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Friday, January 28, 2022

Black Lives Matter: Across The Brooklyn Bridge

Unlike the usual New York protests that end in violence from police and dozens of arrests, this march happened peacefully. Carrying mock coffins that had the names of those killed by the NYPD, at least a thousand people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge Thursday night. Circled by police helicopters and joined by members of the NYPD, the protesters chanted ‘Black Lives Matter,’ occasionally changing it to ‘Thugs Lives Matter’ – meaning that even those committing minor crimes don’t deserve to be shot or strangled.

CNN: Why Not Use Water Cannons on Ferguson Protestors?

As we drift into another night of likely arrests and police violence against protestors and journalists in Ferguson, MO a CNN anchor has given us this ethical and historical quandary. Rosemary Church: “Talk to us about what police are saying to you. Why they are using this strategy? Why the use of tear gas, stun grenades? Why not perhaps use water cannons?” Watch the video below, but really watch the fantastic understated reaction from her co-host Errol Barnett. For those of you that aren’t history buffs here’s a reminder of why this might be a bit awkward. And maybe we need to have…

Braves VS The Nationals – Photos

I was in Washington DC last week and made my way to a ball game – Nationals vs The Braves. The home team lost but the game was close all the way up to the 7th inning stretch. I’ve never been to a Nationals game so it was my first race of the Presidents… Teddy won, which I guess is a rarity. I usually don’t shoot sports but I’m happy with how these turned out… enjoy.

Palast: Dummy’s Guide to Voting Rights Act

Will the Supreme Court pull the teeth out of the law? by Greg Palast exclusively for This month –as early as tomorrow— the US Supreme Court will tell us whether Black and Brown citizens have the right to vote. Now, if you saw the film Lincoln, you probably thought that issue was settled about 147 years ago. But Honest Abe never imagined a High Court occupied by Dishonest Thomas and Scalia the Scurrilous. There’s been a lot of nonsense talk fogging the issue before the Court. To cut through the BS, the Palast Investigative Fund has made a little…