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Friday, January 28, 2022

Fill the Boot, and Boot the Mayor

Driving down Northern Lights Boulevard yesterday, through the heart of our municipality on a lovely Friday afternoon, I saw something that made me do a double-take. I saw… the enemy. Not MY enemy, mind you, but the declared enemy of our city’s mayor, Dan Sullivan. Second only to homeless people, the mayor has it in for this sinister duo of panhandling grifters. I speak, of course of… (scary organ chord)… firefighters, and sick children. (blood curdling scream) Mayor Sullivan, and several members of the Anchorage Assembly did their darndest last year to quash the most profitable fundraiser for the Muscular…

Mayor Sullivan’s Appointees Don’t Want to Let the School District Spend Their Own Money

On August 3rd, there was a regular meeting of the Municipality Budget Advisory Commission. (You remember, this is the commission that used to be two — the Budget Advisory Commission and the School Budget Advisory Commission. However, when the word “school” made people think twice about the appointment of one of the Mayor’s LGBT-hating wing-nutter friends, he just combined the commissions.) Anyway, this was the first meeting with two of their newest mayoral appointees: — The most-recently-appointed Amy Demboski, who has worked most of her career in dental offices, was appointed by Sean Parnell to The Commission on Judicial Conduct,…

The Hinky Dans are at it again…

Let’s take a little test from the verbal section of the Anchorage SATs. Smoke is to fire, as skullduggery is to: A) Sleeping kittens B) Mayor Dan Sullivan C) Ex-Assemblyman and current Henchman Dan Coffey D) Both B and C. (I push my spectacles down to the end of my nose, examining your answer.) Well done! D is the correct answer. A gold star for you. I’m glad you weren’t thrown off by the image of the sleeping kitten. I wasn’t trying to trick you. Actually I just did it because I like you and I wanted to spare you…

Mayor Sullivan Seeks to Illegalize His Own Embarrassment

By Jeanne Devon And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me. Matthew 25:40 If that old Biblical saying holds true, it’s safe to say that Mayor Dan Sullivan would have created a law just for Jesus that would have banned him from protesting Jerusalem’s treatment of the poor and downtrodden. And it would have arrested Jesus, those downtrodden in the image above, or anyone else who dared to sit on the sidewalk. Anchorage…

The Boondoggle vs. The Bridge from Hell

Imagine yourself as a kid in the schoolyard. Over by the monkey bars, you see a scuffle break out. It’s an all out battle between the class bully and the class jerk. They’re fighting over which one of them gets to pick on the good-hearted skinny kid. The Municipality of Anchorage has filed a lawsuit in federal court. You’ve heard of the “Bridge to Nowhere?” Well, the Muni has sued over what I like to call “The Bridge from Hell” and what others call The Knik Arm Bridge, which would span the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet. But Mayor Sullivan…

Stop the Sunset at the Anchorage Assembly Meeting Tonight

He’s at it again. Mayor Dan Sullivan has found a new way to stifle the voices of Anchorage residents, and keep them from making all those pesky suggestions and complaints – you know, “citizen participation.” Apathy and disconnection is far more appealing to the current administration. But, tomorrow, there is a public hearing in which you, dear Anchorage resident, may make your voice heard anyway. The mayor has decided to trim the fat, and cut, or sunset many of the city’s volunteer boards and commissions. The city admits that this has nothing to do with saving money. So why put…

Pride Weekend – Joy and Sadness

  ~The Empire State Building in rainbow colors last night to celebrate marriage equality   I, like many Americans, sat last night riveted, watching the New York State Senate debate and vote on a bill for Marriage Equality. I watched while Senator Ruben Diaz monopolized the floor talking about how his rights were being violated by having to stick to a 2 minute time period for comment. He wanted to make sure he had three times the time of anyone else to talk about how God had already made the decision about gay marriage, and it wasn’t Albany’s place to…

“Superintendent” Sullivan’s Education Summit — What is the Goal?

In a previous post on the “Anti-Public Education Agenda”, we discussed how corporations and right-wing radicals were driving the “school choice” and education reform movements nationally and statewide. However, no one has played politics in this arena quite the way that Mayor Dan Sullivan has here in Anchorage: — Since the early days of his Mayorship, Dan Sullivan began waging an all-out war against public employees …especially those who are unionized. — Throughout his term, Sullivan has continued a pattern of putting hand-picked highly-partisan candidates in major appointments and to outwardly support them in supposed non-partisan races against people who…

New Assemblyman Trombley Guilty of Lying and Being a Whippersnapper

The thing that consoles me when I write about local issues, is that our characters here in Alaska (even though many of you are from elsewhere) are so incredibly over-the-top and ridiculous that they can be appreciated in their own right, just for the entertainment value. It’s like writing a book full of short stories about some mythical crazy dysfunctional municipal government, only it’s not mythical. Today, we’ll revisit one of the larger yet lesser characters in our serial drama, and one of Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan’s henchpeople. Remember Adam Trombley, former local basketball star and up-and-coming conservative mayoral toady?…

The New and Unimproved Debbie Ossiander Scoffs at Democratic Process

So how completely impressed are we with our new Assembly Chair Debbie Ossiander? Just as impressed as we were with her the last time she was Chair. And that would be… not at all. Her ignominious rise to the top spot hinged, apparently, on her loyalty to Mayor Dan Sullivan, and she’s been eager to prove her empty-headed devotion since her return to the throne. First on the list of things to do it seems, was to circumvent that thing we like to call “democracy.” Anchorage is in the middle of redistricting. This is as important as it gets. The…