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Friday, January 28, 2022

Speed Hump Consultant? The jokes write themselves…

There is a rumor out there…that in neighborhoods across Anchorage, some who have problems with speeding traffic and have been unable to get “speed humps” (a “traffic calming” solution)  have started to…errrr…improvise with things like traffic cones (see the picture above).  The sad irony is that any unauthorized attempt to try and avoid a tragic accident will be removed by the Municipality. Thanks, Mayor Sullivan. Mudflats fans are aware of the excellent job Jeanne and Shannyn have been doing covering the Municipality of Anchorage “Speed Hump” debacle.   A short wrap-up may help those of you not as familiar with the issue: –A little girl was hit by a car in…

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Speed Hump Day – Hump of the Week!

~Speed hump at 13th and F St…. You’re our ‘Speed Hump of the Week!’ Wednesday.  It’s not just “Hump Day” any more.  Now it’s Speed Hump Day. We here in Anchorage have been a bit preoccupied with speed humps lately.  Why? You might think it’s because they help keep people safe in residential areas when people drive too fast near homes, pets, and children.  You might think it’s because we’ve got a lot of money that the state has set aside so that Anchorage can have speed humps in areas they are needed. Unfortunately the reason we’ve all got speed…

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Dan and the Bear – A Play in One Act

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan is an idiot. I know this is not news to you, but sometimes it feels good to say something even though it doesn’t need to be said. He’s done lots of idiotic things, but here’s the latest. There’s been a bear mauling on the Rover’s Run trail in Far North Bicentennial Park.  A bicycle commuter was attacked and injured.  It’s a horrible thing that seems to happen too frequently.   Salmon are in the stream, mother grizzlies are protective of new cubs, and this… is Alaska. Bears are a fact of life, and love them or…

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