Bristol Votes for Reconciliation – Goes Rogue
Oy. Bristol “abstinence” Palin and Levi “Playgirl” Johnston have apparently buried the hatchet, and plan to start a new life together. The young sweethearts announced their reconciliation, and engagement to be wed on the pages of US Weekly Magazine. And no, they didn’t tell the ex-half-governor before hand. She learned it from the newsstand, unless she has a subscription. Awkward… Ah, to have been a fly on the wall in Wasilla today. Now comes the hard part: Getting the blessing of Sarah Palin, who has made no secret of her feelings for Levi. He provoked her fury last fall when…
Alaska Disastas – A Thursday Triple Roundup
We’re staring at the end of the week, and up here in the North land, it’s just one disaster after another. They seem to come in all shapes and sizes, so let’s just roll up our sleeves and dig in. Flood The early spring, and warm temperatures have not come without a price. Rapid melt on the Yukon River has caused a “breakup” like none in recorded history. Huge, house-sized chunks of ice have ridden the rising floodwaters and demolished the old village of Eagle. The governor has made a disaster declaration which includes the drainages of the Yukon, Kuskokwim,…