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Friday, January 28, 2022

WATCH: Handel’s handlers manhandle reporter to duck questions of her blocking Black voters

Via – GOP Congressional candidate Karen Handel will do anything to duck questions about her role in purging Black and Asian voters in the Georgia run-off race against Jon Ossoff. Stay tuned for the full story of the Stealing of the Sixth CD — reports this week by Greg Palast for Thom Hartmann and Democracy Now! * * * * * Greg Palast (Rolling Stone, Guardian, BBC) is the author of The New York Times bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, now out as major motion non-fiction movie. Stay informed, rent or buy…

Join TheMudflats for a Facebook live broadcast of my film on How Trump Stole It

I have a simple request. I’m asking that, this Thursday, at 8pm, you join the NAACP-National Voter Fund, Rainbow/PUSH, Josh Fox  of Climate Revolution and many, many more––and “share” the Facebook LIVE broadcast of my documentary––the film that exposes exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million minority voters to steal the White House. That’s all we are asking: Between 8pm and 9pm Eastern, on Inauguration Eve, you “share” the live-stream with your Facebook followers. The film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, follows my crew’s undercover investigations…

MSNBC: Greg Palast on the Recount

In Michigan and North Carolina the wipe-out of Black, Hispanic and young voters was massive – especially under Crosscheck. Watch my latest segment on MSNBC’s AM Joy, this Saturday morning on how the election was rigged – long before the vote even happened.

FREE MOVIE: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

For more than a year Greg Palast and I have been working on a new movie. It’s about the potential theft of the election, you know the one that’s happening TOMORROW. Trump has been running around the country telling people that the election is going to be rigged. Well, I’m sorry to say he’s right. Well… half right. They are trying to rig the election – but NOT the Democrats. It’s Trump’s own border wall advisor – Kris Kobach, the Secretary of State of Kansas. He has a list of millions of voters names that he claims are double voters…

Photos: Trump Lands in Kinston, North Carolina

Donald Trump landed his plane in Hurricane Matthew slammed Kinston, North Carolina Wednesday night to a crowd of enthusiastic supporters that numbered in the thousands. It was a smaller audience than i was used to seeing at Trump rallies but still a surprising crowd for a 7pm rally in a town that just a week ago had been evacuated. Trump gave his stump speech of calling for Secretary Clinton to be jailed but didn’t tell the crowd that the election would be rigged.

Talking with Trump Supporters: Julie from Greensboro

I’m releasing these interviews unedited – as I promised to the interviewees – so that nothing could be taken out of context or put in a different one. Please excuse the audio as music is always blasting at Trump/Pence rallies so there was little I could do on that front. -Zach I spoke to Julie before a Governor Mike Pence rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. Julie is a nurse from Greensboro, North Carolina. She originally supported Ted Cruz, but moved over to Donald Trump when he secured the nomination. She’s a Christian and that seems to define her reasons for voting…

Mothers of the Movement Join Hillary in Raleigh

Sunday in Raleigh, North Carolina Hillary Clinton was joined by the ‘Mothers of the Movement’ – mothers who have lost children and family members to gun violence and police killings. In front of a crowd of thousands at St. Augustine’s University, a historically black college Hillary and the mothers called upon everyone to vote and vote early. The five Mothers did not discuss their sons outside of mentioning their names. Secretary Clinton called for better police and citizen relationships, while not offering specific programs or ideas to further this. A dozen or so members of Moms Demand Action were also in…

Step One: Show Up in November

In the recent Alaska primary election, there was a 15 percent turnout — a record low. Alaskans feel their voices aren’t heard. Many have lost hope. It’s easy to see why. We have a Senate President who works for ConocoPhillips and who, along with his other oil company buddies in the Legislature is refusing to fix our oil tax structure that has us paying out $700 million more in oil-tax credits than we get in production taxes. Efforts to fix our fiscal situation were violently opposed by every special interest group out there. Big mines in Alaska pay a measly…

“Who Is Kris Kobach?” Greg Palast with Dennis Bernstein

Week two of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Podcast with Greg Palast and Dennis Bernstein. Bringing you all the news that you need on election protection. This week Palast and Bernstein discuss the man behind Voter ID, SB1070 and the Crosscheck Voter Suppression Program – Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Listen in.  Dennis Bernstein: Welcome back to our weekly Election Protection Bulletin with best-selling author Greg Palast. Let’s start in Topeka, Kansas with its Secretary of State Kris Kobach. He’s definitely going head to head with the ACLU there. Greg Palast: Kris Kobach is spelled like Koch with a…

Fevered Coverage of Trump in Hartford, CT

I just left the road for a bit. I almost made it the whole season. Driving into Hartford, Connecticut at one in the morning is like driving into any number of North East cities. Not much is happening, but somehow, thanks to continual construction, there is traffic. My fever, which has slammed me since the morning is in full force – I’m not sure this is what should be called safe driving. If I make it through the next day’s rally, I’m calling it quits for at least a week. Being locked in a steel cage with dozens of other…