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February 12, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Accidents Happen

We’ve all done stupid things without thinking about it. I drove off once with two fresh pizzas from the Moose’s Tooth Restaurant on the roof of my car.  I figure they blew off somewhere on the Seward Highway just south of Tudor Road. So, if you had a flying, steaming 16-inch disc of cajun halibut goodness slap down in the middle of your windshield a couple years ago, it’s my fault. Then there was the guy who absentmindedly left his Stradivarius violin, worth $4 million, in the back of a Newark cab. Even when there’s a lot at stake, we humans…

NRA Compendium of Crazy

Yesterday, Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association delivered the organization’s first words since the tragic shooting spree that left 20 schoolchildren and 6 adults dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The NRA promised “meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.” After the NRA went completely dark on social media, and in the press for almost a week, they made their first public statement, striking a tone that was so completely out of touch with mainstream America, and most gun owners, it was necessary for the BBC who covered the event to tell its audience…

The Choices of Monsters

Born and raised in Alaska, Glen Klinkhart is a retired Anchorage Police Department Detective, a State Certified Police Officer, and Chief Executive Officer for DigitalSecurus, the largest Computer Security Firm in Alaska. He is also a father, lecturer, and author of  A CyberCop’s Guide to Internet Child Safety, and the upcoming Finding Bethany.     After the mall shooting in Oregon last week, my best friend asked me a question which weighed heavily on her mind, “Why? Why does someone do something horrible like this?” Needless to say, her question is now being asked by people all over the country,…