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December 17, 2024


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Monday Hangover

It is not our habit to give you an animated gif on a Monday, but this one just screamed “sugar hangover.” If this is you on a Monday morning after a reckless night of marshmallow peeps, jelly beans, foil wrapped Cadbury eggs, and biting the extremities off chocolate animals, then you know just how this guy feels. We guarantee if you watch it long enough, you’ll start to smile, and soon be ready to demolish your inbox. We hope you’ve enjoyed our “Bunny period.” Tomorrow we will resume our regular mix of cuteness.

Ready or Not!

We know how excited we humans get when we wake up to treats. The upcoming Easter holiday springs to mind (pardon the pun).  But I did not know that the holiday’s icon could get quite so excited about a treat of his own. We really mulled over this one hard, because let’s face it – gifs of bunnies are all pretty cute. But to capture the excitement of the season, and give you that extra burst of productivity on your Friday, we had to go with this one.


  Morning, baby! Sunday is fast approaching, and that means Bunny Time! This little guy will get you in the mood for Easter baskets, and egg hunts in the grass. Unless, of course, you live in Alaska. And in that case, your egg hunts will be of a more wintry variety. It’s actually kind of fun to hide eggs in the snow. We’ve done it quite a bit. The only down side is that the recovery rate tends to be low. The Science of Cute