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Friday, January 28, 2022

Walker or Begich? The Moderate’s Dilemma.

Alaska voters, we need to have a conversation. And I know this may hurt a little. It’s about Bill Walker and Mark Begich, the two “moderates” in the 3-way race for Alaska governor – the first, a former Republican and incumbent, the second, a Democrat and former US Senator. The third player in our little melodrama is Mike Dunleavy, a former Republican right-wing conservative state senator from Wasilla who quit in the middle of his term. In the end, your vote is your choice and yours alone, but I can’t let you step behind the red, white, and blue curtain…

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Parnell Gets Fish Slapped

When one grapples for a visual allegory of what happened to the Parnell administration this week, it’s hard to think of anything more appropriate than this: That’s Sean Parnell on the right, and the Anchorage Superior Court on the left. The Superior Court ruled that the constitutional rights of Alaskans have been violated by the current administration when Parnell & Co. refused to process a four-year-old application to reserve water in the Chuitna River watershed for wild salmon. “Today’s ruling is a victory for every Alaskan who wants to protect wild salmon and the Alaskan way of life,” said Ron…

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Smoke Up! – Smoked Salmon Photos

Salmon is the lifeblood of Alaska. We grill it. We jerk it. (Jerky it? Jerkify it?)  We pan fry it. We put it in our vodka. This last week TheMudflats contributing editor Shannyn Moore spent a couple days working through some of the largest filets I’ve ever seen – smoking and canning them. I did what I know how to do with salmon… take photos of them. (and sneak some for my bagels) By the way… if you like Salmon… you should tell your legislators. Click this link. 

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Rock for the Salmon! – Music at Salmonstock

Salmonstock was several weeks ago – I know – but we just got so many awesome photos we’re finally ready to start posting them all. Please keep checking back for more photo-essays from our fun visit to Salmonstock… and start prepping for next year. Photos above by Zach Roberts A couple extras below by Jeanne Devon

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Salmonstock in Photos

A few weeks ago I traveled down to Ninilchik, Alaska—population 883. The sleepy little hamlet saw it’s temporary ranks swell by more than six times, as thousands made the pilgrimage to SalmonStock III, a music festival celebrating the one things that all Alaskans love – wild fish. Even for those very few who don’t like fish and keep that horrible secret to themselves, fish drive the economy, tourism, support subsistence users, sport and commercial fishermen, and a culture that has existed here for thousands of years. In one way or another, Alaskans are bound up with fish. When fish prosper,…

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Inconvenient Private Sector Jobs

Time to don your rain ponchos, because Republican heads are going to be exploding across the state. This is one of those times when philosophy and reality are on opposite sides, and the confused elephant brains of the majority of the GOP in Alaska are going to have to out themselves, or change sides. Ah, another inconvenient truth. ” Ready? Guess what industry is the largest private sector employer in the State of Alaska? Oil? <<<HOCKEY BUZZER NOISE>>> Mining? <<<REPEAT ABOVE>>> Nope, it’s fish. A recent report issued from the McDowell Group for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute reveals: The…

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Gone Fishin’ in Seward, Alaska (PHOTOS)

It’s back to school time here in Anchorage, and on the last day of summer vacation, two of your editors here decided to seize the day and head south to go fishing with The Seward Fishing Club. Sometimes it’s necessary to reboot the system, cleanse the soul, and get off dry land. We loaded the Subaru, left Anchorage in the predawn light, and skimmed down Turnagain Arm, around the bend and up the other side to Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula. The weather was sprinkly and grey and Shannyn and I were both prepared with good waterproof outerwear, and hot coffee. The…

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Gov Parnell Smacks Down Feds

Yesterday, a “Federal Overreach Summit” began in Anchorage. For two days, lawmakers and administration officials will gripe about the “feds” and what is described as intrusion into Alaska’s affairs. But the federal overreach discussed on the first day of the summit didn’t touch on Stand Your Ground law, or issues of reproductive choice, or gay marriage, or even voting rights which have been so much in the news as of late. This federal overreach is quite specific, and gets to the heart of what this administration considers important. It’s all about land use and resource extraction. A Department of Natural…

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And Now, a Message from Gov. Sean Parnell

Governor Parnell and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, headed up by Daniel Sullivan, rejected a petition on Friday filed by local citizens seeking to protect wild Alaska salmon streams from coal strip mining in Upper Cook Inlet. And by Upper Cook Inlet, I mean directly across from Anchorage in the villages of Tyonek and Beluga. The massive Chuitna Coal project would need to drain wetlands, and completely remove productive salmon streams which are home to all five species of Alaskan salmon in a totally unprecedented act that would make all salmon streams in the state vulnerable to the bulldozer…

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Family of Explorers

When a mutual friend notified me yesterday that Alaska adventurers Bretwood “Hig” Higman and Erin McKittrick might be looking for some transportation while visiting Anchorage, I jumped at the opportunity to meet them. Erin and Hig, as they are known, are the founders of the organization Ground Truth Trekking which provides a unique education on Alaska’s resource issues through hands-on exploration. Erin and Hig, along with the other organization members, combine their travels with exhaustive research, offering comprehensive, science-based coverage of issues like mining, climate change, Alaska fisheries management, energy options, etc…They frequently debunk myths on both sides of the…

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