Open Thread
This beautiful thing is a glacier from the air. It’s somewhere in Alaska and it’s absolutely enormous. You can see the large crevasses in the lower right part of the picture. As the glacier flows toward the ocean, scraping off rock and debris, it creates these incredible striped patterns. Sometimes two glaciers will flow into each other like the tributaries of a river and the rocky debris they’ve been grinding off at the edges will meet up and become a dark stripe down the middle of the new, wider glacier.
This one is the “stripiest” one I’ve ever seen. It must have had quite a story before it got to this point.
Been meaning to say have fun samper and stay safe.
To Star and other naive Democrats. Just remember, outrageous stories about Democratic pecadillos are more than likely satire or wingnut fantasies. We Democrats are just not real imaginative in our real lives. We spend our spare time on stuff like Health Care Reform and Global Warming.
ROFLMAO!!!! I guess I’m not the only one to be “punked” by the Onion, Star! Welcome to the club!!
Star (130)
That’s from the Onion – it’s satire. Not true.
@samper: 70 pounds of luggage? Are you planning to homestead? ;>)
Also, don’t underrate those Geek Gods. Some of them have excellent stock options.
I know you’re gonna touch the Parthenon for all of us. You go.
G’day, snoskred. I think that my (long) email to Sen Begich was on topic for the “Lessons from FDR” thread, but I know my recommendation of Krugman’s NY Mag article wasn’t.
So I’ll repeat it here.
Paul Krugman has written an article for NYT Mag, which is a beautiful and very compehensible description of the evolution (and failure) of academic economics during the past 50 years. It’s about 8-10 typical browser screens, but it is a delight to read.
I’d try to provide a link, but I’m afraid St. Zinfandel would screw me up. Google Krugman, or go to the NYT website.
It will enhance your understanding of how stuff actually works.
I see Dennis Zaki has put that blurb back on his website about a something bad headed towards the Palin’s. Interesting that it is back up.
maybe they cut off Palin’s thumbs as a public service
103 Paula Says: September 3rd, 2009 at 12:17 PM 87 daisydem Says:
September 3rd, 2009 at 11:24 AM You know, I am starting to think she IS somewhere or in a situation? where she cannot twitter, facebook, ….?
__________ But I would bet on a psych ward—————-
I agree — that’s my sense, too.
What was he thinking???
Walletless Biden found handcuffed to bedpost!!
According to an incident report filed by the S.S. special agents responded early Wed. morning to a “distress” call from No#1Observatory Circle and arrived to discover VP JB “chained” to a bed…Spread eagled, with a pair of cutoff denim shorts around his ankles..WH no Comment…Told agents his wallet was missing.
The S.S. advised local LE to be on look outfor a stolen 1981Trans AM..Driven by “this real feisty little firecracker..Say it aint so Joe..OMG
shanon in Canada….that’s the line my wife uses now…married a Greek God, now he’s just a GD Greek !!
Samper !! Ouzo over Ice !! one for all of us !!
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time on your trip, Samper. Enjoy! Enjoy!
Enjoy! Can’t wait for all the pictures to come rolling in…miss you.
Coming late to the party. AKM, that photo is beautiful! I never would have thought to take aerial pictures on a cross-country trip. (Of course, I hate to fly and never sit in a window seat if I can help it, and don’t look down, but even so). All your photos have been great, but this is the best, and you must have felt wonderful knowing you were close to home by this time. Thanks so much for sharing all of your experiences at Netroots and on the East Coast; we enjoyed the vicarious trip.
Samper: My very best wishes to you on your dream trip! I’m so glad for you and love hearing your thoughts as you travel. Stay safe, keep in touch, and delight in every moment. I am delighted for you, enthusiastic spirit!
I want to comment more, but I’m having company for the weekend and am dead even off my feet; but Levi is staying in the public eye and away from Alaska for safety, IMO. Nasty stuff out there.
@A fan from CA– Hi!
Just wanted to say that San Luis Obispo is one of the most beautiful places in this country! Lucky you! I was there four or five years ago and if our industry had positions there, we would have moved in a heartbeat. Glad to hear they went blue for Obama!
Oops, I meant to check out SaynotoPalin’s link. Ok, I’ll checkout both…
Honesty, thanks, too also, for the link. I’ll check it out.
Samper, you didn’t say geek. I just wanted to be sure in all your excitement that you remember GREEK Adonis. Now go have fun, and touch everything for me too!
Honesty, thanks for the link, I kind of like that archivist1000 site.
sdragon–maybe the flying monkeys were done in by the blood sucking monkeys from West Mifflin, PA.
giving thought to an Adonis that has “been around” 🙂
Something else is missing. The flying monkeys. Any story about Palin at the ADN brings them swooping in to try to take over & spam page after page. They’re not there. Makes you go hmmmmmm. Wonder who told them to back off & why.
#113 honestyin Gov, thanks for the link, I’m going back there later when I have time. I love it here but I also like to roll in the mud and get super snarky!!
Lynn Woolsey and Raul Grijalva just sent a letter to the Pres…….please let there be more support and pressure from progressives in government.
“In a letter delivered to the White House moments ago, the two leaders of the bloc of House progressives bluntly told President Obama that they will not support any health care plan without a public option in it — and demanded a meeting to inform him face to face.
The not-yet-released letter — the first joint statement from progressives since news emerged that Obama might not address the public option in next week’s speech — is their sharpest challenge yet to the president, given the extraordinary sensitivity of this political moment. The letter urges him to mention the public option in his speech.”
samper – you GO girl!!! Touch that Parthenon for us, I touched it a few years back. Fanbloodytastic!.
Did I say, “geek”?
omg omg omg!
Touching Parthenon for ALL of us tomorrow. ME! Touching the most architectually perfect structure in the WORLD! ME! AND, it’s like a zillion years old!
I’ll cry. I cried buying the metro ticket from airport to city…. I sobbed as I dragged 70 pounds (don’t ask!) of luggage past a vantage point of first sight! I cried checking into the hotel!
But Brian turns out to be a media whore. He’s EVERYWHERE! Wait til you guys see how he just JUMPS into the frame for every little “exposure”! He’s ALMOST like SP in his love for the spotlight!
Went to a rooftop garden tonite with a refreshing beverage. Zen waterfalls, decking lit for the Gods… and a view you guys would NOT believe of the Parthenon lit up for night.
And I was ALONE! A whole ROOF GARDEN just for ME (and Brian)!
ALONE to reflect, decompress, and, of course, boo hoo.
It’d be cool if BF was here, but he is SO not into this stuff. He’d do it for me, but with no where NEAR the enthusiasm…. which makes this that more meaningful for true reflection.
OMG! In 7 hours, YOU, ME, BRIAN and all pups everwhere are going to feel the magic!
Am I being over dramatic?
BEFORE you answer, remember that there are Adonis’ to go around!
Madd As Hell Doctor’s are on the road trip to Washington. Their first stop was attended by 700 people!
“The Ed Shultz Show has agreed to partner with us on our trip and will be doing periodic check-ins with us along the way.
Rachel Maddow is considering having us do the kick-off announcement on her show. Send the show a lot of emails support her decision to have us on!”
this is from the first stop, in Sequim, WA.
I just came across this little blog from another blog I was reading that linked to it. It is called ” And so it Goes “…. and it has a REALLY cool picture of this bridge as well… W o W!
The story was ” Sarah’s OFFICIAL FB page is a conspiracy Site ”
Pretty much nailed then with the description of how they think and act. I was reading the comments posted on Her FB just yesterday until I couldn’t take the nonsense any more.
oh… like there’s something wrong with Geek….LOL
Samper, just to make it clear. GREEK not GEEK….thank you.
Hey guys, this is really important. Progressives are seriously concerned that President Obama is ‘really’ dropping the Public Option from the Health Care Reform bill. Some are saying he never expected or planned to force it into the bill.
I certainly hope they are wrong. If he doesn’t keep this in the reform, I am going to be one sad and disappointed mudpuppy, even angry. I volunteered, donated and worked hard to help Obama win. I BELIEVED HIM, when he stated his view on health care during the campaign.
Anyway, if you were one of the millions of people who helped in any way, volunteered, donated to and voted for Barack Obama please sign this new petition and pass it on. If he does not insist Public Option stays in the bill, I don’t think I’ll ever believe him again or vote for him again, I am that upset.
Oh yeah, samper, please touch the Parthenon for me too. When I was studying there in college it was all blocked off and we couldn’t get with 20+ feet of it. And, do be sure to lean down and actually see the concave up curve of the floor. It’s really cool!
justafarmer–thanks. I now remember hearing about that one, but I don’t think there was necessarily a connection between the trailer fire and the others, unless there’s a serial arsonist around. Now, some of the others being connected…
Samper, touch the Parthenon for me too. My friend went to France a few years ago, and he asked me what I wanted. I told him to touch all the really old buildings for me. =)
Samper, I have an 8×10 photo of the Parthenon at dusk from my trip years ago. It is beautiful, and I will think of you every time I walk out of the room it faces. Don’t forget to take photos–it is breathtaking at night. Amazing in the daylight. So glad you are realizing this dream.
I’m guessing she is somewhere without access to the intertubes or TV.
Just saying…….
Paula, you may be right. Why would a “concerned” mother bear leave her children for so long to write a book? Besides, writing a book in a month would be a rather large challenge for her….it sometimes takes years!
She has a beautiful house in a beautiful setting as well as money for baby sitters etc. There’s no way she’s spending all day writing…no way, no how.
Something is amiss.
87 daisydem Says:
September 3rd, 2009 at 11:24 AM
You know, I am starting to think she IS somewhere or in a situation? where she cannot twitter, facebook, ….?
I am not betting on surgery. Or writing.
But I would bet on a psych ward or drug rehab (all that irrational behavior?).
Why would the Wasilla Bible Church protect palin? She only went to church 4-5 times a year….oops, maybe she was a back sliding parishoner or just a downright hypocrite. Anyway, the church probably loved the publicity, so anything she wanted they would do for her. This is insane.
“The Independent Woman’s Guide to Europe ” by Linda White
It is a bit outdated regarding eastern europe (written before all the walls came down), but contains wholesome truths.
One chapter is titled “What if the best happens”.
That is for Samper.
“Bachmann ‘hearing voices’ other than God’s, says top Dem”
It’s funny, all the time the legislature was wearing their Where’s Sarah buttons, she was home watching wedding shows. Thanks for nothing to her scheduling secretary and all of those enablers who drew their paychecks and knew the Governor was asleep at the wheel. This is a HUGE but very small populated State, people don’t miss much so it has been frustrating watching this play out.
Sean Parnell could very well be the next Alaskan to get thrown under the bus. He needs to step up the investigation into Winky or become known as one of her largest enablers on the planet. He must be deaf, dumb, and blind to stand up for her as he continues to do in public. He’s going to have a fat chance of getting elected again if he doesn’t face the reality of the
Governor In Name Only.
And one more thing, the decision for the AG to come out proposing new ethics rules(on Palin’s behalf) was an insult to every Alaskan who knew the truth about her behavior. It was like rubbing salt into a wound. Do you think we’re that stupid? I am one Alaskan who is so relieved that this is finally making it to print…it’s been a long time a comin’.
justafarmer–is there thought that that one is related too? I don’t recall hearing any talk of that when all the fires were happening…
Wow. Just wow.
The current Newsweek issue has a very insightful article worth reading:
“If the Democrats succeed, Republicans will be tagged as the party that declined even to help repair a broken system and extend fundamental protections…This could marginalize the right for a generation, if not longer.”
Remember back…there was a story about how the hospital in Wasilla had some sort of a board overthrow. And it seems like I remember that the board of that hospital is made up now of all members of the Wasilla Bible Church? I will look for that article.
jc – last I remember hearing about Palin was she spoke at the NRA thing in Anchorage on Aug 2.
samper – have a fab time! Between you being in Greece and our youngest in Italy, I’m starting to feel like I need a European trip myself. 🙂 Enjoy! uh..btw, weren’t you going to bring back one of those greek adonis guys for me to hide in the laundry room from DH 🙂
the third fire (a mobile home) was a couple weeks after the hospice nurse.
One boy died and the other was critically burned.
Elizabeth@58 I live in Mount Vernon, WA and also worked at the school dist. for many years. I emailed Bud (cc’d the council members) urging him to reconsider giving Glenn Beck the key to the city….never heard a peep from the mayor but did hear from a couple council members who were not in favor. This is shaping up to be very controversial for Mount Vernon and many people I’ve talked to think it may be a good thing for the local elections. I expect a big protest at the event. I’m feeling a tiny bit torn about this but my in-laws will be there for one of their Faux News favs and I’ll be outside carrying a protest sign.
The point I tried to stress in my email to the mayor is that in this divisive time in our country we need truthful and thoughtful dialog not lies and fear tactics. I also told him that I think many would be offended, regardless of party affiliation.
Both of my son’s emailed me yesterday to ask who Glenn Beck was and it was so nice to email back with what I really thought…no holds barred!
Samper. I went to Greece a few years ago looking for a Greek God and all I found was a GD Greek.
no offence to Greeks
You know, I am starting to think she IS somewhere or in a situation? where she cannot twitter, facebook, ….?
Samper, be careful of the Greek men. We hear of the seductive powers of Frenchmen and Italians, but they may have taken their lessons from the Greek.
BlancheMadison (70)
#63 Watching from New Jersey:
I believe Sanford is a member of the C-Street/Family/Dominionist group–someone please correct me if I’m wrong. It seems they all have the big red hotline phone to the Almighty (in their noggins, anyway). I’m sick of this carp also, too!!
(italics above are mine)
That’s probably why something always seems so fishy, ya think?
GreatGranny2B–what child’s death? I thought the nurse and her two dogs died.
The nurse who died in the fire USED to be a neo-natal nurse,but became a Hospice-care nurse years ago.
RE: Wasilla fires – appears that D.M. was a Lesbian – how did that go over in Wasilla and those wingnuts at Sarah’s church? Some comments regarding the child’s death were critical of the mother leaving the two alone. There are lots of working single parents trying to make ends meet and do their best. She tragically loses one of her children and the roaches come out of the woodwork to criticize her. How sad for her.
Oh, samper, it sounds like you’re having a blast. Find a cute Greek guy and just give him a hug for me, would ya? And keep Brian away from the ouzo!
Elizabeth… I agree
She is hiding, but why?
I would think the best place to write a book about yourself (her favorite topic) is in her hometown Wasilla.. and isn’t their home on a beautiful, quiet lake?
Kids just now going back to school.. has enough money to take care of the babies in the house .. you know ? If things were normal?
Instead things are just bizarre.
There is something weird going on with that woman..and her family
My enquiring mind will stay glued to these blogs til it all comes out!
But then.. oh what will I do with myself??
yay, samper, you little mussy (mudpup+hussy)
Nan & Elizabeth, 53 & 61, I agree, the lakeside quitting speech was thrown together much too quickly and made no sense. And, her voice quavered with emotion, no control. Add, dragging Todd back from fishing. Also add another ingredient, Levi’s VF interview. According to Levi, after Sarah lost, she was sad for several weeks, talked about not liking being the governor, wanting to go after the money. She had all that time from November to this summer to work out a graceful departure. In fact, if she had any political ambitions, she would have been much more effective in office than being labeled the quitter.
Around that time, there was another ethics complaint about the misappropriation of funds from her legal defense fund. I think that they were required to make a report, and too much money had been taken out compared to the actual legal expenses it was meant to cover. I always had the opinion that privately the personnel board told her to replace the money and the issue could easily be forgotten. After all, her lawyer negotiated a repayment of sorts regarding the travel expenses for her family to state events when she should not have been claiming their travel expenses.
My own personal feeling is that given the offer to replace the money was not an option for Sarah. Either she didn’t have it or she didn’t want to give it back. I would guess at least $100,000 or more might have been involved. The personnel board then gave her the either-or part of the option. Replace the missing money or we will have to make this matter public. For something this big, they would have to ask for her resignation.
I want to note that these are just my feelings and thoughts. She had other options in terms of gracefully leaving office. Just for one, she could have noted on Trig’s first birthday that she had become so involved in his therapy and development that she really did want to spend more time with her family. She would have been able to give family values speeches and be the hit of special needs families everywhere. So, I agree, something big came up suddenly, and she reacted just as suddenly without thinking it through. The lure of Murdoch’s money was there all along; there had to be something else, also, too.
blanche madison, et al:
Maybe Levi’s smart enough to know the safest thing for him to do is to say what he knows about SP as soon as he can, as publicly as he can.
BlancheMadison @ 70
Yes, Sanford (or Sanfraud as we like to call him locally) is a C-streeter. And he is truly creepy. He’s SOOOO determined to remain as governor, but as far as I can determine, he has done nothing but continue his self-promoting self-pity tour since returning from Argentina. He shows nothing but disdain for the people of SC. His constant talk about God and religion is truly sickening.
Wonderful day today… went to the new museum (very cool!), and caught sunset at the pier.
Tomorrow is a big day (TOUCHING the PARTHENON!), but still going to the sister hotel around the corner for a drink on the roof and to gaze at Parthenon all lit up tonite.
I cried at my first glance of it on the way to the hotel. What a wuss!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I’m REALLY here!
Brian is getting a big head from all the photo ops…
Miss you guys!
samper, brian and a stavros to be identified tomorrow (too tired today, but the greek boys are YUMMMY!)
Some help to elect Bob Poe?
The PCCC is led by former MoveOn staff, union organizers, top staff from Darcy Burner and Tom Perriello’s 2008 House campaigns, and the co-inventor of RSS and Reddit.
The mission
In 2008, one first-time progressive candidate in a key congressional district went through four campaign managers before losing.
Another spent $47,000 to retain a media firm that never produced a single TV ad. Another spent $40,000 on field consultants – enough to pay 10 field staffers for two months, but which only bought a few hand-holding consultant calls. And others wasted thousands of dollars and weeks of staff time designing C-rate websites.
Every election cycle, inexperienced candidates who run on bold progressive ideas – candidates who political insiders predict “can’t win” – come within a few points of victory. But too many lose winnable races due to the mistakes and inefficiencies of their campaigns.
Who is getting the backs of these progressive candidates? Who is helping them run competent, efficient campaigns so they can win? Right now, nobody.
Progressive Majority provides support to progressives on the state level, but not federal. The DCCC helps some congressional candidates, but many progressives with a real chance to win don’t make the DCCC’s target list or make it way too late.
Even then, the DCCC’s strength is not modern, people-powered campaigning or connecting candidates to the broader progressive movement. And progressives running in open-seat primaries won’t get any help from the DCCC because the DCCC doesn’t prioritize progressive Democrats any higher than conservative Democrats.
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is filling this void – providing needed infrastructure and strategic advice early to progressive candidates so they can run first-class campaigns and win. And when PCCC-endorsed candidates get elected by working hand-in-hand with the progressive movement, they’ll trust the political instincts of progressives and be sturdy allies as we work with them to pass a bold progressive agenda.
Group Organizing Obama Workers For Ad Targeting President
Many progressives have expressed frustration with President Obama’s refusal to commit to a government-run health insurance plan. If the Progressive Change Campaign Committee has their way, the president will soon hear from them directly.
The PCCC is fundraising to put out an ad featuring former Obama campaign workers, volunteers, voters, donors and staffers telling the president to insist on a public option in health care reform.
The group is circulating a petition among Obama supporters who are disappointed by recent news out of the White House.
The petition says: “We worked so hard for real change. President Obama, please demand a strong public health insurance option in your speech to Congress. Letting the insurance companies win would not be change we can believe in.”
The group has also set up an ActBlue page showing the amount donated so far, and what more money could do: “$20,000 can make a splash in a DC publication, $40,000 could buy cable news in DC, $100,000 could buy a New York Times ad.”
Founder Adam Green wrote in a blog post on The Huffington Post:
We’ll make sure the White House gets our message. In addition to delivering the signatures and personal notes from the petition page, we’re planning an ad featuring the voices of those who sign.
Obama’s speech “is still being debated in the West Wing,” reports Politico. That means there’s still time — we have one week to persuade Obama to do the right thing.
#53, Elizabeth, I agree, something big set off the sudden breathless panic ridden resignation. I can’t imagine what is preventing her from having a full blown melt down over the Vanity Fair article. She claims that she’s a mama grizzly regarding her kids but bottom line she’s much more defensive about anything negative about herself. I think much will be coming to light over the next few weeks. After the weekend following the resignation has anyone seen her since she ditched todd at the parade? It’s all so very strange. I really feel sorry for the kids, especially the two little ones. I can’t imagine voluntarily being away from your little ones that long.
Watching from New Jersey:
I’m with you on this. There is so much stuff that is outrageous and disheartening out there that I have a hard time convincing myself not to drop out of paying attention. Sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole and pull the covers over. This blog sure makes a difference though. It’s one of the few safe places online. Thanks to AKM and Snoskred too, for their moderating, I’m sure.
Honesty #69 Palin perfectly represents the current GOP- racist, delusional, hateful, deceptive, and promoting that ‘ol time religion over education.
Her selection was not a lack of vetting- she was selected for what she is.
The irony is that McCain, with his occasional succumbing to decency (ie. on torture) can at times be a maverick in his own party
#63 Watching from New Jersey:
I believe Sanford is a member of the C-Street/Family/Dominionist group–someone please correct me if I’m wrong. It seems they all have the big red hotline phone to the Almighty (in their noggins, anyway). I’m sick of this carp also, too!!
When i went to the CNN political ticker.. they also had this story there.
“McCain addresses Palin, health care on Tonight Show” ( sept 3rd)
“Appearing on the Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien Wednesday, the former presidential candidate was asked, as he has been several times before, whether he was shocked Palin chose to resign her post as governor of Alaska two months ago.
Despite the at-times public bickering between aides to Palin and McCain since in the aftermath of the campaign’s defeat, the Arizona senator insisted he still speaks with his former running mate “fairly often.”
People in AZ should be asking John a lot of questions if he asks $arah about information and any of her expertise. ” Fairly often”… John…Why?
If you were smart you would put as much distance between this woman as possible. People should find as many ways to link Him with $arah.
I’d heard about the fire in the church in Wasilla at the time, and I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t hear about the fire that killed the neo-natal nurse until reading Gryphen’s blog a few minutes ago. I’ve always had a creepy gut feeling there is a truly dark back story to SP (never being indicted or found guilty for her little escapades, the crazed supporters that just keep hanging on, the 24/7 marketing of SP as the perfect Xtian EveryMom, etc.) MSNBC is finally beginning to delve into the Dominionist cult thanks to the book “The Family”; I truly feel this group is above nothing to try and succeed in getting their shiny trinket puppet gal if not into the White House, then pretty damn near close to it. The Theopalinism site is also doing a great job examining this; I check it every so often. And now, we have Levi’s observations blowing what remains of SP’s image to smithereens. I REALLY hope he stays safe!
I hope this sounds clear, thanks for letting me rant! Off to research Fire #2 . . .
Ya know, if I were a typical tourist, I’d complain about how dirty that glacier is and ask why no one was cleaning it… 😉
This is about a petition from Act Blue to pressure Obama to keep a public option. Sign it today! PLEASE
And according to news reports, “although House leaders have said their members will demand the inclusion of a public insurance option, Obama has no plans to insist on it himself.” *
In response, we got a truly depressing email from Christian S. in Texas:
“Your recent health care ads are great, they hit home. But Obama has decided to drop the public option and for breaking his campaign promise I am dropping out of political activism for the time being.”
This fight is absolutely not over, but Christian’s feelings are real. If Obama doesn’t stand firm on the public option, millions of people will lose hope.
So today, we’re launching a petition to President Obama signed by those who volunteered, staffed, voted for, or donated to Obama’s campaign in 2008, asking him to please stand firm on the public option.
If that’s you, can you sign this petition today? Click here.
Then, please think hard about others you know who worked for change last year — and forward them this email.
The petition says: “We worked so hard for real change. President Obama, please demand a strong public health insurance option in your speech to Congress. Letting the insurance companies win would not be change we can believe in.”
We’ll make sure the White House gets our message. In addition to delivering the signatures and personal notes from the petition page, we’re planning an ad featuring the voices of those who sign.
Obama’s speech “is still being debated in the West Wing.” * That means there’s still time — we have one week to persuade Obama to do the right thing.
Is this not more proof that Murdock wants to have every bigot and racist hater on his network…?
“Don Imus Joining Fox Business In October”
“Don Imus will be simulcasting his radio program from 6-9AM on Fox Business Network starting October 5, the network announced Thursday.”
He will surely fit right in with ‘ the crowd ‘ already there. And is he is looking for a place for $arah….. as some part-time pundit. He wants ALL the Nuts working for Him. Really… just toooooo weird.
Palin invited to travel with The Tea Partiers:
I just heard on the news Governor Sandford said he has a “higher calling” and
won’t be stepping down. God wants him to be Governor. I’m so sick, sick, sick of all these Republican politicians who claim to have a direct line to GOD.
I’m sure GOD told him to leave his family on Father’s Day so he could have a tryst with his Argentine lover. I’m sure GOD told him to lie to his staff and tell them he would be hiking on the Appalahican trails. Now that he has been exposed and not finding the forgiveness nor understanding of his actions by everyone, he is feeling commiseration with Sarah Palin.
A disabled woman in a wheelchair got heckled at a town hall meeting in New Jersey. She was trying to explain that she pays about $300 plus every two weeks for her meds. She wants health care reform and trys to tell her story but gets heckled for it.
A fight broke out at a town hall meeting on health care reform and someone’s finger got bitten off.
Senator Jim Inhoff from Oaklahoma said he’ll veto the health care reform bill without even reading it. He says Pres. Obama is destroying what’s good in this country. Well I sent him an email expressing my outrage.
I’m sick of hearing about all these IDIOT POLITICIANS who are so self-righteous and say that GOD is on their side. Also the idiots who can’t think for themselves and heckle people who have an opposing view. They claim to have Christian values while only looking out for themselves. I’m so disgusted. I have taken action by writing emails but I’m getting discouraged by the ignorance out there and lack of any common courtesy and decency.
Dang, I’m on a Sadly,No! roll today…
Perhaps this is why Sarah turned to Twitter?
“Twitter, an application that allowed conservatives to work themselves into daily pant-hoots of branch-thrashing anger in the socially affirming unison of a Chimpanzee clan, as opposed to what they had been doing before. ”
Tell me that isn’t true, I dare ya.
Elizabeth (53)
You’re right.
Either she was fooled into thinking that “someone” was on her side and could make her queen of the universe, or coerced into it. “Someone” knows all her skeletons, I betcha.
After all, in what reality we’ve been living would Levi have been able to make statements like that last batch and not get blasted by SP or minions? Can you imagine what it would take to keep her from saying something about those statements?
All I can figure is that for whatever reason, she hasn’t seen or heard about them.
Almost as insane as giving Beck the keys to anything is this headline:
“No thumbprint, no money, bank tells armless man”
Here’s an article on Darlene Miller, the nurse who was killed in a fire at her home in Wasilla.
Bud Norris isn’t nuts, but he is conservative. He is part of the local old boy network. He was voted in because he opposed completing the local transit center: train and buses. Of course, he knew the project was so far along it couldn’t be stopped. I worked for the School District for five years (yes, Mudpups really are everywhere!) The town isn’t that far right. The biggest demonstration I saw was the Hispanic community standing up for immigrant rights.
darlene – i am with you………..the silence is deafening. something more bigger (smile) is a certainty.
This story off the Huffpo….. this Mayors is NUTZ!
Mayor of Mount Vernon Washington wants to give Glenn Beck the Key to the City. { protesters are saying ‘ Change the Locks ‘}
“In what may be one of the most politically tone-deaf moves this year, Bud Norris, mayor of the small farming community just north of Seattle, says he’ll hand over the hardware to Beck on Sept. 26. Members of the local Young Democrats will be there to protest and welcome the Beckster back to Earth from Planet Fox News.”
“Norris’ response is classic. He says his decision to recognize locally spawned loonie Beck isn’t partisan at all, given that Beck has never formally declared his party affiliation.”
Really…? The mayor doesn’t know what his ‘ party affiliation ‘ is..?
If it looks like a duck… it walks like a duck… and it talks like a duck…
Maybe the people of that city will have him removed from office..?
there was a fire in wasilla? during the campaign that killed the neonatal nurse from the local hospital.
then another fire was set at sarah’s wasilla church right after the campaign.
i don’t know if the sources of these fires were ever determined.
and for some reason, the thought of them keeps popping up in my head.
For info on the fire go to the Frontiersman website and search, “Darlene Miller, fire”
Something has been nagging me about SP. Lets look at the whole picture, not just the speculation and “noise”. Things are going along “normally” when suddenly, in a panic, SP announces her resignation. I submit that the way she handled the resignation was in panic mode, dragging Todd back from fishing etc. Her speech was certainly not thought out. Something scared the heck out of her. She gave the state only a couple of weeks to adjust. She wanted out NOW and it wasn’t something good. Since she has left, she has been out of the public eye entirely. Even her twitter’s have essentially stopped. She has turned down some very important public events. No one seems to know where she is. There is speculation that her Dad is setting things up so she can leave Alaska and move to Idaho. She is hiding: why?? She doesn’t need to hide out to write a book. I think we’ve missed what is really going on. Sarah’s behavior appears to me to be that of someone scared to death. Any idea?
I briefly stopped by Alaska Report to see if there were comments about the VF article from yesterday. They were also caught in that last firestorm with I.M. about the divorce rumors and Van Fleabag. there was this in the upper left corner. I assume it was posted by Dennis Zaki.
“Gone fishing. We’re out commercial halibut fishing for a week or so. Of course we’ll post video and pictures when we return around September 4th.”
They did have a little cartoon posted about the ‘ Ex-GOV ‘.
33 mo Says: September 3rd, 2009 at 7:13 AM
I stumbled across Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer thanks to this funny SadlyNo! quote: ” author of the classic early-postwar work on the authoritarian personality, The True Believer, available wherever once-pivotal old paperbacks are thrown. ”
There were many books written after WWII to explain Nazi Germany. Personally I find Hannah Arendt’s “The Origins of Totalitarianism” the best. After the war the US was beset with right wing craziness (reaction of right to years of FDR) that culminated in the assignations of the Kennedys and MLK. It didn’t do away. It simply is less vocal when the Republicans hold power. The minute they lose (Kennedy, Carter, Clinton, Obama) they crank up the hate machines. They are experts.
For years a complacent, ignorant citizenry has been quite happy to blame welfare queens, immigrants, gays, hippies, blacks, Latinos, unions, women. Whatever works. Once in a while there is a lull in the hatred and things sneak through. I lived in KS when it was one of the first states to make abortion legal. Look at them now.
The right just wants you to keep eating and spending and stay at home when not shopping. Unfortunately the economy isn’t as eleastic as they thought.
Now we are at a point where the issues are beyond cultural. If the US doesn’t get its health care crisis under control, it will fall a few more rungs down the ladder to third world status. This “best in the world” is just more propaganda. With terrible health care, inadequate education, stupid to no environmental and energy policy, investment in unwinable wars, commitment to maintaining unsupervised private armies, supporting religious interference in public institutions for the purpose of dumbing them down and increasing control ….. well we are not on a happy trajectory. Smart people will simply leave and are already doing so.
We aren’t the only country with these problems. Take a look at how far to the right the so called “New Left” is in GB. Germany has the same issues with Angela. I’m sure there are similar elsewhere.
Cool picture…Thanks AKM…
#41 Fawnskin Mudpuppy says:
“i often wonder about that nurse and those two fires.
i just don’t believe in coincidence.”
What fires are you speaking of? Did I miss something?
There was a lot of speculation yesterday about Levi’s comments in the VF article. He talked about a lot of different things and different scenarios. Some we knew about others we didn’t. Gryphen had a story up as well and people were speculation there as well in the comments. Some were asking..” is this the Iceberg?” or is there another shoe to drop. Gryphen is saying there is a little more to the story… but cant say at the moment. People had different interpretations as to what Levi said outright… and other comments that were a little vague or veiled.
If you go to almost the end of the comment thread Gryphen gives some acknowledgment or at least confirms some people are on the right track ( according to his sources ) in what they were saying. Should you be inclined to look there…. look for KaJo’s comment. He has about 199 comments … it’s right close to the end.
From what I’ve seen on tv this morning is that they’ve basically poo poo’d Levi’s claims and made him out as an opportunist. I’m not sure he’s helped reveal the true Scarah crazy lady.
Went to Republican Kevin McCarthy’s Townhall in Paso Robles, CA last night. San Luis Obispo is a rural county with 250,000 and has always been Red until last year when it just turned Blue by a hair for Obama. The meeting was at the fairgrounds and had 1400 people according to the paper. I’d say it was 30% wingers, 30% pro real reform and the rest still trying to figure it out but wanting some kind of reform.
My take away. McCathy is one of the slickest pols I have ever heard. He is a master at not answering anyones questions. His ability to tap dance on both the left and right will make him a very dangerous foe in DC. He’s only in his second term in Congress but he’s already some kind of whip. The “great white hope” woman mentioned him as a future leader.
I’ll be trying to get into Lois Capps Townhall tonight. She’s actually my rep. Her’s will be in a church so I expect that everyone will not be able to get in. The anti-choice crowd are currently after her so I’ll go just to support her. I expect that we’ll also have a heaving contingent of Sheriff’s like we did last night to keep the “peace”.
I’ve taken a well needed break from Scarah land the last few days. I ‘almost’ have my mojo back. But dang, now I’ve missed so much! While avoiding all things Scarah related, it felt great, dang what a dilemma.
So what are Scarah groupies saying about this? I found it over at Immoral Minority, not sure where Gryphen found it. But, surely her cult followers can’t be happy that she’s dissing the Repubs once again. I don’t have the strength to venture to the other side, has anyone noticed what their reactions are? (it’s about choosing the Hong Kong gig but not the Repub girly gig)
From Gryphen’s site:
“Palin’s announcement comes as she has declined an invitation to speak with some of the most prominent Republican women across the country, who are gathering next week in Orlando.
Though invited to speak at the National Federation of Republican Women’s 35th Convention, Palin, the former vice presidential candidate, decided not to attend, according to the organization.
An estimated 1,200 Republican women leaders will attend the three-day conference, and some of those said they want Palin to reconsider.
“It is disappointing,” says Barbara Davis, who heads the Melbourne, Fla., chapter of NFRW. “We were hoping that she would come. It would have benefited her to attend.”
Mo #33 “True Believer” was standard reading when I was in college back in the 1970’ies.
The glacier pix is just wonderful. Years ago took the cruise in the inland passage.
One of the best things we did was the helicopter to the glacier above Juneau. It was a completely clear day and the views were amazing! I had never been on a helicopter and haven’t since. But the sheer beauty overcame my fear in short order. It was so worth it.
To deal with the fear I shot a video on the way up. You know it was more like looking through a window. But I couldn’t get enough on the way back. Being on the glacier was also amazing. The guides were wonderful and the stuff was just amazing.
I have to go get the pix and video out on a rainy day. Maybe I’ll finally learn how to edit and get it on Youtube.
#15 pearl89, you are so right. I know just how you feel. It’s like backing up & running as fast as you can head first at a brick wall over & over & over again. Doesn’t hurt the wall much, but sure does a number on the old head.
i often wonder about that nurse and those two fires.
i just don’t believe in coincidence.
Also, great article from Max Blumenthal in the NYT:
“IN this summer of town hall disruptions and birth-certificate controversies, a summer when it seemed as if the Republican Party had been captured by its extremist wing, it is worth recalling a now-obscure letter from President
Although Eisenhower is commonly remembered for a farewell address that raised concerns about the “military-industrial complex,” his letter offers an equally important — and relevant — warning: to beware the danger posed by those seeking freedom from the “mental stress and burden” of democracy.”
overthemoon Says:
September 3rd, 2009 at 7:40 AM
AKM In your spare time, I think its time for you to create a gallery page of all the wonderful photos you’ve shared with us!!
Check out the flicker on the sidebar. —>
From 2008: “My Fair Palin”:
AKM In your spare time, I think its time for you to create a gallery page of all the wonderful photos you’ve shared with us!!
Mmmmm, another swell quote from SadlyNo!
“Such troublesome people! So invariant over time, with their listening to angry men on the radio and at podiums, and before that probably at older podiums with bad Roman emperors animated behind them (and hissing and gossiping when it was Marcus Aurelius); with their suckerhood for flattery, their ecstatic self-congratulation when denying others what had been denied them. So easily turned against people, so radiant they are when punishing others’ trespasses, so quick to trespass when egged on, so whiny when egged. ”
OK, so I’m a sucker for interesting words.
But it pretty aptly describes the Palinista sub-church of the larger Winger congregation, eh?
To AKM, you have such an eye for the beauty and detail of the natural world. How many other people walk the same trail or fly the same route and fail to see what you capture so beautifully.
If even half of what Levi says in the VF article is true, Sarah Palin is a very lonely, unhappy person who feels that the warmth of applause, the cheers of an adoring audience, money and the things that it buys will fill the void in her life. No way, all that it will do is make her crave more, and it will never be deeply satisfying. She also does not have than much time; her star is quickly fading.
I can only wonder at #1 how she got elected as governor, #2 how she managed to fool everyone into thinking that she was governing and #3 how she was chosen as candidate for VP when she was so clearly unqualified to hold the last few jobs she actually had.
Obama needs to buck up. URG. He’s just way too nice to these fruitloops.
As far as Palin… so she’s holed up with Murdoch “writing” her book? Hmmm…
so where are her husband and kids? Abandoned again one can only guess.
That Levi, whoowie, bet she is having a hissy fir. Gotta love him. That sidekick of his gave him some balls. Go Levi. And Playboy? Hehahahaha.
More quotes from the interview with Levi Johnson
This quote floored me, even with my low expectations of Palin:
“Sarah Palin seemed to dote more on her new grandson, Tripp, than on her own infant, Trig. “Sarah has a weird sense of humor. . . . Sarah would call Trig — who was born with Down syndrome — ‘my little Down’s baby.’ . . . and sometimes say, playing around, ‘No, I don’t want the retarded baby — I want the other one,’ and pick up Tripp. That was just her — even her kids were used to it.” “
I stumbled across Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer thanks to this funny SadlyNo! quote:
” author of the classic early-postwar work on the authoritarian personality, The True Believer, available wherever once-pivotal old paperbacks are thrown. ”
So I’ve ordered my copy from Amazon. Has anybody here read this book?
Sounds as if it’s still alarmingly relevant today…
Ok – so Pres. Obama’s admin has rewritten the post speech classroom exercises and have removed “write a letter to President Obama” and instead the children will be encouraged to write a letter to themselves for the future.
Will it make anyone in the crazy camp happy ? UhNope!
AKM- You are the best photographer as well as the best writer. You see and capture the many dimensions of reality.
Here is a funny utube interview by VF of Levi. From Huff Post.
It’s as though racism has long been a festering sore on the American landscape and now the wound has opened and the pus is pouring out. Can it be healed by us all standing together to overcome this virus? I do hope so! My light goes with you.
I don’t think that Murdoch realizes just how bat$h*t crazy sarah is, but I have an idea he’s about to find out.
If it’s true that Palin is being contolled by Murdock, I wonder how long it will be before she starts bucking her handlers. It hardly seems to fit her mavericky ways to be silenced. I doubt Murdock will tolerate “mavericky”. Remember, after the election, Palin has stated that she didn’t like being “handled” by McCain staffers. But now, it seems she has given over her entire life.
Who knows, she may have signed some type of contract where she CAN’T go all mavericky on him. I doubt she (or her lawyer) had the sophistication to negotiate with Murdock. Between Palin’s lawyer and Murdock’s team of experts—-he is the one that will come out a winner.
I wonder if she has considered the consequences of selling her soul (image,name,looks) for a pot of gold. Or was she blinded by the bright shiny objects that he dangled in front of her.
It totally makes sense to me that Scarah would sell her soul (such that it is) to Murdoch. They are cut from the same filthy cloth. I sensed something was up when SP actually responded to an invitation: declining to attend the GOP Women’s convention in FL. That’s so unlike her to have the courtesy to respond in a timely fashion. And the fact that she hasn’t blasted Levi yet…there are definitely new handlers on the scene. But I think there’s a silver lining here. SP has shown that has no need for power, after all she forfeited her governorship. She’s all about the money and we know you make more in private life than in government. Plus she has no time for or interest in pesky ethics. I’m hoping all this adds up to XGINO being out of politics for good. Actually I’m glad she sold out to the devil; she has shown her true colors and I believe now she’ll get everything she deserves.
This is a good read and should be considered. It’s about Murdock’s connections in China and Palin’s most recent speaking gig. I know we all got a good laugh, but the truth, I believe, is a lot darker….and scarier.
I really think Palin made a deal with the Devil, and Murdock is controlling her every move…word….action. Otherwise, we would have heard from Palin herself on Levi’s latest statements.
That’s about the darkest glacier I’ve ever seen in a picture. Must be traveling thru a large deposit of dirt or very soft rock. Or global warming is compressing the ice and increasing the concentration/density of non-ice materials.
13 CAdillrye Says: September 3rd, 2009 at 4:27 AM
Good News. Just learned from that the Dannon company has dropped the Glenn Beck show. No need to write Ms. Jamie Lee.
Too late. Already done. Dannon heard from me too.
Exactly. I feel that we are being outshouted. We need a strong voice.
Fantastic photo – another example of God’s hand at work. Thanks AKM!
This one blog alone has so many caring and concerned posters and most (if not all) have a grounding in religion and might consider themselves Christians. With all the rightwing whackos citing that God is directing them, more and more moderate Christians are hesitating to bring up their own beliefs so they don’t get tarred with the same brush of extremism.
I think many people (including myself) have underestimated the tenacity and power of many of the religious groups, and now we are seeing just how invasive they have become at all levels of government. These groups are very well funded, not just from tithing members, but also from special interest groups. There is no longer the separation of church and state that there should be. Ties to the C Street “Family” that Rachel Maddow has been reporting on lead back to the dominionists including Sarah’s Wasilla Church. Any and all religious groups that involve themselves in anything to do with politics should lose their 501(c)3 tax exempt status.
Theopalinism has started up a new blog ( and she will be blogging on the dominionist movement as it spreads around America and not just in Alaska. There are some major eyeopeners – strongly urge everyone to check it out.
CAdillrye @9 – I hear you and agree – there doesn’t seem to be any one (or a few) person (people) who stand out as leader(s) for the left. The righties have their Limbaughs, Becks, etc. We have Ed Schulz, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow who are trying to speak out and expose, but their audiences are limited compared to what Fox pulls in. Beck’s numbers are probably so large at the moment because he is so off-the-wall that others who normally wouldn’t watch him are doing so for their daily dose of an emetic. Outrageous sells. Viewers who watch MSNBC in the morning are getting a dose of conservatism and Obama-bashing from Joe Scarborough and CNN is leaning more and more to the right. So there is no one network that has a progressive slant as the bulk of its programming. Most of the *news/commentary* programs that report on the town halls seem to only report on the negative and little (if anything) of positive actions and statements from those meetings.
Media Matters, Southern Poverty Law Center, Daily KOS, FireDogLake, and a number of other websites are trying their darndest to expose the lies and blatant racism, but as we’ve seen with the Palinistas, there is no convincing them. Progressives are preaching to the choir.
Talk radio is something like 90% conservative and they are well-funded and able to get into the smaller and more-localized markets. The few progressive programs such as Air America have limited funding and is seldom carried in more rural areas. NPR used to be fairly well balanced, but they have absolutely gone right and I don’t listen to them anymore.
I’ve been disappointed in the last few months with C-SPAN. The morning journals seem to put a *lefty* on for the first segment and a *righty* on the second segment. This results in the *righty* being able to say whatever about the *lefty* statements, but there is no opportunity for the *lefty* to react to or rebut the *righty* statements.
Robert Reich suggested the 9/13 March on Washington and apparently the movement is growing. It’s been covered on Talking Points Memo and The difference between this march and those of the teabaggers is that everyone is being urged to be non-confrontational.
The only person I can think of who could probably make an impact by getting out and about and speaking would be Bill Clinton. I don’t think we’ll see too much of him, and to be honest, it wouldn’t look good for Obama to have a previous president overshadowing him. So who else is there that WOULD have the ability, time, money, etc. to lead us out of this fog?
@15 pearl89: I am with you. I feel exactly the same way and was expressing my frustration to my husband last night. Poor guy, he had to listen to my rant…..again. He is much calmer than I am, and believes that good will win in the end.
I wish I had his faith.
Also too, good news about Dannon.
Great picture, I would never have guessed it was a glacier!
Is it just me, or are there more ignorant people in this world than before?
And since when does a minister preach about hoping the president or anyone else gets a brain tumor and die? No wonder we have so many hypocrites!
Fantastic picture. In today’s NYT, Gail Collins really rips Levi’s article in VF.
Gorgeous picture AKM!
This made my day! I had to go to the dump and the bank this morning – this tells you how exciting my life started out today!
Then, while waiting at a light, in front of me in the left lane was a car with an Alaskan tag! Was wishing the car in front would pull up so I could honk, but no such luck. I have found out, though, that cars with AK tags down here are always those folks who have left the state. No one would put that many miles and that much time on the road to get to GA and back just for a visit!
I’m hopeful that Olympia Snowe can broker a deal on this Health Care thing. I really respect her. Samper should know that she is Greek – wonder where Samper is right now? Drinking ouzo, and eating moussaka, I imagine!
Anyone else hear Bob Dole on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” yesterday? From the introduction, I thought this is good, he’s for healthcare reform, but …. he says we don’t need no stinking public option….we need a bipartisan bill….Obama needs to take a couple of republicans with him on a nationwide tour to promote this legislation. What planet is he on? He sounds as out of touch as he did when he ran for president years ago.
That is about all I could stand to hear. Here’s a link if you dare:
He may mean well, but if he really wanted to be helpful, he would address directly all the nutcases in congress to put aside their hatred and consider what’s right for the country and not just those who bribe them.
I am tired, so very tired. I’m tired of watching the bad guys win and the good guys lose. I’m tired of hate. I’m tired of lies, untruths, and things just being made up to strike fear in the heart of man. I’m tired of revisionist history perpetrated by the Pat Buchanans of the world.
I’m tired of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Inhofe, Grassley, Huckabee, the NRA and a host of other rightwingers lying and manipulating the American people. I’m tired of the American people allowing themselves to be manipulated and gleefully supporting these lunatics without ever taking the time to check out the facts for themselves. I’m tired of the laziness of the American people.
I’m tired of hearing about how America is the greatest country in the world.
Check out the facts on gun violence, infant deaths, health care, climate
change, transportation, elder care, racism, religion, gay rights, and education to name only a few of the areas where America is not even close to being the greatest.
I love America and I am proud to be an American citizen, but I think it is past time we take the blinders off and take a good hard look at ourselves and our country. It is time to fess up to some of the ugly truths about America.
Even though, I’m tired I will rally and keep doing whatever I can to change
some of these myths. So, thank you AKM and all the other progressive
bloggers around the US who even tho they may be tired, they keep pointing
out these myths and untruths and suggesting way we can make things better.
In an interesting coincidence, Regina also has a cool glacier picture this morning:
Good News. Just learned from that the Dannon company has dropped the Glenn Beck show. No need to write Ms. Jamie Lee.
And #11, say what you may, but I don’t agree. AKMuckracker is already a leader. She is leading with this blog. And I don’t know of any movement that didn’t take place without a major leader or leaders.
Very cool picture! I wonder if all that detail would be as visible if the glacier wasn’t shrinking, too. It looks very dirty from way up there…
@CAdillrye – It might feel like your anger is driving you right now, but it is really your love for humankind. Otherwise you wouldn´t bother.
I don´t think AKM wants to be a leader. I think AKM is a voice and democracy needs many voices and shoulders to rest on. Not one head, not one thought, but many hearts, shoulders, voices weaving together and finding harmony, ringing out together.
Don´t know if the spam filter will swallow me again, but thought I´d give it a try. You know Anti-hate = Love.
adding to my previous post:
You can also write Jamie Lee Curtis c/o:
Rick Kurtzman
Creative Artists Agency
2000 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
I know it takes times to do all this. But even a two line, hand written statement can carry empact.
Thanks for the beautiful picture.
I just posted a repsonse to the Politicizing Anchorage School District and am repeating some of it here. I know this probably goes against the rules of blogger land so someone can file an ethics complaint about me if they so desire. But I feel so frustrated about what is happening in our country I wanted to repeat it.
There is so much frustration being expressed at different places on the internet, and I hear it from people around me, about all the hateful, ugly behavior taking place in our country. People don’t seem to know what to do.
I think the problem is, as we all know, hate and fear unites and energizes. The right wing sheep have their leaders who are uniting them. We are not in that position. Encourging each other to take action, speak up, write letters, make phone calls, and send emails, is our only way for now.
I think it is time for the anti-hate side to have a leader. I nominate AKMuckracker. I’m dead serious about this. How can we get her a talk radio show?
By the way, Dannon is still sponsoring Glenn Beck. You can give Jamie Lee Curtis’s agent a call and ask the “Activia” lady to stop her support of Mr. Beck. Agent is Rick Kurtzman; 424-288-2000. You can also go to and join their fight against hate.
Why doesn’t respect and caring for others unite and energize the way hate and fear do? I guess it will have to be anger and frustration that unites us.
AKM – cool picture! I was going to try to guess what it was before reading but accidently moved my cursor over it and my teeny hand said ‘Glacier’ and let the cat out of the bag (o:
Yikes! I just caught part of the Early Show w/a new blip from Levi’s VF article. He said Palin would come into the room to see the babies and say “no, I don’t want the retarded one” I want the other one. What the ??? I didn’t catch it all but heads up to other time zones anyway….
Good Morning…I hope…o:
Mesmerizing photo . . . .
Have you ever happened to read John Muir’s tale of wandering around a glacier (and having to do a rather harrowing return)? With a dog?
wonderful picyures
Had you not told me what it was AKM…..I would have guessed it was the wood-grain of some log.
It has a very soft soothing texture to it…. at least from that far up it does.
Thank you for keeping beauty in the balance.