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December 22, 2024


No Time for Tuckerman -

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Quitter Returns! -

Monday, March 21, 2022

Putting the goober in gubernatorial -

Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin & Olbermann on the R**Skins

It’s not often these days that we at The Mudflats get to write about Sarah Palin AND our old friend Keith Olbermann in the same story. It brings us back to that odd time when Palin went from being Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States, to ‘The Quitter.’ But by some magic they’ve both been talking about the same issue – the despicable name of the Washington DC football team.  I’ll give you Sarah Palin’s word-salad first and then follow up with Olbermann’s fun take on the team owner Dan Snyder. Palin, ever the martyr, makes this about “the PC police” and…

Braves VS The Nationals – Photos

I was in Washington DC last week and made my way to a ball game – Nationals vs The Braves. The home team lost but the game was close all the way up to the 7th inning stretch. I’ve never been to a Nationals game so it was my first race of the Presidents… Teddy won, which I guess is a rarity. I usually don’t shoot sports but I’m happy with how these turned out… enjoy.