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Open Thread


When the clouds started to dissapate, there was no doubt I was getting close to home. After 10 days of trying to recalibrate my internal Alaskan thermostat to temperatures well into the 90s, and humidity the same, the snow-covered mountains looked positively inviting. I kept thinking of those old York Peppermint Patty commercials about the cold artcitc breeze blowing through your hair.

Snow-capped peaks and impossibly blue water. Yup…almost there.



143 Responses to “Open Thread”
  1. MO Inkslinger says:

    One needs to remember one thing about Levi’s comments. Some of his comments come from his own observations and others come from his close relationship with Bristol. Bristol’s feelings and observations relayed through Levi may be more damning. Those that want to discount Levi need to realize that Bristol has probably told him an ear full over the years. Would love to see Bristol write a book!

  2. Wasilla Warrior says:

    I am so sick of Alaskan media, (meaning KTUU and the Daily News) and their shameless support of all things Palin. There I said and I feel a little better.

  3. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I hope people realize that when they post ‘alarming’ and ‘distressing’ items at Mudflats and then comment about how alarmed, distressed, scared or terrified they are that they make other people alarmed, distressed, scared, etc.

  4. strangelet says:

    @133 cosa: That is one of the more amazing proposals for municipal legislation I have ever seen. I don’t think even Singapore (a “fine” city) has a B.O. ordinance. How would someone be convicted? Without some kind of objective standard, the ordinance would have to be unConstitutional because of violating due process.

    Anyhow, methinks your boy Tam has a little problem with the truth, when he claims that he first heard the term “wetback” applied to illegal Chinese immigrants (to Hong Kong, I believe?) in “Flower Drum Song”. How old is this fella? I’m 61, and I’ve never seen Flower Drum Song, much less developed my vocabulary from it. On the other hand, although I grew up in Wisconsin, far from the Rio Grande, I knew what “wetback” meant by the time I was in high school.

    BTW, I’ve been on Da Bus quite a few times. I might quibble with the Hawaiian Time schedule, but I’ve never noticed any particular pungency.

  5. strangelet says:

    @Woman Who Runs: I guess I missed your story the first time. What an obnoxious person that coach is. I’ve occasionally supervised kids on trips, and it can be a problem when, say, a kid “has to go now” because they didn’t TCB at the last stop. But if there’s bushes available, why not. More to the point, taking pictures is unbelievably awful (and possibly child pornography).

    I’m a guy, with sons, but I did have a stepdaughter during middle & high school, so I know (as do most parents) that those years are an emotional roller-coaster for girls. Embarrassment lurks around every corner, and it will happen, and — generally — it will pass. But nobody needs adult authority figures enhancing the embarrassment.

    I can’t comprehend that all the other parents are not incensed.

    Best wishes, and don’t ignore the child pornography angle.

  6. Women Who Runs With The Wolves: I’m so upset I misspelled unbelievable.
    If the school gets sued and it hurts them financially, believe me, those coaches will be fired and they’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again. They should have been suspended or dismissed when the school first heard of this incident. The coach is not just mean but cruel and shouldn’t be around children with her attitude.

  7. Women Who Runs With The Wolves: I just find it so unbellievable that they aren’t fired. What about the other mothers? Aren’t they outraged as well?
    For them to take pictures and video of this child has got to be a violation of her privacy and rights. I suggest you see a good lawyer and sue the school since they are responsible for their employees. It is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS!

  8. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    @ InJuneau…..It was not such a horrible experience for the girls who were not peeing in a cup in the back of a moving van. They all thought it was funny, Not realizing that the girl who had to go to the bathroom was hiding her tears and crying while she was trying to pee in the cup. Of course this young lady brushed off this episode and laughed after it was done, she didn’t want to humiliate herself anymore. What tells another story though is the video and still pics. that were taken of her. She’s crying, she’s shaking and she has beads of sweat on her forhead, clearly in distress. What’s truly amazing to me, is that these coaches are mad at me because I am wanting accountability for this terrible lack in judgement, and the head coaches verbally abusive behavior towards not only my child, but also other kids on her team whom she does not want around. She’s just mean.

  9. InJuneau says:

    Women Who Run With Wolves–I can’t imagine how horrible the experience must have been for your daughter and her friends. If you get back on the Forum and want any help, let me know, not that I’m sure I could do anything, but I can think of things!

  10. .
    Warning to all Alaskans and other people who smell different from us here in the “Aloha State”: Racist local politicians are fighting BO on buses. That’s defined by how local you smell. So, poi up, brah!

    Six months in jail if not.

  11. Gramiam says:

    Great site, Amy!! I have sent it to many on my e-mail list.

  12. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    @Nan 130. I am not on the forum….I forgot my password, it’s been a long time. I am not getting any PM’s either. I will see if I can remember how to get back on the forum….if not, maybe AKM can help me figure it out.

    @Martha Unalaska Yard Sign and Saurkraut….I am back her briefly. Martha you can only imagine how this has affected small town life here for me and my daughter. It’s stressful being the bad person, when all one is doing is trying to stand up for what’s right. Small towns.

  13. Nan (aka roswellborn) says:

    Women Who Run With The Wolves
    Are you on the forum? If so, I’d appreciate it if you dropped me a line in PM.


  14. amy says:

    I didn’t see this posted yet. Please join the online vigil!

    Dear MoveOn member,

    The health care debate is the biggest political story of the year.

    But what the media and Congress seem to forget is that it’s not just about politics or policy minutiae. It’s about real people who are really suffering under our broken health care system—and can’t afford to wait any longer for real reform.

    That’s why, today, MoveOn members are holding health care vigils across the country—including a virtual vigil online for those who can’t make it to an event. These are shaping up to be our biggest and most powerful events of the year.

    And all day today, we’re holding an online virtual vigil where you can read about other MoveOn members who can’t afford to wait, see their faces, and even hear their stories. Plus, you can add a candle to the online vigil for yourself or someone else you know.

    Many of those who need health reform the most can’t make it out of the house to attend vigils in their communities. This virtual vigil is a place for everyone to meet up and share stories about why health care reform is so important.

    Check out the virtual vigil by clicking here:

    Hope you can join us at one or both events, and thanks again for all you do.

    –Nita, Carrie, Kat, Ilyse and the rest of the team

  15. not that sarah says:

    thnx BuffaloGal!

  16. Tealwomin says:

    over at huffPost with re: to Sarah going to Hong Kong…to give speech, & to not speak on behalf of other Repug women:

    “Her DVD was scratched so she couldn’t finish writing her speech.”

  17. BuffaloGal says:

    @123 not that sarah – I’m following you on Twitter. resend? thanks!

  18. Sher says:

    #98 Watching From New Jersey said: I signed the petition. Thank you for the link.

    You’re welcome! There are over 9500 signatures now. That’s a little over 2000 more than when I signed it a couple of hours ago.
    #110 Doesn’t this sound familiar?

    Yes, SameOld, It does and it scares me to death. I really believe something bad is going to happen if all of these lies, hate and rascism continue.

  19. not that sarah says:

    @BuffaloGal, I tried to send you a message on twitter, but it’s not going thru.

    If you get a chance, can you repost the email that goes to PalinTruthWatch twitter acct, or add me: srjones66@twitter plz?


  20. SameOld @110: Kennedy was our first Catholic President and Obama is our first African-American President. I just pray history doesn’t repeat itself.
    Senator Ted Kennedy endorsed Barak Obama because he saw something of his brother in him. I was just a kid so I wasn’t aware of nasty politics and dangers to the President. I thought he was not only popular but loved by the country and the world. How naive I was.

  21. txindygirl says:

    passed ?

  22. txindygirl says:

    HonestyinGov @ 91,

    In defense of Edith (but not Meg S):

    Didn’t Edith Bunker have a heart of gold? It was Archie who was the grumpy get-off-my-lawn-guy. Edith, for all that she was “dumb,” was always able to get Archie to do what she wanted… or was able to inadvertently one-up him.

    I think it’s $arah who thinks she’s channeling Edith. Acts dumb (like she thinks “ril mirikins” are) but wants the rest of us to think she is truly smart on the inside. Of course, we all know she’s a “ril mirikin” from her core to the bumpit on the top o’ her head! (Thanks to Lori in CA, Not That Sarah, or who ever it was that invoked the bumpit in some post a while back. I can’t walk past the display at Walgreens without cracking up!)

  23. BuffaloGal says:

    I’m heading up to the chat tree house for a few minutes. I have the first “soup of the season” simmering on the stove and it smells so good I just don’t want to do anymore news research today. The bay leaves and onions are just starting to fill the house. Eventually it’ll be a bean and potato soup and, life will be good.

    For anyone wanting to chat for the next half hour, :

  24. txindygirl says:

    SameOld @ 110 –

    That just gave me chills.

  25. trisha says:

    @110 SameOld

    Wow…that’s frightening. I cannot believe how similar that sounds to today.

    It’s sad that we haven’t grown at all as a nation. Or rather, it’s sad that the GOP hasn’t grown as a party since then. Same old hate, lies and racism. Pathetic!

  26. GreatGranny2B says:

    @112 – Okay, sorry if I misunderstood and misimplied anything. i do agree that in some respects, Meg hasn’t appeared to be smart and quick enough on some things, so maybe she isn’t that poster. No matter who it is, she’s pretty angry at Levi, eh?

  27. trisha says:

    @81 ds55, regarding Palin’s passport—I hear ya’. But, somehow her fans believe it’s the evil dems who are “making stuff up”….just like we twisted all her words in her Couric interview. Basically, they are just nuts.

    They are going to be sorely disappointed when “The Choosen One” doesn’t rise up out of the mist to wipe out every religion on the planet except Christianity. (read that one the other day from a fan). They must think she is JC in the flesh.

  28. Irishgirl: It seems they have put muzzles on the few sane, moderate Republicans. God forbid, if anything happens to our President, you can be sure the Republicans and Fox will be very vocal in trying to distance themselves from the aftermath. I pray the Secret Service does a good job of protecting him.

    BuffaloGal: We’re supposed to have separation of Church and Government. That is what the “founding fathers” proposed in the Constitution. Michelle Bachman is a fundamentalist, who is trying to ram her brand of Christianity on to the rest of us. She needs to be voted out of office. Russ Limbaugh needs to go to re-hab and Glen Beck needs some serious counseling or maybe he should start drinking again. I’ve never seen a grown man cry so much.

  29. BuffaloGal says:

    SameOld @110 – I was thinking that very thing today but didn’t want to post it. It felt too awful. I hear you, absolutely.

    MadCity Chick @108 – Thanks for the link – I did a broadcast of it on the PalinTruthWatch twitter –

    I need to respond to a few other posts of today. Things are unfolding so fast lately, aren’t they? Difficult to keep up! I’ll be back to do that as soon as I catch up the twitter account and the website.

  30. honestyinGov says:

    96 GreatGranny2B Says:
    September 2nd, 2009 at 11:29 AM

    @#91 – I think you are spot-in thinking it might be Meg Stapleton posting as Aunt Edith.
    Now GG2B… I was not really implying that I truly believed that this was Meg.
    It was just weird and funny how the name and connections were there. If I 100% believed it I would have to believe in some of these crazy whack-a-doodle conspiracy theories that these PalinBots believe in… that would make me as loony as them. It was just REALLY WEIRD…. and a coincidence.
    And it is really hard believe that Meg is ‘ smart ‘ by the way she has acted as spokesperson but even she would not be dumb enough choose a name like that…. I THINK..? They set the bar pretty low though. I may have to go back and re-read the other posts on VF by auntEdith. She posted a few times…. and I think she will continue to post.

  31. BuffaloGal says:

    It’s been such a weird day, wading through everything. Bachmann’s out there calling everyone to fast, fall to their knees and slit their wrists so as to become blood brothers against health care reform. The wingnuts that listen to Bachmann, Palin and Beckbaughannity insanity are calling on everyone to keep their children out of school on Sept 8th so they will not be mind controlled by the President’s chat to kids about…. doing well in school. A punch got tossed and a guy was decked at a townhall. And the list goes on and on.

    Then, to top it off, my neighbor, who happens to have THE loudest family on the planet, is blasting classic rock so loudly that my ears are about to begin bleeding. He is “of that right wing ilk” and he’s now making me dislike some of my favorite songs from my teens.

    The world has gone amok. AMOK I say!

  32. SameOld says:

    Doesn’t this sound familiar?

    “In that third year of the Kennedy presidency,” Manchester wrote, “a kind of fever lay over Dallas country. Mad things happened. Huge billboards screamed, ‘Impeach Earl Warren.’ Jewish stores were smeared with crude swastikas.…Radical Right polemics were distributed in public schools; Kennedy’s name was booed in classrooms; corporate junior executives were required to attend radical seminars.” A retired major general ran the American flag upside down, deriding it as “the Democrat flag.” A wanted poster with J.F.K.’s face on it was circulated, announcing “this man is Wanted” for—among other things—“turning the sovereignty of the US over to the Communist controlled United Nations” and appointing “anti-Christians … aliens and known Communists” to federal offices. And a full-page advertisement had appeared the day of the assassination in The Dallas Morning News accusing Kennedy of making a secret deal with the Communist Party; when it was shown to the president, he was appalled. He turned to Jacqueline, who was visibly upset, and said, “Oh, you know, we’re heading into nut country today.”

    Manchester discovered that in a wealthy Dallas suburb, when told that President Kennedy had been murdered in their city, the students in a fourth-grade class burst into applause. For Manchester, who revered Kennedy, such responses, encountered throughout Dallas, were deeply offensive and would influence the book he was about to write.

  33. MadCity Chick says:

    Link is to the information for the rally in DC on 09/13/09, which is also Grandparents Day. This took off when it was suggested by Robert Reich in a recent column. If you can be there, please go and show your support!

    Where: Washington, D.C.
    When: September 13, 2009
    Time: 12Noon – 5pm

    Gathering spot: Gather near the Lincoln Memorial and march to the steps of the Capitol Building via the National Mall. Our rally and march will be peaceful. We will meet opposition with silence. We will not incite or invite violence. Our goal is to let congress know that Americans need health care and insurance reform.

    Former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, has lent his support to Americans United for Health Care and Insurance Reform:

    8/20/2009 8:58am

    Dear Julie,

    I’m not an organizer, have “no efforts,” and have no particular preference for one day over another. I just want Congress to know how many Americans want universal health care and will settle for no less than complete coverage and no less than a public insurance option, to keep private insurers honest. So I’m happy to lend my support to whatever you are doing. (I hear that right-wing tea-partiers are planning a DC rally for September 12, which may cause the media to treat any progressive march that day more as a controversy than as an affirmative statement of conviction, but that kind of strategizing is beyond my pay grade.)

    All best to you,

    Robert Reich

    This group is not affiliated with Organizing for America or the Democratic National Committee. We will rally with other groups on September 13th, but we are not affiliated with any other groups, special interests or lobbying forums.

  34. MadCity Chick says:

    Great resources, documents, immediate connections to political offices, etc.
    Check this site out.

  35. BuffaloGal: That’s what I’m afraid of, that some nut would do something foolish. I grew up during the years of President Kennedy’s, his brother Bobby and Martin Luther King’s assassination. Cheney keeps talking about terrorist threats coming from outside but I think we have to worry more about the terrorists from within.

  36. MadCity Chick says:

    Health Care talking points and keeping the focus. Copy and paste and start sending to all of your e-mail contacts no matter their party or who they voted for.

  37. Irishgirl says:

    I’m talking to myself here. 🙂

  38. Irishgirl says:

    Yes, Buffalogal,
    Some sane person needs to take charge of the Republican party and give them some direction.

  39. Irishgirl says:

    Claw Washout Palin Says:
    September 2nd, 2009 at 11:49 AM

    I would like to see her (SP), testify in NY on the death panel. She initiated it. She needs to explain it. Also, explain why over 200 of her own residents died, waiting to be seen. It wasn’t because of the government; it was because of her lack of action, care and concern; as the Governor. But the government had to step in and clean up.

    Yes, I fully agree. She derailed the whole thing and is she going to walk away from it now having caused all of that damage.

  40. mae lewis says:

    @Women who runs with Wolves, I remember your story from the first time that you posted it here. As adults, we have to think back to how humiliating, especially humiliating, that story is for a girl. That kind of incident promotes unkind remarks and teasing that will follow her for the rest of her time in school. The adults did not act appropriately.

    I am reminded of the Supreme Court case that was settled late this spring. It involved a girl who was accused of having two tylenols in a zero-tolerance school. Acting on a single, unsubstantiated tip from another kid, the teacher strip searched the 13 year old girl, humiliating her. The Supreme Court found in favor of the girl, saying that the school did not act out of reasonable suspicion of drugs– one remark from another kid shouldn’t have prompted that action. (Besides, we stopped hiding our tylenol in our panties years ago, LOL).

    I am no legal expert, but I think one good route for your complaint would be the ACLU. I am trying to remember your original story and sensitivities; was the girl Native American? That could be an important part of the case, too. I am also trying to think of other organizations that champion just causes, like Center for American Progress or CREW, even one of the woman’s organizations like NOW. The fact that an adult photographed the girl in the midst of her distress is an invasion of privacy. The adults did not do their jobs and should be held to account. If the local authorities won’t respond, I think that a national organization should be approached. Be sure to let the school know how you are proceeding (copy them on all correspondence), and be sure to tell them that you have access to the national press– they wouldn’t like that unwanted attention and publicity.

    I am very good at writing complaint letters; I got my 39 cent refund when I was over charged at the supermarket. (Back in the day when it didn’t cost an arm and a leg to mail a letter). I hate injustice at any level. My tactic is to be short, to the point, document the incident, and have a clear resolution in mind. It may be monetary damages for the girl, official reprimand for the adults, a fine, a suspension, a hearing, a dismissal for them. They should held accountable. Lots of luck! My thoughts are with you and the poor girl.

  41. BuffaloGal says:

    Quote by Dan Savage on Keith O’s show. Really well said, imo:

    >>When you have a party that claims to speak for God or says God is on its side, the rhetoric heats up and the anger heats up, because it’s not just a battle about ideas and positions and what’s good for the country and bad for the country. It’s a battle about what God wants and what God doesn’t want. And it’s easier to demagogue about your enemies and to despise them and to dehumanize them in this really personal and vicious way. And the religious right is fomenting this kind of hatred in this country at our peril. I really do think that the Michele Bachmanns of the world and the Glenn Becks of the world are actively and consciously, or subconsciously, trying to get — I’m just going to say it — trying to get the president killed. This kind of rhetoric — this paranoid style on the religious right, from Birchers to birthers — doesn’t usually end well. And somebody’s got to put the brakes on it. Unfortunately in the Republican Party, there’s no adults left in the room. There are only the Michele Bachmanns and the Glenn Becks and the Rush Limbaughs running the show.<<<

  42. Claw Washout Palin says:

    I would like to see her (SP), testify in NY on the death panel. She initiated it. She needs to explain it. Also, explain why over 200 of her own residents died, waiting to be seen. It wasn’t because of the government; it was because of her lack of action, care and concern; as the Governor. But the government had to step in and clean up.

  43. KJ in NC says:

    71 Tigerwine. That Tiger! How fun to know a Mudpuppy in my neighborhood, if you consider just over the NC line the neighborhood. Amazing what a small world the Mudflats is.

  44. Sher: I signed the petition. Thank you for the link.

  45. GreatGranny2B: “How the heck do we combat this idiocy???”. You can’t, it’s called ignorance and they’re proud of it. It’s like talking to a “dining room table” (quoting Barney).

  46. GreatGranny2B says:

    I surely hope Levi’s handler takes good care of him. No one but Palin is to blame for that situation. Granted, we can talk and watch our kids and think we have all the bases covered, but things do happen that we wish hadn’t. But if she really allowed Levi to live with them, what can she expect?

    Sarah is the one who insisted that Levi show up and be paraded around at the convention. He’s a young man from a rural area, dropped out of school, given a job on the slope that he wasn’t qualified for, then booted off the job, and now he’s getting a taste of the limelight and money. He’s aware of her vindictiveness and attempts to destroy him already, so what young person wouldn’t try to have a little revenge of their own.

    I’m not saying that it is the right thing to do – sadly, I don’t think it is. In years to came, he may regret things he says and does now (don’t we all have regrets about something later on?), especially if it interferes with him having a good relationship with his son.

    I don’t know what Alaska’s laws are on child support, but if they are like most, it wouldn’t take Bristol long to sick the law on Levi for child support if she wanted it. And if she was drawing any state support as a single mother, wouldn’t the state already be going after him?

    I hope there are no super-Sarah-supporters in the jail where Levi’s mother is incarcerated. She has enough problems without being the victim in that confined area.

    It would be terrific if his handler could find the time and a tutor (with absolutely no leaking of the info) and get him his GED, then he’d be one step further on the road to responsibility.

    Levi is the underdog right now and most of us like to cheer for the underdog, so I for one wish him well.

    @#91 – I think you are spot-in thinking it might be Meg Stapleton posting as Aunt Edith.

  47. mattie says:

    how was she going to fake that pregnancy, wouldn’t that have overlapped the previous pregnancy?

  48. I bet if the Government abolished Medicare and Medicaid the right-wings nuts would be up in arms. They don’t trust the Government to run anything. So, if we cut out these programs then we can bring down the deficit (I’m kidding of course). To me they are the biggest hypocrites alive.

  49. GreatGranny2B says:

    HuffPost: Miyuki Hatoyama, Japan’s New First Lady: I Rode A UFO To Venus

    “While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus,” Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year. “It was a very beautiful place and it was really green.”

    Suppose she can swing by Hong Kong on her next trip and pick up Sarah?

  50. Sher says:

    I don’t know if this has been posted before or not, but I think it’s worthy of being posted again even if it has. It’s a petition for advertisers to quit advertising on Fox.

    This is the site to go to:

    This is what the petition says:

    Dear FOX News Advertiser,

    I am writing to inform you that I will not purchase your products as long as you advertise on FOX News.

    FOX News does not broadcast news, it broadcasts Republican propaganda, lies, hatred, and incitement to violence – including violence against American citizens, Democratic leaders, and President Obama.

    The worst offenders are Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, whose shows are broadcast in prime time to large audiences.

    Your advertising dollars are helping FOX News poison the minds of Americans and destroy our democracy.

    I urge you to immediately stop advertising on FOX News.

  51. honestyinGov says:

    Well….. I don’t need a crystal ball to predict that the Sarasites and the Sarah-Sites have already directed the cult to go after Levi. I’m sure the word has been put out. They are already all over the Levi-VF comments.
    Could help but notice that ONE supporter goes by the name auntedith.
    All I can think of is Edith from Archie Bunker and the way she was portrayed.
    This lady must be channeling Edith. And btw..Edith was played by Jean “Stapleton” and $arah has her own ” Stapleleton ” defending her. Very WEIRD!
    { here is one of her statements… too rich… and the analogy….?}
    “You can criticize Palin’s political views all you want but the bottom line is that Levi’s son is living at his grandparent’s house and is being financially supported by his grandparents. Palin is a high school and college graduate. Levi is not a high school graduate and does not provide financial support for his son (his attorney states that Levi hopes to start contributing to his son’s support “soon”). His son will be a year old in December! Maybe if Levi wasn’t flying all over the world posing for pictures, walking the red carpet and badmouthing his son’s grandmother, then maybe Levi could find the time to either go back to school and then find a job. MAN UP Levi and maybe people will stop using you and give you some respect.”
    She defends $arah and in the next breathe says …
    “Maybe if Levi wasn’t flying all over the world posing for pictures, walking the red carpet and…”
    Isn’t $arah doing the exact SAME THING she is bashing Levi of doing…”flying all over the world, posing for pictures.” Edith Bunker in the flesh. Bizarre.

    I guess she forgot the part about Levi wanting to ‘support’ His son by seeing him and being around him ,but GrandMa wouldn’t allow it.

  52. GreatGranny2B says:

    @82/84 – Like minds – guess we posted at almost the same moment!

    @83 – Don’t schools lose out on FEDERAL $$$ each time a registered student is absent?

    Every progressive blog that I read asks the same question – “How the heck do we combat this idiocy???”

  53. InJuneau says:

    2 things–first off, guess the “crazies” have lost out on that whack-a-doodle nonsense for keeping Alaskan kids out of school on the first day of the school year, as everyone has started here already!

    Secondly, and granted, I didn’t get it for myself, I have to blame the ‘rents for it, but I had a passport before I was 2!

  54. Paula says:


    Isn’t that why they BACKPACK across Europe?

    Sarah is SO dumb.

    Levi is tickling me pink 🙂

  55. ds55 #81: Alot of unprivileged kids get their own passports, work and save their money to backtrack across Europe. I did. Were we supposed to feel sorry for her with that statement?

  56. GreatGranny2B says:

    @31 – I surely hope you follow up and get an attorney. Something should be done about the coach and those who allowed her to go on her merry way. She needs to pay the price and others need to know they cannot abuse and humiliate young people like that! Good luck to you!

  57. SameOld says:

    It only SEEMS crazy because the MSM is only SHOWING crazy. This is similar to all the crap in the run up to the election when it seemed that electing Obama was impossible. Well, it wasn’t.

    I was angry with Obama for not getting in front of this story. Actually as time has progressed it has simply become more insane and the majority will have had enough. I am looking forward to Michele Bachmann cutting her wrists. I’m sure she will do it in prime time. I want to know if she actually has blood in her veins.

  58. GreatGranny2B says:

    It seems like everyone is getting in on the Sarah-bashing.
    They’ve done some Glenn Beck funnies also!

  59. ds55 says:

    If the anti-Obama crazies keep their kids at home, the public schools will be less crowded. Sounds like a good idea to me. 🙂

  60. Reesie says:

    Just for laughs, I thought this was funny.

  61. ds55 says:

    @ Trisha #54: Sarah Palin obtained her very first passport in 2006. She explained why to Katie Couric in an interview.

    “In her second “CBS Evening News” interview with Katie Couric, Sarah Palin was asked why she didn’t get a passport until 2006. Did it, as some of her viewers wonder, show a lack of curiousity and interest about the world and other cultures?

    She told the CBS newsperson that she had to work, sometimes two jobs, and that’s why she didn’t backpack around Europe like privileged kids do.

    “I’m not one of those who maybe come from a background of, you know, kids who perhaps graduated college and their parents get them a passport and a backpack and say, ‘Go off and travel the world.’ Noooo. I worked all my life. In fact, I usually had two jobs all my life, until I had kids. … I was not part of, I guess, that culture.”

  62. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    the “Me and Mrs. Palin” title sounds like the song “me and mrs. jones”……

    we got a thing….going on.

    enjoy………..very sexy.

  63. Silvermoon says:

    VF article should be online on the 7th–unless in this case they wait a day to boost actual hard copy sales.

  64. pvazwindy says:


  65. laprofesora #76- “Then she went off about having to pay a dollar for the plastic sleeve her work ID goes in; last year it was free.” I would have loved to answer her with, “Boo-hoo, life isn’t fair” (her own commet right back at her).
    I know it sounds petty…

  66. laprofesora says:

    I went to a pro-health care reform rally here in Pittsburgh today. There were three lone dissenters with pitiful little signs. I started talking to one woman who seemed really upset. When I asked for her thoughts on the great number of Americans who are dying without health care her response was, “Boo-hoo, life isn’t fair.” Then she went off about having to pay a dollar for the plastic sleeve her work ID goes in; last year it was free. She went on about “them” and how “they” got Obama into office and he’s going to turn us into socialists. When I asked her who “they” were she stormed off. Logic gets ’em every time.

  67. honestyinGov #73: This is now getting beyond the point of ridiculous. I ask myself, is this the United States I’m living in? God help us all!

  68. Star says:

    HoBoy~ Levi is going to be a sitting duck for all the backlash …Sure hope Tank keeps his eyes on Levi…Queen$arah wanted to lie about Bristol being preggers…What a low life ^itch…Waitig to see how she will spin this!!

  69. honestyinGov says:

    32 BuffaloGal Says:
    September 2nd, 2009 at 7:40 AM

    The crazy is escalating. There’s now a campaign telling parents to keep their kids out of the first day of school to protest against Obama’s evil plan to talk to school kids about ….. Doing Well In School !
    BuffaloGal…….I was at Daily Kos and they have an article as well about the ‘ crazies ‘ saying that everybody should not let their kids go to school on Sept 8th. Michelle Bachman type talk and that the President is trying to ‘ indoctrinate them with his Ideology ‘ etc…
    The President’s message of course is stay in school and study hard. There were quite a few of these people spreading that message on her FaceBook yesterday. How appropriate….$arah would never send her Kids to School… or pull them out so they could Campaign for her. Little Piper’s comments were the best..I’m missing a lot of school and it is hard to make up….
    IDEA * =Maybe Pipers You Tube clip should be sent to everyone who is on this campaign and complaining about the President. As a reminder.
    { from the mouth of babes }
    The Daily Kos Link also has an inbed link that has the head of the GOP in Florida saying he wants to keep his kids out that day. He has a long statement that followed this quote…..

    “Tallahassee – Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer today released the following statement condemning President Obama’s use of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s children to his socialist agenda.”

    He signed his ‘ propaganda statement ‘ this way…
    {Palins words…. couldn’t he think up his own?}

  70. nswfm CA says:

    71 Tigerwine, thanks! I’ve been going to wineries since I was a kid and the CA wines beat out the French. My parents took us, and of course all we got was grape juice since we were little, but have continued to go to wineries worldwide. (I am not a lush! It helped me with my final project in grad school, also.)

    69 Women Who Run With The Wolves Says: I sent you a PM since I’m madder than he|| on your topic.

  71. tigerwine says:

    nswfm CA #26 Our winery is in the NE GA mountains. Good to meet a fellow wine-lover!

  72. jc in co says:

    New thread up at huffpo re: ny senator reverand ruben diaz invites princess winky to testify in front of ny senate regarding elderly care and death panels.
    who is this guy & is he nuts? princess winky doesn’t play without pay, what a maroon. #50 ds55, I have visions of her bound and gagged on the floor to prevent her from calling people magazine or greta to lash out at levi publicly. #51 MI-Annie, I read that comment also I interpreted it as some domestic terrorist leveling threats. It’s sad it’s so prevalent nowadays that I just shake my head when I read that crap….

  73. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    Thanks for the support. It’s been hard standing up and trying to do what’s right. It’s much easier to turn your head the other way and pretend it’s ok, as long as it’s not your kid who is being abused. How else do we teach our daughters to stand up and do what’s right, if we as parents do nothing to help them. Abuse is not ok. Off to work I go.

  74. sauerkraut says:

    btw… those mountains don’t look so tough when viewed straight down from thousands of feet above.

  75. sauerkraut says:


    If Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann’s production assistants read your comments

  76. sauerkraut says:

    WWRWTW @ 31: the adults in that van ought be made to register as sex offenders. making an underage girl pee into a cup is bad enough. making her pee into that cup while her friends are forced to watch is even worse. but videotaping the entire event is criminal. a sexual assault, imho, that the school needs to report to the police and file on the federally-mandated Safe Schools Report.

    If Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann’s production assistance read your comments, then I hope, very much hope, they do a story on it. Shannyn Moore and AKM ought to do separate posts on the matter. Stuff like this needs to be brought into the light of day so that some unfortunate girl in some other place will not have to endure this type of garbage.

  77. Martha says:

    A great article in Huff Po:

    The “Intolerance” Party? GOP Strategists Worry Ideologues Are Bad For The Party’s Future

    Thomas B. Edsall
    [email protected]

    A major rift has emerged within the Republican Party. On one side: Ideologues who are inciting the base with wild rhetoric and banking on a “great American awakening” that will sweep conservatives back into power. On the other: Strategists, who see the party’s growing intolerance as a prescription for minority status.

    So far, the ideologues are winning.

    “Nobody helps the cause when they use name-calling instead of substantial criticism,” says strategist Charlie Black, a senior adviser to almost every Republican presidential campaign since Ronald Reagan first ran.

    But name-calling and demagoguery are the hallmarks of the movement conservatives and media celebrities like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, who are increasingly being viewed as dominant forces in the modern GOP.

    Palin’s allegation that Obamacare would result in creation of government “death panels” has been widely criticized within her own party. Republican strategist Whit Ayres, who is no fan of the Democratic health care plan, noted: “Wildly inappropriate comments hurt the argument that the comments are supposed to support.”

    As early as last October, conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks called Palin “a fatal cancer on the Republican Party,” and George F. Will, a voice of the Republican establishment, dismissed the former Alaska governor as “an inveterate simplifier.”
    There is much more………..

  78. fawnskin mudpuppy says:

    interesting story point in the vf article:
    sarah encouraging the kids to let her adopt their baby.

    is this a first time scenario?

  79. Mirage says:

    I went to check out the VF website re: “Me and Mrs. Palin” (Why do mainstream publications do this type of thing? No wonder people don’t speak the king’s English properly these days.)

    While there, I clicked on the video of the photo shoot which proved to be interesting…includes upbeat music and a Tank/Levi conversation on “Playgirl”.

  80. Trisha #52 – I had once posted on the internet that Sarah was responsible for her negative press and that’s all I said. Nothing derogatory at all, just that she failed miserably on her interviews with Katie Couric and Gibson. I got a response from an Admin person who cursed me out and used extremely foul language. I was shocked by the viciousness of the attack for having an opinion.

  81. redwood palinizer says:

    @Women Who Runs With Wolves 31
    If you do have a copy of the video a good thing to do is to send the copy of pics and vid to the school’s insurance company. The coach was comitting a major moving violation by letting the student be without her seat belt which is a primary violation in the State of Alaska. This is a major no-no in the educational world. The coach probably has to have a special license to drive the van (in CA you do) and could lose that license. Also, I would seek legal advice regarding the behavior of the two coaches. This is most definitely abuse and since you have it on tape it would be hard to prove otherwise.

  82. GA Peach a/k/a Lance the Boil aka Crust Scramble says:

    Sam Tanenhaus talking about his book The Death of Conservatism on Morning Joe. Interesting points he makes esp. about McCain not being able to pick his VP.

  83. nswfm CA says:

    31 Women Who Run With The Wolves,
    I remember this outrageous story and think beyond contacting your representatives and the ACLU, you need to organize a public shaming of this behavior. PM me for ideas. I had a low level boil going on from when you first posted this.

  84. hawk says:

    I agree. I was reading some posts from her “fans” on another site regarding the Hong Kong trip. Many were up-in-arms because the article said is was her first trip to Asia. They were screaming mad at this statement. HUH? They were saying, Who said it’s her first trip, she has probably travelled the world more than Obama, and how dare they say it’s her first trip to Asia,etc.

    I’m not kidding.

    They are just looking for a fight….over anything. The fact is…it IS her first trip to Asia, but they are really pissed about the article saying it. Weird


    They’re all as woefully uninformed as their messiah. Sarah’s very first passport was issued shortly after McCain tapped her. This is no secret. Which exotic international destinations I wonder, do her supporters think she was jetting off to for 45 years without a passport? She really didn’t need to travel to foreign countries since she could keep an eye on most of them from her front porch

  85. txindygirl says:

    Trisha 52 – It’s as if they are ticked off that $arah really is just like them! LOL!

  86. txindygirl says:


    I misread… the rest of us not in NY or LA have to wait until Sep 8.

  87. Question: I can’t read the rest of the posts on this thread, what happened?

  88. trisha says:

    Watching from New Jersey Says: ……Sarah’s fans is that they use such malicious, hateful language. They show their level of intelligence by their choice of words.
    I agree. I was reading some posts from her “fans” on another site regarding the Hong Kong trip. Many were up-in-arms because the article said is was her first trip to Asia. They were screaming mad at this statement. HUH? They were saying, Who said it’s her first trip, she has probably travelled the world more than Obama, and how dare they say it’s her first trip to Asia,etc.

    I’m not kidding.

    They are just looking for a fight….over anything. The fact is…it IS her first trip to Asia, but they are really pissed about the article saying it. Weird.

  89. txindygirl says:

    BuffaloGal – The VF mag hits the news stands on Sep 8.

  90. MI~Annie says:

    Here’s a comment fromt he alantic article:

    “America mad tax tea angry, I’d say. Guns take but death panel can’t give me what, that about just can’t see. Liberals some of `em. Yep. Basically, some times tyranny always guns but the Fed and lobby but cronies ain’t buddies with yep, I’d say so. Any liberal that wants to guns for abortion but tax death panels from Hollywood, just too extreme with, yep, fed up, I’d say. Just wait”

    I can’t make any sense of it, which prompted me to ask if it was written by Palin herself, just found it funny 🙂 Can’t wait to pick up the VF article, it’ll be a first time purchase for me!

  91. ds55 says:

    Hooray for Levi Johnston finally telling the truth about Winky! Any bets this will draw her out of self-imposed silence?

  92. txindygirl says:

    I’ll be camped out at my mailbox on Sep. 8.

  93. txindygirl says:

    @31 Women Who Run With The Wolves-

    Unfreakingbelievable! Contact the ACLU/Dept of Ed/your state and federal senators. SOMEONE has got to step in there. The coach actually taking pictures and video turns something that is already distasteful into something that is truly nasty and perverted. Who knows what else this coach is doing!

  94. Gramiam says:

    This is a repost from the Health Care thread last night. I don’t want any body to miss this.
    Hot off the presses is this recent poll on “Universal Health Care” Despite all the noise and naysaying, a vast majority of people, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS, want this passed!

    feel free to copy and paste this to every lackwit politician you know!

  95. lynnrockets says:

    On a more serious note, folks. Here is an announcement. Summer vacation is over. It is time to get back to school.

    Congress is returning to Washington and we must put the pressure on, as we have never done before, to ensure that a strong “public option’ is included in any health care reform bill. Here in Massachusetts, we have no problems with any of our senators or representatives. All of them are in favor of the public option and will fight for its inclusion. Many of you other states, not so much.

    You must implore them to favor the public option. I have gone so far as to contact legs in other states (most recently, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas) to remind them that that they are Democrats and the the National Democratic Platform mandates, at the very least, a public option. I am sure that these legs pay little attention to my words because I cannot vote in their states. Consequently, I tell them matter of factly, that if I do not see a reversal from them on this matter within 30 days, I will begin making weekly contributions to their opponents (even if they are Republicans). The sooner the person reverses his/her position on this issue, the sooner my monetary penalty will stop. My money can still have an effect in these other states.

    I understand that many people cannot come up with the money to make donations but I am sure that you can come up with some other incentive to remind these Blue Dogs that they must pursue the Democratic platform.

    Go get ’em, Mudflatters!!!

  96. Women Who Runs With Wolves #31: Incredible, if that happened in New Jersey and the story leaked out, you can bet that the coach would be fired. Shouldn’t there be a law suit too?

  97. lynnrockets says:

    I think I can see Sasquatch.

  98. phoebe says:

    All during the campaign & after I thought those kids looked so sad & world weary, I guess now we know why. Levi is absolutely believable & I think there will be plenty of damage control to be done. Vanity Fair always has great articles & they stand behind their sources.

  99. Silvermoon: One of the things that turns me off about Sarah’s fans is that they use such malicious, hateful language. They show their level of intelligence by their choice of words.

  100. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Irishgirl Says:
    September 2nd, 2009 at 6:53 AM
    Here is the link to The Atlantic.
    “bossy layabout” describes her perfectly.

    BTW comments are open for this article.

  101. oops, I didn’t see my first post so I submitted another one.

  102. Irishgirl – Thanks for the link. I think Sarah will be TOLD to ignore Levi and let her fans attack him. It sounds like Sarah is lazy and didn’t like to do any real work either as Governor or a Mother. I remember her saying to Levi’s statement, “Over my dead body”, when he claimed he lived with them and she knew Bristol and Levi were having sex.

  103. Silvermoon says:

    Hope Levi is prepared for the onslaught of threats and slander about him. Sarah and her team will trash him unmercilessly—despite anything Bristol might say.

    Sad times for him. Too bad Sarah doesn’t just let it go—-and try to let the two eventually work out their differences and think of the kid.

    But then, that wouldn’t be Sarah “where’s the money?” Palin

  104. Irishgirl says:

    He was attached to something on the ledge. I nearly died too when I saw it first.

  105. Irishgirl says:

    Watching from New Jersey.

    Yes Levi definately needs some more protection. He has opened up a whole can of worms here. This is the smoking gun that Gryphen has been refering to and Palin and her pals are not going to like this one little bit. This really exposes her and her little games.

    It is the children that I really feel sorry for.

  106. phoebe says:

    #21 Buffalo

    Jesus are they trying to kill the poor lad. What in the world is he doing on that ledge? Do you suppose Quitty is behind it….tryiing to get rid of Team Levi once & for all. Can you imagine what Bristol is thinking home in Wasilla taking care of two babies.

  107. Irishgirl: Thanks for the link. I have a feeling Levi is going to need some extra protection from Sarah and her base.

  108. BuffaloGal says:

    The crazy is escalating. There’s now a campaign telling parents to keep their kids out of the first day of school to protest against Obama’s evil plan to talk to school kids about ….. Doing Well In School !

    Teachers will be given suggested lessons to do with the kids after the internet chat from Obama. Some of the suggestions have to do with things like, “write down what you think the President was asking you to do” ( about doing your best in school and acheiving goals) and “what do you think you can do to help the President? ”

    The nutters are screaming shades of dictatorship and indoctrination. The crazy thing to me is that many of these same people don’t realize that THEY have been indoctrinated to be unquestioning followers within their own church and do not question ANYTHING that comes from the mouths of their anointed leaders and talking heads. So, they’re being told Pres. Obama is the antichrist so no matter what he does, it’s turned around to be evil. Help the children learn to set goals? Inspire the children to know they can do anything with their lives ? Evil!!!

    Home schooling is going to go through the flippin roof in the next two years. I just know it.

  109. Women Who Run With The Wolves says:

    It’s been a while since I have commented. It’s been an emotional summer regarding one of my posts in early summer. Re: what I feel is abuse that went on with one or more of our girls who went to State representing our school in Anchorage. For those that remember, I was concerned for many reasons, but the main one was when one of our players who was in a van full of high school girls traveling to watch the high school boys play. Two adults were in the van with nine players, all female. One of our players needed to use the restroom, the coach would not pull the van over so this young lady could relieve herself. Hey this is Alaska, and quite frankly, we don’t have freeways, like say….Los Angeles. There were areas this coach could have pulled over, but she did not. So this young lady had to crawl in the back of the van, crying and pull her pants down and start to urinate on the floor while the van was moving. Another player was back there trying to help her by holding a Taco Bell cup for her to urinate in. The coach could have (cell phones) called her husband and told him to wait for her because she had to pull over for someone to use the restroom, but she did not. Meanwhile this poor kid was in so much pain and humiliated because everyone was laughing and thinking, hey this is funny, even the coaches are laughing at her. Well to make matters even worse, the other coach picked up a camara and started taking still pics. and video of this poor kid crying. When one cup was full of urine, they would hand it to one of the other players to hold, and then this player would hand it over to the coach who was filming this ordeal. When some of the parents found out about this evidence, we were able to work together to get those pics. and video. It’s a battle for the parents because we are trying to have her dismissed as coach for a number of reasons, but our school Superintendent (sp) seems to think this behavior is ok, and is trying to retain her as coach.

    The State of Alaska leads the Nation is child abuse numbers (that have been reported) and rapes per capita. I am so determined that our girls in that van will learn how to stand up to abuse and not think it’s ok to be treated so poorly and be allowed to be humiliated. These coach’s are suppose to be mentors and teachers for our children, we are suppose to trust them with our children’s welfare when they are traveling with them, This is NOT my idea of being a responsible, caring, nurturing mentor for anyones child.

    More later.

  110. Polly says:

    This came from fox news- SP has so many paid speeches to consider. She IS good at faking it, so my feeling is she will do well monetarily, and her flip flopping, sorry to say, invites intrigue for the masses. yuk!!
    Palin recently signed with the elite Washington Speakers Bureau, which also represents author Bob Woodward, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. reported earlier this week that Palin is sorting through more than 1,070 invitations she has received for paid speeches and political appearances.
    BTW – I love your photos from the airplane AKM. I always get the window seat for the marvelous view of the planet earth.

  111. jc in co says:

    I think the chatter about the Hong Kong speaking engagement is now going to fall by the wayside. I think the Vanity Fair article is going to prove to be extremely damaging. All of us here have suspected all that Levi has revealed, so no big deal. The big deal is going to be with her base, they will smear Levi all over the place, but a seed has been planted. They will be in denial, but if she doesn’t come out with both barrels on this even the wingnuts are going to start wondering about the validity of Levi’s claims. If she does come out both barrels she will look like a petty b*tch. It’s a no win situation for princess winky. Every time something like this article comes out and there’s no backlash from the palins it’s going to make others with incriminating info braver. Imagine getting interviewed by a national gossip rag and making a years salary, that’s pretty tempting.

  112. boodog says:

    nswfm Ca, she plays the ‘quite and switch’ game. Always quit just before your found out…schools, jobs, etc…

  113. nswfm CA says:

    They were self parenting and look how THAT turned out.
    She wanted to quit being Gov because it was too hard? Boo f’in’ Hoo. The people of AK, the US and the world deserve better than this bubble brain. No wonder she kept jumping schools.

  114. tigerwine says:

    BuffaloGal #21 Thanks for the link – what a hoot! Now, I gotta ask – you know I do. Would you buy Playgirl?

  115. Irishgirl says:

    Here is the link to The Atlantic.

    Enjoy! 🙂

  116. nswfm CA says:

    Tigerwine, in what region are you growing Malbec? (Wine is one of my favorite topics!)

  117. BuffaloGal says:

    ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck – Do you have a full copy of the article? Could you give us highlights? My daughter is picking up a copy on her way home, if she can find one.

    I got a kick out of the Levi video. The Atlantic also had a bit of extra info. This is going to be my guilty pleasure of the day to keep me from going mad.

  118. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck says:

    the levi article is fascinating — the kids became their own parents.

  119. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Jane Hamsher writes that the WH has run something nasty up the flagpole at politico.

  120. BuffaloGal says:

    I need a break from the crazies wanting to storm the White House so I’m doing a bit of Levi reading. My previous post will hopefully show up soon because it’s got a nice link with a little more info from the article.

    In the meantime, here’s a video on HuffPo showing a little behind the scenes action of Levi’s photo shoot with Vanity Fair.

  121. pvazwindy says:

    #19-Lap–She mentions him only when she sees the benefit to her. And isn’t that what she doe’s to all her kids. She has no use for anyone. It’s all about Sarah.

  122. BuffaloGal says:

    YeeOuch! A little more from the Levi / Vanity Fair piece:

    >>The Palins didn¹t have dinner together and they didn’t talk much as a family. Throughout the years I spent with them, when Sarah got home from her office…almost never later than five and sometimes as early as noon…she usually walked in the door, said hello, and then disappeared into her bedroom, where she would hang out. Sometimes she’d take an hour-long bath. Other times she sat on the living-room couch…watching house shows and wedding shows on TV. She always wanted things and she wanted other people to get them for her. <<

    GreatGranny2b – Great link to the Alternet article @17 – I've been theorizing about the religious movement code words for awhile but haven't paid attention to the "call to arms" words. (and the comments on that piece are something else)

  123. laprofesora says:

    This has been bugging me…did anyone else notice how Scarah never mentions her oldest son, the one in the military? For someone who exploits her children whenever possible, I thought it odd she never refers to him. Especially since she invokes the troops so often, it would have been a natural segue to add, “and my own son who is serving his country”. The only time I heard her talk about him was when she said he’s not a Republican. Something smells fishy…is it weird or is it just me?

  124. tigerwine says:

    My bad – I posted this OT under another thread, then double posted it. Haven’t had enough coffee yet, I guess. Or too much wine – we beging harvesting today. AK isn’t the only state with bears – we had one that managed to gobble up 1,000# of our Malbec before we caught him and hauled him off to another part of the county!

    I shouldda known better or at least expected it! In a moment of weakness and boredom last night, I watched Glen Beck while waiting for supper to finish. Couldn’t believe that he had his knickers all in a twist about a conference call involving the National Endowment for the Arts. Seems as if was about artists of all types using their art as a medium to promote the President’s programs. Even showed 2 posters on Health Care, well done, I think, to make his point (which I never got). He seems to feel it’s a conflict of interest to do this when the organization is government funded. When I Googled this, I found that he has had it in for the organization for a long time, so this is nothing new. Anyone else see this?

  125. GreatGranny2B says: has a story about signs and code words used by the likes of Beck and Palin – talks about the plans for the 9/12 march on D.C. – quite informative:

    Beck has a snake sign and this is what the report says:
    “Bottom line: Any time you see the snake used as a graphic element by right-wingers, you can safely assume it’s a call to the often-armed and sometimes-violent members of the patriot movement.”

    The wing-nuts have taken over the term *Patriots* from Revolutionary War days and behavior – the reporter says this: “When you hear a right-wing politician or media figure refer to someone as a “patriot,” watch out! That patriot may think it his patriotic duty to take you out.”

    It also has a cogent explanation of the Tenth Amendment – which the Tenthers aren’t bothering to read.

  126. GreatGranny2B says:

    HuffPost has an article talking of the rabble rousers like Palin, Beck, and Limbaugh are causing a split in the Repubs. I found this statement interesting:

    As early as last October, conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks called Palin “a fatal cancer on the Republican Party,” and George F. Will, a voice of the Republican establishment, dismissed the former Alaska governor as “an inveterate simplifier.”

    Although I don’t agree with much that Brooks or Will say, they are moderate and respected within their party.

    I occasionally read some of Meaghan McCain’s articles. She is certainly more moderate and tolerant than her father and with her recent stance on supporting gay marriage, I’m surprised she’s still a Republican.

    The story of the guy at a town hall who held up his copy of the “U.S.S. Constitution” and gave his interpretation of the 10th Amendment, is all over the internet, with the accompanying laughter. He must feel a bit of embarassment today, but human nature being what it is, he’ll probably become more rabid.

    Another interesting article is in regards to the courts having trouble finding enough people for jury duty because of the economy. That one hit home for me as my grandson just had it for two months. The court system pays $12.50 per day. Fortunately, he didn’t have to appear too many times and his employer was very good about shuffling his hours so that he didn’t lose any of his regular pay. That isn’t the case with many employers.

    On a good note, economists are saying that we are coming out of the recession, the stimulus is working although some Republican governors won’t admit it, and the manufacturing sector is seeing an increase. I sure hope it trickles down to my husband’s factory! They’ve gone from several hundred employees down to about a dozen and will be totally shut down within a few weeks if orders don’t start coming in.

    One of the blogs was ranting about Obama hosting a Ramadan dinner at the White House and that SHOWS that he’s a secret Muslim. The poster neglected to either read the entire story or chose to ignore the fact that the dinners were going on as far back as Clinton and continued throughout the Bush years.

    I eagerly await Samper’s reports on her jaunting around Greece!

    #13 – Buffalo Gal – just read your message – what a bunch of loonies! And there will be plenty who believe it and forward it on. There are already marches planned in D.C. and other places. Beck’s group on the 12th, Pro-HealthCare Reform is on the 13th, then the 15th and 16th (I think) is when the march and rally with Lou Dobbs against immigration is scheduled. The capitol police will sure be busy!

    Last week, Bachmann was promoting fasting and prayer to defeat health care reform……..this week she’s promoting slashing wrists and becoming blood brothers. She’s certifiable – I can’t believe someone isn’t moving to recall her – maybe she won’t get reelected next time around. She’s also involved in one of the dominionist movements in her home state.

    And yes – it is a beautiful day so let’s try to have a great one. We can drive ourselves crazy with worrying, but it won’t get us any further ahead, so we’ll each have to do our own little part and make the best of it.

  127. twain12 says:

    this is strange, my previous post disappeared and all i said was i like snow :O

  128. phoebe says:

    Since the crazies have stolen the airways I would love to know just how many of them there are. It’s unbelievable that this hysteria & racist, fear mongering is happening in country. A third world country yes…..the US…no.

  129. BuffaloGal says:

    It’s much too gorgeous a day to start it off feeling disheartened but , my gawd, there is an all out crazed campaign to create fear, hatred and rioting. It’s everywhere and getting worse.

    This little tidbit is going viral. Says that on Obama’s site, “Organizing for America”, Obama is calling for 9/11 to be a day to “fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.”

    Well, the thing is that no such page exists. It looks like it DID exist but it was a personal page made using one of the “Organizing for America” tools that allows you to post events. There is no doubt in my mind that someone from the crazy pool posted the piece, took a screen shot, started sending it everywhere and then the page got deleted by site moderators. But, by then, the damage was done.

    The comments on the sites that are now posting this insanity are frightening. They are locked and loaded and ready to hit the streets. This has got to be combatted, but how? Fighting back with facts won’t work because they feel everyone’s paid off by Obama. I’ve been posting the fact that the page doesn’t exist and trying to be a voice of calm. Haven’t seen responses yet. Hopefully other sane voices will join in.

  130. phoebe says:

    woo hoo thanks for the link….buffalo girl

    the cat among the pigeons….uklady love the expressions

    off to read the vanity fair article

  131. pvazwindy says:

    Nothing new in Vanity Fair. Dysfunction at every level of family life. I was trying to remember the York Peppermint Candy commercial, but sigh, I couldn’t. They have to be my favorite candy.

  132. Paula says:

    Wow, I just might have to buy Vanity Fair. Levi really let a lot out of the bag. First punked, now sucker punched by Levi. How fun is that? Megamouth will be screaming at any moment…

  133. twain12 says:

    i love snow…great picture 🙂

  134. Bent Alaska says:

    September is Mayor Sullivan’s Hypocrisy… er, *Diversity* Month, celebrating the diverse cultures of Anchorage just two weeks after he vetoed the equal rights ordinance. Read the post at:

  135. UK Lady says:

    BuffaloGal – OOOO!, that’ll put the cat among the pigeons.

  136. UK Lady says:

    Morning all. I left a really big rant right at the end of the health insurance thread. I hope somebody sees it.

    samper – I’m getting excited for you.

    BuffaloGal – going to look at the Levi link now 🙂

  137. BuffaloGal says:

    It’s Vanity Fair / Levi Johnston day. Here’s a short piece in Vanity Fair with a few excerpts:

  138. lexky says:

    samper good luck

    the pictures are always great

  139. lemonfair says:

    Lettersfromeurope: They are snow capped mountains in the lower half, with clouds in the upper half and around to the lower right (The brightest white areas are the snow caps). Lower center and middle lower left you can see the horizontal layers (strata) of rocks in the mountains, which are evidently on the coast. In the lower left AKM implies there’s blue water, though that’s a little hard to tell only by the picture. Very nice picture, as always.

  140. Looks great, but what is what? What is mountain, cloud or water? Very interesting.

    Oohh, Samper, we are in the same time zone! ENJOY…

  141. samper says:

    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Brian and I are off to explore ancient Greece in just a few hours! 🙂

    Have a terrific week and look for Brian’s report when we get back!


  142. dowl says:

    Good morning. Interesting clouds to start this open thread.