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Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

AP Calls Senate Race for Sullivan, but…

The Associated Press last night called the Alaska Senate race for Republican Dan Sullivan. So, is it over? Well, not quite yet. There are still more than 20,000 votes to count, and overseas ballots still have almost a week to arrive. There are votes yet to come in from villages in which Mark Begich expects a high level of support. The campaign released the following statement even as Begich is back in D.C. for his probable but not definite lame duck months. A statement by a campaign structure that has seen their candidate win several elections by the slimmest of margins…

Notes from Election Central

Here we go again! 8:30 – No numbers yet. Sitting in a sweet spot with lots of plug-ins and within earshot of the table belonging to Ethan Berkowitz and the Party Planner who are interviewing talk bloviator Dave Stieren who is loudly and intently talking about Mark BAGitch (learn the name!) “Every election is about the next election,” he drops the pearls of wisdom on the floor for us to scramble after. Now something about Joe Miller, and the Democrats sending out flyers for Mark Fish the Libertarian candidate, hoping to split the Republican vote. The Party Planner nods in…

AK Must Redraw District Map

Remember the new district map for Alaska? Well, it has had a tumultuous, though brief life span. Some hated it, some disliked it, some said it was fair, and a lot of Democrats clutched their pearls and gasped, “Don’t make a stink, because it could be worse!”  Um. Worse than losing the bipartisan coalition in the senate, and maintaining a solid minority in the house? Gee, I’m glad we didn’t go there. Well, the kerfuffle over the map went all the way to the Alaska Supreme Court, and the divided opinion said … (drumroll please) … Back to the drawing…

Bad Guy v. Bad Guy in Battle for Good. Alaska’s Election Under the Magnifying Glass.

Well, goodness me.  The Alaska Senate race has certainly summoned an interesting cast of, um… ‘characters’ to the far north. First, we learned that Lisa Murkowski has employed the services of a certain Ben Ginsberg for her legal team dealing with the vote count. If you haven’t heard of Benjamin Ginsberg, let me illuminate you.  He was one of Bush’s attorneys working on the Florida recount in 2000.  He was also one of the attorneys behind Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, the 527 group whose purpose was to assassinate the character of John Kerry. This is who’s in Lisa Murkowski’s corner….

Live Q&A at The Washington Post

I’ll be online today, Wednesday November 3, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, 11 a.m. Pacific, 10 a.m. Alaska time to take questions on the election results in Alaska, and how they will impact the state and the rest of the country. You can submit questions for the queue HERE. I look forward to discusssing what is perhaps the most interesting senate race in the country. It is certainly the most complicated. ***UPDATE*** I got some great questions from Washington Post readers today. I didn’t get the chance to answer them all, but you can read the Q&A by clicking HERE.