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Friday, January 28, 2022

GOP Parasite TransCanada Finally Shed

The divorce between Alaska and TransCanada became final this week. The Legislature voted to buy TransCanada’s share of a prospective natural gas pipeline from the North Slope. How the state ended up in that shotgun marriage is a lesson in corporate power and Republican legislators’ willingness to kowtow to it. Our story begins with Gov. Sarah Palin’s attempt to encourage a natural gas pipeline. It wasn’t a terrible idea to try to get an independent pipeline company directly involved in the project. When the Legislature passed the Alaska Natural Gasline Inducement Act in 2007, the idea was to incentivize a…

Alaska and Exxon – A Romance Rekindled.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good episode of Mudflats Theatre.  This one’s a romance, although I don’t know if it’s a good “date night” movie. The scene opens in the bedroom. (I promise, this is rated G….well….PG) We see a couple in bed.  They are wrapped in a sheet.  She’s nestled in the crook of his arm.  The scene seems peaceful, and we understand immediately that there is a bond between these two lovers.  There is a story here. “Mmmmm.  What are you thinking?” she asks, in a sort of dreamy soothing voice. “Oh…I don’t know.  It’s…

Palin Matchmakes for a Gas Line

By Shannyn Moore Governor Sarah Palin is sleeping with the enemy of many Alaskans. Her trip to Houston, Texas to discuss a merged project with TransCanada and Exxon Mobil betrays Alaskans still reeling from last year’s devastating Supreme Court verdict. It flies in the face of anyone with a memory of 20 years let alone last June. Exxon promised to “make Alaskans whole” and they never did; just another broken promise piled on top of all the others. Last year, Palin’s AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act) passed into law, awarding TransCanada $500 million in state funds to build the 1,700…