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Senator Edward Kennedy Dies of Brain Cancer at 77.

“The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die.” ~ Edward Kennedy

It’s a sad day.  The Liberal Lion of the Senate is gone, and before this country has seen real health care reform.  That topic was near and dear to the Senator.  He did not live to see it, but I hope we can pass a good bill in his memory.

A tireless champion of the living wage, health care reform and equal rights, Kennedy, like the rest of his family lived the philosophy “with great privilege comes great responsibility.”   His presence will be missed.

As a farewell to the man who was my Senator for four years, I’m going to contact my Senators again tomorrow and ask them to vote for a public option.  I think Senator Kennedy would approve.


Ted Kennedy said he thought of his brothers every day.  Rest in peace, all.



87 Responses to “Senator Edward Kennedy Dies of Brain Cancer at 77.”
  1. Clamshell77 says:

    From one of your regular readers who lives in Massachusetts, thanks for the kind thoughts about Senator Kennedy. I am so sad at the loss of our great leader, who always could get right to the heart of the matter and put into words what so many of us were thinking and feeling. It is some comfort to know how loved and respected he was throughout the country, and how people knew that he really was a Senator for the entire US, not just us in Mass. The most meaningful tribute to him would be passing health care/insurance reform this year. Let’s all redouble our efforts toward that goal.

  2. Bones AK says:

    Small update/correction:

    I was not quite 1 yr. old when JPK, Jr. died in WWII. I was serving in the Army when RFK was killed. I was working in an ER in CA when RFK was killed. And now, I am retired as the last last of the 4 brothers has died.

    This band of brothers has done so much for our country, I so little.

    Their legacy will last a long, long time.

    RIP Senator Kennedy you have done US ALL proud.

  3. Bones AK says:

    This is perhaps the best “link” headline I have seen:

    The U.S. Senate was the place where Ted Kennedy grew from callow and reckless to the most effective legislator in the history of the institution. By Jonathan Alter

    I was serving in the Army when RFK was killed. I was working in an ER in CA when RFK was killed.
    And now, I am retired as the last last of the 4 brothers has died.

    Their legacy will last a long, long time.

    RIP Senator Kennedy you have done US ALL proud.

  4. yellowdoggranny says:

    Goddess bless them all.

  5. VernD says:

    had to look at $carah’s FB page for comments.
    Here’s one that gives a little hope. Key word is LITTLE.
    Robert J. Schellie
    The mans dead. He represented the state of MA for 47 years. If the people that he represented didn’t like what he was doing they would have vote him out of office. I am a conservative but some of you are foaming at the mouth like one of these left wing loons. At least wait until he is in the grave before you walk all over it!

  6. pearl89 says:

    #76 SilverFox67. You don’t have to go to Fox to read hatefilled comments, simply check out ADN. Seems to be a lot of the same people who posted on FOX.

    And for a good lesson in revisionist history, just look at the way the right eulogized Nixon after his death.

  7. waxman says:

    As painful as his passing is, I have to remind myself that this is the natural order of things – it is this process of renewal that is the very essence of life itself. When the tallest tree in the forest has fallen, we grieve it’s loss, but we also recognize that it’s passing brings opportunity for a new generation. It is my hope that the new generation seizes this opportunity and that they extend his legacy with renewed energy and vigor. The landscape will never be the same, whatever returns will not be the proud giant that once stood there, but I think it is the legacy that we leave for future generations that really matters. Ted Kennedy, as much as anyone, prepared the soil for a new generation. We morn his passing but celebrate the fact that he was so much a part of the landscape within our own lifetimes.

  8. Janet Alexander says:

    Worth posting: part of Joe Biden’s tribute to Ted Kennedy.

    “He was never defeatist. He never was petty. He was never small. And in the process of his doing, he made everybody he worked with bigger, both his adversaries, as well as his allies … He changed the circumstances of tens of millions of Americans and in a literal sense he changed how they looked at themselves and how they looked at one another. The unique thing about Teddy was he was never about him.”

  9. Janet Alexander says:

    Ted Kennedy understood what was morally right, socially just, politically possible and he used his eloquence to help us want to do the right thing.

  10. mlaiuppa says:

    Then let Biden loose any any Democrats that need to be brought in line.

  11. mlaiuppa says:

    The Senator Edward Kennedy Health Care Reform Act of 2009.


    With a public option and the ability to negotiate the best cost for Medicare meds.

  12. silverfox67 says:

    The PARTY OF NO is ranting! Check out FOX….if you have the stomach for REAL HATE FILLED comments.

    My deepest sympathy to the Kennedy Family.

  13. Amy says:

    I’m just so sad. Sad that he didn’t live long enough to see this bill passed. And underneath the sadness is a great anger for the republicans who are obstructing this with lies and fear tactics. I truly hope that the democrats will take a breath and say ENOUGH and get this done.

    “TeddyCare” is so sweet.

  14. KaJo says:

    DonnaInMichigan Says:
    August 26th, 2009 at 6:59 AM
    Out of respect for Ted Kennedy, they should rename the Health Care bill, TeddyCare

    That’s a wonderful suggestion, Donna, and quite clever in the political sense as well as in a emotional sense.

    “TeddyCare” evokes a mental image of your favorite childhood toy teddy bear and all the happy memories associated.

    You should pass that suggestion along!

  15. KaJo says:

    “….I hope we can pass a good bill in his memory.

    My thoughts exactly, AKM.

    Would it be too much to hope that some Republican elder statesmen of the Senate, perhaps ones who are serving their final term before retiring, step up and at least honor Senator Kennedy’s memory if not the 77% majority of the American people, and vote for a health care reform bill that at least has the public option in it?

    I mean, what’s the insurance industry going to do to them, demand their campaign contributions back?

  16. InJuneau says:

    Alaska’s own Ted Kennedy moment, at the 1968 State Democratic Part Convention in Sitka, mere days after the assassination of MLK, Jr.:

    Click on the file link for whichever format your media reader needs to view the speech.

  17. Susie Snowflake says:

    This is truly a sad day for all of us, especially for the Kennedy family. It sounds like it may have taken them by surprise that it happened this quickly. I hope that when they were all gathered to celebrate his sister Eunice’s life that they took the opportunity as a family to spend some quality time together with him, especially since he was not strong enough to attend the funeral.

    He had so many accomplishments that benefit so many of us, and I’m just hearing about his role in a lot of major pieces of legislation, like Title 9, COBRA benefits, Medicare, etc. We all have benefited from his work on our behalf. I’m sure I’ll learn a lot in the next few days when the TV coverage reviews some of this. All networks except FAUX “News”, that is. Of course they will never see or acknowledge his selflessness and accomplishments that were done for our country as a whole, and not for personal or selfish reasons. Like I always say, “consider the source…”

  18. kareninTexas says:

    Thank you CR46. I’ll be looking for your sign.

  19. CR46 says:

    The Lion of the Senate has passed. We all must pick up and carry his banner forward and unite in the fight to get healthcare for all!! I for one will have a Lion on my sign on sept 13th in Austin Texas as a symbol of my promise to do what I can to make sure that ALL americans have healthcare. While I am no Ted Kennedy, and there will surely never be another, all of us together can stand and unite to continue his dream for healthcare for all. Join me in The Lion of the Senates memory, by marching, talking, and emailing reps and senators.

  20. pearl89 says:

    Every time I think I’m ready to write something, the tears start anew. I have never been so affected by the passing of someone I never knew since his brothers’ assassinations. Memories of the Kennedys are so intertwined with those of my own life and the shaping of my political philosophies.

    Like most people of my generation, I remember where I was and what I was doing when I learned of JFK’s death. And I’ll never forget watching Robert
    Kennedy being gunned down after winning the CA democratic primary. For such a flawed family, their lights shown brightly and effected millions of Americans.

    There is a song by Warren Zevon called “Keep Me In Your Heart For Awhile” that WZ wrote after he found out he had terminal cancer. It is a beautiful song and one line says…”If I leave you it doesn’t mean I love you any less. Keep in me in your heart for awhile.”

    Teddy, I know that you loved America and it’s people and we will keep you in our hearts for a long, long time to come. RIP, lion of the Senate, you will be missed.

    Thank you for your service to all of us.

  21. Donna says:

    I have been watching his convention speech–it is so wonderful. Thank you, Senator Kennedy.

  22. Cynamen Winter says:

    The “Lion of the Senate” truly fought a “good fight” throughout the many decades…

    I am grateful that he lived to see President Obama come into office…. and perhaps we can now get that Health Care initiative accomplished in his honor.

    ~Peace be Still~

  23. BlancheMadison says:

    My best friend just posted this beautiful tribute on Organizing for America. It deserves to be seen; she gave me permission to repost here it for Mudpups:

    The Roar Lives On and the Dream Never Dies!

    Beloved Uncle Teddy and Lion of the Senate,
    Thank you for decades of greater and more significant contributions
    than have been accomplished by most of our presidents. Thank you for
    caring about issues that affect people of all ages, colors, abilities,
    political leanings, occupations, and economic means- and then using
    your intelligence, drive, savvy, charm, stubbornness, deep convictions
    and yes- privilege and all that comes with it, to fight until your
    dying day to make the world a more just place for all of us. I love
    you Teddy and trust you are now sailing in the wind with your
    remarkable brothers and sister. But so strong is your legacy and
    inspiration, that you will always be with us here on earth as well.
    Good sailing and fair winds, Teddy!

  24. Bystander says:

    Kate #62 current MA law is unusual, and calls for a special election in 5 months. The Senator was recently urging a change in the law to allow an immediate interim appointment. The MA legislaure must enact such a change.

  25. KateinCanada says:

    What happens now to replace Kennedy? Does it have to wait for another election?

  26. I stopped by his office once when I was in DC. I didn’t see him but was struck by the elegant simplicity of his office and meeting room. The walls of his office were almost completely covered by pictures of his brothers.

    I also saw him at work on the Senate floor, an able secretary by his side. They both looked like they had been there for ages and had gone through many wars together. He was all business and very focused on his work. I am so glad I have these memories of him now that he is gone.

  27. rebekkah says:

    Since childhood, we were always tuned into the news, and the Kennedy family’s tragedies were such a part of our lives. The Irish community around where I lived, especially had a kindred spirit with them.

    And, it’s so true, as some commented here, that with all E. Kennedy’s life challenges, he didn’t whine or complain at his critics, he just kept pressing on.
    That is great character.

  28. DonnaInMichigan says:

    Out of respect for Ted Kennedy, they should rename the Health Care bill, TeddyCare.

  29. Mac says:

    I have lived in MA my entire life and Senator Kennedy has always been my senator. Yes, he had many human failings, but he fought to overcome them, did not blame others for his shortcomings, took responsibility and continued to fight for what he felt was right. And what he felt was right was that the haves should take care of the have nots. In MA we have “universal coverage” and our insurance companies are not publicly held companies. I will be walking on September 13 in honor of Senator Kennedy in the March For Healthcare in Boston. These will be taking place in all states that day. Please check out to find one near you. We all owe it to his memory to get this done. Rest In Peace Senator Kennedy and Thank You.

  30. karen marie says:

    I’m completely overwhelmed by how devastated I feel at the news of Senator Kennedy’s death. It’s like chunks of the world that I once lived in are breaking off and disappearing, leaving me, alone, not recognizing anything I see.

    But news of Senator Kennedy’s death also brings into sharp relief the reality of the current situation in Washington. More even than when Bush was president I am beginning to think there is in fact no hope at all. Life will not be getting better for any of us.

    One more example of how these god-forsaken politicians are untethered from what should be their duty? The so-called legislators on Beacon Hill screwing around with a decision whether to allow Governor Patrick to appoint an interim senator.

    I called both my state rep and my state senator to bitch about it but I might has well have saved my breath and my dime.

    Condolences to the Kennedy family and to all who knew and loved Edward M. Kennedy.

  31. kareninTexas says:

    Condolences to the Kennedy family. We all share the loss of a great senator.

  32. ChiCat says:

    Greytdog, that is a sweet, inspiring story!

    What an incredible life that man had! Such tragedy, such impact! He lost 2 siblings when he was a child, lost 2 more brothers to assasination, and 3 more throught his lifetime, broke his back, battled alcohol abuse-his own and his wife’s, survived a car crash that killed a young woman, watched his son struggle with cancer, fought his own cancer for the last year….and yet, despite all this, this independently wealthy man who could have shunned the world and wallowed in own misery or simply lived high on the hog choose instead to dedicate his life to serving the American people. Education, children’s healthcare, civil rights, labor rights, 300 laws were passed with his name on them. He reached across the aisle and got things done.

    MA, and the Senate, will not be the same without him. I don’t know who we will find to fill those enormous shoes.

  33. judi says:

    We have lost a wonderful man but we shouldn’t let his dream die..We have much work to do to fight for healthcare for all.

  34. Polly says:

    51 leenie17 – amen to that

  35. phoebe says:


    When Eugene McCarthy was running for president he came to Oakland, CA & we wenet to see him. What an impressive motivating man he was. Yes, that was back in the days when statesman were statesman.

  36. leenie17 says:

    The Kennedy family has had a legacy of turning personal tragedy into positive social change.

    Senator Kennedy’s death is certainly a great loss to PO’s efforts to pass health care reform. But perhaps the Kennedy legacy will continue, particularly since this reform was such an important piece of legislation to Ted. Perhaps his death will be the impetus that the Democratic party needs to unite and get this bill passed. Let’s hope that this sad event will inspire Congress to pass meaningful reform that will honor Senator Kennedy’s memory and the Kennedy family’s tradition of service to others.

  37. Greytdog Δ says:

    As a 16 yr old I was actively involved in McCarthy’s campaign. Gene was having a rally in Cleveland and Ted Kennedy was going to be with him. I rode my bike from a school field hockey match to campaign HQ and first person I met was Ted. He noticed I still had on my shin guards on – I told him why, and he asked “Did you play your best?” I said yessir! and he told that’s what mattered. He didn’t ask if the team lost or won, but did I give my team 100%. . . that small lesson of life has been my lodestone. And so I am off – to give my team 100% and get health care reform passed so that All Americans have affordable, accessible and compassionate health care.

  38. Gramiam says:

    A couple of moments of Zen, starring Ted Kennedy. I’ll think of this when I confront Republicans.

  39. .
    Conservative response to the death of our Lino of the Senate, champion of the People’s health? Chappaquiddick!!!

    This is their chance to set the healthcare clock back forty years.

    You can say this at least: It wasn’t Teddy’s fault. Forty-seven years he fought for us. D’iarr sé! (He tried!) Which is more than most can say. Especially in the bloody Senate.

    Keep trying, though. Everybody.

  40. I’m so saddened by the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy. All the Kennedy’s worked so tirelessly for justice and especially Senator Kennedy on health reform.

  41. phoebe says:


    I know what you mean. I was in high school when Kennedy was killed & remember the days & days of mourning & the genuine sadness of everyone. Looking back those days were long ago & today we have way too many meanspirited hateful people that seem to lack common decency.

  42. pvazwindy says:

    God bless the Kennedy family; brothers four together again. The Lion’s roar will never be muted. Such a stalwart, goodbye Sen. Edward Kennedy.

  43. Bev says:

    I knew where I was when President Kennedy was killed, when Edward was killed and now I add to memory..Senator Ted Kennedy.

    I am so sad and feel like my era has died….may peace go with those left behind.

  44. Polly says:

    Rest in peace Senator Kennedy.

  45. samper says:

    You guys would not BELIEVE some of the comments over at faux news dot com!

    They are hateful and downright mean spirited. How these people claim to be Xians is beyond me. They’re going all the way back to Chappequiddick (sp?) and saying how “dangerous” his legislation has been, blah blah blah.

    It’s really pathetic what walks among us. A family is grieving and they are inviting him to burn in he!!.

    And SP’s cookie cutter “condolences” are just outrageous. One funny comment at HuffPo is that she was probably the only one to extend sympathies via a social networking site.

  46. BlancheMadison says:

    Nancy Narcissist’s (aka Palin) pithy comment shouldn’t have been included with those of world leaders, congresspeople and statesmen on HuffPo. I’m sure she could care less about Teddy K’s passing. She has a great PR handler to get that placement, unfortunately.

  47. BlancheMadison says:

    Godspeed to the Lion of the Senate. His contributions will never be forgotten.

    The Health Care Bill SHOULD be named in his honor. We now have influence from beyond. This WILL happen!!

  48. Diane says:

    In his honor and memory, it behooves all of us to double our efforts to contact Senators and Congressmen/women and get this health Care bill passed.

    There is no excuse anymore. It is obvious that republicans have no plan, no desire to pass any health care bill to benefit We The People.
    Just lies, innuendo and more lies.
    Sarah palin should hang her head in shame as she spread lies. To what end?
    She has no better plan or even a plan at all. She is insured and the rest of us be damned!

  49. CO almost native says:

    Perhaps the Congress will be inspired to create and pass meaningful health care reform in Ted Kennedy’s name, so his years of hard work and service will live on.

  50. Scorpie says:

    I am old enough to remember JFKs’ and Bobbys’ assassination. So unbelieveable. Now to lose the last of the brothers, it’s so sad. RIP Teddy.

  51. samper says:

    The Kennedy’s have always been a hallmark of public service. Some do it quietly, behind the scenes and some are more well known and public in their contribution.

    But one thing is very clear. They never appear to take their name or wealth for granted. The parents made sure of that and encouraged the work of serving their neighbors and country. I can’t name one Kennedy who just sits around being rich. They all have meaningful work in their lives.

    We could all learn a thing or two from this outstanding and generous family.

  52. AF says:

    It is indeed sad that such a statesman has died, particularly so when there are so few of them left.

    Nevertheless, the US should be glad and proud that it at least had such a figure – we’re still waiting and hoping in the UK.

  53. moseyon says:


  54. moseyon says:

    Huff had a remark from Sarah Palin.
    It offended me that her name was included
    with world leaders comments.
    Am I been snarky??
    I posted .Why was she included in these comments.
    About Senator Kennedy I mean.

  55. califpat says:

    Thanks to the Kennedy’s for caring about the American people and always being vocal and proactive in diligently fighting injustices. They could have been like many rich who cared only about themselves, but they didnt.
    My heart breaks that Ted
    Kennedy has passed and my prayers do not seem to be enough. RIP, Senator, you left a positive mark on America.

    I say this with the most sincerity, if we had more statemens like you Mr. Kennedy, Our country would still be the beacon of respect. Thank you and go forward to your family reunion with the rest of your family. I heart you and your family.

  56. twain12 says:

    RIP 🙁

  57. Kath the Scrappy says:

    A Youtube worth watching, gives a better sense of why he was fighting for this:
    May 20, 2008
    Senator Edward Kennedy speaks passionately about trying to get health care reform passed during his career. In this video he talks about his own family’s struggles in the past with sickness and injury, and now he faces a battle of his own with cancer.

  58. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    A great loss to so many. RIP.

  59. lexky says:

    amen samper

  60. Far From Fenway Fan says:

    Another remarkable member of a truly remarkable family passes. Unlike the Bush family that has many politicians, the Kennedys produced statesmen. I just finished reading Sports illustrated’s piece on Eunice Kennedy Shriver and the founding of the Special Olympics. Another extraordinary sibling. For all their wealth, the Kennedys could have been content to do nothing; instead each has made a permanent contribution to the less fortunate of our society. Take note Sarah Palin: These are the REAL Americans!

  61. I turned on MSNBC, thinking I’d catch the late run of Keith Olberman, and instead learned of Ted Kennedy’s passing. Olberman has said several times that anyone who was younger than 50 has always had Ted Kennedy as part of the fabric of the Senate. Well, I’ll soon be 60 so my memories include both his brothers and the hopes that they gave so many people. Ted followed in their legacy of fighting for the betterment of all people, not just those who were his friends or who were like he was.

    In reading the condolences from varied politicians, I think the thing that is important to remember is that one of the hallmarks of Ted Kennedy’s years in the Senate is that he did reach across party lines. He began his career by doing that and tried to the end to do it. It’s sad that politics has changed so much that that sort of fairness to listen to others is not still the way things are done. Perhaps with Senator Kennedy’s passing, some of the Senators will realize that they don’t have to be so devisive, so hateful.

    I hope that the health care bill is passed, and soon. Even though he isn’t here to see it, what a fitting thing to have happen now.

    It is a sad day indeed.

  62. samper says:

    There is absolutely nothing meaningful that Palin can contribute to this conversation. Her “prepared” statement is irrelevant and not needed. She could never even come close to being a respected voice to or for the Kennedy Family. It angers me that she has used this sad event to further herself. She should just sit down and shut up. For ONCE in her life. Just be quiet already!

    That said, another sad day in the Kennedy Family. Teddy fought for all of us and was the third longest sitting Senator in history. He worked tirelessly for the common folk and health care was a mission for him.

    We must pass the legislation and it WOULD be fitting to have his name on it. I hope they are able to quickly fill his seat so that his voice can still be heard.

    Yes We Can. And We MUST. NOW.

  63. Gasman says:

    As I stated on another blog, the Democrats should title their healthcare reform “The Ted Kennedy Memorial Healthcare Act.” If the Republicans engage in any additional lying or histrionic grandstanding, immediately change it to a true single payer bill with universal coverage and ram it down the Republicans’ throats. Passage of meaningful healthcare reform would be the finest tribute his party could pay to the late great Lion of the Senate.

    Orin Hatch is reported to be one of Ted Kennedy’s greatest friends in the Senate. Let’s see if Sen. Hatch will continue to be the good-but-mindless Republican hack he has reliably been forever or if he might honor his friend’s memory and legacy by voting for legislation that was near and dear to his heart.

    Very few people have had an impact upon our nation that could compare to that of Ted Kennedy. With all of his considerable flaws, he was on the right side of history far more often than not.

    The Kennedy family has known far more tragedy than most and it has suffered much in the last few weeks. Godspeed Eunice and Ted. Our nation is a better place for having known you.

  64. deist says:

    How sad. There is only one sister (Jean, born 1928) left of the 9 children. Ted will be joining 4 sisters and three brothers. Ted’s sister Eunice passed away just two weeks ago. 4 of their lives were cut short– Joseph and Kathleen in their 20s, and of course John and Robert in their 40s. It is hard to believe John would be 92 now if he were still alive. John was 15 years older than Ted.

    It is ridiculous for the media to be quoting Palin’s statement of condolences after her malicious attack on health care legislation.

    Today I received a form letter from Murkowski which included the statement, “Simply expanding coverage through a federally-run program will not provide the quality and accessibility of care and coverage that is needed to combat the problem.”

    Palin and Murkowski seem like opposites of Ted Kennedy. Kennedy wanted to help his country. Palin and Murkowski seem more interested in themselves and their buddies.

  65. phoebe says:

    A fighter til the end. I just read yesterday that he wanted to be replaced quickly in the Senate. I assume he wanted to make sure his vote counted. RIP Ted Kennedy.

  66. anon blogger says:

    Very sad news. America has lost a devoted statesman. May he rest in peace.

    Heard there were nasty comments over on Faux blog. I saw a couple on HuffPost before they were removed. The HuffPost commenters are pushing for the health care reform to be named after Senator Kennedy.

    Statements coming in being read on MSNBC. Nancy Reagan, Peloski, Reid, and Palin.

  67. Kath the Scrappy says:

    Sad that Senator Kennedy didn’t make it to see healthcare reform passed, he wanted it so badly. I’m hopeful, simply out of respect for the man that they liked, both sides of the aisles will put away the lies, rancor and vitriol (yes, I’m speaking to the Gang of Six Dems too) and BEGIN focusing on the needs of this great but desperate Country.

    Maybe his passing will remind them that we are all mortal – that wealth & position do NOT guarantee health.
    RIP Teddy, America will truly miss you!

  68. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Something the Kennedys lived that too many seem to have forgotten is the saying about “much is required of those to whom much is given.” That’s not exact, but the gist is there.

    That’s something that I think each of the Kennedy boys always kept in mind, and truly tried to live by. He will be missed.

  69. Jodie Clarke says:

    I love seeing the unity projected on this blog tonight. We are all experiencing such a sad loss, but Senator Kennedy was a true giver, worker and, above all, cared for the citizens of the United States.

    May his great influence carry on to the majority in Congress to pass President Obama’s health reform. The Bill should reflect the honor of his name.

  70. bucsfan says:

    It’s 11:25 pm in Anchorage right now, and it’s time for bed. Watching MSNBC and they just read a statement of condolences from former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. And I am not trying to be snarky, maybe I am just old and tired, but I just have to ask, why did they even bother reading it? She is in the rear view mirror and let’s keep her there.

  71. mhrt says:

    aww..another sad day for all of us. I remember JFK (I was in JR high school, PE class). I remember Bobby at the hotel and now this. Sad days … all three.

  72. lexky says:

    well said

  73. My sincere condolences to the Kennedy family. Thankyou for all the hard work put in for this nation and peace to you on this sad day.

  74. lexky says:

    the brothers are together again.
    healthcare reform now.
    rip teddy

  75. Gramiam says:

    Well said, bucsfan. I think our greatest tribute to the man who fought so long and hard and well for all of us would be to do just as you suggested, pick up the mantle he has laid down and carry it to the finish line in his honor. To say and do whatever is necessary to finish his great work and to settle for nothing less than what he thought we deserve as a nation. All the Palins,Becks, Hannitys and others like them take note! Senator Kennedy lost his battle today, but with his death you just lost the WAR!

  76. Lani Formerly Bash Budweiser Palin says:

    When I heard the news tonight, I remembered when he threw his support to President Obama’s campaign and I knew I was watching the torch being passed.

    This was posted on the Huffington Post’s article about the passing of the Senator: “Edward Kennedy Health Care Bill 2009 – Let’s make it happen.”
    Yes we will.

  77. dowl says:

    We are constantly in seasons of loss. Celebration of lived lives is our job to do in our collective journeys toward light and love. There is yet work for each of us to do.

    Health Care Reform with a public option
    Now. Yes we can.

  78. bucsfan says:

    Bones, yes there was. Joe Jr. who was supposed to be the one who would run for president. He died on a bombing mission in WWII. There was a tv movie made about him back in the 70’s, ironically called, “Young Joe, The Forgotten Kennedy”

  79. Lainey says:

    when I heard, I let out a big “awwww”…so sad for all of us…he’ll be missed…may he rest in peace and condolences to the family.

  80. bucsfan says:

    Like his brothers before him, although he grew up in a rich family, he always looked out for everyone. Health Care, Education, Women’s Rights, Rights for the Disabled, his legacy is one of working hard for the “common” man, rather working for those in his same economic status (Bush’s base). He tried to reach across the aisle and work the Republicans, as he did with No Child Left Behind, which unfortunately was crapped on by the President. We cannot wait for someone to pick up the mantle on health care reform. As Rob said above, we have to pick it up, and if the Congress is not going to lead, then we need to push them. I was only three when President Kennedy was assassinated. I, unfortunately, remember the day that Bobby was killed, and remember watching on the news as Teddy gave his tearful goodbye at Bobby’s funeral. Did he make mistakes? Yes. Did he have problems and weaknesses? Yes. He was human like us all, although because of his name, we expected him to be more than human. But his devotion and service to country should what he should always be remembered for. Rest in Peace, Senator Kennedy, Teddy. May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

  81. Bones AK says:

    Sorry Senator Kennedy.

  82. Bones AK says:

    Actually there were 4 brothers the 4th died in WWII.
    RIP Senator Kennady.

    Of course you’re right. Don’t know how I forgot that. AKM

  83. The Rubber Room Hotel says:

    Rest in peace Senator Kennedy.

  84. akfishergirl says:

    Rest in Peace Teddy……..

  85. Rob in Ca says:

    What an extraordinary contribution he has made to our country!

    It is up to us, now, to step up and make health care reform his legacy. It is the best tribute, and the best thanks, that we could give him.

  86. seattlefan says:

    This is such sad news. He fought so hard for the health care reform and came so close to seeing it happen. I hope someone in the Senate or House (Anthony Weiner!) will grab the baton and carry it on.

    I would hope they put his name on this bill as tribute to all the tireless work and dedication he put into it.

    Rest in peace Teddy and thanks for all you did for us.