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Friday, January 28, 2022

Alaska Politicians Exposed – Stooges, Shills & Shenanigans

TALL TALES from Juneau and the DC Debacle   AND IT’S ALLLL ON TAPE Sometimes you know things, but it’s nice to have them proven right out loud, through dramatic and surreptitious means. Such is the case with the immediately infamous “Pebble tapes.” If you haven’t heard them, make yourself a beverage and get ready to be a fly on the wall as your beautiful state and all its salmon get sold down the river (not the beautiful blue Nushagak of today – the contaminated, cyanide-filled Nushagak of tomorrow). We now know what our elected Republican leadership thinks of us,…

Court Sees Value in Protecting Bristol Bay

Before the Bristol Bay Forever Initiative was ever printed on statewide ballots, it had to defend a legal challenge from an individual named Richard Hughes, the Alaska Miners Association, and the Council of Alaska Producers. The Alaska Supreme Court issued an oral decision allowing that initiative to go to the ballot. Today, the Court issued a written order justifying its decision, Hughes v. Treadwell, Slip Op. No. 6981 (Alaska Supreme Court, Jan. 30, 2015). In order for a citizen ballot initiative to be valid in Alaska, it must avoid certain prohibited topics.  Under Article XI, section 7, it may not engage in an appropriation…

Pebble Mine is Really Sorry (They Got Caught)

These past few weeks have been bad ones for the Pebble Partnership and its attorneys. Here’s the statement issued last week by Pebble Limited Partnership, the Pebble Mines Corp. and Jermain, Dunnagan & Owens, their law firm, the defendants, and the Renewable Resources Coalition, the plaintiffs, in a long-running lawsuit. RELATED: AK Beat: Billionaire mining investor says Pebble “will not be built” The “Renewable Resources Coalition and Pebble Limited Partnership have today announced a settlement of their litigation pending in Los Angeles. In that litigation, Renewable Resources Coalition alleged that Pebble had unlawfully purchased its confidential records and information from…

Don’t Tread On Grammar: Reader Response

So, a while ago I made this No Pebble flag using art by the inimitable Ray Troll. It’s a riff on the Gadsden flag. Someone didn’t like it too much. I got this in my e-mail.  Which, of course I forwarded to Jeanne. After some grade school corrections from Jeanne, I created this. Remember kids, fund public education.

Brinkley Urges Obama to Stop Pebble Mine

Presidential historian and author Douglas Brinkley urged President Obama to take decisive and swift executive action on preventing the massive Pebble Mine project in Alaska on NOW with Alex Wagner, Monday. Brinkley noted that many decisive presidential actions could be taken immediately as the Obama Whitehouse seeks to establish a legacy as the President’s second term marches on with Republicans in Congress showing no signs of letting up on blocking legislation. Historically, President Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any President since Grover Cleveland, and has been comparatively reluctant to exert Presidential authority. Brinkley was clear in his suggestion to the President…

No Pebble Townhall Event – Anchorage, AK

No Pebble Townhall Event – Anchorage Monday January 27th at 6:30 pm Z. J. Loussac Public Library Wilda Marston Theatre 3600 Denali Street Join leaders from the sport fishing and commercial fishing industries, Bristol Bay Native Corporation and United Tribes of Bristol Bay for a town hall meeting to thank Senator Mark Begich for taking a stand on the Pebble Mine and hear more about the Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment and the fight to protect Bristol Bay jobs and salmon. Speakers include former Alaska Senate President Rick Halford, Alannah Hurley – Dillingham resident and United Tribes for Bristol Bay Director,…

No Pebble Mine Party with Shannyn Moore

Brought to you by: Tap Root, Alaska Center for the Environment and Trout Unlimited THURSDAY JANUARY 23rd Master of Ceremonies: Shannyn Moore 6:00pm – Introductions – Shannyn Moore 6:05pm – Video – “Sea Swallowed” 6:13pm – Video – “Anti-Pebble Mine Advertisement” 6:15pm – Speaker – Nellie Williams – Trout Unlimited Campaign Update 6:20pm – Speaker – Sam Snyder PhD. – Science Update 6:25pm – Video – “The Last Cast” 6:30pm – Call to Action – (phone call to legislators) 6:40pm – Speaker – Ryan Peterson – Fishing Guide – (unconfirmed) 6:45pm – BREAK 7:00pm – Video – TBD 7:15pm –…

Quotes of the Week – A Sixpack

Oh no they di’int! It’s been quite a week for the gum-flappers, the yammerers, and the makers of opinion – some good, some bad, and some that make you just want to slam you head on the desk until they go away. Let’s dig in. Sarah Palin on Race What better way to start the week in which we celebrate civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. than with a little race baiting from our ex-half governor? Not sure if judging someone by the content of their character is really where she wants to go. Rush Limbaugh on Chris Christie…

Shannyn Moore Show – The Pope vs. Rush Limbaugh and more

Tonights show we discuss a Pebble Mine Presentation, Mike Huckabee’s Hero and Rush Limbaugh has a fight with the Pope. Pebble: It’s About People – Peeble Mine Powerpoint Presentation (check out slide 2) Mike Huckabee labels Lara Logan a ‘hero journalist’ for discredited Benghazi report Sorry, Pope Francis: Reproductive justice and LGBTQ rights are economic issues, too Rush Lashes Out At The Pope Over Critique Of Inequality New Politics Progressive Podcasts with The Shannyn Moore Show on BlogTalkRadio

Rock for the Salmon! – Music at Salmonstock

Salmonstock was several weeks ago – I know – but we just got so many awesome photos we’re finally ready to start posting them all. Please keep checking back for more photo-essays from our fun visit to Salmonstock… and start prepping for next year. Photos above by Zach Roberts A couple extras below by Jeanne Devon