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Alaska Personnel Board Runs Off the Rails


It’s kind of like the Runaway Train at Six Flags. You look at it and wonder how on earth it can possibly stay on the rails with all those twists and turns, and then one day, you’re minding your own business, eating your pretzel or cotton candy, and you look up and see the thing come to a bump in the rails, keep right on going, careen over the side, and splash right into the big duck pond. Welcome to the Alaska Personnel Board.

You remember them. They’re the 3-member board of Republican governor appointees that said the investigation by the legislature finding ex-Governor Palin guilty of violating the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act was totally wrong. Not only was the finding of the independent investigator appointed by the bipartisan commission wrong, but they decided to announce the wrong-ness, and their own right-ness in declaring the governor pure as the driven snow on the eve of the Presidential election.

And that part about directly conflicting testimony, where the suddenly terminated Commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan said one thing, and Palin the terminator said exactly the opposite? Pretend you never heard that, because they didn’t think that was worth checking out. And when Walt Monegan wanted an opportunity to stand before the board to address reputational harm for being called a “rogue” and “insubordinate” by the Palin administration? (imagine the board chuckling) They … don’t think so.

Well, now they’re back again with an encore entitled, “Just Keep Bitching!” Yup, that’s what board member Al Tamagni told citizen watchdog Andree McLeod in a meeting of the board this week. That was right before he threatened her with a civil suit after she called the board part of the “culture of corruption.” Then Board Chair Debra English threatened to call security because McLeod, a citizen giving public testimony wasn’t “acting professionally.” And what did the Board Chair have to say about acting professionally to her fellow board member who told a member of the public to “just keep bitching” and threatened to sue her? Nothing.

The meeting was attended by Linda Kellen Biegel who noted:

at one point, Mr. Tagmani also waxed poetic about how grateful we-the-public should be that we have an opportunity to speak at the meeting and that we are provided such a nice meeting space with (as he looked at the only visibly disabled person in the room…me) handicapped access.

When I testified (I wasn’t planning to at the public testimony, just at the review of my “appeal” but I had to after the way they treated Andree) I reminded the Board that their entire purpose was to serve the public. I also reminded them that there was a little thing called “The Open Meetings Act” and that the things Mr. Tagmani thought we should be grateful for were actually required by law and statute. I talked about how I worked for a Federal agency for 15 years that had public meetings dealing with regulations about people’s property, adjoining properties, schools and parks, etc… I mentioned how frequently those meetings would hear testimony from angry people who used less-than-civil language…much more raucous than anything the Personnel Board had seen. I also mentioned how I NEVER heard of any of MY co-workers accusing these people of “bitching” or threatened them with civil suits.

It’s called “public testimony” for a reason and may be the only time members of the public get to address issues that are important to them. It’s THE BOARD MEMBER’S RESPONSIBILITY to be professional and accept angry testimony from the public…whether they like it or not. This Personnel Board is NOT up to the task of this job…not by a long shot.

It’s time to fish those commissioners out of the duck pond, pat them on their soggy bottoms, and send them on their way to the petting zoo, or the merry-go-round where they can’t cause any harm. Then we need to find some grown-ups that know how to operate the train.


Update:  Great post by Geoffrey Dunn on this topic at Huffington Post.



53 Responses to “Alaska Personnel Board Runs Off the Rails”
  1. aha says:

    I’m a little confused. Weren’t they supposed to talk about the AFT complaint, too?

    And, what about those emails and gifts, and everything else?

    Palin’s new handlers are doing a good job of keeping her silent, but not forgotten. She’d be much less infamous if she’d taken that tac earlier.

  2. Democrat G says:

    Can there be an ethics complaint against the Board for their unethical comments?

  3. KateinCanada says:

    Why is it so personal for that Board guy?

    It’s the name!
    When I looked at the title of this blog entry the problem hit me. -From years in corporations…

    Personnel Boards are not meant to secure justice for outsiders. They are responsible to the organization they work for- in this case they see this as the Alaska Government- not Alaska as a whole- to resolve staff conflicts within the organization, keep the workers following organizational and management policy and decrees, protect management, protect workers from most customer complaints, keep a lid on things, occasionally sweep something under a rug or out the door- reacting to really egregious offences such as provable sexual assault. It’s the PR folks that are supposed to deal with scandal seeping out. Personnel Boards are supposed to function to prevent scandal– not so much to prevent wrong-doing as to tidy up afterward. They administer regulations so as to protect the organization and its image.

    By all usual standards Personnel Board members would fail if they allowed an outsider (mere voter) to negatively affect or reflect on the organization or its employees- especially the managerial ones.

    Gotta get another system- with another name.

  4. MBaker says:

    I just read the article written by Jeffery Dunn about Andree Mcleod and the Personnel Board. I was surprised what all Adree has brought to light in the Palin administration. She certainly deserves the peoples of Alaska thanks for what she has done, and does not deserve the negative feedback she has found for being a concerned and active advocate for honest government. I hope she read this and if I’d had her e-mail, I would personally thank her for her couragous and thankless work. Without her dedication of pursuing the Palin adminsitration, she may haved saved this country from one of the most inept politian in modern history who could have been just one heart beat away from being the head of the free world. Andree, thank you from someone who does appreciate your dedication.
    P.S. If someone does know her e-mail address, I would appreciate it if you would forward or make her aware of my deep appreciation. Thanks!

  5. GregInCal says:

    “….you’re minding your own business, eating your pretzel or cotton candy…”

    Um, don’t you mean “cheetos”?

  6. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Nice article, Mr Dunn. The truth of the Personnel Board needs to be exposed. Their names will be part of history and maligned with the political corruption in Alaska. SP brings darkness to all those she touch.

  7. benlomond2 says:

    ..Sounds like the Alaskan Legislature would be the ones to change the appointment process…the basic flaw of having the board appointed by the people they are suppose to be watching is inherently a path for abuse. But Alaska’s appointment method for Judges appears to be very good. Perhaps a similar method could be applied to the personel board ? maybe even using retired judges for a pool of candidates, with a staggered 3 year term, so that a member is replaced once a year….

  8. Janet From Another Planet says:

    Oh, also, in Boston politics sometimes there are dead bodies.

  9. Janet From Another Planet says:

    Ivy Freeborn says; I read something like this and decide that I should probably go see Boston’s Freedom Trail instead.

    You’ve never lived in Boston then!!!!! The politics are bigger, scarier, more opaque and involve a lot more money. Believe me in AK what you see is what you get. Except maybe for the oil company shenanigans.

  10. Martha says:

    Oh, FYI concerning Linda’s complaint, from Me and Mrs. Palin in Vanity Fair:

    I think all Todd cares about is winning races. Normally, guys go up to the North Slope for “two and twos”-that means two weeks of work and two weeks off. I went four weeks on three days off, which is how you make money. Todd is obviously a lot more senior up there than I am, but for the last couple of years, sometimes it seemed like he would go up to the Slope as an oil-field production operator for about three days and come back home for a month. Todd obviously didn’t need the money.

    The attention Sarah got helped him with his racing sponsors

    Governor Grifter isn’t screaming from FB about this?

  11. anon blogger says:

    Pointing out handicapped access, what planet did he come from? That guy might as well had a foghorn saying lookie, lookie, to rattle her no doubt. As a person with a disability, I was offended just reading that and think he showed malice.

    Sounds like Linda did a great job!

  12. bubbles says:

    southern miss and boo dog***thanks. glad to be home and to be here talking about politics with everybody. going to open thread

  13. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    Oh, an we’re live blogging it here:

  14. sauerkraut says:

    What does Tagmani think Alaska is, Iraq? There’s a dude who does not belong on any public board. He clearly lacks the appropriate temperment and probably flunked his civics classes. Not even a meeting between the business end of my size 12 sh*kicker and his stupid arse would set that matter correct. He and that other idiot both need to be removed from the Board PDQ, if not quicker. If he had any respect for government or the State of Alaska, he’d resign and move to where he belongs: Tehran.

  15. Martha says:

    This should make it perfectly obvious that Alaska needs an elected board, so that they are directly answerable to the people.

    That way THEY would be subject to sanctions etc., when they behaved this way.

    It would be nice to have a full time state legislature, after all you get what you pay for.

    Who could be that devoted to a “part time” job, then be forced seek employment elsewhere to make ends meet.

    Alakans deserve much better for themselves.

  16. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

    I am spitting mad about this! I was a public servant for several years and these snots need to be slapped. They have completely gone off the deep end and forgotten who they work for. I’m spitting mad, and embarrassed AGAIN for the circus that has become many parts of our state gov’t due to these MORONS.

    What do you expect after Murkowski and Palin? They are the perpetrators of creating the culture of corruption and the proliferation of these turds. They need to be slapped, too – where are they? Oh, Murkowski’s probably hiding out in Ketchikan and FrankenPalin is stuffed inside of FaceBook like Alice in Wonderland.

  17. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    OT, but Shannyn’s on!

  18. Zyxomma says:

    Although there are more people on my island (Manhattan) than in your state, I empathize. After all, we have a multi-billionaire mayor who arm-twisted the City Council (whose members have to go to him to get their pet projects funded) into overturning the will of (we) people by extending term limits, which we voted for not once, but twice! Bloomberg is spending his own money to be re-elected so he can benefit his buddies in real estate (high rise developments surrounding historic neighborhoods), cable television, and so forth. There’s a primary Tuesday, but whichever Dem runs against “Mere Mike” will be (most likely) a sacrificial lamb. I’m more interested at this point in the races for Manhattan District Attorney and NYC Public Advocate (and wish Norman Siegel had enough cash to win). Health and peace.

  19. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    I suppose they’re in ‘CYA’ mode (i.e.: Cover Your … um … ‘Alaskan-caboose’ mode)

    If they don’t stick to their story, they might have to face legal repercussions themselves, and $P won’t be there to back them up.

  20. Juneaudream says:

    Thank you for bringing to us all..the winding trail of will help us evaluate, and find ways..however small..that will allow caring, dedicated enter the ..political fields. We do not seek to damage..other to , as it were..corral unprof. activity/demeanor..and add-in..wisdom. order. Quiet consider..what actions..will have the most value..and help those who may be..crippled by their position, and..their selfworth-evaluation of same. To change people..with..narrow vision..takes..time..and long..periods of time. So..nurture the ones within the community..who speak with grace..and wide view..for they will rise to the months, years..ahead. It is..a slow, methodical..battle plan.

  21. Nina Trick says:

    I know these clowns were appointed, but are they paid? Not that it should matter, but I’m just curious.

  22. Lee323 says:

    Provincial hacks and petty tyrants.

    They wouldn’t know “public service” and “professionalism” if they were slapped soundly across the face with them.

    Their behavior closely echoes Palin’s personal attributes which make her so disliked by the majority of people in the whole country.

  23. not that sarah says:

    I hope people are bringing flip cameras to these events. Anyone can shoot an event with a small camera, recoding everything for their own use. Many news sites are citizen run now, and will accept the footage if something news-worthy happened. In any event, it’s always best to have video to back up the claims being made.

    These folks sound like Palin’s friends; petulant, entitled, and clueless about the law and our government: of the people, by the people, for the people…

  24. boodog says:

    oops…you are..

  25. boodog says:

    Hey, welcome back bubbles! I haven’t seen Memphis in a while. I am glad your feeling better!

  26. Gramiam says:

    Tree house is open.

  27. Irishgirl says:

    bubbles…she is ok.

  28. Claw Washout Palin says:

    Make their names, public. In big bold headlines. State what they did. Provide pictures if, available. They need to have to answer to their peers. Do not forget to mention the threats. Threats to a citizen is ILLEGAL. They will be forced to answer to higher, officials.

    Keep the pressure on them. They are Palin, cover-ups. It’s time to turn the lights out on them.

  29. SouthernMiss says:

    Bubbles, I’ve missed your post. Glad you’re back.

  30. SouthernMiss says:

    #9 Ivy
    I was born in Anchorage and lived there several years. One of the first trips my husband and I ever took together was to Alaska. I couldn’t wait for him to see it.
    Don’t let a few rotted apples spoil it for you.

    Does anyone know if the federal government can do anything if Parnell refuses to take action on the Personel Board

  31. bubbles says:

    also too, the personell board has been off the hook and off the rails since i started to read this blog…bubs

  32. bubbles says:

    hey irish girl and boodog, where is memphis ? i been away. is she o.k?

  33. MonaLisa IS MY NAME! says:

    I wish Andree or Linda had thought to bring a recording device of some kind (preferably video!) Since it’s an Open Meeting intended for the airing of public testimony, there wouldn’t be a problem with that, right?

    YouTube could always use another ‘Bureaucrats Gone Ballistic’ vid.

  34. boodog says:

    Is it me or does it seem like corruption in politics is even more rampant than ever? Or are we just finding more of it? They certainly don’t seem to hide it as well as before, maybe it has become too accepted among themselves to bother. Can you imagine Sanford not only not stepping down (in shame, if nothing else) but not leaving when asked by people in his own party?!? I would have kicked his*** out the minute he stepped of the plane from that last hike in Argentina..

  35. boodog says:

    Irishgirl….you were SO nice to stay with Brian, I am sure you sacrificed greatly missing the Runawaytrain. 🙂

  36. Physicsmom says:

    D*mn right they should be kicked out. They are more than a joke and less than professional. Parnell should oust the lot of them and the legislature should change the whole process in the next session. Akn’s please write to your reps and beg them to make it a priority.

  37. Irishgirl says:

    On a lighter note, Memphis NY took me and my children to Six Flags when we were in Virginia. I wouldn’t have a clue what you were talking about otherwise!! Brian was afraid to go on the Runaway Train, so I had to stay on terra firma with him. Sigh…

  38. Jodie Clarke says:

    It is time to bring this matter to the attention of our new governor. If these people were in the private sector, doing a similar job, they both would have been fired immediately! They are totally unprofessional and obviously not doing their jobs with an ‘open’ mind OR as public servants. The Board has always seemed corrupt and biased to me since Palin was in and then out of office. I will specifically ask that Gov. Parnell call for the resignations of both Al and Debra.

  39. Village Reader says:

    Thank you Linda for speaking up at the Meeting.

  40. nswfm CA says:

    9Ivy Freeborn Says:
    September 12th, 2009 at 2:00 PM

    Every now and then I think it would be cool to visit Alaska and see some of the things I’ve ready about or seen pictures of… and then I read something like this and decide that I should probably go see Boston’s Freedom Trail instead.
    I’ve seen it, and you should go. Then we should take a delegation of the Bozos from AK and show them why they have jobs. It’s not so they can suck their constituents dry, either.

    AK, kick these shmucks out.

  41. the problem child says:

    There is something very disturbing about a board that is supposed to bring accountability to government threatening private citizens who raise legitimate concerns with their operations. Very improper behaviour.

  42. SS says:

    Was anyone on this board required to take an ethics course?

  43. Ivy Freeborn says:

    Every now and then I think it would be cool to visit Alaska and see some of the things I’ve ready about or seen pictures of… and then I read something like this and decide that I should probably go see Boston’s Freedom Trail instead.

    Why on earth should I support a state that allows this? Geeze. Pay us the seven million dollars converted to 2009, and add 200 years of interest, and go your own way. Yeah, I’m sure there are lots of super people in Alaska. I’m glad to see the bloggers working to get people organized to oppose something like this, otherwise I’d have no reason to believe you guys don’t like it like this.

  44. jojobo1 says:

    Sounds to me like the personnel board thinks they do not have to answer to anyone but themselves.What a bunch of corrupt people even if it is only three.They should be smacked down but good if by no one else by Your New Governor ,Ya like that’s gonna happen.They should be grateful they have a job.What does this board do when it is not dissing the public?

  45. Ripley says:

    wow. Headshakery, indeed.

  46. Irishgirl says:

    I read about this (ADN yesterday)….absolutely unbelievable. Is there no accountability to the citizens?

  47. UgaVic says:

    There HAS to be a way to either have them step, with help if needed, or ask for them to be replaced.

    This is uncalled for and IT does lend itself to the air of corruption, mistreatment by public officials and general disregard of the public and their RIGHTS.

  48. BigSlick says:

    Have the Personnel Board Members bought any new cars or houses lately?

  49. Rob in Ca says:

    Governor Parnell needs to answer the question. This is outrageous, regardless of your opinion of the validity of any or all of the ethics complaints. This group fits the archetype of ‘petty bureaucrats’.

  50. GlobalVillage says:

    Yet another gob-smacked moment.
    How can you counter this kind of . . . . . . ???? sorry I’m lost for words.

  51. Suchanut says:

    So what do we need to do to change this? A letter writing campaign to Gov Parnell? Contact all of our legislators? Hold a rally outside their next meeting? We’ve got to do something…Andree was right, culture of corruption indeed!

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