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January 23, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Parnell Tells Jewell, “Call my people.”

Alaska Governor Sean Parnell has earned himself a reputation for not being very assertive, a bit of a pushover if you will. Typically, this criticism comes from the governor’s own party. Even Alaska’s lone Congressman has referred to him as a “zero” on more than one occasion. That, coupled with the fact that it is totally en vogue to bash every facet of the federal government, might explain Governor Parnell’s latest bout of nastygrams sent to federal agencies. Last week, the day prior to the end of the federal government shutdown, Governor Parnell sent Interior Secretary Sally Jewell a letter. The…

Hey, Perino! You Want Breathless Indignance? I’ll Show You Some Breathless Indignance…

So, here’s the scenario:  Sarah Palin praises the Obama administration.   Yes, this has actually happened.   Palin did it once before, when she praised Obama’s energy plan.  But that was before her nomination as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, after which she did a turnabout quicker than you can say “Drill, Baby Drill!” But now it has happened again.  And it means that either Sarah Palin has suddenly been struck on the head by a blunt object, rendering her capable of siding with someone who is not only on the other side, but also a “fed”, or it means that the Obama administration…