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December 19, 2024


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Monday, Monday…

  We know. This is how you started your week, and probably where you’d still like to be. But here’s the awesome thing. This sleepy kitty is really being sneaky about it, but she is motivating you. Can you feel it? Read and be amazed at the motivational power of adorable sleeping kittens —-> HERE.

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Bailing Out the War Profiteers

It’s hard to believe how many years we’ve been at war. I protested the invasion of Iraq for many reasons, one of them being “we can’t afford it.” Friends of mine in the Alaska National Guard were deployed over and over. Clearly we spent more than borrowed money on the wars; we spent lives, and their time with families and friends. But they’d signed up, and they didn’t complain about their jobs. When they complained, it was about the contractors. “How does the lady contracted to hand out towels at the base gym make three times what I am, and…

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Reaction to the Holmes Defection

The reviews are in, and they’re not good. Constituents in her district, her colleagues in the legislature, and activists who have volunteered time and money are disgusted with the post-election bait-and-switch by Rep. Lindsey Holmes before she is even sworn in.   Droves of Anchorage voters have heaped scorn and shame-on-yous upon Holmes in the past 24 hours, demanded their money back, feeling “punked,” and demanding a recall. To say Holmes, if seated, would begin the new session with very awkward relationships is an understatement – especially since her defection to the red side has now given the Republicans an…

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Rep. Lindsay Holmes Switches Parties

Who’s that in the portrait you ask? Well, let me get my glasses.  It’s either Benedict Arnold or State Rep. Lindsey Holmes – it’s kind of hard to tell. Lindsey Holmes, you see, was just elected in November in a strong Democratic district (one of the few in Alaska). She was elected as a Democrat, by mostly Democrats, to BE a Democrat. But she decided that after she’d begged for money from Democrats, denied another actual Democrat (whose color doesn’t run) a chance at the seat, and got ELECTED as a Democrat… that she’d just rather be a Republican. Yes,…

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Lt. Gov’s Discount Fare

If you could be any animal, what would it be? There are completely defensible answers ranging from a pampered house cat, to a wild mustang, to a dolphin or a raven. But there is only one answer to this: If you could be any restaurant in Alaska, what would it be? The answer to THAT, my friend, is Denny’s in Fairbanks. Any other answer is just plain wrong. You may remember that particular venue as the location for the infamous “Denny’s trial” of Schaeffer Cox fame – not to be confused with the Open Carry Day at Carl’s Junior. Schaeffer…

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The Gun Cathedral

In light of recent events and the national debate now raging, I thought it timely to share with you a jarring, brilliant and utterly original work of art I encountered at San Francisco’s de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park a couple of years ago. The Spine and Tooth of Santo Guerro, by Al Farrow (b. 1943), is a cathedral constructed entirely of guns and bullets. The work is a striking commentary on the historical relationship between religious intolerance and warfare, in particular the Crusades and their violent conquest of the Holy Land. Farrow believes the world’s major religions to…

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Tag, You’re it!

It’s Friday. Here’s your animated gif to give you an extra work burst before the weekend starts. (Proof that this is so —-> CLICK) Tag, you’re it!

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GOP Civil War: State Edition

The most fascinating political fight in the land isn’t between Republicans and Democrats, but within the Republican Party. And it’s full-on war. The RINOs are being exposed for what they are: big government, corporate welfare hypocrites who don’t support the party platform and who will compromise any moral code to accomplish their aims. Thus fumed the GOP’s 2010 (and possible 2014) US Senate candidate Joe Miller on his blog recently. You can skip the following section if you’re from Alaska. ********************************************************************************************************* Forthwith, the Lower 48 Cliff’s Notes on Joe Miller’s view of the Republican Party. His wing of the party…

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Crowdsourcing Success

Banking is based on the principle that the more you have, the more you can get. But we reversed the basic principle of banking, saying that if you have absolutely nothing, you are our most prominent client. – Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank. In the 1970’s, a newly independent nation was in the grips of economic and institutional crisis. An economist returned to his native country and became an Economics Professor in Bangladesh. He witnessed rampant poverty and desperation, and noted cruel private lending conditions. Two-thirds of the world’s population is deprived of services available from financial institutions, and bankers told…

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Pretty in Pink

Remind me why it’s a bad thing to be called a pig? This little oinker could be your ticket to that parking space right by the door. It’s true. Come back tomorrow for our Friday gif to end your week!

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