now is the time to work hard, close ranks, and support our president. Take back the grassroots debate from the fear-mongering, hateful, and ignorant loudmouths.

  20. michigander says:

    Lee323 – I understand your passion on this. It is facshism (totally screwed sp. I know) in the making. My sister is Repub. and stands by it yet cries (only to me) on a daily basis because she doesn’t agree and sees even the Dems. aren’t supporting Obama. I feel the Rebub party has been thrown under the bus by their own party and some Dems are helping. She won’t listen to the news and refuses to discuss it. She chooses to pray, trust the ‘Christian’ Republican party. She is a frigging teacher for God’s sake!

    I cry and pray that the House, Senate will stand behind what is best for the people and quit playing a frigging game with our future. Barack Obama is our President, he represents us as a nation and this BS tears us apart and weakens us in the eyes of the world. How can America regain repect after Bush and what these freaks are doing now? We need to back our President and quit acting like it’s a frigging sport. It’s not all a ‘party’ game.

    I am so sorry, I intended on keeping this short and trying to make you feel better! I hope I didn’t disolve into total lunacy. I am not even gonna re-read this, just submitting.

  21. jojobo1 says:

    Claw Washout Palin sometimes I* think that is what the whole shouting match and guns at town hall meeting are all about.The person with the Gun At President Obama’s town hall is one of those men who need a gun to make them a real man. LOL If he only knew what i9t really made him look like.Oh well he got his 15 minuets bet fox wishes they had been in Alaska to see the men with the bull horns Oh ya real big man, NOT

  22. leenie17 says:

    pearl89 Says:
    Clinton’s drawl is nothing compared to people from Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama.

    I used to travel down to Birmingham every spring to help out at a special event. One of the women who worked with us had Cerebral Palsy and her speech was significantly affected. Even though I have a lot of experience with people with CP, when it was combined with the Alabama accent, I was lost. I felt so bad asking the poor woman to repeat everything 3 or 4 times. Fortunately, she was really sweet and thought it was kinda funny that this Yankee couldn’t understand her!

  23. leenie17 says:

    Do either of you have flannel pajamas with moose on them?

    Martha –
    I have a red flannel nightshirt with moosies that I would gladly wear in honor of AKM and Shannyn…but it was 84 degrees in the house before I put the a/c on so I’ll wait until it cools down a little!

  24. Claw Washout Palin says:

    The Republicans ARE waiting for the President to fail. Like what has been said many of times; the attack on the President, from the Dems and Repubs, have little to do with his policies. It is who he is. Prez Obama is about to achieve what others which was their legacy. The thought just kills them. It’s unfortunate, to say but: they do not what the person of color to be the one to make things right. Because of this, we are headed towards a revolution. The war is going to be in our backyard . If you lived during the 60’s you know the feeling about the occurrence these events. They are violent and innocent people die. Not enough people are taking this, seriously. Our family home still have the gunshots in the walls.

  25. vyccan says:

    “If we are to win, it’s to be on the grassroots level.
    In the battlefield of ideas, health care is doing really well. So many people are now getting facts on health care, it’s harder for the opposition to come up with arguments against it. ”
    This was a little bit of health care encouragement that I was glad to see. I know everyone is saying it, but I believe that you can’t have too much positive feedback – THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME JOB YOU’RE DOING sharing the action with us!!! You can have no idea how even people like me who rarely speak feel included in your sharing. I trust you are not feeling overly stressed as you try to keep us looking over your shoulder.


  26. Lee323 says:

    From Mudflats latest twitter : Bill Clinton “We will rise or fall together.” Clinton…the anti-Palin!

    My point from #70 exactly.

  27. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    CO Almost Native @ #55…….he’s in Ft. Collins, CO. A lot of good positive stuff going on up there.

  28. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I’m stuck on two things right now that are cracking me up – moose pajamas and Sarah’s Downright Evil Death Panels.

    The Rs are going to just stand back and let themselves look stupider than they already do! OK- on the outside, the Republican fights the Republican fight without question, whatever it is at the moment. I used to call it solidarity and admire it a bit, but of course those days are long gone thanks to the Rs themselves! But you know they are flaming Sarah behind closed doors, and scheming. The ones who don’t downright despise her, are using her or trying to figure out how to.

    She’s such a small little fish – poor Sarah – almost like a guppy. Everybody wants one but they don’t hold your interest for long.

  29. Lee323 says:

    Dave Roberts of (above): “In the battlefield of ideas, health care is doing really well.”

    WTF!! Has he listened to the news lately?? The battlefield has been taken over by fear-mongering and lies. Even the Dems at HuffPo are jumping on Obama like he’s the freaking enemy.

    Predictable dynamics:

    –Republican president: Democrats criticize the prez.

    –Democratic president: Republicans AND Democrats attack the prez.

    –Result: Republicans regain power.

    Go take a gander at HuffPo….there are so many posts criticizing Obama from Dems that the Republicans can just sit back now and laugh. The Repubs deliver the stake to Obama’s heart but the Dems cut him off at the knees to complete the sabotage. So predictable.

    I was a Republican voter for 35 years before GWB et al prompted my disgusted exodus from the party. However, one thing the Dems could learn from the Repubs is to have a little loyalty and faith in the one they elected….especially a prez who’s only been on the job for 7 months and inherited mammoth problems. It takes time to change things!

  30. pearl89 says:

    I love Bill Clinton. DS55 there is nothing wrong with a good old down home Southern drawl…got one myself. Clinton’s drawl is nothing compared to people from Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. I’m a southern and I have trouble understanding what they are saying.

    It was good to hear Clinton tonight because watching all the TH, comments from the right side of the debate, and seeing all the concession being made to the insane arguements of the right, I was starting to feel a little depressed about health care reform. I want them to keep the public option and the end of life counseling. But the main thing now, is to make a start and to make sure it passes.

  31. Ripley in CT says:

    That man can deliver a speech, huh? I saw Shannyn and AKM at their table, and felt like, “Hey, I know them!” so cool.

    Absorb it all, you guys… Like Bubba says, stay the course.

  32. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    My burning question for AKM and Shannyn: are they going to have a pajama day like they used to in high school for homecoming week? Or do they even know about the Alaska pajama-clad bloggers? Do either of you have flannel pajamas with moose on them? OK – sorry, that was three questions!

  33. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Had over 2700 viewing on U Stream. Alot tuned in for Clinton.

  34. ds55 says:

    /applaud BillClinton

  35. ds55 says:

    I remember now why I voted for Bill Clinton. And I forgive him that drawl.

  36. Cynamen Winter says:

    @ Michigander~

    Amen to that….. hang in there; don’t lose hope, despite all the noise as of late.

    History is being written ~ and we are all apart of it!

  37. ds55 says:

    The guy was screaming about “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Bill Clinton set him straight with the facts.

  38. honestyinGov says:

    Some young person just stood up and screamed at President Clinton just now.

    He talked him back into his seat. I think his issue was something about a ‘ gay issue’. Couldn’t here the young man’s question. He had issue with one of President Clinton’s stance in the past… I think.

    Clinton started talking about gay issues so it had something to do with that.

  39. michigander says:

    Cynamen Winter, prisoner, mudpups with tidbits and links – thanks from those of us who can’t check in as often as we’d like.

    AKM, Shannyn, Dr Chill and all – cheers! Soak it up and give it back. This is kinda like the loaves and fishes, water into wine, manna from heaven type of experiance for me. And I mean that in a good way.

    Keep smilin’ on your brother, even when they’re heavy, patience is a virtue and to everything there is a time….I could go on but I’ll stop now…with thanks for these memories (o:

  40. ds55 says:

    Yay! Bill Clinton on stage!

  41. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Watching Netroots on U-Stream. Alot of topics being covered. Convention is very involved. HI AKM and Shannyn

  42. jojobo1 says:

    SayNo thanks for the link to the green blogg I went on and just love how the hummingbird came out and flittered around.

  43. Cynamen Winter says:

    For those of us watching C-span live….here is a message from Shannyn’s site:

    “Shannyn and AKM Muckraker are in the front row table wearing large blue ribbons holding their name tags. They are sitting in the front table row.”

  44. carol from Minnesota says:

    I listened to the end of Reagan and Shannon, Thanks Ripley in CT. I am pleased that Shannon is getting press coverage as she knows Palin and is credible. She sounds great too.

    I am coming late to this “party” but how can one stay with the lies of the right, especially the far out right that Palin represents. We have a “nut” in MN that is trying to out “nut” Palin. I don’t think she can win that one but she is a close 2nd. What is the world coming to. Hate and lies everywhere in the name of “Christianity and freedom”?.

  45. CO almost native says:

    @ Say NO (#30):

    I checked out the web site- beautiful. Where is he in Colorado?

  46. Ripley in CT says:

    I added the link!!


  47. CO almost native says:

    Hmmm…let’s see: Former President Bill Clinton and other illustrious presenters versus Michele Malkin and Joe the Plumber.

    Bwa ha ha! No contest-

  48. Memphis, NY says:

    she is on air america guess I can’t add link

  49. Ripley in CT says:

    LOL Reagan basically just called Palin stupid!!!

  50. CO almost native says:

    @ samper (#33 and 40):

    Are you ok? I will check out KO, but I want to make sure you are alright…

  51. Memphis, NY says:

    My comment was blocked?

  52. Memphis, NY says:

  53. Memphis, NY says:

    Anyone one else listenong live?

  54. honestyinGov says:

    AKM said on Twitter that Shanny will be on air with Ron Reagan 8:30 EST.

    Anybody know where that is..? What station… I assume radio.

  55. Ripley in CT says:


    Shannyn on with Ron Reagan right now

  56. honestyinGov says:

    Before C-SPAN started the coverage they had a phone interview with a lady. She talked about NetRoots but also said the Conservatives were having one in Pittsburgh this weekend as well.
    She said they were expecting about 600 people. Some of their scheduled prominent speakers at theirs…. Michelle Malkin and Joe the Plumber… HA!!

  57. ds55 says:

    Netroots Nation on C-SPAN. Funny standup comic warming up the crowd before Bill Clinton speaks.

  58. samper says:

    Palin is an IDIOT.

  59. samper says:

    That should be OMFG!

  60. ds55 says:

    LOL! “Because we’re f**kin’ AFSCME!”

  61. samper says:


    Tune into KO.


  62. prisonernumbersix says:

    Re: 29

    Shannyn and AKM are already dazzling Pittsburgh! Pittsburgh will try to dazzle them.

    This is a great time!

  63. honestyinGov says:

    For people who may not get Cable and C-SPAN there is a story on Huffpo with a link for live blogging… if I understood it correctly.

    Go there for more details’

  64. eyes wide open in pgh, pa says:

    AKM, welcome to Pittsburgh! Make sure you experience a Pittsburgh style sandwich at Pirmanti’s. Steak and cheese on bread with a huge handful of coleslaw and french fries crammed inside the sandwich. Yum! Check out image:

  65. InJuneau says:

    samper (at 3:04 PM)–ooo, sorry to hear that. Hope you get better soon.

    samper (at 3:12 PM)–that may be, but I’m sure she can handle it (I’ve met her–she’s a tough Alaskan woman; we can handle ‘most anything (though I’m with her on not being a city gal; hate the traffic, among other things!)).

  66. michigander says:

    AKMuckraker – I can not thank you enough for sharing this with us. It is so encouraging to be able to ‘hear’ these speakers. I in turn am sharing it with many others as I am sure most of us are.

    You are making a difference and helping make the world a better place. Woman, I am in awe of you, you inspire so many to seek the truth and do what we can. No matter how big or small it seems, we all can make a difference.

    Yes We Can.

  67. samper says:

    Shanny told me that she is NOT much a city gal.

  68. samper says:

    I’m sick

  69. Star says:

    honestyin Gov…Thanks for the heads up..

  70. honestyinGov says:

    OK… I havn’t read all the new posts on this link yet but wanted to share this.
    Don’t know if it is already posted.

    8:00 pm EST on C-Span Opening address by President Clinton

    Pres. Clinton Highlights Progressive Convention

    Tonight, Pres. Bill Clinton gives the opening keynote address at the 2009 Netroots Nation Convention (formerly the YearlyKos Conven-
    tion). The former president will likely talk about climate change, his work in Haiti and recent political events. The DailyKos-sponsored forum looks to communicate progressive policies through the use of online technologies.
    Panel Evaluates the Effectiveness of Stimulus Spending
    Panel Evaluates the Effectiveness of Stimulus Spending

    Six months after the $787 billion stimulus plan began, a Brookings Inst. panel analyzed the effects of spending in relation to job creation and school reform.
    watch Convention on C-SPAN at 8pm

  71. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    okay, it will be in line and appropriate with; global warming, getting environmental word out, biz taking action and setting a good example, to post about a good friend in CO. He is an awesome, kind and progressive person. He loves and writes about all our gifts of nature but has really loved trees since a young person.

    His name is Ilon Shimir, his web site is “your true nature dot com”, he’s operated a ‘true’ green biz since 2000, participates with 1% for the planet, plants trees. I guess my point is, his operation is grassroots, the real deal and going worldwide, making a difference and growing. Perhaps a web site listing grassroots green businesses should be started.

    Please do check out his site, product themes are Advice: from a tree, from a dog, from a river, from a lake, from a mountain, lol, you get the picture. Everything from bookmarks to t-shirts.

    In honor of Brian, the link will take you to an “Advice From a Moose” poster.

    he also speaks,

    “Keynotes, Breakouts and Workshops!

    With his unique drumming and storytelling, Ilan Shamir has presented over 250 programs nationally and internationally for a variety of audiences. Programs include Living Your True Nature, A Thousand Things Went Right Today! and Developing Sustainable Products and Companies.

    Call 1-800-992-4769 for availability and booking information.

    Member of the National Speakers Association, National Association for Interpretation and the National Storytelling Network.”

  72. Tantef says:

    Shannyn could be from East Podunk and still hold those big city folk as her thralls. The girl has innate skills and smarts, and has spent her life sharpening them. I have every confidence that she and AKM will dazzle Pittsburgh.

  73. InJuneau says:

    OK, for all of you who are so worried about Shannyn–she may be from Homer, but she actually lives in Anchorage now. While Anchorage may not be a big city by East Coast standards, it’s not some completely isolated hole-in-the-wall either. I’m sure she’s doing fine (right, AKM?)!

  74. Kat says:


    Mahalo, Muchas Gracias, Danke, Merci beaucoup, Muito Obrigada, Go raibh maith agat, Mille Grazie, Arigato, Tack så mycket, I could go on (found a site which tells how to say thank you in 200 languages), but hopefully I’ve made the point that your universal mudpups owe you a BIG THANK YOU for all you do! You are a star in the sky, a meteor blazing the truth across the internet. Stop blushing, you are! Keep the great information rolling. Many thanks from another of your “spongy mudpups!”

    Please give Shannyn a giant shout out too. 🙂

  75. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Sounds fabulous AKM, thank you for taking time to fill us in… get out there and mingle, I do believe it’s happy hour, also, too.

  76. overthemoon says:

    wow. The internet. LIVE and IN PERSON!!!

    Must be extremely heady atmosphere. I’m envious but so glad you’re there to soak it up!

  77. samper says:

    Geeze! The information available is astounding. A few days doesn’t do the plethora justice.

    March on, Dear AKM! March ON!

    PS: Is Shanny OK with all the big city stuff?

  78. AKPetMom says:

    Great job bringing the issues home to us in AK…there’s so much to be considered, so many issues to be ruminated, digested and understood.

    You certainly have your work cut out for you! My brain would be sore from so much input!

    Thanks for sharing.

  79. clark says:

    seagull at 12 — was thinking the same thing.
    one of my favorite bloggers of all.
    and she even ‘outed’ him! [i never knew his real name.]

  80. Claw Washout Palin says:

    This is nice. Thats for the keeping everyone informed. Almost like being there.

  81. CO almost native says:

    Wow. just wow. I hope your head doesn’t explode from all the new stuff you’re cramming in it– just pour the excess onto the ‘Flats, and we’ll be waiting to soak it up. (bubbles: loooved Rosiland Russell, especially as Auntie Mame.)

  82. Zyxomma says:

    So glad you’re enjoying yourself. Tell Shannyn all the mudpuppies said Hello!

  83. weaver57 says:

    Holy cow! How do you do it? Guess I can’t type that fast and listen at the same time. Thank you for doing this and enjoy, learn, meet new people, and have a great time.

  84. the problem child says:

    What a great time you must be having visiting with all these like-minded people. Enjoy the firehose while you can!

  85. bubbles says:

    cassie“`”thank you for being our sponge” i had to smile at that. i thought of Agnes Gooch in Auntie Mame. one of my favorite films with the wonderful Rosiland Russell as Mame.

  86. bubbles says:


  87. LiladyNY says:

    Wow! I am speechless. Wow! Will one Netroots be enough? This is fascinating stuff.


  88. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    OK, I’m starstruck – you met METEORBLADES?


  89. bubblescond says:

    akm!! this is just great! thanks for taking us along with you. have a wonderful time.. bubs

  90. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:


    She may still be in them!

  91. Cassie Jeep Pike Palin says:

    Thanks, AKM, for being our “sponge”!

    We await each bit of information you share with us.

  92. prisonernumbersix says:

    AKM – Thanks for the detailed updates. It’s hard to believe that you can do all this with your schedule as full as it is! I have rarely seen anyone “drink from a fire hose” that well! It is much appreciated.

  93. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Do you think AKM remembered her jammies?

  94. witsendnj says:

    Thank you so much for bringing this topic to your blog akMuckraker! I love the anti-Sarah stuff but the real danger in her and her ilk is the fundamentalist science-denying ideology.

    A livable climate is at stake, it’s the most important issue, ever, and your voice in reporting on it will be a valuable addition to the discussion. is a great site for readers who want more information.

  95. amy says:

    Thanks for taking the time to update us! Don’t forget to have fun! Also, too.

  96. Greytdog Δ says:

    thanks for the update AKM!! I think environmental blogging has gotten passed over in the heat of poli blogging. Time to combine the two!

  97. Forty Watt says:

    We are all going to learn so much from this experience. Thank you.

  98. InJuneau says:

    Sounds like a great panel session!

  99. pvazwindy says:

    stay informed