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January 17, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Losing Memorial Day

This is the weekend that officially starts summer for most of us. Cussing out the back ends of RV’s that don’t understand what a pull-off is for or that it’s illegal to back up more than five cars’ worth of traffic. Ever see a giant motor home pulled over or ticketed for 27 cars behind it? Me neither. People are breaking the barnacles off their barbecue grills and trying to remember if it’s the recipe for St. Louis ribs or molasses and mustard rub that got their version of Uncle Leo so excited last year. From the fold-outs in the…

In My Alaska Garden – Memorial Weekend Planting and Hoop House Lessons

I’ve been a very busy girl in the hoop house, though not as busy as I would like. Life has interefered but I plan on spending the rest of the evening and most of tomorrow getting things together. This is my Memorial Day tradition, as it is for most gardeners. I can take you on a little tour… First, we look left to the “herb garden,” as yet incomplete… Missing from the photo (on the far left) is the bin containing Sage and Dill. The Basil is the “Aromatic Trio” from Renee’s Garden…I believe this one is the “Red Rubin”…

Memorial Day 2011

By Jim Wright (Stonekettle Station) It’s a beautiful day here in the Alaskan Mat-Su. It’s perfect day for grilling out or just working in the yard or maybe taking nice hike – and I may do all three. It’s also nearly ten years now since those terrible days of 2001. A full decade of war and death and sacrifice. For some of our children, the most recent generation and the ones just now reaching the age of reason and awareness, they have never known an America not at war. Think about that. Their grandparents came of age in the 1950s,…

The Incongruity between saying “happy memorial day” and honoring those who sacrificed.

By Patrick DePula Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have perished in our nation’s service. Around the country, people will gather to remember the ultimate sacrifice that our brothers and sisters have made for all of us.  Though I don’t support the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, I very much support the troops involved. Many Americans seem to have forgotten that this is a time of remembrance and not just the ceremonial beginning of summer to be celebrated with cookouts, beer, and fireworks. Earlier today someone told me “Happy Memorial Day!”  The…