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Friday, January 28, 2022

Voices from the Flats – Rogue Grizzly (post contains graphic image)

  WARNING – This post is not for the faint of heart and contains a graphic image. It deals with the difficult issue of predator control. When we think of predator control in Alaska, many who have not had much personal experience might think of Sarah Palin shooting wolves out of a helicopter for fun. That’s the image that pops into the minds of  many in the Lower 48. But, as with most things, the deeper you look the more complicated they get. Issues such as this are never black and white. Rural Alaskans face challenges that most others can’t…

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Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Synthetic Cannabis

I was in an Anchorage Assembly meeting a few weeks ago, and the question came before the body – Should synthetic cannabinoids be illegal? I had never heard of “synthetic cannabinoids” and thought that this sounded like some kind of manufactured drug that had the same effect as marijuana. After a few questions, I found out that this stuff which looked a lot like cannabis was being marketed as “incense” under the name “Spice,” “K2” and others, and being sold over the counter in Anchorage. The Assembly voted to illegalize the substance and I thought at the time that I should…

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FEMA Called to Save Anchorage from Mayor Dan Sullivan

Yes, Mayor Dan Sullivan is so inept, and his priorities as the Chief Executive of Alaska’s largest city are so destructive and unsafe, yet another government agency has had to step in and save Alaskans from their elected leaders.  Once, it was the FBI saving us from the legislature. Now, it’s FEMA saving us from the Mayor of Anchorage.  The worst mayor in America is officially now a federal disaster. Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan said Thursday that the city has been awarded a $5 million federal grant to hire firefighters over the next two years. The grant will fund 15 to 26 firefighter…

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Voices from the Flats – Why I’m following the trial of alleged serial rapist Anthony Rollins

Mudflats readers may remember coverage of the rally organized by STAR (Standing Together Against Rape) organized a little over a year ago, to support survivors and to protest the release to house arrest of police officer and accused serial rapist, Anthony Rollins. Mel Green has been blogging the trial, and aggregating the reports on Twitter of journalists following along from the courtroom.  Green is the writer of the blog Henkimaa, and also writes for Bent Alaska. By Mel Green ~Boney Courthouse, Alaska Court System (photo taken 11 Sep 2010) Anthony Rollins: he’s the suspended Anchorage Police Department officer  on trial…

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Coffey Stains Anchorage City Plan

It was a little before Mudflats’ time as a blog, but Anchorage residents may remember the best piece of political theater since… OK, it was the best ever.  It all had to do with a conversation between Assembly members Dan Coffey, and Bill Starr when we all got to eavesdrop on – how shall I put this – their “coarse language,” a scheme to force the Anchorage Police Department to approve a shooting range in Eagle River, and some illegal fund raising activities by a certain Mr. Dan Coffey. Alaskans fondly refer to this telephone call as “the butt dial.” …

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New GOP House Majority Tries to Redefine "Rape" and "Incest"

Well, that didn’t take long. The new House GOP majority has stepped out with a bold new plan for the American people, specifically women. The limits on federal funding for abortion except for the cases of rape and incest, are now under assault by definition. For years, federal laws restricting the use of government funds to pay for abortions have included exemptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. (Another exemption covers pregnancies that could endanger the life of the woman.) But the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill with 173 mostly Republican co-sponsors that House Speaker John Boehner…

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Oyster Roundup! What the Shuck?

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! What the Shuck? Forgive me for that WTS? moment… I couldn’t resist. Before we get out the oyster knife and cocktail sauce, here’s a question for you all. What’s more to your liking, a roundup post, or several shorter posts during the day on the topics I’d normally cover like this? That’s not to say that the oyster roundup would disappear, but might be less frequent. Leave your thoughts in the comments. They Want What They Pay For Apparently paying Bristol Palin thousands of dollars in student-raised…

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Anchorage Assembly Meeting 2011 Budget – What are People Saying? (Live blogging)

I’m here at the Assembly Chambers as public testimony is being taken on the Anchorage municipal budget. (See previous post)  I’ll try to hit the highlights for those of you who couldn’t make it.  There is a long line of people waiting to testify and the room is packed to standing room only. Guy in weird hat and American flag scarf thinks the mayor is doing a great job. Thinks the Assembly should buy their own lunch. Quoting from a book “citizens are a milk cow ready to give buckets of money… absurd taxes, bla bla bla.” 18th Century, Declaration…

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Time to Storm the Castle! Sullivan's Budget

OK, boys and girls.  The election is (almost) over and now it’s time to redirect our focus just a tad.  It’s kind of like when the dishwasher overflows, and the dog is barking to get in, and someone drops a glass…  Then when you finally get it all sorted out, you look over in the pantry and you see the five year old elbow deep in a bag of chocolate chips, with scared eyes and melted goo all over his face.  He thinks because you haven’t had time to pay attention during all the chaos, that he could just keep…

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Voices from the Flats – Credibility of Oil Spill Commission Seriously in Doubt

BP didn’t cut safety corners to save money in Gulf – Say what? By Rick Steiner, professor, marine consultant With the ludicrous assertion this week by the presidential Oil Spill Commission that BP did not cut corners on safety to save money on their failed Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, the credibility of the Commission is seriously in doubt.   The counsel for the Commission, Fred Bartlit, stated that: “We see no instance where a decision-making person or group of people sat there aware of safety risks, aware of costs, and opted to give up safety for costs.”  He…

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