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Friday, January 28, 2022

Mary Epperson Made Homer What It Is

Originally Printed in the Anchorage Daily News Alaska has lost one of our best — I would venture to say our very best — this week. Mary Epperson passed away in Homer, surrounded by her family. She was 93. In 1954, Mary, her husband Jack and two children moved to Alaska. At her insistence they brought a piano with them. Their family settled on the Kenai Peninsula, and Mary set about making the community of Homer what it is today. This is no exaggeration, she literally made our little hamlet by the sea what it is. She was the city…

Open Thread: Warren Zevon

It’s been 11 years now since we lost Warren Zevon. He was taken from us way too early by cancer. Warren was probably known best for his song Werewolves of London, but my all time favorite from him is ‘My Sh*t’s F**ked Up‘ off of ‘Life’ll Kill Ya.’ That song has been playing on loop for the past couple of weeks on my car stereo. But my dear editor has made the decision that it’s a bit too raunchy for the site. So here’s my second favorite ‘Lawyers Guns and Money.‘ [Editor’s Note: I believe I said “nsfw.” Think of the…

Top 13 Albums of 2013

Originally for Sisipillé         A multitude of LPs (long plays) and EPs (extended plays) have been released this year in a variety of genres. Popular trends in music have been electronic modern day beats with retro undertones and influences. In no specific order I have amassed the top thirteen albums of 2013. 1) Kurt Vile – “Walkin’ On A Pretty Daze”      “Walkin’ On A Pretty Daze” is a testament Kurt Vile’s songwriting abilities and overall genius music skills. Though lengthy for a single LP, Vile captures the listener’s ear from beginning to end. The backing musicians give what is…

Open Thread [Late Night]: Why is it So Hard to Make it in America

Here’s some awesome soul music for you late night Mudpuppies. Not sure where I came across this track but damn, it’s good. Charles Bradley is a sixty something singer who just released his first album – and it’s stunning. There’s also a documentary about him on Netflix streaming – I highly recommend it. Trailer for the Documentary ‘Soul of America’

Lou Reed, Gone.

Satellite’s gone, up to the skies, Thing like that drive me out of my mind I remember turning on the TV sometime in my teens, I don’t remember what channel it was but on the screen was a rough faced skinny guy with sunglasses on in front of the mic. He started singing… Holly came from Miami, F.L.A. Hitch-hiked her way across the USA Plucked her eyebrows on the way Shaved her legs and then he was a she She says, Hey babe Take a walk on the wild side Hey honey Take a walk on the wild side It…

Rock for the Salmon! – Music at Salmonstock

Salmonstock was several weeks ago – I know – but we just got so many awesome photos we’re finally ready to start posting them all. Please keep checking back for more photo-essays from our fun visit to Salmonstock… and start prepping for next year. Photos above by Zach Roberts A couple extras below by Jeanne Devon

Party Like a Journalist

There aren’t too many songs celebrating what I do. There are songs about dancers, drug dealers, working class heroes, miners… but none that I know of about documenters. Well, finally someone wrote an awesome (albeit tongue and cheek) song celebrating journalists. I looked up the creator of this work of genius on Twitter and asked him if he’d answer a couple of questions. He obliged.   “This is how we #partylikeajournalist. Featuring singer/editor/photographer extraordinaire Justin Kroger on the chorus, mixed by @LanskySound, produced by Gramatik & Break Science, written and performed by Matt Johnson.” But first – check out this…

Saving Sixth Grade Music in the Anchorage School District **UPDATED**

by Linda Kellen Biegel 2010 Hanshew Middle School Band Not many people in political circles know that I credit music with saving my life. I started playing the piano when I was six-years-old. I often kicked and screamed about practicing, but my mother was determined and I continued through my entire school career. In sixth grade, I discovered the snare drum and concert band. I absolutely loved playing music with a group. That was around the time that I discovered that music was an escape from the insanity of my life at home. Unfortunately in high school, I discovered that…