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Palin Puppet Show.


Well, once again Rupert Murdoch’s hand (aka The Wall Street Journal) has found its way up the backside of the Sarah Palin sock puppet. Yes, I apologize for that imagery.

Whoever wrote her latest op-ed piece doesn’t even try to make it sound like it was actually written by her. They’ve  just given up.  Who cares anymore, anyway?  She’s got Facebook ghost writers, book ghost writers, and now a ghost WSJ op-ed writer.  And one of her last tweets that promised she couldn’t wait to have less politically correct tweets “fly from [her] fingertips” got squashed by some unknown handler. More’s the sorrow.

The latest puppeteering comes on the day of President Obama’s much anticipated speech to the nation on health care. I’ll give you a link, but basically here’s a synopsis.

“Mr. Obama” says that everything will be swell, but we know it won’t. Common sense should tell you that anything run by the government won’t work, and that they are not telling you the truth because they always lie.

By the way, does anyone remember our former president being called “Mr. Bush?”  Didn’t think so.  Notice please that she thinks it’s OK to call him “Mr. Obama” instead of “President Obama,” yet continues to sign her own Facebook screeds “Governor Palin.”

The climactic final sentence states:

We often hear such overblown promises from Washington. With first principles in mind and with the facts in hand, tell them that this time we’re not buying it.

Washington.  That’s the problem.  Where was it that Ms. Palin hoped to be living and working right now?  What should “common sense” tell us about believing her?



111 Responses to “Palin Puppet Show.”
  1. IsyFleur says:

    Sock puppet, or inflatable doll?

  2. lilly says:

    People always remember me.

    And that can be years, and years later.

    Now come on. A pretty girl, attractive enough as to figure and face to enter a beauty pageant and the male profs have no recollection of her? She may have been second runner up,(3rd place) but she was attractive enough to be in 3rd place.

    Men are men after all.

    All people recall is her pulling the fire alarm? And having to confess when she was told her hands were dyed.

    Well her hands are certainly dirty now.

  3. tigerwine says:

    I’ve wondered for a while about her college credentials, but thought for sure they must have been checked out. A professor who doesn’t remember her in a class of 15? Come on, now.

  4. Definitely something uncomfortably odd about her college days. Does anyone remember her from her college days?

    I knew a guy who searched for a college that had burned down so he could say his degree was from there and it couldn’t be checked.

  5. fromthediagonal says:

    sorry, Martha… nothing like proof reading in the first place:
    “… this man and his organization “are” universally dangerous…

  6. fromthediagonal says:

    Thank you, Martha @#34!
    You certainly have done all of the homework for all of us!

    I see Murdoch as someone who may have been infatuated with the writing of Ian Fleming somewhere along the way.
    Look up that author’s biography, progress on to his James Bond novels, and tell me what you think!
    Murdoch is bent upon domination in a way that seems to almost be a caricature of Fleming’s imagination.
    As I have mentioned before, this man and his organization is universally dangerous, and I for one do not take his goals nor his machinations lightly.

  7. Professor Geezer says:

    I wish KO would do another puppet show based on this! The Sarah Palin Sock Puppet Show!

  8. swe123 says:

    I’ve always thought it was strange that no one remembers Palin from college. I had several small classes in college and I would definitely remember their names at least. Palin has never been the quiet and shy type so there’s no way that she wouldn’t have been as attention grabbing then as she is now.

    Also, all of her friends are from high school…no college buddies at all???

    I have always thought that the MSM needed to look into this more, especially now when we know that almost everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.

  9. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    She was too busy practicin’ her pageant walkin’ in and out of dorm rooms while stealing homework is my guess! If she’d been a decent student, they would have remembered her even if she was quiet (yeah right). I am surrounded by teachers / professors in my family and friends circle and they never forget a good student. My bet is that she was a crappy student who was completely and utterly unremarkable in every way.

  10. kareninTexas says:

    Hmmm, wondering if she really has a degree. We had a state official that claimed she had a master’s, turns out it was a lie! Maybe we shoud do some checking.

  11. califpat says:

    That is so strange that none of the professors or students remember Mrs. Palin attending classes at the University of Idaho.
    Jim Fisher, Palin’s supposedly Journalism instructor at the University of Idaho, said, ” Palin was suppose to have taken his “Public Affairs Reporting Class”, of 15 students, and he could not remember Palin”. That is just too odd! Something is very wrong with that picture!

  12. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Note to self: Trisha gets credit for “FrankenPalin” – good job girl!

    Note to daisydem #40 – oh yes, I was here for MegAmouth and her truthiness squad dumping all over Walt Monegan in that whiny nasty voice of hers. Luckily for me I hadn’t watched her on Channel 2 so there was no disappointment coming from my quarter – just disgust and disdain. I loved Rep. Gara cornering her on the street with a group around demanding to know when she was going to apologize for trashing and lying about a great man. She’s lucky I wasn’t there because I would have spit on her.

  13. cronopio says:

    I didn’t do a statistical sample, but I was pleased to see that the WSJ comments seemed to be at least half negative. And that’s the WSJ!

    And yes, I’ve noticed the overwhelming negativity of comments on ADN. I don’t know if that’s reflective of public opinion, or if the palinistas just don’t bother to comment there anymore.

  14. Re “Mr. Obama”:

    It’s WSJ, NY Times (and NPR) editorial policy to refer to the President by his title on first mention, then as “Mr.” on each succeeding mention. This was the policy with GWB as well.

    I think some are noticing this now who hadn’t noticed it before because of a subliminal tuning out of any mention of GWB while he was still President. At any rate, there’s no disrespect intended toward our present (or any former) president.

  15. anon blogger says:

    So, the WSJ continues to print stories allegedly written by SP. Isn’t it weird how everything she gets involved with seems to turn to fraud? Well, at least that’s how it looks to me.

  16. jc in co says:

    #93 jojobo 1, I’ve been doing the same. I’m also following your same logic.
    If an elderly person’s prognosis isn’t good whose to say they wouldn’t with hold their voucher? I think her plan is much closer to death panels & add to that her responsibility for the deaths of many elderly on medicare during her watch because her administration had everything so screwed up.

  17. kande says:

    As someone who lives in WASHINGTON, DC, let me just tell you how we feel whenever people like Palin start complaining about those politicians inside the beltway: You don’t like them? Stop sending them. At least those of you who don’t live in DC get congressional representation. Take that responsibility seriously and send men and women who also take the responsibility seriously and will work hard to do the right thing for the country.

  18. karen in OR says:

    The LA Times article linked to on 1st post is interesting. First published in October ’08, they dug around for notable memories from her peers and profs. There weren’t any. (except the stupid act of starting fire alarm, an activity she is still carrying on). From the article:

    “Looking at this dynamic personality now, it mystifies me that I wouldn’t remember her,” said Jim Fisher, Palin’s journalism instructor at the University of Idaho, where she graduated with a bachelor of science degree in journalism in 1987.

    Palin, he said, took his public affairs reporting class, an upper-division course limited to 15 students. “It’s the funniest damn thing,” Fisher said. “No one can recall her.”

    “I don’t remember her,” said Roy Atwood, Palin’s academic advisor at the university.

    Indeed, interviews with a dozen professors yielded not a single snippet of a memory.

    Looks like even then there was no there there. Empty vessel with Christianist bent, evidently her only consistent interest.

  19. jojobo1 says:

    I have been posting everywhere I can about her or rather her handlers sayin get rid of medicare and use vouchers.Vouchers are about as good as a IOU only as good as the paper written on.Vouchers won’t help lower cost it will just give insurance companies more people and IMO this is palins death panals

  20. Marnie says:

    “Common sense should tell you that anything run by the government won’t work…”

    WWI, WWII, the Space Race, Democracy, the Consitiution, our air and water were getting cleaner there for awhile, till the Repugs stiffled EPA, the US highway system, hydroelectric power, electing a President, (when the RepoTaliban doesn’t get away with cheating, public education was going great, put us No. 1 in the world till the RetroChristians got a strangle hold on it??????????????????????????
    I’d say our government does a cracker jack job when the Partys of NO and the lobbiest get out of the way.

  21. lilly says:

    Beauty is after all only skin deep.

    If she hadn’t been attractive, Mrs Palin would have been nothing,She proved herself inept in everything she did. As a mayor she had to hire someone to do her work. As a Governor, she admitted to Levi Johnston “It was too hard.”

    About the only thing she did well as the vice presidential candidate was give very incendiary spiels that had been crafted for her by speech writers. On her own in interviews she was a stunning flop.

    I was looking at a you tube of The Bride of Frankenstein with the very beautiful Jane Seymore as the Bride. This creature is beautiful , calculating and cold. The monster was handsome, but as time passes, it destroys his beauty, he becomes loathsome looking, and eventually the monster destroys the Bride, ripping off her head.

    I didn’t know this version existed. But Sarah Palin is a creation of sorts, so the Frankenstein analogy holds.

    Christopher Isherwood wrote that particular version of the Mary Shelley story. I’ll have to read more about it. Stellar Cast. James Mason among others.

  22. teutonic13 says:

    Hey AKM-

    How about a FrankenPalen photoshop contest? I just finished 2 submissions ? 🙂

  23. BigPete says:

    Neo-con Sarah

    It’s quite obvious that Palin is the neo-cons’ “great white hope” (from the very first days when Lieberman schooled her on foreign policy). Palin is going to try to take advantage of Murdoch and Kristol, and vice versa.

    Maybe the neo-cons should ask McCain how that worked out!

  24. honestyinGov says:

    As well as putting on a ‘ Palin Puppet Show ‘ this little charade is similar to one of those old game Shows….remember ” To Tell the Truth”..?

    There is one person ( SP ) that is introduced to the Panel ( America ) as the Ex-Gov of AK, energy expert,Troop supporter, Hockey Mom.. etc.
    {Lists the credentials.} Tells the little Story.

    The Panelists ( Us and America ) are there to ask questions and find out the ‘ truth ‘. But there are others on the panel ( ghostwriters ) who will ‘ lie and deceive ‘ and tell lies. They TRY to pretend to be the REAL SP. If they are convincing enough to fool the panel ( In Op-eds, Facebook stories etc ) they are rewarded with a CA$H prize in the end from the Show( Murdoch). They must lie convincingly or else the panel ( us ) won’t buy their BullS***…. and they win no prize and go home empty handed.

    The Show may be about to come to an end…. it’s a half hour Show and the clock is is ticking… tick… tick.. tick..

    Here is where the Announcer always proclaimed…
    ” Will the REAL Sarah Palin…please stand up? ”

    Who was a better Liar…. did they fool ‘ anybody ‘ …?

  25. karen in OR says:

    Firemouse Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 1:22 PM
    I’ve noticed that even on NPR Barack Obama is being referred to often as Mr. Obama, rather than President Obama. Don’t know why that is, but it seems a new practice to me.


    I have to say, I listen to NPR ALL DAY and I don’t recall hearing him referred to as mister.

  26. karen in OR says:

    Seeing the end of Palin will involve a wooden stake. And even then….

    Heck, how do we know she’s even alive now!?

    (love the FrankenPalen monniker)

  27. Firemouse says:

    I’ve noticed that even on NPR Barack Obama is being referred to often as Mr. Obama, rather than President Obama. Don’t know why that is, but it seems a new practice to me.

  28. kareninTexas says:

    I don’t think a post on Facebook should have any validity. If she was supposed to testify, then she should have done it in person or on video.
    The only good thing about Facebook is that we don’t have to listen to her screeching!
    One other thought, maybe her surgery was botched and she doesn’t want anyone to see her. LOL…we should be so lucky.

  29. trisha says:

    Ya, as I was thinking about FrankenPalin, I was wishing that I was an artist. I could just see it in my mind, but I couldn’t do it.

    @48 BuffaloGal, I laughed at your description of Murdock in the corner throwing the power swich and FrankenPalin with her bumpit. Perfect.

    Someone here must have the ability to create this masterpiece.

  30. lilly says:

    I read something a while back and I can’t recall where. Someone said his priest calls Sarah Palin a devil in disquise.

    While I wouldn’t go that far myself, I do consider her divisive and dangerous in the extreme. And with Murdock to back her. Well…..

    It gets curiouser and curiouser as the story unfolds.

    Sarah was on the way out, but with Murdock propping her up, we are in for a wild ride.

  31. laprofesora says:

    You can’t hide behind Facebook forever. Sooner or later she’s going to have to face the cameras and do an actual interview…meaning not on Fox. I expect her eyes will be blank as she’s become a soulless vessel for the devil Murdoch.

  32. mommom says:


    As aformer Rep who had her eyes opened when McCain picked the quitter to run with him,I have written him several times with the same question.I too have never had the courtesy of an answer.

  33. teutonic13 says:

    lilly Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 12:30 PM

    I checked. She was listed as “The Monsters Mate.” No name.

    So it was Todd? 🙂

  34. Star says:

    64 ~ Gramiam….Am sooo very concerned about his speech tonite..
    After watching th video gives me a liitle more hope..
    I really hope he knocks it ot of the park..
    Hope this makes some sense…I’m just about ready to cancel my cable, and just go to the radio..All these rightwingersare really getting to me..It’s not a good feeling either…

  35. anadventurer says:

    The Professional Adventurer ( school of insurgency (or counter-insurgency) is always open to progressives at a reduced rate. I don’t have an official page listing courses, but pretty much anything I know how to do you can learn in a one on one, one day course for $199. Group rates and travel to you possible. Fee pays for the whole seat, but you will only need the edge!

  36. lilly says:

    I checked. She was listed as “The Monsters Mate.” No name.

  37. daisydem says:

    jc in co … thanks. And thanks to you and others who brave the Fox news/blogs to keep us apprised of what’s happen’. So Greta and SP may have broken up. Hmmm.

  38. lilly says:

    Actually her face has changed dramatically since she was in college. I would not have thought the girl with a narrow upper lip could become the full lipped Sarah. While peoples features do alter, I don’t recall anyone altering quite as much as Palin has.

    I wonder what she will look like when she appears again.

    . Will it be like those Hollywood horror stories with the lips blown up and the trout pout, and so on.

    There is no way she wouldn’t get photographed for this length of time unless she has been worked on and didn’t want to be seen till an unveiling for the new version of La Palin.

    Perhaps she should get called something other than Sarah Palin, since she doesn’t seem to think President Obama deserves the recognition of his position in the United States.

    Perhaps a new poll should be taken.

    What was the Bride of Frankensteins name?

  39. akmuckraker says:

    Please post o/t comments on the open thread so they can provoke discussion, instead of on a topic thread. Thanks!

  40. joie says:

    Yeah, she only opposed the corruption she saw before she became governor, because she wasn’t benefitting. She just wanted to push them aside so that she could feed at the trough. It’s another Sarah half-truth: sure, she got rid of some corrupt pols, but she took their place.

  41. zyggy says:

    the sock puppet is cracking me up everything I look at it. Yep, Murdock has his hand up her a$$.

  42. KaJo says:

    “We often hear such overblown promises from Washington. With first principles in mind and with the facts in hand, tell them that this time we’re not buying it.”

    There’s such a brain-dead disconnect with statements like the above.

    It’s all about having the power. Sarah Palin wants to be the one to make overblown promises to her captive audience of US citizens, IF Rupert Murdoch can make good whatever deal he’s made to get her elected.

    It’s been so obvious ever since the McCain/Palin ticket lost the election that she’s been under the delusion that she ran against Obama — there hasn’t been a solitary statement from her about arm-wrestling with Joe Biden, or winning a foot race with Joe Biden…

  43. BuffaloGal says:

    Freaking out in Kansas – Bride of Frankenstein is so her!

    And Progressive in Virginia @63 – it’s almost eerie, isn’t it ??

    Gramiam @62 – not only was a nicely done minute that got the point across but I’m cracking up right now because as I was watching it the ice cream truck was rolling by playing “the ABCs song ” done on a kids toy piano. It was perfect!

    I’m tellin ya – we need someone with money , who sees the horror that is Palin, to set up a whistle-blowers fund. I just know there are people right on the verge of being willing to talk. They just need some incentive! I’m darn near ready to start going door to door collecting pennies so I can offer it up myself.

    as an aside – it’s 77 degrees on a September afternoon and I’m working on Thanksgiving and Christmas advertising for my local news site. It’s the weirdest thing to be in Buffalo, in shorts with the fan on and scanning Christmas trees and Santa Claus.

  44. Pepper1939 says:

    Ripley— I’ve written to McCain two times begging him to fess up. I get no response….nada….nothing…nada. He must believe that if he admits his error, his overall judgment will be suspect. He should realize his judgment is already suspect and do something right for his country NOW.

  45. Blue Oregon says:

    Was listening to Ed Schult’s radio program a short while ago today. He was talking with a Congressman from Illinois about the Public Option. His guest was one of the best I’ve heard–if only the rest of the democrats had the guts to tell it like it really is. Palin’s name came up, and Ed stopped his guest immediately and said, ‘Palin’s stupid… and if she’s not saying what’s she’s saying out of stupidity, then she’s just plain evil.”

    Ed Schultz is one in the MSM who is willing to take on all the politicians and corporate liars and cheaters!

  46. BlueFranco says:

    Whoever the ghostwriter is he/she is STANK!

  47. Progressive In Virginia says:

    OK, more on the Frankenstein thing. At the end of the book, Dr. Frankenstein pursues his creature across the frozen North in an attempt to put an end to the thing that brought him to ruin. Sometime life imitates art. Wouldn’t that be a hoot.

  48. Gramiam says:

    Here ya go!! The clip to end all clips on the Eve of President Obama’s Speech!

  49. Ripley says:

    My disdain for the Palin woman grows day by day. Why anyone listens to her drivel is beyond me. And why doesn’t the duly appointed Governor Parnell take issue with her using his title?

    Her blatant racism and ridiculous musings, clearly at the pen of another, are enough. Just E-Nough!

    It is time that she falls by her own hand, ie: ethics violations, confirmation of the “Feds” investigating her, or some other breach of the public’s trust.

    Oh, and that John McCain: Why isn’t he under the microscope a little more? He is the one who did this to the rest of us. Come ON Arizonians. Your turn.

  50. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    Don’t forget to put LOTS of stitches in Franken Quitty. I was recently subjected to a photo collage from the last few years of her, and her face actually looked a little real back then – a few lines around eyes, brow and chin, normal baggy around the eyes, double chin and a rounder face. She’s running from time, but she’s running on empty.

  51. C.Rock says:

    FYI: Check out Celtic Diva’s site . Personal Board meeting today at 12:00 for the Arctic Cat Gate. Diva will be there in person.

  52. Bystander says:

    Check the comments ot the ADN site. No one is buying this puppet show.

  53. BS says:

    I know she didn’t write that piece, but whoever did has some nerve mentioning “common sense” in something purportedly written by Palin. Please! What kind of morons do they think we are?

  54. Freakout in Kansas says:

    47 BuffaloGal Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 11:06 AM
    I think one of the fabulous graphics people here at mudflats needs to do a “Bride of Frankenstein” image

    Here ya go BuffaloGal…

  55. jc in co says:

    #46 mommom, ‘k I’ll go post it on greta’s blog

  56. Amalia says:

    I am so frustrated with the right wing demanding that health care reform be “patient-centered” and “market-driven”.
    Guess what? Those two things are, in fact, mutually exclusive.
    As long as there is a profit motive in the provision of healthcare (insurance companies, I’m looking at you and your overpaid CEOs), it will NEVER be patient-centered.

  57. colibrimoon says:

    First it was “The Chosen One”, now SP is referring to our President as “mister”. All of this disrespect from a “has been” who is using words the same way some folks use white sheets. To stir up trouble and to frighten. I have a deep disdain for this woman. Hey, Sarah, why don’t you come out of hiding and step up to be interviewed, become a guest on the many news junkets that are available. I guess Rupert Murdoch is investing millions in transforming her. And the Republican base claims that President Obama is the Manchurian Candidate? Hah!
    Once again, thanks AKM for keeping SP relevant. None of us who care about this country should turn our backs on Sarah.

  58. lilly says:

    An error on my part, Correction, it is credit vouchers. Not tax credits.

    Amazing how this woman, can make any person with any brains blood boil over.

  59. Progressive In Virginia says:

    I’ve been thinking about the Frankenstein theme myself lately. I don’t have the graphic skills, but would love to see a Murdoch/Dr. Frankenstein, Sarah/Monster, Bill Kristol/Igor (just call him Krigor) image. Dr. Chill?

  60. Livvy says:

    The recently released book “Republican Gomorrah” is a MUST READ. There is serious stuff going on. This will explain Palin. Our country is in danger if we don’t realize what is at the root of the religious right.

  61. lilly says:

    An error on my part, it is credit vouchers. Not tax credits.

  62. lilly says:

    She wants to do away with Medicare, give the seniors tax credits to fend for themselves in the insurance jungle, with all their pre-existing conditions. Boy talk about tough luck.

    What is wrong with anyone who is senior, ever giving this woman power over them in anything whatsoever.

    It is a nitemare for people who are pretty swift, though I am not implying seniors aren’t. But lets face it who is up on all the ins and outs of the insurance shell games..

    Leave Medicare alone, it aint broke, so why abolish it.

    I think she has been bought not only by Murdock, who I am find more and more repellent, but by Big Insurance.

    Though Sarah is pretty despicable even without Murdock.

  63. Jen says:

    Wondering if anyone else has noticed how much Sarah and Michele Bachman look alike–and sound alike with their screeching rhetoric? LOL If SNL make-up artists who transformed Tina Fey could do the same for Michele, we’d have “twins”! The two are also fueled by the same evil, ugly opinions and obviously have no concern for truth–perhaps they have hired the same “ghostwriters” and have the same puppeteer?! What a sad legacy for Sarah to leave Alaskans.

  64. BuffaloGal says:

    I think one of the fabulous graphics people here at mudflats needs to do a “Bride of Frankenstein” image , complete with shock of gray/white hair, big BIG bumpit, and perhaps a few stitches at the temple that the (plastic) surgeon didn’t quite cover well enough ?

    Sheee eeeeeez ALIVE!!!

    Murdoch in the background, flipping the power switch? Meg as Igor , breathlessly dragging about calling, ” Master! MASTER!! Give me your command!” Sounds almost too close to the truth, doesn’t it ?

  65. mommom says:

    We need to post everywhere that we can about Quittypants statement that she wants to get rid of Medicare. Everywher.I even posted it at Texas4Palin!!(like they would not delete it!!). The country needs to read what the twit wrote,you know most of her cult will not read more than a headline,so lets give them some headlines!!

    She not only has someone else writing for her,she is obviously not reviewing what they write before it is posted.I have a feeling that after the original “death panel” rant,she was told to turn her writing over to Murdochs handpicked minion or she would be forfeiting book money due to some type of clause in her contract about negative publicity.

  66. InJuneau says:

    teutonic13–actually, the governor is inaugurated in early Dec. , so she’s right (for once).

  67. jc in co says:

    #39 daisydem, I don’t watch greta, just check out her blog. I feel a moral obligation to defend the president and first lady, and there are many opportunities to do so on that blog! As far as greta and sarah’s relationship
    goes, my personal opinion is that rupert made them break-up. There was a lot of speculation regarding ethics when it came out that john coale, greta’s hubby, was advising sarah while greta was pimping her. I think there’s a bit of problem also in the respect that greta’s fawning over her is construed as unhealthy in a republican intolerant respect. Of course with sarah’s scary religious affiliation palling around with scientologists would make her look doubly unhinged.

  68. teutonic13 says:

    What’s interesting with the WSJ op-ed is her brief bio at the end of it…

    “Ms. Palin, Sen. John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential election, was governor of Alaska from December 2006 to July 2009.”

    Two things come to bear- “Ms Palin” (is that foreshadowing” and the tagging of December onto her gubernatorial stint to emphasize 2006- 2009 versus the reality- 2007 through 2009.5.

    Just a little smoke and mirrors to mystify an abortion to her term (as Governor).

    BTW AKM- went to the Art guy’s website- and will def be getting some stuff from there. The sock thing is pretty funny.

  69. LibertyLover says:

    “…anything run by the government won’t work, and that they are not telling you the truth because they always lie.”

    Why would she want to be part of Government, then?

    Besides… The post office works pretty well.I get my mail on time most every day. I like my roads and highways and my police are pretty decent government workers as well as my local firefighters and today I road the bus downtown and that worked pretty well also. And Gee. And isn’t the military—the ones that Sarah keeps touting as needing support– aren’t they a government entity? Aren’t they keeping us safe using public dollars?

    Gosh. What would I do without all of these government entities?

    It’s not that Government doesn’t work… it’s government run by Republicans that always seem to have difficulty because they just don’t believe in it.

  70. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    FrankenPalin – I like that!

  71. NY Dem says:

    [Sarah] was always putting on an act in front of the camera. We all know that she didn’t know what to say on TV and that when reading a script she was a phony. I’d be sitting with the family in front of the TV and we’d be disgusted watching her….And there were times when we’d sit there and pretty much laugh at the things she said.

    (Levi Johnston in Vanity Fair)

    That’s the impression I get too. Every single time (except on Fox) a network teases a piece about Palin, it is always accompanied by giggles and laughter and you just know that when the piece is aired, it will include more of the same.

    She has become an absolute joke, nothing but a punch line.

    And I just LOVE laughing along with them.

  72. daisydem says:

    SP = Sock Puppet. I love it. It is a keeper. jc in CO: where is Greta on SP these days? I don’t watch Fox, so does she even comment on SP anymore? Or is she under the bus too? to Skip from Asheville – thanks for the letter. I will send it to Facebook. I use Facebook to keep in touch with my daughter’s friends, and I want it kept for the purpose it was designed.

    To Martha Unalaska Yard Sign who says “the media are idiots and I just dumped them.” ME TOO. I have even cut back to about 10% reading of HuffPo; and mostly when a link to it is here. I love the image of Megamouth Stapletongue with a sock in her mouth writhing! Were you on here back when at the very beginning (seems so long ago) SP was first tapped and there were videos of Megamouth defending SP to the press regarding the state trooper incident? She was loud, rude, lying. It was awful. I do not know what we are going to do about the press. Regarding President Obama’s speech yesterday, I had seen on a news source for our state and city online that our most preeminent public high school (named after our city) was not showing it. I am native to this city and this was distressing to me. This high school also prides itself in having very high levels of academic achievements by its students. (This is unfortunately a red state and this city for all of its diversity is unfortunately primarily republican. This is one other reason I hang out on my Alaskan blogs – I feel more at home.) I called the high school this morning. I just wanted them to give me a reason. I spoke personally with the Principal. She was so nice and I am so glad I called. She and the high school’s position were misrepresented in our local paper! She did leave it to each teacher to decide to show or not in their class; she watched it in her office with some faculty and students. She also said some teachers who did not show it did encourage the students to watch it on C-span later with their parents. She basically asked me to email the reporter (which I did right away); she has been misrepresented or misquoted by him before. The freedom and power of the press is supposed to be accompanied by responsibility to truth. Sorry folks, this really pushed my buttons and I feel all “preachy.”

  73. aha says:

    “… she declined to appear in person after getting an invitation to testify before a committee of the New York State Senate about Democratic healthcare reform proposals, she did submit written testimony — and, of course, she posted it to her Facebook page as well.”

  74. Why is she relevant? I wish MSM would stop covering her. She quit as Governor and has no job at the moment. She is being disrespectful to the President and no one calls her out on it? If she is calling the President “Mr. Obama” why hasn’t someone reminded her he won the election .

    OMG what a sore loser she is. I literally can’t stomach this idiot DIVA. She’ll make alot more money doing a reality show, than her adoring fans can tune in every week and get their Sarah fix.

  75. mommom says:

    How is it that the same crazy loons screaming about “leave my Medicare alone” will just gloss over the fact that Miss Quittypants wants to take their Medicare away?

  76. Irishgirl says:

    Don’t apologize for the imagery. It is perfect. She is a pain in the butt and her words are anal.

    She infuriates me by referring to PO as Mr Obama. I hope he kicks some a$$ tonight.

    Finally, (((ayerishgrl))) I loved meeting you in NY. Hugs and Kisses from Irishgirl.

  77. Pepper1939 says:

    Wonder if she would say “May I call you Barack?” if debating our President. No class.

  78. Martha says:

    The real story here is …Rupert Murdoch and what crazy crap HE has in mind, concerning Sarah Palin.

    Here are a couple of lists of what he owns/controls………this should scare the CRAP out of anyone:


    Twentieth Century Fox
    Twentieth Century Fox Español
    Twentieth Century Fox International
    Twentieth Century Fox Television
    Fox Searchlight Pictures
    Fox Studios Australia
    Fox Studios Baja
    Fox Studios Los Angeles
    Fox Television Studios

    [edit]Broadcast/Production assets
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    Fox Broadcasting Company
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    Fox Television Stations
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    Fox College Sports
    Fox Movie Channel
    Fox News Channel
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    Fox Sports Enterprises
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    Fox Sports Net
    FX Networks
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    National Geographic Channel (50%)
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    SPEED Channel
    LAPTV (Latin America � co-owned with Paramount Pictures/Viacom, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/MGM Holdings and Universal Studios/NBC Universal)
    Telecine (Brazil � co-owned with Globosat Canais, Paramount Pictures, MGM, Universal Studios and DreamWorks);
    [edit]Direct broadcast satellite Assets
    BSkyB (39.1%)
    Sky Deutschland (39.96%)
    SKY Italia
    SKY Network Television (43.65%)
    Tata Sky (20%)

    Fox Interactive Media
    Rotten Tomatoes
    News Digital Media
    Slingshot Labs
    [edit]Magazines and Inserts

    donna hay
    News America Marketing
    [edit]Newspapers and Information Services

    [edit]United Kingdom
    News International
    The Sun
    News of the World
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    Sunday Times
    thelondonpaper (a free newspaper)
    News Limited
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    The Australian (national)
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    The Advertiser (Adelaide)
    Sunday Mail (Adelaide)
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    Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne)
    mX (Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane)
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    The Cairns Post (Cairns, Queensland)
    Geelong Advertiser
    Gold Coast Bulletin
    The Mercury and Sunday Tasmanian (Hobart)
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    The Sunday Territorian (Darwin)
    Australian Associated Press (45%)
    New Zealand
    Sunday Star-Times
    Papua New Guinea
    Papua New Guinea Post-Courier
    The Fiji Times
    [edit]United States
    New York Post
    Community Newspaper Group
    The Brooklyn Paper
    Courier-Life Publications
    TimesLedger Newspapers
    Bronx Times Reporter Inc.
    Dow Jones & Company
    Consumer Media Group
    The Wall Street Journal – the leading US financial newspaper.
    Wall Street Journal Europe
    Wall Street Journal Asia
    Barron’s – weekly financial markets magazine.
    Marketwatch – Financial news and information website.
    Far Eastern Economic Review
    Financial News
    Enterprise Media Group
    Dow Jones Newswires – global, real-time news and information provider.
    Factiva – provides business news and information together with content delivery tools and services.
    Dow Jones Indexes – stock market indexes and indicators, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
    Dow Jones Financial Information Services � produces databases, electronic media, newsletters, conferences, directories, and other information services on specialised markets and industry sectors.
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    Local Media Group
    Dow Jones Local Media Group (formerly Ottaway Community Newspapers) – 8 daily and 15 weekly regional newspapers.
    Strategic Alliances
    STOXX (33%) – joint venture with Deutsche Boerse and SWG Group for the development and distribution of Dow Jones STOXX indices.
    Vedomosti (33%) – Russia’s leading financial newspaper (joint venture with Financial Times and Independent Media).
    SmartMoney (50%) (50%)

    HarperCollins India (40%) joint venture with India Today Group
    Zondervan Publishing
    Youth Specialties � organisation helping youth workers worldwide through training seminars and conventions, resources and the internet.
    Inspirio � religious gift production.

    National Rugby League (NRL) (50%)
    Ansett Australia, Until 2000 (50%)
    Jamba! – Mobile Entertainment/Mobile Handsets Personalisation/Games.
    News Outdoor Group – Largest outdoor advertising company in Eastern Europe with over 70,000 ads including billboards and bus shelters, operating in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Israel, Poland, Romania, Russia (96 cities), Turkey & Ukraine.
    Maximedia Israel (67%)
    Mosgorreklama (50%) – Russia sign and marketing material manufacturer
    Kamera Acikhava Reklamclik (?) – leading outdoor advertising company in Turkey
    NDS Group (49%) – DRM and conditional access company

    Each of the following contain their own list:
    Holding companies

    List of assets owned by Altria Group (previously Philip Morris Companies Inc.)
    List of Procter & Gamble brands
    Sony Corporation shareholders and subsidiaries
    List of assets owned by Vivendi
    Vulcan Inc.
    List of assets owned by Berkshire Hathaway
    [edit]Advertising holding companies

    WPP Group
    [edit]Media companies

    Media companies are included here based on their inclusion in an online list provided by the Columbia Journalism Review, published by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.[1] The country in which the company has its corporate headquarters is noted after each company name. (As of 2008-03-11 this list is incomplete.)
    Advance Publications, United States
    American Media, United States
    Belo, United States
    List of assets owned by Bertelsmann, Germany
    List of assets owned by Cablevision, United States
    List of assets owned by CanWest Global Communications, Canada
    List of assets owned by CBS
    List of assets owned by CHUM Limited
    List of assets owned by Clear Channel Communications
    List of assets owned by Comcast
    List of assets owned by CTVglobemedia
    List of assets owned by Disney
    List of assets owned by Dow Jones
    List of assets owned by Gannett
    List of assets owned by Hearst Corporation
    List of assets owned by Hubbard Broadcasting Corporation
    List of assets owned by News Corporation
    List of assets owned by New York Times Company
    List of assets owned by Rogers Communications
    List of assets owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group
    List of assets owned by Time Warner
    List of assets owned by Tribune Company
    List of assets owned by Viacom
    List of assets owned by Village Voice Media
    List of assets owned by Washington Post Company
    [edit]Computer companies

    List of assets owned by Microsoft Corporation
    List of assets owned by Mitsubishi
    [edit]Food companies

    List of assets owned by Cara Operations
    List of assets owned by The Coca-Cola Company
    List of ConAgra Foods, Inc.’s subsidiaries and brands
    List of assets owned by McDonald’s
    List of assets owned by PepsiCo
    List of assets owned by Real Mex Restaurants, Inc.
    List of assets owned by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
    List of assets owned by Wendy’s International, Inc.
    List of assets owned by Yum! Brands, Inc.
    [edit]Automobile companies

    List of assets owned by major automobile corporations

    List of assets owned by Siemens
    List of assets owned by General Electric
    List of Canadian National Railways companies
    List of Gazprom’s subsidiaries
    List of subsidiary railways of the Canadian Pacific Railway

  79. Maria says:

    Apparently, she’s lazy enough to let others do all the hard work while she stands out in front with her shiny new shoes and flaps her gums around other people’s words. Someone in the Alaskan government needs to issue a cease and desist order about the title of Governor. She ditched that job and it is not an honorific like ‘Sir’ or ‘Lady’. I just love that she quit the job but clings to the title like she has. That says a lot about her self-regard.

  80. rebekkah says:

    This is all so crazy one would think that she is a robot. Has anyone felt her skin to see if it’s real? Or maybe she’s a lizard underneath a false human skin. No soul, no thoughts, no conscience. Just an “entity” that is primed by an elite group of world powerbrokers, a pawn to usher in a dark Kingdom…….sounds like it would make a great movie.

    I am offended by her not addressing President Obama as “President”. She is consciously doing that, has no respect for anyone who is in command, or respect for any law. How can this woman convince people that she would submit to any rule of law? She thinks she is the law.

  81. madeinalaska says:

    “Yes, I apologize for that imagery.” My eyes, my eyes!

  82. trisha says:

    One more thing. I still find it amazing that Palin somehow thinks she is “competing” with President Obama. The American people said, NO to Palin and she quit her job mid-term and she thinks she is qualified to take on the President? Amazing.

    BTW, has anyone actually spotted Palin recently? Is there any proof that she isn’t locked away somewhere?

  83. jc in co says:

    #11 teutonic13, great letter. So damn subtly snarky. I’ve always been a pushover for snarkiness, but only if it’s subtle! 🙂

  84. inkberries says:

    I thought she had been awfully quiet lately. Seems she’s not been paying attention or reading the newspapers either, as usual. Also.

  85. trisha says:

    I don’t believe those angry town hall protesters would like Palin’s suggestion that the government should mess with their Medicare and replace it with vouchers.

    Some of those folks would lose their “socialized” medicine and I betcha they wouldn’t be too happy about it

    I wonder how they feel about that part of Palin’s….cough…cough….Murdock’s plan?

  86. InJuneau says:

    MO Inkslinger–being ghastly?

  87. Pepper1939 says:

    Would you believe I’m playing Poker online as I toggle back and forth and read all of these comments… and grin… and lose…

  88. trisha says:

    It seems Murdock has been working hard in his penthouse science lab to recreate Palin and introduce her to America as FrankenPalin. The attack monster who is a man-made creation being controlled by her new owner, Murdock.

    He owns her now and she will be his personal attack dog.

    I wonder how it feels to sell yourself to the highest bidder, and then come to realize that you are so dumb that your new owner tells you to hide behind facebook, and someone else will feed you your ideas and write all of your material for you. Then again, she is too stupid to know how stupid she really is.

    I remember after the campaign, Palin said she didn’t like to be “handled” by McCain staffers who told her what to do. Hmmm. Seems Palin gave up her mavericky ways for cold hard cash!

    BWT, I love the puppet graphic.

  89. Pepper1939 says:

    #18 Anne I like it

  90. honestyinGov says:

    Has everyone seen the new post by Geoffrey Dunn on Huffpo?
    It is about the WSJ piece written by…?….. ‘ Whoever ‘ wrote it.

  91. Katie in Wasilla says:

    Geoffrey Dunn calls it like he sees it (reads it) on the Huff…funny stuff…

  92. Martha says:

    Deranged quitter, continues to yell at clouds…….this is almost a daily exercise to ensure that no one forgets her.

    If she would only join Michelle Bachmann, in fasting and slitting her wrists, now THAT would be newsworthy !

    Today we celebrate Walter Cronkite, for all that he gave us, all that he stood for and we reject the polar opposite, Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, FOX news and every news venue he continues to poison.

  93. honestyinGov says:

    Now on the face of it… just looking at that ‘sock puppet’ it is kinda cute with those cute eyes.
    Even reminds me of a dinosaur… and we know what $arah thinks of dinosaurs as well.
    How about a MUTE sock puppet though….

    Craig Ferguson loves to the the ‘ puppet thing’ on his show and he is no Fan of Sarah. Wish I had a direct phone line to his comedy writers for a suggestion…. anybody…? CBS phone number..?
    He might even have the prop dept make a Sarah Palin sock puppet…. because I am afraid this one is going to be around awhile.

  94. Anne says:

    Here’s my take on her ridiculous little WSJ piece.

  95. Professor Geezer says:

    Joie wrote: “Here is the link. I believe it’s on the third page that you’ll read about her pulling the alarm”:

    Thanks, Joie. It’s official. Palin is an alarmist. No wonder the McCain campaign dubbed her “LIttle Shop of Horrors.” She loves to shock and scare people, and seems to relish in the terror.

    Perhaps it goes to the S&M side of her wacko “christianist” church beliefs, profiled by Max Blumenthal in his new book.

    Thanks, AKM, for making the puppet hand so visible!

  96. MO Inkslinger says:

    Queen Esther of Wasilla needs a ghost writer, ghost twitter, ghost Facebook poster, ghost wife for Todd, ghost mother to the Palin clan, ghost speaker, ghost cook according to Levi and a ghost hunter to kill the moose. Without everyone else doing her work, what is Sarah good at doing? Lying!

  97. Karyn says:

    Sorry, typo above, meant to say “to buy her cooperation”.

  98. Karyn says:

    To ayerishgrl: Yes, I agree it does seem scary sometimes. The power that Murdoch has with his fortune, it almost seems as if he’s bought Sarah Palin & is marketing her. He must have been behind this phony WSJ publication, since he owns it, from what I’ve heard.

    Just surprised that SP is keeping her own mouth shut. There are some people, however, whose main goal in life is money. If Murdoch can give her this, & also a promise of future fame or political office, well then, I guess that would be enough by buy her cooperation.

  99. Far From Fenway Fan says:

    She’s till stickin’ w those death panels. It’s so obvious that she’s not writing the stuff that is posted. I think MSM should refuse to cover any stmt she makes regarding policy unless she is ready to SAY it in person and debate. It’ll be hard to run for office as a ventriloquist. Oh, wait, that’s what W did. Never mind! (Yes, I watched Rachel yesterday!)

  100. Ryan H. says:

    “By the way, does anyone remember our former president being called “Mr. Bush?” Didn’t think so.”

    I noticed that also. It isn’t just her, there are plenty of people calling him “Mister Obama”, I don’t think it is just wing-nuts either. In any case, it seems like a cheap shot way to marginalize him.

    I have said it before and I will say it again, healthcare reform is a joke and this country is doomed. If the sweaty, clamoring masses can’t see they are getting fleeced once again by big business and allow the public option to get railroaded out, then we deserve everything we have coming to us.

  101. teutonic13 says:

    Here is a letter I sent WSJ and posted on my DailyKos Site-

    * teutonic13’s diary :: ::
    Sarah Palin Author? WSJ What were you thinking?

    You have really lowered your standards if you think Americans are stupid enough to believe that Sarah Palin was the author of the piece you submitted in your September 9th edition of WSJ.

    It is editorial and journalistic misconduct to fail to vet the authorship of such an obviously purloined opinion piece on a topic Sarah Palin doesn’t have the slightest clue about. Do you think we are all morons?

  102. mae says:

    poor sock…
    sock abuse for sure…

  103. skip from Asheville, NC says:

    Let’s all write Facebook for a removal of her use of the site for political spin. This is not the purpose of Facebook and she is a fruad of her use of ghostwriters.

    Mr. Mark Zuckerberg
    156 University Avenue
    Palo Alto, CA 94301-1605

    Re: Politicizing of Facebook by ex-Governor Sarah Palin

    Dear Mr. Zuckerberg:

    Today I have posted a note on your Facebook Wall that states:

    “Since Facebook is designed to be a SOCIAL networking site, do you consider it appropriate that ex-Governor Sarah Palin, is using it as a platform for a partisan political referendum? I do not and would like someone to tell her to take her views to a more appropriate venue. Thank you.”

    I have no objection to a political viewpoint, but Ms Palin is using Facebook to issue political policy statements. I do not believe this is in keeping with the mission of Facebook to be a community network of like-minded friends sharing family photos, and events, enjoying games and participating in interesting groups, and the like. Frankly, such behavior spoils Facebook for me, and I find it offensive.

    Like every other private citizen, Ms Palin is entitled to be a blogger and express her opinions, however, I do not feel Facebook is a proper place to do so. Setting up a website where she could join the rest of the Internet blogging community would be more appropriate, I think.

    I respectfully ask you to request that she desist in her efforts to politicize Facebook.

    Very truly yours,

  104. Pepper1939 says:

    Methinks it should be called PalinPoo.

  105. jc in co says:

    Her quest for relevance is winding down. The fact that her handlers attempt to post tripe on her facebook whenever the president is tops in the news is a joke. She’s a pathetic little twit with rupie’s hand up her skirt flapping her over developed jaw. Even her middle school fan club is tiring of her. The day was when greta put up threads about her the comments & defenders were crawling out of the woodwork. Alas, no more. Her only value is her entertainment level.
    They better make sure her insipid little book hits the streets soon, the iron is barely luke warm anymore.

  106. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    @ ayerishgrl

    No, I’m not scared – I’m disgusted at the stupidity of my fellow humans. I will never be afraid of these people, but angry – yes. Grossed out by what other people can actually do? – yes. Pity for any? – none whatsoever, not even the stupidest followers.

  107. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    The media are idiots and I just dumped them all! To pay attention to anything in written form from a trash dummy who can barely say her own name is ludicrous. I refuse to come out and play. We all know that the only thing that would shut the dummy up is money. Staplegun is laying around somewhere with a huge sock in her mouth, writhing and kicking while Sarah is counting and fondling her coins and giggling maniacally. I don’t really want to think about where Murdoch is because he fits right in with this disgusting scenario with his little ugly man syndrome.

  108. Largo says:

    She’s franchised the stupid.

  109. InJuneau says:

    I really wish the MSM would GET IT that it’s a bunch of ghostwriters and call “her” out on it each and every time. Maybe when pigs fly (and not the ones at palingates)?

  110. ayerishgrl says:

    Common sense should tell us all that something scarey is afoot. Palin’s handlers are getting away with promoting an entity that doesn’t exist, an intelligent, coherent, thoughtful Sarah Palin. Rupert Murdoch and his minions that are so busy “creating” the new Sarah Palin should they succeed in fooling the public into voting her into some kind of national office, should be hauled off and tried for treason. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, is there anyone else out there who is really getting scared of where this all is headed?

  111. joie says:

    Sarah Palin is a demagogue on healthcare (and other issues). She wants to scare people. I think she got her start getting pleasure from frightening people when she was in college: There is an article in the LA Times, where she confesses to what is a felony in many jurisdictions. What she did in college was to raise an alarm, just like she’s been trying to do lately. In college it was a literal alarm, a fire alarm, that she pulled when there was no fire; just something to raise a ruckus and get everyone’s attention. Isn’t it amazing that some people never do grow up? Well, you see that she established her m.o. many years ago and has stayed true to form. She loves to set off alarms and frighten people! She’s an alarmist, a “little shop of horrors,” just like the McCain campaing said.

    Here is the link. I believe it’s on the third page that you’ll read about her pulling the alarm: