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February 13, 2025


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Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Black Lives Matter: Across The Brooklyn Bridge

Unlike the usual New York protests that end in violence from police and dozens of arrests, this march happened peacefully. Carrying mock coffins that had the names of those killed by the NYPD, at least a thousand people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge Thursday night. Circled by police helicopters and joined by members of the NYPD, the protesters chanted ‘Black Lives Matter,’ occasionally changing it to ‘Thugs Lives Matter’ – meaning that even those committing minor crimes don’t deserve to be shot or strangled.

Beaten and Arrested Occupier Facing 7 Years

Occupier Cecily McMillan who was found guilty of striking a NYC Police Officer is looking at 7 years in jail. Many of the jurors have signed onto a plea to the judge for her to just receive community service – claiming that they had no idea that their sentence of guilty on felony assault charges would mean such a lengthy sentence. The jurors criminal ignorance aside – many of her fellow Occupiers, lawyers and citizens have called for leniency from the judge. Sentencing for Cecily will be held Monday the 19th.

Party Like a Journalist

There aren’t too many songs celebrating what I do. There are songs about dancers, drug dealers, working class heroes, miners… but none that I know of about documenters. Well, finally someone wrote an awesome (albeit tongue and cheek) song celebrating journalists. I looked up the creator of this work of genius on Twitter and asked him if he’d answer a couple of questions. He obliged.   “This is how we #partylikeajournalist. Featuring singer/editor/photographer extraordinaire Justin Kroger on the chorus, mixed by @LanskySound, produced by Gramatik & Break Science, written and performed by Matt Johnson.” But first – check out this…