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Friday, January 28, 2022

The Time to Toss Pebble is Now. Really.

Here in Alaska, the proposed Pebble Mine project is not a partisan issue. It’s an issue of fish vs. cyanide, Alaskans vs. multinational corporations, Native culture vs. the bottom line, sustainable jobs vs. instant gratification, and food security vs. greed. It’s a battle between holding on to the best of our state, and the last great wild salmon run in the world, and letting it all slip away to line the pockets of the already wealthy multinational mining conglomerates. We have a lot at stake. And right now, we can actually help to influence how this all turns out. What…

Oyster Roundup – Rats, Scented Candles, Pebble Mine and more…

~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more… A half-dozen slurpable stories for your consumption. All titles are links. Eat up!  Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Jobs Funeral Yes, apparently the most hateful, vicious, mean-spirited group of “religious” wingnuts, who made famous the “God Hates Fags” slogan, will be picketing the funeral of Steve Jobs. Why? Because he “served self, not God” and “encouraged his neighbors to sin.” How do we know they will be doing this? (Wait for it) Because they tweeted it from an iPhone. Yes, really. No worries about Westboro appreciating this…

Open Thread – Top 2 AK Bumperstickers

This Dodge pickup truck that I spotted yesterday was picture worthy. Why? Because it is sporting probably the two most ubiquitous bumper stickers in Alaska. The No Pebble sticker is more recent, and the other (talking about whether to have an all-Alaska gas pipeline route) was more common a few years ago. But as many of both of them as there are, I’ve never seen them snuggled up quite so nicely.  

State of Alaska Supports Pebble Partnership’s Attempt to Silence Alaskans

~The original Captain Zero Before I go off on some rant about how my forefathers fought the British to birth a country that could VOTE, and how siding with the British to take away the right of Americans to vote should be called treason, I’ll take a deep breath and explain a few things. Since one has been filed on your behalf, Alaska, you may want to know what an amicus brief is. Commonly known as a “friend of the court” brief. An amicus brief provides individuals or organizations (such as government agencies or disability organizations) without a direct stake…

The King (Salmon) is Dead. Long Live the Mine.

[Photo by Nick Hall] Five million viewers (I’m choosing not to think of allof them as fans) tuned in to watch  “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on The Learning Channel this month.  But as we know, there’s more to Alaska than harassing bears, and clubbing halibut between the eyes.  Many, I’m sure, were taken with Alaska’s spectacular landscapes, pristine waters, and wide open spaces. The real Alaska, in Bristol Bay, is something she hasn’t talked about yet. She’s planning to talk about it on November 28, but I don’t know if she’ll mention The Pebble Mine. I remember when Palin “took off…