Open Thread [Late Night]: Why is it So Hard to Make it in America
Here’s some awesome soul music for you late night Mudpuppies.
Not sure where I came across this track but damn, it’s good. Charles Bradley is a sixty something singer who just released his first album – and it’s stunning.
There’s also a documentary about him on Netflix streaming – I highly recommend it.
Trailer for the Documentary ‘Soul of America’
Snowdog Snoozie is set to officially kick off her christmassy book tour next week in bethlehem,P(ublic) A(nnouncement) which is quite appropriate as she “steels” unsuspecting tool’s money for her personal gain. Not sure if Bethlehem Steel is still open,but it fit within SS’s money grubbing parameters.
My friends at the Mudflats you have a place in history reserved for tou. Need proof? Exhibit A-
Governor Moose Drool,aka Snowdrift Snookie. Classic.
This has got to hurt,teabaggers! Suck it!! Other word out there is Trans Canada is trying to use eminent domain to condemn farmland for Keystone pipeline. Most landowners buckled,some absolutely refuse to cave. That is shale oil burning in train derailment in Alabama,from North Dakota. Still haven’t gotten total oil spill in NW North Dakota wheat field. Presumably larger than reported. Burn,
Black cold here in Juneau, with blazing stars and a crescent moon we’re sending light and love to your neighbor.
Mike, you’re hitting many nails on their heads. We must stop those thugs. However, I have been responding to the many and various Dems’ request for money by a challenge to abandon the Chained-CPI for Social Security. n
Good for you. 🙂
ThatCrowWoman-my friend,do you have any official opinions or thoughts about Common Core testing-such as it is? Hows life in the forest and are you keeping them dang chickens in line?
Mr Bradley’s voice is rich and powerful.
And the kind of rich and powerful I respect and admire 🙂
Thank you , Zach, for the introduction!
I met a incredible woman a week ago. I don’t even know her name.
I had seen her for a couple of months walking the new Campbell Creek sanctuary trail.
Well my husband met her first.
He said she has a broken heart.
She has a little girl with her sometimes when she walks.
When the little girl is with her she doesn’t seem to cry or cast such a lonely silhouette.
I finally met her after months of watching her walk and often sit for hours looking out into the inlet.
She sits there and crys. Rain or shine. She sits there.
My husband and I send her prayers and thoughts of better times for her.
Why she has captured our attention, I really don’t know. We try not to act like we spy on her. But we do. She seems so sad. Honestly we thought for the longest time that she would jump. But you can’t kill yourself jumping off those banks.
Just send her some cosmic love and better times.
Hey I’ll give it a shot and put it out there in this open thread.
Send her some cosmic love. Whoever she may be. Just send it.
Rilly brisk S.E. wind today. 🙂 should get to her in no time at all. Many thanks for sharing this.
Wind coming up off the icefields here from wrong direction to get best wishes sent easily so am standing on this lil hill and whupping up a Pi wind and sending prayers for better times to this neighbor of yours, tallimat.
I hope the very best for her.
And you have reminded me that it is time to check in on a couple folks I know who have suffered some real life blows recently… thank you.
Cosmic love on its way…
Currently still air in Spenard. Might be sending cosmic love to everyone on the west side. OK!! n
22 million bucks raised to defeat GMO labeling in Washington State. 520 bucks came from the state of Washington. Other news,Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has introduced a bill to outlaw abortion after 20 weeks based on what he calls scientific evidence that people sing and talk to a fetus at 20 weeks. WTF-rethuglicans don’t believe in science and they hate regulations,except when they can regulate minority voters and women’s reproductive lives.